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Patty and Liz have gone missing for a few hours but on the bright side Medusa had a large meal"uuuuurrrrrpppp."
Tho better hide that gut. Or else Maka might get some thought.
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ruby-rolls · 1 month
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"Y'know... with how many of the students are overweight, I wonder if they named the E.A.T. curriculum that on purpose..."
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multiversal-pig-outing · 11 months
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Having a teacher of unique origins at death academy was nothing new even a demon could get a job there specifically homic and economics after all there's no point in having a bunch of meisters who don't even know how to feed themselves. Lord doesn't need a bunch of man children though she wouldn't mind feeding them forever
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*Maka was one of the first students entering the class. Which was impressive with her size. Tho she was a bit huffing a puffing has she waddled in. Always ready to learn more.
"Morning(Huff)Mrs (Puff) Mayberry."
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ruby-rolls · 4 months
Can we get a world-endingly massive and slobby Maka drabble, please?
Death City had been completely buried, with soft, pale blubber as far as the eye could see. About the only evidence that this spot in the desert had held the city to begin with was the broken remains of DWMA's tallest spire, sticking out from between the enormous butt cheeks of one Maka Albarn.
A loud rumbling began to within this great mound of blubber, and soon enough a tremendous noise split the silence. (Followed by a rush of foul air)
The sheer force of the eruption sent waves of motion through the veritable sea that was Maka's flab, and as it turned out, was enough to rouse the girl from her dazed slumber.
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-wha... habbened..."
Soon enough, her eyes managed to focus, and she looked out at the mass of fat that surrounded her. Was her.
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"Gesh... that bhlack blud practish... got ohutta... hand..."
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ruby-rolls · 4 months
Maka the type of girl who gets gassy. Just in general. Being the least gassy girl on this blog still probably means she stinks up any room she's in for more than a few minutes~
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"Look, you might be right, but I at least try to hold back when I'm out and about."
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"...what? I'm just in my bedroom right now."
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ruby-rolls · 5 months
For any woman who has attended a public education, have you ever gotten in trouble at school for disrupting classes with your belches?
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"Well, I don't think Beacon would be 'public education' really... but yeah. It's, uh, happened a lot actually..."
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"Due to my robot body I can hold in gas for much longer than most, so I never got into any trouble during the classes I attended at Atlas Academy."
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"Y-Yes, it's happened once or twice..." Or more.
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"Nah, I'd rather hold it in and be uncomfortable than get in trouble for disrupting class."
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".......s-s-s-some... t-t-times..." Usually not for their *burps* per say.~
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ruby-rolls · 5 months
What is every girls fattest asset.
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Really everything, but her arse especially.
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Look I just really like butts
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ruby-rolls · 7 months
Maka strikes me as the type of girl who does not have same in show off hee massive body or gas.
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"Really. Do I look like Blair to you?"
Maka took breath.
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"I'm certainly comfortable with my body and the side effects of my diet-" A muffled fffrrrmmmtt! sounded from the couch she currently sat on. "-but you'd never catch me parading around in some skimpy outfit and showing it off."
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ruby-rolls · 21 days
I adore the idea of Maka still trying to act strong and tuff even though she is morbidly obese gassy and short as heck. Its such a cute dynamic
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"What do you mean act? I'm still an elite Meister for DWMA, that doesn't change just because I've..."
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"...put on some weight..."
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ruby-rolls · 21 days
Please do a obese gassy short stack Maka prompt next
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"Your... haaa... soul is... huff... mine!"
Maka would admit, her declaration probably didn't sound all that intimidating considering her stature. Even with a deadly-looking scythe in her hands, a girl who who didn't even reach four feet tall and who's fat body filled nearly the entire width of the alleyway... yeah, it was doubtful her opponent was talking her seriously.
Which worked out perfectly in her favor.
As the Kishin Egg swooped in for the attack, Maka easily blocked it with a dexterity and swiftness very unexpected for someone of her stature. This was followed by swift hip check as she went on the offensive, easily countering every attempt her foe made at striking her with a mix of attacks from her weapon and her own body. The fight was finally finished with a flying lunge as Maka brought her immense ass down on the Kishin Egg, the monster crumbling to dust from the sheer force.
The alleyway was silent for a moment. And then...
Maka flushed.
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"God, I really need to stop stuffing my face before missions..."
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ruby-rolls · 1 month
Maka, you look very lovely today *the girls glares at me*
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Unsurprisingly, the girl with a womanizer for a father doesn't like random strangers hitting on her. What a shocker.
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ruby-rolls · 1 month
Well, at least we know how the freshman five hundred happened
Combine the extremely wide variety of food you can get in Death City (the DWMA cafeteria alone has a huge range of international dishes) with the fact that students get a $200 weekly allowance, and...
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ruby-rolls · 2 months
Have any of the girls ever burped well making out with someone?
You hear a chorus of "yep/yeah" said in various degrees of smugness to embarrassment.
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" Maka can we get McDonald's? " the completely normal girl asked her caretaker and definitely not secretly evil witch said
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Sure we can. I even buy you a kids meal.*Maka said totally oblivious on who this person actually is.*
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Given all the fast food Celeste brings with her, this is the correct response from Maka.
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(BWWWWWURRRRRRRRRRP!) Her stomach just knows whether the goth girl is near by so it can get hungry.
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Had to restructure the academy to handle that bakery-
yep not that Maka knows. She just to adorable when she oblivious.
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