ruby-rolls · 21 days
Can we see Suletta as a gassy fat short stack? Maybe with her going on a date with Miorine. (The height and size contrast would be so cute.)
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"M-Miorine-san... I'm... ppphhhhrrrrrmmtttttt!!!! ...ready to go..."
Suletta slowly waddled into the pair's living room, her hips grazing the triple wide doorway Miorine had recently had installed. She looked enormous, here many hundreds of pounds of fat all crammed into a body that barely came up to her wife's chest. Every part of her was oozing with blubber, from her softball sized cheeks all the way to her floor grazing belly and buttocks. Despite her shortness, one could probably fit at least one, maybe even two Miorines in Suletta's gut or ass.
Suletta ass clapped an shook as another fart erupted out of her. Maybe she shouldn't have stuffed herself with greasy fried chicken before this dinner date...
But as she looked up at Miorine's smile, Suletta had a feeling it was fine.
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Loving couple working out together.
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ruby-rolls · 4 months
Suletta as a gassy blob embarrased by her size and gas.
You're just describing the average Suletta blob.~
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ruby-rolls · 5 months
For any woman who has attended a public education, have you ever gotten in trouble at school for disrupting classes with your belches?
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"Well, I don't think Beacon would be 'public education' really... but yeah. It's, uh, happened a lot actually..."
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"Due to my robot body I can hold in gas for much longer than most, so I never got into any trouble during the classes I attended at Atlas Academy."
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"Y-Yes, it's happened once or twice..." Or more.
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"Nah, I'd rather hold it in and be uncomfortable than get in trouble for disrupting class."
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".......s-s-s-some... t-t-times..." Usually not for their *burps* per say.~
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ruby-rolls · 5 months
What is every girls fattest asset.
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Really everything, but her arse especially.
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Look I just really like butts
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ruby-rolls · 1 year
"L-LP041, …burrRRPP… Suhlehttah… Mehrcury… A-Aehrial... HRRPPphh... tahking ohff!
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ruby-rolls · 2 months
Suletta I think you smelling bad is cute
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Suletta is very nervous and confused. Miorine is the only other person who's said that to her.
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ruby-rolls · 2 months
Dang Sulleta you stink today.
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ruby-rolls · 2 months
I imagine Suletta getting out all her gas and moaning in pleasure only to realize she didn't shut the door and all the othet girls heard
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Don't mind her, she's going to hide in her room for the rest of the day.
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ruby-rolls · 2 months
Suletta is such a cutie I want to give her a huge so badly.
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Don't worry, we all do.
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ruby-rolls · 2 months
Suletta enjoying her gas and farting up a storm in private is so cute. She does not want anyone but her gf knowing this.
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She really hopes no one finds her out.
She doesn't realize that most of her friends already know.
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ruby-rolls · 11 months
Suletta have you ever farted so hard you ripped your pants
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It only happened because the pants were already much too small and needed to be upsized anyway, so it was more like the straw that broken the camel's back than anything else.
Still very embarrassing though.
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ruby-rolls · 2 months
Suletta is definitely one of the more embarrass ones of the whole belching has they kiss question. It's ok girl pretty sure Mio liked it.
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It was still embarrassing. They were in a big fancy restaurant and everything!
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ruby-rolls · 2 months
Have any of the girls ever burped well making out with someone?
You hear a chorus of "yep/yeah" said in various degrees of smugness to embarrassment.
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ruby-rolls · 10 months
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"So... full..."
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"Capacity... reached..."
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Seems like everyone had a good thanksgiving.
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ruby-rolls · 3 months
Can we a drabble of a massive and slobby Sulette to fat to pilot her gundam anymore but she still trys and gets stuck getting in.
"Nnnggh... al-UURRP!-most..."
It had been a while since Suletta had climbed into Aerial's cockpit. Mostly because it had actually be rather quiet on the dueling front recently (something Suletta appreciated) but also because... she had gotten much, much larger.
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Suletta had always been overweight, but that weight had now ballooned to the point where she could barely move outside of low G without the assistance of mobility devices. She was an absolute boulder of blubber; everything from her gut to her chest to her rear to her limbs, hands/feet, and even face were simply buried in fat.
So it was no surprise, now that she was trying to board Aerial again, that she had grown much to large for the mecha's cockpit. Just her ass alone filled the entire space of the entryway, letting out spurts of occasional flatulence as Suletta attempted to push herself inside.
She'd been at this for over and hour now. And her desperate pushing continued for another half hour at least, before Suletta finally stopped, slumping into her own flabby body.
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"Okay... maybe you're-fffFRRNNT!-right... we do need to remodel your cockpit... and-oooOOURP!!-probably overall torso and chassis..."
As Suletta began drawing up blueprints in her head, a loud gurgle of hunger sounded from her belly. Perhaps maintenance could wait until after lunch...
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