hellzcominwithme · 2 months
@musecheerios || continued.
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❛ hmmm. ya sure LOOK familiar. ❜
the hybrid circled goku a few times. humming. deep in thought. his tail sticks straight up. ah! he DOES know this guy! sort of.
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❛ ooh!~ i watched you fight a few times thanks to my drones! you've kicked some serious alien ass! ❜
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mused-like-roses · 2 months
❣ Roy Mustang :0
send me ❣ for 3 pros & 3 cons of dating my muse! ~ @musecheerios
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By dating the Colonel, you automatically earn any and all benefits that the Amestrian State Military has to offer. How did he pull the strings you'll never know...
Roy is super protective of his loved ones, and will go out of his way to hunt down anyone that has, or might hurt you. Afterwards, he'll take a day or two off to comfort and assure that you're safe and sound.
He isn't a cook by any means, but it won't stop him from asking you out on picnic dates every so often. He can make a pretty good sandwich, somehow!
Because he's a Colonel, Roy will be away on duty most of the time, and as a result won't have the time to swing by and see you. Thankfully he gets letters like a celebrity, so he's more than happy to write back and forth.
He's a shameless flirt, with a slight tang of being a pervert at times. Don't be surprised if he hits on you in every way he can to make you flustered or embarrassed, public or not...
...And God so help if you're shorter than him, because he can and will tease you about your height when the opening is there.
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spxcemuses · 3 months
Stoked to see you back, Space, I hope things have been going better on your end! Have cookies :)
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[ Random Ask ] | Always Accepting
(( *gasp* cookies! yippee, thank you! they look wonderful (and hope you made them yourself!); I wonder how they look so fluffy and soft... But cookies aside, thank you very much for your kind words. Things have been getting better for the most part; there's some bad days I've had, but like I've said before, life simply must go on. I will miss my loved one a lot and they'll have a special place in my heart, but they'll hopefully be around in spirit! I've always been one to push through the tough and come out on top.
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🧋 (whatever the emoji's supposed to be, for the grimace shake lmao)
Having it be Modern Balthazar and Rutaba.
Balthazar had been working on a project for a company for hours, hardly blinking and running on fumes. It was the second day he had been working on this.
So of course he was none the wiser when Rutaba handed him a grimace shake, and he took a sip of it. He was about to thank her with he started having a coughing fit and felt like he was going to die. When he got his composure, he glared at her.
"Are you trying to fucking kill me?"
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Continued rp from @musecheerios https://www.tumblr.com/musecheerios/733552204727959552/so-uh-was-that-you-playing-the-organ-i-uh-didnt
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"Oh you're a student? I didn't realize... I should introduce myself I'm Nana the new biology teacher. I hope you girls will be a little patient with me it's my first time teaching at a school, my last job was a little unconventional, although I was told this school was a little unconventional as well so I thought..." Nana was beginning to wonder exactly what she had agreed to do considering this girl was one of her students, not that Phanty didn't seem like a good girl.
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sins-of-the-sea · 8 months
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''Hell fucking yeah, LET'S DO THIS!!"
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"Oh, for- ... start with this itty bitty one first. For everyone's sanity."
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"Oh, for a moment I thought you were going to go with a.... certain shape of a gourd or squash."
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"I'm assuming the challenge is aimed at North American pumpkins rather than the European or Chinese ones. And don't worry, we got Phoebus on standby if Ruixiong dies choking or something."
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Oh, if only he is conscious enough to scold everyone for their stupidity like he normally would.
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Icons only: Mario accused of being imposter
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sins-like-roses · 2 months
Smash or Pass + Cere (To Roy lmfao)
Send Smash or Pass + a name and my muse will say if they would smash or pass on that person. ~ @musecheerios
"Hmm, well aside from the usual medical emergencies I don't really see her often other than the more recent encounters. But from experience, Cere is a sweet little lady, and her heart is in the right place. Not to mention, she's so sweet looking that even gazing at her would give me a cavity or three..."
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"Oh what the hell. I'll happily say aloud, SMASH. What says I bend her over the desk and she only takes up half the spot she's lying down on, or can't reach the edge of my desk?"
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hellzcominwithme · 2 months
Does Eros have toe beans?
ooc. he does not!! he has pads on his palms that can be used to help him stick to various surfaces!!! though, that's just his dbz verse. he does has a one piece verse where he's a snow leopard mink. that version has beans. >:]
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vigilantevesperia · 2 years
“snow snipe” (From Kaguya lol)
Yuri was busy shoveling snow in the Lower Quarter he knows it was close to winter and it was getting colder it was still annoying that snow started coming down early. While he was shoveling he felt snow hit him in the back of his head and sigh thinking it was one of the kids. He turn around and saw a girl in a kimono in this kind of weather kind of weird but he guess she was use to it. Still Yuri had never seen her before. "Kind of a rude way to say hello to someone don't you think?" Yuri said sarcastically as he bend down and pick up a snowball if she think he was gonna get away with that two can play this game.
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mused-like-roses · 22 days
⭐ :0
Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. ~ @musecheerios
Batman ~ Nightwing & Red Hood [For Batman]
DBZ ~ All muses (Top 3; Goku, Perfect, Goku Black) [For all your DBZ muses]
FMA ~ All muses (Top 3; Roy Mustang, Edward Elric, Palm-Tree Envy) [For Cere]
Spider-Man ~ Miguel O'Hara [For your Peter Parker and Cere]
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museincarnate · 9 months
“They’ll never apologize, so I’ll do it for them. I’m sorry.” Cere to Hakkona :D
Considering the first time the two of them met, it was likely obvious to Cere that the tall, buff Saiyaness had gone through something that had more than upset her; leaving her shut out from the rest of the world, and nearly lacking in social skills, or a want to engage others. And yet...
Cere found Hakkona again; opting to say something that both surprised and confused her... So much so that it got the quietest of chuckles out of her.
"You don't have to do that. But thank you. S-Sorry for being so awkward last time we saw each other..." While she did chuckle, her face was still wearing a sad expression; trauma still keeping its hold on her.
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spxcemuses · 1 year
@musecheerios asked: Cere gives Dug a big hug, and a kiss on his nose. "Sweet pup!"
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[ Random Ask ] | Always Accepting
Thank you for the ask! Please ask me before continuing it into a thread.
Dug practically lights up in excitement at the sudden attention, his tail starting to make thumping noises on the floor. He leans his head against Cere, nuzzling her and planning to plant big wet kisses on her face.
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" Yes! Yes I am, I am a sweet pup! And you are a sweet human, sweet human! I love you! "
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So fellers, I can't promise that this'll be the last post I make about them. They don't fucking listen when they're the reason why nothing's going their way. I may be petty, but blocking, reporting, and IP banning them with the handy dandy statcounter is STRONGLY recommended (if you can afford to anyway, statcounter has a monthly payment thing).
I personally suspect that they have an alt account that none of us are aware of, and I'll say with full confidence that I could be wrong.
I started knowing they existed on account of their dry writing and their godmodding, and after, they'd start to ask a mutual some intrusive and condescending messages on why they're so kind to me. Not my character apparently, me. They don't bother to learn character names and just use URLs to shit talk. They'd ask why there's fanart of my woof child and their muse, which lmao, why's that a fucking problem? Mind your own beezwax. They would also bombard that mutual with asks about their shadowban issue, why can the mutual see other people's asks instead of theirs, and the most the mutual could do was tell them what it means and how they can fix it (which they never did). And as you might've seen earlier, they said me drawing fanart of fictional characters was "weird" and talked about it like it was self insert art I was doing. Self insert art's not even an issue to begin with but yet they took it personally lmao. Perish. Also I wouldn't make my self insert be a fucking child, and the art wasn't even shippy in the slightest.
It got to the point where my mutual blocked them, and they moved onto a Vegeta blog, and really milked that cow dry for how long they'd keep messaging them and whining about them not jivin' with the godmodding, along with complaining to that Vegeta and someone else about everyone making bad comments about their oc. If you look into their blog, you'll see that this person does not have a bio what so ever. Not even in a separate post. So quite clearly they're just expecting everyone to submit to her Mary Sue powers despite the fact we know nothing about them. They even info dumped the same Vegeta through an ask which, dude. Limited text. Look it up.
And then, they would bombard a Raditz rper and bitch about how he's not submitting to their random stranger shit while Raditz accepted a fucking BLT from one of my adult muses, bombard an oc blog like "you're flirting with Raditz, I can tell, your oc's not any better than MINE", AND, try to act like they're such a hotshot at writing, which as you might've guessed, they're not. And they're actively painting themselves in a bad light instead of listening to people and accepting boundaries. They also bugged the shit out of a Beerus mutual, and another mutual who writes ocs, just 'cause the other's muse was just vibin' and giving Beerus food. There's literally nothing wrong with that, yet they'd keep bugging the other mutual with shit like "oh beerus is only keeping you around 'cause you're giving him food, beerus isn't nice blahblahblah".
Do you see a pattern here? They'll get pissy when they don't get any attention from all four of those characters, and send jealous, petty bitch-sounding messages over two friggin children that are just being nice. Imagine being jealous of a fucking child. Actually suck in that shame like a juice box, 'cause that is PATHETIC. Jealousy is legitimately not a healthy thing to have, especially over something like roleplay, and when you actively guilt trip or shit talk them just 'cause of that, that's even more pathetic. And hella possessive. Good luck being possessive when the muns aren't interested in your oc to begin with lmao.
They also chased off somebody after stalking them for a full on year, as I've been told, which from people saying "that explains a lot" when I said who they were, that's...unsettling. Not surprising, but unsettling. And they're suspected to be another individual named Skye. I dunno if that's true but that's why I say "suspected."
TLDR; Please for your own sanity, block @phoenixissims and report them for their harassment. Do whatever you can to keep them far away from you as possible. The Dragon Ball side of the RPC is not the only RPC they've harassed over the years, so it isn't their first rodeo with being annoying and creepy. Do not waste your time with a message.
Now with all that out of the way, phoenixissims, go fuck yourself with a pitchfork, and everyone else? Have a nice rest of the month. I'm going back to my usual tomfoolery.
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
The samurai stood on the docks, and eyebrow raised as he didn't seem to be fond of the ship's aura. He meant to ask the captain if he could come on board, just for him to be shipped to another area he needed to get to. But now he's wondering if he should find another way to get there.
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Giovanni, as he is tasked to check Demonia's mooring, noticed the man wandering about. He whispers quietly to the Captain, remaining just out of earshot. Both speak entirely in a combination of Catalan and Venetian in case the Samurai does get closer, however, hoping against hope he can't understand either language as long as the syntax and vocabulary is mixed. "Hey…. is that…."
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"It seems our work has been cut out for us--the Samurai is right here."
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"Are you sure we should be doing this, Pep? According to the Master, the Samurai has a sword that can strike down all evil. Supposedly, if it weren't for quick thinking from Lord Aku, he would have been taken down. What if the Samurai's sword is able to end us despite our immortality?"
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"We have our orders from the Master--and that is to take down the Samurai or else he will threaten our goal to get the Eye. I have a feeling the reason for that is because the Samurai may try to get the Eye first and use it to travel back and finish the job--and therefore keep the Eye forever out of the Master's reach."
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"But… that is a good thing, isn't it? So the Master won't attempt to usurp Lord Aku--and he would, in turn, destroy us all."
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"Nani. We have our orders. We cannot defy the Master. He is watching us. I'm going to go ahead and alert the rest of the Crew that the Samurai is here. Try to invite to La Demonia or offer a ride to him. And if not... call for us, and we'll assist shortly." The Captain then heads up the boarding plank as discreetly as he can.
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"Yes, Captain."
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Giovanni then clears his throat waves at the Samurai before feigning friendliness, hoping to get his attention. He brightens his smile and his eyes as to look as innocent and harmless as possible. He then switches fully to [English] but keeps his Venetian accent, making him sound funny and unassuming on purpose. "Ahoy there! You look lost there, sir! Are you hoping to find a ride to cross the sea?"
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astral-multiverse · 10 months
An Alternative Valley Across the Dreamscape
Still a novice in using magic, Brandon Astral, the ruler of his own Dreamlight Valley, finds himself in a place that resembled the valley with a few differences after botching a teleportation spell he learned from Merlin. And he was confused by the fact that nobody knew who he was...
"Weird... Everyone is here... but they're treating me like a stranger... This can't be Dreamlight Valley... at least not the one I remember..." Brandon thought to himself before he accidentally bumps into someone in Dazzle Beach
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"Shoot, sorry about that! I zoned out for a moment...!"
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