#musical isotope project
vocalsynthbdays · 8 months
happy birthday coko(cevio ai) !!!! [jan 25]
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(cevio ai)
COKO is a japanese synth developed by kamitsubaki studio, and released in 2023. coko is voiced by virtual youtube singer KOKO, and illustrated by SWAV. coko released for voicepeak today, 25 jan 2024. she is a part of the Musical Isotope project
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(voice peak)
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yoloyeahhh · 23 days
taking a moment to appreciate william gao… i just really love his voice. like it’s such a good voice. and he’s such a good musician overall. him and olivia, both so talented! but sjdvjsvd so happy isotope has a new will vocal lead song!!
tldr; i love wasia project TT also go listen to ‘to get better’
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chronic-pessimists · 15 days
I just listened to Wasia Project's new album Isotope (it was released on August 29th but I haven't had time to sit down and properly listen to it until today). IT IS SO GOOD! I literally love them so much, both William Gao and Olivia Hardy have incredible voices and are extremely talented. So I guess this is me telling you to go listen to Isotope!
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sunnysssol · 1 year
Some Suzie headcanons because it's her birthday! 🌟✨️✨
Courageous, intelligent and endlessly determined, Suzie is a kind person despite how cold they initially come across, always willing to help whoever needs it. When helping, she might roll her eyes or sigh at the face of the problem, but "giving up" doesn't quite exist in Suzie's vocabulary— for better or for worse.
Suzie is actually left handed, but they've been trained (read: forced) to become ambidextrous thanks to her tutors growing up. After all, it's not until the late 20th century that the stigma around left-handedness disappeared, and before then it was a widely held belief that left-handedness implies wickedness, or unluckiness.
Suzie's supercomputer brain and overachieving personality work in tandem to create a workaholic whom many Assistants (and by extension, Nations) have never even talked to outside of work-related meetings. They're always doing something, whether it be experimenting or writing and rewriting age-old theories and analyses trying to answer a problem, or out in the world trying to (dis)prove some theory she read about or had for a while, she's always on the go. It's not enough for them to simply learn a skill or understand a concept– they have to do something with it too.
Alongside being enlisted in the army at the time, Suzie had also been hired to work on the Manhattan Project as part of the war effort. Her special position as a Nation Assistant lends itself to a lot of situations, circumstances and sometimes- privileges, that other people of her sex wouldn't be privy to otherwise. The Calutron Girls, that is, the women who worked on the Manhattan Project as operators and technicians crucial to the electromagnetic isotope separation process that would then contribute into the creation of the atomic bomb, were not told of the purpose of the project. It was highly-classified, and only those in higher positions of authority were informed of it.
Her relationship with gender is, as one might guess, a little complicated. Physically, she's very traditionally feminine– from her physical features, to her fashion sense. But personality wise, it's a little different. Yes, her overall high-standards lends Suzie to "typical gf" stereotypes, but the jokes about her wearing the pants in the relationship are not entirely unfounded. Unlike Alfred who feels as though he has to be a leader, Suzie just naturally is, and they've been that way since forever. To keep this post brief, there's always been a lot of challenging gender roles in Suzie's life and she's never been the type to back down from a challenge. They've never really had a label, and it's not like the language existed for it at the time, but for purposes of ease and clarity, Suzie is non-binary.
Suzie is highly skilled in machinery and engineering. Her interest began in the 1730s and flourished in the 1740s, from the introduction of the carding engine, and the numerous innovations in scientific instruments, mathematical theory and watchmaking. She took an interest in steam engines sometime in the 1770s as well, around when the Watt steam engine was first introduced commercially. This interest would continue on into the Industrial Revolution, with Suzie studying and redesigning steam engines for manufacturing, transportation and agricultural processes as a hobby. And in the 1940s, this skill and interest would come in handy when American women began to take on more roles in the workforce, specifically in factories helping with the war effort.
Alfred absolutely blasts Christmas songs in November. It's his most favorite holiday! Well, every holiday is America's favorite holiday, but this one especially! Besides the music, he's already planning activities, what to cook on the day of and what to get everyone on his ever expanding list. Suzie won't blast Christmas songs in November, but they would start decorating immediately after the detritus of Halloween has been cleared up.
"If it doesn't concern me, it's not my problem. I've already got enough on my plate as it is." — Suzie, while a caring person, generally believes in the principle of leaving people and other things alone if she deems that her participation in it is not necessarily important. With everything they do and have done and actually involve(d) themselves in, Suzie has had a mental list of priorities in which they pursue almost religiously. Adjustments do happen, but they're quite few and far in between. First on the list is family and loved ones, of course. Next are things they themselves have committed to either out of their own duties as a Nation Assistant, or just out of her own personal interest and free will.
Besides her work in the States, Suzie had been stationed in Europe for most of WWII, working wherever the higher ups decided they needed her. Administrative/clerical work, supply and logistics, as a radio operator, aerial surveillance, mechanics and maintenance- you name it. But the most significant of all her roles had been in intelligence and cryptography. Having had at least a few centuries of experience in espionage and code-breaking-and-intercepting, Suzie was at least a few leagues ahead of her associates. She's been a civilian since 1945 and hasn't enlisted in the military since, but she worked in gathering intelligence for at least until the early 1980s.
As mentioned earlier, Suzie often works long hours, and even when they're not working, they're probably thinking about it if they're not doing anything else. Highly efficient and focused, she doesn't find herself spaced out very often. But when one sees Suzie staring off into space, she's probably seeing spreadsheets and government seals in her mind's eye. It might be best to give her a tap and talk to her...
And finally, here is the birthday celebrant! She's officially 293 1 year old today!!! 😺🌟✨️
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red-dyed-sarumane · 5 months
can you say the aru sekai series in a nutshell and link the 4-komas?
aru sekai series is about futile attempts to escape the cycle of destruction. no matter how hard they try the only way out is to lose everything they have both physically and mentally. thats the shortest way i can put it. there's a certain world they want to preserve, unfortunately it costs their entire selves to even attempt doing so.
to be clear aru sekai series is purely a song series there is no 4koma all content for the series is (currently) contained in the songs & accompanying videos. unless u want to count the little extra art the artists do for some characters but thats just art it doesnt have any new info in it
when i mention 4komas im a talking about the musical isotope 4komas which can be found here but its COMPLETELY UNRELATED the musical isotope project is a whole other entity by kamitsubaki. the only link to the series is that hiiragi magnetite uses them for series songs. thats it though theres no more crossover. i think theres english translations for these somewhere but i only ever read the japanese idk where to find the eng sorry
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lboogie1906 · 1 year
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Dr. James Andrew Harris (March 26, 1932 – December 12, 2000) was a nuclear chemist who was involved in the discovery of elements 104 and 105 (rutherfordium and dubnium). He is known for being the first African American to contribute to the discovery of new elements. He was drafted and served in the Army as a personnel supervisor specialist. He graduated from McClymonds High School in Oakland. He returned to Texas where he attended Huston-Tillotson College. He entered college on a music scholarship but switched to studying chemistry and received a BS. He received an MS in Public Administration at California State University, Hayward. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from Huston-Tillotson College. He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. His first job in chemical research was as a radiochemist at Tracerlab Inc, he worked there for five years. He left to work in the isotope division in the nuclear chemistry department of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at UC Berkeley. His work at the lab involved studying beta decay in the Beta Spectroscopy Group. He worked on a project to improve neutron activation analysis with germanium semiconducting detectors. He then joined the Heavy Isotopes Production Group on the team tasked with producing new heavy elements via atom bombardment. His job was to design and purify targets that would be used in Berkeley's Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator to discover elements 104 and 105. These targets needed minimal impurities of elements such as lead to work. He and his colleagues conducted what they called the “first aqueous chemistry of element 104”, to determine how the new element behaved and thus where it should be placed on the periodic table. He took a position with the Berkeley Lab Office of Equal Opportunity. He was promoted to Head of the Engineering and Technical Services Division. He worked with students in grade school and at the university level to encourage African American students into the sciences. This work earned him numerous awards from organizations. He married Helen Harris (1957-2000) and together the two raised five children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQLb1hL1gp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Rob Mazurek/Exploding Star Orchestra : Lightning Dreamers
Rob Mazurek makes music that tows the line between chaotic musical abstractions and groove-oriented excursions. Composer, cornetist, and visual artist that came up in the Chicago underground music scene, Mazurek made his name in bands like Chicago Underground, Isotope 217, Black Cube Marriage, as well as his project Exploding Star Orchestra. He locked into the spirit of free jazz artists like…
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Bastarður — Satan’s Loss of Son (Season of Mist)
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Satan's Loss of Son by BASTARÐUR
Icelandic crust project Bastarður claims Napalm Death, Entombed and Motörhead as principal points of departure — but what crust band hasn’t? When you listen to Satan’s Loss of Son, the more specific genealogy clarifies. As the band’s name suggests, Bastarður is the progeny of Hellbastard a couple generations down the line: a little fatter, a little faster and (somewhat mortifyingly) a whole lot cleaner. Like their American contemporaries Isotope and the more recent records of their fellow Scandis Disfear, Bastarður remains rigorously invested in the song forms you hear on the metallic end of crust’s sonic continuum, but their interest in generating an overwhelmingly powerful sound has led them to beef up production values and to embrace technique. Satan’s Loss of Son sounds pretty great. But is that a good thing?
We might save the aesthetic debate for later, and first note that Bastarður was always meant to be more fun than fearsome. Guitarist Aðalbjörn Tryggvason of post-metal outfit Sólstafir came up with some crusty riffs and decided to see if there were some songs in them. There were, and he enlisted a number of other players from Reykjavic’s bumping heavy music scene to help him make the record: drummer Birgir Jónson plays on all the track, and guitarists Ragnar Zolberg and Thráinn Arni Baldvinsson provide numerous solos. And it’s hard not to be won over by the resulting songs, which sound like a band that’s having a terrific time playing these energetic and ill-favored tunes. 
For sure, there’s a lot to like on Satan’s Loss of Son: the lunatic downhill momentum of “Burn”; the top-speed riffage and super-charged leads that run through the second half of “The Whispering Beast.” Technique, indeed. You can get swept away by the players’ enthusiasm and their palpable passion for crust, which seems also to have informed the album art. All those ICBMs, the images of Reagan and Thatcher with black censor bars across their eyes, the blasted urban architecture and rolling tanks — all those things are spot on. Like the riffs and the intermingling of modes of heavy music, the record’s semiotics summon the mid-1980s. 
That might send us back to Hellbastard, whose Ripper Crust (1986) is one of the founding documents of the genre — some would point to the Spiderleg 7” records by Amebix (and ugh, Rob Miller, what the fuck happened to you?). In either case, the sonic environment is brittle and attenuated. The sound is ugly, not just because of its heaviness and intensity, but because it sounds dirty, desperate and unwell. The combination of that hollowed-out bleakness and the ferocity of the playing is powerful. A choked scream. An ashen body dragging itself through wreckage. It’s crust. Bastarður gets a lot about crust right, but it’s missing the weirding interface of ghastliness and fury that makes so much of Ripper Crust so compelling. Satan’s Loss of Son is a blast. But this listener would rather by blasted by crust, into a repellant state of rage. 
Jonathan Shaw
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crazywritingbug · 4 years
Dreamers (Part Fourteen)
Soulmate AU
Raphael x Fem!Reader
So I tend to dislike long authors notes, but I feel I owe you all an apology. By starting this story, I promised a continuation and an ending, but I have been terrible with posting constantly--It’s been two months. I can offer as many excuses as I want, first year college student, two jobs, other projects, yadda yadda... the list goes on. But that doesn’t change the fact that I have a promise to keep and haven’t been doing a good job. So I am sorry and I hope you all can forgive me.
The lair was in chaos when Y/N came back. Splinter was scowling as Leo and Raph argued, raised voices bringing her into a halt in the entryway. This was not a good thing to be happening right before going to meet with Stockman. What had caused it in the first place? She’d seen how these two bickered, this was not that. This was a fight.
“Hey Y/N,” Donnie approached her, his voice lowered and eyes worried. “I don’t think now is a good time for you to be here…”
“What happened?” She gestured to the opponents and a dejected Mikey.
“It’s a long story…” Donnie shifted, almost uncertainly.
“You should have seen the way they looked at us…” Mikey spoke up, “There wasn’t just fear...there was actual hate.” Even from this distance, she could see the tears in his eyes that had even Raph and Leo falling silent. Whatever had happened, it had caused a hurt that none of these heroes deserved.
Her feet moved before her mind did, closing the distance between her and Mikey to pull him into a hug. He clung to her as if she was a life raft in a storm, shaking with the silent tears she could feel soaking her shirt. Looking up over his head as he hid his face in her shoulder, Y/N leveled a sharp look at Leo and Raph. At least both had the decency to look ashamed.
“What happened?” She asked again.
“Raph and Mikey broke into the police station to try to get the mutagen,” Leo cast a cold glare at Raph. “They roped Casey and April into it, in process getting them arrested and revealing us to the entire New York police force.” Y/N felt Mikey’s grip tighten slightly and the puzzle pieces fell into place. That was why Mikey had said they’d looked at him with hate. What was she supposed to say to this? How was she supposed to fix this?
“I’m sorry…” She whispered, mostly to Mikey.
“Sorry that you have an idiot for a soulmate?” Leo asked, and she tensed. How dare he-
“We need to move out.” Leo kept talking. “You have an appointment with Stockman.” No, there was no way that she was going to let him just walk away like that. He did not get to talk about Raphael like that. Ever.
“Leonardo.” She snarled it with the same venomous rage that was flowing through her veins. “Apologize to Raphael.”
He froze, looking at her as if she had lost her mind.
“Apologize to Raphael.” Y/N repeated herself. “You may be his brother but you. Will. Not. Talk. About. Him. Like. That.” Mikey pulled away and she stepped towards Leonardo. Her whole body shook with anger. He would not speak to her soulmate like that and get away with it. 
Leo towered over her, stepping close enough that she had to tilt her head back to look him in the eye. So this was his game? Intimidation? Did he really think she would buckle under it?
“Y/N,” Ralph’s voice was a soft warning.“Be careful.”
“What makes you think you can tell me what to do?” Leo countered and Y/N felt herself begin to bend. He had a point. What was she doing stepping out of line like this? She had hardly known them all for a week. Why did she think she had a right to stand up to Leo like that? He was the leader, he knew what he was doing...right?
“Y/N.” Splinter’s voices cracked through the air like a whip and she took a step back to look at the Sensei. His gaze bore into her like a drill and she dropped her own. 
“Your protectiveness and tenderness towards Raphael is touching,” Splinter’s words held a soft scolding. “But now you are late for the meeting with Stockman.” As if his words had summoned it, her phone began to buzz. It was Sarah.
“I stick my neck out for you and risk my job and you don’t show up!” Sarah yelled it, her voice sounding out for all to hear as she wailed, “Y/N how could you?” 
Y/N cringed, “Sarah-“ 
“Don’t you dare tell me you changed your mind!” Sarah stopped her short, “That you actually want that...that... that beast for a soulmate!” 
Y/N couldn’t stop her gaze from jumping to Raph, to the swirling storm of emotions in his eyes. She could lie to Sarah, and he would know it was a lie, but that wouldn’t stop the hurt. She could tell the truth and risk losing their chance at Stockman… Was hurting Raph really worth the advantage?
Y/N hung up on Sarah before her “friend” could do any more damage.
“What did you do that for?” Mikey asked softly.
Y/N shrugged. “I’d rather lose a chance at Stockman than lose any of you.” She attempted a smile. “Even you, Leo.”
“Well…” He paused, looking more than a little uncomfortable. Huh, so that was what it took to catch him off guard. “We, uh...we still need to come up with a plan…Donnie, how’s that tracking going?”
Donnie led Leo away, chattering about isotopes and geographic location. With a sigh she tried to conceal, Y/N turned away only to find Raph giving her a look she didn’t know how to read, his head tilted ever so slightly with a storm swirling in his gaze.
“What?” She asked and he shook his head.
“Nothing.” Was the only response he gave her.
Raph couldn’t quite catch his breath as he watched Y/N go toe to toe with Leo- for him. Even Raph had almost withered under the look she’d leveled at his brother. Was that why she was his soulmate? Because she was as sweet as sugar but had a fire burning in her? And why was it making him so poetic?
He glanced out of the kitchen at the sound of her laugh. Why did seeing her play Mario Kart with Mikey seem so right? Why did everything about this seem so right when it was so wrong?
Raph tightened his grip on the bowl of cereal. Of all the times to finally find someone to love it had to be in the midst of this chaos. What was he thinking? He needed to keep her out of this, keep her safe. It was a miracle that she’d missed the meeting with Stockman, now he needed to put distance between her and this mess.
But how?
The questions still rang through his head as he saw her home that evening, dropping smoothly onto the fire escape outside her window, trying to deny that he was showing off. 
“Ya gonna be okay tiny?” He asked as he set her down, instantly missing the feeling of her in his arms. It was soothed by the smile she gave him.
“I’ll be fine,” Y/N almost laughed it but it quickly faded as she looked up at him. “Are you sure you’re going to be alright? I know today probably wasn’t the best day…” 
The looks of the police force and the whispers of “monster” filtered through his mind down to his heart where they squeezed it tight.
He shrugged,“It’s fine. It’s nothing I didn’t expect.” It wasn’t fine, if anything it hurt to be rejected by the very people they did their best to help and protect. 
“I know it’s not fine Raph,” Her voice was soft as she reached up and placed a hand on his cheek. That...that was new. Not a bad new but new. She looked up at him with the softest gaze. “I can see it in your eyes, but if you’re not ready to talk about it, that’s okay.” He chuckles softly, fighting the urge to lean into her touch -and failing terribly. All those years of stuffing away his emotions to try to be strong for his brothers, to show Leo he could handle things just fine and support Mikey and Donnie, it was freeing just knowing that somebody could read him and didn’t judge him for it or try to correct it. Somebody who saw and…just let it be.
He wanted so bad to kiss her, standing here toe to toe on a cool evening. There couldn’t be anything wrong with that...right? He pushed a piece of hair away from her face, loving how the moonlight fell over her skin, loving her.
Before his mind could overcome his heart, he was bending down, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her closer. He was taking a risk, that much his mind was able to get through. Maybe though...this was a risk worth taking, especially considering how she popped up on her tiptoes, gently pulling him down by the ties of his bandanna. Everything about the kiss was gentle and soft. The way her hands slid over his skin, tracing a path over his face, down his neck and shoulders, her lips dancing in time with his. His arms wrapping around her, holding her close enough to feel her heart racing in time with his. It was perfect. Some part of him noted it was his first kiss, another prayed it wouldn’t be his last.
“Raph…”Y/N murmured it in a way that was almost musical as she pulled away slightly. “I need to go…” It was true, sadly, but he didn’t want her to go.
“Okay…” He whispered but didn’t loosen his grip on her. “Okay...just…”
“Just what?” She looked up at him with a searching gaze and he wasn’t sure what to say anymore.
Just stay safe? Just be careful? Just stay away from Sarah? From TCRI? Just stay inside?
Just know that he loved her?
No, it wasn’t time yet.
“Just be safe…” He settled on that one, letting her go.
“I will.” There was a new light in her eyes as she smiled up at him, almost a reflection of everything he was feeling. “You stay safe too okay? It’s not just the city that needs you…” She slipped through the window with that statement, becoming a shadowy figure in the dark room. 
Not just the city…Raph puzzled over that as he climbed up the fire escape to the roof. Did she mean that she needed him? He couldn’t help but smile at the idea, and at the lingering taste of vanilla on his lips. 
He didn’t hear her muffled scream.
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architectnews · 3 years
12 student projects from the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism
A tower designed for Ontario wildlife and a gold mine transformed into a soundscape feature in this school show from students at the Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism.
Other projects include an analysis of a hotel militarised in the Lebanese Civil War and a utopian world referencing the childhood memories formed in a Chinese-Canadian family.
Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism
School: Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism at the Carleton University Courses: M.Arch thesis, graduate and undergraduate studios
School statement:
"Many of the projects represent work from the year-long Master of Architecture thesis, including the Canadian Indian Residential Schools as potential sites of decolonization, remedies for the post-pandemic city, and Cairo's Cosmic Realms and Earthly Realities.
"Other projects illustrate several of the Master of Architecture six-week option studios. This year, the studios explored themes of Threshold Landscapes, Black Flight and Architectural Authorship, led by Azrieli visiting critics Virginia Lee, Thandi Loewenson and Neil Spiller.
"Also represented is work from the first MArch studio year in the three-year programme, the fourth-year fall housing studio and the final studio in the undergraduate Bachelor of Architectural Studies Major."
The Rhythm Section by Chloe Cooke
"Through processes of archiving and annotating movement, this project develops new forms of notation attempting to communicate social and spatial histories related to dance, choreography, rhythm, and sonic production as a result of bodily movement.
"The project also explores drawing as percussive performance, combining different styles of rhythm that are inherently connected and work together to reveal lines of flight, in which dance serves as a threshold to connect displaced people. This is done by creating – or recreating – spaces, narratives, performances and rhythms that beat 'new worlds' into being."
Student: Chloe Cooke Studio: M.Arch Option Studio — Black Flight Tutor: Dr Thandi Loewenson Email: [email protected]
De-Colonial Intersections of Conservation and Healing: The Indian Residential School System by Catherine McBain
"This thesis explores the spatial conditions related to the territorial and architectural practices of the Indian Residential Schools (IRS) in Canada. The project alludes to 'illustrative futures' where the conservation of landscapes, architecture and territories means designing encounters for healing and critical reflection.
"Proposed as a series of frictional embodied experiences, the encounters subvert the IRS memory, interrogating its socio-spatial hierarchies. The project explores three former residential schools, intentionally reconnecting spatial fragments, reclaiming territories and subverting existing architectures. The encounters suggest ontological connections with erased cultural landscapes while challenging current hegemonic conservation practices."
Student: Catherine McBain Course: Thesis Tutor: Dr Natalia Escobar Castrillón Email: [email protected]
Birds: Agents of Change by Brandon Todd
"This project reverses the degradation of bird habitats in the industrial landscape of Hamilton Harbour, Ontario, transposing conditions found in adjacent ecologically productive sites to barren industrial areas along the harbour's edge.
"Among several interventions, a series of ethereal bird towers reach to the sky, incorporating lightweight components for bird feeding, nesting, bathing, and perching above with spaces for human observation below. The tower's height attracts avian wildlife to the site and encourages birds' natural capacities for distribution, pollination, and ecological exchange. The project was developed using a series of models constructed within water tanks, immersing the towers within their atmospheric domains."
Student: Brandon Todd Studio: Fourth-Year Studio — Tank Worlds: Hamilton Harbour Tutor: Dr Lisa Moffitt Email: [email protected]
The Holiday Inn Beirut: Intentional Apparatus, Unintentional Monument by Anthony Youssef
"Among the relics of the Lebanese Civil War is the Holiday Inn Beirut. During the civil war, the hotel was militarized. Its towering body offered fighters – from leftist and rightist militias – a stronghold from which to launch their munitions. Still standing, it has been called an unintentional monument.
"This series of drawings seek to negotiate between the Holiday Inn Beirut's identity as an apparatus of war and a monument. Here, it becomes an urban observatory, allowing visitors to witness the city's past, present and future. Various layers are superimposed upon one another to embody the complexities and contradictions inherent in the capital city of Beirut."
Student: Anthony Youssef Studio: M.Arch Option Studio - Architectural Authorship Tutor: Azrieli visiting critic Neil Spiller Email: [email protected]
Orchestrated Soundscapes by Rudo Mpisaunga
"This project explores a fictional future in which the Mponeng Gold Mine in Johannesburg is transformed into an eerie soundscape. Eternally conducted by the wind, water, and heat, this musical ensemble disrupts the humdrum of daily life by giving voice to the land.
"When wind speeds are low, the pit and shaft become a celebratory space. The hollow amphitheatre floors become drums when people gather, such as during the toyi-toyi or when dancing to amapiano. When wind speeds are high, the wind turbines funnel air into reservoirs beneath the amphitheatre channelling it through the shafts and tunnels sounding the pipes."
Student: Rudo Mpisaunga Studio: M.Arch Option Studio - Deep Dust/The Killing Dark Tutor: Dr Ozayr Saloojee Email: [email protected]
The Globe in a Granule of Cryoconite by Sean Broadhurst
"In response to a prompt to read place from afar, this project aggregates research into a story of cryoconite in the glacial crusts of Qikiqtaaluk, Nunavut. In its bacteria-bound mineral cocoons that entrain airborne particulates, cryoconite authors stories of planetary relations. The embedded time and spatial scales of cryoconite subvert cartographic convention.
"The globe is distorted, and the section refuses scale; isometric space is warped by isotopes of plutonium or neon that signal colonial violence or possible cosmic origins. Drawing the immense micrometres of a single granule requires registers tuned to disparate moments and places at the thresholds of human perception."
Student: Sean Broadhurst Studio: M.Arch Option Studio - Cartographies of Refusal Tutor: Azrieli visiting critic Elise Hunchuck Email: [email protected]
Āyat al-Qāhirah: Cairo’s Cosmic Realms and Earthly Realities by Rehab Salama
"Āyat al-Qāhirah explores Cairo's sacred architecture as a mediator where the human, the landscape, and the cosmos collide and merge. The project analyzes how architecture and architectural representation can become a bridge between the earthly and the cosmic.
"The thesis proposes a conceptual network of thresholds between the sacred and every day. These serve as registers for the visible and the invisible. They connect the seen and unseen, the sensible and unintelligible, the physical and metaphysical, the quotidian and divine. The work aims to manifest the hidden orders imposed on the material world through motions of the cosmos and earth."
Student: Rehab Salama Course: Thesis Tutor: Dr Ozayr Saloojee and associate professor Johan Voordouw Email: [email protected]
Carleton Square Redevelopment - River Meadow Heights Ottawa, Ontario by Cameron Maiolo and Mark Meneguzzi
"Working with Minto Development Group, we wanted to explore increasing density, integrating nature within the built environment and creating a well-rounded pedestrian-focused urban node. Redeveloping for the future, we strove to emphasise the 15-minute community.
"Our master plan focal point consists of a high-density residential core followed by a mid-density mixed-use residential and commercial district. Adjacent is a low-density housing of mixed typologies. We formed a connection to the park by implementing green fingers that act as stormwater retention systems and promote the vibrant growth of local flora and fauna while also providing green barriers between buildings."
Student: Cameron Maiolo and Mark Meneguzzi Studio: Fourth-Year Housing Studio Tutor: Associate professor Benjamin Gianni Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
Post-Pandemia at the poissonerie shanahan: an account of sick cities and their remedies by Shannon Clark
"An epidemic is not simply biological but rather a spatial phenomenon that mutates sociopolitical constructions. The fears associated with the metaphors of disease have landscaped the city as though we are looking at "the section of a fibrous tumour," to quote architect and writer Frank Lloyd Wright in When Democracy Builds.
"The setting is the fictional Poissonerie Shanahan in Montreal’s Jean-Talon Market as envisioned by writer Nicholas Dickner’s Nikolski. Fiction is used as a tool to understand the intersections of architecture, urbanism, and public health. The story of four sick cities is then told to exercise our empathetic intelligence in the face of a global crisis that has rapidly spatialized blame."
Student: Shannon Clark Course: Thesis Tutor: Dr Ozayr Saloojee Email: [email protected]
Through Thick and Thin // Story Space on Rannoch Moor by Camille Ringrose
"This thesis proposes a compilation of fictional narratives that reflect on Rannoch Moor as ground, unstable terrain, burial, and wetness. It offers alternative ways of knowing through literature, folklore, and storytelling as a multiverse method of world-building.
"The thesis asks: can we use stories to design with precision? Not as an act of probing for answers, newness, or novelty, but as a form of watching and waiting? Storytelling suggests a movement to look not to the past or the future, but to the deepness of the conditions surrounding us, weaving together a more complex tapestry towards recovery and resilience."
Student: Camille Ringrose Course: Thesis  Tutor: Dr Ozayr Saloojee Email: [email protected]
Diasporic Dreamland: A Memory Box by Enid Huang
"This project focuses on reflecting on one's heritage and childhood memories. It is influenced by Enid Huang's Chinese heritage as a second-generation Canadian – diaspora. Diasporic Dreamland is developed through the foundation of siheyuan – traditional Chinese courtyards made of four sides.
"It correlates with four traditional Chinese tales and long-term memories that influenced Huang's childhood upbringing. Using various media, Huang created four drawings as a reflection that blends both cultural elements and childhood memories, to imagine a utopian world that connects her closer to her heritage."
Student: Enid Huang Studio: Fourth-Year Studio — Drawing Candy and Digital Sweetness Tutor: Associate professor Johan Voordouw Email: [email protected]
The Bitumen Biome by Odessa Boehm
"Like a Trojan horse, the Bitumen Biome surprises the unwitting visitors of the Muttart Conservatory in Edmonton, Alberta. Instead of visiting an arid or tropical biome, visitors are met with the wild landscape of their backyards, the Athabasca Oil Sands.
"The Bitumen Biome unearths an inaccessible landscape and translates oils origins, systems, and the scale of environmental degradation for its visitors. Through a sensory experience of tailing ponds, chemical diffusers, and bird scare contractions, the Bitumen Biome gives visitors a glimpse into the oil ecosystem and allows them to experience its often intangible effects."
Student: Odessa Boehm Studio: Fourth-Year Studio — Grounding Stories: Translating the Architectural Field, from Survey to Display Tutor: Instructor Émélie Desrochers-Turgeon Email: [email protected]
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pjstafford · 4 years
Random Thoughts
Hello, world, friend and family
I have been doing weekly blogs. Not sure anybody reads them or anybody cares. This will be my last one of this series. I have tried to be as soul searching, in depth, the good, the bad and the ugly with these blogs as I could be in the midst of a time when we are all experiencing the same thing in slightly different ways.
Today I have nothing earth shaking to say. I only have the random thoughts which pass through my brain.
Saturday New Mexico opens up with a lot of restrictions. My world will change little as I can work mostly from home and, if you can, you should. When I go into the office or out for supplies, I will go, do and come back home. Despite no change for me in the foreseeable future, there is a sense of relief and a sense of lightness. We survived for now. No one I love have been deeply affected yet. Those caveats at the end of sentences! I started this blog series with a list of all the emotions I was experiencing. I end the same but with slightly different emotions. Grateful, relief, hesitant, determined. I am the same as I have ever been. I have changed in so many fundamental ways.
The last two months are divided up into two different time periods. The first month I had this almost paralyzing fear...not so much for me but for mankind. I thought this could be the apolcalypse. It has not been to date. The silliest of some of my thoughts make me shake my head. I still have toilet paper. I’m ok with higher prices for meat...become more plant based, friends, move on. I was so often annoyed that first month with the time wasting. So many zoom meetings designed to “check” in and, guess what, I have real work to do. I’m not sure if people became more used to working from home or I became better at putting in boundaries at what I would do, but wasting work time not working has never been my strength. I am a person who likes to be helpful. The second month seems more productive. There is worth in my work. I’ve developed a pattern where my work day hours may be longer but less compact. I can work two hours, take an hour, work two more, repeat. The ebb and flow of work becomes mostly my own except for meetings I must attend which seem more relevant now. When the subject matter I’m dealing with is depressing I take more self care moments and then am more productive because of it. Those large projects I thought were vital sit unfinished. The projects I’ve done instead seem more relevant in the moment.
I gained weight I wish I hadn’t. Drank too much for a week or two and then realized I wasn’t enjoying it. It wasn’t helping me to sleep or relaxed so I went back to my pre crisis drinking ways. I was brave enough to dye my hair and I like it. I hate the thought that the more life gets back to normal the more I will have to wear shoes. It’s worth it, but it will be an adjustment. I haven’t binged watch nearly as much as I could have over the last two months. I found myself having difficulty concentrating. When I stream I am drawn to children movies about talking animals. I am hoping that won’t last. I have done no creative writing except a couple of poems. I’m hoping that will change. I have not been able to sleep well. I am often fatigue. I hope that changes as well.
I want to keep my zoom time meetings with distant friends! Those have been great. Can we actually spend three hours talking about X-Files? Yes, yes we can. But we manage to talk about many other things as well. I hope Drive in theaters make a come back! I’m sad about concerts going away but I kind of hope couch tours will be embraced by far more bands. Dylan is doing original music again and Duchovny has a new novel coming out. Art continues; perhaps is made better.
I marvel at human resiliency. We all have to wear masks, so let’s start cottage industries and make them a fashion statement. What do I really want to do that I know will be delayed? Get a pedicure, hug someone tightly, go to an Isotopes game. What will I do soon that will feel normal and glorious? In June when restaurants are reopen I will spend an hour with a cup of coffee in the presence of company I enjoy.
I am the same from this time. I did not lose my quirkiness, my oddness, my stubbornness. I did not become a clean freak despite my disinfectant frenzy moments. Those will pass in time. I am still an introvert who enjoy my solitude. Even now.
I am different. While I have always struggle with a sense of balance I am more determined than ever to keep that balance going forward. That lesson I blogged about a few weeks back of keeping the structure of a weekend still lives within me. I am fine with giving up a weekend day and gaining a week day, but the need to decompress and hear myself think is stronger within me now. I think I can live in the moment better. I think I can be grateful for the air I breathe more.
Larger picture focus?
People are so worry about kids having education. Can surviving a pandemic offer no life education for these kids? Must all education be in a classroom or online?The kids will be alright. Let them breathe, learn, grow. And give them an old fashion book to read and some open space to run. Watch them be a better generation that we can ever believe.
Isn’t it amazing how clean the air is right now? Seriously, can we consider how we commute. Eat less meat, my friends.
Can we be kinder to our workforce? I fear we will take advantage of those desperate for jobs, but consider how many of our essential workers are low wage employees. Can we allow a parent with a sick kid to work from home without taking PTO? Can we become more humane? Unfortunately I see no evidence that this is our future despite the lessons of today.
I hate racism. I hate it. Because I hate racism I hate Trump more than ever. I hate the way he says China. I hate him with every fiber of my being. I have never hated a human soul more.
And I have so many Dylan lyrics in my head right now. There is one for every emotion and thought. Same with David Duchovny Gifs by the way. There is no single thought or emotion you cannot find or create a Duchovny GIF for, if you are so inclined...I digress. I do that a lot these days. Back to Dylan
This man is a genius and an enigma. After 8 years with no original music, in the middle of the pandemic, he drops a 17 minute song about the assassination of President Kennedy. Isn’t that bizarre? But he has given us three original songs now and a new album next month. Whoever is doing his social media now deserves a hug. He is communicating and expressing himself to fans. I don’t feel worthy.
These words from from thirty years ago keep rolling through my head
I am hanging in the balance of the reality of man
Like every sparrow falling
Like every grain of sand
Those words are always true. They are not more true now than they have ever been. It is only that we can understand their truth more fully now.
Keep on keepin on, my friends.
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fernlom · 6 years
Complete List of My Characters: With Snippits **EDITED**
Hood- Johnathan Satlin, the universe Guardian. Lazy, married to Liz Wright
Liz Wright- Wife to Hood, ultimate Mom with a control over fire and a ghost body guard
Aaron Nitishino- Number 42, The God Killer, adorably fluffy, married to Beth Wright
Beth Wright: Aaron’s wife, will kick your ass, adorable with a kind personality. Will gladly fight for her husband
Tiggs Nitishino: Aaron’s cousin. 9 foot tall black and silver four armed tiger man. Total mad scientist.
Jasmine Nitishino: Aaron’s cousin. Shapeshifter, lynx lady, pan, will stab you and flirt with you in the same minute
Pinstripe: Mafia Hit man possessed by ancient assassin god
Sheriff Waters: wild west sherriff and time displaced Pinstripe.
Sheriff McCreed: immortal western zombie sheriff, total nonchalant asshole.
Deputy Colt 45: super futuristic robot sent to the wild west. Deputy to Waters and McCreed.
Guilty’s Gang: Guilty, Thomas Ralz the pianist, and old man Joe the banjoist. And their swamp monster.
Scorpio: bandito given powers by the zodiac spirit scorpio,
Cheif Kitchi: Blackfoot indian chief.
Vessal: bronze golum, protecter of Kitchi’s tribe, host to hundreds of warrior spirits.
Argon and Neon: nova kids trapped in the Wildwest, brother and sister.
Nobilis Krypton: Anodyne, roman themed, trapped in wildwest with Argon and Neon
Stephan and Justin Wright: Little Brothers to Hood and Aaron respectively. Adopted by Tracey Wright and Hail Tartalgia. The bridges to the multiverse. Cinnamon roll and sin-namon rolls.
Tracey Wright: Hail’s wife and the mother to Justin and Stephan, tired of everyone’s shit and the power over darkness.
Hail Tartalgia: Second Youngest of the Tartalgia family. Shy, ice powers, twin brother to Zana, cinnamon roll. Married to Tracey Wright.
Lightening Tartalgia: youngest Tartalgia, power over energy, super speed. Energetic, outgoing, friendly.
Fog Tartalgia: Middle child of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Storm. Power over all gasses and vapors. Quiet, kind, wise.
Storm Tartalgia: Middle Child of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Fog. Power over weather. Loud, arrogant, secretly a cinnamon roll.
Kujo: Second oldest of Tartalgia family, twin brother to Zoey. Blunt, dry, helpful. Can know everything about an item  by touching it, and will know expertly how to use it.
Zana: Second youngest of Tartalgia family, twin sister to Hail, power over water and liquids, equally as shy as Hail if not more so.
Zoey: Second oldest of Tartalgia family, twin sister of Kujo, control over plants and animals. Mischievous and naughty, but still someone to trust.
Hero: eldest of Tartalgia family. Power of adapting to any situation (nearly infinite powers). Outgoing, positive, conceited, loves himself.
Pops: Possibly immortal old man, Looks like 60, but is as healthy as a 30 year old. Street brawler, travels with Launa.
Launa Dandies: Descendant of Waters. Can’t be harmed. Sociopath, angry at everything.
Taurus: Minotaur like being, greatest enemy is Hood, wants to envelop the world in eternal night.
Number43: almost clone of Aaron. An attempt to repeat the success that is Aaron in making ultimate weapon.
Grave Digger: older than time, is death, grim reaper, and the grave all at once. Always drinking.
Arnold: The Graveyard Cat. Zombie cat with the power of decay. Experiment of 100 Project
Ronny: The hellhound, control over darkness and fire. Experiment of 100 project
Damian: Giant Golden Flying Fox, A big ass fruit bat. Kind, gentle, not sure where he is. Clings to Digger
Marty: a mothman, silent, thinking, will fight you.
Vet: time traveling immortal redneck doctor getting into shenanigans
Uncle Sam: ultra patriotic American bald eagle robot. Made by vet
DJ Giz: super sleek robot covered in speakers. Makes noise. Made by vet
Livewire: robot with tendrils coming from his back. not made by vet but saved by him
SARAH: vets body guard. Ultimate fighting robot girl. Very curious about the world and open to learn.
Leao: Wizard cat!
Farmer John Stidham: first of Shattered Six, hard working, blunt farmer
Don Lomas: Second of Shattered Six, mob boss, mysterious, dangerous.
Poindexter Carter: third of Shattered Six, genius, scientist, nerd
Smiley Joe Stidham: fourth of Shattered Six, mixer, dancer, happy.
Dr Dean Lomas: fifth of Shattered Six, doctor, muscular, pretty boy
Agent Carter: Sixth of Shattered Six, agent, fighter, dangerous.
The Fivefold: The Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, and Apostle.
The Big Three: The three who made everything, Austin, Chance, and Fernando.
Curly Satlin: Giant lumberjack with bigger afro. Works for Don and Brigitta Vigarin.
Kristopher Krins: towns person of Keypers Cove, might be santa, definitely Santa, necklace is two candy canes which he uses when fighting.
Galve: flaming skeleton goat man in a robe, comes out from November to February.
Sir Issac Wells: real name of Johnny Rockers. Large bulky man, from Arkansas, used some enhanced cocaine, permanent other personality emerged, sophisticated man of class, still an absolute psychopathic serial killer.
Mr. Hicks: Henry Hicks, CEO of large tech company, travels the world joining fighting tournaments, boxer.
Lord Harlston: Victorian era gentlemen revived as a half plant, half zombie, very kind and polite. Hates rude un-gentlemanly people.
Pedro Gonzalez: former CEO, current Hero of Mexico, very strong boxer, rival to Mr. Hicks.
The Matador: Alfonzo Rivera, fighter, uses a sword and two bull fighting spears.
Wechidna: Immortal butler and warrior, butler to Mr. Hicks, neighbor to Tracey Wright.
Ashura: Ghost of formally immortal warrior, bonded to Liz Wright
Foxcrest: perfect maid
Wolfthorn: perfect Butler
Hawkridge: Perfect butler,
Ursa: Tigg’s main maid. Super strong
Lea: Tiggs’ main gardener. Mastered every last known martial art
Shaun-Li: Tigg’s cheff, poison touch.
Pastor Smith and Juddeep: World traveling Southern Pastor and his Saudi Arabian friend/ex-airport security guard.
Romulin: Son of Anubis, permanent rival to Uncle Sam
Valz: Greek titan of love, passion, erotic pleasure, and drinks.
Issac: Son of Hood, inherited all his powers.
Tommie: Daughter of Aaron, inherited all his powers (and looks)
Tedd: living teddy bear, adopted by Hood.
Ishmael: ancient warrior and shaman. Rival and big brother figure to Issac
The Mesh: large, jumbled robot, created by a deceased boy genius, roams the world looking for a new owner.
Abra: Alternate pinstripe, unknown female who’s theme is magician.
Ringmaster: Circus ringmaster with reality altering abilities
Chuckles: Alternate pinstripe, unknown female who’s theme is clown.
Ragdoll: Hood from a forgotten universe, a patchwork ragdoll like being of pure evil.
Snap: the alpha hood, the original who snapped upon seeing the multitude of various deaths.
Corruption: alternate Aaron. Put on Hood’s sweater, old programming resurfaced, Went crazy.
The Pinstripe Corps: multidimensional assassin group of alternate Pinstripe’s
The OFFKeys: a group of six musicians from Keypers Cove, each represents a different music genre
The entire town of Keypers Cove: hoh boy. Their necklaces has powers
Thunder and Zora Tartaliga: Parents of the Tartalgia Family and founders of Tartalgia.
Ultra42: Alternate Aaron, true ultimate weapon
Omega42: Zombie Ultra, mindless animal, afterwards a depressed former hero.
Aaron+: alternate aaron, controlled with nanites, killer.
Amalgam: an amalgamate of Pinstripe, Fatality, Legion, Patient Doe, Mr Thompson, Scorpio, from a computer world.
Scrap: all of Vet’s robots, mashed into one, torn to shreds by Aaron+ individually before reforming and killing him.
Virus: Vet’s true opposite. Body is home to every last disease, fungus, and bacteria in the universe, complete control over all disease.
Schism: the true embodiment of chaos and order. True equality. A god pretty much.
EL: The elemental. Splits into six main elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Machine, Nature, Light and Dark. Then they fuse into four sub elements. Fire and Water make Energy. Air and Earth make Decay. Nature and Machine make Time. And Light and Dark make order. Then they fuse to make two. Time and Decay make Death. Order and Energy make life. El, the final fusion, is the element of Humanity
Error53: a mix of science and magic, a demonic computer virus.
El guillao: Puerto Rican Gansgter, uses soul flame and machetes.
Fatality: embodiment of fear, true monster.
Legion: former youth pastor turned host to millions of demons.
Train Man: Wildwest Zombie, enforcer of death, rounds up souls Digger doesn’t feel like finding.
Dr. Isotope: former Cold War Scientist, imbued with the power of ten atoms bombs
Xalarn: flaming spikey skeleton man, makes more flaming skeletons for army.
Damian Weaver: form an alternate universe, survivor of zombie apocalypse. Thinks he is edgy, is not edgy,
Justin Carter: from the same forgotten world as Ragdoll. Another patchwork ragdoll man, with a flaming chainsaw for a hand, a hero.
Patient Doe: unknown. A patchwork person trying to make themselves the perfect body, might be alien, no facts known.
Mr. Thompson: really friendly serial killer, animals love him, everyone loves him, everyone knows hes a killer too.
Silver Heart: given a robotic heart that replaces all damaged parts with robotics.
Bob: robot from the future meant to be sent to 1950’s America. Sent to modern America. Typical 1950’s dad but is actually killer liquid metal robot.
Rex: very large man with brain of hyper intelligent dog. Loyal, works with a pirate, but always dressed in a suit.
Leon: demon lion man. Crazy, violent, evil
Captain Longbeard and Shiv: Pirates. Longbeard is very intelligent, pilots a ship from the far future, Shiv is his malfunctioning robot fighter/first mate.  
Clove: Skeleton Wildwest gun for hire. Known as the Gunslinger.
Beryl and Obsidian: Gem people. Servants for the Gods.
DOTcom: a program and nanite cloud created by Vet, pilots his TAURTOS.
Talli and Mingan: Talli cant die, Mingan is his giant grey dire wolf who is the real brains of the duo.
Blachidna: Alternate version of Wechidna, evil, arrogant, ruler of planet of factories.
Employee18: leader of worker revolution against Blachinda, favorite weapon :picaxe
Ashuraos: alternate Ashura, driven mad with power, being of pure chaos, body is half liquid energy
The Lounge Singers: 1920′s era smokey ball room band, actually hitmen, Ricky, Big Al, Betty, and Li.
Lukas Muler: Swiss cowboy living in Treasure Canyon. Earth bending powers, loves rocks.
Kopano Pillay: South African mercenary, true soldier, gun for hire.
Malware: a corrupted, computer virus infected Justin, wants to recreate his family using the glitches.
Trojan: a corrupted, computer virus infected Stephan. Wants to make Justin fix their world then kill him, willing to destroy whatever stands in his way.
The Televnagelist: former big name preacher turned serial killer.
The FRESHfold: the fivefold, but Fresh.
Vetster: Vet and Gaster merged together.
Aroodamate: Hood and Aaron, amalgamated
Civilian: mysterious unknown vigilante, no powers.
Galaxes: angelic being made of red space dust and stars, watcher of the world
The Four Angels: A Roman Centurion, a Holy Knight, A Western Sheriff, and a US WWII Soldier. Angels, and patron guardians of The Fivefold
El Monstruo: Mexican Super Villain, villain to Pedro Gonzalez. Basic super powers of super strength and speed. Only wants to bring Mexico to World power status, going about it very wrong.
Cowl: Underfell Aaron
Cloak: Underfell Hood
Charger/Camaro/Mustang: super soldiers made by Group 100 project, large, strong, hate Aaron.
Moses Shamalyan: the Great Devastator, Aaron’s rival, dog man.
Golgatha: parasite, cannibal, mercenary, master chef.
Y’All: parasite that turns people into hillbilly’s
Thomas Burgens: crazed pizza place owner with an army of killers and animatronic suit.
Retro: pixelated knight traveling the world
Fenrif: Old Norse God living as a cowboy in Montana
Mabel Brown: wizard cowgirl, alchemizes her own bullets, each being a different spells.
Rodrick Black: magician, bank robber. Enemy of Hood. Possible real magic? unconfirmed.
Gabriel: angel made of rusted scrap metal, joins Retro on his adventures.
Agent Tell: Government agent infected by alien millipede parasite. Covered in spikes, has flame thrower.
Agarom: former hero, turned demon, back to hero.
LUCAS: comes from the same world as Retro. A humanoid figure made from a random assortment of different sized and colored pixels. Friendly, wants to help.
Emmanuel Rodriguez: Mexican assassin with an affinity for throwing knives.
The Untracables: Robert Gonzales and Shaun Findly, hitman contractor and loser turned killer duo.
Vinny: a business man infected by a parasitic lily that has taken over his body with vines.
Ausham: ego of darkness, creativity, and passion
Chanter: ego of emotions, morality, and love
Eclecious: ego of logic, spirituality, and intelligence
Parsure: ego of depression, anxiety, and writers block
Glossy: ego of encouragement, ambition, and responsibilities
Blake: ego of neutrality, boredom, and disinterest.
Cole: ego of mischief, rage, and hatred
Dull; ego of distraction, absent mindedness, and randomness
Author: ego of humor, nostalgia, and regret.
Buddy Lilly: Ego of music, talents, and boldness
Staliel: Ferns Guardian Angel. Nervous train wreck
JM Drew: former cartoon studio owner turned inky psychopath
Dr Alexander: former life of Ausham, dangerous surgeon and assassin
Chanzer: a twisted corrupted Chanter
Plush: a felt plush filled apex predator
Ratio: TV head in charge of directing messages and asks to the egos and other characters.
Publisher: anthropomorphic cat man made of stars and darkness, lives in the thrift shop.
Officer Lupe Rodriguez: a normal lapd officer who has an instant healing factor making her invincible.
Oasis: a being made of sand that wanders the Mojave desert.
Glitch Angel: A humanoid being made of multicolored corrupted pixels with two large pixel wings.
Black Bishop: mysterious man in a black hooded robe with a staff shaped like a bishop chess peace that can pierce any material and summon minions made of that material. Actually an absolute dork.
Magra: bishops main general. Flaming jackolantern head on a titanium and gold body with vines, hot plasma, and liquid energy wrapped around his body. Also an absolute dork.
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darkicyninja · 3 years
My Journey
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I would like to share my story because it took me years upon years to rise to the Phoenix that I am today.
One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies Beyond The Lights is Blackbird, both by Nina Simon as well as Noni. The lyrics in Noni’s version, second verse, are:
“Now I rise as the phoenix escapes from me…
…through the fire, through the flames
leaving ashes underneath…
I'm free at last,free from you
free from the past
freedom at last
what is life, other than a cage to me…”
Fibromyalgia will claim me no longer
I first started feeling pain in my back around the age of 14. I have had several injuries: fractured left wrist, fractured left hip, torn MCL in left knee, blunt force trauma to my left eye multiple times, broken toes, broken fingers, swollen meniscus, bursitis, sciatica, solar plexus issues, sprains & strains especially in my neck and spine as well as majority of joints and other issues. All of this was discovered from X-rays and MRIs. The doctors could see my spine very out of alignments with some slight unnatural curvatures acquired from poor posture and other bad habits. Massage, topicals (especially CBD, tiger balm, biofreeze, and Penetrex), and stretches/yoga helped tremendously. By the time I was 17, the pain was so unbearable that I could only lay in bed crying and I had to resign from my job & also had a tough time working ever since.
My father took me to a chiropractor named Dr. Bob W. He adjusted me several times, however the adjustments would not hold. My mother took me to the doctor and he said I needed to see a neurologist. I went and had to get several tests done including a nerve test where they insert a needle into your nerves in your arm. They could see that my muscles were twitching but could not find the cause.
I was referred to physical therapy. I worked hard for 3 months but my pain only got worse. Eventually my pcp prescribed me muscle relaxers, tramadol, and a seizure medication in college. A few days later while taking mt world civilizations exam, I noticed that I could not sit still. The seizure medication was causing tremors which my pcp said was an adverse affect and I was having micro seizures. They took me off of the medication however it took around 96 hours to get out of my system according to the half-life. I still actually have a mild tremor/twitches to this day. After that was the trigger point injections which were very painful as the doctor inserted a need in all of the fibromyalgia trigger points generally near joints as well as nerves and vertebra. Eventually those stopped helping as well.
Then I tried marijuana for the first time. I used to be very against all drugs (straight edge XXX), however marijuana saved my life. Most of my pain was instantly eased away. So I went from social smoker, to buying on occasion, to full bud smoker is a matter of months.
My mother was upset about it though and the stress of moving in with my mom and only smoking bed when she was asleep and outside at that made me pick up the horrible habit of smoking cigarettes. I tried K2 but we all know the horrible adverse affects of that. I first got the Marlboro Skyline but then they discontinued them so I switched to menthol. I just recently switched to menthol golds/lights and actually prefer American spirit but they are so expensive. I started rolling my own cigarettes and blending different tobaccos for a a smoother taste. Then I remembered my friend Age in college used to smoke herbal cigarettes, Luna I believe to be the brand but I think they discontinued them. So I decided with my business (Skull Treats), we will bring back herbal cigarettes and detox from tobacco together. I have been using foot detox pads and they are amazing, another product I am working on.
I actually mix CBD with my THC and it is delicious and makes the bud last longer. I am working on getting my medical marijuana card as well as assisting in legalizing recreational marijuana (clinical trials are being planned). Marijuana assists with so much and I had even read before in a scholarly article that it helps detox your lungs of the harmful tobacco byproducts. I don’t believe that experiment was replicated enough in diverse enough populations, but another research experiment I would love to try.
A slight bio, I graduated from Robert Morris University (BS in Biology 2013), attended Chatham University (MS in biology 2014; did not finish), and Devry University (MS in project management 2014; did not graduate). I am currently attending Harvard University (Certifications in Spanish, Japanese, Psychology of Personal Growth, and Oracles - Omens & prophecies 2021) as well as Shaw Academy (Tarot, Crystal Healing, Alternative Therapies, Jewelry Design, Video Game Design & Development, Mini MBA, Coding, Writing 2021). I will be working on my PhD in biology & psychology hopefully next year at University of Pittsburgh, an affiliate of Skull Treats (most organizations mentioned are or are in the process of becoming official affiliates and majority of research shall be conducted with Pitt/UPMC).
Anyway, I had seen that my friend Jordan was a reiki practitioner so I booked an appointment. The appointment was amazing, she gave me the background of reiki as well as crystal healing before playing some zen music. During my session I kept seeing purple and lilies. She told me after she had seen the color purple as well!
“The color purple symbolizes power, insight, and tenderheartedness, purple boasts numerous good qualities. On a more negative note, purple can also be overly sensitive and unnecessarily vigilant. Fortunately, the good outweighs the bad when it comes to this marvelous wonder. With its uplifting spirit and undeniable beauty, purple entices with ease…”
- color-meanings.com/purple-color-meaning-the-color-purple
I did my research and seen that Savella was the newest drug approved to treat fibromyalgia. My doctors had not heard of it so they needed to conduct their own research. After a month, they agreed to let me try it and it has completely changed my life! The only pain I have left is my knees and joints which are apparently arthritis which I will get treatment for as well. My doctor recommended aqua therapy as well as occupational therapy for small more focused tasks.
If anyone is suffering from any chronic pain, whether minuscule or severe, try Savella. I have tried majority of the popular antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anti-anxiety, muscle relaxants, nerve and other medications and therapies. Gabapentin and lyrica ( a GABA isotope) did not help even in high doses and neither did Cymbalta.
“Savella is a prescription medication for the management of fibromyalgia in adults.
Savella is a prescription medication for the management of fibromyalgia — a common, chronic condition that causes widespread pain and affects an estimated 6-12 million people in the United States alone. The cause of fibromyalgia is unknown.
An antidepressant, milnacipran is one of three drugs that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat fibromyalgia. While relief of fibromyalgia pain can help people feel less fatigued, milnacipran appears to have an additional effect on fatigue — separate from that associated with pain relief.
Many experts believe that fibromyalgia is associated with changes in the processing of pain signals in the brain and spinal cord.
In clinical studies that compared Savella to placebo, patients who took Savella said:
* They felt less pain and
* their fibromyalgia overall was improved
* their physical function was improved
Savella is categorized as
An antidepressant, belonging to a class of drugs called serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI).
Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are a class of medications that are effective in treating depression. SNRIs are also sometimes used to treat other conditions, such as anxiety disorders and long-term (chronic) pain, especially nerve pain. SNRIs may be helpful if you have chronic pain in addition to depression.
SNRIs ease depression by affecting chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) used to communicate between brain cells. Like most antidepressants, SNRIs work by ultimately effecting changes in brain chemistry and communication in brain nerve cell circuitry known to regulate mood, to help relieve depression.
SNRIs block the reabsorption (reuptake) of the neurotransmitters serotonin (ser-o-TOE-nin) and norepinephrine (nor-ep-ih-NEF-rin) in the brain. SNRIs approved to treat depression.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved these SNRIs to treat depression:
* Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq)
* Duloxetine (Cymbalta) — also approved to treat anxiety and certain types of chronic pain
* Levomilnacipran (Fetzima)
* Venlafaxine (Effexor XR) — also approved to treat certain anxiety disorders and panic disorder
- Savella.com
- mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/fibromyalgia/expert-answers/milnacipran
- Hopkinsarthritis.org
In summary, with the right combination of hemp (CDB and/or THC), topicals, heat/ice application, yoga and stretches/meditation (with HZ sound therapy), as well as a medication such as Savella, you will actually have more energy and with less pain, that increases your quality of life so that you can accomplished what you need to do! I also became a distributor for amazing weight loss nutritional spray as well as a energy spray (more overall cellular energy/ATP) and we are also about to have a cash giveaway challenge! This will be so much fun. Let me know if you are interested in the challenge, the products or becoming an affiliate yourself and becoming your own boss with the flexibility to set your own hours from the comfort of your home
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latest-theme · 4 years
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Lobo wordpress theme
Lobo is a new Portfolio Concept for Creative Agencies, Freelancers, Filmmakers, Photographers, Illustrators, Designers and Developers looking for a unique, yet easy way to create a distinctive, interesting portfolio website in minutes.
Lobo is modular allowing you to compose and create any kind of web element with ease using our custom Module Builder... simple to make, reusable and very flexible. We know you are going to love it as much we do.
Complete features list:
Responsive, of course Two different navigations Unique modular content layouts. You can create unique and very creative layouts to display your projects in a very easy way. Unique and custom page/module builder Premium Royal Slider included. Wordpress native customizer ready Isotope & masonry layouts Infinite scroll Cool sticky submenu feature that will allow you to have access to some secondary functions within your site. This option can be disabled, of course. You will have in this way a more normal scroll experience… Cool filtering method for your project items Multiple portfolio pages Custom fullscreen backgrounds for each project and section. Parallax backgrounds and videos. You can disable it as well. Fullscreen hero videos from Yotube & Vimeo. Self hosted soundtracks/music (mp3/ogg). With a custom player fully integrated with the theme´s concept. Google fonts library
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whatsupsac · 7 years
What’s Up With Your Weekend, 6/16/17-6/18/17:
Nasty Women Sacramento: Verge Center for the Arts is pleased to be hosting Nasty Women Sacramento, a fundraiser exhibition modeled after the original Nasty Women exhibition, which was held in January at the Knockdown Center in Queens, New York. The exhibition featured donated works of art from female and female-identifying artists, and raised over $42,000, with all proceeds from sales going to Planned Parenthood. Since it's original inception, dozes of other national and international "nasty venues" around the country have held their own exhibitions, with more being planned. Verge Center for the Arts. June 17-18. 11Am-6PM.
Concerts in the Park with ZuhG. / The Lique / Simple Creation / Zephyr: As the longest running outdoor happy hour, Concerts in the Park (CIP) is celebrating 26 years of music madness this year. Grab a cold beer, a bite to eat from one of our food trucks, and enjoy the tunes of local and national touring bands. This week on the Jiffy Lube Stage enjoy ZuhG, The Lique, Simple Creation and on the Blue Diamond Almonds DJ Stage is Zephyr! CIP will also be celebrating all local artists of Sacramento. We will have live artists and an opportunity to tie-dye your very own shirt from 5 - 7 pm. Cesar Chavez Park. 5-9PM. Free. 
Free Sewing Meet: Low key sewing get together,people who have completed Sewing 101 can come and use the machines and chat about sewing,cosplay,street theater,or just do a project. If you have not completed Sewing 101 come hang out and watch. Hacker Lab. 7-9PM. 
Latin Dance Night at Casa de Espanol: Learn to salsa dance with a local dance instructor, enjoy delicious food and drinks, and dance the night away on two different dance floors (outside and inside) playing a mix of salsa, merengue, bachata, kizomba. This free event welcomes all to enjoy a celebration of culture and community. Casa de Espanol. 7-11:30PM.
Modern Masters: Sacramento Ballet 2016-2017 concludes with an exhilarating triple bill program including one Sacramento premiere and one world premiere. The program starts with George Balanchine’s ground breaking masterpiece, “The Four Temperaments,” which presaged a fresh new direction in dance for generations to marvel. Then, Ashley Walton’s “Focal Point” will dazzle with its creative and inventive use of moving light props. The program concludes with Sacramento Ballet’s Artistic Director, and master story teller, Ron Cunningham’s world premiere, “The Seven Deadly Sins,” a dramatic and evocative piece. Three Stages Harris Center. June 17th at 7:30PM, June 18th at 2PM and 7:30PM and June 18th at 2PM. $50-65.
Sac Unified Poetry Slam: This months Sac Unified Poetry Slam will be hosted by Sac Slam Alum Ike Torres. Special guest AndYes & The SCC Creative Alliance. Luna’s Cafe. 8PM. 
Atomic Ape with Modern Man + Meet Cue: Their first Nor Cal appearance in over two years brings an eclectic evening of music, featuring an onslaught of new material from their forthcoming album, along with some old favorites. Local experimental rockers Modern Man and Meet Cute will be rounding out the evenings festivities. Hideaway. 8-11:59PM. 21+. $5.
SacZoo 90th Birthday Bash: We’re throwing ourselves a party complete with games, crafts, activities and bounce houses. Enjoy free party hats, sno-cones, birthday-themed animal enrichments, face painting and more! Don’t miss the Wildlife Stage Show where you may just meet Herkimer, the Zoo’s oldest resident who is also turning 90 this year! Sacramento Zoo. 9AM-4PM. General Admission $14.95, Seniors $13.95, Children (2-11) $9.95.
Grand Opening of the Oak Park Fix-it Cafe: Join your neighbors and get help fixing and maintaining your bicycle, get help mending garments, learn to sew, get help repairing your broken lamp, enjoy free light refreshments, and find fun activities for your kids. This will the first monthly gathering of neighbors helping neighbors and passing on skills. 3600 Broadway. 11AM-2PM. 
Carnaval de Verao 2017: The Brazilian Center Of Sacramento Presents: CARVANAL DE VERÃO 2017 with performances by Sotaque Baiano, Grupo Tropicali, Renaldo Crooks Band, Colombia Viva, Mistura Brasileira, Unidos Da Capital and Queen of Carnaval Contest. There will be a $100 prize for best Carnaval Costume. Everyone with a Carnaval costume or mask will receive a free drink and there will be vendors and food trucks. CLARA. 3-11PM. $10 in advance $20 At the door.
East Sac Pops in the Park: Mumbo Gumbo is a septet from Sacramento that has been playing together for 23 years. With nine albums they have made a name for themselves mixing rootsy grooves, great songs and powerful playing that you can shake your booty too! Mumbo Gumbo's music has been used in the hit TV show "Northern Exposure" and in director Charlie Matthau's 2005 movie "Her Minor Thing" in which the band appears on screen. 915 I Street. 6-9PM.
9 at 9: Hand to God: Robert Askins’ play finds a Fundamentalist Christian congregation reckoning with a hand puppet named Tyrone that’s possessed by the devil. Show up early for cheap drinks and tunes by Lather machine. B Street Theatre. Lobby opens at 8PM, Show at 9PM. $9.
Male Gaze / Part/Human / Glass: A live music performance by three bands at Sacramento’s favorite underground music scene spot, The Red Museum. 9-11PM. 
Brunch Beats Midtown w/DJ Epik: This Sunday DJ Epik of Motown On Mondays will grace our Midtown location with his awesome beats! BRUNCH BEATS features local DJs every Sunday, April through June from 12-3pm, and curated by Shaun Slaughter! Order from our unique Brunch menu an enjoy the flow. Drink specials include Italian Mimosa $6.50 / $25, Prosecco Cocktail (Bellini, Fragola & Arancia Rossa), Blood Mary $7. Hot Italian. 12-3PM.
Project1VOICE: “YellowMan”: Celebration Arts, the Crocker Art Museum, and The Brickhouse Gallery & Art Complex / OFFICIAL are teaming up to participate in the 7th annual Project1VOICE One Play One Day 2017, an international event featuring staged readings that revive neglected, forgotten, or underappreciated works by black playwrights. This year, P1V takes on "Yellowman", by Dael Olandersmith, a memory play that examines intra-racial discrimination, cyclical abuse, class, and racism in a small southern town. Crocker Art Museum. 3-5PM. Free. 
Land Park Food Truck Mania: The Land Park Community Association and SactoMoFo present: Land Park Food Truck Mania - a fun event for the whole family with food trucks, fun and games. 1960 Sutterville Road. 4-8PM. 
Father’s Day Oysterfest at Bean & Barrel: Celebrate all the dads in your life with a half dozen oysters, local beer, games for the whole family and happy hour prices all day long! Head to Bean & Barrel after the Sacramento River Cats take on the Albuquerque Isotopes at 1:05p. They’re a quick walk or bike ride from River Cats Stadium. Bean & Barrel. 4-8PM.
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Dr. James Andrew Harris (March 26, 1932 – December 12, 2000) was a nuclear chemist who was involved in the discovery of elements 104 and 105 (rutherfordium and dubnium). He is known for being the first African American to contribute to the discovery of new elements.
He was drafted and served in the Army as a personnel supervisor specialist.
He graduated from McClymonds High School in Oakland. He returned to Texas where he attended Huston-Tillotson College. He entered college on a music scholarship but switched to studying chemistry and received a BS. He received an MS in Public Administration at California State University, Hayward. He was awarded an honorary doctorate from Huston-Tillotson College. He was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
His first job in chemical research was as a radiochemist at Tracerlab Inc., he worked there for five years. He left to work in the isotope division in the nuclear chemistry department of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory at UC Berkeley. His work at the lab involved studying beta decay in the Beta Spectroscopy Group. He worked on a project to improve neutron activation analysis with germanium semiconducting detectors. He then joined the Heavy Isotopes Production Group on the team tasked with producing new heavy elements via atom bombardment. His job was to design and purify targets that would be used in Berkeley’s Heavy Ion Linear Accelerator to discover elements 104 and 105. These targets needed minimal impurities of elements such as lead to work. He and his colleagues conducted what they called the “first aqueous chemistry of element 104”, to determine how the new element behaved and thus where it should be placed on the periodic table.
He took a position with the Berkeley Lab Office of Equal Opportunity. He was promoted to Head of the Engineering and Technical Services Division.
He worked with students in grade school and at the university level to encourage African American students into the sciences. This work earned him numerous awards from organizations.
He married Helen Harris (1957-2000) and together the two raised five children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #alphaphialpha
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