#musicallygt I LOVE YOU SO MUCH /p
x-monochrome-x · 1 year
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i love to cook and i love to bake bread and cookies and pies and cakes /lyrics inspired by @musicallygt 's mobshifter au!!!!! i love it so much and im going insane constantly
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marvinswriting · 4 years
!!!main character death!!! graphic description of said death
DONT IGNORE THE WARNING (blame bear, she dared me)
Ten out of fifteen deaths in teenage tinies were suicide or a silly prank taken to far. Its a statistic Damian didn't like one bit. But he can't change the numbers. It was there, the science and real cases were there to back it up. It was a big percentage, one that made Damian nervous. Maybe that was the reason he was so protective of his smaller friends, not just Janis.
They were all hanging out as a group. Janis, Regina, and Aaron were on the tiny ledge in the courtyard, Damian and Cady were on a bench and Karen and Gretchen were standing. 
It was a group.
So how did this happen?
Janis said something about needed to go back in the tiny section of the building to pick up and art project she left drying. Nobody questioned it.
The tiny entrance was right by the edge of the giant area, so Damian told her to be safe and they all continued on with their conversations. 
Ten minutes passed and nobody got worried, tinies had to travel longer distances on shorter legs, it often took Janis a while to get anywhere. Damian couldn't see the tiny entrance from where he sat, but he knew she'd be back at any moment. 
There were other giants in the courtyard but Damian paid them no mind. He should have. Maybe then this wouldn't have happened.
A cry that sounded all to familiar rang out in the courtyard and all four giants were on their feet in an instant.
Regina was already pulling Aaron up to investigate the sound of the noise too.
Shane Omen.
Of course its Shane Omen.
"God, Shane! Can't you leave Janis alone for one day?" Regina snapped. 
Damian's eyes landed on the girl squirming in his fist. It was the same way he had held her during the spring fling, but in the spring fling it was dark, Damian didn't get to see the look on Janis's face. But today, it was all fear. It made Damian a little more than mad.
"Shane!" He called out. The boy looked to him, mildly annoyed. "Put Janis down." Damian didn't even recognize the tone in his own voice. 
Shane shrugged, holding Janis over the tiny area. Far enough up to hurt if she fell, but not enough to cause real damage. 
"Don't you dare-" Gretchen stepped forward.
Shane let go. 
Is it cliche to say t happened in slow motion? Because for Damian, it did.
Janis let out a shriek as her body free feel the couple of feet. She landed with a thump on the edge of the tiny area and Regina was quick to run over. But gravity wasn't done. 
Janis rolled slight, falling over the edge.
Damian thinks Cady gasped.
He isn't sure.
Maybe Regina cried out. But his eyes were trained on Janis falling. It was to fast for anyone to do anything. 
Janis landed at an awkward angle and there was a sickening crunch.
A sound Damian will never forget.
His heart stopped.
Time froze.
The world and everything in it halted.
Nobody moved.
Damian doesn't even think he was breathing.
Aaron was the first to speak up. "Janis?" He called out softly. 
There was no response from the figure below.
"Oh my god," Cady whispered from beside him.
Shane took a step back, his eyes wide. "I didn't do that. I put her down, up there."
"You didn't put her down." Was that Damian's voice? He didn't even realize he was talking. He couldn't bring himself to look away from Janis. To see some sign of life from the figure.
"You dropped her." Regina snapped. She had tears in her eyes. They all did. "You're going to jail."
"No, no I'm not." Shane turned around, quickly walking away. 
"I'm gonna call the police. No- an ambulance, I'm- I'm gonna call someone." Gretchen brought her phone to her ear and her hand to her mouth as she walked away.
Nobody was yet to touch Janis. For some sign, if she was still alive. If she was- they didn't want to make it worse.
"Janis?" Damian asked. His voice was soft. It sounded weak. "Janis- Jan please you gotta respond."
"Damian." Cady's hand was on his shoulder.
"No." There were tears in Damian's eyes. Karen's arms were wrapped around him in a hug. 
None of it mattered.
"Damian shes-"
"You don't know that." Damian interrupted Cady, tearing his gaze of Janis to glare at her. They were both crying. Damian couldn't move.
His feet were glued to the ground.
He was scared if he checked, he wouldn't like what he found.
Deep down he already knew.
They all already knew. 
Regina let out a harsh sob. Her hand flew to her mouth as she let Aaron pull heyourselfa hug.
Damian glanced back at the girl on the floor.
"Damian you're hurting yourself more. You gotta-" Cady's hand was on his jaw, turning his face to look at her. "You can't do that to youself."
"But- Janis."
"I know."
Cady wiped away a tear from under his eye and it reminded Damian all too painfully of when Janis would.
"Gretchen says people are coming. They said don't touch her or else we could make it worse." Regina's voice was strained from trying not to cry. 
"Okay." Karen said softly. She still had her arms around Damian, but the boy was starting to think it was more for her.
"What about Shane?" Aaron asked. 
"Arrested, for sure," Regina said. "There are no cameras, but we're witnesses."
Its something Damian wished he hadn't witnessed. 
The medics took away Janis without giving the group so much as an update. Mrs. Sarkisian promised Damian he would be the first to know. 
If Janis wasn't okay, Damian wasn't sure he wanted to know. 
He was sitting on his bed, glaring at himself through the mirror. He was wearing his jacket. The jacket. His hand found the familiar white pin in his pocket. 
Will he ever get to use it again?
All Damian wanted was to feel the familiar weight of Janis, safe, in the pocket.
His phone rang.
Damian didn't want to pick up.
At the same time, he couldn't pick up fast enough.
There was crying on the other end- Damian didn't need to know more. 
Words faded in and out. "Died on impact...no pain..."
His fingers wrapped tighter around the pin. 
"I'm still here."
"I'm so sorry." Why was Mrs. Sarkisian apologizing? She just lost her daughter. "She really loved you. You helped her through so many hard times and did so much for her."
The words made Damian's heart hurt.
"Thank you." He said softly. "I loved her too."
He still did. It felt wrong to say it in the past tense. It felt wrong to think Janis was gone. But she was. 
She wasn't here anymore.
Tears burned at Damian's eyes again. "I- I need to go. Make calls to the rest of the group I'm sorry I-" A sob Damian was trying so hard to hold in escaped. "I need to go."
"Okay." The voice on the other end sounded just as broken.
"Damian?" His mom was at the door. "Was that the call?" She knew what happened, she had been crying too.
"Mom- shes-" Damian could say it out loud.
He couldn't bring himself to solidify the reality. 
His mom got it though.
"Oh, baby girl." She was across the room pulling Damian into a hug in an instant.
Your mother calls you baby girl?  
Her voice was so clear, so there. But Janis was not.
Damian sunk into his mother's embrace as the reality of the day caught up to him.
It didn't feel real.
It couldn't be real.
Images of Janis falling replayed whenever he shut his eyes.
"I need to make the calls." Damian pushed himself away from his mother.
"You don't have to do it now." She reminded him. "I could do it."
"My friends who were there, they deserve to know."
The rest of the night was a blur. Tears and sobbing on both ends of the line. Cady stopped by for an hour to make sure he was okay, but it wasn't the same. He put his jacket in the back of his closet, the pin with it. He couldn't look at it. All of the photos of him and Janis on his walls, tiny canvases of Janis's art on his desk, none of it felt real.
Only a couple of hours ago she was here. They had plans for tonight. They were going to hang out like normal, watch movies, laugh together, fall asleep at an ungodly hour. The usual.
But this wasn't usual.
Janis was gone.
He still hadn't said it out loud. 
Ten out of fifteen deaths in teenage tinies were suicide or a silly prank taken to far. It’s a statistic Damian didn't like one bit. But he can't change the numbers.
He just didn't think Janis would become one of those numbers.
believe it or not, i still held back a bit,,, i couldn’t bring myself to go full out oops tag list! @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons
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marvinswriting · 4 years
Prompt: You make me feel safe. IM POSTING THE FLUFF EARLY BC MY HEART NEEDS IT AFTER BEAR RIPPED IT OUT OF MY CHEST AND S T O M P E D ON IT (its okay tho bc i love angst and told her to)
Realizations always hit harder on bad days, late at night, or when you're tired. And right now, that's all three.
I'm at the Hubbard's, in Damian's basement. We're on the sofa watching a movie, though I couldn't tell you what it's about. My mind is on other things. I'm sitting on Damian's shoulder leaning against his neck. It's Friday night so we don't have to be up early tomorrow, but I'm still ready to pass out.
This had been a rough week for me. Submissions for the art show were opening up, so I've been painting every chance I get, sometimes sacrificing sleep for it. Don't bother telling me its a stupid idea, I know that now. Damian was sick Monday through Thursday, which always amplifies my stress. It means I have to watch my back more, run to classes, and avoid other giants all on my own. I never take Damian for granted, but weeks like these make me feel like I do.
Damian was my constant. A friend I could always trust to be there, despite the size difference. I could only imagine how hard it was to watch after a tiny, especially someone as reckless as me. I have so much emotional baggage even without my size and life would be so much easier for Damian if he just walked away.
But he didnt.
I lean closer to Damian, letting out a soft yawn. Even around Cady, it didn't feel like this. It wasn't this comforting. With Damian, it's hard to remember I'm not even four inches tall. He helps me feel normal, which when you go to Northshore isn't an easy feat. On days when it felt like nobody cared, Damian did. Even when I didn't. He protected me, not just from others, but from myself too. He did everything he could to keep me safe, even when most look at me and just see another worthless tiny.
"Hey, Damian?" I ask, not sure if he'll hear me over the movie. "Yeah?" "Thank you." He laughs a bit, scooping me off his shoulder and into his hands. "For what?" I shrug. "Everything I guess, it's been a while since I've said it." I can almost see Damian's heart melt through his eyes as he smiles. "You don't have to thank me, Janis." "But I want to. So thank you, for being there for me. I love you." "I love you too." He sais, holding me to his chest, where I stay for the rest of the movie.
tag list: @musicallygt @realmisspolarbear @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons
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