#g/t idea
narrans · 3 days
My Borrowed Son | 16 | Friends and Curiosities
Chapter Sixteen | Friends and Curiosities
Parker couldn’t believe it. Within such a short amount of time, he suddenly had a dozen followers and friends on his page.
Sure, he didn’t know them personally, but everyone was welcoming and polite – two things he was eager to report to his mom when she expressed concern. The miniscule boy also made sure his mom knew he was being safe, not giving out too much personal information, and that the topic of his condition hadn’t even been brought up.
One person commented on his profile picture being interesting, which was a picture of Parker standing in front of his computer screen, but he just explained it was a background and that he wanted to showcase the platform he was publishing on. Karl was the kid’s name, and evidently he and Parker were the same age.
All in all, Parker was pleased with his interactions and the people he was meeting. Lots of them had advice and things for him to check out, and he liked all of the things he was seeing.
There were sketches of space and vast mountains as well as the everyday interactions. There were hundreds of stories from writers just like him.
It felt nice. It felt like some kind of community with people supporting and helping one another. A sense of satisfaction filled the young teen every time he checked his notifications and saw he was getting the chance to meet someone new.
“Just look here, mom,” said Parker eagerly as he showed his mom the latest post he made. “It has almost fifteen likes!” He looked up into his mom’s features and saw her beaming with pride.
“That’s so great, Parker,” she complemented. “Are you going to post your latest story from Mr. Tamplin’s class?”
“I… think so. I don’t know yet though. It doesn’t feel done,” he replied, feeling his cheeks getting warm. The latest story he came up with for Mr. Tamplin’s class was a fiction fantasy story about a sprite named Tal’el. It essentially was his backstory for the Dungeons and Dragons campaign he and his friends started.
Basically, he was a small fairy-like person who was a poison master for his people until he decided he wanted to go out adventuring and exploring. The Dungeon Game Master said it was fine if he played a smaller character, thankfully not questioning why he would want to do such a thing and found a special class for him to play as.
The story actually won a young adult author award for his class and Parker had Mr. Tamplin to thank since it was he who tutored him through his writing slumps. He was now refining it for his literature class.
“Well, don’t be scared to post it sweetie. You’re such a great writer and can do whatever you set your mind to,” encouraged his mom. “Now before you get sucked into checking your notifications, finish your homework and get ready for bed. You have a long day tomorrow.”
“Yes, momma,” Parker replied, rolling his screen back into place in the main area. The structure walls rumbled as his mom closed the outside walls to his home. It was hard to believe it had been a whole month since he “moved in” to this new space.
Parker loved it, in a weird way.
Not to sound ungrateful, but having his own space to roam around, especially in a space that felt suited to him, made him feel just a little bit normal. He liked that he was usually at eye-level with his mom instead of having her loom over him. Just the thought made him shudder involuntarily, and he wasn’t sure why.
It made him feel guilty every time the sensation seized him.
But, now was not the time to dwell on that. It was time for bed.
Parker walked into his room and rummaged through his dresser to find his oversized space t-shirt and elastic band sleep shorts. Then, he went back to the computer and finished submitting his assignments. The words filled the page and Parker hoped that his paper on the evolution of technology was going to be good enough to get him the grade he needed.
Parker’s other assignments were a breeze. Math was simple enough and the biology project about documenting the growth of plants was going smoothly. It was his other project, his story for his literature course, that he was worried about. It was his same story that he was using for his channel, but it was more a mild fear of rejection and lack of perfection.
His online friends liked it, but would his teacher? His followers?
Parker sighed and leaned against the wall before slinking down further into the chair. His eyes focused on the blinking line in front of him as he stared at the end of the fifth chapter he had been editing. Something about this story felt particularly personal, but Parker remembered hearing once about how writers put more of themselves than they’re aware of when they’re making characters and stories.
Perhaps this was just part of that feeling?
The teen sighed and stretched when, suddenly, his lights flickered up above him.
Confusion injected itself into his mind as he stared at the wired lights on the ceiling. His eyes flicked over to the wall switch.
Perhaps just a fluke?
The notion was dismissed when the lights flickered two more times, all of his lights dimming and glowing systematically.
Something raised the hair on the back of Parker’s neck. He felt like he was on pins and needles, the anticipation of a drop while suspended in mid-air. Cautiously, the curious teen stood up and walked over to the switch, examining it closely.
It was still up and wasn’t jiggling or loose.
The lights flickered again.
It felt like he was in a spooky movie, of which Parker had only ever seen one in his life along with a couple of older “thrillers” like Alien and Jaws. Even those movies were censored because his mom didn’t want him to get too spooked.
Was there something wrong with the plug?
Parker glanced at the window at the back by the stairs and, just for a moment, he could have sworn he saw something.
It looked like the quick flick of a shadow.
It was quick and Parker wasn’t even sure if he knew what he saw. He did just step out of his room after all, and he had been staring at his computer screen, which he knew sometimes made shadows appear when there weren’t any.
He held deathly still, his entire body locking up like a perfect figurine. His body fell naturally into the position as he slowly crouched and laid his hand against the floor, as if he could detect any trembling or motion.
He didn’t get a chance to investigate for long though. Before he could make his way to the stairs in his crouched position, there was a knock on the table that made Parker nearly jump out of his skin.
“Parker? Are you going to bed soon?” Parker’s entire body shivered as he pushed himself upright and heaved in a few deep breaths. Every nerve in his body felt electrified. While his heart continued to thrum rapidly, he cleared his throat and called over his shoulder to his mom as the sides of the walls began to open.
“Y-y-yeah, mom. I’m ready for bed,” said Parker. He glanced up at the lights stayed on without the slightest hint of a flicker. The walls opened fully and, instantly, Parker saw his mom’s brow furrow quizzically.
“Everything okay? You look a bit pale,” she said. The maternal instinct in Amanda kicked in and she reached forward and pressed the tip of her finger against Parker’s forehead. He shied away from it, which was typical teenage behavior, but something else felt off about Parker that Amanda couldn’t quite place.
“Y-yeah. I’m fine. I just…” Parker stopped short. It felt like something physically squirmed in his mind, preventing him from saying something about the shadow and the lights. He shook the notion loose, confused as to why this instinct flared up in him, and proceeded with his thought. “I just saw the lights flicker and got spooked.”
“Oh?” Amanda replied as she glanced over and looked down at the power strip that fed electricity into Parker’s Place. Nothing looked off about it to her, but she still knelt and glanced around the ground.
Still nothing.
“Well,” she sighed as she stood and walked back over to the front of Parker’s tiny home. “I don’t see anything. It looks like it’s all plugged in, but we’ll check on it tomorrow. Okay? For now, it’s bedtime.”
“Yes, momma,” replied Parker as he walked up to the edge and accepted the kiss on his torso that his mom gave him. With that, Amanda smiled and watched as Parker curled under the blankets, forming an almost imperceptible lump in the bed. “Goodnight momma. I love you.”
“I love you too, Parker. Sweet dreams my love.” Amanda closed the walls and secured them tightly before tiptoeing out of the room and to her own room to turn in for the night.
Just in the other room, Parker laid there with his heart still fluttering nervously. Everything in him was still on edge, and the curiosity of what was going on with his lights was really bothering him. Parker enjoyed a good mystery or puzzle, but he generally liked ones he could solve.
This one wasn’t solved yet.
For what felt like a couple of hours, Parker tossed and turned in his bed as a mixture of homework assignments and curiosities about the power outlet swirled like a mist in his mind. The more the young teen thought, the more it annoyed him that he didn’t have the answers.
He had had enough.
Parker pushed himself up and decided to go and check out the source of the flickering lights. If it was a cable going bad or possibly the breaker being loose, he needed to get a new one as soon as possible. It would be terrible if he was in class and his power went out. His mom said they would do it in the morning, but Parker knew himself; and he knew he couldn’t sleep if he didn’t at least go and see it for himself.
He couldn’t afford to not check it out with his presentation tomorrow.
The teen stepped noiselessly through his house and exited the front door. As he walked around, he noticed a few things that just seemed, in a word, natural.
Sound was amplified. The darkness in the corners of the room seemed brighter. He could feel every tremble in the desk from his footsteps.
As he made it outside, a choice presented itself to him. For a moment, he considered going down the climbing line he installed himself on the backside of the desk.
But he knew if he slipped on the rope and got hurt, which he never did, his mom would make him take down the line.
He decided to risk it.
It was late. She was asleep. Parker was as sure footed as a goat and knew he would be fine all the way down. The temptation was also too great for the teen to resist. Plus, it would be a lot faster.
There was something about the experience that was, in a word, liberating. The free fall. The catch. The feel of the rope in between his fingers.
It felt natural.
The urge to climb and fall and hide never failed to fascinate parker. Whether it was something his condition genetically programmed him to do so or if it was some personality trait he possessed, he didn’t know.
What he did know was the sensation was addictive and he was itching for a good climb.
Parker snagged the line in between his fingers and leaned over the edge of the desk. There was a mild sense of vertigo that swelled inside him, but he loved it. The weightlessness seized him as he let himself slip over the edge, hands and feet firmly in place and secured on the line.
The line burned against the teen’s palms and against his legs as he quickly descended. It felt like something a secret agent would do, and it felt epic.
The moment Parker’s feet hit the ground, he felt himself instinctually look around and crouch low. Silently, he stepped across the planks of wood that constructed the floor and walked toward the power strip that was only a few feet away. The whole thing was four times Parker’s size, but he navigated through the wires with ease.
His hands worked quickly to check the buttons and reset panels, and the teen could find nothing wrong with any of it.
Perhaps something is up with the electrical cover in the wall? Parker wondered silently. He jumped over the stiff cord that led to the wall and approached the trim on the wall which had small notches in it, so he didn’t need to snag a ladder.
As he approached, Parker noticed something by the very base of the electrical cover that made his hair stand on end.
It was a drill bit.
Flat head.
It was a tad bit rusty, and Parker didn’t recognize it from his mom’s kit that she used to help construct his space. He approached and picked it up, realizing it wasn’t as heavy as he thought it would be. In his hands, it was about twice the size of the drill that his mom used, and he realized he could probably carry it around easy enough; but where did it come from?
I don’t think this is mom’s drill bit. How’d it get here?
Parker glanced up at the electrical cover and felt his heart skip a beat as he noticed the screw for the wall socket was protruding from the wall ever so slightly.
His entire body was shaking now, but he wasn’t sure why.
Had his mom messed with the electrical cover with some old tools that she forgot about?
It didn’t seem like her.
Parker stepped up on the trim, balancing precariously and using the cord to stabilize himself, as he pushed on the very bottom of the electrical cover.
With almost no effort, the piece wiggled free and the screw clattered to the ground. The end looked a lot shorter than the others. He knew because he helped his mom replace the covers a few weeks ago.
The young teen took a few deep breaths to calm himself before he dared to peek inside. Engulfing darkness belonging to the wall consumed his vision. There was something exciting and enticing about the darkness in front of him.
It felt, in a word, familiar.
But why?
Parker felt his head beginning to throb as his mind stirred some fragmented memory, but it was hazy and distant.
What really set the teen on edge, however, was when he dared to push himself up onto the ledge to peer better into the wall and noticed something else that made his insides fill with nervous energy.
There was something that looked like a pencil mark. Two lines with a triangle on top followed by a little check mark on the inside. To Parker, it looked like a kid’s drawing of a house with a check mark inside of it.
Was this something his mom did?
Or was this some kind of construction mark?
What was this?
What did it mean?
The teen stared at the marks and then back to the darkness of the wall. Just like the shadows of the room when he stepped out of his house, the looming abyss of those narrow spaces between the walls didn’t seem very dark. It almost seemed inviting.
There was something about that confined space between the drywall and the studs and exterior boards that made Parker feel like he was back in his space. It was familiar.
But why?
Parker hadn’t realized that he had been learning forward to the point where he was barely hanging onto the edge of the electrical cover and leaning into the walls. It took the sound of his foot skidding against the wood and nearly tumbling headfirst into the space in front of him.
Startled and shaken, Parker pulled himself back out of the entryway into the walls, forced the electrical cover back onto its perch, and hurried back to his room. He was in such a tizzy, the young teen didn’t even realize he had gone straight to the secured line he left and climbed up it in record time, ignoring the staircase mere feet away.
His little feet barely made noise as he scurried back to his room, securing the door and slipping under his covers without so much as a squeak.
Parker’s mind was racing. What was that he just saw? And what was that weird draw he had toward the walls?
Hopefully, his mom would have the answers.
First thing in the morning, he would ask her. She would make everything better, right?
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that-one-anime-writer · 6 months
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cat-egg-gt · 7 months
Too many ‘normal’ people in g/t stories I think.
Give me a germaphobe human that loses their mind finding out a borrower has committed the ultimate sin (walked on their counter)
Give me deaf borrower who thinks their being quiet while borrowing, and the human just plays along, pretending they don’t hear all the noise they’re making
Give me autistic giant who holds a human captive simply so they have someone to infodump to
Give me human with visual and auditory hallucinations that just thinks the little guy they’ve seen running around their house is a hallucination
This isn’t even mostly about representation, I just think applying these to the g/t dynamic makes an even more interesting dynamic
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justme315 · 21 days
G/t thought
Yeah, yeah, I love all the fluff and all the borrower/human and human/giant friendly stories and all the disappearing fear and friendship building, but… sometimes I need some angst. Some trauma. Some realistic fear. A borrower who has witnessed a human hurting/killing another borrower will not trust the human easily. Maybe the human/giant does something out of order when their angry. Or maybe they're just evil and don't care how they make the tiny feel. Hell, maybe they even like it when they're scared.
I live for some good angst.
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tinylittlepolly · 2 months
g/t thought of the day
imagine you're a tiny (let's say around the 10cm/4in tall)
you have a regular sized friend that you live with, you try your best to help out around the house despite your size not allowing you to do much.
much of your role is being there for emotional support, you tend to sit down next to your friend whenever they're having a rough day to talk to them and cheer them up a bit.
one day you notice they seem to be really down, getting back home from work only to go directly to bed.
you, worried about them, decide to go after them and climb up the bed to have a talk with them like you always do, but just as you're about to ask what's wrong...
they grab you.
they hold you by their fingertips and pull you closer, putting you on their chest and telling you they could really use a hug.
as you lay on their very soft chest, covered by their equally soft hands... you can feel their heartbeat pounding like crazy, with them clearly not having a good time. you assure them everything's going to be alright, after which they seem to calm down a bit and their heartbeat steadies.
you ask if they want you to stay there a little longer, to which they happily agree while giving you a soft smile.
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krackenwl · 2 months
Turning Giant Panic
So we all know the scenes where a character turns into a giant and the freaks out. Usaully theres a part where the turing giant reachs out for help only to retrack because they realize how much bigger their hand/they are now. Usually when a person panics they arent thinking straight. Give me a person who is turning giant who is panic so badly they even tho they are so much bigger now the still reach out for someone anyone to help them.
Imagne them grabbing their friend/loved one even tho there so small now and BEGGING them to do something anything to make it stop or to explain whats happening to them. The helplessness of both the turning giant not knowing what to do and not realizing how badly they are freaking everyone else out and the friend/loved one who cant do anything about what is happening to their now giant friend and is now freaking out to
Oh the Angst
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94444 · 2 months
Wild conspiracy theory
50% of the GT community is run by actual tiny people to find out which humans you can trust for knowledge of their existence, as well as creating a backup plan for themselves in case they get revealed.
It's probably a good writing/RP prompt too idk
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reborrowing · 2 months
fairies that are disappointingly human sized, until they steal you back to their home realm, where everything is scaled several times larger than on earth and is ruled by titans.
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Okay you know that classic: person went to bed and while they were asleep they became a giant and they thought the whole thing was a dream but it keeps happening every night and their are news reports about it?
Imagine that this happens to our main character. When they go to sleep, a giant version of themself spawns in near a city. They think it’s just a dream, but they aren’t the type to just wreck things. So they just walk around the city, carefully stepping around cars and stuff. They see people running away and they think that it makes sense, they are a giant. Although they kinda wish they could interact with someone without diving for them or aggressively grabbing them. They eventually notice someone frozen in fear and they think the dream has answered their call. They lower themselves down and gently scoop the terrified person up. Remarking how cute the person is and that they aren’t going to harm them. They give ‘em a gentle kiss or gently rub the person’s head before putting them down.
They then wake up and think about how the dream was nice. Despite everyone running away, they still got to hold someone. They go on about their morning routine, until they see the news about a giant roaming a city. Spitting out their coffee they watch the clips of themself walking around the city. The news doesn’t know if the giant is friendly or not but says that law enforcement is ready if the giant returns. Our giant has no clue what to think or do in that moment and just awkwardly goes to work, where everyone is obviously chatting about it. Especially about the interaction between the giant and the one person who got snatched by them, but was let go. Our giant joins in and says that maybe the giant is friendly and just wants friends or something. To which most say maybe or perhaps that’s just how the giant plans to trick them.
Later on they go to get lunch or something, and they are so happy that their giant form looks different from them, even just slightly, as no one has put two and two together. While at lunch someone walks in with a crowd of people asking them questions, they look embarrassed and our giant realizes that this person was the person they picked up last night and that they are being hounded for questions. Luckily the store owner kicks out everyone bugging the person because they are too loud and he doesn’t like the news people for whatever reason. They thank the owner and sit down nearby our giant who is feeling very embarrassed right now. They ask what’s bothering the person and they just sigh and explain that ever since they froze last night and got scooped by a giant, people haven’t stopped bugging them about it. People wanting to know their thoughts, what it felt like, how’s they feel, and so many more questions. The giant just nods and says that they did get a unique experience and the giant probably did too, before chuckling. The person smiles and starts asking the giant questions. Eventually a bond is made before they have to leave to get back to work.
That night the giant wonders if they’ll become a giant again and what the law enforcements will do to them. They told themself before falling asleep to be careful again, just in case and to be a gentle giant.
Who knows what happens next. Perhaps they keep becoming a giant every night and interact with people who slowly want to meet with them. Maybe the person they first picked up comes back and they bond even more, to the point they share their secret with them. Maybe every night they are put near a new place to explore. There are endless possibilities for it and I find that super cool tbh. To be a giant while asleep and a person while awake, and no one can stop or capture you cause you “de-spawn” when you wake up. It’s perfect…until they find out your secret that is.
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puddingforg · 9 months
I drew one of @entomolog-t g/t ideas!!
I rlly liked the idea they had and HAD to draw it, if you wanna go read the original post I’ll paste it at the bottom of this post ( you should def go read it for context btw ), also in the og post the monster was a werewolf but istg i couldn’t draw one so I made de monster some kind of imp, but yk what he came out looking real good so idc
Anyways the drawing in question
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Btw I RLLY liked this characters and their dynamic so I would love to post more abt them, would you guys be more interested in seeing more of them?? Also, here are the designs for the characters, I rlly liked them and feel like the exaggerated expressions don’t bring justice to them so
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littlest-world · 4 months
so drunk giants are scary cause they're unpredictable and drunk tinies are cute cause they're not self aware, but whare's my drunk sizeshifters?
one moment you're picked up by your gigantic friend whose excited to see you, the next you're comforting the sobbing tiny that it's okay they didn't scare/hurt you, the next they are hugging you tightly and then shrink again because they don't deserve a friend like you and you shouldn't have to deal with them.
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G/t Story Starters ❤️
1. “OW- You know us tinies are very fragile!”
2. “Wait- you want me to call you little one?”
3. “Eat you?!! Are you kidding me? God I hate those giant stereotypes…”
4. “WHEEEEE- Catch me!!!!”
5. “I’m sorry- I didn’t see you there little guy.”
7. “When I said pick me up from work- THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT-“
8. “I pray you have car insurance because uh… I might’ve sorta stepped on your car…. Heh…”
9. “Why are you dressed as a chess piece- I told you- human chess is dangerous!”
10. “No don’t cut me a smaller slice! I want the same portion you have!”
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tinylittlepolly · 1 month
g/t thought of the day
recently i've just been. obsessed with this so here goes!!
imagine you're a tiny (10cm/4in).
you have been living with a giant for a long time now, you're very comfortable with eachother. you don't need to ask for basic things like being picked up and put on higher places, and they don't really need to ask for stuff like if it's ok to do so.
you often hang out together, chill together, sleep together, etc.
you spend most of the time on the giant, whether it be riding them around the house, sleeping in their pockets, or just sitting on their hand while talking to them.
they often let you sleep in their pockets, but you most commonly sleep in their hands, in their hair, or (your favorite spot bc of how soft it is), their chest.
you like sleeping there. it's nice and soft, it's always really warm, you have a good view of the giant's face so you can check up on them whenever, and you can hear their heartbeat and breathing. it's a good spot to be in whenever you're worried they're not doing too well.
usually whenever you go to lay down on their chest, you can feel their breathing even out, as well as their heartbeat slowing down a bit. they seem to feel very at ease with you by their side.
one day however, this changes. you climb up from the side to go and lay down in your favorite position as always, interrupting the giant who was about to ask something of you.
you tell the giant to go on, laying on their chest while looking up at them.
suddenly... for the first time in a while, it seems like their heartbeat starts increasing.
you wonder what could've brought about this sudden change, but as you at your big friend's face to see what it might be...
you see their entire face has turned a bright red, while they're sheepishly trying to cover their face with both their hands.
they suddenly seem reaaally embarrassed that you're laying on top of them, despite the fact that you've been doing so for years at this point.
they slowly speak up, lips trembling. "i... think i might... like you..."
"like... like you..."
you respond with nothing but a smile of agreement as they move their hands from their face towards you, pressing you against their chest in a warm and soft hug.
you'll probably be there for a long time, but you don't mind. you like being here. it's your favorite spot, after all. and it seems like it'll stay that way for a long time.
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krackenwl · 7 months
Autisitc Giants and Tinies!!!!!!
As and Autsitic person i think the concept of tinies and giants that are autistic is neat!
Autistic Tinys:
Who have hyper sentive hearing so the giant has to be extra quiet to not overstimulate them or hypo sentive hearing tinys who where the giants voice doesnt bother them unlike other people and even likes the vibrations they feel when the giant talks
Who hang out on their giant friends shoulder so they can infodump to them in their ear
Who stim but playing with the giants hair or even in/with the giants hands/fingers
That are non-speaking who have a giant translator (litterally) or even use a AAC device that set to be loud enough for the giant to hear
That when having a meltdown the giants makes sure they're safe and not hurting themselves (while also giving them space)
That will uses the giants hands as a pressure blanket or even to cover them so they can sit the dark
Tinys who have a better time reading their giant friends then others because they can see their giant friends facial experssions better because of how big they are
Who have trouble with controling their volume but the giant doesnt mind cause it just means they can hear them better
Autistic Giants:
That have hypersentive hearing that can pick up the tinys voice more then others and even hear the borrorws in the walls that no one else can
That talk naturally quiets so doesnt have to mask their voice with their tiny friend or has a harder time controling their voice volume and accicently keeps getting to loud and feeling bad about it
That will GENTLE (and with consent) stim with their tiny friends as a figit
Who infodumps to the tiny while holding them
That is non-speaking who now has a tiny translator and if has a AAC device puts it really quietly for the tiny
Who has shut downs and the tiny finds their safe food for them
Who has meltdowns and the tiny tries to help with alot a space between them and struggles how but does their best
Who has a harder time reading social cues cus their tinys friends face is so small
Who has hyper empathy so realizes the tinys feelings quicker then the tiny expacted
Autistic Sizeshifter:
Who turn small during shutdowns but grow during meltdowns
That grow or shrink as a stim or to do surtain stims
That will grow while infodumping by accident because they're so happy or shrink to play with figures of there special interest
if anyone thinks of more id loved to hear them but this is all i can think of right now (and i kept out some of the angst ideas)
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94444 · 23 days
Me when I'm a borrower and I develop a parasocial relationship with the human in the house (I am starving for any form of social interaction)
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reborrowing · 30 days
a borrower who has realized there’s something off about the human they share the place with, but can avoid All That by staying out of the basement/study/some specific room…until a victim of one of said human’s mad science shrinking experiments escapes that room
the victim is being actively searched for so now the whole building is excessively dangerous to the borrower, even the usual nooks and crannies that usually go ignored. the borrower is a bitter human-hater type that hopes the whole thing might blow over if the borrower gets the victim caught, but also knows any sign of their own interference could lead to them becoming a lab rat too, so maybe it’s best to align themself with this strange little thing that claims to be human
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