#musing&.{never wear your broken crown}
mcltiples · 30 days
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Send ❤🎶 for a mini playlist for our muses~ || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; ❤🎶 [[ Vampire Rick & Mercenary Rick ]]
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Angel Eyes - New Years Day
Baby, reach inside my chest / You can have whatever's left / 'Cause, baby, I'm possessed / Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes / If you let me inside, I won't hold back this time / Such a deep disguise, the devil's right inside / More than paralyzed, oh, it's the chase you like
You're Insane - Escape The Fate
We started broken-hearted / Falling apart at the seams / Don't blame me for your problems / You should fix yourself before you're gonna fix me
Save Yourself - My Darkest Days
I'm the devil's son, straight of Hell / And you're an angel with a haunted heart / If you're smart, you'd run and protect yourself / From the demon living in the dark / There's nothing to be gained, 'cause I can never change / And you can never understand my sickness
Death Valley - Fall Out Boy
I wanna see your animal side / Let it all out / Oh there you go, undress to impress / You can wear the crown, but you're no princess / So put the "D" in dirt now, baby, baby / Let's get you wasted and alone
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hunting-songs · 4 months
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bold  the aesthetic  for your  muse italicize what can be taken 2 ways or applies only partially.
“ you rise, I fall, I stand, you crawl, you twist, I turn. ” / “ just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl. ” / pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away. / “ you’ll get it done before the day is up. ” / guilt that isn’t yours to have. / it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town. / chains. / a face in the mirror that you don’t recognize. / “ how could you do this to me? ” / the sharp sting of guilt. / you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite. / the family you never had. / falling backwards through time. / quicksand. / drowning, but you don’t save yourself. / “ you’re getting better. ” / “ they smile like a snake.” / you’re the stars and the sky. / there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. / they are your wings, there’s no doubt there./ “ let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly. ” / you edge a bit too close to the sun. / another ghost to take your place after every stumble. / deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun. / rock candy melting in water. / waves rise and leave the foam behind./ the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually. / happiness is the best front a man can make. / discomfort at the tiniest of touches. / the sky opens up when you see them. / rain comes down. / poppy fields. / your sanity hanging by a thread. / “ oh god, what have you done? ” /
your mother had the most beautiful gardens, but you can’t grow anything worth a damn. / the similarities between deep space and deep water. / they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. / you tried to help, but it only got worse. / now they’re dead, it’s all your fault. / adam & eve in the garden. / a temptress in crisp button-downs. / “ fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you? ” / they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself./ the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre. / you smell like the mountains in the winter. / crisp red apples piled up on the table. / your shoes are sharp, but your wit is even sharper./ a soft, hollow spot sits in your chest. / there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. / the seat of power fits like a glove. / heavy is the head that wears the crown./ you share a space, but not a mind. / they think you are weak; you are, maybe. / “ what are you going to do with all of these pills? ” / an empty bird’s nest. / broken pencil tips. / there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill. / “ we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that. ” / “ they weren’t there when it happened. ” / quick to anger. / corruption. / there’s a red string tying you together. / the scent of whiskey on the horizon. / “ you’re the best friend i’ve ever had. ” / pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. / “ jump. I dare you. ”/ 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. / you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. / always walking on sunshine. / marble under the sun. / “ I was hoping that you’d understand. ” /there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered./ loon is the word of the day. / hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. / you drift, but you know where you’re going. / no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless. / the empty side of your bed they crawled into when they were nine. / court hearings. / “ I miss you. ”/ siblings are a funny thing. / they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece. / a lone wolf separated from its pack. / god-blood. /
“ they say your name is death. ”/all-consuming passion. / think about the things you did. / feed off the daylight. / no signs of life. / “ what are you waiting for? ” / a diaphanous sea of rose petals. / pure wilderness. / if you’re hungry enough, anyone can stop caring about something long enough to eat it. / spine like a ladder, and his weary feet can’t find purchase. /the burn was so slow no one ever saw it coming. / learn through teaching. / there were things; your own acts from which you could not recover. / how the other half dies. / “ have you ever thought about why trees bleed? ” /  your mother crashed against the rocks to give you the world. /  you are not safe. you are alone. no one is coming for you. / “ go down with me, fall with me. ” / i am awake in the place where women die. /thunder rolling on the hills. / black on black on black on black on bl — / the long game. / restless hands. / ivy infiltrating an empty, corroded church. / you will do anything to spare them. / a cemetery by the moon, unblessed. / every sparrow god forgot. / even when you walked one would think you waltzed. / the worst monsters wear the faces of men. / “ madmen know nothing, but you should have seen me. ”/ “ my blood ran cold. ” / power corrupts. / wood grain and nail tracks. / no scales are strong enough to judge you.
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a11sunday · 18 days
bold what applies - italicize what sometimes applies - strike what never applies
THE FAIRY. chipped nail polish. glitter highlight. tall trees with smooth bark. tangled hair. the taste of cinnamon sugar. talking too loud and too fast. overgrown flowers in your hair. crumbling buildings reclaimed by nature. flirting. walking home at 3am with no coat. platonic hand-holding. blowing smoke out of your nose. dragonfly wings. chaotic good. freckles. fairy rings. secret meetings. gender nonconformity. leather. smudged eyeliner. forbidden fruit.
THE REAPER. computer errors. a shiver down your spine. haunting beauty. hard liquor. crowns of thorns. shadowed alleyways. decaying plant matter. shattered mirrors and broken glass. corrupted memories. stopped clocks. the scent of stale cigarettes. tattered black hoodies. walking your friends home. the crescent moon. the sea. a graveyard on a foggy day. cold rings on cold fingers. absolution. looking out the window of an airplane. soft kisses.
THE WITCH. graffiti. pretending to know what you're doing. worn paperback books. growing up too fast. parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. lace and combat boots. moth wings. candles on every surface. a weathered deck of cards. turning the music up. fireflies in jars. calloused fingers. drawing on your skin. sunlight filtering through the clouds. petrichor. a dying rose in a jar. wearing a crystal pendant. illusions and spells. black cats. mint gum. chapped lips. dirt under your fingernails. the cycle of life and death.
THE WOLF. murders of crows. frost-bitten leaves. wolves howling at midnight. knocking on your door. leaving food out for stray animals. the twang of an acoustic guitar. honey. tiny red buds on trees. claw marks on the walls. golden eyes. slightly too long stubble. sharp canines. soft, thick fur. hunger. a small cottage in the middle of the woods. knitted fingerless gloves. sleeping on the forest floor. always finding your way back home.
tagged by : @danversiism !! tagging: @sirensofthefiveseas , @seaoftheworst , @raisedcold -- your choice in muse < 33
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ssstardust3001 · 5 months
tagged by: stole it tagging: steal it if you'd like :)
Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens (mostly in regards to his relationship with Isaac) = Oh, to see without my eyes. The first time that you kissed me/ Boundless by the time I cried /I built your walls around me/White noise, what an awful sound/ Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me The first time that you touched me /Oh, will wonders ever cease?/Blessed be the mystery of love/Lord, I no longer believe/Cursed by the love that I received/ Now my riverbed has dried. Shall I find no other?/ Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me. I'm running like a plover. /Now I'm prone to misery./ The birthmark on your shoulder reminds me./ How much sorrow can I take? Blackbird on my shoulder/And what difference does it make when this love is over?/ Hold your hands upon my head 'til I breathe my last breath/ Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me, the last time that you touched me.
The Logical Song - Supertramp = When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful/A miracle, oh, it was beautiful, magical/But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical, oh, responsible, practical. /Then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable. Oh, clinical, oh, intellectual, cynical/ There are times when all the world's asleep the questions run too deep for such a simple man/ Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned?/I know it sounds absurd/Please tell me who I am/I said, now, watch what you say, they'll be calling you a radical, a liberal, oh, fanatical, criminal./ Oh, won't you sign up your name? We'd like to feel you're acceptable, respectable, oh, presentable, a vegetable.
Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical = Alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune/ For merely dreaming we were snow/A siren sounds like the goddess who promises endless apologies of paradise, and only she can make it right so things are different tonight./ We'll go together in flight. /It's now and never, a reverie endeavor awaits somnambulant directives to take the helm./Believe me, darling the stars were made for falling like melting obelisks as tall as another realm./Un ensemble d'enfants, la galaxie s'étend jardin de l'imagination./ Combler la lacune, voler face à la Lune vois comme nous évoluons./ It feels like flying, dut maybe we're dying./ A cosmic confluence of pyramids hologrammed./ Children born of one emotion our devotion's deepest ocean no division reasoned we'll be free./ To know we are beyond a bow, and lo, the hues arrange to show it's perfectly clear. / Pure delights surround us as we sail. / Now that existence is on the wake let's see what we can make. /We will be atoning at last eternal through the past above a blinding star. / One light higher than the sun, invisible to some. Until it's time.
Father - The Front Bottoms = I have this dream that I am hitting my dad with a baseball bat, and he is screaming and crying for help./ And maybe halfway through, it has more to do with me killing him then it ever did protecting myself. /And I believe that, yeah, Dad, maybe no one is perfect, but I believe that you were pushing your luck/ It just sucks it played out like this, a terrible movie and you can tell none of the actors even give a fuck. /Can I sleep in your bed?/ And when I crawl out in the morning can I stay inside your head?/ 'Cause you were high school, and I was just more like real life./ But I was just more like his wife/ I'll do the push-ups, I'll wear the makeup/I'll do whatever he wants all night. /And I am leaving as soon as I come/As soon as I come, you will probably forget my name/I hope I fall asleep at the wheel and crash my car on the ride home. Or I could just stay here.
Broken Crown - Mumford and Sons = Well, touch my mouth and hold my tongue/ I'll never be your chosen one/ The pull on my flesh was just too strong, stifled the choice and the air in my lungs. /Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie. /'Cause when I open my body I breathe in a lie./And I will not speak of your sins/ The mirror shows not/Your values are all shot/But oh, my heart was flawed/ I knew my weakness/ So hold my hand, consign me not to darkness./So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down/I'll never wear your broken crown/ I took the road and I fucked it all away/Now in this twilight, how dare you speak of grace?/I can take the road and I can fuck it all away, but in this twilight, our choices seal our fate.
Magnum Bullets - Night Runner = A dark and moonless night has never felt so right. /An empty mirror only shows what's left inside/ The neon beckons me beyond its ghostly light/ No longer I pretend the staircase I descend will lead me anywhere but my unscripted end./My heart and hands collide/The gun lays at my side/Too late to turn back, only fate's left to decide/ Back up the stairs again, I am a different man. /A broken mirror only shows as best it can/Running in shoes that shine with blood that isn't mine./A stinging trophy of the battles I've survived/No longer I defend the choices I pretend could make amends that heal the loss of precious time/My conscience paralyzed against the rising tide of haunting memories that drown a wasted life.
Let the River In - Radical Face = I closed my eyes and saw my father's sins/They covered me like a second skin/I peeled them off and sure I bled a bit/And now I'm free to sink my own damn ship/I cut the branch down from my family tree to start a fire in the middle of the living room/Now the house is just ash this time, sink or swim/Let the river in if blood is thicker than water/We might drift away, but we've got thick skin.
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sugaryapplepie · 6 months
🦉Twin Chrysanthemums🦉
Pairing: Huntsman & Xingshen Tags: Non-romantic, angst, grief, drabble, comfort, S3
The night was quiet aboard the airship. Huntsman hadn't been able to sleep, not with the manic grins of skeletons and the screams of his queen filling his head. Everything had happened so fast...too fast. He needed a break. The spider demon made his way to the large deck of the ship, and there he'd see her. A familiar tall figure wearing white, her long black curls hidden in a cloak. How could he forget? She must be hurting too. Before he could turn and leave, he heard her rich voice speak to him: "Do not go. Stay with me."
It was such a simple request, how could he say no? Huntsman made his way over to her by the railing, looking up at Xingshen's face. Ever since the queen's death, Xingshen had lost the iron authoritative aura that kept those around her grounded. Now she looked hallow, as if stars soul had been carved from stars body. Her golden eyes looked heavenward. The night was clear, allowing the masterpiece of the cosmos to act as their ceiling. Yet she saw not its beauty.
"You could not sleep." Huntsman startled a bit when she spoke. "No, my princess. I-" "You do not need to explain. You miss her just as much as I. Not to mention your friends."
The screams of the dead filled the void between them. Huntsman shuddered. No- don't think about it. Don't think about how if you'd been there, if you'd been faster, if you'd only-
Suddenly, something was draped over his shoulders. Xingshen's cloak. "We are high up, you must keep warm." It was such a simple gesture, but it hurt something in Huntsman. He didn't pretend to be a man of 'sappy' emotions. He enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, anger at Syntax trying to show him up in front of the queen and princess, the glow of accomplishment and satisfaction when his queen gave him that delighted smile. He wasn't used to loss. It was all-consuming, soul-shattering, it ripped the ground from under him and left him falling back into a dark chasm he couldn't escape. But...he wasn't alone. Someone was falling with him, and though they didn't know where they'd land star was willing to offer even the slightest bit of comfort.
This realization made him feel he had to speak. "My princess..." He faltered. What could he say? He had lost a queen, but she had lost a wife.
"I think about that, you know," Xingshen said, still looking at the sky. "By rights of inheritance, now with Zhizhu...gone... I inherit her queendom. Her titles. What a cruel joke the gods have played on me. I wonder, is this to be my fate? Queen of two dead queendoms? My vassals shall be naught but corpses, and the slaughtered are the only ones left to sing my "praise". What a heavy crown to wear."
Oh boy he was really out of his depth here. Xingshen had barely opened up about anything, and it made her sudden bout of sharing that much more jarring. Just how much did Huntsman not know about the monarchs he pledged his fealty and life to? What was Xingshen like before she met the queen? He'd never known. They were as parents are to a babe, they simply always Had Been. The Queen and the Princess, those whose approval he would seek above all others. But they'd been more than that. It made the loss of the queen so much worse. Could he have learned more about her? The Spider Queen had once had a mighty empire, but that was about all Huntsman knew. His musings were broken by Xingshen speaking once more. "Forgive me, I should not be ruminating in such a bleak manner. There is still battle to be done. She may yet be saved, may yet be avenged." But her empty eyes said star held no hope. Even if the Bone Demoness was slain, that would only leave the two of them.
There was only one thing Huntsman could think to do. He reached out a hand, gently grabbing hers. Xingshen's expression morphed to one of shock as she looked down, but soon it became one of understanding. Slowly, she pulled Huntsman into a hug. Huntsman tensed, his first instinct being to shove back, but he made himself relax.
The ocean. Xingshen always smelled like the seaside...
He felt tears pricking his four eyes, and before he knew it his princess was knelt in front of him, letting him bury his face in her chest. Star sushed him, holding him close and wrapping her cloak tighter around him, whispering reassurances that star would not leave so long as star could help it. Promises that they would make it through. Star swore it.
After he was too tired to cry more, Huntsman just sat there, clinging to Xingshen. He felt like an idiot, bawling like a spiderling, but his ravaged heart didn't care. While in those maternal arms, he felt a resolve forming. The Queen was gone, they might not be able to get her back, but there was still Xingshen. There was still his princess. He could still protect her, even if he died in the attempt. He'd continue his duty and deal with the confusion- the grief- once she was safe.
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prvtocol · 9 months
@badtrigger :🎄 My muse introduces your muse to one of their holiday traditions // any for bri, any verse | Sharing the Holiday Season Prompts ᠂ ⚘ ˚
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“Just pull the other side, same time as me,” Brianne explains to her skeptical companion, a hopeful smile in tow. One hand grasps the wrapper of the festively decorated paper tube, while the other coaxes Santiago’s larger hand to the other end.
For December’s cash pick-up, the courier threw a few Christmas crackers in her bag, thinking it seasonally jolly to distribute to some of her Rook colleagues, and of course, to share a few with him. They will not be spending Christmas together, or any such holiday for that matter. A noted deficiency to any long-distance relationship, but especially to one that must remain hidden in his little shack on the southside beach of this islet. A place he somehow grew to not mind sharing with her on visits that never seem to last long enough. It doesn’t mean she’s going to neglect the holidays altogether, however.
At the pull (activating the tiny amount of gunpowder inside), the cracker gains its name. The "pop" makes Brianne's shoulders flinch with a grin. Meanwhile, Santiago’s heavy brow flexes further. After all, shots fired is an all too common sound for a seasoned pirate like himself. 
“Oh, looks like you won.” More of the broken tube is in his hand and inside it, a junk plastic ring and wooden spinning top, a piece of paper with a terrible joke they must read out loud, and a little paper red crown — which, of course, she will make him wear at least for a brief minute. It’s tradition.
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kcrclrezni · 1 year
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Oh Sailor - Mr Little Jeans And if you're tired of them, telling you what to do / I hope you know that you could sail right on / I hope you know you got the ocean blue
Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down / I'll never wear your broken crown / I can take the road and I can fuck it all away / But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate
Promiseland - Mika I was born in that summer when the sun didn't shine / I was given the name that doesn't feel like it's mine / Lived my life as the good boy I was told I should be / Prayed every night to a religion that was chosen for me
Dear Fellow Traveler - Sea Wolf And I returned to my beautiful city / Black skies change into blue / And though my love is so wise and so pretty / Some nights I'll still dream of you
Go the Distance - Disney's Hercules I have often dreamed of a far off place / Where a hero's welcome would be waiting for me / Where the crowds would cheer, when they see my face / And a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be
Eyes Open - Taylor Swift So here you are / Two steps ahead and stayin' on guard / Every lesson forms a new scar / They never thought you'd make it this far
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“I hope you weren’t looking to me to be the voice of reason. I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret.”
“Anything worth doing always starts as a bad idea.”
“When people say impossible, they usually mean improbable."
"I like to have powerful enemies. Makes me feel important.”
“Because I am greedy for the sight of you. Because the prospect of facing this war, this loss, without you fills me with fear. Because I find I don’t want to fight for a future if I can’t find a way to make a future with you.”
“Nikolai had been told that hope was dangerous, had been warned of it many times. But he’d never believed that. Hope was the wind that came from nowhere to fill your sails and carry you home.”
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tagged by: @crowshoots tagging: @w4ntd / @proditeur / @wornkindness / @heartrends / @criticalfai1ure / @korolevnas / @melnchly / @artisanals / and you!
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MUSE AESTHETICS Bold for constants, italics for situational things
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Muse: Kariom
“just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl.” / pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away. / “you’ll get it done before the day is up.” / guilt that isn’t yours to have. / it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town. / chains. / a face in the mirror that you don’t recognize. / “how could you do this to me?” / the sharp sting of guilt. / you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite. / the family you never had. / falling backwards through time. / quicksand. / drowning, but you don’t save yourself. / “you’re getting better.” / “they smile like a snake.” / you’re the stars and the sky. / there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. / they are your wings, there’s no doubt there. / “let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly.” / you edge a bit too close to the sun. / another ghost to take your place after every stumble. / deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun. / rock candy melting in water. / waves rise and leave the foam behind. / the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually. / happiness is the best front a man can make. / discomfort at the tiniest of touches. / the sky opens up when you see them. / rain comes down. / poppy fields. / your sanity hanging by a thread. / “oh god, what have you done?” / your mother had the most beautiful gardens, but you can’t grow anything worth a damn. / the similarities between deep space and deep water. / they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. / you tried to help, but it only got worse. / now they’re dead, it’s all your fault. / adam & eve in the garden. / a temptress in crisp button-downs. / “fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you?” / they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself. / the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre. / you smell like the mountains in the winter. / crisp red apples piled up on the table. / your shoes are sharp, but your wit is even sharper. / a soft, hollow spot sits in your chest. /
there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. / the seat of power fits like a glove. / heavy is the head that wears the crown. / you share a space, but not a mind. / they think you are weak; you are, maybe. / “what are you going to do with all of these pills? ” / an empty bird’s nest. / broken pencil tips. / there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill. / “we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that.” / “they weren’t there when it happened.” / quick to anger. / corruption. / there’s a red string tying you together. / the scent of whiskey on the horizon. /“you’re the best friend i’ve ever had.” / pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. / “jump. i dare you.” / 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. / you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. / always walking on sunshine. / marble under the sun. / “i was hoping that you’d understand.” / there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered. / loon is the word of the day. / hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. / you drift, but you know where you’re going. / no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless. / the empty side of your bed they crawled into when they were nine. / court hearings. / “i miss you.” / siblings are a funny thing. / they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece. / a lone wolf separated from its pack. / god-blood. /“they say your name is death.” / all-consuming passion. / think about the things you did. / feed off the daylight. / no signs of life. / “what are you waiting for?” / a diaphanous sea of rose petals. / pure wilderness. / if you’re hungry enough, anyone can stop caring about something long enough to eat it. / spine like a ladder, and his weary feet can’t find purchase. /the burn was so slow no one ever saw it coming./ learn through teaching. / there were things; your own acts from which you could not recover. / how the other half dies. / “have you ever thought about why trees bleed?” /  your mother crashed against the rocks to give you the world. / you are not safe. you are alone. no one is coming for you./ “go down with me, fall with me.” / i am awake in the place where women die. / thunder rolling on the hills. / black on black on black on black on bl — / the long game. / restless hands. / ivy infiltrating an empty, corroded church./ you will do anything to spare them. / a cemetery by the moon, unblessed. / every sparrow god forgot. / even when you walked one would think you waltzed. / the worst monsters wear the faces of men. / “madmen know nothing, but you should have seen me.” / “my blood ran cold.” / power corrupts. / wood grain and nail tracks. / no scales are strong enough to judge you.
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bold the mood / quote aesthetics for your muse. italicize what can be taken 2 ways.
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caught in a tangled web that you made for yourself. / the softest palms that never want to touch you until after a bottle of wine. / being shown kindness feels worse than pain does. / “ just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl. ” / pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away. / “ you’ll get it done before the day is up. ” / your reflection both pleases and sickens you. / guilt that isn’t yours to have. / it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town. / chains. / “ how could you do this to me? ” / the sharp sting of guilt. / you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite. / you wish more than anything that you could just make everything okay. but things have never been okay for you. / the family you never had. / falling backwards through time. / quicksand. / drowning, but you don’t save yourself. / “ you’re getting better. ” / “ they smile like a snake.” / you’re the stars and the sky. / there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. / they are your wings, there’s no doubt there. / “ let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly. ” / you edge a bit too close to the sun. / another ghost to take your place after every stumble. / morality confuses you ; you were never taught its songs. / your soul dances to the song of violence and rage. / the right thing and the wrong thing are both tantalizing options. / you take and take as everything was taken from you. your hunger will never be satisfied. / for you, love and hate has always been one in the same. / you don't think things like “ is this good or is this bad? ”. you think “ will this help me? will this save me? ”.
deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun. / rock candy melting in water. / waves rise and leave the foam behind. / the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually. / wounds heal, but the scars remain. / happiness is the best front a man can take. / what is happiness? you don't really know. / “ i’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you before. ” / you disagree; they’re more beautiful. / discomfort at the tiniest of touches. / the sky opens up when you see them. / rain comes down. / poppy fields. / your sanity hanging by a thread. / “ oh god, what have I done? ” / roommates weren’t supposed to be the smartest ones of all. / they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. / you try to help, but it only got worse. / now they’re dead, it’s all your fault. / adam & eve in the garden. / a temptress in crisp button-downs. / “ fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you? ” / they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself. / the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre. / sugar and spice and a taste for the dark side. / cruelty was the first thing you were shown; you mirror it now as naturally as breathing. / yves saint laurent black opium on your pillow, a scented cloud drifting behind you like a cape. / you want to help ; you just don't know how. / crisp green apples piled up on the table. / your shoes are sharp, but your wit is even sharper. / what a pretty one, they say. / you laugh without humor. / a soft, hollow spot sits in your chest. / there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. / the seat of power fits like a glove. / heavy is the head that wears the crown. / pain is like a familiar comfort. / you share a space, but not a mind. / they think you are weak; you are, maybe. / “ what are you going to do with all of these pills? ” / an empty bird’s nest.
broken pencil tips. / the game was rigged against you from the beginning. / you tried rigging it in your favor. / you don't know how you feel. there are too many words that could describe it for you to ever tell a soul. / there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill. / “ we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that. ” / “ they weren’t there when it happened. ” / corruption. / there’s a red string tying you together. / the scent of whiskey on the horizon. / “ you’re the best friend i’ve ever had. ” / you've lied so much, you hardly know what the truth is anymore. / who you really are is a mystery, even to yourself. / pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. / “ you should be seen and not heard. ” / you do your best to be the strongest possible voice. / 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. / you could feel alone in a crowd of hundreds. / nothing you do will ever fix the destruction you caused. / you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. / always walking on sunshine. / as much as others hate you, no one hates you more than you despise yourself. / there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered. / your skin is made of steel, because your heart is made of glass. it'll shatter completely if it breaks again. / loon is the word of the day. / hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. / you drift, but you know where you’re going. / no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless. / you've been chewed up and spit out by this world; you're glad to return the favor. / no one ever saved you. / the empty side of your bed they crawled into when they were nine. / court hearings. / “ I miss you. ” / siblings are a funny thing. / they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece. / ivy infiltrating an empty, corroded church. / marble busts faceless & crumbling ; a mirror to your waning sanity. / you will do anything to keep them. tear apart the world, mass murder: all that matters is that you’re together. / a cemetery by the moon, unblessed. / even when you walked one would think you waltzed. / madmen know nothing, but you should have seen me. / every day is a new adventure. / my blood ran cold, ice cold. / power corrupts.
tagged by: @viciousgold tagging: @mxdam, @cinderscourage, @wcrriorhearts (Tessa)
3 notes · View notes
viciousgold · 1 year
bold the mood / quote aesthetics for your muse. italicize what can be taken 2 ways.
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caught in a tangled web that you made for yourself. / the softest palms that never want to touch you until after a bottle of wine. / being shown kindness feels worse than pain does. / “ just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl. ” / pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away. / “ you’ll get it done before the day is up. ” / your reflection both pleases and sickens you. / guilt that isn’t yours to have. / it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town. / chains. / “ how could you do this to me? ” / the sharp sting of guilt. / you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite. / you wish more than anything that you could just make everything okay. but things have never been okay for you. / the family you never had. / falling backwards through time. / quicksand. / drowning, but you don’t save yourself. / “ you’re getting better. ” / “ they smile like a snake.” / you’re the stars and the sky. / there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. / they are your wings, there’s no doubt there. / “ let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly. ” / you edge a bit too close to the sun. / another ghost to take your place after every stumble. / morality confuses you ; you were never taught its songs. / your soul dances to the song of violence and rage. / the right thing and the wrong thing are both tantalizing options. / you take and take as everything was taken from you. your hunger will never be satisfied. / for you, love and hate has always been one in the same. / you don't think things like “ is this good or is this bad? ”. you think “ will this help me? will this save me? ”.
deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun. / rock candy melting in water. / waves rise and leave the foam behind. / the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually. / wounds heal, but the scars remain. / happiness is the best front a man can take. / what is happiness? you don't really know. / “ i’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you before. ” / you disagree; they’re more beautiful. / discomfort at the tiniest of touches. / the sky opens up when you see them. / rain comes down. / poppy fields. / your sanity hanging by a thread. / “ oh god, what have I done? ” / roommates weren’t supposed to be the smartest ones of all. / they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. / you try to help, but it only got worse. / now they’re dead, it’s all your fault. / adam & eve in the garden. / a temptress in crisp button-downs. / “ fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you? ” / they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself. / the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre. / sugar and spice and a taste for the dark side. / cruelty was the first thing you were shown; you mirror it now as naturally as breathing. / yves saint laurent black opium on your pillow, a scented cloud drifting behind you like a cape. / you want to help ; you just don't know how. / crisp green apples piled up on the table. / your shoes are sharp, but your wit is even sharper. / what a pretty one, they say. / you laugh without humor. / a soft, hollow spot sits in your chest. / there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. / the seat of power fits like a glove. / heavy is the head that wears the crown. / pain is like a familiar comfort. / you share a space, but not a mind. / they think you are weak; you are, maybe. / “ what are you going to do with all of these pills? ” / an empty bird’s nest.
broken pencil tips. / the game was rigged against you from the beginning. / you tried rigging it in your favor. / you don't know how you feel. there are too many words that could describe it for you to ever tell a soul. / there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill. / “ we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that. ” / “ they weren’t there when it happened. ” / corruption. / there’s a red string tying you together. / the scent of whiskey on the horizon. / “ you’re the best friend i’ve ever had. ” / you've lied so much, you hardly know what the truth is anymore. / who you really are is a mystery, even to yourself. / pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. / “ you should be seen and not heard. ” / you do your best to be the strongest possible voice. / 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. / you could feel alone in a crowd of hundreds. / nothing you do will ever fix the destruction you caused. / you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. / always walking on sunshine. / as much as others hate you, no one hates you more than you despise yourself. / there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered. / your skin is made of steel, because your heart is made of glass. it'll shatter completely if it breaks again. / loon is the word of the day. / hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. / you drift, but you know where you’re going. / no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless. / you've been chewed up and spit out by this world; you're glad to return the favor. / no one ever saved you. / the empty side of your bed they crawled into when they were nine. / court hearings. / “ I miss you. ” / siblings are a funny thing. / they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece. / ivy infiltrating an empty, corroded church. / marble busts faceless & crumbling ; a mirror to your waning sanity. / you will do anything to keep them. tear apart the world, mass murder: all that matters is that you’re together. / a cemetery by the moon, unblessed. / even when you walked one would think you waltzed. / madmen know nothing, but you should have seen me. / every day is a new adventure. / my blood ran cold, ice cold. / power corrupts.
TAGGED BY: no one, I found it on one of my old blogs TAGGING: @silvertonguc @unbeleveable @secondbetrayer @fullintenticns @aercnaut @bruisedconscience
4 notes · View notes
ultfan · 5 months
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bold the aesthetic for your muse italicize what can be taken 2 ways.
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the softest palms that never want to touch you until after a bottle of wine. /  “ just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl. ”  / pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away.  /  “ you’ll get it done before the day is up. ”  / guilt that isn’t yours to have.  /  it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town.  / chains.  /  “ how could you do this to me? ”  /  the sharp sting of guilt.  /  you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite.  / the family you never had.  /  falling backwards through time. /  quicksand. /  drowning, but you don’t save yourself.  / “ you’re getting better. ”  / “ they smile like a snake. ”  /  you’re the stars and the sky.  /  there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. / they are your wings, there’s no doubt there.  /  “ let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly. ”  /  you edge a bit too close to the sun.  /  another ghost to take your place after every stumble.  /  deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun. /  rock candy melting in water. /  waves rise and leave the foam behind. /  the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually.  / happiness is the best front a man can take. /  “ i’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you before. ” /  you disagree; they’re more beautiful. / discomfort at the tiniest of touches. / the sky opens up when you see them. /  rain comes down.  / poppy fields.  /  your sanity hanging by a thread.  / “ oh god, what have you done?”  / roommates weren’t supposed to be the smartest ones of all. / they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. / you try to help, but it only got worse. /  now they’re dead, it’s all your fault.  /  adam & eve in the garden.  / a temptress in crisp button-downs.  /  “ fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you? ”  /  they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself. /  the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre.  /  sugar and spice and a taste for the dark side.  /  yves saint laurent black opium on your pillow, a scented cloud drifting behind you like a cape.  /  crisp green apples piled up on the table. /  your shoes are sharp, but your wit is even sharper.  /  what a pretty one, they say.  /  you laugh without humour.  /  a soft, hollow spot sits in your chest. / there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. /  the seat of power fits like a glove. /  heavy is the head that wears the crown.  /  you share a space, but not a mind. /  they think you are weak; you are, maybe.  /  “ what are you going to do with all of these pills? ” /  an empty bird’s nest. /  broken pencil tips. / there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill.  /  “ we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that .”  / “ they weren’t there when it happened. ”  / corruption.  /  there’s a red string tying you together.  /  the scent of whiskey on the horizon. /  “ you’re the best friend i’ve ever had. ”  / pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. / 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. /  you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. / always walking on sunshine.  /  there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered.  / loon is the word of the day.  /  hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. /  you drift, but you know where you’re going. /  no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless.  / the empty side of your bed they crawled into when they were nine.  / court hearings. /  “ i miss you. ”  /  siblings are a funny thing. / they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece.  /  ivy infiltrating an empty, corroded church.  /  proud marble busts faceless & crumbling: a proud mirror to your waning sanity. /  you will do anything to keep them. tear apart the world, mass murder: all that matters is that you’re together.
tagged by:   N/A​ tagging: whoever!​
0 notes
tacticalvalor · 1 year
«────── « HEADCANON » ──────»
TAGGED BY: @vendettavalor TAGGING: you!! if you read this, feel free to steal this and tag me in it <3
► MAIN: Brutus - The Buttress
↳ My name is Brutus and my name means heavy, so with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy. My whole life you were a teacher and friend to me; Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy. I too have a destiny! This death will be art! The people will speak of this day from near and afar. This event will be history, and I'll be great too; I don't want what you had—I wanna be you.
► SILLY: When I Rule the World - Liz
↳ When I rule the world, then I'm gonna make you sweat, dog collar 'round your neck, on your knees and scrub the deck. Oh, there's a spot over there, so I'll drag you by the hair. So scrub it, rub it, whip it, dry it, 'till I tell you to stop. When I'm on the throne, it's a total freak zone; You can call me mommy and I'll throw a dog a bone.
► DETERMINATION: Run Boy Run - Woodkid
↳ Run, boy, run! This world is not made for you. Run, boy, run! They're trying to catch you. Run, boy, run! Running is a victory. Run, boy, run! Beauty lies behind the hills.
► BATTLE: Autotheist - Baby Bugs
↳ Dear God up in heaven: How do I fucking get in? You tried to make me scared of hell, but I'm living there. I'm living there. And if I was God, I'd kill the people who believe in me. And if I was God, I'd make everybody bow to me. And who says that I'm not God? I am God to me. And if I was God, I'd make you all believe in me.
► SAD: God Complex - Violent Vira
↳ I wanna be the true savior, the one with the terrible demise. I wanna be the Messiah, Pariah, the one who never dies […] Darling, won't you just plead, or should I begin to bleed? God, I could try to be the one. To be the one. I'll tear down the sky. What do you want?
► RELAXED: It's Ok, You're Ok - Bonjr
↳ // No lyrics to this one, but I think it fits Apollyon's character because of that. When she does have moments of peace, there isn't much to be said about them. As for the tone of the music itself, it's still got an energy to it. Like it could be thrown over a battle scene, if you catch the vibe. And that, again, I think fits her character. Even when relaxed, there's that drive.
► CONTEMPLATIVE: Blood Upon the Snow - Bear McCreary & Hozier
↳ To all things housed in her silence, Nature offers a violence. The bear that keeps to his own line. The wolf that seeks always his own kind. The world that hardens as the harsher wind holds. The parent forced to eat its young before it grows. Every bird, gone unheard, starving where the ground has froze.
► HAPPY: Schism - TOOL
↳ I know the pieces fit, 'cause I watched them fall away, mildewed and smoldering; Fundamental differing. Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers' souls in motion. Disintegrating as it goes, testing our communication.
► HARD WORK MONTAGE: Shut Eye - Stealing Sheep
↳ You should've got a better bed, better for your head, better heads need shut eye. You should've got out of the red, in the red you're better off dead; deader than the red dead sea, promise to me, promise me the sea.
► LOVE THEME: Cigarettes & Feelings - The Haunt
↳ You got me stumbling; You never give me a break. I know one day this thing will kill me. You're my favorite mistake […] I know you see me there. You're always playing this game. You've got me breathless, got me begging you to drive me insane. I always fall for the things that will hurt me.
► BREAKUP / HEARTBREAK: Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons
↳ Touch my mouth and hold my tongue. I'll never be your chosen one. I'll be home, safe and tucked away. You can't tempt me if I don't see the day […] I'll never wear your broken crown. I took the road, and I fucked it all away. Now, in this twilight, how dare you speak of grace?
► FAILURE / DEFEAT: Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain
↳ Suffer does the wolf, crawling to thee. Promising a big fire, any fire, saying I'm the one; he's gonna take me. I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I'm on fire. Suffering is nigh, drawing to me, calling me the one; I'm the white light, beautiful, finite. Even the iron still fears the rot, hiding from something I cannot stop. Walking on shadows, I can't lead him back.
↳ Driving off the tracks, but I'm back, and I've seen Hell, but this is more my style. I'm alive, I'm revived, I survived, you surprised? Gonna cry about it? You should see the other guy. I'm returned, and I've waited my turn, a decade of time to make everything mine.
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
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* MUSE CORE / SINGLETSONA AESTHETIC ;  repost, don’t reblog.
TAGGED BY:  stole from my& old blog lmao TAGGING: anyone who wants to do this!
the softest palms that never want to touch you until after a bottle of wine. ╱ “ just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl. ” ╱ pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away. ╱ “ you’ll get it done before the day is up. ” ╱ guilt that isn’t yours to have. ╱ it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town. ╱ chains. ╱ “ how could you do this to me? ”╱ the sharp sting of guilt. ╱ you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite. ╱ the family you never had. ╱ falling backwards through time.╱ quicksand. ╱ drowning, but you don’t save yourself. ╱ “ you’re getting better. ” ╱ “ they smile like a snake. ” ╱ you’re the stars and the sky. ╱ there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. ╱ they are your wings, there’s no doubt there. ╱ “ let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly. ” ╱ you edge a bit too close to the sun. ╱ another ghost to take your place after every stumble. ╱ deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun.
rock candy melting in water. ╱ waves rise and leave the foam behind. ╱ the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually. ╱ happiness is the best front a man can take. ╱ “ i’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you before. ” ╱ you disagree; they’re more beautiful. ╱ discomfort at the tiniest of touches. ╱ the sky opens up when you see them. ╱rain comes down. ╱ poppy fields. ╱ your sanity hanging by a thread. ╱ “ oh god, what have you done? ”╱ roommates weren’t supposed to be the smartest ones of all. ╱ they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. ╱ you try to help, but it only got worse. ╱ now they’re dead, it’s all your fault. ╱ adam & eve in the garden. ╱ a temptress in crisp button-downs. ╱ “ fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you? ”╱ they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself. ╱ the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre. ╱ sugar and spice and a taste for the dark side.
yves saint laurent ╱ black opium on your pillow, a scented cloud drifting behind you like a cape. ╱ crisp green apples piled up on the table. ╱ your shoes are sharp, but your wit is even sharper. ╱ what a pretty one, they say. ╱ you laugh without humor. ╱ a soft, hollow spot sits in your chest. ╱ there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. ╱ the seat of power fits like a glove. ╱ heavy is the head that wears the crown. ╱ you share a space, but not a mind. ╱ they think you are weak; you are, maybe. ╱ “ what are you going to do with all of these pills? ” ╱ an empty bird’s nest. ╱ broken pencil tips. ╱ there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill. ╱ “ we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that. ” ╱ “ they weren’t there when it happened. ”
corruption. ╱ there’s a red string tying you together. ╱ the scent of whiskey on the horizon. ╱ “ you’re the best friend i’ve ever had. ” ╱ pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. ╱ 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. ╱ you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. ╱ always walking on sunshine. ╱ there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered. ╱ hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. ╱ you drift, but you know where you’re going. ╱ no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless. ╱ the empty side of your bed they crawled into when they were nine. ╱ court hearings. ╱ “ I miss you. ” ╱ siblings are a funny thing. ╱ they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece. ╱ blackbird screaming ╱ wake in nightmares ╱ are you an illusion? ╱ i don’t feel real. ╱ who is in control?
0 notes
secondbetrayer · 1 year
bold the mood / quote aesthetics for your muse.
italicize what can be taken 2 ways.
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caught in a tangled web that you made for yourself. / the softest palms that never want to touch you until after a bottle of wine. / being shown kindness feels worse than pain does. / “ just braid your hair if you won’t brush it, at least, you useless girl. ” / pulling on your skirt with one hand as you shuffle away. / “ you’ll get it done before the day is up. ” / your reflection both pleases and sickens you. / guilt that isn’t yours to have. / it’s a crooked game, but it’s the only one in town. / chains. / “how could you do this to me?” / the sharp sting of guilt. / you feel something even though you’re paid to do the opposite. / you wish more than anything that you could just make everything okay. but things have never been okay for you. / the family you never had. / falling backwards through time. / quicksand. / drowning, but you don’t save yourself. / “ you’re getting better. ” / “ they smile like a snake.” / you’re the stars and the sky. / there’s a part of you that couldn’t stay away even if you were forced to. / they are your wings, there’s no doubt there. / “ let’s take off somewhere. let’s fly. ” / you edge a bit too close to the sun. / another ghost to take your place after every stumble. / morality confuses you ; you were never taught its songs. / your soul dances to the song of violence and rage. / the right thing and the wrong thing are both tantalizing options. / you take and take as everything was taken from you. your hunger will never be satisfied. / for you, love and hate has always been one in the same. / you don't think things like “ is this good or is this bad? ”. you think “ will this help me? will this save me? ”.
deep roots in the ground slashed open in the sun. / rock candy melting in water. / waves rise and leave the foam behind. / the precipice you call home has a tip you’ll reach eventually. / wounds heal, but the scars remain. / happiness is the best front a man can take. / what is happiness? you don't really know. / “ i’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you before. ” / you disagree; they’re more beautiful. / discomfort at the tiniest of touches. / the sky opens up when you see them. / rain comes down. / poppy fields. / your sanity hanging by a thread. / “ oh god, what have I done? ” / roommates weren’t supposed to be the smartest ones of all. / they’ve got a devil on their shoulder and an angel in their mind. / you try to help, but it only got worse. / now they’re dead, it’s all your fault. / adam & eve in the garden. / a temptress in crisp button-downs. / “ fuck, you’ve gone off the deep end, haven’t you? ” / they lie so perfectly you almost forget yourself. / the spark that lit the kindling on your funeral pyre. / sugar and spice and a taste for the dark side. / cruelty was the first thing you were shown; you mirror it now as naturally as breathing. / yves saint laurent black opium on your pillow, a scented cloud drifting behind you like a cape. / you want to help ; you just don't know how. / crisp green apples piled up on the table. / your shoes are sharp, but your wit is even sharper. / what a pretty one, they say. / you laugh without humor. / a soft, hollow spot sits in your chest. / there’s a place you’ll never leave no matter who tries to stop you. / the seat of power fits like a glove. / heavy is the head that wears the crown. / pain is like a familiar comfort. / you share a space, but not a mind. / they think you are weak; you are, maybe. / “ what are you going to do with all of these pills? ” / an empty bird’s nest.
broken pencil tips. / the game was rigged against you from the beginning. / you tried rigging it in your favor. / you don't know how you feel. there are too many words that could describe it for you to ever tell a soul. / there’s an empty paper in front of you that you’ll never fill. / “ we want you to succeed. i hope you can grasp that. ” / “ they weren’t there when it happened. ” / corruption. / there’s a red string tying you together. / the scent of whiskey on the horizon. / “ you’re the best friend i’ve ever had. ” / you've lied so much, you hardly know what the truth is anymore. / who you really are is a mystery, even to yourself. / pink tipped fingers lock in secrecy. / “ you should be seen and not heard. ” / you do your best to be the strongest possible voice. / 99 red balloons drifting through a hazy sky. / you could feel alone in a crowd of hundreds. / nothing you do will ever fix the destruction you caused. / you try to lift your head up, but it’s so much effort. / always walking on sunshine. / as much as others hate you, no one hates you more than you despise yourself. / there’s a million reasons to come down from the clouds, but you can’t be bothered. / your skin is made of steel, because your heart is made of glass. it'll shatter completely if it breaks again. / loon is the word of the day. / hair twisted up with glitter butterfly clips like a haphazard mobile. / you drift, but you know where you’re going. / no one has any dirt on you because you’re infinitely spotless. / you've been chewed up and spit out by this world; you're glad to return the favor. / no one ever saved you. / the empty side of your bed they crawled into when they were nine. / court hearings. / “ I miss you. ” / siblings are a funny thing. / they point out every family-shaped hole in every picture on the mantelpiece. / ivy infiltrating an empty, corroded church. / marble busts faceless & crumbling ; a mirror to your waning sanity. / you will do anything to keep them. tear apart the world, mass murder: all that matters is that you’re together. / a cemetery by the moon, unblessed. / even when you walked one would think you waltzed. / madmen know nothing, but you should have seen me. / every day is a new adventure. / my blood ran cold, ice cold. / power corrupts.
tagged by @viciousgold thank you <3
tagging: anyone who would like to do this! steal it and tag me!
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professorxwolf · 1 year
✪ (Kane)
✪: of our muses (rivals/enemies) Kane
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So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down I'll never wear your broken crown I can take the road and I can fuck it all away But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate
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biosurvive · 1 year
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Send in “🎶” for me to list a song I associate with my muse Alternatively, send in “🎵” for me to associate a song with your muse // @deadaim
The pull on my flesh was just too strong Stifled the choice and the air in my lungs Better not to breathe than to breathe a lie 'Cause when I open my body I breathe in a lie
And I will not speak of your sins There was a way out for him The mirror shows not Your values are all shot
But oh, my heart was flawed I knew my weakness So hold my hand Consign me not to darkness
So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down I'll never wear your broken crown I took the road and I fucked it all away Now in this twilight, how dare you speak of grace?
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