#mustachioed roger is not the roger i thought i needed in my life
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Y'all... it's Roger the Math Teacher 😍🥰
or is it 8th grade science?
or perhaps is it Ned Flanders Clark?
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dammit-stark · 4 years
One au i can never get enough of is wedding planner au! Someone made a post about this recently as well, it’s just so *chef’s kiss*
i’ve never actually thought of any wedding planner au so this was super fun! I wrote four different versions of this before I settled on baker!steve, but i’m really happy with how it turned out hehe I will probably write more wedding planner aus in the future bc I just had so much fun with this!
Tony Stark knows how to plan a hell of a wedding. Celebration of a couple’s love and all that, but also open bar. Beautiful lighting. Vaulted ceilings, dream venue. The whole nine yards, he’s the guy who can make it happen. It usually takes two years and a huge chunk of change to pull off, but he can make a bride’s (or groom, dreams are dreams, no judgement) dream wedding come to fruition.
That’s not to say he hasn’t done his fair share of shotgun weddings too, a wide, mustachioed, future father-in-law leaning menacingly over the proceedings as the groom sweats.
As far as shotgun weddings go though, Tony can make it happen, and make it good. He’s got a speed dial list the size of a small wedding party, and he has friendly relationships with all the best local vendors who can put him to the top of the list if he asks really, really nicely.
Except, it seems, for his on-call baker from SHIELD Confections.
“You’re messing with me, Nick. You gotta be,” Tony says into the phone as he paces his office, “Because I know you wouldn’t pull this kinda shit with me.”
Fury doesn’t relent, “I got a lot more problems than your little last minute wedding, Stark. You’re gonna have to find a different baker for this one.”
“Who’s gonna help me out this close to the wedding, Nick, huh? You’re really screwing me here.”
Fury let’s out a long-suffering sigh.
Only Tony ever dares to call him by his first name, and despite what Tony thinks he does not think it’s quote-unquote cute in any way shape or form.
“Look, I can give you a guy’s number. He should be able to pull something together for you. He’s a good guy, new on the scene, name’s Steve Rogers. He’s the kind of guy who will do way more work than he needs to just because he thinks it’s the right thing to do, so don’t fuck him over, Stark, I’m warning you.”
“You’re a savoir, Nick Fury,” Tony coos, and he can practically hear Fury mentally slitting his own throat.
“You owe me one,” Nick grumbles, then gives Tony a number for the baker.
“Kisses!” Tony singsongs into the retriever once he’s got the number written on a post-it. Fury promptly hangs up.
When Steve comes to deliver the cake, Tony’s in the middle of a call, has got two more people on hold, and has a crying bride in the room next door.
He takes one look at this Steve guy, and says, “Yeah, Pep. Sounds great, I’ll uh- I gotta call you back.”
He immediately makes his way across the dining room to the cake table.
“You’re Steve Rogers?” He demands, “You’re the baker?”
The poor guy pivots slowly away from his cake box to face this stranger demanding his attention, “I am. Is there a problem?”
“No, no, no,” Tony’s saying, waving his hands animatedly in the air, “No problem at all. I’m the wedding planner, Tony Stark. Pleasure to meet you. Thanks for doing this, seriously.”
Steve cracks a smile and Tony curses that life really, really isn’t fair, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Tony can’t seem to help but note that Steve’s got flour-hauling arms, bulky and well-worked. But if the detailing on the cake is any indication, he has contrarily nimble fingers. He’s sure Steve notices him looking. Tony slides on his most confident smile, “All fantastic things, I’m sure.”
Steve gets this squinty, apologetic expression that Tony doesn’t ever want to look away from, “Not exactly. In fact, the way Fury was talking about you, I didn’t even think I’d see you.”
Of course Fury told Steve about him. Of course.
“I, uh- yeah, well. You know Fury. He’s a-“
“It’s okay, Tony. I’m glad you came over here. I’m glad I got to meet you.”
Tony opens his mouth to say something along the lines of shit, can we make out right this second?, but he’s rudely interrupted, lips just parted for the sake of words, by his ringing cell phone.
“Fuck,” Tony curses. He glances at the caller ID, “Fuck. I have to take this. Can we- Can I-?”
“Here.” Steve The Baker says, a sweet smile on his lips. He fishes a ballpoint pen out of one of his pockets, reaches over and writes a phone number on the back of Tony’s hand. It’s a total cliche, but Tony’s totally into it, “Call me.”
Tony’s phone rings again, but he’s smiling even as he backs away from the table, “You better know that I absolutely will be calling you, Mr Rogers. Oh, and make sure that cake looks impeccable. You can send the invoice to my office.”
And with that, Tony turned and took off at a jog. He had an unhappy bride to deal with.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 6 years
Movie Review: Bohemian Rhapsody (Spoilers)
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Disclaimer: I am posting this review a week after the movie airs, so if you haven’t seen the movie yet don’t read on.
General Reaction:
I have been looking forward to this movie more than most of the end of year movies coming out. I am happy to report that Bohemian Rhapsody does not disappoint in delivering a valentine to Freddie Mercury and his legacy.
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Firstly, I love Queen. I love the music, I love the styling and I love the message and feelings they give their fans of being radical but brilliant. Freddie Mercury is definitely an icon for me both in terms of his music and his LGBT status. I do believe when you think of the great LGBTQ+ musicians in history you do think Mercury, Bowie, Elton and George Michael. I love all of these singers but Mercury stands out for me because of his radical nature.
I am very glad this movie doesn’t shy away from exploring Freddie’s sexuality, yes it doesn’t go quite as far to be completely faithful to Freddie’s life but for that we’d need an R-rating and it may lose some of the charm in that case. Also it was never the tangled web that some have surmised his love life was and instead a progression of Freddie discovering his sexuality.
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And his personal drama aside, the movie did a great job at realizing that Freddie Mercury was a king of his craft, while yes he is understated by many, for fans that know of his work he is on the level of Michael Jackson, Elton John and Lady Gaga.
I do believe the movie was slightly hurt by the real-life remaining members of Queen interfering with the movie. Essentially they wanted the movie to be more of a Queen origin movie than a Freddie Mercury biopic, but to the movie’s credit it did at least start with Freddie’s story being the A-Storyline and the rise of Queen being the B-Storyline so I do think there is something for everyone in it.
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Also give the movie credit, it gave an almost accurate recreation of Live Aid to the point where when they had that panning shot towards the stage passing a Wembley Arena full of people, it was just wondrous to look at.
The only real issue I had with my screening was the fact they showed the teaser trailer for Rocketman immediately before the movie. Yes they are both biopics about brilliant artists but Rocketman doesn’t even come out until the end of May 2019 and to do this in front of a contemporary is like when Sony decided to put a snippet of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse at the end of Venom.
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Rami Malek does an excellent job at emulating all sides of Freddie Mercury’s life here. I liked the actor beforehand but after this I love him. Not only did he look so much like Freddie to the point where at times I forgot it was an actor I was watching, but the brilliant British accent and wonderful teeth acting was simple fabulous.
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The cast on the whole are great but of course the majority are supporting players to Rami Malek as Freddie. However the rest of the band are also very good. Gwilym Lee is a dead-ringer for Brian May particularly when he starts wearing his infamous mop-hair. Ben Hardy has finally found a role outside of EastEnders I actually think works for him with drummer Roger Taylor and by god Joe Mazzello, talk about a comeback as bassist John Deacon. I remember him as a kid in movies like Jurassic Park and The River Wild, and yes I know he’s been working through the years but nothing as mainstream as this.
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Also Lucy Boynton as the love of Freddie’s life Mary Austin was a very tame but emotive performance. Obviously no one in this movie could really top Rami Malek when it came to charisma but then again the same could be said for Freddie in real life. I do think Boynton’s performance reminded me a lot of Felicity Jones in The Theory of Everything and both gave brilliant performances.
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Then there were Allen Leech and Aaron McCusker who portrayed obsessive personal manager Paul Prenter and Freddie’s end of movie boyfriend Jim Hutton respectively. I thought for the roles they had they were very well cast. I did like the fact Freddie’s short-haired mustachioed look being inspired by Paul’s look was an interesting tell as to how much time the two had spent together and then Jamie Maguire from Shameless being the boyfriend at the end was a great turn for his acting career.
Finally, Mike freakin’ Myers is in this movie. It wasn’t until the end that I realized who he portrayed but that speaks to his acting chops as he was almost unrecognizable. He portrayed that record label exec who pretty much ripped the song “Bohemian Rhapsody” to shreds. I just felt it was a fun cameo and despite not being a fan of the movie, everyone who knows movies knows about that scene from Wayne’s World featuring Bohemian Rhapsody.
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I cannot recommend seeing this movie enough. It is, as I said before, the near-perfect valentine to Freddie Mercury who is an icon in both music and the LGBT community. Compare this to A Star Is Born and this movie is a lot better, slightly sloppy with directing at times but overall is a very solid movie.
Overall I rate this movie a 9/10, it didn’t make me cry as I thought it would and I said there was some sloppy director decisions made but aside from that I cannot fault this movie other than potentially the “what if” scenario of if this movie had the R-rating what we potentially could have got. But I do love this movie.
So that’s my review of Bohemian Rhapsody, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Movie Reviews as well as other reviews and posts.
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queenslasharchive · 6 years
Hey do you know any more joger or froger fanfics? I've read the ones you linked already and was wondering if you maybe know some muliti-chapter ones, though one-shots are great too
Hope these will last you for a while! =) FREDDIE/ROGER
“Good” Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by queenfreddiemercury [Teen | 5394]
Roger remembers some of the worst moments from Freddie’s most troubled relationships. 
Star-Crossed Lovers* by varenoea [Mature]
Freddie mumbles sweet nothings into Roger’s mouth, all the love talk he has saved up over the years, and Roger’s fingers fumble their way to Freddie’s shirt buttons.
Half-baked by halocentury [Teen | 7765]
There were a couple of dirty dishes in the sink but the real eye-catcher were the trays and pan sitting upon the counter. In the pan was a shortbread creation that also smelled of nuts. On the trays were an assortment of cookies; one held square-shaped ginger cookies, the second some kind of cookie with cranberries, the third cinnamon cookies and the last sugar cookies. Finishing the line was a tin that held the crowning glory, almond bark in dark chocolate.
I Know I Can’t Be True by sandssavvy [Mature]
Freddie blinked as his eyes adjusted to the light. He looked for the switch only to find, Roger standing directly in front of him. Roger, AKA one of the reasons Freddie’s relationship with Brian would have been almost perfect.
Comfort and Care by glamrockgirl71 [PG]
“Get well soon, baby”
The Contest by glossimer45 [Teen | 1545]
Freddie and Roger were locked in a deathmatch. And not even your typical, “Roger, over my dead body is “I’m In Love With My Car” backing my masterpiece” (that one had resulted in them glaring over every meal for two weeks, Freddie’s precious china “slipping” from countertops and ultimately, Roger locking himself in a cupboard for four hours until the frustrated singer had to relent, or risk having Roger’s impending asphyxiation on his conscience), or even worse,  Roger’s casual remark that Freddie’s new haircut made him look like a weasel. That had earned him a smarting black eye and also served to impart the rest of the band with the knowledge that under no circumstances would Freddie Mercury’s name ever again be associated with nocturnal mammals, unless, of course, they desired a similar boxer-chic look. 
Through the Wind and Rain by myfinefriend [PG] 
Feeling the shoe make contact with a body, the singer set about the fiend (thief? rapist?), slapping it’s dark form until;“Ah, Fred! Fuck!”
Stay Here by guitar_chic39 [PG]
When Roger was sick he was just adorable
Carpet Burn by myfinefriend [Teen] 
He had to keep it light and cheery, otherwise they would never leave him alone - it would be bad enough if the other two found out about his extra-curricular activities with the singer, but a nosy camera crew and the whole world?! No.“Taylor dies, more like!” He retorted, turning as the camera moved and his hands darted to his knees just in time, flashing them a smile and shuffling desperately towards a nearby chair.
God Knows by my_currency [PG]
His eyes were closed, and each of his eyelashes seemed to twinkle with the light of the sun that spilled through the window and onto his face. Angelic. That seems to be a fitting word.
Loosen Up My Buttons by wildonion [Teen | 1014] 
“They left me,” Roger was saying to himself. “In my moment of need, they up and left me. Said, ‘Your problem now,’ and left me. I can’t believe it. I can’t believe they fucking left me.”
Signs by laurak23 [Teen | 3666] 
Roger gets creative when Freddie has mandatory voice rest.
When Best Friends Were So Little by laliquey [Mature | 1653] 
It must have belonged to a previous tenant, and he hoped it might contain hash; in any case, it was the perfect bait to seduce Freddie into coming over. “I won’t open it till you’re here,” he promised over the phone, though the suspense made him want to peek so very much. He decided that resisting temptation would somehow weight karma in his favor and result in better contents. Like hash and jellybeans!
Anniversary by laliquey [PG | 421]
“I’m sorry, sir, but you can’t take it with you.”
Feel Warmed Up? by upsidedownpb [Teen] 
“Since when was ‘Hey Jude’ a credible warm-up song?” asked Roger, startling Freddie into submission by appearing behind him in his makeshift dressing room.“Since they made it legal to barge in on the most important band member’s practise room,” snarled Freddie, dusting himself off and preening in front of the mirror.
In Focus by halocentury [Teen] 
How could Freddie accuse him of not appreciating beauty? Roger Taylor did appreciate beauty. He appreciated the beauty of music. He appreciated the beauty of people. He appreciated the beauty of cars. He appreciated the beauty of life. He just didn’t appreciate art and that was where Freddie was disappointed with him.
Steam by september_morn [Mature | 3200] 
As if sensing the slow slide into lust that my thoughts are taking, Roger half turns to look over his shoulder at me, and he smiles, and the half-lidded, long-lashed, ocean eyes spear me and… God, he is quite possibly the most gorgeous creature ever to walk the fucking Earth.
Closeted by september_morn [Explicit | 2200] 
In which Roger Taylor discovers what happens when you poke the bear that is Freddie Mercury a little too hard…
Summer Nights by nonzerosum [Teen | 1054] 
Freddie sat next to him and took the candle from his hand, setting it down on the coffee table in front of them. He took Roger’s hand, “You don’t find it romantic at all?”“Not really.” Roger answered, pulling his hand away and crossing his arms over his chest, “I find it annoying.”
(Lack of) Practise Makes Perfect by myfinefriend [Mature] 
Roger Taylor had never been one to practise. He resented giving up time which could be otherwise more enjoyably spent drinking or partying and, in any case, preferred raw, joyful playing to regimented rehearsal. As a result of this, the blonde tended to leave such things to the very last minute, much to the frustration of his bandmates.
Four Words by myfinefriend [PG] 
Panicked and embarrassed, he was sure love and lust had been written blatantly upon his face, the lead practically leapt from his seat.
A Moment Alone by briansgurl89 [Teen] 
The moment they were alone, Roger pounced…
Dear Friends by sevenseasofroger [Teen | in progress] 
roger loves john. he’s sure of that until his lover goes missing after a drunken pub fight, leaving roger to pick up the pieces. along the way, it’s not just his willpower that helps him find john - it’s the quirky charisma of a handsome mustachioed man which motivates and keeps him company along the way.
JOHN/ROGERSometimes by myfinefriend [PG | 188]
Sometimes, Roger cries at night.
Perhaps by myfinefriend [PG]
He knocked, not wishing to be so impolite as to use his key – after all, this wasn’t his home anymore.
Never Again by myfinefriend [G] 
Words can’t change what has happened and they never will.“I’m sorry.”“I love you.”“It was a mistake.”
He Will Be Loved by myfinefriend [Teen | 847] 
Not right? John was more than right, John was perfect – John was the answer. John had always been the answer.
Shutter by laliquey [Mature | 892]
“I’ll fuck ya,” he said with a charming crooked grin.“You would?”“Sure! What are friends for?” Right there at the bar, they practically mapped out a syllabus on paper, negotiating how it would work. It resulted in more drinks, going home, and Deaky gaining moderate proficiency in giving head.
Handkerchief by laliquey [Mature | 1775 + 1018] 
He nursed his hurt feelings in private a while, then decided to do something about it. “I’m going to get Deaky out of his shell!” he announced one day. He started doing things with John – assorted strait-laced things accompanied by lots of getting him to talk and open up. Besides the deepening of a friendship, there was an unmistakable translocation of some of Freddie’s temperament.
Dirty Double Crosser by anewdaysjourney [Teen]
“Roger?”The voice startled him. He hadn’t expected his dinner companion quite yet; he was timing the arrival by how long it took him to finish the Marlboro, then three others.
Here Comes My Man by acacia59 [Mature | 4238] 
John likes to watch. But now it’s time to do something.
I’d Just Die by acacia59 [Mature | 5296] 
Who else can take all your blood and your curses? Nobody I’ve seen you hanging around.
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thekoribt · 4 years
I don’t really know how to start this story... well I guess the beginning is a good place to start. So I was on my way to Avengers Tower; I didn’t really have a plan to get in. I guess just knock on the front door? Well that’s basically what I did. I didn’t expect anyone to even let me in, but they did. It was a tall women with red hair who greeted me.
"Hello dear, is there something I can help you with?" She asked.
"Um, maybe... I don’t expect the answer to be yes, but is there any way I can talk to Captain Rogers?" I asked. She raises an eyebrow.
"May I ask why?"
"Well... umm... its going to be hard to believe, but I'm his daughter." I said hesitantly.
"Sure kid, and Tony is my father." She said crossing her arms.
"Look, I can prove it, I just need to talk to him, please." I begged. She just rolled her eyes.
"What’s your name?" She asked.
"My name is Ryan Martin." I answered.
"Well Ryan, how about I call your parents for them to pick you up? Or you could just leave in whatever you came in."
"Please miss, I'm telling the tru-"
"Pepper? Is everything alright? F.R.I.D.A.Y notified me to come down here." A man with a goatee said coming from the hall. Oh my God, its Iron Man!
"Just a little girl trying to pull a prank." Pepper said shooting me a glare.
"I'm not pranking anyone! I really am Steve's daughter! I can take a DNA test if you don’t believe me!" Tony just laughed.
"Come on kid, you don’t need to make up stories to meet Captain America. He loves meeting his fans." Tony said. "In fact, wait over there and I'll call him down." Tony said pointing to a few chairs by the door.
"You cant be serious, Tony." Pepper said raising her eyebrow. I sighed.
"Alright." I said in defeat. At least I can still talk to him. I walked over and sat down on the chair and waited patiently. It took about twenty minutes for him to come down. He talked to Tony for a moment and then he pointed at me. I shifted awkwardly as the two walked up to me. Steve knelt down and gave me a soft smile.
"Hello there, Tony says you really wanted to meet me." He says. He extends a hand. "Steve, what’s your name?" He asked. I took his hand and shook it.
"I'm Ryan..." I said shyly. He smiles.
"It's nice to meet you-" Before he could finish his sentence I couldn’t help but blurt
"I'm your daughter." My face is red and I am short of breath. I felt like I was about to have a heart attack, or an asthma attack... either one was possible.
"Yes, they told me that was your excuse to get me down here."
"I can prove it! My mom is Jennifer Martin. You two were together for nine months and broke up right after the Battle of New York because she didn’t want to worry about you getting killed every time you stepped out of the door. You only had sex once and that was probably a week or two before you broke up. I'm the result. If that doesn’t prove anything I will take a DNA test." I said. He was silent for a minute or two before looking at Tony.
"Lets take her upstairs." Steve said. Tony only nodded and shrugged. Steve stood up and so did I. The two lead me down the hall and to the elevator. I went in my purse and pulled out my inhaler. I could feel Steve's eyes on me. I just stared at my feet as I inhaled. When the doors opened we stepped out and I was taken to a lab. I looked around nervously as I sat down in a chair in the corner. Tony brought me a Q-tip.
"Put this in your mouth." I nodded and moved it around my mouth and handed it back to him. He took it and walked away. I looked up at Steve who was looking at me. He looked kind of old for only being in his thirties. He had a beard and a mustachio. It suited him. I looked back down at my feet.
"Do you have a lot of medical problems?" He asked. I nodded a little.
"Yeah... I have asthma and heart problems..." I said. He only nods in response. Soon Tony comes back with the results.
"Alright Capsicle, the results are in and… you are the father." He announced. "Man and I thought you were still a virgin." Tony teased. Steve just sighed and looked down at me. I couldn’t tell if his expression was happy, upset, angry, or disgust... He is really hard to read.
"Can I have a moment alone with her?" He asked. Tony nodded and left the room. It was silent for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry... Maybe I shouldn’t have come here..." I said getting up. "I can go." His head snaps up.
"No, no, please stay, God I'm sorry... This is just a lot to process at the moment." He said. He sat next to me. "Where is Jen? Did she come with you?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No... She actually died a year ago from breast cancer. I have been living with my Aunt." I said looking down.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn’t know." He said.
"It's okay... she had been sick for a while."
"Do you know why she didn’t try and contact me?" He asked.
"Yeah, the main reason is because she didn’t want me getting hurt. The second is because she didn’t want you to worry about child support or feel the need to stay with her because of me." I said. "I just came here because I am actually on a class trip... We came to see Lion King on Broadway and we leave tomorrow... I just really had to meet you before I go back." I said. He tilts my head up and gives me a smile.
"Well now we are going to have to figure out a way to stay in touch. I want to be in your life." He says. I grinned a bit and I hugged him tightly. He was caught off guard for a moment but he embraced me. "Do you have a phone? I will give you my number so you can call me any time and vise versa." He asked. I pulled back and nodded. I dug in my purse for a pen and paper and wrote down my number and handed it to him. He ripped off a piece and wrote his number down and handed it to me, then shoved the original in his pocket. "Where do you live?" He asked.
"South Bend, Indiana." I said. He nodded.
"I will get in contact with your Aunt and we can work out details so I can come visit you, okay? Now how about I take you back to your class? I am sure they are worried about you." I nodded a little and hugged him again before pulling back. He smiles and takes my hand and leads me back to the elevator and down to the garage. He leads me to a motorcycle at the end and hands me a helmet. "Here. Now where is your class staying?"
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