#mustard oil price drop
andmyvape · 1 year
Super Secret Potion of Awesome
Set large cauldron to boil, as it heats toss in a generous sprinkling of msg and salt, about a 1:3 ratio. Taste your stirring stick, you will know that your efforts are fruitful if you have to restrain the urge to bite into bamboo-- perhaps maple, or cherry if you're a fancy madman. As soon as the water boils, gently place 13 raviolis in the roiling chaos, do not just dump them in. Raviolis are a vengeful breed, they have not known love before. I have the marks on my neck to prove it. Cook however long the runes inscribed on the fantastic bag of holding things safe against the chill of the freezer recommends, I'm not inclined to argue with ravioli. Again, vengeful.
Now for the alchemy portion. Gather the ingredients: spinach and artichoke dip for the base, olive oil-- for the obligatory nod toward the queer histories, and because you deserve it, you shambling terror-- minced garlic with a measure of accompanying juice that could not possibly be defined as plague-riddled, a draft of white wine vinegar, and a draft of olives in juice. I do not care what olives you use, the whims of fate are not mine to direct, only to whack upside the head with a pool noodle until I'm dunked in the waters of existentialism.
This. This is the most crucial step. Do not forget the dijon mustard. The consequences… Do not bear speaking of. Not sober, at least, and I'm writing this on the clock!
Mix the spinach and artichoke dip with a small measure of dijon mustard, taste it, and add more a bit at a time, mixing between and tasting, enough immoral indulgence for the dip to still taste delicious, but not leave your tongue covered in triglyceride as is often the price the gods demand that mortals suffer for the taste of the universe's love. Fuck the gods, they don't know anyone named Jack or Shit.
Pour olive oil into a small void, or a plastic bowl if you don't have access to the first. Add garlic juice first, then half the amount of minced garlic you think you need to, because the fel spirits that just said to add more lied to you, they know that this is a key process, one that takes discipline and fortitude. Mix the olive oil and garlic thoroughly and taste. Do the triglycerides lurk at your window and backdoor? Waiting for a chance to devastate your lavish hedonism? Fight them back by pouring white wine vinegar into the cap the vessel is sealed with, about half its capacity, and then add half of that into the oil and garlic mixture, drop by drop, you don't want to startle it. Mix vigorously. Clean up the resultant mess before your roommates send for the church to investigate your heresy in pursuit of the delicious.
Taste the concoction. It is bright, too rich, this is clearly too French to be allowed to continue. This is where the olive juice becomes essential. The inverse of a monk adding ashes to a meal to spoil it's grandeur; bitter olive juice will redeem this sad, Parisian, half-finished state of being and make it truly glorious.
Find the tiniest spoon you have, something truly molecular in scale, and add a very little olive juice to to the mixture. Stir vigorously, repeat precautions against theocratic officials. Taste. Continue to add minute amounts of olive juice until you taste it and have to sit down and weep silently into the sink for sheer joy because otherwise you'll be mopping all night.
At some point the raviolis have finished cooking. If you weren't paying attention either to them or your surroundings enough to locate a timer as aid, I honestly don't know how you didn't get killed following the recipe this far. If you read this recipe before you attempted this dark art, I'm proud of you, because now you gain knowledge, and the universe is better for it. If you didn't and you're still alive, I'm still proud of you, but I'm confiscating the demon summoning kit. But if you did think on your feet at the beginning of this enterprise, and kept an eye on the raviolis, I imagine they're draining right now. Leave them there. It is not their time.
However, the cauldron in which the raviolis were metamorphosize'd--without all that slime nonsense, of course. That should be empty. If you retrieved the raviolis with tongs, or perhaps your hands, rather than pour the pasta and water into a colander, I would like to study you closely for an extended period in a controlled environment. In the event that you are less inclined toward cryptid behavior than I am, the cauldron is indeed empty, and you may proceed. Begin by reheating the hearth with the magic device attached to it. Don't ask me how to explain it, technomancy is not my field, that shit is for geeks. Use low heat, explosions tend to result in official scrutiny that gets in the way of alchemic discovery. When the bottom of the cauldron is hot, throw in your concoction of olive oil, garlic, and other unspeakable regents. With great haste and hopefully some dignity, extinguish the hearth, attend the resultant burn wounds, and persist in your quest, it is nearly finished. Let the olive oil and garlic mixture coat the bottom of the cauldron evenly, allow to cook for a few minutes.
Honestly I have not managed to fuck this part up with my cauldron, it disperses heat so quickly that the garlic physically cannot burn before the orichalcum it too cool to cook it further. But I'm sexy like that. It's hard for anyone else to emulate it. If that's the case, be sexy your own way, use dragonbone. Perhaps if you're attempting to evade detection of overblown and pompous so called "government administrations" you can even use mundane metals and still be sexy. I hope you get back to your cave soon, my friend.
Once the vibes of the garlic are right, which is between you and your squeedlyspooch, add the spinach and artichoke mixture that should definitely still include the dijon mustard if you intend to maintain your ownership of your limbs. Reinvigorate your hearth to a low inferno. Up until now you've been too soft on the two mixtures, too lenient, it is time to enforce discipline. Throw them both into the cauldron and inflict fork-based trauma until the result is the new Whump Fiction Protagonist of the Year recipient. Don't worry, it's all part of the process. If your cauldron is big enough, cleaning up the aftermath is much easier than most crime scenes.
Once you've had enough catharting through violence over past trauma, spread the subjugated mixture evenly throughout the bottom of the cauldron. As soon as you hear even the slightest sound of infernal hissing, or unholy bubbling of the oil, turn off the heat, let it sit for like a minute, stir and spread evenly again, and just do that until sniffing the contents of the cauldron makes you regress to a primitive state beyond that of even the eldest homo sapiens.
Add your raviolis, which have been in exile just long enough to repent their crimes of burn infliction upon the skin of your neck. They're crafty little shits, but a time out does them good, they'll be happy to play nice with the infernal and exquisite concoction that has time to fully synthesize into its ultimate form. Mix gently, they've both been through enough. Ladle into bowl.
Tutorial on how to consume this potion without someone hitting 911 on their speed dial to come shortly as soon as I work that out.
Honestly I'm not really sure how this is a potion, I think whatever I was channeling doesn't have many human languages as primary ones, but we made do, and my stomach could not approve more enthusiastically! Here's a picture of my leftovers for lunch today that I barely remembered to stop inhaling in time to acquire photographic evidence!
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Yacht chef here. I specialize in easy, quick and fancy. 1. Read Harold McGee. Understanding a few basic scientific principles will improve your cooking dramatically. 2. Turn down the heat on the stovetop when cooking everything but meat. Then turn it waaay up. 3. Don't forget to season with an acid (i.e. citrus or vinegar) just like you would with salt. 4. For great mash potatoes, add xanthan gum to your melted butter and cream for a stable hydrocolloid before adding it to your potatoes. You can add a lot more flavor (butter) without it separating. 5. Xanthan gum works wonders in most homemade salad dressings too. So many uses in a kitchen. 6. Use a digital thermometer with an oven safe probe. Use it for everything. Temperature is really important in everything you do. Even things like bread and pastries. 7. Use the big sheets of parchment paper on all your pans and kitchen surfaces. It makes cleaning up a lot easier. You can get boxes of 3000 sheets for like 40 bucks and it will last you a year. S**t is magic. 8. Sharpen your knives. A sharp knife is not only safer but will change the way you cook. A dull, s***ty knife will slow you down by half during prep. 9. Don't 'eyeball' amounts and don't cook by time. Cook by weight and temperature. Use a scale. Your pastries and will improve dramatically. 10. Don't keep eggs in the fridge. 11. Always put a wet rag under your cutting board to keep it from moving. 12. Learn how to blanch vegetables. The first time you see the difference between blanched asparagus and regular asparagus it will blow your mind. 13. Put lemons and limes in the microwave for ten seconds before you juice them. Much easier to juice. 14. Immersion blenders are indispensable. 15. Fish cooks surprisingly well from frozen. Try it, you'll be amazed at how you can develop great flavors on the outside without overcooking the interior. Just don't try it on something over about 1.5" thick. 16. Dried beans taste better, are way cheaper than canned beans and are a lot easier to portion. You might be surprised by how much better they taste. Just soak them overnight. 17. If you have a stand mixer, get the food grinder. Freshly ground meat cooks more evenly, tastes better and is easier to work with. 18. Make your bread awesome by increasing it's gluten content. Buy gluten at the store and add a tablespoon per 3 cups of regular flour. 19. Cut evenly to cook evenly. 20. Use fresh herbs but don't buy them in the package if you can. They often sell the plant in a plastic pot in supermarkets and the price is usually about the same for the same amount. The upside is you don't have to worry about your herbs spoiling. 21. Put an egg yolk, a little salt, a touch of lemon juice and a teaspoon of mustard in a glass bowl. Beat the s**t out of it with a whisk for about thirty seconds. Then slowly add (I mean drop by drop at first) a cup of oil while beating the s**t out of it (wrap a towel in a circle and use it as a base for your bowl if you don't want to hold it). As it thickens, keep adding oil in a very slow stream. It will slowly form mayonnaise and it if it's your first time tasting real mayo you might want to give yourself time to forget the mayo lie that you've been living. As you get better, this will only take a few minutes to make a bunch of mayo. For me, this is kitchen wizardry. 22. If you're doing a bunch of cooking (especially with flour) it takes about twenty seconds to plastic wrap your prep counter. It saves about 10 minutes of cleaning. 23. MSG is not bad for you. Use it sparingly and it can really improve your food. Try it with soups first and experiment with it in other things. It's not for everything but can mean the difference between good and great. 24. Salt your eggs before you cook them. They are more tender.
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adityarana1687-blog · 1 month
Essential Oils Market Size To Reach $40.12 Billion By 2030
The global essential oils market size is expected to reach USD 40.12 billion by 2030, and expanding at a CAGR of 7.9% from 2024 to 2030, as per the new report by Grand View Research, Inc Key factor contributing to the demand for essential oil is that aromatherapy is rapidly gaining momentum as a convenient method of healing lifestyle diseases. The sales volume of essential oils is rising on the account of the rising consumer awareness related to the wide utilization of the product across various applications.
They are primarily made of terpenes and their oxygenated derivatives which usually include monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, etc. They are present in specialized cells/glands in various plants and the position of these glands varies depending on the morphology, and physiology of the plant. During the manufacturing process, these glands are ruptured by pressing or by application of heat, which emanates aroma.
The product is widely used for enhancement of air freshness at home with the help of aroma diffusers and addition of essential oils in aroma pots. It is added to the water or baths in order to relax muscles and improve the aroma of place. Young women use these products for making homemade cosmetics due to their natural content and medicinal benefits.
Increasing demand for organic products is influencing consumer trends across the globe. Further implementation of regulations favoring the use of environmentally friendly ingredients in cosmetics, and food & beverage industry. The increased the consumer’s interest for products produced from natural ingredients. A majority of the global population are shifting their preference to organic products which in turn is increasing the demand for plant based products, leading to a significant drop in the demand for synthetic fragrances.
Owing to the outbreak of coronavirus around the world, many countries experienced lockdown situations. This had led to major raw material shortages, disruption in the supply chain, and increased prices for highly demanded products for two to three quarters in 2020. Moreover, the restrictions on imports & exports of goods by any means from most of the South East Asian countries further worsened the situation. However, the temporary closure or slowing down of manufacturing plants of synthetic flavors & fragrances in China led to a rise in opportunity for essential oil distillers, as the manufacturers turned to smaller vendors to fulfill their raw material requirements.
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Essential Oils Market Report Highlights
Cleaning & home witnessed the fastest growth rate of 7.7%, due to the presence of antifungal and antibacterial properties of essential oils
Black pepper witnessed one of the fastest growth rate of 8% on the account of its wide use in food & beverage, spa & relaxation, and medical sectors
Direct selling channel witnessed the fastest growth rate of 8.4%, as consumers have the need to smell and feel the oils in person
Europe witnessed the fastest growth rate of 8% as compared to other regions, due to strong presence of food & beverage industry in the region, coupled with high disposable income and high standards of living
The global product market is highly competitive on the account of the presence of multiple manufacturing companies operating in the market
Essential Oils Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global essential oils market report on the basis of product, application, sales channel, source, method of extraction, and region
Essential Oils Product Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
Acorus Calamus
Black pepper
Carrot Seed
Ciz-3 Hexanol
Cumin Seed
Curry Leaf
Dill Seed
De-Mentholised Peppermint
Holy Basil
Juniper Berry
Pepper Mint
Tea Tree
Ylang Ylang
Essential Oils Application Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
Food & Beverages
RTE Meals
Meat, Poultry & Seafood
Snacks & Nutritional Bars
Spa & Relaxation
Massage Oil
Personal Care
Hair Care
Skin Care
Sun Care
Makeup And Color Cosmetics
Men's Grooming
Oral Care
Baby Care
Body Sprays
Air Fresheners
Cleaning & Home
Kitchen Cleaners
Floor Cleaners
Bathroom Cleaner
Fabric Care
Method of Extraction Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
Cold Press Extraction
Carbon Dioxide Extraction
Source Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
Fruits & Vegetables
Herbs & Spices
Essential Oils Sales Channel Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2028)
Direct Selling
Essential Oils Regional Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Thousands, 2018 - 2030)
North America 
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Middle East & Africa
Central America
South America
List of Key Players of Essential Oils Market
Sydney Essential Oil Co. (SEOC)
Biolandes SAS
India Essential Oils
H. Reynaud & Fils (HRF)
Young Living Essential Oils
Essential Oils of New Zealand
Farotti S. R. L.
Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH
Ungerer Limited 
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chemanalystdata · 1 month
Mustard Oil Prices | Pricing | Price | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
 Mustard Oil Prices has long been a staple in many households, particularly in South Asia, where its distinctive flavor and purported health benefits have made it a favorite in kitchens for generations. Over the past few years, the price of mustard oil has become a topic of significant interest and concern, particularly as fluctuations in the market impact both consumers and producers. Understanding the factors that influence mustard oil prices is essential for anyone involved in its production, distribution, or consumption.
One of the primary factors driving the price of mustard oil is the supply and demand dynamic. Mustard seeds, the primary raw material for producing mustard oil, are subject to agricultural conditions such as weather patterns, soil quality, and pest infestations. When the harvest of mustard seeds is bountiful, the supply of mustard oil increases, leading to a decrease in prices. Conversely, poor harvests due to unfavorable weather conditions or pest attacks can lead to a reduced supply of mustard seeds, driving up the prices of mustard oil. These fluctuations are often compounded by the fact that mustard oil is not just consumed as a cooking oil but also used in various industrial applications, further influencing its demand.
Another crucial factor affecting mustard oil prices is government policies and regulations. In many countries, the production and sale of mustard oil are subject to various regulations, including import duties, subsidies, and quality standards. For instance, in India, one of the largest producers and consumers of mustard oil, the government occasionally imposes restrictions on the import of edible oils to protect domestic producers. These policies can have a significant impact on the prices of mustard oil by either restricting the supply of cheaper imported oils or providing incentives for increased domestic production. Additionally, any changes in the minimum support prices (MSP) for mustard seeds can directly affect the cost of production, which in turn influences the retail prices of mustard oil.
Get Real Time Prices for Mustard Oil: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/mustard-oil-1326
Global market trends and the prices of alternative edible oils also play a significant role in determining mustard oil prices. The global edible oil market is highly interconnected, with the prices of various oils such as soybean, palm, and sunflower oil influencing each other. When the prices of these alternative oils rise, consumers and manufacturers may turn to mustard oil as a more affordable option, increasing its demand and, consequently, its price. On the other hand, when the prices of these oils drop, mustard oil may face competition, leading to a potential decrease in its price. This interconnectedness of the edible oil market means that mustard oil prices are often influenced by factors beyond the local production and consumption, making it a volatile commodity.
Inflation and currency exchange rates also have a substantial impact on mustard oil prices. As with many agricultural commodities, the cost of producing mustard oil is closely tied to the overall economic environment. Inflation can lead to increased costs for inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and labor, all of which contribute to higher production costs. These costs are often passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices for mustard oil. Additionally, fluctuations in currency exchange rates can affect the cost of imported inputs and the competitiveness of mustard oil in the international market. For example, a depreciation of the local currency can make imports more expensive, leading to higher production costs and, ultimately, higher prices for consumers.
The role of middlemen and supply chain logistics cannot be overlooked when discussing mustard oil prices. The journey from mustard seed to bottled oil involves several intermediaries, including farmers, processors, distributors, and retailers, each adding their own markup to the final product. Inefficiencies or disruptions in this supply chain, whether due to transportation issues, storage problems, or market manipulation, can lead to significant price fluctuations.nd transparent supply chain is essential for stabilizing prices and making mustard oil more affordable for consumers.
Consumer preferences and perceptions also play a role in determining mustard oil prices. As consumers become more health-conscious, there has been a growing demand for oils perceived as healthy, such as mustard oil, which is rich in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. This increased demand can lead to higher prices, particularly if the supply does not keep pace. Additionally, the preference for organic and cold-pressed mustard oil, which is often more expensive to produce, has created a niche market that commands higher prices. On the other hand, any negative publicity or concerns about the safety and quality of mustard oil, such as the presence of harmful adulterants, can lead to a decline in demand and a subsequent drop in prices.
In conclusion, mustard oil prices are influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including supply and demand dynamics, government policies, global market trends, inflation, currency exchange rates, supply chain logistics, and consumer preferences. Understanding these factors is crucial for stakeholders across the mustard oil value chain, from farmers and producers to distributors and consumers. As the market for mustard oil continues to evolve, staying informed about these factors will be key to navigating price fluctuations and ensuring that this essential commodity remains accessible and affordable.
Get Real Time Prices for Mustard Oil: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/mustard-oil-1326
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bhushanoils · 5 months
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Top 10 Mustard Oils Manufacturer in India
Experience the Best Mustard Oil Quality India has to Offer
Mustard oil, an integral part of Indian cuisine and culture, holds a significant place in the culinary landscape of the country. Its distinct flavour, aroma and numerous health benefits make it a kitchen staple in households across India. Mustard oil holds a revered position in Indian households, not just for its culinary prowess but also for its medicinal properties.
As the demand for high-quality, pure and authentic mustard oil continues to rise, it's essential to recognise the top players. Here, we delve into the top 10 mustard oil manufacturers in India, renowned for their commitment to quality, excellence, reliability and tradition:
Right up there with Bhushan Oils and Fats is Fortune. Fortune has made a name for itself in the edible oil industry with its high-quality products. Their mustard oil stands out for its unique and rich flavour, making it a preferred choice among consumers across the country. With a focus on quality assurance and stringent manufacturing processes, Fortune remains among the top contenders in the mustard oil market.
Emami's launch into the mustard oil market has been welcomed with universal approval. Their mustard oil is of excellent purity and nutritional worth, thanks to the careful selection of mustard seeds and innovative extraction procedures. Emami's devotion to health and taste has resulted in a good market position.
Bhushan Oils and Fats
Being among the best mustard oil brands in India, they offer premium-quality oils that are produced using high-quality seeds. They are not just the top contenders but also the go-to household name for mustard oils. This has been possible due to the unwavering trust that consumers have in the quality of their oils that are manufactured in their own state-of-the-art unit and available at decent pricing.
Patanjali, which is associated with Ayurveda and natural products, sells a variety of mustard oils recognised for their therapeutic benefits. Patanjali mustard oil is made from organically grown mustard seeds and is free of dangerous chemicals and additives, making it a popular choice among health-conscious consumers looking for authenticity and purity.
Dhara delivers high-quality mustard oil that embodies the essence of tradition and purity. With a legacy spanning decades, they have mastered the art of mustard oil extraction, ensuring that every drop retains its natural goodness and flavour. Dhara mustard oil is a testament to the brand's commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.
Hathi mustard oil is made from the good mustard seeds collected from select farms. It is subjected to rigorous quality inspections to ensure its exceptional quality and nutritional content. The brand's use of both ancient extraction methods and contemporary manufacturing practices has helped it establish itself as India's leading mustard oil manufacturer.
Nature Fresh
Nature Fresh is known for its pure food oils sourced from the heartland of mustard growing. Nature Fresh mustard oil is cold-pressed, preserving its natural aroma, taste and nutrients. The brand's emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility appeals to consumers looking for healthy and ethical eating options.
Bhagwati Oil Industries
Bhagwati Oil Industries has carved a niche for itself in the mustard oil market through its commitment to authenticity and customer satisfaction. Their mustard oil, extracted from high-quality seeds, reflects the essence of traditional Indian cooking while meeting modern health standards.
Tata Sampann
Oils by Tata Sampann, like the brand, are an embodiment of trust and quality. With a focus on purity and nutrition, Tata Sampann mustard oil undergoes stringent quality checks at every stage of production. The brand's commitment to consumer health and well-being resonates with health-conscious individuals seeking premium-quality edible oils.
Oils by Gemini are sourced from the best mustard seeds and processed with the utmost care. This mustard oil retains its natural properties and enhances the taste of every dish. The brand's legacy of trust and excellence makes it a preferred choice among consumers seeking uncompromising quality in mustard oil.
In conclusion, with their unwavering commitment to quality, purity and customer satisfaction, these brands continue to reign supreme in the competitive edible oil manufacturers market, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of consumers across the country.
Whether it's enhancing the flavour of traditional dishes or promoting holistic well-being, these brands continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the mustard oil industry landscape in India. So, the next time you arebuying mustard oil from them, rest assured that you're experiencing the best that India has to offer in terms of taste, nutrition and purity.
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palmoilnews · 6 months
Market Review / Outlook of the day Primary Sentiment : Neutral Immediate Trend : Positive BMD Market Re-cap: - BMD FCPO futures notched their biggest weekly gain since mid- March despite closing lower on Friday as concerns about shrinking stockpiles in Malaysia, persisted, with market participants awaiting March inventory data from MPOB. - Even though Malaysia palm oil production in March is expected to rise in March, stockpiles likely fell to their lowest point in eight months. This drop is likely due to a significant 216 jump in exports. - Malaysian palm oil production is anticipated to rise 106 in March compared to February, according to MPOA. This jump was driven by a nearly 146 rise in output from the Peninsular region. - India is anticipated to record a crop of 12.09 million metric tons of mustard and rapeseed in 2024, and it is in a position to become less dependent on imports of edible oil. World Oil and Grains - CBOT soybean futures rebounded on Friday due to technical buying and traders closing out short positions. However, soybean prices for the entire week ended lower. This decline was caused by weak demand for soybeans and an increase in supply as South America's harvest gets underway. - Concurrently, the news of pessimistic corn was compounded by predictions that the Biden administration will disclose a more limited preliminary climate model than anticipated for its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) subsidy program. - According to CFTC weekly data, money managers are more optimistic about soybean oil as they increased their bullish bets by 7,432 net-long positions, bringing the total to 8,383. Base and Precious Metals - Copper futures settled lower on Friday. This followed a recent surge to the highest level in 14 months. The U.S. dollar strengthened after positive job data from March, which could mean interest rates in the United States won't be lowered this year as some predicted. - Earlier this week, positive manufacturing data from China, a major consumer of metals, and expectations of interest rate cuts in the US and Europe caused prices of industrial metals, which are sensitive to economic growth, to rise. It's worth noting that the Chinese markets were closed on 4th - 5th April. - Gold futures soared to a new all-time high on Friday. This upward trend continued even though there was strong job growth in the U.S. for March. Several factors fueled this gold rush, including expectations of interest rate cuts in the US, increased buying from speculators, and central banks continuing to purchase gold. - The U.S. jobs report released on Friday showed much stronger hiring than anticipated. The Labor Department reported an increase of 303,000 jobs last month, exceeding economist predictions that ranged from 150,000 to 250,000 with an average forecast of 200,000. Market Outlook - Palm oil dipped by RM57 to RM4,343 on Friday, trading within a tight range of RM4,321 to RM4,386. Despite the decline, market sentiment leans positive for consolidation. Further price action is needed to confirm a significant correction. Resistance is expected near RM4,450. - Palm oil is poised for a slightly higher opening today, mirroring overnight gains in U.S. soybean oil. Bullish production estimates and robust demand are expected to keep the positive sentiment afloat. Opening range: 4360 to 4370 Projected range of the day: 4250 to 4450 Support 4150 Next 4050 Resistance 4400 Next 4450 BMD FCPO Total Open Interest 21/03/2024: 287,251 (-3,876) 22/03/2024: 288,214 (+963) 25/03/2024: 289,030 (+816) 26/03/2024: 289,462 (+432) 27/03/2024: 287,917 (-1,545) 29/03/2024: 284,711 (-3,206) 01/04/2024: 287,569 (+2,858) 02/04/2024: 282,362 (-5,207) 03/04/2024: 283,241 (+879) 04/04/2024: 283,789 (+548) 05/04/2024: 268,274 (-15,515) Source: Bursa Malaysia Futures
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nourish4 · 9 months
Get the best mustard oil in a best price in online form bail kolhu
Discover the unparalleled quality of Bailkolhu's Mustard Oil, available at the best prices online. Renowned for its commitment to delivering pure and authentic products, Bailkolhu ensures that each drop of their Mustard Oil is a testament to excellence. Sourced from the finest mustard seeds and extracted using traditional methods, this oil preserves the natural goodness and distinct flavour that sets it apart.
Premium Quality: Immerse yourself in the exceptional quality of Bailkolhu's Mustard Oil, sourced from the finest mustard seeds and extracted using traditional methods.
Authentic Flavour: Experience the unique and authentic flavour that defines Bailkolhu's Mustard Oil, adding a distinctive touch to your culinary creations.
Nutrient-Rich Goodness: Utilising a cold-pressing technique, Bailkolhu preserves the oil's nutritional value, offering a healthy choice for cooking enthusiasts focused on wholesome ingredients.
Embrace Tradition, Elevate Taste
Culinary Legacy: Choose Bailkolhu's Mustard Oil to embrace a culinary tradition that spans generations, ensuring your dishes reflect a legacy of care and expertise.
Competitive Prices: Explore the online marketplace for the best deals on Bailkolhu's Mustard Oil, providing premium quality at a cost-effective price point.
Convenient Delivery: Enjoy the ease of having Bailkolhu's Mustard Oil delivered to your doorstep, making it convenient to enhance your cooking experiences.
Reliable Source for Culinary Excellence
Trustworthy Quality: Bailkolhu is committed to delivering pure and authentic products, establishing itself as a reliable choice for the best Mustard Oil available online.
Essential Culinary Companion: Ensure your kitchen is always equipped with the finest ingredients by choosing Bailkolhu's premium Mustard Oil – a culinary essential for flavorful and nutritious meals.
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restorativemeal · 10 months
Menu Thirteen
Menu Thirteen from Bishop and Carruthers' "The Vegetarian Adventure Cookbook".
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Turkish Pilaf: eggplant, long grain white rice, oil, onion, mushroom, vegetable stock, pepper, salt, tomatoes, parsley. 
Mediterranean Casserole: green beans, cauliflower, margarine, garlic, onion, sour cream, cheddar cheese, mustard, salt, pepper, wholemeal breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese. 
Capsicum/Sesame Strips: capsicums, sesame seeds, lemon juice, olive oil, honey. 
Nearing the end of November now, the proximity to a new year becomes less daunting and only inevitable. The thirteenth week of a journey  always takes the subject past the three month mark and a three month mark turns a notion into a tangible thing. The “Vegetarian Adventure Cookbook” is now indicative of a journey that I really am on. I desperately wanted to learn a lesson from a menu again, but what could a girl learn from a Turkish Pilaf? Any learnings seem to be coming out of longevity rather than the experiences of a single week. Despite not fearing the end of the year, knowing my issues with the number 13, there was a pervasive feeling of impending doom. Would the Parmco oven finally ignite in flames this week? Even if it didn’t I was forced to think about all the things that a 13th represents for me which then made me think about all my experiences in general. 
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A thirteenth Pecan Pie.
Monday was a write off for Week Thirteen, it was more of an extra limb to Week Twelve. I’m actively working on making these weeks self contained again. As per the impending pattern I did the grocery shop on Tuesday. Starting at the local Countdown, as usual, I bought the required groceries, and the last packet of pecans. It felt like fate that I was making dessert this week. I went back to the fruit store by home, but paid full price this time. Later that night, I made the Pecan Pie, the allocated dessert for Menu Thirteen. All went smoothly until I removed the tinfoil from the pie for the last ten minutes in the oven. Hell hath no fury like the Parmco oven in my kitchen, after the eighth minute I smelt burning. When I removed it from oven, it was burnt, incinerated even, there was a near gaping hole in the pie where there was once a mixture. As disappointing as it was I knew it could be fixed if I scraped off the top and put it back in for a minute. I was relieved also that it was only Tuesday and I had already had the expected bad thing. 
The day of the dinner party, I finished work at 4 30PM. An afternoon in comparison to the 6PM finish. Menu Thirteen was small, simple, maybe Bishop and Carruthers feared the number 13 as much as I did. Having dropped the ball on preparing a timeline for Wednesday evenings weeks ago and trusting my now defunct intuition I started too early. I was too eager to get started, maybe I was bored, or maybe having done twelve of these menus already, I was just really really good at them. The Turkish Pilaf looked beautiful at every point, Bishop and Carruthers wrote about the aesthetics of their recipes often, but this was the first time I saw it for myself. Was I too beginning to see the beauty in a warm meal? Maybe, but I still hadn’t learnt anything from the Turkish Pilaf. Or the Mediterranean Casserole, or the Capsicum/Sesame Strips. I was disappointed. 
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Beauty in dutch oven, a coffee pot that would eventually spill.
I had eight guests that night. I had snapped at one earlier during preparation when she asked for a piece of raw cauliflower, I was stressed about having high numbers and thought there wouldn’t be enough. In the end, I only needed half of the cauliflower. Over dinner we talked about short men and I had the shocking revelation that I might not be a very warm person. I went mute while I did a quiz on my phone to check which of the love languages I had. Compliments were given and received for the rice in the Turkish Pilaf. 
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Dinner party served and eaten.
As much as I feel like things are falling into place in the culinary space, I thought too much about experiences this week. It’s daunting that the things you do have meaning, a week is never just a week. Every new week was once a promise but as a year draws to a close every week becomes something gained. I thought about what things I’ve lost and things I’ve gained from all the experiences that belonged to me. Week Thirteen came and went, the only mishaps a burnt Pecan Pie and a coffee pot spilled across the stove. Of the thirteens I’ve experienced it was one of the better ones. I think this is the last thirteen I’ll experience for a while.
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Le aftermath of the number 13.
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tinyshe · 1 year
Garden Report & Frugal Living 23.07.28
I didn’t have to did around for the peas. I one patch I could clearly see where the rat/skunk dug them up. In a pot, I could see where a few were attempting to make an appearance ... perhaps they stay hidden, trembling below the soil in mortal dread of slugs, bugs & co.
I hope (and pray!) that we can get the grow box maintenance done, up and planted!! I’m struggling in the mental and physical realm surrounding this project. The weather is changing rapidly. There is no doubt that Autumn is getting ready to make an entrance as the maples are now starting to blush up colour in quick anticipation. I need to get that veg garden in and growing before the temps drop too low. If necessary, I will kick the cat off her seeding mat and get some going that way!
We give the hens crumbled oyster shell at will. They have a little tin wired to the side of the aviary and I keep that filled. Last week Rossetti left an egg on the ground and then again just at the coop entrance. Yesterday Alcott had an accident that left a paper egg just inside the coop door. She has been laying five, more often six days so I suspect that they are getting stressed out by the neighbors’ screaming ... the kids start just after their breakfast hour (8-ish) and then continue for twelve hours. Unfortunately, if they don’t stop, I am going to have to talk with their landlord as this has been going on for over three weeks, every, single, day. Its stressing my hens. Its stressing me. Its just not healthy. Not even for the screamers!
The harvest has been scant and not just in my garden. Most of veg is outsourced and that is hard as most looks Bad and very expensive. That leaves a lot to be desired and a lot of time looking at prices. I did purchase four very large viking potatoes (red&purple mottled skin that will cook up to a brown&grey, dense white flesh, not an heirloom but a specialty potato). My plan is to peel thickly as to plant the eyes while still enjoying the potato ... I know! I got them for the nutritional value of the skin but if I can grow them ... I can have many more for next to nothing in cost.
In the warmer months we eat more salades. I got a real good buy on a mondo sized bulk bag of elbow macaroni. Pair that with slim pickings in the garden and ditto in the fridge and we have an opportunity for “loaded” macaroni salade. Very adaptable to what is available/ taste preference! I boiled up a big pot of the macaroni al dente. Threw in colander strainer and rinse in cold water until cooled. I decide to leave the potted meat in the pantry so that left the chicken shreds or some turkey pressed meat/’bacon’ in the refrigerator; I chose the later and cooked in the oven. I snip (with meat shears) as I cook so by the end of the process its like diced meats. I guess you could dice before -- I just prefer this method as it leaves my hands cleaner while I do more prep work and makes me pay attention to the meat so I don’t burn it up in the oven. I was able to find some parsley, salad burnette and few dino kale leaves in the garden and chopped those finely. A few slices of red onion left over from taco night were diced. A lonely carrot in the bottom of the veg drawer also chop-chop-chop. Add threeeeee hard boiled eggs... *chop*! O! then there was some pickled cauliflower that I canned last year *squeeze**chop* and some olives sliced. Mayonnaise! Garlic power! Powdered mustard! Salt! Then massage it all together gently. Its rather chilly in the kitchen so I let it sit on the counter for a little bit to “rest” so the flavours can co-mingle. Now there is enough for all of us for a couple of meals either ‘main’ or ‘side’ or even a snack. It is adaptable: pasta is your base then just tossing things in! If you don’t like mayonnaise then use another salade dressing or something like an oil and vinegar ... very easy, very simple, very tasty, very pocket book friendly!
Hope this finds you enjoying the lingering days of Summer perhaps gardening, and enjoying life!
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delvenservices · 1 year
Fats and Oils Market Global Trends & Key Players Analysis: 2028
Fats and Oils Market is Segmented by Type (Fats (Butter, Tallow, Lard, and Specialty Fats), and Oils (Soybean Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Cotton Seed Oil, Sunflower Seed Oil, and Others)), by Applications (Food, Industrial, and Animal Feed), and region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa and South America)
The global fats and oils market is projected to grow, witnessing a CAGR of 6.42% during the forecast period, 2021-2028.
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Fats and oils are being used extensively in food applications such as confectioners in the production of candies, and for polishing of confectionery products. Also, refined olive oil and coconut oil are increasingly being used for various bakery applications as it is bland in taste, thereby, allowing food to maintain its original flavour. Additionally, it does not exhibit any pungency, unlike mustard oil.
The rising awareness to use healthier alternatives such vegetable-derived oils among the consumers, increasing health concerns about traditional fats, and increased consumption of processed and baked food items are some of the factors that have supported long-term expansion for Fats & Oils Market.
The supply and demand for fats & oils in the global market has shifted due to the coronavirus crisis, with an increasing uncertainty related to prices. Palm oil, which is the largest type of oil produced globally, faced the impact as demand dropped across the world, trade was disrupted, and production got hampered in Indonesia and Malaysia, according to the top vegetable oils producers, such as Wilmar International and Mehwah Group, which operate in the region.
Request For Free Sample Report: https://www.delvens.com/get-free-sample/fats-oils-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Regional Analysis
The Asia Pacific region is projected to be the fastest-growing market for fats & oils. The region is home to two important palm and palm kernel oil-producing countries namely Malaysia, and Indonesia: and two major fats & oils consuming countries namely China, and India. This is one of the significant factor which ensures that Asia pacific region is the largest as well as the fastest-growing market in fats & oils.
Key Players
Cargill Inc.
Sime Darby Plantation
Bunge Limited
Olam International Limited
Wilmar oil
To Grow Your Business Revenue, Make an Inquiry Before Buying at: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/fats-oils-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Recent Developments
In June 2021, Cargill laid out plans to build a new USD 200 million palm oil refinery in Indonesia to accelerate its efforts to develop a sustainable palm supply chain and provide verified deforestation-free products to customers.
In May 2021, ADM planned to build its first-ever dedicated soybean crushing and refinery in the US to meet the fast-growing demand from food, feed, industrial and biofuel customers, including producers of renewable diesel.
Reasons to Acquire
Increase your understanding of the market for identifying the best and suitable strategies and decisions on the basis of sales or revenue fluctuations in terms of volume and value, distribution chain analysis, market trends and factors
Gain authentic and granular data access for Fats & Oils Market so as to understand the trends and the factors involved behind changing market situations
Qualitative and quantitative data utilization to discover arrays of future growth from the market trends of leaders to market visionaries and then recognize the significant areas to compete in the future
In-depth analysis of the changing trends of the market by visualizing the historic and forecast year growth patterns
Get Direct Order of this Report: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/fats-oils-market-trends-forecast-till-2028
Report Scope
Fats & Oils Market is segmented into type, application and region.
On the basis of Type
On the basis of Application  
animal feed
On the basis of Region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
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chemanalysta · 1 year
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The first quarter of 2023 saw a fluctuation in Mustard Oil prices in North America due to unstable market dynamics. As a result of the unsettling year of low crop yields following weeks of dry weather, prices rose throughout the first part of the quarter. According to farmers and agricultural organizations, the supply constraints brought on by the pandemic and inflation are driving up the cost of their supplies. Although product prices were somewhat stable in the second half of the quarter, prices stabilized. The offtakes were heading downward, which caused prices to drop, and also, because of shifting market emotions, the prices were also altering.
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newscontinuous · 2 years
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] India's favourite masala noodles, Maggi 2-minute instant noodles, Now comes with the goodness of iron. Each portion (70g) of Maggi masala noodles provides you with 15% of your daily iron requirement. containing your favourite masala taste, Maggi noodles are made with the quality spices and ingredients. Make your bowl of Maggi even better by chopping up some vegetables, dropping in an egg or throwing in your favourite ingredients. Usage instructions: prepare a delicious meal in just 2 minutes with Maggi – boil 1½ cup of water and add the tastemaker along with the noodle cake broken into 4. Cook for 2 minutes in open pan, while you stir occasionally. Do not drain the remaining water. Store any remaining Maggi noodles in an airtight container to retain freshness. Serving instructions: garnish with your favourite veggies and serve hot. Storage conditions: store in a cool, dry and hygienic place to protect from insects, pests and strong odours. Each serve (70g) provides 15% of your daily Iron requirement*;Contains noodle cake & Tastemaker inside for a quick 2-minute preparation Customer care: [email protected] Toll Free Number:1800-103-1947 , Tel: +91-124-412-1212; Country of Origin: India Ingredients: Noodles: Refined Wheat Flour (Maida), Palm Oil, Iodised Salt, Wheat Gluten, Thickeners (508 & 412), Acidity Regulators (501 (I) & 500 (I)) And Humectant (451(I)). Masala Tastemaker : Mixed Spices (25.6%) (Onion Powder, Coriander Powder, Thickener(508), Flavour Enhancer (635), Toasted Onion Flakes, Acidity Regulator (330), Mineral, Colour (150d) And Wheat Gluten. Contains Wheat And Nut. May Contain Milk, Mustard, Oats And Soy.; Material Features: Vegetarian [ad_2]
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mustard oil 15 kg tin price is very affordable. The 15 kg tin of pure mustard oil is used in all types of cooking, whether frying, roasting, marinating, stir-frying, or baking, adding an unreplicated layer of flavor to your dishes.
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chemanalystdata · 1 year
Mustard Oil Prices, Pricing, Price, Demand & Supply, Market Analysis | ChemAnalyst
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For the Quarter Ending June 2023
North America
During the second quarter of 2023, Mustard Oil prices in North America followed a similar trend to the European market. The price initially decreased in the beginning of the quarter and continued to decline until the end of May. However, it saw a significant increase across the United States throughout June, indicating a positive market sentiment for Mustard Oil. The decrease in price was primarily due to high inventories of Mustard Oil in North America and weaker trade momentum, supported by a decrease in imports from exporting countries. Additionally, the surge in domestic inquiries in June and the rise in the US Consumer Price Index further contributed to the optimistic market trend for Mustard Oil in the United States.
Asia Pacific
In the Asia-Pacific region, Mustard Oil prices consistently dropped until the end of May but showed a significant increase in June. Overall, Mustard Oil prices in the second quarter declined due to weak demand, weakened vegetable oil markets, and falling crude oil prices. Both international and domestic markets experienced low inquiries, resulting in a weaker price trend in India until May. Market participants plan to lower prices on the domestic market to avoid profit losses caused by low demand. However, there was a significant improvement in Mustard Oil prices in June, driven by increased domestic demand from end-users in the cooking, feeding, and food industries. The upward market trend in India was also supported by a moderation in consumer price growth and an increase in groundnut and seed oil prices.
Get Real Time Prices of Mustard Oil: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/mustard-oil-1326
The Mustard Oil market in Europe ended the second quarter of 2023 on a bearish note, with prices continuing to decline until the end of May. The drop in prices can be attributed to subdued demand, weaker trade activity, and higher stockpiles among merchants. However, as June concluded, prices started to incline across the European market due to increased domestic demand and balanced overall supplies. The German Consumer Price Index also rose in June, indicating a positive demand outlook. Traders anticipated that the demand from the downstream sector would continue to rise, leading them to raise their quotations.
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ChemAnalyst is an online platform offering a comprehensive range of market analysis and pricing services, as well as up-to-date news and deals from the chemical and petrochemical industry, globally. Being awarded ‘The Product Innovator of the Year, 2023’, ChemAnalyst is an indispensable tool for navigating the risks of today's ever-changing chemicals market. The platform helps companies strategize and formulate their chemical procurement by tracking real time prices of more than 400 chemicals in more than 25 countries. ChemAnalyst also provides market analysis for more than 1000 chemical commodities covering multifaceted parameters including Production, Demand, Supply, Plant Operating Rate, Imports, Exports, and much more. The users will not only be able to analyse historical data but will also get to inspect detailed forecasts for upto 10 years. With access to local field teams, the company provides high-quality, reliable market analysis data for more than 40 countries.
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15a Cologne, 50823, Germany
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Website: https://www.chemanalyst.com
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palmoilnews · 6 months
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VEGOILS-Palm falls ahead of monthly inventory data JAKARTA, April 5 (Reuters) - Malaysian palm oil futures fell on Friday after soyoil prices declined, while market participants awaited inventory data for March from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). The benchmark palm oil contract FCPOc3 for June delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange fell 34 ringgit, or 0.77%, to 4,366 ringgit ($920.22) a metric ton by the midday break. Palm oil futures have gained 4.10% so far this week. "Futures are consolidating while waiting for the monthly MPOB data," a Kuala-Lumpur based trader said. The Dalian Commodity Exchange is closed on Thursday and Friday for the Qingming festival. Soyoil prices on the Chicago Board of Trade BOc2 traded slightly up at 0.02%. Palm oil is affected by price movements in related oils as they compete for a share of the global vegetable oils market. Malaysia's palm oil inventories are expected to decline 6.65% from the prior month to an eight-month low of 1.79 million tons at the end of March, a Reuters survey showed on Thursday. The MPOB is scheduled to release the data on April 15. Soybeans dropped on Thursday following lower-than-expected weekly export sales data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), seasonally rising supplies from the South American harvest and falling soyoil prices. India's rapeseed and mustard output is likely to rise 7% from last year to a record 12.09 million metric tons in 2024. This will help the world's biggest vegetable oil importer cut back on edible oil imports. Oil prices extended gains on Friday and headed for a second weekly gain, supported by geopolitical tensions in Europe and the Middle East, concerns over tightening supply, and optimism about global fuel demand growth as economies improve. Stronger crude oil futures make palm a more attractive option for biodiesel feedstock. Palm oil FCPOc3 may slide further into a range of 4,294-4,326 ringgit per metric ton, as a temporary top formed around resistance of 4,432 ringgit, according to Reuters' technical analyst Wang Tao. ($1 = 4.7445 ringgit)
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