#mutant busters bp
spinningbagel · 1 year
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they watchin a movie :[
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polarized-here · 1 year
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dem0nguy · 9 months
RAMBLETIME 2 (the electric boogaloo)
I’ve decided to ramble about what I headcannon these sillies religions to be.
Honestly idk im just bored
Sheriff - He was raised Christian, but sometime in between moving to the army base and the Big Fart happening, he lost his faith and now he’s atheist.
Shooter - He’s Jewish, still is. Why? Idk I just think it fits him. (He celebrates Christmas with La Résistance bc spoiler, none of them are actually Christian and they just celebrate it as a token to the pre-apocalypse world. Everyone else also celebrates Hanukah with him :3)
Brutux - Agnostic and has made offerings to every God in existence at least once. (Did any of them work? We’ll never know)
Dr. White - Has religious trauma from Christianity so now he’s atheist XP
Vegan-Su & BP - White raised both of them to be tolerant of all other religions, but didn’t raise them to believe one in particular. So Vegan-Su is atheist and BP is agnostic.
Apocalipsis & Katani - Both actually have a canon religion, not sure what it’s called but they worship the Cat God of Marshal Arts.
Valley Claire - Christian, but shes one of the good ones dw guys
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currently making shooters eye way more cool and way more of a burden then it ever could be in the original show
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blossoming-sun · 1 year
More sillies because I’m obsessed with a show made for five year olds 😭 anyway, this time it’s the silly family
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I’m probably going to draw every character in this show… sigh
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freiheitender903 · 2 months
um uhh ummm errr...
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OCs as they appear in order
Sage Fairenn (AKA Stenchfreak)
Jeffy (Sages brother)
Norrix, Diablo, and Oribus (The Redends)
BETA (AKA Zalena Smith, Jeffy's girlfriend)
Agnes and Eddie Rubik (Fanparents for Sheriff and Ryan)
Tamika Elle Chandler-White (Headcanon wife for Dr. White and headcanon mother of BP and Vegan-su)
Calamity Liz (OC done as a mothers day present, in turn being the mother of Sage and Jeffy)
I have more OCs as ideas but I've never really put them on paper, so this is NOT a complete list of my MB ocs lmao.
I should also clarify that Sage is not a half-mutant in the sense of being infected with the mutation, but rather being mutated in an accident before the Big Fart. That lore dump will be for another post though!
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polarized-here · 1 year
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Drew one of my favorite scenes from my Fic on Cowboy!Sheriff au, (it’s a cum joke, that’s why)
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spinningbagel · 9 months
so im currently avoiding the task that is writing the second chapter of the Isles story so I'm rambling a bit. About the Isles yes,,, but also about MB cuz they're on the mind simultaneously.
Specifically, it's about what the MB cast would have as a base & their magic in the Isles because my two interests are merging again.
okay, okay I'll actually talk now.
So Sheriff up first. for him I was originally thinking a bird of sorts, specifically an Australian king parrot. Though I didn't end up going with it and instead decided on a red fox. Not just because he's a ginger (though, that was a large reason to my choice/J) but also if you've ever seen the portrayal of red foxes in media you'll know that they're often painted as thieves- I hope you see where this is going- so I though it'd make sense to make Sheriff have a red fox base because well, he is referred to as a thief in the show.
And for magic, I could've stuck with the whole 'red' theme I've got going on and chose fire magic for him but no, we like switching things up here. Anyways I picked rain magic for him which is basically the ability to create rain when and wherever. like a toned down version of Leo's magic given the fact he can't make storms- just rain. Also his magic spark would be a light blue.
Shooter next, his base was the easiest to come up with. I wanted him to be a sea creature of sorts, my only question was just "which one?" I would like to say it was a difficult choice but I was pretty dead set on my first option, that being an axolotl. Now, there's not actually a reason for this, it just exists. And I personally think it's great and anyone with a different opinion can fight me/j
In terms of magic I think he'd have land magic but specifically rock magic which basically just means he can throw around rocks and dirt. again, no actual reason for this choice. It just somehow seemed fitting for him. Also yellow magic spark, similar to Leo's just leaning closer towards caution tape yellow.
Now onto Vegan. And I will admit her personality was a huge factor when I decided she was going to be a wolf, specifically an Alexander Archipelago wolf. idk I think they're pretty. But yeah, the only reason I decided on this was because of her personality in canon.
For magic I think her magic spark would be a darker grey, much darker than Sapphires (who I don't think I have shown the spark for) and her actual magic would be fire. Any reason for this? no. Did I want to give at least one character fire magic? yes. also dark grey fire sounds badass. you wouldn't even notice it in the dark.
Now you'd think I'd have BP's and Vegans bases the same, but no! they are different!! I have explained this, it's a 50/50 chance of you have the same base as either of your parents so him and Vegans bases aren't guaranteed to be the same. which they aren't. That being said, he is the resident bird man™ he's a raven but would probably enjoy making his wings all colourful with (safe to use) dyes
For his magic, I didn't really have a clue as to what he'd have but eventually settled on wind magic. Kinda like Ryan's (Isles Ryan, not MB Ryan) just a few notches weaker (like 6 notches weaker) and his magic spark would be bright orange, just cuz I think he's a bright and colourful guy but didn't want to use yellow again :3
Dr. White is the second resident bird man™ uh yeah no. He's the source of BP's very awesome wings- so he's a raven himself idk. I just really wanted him to be a bird man because it seems so him.
His magic would be levitation of objects (he can make people levitate, it just takes a bit more effort to do so) mainly because I think it'd be a useful thing for him to have. He could just,, have his work follow him everywhere idk yall.
And finally, Brutux. I decided on a polar bear. Not sure why- which is my main reason for 99% of my choices. but anyways. he's a polar bear so he'd actually live quite a bit away from everyone else because of his preference of colder climates (In the isles, climates are like their own mini kingdoms but are still below the three main rulers who technically rule the entire part of the world that fits their title {land, sea & sky} if that makes sense to anyone who isn't me) but yeah no, he'd live further away and would only visit during the season of the sea when it is much, much colder.
For magic, Brutux would prolly have snow magic which is just like,, creation of snow. kinda basic and plain because of his animal base but this is my oc world so fight me/J and also, his magic spark is red. not like, blood red or anything; something a little softer than that.
anyways. this took way too long to type and I'm regretting my choices but thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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spinningbagel · 9 months
Ok I got another one, this time about your Homeless AU. It’s more of a general question about the characters than about one specific character but yeah.
After they kicked Sheriff to the streets, did they ever miss him/feel bad about doing that?
You're answer for that would be yes! Or at least some did.
Shooter 100% felt bad, he wasn't really in favour of giving Sheriff the good ol' boot but in the end, majority voted to do so so he either had to go with it or follow in Sheriffs footsteps. And despite feeling bad, a safe place to live where he wasn't struggling to stay afloat and survive was ranked a bit higher than Sheriff.
Dr. White absolutely did, despite voting in favour of kicking out Sheriff. He regretted it yes, but he had to think logically. There was no way he could risk it. The mission was too important. This was the one way they could save the world. The one way they could help Sheriff. He does subtly help Sheriff out however to somewhat make up for it. I think I talk about it in a post somewhere.
Vegan? Not really. Her mind was on the mission and the mission only. She couldn't have someone like Sheriff potentially jeopardise it.
BP is more or less the same as Dr. White, without the addition of help Sheriff out subtly. He's just highly conflicted about the whole thing. He would've preferred if Sheriff could've stuck around.
Brutux is practically on par with Vegan although he's willing to admit that it was a bit of a shitty thing for them to do, leaving Sheriff out there alone without a means to protect himself or keep himself alive, pretty much forcing him to succumb to the mutation.
So yeah, enough guilt to go around for everyone!!! Homeless is one of my favourite Aus and I don't talk about it as much as I'd like so I appreciate the ask!!!!
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Thought I had already shared these but I didn’t so anyways ZA!su & BP drawings 💪💪
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Some ZA!au doodles from school today
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spinningbagel · 9 months
Bet so any headcannons for BP? I feel like he’s a character that was really pushed off to the side in the show (more than everyone else…) but could’ve had some interesting character traits if explored.
YOU DONT HAVE TO PICK JUST ONE!!!! Go nuts my friend!! I love reviving asks!!!
Okay so. BP? A few actually! Not as much as some others but I have some!!
- He has various patches sewn onto his pants and he does an admittedly horrible job at it.
- worked at at Walmart before everything went horrible/hj
- is the kinda person to "kiss the homies goodnight"
- Knows pigpen cipher (it's really cool)
- He's a Steven Universe fan and would have every single episode downloaded.
- tells the dirtiest jokes known to man (another thing yoinked from Tori, got this from his cowboy Sheriff AU)
- Partially deaf from being in close range of explosions and uses hearing aids [made by Dr. White] he often takes them out when people are being annoying.
- on that topic, has various scars and burns from explosions.
Uhh that's what I can conjure up rn, I admittedly don't think about BP a whole lot. You're right though, he's often thrown to the side. The show doesn't do him much justice and he rarely has a prominent role in episodes </3
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Idk if you’re still in a rambley mood (if not feel free to ignore or like save for another time when you are!!) But do you have an HC’s for the siblings [BP & Vegan] Idk I really think their super cool :]
(I’m always in a rambley mood 💪💪)
They are super cool!! I love them best sibling duo (sorry guys don’t see enough of Sheriff & Ryan 😪😪)
Hmmm,, headcanons you ask? I’ll admit I draw a blank for them unfortunately 💔💔 which is a shame because I really do love them. Reminds me of my relationship with my own five siblings (mostly my brothers)
I feel like they’re the kinda siblings who at one moment can despise each other and the next, are very kind/nice (idk how to word it??) to each other. I feel like that’s the situation with a lot of peoples siblings, it’s certainly like that for me and my brothers.
I might come back to this if I think of anything but unfortunately I don’t think about these two often enough to come up with headcanons 💔 I really should though. If anyone has headcanons of their own I beg of you to share them, I’m easily prone to adopting headcanons and just love seeing what others think
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dem0nguy · 9 months
Christmas was in full swing at La Résistance headquarters; halls decked with garland, windows adorned with festive curtains, Christmas tree garnished with homemade ornaments.
And all eight of La Résistance’s members, finishing up the decor in the rec room.
Well, all eight of them were in the rec room, but not all eight were decorating.
It was really just Vegan-Su doing all the work, Apocalipsis helping to reach the high places whenever needed.
Brutux and Dr. White sat on the couch, in front of the fireplace/TV playing a video of a crackling fire, listening to Christmas music.
BP and Katani had taken mistletoe, stuck it to a stick with fishing line, and gone around holding it above peoples heads trying to get them to kiss.
Shooter would be lying if he said it wasn’t hilarious
Sheriff was goofing off, per usual. Wandering from person to person, cracking a joke, throwing an insult, getting punched in the face by Vegan-Su when the mistletoe made its way over to them, accidentally breaking an ornament, getting tangled in the Christmas lights—The list could go on.
But Shooter didn’t care about how long the list was, he just cared about the man behind it.
Sheriff, he loved him—
No he didn’t love him. He couldn’t love him. But god did he love him anyways.
Sheriff, and his bright orange hair like that of a fire; drifting out and up, sending scalding embers of his personality wherever he went. Sheriff, and his elegant teal-blue eyes that glow brighter than ice shining in the morning light. Put side by side you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between the two, their beauty unparalleled in the great expanse of winter.
But Shooter could tell the difference.
Shooter knew the deepness of Sheriff’s eyes, like the sky, infinite and beautiful. Full of possibility. He knew the gentle touch of his lightly tanned skin; from the few times Sheriff had sought comfort in Shooter’s arms.
He knew Sheriff’s cockiness, how much of an idiot he could be sometimes. How he could fuck up so badly, yet make it out fine. How he could be so dumb, yet have everything work for him.
But Shooter loved it. He loved everything about Sheriff, from his dumbassary to his sweet giddy smiles.
He only wishes he actually could love him.
Shooter sighs, staring out the window he placed his menorah in. The menorah that Sheriff, had gotten for him. (Alongside enough candles to last all of Hanukah, which makes Shooter doubt that Sheriff had actually found this all on his own.)
“Hey Shoooooooter!” The man in question saunters toward him. Ready to continue his antics.
“You look reallllllll lonely over here you know,” Sheriff teases, “Why don’t you stop being uh…” He thinks for a moment, “damn it, Brutux what was the word again?!”
Shooter can hear Brutux sigh from the other side of the room, “A Debbie Downer?” “What he said!” Sheriff smirks.
Shooter rolls his eyes. He’s such an idiot… “I ain’t bein’ a ‘Debbie Downer’ Sheriff. I’m just thinking.”
“Mhm, bout what?”
Shooter shrugs, red tinting the tips of his ears. You “Nothing much.”
They stare out the window together, barren desert wasteland surrounds the headquarters. It looked the same year round, no matter where you went.
And most of the time, it was hot. Hotter than you’d think it could ever get. The Big Fart sped up climate change, and it hadn’t snowed since then, but it still got fairly chilly this time of year.
Proof of that was last night, up on the roof, when Sheriff pressed into Shooter’s side for warmth against the bitter darkness.
It still made his heart flutter to think about…
“Lovely weather we’re having huh?” Sheriff interrupts his thoughts.
“Beautiful weather,” Shooter chuckles, “Should be expecting snow any day now!”
Sheriff laughs with him, “Man! I can’t remember the last time I saw snow.”
“Neither can I.”
“You lived in the city, didn’t you?”
Shooter nods, “Yeah, our snow weren’t as clean as what you’d get out in the rural parts.”
“You’d be surprised.” Sheriff shrugs, “I remember one time I was playing with the pigs out in the snow, and I swear not five minutes later, all of that snow became mud.” He chuckles, “Ryan came out after a while to play too, and made a point to tell me not to eat the muddy snow. But I think it was a little too late for that…”
Sheriff exhales a reminiscent sigh that begs for the past to come back to him. “I miss that farm, the pigs, and Ryan…”
“Hey, don’t be a Debbie Downer!” Shooter teases, eliciting a smirk from Sheriff.
“You’re right! It’s the season to be jolly after all!” He laughs, before frowning again. “I just wish he was still here…”
Shooter puts a gentle hand on Sheriff’s shoulder. He flinches at the sudden touch, before leaning into it. “You got us Sheriff,” Shooter tries to comfort him, “You got us.”
Sheriff nods, “Thanks Sho—“ mistletoe smacks him in the face.
“Whoops! Sorry!” Katani laughs, moving the mistletoe stick.
Sheriff and Shooter share a confused glance, before looking up.
Shooters face is what most accurately displays his reaction; bright red. And he knew it too.
“Come on guys, it ain’t gay to kiss your homies!” BP encourages, giggling with Katani.
Sheriff awkwardly laughs, “I mean, he’s right you know?” Shooter doesn’t dare look at him.
Looking at him would make Shooter want to kiss him.
“Come on Shooter, I’m not that bad of a kisser! Swear on it!” Him and his cocky personality, back at it again…
Shooter looks him in the eye, and fucking shit. That was a bad idea. He wanted to disappear into the teal universe that was Sheriff’s eyes, disappear forever in something so beautiful, that it made him a blushing, red, sweaty, shaky, mess.
Every time he dared to meet his gaze.
“Shooter?” Sheriff’s voice draws him out of his mind, prompting him to absentmindedly take a step forward. “Hey I mean, if you don’t wanna do this it’s cool you kn—“
He kissed him.
He actually kissed him.
Only for a split second before pulling back and awkwardly laughing, “You ain’t that bad of a kisser Sheriff, no worries!” He takes a step back, “Ima uh… head off now.”
He hastily walks out of the room, leaving Sheriff in shock, BP and Katani cackling to themselves, and not a single other soul bothered.
Except himself of course.
Because holy shit, he kissed him.
I did it yet again, I wrote us some SheriffxShooter content. I was originally gonna make it more fluffy, but I wanted romantic tension so that’s what we get :3
Happy Holidays!
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Uhh felt like my delightful(debatable) presence was lacking. Been pretty busy, went to Hobart (Tas) with a friend for a couple days and my family is moving into a new house so fun.
Anywayzz drawing dump to make up for that I guess
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spinningbagel · 1 year
Told one of my friends about the trauma the characters go through in the ZA!Au….safe to say they were a little more than a tad concerned.
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