blondedsixties06 · 4 months
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Mizumono chibis!
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birb-boyo · 6 months
If I told you guys that I’m a bit of a simp for Kohga, what would you guys say
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vaguely-annoyed · 3 months
there's smth haunting to me about the ficlets written in notes apps. those that are too short to be shared, too scattered to feel meaningful. the words pulled together in a fit of inspiration, typed out from the innermost part of ourselves that wants to create for the sake of creating. a paragraph. several pages. a simple sentence that lives between code lines, using as little memory space as they can. in those moments the notes are built from everything we've ever cared for in the same way that we are all patchwork of everyone we've ever loved. bits of information that carry pieces of the stories we felt like sharing and never did. what do we do with them. what do they do with us. what did they change inside of us to need to exist beyond ourselves and only behind the screen in our palm. at what point do they cease to exist. at which point do they stop being part of us. as the file corrupts? the moment we stop writing? until we stop thinking about them? something beyond that, perhaps
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amjustagirl · 2 months
i'm a little astounded you guys actually want to read my hoshina soshiro fic??? i've only ever written for hq, so i didn't think there'd be much interest - but gosh, to everyone who've left tags and replies and the slightest bit of love, it means the world to me <3 i've been cackling at your comments and tags all day, mr. nikki thinks i've gone insane.
and to think - i was so close to not returning to writing :3
tho uh no i'm not gg to maintain a taglist for the fic, i'm too disorganised for that! next chapter up this thurs night, then i'm off to the mongolian steppes!
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maxy-33 · 1 year
MAX WAS A BBY HE’S SO CUTE AWWW and his fall at the end was so funny ksksksk
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
top five worst (or best depending on how u look at it) pieces of asoiaf discourse
god. oh god.
any variation on dany v sansa v arya. GO OUTSIDE!!!!! i tend to find discourse pretty funny since im an observer but this makes me seethe and mald etcetc. how are they SO sexist yet convinced theyre the real feminists
catelyn stark discourse. KYS!!! she was right and cool and sexy.
pro/anti house targaryen disk horse. i LOVE this one cos im soooo right. YES they are sexy and cool and the most fun. YES they are evil and emotionally abusive emotionally incestuous literally incestuous and the incest IS bad. and theyre sexist! no matter what you say they are sexist!
cheating but all of hotdtwt. GET A LIFE!! all ship discourse all morality discourse all female character discourse all of it. touch grass etcetc
greens vs blacks. im sorry but the centrist anti-war belief is the right one actually. sorry u had to find out this way :/
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neeaniel · 4 months
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Isn't he cute?
They're a cephalopod and about 6 inches. They live in the deep sea, in tropical areas. It has bioluminescent organs that it uses to breathe, and it's really hard to get oxygen down where they live since it's so deep.
Anyway, this little guy is swimming peacefully. Vampire squids can turn themselves inside out! Isn't that cool? It's called the pumpkin position! And they do this to hide their photophores from predators. It doesn't really have a place with either squids or octopuses, instead, it has its own little order. It doesn't share it's order with anyone, being in its own little place, like red pandas!
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watch-my-cosmic-death · 2 months
My girlfriend hasn’t messaged me in 30 minutes: hundreds dead, thousands of casualties, millions of lives ruined!!!!
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iovetecchou · 1 year
thank you all so much for supporting me and my works up until this point (‘: i didn’t have anything planned but i promise i will do my best to follow through with my kinktober as a thank you 🙏
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Sleepover weekend questions!
What are your Ravi headcanons?
What are your Ravi n Buck (neutral chaotic duo 😛) headcanons?
What are your Eddie n Chim (evil chaotic duo 😛) headcanons?
It's totally fine if you answer just one of em btw 🤗
I think that Ravi takes the "no Q word" rule very, very seriously and makes sure to tell all the probies so they can learn before they make the same mistake
Ravi definitely had a lil hero worship with the 118 but the more he gets to know them he realizes I mean yeah, they're awesome, but they're just regular people and also he's not sure he necessarily wants to be on calls with them they seem to almost die a lot but he loves them and will never say no to a 118 barbecue, esp if Bobby is cooking
Ravi lets Buck teach him everything Buck thinks he needs to know, even if he already knows it because Buck is just so excited to pass on his tips n tricks
The combined insanity of Chim and Eddie is everything to me, Chim's going on about ghosts and curses and Eddie thinks technology is out to get him. Eddie agrees to be more mindful of possible curses n jinxes as long as Chim agrees to interact with any Hildy they come across so Eddie doesn't have to
Chimney and Eddie have regular drinks where they discuss Tips and Tricks for Dating a Buckley and Chim is the one tells them about it one night when he and Eddie need a ride home
Also discussed during these nights out are tips n tricks for dealing with the Buckley parents— it inevitably turns to shit talking <3
✨ sleepover weekend ✨
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roystonvasey · 6 months
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this one’s called “fruity king arthur” and it’s my birthday
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nyehilismwriting · 1 year
rapier: which character is the most stylish? & halberd: in general, how dangerous is the setting? 😙
rapier: which character is the most stylish?
depends how you define Stylish, but...i'm gonna say rhaxa<3
halberd: in general, how dangerous is the setting?
very dependent on where you are! koreth is pretty dangerous, but it is fundamentally a City, largely populated by normal people; eyrie, the city you're yet to visit, is significantly safer (and the air is breathable, too). and the other place you visit is Outer Space, so.....there's that :/
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vaguely-annoyed · 2 months
you are so valued and loved and seen 💖💖💖
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saintluil · 4 months
cursing my lovely friend with mattfoggy
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mycrymes · 5 months
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❝ you're an idiot , but . . . i trust you . ❞ @tr4gicthrill
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chocolatecakecas · 6 months
bec!!! let me boop u!!!!!
boop away my friend<3
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