#my autism won sorry
casey-aka-cosmo · 1 year
I guess this is an au right now? i mean technically as of now it could be possible because Dark's fate is unconfirmed soo- It's basically just a scenario that I thought of when I was bored in biology class yesterday
This kind of originated from the though of "lol so what if Dark comes back but it's because he's staying with King Orange and Purple" and my autistic brain had to make an entire backstory for it
ok so
In these events, AVA V takes place before Orchid dies and Purple goes on his quest to the End, and it happens soon after Navy leaves. Orchid and Purple just so happen to be taking a walk in the forest soon after Dark is attacked by Second. They help him, not knowing who he even is.
So Dark stays at their house while recovering, he never tells them that he's "The Dark Lord" and simply introduces herself as "Dark". His initial plan is to use Orchid and Purple's hospitality while he gets better (and secretly trains so he can be ready to face Chosen or anyone possibly stronger) Though.. After a couple of months of living with them, he slowly grows closer to the two and becomes more and more reluctant on betraying them. They have a lot of great moments together and he and Purple start becoming very close friends.
-Side note: I have a headcanon that all the hollow heads become attatched to people really easily, hence Second being enraged by his friends' processes being ended in AVA IV, and Chosen being quite protective over Sec after only two brief encounters It happened for Dark too but he just spent most of their time in denial-
After Orchid's death, Dark tries his best to be there for Purple, but ends up revealing who he is and flees.
And so avm takes place and Purple moves in with Orange in the end.
Then the wanted posters show up.
Dark had gone into hiding for the time being - if he exposed himself he would probably join Chosen on those posters - but Purple managed to find her. Purple offers to help him and ends up telling him their little experience with Minecraft.
So Dark stays with Purple and whatever happens happens idk
IM WRITING A FANFICTION ABOUT THIS BTW the first chapter will be pre-avm and the second will be post-avm and its gonna take a while because woah what im proof reading a fanfic for once
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mangosundae · 2 months
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Greetings, Ni No Kuni fandom! I’ve seen a couple people on here post their NNK ocs on here so I thought I’d add my own blorbo to the collection. Now presenting: Penelope Homebrew of the Land of Nod! She’s from WotWW and has a whole DLC post game mission, which ends with Penelope becoming a playable character. I’ll write out how her story goes under the cut, but basically she’s a potion saleswoman who helps the gang close the Nightmare Rifts (name in progress) that have taken over Castaway Cove, Yule, and Perdida.
***GIANT infodump under the cut!!***
The Land of Nod: Where Dreaming is Doing.
- Okay so Nod is a kingdom located on the Spindle, a small island near Autumnia. I’m pretty sure spindle is a reference to mining, but we’ll say it references the spindle from Sleeping Beauty.
- The Land of Nod is all about dreaming. Its inhabitants, called Nodlanders, have the ability to bring whatever they dream of to life. This ability is called Manifesting. Manifesting requires the user to both come up with the item they desire, dream it, AND remember it when they wake up. Nodlanders grow up practicing how to lucid dream, and how to remember their dreams in the waking world. It’s a hard skill to master, which is why so few can actually make a career out of it.
- But since Nodlanders who do master this skill are very powerful, Shadar saw them as a threat, which is why he put all of Nod to sleep with a spell. That’s also why Nod doesn’t show up on the map in the main game, because it’s hidden from sight. And also he made everyone have nightmares, which is important later.
- Since Nod is a postgame area, the items you can buy here are very powerful, but also very pricey. They can only be found in Nod because the Nodlanders literally dreamed them up. Most Nodlanders have a specific kind of item they focus on, like weapons or armor. It’s a HUGE tourist trap.
- Also you might be asking, why isn’t Nod the richest place in the world? Why can’t they just dream up infinite money and food? I thought of that. You can’t really read or write in dreams, so any dreamed currency is obviously fake. And Nodlanders CAN dream up food, but it can’t inwardly be food. So basically dream food can look and taste a certain way, but doesn’t contain substance or calories, so you can’t survive off it. Snack stands and buffets are very popular in Nod for this reason, as you’ll never get stuffed.
Penelope Homebrew: Saleswoman Extraordinaire (?)
- Penelope lives in Nod but has no dream powers. She’s a disappointment to her parents because of this, and spends the whole story trying to prove herself, before eventually realizing she doesn’t have to prove herself to anyone. Also I want her and Swaine to be besties so they bond over being non-magicals from magical families.
- Since she has no dreaming abilities of her own, Penelope runs the Homebrew Apothecary, where she sells potions made from the Dream Energy of other Nodlanders. They look down on her for not having powers of her own, which makes her feel bad. The apothecary got very little business before Shadar, since tourists were more interested in real dream-based products, but Penelope sees traveling with Oliver as a chance to get her brand out there. There are several cutscenes where she’s just advertising to anyone who’ll listen, and she uses the fights to show off her potions.
- Penelope comes with several potions to use in battle and in the overworld. Each of them has a silly little name because you can’t have NNK without some silly little names.
- Nightcap: This potion induces the sleep status on an opponent for 20 seconds.
- Seeing Stars: A potion that induces the confusion status on an opponent.
- A Dream is a Wish: This drinkable potion will, at random, increase the user’s MP or HP, or take away their status condition (the third option only applies if a status condition is present).
- Beauty Sleep: A drinkable potion that completely heals the user’s HP and MP, in return for making them immobile/asleep for thirty seconds. This also almost completely drain’s the user’s MP, so it should be used sparingly.
- Knock Out: A potion that inflicts physical damage on an opponent.
- Shut Eye: An overworld spray potion that gives your party two minutes of invisibility. It works the same as Oliver’s Veil spell.
- Night Light: Ingesting this potion gives the user night vision.
- Basically, all her potions are either thrown, ingested, or sprayed. She starts off with a slingshot, but eventually Swaine makes her the Shooting Star, a steampunk looking bow and arrow that can shoot out any offensive potion Penelope currently has in her roster. The “arrows” are syringes full of potions. This makes her a ranged attacker. I imagine she can replace Swaine in battle, similar to how you can replace Esther with Marcassin.
- Oh also, to make the gang trust her, Penelope pretends she was a famous and successful potioneer before Shadar cast his sleep curse. Swaine suspects her from the start because one con artist recognizes another, but eventually everyone learns she’s been lying and conflict happens. Oooooooo.
The Plot: Nightmare Magic-Induced Therapy
- As I mentioned, Shadar put all the Nodlanders to sleep and gave them nightmares, which they kept having until Cassiopeia woke them up. When they woke up their Dream Energy exploded across the world and caused Nightmare Rifts to appear in Castaway Cove, Yule, and Perdida. Why? It’s like when the printer isn’t working so you keep pressing print, and then it starts working again and shoves out a million papers at once. The Nodlanders had dreamed so much during the sleep curse that when they woke up they couldn’t contain all the energy that had built up.
- Because of this, these three areas are now dungeons with a boss at the end, which are nightmarish manifestations of each town’s Vibe. Each dungeon is also based on a commonly-hated video game mechanic (these being water physics, ice physics, and moving levels). And, also, each dungeon reflects one of the main three’s fears in some way, both literal and metaphorical. In going through these dungeons and defeating the bosses, Oliver, Esther, and Swaine work through their fears with the help of Penelope.
- Also, the reason Penelope starts traveling with them (other than the opportunity to sell more potions) is because the other Nodlanders are too tired from their nightmares to be helpful. Since Penelope doesn’t have dream magic, she feels fine (if a little traumatized after years and years of nightmares).
- Castaway Cove is a water level where the town is completely flooded and sea monsters lurk in the depths. The boss is a sunken ship monster called Ship Wrecker, who has a mouth and teeth made of jagged wooden planks. Its big move is Anchors Away, where it releases a large anchor that damages the whole party. When it’s close to dying it does a new move called Wreckage, where its whole body becomes a mouth to bite the party with. Its normal move is just chasing someone around and biting them. Also there’s a water bubble around the battle arena because it would be a pain in the ass if not.
- This is Oliver’s level, since he almost drowned and is therefore afraid of water. He tries to swim to prove he’s not afraid anymore, but starts having a panic attack. He admits to Penelope (because they split into groups) that he feels guilty that his mom died swimming out to rescue him, and wants to prove that he can take care of himself now like she wants him to. Penelope gives him a pep talk, since she relates to feeling the need to prove herself and doesn’t want him to feel that way. It doesn’t totally fix the problem, but Oliver is able to get through the dungeon without issue.
- Yule is an ice and snow level where the whole place is caved in, and they have to parkour down to the bottom. It kind of sucks because ice physics lol. The little monsters you encounter are scary versions of the Tomte, and the boss is an igloo-abominable snowman fusion called the Bombinable Snowman. It’s a giant spherical igloo with a face and hairy limbs, which it tucks inside itself for certain attacks. Because of the ice blocks, it has really high defense, which only lowers when it does a move called Bumbles Bounce. For this move, it pulls its limbs into itself and throws itself to the ground like a bomb. This does physical damage to anyone not defending. You trigger Bumbles Bounce by attacking it enough, so it’s a very stamina-based fight. It also has an area attack called Avalanche, and a single attack called Stalag-Might, where it slashes with an ice spear.
- This is Esther’s level. She and Penelope get cornered by one of the Tomte monsters, which doesn’t respond to Esther’s attempts to soothe it. Esther gets upset, and says something like “This [monster taming] is what I’m supposed to be good at!” She explains that she’s a sage’s daughter but not a sage herself, so she has to be powerful in her own way so her dad will be proud of her. Penelope’s like “Wow these kids have issues” but assures Esther that if Rashad loves her, he’ll be proud of her no matter what she does. It’s in this moment that Penelope realizes how similar her situation is to Esther’s, and starts feeling less beholden to her parents’ opinions of her.
- Perdida is a moving level where the player has to keep up with the moving camera and dodge constantly changing obstacles. For this one the dungeon is also the boss, as the town’s multi-headed snake statues have come to life and morphed into a giant snake in the sky. It works like the snake boss from Puppeteer, or the Rayquaza balloon from Poke Park. Basically you run across the back of the snake. The heads of the snake attack when you get to the front, but then one of them swallows you and you fight from the inside. Unfortunately I don’t have names for this boss and its moves just yet, but just assume they’re snakey.
- This is Swaine’s level, and also kind of Marcassin’s. Obviously Swaine’s afraid of snakes, but for the whole DLC story he’s also been trying to prove he can be a good brother to Marcassin. Marcassin ends up getting captured by the snake because it was attacking Hamelin, and he wants to prove he can be a good ruler. Basically Swaine wants to be like Marcassin, and Marcassin wants to be like Swaine (in that Swaine is more of a physical attacker and strategist), and they have to work together to stop the snake. In the end both brothers realize they’re good as they are, and Penelope finally comes to the same conclusion.
- With all the rifts taken care of, the group goes back to Nod, where they invite Penelope to travel with them. Penelope thinks about how the Nodlanders and her parents never appreciated her, but how these new people do, so she packs up the apothecary and becomes a traveling saleswoman with the gang. The themes are a little hamfisted, but to be fair the themes of the main game aren’t super subtle.
Holy shit this was way longer than I intended it to be. I don’t expect anyone to read this far but if you did, thanks very much for reading my infodump about a game nobody likes! (Lol.) It’s been super fun coming up with the level designs and stuff, and Penelope is just really fun to draw. Also yeah I know she looks a bit like Moon from FNAF but shhhhh it’s fine.
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sketchingstars03 · 11 months
You dare prefer that abomination of a protector over me!? I’m the almighty destroyer! The ender of worlds!! You’re a fool for liking him over me! I have more charm and personality than him!! I am way better too!!! He’s so short while I am very tall. Creator, pay attention to me instead!!
-Error Sans anon
ahem, sorry about that allow me to compose myself
No <3
3BillionMillion Ink Sans Centric plots where he’s happy with his family <3
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totally-lyrical · 4 months
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kettleghost · 2 years
my claus design from a mother 3 post-game timeskip au where theyre all teenagers :^) enjoy!!!
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i hope to draw some other characters soon!
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glitchedsoftware · 1 year
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why is he so sillyyyy
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sangreprince · 15 hours
Headcanons: Zagreus, The God
Who Zagreus is as a god is a complicated question, but one that boils down into a semi-simple answer: He is the god of blood, sweat, and tears. In other words, determination. This is gonna be broken into a few parts to avoid yapping so people can easily find the lore they're interested in.
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1. Overview & Sources
2. Abilities
3. Personality / Alignment
4. Following
1. Overview & Sources Borrowing from his etymology first, I'm sourcing mostly from Dionysos by Karl Kerényi. A lot of what he is as depicted by SSG comes from that and I'm similarly drawing from those sources. There's other conflicting information out there such as some of the materials in the Greek Epic Fragments by Martin L. West, but I personally won't be referencing it since I don't believe much of that was sourced for his character in this specific portrayal. That said though, I do recommend people check it out regardless as there are some things in there that also seem to be the basis for what SSG establish (Such as some lines cited by Timothy Gantz). That said, I also borrow (what I can) from the Sisyphus epic as detailed in the Aeschylus, which you can find online under West as well. Mainly this pertains to not only his nature as the Son of Hades but also his specific function within the Underworld. My portrayal is kind of a mix of those sources, heavily inspired by the tones SSG set in their own interpretation of the mythology.
Because we don't actually know a lot about the historical Zagreus and some of the information is conflicting, especially regarding Orphic tradition and his relationship / identity with Dionysos, most of my portrayal is going to be a mix of filling in the blanks with my own narrative based off of (primarily) the sources given. There's a lot of mixup there regarding Zagreus and Dionysos that I won't really be touching for the purposes of this blog. That said, I strongly believe in being authentic and respecting the source material! If you know of any good sources. That said, if anyone has any ideas or thoughts regarding this please let me know some source materials I can go over!! Mediterranean history and mythology is something I'm going to try and respect and acknowledge, even if some liberties are taken for the sake of distinction. Comments should be open for this so if you've got sources, feel free to paste them below!
I'm using these two sources alongside the story established by SSG to sort of form my own narrative with Zagreus. That said, if anyone wants to read them I'll source them here!
Kerényi, C. (1976). Dionysos : Archetypal image of indestructible life. http://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA52740670
West, M. L. (1990). Studies in Aeschylus. In De Gruyter eBooks. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110948066
2. Abilities.
Zagreus is Hades's son. He is undying, unable to die except by extremely unconventional means that would sever his link to the cycle of life and death itself. But that isn't to say he can't be killed. He is still partly, even if only by a small margin, mortal. This allows him to be vanquished by any conventional means that would otherwise kill a regular human. Even if he's a god, he bleeds. He can be bested.
'Zagre' has its roots with 'zoë' and 'zoön', the Greek words for 'life' and 'living thing' respectively. I take this to mean he can be killed as any living thing can, a narrative the game-play supports. Taking a 'Yes and' improve approach to that, I also feel like part of what makes him formidable however is his influence over the blood of living things. This can extend to the ability manipulate the blood in an individual's body to a number of effects, such as making wounds that never heal on their own or stop bleeding. This would reflect the casting ability he has, and possibly was even one of the sources of inspiration for SSG in regards to that mechanic. Secondly, taking that prescient I'd like to think he could also control the flow of blood in a living creature to varrying effects. Heightening senses, accelerating heart-rate, even using the blood of living things to heal himself. But nothing on the level of say, water bending. His power is a lot more subtle than that.
Additionally, his name (and even Artemis in game) suggests he's a fantastic hunter. And that, I think, is where much of his actual formidability comes from. An exact translation of his name would be something like, 'catcher of game' and I think that's appropriate. He is a fighter trained by Achillies and a hunter favored by Artemis that cannot die. What makes him frightening as an enemy is the fact that, no matter what you do, he's just going to come back. And every time he does, he gets a little bit better at fighting you. And that should be terrifying, were it not the fact that Zagreus can be reasoned with. It would be a nightmare if you couldn't avoid him simply by laying down your weapon and engaging in a dialog. In as much a way that he is a god and an unstoppable force, he is still his own individual with principles. Among said principles is mercy, understanding, and compassion.
But to those that don't heed that? Zagreus is and should be frightening. Because he is stubborn. In that way he is Hades' son. And he will never stop until one day, eventually, he bests them. It isn't a matter of 'if', but when.
3. Personality / Alignment
As a god, Zagreus is... Fairly outgoing. He doesn't believe himself above anyone else, living or dead. In much the same way his name derives from 'living things', he's very compassionate towards mortals and doesn't place himself on a pedestal regarding them. If anything, he views his power as a god as a responsibility, a trait his Father instilled in him after much effort. In this way, he uses his power and influence as a god in service of the living despite being a chthonic god of the Underworld. But from a distance. He knows that power can corrupt, and his influence carries weight among the mortals that acknowledge him. So he prefers to be more of a distant but dedicated figure, one who only intervenes when inaction would be detrimental to all parties involved. Including his conscious.
For the same reason, he doesn't to reveal his nature as a god too often to those that don't already know. He understands that others might perceive him differently as just another being with their own agenda and morality if they view him through the lens of a god. They might think because he is a god and thinks these things, his opinion should be held with more regard than somebody else's. And Zagreus just doesn't believe in that. And more than that, it often introduces a power dynamic he simply isn't comfortable with in most instances.
4. Worship Zagreus is often misunderstood by mortals. Often, they see that him and Ares are close and, considering his affiliation with blood, make him out to be somewhat more of a sacrificial deity than he is. Mostly they perceive that he's the good of blood without contextualizing that he's more than that in a literal sense. Zagreus's domain more subtle, less 'blood and conflict' as it is 'blood sweat and tears'. He's portrayed as a stubborn, defiant, persistent and I'm inclined to believe he's the of god of effort and 'bleeding for your passions' so to speak.
While this does have relationships with conflict and battle, as you would naturally expect,  it's hardly what he represents on the whole. In regards to most of the people that follow him, he almost has this bitter and hesitant relationship. He doesn't necessarily endorse the collection of people who see him as a sort of god of passionate violence and bloodshed which. Is only a partial truth, and one he isn't fond of.
Ironically, a lot of the times the mortals he actually admires don't' even worship him at all. To an extent, Zagreus actually prefers this.  He doesn't seek worship. So when people actually come around and understand him and pray that fit that niche of being stubborn and passionate people who bleed for their convictions and invoke his name? He's' probably one of the easiest gods to talk to individually, as well as work with on a practical level due to his compassion and natural intuition.
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nanamis-bigtie · 3 months
i wrote half of the 7th round, but something didn't click right for me. decided to sleep over the topic, and after looking at the drafts with fresh eye, i decided to rewrite everything and take a completely different route
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proxythe · 3 months
the craziest hyperfixation battle of the decade happening inside my brain rn
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deusauris · 9 months
tremoctopodidae —> deusauris
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soullessjack · 1 year
oh my god please tell me somebody here knows the venture brothers. …my second favorite dysfunctional found family of all time … please tell me somebody understands the parallels ……..
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casey-aka-cosmo · 1 year
Animator vs. Animation: Headswap AU
This post will consist of a summary and ideas from this au that I've created recently! If you want to head straight into the fanfiction, here's a link to the first book: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47771419
Now I shall explain what this au is!
A basic summary of it: An alternate universe of Animator vs. Animation where all fullheaded stick figures are gifted with different abilities, and all hollowheads are left powerless.
Second, Dark and Chosen are siblings and had lived together all their lives. They get separated by a group of villains and Second comes across the rest of the color gang, who immediately take him in to protect him and help them find her siblings.
The story is currently ongoing as a fanfiction of Ao3, and the first book was just completed today. I already have 2 more books planned out and plan on making more, all of which are gonna be longer than the first!
And as for the powers for the currently introduced fullheads:
Blue has plant manipulation, flight and fire resistance Red has shapeshifting, animal communication, and Herobrine's abilities (this'll be explained at a later point) Green has sound manipulation, teleportation and mind control Yellow has energy manipulation, wisdom and command (like command blocks)
Aaand that should be the basics! I'll be making separate posts about my OC's and art for this au, as to not squeeze it all into one post!
Shoutout to my moot swtoon for giving me the name idea btw! :>
ALSOALSO for those who had been interested in it, i haven't forgotten about the au/theory i made about Dark staying with Purple and Mango, i will be making a fanfic about it at some point i'm actually completely rewriting it since i wasn't satisfied with the first version
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skelewins · 1 year
tbh i got an apple pencil and it inevitably resulted in me drawing my spinterest at increasingly rapid incremements
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shiverhohojiro · 1 year
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Guys I drew partially for my own reference and partially for artfight refs... sometimes when you are writing about a character with semi-canon siblings you know absolutely NOTHING about, there is only so much you can dance around referencing them before you start having to make up distinct things about them, such as names and personality traits. And then you start getting attached to these concepts, so you start to flesh them out more, and. well.
It was a very fun exercise in figuring out both how to make them look like Shiver siblings (especially since I went into drawing them with only their fashion senses figured out) and figuring out what traits I think are Shiver specific. I think I managed? I like them :) I certainly like them more than Shiver does. The Hohojiro sibling dynamics are in shambles.
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fregget-frou · 2 years
Yeps, he has a Discord server - I've never been there though (as well as in any non-University related Discord server with more than a dozen of people).
Oh and he was my first too! I accidentally started with Ornvyr, so I'm traumatized. /hj
I definitely want to know about your listeners and your apocalypse hypothesis. (Especially, if Benny was also put in any of the Hollow storylines at some point - I love him.)
Not to self-promote, but in case you want some Pharos angst, I have two bits... (one and two)
Ok before I started writing this i read your stuff on Pharos and his listeners so let me just *violent sobbing*
This is so very autistic of me <33
so I’ll start with a few of my main listeners/listeners that are actually OCs! Pharos og listener was an old one who I don’t really use anymore but I remember they were very chill and their kingdom was built in the trees! I’ve actually done a bit of topography and map making for Hollows world but basically I figured the forests in the east part(where the elves and stuff are) are super sized and are as thick as whole houses.
The second listener is part of a family of listeners who I basically made wanders or people who move around and meet multiple people during their life, they’re name is Brie and they’re the listener to Pharos and the Elf twins timeline wise elf twins came first for me :)
But for one of my older listeners I have Salem who lemme just say, I fucking LOVE this guy and he’s pretty much my all time fav oc<3333 to sum up the actual OC they’re kinda like a golem made with a purpose to regulate the earths magma and since they’re one of the older ones they have the chance to break off a bit of it’s own body to make a little human shaped thing which is called Salem! Salem eventually decided to wander around and start a family and he was really happy, til they got separated by a curse. Basically for the majority of stories from hollow it’s Salem trying to find their family but getting caught up in things like August and Fendel.(which kinda sucks because their memory is broken and they’re forgetting their family every year they don’t get back so yeah fuck you curse)
It’s more of them trying to remember their kids while trying to make sure these human children don’t fuck yo the world. He’s a parent he’s going to act like one :}
Here’s some art over the years of Salems human-ish form, a staple for a golems broken off piece is the obsidian being exposed in the extremities like a siamese cat. The one on the far right is the most recent one of Salem
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Also an example of one of their kids is Jackals listener, Abel! He’s also having memory problems but he’s still trying to find his family with jackal and hopefully live in piece back near their og bodies :> he’s a mix of sandstone and magma
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Back to the Apocalypse theory!
This is one of my favorite series even with it being pretty old and only 3 parts because it just scratches the itch I love in fiction of humans being the weird ones in a new race!
If you need a refresher on the apocalypse series, it’s about the listener —who is human— where they woke up in a basement to be discovered by a bunny boy named Riji. He and others live in a radioactive post apocalyptic world where humans have all died out for ~~mysterious reasons~~ and left dangerous artifacts like Geiger counters and the dangerous ~boom box~.
Listener lost a lot of their memories and now tries to learn about the world and what happened to the ancients while making friends!
It’s really short so I’ve had the liberty to think on it alot more than other series so I’ll be doing that now!
From what is really easy to guess, humans eliminated themselves with nuclear/atomic warfare, leaving places stuck in time in permanent destruction, the land riddled with radioactive waste, and people mutated and likely other things as well.
I figured that at the tail end of humanity we got too big for our britches and blew ourselves up with bombs from war but I have little bit more history on humanity before that.
I theorized that humanity was pretty advanced, or atleast from our perspective in current era 2022. I figured there was advancements in space travel and other such future stuff but still with the old “I like war fuck you” mentality in the higher ups.
So a fucked up dystopia wrapped up in a faux solar punk ribbon! So that leads us to the listener who’ve I’ve named Dr. Genesis, who back in the days of humanity they were a geneticist working for a high end company who was building things for CRISPR and other gene editing tech.
They lived in a city that was meant to be floating almost, above the ground connected to mountains and other such structures.
Within earth war was between rivaling companies who wanted newly acquired resources and spots in terraforming projects like the moon and Venus. Yada yada a very angry company messed up BIG time and had a giant malfunction on a grand scale destroying a lot of nuclear plants and sources of power for much of the provinces in the Americans and south Asian islands.
Yada yada full scale war and atomic bombs are detonated not before the high society of rich elites fly off to their colonized/terraformed moons and planets leaving the majority of humanity to realize they are stuck and dead on a soon to be blown up planet! Chaos for a few hours, people trying to get home and instead of going home Dr. Genesis the listener decided to go in with their team to be part of the last attempt at saving humanity, sorta.
It’s a backwater project almost like a doomsday prepped decided to do it but basically around 30~~ of these scientists got into stasis pods for interstellar travel they kept for maintenance under the floating cities to hopefully ride out the bombs and maybe build humanity. For the listener they lived too far to get to their family in time so they just decided to stay with their coworkers who were like family and indulge in a dream before everyone is gone.
A couple thousand years later, they wake up from stasis under rubble inside of their pod, now completely freezer brained making them lose memories and making them weak and disoriented. I mean, they were broke pods did you think they wouldn’t harm humans a bit in 2k years of use??? So eventually they make their way up to the upper levels of the ruins and meet Riji, story continues through audios!
Kinda open ended for other people but who decided to make it so Dr. Genesis slowly regains their memories, progressively getting angrier and angrier at past humans and trying to atleast help these people that are left with what humans put there. Trying to help teach people about their work, medicines, tech that can be salvaged and maybe even get contact with new humanity. But for the listener they seem to rather want to fix up an old car and move around the sectors helping people as they can and making a small home for themselves, and trying to make sure that what radiation left doesn’t harm people if they can help.
I’ve written a bit about it as an off story but it’s very loose but if I do get around to creating a consistent plot I’d love to actually write something for it (maybe even commission hollow to do a follow up with a script I write but that’s a big fat IF because my writing sorta sucks and I don’t have much money to spend on stuff like that :p)
If you wanted to add things to this I’d love that!! :]]
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blueslight · 2 years
Playing splat 3 and a switch friend of mine that i only got thru splat 3 (= no way to communicate) joined my match bbut i was trying some new weapons AND WE LOST LIKE 3 MATCHES AND THEN THEY LEFT SO LIKE NOW HOW DO I TELL THEM I DONT ACTUALLY SUCK I WAS JUST USING UNFAMILIAR WEAPONS
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