#my beloved ❤️🌾
elystwelve · 20 days
Mystic Flour can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person… I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around. You are truly stunning. I want you to be my soulmate. I love the way you smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. If I had a star for everytime you crossed my mind i could make the entire galaxy. Your personality is as pretty as you are and thats saying something. I love you, please date me. I am not even calling it e dating anymore because I know we will meet soon enough heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK i hecking love you and it breaks my heart when i see you play with someone else or anyone commenting in your profile i just want to be your girlfriend and put a heart in my profile linking to your profile and have a walltext of you commenting cute things i want to play video games talk in discord all night and watch a movie together but you just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking kills me and i cant take it anymore i want to remove you but i care too much about you so please i’m begging you to eaither love me back or remove me and never contact me again it hurts so much to say this because i need you by my side but if you dont love me then i want you to leave because seeing your icon in my friendlist would kill me everyday of my pathetic life.
I have seen numerous people use this filter and I can confidently say that your rendition of the use of this filter is by far the best I’ve ever seen. You’re absolutely hilarious, very quirky, whacky, and unique. And you know you are all of those things. I just love how raw, unscripted, and genuine your reactions are whilst using this filter. No other person has ever posted something like this. It’s so refreshing to see someone as different yet original as you. As cliché as it may sound, you aren’t like the other girls. You were built different. And I applause you for that.
Date Mystic Flour
Kiss Mystic Flour
Propose to Mystic Flour
Marry Mystic Flour
Have a lifetime lasting relationship with Mystic Flour
Go on many picnics with Mystic Flour
Play games with Mystic Flour
Travel the world with Mystic Flour
Listen to the stories and laughs of Mystic Flour
Fall asleep each night and wake up each morning while looking at Mystic Flour
Have children with Mystic Flour
Build a house with Mystic Flour
Watch our children grow up while we are expecting our fourth with Mystic Flour
Watch the stars twinkle in the night, as we rest, shoulder to shoulder, with our children sleeping next to us with Mystic Flour
Watch our children grow into warm, self sufficient, caring and capable adults, with Mystic Flour
Retire to a farm next to the woods with Mystic Flour
Have our children and grandchildren come to celebrate holidays together with Mystic Flour
Take long hikes into the woods while holding hands, remembering all the amazing events we had in our life with Mystic Flour
Pass away while at home, surrounded by family, holding hands with Mystic Flour
As the void takes me, take the sight of a smile, covered with a stream of never ending tears, and feeling the warm embrace and kiss of Mystic Flour
All this mf did was sleep in a cocoon and she's already SERVING CUUUUUUNT 💅✨️
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gennianydots · 1 year
OS2 Favorite Moments with Genni: Ep 16 A Tale of Thousand Stars (Part 1)
❤️❤️❤️) : ) PAT AND PRAN’S ( : (❤️❤️❤️
🌱🌱🌱) : ) LOVE SPROUT ( : ( 🌱🌱🌱
🌾🌾🌾🌾) : ) MY BELOVED ( : (🌾🌾🌾🌾
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I knew we would see THE SLUTS™️ again
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Read a post @wen-kexing-apologist about the internalized homophobia Phupha holds inside over these four episodes and how he is careful in his outward love of Tian in public and it - ughh makes so much sense - and I noticed Phupha’s love (/Earths acting) was a lot louder when they were alone (representing the queer journey for MANY people) and i just — WOW
Also tentative small touches, hands, feet, closeness as the queer experience; P’aof is saying so much with so little
This kiss was 💜BEAUTIFUL💜 also this counts as A MAKE OUT IN THE WOODS
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gay cuddles are so precious to me ahhhh
Phupha you can’t just say “on a scale of 1-10 how would you rate me” and not credit Pat, but also they are NOT patpran because tian gives his man an 11/10, also the nong nao sleep mask is in the shot showing us just how much patpran influenced phuphatian…something something older gays vs younger gays
mix’s look of love™️ gave me such a dopamine rush
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hot damn earth is hot 🥵
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Good job babies 🙌🏼👏🏼💐
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Continues in Part 2
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winjjheart · 2 years
Happy birthday my beloved Shinsuke Kita 🌾❤️
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stefito0o · 2 years
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🌻 Sunny Reading Tag 🌻
Thank you @leer-reading-lire for tagging me, I finally got to do this 🤭
🥞 favourite book
All of the above really, I can't chose one, I just can't, and that's not even all of my favourite books
🌾 tropes that make you go "asfgrthgj"
Found family is probably my favourite trope which usually occurs in tragic stories and as you all very well know I'm a sucker for these. Example from the pictured above is Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys; Harry, Ron and Hermione are an obvious found family trope which could've been the start of my love for the trope; not pictured and probably my favourite found family is Six of Crows, my beloved ❤️
🌻 comfort book
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales have been a favourite ones since I was a child. An ultimate comfort book! Also anything by Agatha Christie, that's why I've included her autobiography here.
🌙 death in a book you would take back
Dobby 😭😭😭
💡 book you wish you could read again for the first time
Clay by Victoria Beshliiska, it wil be great to re-read it but I think some of the magic of it will be lost as I know how's going to end. Hobbit would be nice to read for the first time too for all the unknown in the adventure.
I'm tagging the first three mutuals in my notifications as I have no idea who have done this and who haven't so these are @myonetruebook @the-forest-library and @ninja-muse 🤗
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vintagelacerosette · 2 years
an excuse to be occupying your inbox? who am i not to hop onto that train - 12, 36, and 48 for the cute questions?🌼🌾
Hello hello Nosho 🥰 thank you for popping by & the questions ❤️
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12. Can you dance? Do you dance?
I like to think I've got some rhythm in me kinda like that pineapple up there haha. Sometime if I'm following a routine I get all in my head to not look stupid & get stiff lol
36. Are you quiet?
I was pretty loud when I was a kid according to my mum but quieten down as I got older but with people I'm comfortable with I'm yapping away
48. Do you swear? When did you start swearing?
Oh swearing my beloved! It's in my aussie culture to swear when excited haha 😄 I think I noticed how often I swore when I graduated university tho lol
Send me a cute ask 💝💕
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c-kiddo · 2 years
your art feels so soft and comfy,,, i love all of it so much esp tmn my beloveds the way you draw them is so sweet and soft i love it so much i want to give your caduceus a hug chbsbxjznxn
;w; aw, thankyou so much, it means a lot! 🍊❤️🌾
good , he needs a hug i think :-3
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mododivivere · 2 years
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churro tw: death/grief “love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.” i had several dogs growing up, they each left for different reasons. i was 12 when we got churro, originally named “sammy” by my cousins, and then “pooper” by our uncle, cause that’s all he did 😂 my grandma didn’t want another dog, because she had a childhood dog and remembered that grief that came with their passing; she felt like she’d already reached her limit of love and loss. but my brother and i insisted we would help out, so she conceded. and we did help; it was a family effort. churro was beloved by everyone in the family and touched everyone’s hearts wherever he went. he was the most gentle and loyal companion, content to simply be by someone’s side. churro was in my life from 2006-2022, 59% of my life, mine and my brother’s complete formative years. throughout it all, he was my rock that kept me grounded. he was almost like a third sibling to the pack my brother and i created. our old man made it to 15 years old. the last of his litter, he lived a long and fruitful life. it was really hard moving to austin in 2020, because I knew he was too old to come with me: that was the beginning of the grieving process. i was fortunate enough to fly back home to spend his last full day at Shenandoah, taking in the smells and soaking in the sun. i couldn’t have asked for more beautiful weather. he ate his favorite foods and had one last bonfire with us. on 03/12, he had the most gentle passing as well. i also didn’t realize how much i missed my family, so that was an added blessing to see them again. i know that i’ll always carry him with me wherever i go and i’m grateful to have created such a strong bond with him. what comes to mind is Shakespeare’s famous words, “‘tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” i get it. it was more than worth it. these are only a fraction of the memories we have created with him and i will treasure them all for the rest of my life. thank you churro for your love. please keep corona company and have fun running across the fields at the big meadow in the sky ❤️🌈🌾🍃☀️ (at Big Meadows, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb1qNLwAAdneMU3QJeQZCzoUwwDxIKCpbO6Odk0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shanaesqueakymonroe · 2 years
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#KidsArtWeek 👩🏽‍🎨🧑🏽‍🎨#BlackHistory 🖤🤎🧡💛💚❤️💙💜🤍💖#BlackFuture #QGTM #Artstudio #NYC 🖼🎨👑✨ #ALLUREARTSTUDIO 🌹🙏🏽🌹😌Thank you @allure_artstudio Ms. Amy🖌for keeping the kids busy & creative in the community🔐 They loved the story while painting crowns! Your work is amazing AS WELL🌟I love my custom hand painted tote bag! THANK you for creating a safe space for my children, and allowing them to just BE! We will DEFINITELY BE BACK ✅ #ProtectBlackQueens 🌍 #IfYouDropYourCrownPickitUP 🤴🏽🏆👸🏾❣️__________________ 🥗🫔🥘Also in the neighborhood, that doesn’t discriminate, is your favorite local family #health pub >> @juice_andgems 🥤💎 I had the #juice #immunebooster #detox and that 🥕🍍#carrot #pineapple #ginger was exactly what I needed😅! Not to forget, the #JERKPLANTAIN PATTY WAS SOOOO DELICIOUS! It is an AMAZING combo😍✨ if you want to support 🛍They will have #popupshop this Saturday just a block down from the art studio! Get all your alternative health needs & more🌴🍀🍂🌱🌿🪵🌾🪴& stop by Ms. Amy’s and purchase some art or merchandise custom painted! #ThankYOU & #BELOVE 💌 🪞WE ARE #HISTORY & #HERSTORY 24/7 365…🪄and on the RIGHT side 🎉 Praise God… it was a beautiful day in the neighborhood☀️💕💫 #GODBLESS 📖 (at Allure Art Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaVgz14uKgg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wherela · 2 years
🌾 - If you could time travel and go anywhere on earth with no practical limitations like language or safety... when? where?
I think my favourite period in history is mid to late XIXth century - mostly cause of the fashion.
But honestly I would love to visit the Slavic areas pre Xth century. We know so little about them (I mean it's almost all just theories), so I would love to find out things that nobody knows anymore. I have a class in which we've been learning Slavic etymology, and they've been showing us some Preslavic words (I assume that's what the language it called in English?), but they're all reconstruction. We have no proof of what the language was like. I would love to see if what they teach us is actually true (+ the culture! the customs!! the clothes they wore!!! the things they built!!!!)
🍁 - What is your favourite season? Why?
Autumn. The colours of the trees. Pumpkin. Cinnamon. Fancy coats. Berets. Pumpkin spice lattes. Warm blankets. Not feeling guilty for spending the entire day reading indoors.
🐚 - Tell me about an inside joke.
There was a time when my sister went through a phase of replying with "in your dreams" to everything. So after a time my brother developed a habit of replying "my dreams are real", whenever she would say that. Fortunately they've stopped this now, but to this day, whenever someone says the phrase, at least one of us has to reply with "mY dReAmS aRe ReAL".
✨ - What's something you love to ramble about to people?
As I'm sure anyone who has spoken to me for longer than 5 minutes knows, languages.
Whatever my current hyperfixation is.
Boys (to the right kind of people).
My trips to Ukraine. Ukraine my beloved ❤️
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