#my big small bitch
silusvesuius · 4 months
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stuff heavily referenced from clive hicks-jenkins' art cus i've been rly into it lately 🥰
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cute idea scribblings for the last drawing..lol
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sergle · 10 months
I really truly, from the bottom of my heart, hate you bitches so much, because on the tiktok of literally COCK AND BALL jokes w brittany broski, there were a few notes/messages like this:
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And I KNOW you don't think anyone's going to check. You had someone go into your askbox and say "hiii brittany broski is shitty about palestine she's really ignorant :/" and you went oh omg I didn't know!! thanks for telling me! So I checked! This is in reference to her talking in her podcast, because people were asking why she hadn't done any big press statements about Palestine, you didn't retweet this or that, you must not care, don't you care, what's your stance, etc etc please say more OKAY COOL. So what's going on there? What did Brittany say on her podcast? Is she a Bad Person? Can I have some transcript, please? ____ "Hey guys, before we get into this week's episode, I want to talk to you about the ongoing and prolonged suffering and loss of life in Gaza, in Israel, and the oppression of Palestinian people widespread. I don't ever want it to be a question that I would ever not be against the oppression of any group of people, that I would ever stand on the side of the oppressor." "There was a lot of fear of misusing my platform." ... "I will admit that I was nervous to talk about it, because I don't want to say the wrong thing. And this is too fucking serious of an issue to misspeak, or to spread misinformation, or to speak over or for someone." ... "So I want to take a moment on my biggest platform- which is this podcast, to say that I stand with the people of Palestine, I stand for the liberation of Palestinian people." ... "Every day, to log on to social media, and be just inundated with graphic, unimaginable violence, and loss, and grief, it's just--There are no words." ... "And I feel helpless. That's part of it too, when you feel helpless, the last thing you want to do is talk to people about it-- but visibility is a resource in and of itself. And I can offer that." ... "The outpouring of rage and passion online, and anger at what's happening, I would argue needs to be dedicated and focused on our elected officials. We live in a democracy- albeit an inherently flawed one- we live in a democracy where we have elected officials who were elected and put in power to represent us, and if we feel misrepresented, if we feel underrepresented in foreign affairs? These officials have public phone numbers and emails. There are scripts available online to express your disdain and your rage, and unfortunately that's one of the only ways we'll see actionable change."   "If you expected more from me, it's a terrible feeling- but I don't want to center myself, this needs to be all eyes on Palestine right now, where the real activism is happening. I would encourage you to follow journalists that are on the ground, people who are in Gaza, we need to be listening to them. I would also hope that we're at a point in this conversation where I can express my desire to stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and that NOT meaning or suggesting or condoning anti-Semitism of any kind. There's a rise of anti-Semitism and islamophobia in the United States and it's just-- it's disgusting, and it's scary, so I want that to be said too. I just wanted to share that I am experiencing part of this collective sense of helplessness and hopelessness-- but it DOESN'T HAVE to be hopeless. I'm going to include a phone number in the description of this episode where, if you don't know the name of your senators or your Congressman, it's never too late to learn, and you can reach out to them." _______ Hm. What a bitch!! Yeah, just so ignorant and uncaring. Obviously she's not keeping up with anything. Should've retweeted more shit ig!
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buddydolly · 4 months
I am dead fucking serious when I say I wish I saw more fat women in public. I want to see fat models. I want to see fat women in department stores getting absolutely HYPE when they find racks and racks of clothing in their size and sizes up, so they too can get the "oversized, baggy fit" like women who fit into smalls and mediums. I want to see fat women wearing crop tops proudly and rocking mad midriff. I want to see fat women trying on clothing for their friends and family and saying "look! it compliments my body shape! it's like it was made for me!" I want to see fat women with "cankles" wearing pretty jingling anklets skipping and jumping just to show them off. I want to see fat women on TV, in magazines, on billboards, in all manner of ads, and in online shop images because I want to see my fucking self and all the women I know who don't see enough of themselves. I want to see fat women living, loving, and being visibly proud of who they are because they are beautiful, WE are beautiful. I want to see fat women because fat women need to see other fat women.
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eclipseshotel · 6 months
Me busting into Elder Predator’s chambers to chew his ass out after he ignored my gauntlet call six times in a row (he was taking a much needed old man nap)
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westaysilly · 8 months
i love all my mutuals a lot !!!! except for @elizakai FUCK @elizakai PUBLIC EXECUTION for @elizakai
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erythristicbones · 1 month
21 pages of my book edited!! wooo!!!
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ifucknglovebsd · 1 year
Kunichuu is such an underrated ship for me but every time I try to explain it to others I look like a mad man raving about nothing but
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khaothanawat · 2 years
idk how to express all the feelings i have about nueng finally choosing to step towards what tanya has wanted for him - and the fact that it only happened to protect palm and mam.
palm doesn’t belong in this world. it’s so evident in everything he does. he’s so physically capable, but he doesn’t have any real inclination towards power or even survival in the same way that most of the other characters on this show do. everything he does is powered by love - he said it himself all the way back at the beginning, when he was helping nueng to use a gun at the shooting range. he’s motivated not by anger but from his love for everyone around him.
and he has so much love inside of him - for nueng, almost immediately after meeting him. for his father, who always seemed to treat him more like a tool than a child. for his mother, who chose to love herself over him.
nueng never wanted to belong in this world. the beginning of the show has him constantly rebelling against his own place in it, against the things that were and would be expected of him. he doesn’t seem the same now, though. palm told him to be motivated by love too, and i think nueng is very much motivated by love - it’s just that that looks different to palm. palm’s love is so soft and trusting and loyal to a fault. nueng’s love is fierce and sharp and wounding. nueng has seen both his parents shot in front of him, has seen palm and mam subjected to people more powerful than them.
nueng never wanted to belong to this world, but he does - and accepting his place in it gives him more power and opportunity to keep the people he loves safe. palm’s heart is too pure for that. nueng’s never has been. that doesn’t mean that nueng wants it now, or that it’s what will make nueng happy. nueng doesn’t believe in his own chance for happiness, he’s said that before. he’s still trapped in the role he was born into - only now, he understands how he can make that role work for him. it won’t make him happy, but it can help keep the people he loves safe.
palm doesn’t belong in this world, but he’s going to put himself in it over and over and over again anyway, just as nueng does. it’s not as neat a fit and honestly it’s a bit like chucking a mouse into a blender and hoping for the best, but honestly he’s scrappy and he’s got a potentially fairly lethal boyfriend, so maybe his chances could be worse.
idk, it’s the mutual “i’d die for you” energies for me, bro. pls @ boys don’t take that literally thank u xoxo
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fucksatan · 3 months
Thinking about a time I wrote a 7 paragraph long post analysing Walter and Skylar's relationship back in 2022 and somehow it got deleted and I was so devastated and I felt so silly and useless and I stopped posting altogether.
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lateseptemberdawn · 4 months
The whole point of Mahabharata and the introduction of kaliyuga is that absolute pureness will not suffice. That to be good is to suffer. That if you keep taking what the world gives you, you will die empty-handed, everything you own taken away. That is the whole point of Bhagavat Geeta. To give what you're given, not to keep bending until your back breaks, NOT to keep suffering because that is the good thing, at the hands of someone who has done nothing for you. It is insane that this man who claims to be so clever and smart is so, SO willing to become literally stupid just because it's the Good thing to do. It is unfathomable to me. This is pure stupidity no matter from what way you look at it. There are all sorts of religious shows to tel these idiots that you MUST take back what you're owed. It's literally YOUR right. It is literally what you are SUPPOSED to do. When you keep giving what you have rightfully earned out of the labour of your blood sweat and tears, you are not doing it for the goodness. It's going nowhere. God is laughing at you and is probably angry that you're wasting opportunities and resources and the blessings you were provided with for your benefit. Especially when you're not only responsible for just yourself but for people in your family as well. Especially when you're already so so close to suffering that you need all the extra resources you can to make sure you don't suffer. The whole point of Krishna is to accept the impure within you, to fight for your own self. Rama is become so relevant these days because people here are braindeads. This is not the satyuga, the moralities of that times will have you beaten down bleading on the ground. This is kaliyuga, in order to preserve yourself you need to weaponise cunning to save yourself. That's how it is supposed to be. You sit down and take and you keep on taking from every single person that comes across you. You think this is patience? To be unreasonably lenient to strangers and so hard on your family? Your wife and daughter? You think yourself so smart but you are so obviously stupid I laughed at your face because of it. You are hell bent on wasting away everything you are in the name of a false ideal that will not only leave you nowhere but will also drive you mad and who will take the brunt of it? Your wife. Your daughter. Because man is a coward who is so so scared of another man be it his own son. He will scream and shout and the littlest faults of his wife and daughter but not the son, he gets to be a no-gooder, he gets to be free with it in the name of I-dont-care-let-him-do-what-he-wants-hes-a-no-gooder-anyways. Not your mother or sister because they are women and you must service them because it is good and noble but your wife and daughter are not women who deserve the same treatment, no, you can blame them for the stress you've acquired by your own stupidness and claim to be all high and mighty. This man needs to open his eyes or I swear to god I will lose all respect.
#cannot believe this man pays 6.5k rent and just gave away more than the place he lives in in just fucking 4.5k#like he was legit close to suffering into building that house and all throughout it his wife was to blame bc she wanted a house#only to in yhe end fucking put the house up for rent like bitch stop me from throwing hands bc im so fucking close#and that too at fucking 4.5k????#IS HE INSANE IS HE FUCKING STUPID WHAT THE FUCK#hIS OWN BROTHET IS RENTING ONE FUCKING SMALL ASS ROOM FOR 3K AND THIS MAN JUST RENTED. BRAND NEW PRETTY ASS HOUSE WITH BIG ROOM SPACEOUS#LIVING SPACE MASSIVE KITCHEN AND PRETTY WASHROOMS AT JUST 4.5K?????????????#AND HE PLANS TO GIVE THE OTHER ROOMS AT 3K??????????????????????#AND HIS AIM IS AT 20K TOTAL ERANING WHEN IT HAS THE FUCKING GOOD POTENTIAL OF 40K????????#GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES FUCKASS STOP WITH THE GOOD PEOPLE BULLSHIT MY FUCKING GOD#honestly#my faith in men#has evaporated#theyre just born stupid#this man gives away his money to his ungrateful ELDER brothers (legit lakhs of it)#gives away money yo his sister and her children#doesnt even think of having it returned#yet hospitals are too much to take to for his own family#and everytime we ask for anything its “what is the need”#like yeah whatever your money blah blah but maybe dont marry and have responsibilities that you owe your family?#KARNA WAS TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF BECAUSE HE WAS DAAN-DEVTA FOR FUCKS SAKE#im so fucking done oh my god#mahabharata#mahabharat#ramayan#krishna#karna#family#father#idiot
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shigussy · 2 months
i keep getting tiktoks of these younger gen z kids referencing a time they did something relating to fandom in public and now they're embarrassed by it and everytime i see one i sit there thinking over all of middle and high school and having genuinely 0 moments that i feel embarrassed by, like i definitely did a lot of shit these kids would be embarrassed by but i think these are all just really fucking funny
also photographic evidence of the kinda kid i was. these are from 2014/15 when i was in 8th grade
-desolation row one shot(still on wattpad gerard way/reader smut)
-twerk it on (mcr crack fanfic no longer on wattpad but i have another fic in my library called twerking in taco bell which definitely ALSO used for my reading log)
-frank iero must die(a serial killer/assassin frerard fic, still on wattpad)
-hair (really vague maybe a phanfic? nowhere in my wattpad library rip)
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my binder i used in 7th grade i had a blue one that looked pretty similar to this for 8th grade but idk where it went, also the parts i scribbled out are my full legal name i had written on it. i wrote it normally and then the big spot is where i wrote my name REALLY BIG in elysian code from the vladimir tod books. also the lines are from when i used an exacto knife to cut up some papers and forgot that my binder was underneath
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in conclusion yall can now see why im so shameless about talking about shigaraki the way i do
#base line i started sobbing IN THE MIDDLE OF MATH CLASS and had my phone taken away bc i was watching the mv for the ghost of you by mcr#i went to school with cat whiskers#me and my bsf made a presentation about an imaginary trip to the planet uranus and we filled it with so many memes and butt puns she started#laughing so hard she couldn't breathe and i had to do the entire presentation alone and we got a standing ovation#my 8th grade science teacher hated us#another time same class we had an assignment where we had to make a bunch of words with the periodic table and we did shrek and lucifer one#after another and when we turned it in our teacher read it and immediately told us to leave💀💀#same class again different friend we saw NA on the periodic table and started singing nanana by mcr and got sent out of class bc we started#laughing so hard we couldn't breathe#high school i would eddie munson on the lunch tables#found that aspect of eddie so relatable#filmed youtube videos at my old hs that STILL EXIST ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL#id honestly have them up for anyone to see but my old bsf found them extremely embarrassing and she thinks i deleted them#i used to go to school with a whole library in my backpack like the entire pjo/hoo series of unfortunate events harry potter etc#my backpack had a bunch of doodles on it and it said battaco big asf and it was an inside joke with my friends for years bc of it#i also used to go to school dressed as frank iero/gerard way/etc#pete wentz eyeliner#larped with the anime club in this little corner outside of the library bc it had a bunch of trees and a 6 ft long stick that we took turns#holding and screaming YOU SHALL NOT PASS‼️‼️#the middle school book club had movies days on fridays and when people tried to vote to watch the lighting thief movie i stood on my chair#and spent so long bitching about how bad it was that we had to do the movie the next monday bc people needed to go home and the librarian#could not stop my righteous fury#a teacher assaulted me trying to get me to stand for the flag so i dead weight dropped on top of him and then ran around the class to stay#away(real hard to do in a small music classroom) and when i got tired of that i beat him up a little and i didnt get in trouble bc he was#really embarrassed i got the drop on him(bc i had tiddies)#that man hated me for being trans#really got mad at me when the pledge started after that and id get up and salute while singing welcome to the black parade#was also genuinely bad at soccer that my teacher sent me off to other teachers when our class did soccer bc the only time i ever got the#ball i kicked it into the wrong goal#i got more stories but i ran out of tags :(
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i'm going through my great grandfather's autobiography and his childhood friends' nicknames go wild. you have cutesy ones like 'julillo' or 'joselito' or more common nicknames like 'el chato' ('the flat-nosed'), but theres other that are just. hilarious. wdym he had a friend called chilín (brother of el chato btw) and two brothers called 'perra gorda' (big coin) and 'perra chica' (small coin).
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zappedbyzabka · 10 months
Bigger taller people do not have to top or be tops bigger taller people do not have to top or be tops bigger taller people do not have to be the top
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ichorblossoms · 3 months
sentences that make it extremely obvious that i have problems and perhaps mental illness but i saw an actual yarrow plant today and got very excited abt that eheheheee
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
oh sometimes i'm overcome with the realization of just how sentimental a bitch i am
like i really am straight up just playing make-believe with these characters like they're digital barbies
okay so in Iona's inventory, i've had this necklace
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since very early in act 1.
it was in Aradin's chest at the Grove, and it was the first thing "we" managed to get with the "I distract them with conversation/busking and you steal everything that isn't nailed down" act/trick I had thought up for her and Astarion. I thought it'd be kinda cute for him to, at the end of this test run, present it with a ~theatrical flourish~ once just out of earshot of its original owner, and for her to ~graciously allow~ him to drape it around her neck, as a hamfisted and silly act of mock-courtship they both know is false. (it was kind of a... "we both know what this is all about and where it's headed, but wouldn't it be fun to play make-believe and pretend it's something entirely different" type of thing.)
I thought it'd be cute, if a touch bittersweet for her to keep it, just slotted away in her little "sentimental items" pouch, like.... next to the dog toy, her old wedding band, and the other useless junk she couldn't bring herself to throw away or sell.
and then today, i found this as I was selling stuff in the Glittering Gala.
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it's the same design. and i like to describe Iona's eyes as "amber" when I write about them (they're kind of a reddish/yellowish, pretty medium brown). and she looks much better in golds and reds than she does in blues and silvers.
so. um.
guess who got this bloody thing "sneaked" into her inventory at the long rest.
if you think i won't 1.) exit a trading screen abruptly, 2.) switch controlled characters, 4.) buy a silly and utterly useless junk item AS that character (thought about just picking her pocket but.... we have 35k gold. why would i.), and 4.) keep it in that character's inventory until it "seems like" the PC isn't "paying attention", and then 5.) drop it into their inventory "unnoticed", all for LITERALLY NO GOOD REASON other than just to act out a silly little gesture and support the little fanfic in my head, well.
you'd be very wrong.
((and i was grinning and giggling downright embarrassingly the whole time too))
#squirrel plays bg3#oc: iona raedir#“astarion isn't the type to do romantic gestures” false#“he does big thoughtful acts of courtship and sweeps the pc off their feet” also false#it is my belief that he isn't the type to do Big Flashy Romantic Things#and is also not the type to be vocal about them#my headcanon is that he'll do the Big Declarations and Theatrical Displays when he's taking the piss in some way#as in he'll joke and play at- and exaggerate courtship when it's all for fun and show and means nothing or very little#but when it's supposed to actually MEAN something; when it's REAL; then the ways he shows love are both small#and done without fanfare or expecting acknowledgement#not even making the slightest effort to keep hands to themselves even in public is fun of course; but the love?#that's in... a pilfered piece of that fruit she likes found randomly in her pack. a swift dagger batting aside a blade meant for her ribs#a small scratch of a pen's tip subtly marking a sweet passage in the book she “borrowed” from him#or in this case; it's something that she found among her things and put on without making a fuss about it#at least not beyond a knowing glance shared; a soft smile exchanged; and her fingers absently fiddling with the stones throughout the day#if she wasn't wearing the guidance-amulet (useful) i'd probably actually equip it on her like i did the silver one for the longest time ngl#because like i said; i'm a sentimental bitch playing make-believe with my little toys
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benwooxxi · 6 months
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