#btw this includes transwomen
sisterjaniswilde · 4 months
I am dead fucking serious when I say I wish I saw more fat women in public. I want to see fat models. I want to see fat women in department stores getting absolutely HYPE when they find racks and racks of clothing in their size and sizes up, so they too can get the "oversized, baggy fit" like women who fit into smalls and mediums. I want to see fat women wearing crop tops proudly and rocking mad midriff. I want to see fat women trying on clothing for their friends and family and saying "look! it compliments my body shape! it's like it was made for me!" I want to see fat women with "cankles" wearing pretty jingling anklets skipping and jumping just to show them off. I want to see fat women on TV, in magazines, on billboards, in all manner of ads, and in online shop images because I want to see my fucking self and all the women I know who don't see enough of themselves. I want to see fat women living, loving, and being visibly proud of who they are because they are beautiful, WE are beautiful. I want to see fat women because fat women need to see other fat women.
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fox-steward · 8 months
oh by the way i bet you’re so scared of trans women that pass as cis. oh NO i thought that woman was hot but it turns out she has a PENIS!! nobody can blur the lines of gender because what if i get a crush on someone i shouldn’t ): because attraction can’t be fluid or blur the lines of gender at all D:
nobody’s asking you to date people with dicks if you don’t want to jfc just stop invalidating lesbians who do date trans women. stop invalidating lesbians who are trans women. keep trans people out of your fucking mouth for a second. reevaluate your beliefs for a second maybe.
is sex really that important? are people’s genitals at birth really that important? are intersex people irrelevant because they’re only 1% of the population (79 million people)? you say you believe trans women are female but then you say lesbians don’t date trans women. are they female lite to you? Can you define who lesbians can date in a way that excludes all trans people and includes all cis women?
i've seen feminine men and thought, "wow she's hot," only to realize i'm looking at a cute gay guy. attraction disappears. i thought that person was a woman, was attracted to who i thought was a woman, and upon finding out i was wrong, the attraction fades. i am not afraid of this. this is not a scary thing, it is simply a real thing.
no one is asking me personally to date people with dicks, they're just asking me to share lesbian-only spaces with them where they can walk up and hit on me when the point of lesbian spaces is that i'm free from that imposition, and if i want to decline i have to pretend it's for some other reason, not because they're men; they're asking me to pretend we're the same and we just aren't. no one is saying transwomen aren't people worthy of spaces of their own, people who love and are attracted to them, we're just saying they're not entitled to OUR spaces or OUR love and attraction and we shouldn't have to play pretend that they are.
you tell on yourself with the word "invalidate," because real things are not destroyed by invalidation. you know what happens when someone doesn't know, doesn't realize, or doesn't believe i'm a lesbian? absolutely nothing. i remain a woman attracted only to women. invalidation only affects imposters. if invalidation is affecting transwomen who are pretending to be lesbians it is because deep down they know they just aren't; they're atypical heterosexual (or bisexual) men, but there is no fathomable universe where any man, even one with a special attachment to his concept of womanhood, is a lesbian.
god, YES sex is important. it is one of the main organizing factors of the world and it is especially important to women. don't trot out intersex people when it's convenient for you to make a shitty point (and to do so poorly, btw). intersex people are male or female and their conditions cause actual health impacts in their lives, they are not your convenient puppets and the vast, vast majority of trans people are not intersex so knock it the fuck off.
i have NEVER said i believe transwomen are female. trans women are necessarily male, unless you think it's possible or okay for a "cis" woman to "identify" as a transwoman? lesbians are females who love and are attracted exclusively to other females. it's very easy.
congratulations on figuring out your bisexuality.
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twobruhsinahottub · 3 months
Trigger warnings for following text post:
Mention of rape
The following text assumes reader is also Christian, however anyone who is curious is more than welcome to read, and I would never intentionally force anyone into believing, so you are safe here!
Just a reminder that canon Jesus was a chill guy who hung out with the unhoused and sex workers, and queer people. Canon Jesus spent His time with those who society didnt love. He was a (likely) queer, Black, Jewish, poor, working class man who was born in Palestine. He stood up for the working class and the undesirable. He preached love and tolerance. He preached the word of the creator through His actions. He was not what modern day "Christians" preach. Fanon Jesus is completely different. Jesus was not homophobic. He did not hate sex workers. He would never blame someone for having a necessary abortion for their own health. He would not be threatening people with hell if they did not repent. He would not be yelling slurs at the people in the pride parade. No. He would be IN the pride parade, He would be spreading the word of God through love and acceptance and through action. Through showing Gods love, through doing as God says we all should. He would be at the abortion clinic, not to protest, but to hold the hands of r victims as they go through the horrific process of an abortion. He would be at the drug clinic supplying clean needles and support for those wishing to get clean. He would be advocating for trans healthcare because GOD MADE THEM THAT WAY! HE MADE THEM THAT WAY! Jesus was an ally, if not a queer person Himself. He loves His creations, and that includes queer people, and sex workers, and poor people, and people who have had or will have an abortion. He loves sinners and He love saints. He died for sinners. He forgives and He loves. There is nothing you can do that will stop His love for you. There is a reason God is called The Father. Because a father (should) love His children unconditionally and forgive them for anything. A father should support and love His children. Jesus is the Son of God, He is the only one without sin, He is God as man, and therefore he LOVES UNCONDITIONALLY. Also, must I remind you, that anything in the Bible against homosexuality, was not against homosexuality at all? It has been translated so many times that the true meaning of a lot of passages has been lost in the English translation. Most verses people use against queer people are truly condemning assault. Not homosexuality. There is nothing against trans people either. Yes, a man should not act/dress as a woman, but must I remind you that gender is a human construct? God did not create the binary. Man did. God created our soul and our spirit and our bodies and He made us in His image. He made is how we were meant to be. Also, in modern times, there are no "womens clothes" and "mans clothes" clothes are simply clothes. We also do not have gender roles in society. Those things are not necessary in modern day. In modern day we are equal in our roles in society. Therefore no man can act or dress as a woman, and no woman can act or dress as a man, because how can you or dress as something that doesn't exist outside of your personal experience? AND btw, transwomen are women and transmen are men, so that verse doesnt even apply 🤷
And lastly, on the topic of things that are condemned, the Bible states that pretty much any sin is not considered a sin if it is committed to save a life. You can eat pork if youre starving. You can work on Shabbos to perform life savinf surgery. Etc etc. The Bible also values the current life over the potential life, so yes, abortion is ok in the Bible if it saves a life, because the life of the carrier is ranked as higher than the life of the fetus. And at the end of the day, you could commit a grave sin, and Jesus will still love you dearly. He will be there when you return to Him. Repent with true intentions and He will forgive.
*please note that it is not my personal belief that true, unnecessary harm, should ever be forgiven by man, I do believe Christ will forgive, just as a loving parent would, but I do not believe He would be proud, He would be heartbroken but His love never ends. And I do not believe a truly evil person would ever truly repent therefore would never be forgiven or enter paradise. These are my personal beliefs. I am not wanting to start discourse on ANY of this.
**please also note, my opinions and beliefs come from someone of my specific experience with God / Christ. My experience is unique and so is yours. My word is the word of one man. Do not ever let it speak over the word of Christ or your understanding of God. But if you are truly Christian, you will love anyone, including non believers and sinners, because THAT is the word of God.
*** for those curious about my experience, I was raised with reform Judaism, and in recent times have begun to follow Christianity. I am no longer Jewish religiously, but a lot of my understanding of the Bible comes from many years of Hebrew school. And no, I am not "messianic". I am Jewish in blood and culture/upbringing and a Christian in faith. I do not support messianics. They are simply culture vultures lmao.
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womens-woman · 1 year
Hi radblr, it's been a while. 🤍
I'm back on here to bring up an observation that's been plaguing me. This is a sideblog btw so you may dm me or reblog with your opinion. The observation is addressed to radical feminists of colour especially black radfems regardless of nationality.
For more context, I'm a young radfem (still learning and analysing) who lives in a West African country (yes, I'm a black African living in Africa).
My observation is that when western black women speak out against trans ideology other black women or other women of colour chastise the woman who speaks up against the harmful effects of trans ideology by saying things such as, "black women are not supposed to be radical feminists and are supposed to support trans people especially transwomen because black women were historically never included in feminism and that radical feminism is white supremacy ideology which is inherently exclusionary of women who aren't white in general and that the western society does not even view black women as women at all so black women need not be radfems because they're black.
I find this very surprising because in my country, a large number of us feminists are radfems and do not subscribe to this western propaganda of "transwomen are women, therefore must always be included in a womens matters".
Summarily, what arguments can I put forth as a radfem of colour to dismantle the narrative that black women should not be radfems because we were not included in early feminism and are also victims of transphobia because people generally do not view black women as women, supposedly?
(This narrative has misogyny written all over it imo eew)
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hyperdemona · 1 year
So you're planning to have an arranged marriage and still call yourself a radical feminist? That's so pathetic! And it doesn't matter whether you love him or not btw. You cannot call yourself any kind of feminist while willingly being part of a misogynistic institution like arranged marriage. Straight women are going to destroy this movement and that's why people like u should never be allowed in it.
What do you understand about the institution of arranged marriage? It's strange that you felt the need to ask anonymously, I'm not going to start attacking u or anything. Sensibly critiquing arranged marriage takes a deep understanding of what an arranged marriage looks like in a much more Conservative society than yours (assuming ur Western). Also I'm fairly certain the vast majority of Malayali lesbians are in arranged marriages or preparing to enter an arranged marriage, heyyy at least I'm straight. There are many advantages to an arranged marriage because women in a society like mine don't have the "privilege" of being "allowed a sexuality".
It's why you'll see nomadic groups of starkly gnc gay male prostitutes/beggars wandering Indian towns all the time (called Hijras/transwomen, although "Hijra" also sometimes includes intersex individuals) but you won't find similar groups of lesbian women. That's because they are in arranged marriages or dead. Like I said, there are many advantages to having an arranged marriage. The closest you can get to a best of both worlds situation is to find an eligible male that ur family is on board with, from ur caste, fall in love with him🙄, and get both ur families to conduct the arranged marriage. Either way, you'll deal with whatever comes after lol. No woman ever entered an arranged marriage for love of dick.
The "misogynistic institution of an arranged marriage" - as opposed to what, the beautiful matriarchal non-misogynistic institution of a "regular" heterosexual marriage? Are you straight?
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moidicidal · 9 months
hi i’m ava ✡️ 👑🌤 this is my un-crypto sideblog. i’m bisexual, i like anime, cooking and exercise a sane, average amount. late diagnosed autistic (normal about it). may make english mistakes. it’s because i do not care about speaking it correctly. lol.
also- this is a SIDE BLOG. no my entire internet presence is not focused on this stuff, this is just where i put receipts/arguments/posts i want to save/stuff that would get me doxxed on main blog.
my stances:
general feminism:
- anti porn, anti sex trade. i am a sex trade exploitation survivor (camming, among other things starting as a minor)
- anti beauty culture. anti shaving. anti makeup (working on breaking my addiction). pro sunscreen.
- pro women getting strong as possible through physical exercise 💪
- pro female separatism but not one myself (sadly.)
- we need more domestic violence and rape shelters as well as women specific homeless shelters, and hospital wards. especially in peripheral/semi peripheral countries.
- misandry does not mean anything to me. or anyone with intelligence
- more support and attention paid to women with drug addictions. we are often experiencing homelessness, sex trafficking or exploitation, abuse, femicide and cop abuse or prison time
- still learning more about feminism and loving the ride.
trans stuff:
- first i have listened to transwomen. i’ve dated them. i have been raped by them. i have been hit and called names and harassed by them. and i’ve fucking had enough of being told to listen to them when their community swept mine and other women’s abuse under the carpet and has NEVER listened to us. so don’t fucking tell me to listen to transwomen 💜
- adult human female (sex that has the potential to create large gametes) = woman and vice versa with males obviously.
- men out of women’s spaces. all of them. by force if necessary.
- LGB/T. trans people are included if they are SSA. and acknowledge sex as a real, unchanging reality.
- idk how i feel about transition. probably fine over 18 and mentally healthy. recognizing your sex can’t change is part of being mentally healthy BTW
- i support third spaces for transgender people (like prisons, bathrooms, changing rooms, ect.)
politics aside from feminism:
- i am a marxist leninist. i am not interested in debating this. capitalism is a women’s rights issue. i ❤️ dialectal materialism.
- anti racism, pro centering black and indigenous women. pro centering women from the global south.
- FREE PALESTINE, CEASEFIRE NOW 🇵🇸 *and* anti jew hate, it will be called out when seen. nazi comparisons get blocked. there’s other nationalist groups more similar, you know that. basically be a compassionate, empathetic person.
- ableism is a serious issue, disabled women should be able to share their experiences more freely.
- more to add when i think of it lol
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female-malice · 2 years
btw the reason “women with higher T levels being banned from women’s sports” even became an issue was because TRA’s pushed to include transwomen in female sports, forcing them to replace biological sex with hormone levels when determining who can compete. TRA’s love trying to blame “terfs” for this, but it was a direct result of including males in women’s sports.
Well, TRA arguments about female testosterone levels don't make any sense.
Females do have wider overall genetic variety than males. But we don't have a wide variety of testosterone levels like males do. Males have anywhere from 10 to 35 nmol/L. So males have a 25 nmol/L testosterone rage. Females have just 0.5 to 3 nmol/L. A 2.5 nmol/L range. The female range of testosterone is 10x smaller than the male range.
A woman with "high" testosterone has 3 nmol/L. That's barely more testosterone than the average woman. That's why women with "naturally high testosterone" are a non-issue in women's sports. There's no significant difference between women with naturally high, medium, or low testosterone.
And then there's doping. Testosterone screening started as a method to catch testosterone doping. Screening for abnormally high testosterone has been part of women's sports since the 1976 east German swim team. The east German swimmers had no idea that they were in a testosterone doping program. They didn't know what was being put in their food and supplements.
They were doped with testosterone for years. They had faster times than every other female swimmer. They swept the podiums and awards. They had low voices and facial hair. And after all that, they had just 5 or 6 nmol/L of testosterone in their blood. Nowhere near a male level of testosterone but clearly higher than a female level.
Sports officials are saying males need to keep their testosterone below 10 nmol/L to qualify for the women's division. How can they say that and then say east Germany was wrong to dope their female swimmers? The two ideas are not compatible. What happened to fair sport? What's the point of doing any doping control at all if fairness doesn't matter anymore? It's madness.
It makes me wonder about some of the female athletes who support males competing in their category. Do they have ulterior motives? Are they hoping the international sports community gives up on the ideal of fair competition? If an elite female athlete has no problem letting males compete at her level, I'm going to question her ethics. I'm going to question her values and her dedication to fair competition. And I'm going to wonder if she's personally benefitted from performance enhancing drugs.
PEDs are a lot more common than casual sports fans even realize. So the rapid disregard for fairness is suspicious.
The last thing I'll mention is there's a lot of racism embedded in the trans movement. They make a lot of empty claims about black women having more testosterone than white women. There's no science behind these claims. They're just recycling racism to fit their own narrative.
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iturmom · 4 months
i have been posting a lot lately about the horrors of the pro forced birth laws in the country i live in, or rather am trapped in, the united states. i have tried to appeal to the emotions of tumblr by pointing out how these laws effect millions of people assigned female at birth, including transmasc people, poc, and even children. that hasn't seemed to work but i have realized something that may help inspire solidarity: this issue also effects trans women in such a glaringly obvious way! because when you allow society to see people assigned female at birth as nothing more than a means to grow a child that doesn't only oppress cis women! it oppresses trans people even including trans women! what happened to all the people who wanted to defend lesbians during pride month? what's changed that makes you think that a lesbian deserves to carry her rapist's pregnancy to term? why do you think preop transmen should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term when that, for many transmen, is like the peak of gender dysphoria? you think that transwomen should face more extreme violence for being born without a womb? if you don't want these things to happen (which they are happening btw i've met people. i've listened to stories. the most updated estimate is 65,000 rape babies born since dobbs) then you need to call your representatives and tell them that you will not participate in a society that forces people to give birth against their will. i don't care if you live in a blue state, unless you are performing abortions or other life saving surgeries there is no excuse to be participating in a society that is oppressing millions of people and will oppress more if you let them.
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fogturtle · 1 year
you are LITERALLY who malewaif-- was talking about then.
lesbians do not like penis. lesbians are incapable of being attracted to males. we CANNOT and NEVER WILL BE attracted to transwomen BECAUSE THEY ARE MALE.
"you dont like genitals you like the person" is the most homophobic shit you could respond with. bio sex, which includes but is not limited to genitalia, is entirely what sexual attraction is based on.
gay men dont like pussy. lesbians dont like dick. cope and seethe.
you are objectifying a person by limiting them to their genitalia, like who sexist men only care for a woman for aspects like ability to give birth, fertility, and virginity
do you look inside a person’s pants before saying they’re hot or not?
biological sex does not define you, maybe it decides some physical attributes that are slightly different from one person to another
how do YOU know that you are the gender you are? I can show you a group of people who don’t fall in that category that you try to use to define yourself
and also you ignored a big argument that men can be born with a uterus even when they have xy chromosomes, something often used to define a person’s biological sex
do these men suddenly become women too?
what about women losing their uterus? do they suddenly become neither a man nor a woman since you insist that genitalia defines a person?
no hate to you I simply want to debate my points, if you prove me wrong I will absolutely change my ways
btw no one managed to provide any true definition of what a man and a woman is, always excluding a group
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sunsakura · 3 years
men will never understand the pain that comes with being a woman. it's a weight you carry with you your whole life. the way the women before you were abused and violated become part of the way you are abused and violated. it is a part of you. you will become it. but you will be abused and violated in a different way, and your daughter will carry that around with her too. how do you heal? you can't. you are only a single human person, and your pain has been carried through generations. there is no healing in being a woman. there is only enduring.
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bitchpack · 4 years
The funniest thing to me is all those male critics saying seven is one of the less good songs of the album, meanwhile i captioned a photo on ig with some of its lyrics and like 10 girls (yes thats a lot for me) commented about how that song is amazing and made them cry. People who have never been wild seven year old girls just dont Get It
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scarefox · 1 year
No but this whole LGB without the TQ is so dumb. Despite the fact that they pretend that the whole LGBTq history didn’t happen with and because of transwomen as well, how do they expect this to go if we separate TQ from LGB?????
NEWSFLASH trans and genderqueer folks are also Lesbians, Gay or Bi.
Oh yes I forgot, they want everyone who isn’t on the extreme ends of the binary gender spectrum, to not exist. (that btw includes butch lesbians and fem gays just to be clear)
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hybbat · 3 years
I've seen that "trap" is more so a slur for trans women now, so does "twink" fit what I had previously thought of as a trap (that being a feminine looking or feminine presenting man that lacks masculinity yet may still identify as male)? Everything is a bit unclear rn. Love love love your art btw
TL;DR: the word you probably wanna use is femboy.
Just a quick disclaimer: obviously some touchy subjects are going to be talked about ahead. So, this is a discussion centred around terms to use for fictional characters, no real people. When refering to a real person you should always refer to them as whatever they personaly identify as.
Trap refers to, in this conversation's context, a fictional feminine-presenting, often crossdressing, male-identifying person usually with natural traditionally feminine features. The character HAS to identify as male and present as traditionally female, intentionally or not.
It is NOT a transwoman or nonbinary, nor a transman who does not identify themselves as such. Calling any transfolk a trap is incorrorect and incredibly transphobic. So, yes, used in that fashion, it's a slur. If you are not using it like that but to refer to the character defined above I would say no. But especially in public spaces with no context, for the sake of people who might have had it used against them or people who might mistake you for using it that way, you should avoid using it.
GNC: gender non-conforming refers to literally any person who does not conform to traditional presentation of their gender. Its obviously an umbrella term thats too broad for this particular situation but it does technically apply and its useful for context going forward.
Twink: Twink is specifically a young gay man with a small, skinny, or unmasculine build, but not really comparable. They are not inherently feminine, for starters, they're just not masculine. Twink is an older term used in lgbt spaces long before the current spike in awareness of GNC and was, to my understanding, a counterpart to bears. Not all twinks are GNC, and using it, while will probably be accurate, might not imply what you want.
Femboy: These days femboy is used as a replacement but femboy does not imply crossdressing or even natural feminine features and is a bit broader, but its pretty close. It is a boy that is feminine, so is useful as a slightly broader term that still implies almost the same thing without including too much more that you might not also catagorize as such. Its in essence a counterpart to tomboy.
Crossdresser: Crossdresser is broad as it does not imply the same thing, its just clothing choice for a plethora of reasons. It is typically accurate but includes literally anyone wearing traditionally gendered clothing of the opposite gender.
Otokonoko: this is a genre of "crossdressing men for men" and used by japanese crossdressers. Some people in japan also use it incorrectly to refer to transwomen, though as someone who neither lives in japan nor knows japanese I'm not an authority. Its basically only useful for looking up the manga genre, I do not recommend its use given how out of context from its culture it is and how scrambled its meaning already seems to be.
Your safest bet is femboy. It's mostly accurate, the general public can understand it without needing much explanation or too much confusion, its popular, and its what I personally use when tagging my art.
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The reason gendercriticals criticised Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Margaret Atwood is because they're all voicing support for an ideology that gendercriticals are against. You'll find gendercritical people supportive of people, including trans people, who are critical as well. It's not about the attributes of the person, it's about what they're saying. It's not just gendercritical ppl who are inconsistent in the arguments they use to denigrate others' stances, btw.
DW: How nice that you can use the term “gendercritical”. Listen, quick question: back in the 1960s were drinking fountains that said “Whites only” just being racially critical? 
TERFs don’t believe transwomen are women. TERFs don’t believe that transwomen belong in women’s spaces. TERFs have a narrow biological definition of women that science no longer supports. When JKR tweets her pithy little comeback to “people who menstruate” as “there used to be a word for that: women” she’s not only telling transwomen that they aren’t women (and also ignoring the fact that some transmen may still menstruate), she’s telling girls that they aren’t women. She’s telling post-menopausal women that they aren’t women. She’s telling women who’ve had hysterectomies that they aren’t women. 
Gender is more than a biological function. I prefer my feminism to be less about whether or not I have the ability to be a breeder, thanks. And yes, I choose that word intentionally. Because it’s a horrible fucking word when misogynists use it, and guess what? TERFs define women just as fucking narrowly. 
It's not about the attributes of the person, it's about what they're saying.
Except it’s not, because the anon pointed out that Robin Dembroff has been accused of mansplaining. And honestly, if you’ve never seen trans or NB people attacked by TERFs for having no right to an opinion because of how they were assigned at birth, you haven’t been paying any attention at all.
It's not just gendercritical ppl who are inconsistent in the arguments they use to denigrate others' stances, btw.
And nobody said it was. 
Still, TERFs are scum and can fuck right off. 
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I know that a common piece of most peoples definition of stone femme includes not penetrating their partner but I was wondering how you personally think this relates to transwomen. Since penetrating their partner can also be a kind of receiving pleasure for pre/non-op transfem people do you think stone femme could be the right term for a trans femme who wants to only receive but does enjoy penetrative sex for her own pleasure?
PS I love your blog and I hope you aren’t sick of answering question related to being a stone femme.
first of all I don’t know if I fully feel comfortable answering this, since I’m not trans and I don’t wanna overstep or speak about things I cannot talk about.. So if I say anything that feels offensive, know that I don’t mean to, my brain just works in very literal ways so I did my best of answering in the best way that I think is correct
I can only say that the definition of Stone is either to never touch your sexual partners genetalia and penetrate anyone and will only receive those.
or if you are the opposite and never let anyone penetrate not touch your genetalia. and only does those.
So idk, for me, might be my autistic brain who loves clarity and takes things literally, this is still only correct.
because I’m a bit unsure about what you mean, because if she’s femme, and she only enjoys herself to be penetrated and never gives penetration, to me she’s still stone?
if she’s a trans woman, then she’s a woman, and if she identifies as a femme, then I don’t see what other word there should be.. for me she’s just as much a stone femme in that case as a cis woman like myself might be.
maybe I just don’t fully understand the question or maybe I just answered it, I’m a bit confused haha
but being stone is 100% thing, if you ever still like to give to your partner in penetration or other ways including touching genetalia, you aren’t fully stone.
My partner, who isn’t trans but still is okay with in her terms bottoming for emergency, but doesn’t need it, says herself she’s not a fully stone butch, she will also not refer to herself as stone because she can do it and can enjoy bottoming, eventho she is closer to a stone identity. but since it’s not 100% so she can and won’t call herself stone.
Also thank you for the compliment!
(btw this is not really for you it because in this case it’s a little different, but I do wanna ask other people, because I know everytime I answer a question about stone femmes, I receive atleast 1 “whats a stone femme”, please use your searchbox of your browser, it pops up very easy, because I do am a bit tired of having to say the same thing over and over and over, for extra questions about it my inbox is always open but not just for the short what’s a stone femme definition)
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evilelitest2 · 4 years
Was it really necessary to put a video by a controversial Youtuber that has pretty much all the same information in the videos anyway? Do you thrive on fucking drama or something? Do you always have to add your two fucking cents to a post so I have to go around your shit and reblog someone I don't even follow just so I don't have to have your tone deaf/misguided liberal commentary on my page?
“Controversial” here meaning “The target of a mass harassment campaign by bad Faith actors, in addition to being a major target of the Alt Right”, just to be clear here.   I know that support of abusive toxic hate mobs is all the range among the Left since it keeps wanting to borrow tactics from the right, but “Controversial” in this case means “A mass harassment campaign against one of the few visible leftist Trans women”.  But since this on my blog now, i’ll include another one, when it comes to talking about toxic people indulging in toxic behavior.  
Now I don’t actually think this is the OP (because why would you both with anon) but the video does actually contain different information that supports that already in the post (and the post is quite useful incidentally when it comes to detecting fascists, so in the off chance this is the OP, well done) but Contrapoints video is less about specific symbols that Nazis uses to hide the fact that they are Nazis, and more about rhetorical tricks about their identity, their method of speech and the types of narratives they use to smuggle past centrists, since centrists are like little kids at a movie who don’t get the raunchy jokes.  Another good video on specific Neo Nazi methods that is about their rhetoric rather than just their symbols is the Alt Right Playbook by Innuendo Studios 
Both of these youtubers are regularly targeted by Neo Nazis Btw. 
And there is PHilosphy Tubes recent video on antisemitism, both within Alt Right circles, but also general antisemitism that society doesn’t address and then gets picked up on Rightists 
All three are good videos because they also have a tendency to deradicalize Nazis.  
Though the videos are more for my follower than the Anon here, who I am pretty sure is just a troll masquerading as a real person, its always good to keep an eye out for fascists and neo confederates, since they tend to masqurade their rhetoric (I’m currently getting harassed by a bunch of “totally not fascists just really concerned 2nd amendment citizens” right now 
Also you might want to look up what the term liberal actually means, its a political ideology, not “Doesn’t condone mass harassment of transwomen”, unless there is a Locke essay I missed
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