#my body litterally cant deal with all this kindness i am shaking
mitamicah · 6 months
Its Micah sappy hours prepare yourselves
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I had to wake up at 5.30 because I couldnt be in my excitement anymore - i took a shower, sat down to try this meditation app i got and I have bacially been crying for 8 minutes straight 😭 (happy tears, happy tears
Thank you so much to every single person I have been able to meet at the see you soon tour so far. Every single one are part of the reason for this intense happiness i am feeling atm ❤️💚
I wish you an amazing rest of the tour to everybody still looking forward to their gig (and maybe I will see you later in Göteborg 👀👀) and looking forward to maybe see some of you again in Helsinki for Böle 🥹
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Naive: Intro
A/N: Hey guys! So I’ve been dying to do a mini series reader insert story for a while! I got this idea while I was reading some Tony/Daughter fics and I thought I’d put my own little spin on it. I really hope you guys are able to connect with this, I picked her moms name just because I thought it flowed better to actually have a name instead of putting something like (your moms name) everytime she’s talked about!
Word count: 1k+
Warnings: Disclaimer- I have the dirtiest vocabulary and my stories will probably always have cursing in them. Other then that this chapter was pretty vanilla!
Summary: As the goddaughter of Tony Stark you were no stranger to the Avengers, but when you meet the newest member- you’re a little more then intrigued. Unfortunately for him, Bucky Barnes has caught your eye.
There weren’t many things that Tony Stark truly got excited about. Actually, he could tick them off on the fingers on one hand. New scientific discoveries, adding to his classic car collection(but only when it was a real timeless model, something he really had to hunt for), Pepper looking at wedding dresses- and you.
His god daughter was always something he could gush, embarrassingly, about. About how you’d graduated from college with top grades because obviously any god daughter of his was a fucking genius. About how you’d spent the summer in Europe, he’d laughed and showed your videos of Amsterdam to the team repeatedly. About how beautiful you we’re cause god damn it, you looked just like your mom, just like his late best friend and he could never get over it. But what seemed to be all he could talk about lately, was the fact that you we’re moving to New York.
“Finally, I’ve been trying telling her that the only way she’s getting any where with that degree is in this city” Tony had sighed to Pepper. Really, he’d been desperately attempting to convince you to come stay with him ever since the funeral three years ago. “I told her she might as well move into the Tower, since rent is so fucking insane here”
Even though he refused to think of it this way; the truth of it is that you we’re the only link he had left to Jamie, and trying to accept that his best friend of thirty years was gone was something he just couldn’t accept. The three years she had been dead hadn’t done anything to sway that. He still expected a phone call from her. Still expected to hear her bitching at him and worrying about him being the only one he’d ever really been able to count on.
Isn’t it sad? What he’d give to hear your mother bitching at him again?
It was highly amusing, watching the usually snarky Stark wade knee deep through not only wedding plans, but renovation plans for the entire fifteenth floor for the last month.
“Hey Nat, do you think this rug goes with these throw pillows? Or is it too much fur? This kid loves faux fur, what is she a Gotti?!” Tony had been barraging everyone with questions like this, trying to get his “graduation present” ready for you without you finding out about it or being able to put your input into it was hard. But would he ever admit he’d bitten off more then he could chew?
Hell no.
“No, it actually looks really sheik with the geometric gold table. Y/N’s gonna love it” Natasha had reassured, trying to hide her smirking laughter by taking a drink from her mug.
If Tony had noticed she was slightly making fun of him he didn’t say anything, he just went back to fretting, threating some interior designer on his iPhone.
“Between the wedding and Y/N’s homecoming, he’s going to run himself bankrupt” Sam snorts, from the table. Where he sits with Steve and Bucky.
It had been an… odd few months. The team was back together after the whole Sokovian Accords fiasco- but they we’re all still trying to figure out how to mesh right again. Tony being as distracted as he was had been some kind of god send, had given everyone some room to find their place.
Bucky, for one, was happy that the Billionaire’s mind seemed to be pulled in all different directions. It kept Tony from focusing all the hate on him. Because even though it was unspoken, and Tony had agreed to have him join the team- only after Steve gave the ultimatum that the two we’re a packaged deal- everyone with eyes could see the tension was still there. The way that Tony would never really meet his eyes.
Bucky couldn’t blame him. He’d done…what he’d done and Tony had every right to hold a grudge.
It didn’t make it anyless uncomfortable living in the mans house though.
“I don’t think that’s possible” Natasha reasons.
“You’re right. The man pockets are fuckin’ bottomless . Lucky bastard” Sam swirls his protein shake.
“He’s seems happy, which is good. A happy Tony trumps an unhappy one any day” Steve points out. Steve knew what the consequences of unhappy Tony looked like. The drinking, the downward spiral.
“He really loves this kid, huh? Who is she again? His goddaughter, right?” Bucky inquires, his eye brow raised.
��Yeah, her mom was his best friend, he’s always spoiled her rotten” Steve chuckled a little “She’s a real good girl though. A bit of a spitfire, but the sweetest thing once you get to know her”
Bucky’s eyebrow raises even higher at the way Steve regards the girl. The small smile on his best friends face as he talks about her.
“Really? You sound like you’re a little sweet on her, punk. What is she some kind of grade A dime piece?” Bucky teases, expecting the rest of them to at least smile at his sharp joke. When his laughter is the only one that rings through the kitchen his nose quirks “What?…I was just kidding”
Why we’re the three of them looking at him like that?
“Nah, don’t joke around like that, man. Not if you value your thawed out ass” Sam’s tone is warning.
“Tony is really protective of her, like real protective. If he caught any of us lookin’ at her like that he’d fire us” Steve’s tone matches Sam’s. Total seriousness.
“Screw firing you, He’d toss you through one of the windows and watch your body hit the cement is what he’d do. Y/N is a hundred percent off limits. Head this warning” Natasha gives him the little “I’m watching you” signal with her fingers before she walks out of the communal kitchens.
“You guys cant be serious” Bucky scoffs, a small smirk on his face. The reaction they all seemed to have about his little joke was entertaining…“Wait? You didn’t try anything with her, did you, Steve?”
That tell tale blush creeps up Steve’s neck and Bucky shakes his head. That little horn dog he’d grown up with was still there, under the righteous Captain America mask he wore.
“It’s not even like that. She’s just- a little flirt. You’ll see” Steve sputters, trying to defend himself.
“She really is. She’s probably one of the most charming people I’ve ever met in my whole life” Sam laughs in agreement “I’m just not the one who got caught cuddling with her on the couch in the middle of the night”
Bucky gives Steve a shit eating grin as the blonde gets even redder.
“Fuck you, Sam-”
“Oh woah, Cap. Watch your language!” Sam and Bucky are both laughing at Steve’s total dismay and the broad shouldered man gets up from the table.
“Yeah, yeah laugh it up. Tony threw me through a wall for that. I could have been killed!” Steve exclaims, walking away from the men who just seem to laugh louder —- You’d never been a morning person and you walked through the air plane ramp in a little bit of a daze, balancing your tote and your laptop bag on each shoulder.
Why you’d chosen to take a 5am flight was now a foreign thought to you as you make your way through the crowds of people, just wanting to find Tony, get to the Tower and sleep for a sold twenty four hours.
Your phone chirps and you look down at the screen.
Tony calling blinked in bright lettering on the iPhone and you your thumb across it, answering it, not able to keep the large smile off of your face.
“Hey Tony!” Your voice is excited and your mood instantly lifted.
“Hey kiddo, how was the flight?” Tony’s smooth voice comes from the receiver.
“It was okay, I tried to knock myself out but couldn’t. Since when are airplane cocktails so weak?” You tease, your eyes desperately scanning for a Starbucks. You knew JFK International Airport had to be littered with them. You could practically smell the sweet, sweet caffeine beckoning you.
“I’ll have to file a formal complaint. We didn’t pay extra for first class for nothing” Tony uses his best ‘haughty taught white soccer mom, I want to speak to your manager’ voice and you cant help but laugh “But listen, I was going to come pick you up myself but the whole team got called into this spur of the moment meeting. I would try to ditch it but it’s with the director of the secret service so I don’t see myself getting out of this-”
Tony rambles, his voice so apologetic its almost pathetic.
Had you been hyped for him to be waiting for you at baggage claim like he’d always done when you we’re younger? Yeah, but you we’re an adult now. You didn’t need him feeling bad for things he couldn’t control.
“Tino stop!” You laugh, using the nickname you’d always had for him “It’s fine, I promise. I’m a big girl. I’m just going to find a Starbucks and caffeinate and then I’ll grab a cab, okay?” You reason with him.
“Uh, no. Find your coffee but Peppers waiting for you at baggage claim and you guys will take a car back. A cab- Cab? Who do you think I am?” You roll your eyes at your god fathers ever flamboyant nature.
“Alright, I’ll text you when I find her. She still like’s skinny white chocolate mocha’s right?” You question “Have fun at your meeting, see ya’ soon Tino! Love you”
“Bye kid, love you”
After grabbing a pair of venti drinks; a triple shot Pink Drink for you and Peppers white chocolate mocha you maneuver yourself through JFK, down escalators and around the travelers that seemed to forget their manners in the hustle of traveling. Your shoulder get’s bumped more then once.
You know you’re a bigger girl, shorter and wider then most but could they at least say sorry!
“Dick!” You hiss at the man who’d almost knocked the coffee out of your hand.
All of the irritation is let off your shoulders when you see Pepper standing tall, a sign in her hands that had your name scrolled on it prettily.
You’d missed her. You realize, you hadn’t been in New York since your mom…
“Y/N!” She calls for you, grinning widely and you power walk to the red head, nearly bouncing with happiness as you get to her.
“Pepper!” You cry joyously as you hug her, well as much of a hug as you could give her with your hands so full. It’s mostly just you leaning into her as she wraps her arms around you.
“Oh my god, look at you! Look at your hair! You look so goregous” Pepper fawns over you, cupping the side of your head and looking down at you with dancing eyes.
She couldn’t believe how…old you looked. In her mind you’d always be the cute, chubby twelve year old with long curly pig tails. And yet here you were, looking like a grown woman.
“You’re making me feel so old right now” she admits, only half teasing and you roll your eyes.
“Oh shut up. You know you’re still hot. Here, this is for you” you hand her the latte and she gives you a soft look. You were still a sweetheart.
“Now let me see the rock!” You exclaim and she waves her ring finger at you as you two begin to make your way to the car, both of you giggling- your squeals earning you some side ways looks.
You couldn’t remember the last time you were so happy.
I’m so excited for this story y'all! If you wanted to be tagged in the next chapter just ask!😬😬😬
https://xgminigypsy.tumblr.com/post/166573773564/naive-part-1 PART ONE
https://xgminigypsy.tumblr.com/post/166595772104/naive-part-2 PART TWO
https://xgminigypsy.tumblr.com/post/166629591854/naive-part-3 PART THREE
https://xgminigypsy.tumblr.com/post/166664664834/naive-part-4 PART FOUR
https://xgminigypsy.tumblr.com/post/166703266654/naive-part-5 PART FIVE
https://xgminigypsy.tumblr.com/post/166903805364/naive-part-6 PART SIX
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welldamnsatoru · 7 years
Did you wish that was you? // Shawn Mendes
Overview: Y/n has been in love with her best friend Shawn, she finally gets the courage to tell him but instead she finds him kissing another girl. He tracks her down and their feelings are revealed. 
Authors note: okay so this is not a request but I got some inspo last night and I really just wanted to write something 
“If you don’t say anything, Shawn’s never going to realise how his best friend is so in love with him,” Shay tells me, curling the last strand of her hair before flicking it over her shoulder. Her eyes meet mine in the bathroom mirror.
“There’s no point. We have a great thing going and if I told him how I really felt- it would just ruin our whole friendship.” I scowl, annoyed at my lack of faith in myself to just tell Shawn how I feel.
“Y/n. I swear you may be book smart but you are not boy smart.” She giggles and I look at her questionably. 
“Excuse you, but I have a lot of knowledge on boys-”
“Oh honey,” Shay coos, patting my hand that was resting on the bench. “You both are actually so cute.” 
“What do you mean?” I start to pack up the make up brushes that Shay had been using.
“You’re into him. He’s definitely into you. You’re both too scared to tell each other how you feel. It pains me to watch the both of you together.” 
“He’s not into me.” I don’t look at her but I feel her turn to look at me. 
“Alright, listen. Tonight at the party. Shawn is going to be there and so are you. You’re going to go right up to him and tell him how you feel.” She holds my shoulders in a tight grip, forcing me to meet her eyes. “He leaves for tour day after next so if things really fuck up you won’t have to see him- deal?”
I nod hesitantly, stomach flipping at the prospect of what I was about to do.
The music was already blasting when we arrived, red solo cups littering the front yard and the house packed with people dancing.
“Lets go get your man.” Shay shouts, working her way through the crowd.
Let’s. I smile halfheartedly, feeling like I was going to throw up my dinner at any given moment.
10 minutes later there’s still no luck in finding Shawn. I try not to look so obvious as I stand on my tiptoes, scanning the crowd for a mop of brown curly hair yet everyone looked the same in the low lighting.
“Hey Greg, you seen Shawn?” I hear Shay ask and I turn to see them, her hand pressed to Greg’s chest to stop him in his tracks.
“Second floor near the pool table.” He replies before shugging off her hand and making his way into the kitchen.
“Let’s go.” Shay repeats. I follow her up the stairs, my heart doing blackflips in my chest and I grip the hand rail in a lame attempt to calm my nerves.
We reach the landing and I crash into Shays back as she’s freezes. Her sharp intake of breath has me looking up from the floor to the slightly crowded lounge room.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” She whispers tugging my hand to pull me out the room but I stay put, eyes glued to them.
Shawn and the short blonde whose lips are stuck on his as he presses her against the said pool table. I feel my heart twist painfully, my eyes burning, alerting me of the soon to fall tears.
They break away and I see Shawn’s chest rising and falling quickly. I look away, unable to handle the sight of the two of them together.
“Y/n!” I hear someone shout my name but the sudden pain in my stomach has me fleeing the room and straight down the stairs.
I don’t turn to see if Shay is behind me, I don’t want to know if Shawn realized I was there. I head towards the door, shutting it behind me and making the short walk back to my house a couple blocks down.
I shove the key in the lock slamming it shut after I’m inside, the warmth enveloping me. I feel numb, unsure of how to react now I’m alone. I feel stupid. I should have know he would be kissing other girls tonight because he’s Shawn, and I’m just Y/n.
I go into the bathroom, staring at my appearance. I can’t help but wonder what Shawn even sees as me as a friend. Am I his geeky best friend that will only ever be a friend? Does he see me as a younger sister? Do we have that kind of friendship?
My gaze falls on the necklace hanging around my neck. The small charm of S, as in S for Shawn, glinting in the light. Shawn gave it to me as a birthday present for my 16th.
I remember when he passed me the small box, hands shaking, when I opened the lid- the small pendant shining up at me. His words. “For when I cant be with you- the necklace will remind you that I’m always here and that I care about you.”
Those words had sent my young heart into a spiral and I couldn’t stop smiling for a week. Now the necklace simply reminded me of what we’ll only ever be. Best friends.
I raise a hand to tug the necklace off but a knock on the front door distracts me and the chain stays locked around my neck.
I pull the door open, expecting it to be Shay, checking up on me. My eyes widen however, when I see Shawn standing in front of me.
“No.” I say before I can even think, slamming the door shut and resting my back against the wood.
More knocking persists and I clench my eyes shut. I did not want to deal with the future embarrassment that was surely going to happen if Shawn made me explain my sudden departure.
“Go away!” I shout, eyes still shut.
“No. You’re going to let me in and talk to me.” Comes Shawn's muffled reply.
“Go home!” I ignore his statement, beginning to walk away from the door.
“I’ll smash your window to get in!” I hear his faint voice. I stop to look over my shoulder at the door. My quick breaths fill the silence until I hear a “You know I’ll do it.” 
I walk back over to the door, cursing Shawn the whole way. When I open it again I see him standing there, arm resting against the frosted glass that surrounds the front door.  
“What?” I snap at him. He slides past me into the house and I slam the door in a huff. “I didn’t invite you in, you know?” 
“I’m not standing out in the cold when our conversation is probably going to take a while.” he shrugs his jacket off as he says this, hanging it on the coat rack.
“I have nothing to talk about so it must just be you.” I cross my arms over my chest. His eyes fall to the skin between the scoop neck of my dress and my collarbones, as if he was just realizing it was exposed.
“You were at the party?” Shawn asks. He looks shocked, slightly nervous.  He leans from foot to foot, placing his weight on one then the other. 
“Yes.” I retort, walking away from him, intent on changing out of the dress that was making my skin itch. His footsteps notify me that he follows.
“Did you happen to.. Uh.. Were you there when I..?” He trails off. I imagine him scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment, yet I don’t turn around to see if its true.
“I saw.” I try to sound strong but it comes out weakly. I reach my bedroom, pulling open one of the dresser draws and grabbing an over sized jumper and a pair of fabric shorts. I tug the shorts up under my dress, hearing the bed creak as Shawn sits on it.
“It didn’t mean anything.” He says quickly that I barely catch it.
“Good to know.” I reply. “Can you unzip my dress?” I ask, putting my back to him.
“We were playing a game and that was the dare. I had to kiss her.” He says it in a way that just fuels my anger.
“Sure, Shawn.” I acknowledge the attempt to explain himself. “I don’t know why you need to tell me this- its not like you’re my boyfriend.” My voice comes out breathy, Shawn’s hand touching the skin of my back as I say this. His fingertips brushing down my spine until they reach the zipper located midway down my back.
“I would much rather be kissing you than her.” He twiddles with the zipper and I freeze, not knowing how to respond to this.
“Dress?” I ask shakily, my head consumed by the thought of Shawn. How close he was to me. How his knee bumped into my leg and how I could feel his breath lightly on my neck.
“Mm,” He hums, unzipping the fabric. I pull my self out of his grip and I chuck the jumper over my head quickly. “Funny.” he murmurs and my head shoots up to look at him.
“What?” I ask, putting my dress in the clothes hamper. 
“You’re wearing my jumper.” He states, gesturing to the khaki green hoodie. I nod, wanting to curl up in my bed and fall asleep.
“Well, we’ve had a good talk.” I say breezily, eyeing off my bed.
“You’ve barely said anything.” He argues, growing irritated. 
“What do you expect me to say?” I counter, an eyebrow raised in question.
“Did you hate seeing me kiss her?” Shawn asks and my jaw drops. 
“Okay that's enough for today-”
“Did you hate seeing my hands wrapped around her waist and having her body-”
“Pressed against my own and how her own hands were threaded in my hair-”
“I said stop-”
“Did you wish that was you?” His question hangs in the air. I don’t say anything. Neither does he. I hadn’t realized that while he was talking we both had moved closer to each other, few steps between us now.
My heart’s beating so fast in my chest that it makes me feel lightheaded. I nod feebly, giving up the idea that our friendship could potentially be ruined. 
“I wished that you were her.” He whispers, taking a step forward. I don’t move a muscle.
“Seemed like it.” I retaliate, anger bubbling just below the surface.
“I wished that you were the one I was kissing.” Another step forward.
“The one I was told to kiss.” Another step.
“For so long I thought that you only saw me a friend. I was scared to find out if that’s all you saw me as.” He’s inches away and if I wanted to I could reach out and touch his chest, feel the warm skin under my palms.
“I want to know now. I want to know if you feel things for me that best friends shouldn’t feel for each other.” His hand touches my chin and he tilts my head up and I meet his eyes, the warm brown a thin strip around his pupils. 
“Do you Y/n?” His voice is soft and I involuntarily lean into his touch.
“Hmm?” I ask, lost in his eyes and the sound of his voice. The voice that pushed out all rational thoughts.
“Are you in love with me?” My eyes are locked on the smooth skin of his bottom lip and I reply without thinking.
“I am.” I watch as his lips curve up into a smile- soon a grin that takes over his whole face.
“Good.” He reply's, his head moving slowly towards mine.
“Good?” I whisper, regaining some kind of thought process. 
“Yeah.” He smiles teasingly at me. “Cos I am too.” 
Then his lips are on mine and its like everything I thought it would be. I pull away for a second to breathe.
“I did wish that I was her.” I whisper against his mouth.
“Yeah,” He kisses me again, quickly before speaking again. “I don’t want to do that with anyone else but you. Not after I know how it feels to kiss you.”
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