#my boooooy aaaaaa
(this seemed fun in my head) 'Enemies to lovers' trope (headcanons, reaction, whatever I'm not picky) with William and a fox!demon future!s/o?
aaaaaa definitely fun!! I did some headcanons~
but I love Will with a demon S/O so I'd enjoy getting to do more in the future!
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Foul creature, no matter what form they decide to take. A demon is a demon is a demon, as far as he’s concerned, and any being who would eat his quota is an annoying pest to him at best, and a dangerous threat at worst. He has a very poor opinion of (Name) when things start out simply based on them being a demon. Although he doesn’t take physical action in the early days unless he has to, he makes it quite clear what he thinks of them.
They’re tricky, a clever fox living up to the stereotype, so he’s not surprised that he keeps running into them whilst collecting souls. Even if he doesn’t come face to face with them himself, it’s almost a guarantee that one of his underlings does. Is this demon stalking him? They act as if they have some personal vendetta against William in particular. He wouldn’t put it past someone like them, and the next time he sees them personally, he tells them in no uncertain terms that they should keep their distance from him if they know what’s good for them.
Of course, a demon doesn’t really know what’s good for them, do they? About the time he looks out his window while doing paperwork to find (Name) perched on the fence and peering curiously in is when he acknowledges that he’s not getting rid of them so easily. He goes out to talk to them during a break, asking what they want… and it turns out all they want is to get to know him. Hm. Unprecedented.
That doesn’t mean they get free reign over his life. They’re still a demon, so technically they are still in competition for souls. William needs to get those souls in order, where they need to go, and (Name) disrupts the natural process of things by stealing them to eat. Just like all demons do. He’s cautious around them, even though he might answer some questions about his personal life; favorite color, favorite food, etc., nothing too terribly deep.
His views begin to shift a bit when (Name) catches a soul in the midst of William trying to reap it… and then simply hands it over to him. No extortion for him to get it, no deals or contracts to get them to hand it over, not even that much taunting. A small smirk and some kind eyes as they hold it out. To him, the meaning is clear: they never intended to take a soul away from him. Perhaps from other Reapers, maybe in other branches, but they don’t want to jeopardize his job or deliberately make things hard for him. It’s a selfless act, with the result being that (Name) doesn’t get to eat that afternoon. After that, he starts to look at them differently. Less as an infernal creature who exists only to complicate his life, and more like a… person. Someone he wants to get to know. They wouldn’t do such a thing for anyone else, would they?
It’s strange, to make friends with and develop feelings for a being which preys upon the thing your job necessitates you to put in the universe’s filing cabinet. Other demons don’t get the courtesy that William affords to (Name) by allowing them to eat. While he doesn’t permit them to eat in or around London, it’s not a great feat for a demon to travel across the country and be back within some short hours. He isn’t going to go after them for… patronizing another restaurant, so to speak. As long as they’re several hundred kilometers away from where he works, that isn’t his jurisdiction, so he won’t chase them down.
He’s not sure what (Name) thinks of the whole thing. He swears he can taste the viscera of a soul when he kisses them, and it shocks him that he finds he isn’t as bothered by it as he thought he might be. It’s coming from them, and soon enough it becomes apparent that they care about him. They try for him, which is more than most people do. Despite their relationship not being perfect… for some reason, he’s glad the found their crafty little way into his life.
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erekhsha · 5 years
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microcomets · 7 years
hello I just finished a turn of the earth it's 4 am and I feel so happy but also sad that it's over. my heart broke for dean every time cas left and oh man that final reunion made me feel some things oh boooooy. but the ending was absolutely beautiful and fulfilling and everything I wish the show could be so thank you thank you thank you :)
aaaaaa thank you so much!! i’m really glad you enjoyed it, hearing that means a lot
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happikattwuzheere · 7 years
it got me writing again after like a year of nothin and boy howdy is there a lotta stuff i have planned that im excited to get to boooooy howdy 
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princeofyorkshire · 5 years
all of your songs are good choices!!! and god yes harry woke me up smacked me and said i know its monday but we’ve got work to do!!!! and i LOVE once in a lifetime, it soothes me. i know its an unpopular opinion but it is actually one of my favorite one direction songs!!! and hahaha i wouldn’t know about having a big brain but thank you! - ss💘
AAAAAA i already love u anon. so many people HATE IT and doesn’t give it The Respect that she deserves. it’s so cute. not boring at all. i love it so much!!!! once in a lifetime....... you were mine 😔😔 BOOOOOY THE DRAMA!!!! absolute love it. anyway. what are YOUR fave 1d/solo songs? and who’s your fave member? 👀
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