#my brain is sooo slow smh
kdyism · 2 years
PIWON ARE IN THE SAME COMPANY AS SF9??? and no one told me????
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jojothaho · 3 years
Sister Sister. Hanma + Kawata Twins
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Word count: 813
Request: Hanma dating/hooking up with the Kawata twins older sister.
Warnings: Mild cursing
♡ Your brothers have never been fond of Hanma; The less they interacted with him, the better. If it were up to them, they wouldn't even attend the same school as him. He was such a snarky bastard, popping in and out of their homeroom, just to screw with them.
♡ So you bet they were anything but pleased when they saw him hanging around you, their precious older sister. When Souya first saw the two of you together, you were on the field. Hanma had his arm draped over your shoulder, and it took everything in Souya, and Nahoya holding him back, to not go over there and whoop his ass.
♡ The twins would confront you about it later, at home, where they wouldn't have to worry about seeing that snake's face. Or so they thought.
"Out of all the guys you could've chosen, why him?"
"You say that as if there's something wrong with him?"
"There IS something wrong with him."
"Look, the little brother smothering isn't something I want to hear right now."
♡ Nahoya knew you weren't having it, so he resigned, only warning you.
"Have your fun, but if he ever crosses the threshold of this house, I'll kill him <3."
♡ You never were the type to listen to your brothers.
♡ The second the twins saw Hanma rummaging through their fridge, half-naked at 4 am, they jumped him, with a bat. Where did they even get that wth???
"What the fuck are you doing in our house?"
Hanma laughed. "I think you already know why."
♡ Nahoya was not in any mood for Hanma's bullshit.
"I'm gonna ask one more time, what the fuck are you doing in our house?"
"Well, since you want me to tell you sooo badly, I just boned your sister."
♡ Hanma seriously underestimated how crazy your brothers were.
♡ Souya's fist collided with the side of Hanma's face, sending him to the ground, while Nahoya manifested a bat into his palm. Seriously, where did he get that from???
"Do you wanna die fast or slow <3?"
♡ Nahoya asked, his grin never leaving his face.
♡ Hanma recovered quickly though, "god, you're fucking crazy."
♡ If you had come out any later, Hanma's brain matter would've painted the walls of your kitchen.
"What the hell is going on?!"
♡ During the ruckus, the boys didn't hear you come out of your room.
"Nothing Y/n chan <3."
♡ Nahoya replied, not even trying to hide the mystery bat, which was dangerously close to Hanma's head. You huffed and snatched the bat from your brother's hand. How does he even have this????
"I don't know what the two of you were planning to do with this, but I'm pretty sure it was illegal."
♡ Hanma took that as his cue to rise from the ground, smirking the whole way.
"Thanks for the save babe."
"Who the fuck are you calling babe?"
♡ Sigh. You should've known this was going to happen, smh.
You pinched the bridge of your nose,
"Hanma, go to my room and stay there."
♡ After His departure from the potential crime scene, the worst of you came out.
"Didn't I tell you not to bring him here?"
♡ Souya didn't say anything, but you could tell he agreed implicitly.
"And where did I ever say that I would listen to you?"
"He probably doesn't even like you! He's just using you to get to us!"
♡ A loud slap echoed through the small kitchen of your home.
"You aren't special Nahoya, do you honestly think he would do all of this, just to get at you?"
♡ Nahoya was silent, clearly surprised you hit him, after all, you never had before. You sighed before speaking again in a less harsh tone.
"Listen, I understand you don't want to see me hurt, but I'm not a little girl. I'm smart enough to tell when I'm being used, and I don't need you two sheltering me."
"I don't care if you don't like Hanma, but I do, and you two need to respect that."
♡ After you finished your big sis rant, the three of you sat in silence, the tension higher than the arch in Kisaki's eyebrows. After few minutes, Nahoya left, Souya trailing behind him, totally shoulder checking you on his way out.
♡ About a week later, on one of their snack runs, the twins saw Hanma with a girl. And she was clearly trying to get touchy with him. Of course, they stalked him, they needed proof to snitch on him later. But to their surprise, Hanma was completely unresponsive to her tactics, and he even shoved her away at one point.
"Maybe he's not that bad?"
"Nevermind I still hate him."
♡ So, the twins learned how to deal with Hanma, and his late-night fridge-scavenging. But that doesn't mean they liked it.
"Get your ass out of my fridge you rat!"
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Any tips for focusing on schoolwork? The quarter ends next week for me and I have 12 missing assignments but I can’t just sit down and do it smh. My meds don’t do shit to help me so I basically run on caffine and Doritos
I was planning on making a longer and more detailed post about this since I struggled with the exact same thing last semester but I’ll do a quick one since you’re in a hurry!
-Ask a university student with ADHD
How to overcome executive dysfunction and just get it done!
A quick overview for the stressed and depressed ADHD student
All strategies mentioned are ones I have tried during a very stressful period in my life and I can happily announce that I succsessfully passed all my re-exams!
1. Study at the library or a similarily quiet place, by no means attempt to study at home or god forbid a café you’ll regret it.
Studying at the library takes so much less effort and energy than studying at home or in s noisy café, save your precious energy for focusing on your work instead of trying to avoid distraction
Libraries are great and full of people who are also studying which will help you feel more motivated!
2. Get rid of your phone 📱
This one ☝🏻 oh boy, it was a game changer, I know you think you may have the discipline not to get distracted but it makes a world of difference
Put your phone in a seperate room on silent if you can, this is the most effective way.
If not, put it at the bottom of your bag and make it as hard as possible to find
Use wireless headphones 🎧 for music so you don’t have to keep your phone within arms reach
3. Write down exactly what you’re doing and divide into small easily doable tasks
Part of the struggle is not knowing what to do, or the task feeling too big and too hard. Write down the task in steps, as many as you need, as simple as you can. Break them down to the smallest and most easily done bits until you feel like you can handle them.
Example: For uni last semester I had 3 smaller tests per week apart from the usual exams. We had to translate between 1500-3000 words every two days on our own and during lectures We’d do a quick 15 min test based on what we’d read that would affect our final grade.
”Translate 2000 words” sounds like a lot so the way I did it was that I put the text into a word file and dived it into seperate paragraphs
I’d end up with 10-12 paragraphs and that would be my focus
So if I had two days to translate, I’d translate 6/12 paragraphs the first day and the remaining 6 the next day
It feels much easier than sitting with a document of seemingly endless work. Because we can have a hard time planning and looking ahead, it helps to give yourself some structure
4. Check off and visualize finished tasks to boost motivation ✅
Again, using last semester as an example
The way I did it is something I call:
The heart strategy❤️
At this time I was obsessed with Zelda games and I randomly drew a little heart in my planner while thinking of Zelda and thought ”huh, what if I used ”video game hearts” as a representation for my own work?” And I have been doing it religously since.
The way I did it was I drew 12 hearts in my planner in a line like this, seperating them with a line in the middle.
🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 | 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
When I finished translating a paragraph I would fill a heart with a bright pink pen because I love pink💗 It was almost like a reward and it made me more motivated to keep going, it also provided a visual to let me know how much work I had gotten done and how much was left
So when my planner looked like this:
💗💗💗💗💗🤍| 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
It would motivate me because it meant I was almost finished for the day and I knew that I had completed half of the task already.
5. Wireless noise cancelling headphones 🎧 + ADHD friendly music
Noice cancelling keeps you from getting distracted by 🗣🎶👏🏻✍🏻👣
Wireless is just amazing in general but it also keeps you away from your phone which will often distract you even when you’re trying hard. Some models allow you to even change songs without touching your phone, which is super helpful
Make a list of music or find good mixes on youtube/Spotify that are not distracting 🎶 They can be motivational and upbeat or slow and relaxing, whatever helps you the most
I have a ”Motivational study songs” list with a lot of upbeat high tempo songs that are about reaching your goals, a mix of rock, pop, Disney and musical songs
Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley is the perfect ADHD study song idk why but it just works wonders for me
But some days the upbeat music is just too distracting so then I put on classical music (mostly Tchaikovsky) or a lofi youtube video. Changing up music is good since your ADHD brain will get bored of the same thing easily
There are also quiet and very aestethic ”☕️study with me 📖” videos on youtube that are like 2 hour long where a person just sits quietly and studies
they can be great because it makes you feel like you have a study buddy but they wont distract you by talking 🙊 as long as you don’t get distracted by them
That’s all for this post! BELIEVE ME i tried SOOO hard to keep it short and it was a lot longer at first i’m sorry if it’s a lot to read���
I hope some of this is at least somewhat helpful. Thank you for reading and good luck with your studies!💗
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
22 (i hope you slept well), 54 (maybe i'll pick you up if you don't have and we go to mcdolans😎😎) and 118
p.s. you are very kind and my heart melts when I see how you support people
22. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 
I did, thank you! No weird dreams, tho, which honestly I think it’s a very boring decision from my brain. What a shame smh smh.
I think I got about 7/8 hours of sleep! ^v^) I don’t like how my mind gets all fussy, slow and messy when I don’t sleep the necessary amount so I always do my best to sleep x)
Btw! Hope you sleep well today too <3
54. What plans do you have for tomorrow?
I will hang out with my sisters!! I am very excited because due the preparatory course I went to I wasn’t able to just hang out with friends and :DD since now it’s over I can do NOTHING at all! All day everyday! :DDD
118. What is something dumb you believed as a child?
Bold of you to assume I stopped believing in dumb things-
Sooo, I can’t really think of anything really dumb but hmmm do you remember that old cartoon DragonTales? I believed with all my soul that one day I would find a scale just like the kids and then I would be able to find the magic dragon place ~
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thisiswhymomworries · 5 years
Week One
OK so let's start this off with some info stuff first, just for context since I'm on a form of T that seems to be less common
When: I started taking T on Friday, October 18th, so this is for 10/18/19 - 10/25/19
Testosterone: I'm using Androderm, which is a daily patch you stick on exactly like a nicotine patch
Dosage: 2 mg per day, although you can get them in 5 mg per day patches
Changes: Increased hunger, slightly increased acne
Yeah so I fucked up using these patches bc I read my prescription, the doctor's instructions, and ALL the fine print and none of it said FOR HOW LONG you wear the patch. So I was taking them off at night before I went to bed for this whole week, and they're 24 HOUR patches, sooo. This is week one on a half dose basically smh
So the only change I really noticed this week was that I got hungry sooner, more intensely, and more often. For context, going out to eat at a Mexican restaurant, I'd have to be careful not to get too full off of chips and queso before the meal. At the end of this week though, I went out to Ted's Mexican Café, ate half a basket of chips and a whole cup of queso, ate my usual amount of beans, rice, and chicken tamale, and THEN went out and got a single scoop ice cream sundae at Freddie's Custard
(more on the changes, patches vs shots, and comparison selfies below the cut)
That might not sound like a lot to normal people lol but I've struggled my whole life with ARFID (autistic sensory issues with eating and the vague stomach problems we all seem to have). Going on T hasn't made me any less of a "picky eater" or otherwise helped with the sensory issues of not tolerating strong tastes (spices), smells, or mouth feel (food texture), but it HAS let me eat normal proportions of the food I do like and not feel sick afterward.
The increased hunger has also resulted in my body sending CLEAR signals to my brain about when I'm hungry and when I'm full, versus previously my stomach would just hurt and that's all the info I got. Was I hungry? Hurt 😊 😊 😊 Full? Hurt 😊 😊 😊 Nauseous? Overheating? Anxious? HURT 😊 😊 😊
Now I can actually tell a difference between all of that and actually being hungry!!
So yeah, that might not really be trans-related, but goddamn has this one single change improved my life.
As for the acne, that was really just extra redness around the areas I tend to break out in during this first week, but I did get a large pimple and a few smaller ones in those areas once the second week hit
No bad side effects at this point either. I didn't have any mood swings, exhaustion, or nausea. The patches are kind of known for people having a bad reaction to them, like redness, swelling, and itching, but this didn't happen. Spoiler: I do get all that bullshit the second week, but that's also when the weather changed SUPER abruptly (literally from 90 to 60 to 30 in less than a week) and my skin always dries out, gets red, and starts itching during the winter, so I'm not quite ready to blame all of that solely on the patches
more info on them down below!
Patches technically give you the same amount of testosterone as shots, just applied daily instead of in a big dose all at once either every week or every two weeks, but the anecdotal wisdom is that the changes are less pronounced and/or happen more slowly. Gels and creams seem to be the same on that front, from what I've heard
I personally wanted to use patches instead of shots because I want slower changes to make sure I'm OK with the side effects. You can't pick and choose, and I'm not too excited about some of them, plus anything uncertain and/or changes in my life give me anxiety, so I'm actually happy with a possibly slower transition
Since patches are applied daily, that also keeps your T levels more stable, versus getting a big spike with a shot that slumps down over the next week / two weeks until the next shot. I didn't want a sudden jump in my hormone levels in case of mood swings, and again, I very much prefer slow, steady, and small changes over a longer period than a sudden big change
If anyone's interested, I can make another post about how I got a prescription for Androderm, how much it costs (it is a lot more expensive than shots), the coupon I'm using that makes it actually affordable ($95 for 60 patches), and all the bullshit doctor visits / insurance stuff
all right, I think that's everything, so I'll move on to making the Week Two post now! feel free to send me an ask or a message if you have any questions ^^
comparison selfies from the start of the week to the end of the week:
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(friend next to me cropped out for her privacy)
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