#my brother freaked out over me jokingly calling a character a power bottom
erinoddly · 4 years
Why does everyone think that I have no idea about anything sexual just because I’m ace???
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msfcatlover · 7 years
Fanfic projects I am/REALLY WANT to work on
Mob Psycho:
Noir!Takeritsu AU---Okay, so the name is misleading, but I still really love it, and... *drops a month and a half’s worth of research on the table* I AM TRYING, OKAY GUYS?! Part of me still really wants to make it cyberpunk, or at least near-future, but I always feel weird writing actual sci-fi (as opposed to science-based fantasy) and. That keeps getting in the way. I have 2.5 chapters (and twelve different versions of chapter one fuck my brain fuck my life) and. I. Will. Finish. It. Even if I’ve basically dropped the noir style, because, well, I can’t do stylistic writing; I always wind up fussing over my word choice, and wind up losing the project. Bonus Headcanons: *holds up Temporary Roomates, Sickfic, Kissing To Maintain Our Cover, Journey To The Center Of The Mind, Saved By The Power Of Love, and other choice tropes I am way to invested in* ...It’s gonna be good.
BNHA: (It’s All Iideku, Because We Need More Fucking Iideku)
Color!Soulmates---The AU where the first time you touch your soulmate leaves a colored mark on your skin. Did I rewatch both seasons paying waaaaayyy too much attention to Deku’s shoulders for this? Yes. Which I why I can tell you that if he kept the handprint on his shoulder a secret (because Iida didn’t notice his own mark until after the exam, can’t quite place where he got it, and doesn’t want to assume or impose on one of his friends... meanwhile Izuku is both embarrassed and intimidated around Iida at first, and so when Iida doesn’t seem to know when his own mark showed up on the first day of class, Izuku decides to keep his a secret and just get to know his soulmate a bit first; then he feels guilty for not telling him sooner,) it would take until the SPORTS FESTIVAL for anyone to see it; even then, it’d just be a brief glimpse before Recovery Girl shooed them back out of the nurse’s office. Bonus Headcanons: While marks can form through clothing, skin-to-skin contact causes temporary blossoms of color. Soulmates are expected to call eachother by their first names, and Izuku spends so much time working not to call Iida “Tenya” by mistake. Even though Iida suspects after the Sports Festival, he doesn’t want to make Izuku feel awkward by bringing it up, and can’t think of any reason his good friend would keep something like that a secret. Bonus scene in the Stain Arc, because Iida should be able to reach out to his soulmate, but whoops, wait, nope, haven’t confirmed that, sorry for imposing Midoriya, I’l just be going now... Finally talk to eachother about it after Todoroki makes a joke about being jealous, and then basically calls them stupid for not being together by now. (Side-order of Tenkoi--mentioned, if probably not shown--because MY GODS, the Iida brothers would have their soulmarks in exactly the same location, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!)
Haunted!AU---The no-quirk AU where Iida buys a run-down house with a bad reputation, intending to remodel it, only to find he’s not alone in that building. Meanwhile, Deku’s clearest memory of his life is the moment it ended, trapping him in the prison that is the house on the hill until he can finish his unfinished business... whatever the hell it was. Neither can fully interact with the other’s version of reality, and are stuck trying to find the places where those overlap so they can make their peace with their new housemate, and maybe learn something about themselves in the process. Bonus Headcanons: Listen, Tenya doesn’t believe in ghosts, but he also doesn’t want to worry his family, especially when the only logical explanation is that he has completely lost it; time to call in the ghostbusters (aka, Momo, Jirou, and Kaminari, with Todoroki getting dragged along behind them) to reassure him that all of this is real. Deku feels really bad for freaking him out so much. Also, Uraraka is a local medium, not that she really markets that, and her weekend hikes up the hill to chat with Deku are largely responsible for keeping him sane the last few years. It starts out pretty creepy, and then devolves into fluffy remodeling-shenanigans and writing notes on foggy windows and stuff for eachother, but still with that mystery edge? And in the end, when everything else is sorted out and Izuku can wander freely again, the only remaining piece of unfinished business he has left is making sure Tenya is happy, so he sticks around for that.
Stardust!AU---seriouslyoneofmyfavoritemoviesofalltime After Tensei’s injury, the local healer tells his family that no cure from their world would ever be enough to restore his legs, adding jokingly that they’d need a fallen star to save him now. Tenya, never the best with humor or irony, tries to find out what that means, and discovers an old legend that different parts of a fallen star were said to have different curative powers (with the heart of it supposedly being able to “cure death itself.”) When, not even a week later, he watches a star streak overhead and disappear across the horizon, he takes off after it in the hopes of helping his brother; he did not expect to find Izuku, a young man with golden freckles, wild hair, and a smile like a sunrise, sitting at the bottom of a crater with two broken limbs. Bonus Headcanons: The Babylon candle is lent to Iida by Yaoyorozou; her grandmother traded all of their family’s magic for it, but she doubts any of them will ever have a practical use for it (it’s main value is being a magical item that can work beyond the Wall.) Iida doesn’t take Izuku prisoner, but he does feel responsible for possibly making his broken limbs worse, and insists on carrying him to the nearest village to get fixed up (not knowing if the candle can transport two people.) Shigaraki wants the heart of a star to heal his ailing master, Aizawa is the captain (“We’re not pirates--technically, it’s not illegal,”) and like half of 1-A are the crew. Neither Iida nor Deku are the missing prince; Todoroki ran away from home, and has been in hiding for the last few years, and will be just one of many people they encounter along their journey as I pull in the book for more character rolls and a longer timeframe!
Pain!Soulmate AU---This AU is actually twofold. The first is that different people find their soulmates in different ways--all the classics, you know, the color-touch, color-sight, words-on-your-skin, TiMER, etc.--and the one between Tenya and Izuku is the one where you share pain. The second is that All Might was too slow saving Izuku from the Sludge Villain, and poor Midoriya wound up in a coma, while also having an out-of-body experience. Being smart boys, he and Iida had worked out a way of communicating through their bond (light pinching and scratching is no more self harm than writing notes on your skin... I have had this argument with people before about the pain-bond soulmates thing, I’m not having it again. They’d both have a book of morse code or something in their hands by the end of the first year, and you know it!) but have both always sorta relished in the mystery of the whole thing, and so never actually exchanged names or addresses or anything... they agreed to meet either on the day of the entrance exam, or the first day at Yuuei if the crowds thwarted them ten. When that first day rolls around, and Tenya is finally beginning to lose the last bit of hope that maybe he’s wrong, maybe his soulmate has just been... busy, or something, finally moved away from whoever hurt them, and that’s why they haven’t responded in ten frickin’ months, he’s distracted from his misery by a friendly boy he meets at the bus stop on his way out of school; a boy who seems to have an involuntary perception-altering quirk, because no one else can see him. Bonus Headcanons: Izuku can still feel Tenya’s pain in his current state, but without any nerve endings, Tenya can’t feel his. Izuku can’t interact with anything that has weight, but after Uraraka uses her powers on a pencil, he befriends both her and Tsuyu by writing notes to them. Things play out very differently for the first years, because there is no Deku in their class. No, I have no fucking idea how to handle the Stain arc. SUFFER WITH ME.
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