#my classmates talked about how much more fun that era was bc this whole dreams setting was a combination of modern day and the 1800s
critterofthenight · 1 month
i had such a fun dream, i didn't wanna wake up :c
#my art teacher was a former goddess and she was looking after treasure in the secret room of a church#and i was the only human who could see the other gods so she decided to make me her heir#and she taught me magic and other things and the secret room became my safe space#then one day few of my classmates accidentally got into the room when noone was there and they were gonna start investigating wtf is this#when they tried to leave without raising suspicion they ran into me the art teacher and the priest in the church garden#but we didnt realize that smth was going on so we all started playing some kinda ttrpg set in the middle ages#my classmates talked about how much more fun that era was bc this whole dreams setting was a combination of modern day and the 1800s#we played in the church garden and there was a wishing well next to us#if you looked into it your reflection became the person you wanted to be#the art teacher was sad bc she wanted to look different but i showed her that my reflection was her so she laughed and hugged me#the game was very fun and when we were leaving my former crush was waiting outside of the gates#her new best friend was with her but she smiled at me and caressed my head and i literally purred#we were walking home and she told me that dating apps suck and she doesnt know what to do#i took her hand and told her to forget those assholes bc there are so many people who love her#and the two of us started running through the forest next to the road hand in hand#we looked like two nymphs of the forest and we were laughing and i was sure she loved me#and then i woke up :c#✩‧₊˚
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jaeminlore · 7 years
friends to lovers!haechan
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okay donghyuck might possible be the most beautiful person on this earth
yes i may be a ten girl but wow donghyuck is the literal sun and sometimes he really tests my loyalty towards the Missing Trio™
OkAy enough abt me lol
so you and donghyuck share the same music class at school
and you guys don't really talk i mean you're just classmates and you both have separate friend groups that's just how it is
the first time the two of you properly meet is when your teacher pairs you two up for an assignment
basically you guys have to perform a duet of a sing a song by who, in your opinion, is music's best influencer
and you aren't really sure who you'd pick because you listen to an entire hodgepodge of music and you can't be bothered to pick just one
so when you get paired up with donghyuck it's sort of a blessing in disguise bc boy oh boy is he excited
like you know the donghyuck who teases everyone and laughs at his own expense
but you didn't really know donghyuck could act like this?? like a little kid???
what has him so excited you might be wondering
it's michael jackson
"hi y/n i'm donghyuck and basically we have to do this assignment for the king of pop otherwise i'll just diE we have to sing smooth criminal pls it's my favorite!!!!"
you don't really know what to say
bc yes you've obviously heard of mj, but just the generic songs everyone knows
you don't know much about him personally or the way he influenced music
and when you explain this to donghyuck he is just
bc he has all the cds and biographies and tribute movies and merch and you've just ... never really listened to him??
donghyuck has never been and will never be one for subtleties so he invites you over to his house that night like forget going to mark's volleyball game you have to see the thriller music video
and the whole time he's babying you like "i'm so sorry you've gone this long and you've never heard human nature I can't imagine what that must be like."
and ur just,,,, "donghyuck ... pls .... stop ...."
when you get to his house after school he takes you to the den and then turns on his laptop, ready to show you all his favorite performances
and through it all he's shooting off random facts abt michael like he knows the guy
he's just so excited bc michael jackson is the reason he loves music so much and all these songs have helped him one time or another
all the boys are tired of hearing him bring it up so he's glad he gets to talk to you abt it
and guess what??? you really like the music????
after seeing donghyuck so happy you decide to sing a michael jackson song w him
you begin to enjoy listening to the songs and even ask donghyuck if you can borrow some cds to listen to before school tomorrow, when you have to let your teacher know what song youre going to practice so she can write it down
donghyuck is so so happy he even lets you choose which song you're most comfortable with bc "I know all of them by heart don't worry abt me!!!!"
and as you leave his house that night you kind of think how nice donghyuck is and how cute he gets when he's excited about something
you're actually really glad you got the assignment w him and not someone else
so yeah
after listening to the songs you decide that you like man in the mirror the most bc it's important and a rlly good song
so when you tell donghyuck as soon as you arrive he actually squeals like full on squeals in the middle of the hallway
and his nose does this lil scrunch this when he's happy okay you know the one don't make me describe it
but then he stops and as the two of you are walking towards music class
he gets kind of quiet like "so i kind of took over this assignment and i realized that was a bit rude of me,,,, so maybe if you wanna hang out again and you can show me your favorite musicians??"
and???? you're like??? yes!!!!
bc truthfully you want to hang out with donghyuck more but also this is an opportunity to show him the songs you liked
so you guys choose man in the mirror for your duet, and decide that after checking out your music you'd practice a bit
donghyuck comes to your house after school and he's so excited mostly bc your mom offered him a fudge pop but also bc music!!!
and you explain to him that you like female artists a lot
from all different eras of music
and he's excited to hear bc he too likes girl groups and female voices
so you play him bills bills bills by destiny's child
and he wants you to replay it bc he loves the sass of the song and legit wants to teach jeno tomorrow at school
and you and him basically just hang out and listen to music w the occasional dance break songs
you danced to umbrella by rihanna, single ladies by beyoncé, born this way by lady gaga, starship by nicki minaj, bo$$ by fifth harmony, move by little mix, wannabe by the spice girls, hold it against me by britney spears ,,,,, literally ANYTHING in your playlist bc each song is a bop to just dance around to
you even break out girlfriend by avril lavigne and what dreams are made of by lizzie mcguire
at this point the two of you are just having absolute fun
jumping around and singing into serving spoons
neither of you realize it's nearly eight o'clock until his mother calls him
you both realize you didn't practice but!!! it was fun anyways!!! so who cares?????
still you know you need to practice, so for the next two weeks the two of you alternate which house you visit and practice as hard as you can (for about an hour then you guys play mario cart or smth)
and each practice kinda feels like a date if we're being honest :/
you kinda start to develop feelings for donghyuck,,,
and he's been much more open and flirty with you as the days go by
so you're kind of hoping the two of you might become an item soon bc you rlly like him and it would be a shame if you guys stopped talking after the assignment was over
it really would be but what you don't know is that donghyuck has a harder time talking to you than before and suddenly whenever you laugh at his jokes his palms get kinda sweaty,,,, which has never happened before so what's up with that idk
literally it's just two awkward teenagers not knowing how to deal w your feelings for each other cUTE!!!!
okay enough of that
so the assignment is pretty much over all you and donghyuck have to do is sing your duet in front of the class and get graded on it
so you do and it goes off without a hitch like you and donghyuck's vocals go so well together it's nice :')
the teacher gives you both an A+ like "wow!! i could really see the chemistry and passion behind the song!! great work!!"
and tbh you still think donghyuck might ignore you now
but you're wrong!!!
bc after the bell rings he runs up to you and hugs you so so tightly like you're pretty sure you just broke a few ribs
and he's like !!!!!!! i can't believe we got an A !!!!!!!
and you're like i know!!!!!!!
when he lets you go he suddenly looks rlly nervous like the tips of his ears are red and awe it's cute bc his hands have retreated into the sleeves of his hoodie
"um, y/n, idk, maybe if you want to, we could, like, go get some ice creams after school? to celebrate of course,,,"
and you can't help but blurt out your next sentence, "like a date??"
he shrugs "idk, do u want it to be?"
"idk, do U want it to be??"
"idk, do u wa—"
cue renjun, jeno, and jaemin in the background, definitely eavesdropping "he's trying to ask you out!!!!!"
now you're blushing bc alsjhshsksks donghyuck just asked you out
"okay. i'd love that."
"great! and there's this new record store down the street if you wanna check out some music w me"
and the two of you don't even realize it really but you kind of become inseparable and donghyuck is always holding your hand or your sleeve or just cuddling up to you y'all know he's a clingy baby
and it's just cute,,,, even mark forgives donghyuck for missing his volleyball game to hang out w you bc now both of you have to sit through them
jokes on mark though bc he just got one more person to roast him for missing that serve
the end
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sambashua · 7 years
8 questions~
Tagged by my fave homie and the beautiful @s-lay-ing​ whom i adore a whole bunch~ (yo i’m finally doing it look at meeee)
So i gotta answer these questions claudia made and then come up with my own questions but i’m boring (pt. 82740) sOOO HERE WE GOOOOO
Have you ever seen a ghost or something weird? okay so i don’t rlly believe in paranormal stuff which starts this tag off rlly boring i’m so sorry
Do you know any more languages? which ones and how did you learned them? i’ve been taking spanish for five years and i really love it! i started freshman year of high school after taking a rlly rlly basic semester in sixth grade lol but after that i really wanted to learn a lot of languages so hopefully i have time to learn more! i also want to minor in spanish!!
Would you binge travel? YESSSS it would be such a dream to backpack through a country or just hop from country to country and just talk to locals and meet people and experience the true culture!!
Are you the kind of person who barely remembers their former classmates and the stuff they did on the classroom or you’re the kind who remembers at least most of them and some of the stuff they did? okay so i’m p good w names (at least i used to be lol) bc i’ve always been that Quiet Kid™ so i always observed others and remember random details. But for actual events i don’t remember much ha~~ from 4-6th grade i legit remember nothing oops
If someone gave you one billion dollars with the condition of spending it in a week, do you honestly thing you’d do it? HONESTLYYYYYYYYY if i could donate it to charity maybe?? that’s so much money tho woah… if not i honestly could not even come close lol i wouldn’t even know what to buy
What’s the major event/concert/sports event/other you’ve ever been to? i went to one direction once lol also i saw taylor swift when i was a lot younger it was her great era
Is there a kpop group/artist everyone insists you should stan yet you just can’t because it doesn’t ring your bell/it’s not your cup of tea? (no need to name it if you don’t want to I don’t want to cause ww3) ummmmmm i’m generally p open w stanning groups but i’ve never been interested in stanning b*g b*ng and ik*n just bc i’ve heard some not so great stuff abt them… but i like b*g b*ng’s music (i don’t rlly listen to much ik*n) but none that anyone insists i stan!
If you could create your own sm station and make a group with five members from any kpop group that exists (girls, boys or even mixed), who would you pick and what would be the concept of the group? (bitch I need a sm station with yixing, jackson, china line and winwin ;-;)  YO CHINA LINE STATION WOULD BE SO LIT but i would maybe do a liner station? i’m always such a ho for same age ships so a same age station would be a dreammmm. i’m kinda a ho for 96 & 97 line but i feel like everyone only ever talks abt 97 line so i would maybe do 99 line? bc all my babies!! like mark nd rocky nd chan AND THEY’RE ALL DANCY RAPPERS OKAY I WAS GONNA WRITE MORE 99 LINERS BUT THIS WOULD BE PERFECT OKAY HOW LIT THIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW PLZ ***edit: ALSO MY BOY HWIYOUNG HOW DID I FORGET HIM RIP HE IS ALSO A DANCEY RAPPY 99 LINER
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream? (shoutout to sicheng ma boy)
If you could achieve one thing without working for it what would it be?
A picture that describes your aesthetic?
What’s a song that’s always stuck in your head?
Do you have a video you always find yourself watching? Which one?
What’s one thing you love about yourself? (and don’t say nothing bc imma hunt you down bc you gotta love yourself okay bc ily)
If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? Why?
If you could spend a full day with your bias what would you do? Where would you got? What would you talk about?
YAYY that was really fun!! i’ll tag @atshinee (oops i’m tagging you in so much don’t yell at me for staying up so late) @hypekyun @pinkwinwin @jungnoir @squishywonu @squishyshua @suneokmin @hobikwan @bubkwan and @99taeil
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