#my art teacher was a former goddess and she was looking after treasure in the secret room of a church
critterofthenight · 1 month
i had such a fun dream, i didn't wanna wake up :c
#my art teacher was a former goddess and she was looking after treasure in the secret room of a church#and i was the only human who could see the other gods so she decided to make me her heir#and she taught me magic and other things and the secret room became my safe space#then one day few of my classmates accidentally got into the room when noone was there and they were gonna start investigating wtf is this#when they tried to leave without raising suspicion they ran into me the art teacher and the priest in the church garden#but we didnt realize that smth was going on so we all started playing some kinda ttrpg set in the middle ages#my classmates talked about how much more fun that era was bc this whole dreams setting was a combination of modern day and the 1800s#we played in the church garden and there was a wishing well next to us#if you looked into it your reflection became the person you wanted to be#the art teacher was sad bc she wanted to look different but i showed her that my reflection was her so she laughed and hugged me#the game was very fun and when we were leaving my former crush was waiting outside of the gates#her new best friend was with her but she smiled at me and caressed my head and i literally purred#we were walking home and she told me that dating apps suck and she doesnt know what to do#i took her hand and told her to forget those assholes bc there are so many people who love her#and the two of us started running through the forest next to the road hand in hand#we looked like two nymphs of the forest and we were laughing and i was sure she loved me#and then i woke up :c#✩‧₊˚
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ikaroux · 3 years
Xiao: Always (part 2) (EN)
The Japanese dubbing of Kirito (Sword art online), helped me a lot to imagine how Xiao's emotions would be expressed.
The ost that inspired me a lot for most of the scenes:
Ori and the will of the wisps: Fading of the Light and The story of Niwen (The ost in general fits Xiao perfectly <3)
Part 1
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You had been in Liyue for several months now for your research. You had met several people there, some of whom had turned into real friendships. Hu Tao, Ganyu and the lovely Qiqi were the only girls with whom you had formed a real friendship and then there was Mr. Zhongli with whom you liked to talk a lot.
But above all you met Xiao, a taciturn young man with a cold look in his eyes. After some research, you learned who he really was, a follower protecting Liyue at the risk of his life. He was also known as the last surviving Yaksha, fighting day and night against the emanations of the ancient evil gods killed by the Geo Archon.
Zhongli, who had revealed to you who he really was, often spoke to you about Xiao. Sometimes he would ask you to bring him some medicine specially designed for him to relieve the pain that was eating him up inside.
This was not a big problem for you, as you were staying at the Wangshu Inn. It was perfectly located in the centre of Liyue, making it easier for you to get to different research sites. Zhongli had explained to you that this inn was a front, built mainly to relieve Xiao a little from his eternal burden.
Since your meeting with the adept, you had never dared to call him, for fear of disturbing him. You simply left Zhongli's small gifts in his flats, placed prominently on the table in the centre of the room.
A gift... you had wanted to give him one for some time, but not knowing his tastes, it was difficult to decide. What if he doesn't like it? What if he got mad at you? What if... You then thought of the innkeeper in Wangshu who had known Xiao for a while, she must have known a thing or two about the follower's tastes!
After consulting Verr Goldet on what Xiao liked, she taught you how to prepare the young man's favourite dish. So you prepared tofu with almonds once or twice a week as a gift to him. But even so, he never deigned to show himself to you again.
Yet Xiao was never far from you, always hidden in the shadows watching you, protecting you from the dangers that lurked.
The bond he felt between you and him had never disappeared. Near you, all the pain, all the suffering he felt disappeared. He knew that you were human, so fragile, so fleeting compared to him who had lived for millennia, yet in his eyes you were a true goddess. The night he saw you surrounded by this halo of light, his world was turned upside down. Of course he had discussed this with his master, Morax, or rather Zhongli as he liked to be called from now on.
Xiao asked him during one of their conversations:
"I don't understand, I can never take my eyes off her and my heart - he placed his hand on his chest, clutching the white tunic he was wearing - hurts when I lose sight of her for even a few seconds. I don't understand... Sir Zhongli, I don't understand..."
His voice often broke at such moments. Zhongli then placed his hand on the follower's shoulder, a gentle smile on his face.
"Talk to him and you will finally understand. "he would say to her each time.
"I can't... If I stay around her too long... the darkness around me will eventually engulf her too. "
The sadness in Zhongli's eyes matched the sadness in Xiao's. The adept would often leave without the answer he so eagerly awaited, going to the balcony of the inn to sit on the railing and gaze at the stars. When his gaze turned to his room, more precisely to the small round wooden table in the centre, he was looking for proof of your presence. Almost every day you would leave him an offering, medicine, the almond tofu he loved so much, a flower, a mineral or an artefact you had found on your expeditions. Every little gift you gave him made him forget his torments for a short while, savouring the joy he felt at the time. He treasured every item you gave him, carefully stored in a small gold box encrusted with jade.
When the moon was high in the sky, Xiao would sometimes go to your room, passing by your balcony to see if you were sleeping. Sometimes he would go inside the moonlit room to see your sleeping face. He thought you were terribly beautiful, he had never been so fascinated by anyone, let alone a mortal. He would sometimes tuck a strand of your hair back behind your ear, slightly disturbing your sleep, and you would wrinkle your nose with a groan, causing him to back away hastily.
When Xiao was sure you were still asleep, he would take the opportunity to give you a gift of his own, placed on your bedside table.
As he did every night, he would end up sitting on the roof of your balcony watching for any threat to you.
By the time the sun came up, Xiao was already gone. When you woke up, you would find objects that were not there the day before. It could be a crystal nucleus or sometimes a Qingxin flower, which made you smile every time. You kept all the gifts he gave you as a treasure.
Today you had to go to Mondstadt to visit your friend Lisa, whom you had met in Sumeru. She had come one year to visit her former teachers, introducing herself to the students in the class. The two of you had talked a lot, creating a bond of friendship that you had maintained through correspondence.
In your last exchanges, she expressed a wish to see you, which you gladly accepted. You had planned to stay there for a week, so it was not surprising that you were preparing some things to take with you.
Even though your protector never showed up in front of you, at least not since that night when he gave you his name, you wanted to leave him a letter to explain that you would be back in Liyue in a week.
Before leaving, you left him a plate of tofu with almonds, your letter carefully placed next to the plate.
You didn't think that the wind would blow your letter away from him before he had even read it.
Xiao was accompanying Aether and two other companions for the day. They were to help him confront creatures once sealed in an ancient temple near the nine pillars of Cuijue Slope. The battle was long and difficult, but in the end they managed to exterminate the monsters, allowing Aether to retrieve the treasure that lay deep in the ruins. Xiao hurried back to the Wangshu Inn, feeling a bottomless pit forming inside him. He had been feeling uneasy for a while, a part of him wanted to make sure you were okay. When he arrived at his flat, he saw that you had left him a plate of tofu with almonds, and he took a bite, although he was too nervous to really enjoy them properly.
Xiao put his hand over his face in great pain.
His chest hurt terribly, the voices in his head tortured him again and his body seemed to be chained by the darkness inside him. Why was this? His karma hadn't weighed so heavily on him since he... since he... had met you.
He exhaled loudly, a sudden fear filling his body, making his hands tremble. Without further questioning, he quickly disappeared through his anemo vision and landed in your room. It was pitch black and looked horribly empty. The books usually scattered around your room were gone, your things were gone, your wardrobe was empty.
"No... no... don't go... (Y/n) don't go..."
His voice trembled in shock as his eyes still searched for traces of your presence.
Nothing. There was nothing. Nothing left. You were gone.
He couldn't even feel your presence on Liyue's land.
Had something happened to you? What if you had been attacked by monsters? The thought terrified him. He thought of your sleeping face, so peaceful. He thought of the promise he had made to himself to protect you.
Your absence was as painful to him as the day Aether told him Rex Lapis was dead. He couldn't bear it.
Xiao vowed to find you again and if you accepted him, he would stay by your side, he would not run away again.
He would listen to you sing again.
He searched for you for seven long days, which was a real physical and psychological torture for him. Aether, worried about his friend, helped him in his search, informing Zhongli, Ganyu and Hu Tao of your disappearance and the state in which the follower was.
Xiao always carried one of the gifts you had given him, holding on to it in the hope of finding you safe and sound.
With his mask over his face and his spear in hand, he slaughtered every hilichurl camp, hoping to find some trace of you, something that would prove to him that you were still alive. Disappointment after disappointment, the anger and hatred grew inside him every day, struggling to control it. He was leaving behind a pool of blood, soon he would sink into madness, feeling the sting of the karmic chains that made him sink a little deeper. How could he have formed such a strong bond with someone that he lost control?
"Xiao, we're going to find her. "
Zhongli's reassuring hand rested on the follower's shoulder.
Xiao had not removed his mask, but the former Geo Archon could still see tears of pain flowing from his eyes. His hand moved from his shoulder to the top of the young man's head. He knew what Xiao was going through, after all he too had lost loved ones in the past.
A varnished lily flower suddenly appeared under Xiao's nose. Ganyu held it out to him with a thin smile on his face. The Yaksha, who had watched you for a long time, knew that this flower was your favourite, many times he had seen you studying it, drawing it, smelling it, admiring it...
He could clearly see your face beaming as you drew it, singing a Sumeru tune.
He slowly grasped the flower that the young woman was holding out to him with renewed hope.
You had been leaving Lisa for a few hours now, promising her and your new friends that you would return to see them soon. You were anxious to get to the Wangshu Inn to rest. You missed your friends in Liyue and the absence of the Yaksha warrior around you left your heart empty.
You knew that he was never far from you. You knew that at night he sometimes stroked your hair, thinking you were asleep. You knew how soft his eyes were when he watched you draw.
You knew that he loved to listen to you sing.
Your lips curled upwards, happy at the idea of finding his presence. For this occasion you had grabbed an anemo crystal core which you intended to offer his.
When you reached the border between Mondstadt and Liyue, the atmosphere suddenly seemed heavy. You could not hear the birds singing, nor the wind cradling the trees.
Time seemed to stand still.
Alerted, you quickened your pace, crossing the wooden bridge that separated you from the shore.
The sudden sound of a branch breaking made you jump. You looked towards the source of the noise, finding yourself face to face with a Brutorocheux chief surrounded by some Brutoshamans and common Brutocollinus.
Your voice and body trembled.
"Why are they here? There have never been so many monsters on the border..."
The Brutocollinus came forward, threatening, it screamed, the breath knocking you to the ground. The smaller ones stepped forward, weapons in hand, while the Brutoshamans chanted their incantations.
Fear froze you in place, you were not a warrior, far from it. Your pupils dilated with fear and shook as the Brutoshaman ran towards you, fist in the air, ready to crush you. By reflex you had grown brambles around you to protect yourself.
But the creature in front of you was of a geo nature, impervious to the little thorns in your plants. Your trembling hand rose before you, summoning a flower capable of projecting poison, but again the monster crushed your hopes as did the flower beneath its feet.
"As long as you are in Liyue, I will protect you. Call me and I'll be there in a second."
Fear choked you, tears beading in the corners of your eyes as you remembered the words of the man you loved.
The sight of his gentle smile as he looked at you, thinking you hadn't noticed his presence.
The tender look in his eyes as he listened to you singing hidden behind a tree.
His hands savouring the feel of your hair between his fingers as you slept.
"XIAO! "
The moment you shouted his name, a gust of wind swept through the area. Blows rained down before you, and the brutocollinus and brutoshamans were the first to perish.
There he was, leaping to an inhuman height, a mask hiding his face and a menacing black aura covering him completely. The spear he always carried with him was pointed at the enemy as the Yaksha fell violently to the ground, sending out anemo illusions from his weapon that skewered the creature. He repeated his move once more, shattering its shell, before finishing it off by charging it with extreme speed. The Brutorocheux fell heavily to the ground, disappearing in a cloud of smoke.
Xiao moved his hand in front of his face, making his mask disappear, and then planted his spear on the ground. He ran towards you over the brambles you had created, not caring about the thorns that tore his legs. He knelt beside you, his eyes filled with terror and concern.
You looked into his eyes, shocked and trembling.
Finally you exploded, screaming and crying now that it was all over. You fell into his arms, your head resting in the crook of his neck, partially muffling your screams and tears.
He had found you. At last...
His heart broke free from its chains, relieved to see you safe and sound.
He felt as if his heart was going to burst out of his chest, so strong was it beating.
When he had reached you after your call and had seen you surrounded by monsters, monsters that were there because of him, because of the slaughter he had made in the camps of his creatures, the rage had risen in him. If you had been hurt because of him, he would never forgive himself.
He would never have forgiven himself.
He was surprised by your sudden embrace, not really knowing how he should react. What did humans do in such moments?
He raised his arms hesitantly, placing his hands gently on your back. Seeing that you didn't reject him, he hugged you a little tighter, soothing his soul and body with your warmth.
"Don't disappear again..."
His voice was husky, vibrant, emotion knotting his throat. He buried his nose in your hair, inhaling the scent of the flowers that covered you.
Your tears continued to fall as your hands clutched at his clothes.
He surprised you by planting a kiss on your neck. He left his face hidden there, not wanting to be seen so vulnerable. His trembling hands around you were more than enough to describe the emotions that were currently running through him.
When your tears stopped, his hands gently grasped your shoulders, pulling you back to get a better look at your face. He wiped away the tears that remained on your cheeks before placing the palm of his hand on them, caressing you with his thumb. Your hand joined his, closing your eyes to savour the sensation.
His forehead came to rest against yours, exhaling a shaky breath.
The happiness of finally having her so close to you involuntarily activated your dendro vision. Varnished lily flowers bloomed around you, and firefly-like particles of light swirled near your faces.
"Stay close to me. Always. "
"Always. "
Xiao didn't know exactly what he was doing as he tilted his head to your lips. The only thing he knew was that he wanted this connection badly.
The bond between you was stronger than any contract, he loved you, by the archons, he loved you more than anyone else.
An emotion so human but so beautiful...
Your lips... tasted like a sweet dream.
Bonus n°1:
"Ah, there they are! "
Paimon yelled to his companions, pointing at you and Xiao. Zhongli was the first to arrive and observed the scene unfolding before his eyes.
"XIAO! "
Paimon shouted, his voice carrying to you. Xiao parted violently from your lips, falling on his butt in the process, his face completely red with embarrassment.
Aether, who had arrived just after Zhongli, grabbed the little fairy in his arms, planting his hand over her mouth to silence her. Hu Tao and Ganyu were waving at you, reassured that you were okay. Xiao had completely forgotten that they had come with them.
He knew that with that chatty fairy and Hu Tao not far away, the rest of the day was going to be hell for him. He wanted to grab you in his arms and run away from his troubles, but when his gaze turned to Zhongli's, his heart was suddenly lighter with a burden. The gentle smile of his master and the kindly gaze he projected upon him broke the last remaining chains of doubt within him.
Bonus #2:
Xiao had offered you on the way back the varnished Lily flower that Ganyu had given him earlier, hanging it in your hair. You walked behind your companions towards the Wangshu Inn, laughter and loud discussions (too loud for his taste) were going on.
Xiao stood very close to you without physically touching you. You never took your eyes off his face, which he noticed. He abruptly turned his head in the opposite direction, the tips of his ears glowing crimson, forcing an affectionate smile on your face.
After a few minutes of silent walking between the two of you, he finally asked you a question.
"Why did you leave? -He looked at you again, his eyes full of emotion-"I thought you were gone forever...or worse, dead. "
His voice trembled at the thought, making your eyes widen. In a comforting gesture, you grabbed his hand, interlacing your fingers with his. The gesture surprised him, he was not used to physical (or emotional!) contact.
"Didn't you read my letter? "
Xiao blinked, once, twice, three times.
"What letter? "
"The one I left on the table next to the tofu dish. "
Xiao's face became totally impassive. He tried to piece together a visual image of his room in his mind, seeing your dish on his table very clearly, but no matter how hard he concentrated, no letter came to him.
"There was no letter. "
"Oh... Maybe it was blown away then?"
Xiao remained silent as you explained that you had gone to see a friend in Mondstadt. He listened to you without really listening, an array of emotions passing through his eyes. He needed someone to blame, anyone he could vent his anger and frustration on.
The wind... The wind...
A malevolent smile spread across his face and his amber eyes glowed with a menacing gleam.
He brought his hand up to his face, a gesture he made to reveal his Yaksha mask.
His hoarse voice whispered dangerously:
Further on, in Mondstadt, Venti felt a shiver run through his body, freezing him in place.
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