#my dad likes collecting them
lucyvsky · 8 months
1 5 8 for the ask game !!
What are three shows in your watchlist that you’ve been meaning to get to?
oooohhhhh had daredevil queued for a while (because of you of course) but legion's also been on my mind for a while. and mike flanagan's other shows. maybe hill house? unfortunately . i cant watch those until im done with supernatural. and im not finishing supernatural. so im in limbo
5. How do you like your eggs?
ok by itself i flop between sunnyside up and scrambled sometimes. BUT the best way to have eggs in the world is shakshuka trust me on this nothing compares. second best is in ramen
8. Do you collect anything? If so, what?
ok so this is going to sound like so cliche teehee i like records but i am so genuinely insane about it actually. like not intentionally. but if you would like to know the number of records in my house at present its around this number
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other than that. love pamphlets. dont know if that counts but i love getting pamphlets. and reading them.
ask game
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chinelacanta · 11 months
i just know he’d be a really awkward but supportive dad (< delusional)
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 3 months
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i... wrote a smol fic (っ´▽`*)っ
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also!!!!! If you haven't seen it - shoutout to first ever published fic in Ninja Showdown/My Immortal Soul tags - Lustrous Red by @missadmyre !!!
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 2 months
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I didnt. Dndads hiveswap au be upon ye
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macksartblock · 1 month
I’ve made a kiddads post assigning them things that I did/happened to me growing up. Now I’m doing that with the dads and my father’s experiences.
Darryl: In high school, he snuck out to attend a party - at a barn, in the middle of nowhere - with the rest of his football buddies. He did not have a good time and left not even two hours in. Frank didn’t even question him on his whereabouts, he woke up his parents and flat out confessed upon returning home.
Glenn: He was out at a bar with the GCT the night before his wedding. He’d only had one drink and walked outside to call a cab when he fainted and hit his nose off the edge of the curb. No one could figure out why he fainted and, sporadically, he still does. His nose is broken in all of his wedding pictures.
(Bonus: he once fainted in front of a cop after there was a noise complaint. Morgan came down to see Glenn flat on the ground and a mortified cop at their door. Glenn does not remember this at all.)
Ron: Early on in his relationship with Samantha, he took Terry Jr out on a “stepfather-son bonding day”. All they did was sit in a cafe, staring at each other in silence as Terry Jr had a milkshake and Ron had coffee. Ron did not like it and started stealing some of Terry’s milkshake with a spoon. This was the closest they’d ever been before the Forgotten Realms.
Henry: My father is simply too put together. He’s never had an experience like Henry in his life.
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bakingblues · 1 day
Everyone tell me why you support your sports team/sports person!
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Alastor feels more like Niffty's dad then Charlie's tbh
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millaneyy · 8 months
if i had a nickel for every time i've liked a character with a tv head and a colour test smile i'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice..
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clambuoyance · 1 year
I think I stopped watching them after 2010, pretty sure the mermaid one where she lives in Malibu was the very last one I watched
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mylittleredgirl · 3 months
i love writing characters who have never been to therapy. both the ones who don’t know they need it and those who have definitely picked up a self-help book or two off the shelf and completely misunderstood it. i love sticking my face close into their point of view and playing that fine line of “they yearn for Something and that gaping need drives them at all times, but do they even know what it is? do they have that level of introspection?” are they even capable of it, or do they just have a trio of rats wailing aimlessly in their head ("YEARNING!!!") while they tear around the narrative making wild self-destructive choices, trying to satisfy a craving so deep they can’t even see it unless they’ve been cut open to the bone... and then they immediately try to bury that knowledge even deeper so they never have to look at it again? hoping no one else will see through them, even though god and the audience and every other character already can??? anyway yeah the joy of characters who have never been to therapy 💕
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rarestdoge · 1 year
@smoresthehalloweenqueen's Brutus has been rotting my brain I hate him so fucking much (affectionate)
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The Incorrect Quote Generator kept shipping them and it turned into this. They kith sock puppet style now 💙 Cam is collecting bitches like Pokemon cards and I live for it.
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shopping trip
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yansurnummu · 18 days
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i made drals and azandar in the sims and they live in a shitty cabin and have an extremely turbulent relationship. i love them
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origamiyoda · 2 months
cleaning my room and realizing I've acquired so many Guys with not a lot of space to put em
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Guess who's back on her nonsense?
aka skz as @ao3-crack posts, shoot #2 part 1
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opiumvampire · 3 months
bro my dad is so freaked out about me and joefferry losing out on 12 potential apartments this week that he’s telling me to go to church and pray about it. i dont know if god has any sway over the chicago housing market my man
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