#ok to be fair about the record situation in my house a lot of them are my dads but we use records interchangeably.
waterspoutskies · 8 months
NBC made a pair of podcast series' about my childhood hometown area.
Ok, I've been formatting this post for a hot minute but given the timing. The primaries start in two weeks. It is three weeks to Super Tuesday. And I am beginning to be sorely worried.
I'm not so steady on how to phrase this, how to explain the sheer magnitude of how and why this election matters So Very Much. (And maybe that's why I'm writing this so late at night with the fog of medication settling in.) But I will try.
I am originally from Texas- North Texas, specifically, and Northeast Tarrant County to really zoom in the lens. I grew up on the cutting edge of both gifted student and disability accessible programs, surrounded by teachers who taught us we could and would go anywhere, supported by parents who loved and fought for our futures. We lived in an idyll. An American dreamscape.
There was a battleground brewing underneath it all.
For you see, this is conservative, (majority) white, christian, suburban North Texas. And the same school where our valedictorian is gay and our prom queen is lesbian harbored the quiet laboratory for pushing intolerance to the masses- One upset megachurch attendee at a time.
First it was Southlake.
In the Southlake podcast, the topics and recordings include blatant, overt racism. They include explicit and vulgar language. There are points recounting anti-LGBTQ+ commentary, racial slurs, deriding mental illnesses, the whole nine yards. Every episode comes with a necessary warning preceding the vicious parts.
And then, god help me, it was my quiet, tolerant, always insulated hometown. Grapevine.
In the Grapevine podcast, the topics and recordings include anti-LGBTQ+ commentary of all levels. They cover conversion therapy, deadnaming, homophobia. They cover how parents ruined lives and careers for their own interest. Anything that you have seen spouted online is fair game. As with Southlake, every episode comes with a necessary warning preceding the vicious parts.
I cannot and will not make anyone listen to/read (transcripts are available for each episode) these, but I hope people will.
In short, the sum is that we do not win. In Southlake, white supremacy wins. In Grapevine, evangelical nonsense wins.
And I need people to understand that this is the kind of thing at stake in the elections this year. This is my hometown. This is where my classmates took our educational opportunities and made them political weapons. This is where the same people who shook my hand and smiled so brightly as I campaigned against them are those who want my friends in conversion therapy, run out of town, or dead.
Some of the students highlighted within these podcasts are friends and acquaintances of mine. My best friend and I walk one student's dogs when their family is on vacation. Another plays the 7 foot something war-axe wielding barbarian in our D&D campaign.
Mercifully, we have or are able to get out. But there are so many who are not as close or free to escape as we were.
So please, please, do not skip this election. Do not stay at home. Do not think your vote does not matter, because it does. Every inch we can claw back, from the municipal to the legislative to making our anger known in the primaries, it matters. This starts in your town, and yes, it does goes all the way up. But there are so. many. steps, and offices, and intervening laws, and political entities in between here and the White House. And if there is anywhere you can throw in a wrench or shock the system, you should.
A lot of queer kids in my hometown high school will thank you.
(I think, following this, I'm going to go back and try to explain a little more of the situation and the buildup to how we've gotten here, how this has been bubbling up to the surface for years longer than the last four. But not now, and not in this post. I just needed to get this out there.)
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shellyswirlz · 9 months
I saw your post on anti-shroomy and anger. I don't know you much, I never will, but if you care to listen or something, I can give you some words on my part. Ignore these if you want, if anything I say angers you in any way I'm so so sorry in advance and I apologize.
People say that anger is always controllable. That's not how everyone works. People can't really separate one image of you from another. By what I'm told, I feel like some people just treat you like a walking time bomb then an actual person. But, your anger is not inherently a bad thing. It's a part of you that's angry at the world because that's the part that loves you the most, it knows that it wasn't fair enough to you or to anyone else. It wants the treatment you deserve to have. You lash out at people you consider 'bad', like family or the internet strangers you said before. I know I shouldn't be making comparisons of this sort, but it sounds to me that these people in your life are your 'demons'. I don't have background knowledge, but sometimes people get mad at their family for a lot of things. You just don't see it as often because family is harder to get angry at. To lash out at, because they've been with you your whole life. I get that you want it to stop. You don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, either. I'd suggest therapy, but that record is broken again and again, so I'm going to suggest alternatives.
try keeping an 'anger journal'. Write what makes you angry in a situation. Write and vent in it, draw, rip it, I don't care. After you've finished the journal, you could burn it. Burn it and watch your anger burn away, in a sense.
Or sometimes you just need to fuck shit up. Something to yell and cry at. It's not socially acceptable, but you need to do it sometimes because everyone experiences their emotions differently.
Again, im sorry If i offended you in any way.
Nono it's ok I understand! You didn't offend me at all... It just feels so uncontrollable to me personally 'cause when I'm angry I'm throwing things around or hitting people even though I really don't actually wanna hurt people.. My nasty behavior just.., doesn't feel like me cause my friends and family know me as this happy cheerful person, but when I lash out it feels like a sudden explosion went on in the house.
My mom is usually saying how she knows I don't mean it and she tries her best to separate my anger from my optimism. She tries her best to help. But I know that my anger is still apart of me because it's an emotion everyone has... 😭
I get what you mean completely. Whenever I'm angry I'm usually playing Fortnite or typing long paragraphs in google docs or in vent/rant channels on Discord so the people I'm mad at can't see. But at the moment after the person made me angry I start to lash out cause I want them to hear my opinion on what I think about them. It feels like I'm unable to stay calm when people insult me or do things I don't like.. And it became a real bad problem.
I might try your therapy suggestion to see if that works...
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Did Louis point to the sign?
Today I heard again the term “damage control” referring to Elk appearing “from the sudden” after Louis allegedly pointed out at that larry sign my eyes rolling in “oh yeah Simon I was in the band”. I know most people have grown into how this works business-wise, and even those that understand or have became close to fitting in what all these public behaviors mean, we all appreciate when Louis or Harry give us a little hint that speaks our larry language. There might be an intention, as there is one in every other PUBLIC act, right? What I really enjoy about these is that they remind us of the REAL DEAL, that there is still a greater cause going on BTS.
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My rational-dreamer mind is here for the big achievements, as the base of my Larry universe; we have witnessed some over the lasts months. With all the blurry mess that we get and the noise around it, I find relevant to remember some of the situations that happened recently:
When you sink but you are not the Titanic: S*mon being kicked off of SONY, SYCO through the back door and cut off from every other business attachment such as Triple String & X-Factor Thank goodness he has now decided to get engaged and focus on this family. Adding also having two random accidents when biking and a robbery in this house when dealing with a trial, make me wonder... maybe this is not his lucky year.
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Louis becoming Tripple String's director, switching to BMG, I expect to see more of an impact of this in the future Do I have faith in the future? yeah, maybe I trust this man too much but I do. Breaking records with his Fafhf & announcing his own management company to come. In addition to finally deliver the tour he deserves!
Zayn got dumped by his management in 2020 as fallout from a fight with mother in law & dropped from record label RCA (Sony’s) as a result of his drug abuse consequences in 2021. If the decoration is taken out, breaking connections with his team until the moment.
In 2021 Liam was dropped from management because they were concerned about his excessive partying, however, the man is putting digital performances up and has managed to have an agenda under control (Private shows in Bahamas, LA, etc in 2022… so new management deal?). If you can fill me with knowledge, please do so!
Not to name everything going on with Harry. So many things and rumors around him lately that a separate long post would be needed to try to obtain a fair outcome, but the most obvious one is the strong turn his career took towards Hollywood in 2020.
Updated 26.04.2022: Because of HH’s release Harry publishes an exclusive article in BH&G. He says the following
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Confirming the existence of strict consequences to specific acts that would put them at their responsible's mercy, until the point of annulling them and walking into quedtionsble conditions. Despite H’s speech being super studied the allegation are there for the 1st time, while being under the same label as in the 1D days.
Niall has been always "OK", he really is that guy, right? The comfort corner inside this mess, so maybe I am missing drastic changes. His last tour was affected by the pandemic, but opposed to Harry until this day he hasn’t retake it but he is working on future projects. By April 2022 he has started to hint on his next album and showing up publicly a lot, release coming. In the meanwhile (since hiatus) he has been attached to Modest Golf a lot A LOT.
Despite all the distractions, this is the bigger picture. This is how I understand their fight is going and where I recognize change. Despite I appreciate and have fun with every other interaction that brings joy to the Larries, Trust me, feed me as many as you can! this is the REAL DEAL.
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Hi can I ask for the reaction of the demon brothers to the mc who always behaves fearlessly, but is afraid of a sharp clap and hides behind them?
Hi anon, this is my first ask for this blog so I hope it's what you wanted.
I got a bit carried away with this one so it ended up a bit long.
Normally fearless mc who hides behind the brothers after a loud noise
Initially, Lucifer thinks that a human who has little to no magic ability (at least at first) is going to be helpless and frightened of almost everything. This is the Devildom after all, and demons would love to eat a sweet human soul.
But you routinely stand up not only to his brothers but to him.
Honestly, he finds it frustrating.
With no way to intimidate you Lucifer’s normal tactics to ensure proper behavior are rendered useless.
Not only that but you encourage his brothers to act up as well.
But your fearlessness has also endeared you to him.
Even more pride than normal radiates off him when he sees you put some lower-level demon or his brothers in their place. Even if he has to step in sometimes.
Lucifer discovers your fear as you walk into Ristorante Six and a waiter drops a tray of drinks behind you as you are being shown to your table
The tray hits the ground with a loud clatter
Lucifer turns at the noise but otherwise thinks little of the situation
You however are immediately hidden behind him, hands fisted tightly around handfuls of the back of his coat
He is surprised but quickly schools his expression into one of concern.
His first thought is if you are alright, did something on the tray somehow hit you?
He turns to you, taking your clenched fists into his hands.
For all intents and purposes you seem physically fine just…scared. Truly frightened.
Later when you have calmed down he might ask you about your reaction. But for now he will simply comfort you.
He pulls you into his arms whispering lowly into your ear, “there is nothing that can hurt you while I am here Mc. It’s alright.”
Once your breathing has slowed he’ll ask if you’d like to leave and go back to the house of lamentation.
If you were just startled he’ll spend the evening as planned, although he is far more aware of the movement of the surrounding demons. And any possible loud noises that could startle you again.
If you do want to go home he will gladly take you, he’ll propose a quieter evening, relaxing in his study listening to his records perhaps?
Oh, his fearless human!
He is oh so impressed at your bravery.
It’s almost reckless at times how little fear you seem to have in the face of demons.
This boy loves to watch you stand up to other demons or handle situations that others would consider frightening (especially for humans).
Your fearlessness makes you the perfect partner in crime for his schemes.
He loves the rush of getting away with his schemes and loves having you there to share that rush with even more.
Of course, when you do participate in his less than honest scheming, or even his honest ones, he is always there to protect you.
Watching you be fearless is fun but if anything could actually hurt you he is always aware of it. Ready to step in front of you at any moment. You’re his human after all. It wouldn’t due to have something harm you when he can prevent it.
You’re not even outside the house of lamentation when a rather peeved Lucifer comes into the kitchen. “Mammon!” he thunders with a loud slap of his hands on the counter.
You jump behind Mammon, face pressed into his back
One of Mammon’s arms unconsciously reaches behind him to shield you even more.
He is shocked at your reaction but the instinct to protect you kicks in instantly.
“Lucifer” Mammon warns quietly with a quick glance towards you behind him “could we maybe do this later I think Mc…” He trails off
Once Lucifer is gone, seeming to have gotten the gist of the situation, Mammon turns to you. one hand stroking your head gently until you look at him.
“Hey, Mc you’re ok. What’s gotten into ya?”
“The noise” you mumble. Half embarrassed, half still trying to calm your racing heart.
“Geez Mc, ya don’t gotta worry ‘bout stuff like that when I’m around”
He doesn’t quite understand why a loud noise would scare you but is more than willing to listen if you want to explain.
Levi doesn’t get you.
How can some magicless normie human not be afraid in the Devildom? Surrounded by actual demons? Whatever it’s not like he gets normies anyway.
But then he gets to know you and he actually likes you. You’re his Henry now, his player 2 or… whichever you prefer Mc. Even admitting this to himself is sometimes so hard.
Your whole fearlessness thing still confuses him, but it’s impressive too.
He enjoys being able to play horror games with you or watch horror anime without you being terrified.
It’s like nothing phases you. You can face down anything the Devildom throws at you. Levi thinks you’re so cool, it’s almost not fair!
He kind of wonders what actually scares you
He finds out one night when Asmo throws the door to his room open so hard it bounces off the wall with a loud slam.
Asmo is crowing about family bonding night and repainting Levi’s nails “because gaming isn’t all that matters Leviathan, and you should have been in the living room half an hour ago!”
Levi groans at Asmo’s outburst. Then pauses, blinks slowly, and realizes you’re hidden behind him quaking in…in fear?
His demon form slips out quietly and he wraps his tail around your waist protectively.
He doesn’t understand why you’re frightened but he’s got you covered normie.
“Ohhh, I didn’t know you were playing that kind of game!” Asmo grins purposely misreading the situation. “You and Mc can come down when you’re done.” he sings, shutting the door behind him as he leaves.
Levi’s face is so red, he opens and closes his mouth several times before any words make it out.
“M-mc did did Asmo do something to you? or?” He’s trying to figure out what’s got you so scared.
But he’s still so flustered from Asmo’s teasing that he can’t turn to face you. Instead, he keeps his tail protectively and hopefully comfortingly around your waist.
“No” you sniff “the noise. When the door, it just”
“Oh, good. Not good-good! I mean good that Asmo didn’t do anything.”
You’re both silent for a long moment as Levi composes himself and turns around. Levi finally has time for his surprise to hit him. This is what you are afraid of? He never would have guessed. Still, he doesn’t think any less of you. How could he? Everyone’s got their things, their fears.
“Thanks, Levi,” You say, tapping his tail gratefully.
You get to watch the red bloom across his face this time.
You being fearless is intriguing and impressive.
He has read about all sorts of phobias and a part of him wants to expose you to some common ones just to see if any of them scare you.
But he won’t.
He likes you too much for that.
You aren’t afraid of pranking Lucifer with him.
Or of late-night library searches, or cursed books, or most importantly of him.
He expected you to be afraid of him, he is the avatar of wrath after all, and his anger can and has made him lose control.
But you're not the least bit afraid of him. He truly appreciates that.
While cooking dinner the loud clatter of a pot falling to the floor and splashing its contents to the ground makes him curse and then sigh, but it makes you jump behind him.
hm? Oh. Oh!
With one hand gripping his shoulder and the other clutching his shirt, it only takes a moment for him to recognize your fear.
He realizes pretty quickly that it must have been the loud noise.
There’s a part of him, the same part that had wanted to test you for hidden phobias, that is immensely satisfied with this new information about his favorite human. Excited even.
Satan feels that knowing there is something that scares you makes you more real.
He almost chuckles at your reaction.
Instead, he guides you to a seat and as he straightens lets his knuckles brush your cheek gently.
“Are you alright Mc?”
He waits until the shock and fear have worn off before cleaning up the mess on the floor.
He knew there had to be something that scared you, he just hopes this fear isn’t tied to any…unpleasant people or situations in your life. Just the thought of that erases all his satisfaction at discovering your fear.
If you’re still a bit rattled he’ll keep you distracted, while he finishes cooking, with tales of the Devildom and the new installment of his favorite mystery show or the new novel he’s reading that he thinks you might like.
If you have recovered he’ll gladly accept your help finishing dinner.
Asmo loves your fearlessness.
He thinks it makes you even more attractive.
He says that other than your magical potential it was one of the things that led him to make a pact with you.
“Nothing seemed to phase you, I just had to know more!”
Drags/brings you shopping a lot partly just to watch you stare rude demons down.
Of course, he is always there just in case a demon doesn’t get the point, but he takes a kind of pleasure in seeing demons try and fail to intimidate you, before leaving in shock and shame at being unable to scare a mere human.
He doesn’t let you get into dangerous situations if he can help it. Being confident and fearless is all well and good Mc, but you are still a human and demons can be dangerous.
During one of your shopping trips, there is a loud clap of excitement from a demon when they find what they were looking for.
You gasp and duck behind Asmo.
He turns an amused smile on his face.
“Mc, how can you possibly help me look for my size when you…oh!
As he sees your face he understands. You’re afraid.
He is flattered that you chose to hide behind him for protection. He thinks it shows how much you truly trust him.
He takes your hand in his, even as his head tilts slightly trying to figure out what scared you.
It all clicks a moment later. The noise.
He grips your hand a bit tighter and guides you out of the store, away from the situation.
Asmo knows that your reaction could have just been from being startled but he also knows that it could be tied to a deeper fear of something or someone.
He hopes you were just startled but makes sure you know that he will always protect you from your fears. Minor or serious.
If you let him he will have a whole self-care spa day with you after you get back to the house of lamentation.
Beel is impressed by a fearless human.
Especially one with little to no magic when first coming to the Devildom.
But he is also concerned for you.
He worries you might do something reckless.
So he makes sure to be around in order to make sure you stay safe.
Will 100% eat a lesser demon who tries to harm you.
Beel wants you to be safe.
But he is glad that your fearless nature gives you the confidence to explore more of the Devildom than just RAD classes.
He is so happy when you want to go somewhere new with him, maybe to a restaurant or cafe you haven’t tried yet.
The first time you hide behind him is after the wind blows a chair over at a nearby table outside a cafe.
You are on your feet in an instant
And in the next, you are almost cowering behind him.
Beel is startled.
He doesn’t understand why you seem so afraid.
But he pulls you into his arms anyway.
Beel comes right out and asks you about your reaction.
When you explain that it was the loud noise Beel nods.
He wants to ask if you were just startled or if there is more to your fear but doesn’t want to overstep.
He’ll wait until you are headed back to the house to ask.
Whatever your answer is he’ll accept it and in the future act accordingly to prevent you from being afraid.
Honestly hates how fearless you are at first.
It annoys him and he wants to make you afraid of him…until he doesn't.
And the complete 180 surprises even him.
He still wonders how a human can be so fearless and kind of wonders if it's all an act you use to protect yourself.
Even so, he’s still impressed that you can be fearless in the Devildom.
He’s another one who likes to see you tell other demons to get lost.
He thinks that a human chasing off a Demon in the realm of demons is hilarious.
On the way to RAD one morning what sounds like a loud clap causes Belphie to turn and see another demon being slapped.
He goes to make a snide comment to you, only you aren’t standing next to him anymore.
Instead, you are tucked behind him holding tightly to his uniform jacket.
“Um, Mc? What exactly are you doing?”
And that’s when it all comes out.
The noise had scared you so much you had hidden behind him.
Belphie just shrugs. It’s surprising sure, considering all the other things you’ve seen and experienced in the Devildom. But hey you are a human, something was bound to scare you eventually.
He’s curious if you are just easily startled or if you have a fear of sudden loud noises.
Unlike his brothers (*Satan) he is curious enough to test you and see which it is.
Unless you come out then and there to tell him you have a fear of loud noises he will plan out a ‘prank’ to startle you again.
If it turns out it’s not a fear caused by anything serious and you are just easily startled he will use it against you occasionally, at least until he is bored of your reaction or you ask him to stop.
But he doesn’t want to hurt you, emotionally or physically. If it’s a genuine fear he’d never use it against you. And he’d personally end anyone who did.
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markleesthighs · 4 years
127 reaction to arguing with their s/o but they make up at the end?
-sorry this took so long I’m so busy T-T
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It would be very rare you and Taeil got into arguments. The last time you two argued was about dessert, Taeil wanted to share a cake but you wanted ice cream. But not all couples live an argument-free relationship. Taeil and you were arguing about the dishes because most of the time he was the one cleaning up after you. But you did all the laundry, cleaned the house, and organized everything else in the apartment.
“Why can’t YOU clean the dishes Taeil,  I’m not asking much of you.”
“I don’t want to come home to the apartment knowing I have dishes to clean after I’ve had promotions, recordings, and dance practices beforehand!”
“y/n, it’s different, you’ve never been an idol, you don’t know how much work it is, it’s tiring. You have more time on your hands than I do, so I think it’s best if you do the dishes!”
“Keeping this apartment the way it is, IS TIRING, do you think I’m just some housekeeping slave for you? When was the last time YOU did something for ME?”
Taeil became silent after that not knowing how to respond. You bother were crying and you stormed out of the apartment slamming the door. You took the elevator down to the ground floor of the community park and sat on a bench, wanting fresh air and to be alone. Taeil shortly came after, wanting to reconcile with you. He found you sniffling alone on a bench with a slight breeze blowing in your hair. He came down and sat next to you.
“…” You turned away from his face.
“I’m sorry y/n. I’m sorry for thinking I’m the only one who’s tired all the time. I was being selfish and stressed, saying things I didn’t even mean. You are one of the best things in my life and I’m thankful for all the hard work you do, just for me. I love you, so much, I will never take advantage of you ever again.” “Tae…I love you too, I know how much work you put into being an idol, and how stressful it is, it’s just hard when you are away for so long, so, the dishes were an excuse for me to see you more often…”
Taeil looked at you in awe feeling bad about the entire situation. You both hugged and Taeil kissed you on the cheek.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much lately. I’ll talk tp my manager and see what I can do.”
“It’s ok it’s not like you can drop everything just to see me.”
“I could if I could my love”
“Can I tell you something?”
“I will never let you do the dishes ever again.”
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You and Johnny had gone to the coffee shop for a date and as you were deciding what do drink Johnny ordered his iced americano. Before you could say you wanted a vanilla latte you noticed the cashier trying to flirt with Johnny. She complimented his outfit and hair and was leaning slightly over the counter then you liked. You coughed and she glared at you sarcastically asking what you wanted and you replied with your order.
You both walked over to sit down at a table for two by the window. It was raining, but thats what you enjoyed about getting coffee with Johnny. It gave you warm and fuzzy feelings, enjoying time with Johnny in a nice coffee shop. You noticed the cashier bring your drinks over to your table as she purposely turned her back to you to talk to johnny. johnny, being johnny, was innocently talking to her smiling and hoping she would go away. But she didn’t. You quietly sat there sipping your latte, not wanting to cause a scene in the coffee shop. Johnny kept talking to her not knowing how much it hurt you and make you jealous.
By the time you finished your latte, you’ve had enough. Either johnny was enjoying their conversation so much that he forgot about you or he couldn’t find a way to make her leave. You decided that this date was ruined and you wanted to leave, you had no purpose in being in the coffee shop, so you go up and started to walk out. Johnny noticed and asked where you were going.  
“I’m going home, come back when you have her number and panties”
Johnny was about to say something but you walked out the door into the rain, forgetting Johnny had the umbrella. You wished this was the first time it had happened but it wasn’t. Several girls in public tried to flirt with Johnny in public in front of you and it only reminded you that maybe you weren’t enough for johnny. It made you think he deserved better sometimes. You sulked in the rain walking back to your shared apartment when you noticed the rain had stopped. Turning, you look up to see Johnny, holding an umbrella above you.
“Baby, I don’t want you to catch a cold”
“I’m sorry I got caught up in a conversation with the cashier, she just wouldn’t stop talking.”
“Do you like her?”
“What? No! Why would you think that?”
“Well, you’ve been hit on by other women before, and, I don’t know it makes me jealous and insecure sometimes.”
“Wait..she was trying to flirt with me?
“I’m joking, I’m joking, you’re so adorable when you’re a tiny ball of anger”
You pouted and he kissed your pout and reassured you of your feelings.
“I don’t care about these other girls, don’t worry I only have eyes for you.”
You smiled and kissed him as you both walked together in the rain holding each other closer than ever.
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At the start of your relationship, Taeyong didn’t mind cooking for you, since you had little to no cooking ability. But it wasn’t until recently that it started to tick Taeyong off. You both were busy bees at work, but neither of you cleaned the house or did laundry ever since you got a promotion, and Taeyong started to train for SuperM. You generally came home from your nine to five job to come home and feel like collapsing on the couch. It’s not that both of you are lazy, you both had painstaking jobs that made you both burn out by the end of the day. But Taeyong, being nice saw how much stress you had, wanting to get that promotion, took on more chores for your home. He cooked, cleaned, and watered the plants in the house. But once you got your promotion, he noticed how used you were to Taeyong doing the chores.
One time the trash was filled up and Taeyong asked if you could take it out to the trash can outside but you simply said you didn’t know how and asked Taeyong to do it. Taeyong swallowed his anger and angrily took a stroll to the garbage can. It would only be time until he had enough of your laziness.
It was one night where Taeyong noticed your shared hamper was full, again. He had a long day of promotions, cleaned the house, and cooked for you all in one day. He had no more energy to do any laundry. You, on the other hand were sitting in bed on your phone waiting for him to join you. He sat on the bed and laid down on your lap exhausted.
“What's wrong yongie?”
“I’m so tired…I can’t even move”
“Why are you so tired? Is it the promotions?”
“Yes and no.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I’m tired of doing all the housework”
“Housework? What housework?”
“Are you serious right now?!”
Taeyong got up from your lap to pace around in your bedroom, clearly looking stressed out.
“Haven’t you noticed you do NOTHING for this house?!”
“What do you mean?! I work at my office from nine to five bringing in more money for US?! Do you not appreciate my efforts to earn my money independently?!”
“I meant, cooking, cleaning, laundry, throwing out the trash!”
“Oh c’mon! You know I don’t have time for those things!”
You left the room scared that Taeyong yelled at you, worried he was losing his temper. You walked to the living room to sit on the couch waiting for him to compose himself. After a few minutes, Taeyong walked out.
“hey…are you ready to talk”
“I’m sorry I lost it, I’ve just been under a lot of stress lately. I’m expected to be in a new global supergroup, and I would appreciate it if you would help out with some daily chores once in a while. I’m sorry.”
“Its okay, yongie, to be fair, I don’t know how to do most chores, I grew up with a nanny who did all of it for me. So, I would really appreciate it if you taught me and I would be able to help out.”
“Yeah! I could teach you! I’m so sorry, I should have just asked for your help.”
“Stop apologizing! I still love you!”
“I love you too.”
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It would be rare when Yuta had a break from his career but when he did he would make sure you guys would make most of your time together. This time, Yuta decided to take you to an amusement park for fun date night. The date was going great, you both went on a few rides and played some games. But your heart stopped when you saw a scary ride that you did NOT want to go on. You were never the best when it came to horror anything, which is why Yuta liked watching horror movies with you. He loved holding your trembling body as you snuggled up closer to him while you watched them. But what you hated the most was zombies, the fear that the undead could walk made your skin crawl. Yuta saw the scary ride and begged you to get on it with him. Eventually, he dragged you over to the ride while you kept blabbering and complaining why you didn’t want to get on it.
Once you were on it you kept screaming that you wanted to get off but he kept reassuring you everything was going to be ok. Everything on the ride in the was pretty tame but you did not expect there to be one last jump scare that scared you to death. A zombie jumped out on your side of the cart and sprayed water in your face and you lost it. You started to cry and when Yuta tried to hold you you pushed him away screaming that you hated him for having you go on the ride. Once you reached the exit for the ride you pushed him out of the way running away from him. Yuta chased after you calling your name.
Yuta tried talking to you but you wouldn’t listen you would turn your head or try to shove him away. You sat on a bench pouting and giving him the silent treatment. Yuta sighed and looked around, noticing a cotton candy stall. He got up and went to the stall, he walked back with bright pink fluffy cotton candy. You looked noticing Yuta has your favorite treat in hand, slowly eating as if he was tempting you.
“C’mon baby…I know you want some”
“Fine, I guess I’ll eat it all by myself”
You looked at him offended as you turned away again still mad at him. You noticed he looked away for a second before you attempted to snatch it from his hand.
“oh oh oh, nope, you don’t get any…unless”
“you forgive me and start talking to me.”
“ugh, fine”
He smiled as he handed you your cotton candy. You pulled off a piece at ate it angrily. Yuta pats your head and kissed your cheek looking at you fondly.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry.”
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One of your favorite things to do with Doyoung is to go shopping with him. You both have a strong passion for fashion and shopping. It was a rare day where Doyoung had the whole day to spend it with you. As the fall season was coming up, you both decided you needed some new fall clothes. Doyoung picked you up and drove you to a popular shopping district in Seoul. Doyoung only wanted the best clothes for you and knew all the best designer clothing shops for the two of you to visit.
You both tried on clothes for fun and some clothes you both wanted to buy. The good thing about shopping together is having their opinion or support when trying clothes on. But sometimes an opinion can go too far. Eventually, you both ended up in a shop that had clothes typically worn for parties or clubbing. After picking a few clothes you both liked you both headed to the private dressing room they had. You let Doyoung go first since he would take less time than you. You accepted and denied a few and he was left with a few garments you both liked. Then, it was your turn. You went to go change but when you came out, you saw Doyoung was still on his phone. You coughed asking for his attention and he looked up. You wore a very revealing garment that accentuated your body and you felt good in it.
“I don’t like it. Try on the next one.”
“But I like it? What’s wrong with it?”
“I don’t know, I just think your body doesn’t fit the garment.”
“Oh, so there's something wrong with my body now?!”
“No that's not what-“
“No! I think I understood you perfectly!”
You aggressively removed the clothes and walked out of the changing room. Before Doyoung could speak you threw the clothes at him almost causing him to fall back. You stormed out of the store with a rage-filled stare that the employees knew to stay out of your way. Doyoung went after you before you went too far.
“Don’t babe me! YOU'RE the one who messed up!”
“I know but please just hear me out, babe.”
“You have 2 minutes”
“Thank you. I am so sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean any of it. You are the most beautiful person in the whole world to me. I never want you to feel insecure about who you are or what you look like. I don’t like you or care about your body. I like that you are kind, patient, and caring, you are a person with a good heart and has the soul of an angel. When I said I didn’t like the dress I was just afraid that other people wouldn’t keep their eyes off you, because I couldn’t. So…”
Doyoung held up a bag from the shop with your dress inside. You looked at him apologetically, loving his romantic gesture.
“I bought it. Just for you, I’m sorry, but I still want to see you be happy.”
You immediately pulled him into a hug tearing up a bit from what he said to you.
“The employees must think I’m such a drama queen for doing that.”
“Well, you’re MY drama queen”
“Shut up.”
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You and Jaehyun bonded over your shared interests in music, which is how you two met. You both were thrift shopping in local spots in Seoul and you both happened to grab the same record at the same time. You smiled sheepishly telling Jaehyun that he can have it. But as Jaehyun bought what he wanted, he walked up to you and handed you the record as a gift from him. (even though you kept insisting that he keep it) As he left you noticed he left a post-it with his number on it saying “call me some time ;) my name is Jaehyun” You blushed at the fact of how cute and smooth that move was, so you did call him that night. You both talked for hours on the phone late at night and you guys met up a few times at coffee shops.
One time at a coffee shop Jaehyun asked you out and you agreed, wondering where this would take you two. You learned more about each other and could not keep your hands off each other. Everyone you knew thought you and Jaehyun were the perfect couple. But that wasn’t the reality. Even the thing that brings people together can tear them apart. You kept all your favorite records hung on the wall at your shared apartment, while you and Jaehyun also kept a record player. Jaehyun had some of his members over while you were cooking them a meal, little did you know they were playing around with the records. His members knew what it was but never seen one in person.
“Hyung! How does it work?!”
“Ooh, this so cool!”
“How do I turn it on!?”
Were all common things his members said in the living room.
“Guys, just sit down and I’ll handle it. It’s very delicate stu-“
He stopped talking when he head the record shatter in the living room, you didn’t seem to notice so Jaehyun calmly walked out of the kitchen. He found a shattered vinyl record on the ground surrounded by his members with Mark holding the case it was in. It was the record he had bought you when you first met. Jaehyun was about to go into a full rage when he heard you enter the living room.
“What’s going….on”
You saw the broken record on the ground and looked as if you were about to cry. You left into the bedroom speechless and about to punch and kick something. Jaehyun soon followed.
“What did I do?!”
“YOU KNOW THEM BETTER THAN ME! Out of all of the fucking pieces of vinyl why that one…”
Your angry tears made Jaehyun tear up at the sight of you. He held you tight despite your anger and your hands swatting him away.
“I’m sorry I should have told them not to touch it. I know how much it means to you and the both of us. I know it won’t be the same, but I’ll buy a new one.”
You sighed at you hugged him back wiping your tears into his chest mumbling a “fine.” he pats your head and kissed it apologizing again. You both walked back into the room seeing the members looking at the both of you in worry.
“H-hyung…I’ll buy a new one for the both of you I am so sorry,” Mark said immediately.
“Fine with me. What about you, baby?”
You nodded smiling at Mark giving him reassurance. But at least the members cleaned up while you two were quarreling. The rest of them all apologized and you forgave them. Jaehyun played a song on the record player which made you smile and kissed him, remembering the reason why you loved him.
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You and Jungwoo were foodies, you loved your food more than anyone. You guys would commonly go on dates that surrounded food. Picnics, restaurants, and any date that involved food is a must for both of you. It’s actually what brought you two together. You were working at your family’s bakery and Jungwoo would come in and always ask you what new pastries you recommended. Jungwoo visited every morning and eventually asked you out, you’ve been dating ever since. Jungwoo got off of training early and he wanted to take you out for some Korean barbecue. Jungwoo and you took an Uber to the Korean barbecue place that looked a lot fancier for your taste.
“Woo? Is this the right place?”
“Yeah! Do you not like it?”
“No, no I just feel underdressed”
“You look beautiful, it’s okay.”
You were both escorted to a private room where you two could eat in peace and where people wouldn’t notice Jungwoo. Jungwoo ordered all the meats, side dishes, and drinks for the both of you while you waited. You decided to strike up some conversation.
“So, how’s training? Hopefully, it isn’t too straining for you.”
“It’s a lot to manage but it’s not as bad as my trainee days. But this date is really helping me de-stress baby. How’s the bakery?”
“It’s still doing well, I just have to come up with a new pastry by the end of the week to showcase in the shop. I still have no idea what I’m going to do.”
“How about-“
“Please don’t say bananas and bacon, it’s not happening.”
“You’ll never know until you try baby.”
“Nope. Never.”
After you two laughed it off, your food finally arrived. It had meat with the perfect marbling and delicious side dishes you could eat on their own. Before you could grab the tongs to grill the meat, the waiter insisted that they cook for the best results. You awkwardly agreed and let them cook most of the meat that could fit on the grill. They soon left after they finished cooking and told you to enjoy your meal. You and Jungwoo took a bite out of your meats and wraps and you both looked at each other about how good it was. You got so carried away that you didn’t even notice you were eating more than Jungwoo. You were like a vacuum for food and no one could stop you. Jungwoo, noticing you were eating most of the food, decided to say something.
“Hey baby, you might want to slow down, you’re eating a lot.”
“Why? Are you concerned about how much I eat?”
“I just-“
“Do you think I’m getting fatter? Do you want me to lose weight?”
“What? No! I just want you to share some with me.” He said with a pout.
“Oh, I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. My family’s been telling me I’ve gained some weight.”
“That’s crazy talk, even if you did gain weight, I would still love you the same.”
“Really Woo?”
“Of course baby”
“Good because I’m ordering more galbi”
He smiled as he kissed you on your cheek
“Order as much as you want.”
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You and Mark have been dating for a while and he’s not the type to show you off in front of everyone. You’ve been dating for about three years and you have yet to meet his members or anyone at his company. He was so worried about your relationship being exposed that he never wanted you to attend concerts or visit the SM building. You understood at first but it started to grow to a point where you believed Mark was trying to hide you from people for other reasons than good ones.  So you decided to visit the SM building on your own on a whim hoping they’d let you in. Luckily a receptionist recognized you as she consulted Mark about asking you out and giving him girl advice. She remembered you from a picture Mark had of you two on his phone that he showed. She gave you a guest pass and directory and let you in. You went up to the floors where there would be recording and dance studios assuming that’s where Mark was. You looked into the dance studio noticing Mark and his members working on a new routine. You knocked on the door and waved at Mark while the rest of his members just stared at him in confusion. He opened the door and talked to you in the hallway.
“I thought I told you not to visit me at work!”
“What’s wrong with visiting you!? Do you not want to see me?!”
“Of course I want to see you but- just, not here.”
“Are you ashamed of me? Do you not want me to meet your members or anyone in your company because you are littler mister perfect?!”
“Don’t even try to convince me, Mark, you work hard to be perfect, even if it means hiding your girlfriend for three years to keep your image!”
“Who’s been telling you that?”
“My family and my friends! I just tell them I have an idol boyfriend and they warned me of things that could be a reality, and now they ARE.”
You were on the verge of tears. Everything people told you was becoming true. “He’ll never spend a lot of quality time with you.” “He’s ashamed of you.” “You’re average compared to him, be honest, you’re out of his league.” “He’ll never let you have your relationship be public until you break up or get married, you might as well give up now.”
“I don’t even remember the last time we went on a proper date, Mark.”
Mark kept silent, unsure of how to respond and shocked at the same time. You took that silence to only make you feel worse. You walked away but Mark couldn’t chase after you, he had practice and his members couldn’t start if he disappeared. You walked home with tear-stained cheeks and you laid in your shared bed watching k-dramas hoping it would help cheer you up. Mark eventually came home and he was met with the silent treatment by you. It was expected but Mark still didn’t really know how to fix it. He sat down on your bed near your legs and petting your hair and letting his thoughts out.
“Babe? I know you’re still mad at me, and you have every right to be. I was just worried about you, and you getting spread to the media is the scariest thing to me. What if you get hurt or stalked because of me and my job. When I was to dating you I sometimes wished I wasn’t an idol. You could tell all your friends about me and I could meet your family. But I’m not the perfect guy, but that’s what I like when I’m with you. You let all my flaws hang out and let me feel human. I don’t have to live up to expectations that you have, I can just be me.”
“Mark…” You said as you pulled him into a hug and kissed his temple
“I’m sorry, I just- was so worried about you and overprotective, I understand if you want to break up”
“Break up? Are you crazy? You think I would cut a whole watermelon for any idiot?!”
Mark giggled as he kissed your lips
“Fine, maybe I’ll introduce you to a few of my members and work from there. You have no idea how many times I’ve wished you could watch me backstage at a concert.”
“I can’t wait.”
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Video games were no stranger to Haechan, you would playfully tease him about being on his phone all the time. Sometime when you FaceTimed him he would just play his video games and still talk to you. But you weren’t the best at video games. Sure, Haechan would invite you to play when you visited him at the dorm but he would have to play simple sandbox games like Animal Crossing. Haechan preferred more competitive games like Overwatch or Fortnite but they were too much for you. The controls were complex and you lost immediately when playing. You decided to just watch him play while you rested on his shoulder or lap. You naturally fell asleep and he would adore and love you when you did that. But it got to a point where playing video games while on dates or when you hung out was constant. You got tired of constantly telling Haechan to put his phone down or talk to you face to face. You were out on a date in the restaurant when all you could see was the back of his phone which was in front of his face. It only made it embarrassing when other people would look at how shitty the date was.
“Hyuck?” You said, but you got no answer. You sighed as you distracted yourself with the menu to read. When the waiter came by for drinks that were the only time Haechan seemed to put his phone down to order a Coke. You ordered water and the waiter left you both in silence.
“Hyuck? Do you know what you want to order?” Again, you got no response.
“Just order me whatever, I’ll eat anything, just let me get back to my game.”
As you were about to scold him the waiter came back and you ordered for both of you. You thanked him and handed him your menus. Then, you turned your attention back to Haechan.
“Hyuck, what’s been happening with you? You’ve been glued to your phone like it’s hypnotizing you.”
“Ugh, you’re not my mom, stop telling me what I can or can’t do with my life.”
“I’m not your mom but I am your girlfriend and I wish you would put your damn phone down and talk to me.”
“You sound so selfish right now you know that?”
“Selfish?! Are you kidding me!? You’re the one who’s selfish!”
“I don’t-“
“You know what?! I hope you can enjoy your dinner alone. Maybe you can kiss your phone from now on.”
You got up and grabbed your things and stormed out of the restaurant. Before you could call an Uber, Haechan ran up to you yelling your name.
“y/n! please! let me explain!”
“you have 5 minutes”
“I-I was playing so many video games because I was preparing to enter a competition to win some prize money so w-we could go on a vacation or a really nice date…”
“hyuck, why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I wanted it to be a surprise, I thought you would think winning money from video games would be stupid…”
“Well…it’s silly, not stupid, and it's certainly not stupid if you were winning that money to impress me, next time just tell me.”
“Okay…but does this mean I can play video games at the dinner table?”
“No. That’s my one rule, no phone at the table when we are eating or on a date ok?”
“Ok angel, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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noladyme · 4 years
The Crown Princess of Charming - part 14
Welcome to Charming - its name says it all. Cat needed a fresh start; and though she hadn’t planned on that being in the arms of the crown prince of this little town’s bikerclub - that was what happened. Charming CA would either be the death of her - or a whole new life.
Rated M
Tags (let me know if you want on the list) @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ @edonaspanca​
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Happy finally went to get some sleep. Jax had forgotten one of Abel’s teddy-bears; and I saw the big guy sneak it with him into the bedroom.
The day passed quietly. I spent most of it curled up on the couch; or pacing back and forth. Honestly, I was surprised I hadn’t made indentations on the floor, from where I walked. Jax was late, and I was worried. Around 3 pm he still hadn’t checked in.
I felt like I constantly had a set of eyes on me. You could say a lot about Happy; but he didn’t follow me to the bathroom, when I went. I literally had to stomp Tig on his foot; to keep him from holding the door open. Once I’d washed my hands; I stormed into the main room; and looked Clay hard in the eyes. “I’m not running, Clay. Stop riding my ass!”. He chuckled. “I only ride one ass. She’d cut off my balls if I took a trip anywhere else”.
I sighed. “Just… lay off me”, I said. “I’m in just as deep as you at this point”. The president stuck out his massive chin at me; and narrowed his eyes. “Why are you still here? Why didn’t you run when you could?”. I grinned at him sarcastically. “When do you mean? After I was drugged? Beat up? Almost raped?”, I scoffed. “Because I love Jax. And I’m the stepmother of your grandson”. Clay seemed taken aback. “Fair enough…”, he said. “Ok. We’ll let you powder your nose in peace from now on”.
I scoffed; and went outside for a smoke. I knew no one would have a problem with me smoking inside – the amount of cigars Clay went through attested to that – but I needed some peace. Bobby followed me. “Really, Bobby?”, I sneered. “You shouldn’t be alone right now”, he said. “I know you don’t see it yourself; but you’re limiting on an anxiety-attack”. “I’m fine…”, I whispered; and tried to light my cigarette. My hands where shaking too much, and Bobby put me out of my misery, by lighting it for me. “Thanks… sorry”. “We all know you’re on our side, sweetheart”, Bobby muttered. “Then why are you treating me like a prisoner?”. “That’s just Clay… being Clay. He’s a hardass”. He lit a joint for himself. “I hear you’re getting married…”.
I smiled for a second. “Yeah… we are”. “When?”, Bobby asked; taking a hit from the blunt. “After… all this is over”, I said. “And after Opie and Lyla. I don’t want to steal their thunder”. Bobby looked at me questioningly. “You’re very… nice”. “Thanks?”, I said with a chuckle. “I just mean, you think about others a lot. Want them to be happy…”.
I shrugged. “Good people deserve good things… right?”. Bobby smiled. “We’re the good guys?”. “I think so… you’ve all been kinder to me than anyone I’ve ever met before”, I said. “What about your family back home? Friends?”. I shook my head. “My so-called friends all seemed to disappear once Kohn came in to my life… And I have no family to speak of”. I took a draw from my smoke. “Except all of you…”. Bobby put an arm around me. “Well… I’m too old to be your brother; but I’ll be your fat, jolly uncle. How about that”. “That works”, I grinned.
A rumbling of engines sounded; and Opie, Juice, Chibs and Jax came up the gravel road – followed by Mike and Quinn; in the van I’d arrived in myself. Jax got of his bike. “Why is it every time I turn my back, one of my brothers has his hands all over my old lady?”, he grinned. He walked up to us; and pulled me into his arms – instantly making me feel safe. “Hey, darlin’. They treating you good?”. “I was just having a smoke with my fat, jolly uncle”, I smiled. Jax furrowed his brows; then shook his head, and kissed my lips. “Let’s go inside. We have some things to talk about”.
Moments later we were all gathered in the cabin. Mike and Quinn took the couch; leaving Samcro and me to sit at the table. Jax was seated beside me; not having let go of my hand for a second since we were reunited.
Juice and Bobby had played rock-paper-scissors to figure out who would wake up Happy. The younger biker had lost; and held a bag of frozen peas to his chin – from where Happy had punched him.
Clay struck the gavel; to let it be known church was in session. “I just want to start this meeting, by thanking our visiting friends from the Nomads and Chicago, for being here with us today”. “You know I’ll always have Redwood’s back”, Quinn said. “I’m here for miss Rose”, Mike smiled. “And… Samcro”, he added with a playful smirk. Clay nodded. “Your loyalty to us won’t be forgotten… and we’ll need it”. He looked towards Jax.
“You all know the shit that’s been going on with Cat, and that sack of shit who took her…”. “You killed that asshole”, Piney said. “It was beautiful”, Chibs growled. Jax clenched his jaw. “Yeah… well now I have murder charges pending”, he said. “Stahl is going to use those charges to pull a RICO on the club. Everything we’ve been doing… They can bring us all down. Kill Samcro; and in the exhaust of that, The Sons of Anarchy all over the states”.
There was a murmur of anger in the room. “All of us?”, Mike said. “Yeah”, Clay said. “We can stop that…”, Jax said “I had a meeting with the state prosecutor”. He looked out the corner of his eyes at me. “They’re willing to kill Stahl’s case – if we hand them Nichols”. “Kill the drugs?”, Tig asked. “We voted that in just a minute ago…”. “I know!”, Jax said. “But either we kill the drugs, or we kill the club”.
Clay cleared his throat. “The Mayans are willing to return to our old agreement, if we get rid of our white power business”, he said. “It’s less money… but the way those assholes forced our hand – made us their bitches… They need to go”. Jax sent me a look, and a smile ghosted his face. Reputation over money.
“Is handing them Nichols going to be enough?”, Bobby asked. Jax shook his head. “No… the prosecutor needs something more in return”, he said. “I need to go away on drug-charges; so they have something to override Stahls case against me. Her evidence is weak enough as it is. They promise make the murder-charges disappear”. “Just you, though? Man, you won’t survive alone on the inside…”, Juice said. Clay raised his brow. “That’s the part you all won’t like… tell ‘em, son”.
Jax sighed. “As a show of good will, the prosecutor wants three sons – on top of me – to go away. I negotiated her down from the whole charter – to keep the table alive”. He paused for a second. “We get 3 years for possession… out in one, on good behavior”. I sawllowed hard. One year - it would feel like 100. Jax squeezed my hand under the table. “Shit…”, Tig snarled. “Clay stays outside… Chibs as well – we don’t want his sorry ass deported back to Scotland”, Jackson said. “And Piney can’t go – sorry man, you’re too old to have our backs”. “No complaints from me”, the old man chuckled. “We’ll give Phil his patch while you’re away… his year is up; and he took one for the club with that gunshot to his gut”, Clay said. The men all muttered in agreement.
There was a quiet suspense. Opie, Juice, Happy, Bobby and Tig all looked at each other. “Look, I’m not telling you who goes inside… it has to be voluntarily”, Jackson muttered. “I’ll go… It’s my turn”, Happy said. “And me… It’s one year”, Juice muttered. Tig frowned. “Shit…”, he said. “I got out of it last time. I’m in”. Bobby grimaced. “Now I feel like an asshole…”. Clay shook his head. “Bob; you and Opie have underage kids… Just let your brothers take this one”. Happy patted Bobby’s shoulder. “It’s good, man”.
“And Cat?”, Chibs said. Through the whole conversation, I’d been quiet – trying my best to keep calm, as they discussed which of my new family members would go to jail, with the man I loved. “What about her case?” Jax looked at me. “Stahl wants you in for questioning. She’s planning to use the recordings from your phone, to make you flip on me”. “But I won’t”, I said. He sighed. “We’re gonna let her think she can get us both at once. Me as a murderer and drug mule – which will bolster her case – and you as a witness”, he said. “In stead, I hand the drugs to the prosecutor… but I need your help”. “What do you want me to do?”, I asked.
Jackson turned to face me; taking both my hands in his. “You’re going to lead Stahl of my track; while I deliver Nichols to the prosecutor”, he said. “I’ve had agents following me around ever since I left you in the house; to go deal with the Mayan situation”. Opie nodded. “We had to turn back three times to get here… it’s why we were late”. “I’m gonna meet up with Nichols in one of our warehouses; where I’ll tell him we’ll be storing the drugs”, Jax said. “It’s already set up for the day after tomorrow… but if I have agents tailing me; he’s gonna make a run for it”.
Clay leant back in his chair, and lit his cigar. “What’s the plan, VP?”. Jax smirked – his facial expression sending warm tingles through my body. I told myself to focus. “We’re gonna do a bate-and-switch”, he said. “Stahl knows you’re too important to me, to just leave you behind. When I go to meet Nichols; she’s going to think we’re making a run for it”. “How so?”, I asked. “We’re gonna tell her”, he said. “The bug in your phone. We’re going to get her riled up; and have her send her agents after us”. “So we just… talk about running away?”, I asked.
Jax nodded. “Yeah. Three drivers; one passenger. Stahl will follow us to the warehouse; where we’ll pick up a dummy bag, that’ll look like drugs – and you ride away with Tig; who’ll be waiting in the building for us. We’ll make it seem like you’re still with me. I’ll disappear somehow; until Nichols shows up… you’ll be leading the agents away”. “That’s… some action movie shit”, Opie said. “How can you be sure she won’t know, you’re not the one continuing on with Cat?”.
Jax looked at the blue flannel I was still wearing. He grinned. “I wouldn’t let anyone else ride around with my girl normally. My old lady is going to be a bright, blue flag for them to chase”, he said. “The rest of us will be wearing hoodies and masks”. “And pants, right?”, Tig said. “Man, you think I’m gonna let you ride with my old lady, without your pants on?”. Tig’s face faded into a sulk.
“We’ll nail down two more locations after the warehouse. Cat stays on my bike with Tig; then jumps on with Juice; and lastly Happy”, Jax explained. “At each stop the driver with Cat creates some kind of chaos, for her to jump on to the next one. You spread out, and continue on. In the end, they won’t know which driver to chase. They’ll be too distracted; and use too many ressources to chase you - giving me a chance to focus on the deal with Nichols. Quinn; you and the Nomads will be in the warehouse as well; having my back”. Quinn nodded. “Of course, brother”.
Chibs sighed. “What do you need the rest of us to do?”, he said. “Be pissed… make it seem like Cat and I stole from the club, and are really running”, Jax said. “Happy and Juice were in on the plan – and we were all going north to sell the drugs… I was afraid of getting charged with murder; and asked my brothers to help me and Cat get away”. He lit a cigarette. “Clay; you Bobby, Chibs and Opie end the chase; before the agents get to them”, Jax said. “Cat hands over the bag to Clay…”. “Why?”, Bobby asked. Jax smiled. “Because once the agents realize it’s a dummy, they’ll know for sure you had your hands out of the drugs all together”. Clay nodded. “That way, club business will stay under the radar from the ATF. It’ll be like Jax planned it all on his own… which he did”. He sent his stepson a look. “He takes the fall. Samcro is kept out of it”.
“It’ll give us a bit of breathing room to rebuild our relationship with the Mayans”, Bobby muttered. Jax’s jaw clenched for a second. Muling for the Mayans still made him uncomfortable.
I swallowed hard. “What happens then?”, I said quietly. “After I give Clay the bag…”. He chewed his lip for a second. “You get caught…”. “What?”, I cried out. “Yeah. You give Stahl what she wants, saying you’ll testify in a trial against me. Lowen will write up a document for her to sign; stating she won’t charge you in return for your cooperation. She won’t be able to send you away for anything”. “You want me to snitch?”, I gasped. Jax shook his head. “I’ll already be in the state prosecutor’s custody. There won’t be a trial; so it won’t matter. Tig, Juice and Happy will be joining me, once you’re all back in Charming”.
Juice raised his hand carefully. “You think she’s just gonna let Cat go?”. “She’ll work fast to get you out of town; into protective custody. Cops will stop you at the county border. She’ll have to hand you over to them. Her case will be dead”.
There was a low murmur of chuckling and cursing around the room. “This is crazy, brother… you think we can pull it off?”, Juice. “I know we can… Look, I trust you all with my life. And I trust you with Cats life”. He squeezed my hands.
“You really have it in for this Stahl woman”, Quinn said. “She set Jax up…”, I muttered. All eyes where on me. “She used Kohn’s sick obsession with me… knew he’d go after me; and made sure Jax would try to get me back at any cost. Even murder”. Mike frowned. “Bitch… you’re telling me that fed-asshole kidnapped you; and she knew about it?”. I shrugged. “Can’t prove it… but yeah”, I said. “Before that, she put Kohn in contact with some Nords, who he paid to drug and beat me… she knew what would happen”. Rage ghosted Jax’s face. “We took care of it… she’s the last piece of the puzzle”.
“She’s mine”, Opie said. Everyone in the room looked at him. “You’re not the only one here, that has a score to settle”. Donna, I thought. “Unser…”, Clay muttered. “He’ll be the one to pick up Cat. We only need one cop in a police-car to pull her over”. Jax nodded. “It’s his time… he’s been a good friend to the club; but it’s time to retire”. He looked at Opie. “He’ll look the other way, while you get retaliation for your family”. Piney patted his sons back. “It’s time, boy”.
Clay cleared his throat. “Mike… can you have Chicago hold down the fort in Charming, while we pull this off?”. Mike nodded. “Yeah”, he said. “We got your back. You thinking lockdown?”. Clay nodded. “Just in case white power decides to make a show of force”. “It’s good, man”, Mike said. “But I wanna be there when Opie takes down that agent bitch. She almost had my kid’s favorite teacher killed”. I sent the bearded guy a smile. He winked at me.
Clay sat up straight; looking around the table. “This is a big pill to swallow… for all of us. Take a few hours; think it over. Then we’ll vote”. Chibs shook his head. “I don’t need to think. We do this… for our club; our brother – and our little sister”. He sent me a crooked smile. I blushed. “Ok”, Clay said. “All in favor of going through with Jax’s plan, say aye”. There was a resounding aye from all the men in the room. “All opposed?”. Quiet. “All right”, Clay said, and was about to pound the gavel.
“Wait”, Jax said. “Cat, we can’t do this without you. We need to hear you say it…”. I looked around the table. Every man in the room had just agreed to exact vengeance for what I had been through – some of them would even go to jail for it. Yes; they were also trying to protect their club – their brotherhood – but they had vowed to make sure Stahl could never touch me again. “I’m in”, I said. Jax put his forehead to mine. “Thank you”, he whispered.
“Then we’re good to go”, Clay said. “The day after tomorrow. Clubhouse, at 8 am… Let’s do this”. He struck the gavel; and church was over.
Jax and the rest of the club spent the evening planning out logistics surrounding switch-points. To be taken in on possession; the men going to jail had to have some kind of drug on them. I was hauling the dummy backpack. “I got it”, Opie muttered; and went to plant the bag at the warehouse – before going home to Lyla. Piney, Mike and Quinn followed him; to set up the clubhouse for another lockdown.
Tig called a Mayan rep; and managed to talk them in to giving the club half a kg. of heroin to be split between him, Happy, Juice and Jax. They’d be carrying it on their bodies; and get taken in for possession that way. They left soon after his call ended.
Clay left with Bobby, Quinn and Mike – leaving me and Jax alone in the cabin. “Are you ok?”, Jackson muttered; as I was packing up my things. “No”, I whispered. “You’re going to prison for me…”. He was sitting in the recliner in the bedroom. I zipped up my bag. “One year, Cat”, he said. “I’ll be back”. “Why is this so easy for you?”, I asked. “It’s not… I don’t want to leave you… Abel…”. He sighed. “If Stahl manages to pull of RICO… that’s hard time, babe. I won’t see my son – or you – before he’s a grown man… if ever”.
I grimaced. “I’m sorry…”, I muttered. “I’m sorry I came into your life and messed everything up”. Jax stood up; and rushed over to pull me into his arms. “You did nothing wrong, Cat”, he said. “If I hadn’t come… hadn’t given Stahl what she needed to get to you – you wouldn’t be here… you’d be living your life, raising Abel… you could have any of those women hanging around the clubhouse. I’ve been more trouble than good for you”. “Yeah”, Jax said. “I’d spend my days muling guns and drugs; and my nights getting my dick sucked by girls; whose names I’d be too wasted to remember the next day”. He sighed. “And I’d be hating myself… every second of it”. “You shouldn’t”, I muttered. “You’re a good man”. “That’s what you say… And you being who you are – that means something to me”. He put his hands on either side of my face; and looked deeply into my eyes. “I’m starting to believe I can make a difference in my club… be a good father. Because you believe in me”.
“I love you, Jackson”, I said quietly. “I love you”, he smiled. “When I get back outside; I’m gonna marry you”. I grinned. “After Opie and Lyla get hitched. Let’s give them that”. He bit his lip. “Ok… we’ll steal their officiant; and you can grab a centerpiece for a bouquet”. I laughed. “Not what I had planned”, I said.
He looked surprised. “You got plans already?”, he asked. “What; TM? Vows under a lift in the garage?”. “Your mom would kill us…”, I chuckled. “Nah… the clubhouse. Leave the prospects with the dishes”.
Jax grinned. “Deal”, he said; and kissed me deeply. “After that, let’s see if we can get you knocked up. We’ll make some beautiful babies”. My jaw dropped. “Wow… Ok; I hadn’t thought that far”. He frowned. “You don’t want more kids?”, he asked. “Yes! Of course I do…”. He narrowed his eyes. “Mine, right?”, he smirked. “No, Juice’s”, I leered. He sent me a menacing grin. “Told you not to joke about that”, he said. “Yes, sir”, I pouted playfully. He let out a deep exhale. “I should throw you down on this bed, and begin the babymaking right away… show you who the daddy is”. I grimaced. “See, now you’re bringing Tig into it again…”.
Jax laughed; and kissed me again. “Come on; finish up. We gotta get home”. He patted my bottom; and went in to the main room. I grabbed my bag, and followed him. “I still don’t understand why you want us to go home”, I said. “I thought you wanted me out of Stahls hands as long as possible”. He opened the door for me, so we could leave the cabin together. “We need to make everything seem as normal as possible”. He’d brought my new helmet and handed it for me to put on. “She doesn’t think I’m running?”. He grimaced. “Didn’t seem to catch on… She’s been asking Gary down at the coffeeshop about you. Which is good for us. Makes everything seem normal”. I shook my head. “So, where did I go for the last few days?”, I asked. He shrugged. “We’ll figure it out”.
We got on his bike, and began our ride home.
About 30 miles away form the cabin, we we’re suddenly followed closely by a dark car. Every turn we took; it was right behind us. Jax squeezed my hand gently; when he felt me tense up. I tried to relax; and held on to him a bit tighter.
The house was warm and quiet when we arrived. Our late-night ride through the forest and down the highway; had me feeling cold through and through – so it was a welcome surprise to see Gemma ready with a pot of coffee. Abel was in his crib; sleeping.
“Clay came home an hour ago”, Gemma said. “Explained the situation”. She looked at her son with sad eyes. “Baby… you really need to do this? What about the baby?”. Jax hugged his mother. “This is for him as well… I can’t go away for murder. And the club would die”. Gemma held on to him for a long time. “One year? That’s walking… maybe even his first words”. Jax frowned. “I know. But if I don’t… I might not see his first anything. Ever”. He sighed. “I need you, ma’. Cat needs you, for what’s coming”. Gemma looked towards me. “She’s got me. They both do”. She looked back at her boy again. “Shit… my son’s getting married”, she smiled. “Clay told you?”, Jax muttered. “You should have told me”, she chided. “It’s been a crazy, few days”, I said quietly.
Gemma waved me over; and dragged me in to her hug with Jax. She kissed both our faces. “I swear, Jackson… I will teach your old lady to cook!”. We all laughed. “Thank you”, Jax said; pulling himself out of her grasp. “Did you bring it?”. Gemma nodded. “It’s in my car. I’ll get it”.
Jax went to the window to look for possible agents staking out the house. “Ok, go. Leave it on the doorstep; and go home. I’ll call you tomorrow”. Gemma kissed his cheek; and left the house.
Jax went over, and took my hand. “You ready for this?”, he asked. I swallowed hard, and nodded. He let out a deep breath; and walked towards the door. “What was that thing, that guy Shakespeare said? All the worlds a stage…”. “And the men and women merely players”, I muttered, and tried to smile.
Jax opened the door; and picked up the bag containing the kitchen towel and my android. He handed the package to me. “Open it”, he whispered. I took a deep breath; and unwrapped my phone. We looked at each other intently.
“Cat, are you sure about this?”, Jax said. “Sure there’s nothing different about the phone?”. He raised a brow at me. I paused for a second; not sure what to say – before coming to my senses “No, baby. It’s fine…”, I said. I knew the conversation couldn’t end like that. “I need it… if Ray calls”. Jax nodded, and smiled. “The principal…”. “Yeah…”, I said. “You really thought it was bugged? Is that why you had Gemma take it?”. “It was probably nothing”, he smiled. “I just don’t want anyone to know what we’re planning… that would be bad”. I smirked. “I’m sorry I questioned you”, I playfully pouted. Jax looked at me in surprise. Good one!, he mouthed; before frowning in jest. “Just don’t let it happen again!”. “What, you’ll bend me over, and spank me?”, I grinned. Jax raised a brow at me. “That’s a promise, darlin’”, he grinned.
He walked into the living room, and I followed him; leaving the phone in the kitchen. “Did you have fun on your girl’s trip?”, he asked. “Sorry I couldn’t pick you up sooner. I had some preparations to make”. I thought about it. “It’s fine. We had fun…”. “Hmm…”, he muttered. He was writing something down on a pad. Lyla’s been shooting for 2 days. Out of sight. I looked at him and nodded. I was getting exhausted; trying to think of things to say; playful or not. Jax noticed my expression; and scribbled another few lines down. Relax. Doing good. Just any other night at the house. He smiled warmly at me.
I swallowed. “We talked about flower-arrangements for the wedding. She’s really excited”. Jax smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure she and Ope will have a perfect day… Too bad we’re missing it, huh?”. I chewed my lip. “Opie’s not in?”, I said.
Jax walked back into the kitchen; closer to the phone. “Nah, he wouldn’t understand…”. He sent me a look. Who, he mouthed. “Who’d you get?”, I said. Jackson smiled. “Juice. Talking to Happy tomorrow”. He put a finger to his mouth; mouthing Tig, to let me know not to mention him.
I heard Abel crying in the nursery; and ran down the hall to get to him – and away from the phone. I picked up the baby; and held him tight. Jackson had followed me into the room; and wrapped me and our boy in his arms. “You’re doing good, baby”, he whispered. “Just keep it up”. “It’s hard”, I answered. “I know…”. He looked down at Abel. He was quickly settling down from being held to my chest. “Shit…”.
He walked into the hallway. “Could you get the kid to shut up?”. I frowned. What are you doing, Jax? “Cat! He’s giving me a headache!”. Abel was letting out little squeaks; and yawning. I put him down in the crib; and followed Jax back to the kitchen. I shook my head at him. What? He frowned. “Have Neeta take him tomorrow”, Jax said. “Ok…”, I said. He sent me a painful look.
I finally understood. “What’s gonna happen to him when we leave?”, I said. Jax swallowed hard. I stroked his hair, and grabbed a beer from the fridge – handing it to him. “I dunno… I guess my mom will take him. Maybe Wendy will want him”. “We can’t bring him?”. He clenched his jaw. “What, on the bike?”, he snarled. “He’ll be fine… I don’t care”.
I went over to where he was sitting – taking his hand. “Ok”, I said; and kissed his knuckles. He took a swig of the beer; and stood up. “I gotta take a piss…”. He stormed down the hall. I followed him back into the nursery; and closed the door behind us.
Jackson was cradling his son in his arms, on the couch. I sat down next to him. “That sucked…”, he frowned. I stroked his cheek. He had tears in his eyes. “I know, baby…”, I whispered. “We know it’s an act…”. “Yeah, but saying the words…”. I kissed his forehead. “Abel knows you love him”. Jax looked at me, and smiled slightly. “He’s my little man, you know?”. I nodded. “Remember why we’re doing this. He’ll thank you some day”. Jax kissed Abel’s head; and went to put him back in the crib.
“It’s late”, I said. “We should get some sleep”. Jax nodded, and took my hand, leading me out of the room. “Do we need to bring it?”, I whispered; and nodded my head towards the kitchen. Jax shook his head. “Not tonight”, he answered. “I’m all acted out”.
We closed the bedroom door behind us, and turned on the baby-monitor. After undressing; we curled up on the bed. Jax wrapped his body around me; holding me close.
“I love you”, he whispered into my ear; his warm breath sending delightful shivers down my spine. “You trying to get some, Teller?”, I smiled. “Always”, he grinned; and pulled me closer. “But honestly; I think the little biker is tuckered out from all the driving I’ve been doing the last few days”. I chuckled. “Sure it’s not all the girls sucking your dick, whose name you’re too wasted to remember?” “Nah, babe. I’m all done with that”, he said. “Besides; you give the best blowjobs I’ve ever had”. I smiled at him. “That’s sweet”, I said. I sighed. “A year…That’s still a long time”. “You could get a vibrator”, Jackson smiled. “What? Wrap it in your cut; and have it lying next to me in bed?” He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know whether the thought of that makes me horny or uncomfortable”.
I felt his penis stir against my thigh. “I think the little biker just answered that question for you…”, I said. He looked down. “You know, I think you’re right”, he chuckled. He rolled over to lay on top of me. “But let’s not call him little again… that was a poor choice of words”. He grinded against my warmth. “I agree”, I smirked.
Jax put his lips to mine; and we spent the next good while tending to both the bikers, and their old lady’s needs.
I woke up naked in Jacksons arms. His hand was holding on to my breast; and he was muttering in his sleep – smiling. For a second, I forgot all about the last few days; and what we had coming up. My stomach was rumbling.
“Jax”, I whispered; stroking his hair to wake him up. “You promised me pancakes”. “What?”, he mumbled. “In return for that thing I did… Baby… wake up”. He blinked his beautiful eyes for a few seconds. “Shit… I did. Didn’t I”. I nodded. “I’m hungry…”.
Jackson stretched; and gave my breast a final squeeze, before sitting up. “You make the coffee”, he smiled. He put on some boxers; and went to check on Abel. I pulled on my robe; and walked into the kitchen. My phone was still laying on the table; and all joy left my body.
Jax came up behind me. “He’s still asleep”, he smiled. I looked at him; then gestured to the phone. “He’ll sleep through anything”, I muttered. Jax’s face dropped, just as mine had. The stage was once again set.
“You just about packed up? We leave tomorrow morning”, he said coldly. I closed my eyes, and sighed. “Yeah, just gotta wrap up a few things”. “Good”.
I put on a pot of coffee. “Pancakes?”, Jax muttered; trying for a slight smile. “Not hungry…”, I said. “You gotta eat, babe”, he said. I shook my head. “Can we go out? Once Neeta picks up the kid?”. “No. I gotta finish up at TM”.
I went to the fridge, and grabbed a cup of yogurt; then a spoon. “Ok. I’ll… hang out. See Lyla, maybe”. Jax shook his head. “Lay low. We can’t let anything slip”. He sat down, and pulled me down on his lap. “Look, we’ll talk later, ok? I’ll let you know what the plan is”. I opened the cup, and put a spoonful in my mouth. “I understand”, I said quietly. Jax stroked my cheek; and smiled. “Give me a taste of that”, he said; and grabbed the spoon from me; taking a large mouthful of my yogurt. “You want your own?”, I smirked. “Nah, I’ll eat yours”, he grinned; and took another mouthful. “Hey!”, I laughed. He licked his lips, but missed a smidge of the yogurt on the side of his mouth. “You got something right… there”. I licked it away, and smiled.
Jax kissed my lips gently. “We’ll be ok, baby”. “Yeah”, I breathed.
Jax had to leave the house a few hours later, to figure out the last details of the plan. We made it seem like he was meeting up with Juice and Happy; which in reality he was. Tig would just be with them as well.
Neeta would be handing the baby over to Gemma later on; so before he left; Jackson disappeared into the nursery with Abel for a good hour. I decided to give him space to say goodbye; merely dropping in to hand Jax a bottle.
He was sitting in the recliner, cradling his son – tears in his eyes. “Hey…”, I whispered. “I got his bottle”. “Thanks”, Jax muttered; blinking away a tear. I smiled; and left my boys to it. Behind me I heard Jax whispering to the baby. “Momma Cat’s gonna take care of you, son. We both love you so much…”. Once I’d closed the door behind me; I had to take a minute to collect myself in the bedroom
After Jax left, Abel kept me busy. I could pretend to play house when I had him with me. I bathed him; fed him – and sang him old classic rock songs. The chance that our plan might fail, made me very aware that I might never see him again; so I kissed his precious face every chance I got. Neeta picked up the baby at noon; and I was alone in the house.
Act normal, I kept telling myself. I began doing laundry. Dishes. I washed the kitchen floor. Anything I could do to keep myself occupied. My android rang around 7 pm. I was unsure whether to pick it up or not; but when I recognized the number; I decided to answer the call.
“Agent Stahl…”. “Did you save my number?... That’s a compliment!”. I sighed. “What do you want?”, I sneered. “You’ve been out of town for a few days, it seems…”. Yeah, you haven’t been able to hear me through my phone, bitch. “Girls trip. My friend’s getting married”. “Lyla Dvorak?”, Stahl said. “How’d you know?”. How many conversations have you been listening to? “Small town…”, she said. “Look, I have some questions for you, on some evidence I’ve just received… so I’m going to have to ask you, not to leave town for the next few days”.
Jax came through the door with Happy and Juice. I gestured for them to keep quiet.
“I wasn’t planning on going anywhere”, I said into the phone. “Really…”, Stahl said. “Ok… tomorrow morning good for you?”. I looked at Jax. “I have plans tomorrow morning”, I said. “I expected as much… When can we talk, then?”. “Just give up, agent. You got shit on me or Jackson”. “Oh, but I do… I’ll catch up with you sometime tomorrow; don’t worry. See you then!”. She hung up. I threw the phone on the counter.
Jax narrowed his eyes at me; and closed the front door with a slam. “Hey babe!”, he said. “Who was on the phone?” “Stahl”. I chewed my lip. “She’s on to us”. I sent him a slight smile. He returned the gesture; and came over to kiss my cheek. “Shit”, he smirked. “That’s bad”. “You sure that phone’s not bugged?”, Happy said; stifling a smile himself. Juice stepped closer to my android. “It shouldn’t be!”, he said loudly. “I sure checked it!”
Jax smacked his brother’s head; and put his finger to his lips. Act normal!, he mouthed. Juice mouthed a sorry in return.
“Don’t worry about that now. Clay might be on to us”, Jackson said. “We need to go over the plan. Sit down… Cat, get us some beers”. “Ok, baby”, I tweeted; acting every bit the obedient old lady. I opened three beers, and put them on the table. Jax grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket, and scribbled down some words. Plan is set. Tig is up to speed. Just listen, and agree. I nodded. “You guys want dinner?”, I smiled. “What… You’re cooking?”, Happy said. “No thanks”. I sent him a putrid glare. He grinned at me.
“I called my mom. She’s taking the kid tonight… and forever after that. She just doesn’t know yet”. “Good”, Happy said. “We can get out clean”. “Yes!”, Juice said loudly. Jax rolled his eyes at him. “Cat, go fix yourself up. You look a mess”. My jaw dropped. Jax scribbled quickly. Sorry. Just pretend to leave. “Let the men talk”. “Ok, Jax”, I said – sending him a deathly stare. I walked to the doorway; leaning against the wall to hear what he had to say.
“She gone?”, he said, looking at me. “Yeah”, Happy muttered. “Good”, Jax said. “I love her, but she talks too much… You both clear on the plan?”. “Yup”, Juice said – having finally caught on to the fact that he didn’t have to yell. “Tomorrow morning. We leave TM together”. “Who’s your girl riding with?”, Happy said. “Who do you think, asshole?”, Jax answered. “Bitch rides with me”. I furrowed my brow; and walked into the living room; knocking over a squeaky toy, to get his attention.
I stomped down the hallway. “I gotta check on something”, I heard Jax say; and he followed me into the bedroom – closing the door.
“What the hell, Jax?”, I snarled. “Why are you talking about me like that?”. He took my hand. “I’m sorry”, he whispered earnestly. “I have to give her something she can use, to try to convince you to flip on me”. I shook my head. “I hate this, so much”. He pulled me into his arms; and kissed my forehead. “Believe me; I feel no better about using those words, than how I felt yesterday; when I said those things about our boy… Just, please. Let’s finish this” I closed my eyes. “Ok… You owe me a shitload of orgasms, Jackson!”. He smiled softly. “I’ll deliver. I swear”. I kissed him deeply; and then smacked him across the face. He looked flabbergasted. “I needed to do that”. “Y-yeah”, he muttered. “Can you kiss me again, so I know you’re not mad?”. I chuckled; and gave him a peck on the lips.
He went back into the kitchen; and I followed quietly behind – once again, standing in the doorway. Happy looked at me protectively. “All good?”, he muttered. “Yeah. Just needed to help her find her g-spot”, Jax leered. “For a teacher, she’s not too bright”. I smirked menacingly at him.
“So, we go to the warehouse; pick up the drugs – and haul ass north”, he continued. “I got a buyer set up. We’ll get a good 500 grand. Evenly split, three ways”. “Sounds good”, Juice said. “What was that about Clay?”, Happy asked. “We’ve been going head to head about all sorts of shit. He overheard me talk to my old lady, I think”. “Shit”, Juice said. “What about the drugs?”. “He doesn’t know I’ve already made negotiations. He want’s us far away from heroin”. He sent me a meaningful look. Right. Clay wants nothing to do with drugs. “We should have won that vote”, Juice said. “Yeah, well… we’re on our own”, Jax responded. Keep the club out of it.
“Meet up at the clubhouse; move out – never look back”, Happy said. “That’s right”, Jax said. He made a gesture for the conversation to wrap up. The others didn’t seem to know what to say. I rolled my eyes. “Jax… Baby?... I lost it again”, I said playfully. All three men looked at me with wide eyes. Jackson bit his hand to stop from laughing. “Right boys. Get out”, he said. “I’m laying pipe”.
Happy and Juice left the house quietly; both still still staring at me in wonder all the way out the door.
Jax walked over to me; and we held each other for a moment. I was painfully aware that this would be our last night together for a good while. And I planned to make the most of it.
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littobin · 4 years
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[1:37AM] "thank you so much for saving me. honestly i can't think of what would be of me without you in my life." still a bit immersed in tries of steadying your breath from the previous runaway, you giggle happily in response and hit your best friend's shoulder playfully the moment you heard him talk sweetly, out of this endearing trail of beauty that was his smile you've always thought as better than the sight of the red roses at your house's garden.
without doubts it only took him the simple action of curving his extra thin lips up like he did now, so you'd always feel comfy, no matter the kind of times or hardships you'd be into. even so despite days like this, where you two just ran like crazy down a bunch of streets until you'd get both rescued at your house, to mislead the uptown gang's members whose once again tried to cage moonbin in his magical transformations.
honestly you couldn't believe at all how was it possible to actually exist such few silly people organized like that only to chase after any unusual beings for experiments, in the middle of a modern city. but if you really were to think neither would it be normal for you to have a man who could turn into a whole giant beast right by your side as well, meeting and staying from nights to nights under the moon living the greatest, most hilarious adventures together as long as both of your uni's allowed you two to.
you've known moonbin before as he's been one of your neighbors for years, specifically that kind and friendly type who always talked to everyone in the neighborhood, until he started changing to be more reclusive out of sudden. but since you've got to occasionally find out about his secret, at one night you saw him when you were going to do your laundry and he vehemently asked you to keep it forever or both his safety and search to end his enchantment would be risked, and you promised him to, both of your lives no longer could be the same.
it was just about naturally how you two ended up getting to be good friends and he grew to be one of the biggest source of joy you'd happen to get gifted with by the skies, as of you got to know more the beautiful human he also was. and where ever couldn't you gladly go with him when he'd text you to come in his sneakings to skip out the routine, although sometimes they could bring way too much adrenaline at once. for sure if it came to him, again it'd be worthy for you to do so, over and over. "ahh stop it's nothing, you know you can always count on my guts. and it's just so much fun to."
you state out as your hand goes to ruffle moonbin's dark hair softly, which felt so silky in your fingers, causing both of you to laugh loud in sync by remembering the early scenes. of how you two fooled around the stupid gangers like it was nothing after you've untied him, scared them and made everyone at the late hour on the streets confused to watch both of you running for dear life, all while holding each other's hand between thrilled loud laughs.
just so you kept watching the boy in front of you move a bit closer, you two still sitting on the floor as he started playing with some keychains and laces you had stuck on your long black coat, one habit of his you'd recognize of whenever he felt enthusiasm, his teeth showing off cutely through the way he kept chuckling with his eyes inclined into crescents. "yes it truly was- did you see their faces when i growled though? that was amazing!"
"oh my god bin don't even tell me, it was the best part. next time we really have to bring a camera to record and rewatch it all seriously-"
once again you and moonbin break down in pure amused laughter with your extra remarks, you not being able to help but hold his hand tightly in the process.
moments like these were all you needed to feel that nothing could change or ruin this fulfilling within your chest. out of your repetitive routine there was moonbin beside you, enlightening everything with his presence and standing as your number one supporter. even though all the things that came with his curse, such as his always hungry state specially for rice bowls, hyperactivity and very little sense of his own powerful strength, things as such that nevertheless the trouble they could give, you still liked a lot.
"next time i'll be more careful.. just know you don't have to go through situations you can't handle, i'm the one who's always here to protect you instead, ok?" he said out with clear worry poured over his expression, causing you to let out another tender smile and rub his almost ocean wide shoulders in a comforting way. "i know. but i do this because you're too important to me, that's why i wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again if so."
this time it was the taller one's turn to feel kind of affected by your words, through he strangely felt a beat skip out his heart's pace and a bit of flustering over his stomach, fondness being the only thing to fulfill his pupils with the more he stared at you.
moonbin actually didn't know what hit him to come to act up so weird because of you, nor to make up such a bunch of sensations and warmth all at once. if was it either because of your extremely affectionate eyes, the sweet smell off your hair or just the beyond wonderful feeling of you by whole, but you were immensely important to him too, since when he got the opportunity to be close to you after the night you saw him transforming, but you didn't treat him like the monster he himself knew he was. thanks to you with time he got back to be his normal self before the curse, always bright and talkative, and in some way, somehow he wanted to show you all of this.
"you really should get a reward one day y/n, for real.." he chuckled softly again, as you raised up one eyebrow, wondering what new goofy stuff your best friend would be planning.
"what kind of reward, sir bin?"
with this for some reason moonbin couldn't get his head together at all. lots of thoughts rushed to his mind about what he should better give to you as response, but no one seemed just as right besides what his heart kept incessantly moving him to. so slowly by the proximity you were into, without taking his sparkling eyes off yours he just let his body lean in along to his arms both at your sides through he crawled a bit to you closer and closer to end the gap, stopping when he could touch your nose on his as your lips were just millimeters apart, his hot and a little heavier breathing against yours.
you just stayed still unable to move out of shock, no choices left but to sense your eyes widening the closer he got and the material between your lungs racing like neither of your runaways would be capable to make you feel so. moonbin in the other hand chose to stay this way for a second, sighing while looking at you in such utter adoration, and you swore to dear lord you've never seen something so preciously gorgeous as every inch of his face at that moment, and the fair light blushing tone on it. not even the three am blue moon, compared to all the comets in his chocolatey irises.
"moon, bin.." nervousness took over you in a matter of second through your lids went shut, tugging on the hem of his white t-shirt you gave him last month, which he still liked to wear often. in the same way moonbin closed his eyes too and tightened a bit his strong arms that supported himself at your sides, starting to lovingly rub his gelid nose on yours.
"i want, to do that so bad.."
just when you gulped, flustered by how his soft boyish voice ringed so much more intimate in your ears like he never did near you, before a word could be said moonbin just pressed his lips against your own, the unbearable warmth radiating from him and his typical smell of cocoa shampoo surrounding everything around as well as causing your ears to go off like set on fire, for the first time in a while.
you felt kind of really wrong to do this, since he was one of your most special treasures, one of your most present and sincerest friends ever. yet there he was kissing you slowly, gently nibbling and moving his flushed thin lips that felt too warm, too soft on yours, in a way you'd never express, amidst quiet melting sounds and more attempts to get even closer to you although his much taller muscular figure and large back made you hardly to be seen.
nowhere into your mind you'd be able to imagine any of this happening. but after all it was still him, it still was moonbin, so in the less matter of minute you'd see it there you were already hugging his cuddly waist the way a few times you'd do, and simply letting him go the further he wished to. as through the first opening of his mouth asking for entrance, when you corresponded him it didn't take long so he'd be on top of you, with the heat of his tongue showing up within the kiss to deepen it still ever so gently, and now your hearts to rush loud in sync at the smallest touches, either by your left hand raising unconsciously to touch his chest but soon going back to hold on his waist, or him picking it for a moment to guide your fingers to the warm skin of his neck so he could feel you there.
still it all kind of felt like a dream, even more when after some more softer kisses moonbin pulled away and you were brought back to reality, but everything kept just so clouded of only him. the way he didn't stop staring at you with tenderness overflowing his manly features, the way reddish hues bloomed up his face as he tried to catch his breath, the way the hold of his hand was the same albeit the silence formed among you two. every single thing made the space marked for him grow more and more in your heart, no doubts you've never been so sure.
"you.. are a little sore, right there-" out of sudden you whisper quietly, leaving his hand to brush your thumb besides a little scratch on his cheek, the softest you could. moonbin only closes his eyes for a bit like the creature inside him would when being petted by you and lets out a small blissful smile, what kept your hand in place so you'd just take in the endearing sight.
"i hope you're not mad.."
he spoke a bit more serious although worry came back to his expression one more time, and you could say with your all it was just loving. how would you be ever mad at him, when absolutely nothing about your love for him could change, but increase.
moonbin always made the stars above the city of your world shine bright. and you just hoped more than ever you'd soon enough find how to give back his freedom and get to break his curse. however not having any clue you already did so.
- insp. beauty & beast!au.
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dragonswithjetpacks · 4 years
I’m going to say this one time about Cullen and that’s it. And my opinion will be out there and done. This is not a negative post. But this is a long post so buckle up babes.
*warning for use of language because I swear like a sailor*
*also brief mention of rape*
Anyway, Cullen is a perfect example of poor planning in the gaming industry.
He is also a perfect example of fans thirsting so hard and wanting something so bad that the writers and developers change a character and even game elements to suite their needs. They didn’t even give him a book or a comic for redemption. You know what they did instead? They switched writers. Cullen has three writers. All of them with a different character in mind.
Cullen was a fucked up mess in Origins. He was meant to be creepy and sociopathic. I get that. The writer who basically created him had no idea he was even going to be not only a reoccurring character, but one that was going to be romance able in future games. She even apologized. Which wasn’t necessary. And so many people who played the game missed a big point about Cullen. He was never supposed to recover from Origins.
“The young templar Cullen never quite recovered from his ordeal. After months of attempting to convince his superiors that the tower was still a danger, he finally snapped and killed three apprentices before being stopped by his fellow templars. Eventually, Cullen escaped from prison, a madman and a threat to any mage he encountered.”
“Once the tower was rebuilt, Knight-Commander Greagoir stepped down from his post and retired to a life of private contemplation as a brother in the Chantry. His health failed over time, and after refusing treatment, he perished in his sleep. Knight-Commander Cullen was said to be more strict and less trusting of the mages even than Greagoir was. He ruled the Circle with fear.”
I’m sorry. But yeah. That’s the epilogue on two different choices involving the Circle’s fate in Origins. And it was ignored. I agree with that, too. But it wasn’t just Cullen that was ignored. It was the entire Circle at Kinloch Hold. If the mage warden sacrifices their own life, the Circle is supposedly free. Which... is not mentioned... ever again. And not to mention is impossible? Like okay thanks Anora or whoever but I don’t think you can just do that.
Poor writing.
I’d also like to mention for the record I did not like Cullen in Origins. I still don’t.
Now, I don’t know why exactly Cullen was brought back in DA2? I know his writer got bullied out of Bioware. I do not have an opinion on that. I mean the woman co-wrote my favorite part of Origins (Anvil of the Void). She also wrote Anders. Which I don’t think is a coincidence. People, men and women, often have this idea of fixing a broken person. It’s heavily romanticized. It’s called codependency. And you see it a lot in romance novels. But that’s another topic. It seems this writer implemented that in the game (along with some of her own personal things she had) without fully knowing Cullen would even be a romantic interest in Inquisition, but also still wanting to give him some sort reason to be desired. And all the while knowing Anders was fully romanceable. Even... a little forcefully... romanceable... if I may add... (I am uncomfortable) I also dislike some of Anders’ writing but that’s another post and I don’t want to compare the two. But Anders was the opposite side of Cullen that was done better because they had time to write it.
Regardless, Cullen seemed to hold some resemblance to his former character. But we do see a lot hesitance with him. He’s basically that “good” cop that doesn’t do anything when the bad cop is beating the shit out of everyone. Still not good, hence the quotes. Not a good guy. He has his meh he’s alright moments. And seems to generally disregard Hawke in every single way. But he’s still an ass hole for letting things happen the way that they did when he could very much so have put a stop to it. Maybe it was the writers’ intention to make it that way to show he was still suffering from trauma in Origins.
So here’s the next thing. They decided to slip him into Inquisition for whatever reason. His writing was fair enough in DA2. Could have been better. But these people are still thirsty. They want some Curly. At the last minute, they throw romance on him. Not a bad idea. But are we supposed to forget the man was basically raped by desire demons? Is he even ok to have a relationship? OH WAIT THAT’S RIGHT. We didn’t closure on that because they ignored it.
Anyway, Cullen in Inquisition seems to be different. But because they couldn’t just, oh I don’t know, write a different character with the same traits but better, they had to somehow put the events of the previous games and how it affected him into this new current game where he supposed to be... better? Ish? Which is where we get the stereo type soldier with PTSD and a substance abuse problem. Now, if you’re any good with imagining and writing fanfic, then you probably know or already have figured out a way to connect everything better than Bioware could. But hey. Last minute romance written in on a character who was already all over the charts? Count me in. I like a good writing challenge. Poor girl who took the job of writing Inquisition Cullen likes a challenge too, apparently. Because it was her first big project. And she didn’t do a bad job. But imagine working hard on trying to write a character half the fandom hates into someone somewhat likeable just for everyone to shit all over it.
The way I look at it.... we have three different characters. And he is not really a good example to look at analyze wise. He is inconsistent. And was molded for Inquisition for thirsty fan girls. And some boys (I see you). A good example for study would be Morrigan. Or even Alistair. And Alistair is in several of the comics and still remains pretty consistent. Leliana is a prime example of character development over a course of three games. And I highly recommend you fall in love with her good and bad side because she is written beautifully. Don’t @ me.
Cullen, and I mean Inquisition Cullen, has a lot to like. And a lot to dislike. Every character is flawed. I think a lot of hate that gets tagged onto Cullen is really from poor writing. They really got lazy with him. And it is a shame. I feel like he could have been redeemed way better. He could have had one hell of a redemption. Or possibly just skipped over all together. I see a lot of posts about putting Samson in his place and I often agree. It was never quite the character that made him appealing to me. It was the personality. And they could have easily done with anyone. They could have made Samson sexy, too. It didn’t have to be sexy Cullen. And let’s face it. With Cullen’s writing in Origins and even some of the writing in DA2, Cullen siding with Coryphedouche is way more fitting than Samson.
Basically, it is up to us to fill in the gaps. So I love seeing fanfic with Cullen backstory. Because it gives better insight than what the writers could accomplish. And I applaud you if you’ve done that. BUT the over sexualization of this character is a bit... wrong. It feels wrong. And that’s all I’ll say to that. Personally, I’ve been working on some Cullen romance fic for awhile and it’s been challenging trying to find a way to make him less douchey. One minute, he’s yelling at you about mages. And the next, he’s got this soft tone and nervous look. Like, yeah... you can tell it’s rushed. And awful. And even the dialogue is just... painful. It doesn’t fit. (you can check my Cullen tag in blog to see how I feel about that). I will say that even speaking to him on a personal note, asking him questions about life as a templar, he even says he does not agree with the Order. And he wants to change his thinking. But he still gets angry when you go to side with the mages. It feels like they wanted redeem him but they also needed someone to side with the templars to provide conflict at the war table.
So in my opinion, calling him controlling and abusive is a bit of a stretch. He was clearly used by the writers. It just seems ridiculous to put so much effort in bashing the character when clearly... he was not planned out... or put together... I just... I don’t get...
I know what you’re thinking at this point: Kay.... why do you like him then?
Beacause. I am weak for a man who gets nervous around girls he likes. His awkward mannerisms despite being a man of power makes me weak. The need to protect also makes me weak. But also the ability to admit vulnerability makes me suuuuuper weak. So like I said. There was a lot there. It just was not delivered correctly. You know what I would have done? If I had to put him in the Commander shoes, I would have made the whole Kirkwall thing a life changer for him. Maybe even give him a soul searching type situation before joining the Inquisition. And definitely tell him to keep his mouth shut about siding with the templars.
Long story short: Ya’ll thirsted over a weird dude in Origins and Bioware went hmmmm okay. But by the time they gave him to you on a silver plate, it was last minute. Like you just found out your crush Jared is going to Becky’s party but you’re already at Jessica’s house and have like nothing to wear so you have to just wing it. And your shoes look tacky, but Jessica’s shoes don’t fit. So you either have to wear shoes that don’t fit or just look like omg total garbage. And Bioware went with the shoes that don’t fit. And Jared totally likes them.
I’m also going to say the most controversial thing on this entire post by just... saying... by calling Cullen out as trash without realizing the writing, the directive, the lack of development, the rush on this character, and the complete absolute bullying this community does to it’s FANS AND WRITERS kind of feels like you didn’t really put any effort into understanding why and just jumped on a band wagon. And the fact that some of you make other people feel bad for liking this character is awful. Some of the most toxic shit I’ve seen. Like maybe they like this character from Inquisition because, I don’t know, maaaaaaybe he was written out almost like a new character with a last minute fantasy romance.. because he kind of was...
Now for my opinion on Greg Ellis.
And that’s it. Thanks for stopping by. If you agree cool, if not cool. I’m not here to argue with anyone or say your opinion is invalid. We all have reasons why we hate or love the color blue. So we can all disagree or agree and live in peace and still love a game.
You can always message me, too, guys. I have a lot of opinions. And reasons for my opinions. And theories. And just things in general. But I will not hate characters written in Dragon Age. Someone wrote them. Someone is out there working their ass off to deliver a character. And I refuse to hate someone fictional.
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Stark Spangled Forever- Utter Nonsense Drabble... 40 Questions!
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Yeah so don’t ask me where this came  from, but I saw these floating around and for some reason decided it would be funny if Steve and Katie answered  some of them instead of me...
I think the original post was from @odaatlover​  and I think I was taggeed by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​. Anyway, I took my favourite ones and this was the result...enjoy!
1. What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
Katie: I’d kinda like a tiger. They’re so graceful and  pretty but pack a mean bite and you wouldn’t mess with one would you?
Steve: Who does that remind you of?
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Steve: (grinning) Nothing.
Katie : I can confirm that is also my favourite thing he sleeps in...
3. What song really gets you going?
Katie: In what way? If it’s to dance and just act like a crazy fool to then its always going to be “Back in Black” because it reminds me a lot of Tony and happy times growing up. But if its one to spark memories then its our wedding song.
Steve: “The Only One In Color” by Trapt. I also kinda like the John Legend song  “You and I” because it reminds me of her, you know, the bit aout trying on every damned out fit she ownes before we can go out.
Katie: I don’t do that.
Steve looks at Katie, eyebrow raising.
Katie: Ok, maybe I can be a little incecisive....but tha wasn’t really the point of the...you know what, never mind. Next...
4. Where do you usually eat your meals?
Steve: It depends. If its breakfast or lunch dring the week then it’s usual eaten on the go whilst we’re getting the kids sorted or I’m in between classes...but dinner, well we always try and sit down. And at weekends we always eat at the table with the kids. 
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Katie: Dinner. During the week Steve and I eat a little bit later than the kids so we have that time to ourselves just to decompress and talk about our day, have a bit of us time...and at weekend we’re al together so I love it.
Steve: I love it for all those reasons, and also because she’s the best damned cook on the planet.
6. Most embarrassing habit?
Katie: Erm...
Steve: It’s pretty embarassing when you throw a Brat tantrum about something.. Katie: I don’t do that in public.
Steve: Bullshit. I refer you to the whole car purchasing situation a few years ago.
Katie: Jamie was only a baby...I was hormonal.
Steve: Hormonal my ass, you were being a brat.
Katie:  Whatever.  Yours is definately the need to stand with your hands on your hips and give someone your Captain look, especially when it’s someone you have never met before but they just happen to be doing something to piss you off.
Steve:  I make no apologies for this.  People can be idiots.
7. Chocolate or fruity candy?
Both at same time: Chocolate.
Steve: Preferably British.  Cadbury’s to be specific. I got a taste for it when I was in London during the war.
Katie: He has a secret stash he hides from the kids...it’s great to blackmail him with.
8. Soft or hard tacos?
Steve: Soft
Katie: Hard
Steve: Although hard ones always remind me of when you went into labour with Jamie.  We were making them for lunch and you had a contraction and crushed one...
Katie: Oh yeah, maybe soft in that case...because that was painful.  And then I went throguh that another 3 times.Which is your fault.
Steve: I take full responsibility, yes. 
9. Worst way to break up a fight?
Katie: Walk into the middle of it and say “Prove it, put the hamer down...” Steve: sighs, That was one time.
Katie: And it levelled a forest.
Steve: Did it work?
Katie: Hmmm, suppose so.
Steve: There you go ...but if its a fight between us, the I can think of the best way to break it up...
Katie : grinning, yeah...that’ s pretty funny. Or the worst one is telling you you’re in the spare room.
Steve: Yeah...that sucks.
10. Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
Katie: Putting on deep voice “Before we get started, does anyone wanna get out?”
Steve: Sighing  I wish I had some smart reply to that bu I don’t...
Katie: No, you just threw us out the side of the damned thing from 14 storeys up
Steve: 19
Katie: That’s...that’s not better Steve.
11. Any hidden talents?
Steve: Not so much hidden really but I’m not a bad artist and Katie’s singing and piano playing is off the scale.
Katie: Steve’s really good at DIY. Like, brilliantly good.  And also pretty savvy with technology all things considered...
Steve: When you say all things considered you mean because I’m like 112
Katie: Actually, you’re like 127 if you count the 15 years you spent back in time after putting the stones back.
Steve: hesitates I thought you said they didn’t count because I didn’t spend them with you.
Katie: They don’t, but they still happened.
12. Socks or bare feet around the house?
Steve: Socks
Katie: Bare feet
Steve: Neither of those protect you from standing on lego, which for the record, I reckon has to be a pain worse than chilbirth.
Katie:  Seriously? You’re going there?
Steve: Ok, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration but it still hurts like hell.
13: Favorite board game?
Katie: Monopoly. Its funny to watch Emmy and Jamie getting really agitated and annoyed. The younger 3 don’t really get it, Rori just likes to help Steve by sorting all his money into piles and suggesting things he can spend it on.
Steve: Namely tutus and tap shoes...she still wants to be chorus girl.
14:Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Katie: Oh my God. Steve is a nightmare as he runs hotter than any of us, so whilst we want the fire or heat on he’s complaining he’s boiling hot all the time. Our bedroom is like an ice block.
Steve: Doll, I’ve been in an ice block. Trust me, our bedroom is like a furnace in comparison.
Katie: It si nice though, like sleeping with a big hot  water bottle.
15: At what age did you first have alcohol?
Katie: I’m sure Tony gave me beer when I was 15 or something but the first time I ever got drunk was aged 17. I went to a keg party at one of my friends and I was aboslutely shit faced. Tony held my hair back whilst i puked my guts upt for a good hour once I was home. I had the hangover to end all hangovers the next day and he cracked JARVIS up to maximum volume just to teach me a lesson.
Steve:  I think I was 18. Me and Buck drank a bottle of his dad’s home made hooch...yeah, it didn’t take me much to get me drunk back then and I was very, very illl. Ma thought I had a fever. Mr Barnes thought it was hilarious, but still gave us both a slap upside th head...
16. What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
Katie: I would say my wedding dress, but Tony bought that for me, so it would probably the the dress I wore to the  SIP Launch for The Color Of Revenge...that cost...well it was in the tens of thousands
Steve:  Blinking How much?
Katie: You don’t need to know.
17. What do you typically wear to formal events?
Steve: Whatever my gal tells me to.
Katie: And you always look great Soldier.
18. Favorite memory?
Steve: Oooh, other than when we adopted Emmy or the kids were born, I’d have to say when Katie agreed to be my wife. I’ll never forget that day as long as I live.
Katie: Me neither, not least becase I got my camero...
Steve: rolls eyes.
Katie:  Joking aside, yeah the engagement sticks in my mind but I think it was when you finally kissed me for the first time. I knew then that I was never gonna let you go.
Steve: yeah...that...ok you know what this is an impossible question after being together for so long.
19. Favorite shoes?
Katie: I have a pair of sparkly gold Jimmy Choo stilettoes that I’ve had for ages. They’re gorgeous, with ankle straps and pointed toes. I’ve had them for almost  17 years but they’re amazin.
Steve: grins. Yeah, they’re my favourite shoes too...
Katie: Pervert.
Steve: I’m not even gonna deny it. Those shoes ALWAYS stay on if I can help it.
20. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Both start to laugh hysterically.
Steve: Where do we start?
Katie: New York, Washington, Sokovia, Lagos, Leipzig, Siberia, Wakanda, Upstate and proablly a whole load of other places in between could be good places Stevie.
Steve: Yeah, this...I can’t answer this. 
21. Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
Katie: I was 7 when my parents died but taking Tony as surrogate, I reckon him catching us in the kitchen when we were...you know, and he didn’t actually know about us has got to be up there.
Steve: Yeah, that was pretty bad... although my Ma once caught me and Bucky measuring our... looks down.
Katie: splutters What? You never told me this?
Steve: Well its not exactly somethign that crops up in conersation sweethheart? “Oh by the way, once when we were 16 me and Buck compared sizes...” Katie: Blinks. Boys are strange. So who had the biggest...
Steve: Next question...
22. Last time you had an orgasm?
Both grin.
Steve: Last night 
Katie: I can confrim this...there’s not many nights to be fair where we don’t...
23: Celebrity Crushes?
Katie: grins. Does Bucky Barnes count?
Steve: Fuck you.
24: Makeup or natural?
Katie: Normally I just wear a bit of tinted moisturiser and mascara, now I have the kids anyway. I don’t have time to really do my face in a morning. I’ll make the effort when we go out though...
Steve: You don’t need it honey.
Katie: Awww thanks baby.
Steve: Although that red lipstick you wear, the bright red..yeah...I like that... grins wickedly and winks It smears well...
Katie flushes: dirt bag
25. Favorite season?
Katie: Summer. Growing up in Malibu I like the sun and warmth.
Steve: Fall. It’s an artists dream...the colours and textures are amazing to work with
Katie: Fall is rubbish. Everything dies and it’s a bit shit.
Steve: But you make apple pie and get to snuggle in my sweaters.
Katie: literally the only 2 things good about it. 
26. Are you a competitive person?
Katie snorts and looks at Steve
Steve: I’m not even going to deny it. 
Katie: He even refuses to let the kids win a games sometimes.
Steve: Important life lessons, Doll. 
27. First pet you’ve ever owned?
Katie: My goldfish Flounder, the one that Tony replaced about 8 times. Other than that it was my Turkey Marv, he was ace.
Steve: I didn’t have any growing up so mine would be Lucky. He was a great dog. 
28. Favorite pasta dish?
Steve: Mac and Cheese, specifically Katie’s. It’s amazing.
Katie smiling: Yeah  I like Mac and Cheese, but I also enjoy carbonara.
29. Favorite kind of pizza?
Both: Pepperoni.
Steve: New York Style.
Katie: I like Deepdish every now and then.
Steve: It’s not the same...
Katie: well dur, that’s the point.
Steve: Yeah, not convinced. 
30. Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
Katie: Handful of close friends, without a doubt. They become an extension of your family, you know. All of us in the Avengers were close and when you have that bond, you’ll do anything for one another.
Steve: Agree completely. When you’re close like we all are then it makes everything that little bit easier, knowing that whatever you’re facing you’ve got each others 6.
31: Something that ruins your appetite?
Katie: Narrows eyes Whenver I see Ross on Tv. Makes me want to puke.
Steve: You really should let that go you know?
Katie: Never. I hold a grudge very well.
Steve: Don’t I know it.
32. Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
Steve: I’ve never been one for big nights out. I enjoy the odd one now and then but, I’d much rather curl up on the sofa or round the firepit with Katie or Sam or Bucky with a beer and some decent talk.
Katie: Yeah, at one time I would have said night out hands down, but certianly since having the kids, or even since we started dating, it’s definately change my ideas a little. Some of the nicest nights we’ve had have been spent on the sofa.
Steve grins: yeah...
Katie: And not just because of that....
33. Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
Steve: I’ve only ever told one girl I loved them and she’s sat right here, and I said it first that night...
Katie: smiling Yeah, yeah you did. I wasn’t far behind though, like 3 seconds or something.
34. Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Katie: Does a one night stand count as a first date? Because if so then yes...
Steve: Same.
Katie: Lottie?
Steve: Storm?
Both look at one another,  teasingly.
Katie: Ok next question...
35. Heroes or villains?
Steve: Some people might say there’s a fine line between the two. Katie: Oh here he goes, getting all Captain Philosophical again...look, everyone knows we were suposedly the heroes Steve, and to be fair we saved the world a fair few times, we were even fighting in the shadows during the Nomad years.
Steve: I know, I know...
36. How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
Steve: You know I’ve never actually counted.
Katie: You did 20 at the last brunch we went to.
Steve: 20...that’s...impressive.
Katie: smirking Bucky did 22
Steve: sighs Of course he did...
37: Favorite dessert?
Steve: Apple pie, preferably Katie’s
Katie: Pecan pie. Hands down. 
38 Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
Steve: Ooh, that’s..i suppose it depends. I do like a good TV series, especially if we can curl up and binge watch once the kids are going to bed but I do have fond memories of us working through the films on my list...
Katie: smiling, yeah we had a lot of fun. Still
39. What’s your favorite compliment to give?
Steve: I love telling Katie how beautiful she is, and what a wonderful mother she is...all of which is true.
Katie: I like to remind Steve that he’s my Steve Rogers, not Captain America...because he is. And he’s the most amazing man on the planet, with or withouth that serum coursing through his veins. Which is what makes him the best dad the kids could wish for.
40. What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
Steve: smiling,  she’s sat right next to me.
Katie: smiling , back at ya soldier.
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ladynox · 4 years
(Fic) Milestones
Fandom: Roswell New Mexico
Relationships: Malexa
Summary:  Maria, Michael and Alex have been in a v poly relationship for years. Peacefully cohabiting together. That peace is upended when Maria realizes she's pregnant.
Notes: A thousand hugs to my wonderful beta @beautifulcheat. You are the best!
Chapter 1
Alex’s house was a little small for three people, but they made it work and it was cozy.But as Maria looked at the positive pregnancy test in her hand, she knew cozy wouldn’t really cut it anymore.
“Fuck.” She was sitting on the toilet, panties around her ankles, just staring at the two little pink lines in the results window. “Fuck.”
A fucking baby.
Maria had never been sure babies were in her cards. When her mother was 28, she had already been born. At 28, Maria had only just started not-dating Michael. To be honest, with the specter of a degenerative disease hanging over her, it made more sense to focus instead on earning enough monetary success to take care of her mother, to eventually take care of her when she could no longer do it herself. And all she could do was ignore the looming certainty of her future and hope for a deep connection with someone, a love affair for the ages -- or at least for a decade or two.
In the end, it was the correct decision to stop running from her legacy, to embrace her abilities and their terrifying side effects. In doing so, Maria’s whole future opened up before her in ways she’d never imagined. And here was one of them.
“A baby,” Maria whispered, laughing softly in disbelief.
She finally moved to the sink, splashed cool water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. She grinned at herself in the reflection, eyes shimmering with tears.
“Michael’s gonna flip.”
They’d been together almost five years now, so they had talked about babies, many times. Michael especially had talked about babies. Maybe fostering some kids too. He wanted a big family. Michael had a huge heart full of love and he wanted, he needed, to share that with others. Even with Maria and Alex, his siblings and friends, that boy had just so much love to give.
Alex was more ambivalent. He managed when dealing with children but there was always an undercurrent of discomfort. The parental role didn’t come as easily to him as the one of a defender, protector. Maria privately thought that Alex worried he’d be like his father. She got it, even if she thought it was ridiculous. Maria wished Alex would talk about it. But even after so many years and all the work he had put into himself and progress he had made, Alex had a hard time talking about Jesse Manes.
But Alex had never vetoed children. He even said he’d be ok with them down the road.
Maria really hopes they’ve gone far enough down the road.
As expected, Michael was ecstatic. He picked Maria up and spun her around the room, then cupped her face in his big, strong hands and kissed her breath away. Held her tight in his arms, swaying and babbling like a baby himself. Alex actually had to swat at Michael so he could have a chance to hug Maria.
“Congratulations,” Alex said warmly, still hugging her as he leaned over to kiss Michael’s cheek.
Maria tried to read Alex. Not just his expression and aura but his mood. Since they were touching, it was easier to do. She could sense apprehension—
Sighing, Alex shifted his gaze slowly away from Michael to Maria. He was looking at her with one of those unfairly perfectly eyebrows arched and expression of patient exasperation, and she knew immediately that she’d been made.
“I mean it,” Alex said, kissing her forehead before adding firmly, “so get out of my head.”
“I’m not in your head,” Maria protested, easing herself out of his emotional space.
She glanced at Michael who seemed close to vibrating, from a combination of excitement over the news and worry over Alex’s feelings on said news. She and Michael had spoken privately about Alex’s ambivalence toward children. Michael, as always, worried too much. Worried that the child he wanted so much would ruin the peace they’ve built here. Alex had left Michael so many times that no matter how many assurances he had since provided (rings, holding hands in public, actual verbal promises), Michael still worried that he’d do something wrong. That Alex will leave. That they both will leave him.
Maria grabbed Michael’s free hand, tangling their fingers together. Alex was holding the other one.
“This is a big change,” Maria pushed.
“Yeah, we’re going to need a bigger house for one.” Alex smiled and Maria laughed.
“You’re right but—”
“It’s ok. I’m happy and excited, Maria. Michael.” Alex looked at Michael now, understanding that Michael was the one that really needed to be reassured.
“It’s not too soon?” Michael asked.
“No.” Alex shook his head. Michael arched an eyebrow. “Ok, I dunno. Maybe? But I don’t think there’s ever going to be a moment where I’m one hundred percent ready.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I’m ready either,” Michael offered.
“Yeah no shit,” Alex joked but Michael glared at him.
“Alex,” Maria groaned, rubbing Michael’s arm with her free hand. When would they stop with the defensive humor in emotionally heavy situations? Not in her lifetime.
“Ok I’m sorry,” Alex sighed, kissing Michael’s knuckles. “It’s scary. But I’m really ok with it.” He smiled little against Michael’s hand. “I can’t wait to be the cool uncle to your little psychic curly haired terror.”
Michael pulled Alex closer, holding him so, so tightly. Kissed his hair. Maria could see the way Michael’s aura shifted as he slowly relaxed. This was just the first conversation, Maria knew. There would need to be more. Many more.
“They won’t be a terror,” Michael protested.
Alex snorted. “No child of yours will be anything but.”
Alex kissed the pout off Michael’s face.
She could sense the nervousness from him immediately. But also excitement?
It was Michael who made the suggestion, one night after coming home from working late and finding Alex and Maria sitting on the couch, scrolling through the home listings on Zillow. Michael had settled on Maria’s side, put his arm around her (two weeks in and he already couldn’t stop petting her belly).
Maria waited.
“How about a ranch?” Michael finally said, after a few minutes. “I hear the Smiths are selling.”
Alex and Maria glanced at each other, surprised. This wasn’t the first time Michael has mentioned wanting to live on a ranch, however. He talked wistfully often enough about working as a ranch hand. About horses and cattle. Helping mares ready to foal and milking cows. Giving riding lessons. Growing their own food. Being completely self-sufficient.
He started a vegetable garden in the backyard three years ago, which he lovingly maintained (and used the vegetables to create new and interesting dishes for Maria and Alex), and he’d been reading about beekeeping. The only reason there wasn’t a hive out back already was because Alex had vetoed the idea. Maria had agreed because there just was not enough space. She wanted to sunbathe without a colony buzzing next to her.
So yeah, the fact that he wanted a ranch wasn’t the surprise. It was more that ranches weren’t exactly cheap.
Of the three of them, Michael earned the least, which obviously stressed him out. He clearly hated feeling like he wasn’t contributing his fair share. They used to talk (fight) about it a lot, although that had lessened now that they had five years to figure out a system that worked for them, for Michael. But still, all the things Michael did around the house felt at least partially transactional in nature.
“A ranch?” Alex asked, opening up a new tab for the ranch listings. A moment later he was looking at the details for the Smith property.
“It’s not too big,” Michael said. Alex hummed in agreement. “Lots of room for kids to run around. And there’s room to have a garden, maybe some horses, apiary, and even a recording studio for Alex.”
Alex hadn’t re-upped the second time he was eligible for discharge. Instead, after years of performing his songs at open mic night at The Pony, Alex had decided to pursue his dream. By then he had already formed a decent following on YouTube. Maria remembered Alex standing in this very same living room, explaining to her and Michael his plan. Nervous, resolute in his decision, and excited, too, because there were music companies interested in his lyrics. Michael had kissed Alex so hard after yelling out finally!
Maria shook off the memory, smiling. “Do I get anything out of this?” She asked. “You best not say the kitchen—”
Michael kissed her. “Pfft. The kitchen is mine. Ya’ll are both terrible cooks.”
Taking offense to that, Maria grabbed a decorative pillow and hit him. It was a weird angle, so it barely grazed him. He laughed and said, not as apologetically as Maria would like “Ok. Ok! Alex is a terrible cook. You’re passable.”
“You’re just going to sit there and take this abuse?” Maria demanded of Alex, who was still doing research on the Smith ranch, looking at acreage information and checking the place out on Google Earth.
“Nothing he’s said is wrong,” Alex replied.
“Thank you, Alex!”
“Traitor!” Maria accused him, hotly.
Alex shrugged. “And you can finally have a real office, Maria. Even a whole room for all your damn shoes.”
“What is this pick on Maria night?” Maria could feel Michael laughing against her, but the tension psychically radiating off him had not eased. She didn’t want to ignore the elephant in the room for too long.
“I love this idea,” Maria said.
“Me too,” Alex said carefully, glancing at them.
“Ranches are expensive,” she finally said.
Michael sighed but he hadn’t let her go. Ok good.
“Yeah they are…” He agreed. “And I know I can’t contribute as much as I’d like towards the down payment. But I want to give this kid everything y’know?”
Maria squeezed his knee. Alex put his laptop down and shifted closer to them, resting his hand on Michael’s shoulder. Maria was bracketed between them and, not for the first time, she felt like the three of them could do anything, as long as they were together.
Michael took a deep breath, exhaled and continued. “I’m also hoping I can make up the difference in labor—”
“Michael, you’re not our servant.” Alex frowned.
“I know. You’ve said,” Michael replied, dryly. “And that’s not what I mean. I mean like managing the ranch. Like we can rent stable space or horses, and I can give riding lessons. We can get chickens. I can increase the size of the garden and with the apiary too, I can set up a little stand. Sell vegetables, eggs and honey on the weekends. And I’ll still have my day job at Sanders’. I know I wouldn’t be contributing nearly enough for a while even after that but—”
“I’m down,” Maria interrupted. Michael had been speaking so fast, close to tripping over his own words, in an attempt to get it all out as fast as possible.
As if they could ever say no.
“Same.” Alex was looking at Michael so fondly. Maria twisted so she could get a look at Michael’s face. He looked stunned, almost disbelieving.
“Good,” Maria said to Alex. “’Cause I want a steady supply of fresh eggs.”
“I just want to be able to walk around the house without tripping over one of your boots,” Alex replied.
“Dick.” Maria shoved him hard with her foot. “Giving me shit about my shoes. How many guitars do you need Alex? You only have two hands.”
Alex opened his mouth to protest, but Maria cut him off. “And don’t you dare bring Michael into this. He only ever uses the one. You have three more. This is before we even take the keyboards into account!” Michael’s face was pressed into her shoulder now, but both Alex and Maria continued bickering instead of making a big deal of the fact that Michael was clearly crying.
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
Dear Aomi Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"I've seen you in a dream before, you are the warm and bright presence that embraced me on Cape Kamui a long time ago on a June afternoon."
Shinohara (Y/N) is a normal girl who had everything she could ask for, a loving family, a beautiful home, friends, and a fluffy cat. For a long time, she gave her life and happiness for granted, never imagining that she'll face one of the worst and crueler facades of society so closely, destroying what once was a happy, harmonious and normal family. One day, in hopes to recover what they lost, the Shinohara family took one of the more difficult decisions of their lives; leave behind their home back in Hokkaido and travel hundreds of miles south until Musutafu, the place that could grant them a solution and help close the yet fresh wound and scare away the ghosts of the past. Hardheaded, passionate, and ambitious (Y/N) is forced to confront the incarnated face of the superhuman society that she hated the most; Bakugou Katsuki.
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Dark Themes, My poor attempt of humor, Strong language (Courtesy of Lord Explosion Murder 💥), Manga Spoilers, LONG ass chapter.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: School is a Great Place to Make Enemies
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2-My Stupid Classmate, the Angry Dandelion
Running steps along tired panting could be heard through the empty streets. Both teens were now a good distance from school but adrenaline pushed them to keep going a little more. But once the necessity of breathing started to kick in, both decided that a break would be more than appreciated. They came to a halt at the entrance of a tunnel and concentrated now on catching their breath, once he was recovered enough to talk, Midoriya, timidly made the first comment. “Shi-Shi-Shinohara-san…!” (Y/N), getting one last intake through her nose, landed her eyes on Midoriya who whimpered nervously hardly believing that now he had officially talked to a girl who wasn’t his mom. “Huh? What is it?”
The poor boy, unsure of what to do and terribly flustered, tried to rearrange his thoughts while covering his reddened face with his arms.
“W-Why you di-did that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Confront Kacchan, de-defend me I mean” Midoriya almost whispered.
“And why shouldn’t I? You were being a victim of injustice so I stepped in, that’s how it works, if you see someone in trouble, you help them, that’s the correct thing to do isn’t it?”
Midoriya watched amazed at (Y/N) while she sweetly smiled at him, touched by her words.
“W-Well I guess b-but... you-you don’t think I’m a loser cause I’m quirkless?! A-Aren’t you going to avoid me like everybody else does? Make fun of me like the rest of the class?!”
“To be honest Midoriya, ‘til this moment you haven’t give me a single reason to do any of that, actually, you look like a nice guy.” Midoriya’s blood pressure was sky high at this point, a pretty girl faced no other than Bakugou fucking Katsuki for his sake twice in the timespan of eight hours, talked to him kindly and also complimented him? All in the same day?!
‘This is so crazy!’
“Midoriya?” (Y/N)’s voice interrupted his accelerated thoughts. “Y-Yes?!”
“Are you ok? I mean, Bakugou blasted your desk at the beginning of the class- oh by the way! What was that notebook you had earlier? ‘Hero notes for the future’ was it? I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him from burning it, but at least it didn’t end at a koi pond or something.” (Y/N) said with a closed-eye smile.
“I-It’s ‘He-Hero Analysis for the Fu-Fu-Future’ actually, b-but you g-got it close! H-Hero notes is ok! I-I mean if you want to call it that way! But you can call it whatever you like! If you want to put it a specific name it is, if not, it is ok! Oh my God...! This is kind of overwhelming, we just jumped from a third floor but we are safe and sound! I can’t believe you actually confronted Kacchan, b-but what if now he starts targeting you?! It would be all my fault! I’M SO SORRY SHINOHARA-SAN!! But unlike me, you could rely on your quirk to defend yourself, but after what happened today, he will try to take revenge for sure…! And my situation with him could get even worst, especially after what happened today! But even though…*mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter…*”
Midoriya kept blabbering and blabbering endlessly and (Y/N) just could sweat drop and observe him with eyes wide as saucers. ‘He definitely has no friends, huh? Even if it sounds mean, it was expected.’ (Y/N) took a deep breath and smiling at the awkward greenettte she decided to stop Midoriya’s creepy monologue before it got even longer.
“Midoriya…” She rose her hand and softly karate chopped the top of his fluffy head. “…snap out of it!” (Y/N) said while smiling at the now deeply flushed boy.
“I-I’m so sorry!” The poor boy said while aggressively bowing his head at a inhuman speed.
“Haha! No problem! You really are funny Midoriya! But please stop that you’ll damage your neck.”
“F-Funny?! M-Me?!”
“Yup! By the way, who’s Kacchan?”
“O-Oh, w-well Kacchan is actually Bakugou’s nickname, everybody used to call him like that when we were kids, I guess it just got stuck with me. His actual full name is Bakugou Katsuki.”
“Oh my God! You actually call him that all the time?! Hahaha! That’s sooo cute! I’ll tease him tomorrow with that for sure!”
“W-What?! No! Please Shinohara-san you’re already on Kacchan’s bad side! Don’t get in more trouble because of me!”
“I’m not afraid of Bakugou, Midoriya. As you said I can rely on my quirk for self-defense, and besides, if that asshole is that dead serious about getting into U.A he’ll try to keep his record as clean as possible. He’s nothing more than a bully who was lucky enough to get a strong quirk.” A serious and confident look was settled on (Y/N)���s eyes, Midoriya, despite being surprised by her courage, remained a bit doubtful. After suffering years and years of mental and physical abuse by Bakugou, he was unsure if it was a good idea for Shinohara to keep on irking the already irritable blond. But at the end, she had something he never will, a power of her own and self-confidence. Maybe he could try to rub on a bit of the last one.
“Oh, damn it! Our shoes still at school! I guess my plan wasn’t bulletproof after all…” Midoriya lowered his view to his shoes finding out that indeed, (Y/N) was right, a pair of white uwabaki* were covering his feet instead of his signature red shoes.
“Oh no! I forgot my bike too! My parents are going to kill me!” (Y/N) said desperately pulling her (Y/N) locks. “Crap I need to go back to school!” (Y/N) tried to put her head together with a plan to sneak into school and avoid bumping into Bakugou to avoid more trouble. ‘He probably left already, but I can’t take the risk anyway.’
“I-I’m sorry that you are having to get in all this trouble because of me, I’m sorry Shinohara-san” (Y/N) saw Midoriya’s sad expression, and a little pang of guilt passed through her. ‘I guess I have to be careful of what I say in front of him, he seems kind of sensitive and self-conscious, I’ll have it on account the next time.’
“Come on Midoriya! You take everything too seriously! And don’t forget that I was the one who decided to step up and give you a helping hand, so don’t overwhelm yourself with the simplest things! It was my mistake so I’ll solve it! As simple as that! (Y/N) said while she padded Midoriya’s back animatedly.
“Well! I guess this is when we part ways Midoriya! See yaaa!~” Just like that the lively (H/C)-ette ran her way to Aldera meanwhile Midoriya contemplated her get lost on the horizon. ‘That was so insane…! I don’t think this day could get more nuts…!’
“Goddamnit! My-my lungs are on fire! If it wasn’t for my regular workout routine, I would have passed out ages ago!” After a couple of minutes, the school came into view again, wheezing and with a tremendous thirst. (Y/N) finally arrived at her destiny. Once she recovered her breath, she started looking for some trace of Gru, Kevin and Bob at the school entrance. Once she verified that the coast was clear, (Y/N) proceeded to jog at the main entrance, where the shoe lockers were located. Thankfully nobody was there at the moment, the only remaining students at the school were the members of the clubs. After finding her locker, she quickly changed her shoes. ‘Perfect! Now to the bike parking we go! If I’m not wrong is at the back of the school’
Stealthy and cautiously, (Y/N) made her way to the bike parking only bumping twice with other students that fortunately weren’t the explosive blonde. Just a few minutes later she could already devise her goal at just a couple of feet away from her, fortunately they weren’t a lot of bikes there like in the morning so find it was easier than expected.
“If I’m not wrong, I put it in the third row to the left, so, in theory it should be right-AHA! There you are!” Right in front of her eyes, was a brand new, vintage style (F/C) bike. It was a gift that (Y/N) received from her parents after they moved to Musutafu, she has been dying to have one of those since the last summer, so it wasn’t an overstatement to say that she almost had a heart attack when she saw it parked with a big (F/C) bow on it at her new house’s driveway after they arrived.
Without wasting more time, she placed her bag on the front basket, unlocked the cable lock and got on the bike. Watching her surroundings one last time to make sure it was safe to go, she pedaled the bike with all her might until she was a fair distance from the school, again.
“That was a close one! I’m glad I didn’t bump into that stupid dandelion!” ‘Although I was honest when I said to Midoriya I wasn’t afraid of him, it doesn’t mean I want to start another argument with him, it would be the third of the day, been his classmate is exhausting enough.’ Thanks to the hectic events occurred no even an hour ago (Y/N) could appreciate better the beautiful view surrounding her, the soft spring breeze swayed the cherry blossoms making them rain over the sidewalk and the heads of the distracted passerby that walked under them. This was a really crazy day full of surprises, some more pleasant than others but having such a calming landscape was really comforting. ‘Maybe this city is not so bad after all’
(Y/N) train of though was abruptly disturbed by a strong explosion that resonated in the distance. “A villain attack? It looks like it is happening in the center-” “Indeed-nya, young lady, in the Commercial District to be more specific-nya” (Y/N) turned her head to find the origin of the voice that answered her inquiry to be found with an elderly woman with cat ears and tail accompanied by who seem to be her daughter. “How do you know it?” (Y/N) asked intrigued. “We just were evacuated from there by the heroes-nya” the younger woman said. “We happened to be shopping there when a villain took a middle schooler hostage-nya and stared to cause havoc in the place, explosions, stores on fire, people running everywhere, it was crazy-nya! We were fortunate enough to escape as soon as it started-nya!”
“Oh God!  A middle schooler?! That sounds awful! I hope the heroes can stop it soon, you really were lucky.” After share a couple more words they went on their separate ways. “Oh man! I was supposed to pass there to buy some stuff for dinner, I guess I’ll have to go to a konbini, I know mom will understand. Now the actual question is how I’m supposed to go home without going through the city centre that must be closed right now?” (Y/N) sighed resigned now that she had no choice. “The long way it is then I guess.”
One hour. That was what took (Y/N) to reach her neighborhood, and she still need to go to the konbini before going home. “Thanks God I have the bike, otherwise I don’t want to imagine how long it would have taken to get here with the train station closed right now. I really need a bath~ I want to get into the ofuro* and never get out…” ‘Now that I think about it the konbini should be on this street- Oh! There it is!’ Just In cue with her thoughts the lights of the store made their appearance on the way, lighting the sidewalk in front of it. Quickly, (Y/N) rode her bike to the main entrance and locked it on the little bike parking close to the automated door. After entering, (Y/N) took a shopping basket and was welcomed by the attendant at the cash register. ‘This place is quite large, maybe I can find all I need, ok, so the list say I need carrots, chicken breast, milk, pork cutlet and eggs, it’s not too much’ “Alright let’s get over with this so I can go home!” (Y/N) nimbly navigated through the store to get everything she needed to, along with some snacks and a bottle of Ramune soda to drink during the way home. After she got everything she needed (Y/N) made a beeline to the cash register to pay and leave. She gave her basket to the cashier who proceeded to scan the products, meanwhile (Y/N) busied herself looking other costumers entering and leaving on the convex mirror close to the door; an elderly man, two girls around the same age as her, a kid, Bakugou, another kid…wait-
“Danm old hag running out of soy sauce at this fucking hour…” (Y/N) could hear him grumbling as he entered the store, sweating bullets at this point she mentally implore the cashier to hurry the hell up so she could leave before he noticed her presence. ‘Why did I have to grab so many snacks?!’
Unfortunately, the luck that seemed to stick to her the whole day decided to run away before she could do it first, because just in that moment Bakugou decided to take a detour to the manga display section that happened to be right at the side of the cash register. To put the cherry on the top, the Ramune bottle decided to rebel at that moment and refused to be scanned after the third failed try. “Oh, the code seems to be a bit blurred, let me bring another one to scan it” said the cashier. Before (Y/N) could oppose and just leave without the drink, the cashier girl disappeared at the back of the store where the cold drinks were.
‘Please, don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t notice me don’t-’
“The fuck are you doing here thief bitch?” Bakugou sneered
“Oh, I don’t know, if we look at the evidence presented here, I’m standing at a convenience store’s cash register with a basket full of products that I’m about to pay for, so what do you think I’m doing here genius?”
“Don’t you smart mouth me idiot” Bakugou sneered.
“Don’t ask stupid questions then”
“You! -”
“I’m back! Sorry for the delay. So, your total would be ¥2738” (Y/N) slammed 3 bills of ¥1000 over the counter, took her bags and told the girl to keep the change before exiting the store.
“Oi thief bitch! Come back here! I’m not done with you!” Bakugou left the Shonen Jump magazine he was holding and went behind (Y/N).
“Oi! I’m talking to you bitc!-”
“Can you just shut up?! I have nothing to talk with you! And stop calling me ‘thief bitch’! I have a name you tared!” Bakugou stopped on his tracks a bit shocked by her reaction, and looked at her load the bike basket with her shopping bags and angrily unlocking the cable to hop on it.  Hunching his posture and shoving his hands in his pockets he addressed her once more, this time more calmly.
 “What’s your problem with me?”
 (Y/N) stopped the bike making the rubbers screech against the ground before turning around to see Bakugou glaring at her. “I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me”
“If you mean that I completely dislike you and find you absolutely intolerable then yes, that’s my problem, well done Sherlock, can I go now?” (Y/N) turned her back to him with the intention of leave once and for all, but Bakugou had other plans. “What I said on class, what I said to Deku today, I mean it, Every. Single. Word. I’ll surpass All Might and become the strongest, richest and most powerful hero of all time, I don’t care what Deku or you do or think, I’ll crush you both.”
‘The nerve of this guy!’
A long pause took place after Bakugou’s statement, pleased with her silence the young male turned back to the konbini to buy the damn soy sauce his mother was nagging for and go home as well.
“You really are blind, aren’t you?”
“You, like everybody else thinks that being a hero is all about recognition, fame, money, influence, power, right? Just because you have a powerful quirk you think you have what it takes to be a hero? You talk about surpass All Might yada yada all that crap. How are you supposed to be a hero and even more, exceed The Symbol of Peace himself when all you are is a bully? When you do nothing more than hurt and discourage, treating everybody like trash because you think you must be worshiped like a God who the Universe itself owns its very existence? Tell me Bakugou, you think that with how you are right now, one day when you try to rescue someone, can you guarantee that someone would take your hand? Trust in you blindly? Become a Symbol? You haven’t understood why All Might is the Number One Hero in the first place, it’s not all about fighting and kick everybody’s ass to oblivion. You may have been looking up to him all your life, and you still don’t understand.”
Bakugou looked at her astonished, how dare she to look down on him?!  Of course he had all that it takes to be a hero and more! He is the Bakugou Katsuki! The next Number One Hero! Who wouldn’t want to be saved by him?! He is the best! He is a winn-
“If all you ever do is look down on people, you won’t be able to recognize your own weaknesses.”
“Weaknesses?! What fucking weakne?!-”
“Didn’t you mommy sent you to buy soy sauce? I bet she must be waiting.”
“Don’t change the damn subject!- Oi! get your ass back here!”
“You already made me waste a lifetime, and like I said, I have nothing to talk with you”
As (Y/N) got farther and farther she could hear Bakugou’s shouting being muffled by the distance.
  “Ha, serves you right, asshole.”
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Did I invested 45 minutes of my life investigating the real prices in Japan of all the products in (Y/N)’s list to make the total amount as accurate as possible? Yes, yes I did. *cough*OCD*cough*  ¥2738 are approximately $25.61.
*Uwabaki: They are a type of Japanese shoes worn indoors, at home, school or certain companies and public buildings where street shoes are prohibited. 
*Ramune: Is a type of carbonated soft drink originally created and sold in Japan. It’s original taste is lime-lemon, very similar to a Sprite but sweeter and softer, it comes in a wide variety of yummy and weird flavors like bubble gum, melon, cola, curry or teriyaki. If you have the chance to find it give it a try, the original flavor is really good and open the bottle is really fun!
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dailytomlinson · 5 years
“There were times I struggled to find my place in the band,” Louis admits today.
But it’s often the quiet ones you’ve got to look out for.
Behind the scenes he was very much centre stage: Louis was the mouthpiece, constantly fighting the boys’ corner and acting as chief negotiator between band and management.
“Being from Doncaster,” he says, “I’ve never had a problem with telling anyone ‘no’.”
“There was a while when I was worried I was getting left behind – some of the boys are on to their second album now,” he says, taking a draw onthe first of several cigarettes. “At times, I’ve been swimming against the tide, working out who I am. I was trying to find a way back into the industry, thinking of it mathematically rather than going off feeling and emotion.” 
He’s referring to collaborations with Bebe Rexha and Steve Aoki in 2016 and 2017 respectively, which, although successful, weren’t where his heart lay. With Kill My Mind – the exhilarating ’90s-inspired opening track of the album Walls – he sets his stall out with a clear departure from anything he’s done before.
Walls is about regret, reflection and ultimately, hope, and feels like Louis, who sings in his still-broad Doncaster accent, has finally found his voice.
“I’ve always wanted to be autobiographical and honest. And in the last six months the songs I’ve written and recorded are of a better standard because there’s an honesty there,” he says.
Honesty certainly characterises the album, sometimes devastatingly so. There’s no escaping the fact that Louis, 28, has faced unimaginable pain over the last few years.
“It wasn’t until after I’d written it that I realised how much vulnerability I’d put in there,” he says. “When I first performed it… I had fans coming up to me in tears telling me their stories, and that’s not something I’ve ever had before. And to do it on that level about something so delicate… It was really cool to take something so dark and make people feel like that.
“I had to get a song like that off my chest. It was difficult writing about things that felt trivial compared to what was going on in my life. There was, I think, a necessity to write that song before I could move on creatively.”
Understandably, Louis won’t talk specifically about Félicité. But when asked about how grief has shaped him both as a man and an artist, he pays tribute to Jay.
“I think it’s a credit to how my mum brought me up that I have a resilience,” he says. “There’s nothing I want less than to have people feel sorry for me, so having that mentality has helped me through the hardest of times.
"I’ve also felt a real support system through my fans. I’d always felt it on a lower level, but when it’s something so impactful and life-defining, I really did feel it from them.”
Days after Jay’s death, Louis appeared live on The X Factor to perform Just Hold On with Aoki.
He was clearly in pieces and it was hard enough just watching, but somehow he held it together, presumably thanks again to that resilience.
“Sometimes it’s fight or flight,” Louis explains. “And the way I was brought up and because of where I’m from, I only see one option in that situation. I also wanted to put myself second and do it for my mum.
"That moment was bigger than me and it was actually incredibly liberating. It used every bit of strength and power and I look back on that performance as one of the proudest moments of my career.”
He says he tends not to suppress emotion and is able to share his darkest points with those he’s closest to.
But as the eldest of Jay’s seven children (five girls and two boys), he also feels a huge weight of responsibility towards his younger siblings and hasn’t had any professional therapy himself.
“No, no, nothing like that. That might be down to a bit of Northern pride, but I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders and that drives me. I’ve got siblings who look up to me and I’ve got my grandparents as well. So all those things keep my head screwed on.
“My mum had a massive influence on me and I lived with a lot of sisters in the house, so I do find it easier to speak about my emotions. But I’m also from Doncaster, where to be a guy is to be tough and traditional and I feel like [there are] times where pride kicks in and I just say I’m all right.
"I’m lucky that I’ve got good people around me who I can trust and who I can be completely vulnerable with and say how I feel. Nine times out of 10, I don’t bottle things up. I wear my heart on my sleeve.”
They sold 20 million albums worldwide, earning over £40million each, but the pressures of fame were, at times, intolerable. Louis says they were only able to keep their heads screwed on because they had each other.
“You can never be prepared for that. It was such a head f**k. But we grounded each other so the minute one of us acted like a d**khead one of the others would say: ‘Stop being a d**khead’. I see people in this job surrounding themselves with superiority and they lose the concept of the real world.”
He remembers doing a shoot with the band for Pepsi over in the States with American footballer Drew Brees.
“This guy was like a god and we were insignificant when he was around, which we understood. But I’ve never seen anything like it. Every sentence that came out of his mouth he’d have an audience of hangers-on in hysterics.
"These people were so far up his arse and he didn’t have one good joke. He had no banter! I still hang around with my boys from Doncaster and I hear real stories all the time, which helps me understand the world that unfortunately I don’t get to see. Having empathy with people and a connection with the world is imperative for any songwriter.”
Harry Styles recently said that he never touched drugs during his time in the band (although he’s made up for that since), because he didn’t want to “mess it up”. Louis smiles as he confides that he can’t say the same.
“All I’ll say is that I did my fair share and enjoyed my time in the band. It’s right what Harry said and it was smart of him, but I definitely had a lot of fun in the band. I was always aware of how amazing the opportunity was, but also enjoying the moment for what it was. I lived like anyone else my age – the difference was that I was in One Direction.”
He’s in touch with Harry, Niall and Liam “sporadically” (we’ll come to Zayn shortly), but they’re all on very different paths for now.
“If we all went to a pub tomorrow it’d be like we’d never left. The enormity of what happened in One Direction creates a massive bond and we’ll always have that.
"There have been times when we’ve done each other’s heads in. There might be something I say in an interview that bugs Liam or vice versa, but we all know what each other is like and we can call each other up and say sorry for being a d**k. We’re like brothers.”
But that’s not necessarily the case with Zayn, who quit in 2015 and with whom Louis has had a turbulent relationship since. He was hurt when Zayn was the only one not to turn up at the X Factor studio to support him through his performance after Jay’s death, despite promising to be there.
Then there’s Zayn’s apparent repeated digs. In one interview he branded 1D’s music “generic as f**k”. There’s a difference between making a break from the past and dismissing it completely, and it’s a line Zayn perhaps hasn’t always managed to walk.
“Hmm,” agrees Louis, cautiously. “Other than maybe Niall, there is no one who is prouder of the band and the songs we created than me. But while what I did with One Direction is relevant, it doesn’t define who I am and I don’t struggle to make that dissociation.”
Does he think some of what Zayn has said has been disrespectful?
“Yeah, I do. But I can understand it. We have a lot of situations where we’re sat in interviews and if you’re in a certain mood you might run your mouth. The older you get the more you can tell if these things actually carry any malice or if they’re just a prod in the back. That’s life, innit? Sometimes people chat s**t and that’s the reality.”
He’s not ruling out resolving their differences in the future, but there’s no olive branch on the horizon.
“No, but I’ve not actively tried. We’ve all got a lot on our plates and there might be a day where I wake up and think: ‘OK, I want to right that wrong’, but not yet.”
After being in his company for a while, it’s not hard to see why Louis was 1D’s driving force backstage. He’s thoughtful, articulate, open and self-aware, but there’s a steeliness to him and the requisite pop-star swagger, which doesn’t seem to spill over into arrogance.
And that is reflected in his music, which is heavily influenced by the Arctic Monkeys, The Smiths and Oasis. In fact, the title track and latest single Walls sounds so similar to Oasis B-side and fans’ favourite Acquiesce that Louis’ manager flagged it as a potential issue.
“These kinds of things happen. There are only so many melodies you can write and if you listen to a band all the time like I do with Oasis…”
Anyway, says Louis. He had to make a choice.
“I was ready to risk it, but everyone said we should get in touch with Noel [Gallagher] so we did. Often the industry, and especially Noel’s world, can be a bit snobby and say: ‘F**k you you’re not using this song’. But he was really cool about it, signed it off no problem and although I’m sure he’s not happy about this, I f**king am, I’ve got a writing credit from Noel Gallagher on my album. That is some sick s**t so I’m buzzing.”
Is he nervous about going it alone? “I think I’ve got a good record so I’m confident. But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t little bit nervous – there’s three and half years work gone into it so there’s a level of anticipation.”
The most overwhelming emotion though, is relief.
“Because it’s taken such a long time. I’m excited to go on to the next phase of my career.”
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 152
Poor Alex, there was no way to know and changing the story would be more of a breach of the implied contract than going forward. Plus side this warning implies we'll get more info on how the biology of the infection works before RSB actually explodes. To be clear I am all for warnings, I just imagine this was one heck of an awkward position for Alex & co to find themselves in. Well one would think they wanted to get through the intros as fast as physically possible! Seriously bless em for sticking with the structure instead of saying screw it and diving right in. Must be frustrating but it really helps me get in the right space to listen. Yeah it was a bit of an altruism run. That Ben physically ill at the prospect of characters talking? Yuck it up, I was specifically promised three (3) distinct topics would be addressed including both coping mechanisms and back stories. Poor Azu. If someone doesn't hold her while she has a proper cry I will be an unhappy Magpie. Are the new kids going to be invited to the conversations that are totally for sure not going to be put off for a month? Retcon: Barnes and Carter actually fought well it. I guess they were just down to the tricky ones. Theatrical much? Cel is great, have I said that enough? Well obviously not it should be declared at least hourly: "2 o' clock and Cel is great". But right after last episode instead of backing down (and IDK implying Wilde told the new kids their pronouns), Cel is immediately introducing themself with them and emphasizing their importance. Hamid right in there with the leadership, telling the duo that the party needs to go into isolation. I know having Zolf around must have took some weight off his shoulders but the man has grown since season one or even since Prague. He didn't lose that just because he cheers up when not solely responsible for leading the party. Note there is a messy negotiation with Zolf about who is in charge coming up and it is a mark of my trust in this show that I'm not dreading it. Am curious if it will be explicit enough for the white picket fence kids to pick up on, I know I have a thing about rank but some people seem to miss that aspect entirely. OK point Zolf but even with his charisma score there has to be a better way to put it than "do that and you are responsible for infecting Jasper and the village". Wow I guess that is the case isn't it. Thank you leader!Hamid coming in again. Getting Cel the kind of updates on home Hamid was denied in quarantine is fairly low risk for great gains in Cel's comfort with the whole thing. Point of clarity: as much as I hate to admit it, once the quarantine began they couldn't really keep Hamid in the loop since Ishaq was in the care of the Harlequins. Its been implied even without simply escaping an infected person could have means of communication that work in am anti magic cell. The village however is public info. Zolf, I want that again in small words! Are we talking black death or infrastructure problems? Because a few targeted infections could take out the government but not directly kill the citizens. Cel is doing the forced cheer again. What the hell have they been through that they default to words of affirmation for gory violence? Like most characters acknowledge the gore or that it was helpful, not both. Barnes is more reserved outside of the fight. Issues? Trauma? Oh Helen spelling it out, he's my type, crap. "Emotionally unavailable pirate" is a lot of people's type TBF. No wonder I made a warding gesture on hearing Zolf's description and didn't warm up till Dover. These characters wear the red flag as a cape and I'm surprised when my heart gets broken every time. Eh Zolf came back and is doing well enough, maybe Barnes will turn out to just not be chatty vs heart rending. And Hamid in there with the initiative casting Detect Magic so they don't have to face all the risks implied with not checking over the bodies. Barnes and Carter are glowing "like a fireworks factory where things have gone wrong". Only Water Breathing on the mooks. Speaking of emotionally unavailable pirates, Zolf sounds resigned as hell. I know he's working on it but the situation would depress anyone and he's been having a time of it, what with the puzzles and all. Shutting down isn't actually coping better than being shouty just more convenient. Have I already mentioned I want someone to comfort Azu on screen so she can put herself first for once? Remember how bright she shone in Cairo? If she doesn't process soon she's going to echo Zolf's arc. Carter is trying to looking at the bright side. Thank you Ben and Alex, not only a mood lightener but one that reminds us that Zolf asks direct questions now. And Zolf just moved as clearly as possible to protect Azu after Carter lashed out in response to her. I know they have a ways to get to where Grizzop & Azu were but I think they are at least proper team mates. Maybe having Zolf on this side of the bars this time will ease anything Azu is carrying from their introduction. Cel is a delight. Did they just suggest hamster balls? I love how Alex jokes about his own set design. Ah there is Ben's Minecraft joke. I think that's what you call environmental story telling. I love the mental image of them making their entrance crashing the mine cart into the ambush, like half way between a roller-coaster and sledding. Ah its been so long Zolf can't apply his memories of mining. They are officially out! Azu and Zolf are finally breathing right. Hey Zolf broke the weather machine! Cel takes a look see. Plumes of smoke from Shoin's? Wreckage from all the storms. Zolf joins Cel and USES HIS WORDS! I am so proud of him. Like not kidding learning to proactively offer praise & comfort instead of only offering concrete assistance in reaction is a huge step. Oh Cel! Getting yourself killed fighting alone would not have been better than defending your patch. And Zolf is right there, god remember Paris? Remember Prague? Now look at him. And there is the reality check. Not as jarring as it could have been. Azu is face down on the ground near Hamid! No more putting on her game face and slogging through it! Yes, process all you need darlin, no reason to rush. Hamid checks in! Azu takes his hand and explicitly talks about how scary it was when he was missing. Hamid talks about putting on a brave face for Skraak! RQG really just said "we're giving the fandom everything they want" in an episode recorded before we had a chance to ask. Azu checks in with Hamid! Oh Hamid its ok not to be ok. Oh hat Azu! Hamid call your family 18mumble is a go! Alex I will scream if he gets another delaying tactic. Cross your fingers we might get Ishaq and Saira! Azu assures him it would OK. Timing Zolf Horses! Topaz! Barnes: right Well that's a fair reaction to a celestial camel, he doesn't even know what the T stands for. Azu hugs Topaz Thank you Alex for making judgmental celestial camel canon.  How GMs don't all go insane with power from the moment it hits they can rewrite their world on a whim is beyond me. A Shetland for Hamid, a standard sounding horse for Cel, a cart horse for Azu, and another Shetland for Zolf. Carter can't get the question out before Zolf shuts him down. He is sticking to his word to Skraak, the island belongs to the Kobolds. Hamid calls en route! Bryn remembers to roll for it! Ishaq is a great kid, such a good sign he sounds like a kid too. Yes the kids are all together in the country house! Dad is at a redacted location, thank you Alex! Mom is alright! Saira is busy and the biggest problem with Ismail is that he is now taller than Ishaq! Ismail is good at magic too. Family bonding time. Einstein is working. Emeka & Veseek are helping things. Ed is with the family. Zolf is not happy about the call. Fair Zolf but none of us are regretting that call. Eh it being a one time thing is fair. Have I mentioned I like how Hamid & Zolf bicker? Its not like with Grizzop. They assume good faith and argue about the issue not score points. Part of why I shipped them in the beginning honestly: charismatic as Hamid is he probably impressioned like a duck on the first person to care more about what he was saying than how he said it. They joke about how hard nonverbal shots are in a podcast. Yes Alex we really do respect your craft. Might have been reassuring Ben. Helen is on the audience's side as always and tells him to pay up on the promised coping mechanisms talk. And Alex makes them roll a perception check. Do not talk block. Carter has been trying to eavesdrop. Azu tells him he isn't invited and Zolf tosses something at his head. Carter slinks back off. Zolf is still not good with words but he is resisting the urge to take it back. That counts damn it! Azu: your not good at talking for someone who says we need to talk. Yes Azu, and thats what makes it special. He is willing to put himself out there and do things he is bad at for the sake of the team. I like how Helen plays Azu getting over her issues with Zolf rather than just leaping to "Hamid vouched for you so we're besties". I need a clip of this, Zolf is offering to listen and be there while respecting boundaries and citing his own experience. Helen is great, Azu jumps right into the 18 months by asking about his relationship with Poseidon. Which again makes sense, as Azu is still working on "we met after you drugged, trapped, and imprisoned me". Which I get but seriously couldn't it have been in the stew or something? Drugging a woman's drink has connotations. Azu backstory(ish) oh thank Alex her cult is still doing the good work. Zolf tells Azu this, and offers her an out? Hamid & Zolf offer reassurance. Yes Hamid specifically tells her it isn't her fault. Zolf assures her that she isn't responsible for Sasha's decisions. Cel and Carter are chatting about what they've seen on the island.  Barnes tells them to keep the volume down and does Zolf's thing of bouncing something off Carter's head when he's loud again. Hamid moves to check in with Cel. Cel calls him on it.  Hamid asks what Cel plans to do after quarantine! Thank you Bryn! Cel doesn't know, ow. Cel feels obligated to be more proactive. Hamid reassures and points out that they were able to do it as a team so its not on Cel for not acting alone. Cel what is your backstory, afraid of being the monster. Thank you, I could wrap myself in this episode like a blanket. Cel how do you know that about being friends with mercs? Hamid would do it again but wants them to have a choice. Cel: When I call you little buddy I m not referring to the size of your heart. And that was veering saccharine so Ben swoops in with the Harrison Campbell joke. Do not make me get into why Hamid might be using snobbery as a cover for continuing to care more about what people might think than what he wants. Its a cheap shot for what could equally be he's that age and still has some flaws to work through. Thank you Alex for being realistic about horse pace without turning it into a word problem. Wilde! Cel points out the inn keeper could be infected, the boys explain the system of watching one another. Zolf is not letting Wilde get cute with his team again. Wilde wants them "fully supervised" in the bath. I feared that Alex, Wilde turned himself off again. Zolf calls him on it, kinda. They skim past the bath, thank you that could have been problematic. Thank goodness they are leaving the cell door open but locking the trap door. The new kids are in quarantine with them. Fair, going to be fun, but fair.  
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
House of M au - Redone (part 2)
N/A: Let´s continue this au. I think.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @tieflingteeth @muninandhugin
The Red Guard is a conception as old as Genosha itself-which is a bit ironic as Genosha is not as older as some people seem to consider- and Raven Darkholme is one of the few people that know how old Genosha truly is. Raven Darkholme is a shapeshifter and installs the idea of never asking a shapeshifter her/his age is a taboo that shouldn´t be disclosed.
Kurt Wagner Darkholme is one of few people to know sure secret and promises to take to his grave-an inside joke among son and mother-although, right now, his mind is far too focused on recent events to care for jokes.
Passing through some of his co-workers. Kurt slams the door to his mother´s office and is a pair of golden eyes look out, somehow bored at this entrance- Kurt has the mind to use his tail to close the door- and crosses his arms as he is ready to drop the bomb. "Who is Kitty Pryde?"
Raven Darkholme couldn´t be more bored with this question if she wanted. "Hi, son! how are you, son? Me? I´m fine, thanks for asking" her tone is dry as her eyes are back to the papers. You see, the Red Guards are all about action and it´s also involved in lots of paperwork.
Kurt doesn´t look too chastised at this. "I´m talking about Juggernaut´s accident...by the way, will Marko Kurt" and he looks deadpan by the fact a criminal shares the same name as him. "will be put in maximum security?"
Now, Raven shows her teeth. Is a fitting metaphor for the fearsome leader of the Red Guard. "Actually, Marko is powerless without his magic helmet...he´ll put in the common criminal cellar, along with the other common criminals" and her smile looks more devious. "As we´d inform him how his precious helmet is being melted...no more magic helmet" and Kurt arch his eyebrows at this.
"And it is?"
"Oh, Kurt...does it really matters?"
And this debate-and any moral implication- is deemed over. Well, Kurt Wagner disagrees. "mother, please" he pleads now and is unwavering sincere. "In the Juggernaut case...a woman, a civilian as far I can tell" and Kurt is showing such suspicious on his face is almost comic. Almost. "and she faces Juggernaut on her own and even had the nerve to ask for one of my swords ..." Kurt states. Raven is bored again.
"Kurt, if I were to give a fuck to every lady you meet that do anything to jump into your bed...I would be like this" and her face twist to an old crone with white hair and bad teeth. Kurt is not amused. "So, I do not see the big picture only you see"
"She stands Juggernaut...how many people can do that and be still alive?" and Kurt grins as Raven is no longer bored. "My point is, what if she´s from the Project X?" and now Raven is giving him her sole attention.
"Kurt, we dismantled that program way before you were even born. Way before Rogue was even born..." Raven commence. "Logan James Howlett is one of the last candidates...and he´s spending his life as a rich playboy...if, and I want to be clear here on the if, IF this woman is from the project X...why she would content herself in being a history teacher?" and Raven feels she struck a nerve on Kurt.
"Look, I´d not know. OK? Logan is a special case on its own. Maybe she wanted to have some normalcy...my point is: I need your permission to access the big data. I need to know more about this woman, if she´s part of the program X...we need to know...what if she gets some power up? Laura suffered that and if we´re not there...things would have turned grimly for everyone" Kurt concludes somewhat smugly. His reason has some base.
Raven rests her face on the palms of her hands. "Denial!" and it shocks her son´s to the very core. "I´ll not authorize privacy invasion for a flimsy excuse, yes, she may be from the program X, but, let´s be honest...there like 1% or less of a chance of being true...son, hear me out" now Raven is pleading. As a mother. Never as a leader. "the program was closed years ago. This Kitty Pryde is not from the Program X...but, if you feel there´s something wrong about her...you don´t need to use our data" she stops and looks at her only son.
"You´re Kurt Wagner" she starts in a sing-song tone. And Kurt starts to use the name Mom as a warning. "The heartthrob of Genosha...what lady would refuse such the Amazing Nightcrawler!" and she has a wide grin on her face and Kurt is completely bemused.
"Thanks, that´s useless"
"Anytime, son"
The Sunshine School is not one of the elite- even if the name gives this impression- and it includes many professionals that are doing their best for the future generation of Genosha. There´re a majority of mutant teachers- a rule Magneto created in his first year and is hard to ignore it- however, there´re some humans working in the school as well.
Right now, Jono Starmore is teaching the kids about telepathy. Of course, as the man is mute. His entire class is in silence- if one is to look from outside, it sure paints an odd picture- as the teaching carries on.
Jubilation Lee is watching the class- Telepathy 101- from afar and is not thinking the scene is too strange. She watches as Jono being still and showing little changes in his expression and makes the mistake of making a soft sigh. A mistake the other teachers caught on pretty quick.
"Oh, someone is in love!" Bobby teased. And Monet-who is doing her nails- didn´t need to look up to Jubilation or Bobby to see what´s the image is being folded. "Jubilee is so obvious. Too obvious...is pathetic and adorable at the same time" and Jubilee remembers she promised to the principal she wouldn´t kill Monet- she made a promise and she is trying to uphold. She´s trying- even if the temptation is strong.
"I´m not sure what you guys are talking about...I´m just happy we have a telepath that has some morals....unlike your old buddy, Emma...how is she, Monet?" Jubilee hissed as Monet looks unimpressed.
"Still being the White Bitch we know. We love and we hate" Monet summarizes the situation in one line. "And you? Done pinning over a silent boy?"
Kitty pipes in. Her coffee is not that great, but, will keep her awake until she has time to take a nice nap. "Hey, leave her alone. If she has a crush" Jubilee vehemently denies even if she´s blushing. "let her deal with that. Teasing will not help our dear friend who is crushing someone"
"Et Tu, Kitty?"
And there´s an easy feeling among them. Bad coffee is more agreeable if you have a good company. It even helps to forget problems in the past.
Jubilee changes the subject quickly. "So, Kitty...how was facing Juggernaut?" and people forget about Jubilee´s crush-for now- as they bomb Kitty with questions.
"Uhm...it was ok...I meet Nightcrawler...also I saw Rogue punching Juggernaut"
"Rogue?! She´s the coolest!" they all agreed. _______________________________________________________________________________________
"I mean, you saw Rogue!" Bobby is walking with Kitty as they´re responsible to clean the small festival their class made. Bobby is almost jumping like a little boy who got a present way earlier. "How is she?" and Kitty almost laughs.
"No one going to ask if I´m alright?" inquires poorly faking being angry. Kitty is not a great actress.
"Are you Kitty Pryde, right?" is all Bobby can respond. They pick the trash-the students abused in ribbons and glitter for their small festival- and are moving outside to throw away in the correct garbage can. "I can totally believe you punch God in the face...you and Monet have that bitch energy"
"I´ll not take offended because I know you and Monet. So, instead, I´ll say ...thank you"
"But aside seeing Rogue in all her awesomeness. You meet Nightcrawler...is he as handsome as the photos promise?" only Bobby to make this question. No, actually, many people would make this question.
Kitty mulls for a minute. Oh, many ladies would say how handsome he is. Kitty? She has to think about it. "He has golden eyes..."
"Man...you see Rogue and Nightcrawler and didn´t get an autograph?"
"Nah...Rogue was too busy and Nightcrawler was working...plus, my students record the whole exchange" Kitty promises to show the videos if Bobby truly wants to see. Kitty didn´t even need to ask. However, as they´re about to return to the school. Something happens. Rather...someone happens.
"KATYA!" his Russian voice is too familiar to Kitty and it can´t be no one else but Piotr Rasputin. "Are you cheating me with this man?" and Bobby is really confused.
"I´m gay buddy, and even if I wasn´t...she doesn´t seem to want to see you" and this was the wrong thing to say as Piotr is furious and is marching like a bull without thinking twice.
Bobby´s ice is strong, sadly, for once...Piotr´s stubbornness is beyond any logic and the ice is the first victim. Kitty touches Bobby making him and her unchangeable. And she quickly phases him down as Piotr is not thinking clearly.
"So...that´s your ex?"
"That´s my biggest mistake!"
___________________________________________________________________________________________ Kurt is more than aware of his effects on women. He´s acutely aware how some ladies do eye him different-his big sister often jokes she can go anywhere with him without a lady trying to flirt with him- accordingly, follow his mother´s suggestion wouldn´t be an impossible choice, however, Kurt is trying not to be a manslut-there´re limits he needs to respect and he needs and wants the ladies to respect his own limits- Kurt wants to know more about this history teacher.
Arriving in her school wouldn´t be too stalkerish-Oh, he sure hopes not- as he wants to inform her about the Juggernaut's case-nothing fair in this scenario and certainly not problematic on his part- as soon Kurt arrives in the school...he sees a man cover in metal slamming his fist on the ground shouting the word "Katya" like a lunatic.
And Kurt has to rescue whoever this Katya is. Fighting a man with metal skin is a tricky situation- Rogue would punch his face and be done. Oh, how he sometimes envy her super-strength- But thanks to his swords and his teleportations prowess. The lunatic was defeated.
And a woman phased in with another man. Kitty Pryde looks at the unconscious Piotr Rasputin and back to Kurt. "He´s not dead...he´s drowsy...is he your husband?" Kurt asked not sure what to ask. He saw this behavior with abusive husbands in the past.
Kitty frowns. "No, thank god...what will happen with him?"
Kurt looks at her. She looks shaken-rightfully so- and at the same time, her eyes hold a fury-direct to Piotr. Not Kurt, an important detail to notice- and then looks at her companion. "If you press charge...he´ll be arrested and won´t be able to hurt you or anyone else ever again"
Kitty is looking at Bobby as if asking his opinion. "That lunatic almost killed us...yes, let´s press charge..."
Kitty looks ashamed. "I should have press charges way back" she mutters and looks way different from the first time Kurt saw it- Kurt won´t lie and say he has any sympathize for Piotr- "I´ll press charges as well" _____________________________________________________________________________________
Queen Wanda is not exactly happy to know her sons- her precious boys- were almost kidnapped and it was thanks to the wannabe kidnapper´s stupidity that this grim scenario didn´t happen. In fact, she´s happy it wasn't her kids or even an innocent kid.
However, she´s the Queen. And a Queen shouldn´t let this incident goes by without taking some action. So, Pietro and Lorna are discussing what could lead Juggernaut, of all people, to try to kidnap the princes of Genosha.
"Juggernaut is strong and dumb...so, he wouldn´t come with this idea alone...or would he?" Wanda begins.
"He´s not a mutant, right? Are we sure this isn´t just a case of Mutant envy? Look, you´re really, really powerful and some humans seem to think you can give and take powers" Lorna adds to the conversation.
"Are we sure this has nothing to do with our father?" Pietro asked and Wanda sighs as she knows where this will go. Lorna and Pietro have different views in regards to Magneto.
"Pietro, the man is not even here...why he would do this with his own grandchildren?"
"Why he would try to kill his own kids?"
"Enough!" Wanda cuts them before the argument gets uglies. "Pietro, Magneto is not here...and Lorna, Magneto will forever be a bad memory for us, please, respect this"
"Look...what if Wakanda influenced Juggernaut?" Pietro pipes in and Lorna seems to take this idea.
"Yeah, Genosha and Wakanda aren´t allies nor enemies...and again, Wanda, you´re so powerful...people are bound to want some leverage against you"
Wanda frowns at such words.
"Let´s look at this way, maybe this is an isolated case...and we´ll not have to worry, but, if not...we can be ready to do whatever it can to protect Genosha and our family" Pietro promised and Wanda agrees.
"Revanche aka Kwanon is having a chat with Juggernaut...soon we´ll know what this man wanted...worry before time never helps anyone, sister" Lorna concludes softly and Wanda nods. She hopes this is an isolated case.
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jess-the-vampire · 5 years
The Demon Next Door, Chapter 2
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Things got a little easier with Tom over the course of the next few days, not to say they had become the best of friends like he and star had almost instantly, but marco felt they were making better progress then before. Though Tom didn't really try to hang out with him after school and didn't even really call him at all, he quickly made it apart of his daily school routine to sit with marco and star at lunch and even got the hang of his schedule, making it to all his classes on time. Marco had the feeling maybe Tom still was a little uneasy about hanging out with friends he didn't know fully well, or maybe he just was that unsocial he wasn't yet comfortable with it. Though he had to admit his company was quite refreshing, Tom wasn't as zany as Star, he was a little more grounded and overall it was just nice to talk to someone who at least had a little more sense to him then the bubblly blonde who got into trouble every other week. Well, that wasn't all true, Tom's appearance and occasional bad mood seemed to make people anxious around him, but still, way easier to deal with then Star. Speaking of Which.... "Marcooooo pay attention! This test is tomorrow! Usually it's me who daydreams instead of studies..."
Star was of course hanging off his bed, upside down. But marco was more then used to it by now, snapping out of his current daydreaming to get back to their study session, star continuing her whining in the background. "You thinking about jackie again? Marco you just gotta go ask her out, otherwise some other guy or girl will ask her out before you and that plan of yours is never gonna work. Plus she like, really distracts you sometimes and i need you in top shape to pass some of these classes...". "Star, i can't help you with your homework anymore or you might get in trouble again...", he said, flipping through his book, "And besides, this time it wasn't jackie, i swear...i already got my plan for her all figured out..I think, anyways don't worry about it!". Star started to sit herself on the bed properly shoving the book into her face and grumbling, "Yeah but maybe we can do a better job this time? Maybe your handwriting a little less recognizable?". Marco didn't seem to find it funny though, shooting her a look as she sighed, "Fine fine, fine fine fine....no more cheating...." She groaned even more as she flipped open the book and peered over it, if only for a little bit to look over at the smiling human, humming as he read his textbook in content. "So...what were you thinking about then? I swear i'm not trying to stall i'm just....you normally don't think about anything but jackie anymore...like i know the dance is coming up later on but still....when was the last time you and me talked about all the stains on your ceiling looking like really cute animals again?". Marco snorted, "I do think about other things then jackie! Karate, music, my classes, and for the record...I was thinking about tom.". She groaned, the thought of that boy instantly kicking her into an further annoyed state, "Really? He hasn't left you alone at school since he showed up, he's not that cool....". The way she spoke, however, made marco think she didn't entirely believe what she was saying as he closed the book he was reading and put it down, so much for studying tonight. "Well i mean, he's the new kid, so he's just a little uncomfortable these days...new surroundings and people and all that! I'm sure he's just really thankful to have someone he can kinda rely on here!". She raised an eyebrow, "You didn't do that for me...?". "Star....when you arrived you chewed on the water fountain and skipped along the halls screaming at people, you were a little different when you moved....besides, tom seems...perfectly fine...I don't mind him hanging out with me....i'm honestly not used to anyone wanting to hang out with me besides you.". But Star still didn't seem pleased, her mood around tom was the polar opposites to marco's, while Marco found him kinda pleasant, star seemed to think he was horrible, while marco was always tempted to greet, him, star always stuck up her nose and ignored him. It was quiet strange for star especially, as a rather friendly student. She had been the one to want to have tom as their friend, and marco was iffy on adding anyone into their friend group, and as soon as both met him it seemed to go entirely in reverse. Marco had asked of course, but she never answered why she didn't seem to like him. Though he had his suspicions. Star's dating life was something marco was more then used to at this point, and how she approached dating and how he approached dating were very different things. Star was more out there then marco, and planned a lot less, and was known to do the weirdest things to get boys to be interested in her. He remembered Oskar last year, before he had dropped out of school, Star had tried desperately to get his attention by any means possible, even resorting to pretending he wasn't there. Though considering how that turned out, maybe she was pushing her luck trying it again on the new kid, cause tom didn't seem to be taking the bait. Star glanced over to look at him so much, marco couldn't really help but think she probably didn't actually hate him. This was star he was talking about after all, anyone who knew her well enough knew she tended to be stubborn and do crazy things when she wanted something, this girl skipped detention one time by jumping out the window and hiding in the dumpster. Though honestly if she liked tom, marco didn't mind, tom seemed fine and maybe he would actually be a decent influence on her. Cause even as much as Marco had to drag her out of situations and try and teach her, she was still the same ole Star. "Weren't you the one saying you didn't need any other friends besides me, what happened to that?", she puffed up her cheeks and frowned, "What's so good about him anyway? He's always tagging around and he dresses weird and he doesn't seem to know what he's doing most of the time...". This made marco laugh though, "So, basically just like you huh? C'mon Star, lighten up, there's WAY worse people to be mad about, Brittney practically treats everyone like garbage.". She made a raspberry noise as marco shoved the book into her face, "C'mon, focus on studying, we can talk about this stuff later, you keep getting distracted..". Star groaned as she got up and paced around the room, heading to the window and pressing her face against it to show her annoyance.  Marco tugging at her arm to move her away as he spotted tom's house across the street, it was still rather creepy looking on the outside in comparison to the nice houses surrounding it though it looked cozy enough, even if it seemed like janna was the designer. Tom had been around for at least a few days but his house almost always seemed empty, he never saw his family really outside either. Tom entered and exited and that was it, like he was entering a whole other dimension when he close the door behind him. Marco would sometimes be outside with his little sister, or trying to wrangle star, but he never saw tom's family head out to work or anything. Then again, they could always work from home, his own dad did after all. I guess it just made the home more eerie then it already was, like a horror movie house. It'd be too weird to judge though, maybe tom's family were just horror buffs and didn't go out much? He could see it. He went back to focusing on their work, and by that he meant making star focus on their work when he heard a knock on the door, his mother entering and holding his baby sister in her arms, a package struggling to stay on her person under her arms. "Marco! Hey, i just got the mail and it seems the mailman put this in our mailbox instead of the new neighbor's, do you mind taking it over to them real quick? we're starting dinner soon and i don't want to wait much after...". Well, guess marco would be seeing tom sooner then he thought. "Alright alright, i'll be right back, but star, i swear you better be reading that book the next time i see you!", he removed the package from his mother's armpit and gave star a look before heading out of the room. Star wouldn't study, he already knew the answer, but he at least wanted to give her a fair shot. Though his bets were more on that the next time he'd see her she'd be playing with his baby sister then anything. He really hadn't even crossed the streets to tom's house before, not even to visit. He supposed he figured tom would call him to hang out or text him but he hadn't done that as of yet, so i guess this was technically his next best option. His house was more eerie the closer he got and he wondered if he should just leave the package at the door and just ring the doorbell instead.  Though he decided against it as he made it to the front porch, the package was small and light and he wondered if were a collectible or t-shirt, it seemed addressed to tom specifically though, he must have ordered it to be sent to his new address sometime back. He tapped his foot, waiting for the teen to respond to instead hear snarling behind it instead. Loud snarling, something marco would hear from a scary movie in fact, followed by a large screech. Marco backed up, and before he knew it he had lost his footing and was falling off the porch, landing on the ground with a thud. He could her shouting on the othe rend of the door and suddenly tom came through, looking shocked as he quickly helped marco up and looked him over. "Marco....you ok?". "Ah...no...sorry....i heard noises and...". Tom looked him over and was quick to respond, "Oh don't worry, that was my uh.....great grandpa....he's a little bit of a pain, not very nice to guests, so he likes to scare them off if he doesn't know them...uh...don't take it too personally!". Then he looked to the package in marco's hand before the human could ask him any more on the matter. "Oh hey, thank you! I was wondering when that would uh....be arriving, i guess it ended up in the wrong mailbox huh?". "Yeah.", marco laughed, before rubbing the back of his head and making tom worry further as he took hold of marco and made him sit down on the porch steps. "Stay here, i'll be right back with an ice pack...", marco obeyed and tom was quick to return with something nice and cold to put on his slight bruises, "Thanks tom...". Tom felt embarrassed and a little angry as well, "I'm sorry, i should've answered the door first, I didn't want you to get hurt...". "Don't worry, i'll be fine...just a little bruise...". "I guess....". Marco noticed his shift in tone and as he used the pack on his head bump, he tousled his hair, "Hey uh...star and i are having a study session at my place...we'll be having dinner soon, you could stop by if you want to....you don't have to eat with us if your family already has plans but..". Tom looked surprised by the invite, glancing over to his own house and sighing, "I....I'm not sure....but thanks....". Marco was fine though a little saddened as well, "Oh well, maybe another time if that's ok?". "You like to invite me to hang out a whole lot don't you?". "Well, it's what i kinda usually do with friends, i mean...i guess we aren't super close friends but I thought it might be nice to maybe...get to know your neighbors a bit better? Hang out and get to know echo creek? I-I'm not trying to be pushy i guess i just wanted to help and I thought maybe you wanted to-?". Tom looked surprised, turning his head, "It's ok....I guess i'm just not used to being invited to do anything, I uh...I don't wanna be a bother if you're busy though...". "No it's not THAT bad, star is way more stressful then these times then you...". "You really think so?", he sounded touched at that sentiment and marco nodded, making tom feel a bit better, "Usually people don't like me so i guess it's weird having someone care this badly about me...i'm just a new kid, like i'm sure you have other friends you could invite or hang out with...".  Wow, tom really was a downer wasn't he? Had the guy really been friendless back home? Marco knew what that was like, he practically was friendless until star popped in, the closest thing he had being his karate students and a couple of guys in his DND group. "No, truth be told i don't know a lot of people either, i'm not all that popular....actually i usually don't actually persist this hard trying to talk to the neighbor kids, i usually just ignore them....", he felt bad about it but it was true, "I guess i just thought you seemed kinda cool...no offense it's just from the outside you look a little scary....but then you were kinda really nice to me and well...i'd kinda be an ass if i let someone like brittney get her mitts on you...". "You didn't have to do that for a guy you didn't know...". "Well i'm usually the go-to guy to help new students, so I guess I felt I had to....but honestly i don't think you're that bad to have around at all in my opinion, i mean, i don't know what it's like back wherever you came from, but i don't see what the problem is...". The other boy stood up, rather quickly in fact, "Well yeah...you should head back to star....uh...thanks for delivering my package, maybe if it's a better time we can hang out or something...if you really want to...you don't have to do it because you feel bad for me...". "I do want to...if you want to be friends? You...don't have to be alone here too...". "I'll see you sometime soon marco...", he said before quickly heading inside and closing the door behind him. Marco sighed but still smiled, Tom said he wanted to still hang out sometime, that's better then nothing at the very least, it's not like he said no. He put his hands on his pockets as he headed down the stairs, looking behind him at the creepy house and biting his lips, he'd been out long enough anyways, he better get back to star and help her finish if he wanted any time to himself for tonight. What would tom even like to do? Maybe a movie night sometimes, or a game night, honestly he could probably invite him to just join at one of star's usual fun nights. Well, star might act a little weird over that but it might put tom more at ease with more company. He headed inside and sighed, though he was instantly removed from his thoughts as he saw star playing with mariposa in the living room. Yep, of course she wasn't studying and playing with his sister, just as he expected. "Star!", star was practically jumping and bouncing around the room with the small girl on her back, the little child smaling and giggling as much as star was. In the kitchen marco could smell his mother making dinner and he gave in as star just waved to him and kept running around the room, no point in trying to do much now. He feet carried him into the kitchen and his mother continued to mix the spaghetti sauce, "Thanks marco, dinner will be ready soon, call star..". "Oh don't worry, she's not that busy right now...", he leaned over and shot star a look in the living room. "They were home right? I haven't seen them leave their house almost at all so i wasn't sure". "Oh yeah, their son was there...tom, it was his package so i dropped it off.....I offered for him to come over but he said maybe another time...", angie smiled, "I'm glad to see you made a new friend, i thought you weren't interested in the new neighbors, what changed your mind?". Marco took a seat at the table, the tablewear already set up as his mom finished up dinner, "I dunno, I guess something about him made me kinda think I should just well...talk to him...". She brought the pasta over and started putting some on marco's plate, before handing him the meatballs and sauce, "Tom just seems...different I guess, he has my number so, we'll see if maybe we get to hang out sometime soon". Angie looked excited, calling out to star about dinner being ready before cleaning herself off, "Well, I was thinking about inviting his family over, a little get-together! We usually drop by their homes to meet our neighbors but they never seem to answer when we showed up to greet them....so perhaps you can invite tom and his family over.". "Well...", the boy hesitated, not because he didn't like the idea, but because he knew his parents, and how they were. If they invited the Lucitors over, good chance they would scare them with kindness alone, and boy any friendship marco may of considered with tom was done-for if his family started bringing out the baby pictures. It's not like they were bad people but the last time they invited star's parents over, his dad and River, Star's father somehow got themselves into a fight simply because River straight up thought the Diazes were trying to poison them with the 5 crate boxes worth of cookies they made for the visit. "Oooo wait, even better! I'll send them an invitation through their mailbox! We can have mariposa decorate the card and everything!", she seemed so giddy as she went to retrieve her daughter before marco could protest. There was no stopping his mom when she was excited about something like this, god, what would it be like when he started dating jackie? Would she start planning them date nights? Invite her parents over? God that thought process was not fun. Star hopped over pretty quickly, pouring the food practically on her plate and shoveling it into her mouth as marco motioned for her to eat like a normal being only for her to keep shoveling food into her cheeks. She swallowed and watched marco wrap some noodles around his fork before eating, "Heeeeyyy, marco? When are you planning to finally ask jackie out anyway? You've been staring at her every day but I don't think you've spoken to her once, like c'mon isn't your plan complete anyway?.". "W-what? Hey! Look, I told you I have an entire plan, i'm working on it, I promise i'll have asked her out way before the dance! Besides, having a plan is much better then embarrassing yourself right in front of them and them rejecting you cause you're too weird! And I don't want jackie to think i'm weird!", he was blushing in embarrassment and star was smirking hard at him, "Oooo boy you gotta snatch her up before someone else does, you know someone will.". "I can do it! I promise....I just...need, to fully figure out my plan, and no, i'm not taking your advice star....I know what you're like in relationships and asking people out, and i'm not doing it. Besides, I still got time, i'm sure she's still single....right?", star was giving him that look and he wiped his mind of those thoughts, "Anyways you watch Star, soon enough i'll have finally asked her out and you'll be eating those words!". However, right now star seemed more occupied eating dinner then anything else as marco sighed. It was going to be a long week. - The next day seemed to go by smoothly for the most part, marco checking up to make sure all his homework was as good as it could get before turning it all in. So far as a student tom seemed mostly ok, not as bad as star but not as good as marco tended to be, so it was at least reassuring to marco he didn't have to almost cheat for another one of his neighbors. He found his eyes lingering to jackie as they usually did and he could practically feel star's eyes rolling. She was supportive of his crush but no denying over time she'd grown a little sick of marco not just talking to her, she was probably never going to let it go, she mentioned it almost every single day in fact since she found out. She could go up and speak to jackie with ease but Marco? Marco could barley stand straight and look her directly in the eyes. He felt like he would melt if he ever told her how he really felt about her, he just didn't have the confidence star had. He wouldn't let that stop him though, he'd been looking forward to asking jackie out for that dance for years it seemed. Thinking about the two of them dancing usually was the reason he sometimes had a hard time paying attention in class. He probably would've dreamt off again if star didn't tap him awake and forced him to focus, later....later he could think about it some more. Sigh, sometimes he wished he had the confidence star had, or even the likability she seemed to, but that was something he'd have to work on later. Star failed her test with flying colors, as expected, and marco passed, also expected. Sigh, why does he even bother sometimes with helping her study? Star didn't seem to care that much though, her attention moreso towards the girl skating down the hall, a smirk upon her face as she nudged marco. Marco gave her a look and waved to jackie as she skated past, waving to him in return before heading out a sight, "No star, it's not a good time....i'm not set to do my first part till next week!". Star groaning in an exaggerated manner as a result of his excuses, she shoved her test into her bag and resisted the urge to shove marco up to jackie herself and make him ask her out. "What's not a good time?". Marco and Star practically jumped as Tom showed up behind them, looking timid despite his leather jacket and eyeliner. Marco quickly calming down and greeting the boy as star have tom a look and started walking off without even so much as a goodbye to marco. Ugh Star, couldn't you try to be nicer to the guy at the very least? Marco quickly drew tom's attention away from star outright ditching to sheepishly explain, "Oh it's nothing, it's just about me asking out a girl I like...you don't have to-". "You're trying to ask out a girl?". "Well, yeah, that's what I just said didn't i?". Tom shrugged sheepishly, "Sorry, uh...um...i'm not very familiar with all the students here that much..which girl are you interested in?". Marco felt incredibly embarrassed all of a sudden, was it really a good idea to tell tom something that personal? This was something he didn't even tell anyone other then star for the most part, and he knew tom only for a short amount of time. Tom sensed marco's embarrassment and sighed, before speaking in a low but noticeably frustrated voice. "Is it star?'. Marco's eyes widened and he was very quick to react to tom's guess before tom could make too many assumptions, "What? NO no no no no no, me and star are friends, nothing more. I'm....I.......". Tom looked him over and bit his lips as marco went back into silence, "Uh...you don't have to tell me I guess...sorry....I know last night I kinda dismissed you as a friend sorta and....you don't have to tell me....". He leaned against the nearest set of lockers, his mind wandering off as marco leaned against them with him. "I mean, i'd kinda give you advice...but....dating is hard for me...", marco examined his strained face, "The anger issues?". "Yeah..". "You didn't end up-?". "No, i didn't hurt anyone other then myself I guess...it um....It made me kinda rethink some things, sorta kinda wanted to stop being so angry all the time...", seems whatever happened in his previous relationships, he didn't want to talk about it. "Well, you seem to be doing better, if that's worth anything?", tom turned to look at him and nodded, trying to manage a smile, "Yeah...it is....I uh..Look, about last night....I kinda expected when I came here to be like it was back home....no one wanting to hang out with me...I really didn't think someone would-". "Give you a chance?". Tom nodded. "You were just trying to be nice and maybe I was a little pushy about it cause I wasn't used to it...I-I...", tom sighed, "Anyways, I....I...If you still wanted to be friends...I'm still open...you'll just...have to be patient with me....". Marco blinked at the boy, "What changed your mind so much?", making tom look off and pretend he was looking at something else, "My mom was really afraid when she came here that i'd just be alone and miserable in my room all day...and I guess...new place, new start....maybe a new chance for me to have an actual friend.....I can't push away any chance of well....making this move less rough on me". "I mean, a move is a good way to start a new life, you don't have to worry about whatever happened in the past, things are different here...and you might like it here more....", marco offered, "Forget about the anger issues and exs, this is your chance to be a whole new person right? I kinda think you're already off to a great start if that's ok?". Tom smiled the most her had all day, relieved he hadn't scared the only boy who thought he was actually cool and nice away with his attitude. "I'm not great at...making friends or keeping them, people usually don't wanna be around me...but...you seem...different. Sorry if that sounds weird, I'm still trying to get used to this...", he tried to let out a laugh and that seemed to make marco feel loads better, "You know, i think you're different too, usually the kids they made me show around or help or meet really never connected with me before, and never talked to me again after our first meeting...i'm kinda happy you like spending time with me....". They smiled at each other as they heard the bell ring, "Oh shoot, we gotta move!!!", marco screamed as he grabbed tom's hand as the two ran down the halls. Tom laughing behind him as he was dragged through the school. - That night marco found himself watching tv in the living room, his mom was already talking with his father about what to do for the lucitors when they came over though honestly marco wasn't sure they would come at all just because a note told them to come. He just knew that the most likely outcome was this weekend they'll have set up a whole meal and it'll end up being just for them at this rate. One of these days he'd have to tell his parents that maybe not all their neighbors were interested in being greeted with big dinners at their house. Though as he sat back and enjoyed his tv, he heard the bell ring. Knowing full he had to get up for being the closest, he convinced himself to stand up and shuffle his way over. Ugh, was it star again? No, she usually liked to sneak through the window in marco's room when it was past her curfew. So was janna, he couldn't recall the last time he'd even seen her use a door in fact. And sure enough, when marco opened the door, it wasn't star or janna, it was a tall boy with reddish hair, a leather jacket, and beautiful green eyes. Tom looked sheepish, shuffling his feet on the front steps as he failed to make eye contact with marco who had a questioning look on him, "So you uh...said I could come over sometime and I thought...if this is a bad time it's ok. I just was thinking maybe....since you offered? I just wanted some company tonight", marco smiled and allowed him entrance," Sure, just remember to call ahead next time ok? We have each other's numbers for a reason, then maybe we can plan something to do together ok?". Tom blinked at that as he walked in but didn't have much time to say anything else as his body was crushed from the hugs of the diaz couple, this was the first time they had properly met him hadn't they? And marco gave tom a weak thumbs up as tom tried to process on whether they were trying to kill him or not. "MARCO,  I DIDN'T KNOW THE NEIGHBOR BOY WAS COMING OVER!", Marco's dad quickly dropped tom and ran to the kitchen, "Ooo, wait just a second, i'll get you something, you're not allergic to anything right?". "Uh...no?". "Good!". He left as angie looked him over, complimenting how cute he was and how nice it was for marco to have a new friend. Tom looked over to marco who shrugged, but smiled at him, and tom smiled back. "Heh, your house looks cool on the inside, oh uh.....what are you watching?" Marco looked over to his tv and looked back, "It's a karate show, you wanna watch it with me? You don't have to of course but you might like it". Tom quickly joined him on the couch as angie headed back into the kitchen to help as tom was soon presented with a plate of chicken and cheese fajitas. He tried it and his mind looked as if it was blown as marco laughed, the two soon erupting into a fit of giggles as they ate and watched the show together in comfort. This was going to be the start of a nice friendship.
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newnewyorker93 · 4 years
Blueprints for a Rescue
read on ao3 here
Pepperony Week 2020 • Day 1: battle couple
Summary: Tony gives Pepper something special for their 1st wedding anniversary, and Pepper makes an important decision.
“Hey, Pep! Do you have a minute?”
Pepper looked up from where she was sitting, curled up on the living room floor with baby Morgan lying on her stomach next to her. Morgan was giggling and shrieking excitedly as she grabbed for the toy Pepper held out for her - a plush platypus, a gift from Uncle Rhodey and currently one of her favorite toys; its beak let out a very satisfying squeak! whenever she managed to squeeze it tight enough in her tiny fists. The two of them were so engrossed in their little game that Pepper hadn’t even noticed Tony entering the room but there he was now, standing next to the coffee table. He had something held behind his back, a thick roll of paper, and he was tapping it against the back of his leg while doing that shift-shuffling move with his feet that Pepper knew meant he was nervous about whatever it was he wanted to tell her.
Instead of answering his question directly, she instead addressed Morgan. “What do you think? Should we see what your silly father is up to this time?” The baby gurgled happily in response and tried to roll over, a move she hadn’t quite mastered yet, and Pepper gave her back a quick rub in acknowledgement of the attempt before looking back up at Tony with an inviting smile. “Sounds like a ‘yes’ to me.”
“Are you sure?” Tony asked, hesitating slightly. “I'd hate to interrupt tummy time.”
Pepper laughed. "Morgan's got a very full schedule today, but I think we can squeeze you in."
“Oh good. I've got something for you. A present, actually. For our anniversary.”
Pepper stopped rubbing Morgan’s back, a puzzled expression crossing her face. “It’s not our anniversary.”
“I know.”
“Our anniversary is next week.”
“I  know.”
"But you're giving me a present today?"
"A stunningly accurate summation of the situation, yes. Astute as always, pepper pot!" Tony was teasing her now, but Pepper could tell there was an undercurrent of real nervousness behind his words. His voice softened, then, as he explained, “It’s just, this is- well, is about to be- our first anniversary, and I want to get it right, and given my, shall we say, mixed track record on gifts…” He trailed off, giving Pepper a second to fill in the blank. She did a quick mental inventory of Tony’s various ‘surprises’ over the years - when he got it right, he got it really right, and when he didn’t...well when he didn’t a team of construction workers ended up getting hired to rip a hole in their wall so a 15-foot-tall stuffed bunny could be maneuvered through. So yeah, maybe his concern wasn’t entirely unwarranted, although whatever this was at least already had the advantage of fitting inside the house. Evidently enough of this thought process could be read on Pepper’s face because Tony nodded in agreement before continuing. “See, you get it. Hence, my brilliant solution! I give you your present a week early, and then I’ve got time to put together a plan B in case you don’t like this one!”
“And if I do like it?” Pepper asked, amused and touched by Tony’s mildly convoluted approach to problem solving.
“Oh, in that case I will…um, still have to find something special to give you on the day of…” Tony scratched the back of his head, a sheepish expression on his face. “I really didn’t think that part through, did I? Although In my defense, this is my first go at a wedding anniversary.”
“Hmm, fair. You’d better get used to it though,” Pepper teased. “You’re going to have a lot more of them to figure out.”
“Yeah…” A soft happy smile lit up Tony’s face, the kind that made the corners of his eyes crinkle up and he was lost for a moment, thinking about that.
“So,” Pepper eventually prompted, “do I get to actually see my pre-anniversary present?”
“Yes! Right. Of course.” Tony moved aside the few knick-knacks left out on the coffee table and unrolled the papers he’d been holding behind his back onto it, revealing a stack of technical drawings. He gestured for Pepper to scoot forward and take a look. "I made you a suit! Well, to be more precise, I designed you a suit."
Pepper examined the figure on the top page and frowned. Armor would be a generous description for whatever this was, as it looked more like a bikini that just happened to be made out of metal rather than anything meant to be in any way protective. It wasn’t until she looked up, ready to indignantly lay into Tony because what the fuck, that she caught the tell-tale mischievous twinkle in his eyes and realized what he was doing.
“Oh god, babe, you should see your face right now!” Tony crowed. “Just a little joke to break the tension,” he reassured Pepper, “I mean, come on, it’d be completely useless as armor like this, no defensive coverage at all. Although I'm sure we could find something else to use it for… Yes? No? You're smiling, Pep, I can see it!” She was smiling, biting back a laugh because it was just so Tony, getting his anxiety out by completely designing and drawing out by hand an entire prank suit of armor. “We'll file that one under maybe, then… But seriously, as much as I enjoy a bit of pin-up Pepper, this-” he pulled aside the top sheet with a dramatic flourish, unveiling a set of schematics for a suit that looked much more like his own Iron Man armor, if slightly more feminine, “-is your real present, should you choose to accept it." 
Tony sat himself down on the floor across the table from Pepper, giving her some space to study the blueprints more closely. After a few moments of forcing himself to sit perfectly still he scooped Morgan up off the rug and snuggled her up to his chest, letting his daughter’s squirming distract him from the otherwise irresistible urge to start fidgeting and drumming his fingers against his leg as he waited for Pepper’s verdict.
“This is…wow.” Pepper didn’t even know where to begin. She was awed by the sheer scope of the project, at the amount of time Tony must have put into making this for her - there were pages and pages of plans, intricate renderings of every piece of the suit from helmet to gauntlets to boots and every bit in between, all painstakingly (and gorgeously; with so much of his work done in holograms and machinery, it was easy to forget how much of an artist Tony really was) hand-drawn and neatly labeled down to the most precise measurements. “How… You drew all of this?”
Tony shrugged. “I’ve had the image in my head for years, this was just letting it all out, finally. Like an exorcism.” Pepper cocked her head at that and Tony laughed. “Ok, maybe that’s not the best metaphor, but you know what I mean. Besides, it was kind of nice to go analog again, break out the old pencil and paper. And it wasn’t all me! Morgan helped too.”
"Oh really?"
"Yep! Very helpful design critic, our daughter. Here, I'll show you." Tony flipped forward to a sheet that displayed detailed close-up and exploded views of the suit's helmet. "She really liked this part, see?" He pointed out the signs of Morgan's interest - a wrinkly spot on the corner of the page where the baby had clearly drooled on the paper, and a few smudges the exact width of her tiny fingers streaked right across the center of the main drawing. "Tried to grab your helmet right off the page!"
While Pepper fondly examined this father-daughter collaboration, Tony turned his attention to Morgan, giving the pint-sized engineer a playful bounce in his arms. “You really are your Daddy’s little girl, aren’t you?” Morgan smooshed her hand onto Tony’s face in response and he pretended to nibble at the tips of her fingers, making her (and Pepper) laugh. “You want a suit too, baby girl?”
Pepper stopped laughing at that and looked sternly at her husband. "Tony, please tell me you aren't…"
"Of course not," Tony retorted, making sure to sound appropriately scandalized at the very notion. “I told her, I said, not until you’re at least six-” he waited for Pepper to glare, right on cue, then finished with an impish grin, “-teen.”
Pepper rolled her eyes at that, but affectionately, and focused back on the schematics. “What’s this mean, here?” she asked, pointing out the title block at the corner of the page.
“Oh, that’s what I’ve been calling her, Rescue.” Tony explained. “You can change if you want something different though!” he hurriedly added. “Maybe something a bit flashier - you don’t know how tempted I was to go with Iron Maiden; a bit more my speed than yours, of course, but you’re welcome to it. Anyway, I just kept coming back to that first time I saw you suited up, remember? In the Mark 42 armor, how you saved me…” How you’ve saved me so many times, in so many ways over the years, he thought, but left unspoken. “It’ll still have all the usual defensive and attack capabilities, of course, and we can add in whatever fancy tricks and toys you want, but the primary intent is, well, rescue.”
“Did you start building it already?”
“No, I-” Tony’s eyes met Pepper’s and she could see the vulnerability there, the kind he only ever let her see. “I did this for you, Pepper, only for you, and it’s your choice. It doesn’t need to go any further than this, it can just be some art for our bedroom wall, if that’s all you want it to be. But I needed to show it to you either way. So…what do you think?"
Pepper traced her finger lightly over a little inset drawing on the last page of the blueprints. It was an image of Iron Man and Rescue flying next to each other, more of a sketch than a schematic really (although, knowing Tony, more likely than not still to scale and accurate in all technical aspects). There was probably some mundane reason for that picture to be there, maybe to show a size comparison between the suits, but all Pepper could think of as she looked at it was Tony sitting at his worktable in the garage, lovingly drawing the two of them twirling through the air together. Maybe telling Morgan about it, spinning her stories of her parents as knights in shining armor, off to save the world. She could see how much he wanted this - for her, for them - in every line, in every detail so lovingly rendered, and to her surprise she realized she really did want it too.
They’d talked so much, over the years, about the negative side of Tony and his suits - the obsession, all the ways he’d hidden away and almost lost himself in them - but that’s never been the whole story. There’s freedom there, and joy too and this...this, she understood, was Tony trying to share all that with her. It wasn’t insecurity or a distraction, it was calm and careful - and beautiful. Invention born out of love, not fear. And just like that, Pepper knew what her answer was. She shifted her gaze back towards Tony’s tentative, hopeful face. “I think…” she gave him a soft smile and nodded. “Yes, Tony, I’ll be your Rescue.”
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