#my daily i would do Anything for mitsuri kanroji
bluespiderlully · 3 months
Just me creating other KNY characters on Nioh2 (I can't draw core)✨️ pt.1
Yes, I don't have ideas about my AUs, I'm not writing, I'm not doing anything (I won't be motivated to do anything before the Elden Ring DLC is released)
I recently posted some pics of my OCs on Nioh2, but I didn't just make my characters. I actually made my whole cast, and this will be my part 1, where I'll post the canon Hashiras.
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I'm kinda proud of him, still angry because I don't know how to give him bloodsoaked eyes, he looks too normal. Good, but not good.
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Tengen staring in my souls fr.
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Yeah guys, Shinobu's blind from her right eye in my AU, I imagined her with loose hair, but I couldn't find the hairstyle I wanted.
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Emo af, that's fine.
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I couldn't get his eyebrows right, but he looks better with normal ones... Still looks like he's gonna inherit the Frenzied Flame.
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Yes, I'm just SO HAPPY I can finally give a glasgow smile to my characters in a game. Daily reminder that I would rather see him with his face uncovered in the original series.
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Mitsuri Everdeen... Katniss Kanroji... please let me know wich one you prefer.
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HE'S PERFECT... I know I used a woman to do him but HE'S PERFECT.
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monodipita · 3 years
There's a Fire in My Heart (Yandere!Rengoku x Reader)
Hello! I wanted to start this post off by saying that I am aware that shorter reader-inserts often garner more attention, but I don't mind that my longer reader-inserts don't garner as much. I hope you enjoyed this piece as much as I enjoyed writing him! And a shorter version may come out soon.
Word count: 4,010
Everyone knew about Kyojurou Rengoku. He was the kind, sincere, hard working Hashira who worked his way into the hearts of many. He was handsome and elegant despite being so hardy, with the callouses that adorned his hands like a second skin, and the scars that littered his body. He was able to sway the hearts of many, including your own. You'd been a secret admirer for a while now, writing him cute little notes and leaving them at his post every sunrise that always seemed to make the man smile brighter than the charming smile he always held on his lips.
You knew this because you overheard him talking about the notes with his fellow Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji. "I'd love to meet my secret admirer one day." He told her. One day.
He was always busy, so it became hard to capture his attention... or, rather, it was.
It felt like a stroke of luck so strong that you were going to have bad luck for the rest of your life when you twisted your ankle—because Kyojurou wasn’t looking, and you tripped. Purposefully, yes. You immediately regretted it. Your body came clashing to the forest floor, and the wood inside your basket spilled out onto the ground below you. "Ah!" You whined aloud as an instinctive reflex.
"I'm so sorry!" Kyojurou shot to your side. "Here, I'll grab your things, and then I'll take you to the Butterfly Estate. I'm so sorry!"
You were unable to talk because of how dazed you were, from hitting the forest floor, to the fact that he was now so close to you. You stared at him through bleary eyes as he picked up the long logs of wood and put them back into the basket that was once on your back. He slotted his arms into the straps and helped to hoist your body against his, wrapping his right arm around your waist while his left arm held onto your right. "Stay close, okay? Let me know if I'm doing too much for you."
Shinobu revealed the unfortunate news of being bedridden some few hours later.
”Oh... that’s awful,” he put his right hand over his lips and furrowed his thick brows with worry. His fiery golden eyes looked down at you and caused you to look away before your blush became obvious. “I’m so sorry... [Y/N], was it?”
He knew your name...
“I’ll make up for it somehow, I promise.” He told you. “For now, I must go, I have other matters I must attend to. But I will return, every day at the same time, until you’re better. Okay?”
"I took your wood to your home." He started off the conversation now that he was in the room. "You live alone, [Y/N]?" Alone... if that was a way to put it. "Recently, yes," you admitted aloud, "my family moved away after I passed the The Final Selection. They couldn't agree with my decision to become a demon slayer. I miss them." You smiled wistfully as you recalled the day they cast themselves out of their own home.
Though Kyojurou looked saddened by that answer, he didn't comment on it much further. "I brought your breakfast. Kocho-san was too busy to bring it herself." He set the tray down on your lap. You cringed at the hot feeling, visibly enough to draw his attention—but that might've simply been because you yelped short after. You fought the feeling to reach down and grab at your propped up, sprained ankle, as pain ricocheted through your leg.
"Oh!" He quickly lifted up the tray off of your legs. To your surprise, he didn't spill the contents of the food anywhere around you or on the floor. "I'm sorry, was it too hot?" He asked, causing you to look up at his face. He was blushing out of embarrassment! He looked so cute!
His eyes bulged wide with worry, and the same, saddened frown appeared on his face from moments before. "Just a bit... I wasn't expecting it." You chuckled wryly. "Sorry, you can put it back down." You reassured him and gently pat your lap. "No, it's fine, I'll hold it. I don't want to put any unnecessary strain on your ankle." Kyojurou stated. "It'll be fine! I won't leave until I know you've eaten breakfast."
A blush spread across your own features. He was a selfless man and it showed in every action he performed. How could people not fall in love with him? "Oh, okay," your breath was taken away, clearly. He even went through the act of holding the tray out for you so that you could eat your food. You looked down at what you had to eat—miso soup and onigiri. It smelled delicious. "The cooks here are fantastic." Kyojurou remarked. "I'm sure you've had to spend a lot of time in here, haven't you?" You asked him.
"Mm? Oh, yes." Kyojurou nodded his head. "If I don't come back from a mission with some type of injury, then something is wrong." He chuckled.
"How are they?"
"What is it?"
"I'm just asking, how are the missions? I haven't been able to go on one yet," you admitted, "I've been dealing with a lot of training. Ooyakata-sama says that I'm not ready to go out on my own yet."
Kyojurou looked more than surprised by that answer. "When you live out so far on your own?" He furrowed his brows. "Are you at least training yourself when you cannot attend daily training sessions?" You nodded your head. Of course you tried, but sometimes, training could be too far away. You wouldn't tell him that—you feared that he would pull something out of his sleeve and try to— "eat please, [Y/N]."
"S-sorry," you squeaked. You didn't waste any time digging into your meal. First with the onigiri that seemed to fill you up almost immediately upon biting into the second one. "I don't think I can finish these," you looked up at Kyojurou. His eyes were already on you, as if he was watching you eat. You didn't think anything of it. "Would you like one?"
"I shouldn't... but..." he trailed off as he thought about it, before nodding his head. "I'd appreciate it. I haven't ate, so watching you eat has made me hungry."
"Never starve yourself!" You gently scold him. You reached down and took the rice ball into your hand to give to him, smiling gently at him... until your smile dropped when you realized that you couldn't give it to him. "I-I'm so sorry!" You sputtered. "It's fine. Just feed me," he spoke casually, much to your surprise. You swallowed thickly. Your lips parted to say something, anything about what that man just said, but nothing came out. Your hand instinctively drifted toward his lips, while his head met you halfway. The bite into the food made you jump, your eyes wide as if you were a deer in headlights. You tried not to pay too much mind while you fed him, but it would eventually become apparent that you were embarrassed to do something like this for him. He didn't seem to mind one bit... maybe even he was enjoying it? You had to stop this somehow!
"Do you think the soup has cooled off enough by now to set the tray on my lap?" You asked. The onigiri were delicious, and you weren't joking about it possibly taking up all the space in your stomach. But food was food, and you didn't want to get rid of it all.
Kyojurou hummed and pressed the tray onto his lap. He hovered his right hand over it. "It does seem to be that way." There was the slightest hint of undetectable disappointment in his voice. Had you been better at picking up facades, you would've been able to catch up on it. "Here you go, [Y/N]." He sat the tray down in your lap, engulfing it in warmth. He took the rice ball from you and continued to chew on it while you dug into the soup.
The meal was finished, even though you didn't want it to be. It was filled with eerie silence, because you didn't have anything to say, and Kyojurou was... well, eating. "It was a fantastic meal!" Kyojurou beamed, "I'll be sure to thank them on my way out. Now—" he stood straight, “I have to go. It was nice eating with you, [Y/N]—“
The two of you were interrupted by the sound of a shoji opening. You were surprised to see two butterfly attendants making their way into the room with a room service cart. “What is this?” You asked, “I thought Rengoku-san had the breakfast covered for me?”
”I believe there’s been some sort of mixup. We just finished making breakfast ten minutes ago—but this tray does look like ours.” They picked up the tray and observed it. “Maybe we—“
”There’s no need to conduct an investigation.” Kyojurou spoke up. “I lied about the breakfast. To tell you the truth, I am the one who made that breakfast, and I hoped that we could eat it together.” He smiled apologetically and bowed, “I’m sorry for the confusion I’ve caused, but I truly must take my leave. I’ll see you tomorrow, [Y/N].”
H-he wanted to eat with me?!
Your heart couldn’t stop pounding a furious beat against your chest. You just couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth! Eat with you?! You barely knew each other! “Bye,” you weakly called to him while he left the room. If this was going to happen every day? Why, it didn’t feel too bad after the initial impact...
Hours poured into the morning. It felt unusually past the time Kyojurou said he was going to show up... not that you had a way of knowing. Breakfast had already been served, and you were left with the displeasure of eating it on your own, in the silence of your room. You thought you would've been used to the quiet, after all, you lived alone now—but he seemed to dull that pain. Now you missed him.
“[L/N]-san. Are you busy?” Shinobu’s voice was a break in the thick silence, and very much welcomed. The presence of another person was soothing.
You glanced up from your lap and nodded. “Not at all. Please, come in.”
Shinobu slid the shoji shut behind her and stepped over to the bed. She sat down in the bedside chair and elegantly folded her limbs atop one another while she addressed you. There was a warm, inviting smile on her face, much like the one Kyojurou held. “How are you feeling?”
”I’m feeling alright.” You responded. “My foot seems to be doing better than before! I think I’ll be able to get back on my feet by the end of the week.” At least you hoped so. As much as it was nice to be able to have the Flame Hashira see you in personalized visits, you had a life that you needed to live outside of these four walls.
“You’re right about that,” Shinobu started, “but that doesn’t mean I want you to immediately start hopping on your feet and walking around one-legged. In order to make a full recovery, I want you to stay for another two days. Is that fine with you?”
You winced. Two more days of staying in this bed? What if Rengoku-san didn’t show up again? Was it worth it? “That’s fine,” you weakly respond. No it isn’t. But did you have a choice? Not exactly.
”Thank you.” Shinobu stood. “With the more important information out of the way, I’ll allow visitation now—after what happened yesterday involving the mishap with Rengoku-san, I shortened your visitation hours. I didn’t like having to dispose of a good meal just because someone wanted to be friendly.” There was scorn in her voice. You nodded your head slowly in scolded understanding. “I’m sorry about that.”
”You don’t have to apologize,” Shinobu said. She walked over to the shoji. “Please, be well.”
As soon as she left, Kyojurou emerged from the shoji. He looked radiant, as usual, like the sun on a beautiful day with clear skies. His smile acted as the ray of sunshine that would blind your eyes, but at least you welcomed this form of sunshine. A smile bled onto your own lips as he fully made his way into the room and shut the shoji behind him. Alone, the two of you.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.” He let out a sigh while he walked over to the bedside chair. “Kocho-san is strict, but with good intentions.” He said aloud, as if to convince the two of you of that fact. "I know that. I'm still appreciative of what you did for me, even if we might've gotten into trouble."
You reached over and gently grabbed his forearm—noticing that he winced from that feeling. “Oh, did you just come back from a mission?” You asked. There must’ve been a cut under his uniform’s sleeves. Come to think of it, you could see a faint spot of blood where your hand pressed against it. "Does it need to be patched up?" You frowned with worry.
”Oh; no, that’s not it. I happened to get into a bit of an accident earlier this morning while I was cutting wood,” he explained, “I’ve already patched it up. No need to worry—it just hurt a bit, that’s all.” He smiled reassuringly, one that nearly melted you. You smiled back at him just as much. “I see.” You responded, “well, I have exciting news.”
He perked up. “What is it?”
”I’m going to be discharged in two days.” You told him. “You won’t have to worry about me anymore.”
”Two days?” Kyojurou’s face contorted. He looked... worried. He was quick to voice his thoughts about the decision. “Are you sure that’s going to be all you need? I thought sprained ankles needed more time to heal,”
It was so cute. How could he be so worried about someone he had just met? You found yourself giggling at him. “Relax. I feel much better now than how I felt yesterday. If I could, I’d even try getting up and walking around to see how it felt.” Being able to walk around would’ve been a relief. As enjoyable as it sounded before, being bedridden felt much like a nightmare. “I definitely don’t recommend it,” he said, clearly half-joking. “Please take care of yourself. Well—I have to go.” He rushed to get out of his seat. He stood tall, reaching over to gently pat your leg before he half-turned to face the shoji to leave.
”So soon?” You frowned. You were going to be lonely for the rest of the day...
”Visitation hours were cut short; remember, silly?” Kyojurou chuckled. “I’ll try to see you and stay for longer tomorrow.” He stepped out of the room as quickly as he came in, leaving you in the silence.
No sign of Kyojurou—just another quiet day. He said he would come... was there something wrong? You wanted to ask someone so badly, but you didn't even know how to voice it. For now, you would just stay quiet about it. Maybe he had to go on an actual mission. Aww... that would've meant that you couldn't see each other when you were discharged...
Discharge day. You couldn’t wait for this day as much as you dreaded it. It would be fantastic to finally get out of this room, out into the world, where you could go home and be in the comfort of your own bed. You awoke early to catch Shinobu just in time, who stepped into the room with the same, happy go lucky smile on her face. “I know you must be excited about today, [L/N]-san.”
”I am,” you beamed while you began to sit up. You slowly, steadily raised yourself off the bed and met her halfway. The sensation of walking... felt strange, after not doing it for so long. Your legs felt partially asleep, and there was a dull pain in your ankle that was sure to become annoying after a while. “How are you feeling?” She asked. “If I need to change your compression bandages for you, then I can.” She held out the gauze for grabs. ”I’ll be fine. Thank you for your magnificent service, Kocho-san.” You bowed to her and took the gauze out of her hand.
Kyojurou's voice grabbed your attention and made you nearly squeal with excitement. You hurried as best as you could to reach the shoji and thrust it open to eagerly meet the sight of him. He smelled faintly of burning wood... "did you just get done with doing something?" You asked. "Maybe something important?"
"Not important, no," the beaming, fiery-haired man shook his head and continued to smile. "I wanted to walk you home." A walk home? That sounded so sweet of him. "Oh," a blush spread thinly across your cheeks, "that's very nice of you. Thank you, Rengoku-san." The two of you stepped out of the Butterfly Estate. The walk was a quiet one... Kyojurou seemed so fixated on simply walking, and your mind was occupied by the fact that you were even having the chance to walk home with him made it so exciting.
It came into view. It took longer to get there than what you normally remembered it taking, but you shrugged it off, merely thinking of it as nothing more but a slow pace. He was just so considerate, after all.
You stepped in behind him after he opened the shoji for you. Home sweet home... it smelled like it, felt like it. Everything looked unchanged—but there was something off about it all. You could tell. "Wait... this isn't my home," you narrowed your eyes. Bewilderment seeped into your brain while you tried to make sense of it. "Why are all of my clothes and belongings here? Where are we truly at, Rengoku-san?"
Tricked. You were almost tricked, but you recognized your home anywhere you were at. These walls weren't the same. You didn't have an irori...
"I thought long and hard about it, but... I can't keep hiding the truth from you, [Y/N]-san." Kyojurou reached over to grab one of your hands, pulling the limp appendage into his own and giving it a gentle squeeze. What is he talking about? "For some time now, I have admired you. I liked watching you take your daily walks. I liked seeing that you were healthy, I liked seeing you take care of yourself."
"I liked the notes that you left on my engawa—seeing you play dumb as if you weren't the one who put those notes there. The cute little smudge-marks your fingers would make when you were finished with the ink," he gently squeezed your hand.
How did he know?
"When you told me that you lived alone, it only confirmed my suspicions. You don't have anyone else to go to. I would hate such a life for someone who is so deserving of any love that comes their way."
Why was he talking about it?
"I did what I thought was the best thing to do..." he trailed off to take your other hand in his, squeezing both of them as he made his way in front of you. "You don't have to love me, all you have to do is trust me."
"Why?" Your lips were trembling. You felt sick. Yes, everything or what you could see of everything from your home was inside this single room, but it wasn't what mattered. You grew up in that home, and he... and he... "You took everything away from me. Y-you burned my home."
"No... no, don't think about it that way." Kyojurou looked all over your expression for some sign of comfort. His hands dropped yours to cup your cheeks, staring into your own with a worried expression. "That's not how you should think about it, [Y/N]-san. Don't you understand? This will be the opportunity to start your life anew with me."
It was so deranged, so sick. You barely had the physical power to shrug him off, but you managed to pull through. You needed to go back, you needed to see what he did to the only place that reminded you of your family that you had left.
"No... please, [Y/N]-san, you don't want to do this," Kyojurou tried to reason as he trailed behind you, off the engawa and into the barren yard, "you're going to see things that you don't want to see. You don't have to subject yourself to that torture." His hand touched your forearm and gently grasped it. You lashed out at him and ripped your arm out of his grip. "Leave me! Don't you see that you've ruined my life!?"
Kyojurou stood still. "Y-you don't get it," he stammered, "[Y/N]-san, I need you too. You have the energy I want in my life!" He raised his strained voice as he ripped both sleeves of his uniform up on his body to reveal scars. Plenty of them. It was alarming, but in your mind, it couldn't have hurt as much as seeing your childhood home burn down. "You're speaking like a madman," you scolded him. "I don't even know why I'm entertaining someone so delusional."
"...I'll do it."
The blade came as a shock. Your eyes widened, how did he get his hands on one so quickly? You thought you couldn't even see his arms moving... "I deserve it for being a bad significant other, don't I?" He sounded so creepy. His voice sounded off; desperate, but loving. "I've hurt you, so I must hurt myself, right?"
"..." you grimaced. How did you respond to an emotionally taxing situation like this? "You wouldn't...Rengoku-san, I don't even know you!"
"But you do!" He blurted back at you. "I'll do anything for you, [Y/N]. I just ask that you come back! Walk back to me... you don't have to see what happened to your home, you can just be with me," he pleaded.
But you didn't listen. No, you wouldn't. You turned and ran as fast, and as hard as your feet could take you into the forest, into the direction of your home. The scent of something burning helped with your path-finding, but it didn't matter. Your ankle started hurting. Hurting, hurting, and hurting. You'd forgotten that it was even strained until just now, where the pain became so severe that you ended up toppling over your injury.
You fell to the forest floor and squeezed your eyes shut out of pain. "Hoo... oh fuck," you hissed, clenching your teeth and bowing your head. What a painful feeling to come across, it was almost excruciating. But you needed to keep going... he was coming after you. Even if he threatened to do whatever he did back there, the pain of going through it wasn't going to stop him.
"[Y/N]-san... please."
He was already on you... maybe he was even behind you the entire time and you were under the foolish assumption that you'd escaped his line of sight. No, not at all.
"Get-get away from me!" You yelled at him. "Please!"
You stifled a gasp and a sob as his bloodied hands caressed your face. His hands trembled while his thumbs pressed directly into your cheeks while his thumb smeared the blood from his hands onto your poor cheeks. His blood. You knew what he did to himself. "Finally," he whispered, "I've finally caught you...and you can't leave me anymore. Please, [Y/N]-san, for our sake... think of this as our new life together. How I've waited so long for this opportunity, and now that I have it..!"
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hexyourheartablaze · 2 years
What kind of kinks do you think the hashira would have? + their fav body parts on their fem s/o.
🔞Minors and ageless blogs please DNI with this post!🔞
Kinks! Kinks for everyone!! Look under your seats-- It's more kinks!!
I'm actually kind of glad someone asked me this because my opinions differ from the fandom just a bit. I'm adding it under the cut so I don't clog up someone's feed. No Muichiro for obvious reasons. They're all short but if you send me a specific character I might go into more detail I suppose. Thanks!!
The Hashira Kinks + Fav Body Parts
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Quick disclaimer? Kinda? I'm not great with kink stuff, most of this is more like what kind of sex I think they would be into with slight mentions of kinks.
Also sorry you can clearly see my biases in characters...
Giyuu Tomioka
Giyuu would have a praise kink all the way. He doesn't get it enough in his daily life and I think he would crave that kind of genuine attention, just give him this one thing. He wouldn't be that great at giving praise, in fact he would be very shy during sex and wouldn't want to talk much. He'd be afraid he would reveal how he really feels, too embarrassing for him to admit. Giyuu would probably hide his face in his arms or in your shoulder at any chance he got. It's not that he doesn't trust you with his reactions, it's that he doesn't trust himself and thinks if he lets even the smallest bit of him slip he'll lose control. Giyuu could top, but I think he would prefer to be more submissive during sex. He likes the idea of being used as a sex toy, but wouldn't be into degradation so much during it. Orgasm control/denial would be a big turn on for him.
Favorite body part: Waist
Mitsuri Kanroji
Ah, Mitsuri... She has a lot of stamina ofc, she can go for a really long time so be prepared. I wholeheartedly believe that she has a kink for toys. She'd love to show you her collection and even test out new ones with you. She's a fan of the cute glass toys for sure. She's not into rough sex that much, but she's into overstimulation both giving and receiving. Of course she's really flexible and a bit of a show off during sex. She's into public teasing but not super into public sex. She's a big fan of giving oral, sit on her face and give her what she wants please.
Favorite body part: Ass
Obanai Iguro
Obanai doesn't have the stamina for a lot of rounds, the most he'll do is two himself. But he's gentle and caring with you, he's going to make sure you get off at least once or twice before he does. He really likes having control, he's not into degradation so much but he's not against teasing you into submission a bit. He wants you to tell him what you want and loves seeing you flustered over it too. Also loves giving oral, hands down would be the best hashira for oral sex. I will die on that hill and on that face.
Favorite body part: Breasts
Sanemi Shinazugawa
I wholly believe he would be a bit soft in bed most of the time, at least at the beginning of a sexual relationship. I think he would probably flex before getting you in bed, he'd probably really hype up that he's going to be rough with you. But once he finally starts having that kind of intimacy with you, he's going to be very soft and gentle. He would be very unsure of himself, worried he might hurt you or do something to displease you. After a while, he would get more adventurous but if anything it just makes him more protective of you. Also, most of the time you would have to make the first move, it may seem like he would seek you out immediately if he was needing it but even if you had been together for a while he'll be too proud to admit he wants to be intimate.
After a while though, Sanemi would really get into teasing. He loves to edge you or pretend to not know what you want. He likes to have that control but at the same time he gets to see a side of you that no one else sees. He's also into public sex and would be into the teasing element of that. He likes the idea of someone catching you two, it gives him a sense of pride. He also likes getting scratches and bite marks from you.
Just a little... just a hint of a size kink... yeah. Being told that he's big or that he feels big really turns him on.
Favorite body part: Ass
Kyojuro Rengoku
I actually have conflicting opinions with the fandom on him. I've said before that he would probably not want a lot of kids actually. I think he would have a breeding kink but it wouldn't be as big as the fandom likes to think it is? But I fully believe it would be there, just a hint of one. Kyojuro would have a big praising kink, both giving and receiving. The first time he gets praise from you during sex he would be way too close too fast. He might have to ask you to pause for a moment, he needs to recover from that. Kyojuro enjoys silly sex, he enjoys making you laugh and feel at ease with the intimacy between you two. There's a sense of joy he gets from watching you smile and laugh during sex. It's just a bonus for him when you tighten around him a bit from laughing. He's loud as always and also doesn't understand when he should be quiet, so public sex is at your own risk but depending on the location he wouldn't be opposed to it.
I think Kyojuro would wait a long time into the relationship to have sex. Every single time you do have sex, Kyojuro is going to go over the top on preparing. Kyojuro really needs to set the mood each time, he's not a fan of quickies or sex just for stress relief. He wouldn't understand that it's not appropriate for him to shout really loudly tell you that he wants to have sex tonight in front of everyone.
Favorite body part: Thighs
Gyomei Himejima
Listen, I know it's a given but size kink is a big deal for my beloved Gyomei. He really likes to know he's the big one in the relationship too, you're so small compared to him. He can practically cage you in with his body. In fact, just that turns him on honestly. He's very gentle, but would be fine being a bit of a sub when it comes to sex. He would be impressed if you were bold enough to tell him you wanted to tie him up or restrain him. Orgasm denial would be a turn on for him.
Favorite body part: Wrists and hands
Shinobu Kocho
Shinobu would be into shibari and would probably play around a bit with some drug use. I just see her being intrigued by aphrodisiacs and wanting to experiment with those things. She's into sex toys too and enjoys rougher sex. If you don't tell her to stop she might go too hard sometimes. Shinobu will almost always dominate, sorry, she does make the rules.
Favorite body part: Back, especially lower back.
Tengen Uzui
My god, where do I start with Tengen. Sex is going to be absolutely flashy, that's a given. No quickies for Tengen ever, it's a whole night ordeal.
If you're added on as a fourth wife, expect sex to be a group thing. Yes, Tengen will take time to pamper you and only you sometimes, but sex is a big bonding activity for him and he likes to know that all of his wives are in on the loving action... even if it can get a little crazy. That being said, orgies are going to be a regular for you and him. Tengen loves to woo you a bit before getting you into bed. He can be embarrassingly cliché with rose petals, perfume, candles, etc. Tengen is into bondage and also shibari for sure. He loves to decorate his partners a bit. Tengen... hot tub/hot spring sex also... 🙏
Favorite body part: Breasts. Maybe Tengen and Obanai should get along a bit more...
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
Hi🥺💕 can I please have a Kyojuro x reader where Kyojuro has been crushing on the reader for a while (and vise versa) —the both of them get quite drunk one night and the next morning Kyojuro wakes up next to the reader and he’s just like 😳 cUs he doesn’t remember a thing (there was no intimacy from what he remembers not-that anyone would have minded, let’s be honest here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but he thinks the reader accidentally walked into his room in their drunken haze)**
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Awww thank you so much, bby! And of course, I hope you like it! :D No worries about it being too detailed. Ahaha. I kind of prefer detailed reqs as opposed to vague ones. But either are fine with me. Lmao.
Kyōjurō x Pillar F!S/O: The Morning After (SFW Scenario):
Kyōjurō’s head felt like he had hit it against a tree way too many times to count. But he knew that he couldn’t have possible been knocked around; as he was sure that he was still at the ryōkan where he and all his fellow Hashira had stayed the night.
He remembered drinking so much sake, and then stumbling to his room— while Iguro and Kanroji had tried to be sneaky with their own escape.
After seeing them together, he couldn’t remember anything else. His mind drew a clear blank; as if he had been really knocked out.
It didn’t help that the back of his head felt so sore. So, he reckoned that someone really did hit him hard on the back of the head.
And, when he readjusted his head on the pillow, it was only then that he realized that someone was laying on his chest. His gaze immediately snapped down at the person, and his eyes almost bugged out of his head in surprise.
Because, right there, sleeping soundly on his chest was the woman he’d liked for so long: The Snow Hashira, (L/n) (Y/n).
Kyōjurō’s heart instantaneously stopped beating in his chest. His brain had also ceased to function, as he didn’t know what to do. Part of him wanted to push her away from him because she was making his body react so embarrassingly, while another part wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her close until she woke up.
However, he did neither of the two. He merely stayed frozen in place— like a coward.
“U-uh... (L/n)...” The young man called softly, which made the woman next to him gently stir awake. “Wake up.”
And, at that, the Snow Hashira sprung awake. She sat up so abruptly that she had to take a few seconds to adjust to her surroundings.
Unlike Kyōjurō, she wasn’t blessed with having no memory of the night before. She’d always prided herself in having such a good memory and zero retention for a hangover, even though she was drunk out of her mind.
But, it was at that moment when she realized that she would have rather suffered a really horrible hangover, rather than remember all of the things she’d done last night...
Which resulted into the weird situation they were at.
To make matters worse, no matter how hard she tried to suppress her thoughts, everything that hat transpired last night played in (Y/n)’s head like a movie.
(Y/n) resisted against Mitsuri’s grip on her shoulders, as her tears continuously flowed down her face in a tasteless display of her drunkenness.
Her friend had dragged her away with Iguro to tuck her in, as she was getting too rowdy to stay with all the other Hashira.
She looked nothing like the esteemed Snow Hashira that she was, and more like a crazy woman in love; emphasis on the in love part.
Still, Mitsuri stayed by her and held her down to keep her from doing something that she would regret in the morning.
“Please, Mitsuri. I need to tell Rengoku that I love him,” (Y/n) uttered through a loud sob, which made her friend look at her with a pitying gaze. She was so sloshed that she had lost all sense of rational thought; all that was left in her was a desperately smitten woman.
But the Love Hashira wasn’t going to let her make a fool of herself. “That can wait until tomorrow, (Y/n). Preferably when you’re sober.”
“But I am sober. I feel fine.”
She really didn’t look ‘fine’ at all, but Mitsuri didn’t say anything, in fear of starting a whole new breakdown that she wouldn’t be able to pacify.
“Just sleep on it, (Y/n). Please.” Kanroji released her friend’s shoulders then, before using the pads of her thumbs to wipe away the tear tracks on the other Hashira’s face. “Sleep.”
And (Y/n) complied... or, at least, she pretended to.
She closed her already-heavy eyes, and laid in wait until the other woman exited the room. And once the shoji had been shut, and the sound of Kanroji’s footsteps had disappeared, (Y/n) threw the blanket off of her and crawled over to the door.
She would have gotten up on her feet, but her world felt like it was spinning; so she settled for just staying close to the ground, in case she fell flat on her face.
Quickly, and as quietly as possible, she crawled her way down the hall— stopping right outside what she knew to be Rengoku’s room, before entering without preamble.
However, what she saw made her pause in the doorway.
Rengoku was there, yes, but he was sitting upright with the top half of his yukata already pooled around his hips.
The sight was enough to make (Y/n)’s mouth water.
“Oh, hey, (L/n). What’re you doing there? Come over here; sit next to me.” Rengoku beckoned with a laugh, which made (Y/n) blush madly. Yet, she still obeyed the Flame Hashira’s words.
She closed the shoji behind her, then crawled over to him on all fours; only, her right hand got caught on the edge of the futon which had her stumbling forward...
Right into her love interest’s chest.
Kyōjurō hadn’t anticipated that happening, and his alcohol addled brain was too slow to react, so he couldn’t brace himself for impact.
Hence, the reason why he had fallen on to the floor and hit the back of his head against the sturdy hardwood. He had lost consciousness after that, while she carefully pulled his body back onto the futon.
And that was when she’d passed out against his chest, but not without telling him what she’d sought him out to tell him in the first place.
“I love you, Rengoku.”
And, with blatant horror etched on her face, (Y/n) scrambled up to her feet and was about to make a run for it, when she felt a warm hand encircle her right wrist in a sturdy grasp.
An involuntary squeak left her lips at that, but she turned back to see a really disoriented Rengoku sitting upright already. His hair was everywhere, and on his face were the traces of pillow creases, but his eyes remained as bright and astute as ever.
However, it was the blatant blush on his cheeks that put out all of the fight that (Y/n) had inside her.
He was clearly as embarrassed as she was at the situation; and she couldn’t help but feel guilty about it. After all, it was her fault in the first place.
“(Y/n),” Kyōjurō began hesitantly, as he mustered up the courage to look into her eyes. And when he did, he swore that his heart was going to burst with how hard it pounded inside his chest. Her hair was like a bird’s nest, and he could see the remnants of dried tear tracks on her face; her bottom lip was also a bit swollen— which made him think of how rough he must have been with her.
She remained quiet though, as she didn’t know what to say to him.
So, Kyōjurō took that chance to continue. “No matter what happens, I’ll take responsibility for the baby. I... well, I’ve loved you all this time, and I’m hoping that you can learn to love me back while we build a family of our own-”
He couldn’t even continue, as (Y/n)’s wide-eyed gaze zeroed in on him— as if he had genuinely lost his mind.
“B-but if you don’t want to stay together, that’s fine as well. Just...“
“K-Kyōjurō,” The young woman stammered out, as her nerves gnawed at her already shaky confidence. “I... nothing happened between us, but... I love you, too. I always have.”
((If you liked my work, please consider buying me a coffee. UwU Every coffee will go towards taking care of my dogs’ daily needs. Thank you so, so much!))
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Rengoku Kyoujurou x Little Sister Figure Reader (Final Part) (NSFW WARNING)
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4
Phew, finally! This is the last part! Thank you all for the amazing enthusiasm!!
I skipped some part on the wedding, so I’m sorry if it’s not really fully pictured on how traditional Japanese wedding should be. However, the ceremony are in sequence, so you don’t have to worry about it
Zenitsu looked at you with implausible expression. You tilted your head in confusion.
“You are already married with… Former Flame Pillar, right?”
“But when I called you Rengoku-san, you’re not reacting.”
“Sorry.” You slurped the last noodle on your bowl, and put the bowl down on the table. “I get used to be called by my given name.”
You got up from your seat, along with Tanjirou and Zenitsu. “Thank you for the food, Uncle!”
“Be careful on your way!”
You waved to the old man and walked out together with these two younger demon slayers.
“But, ‘Rengoku (y/n)’ give us new vibe, right?” Tanjirou chimed in.
“Well, I guess. But, I prefer you to called my name if we’re together. When people said ‘Rengoku-san’, Kyoujurou and I would turn around, feeling the one who being called. It’s a little embarrassing though.”
“Confusing, indeed.” Tanjirou let out small laugh.
You laughed and distracted with birds that went thorough your head. You stared at the blue sky.
How long has it been? Around 2 weeks ago?
The blessing chaos?
Right. Back to the house where both of you still working hard on his blessings. It’s really memorable night.
When Shinjurou told his son to literally kill himself, you reacted fast.
“Kyoujurou, don’t-!”
But it’s too late because he already took the short sword without doubt. He unsheathed it and pointing the blade to the stomach.
Stabbed his left abdomen with it.
You gasped and tried to reach his wrist in desperation.
But you saw no blood. He looked down, confused too because he didn’t feel pain.
“Ha- HAHAHAHAHA!!!” Shinjurou blasting out cackles. “Oh, I can’t believe that you really being a fool in front of the woman you love!! Impressive, you did it without hesitation.”
“Father.” Kyoujurou frowned, checked the sword on his hand. The blade wasn’t sharp, it has its own mechanism. When he pushed the blade down, it dives into the handle, making it down and disappeared. “What is the meaning of this?”
“Just wanted to test you, what a stupid boy. There’s no way I could kill my own son.” Shinjurou wiped his tears, feeling amused. And then, he cleared his throat. “Very well then. Kyoujurou. I give you my blessings.”
“Father!” You glistened and glancing at Kyoujurou. He smiled widely too.
“I should make it into official words right?” He looked at Kyoujurou in the eyes. Kyoujurou fully seated on his heels now. “I, Rengoku Shinjurou, giving my approval for my son, Rengoku Kyoujurou and his future wife, (y/n), to perform a sacred marriage between both of you. May Kami-sama gives us blessings as well.”
“…Father, thank you.” Kyoujurou about to teared up.
“What is with that face? You give a bad vibe, geez. Hurry up and get out. I have something to do.”
“Yes, Father!”
When both of you closed the shoji door, Kyoujurou lifted your body and spinned you on the air.
“We did it!!” He hugged you, clamped both your back leg with his one arm, make you sit on it. You held on his shoulder while crying, sticking your forehead to his.
It’s finally happening, trial after trial.
Kyoujurou ran to engawa, you followed him from behind. He stood outside, making “O” sign with his hands, putting it in front of his mouth and screaming,
“Kyoujurou, stop it!! It’s really weird! The neighbors will get you wrong!!” You pulled his kimono while giggling.
“Oh, let’s correct it.” He smirked and turned his head again. “I’M GOING TO MARRY WITH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!! I’M! GOING! TO! BE! (y/n)’s! HUSBAND! YOU ALL SHOULD KNOW THAT SHE IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THIS WORLD!!”
“SHUT UP!!” Shinjurou’s voice was heard from across the house. Both of you were giggling again.
Everyone in the headquarters was really happy. They congratulated for your next step with Kyoujurou. No one opposed because you really fit each other and plus, you’ve been with him for a long time, it’s not weird if you ended up together with him.
You decided to marry at shrine, Kyoujurou wanted it too. Both of you prepared the necessary things, like marriage registering administration, traditional dress (already picked by Shinjurou), rehearsal before the day and many more.
On the marriage day, both of you prohibited to meet each other until the ceremony begins. All of the men Pillars were gathered in his preparation room.
“Yomoya, is this really necessary?” said Kyoujurou when the staff tighten his obi.
“Rengoku-san, is your body…. vibrating or-?” He’s too eager to see you again.
“Ah, this guy was always like this.” Uzui snickered. “He can’t wait to see his girl.”
“Wife.” Kyoujurou scoffed.
“No, not yet.” Iguro sighed.
Meanwhile, the Pillar girls were busy pipping on how beautiful you are in your dress.
“Aah, so pretty!!” Mitsuri’s eyes were shimmering while the staff puts on veil-like on your head.
“Rengoku-san will fall for you again today.” Shinobu giggled.
Finally, the ceremony began. You entered the shrine where Kyoujurou was already stood beside the altar. With Shinjurou as your accompany and some shrine’s people, you walked slowly as the traditional flute played in background.
You stopped and stood in front of him. You felt nervous and so did Kyoujurou, but he became happy when he finally met you in the gorgeous white dress.
When the veil from your head was revealing your face, that’s when Kyoujurou’s heart melted.
You saw him in the Mon Haori Hakama, and could feel your face flushed in red. Everything attached on his body are perfect, he looks so manly and compassionate at the same time.
On the other hand, he saw you in awe with white wedding dress, Shiromuku. He lost words, and just grinned stupidly there, couldn’t move.
“God, I’m marrying the embodiment of beauty itself.”
“Ssh, Ani-ue! No talking.” Senjurou elbowed his ribs.
The ceremony reached its peak. In this part, Kyoujurou was tasked to read wedding vow with you beside him.
“On this great day, before the Ookami, we are sincerely thankful for this ceremony. On forward, we will love each other, trust one another, share the good times and the bad, and swear that this will stay unchanged, throughout our lifetime. Today-” He stopped for a while, and took one breath.“Husband, Kyoujurou.”
“Wife, (y/n).” After some clapping as a pray for the Ookami, both of you facing each other.
Kyoujurou took the wedding band and put it on your finger and you did the same as him. You almost cry, you almost dropped your body there but you hid the excitement very well until the ceremony ends with drinking sake and cheers among the families and Pillars.
It’s a relief that the ceremony went well. But unfortunately after the wedding, you didn’t went back to home, let alone a honeymoon. An urgent mission was occured and you had to be there, since you have right ability to match with the demon’s type in that region.
So after the ceremony, you changes again to your usual uniform, departed goodbye to Kyoujurou.
“Please stay safe.” Kyoujurou kissed your temple, and cupped his face with your hand. “It’s not funny if I had to save you again in the middle of snow.”
“It’s spring now.” You giggled and kissed his cheek. “Don’t worry, I’m with Tanjirou and Zenitsu.” The said slayers were popped out from behind her back
“Kamado shounen, Agatsuma shounen, I’m counting on you. Don’t make her fight recklessly, will you?”
“Yes, Rengoku-san!!”
And now, just like that. Fortunately today after 2 weeks, you were going home with them.
As soon as you stepped in the house Senjurou greeted you with his daily sunshine smile.
“Welcome home, Ane-ue.”
“I’m home, Senjurou.” You patted his head contentedly. “Where is Kyoujurou?”
“He’s at his room. But…” Senjurou stood on his toe, whispering on your ears. “He’s mad because you extended your mission into 2 weeks. He was being quiet this morning too.”
You chuckled and pat his back. “Don’t worry, I got this! Your sister will fix his mood!”
“How about dinner?”
“I’ll call him!”
You entered your room, met with him while he was writing something on the paper.
“I’m home, Kyoujurou.”
He suddenly stood up without saying anything. You could sense malicious aura emitting from his body, even though he’s smiling.
Uh-oh, looks harder than said.
“So, care to explain why you didn’t reply my message and why did you extend your mission?”
“Uh, I’m sorry, it’s not just killing demons, I’ve been busy with administration too.”
He brought you into his embrace. You didn’t say anything but hugged him too.
“Are you mad?”
“I’m not, I became anxious when you didn’t reply to my message.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Repeat what you said earlier.”
“I’m home, Kyoujurou.”
“Welcome home.” He brought your chin up and kissed your lips. He deepened his press towards you, and you closed your eyes, feeling the warm soft lips meet each other.
He broke the contact and looked straight at your eyes.
“We… Haven’t do 'it’.”
You could feel your face slowly burning. You turned around and tried not to be nervous. His face was actually flushed with red too, but he kept it cool.
“Can- can we… do it after dinner, or after everyone was asleep? Senjurou already asked me to call you.”
“Sure.” He smiled tenderly, rubbing your cheek in circle and kissed it.
You couldn’t concentrate while eating. You only sleep with him after he declared to marry you. You even never touched him randomly without his consent. You know marriage before sex is number one in this household.
You understand what does 'it’ means. But still, you’re nervous. Kanroji has given you some advice, and some female Demon Slayers who already married gave you advice too.
Your head was spinning greatly? Sex? How to do it properly? What if he didn’t satisfied with you?
You swayed your thoughts and hurriedly eating.
When everyone was asleep, you and him started to change from kimono to bed robe.
You sat on the futon, still fully clothed, while he dimmed the lantern light. He went towards you and sat in front of you with crossed legs.
Your eyes were spinning again, you timidly put your fingers in front of your kimono. Kyoujurou still not saying anything but smile.
Calm down, you told yourself. Tell him everything he had to know about yourself once more.
With one breathe, you looked straight at Kyoujurou’s eyes while holding his hand.
“Kyoujurou, before we started, I wanted to tell you something.” Kyoujurou still smiling but he blinked twice in confusion.
“I wanted to tell you that… My body… It probably didn't match on what you’re imagining. I got so many scars, and blisters from fights with demons. I know, it’s not really endearing and I know that I should be the one who thought about how to make them disappeared. Shinobu already gave me scar gel, but it took time to make it gone. So, I apologize in advance. If- After you looked at my skins and felt disgusted, it’s okay if you don’t want to do it further with me.”
“Yomoya… Calm down, (y/n).” He kissed your lips gently. You squeezed shut your eyes and feeling the warmness of his lip slowly disappeared. You slowly opened your eyes again and met his warm and gentle pupils. “I’m not judging you from your body. I’ve promised to you no matter what happens, I take your whole as it comes. I didn’t care how you look, how many scars, blisters, wounds you had. It’s part of your beauty, just like how you see my body.” You nodded shyly. Ah, you didn’t pick wrong wrong decision when you decided him to be your husband.
“So… shall we?” He slowly moved forward with his knees. You gulped while flushing red.
“Su- Sure. I- I’ll be in your care! Now, just do what you like!!” You squeezed your eyes shut and uncovered your front slowly, revealing your breast with some scars on it.
“Wait what, nonono!!” Kyoujurou blushed more and pulled your robe back at its place again. His heart throbbed too fast he swear you probably could hear it. “Let’s do it slowly. I want you to be comfortable.”
“Ri- Right.” You never felt so embarrassed from your entire life.
He patted your head first, brought down his hand to your cheeks and cupped it.
He started with light kiss on your lips, and proceeded further with sucking it lightly. You responded, biting his lips too and opened your mouth slightly. He didn’t miss the chance and slipped in his tongue and playing in your warm cave.
He pushed you down, until your head reach the pillow. He slowly undone your front robe lace. He stared at your beautiful body. Your body probably has scars on your chest and stomach, but it’s still beautiful on his eyes and secretly made him turned on too.
“Um, please don’t stare too much.” You covered your face. “It’s embarrassing.” He chuckled.
“Sorry.” He moved your hands from your face and kissed your nose.
He started with kisses on your neck, ligh-bit it and make hickies here and there, while fondling both your breast with his palm. Sometimes, he flicked and petting on those nipples, making you shivered.
He kissed all of your body, from neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, thighs, and inner thighs. He appreciated the scars and everything that presented to him from your body.
It’s an honour for him.
He opened your legs, and putting his head in between it, hold one of your thighs with his hand. He put one finger inside you. You shuddered under the sensation. He started to fingering and stretching your hole, sometimes licked your clit and labia. He also put his tongue, tasted you.
“Kyoujurou, it’s dirty the- Nghh…” You lost your voice, he ravished you with gentle touch from his tongue and lips, slowly licking your entrance while hearing your moans. You can’t help but clenched your legs, trying to sandwiched his head but he hold your thighs and keep licking down there.
“Wa- wait, something is-Ah!
You came on his face. You panted hard, your chest puffed up and down. You loosened the clench on the futon and looked down. You saw your husband licked your cum from his cheek.
“I’m- I’m sorry!!” You hurriedly pulled a small towel at your side and wipe his face. He chuckled and gripped your wrist.
“It’s fine. Let’s continue.” He pushed you down again, nibbled on your lower lips and presses your stomach.
He readied his own length towards your entrance. You looked down and immediately thought, “Will it be fit down there?” But you shrugged that feeling.
“Are you ready?” You nodded certainly. “Hold into my neck.” He lifted and positioned your legs, straddled on both of his hips. His body moved towards, his lips kissing your temple tenderly. You draped your hands onto his neck.
“Tell me if it’s hurts.” He slowly pushed his length down there. You shuddered on the sensation. First tip was in and you jolted at the strange thing. He shushed you down.
“Mm, ow.” You felt a slight pain in the middle of your entrance. You gripped his back, and accidentally dug your nails inside it. “I’m sorry, Kyoujurou. I clawed your back.”
“Are you okay?” He concerned and looked down, checking if you’re bleeding or anything that cause you writhed. You nodded. “Please, just tell me if you sense a discomfort.”
“I’m fine, sorry I clawed your back.” You said that, with teary eyes. Kyoujurou was really worried, but you still insisted to continue. “It’s just- It’s strange to think yours could fit inside me.” You tried to lighten the mood by giggling, but he became more concerned. He knew that you hold back the pain, but he decided to kissed your tears, cheek and nose to soothe you.
“It’s okay, relax.” You nodded and shut your eyes. You could feel he’s holding something because his breath was heavy. He really tried hard to not hurt you.
After awhile, you tapped his back, “It’s okay, you can move now.”
He let out low groan and started moving from slow pace.
It felt weird, really weird. But you enjoyed it. You still hang into his neck, while holding both of your legs intact, change the pace from slow to faster. You suddenly felt random, it’s hot, warm, happy, pleasure, sharp, shivering and a lot of mixed feelings build up inside your body. You started let out moans and mewls. You released your hand from his neck and grabbed the futon sheet instead. It made your breast jiggling more and it’s really erotic view for Kyoujurou
He relished every thrust he made, always make sure his wife felt good too. He tried any position that could made you scream, so he pulled out almost his length and quickly thrusted it again inside you.
“Mh, AH!” You covered your mouth in confusion. What is with that great feeling earlier??
“That’s the spot.” He smirked and licked his lower lips. He change his pace again, from faster to rougher.
You cried and tried to low your voice by biting your hands. He pushed your hands and moving forward, telling you to bite his shoulder instead. You do it, surpressing the muffled moan and cries. His pace became frantic, he groaned more on your ears.
“I’m close.” He whispered to you, holding his grunts.
“Me- me too, ah!” He lifted one of your legs on his shoulder,His thumb rubbing in your clit carelessly.
The over stimulation made you came first, you screamed his name from your lung, hoping that nobody wake up. It’s the first time you feel such great pleasure in your entire life. You shuddered with the sensation. The liquid from your body slowly made it way out of your lower hole. Kyoujurou still moved, until he reached his own euphoria. He groaned on your ear and releasing his seed inside you. After few thrust, he pulled out, looking at his cum trail broken from your inside.
“Are you feeling good?” He asked you while caressing your hair, make it on your side. You nodded while smiling. You cupped his cheek and kissed him on the lips. “I’m glad. It was so great. Thank you.” He kissed on your temple.
After that, you forgot what happened next.
“Ouch.” You woke up with stiff back and hips.
When you peeked on your lower bottom in the next morning, thick liquids was oozed out from there. “Right, I was… Unconscious after-”
Your face suddenly burned, you put your palm on your face. 'AAAAH, WE DID IT.’
You felt something covered your body. It’s Kyoujurou’s big kimono.
“By the way, where is he?” You tried to stood up with your knees and palms. If Kyoujurou looked at you, you exactly looked like a newborn fawn.
When you finally stood up, you lose your balance and almost fell down.
“Oops.” Kyoujurou came in time to held your back. “I was planning to clean you up last night but you were asleep. So, let’s bathe together!” He wrapped you with his robe, and slipped his hand behind your knees. “Was- Shoi!”
“Wait, I could walk alone! What if Father and Senjurou spotted us?!” You started to panicked when he brought your body out of room with bridal style. Squelching sound was heard from your lower part and you tried so hard to covering that part more with his robe while embarrassed. He laughed.
“Don’t worry, they were on the other side of the house today!”
He cleanse you up in the bathroom. You shuddered under his touches. You’re counting on him, relied everything on scrubbing your body, bathing you with warm water and cleansing you up.
After bathe, he brought you to your shared room again, dressing you up with new kimono.
You took a peek on his bare back. There are claw marks here and there, some even scratches thoroughly his skin. You blushed because you exactly knew what happened. You slowly touched them. He startled.
“I- I’m sorry. Did it hurt?”
“Don’t worry about it!”
“Wait, I’ll be back!”
“Huh, (y/n)?” He quickly wore his robe to cover his back. “It’s okay, I just wanted you to- Ah, there she goes.”
You came back with a box contained with aid kit.
“Let’s change your eye patch too.” He sighed in defeat. You tilted your head. “What’s wrong?”
“I wanted to pamper you today, but instead, you had to busy taking care of me again.” He sulked while putting his weight on your back and putting his chin on your head.
“This is my duty as your wife.”
“You’ve been doing this since you’re 'my little sister’.”
“Well that’s right, but it’s still my responsibility to take care of you right?”
He didn’t really like it, but he gave up. You put off his old eye patch, and like always, you changed it into new. Kyoujurou loosened up his robe, showing his bare back once again. You started to smear oint treatment on his skin.
“Are you mad?” You teased him while applying the oint.
“Looks super mad to me.” You laughed, and he pouted, propped up his chin with his palm. “Don’t be mad, this is my obligation.” You quietly write 'I love you’ behind his back. He got the message and turned around.
“You sly.” He caught you in his big arms and showered you with kisses everywhere on your face.
After treatment, both of you sat on the engawa, just looking outside while enjoying the morning spring sun.
“Hey, how about you retiring?” Kyoujurou started the conversation.
“I… Still think about it. I still able to fight, and have no serious injury unlike you-”
“I wanted children.” He goes straight to what he desire most. “I wanted their mother to be by their side when they grow up. Being a Demon Slayer or Pillar is really high risk. I… I’m not ready to lose you, not after what we’re going through. You’ve done so much.”
“You wanted child?”
“Only if you could bear with it.”
“Of course, it’s my wish too after all.” You twined your finger with him while leaning on his shoulder. “I will rethink about retirement and ask Oyakata-sama.”
“Maybe two or three children.” He played with your fingers. “I could imagine Father played with them, Senjurou having nap with them. They ran around at this yard. I will make our children into great Demon Slayers or at least, has great swordsmanship, just like their mother.” He snuggled on your head.
“Well, I could imagine them saying 'I will burn you’ to the demons and 'Wasshoi’ parades.” He laughed.
“It’s good if it’s more merrier!!”
You chuckled and leaned more on him. His shoulder was warm and really comfortable, fitted to your small head.
“Are you still tired? How about your hips?” He looked at you yawning.
“A little stiff, but I’m fine. I probably should take a nap.” You rubbed your eyes. He smiled and pulling your head onto his laps.
“Since you always lend me your laps, it’s my turn to return the favour.” You blinked in brief moment but then nodded and positioned yourself. “Well, my lap isn’t soft, unlike yours.”
“It’s okay. I like my new pillow.” You smiled and closed your eyes, slowly drifting in your dreams. Kyoujurou gently caressed your hair, and kissed your cheek.
You never thought it will be a happy end like this. Your world already crushed into nothing when you were a newbie Mizunoto and found out your family was murdered. But when Kyoujurou came, he rebuild your world again, from crumbles, until slowly made it into endearing and beautiful world once again.
It is such a blessings for you, from the day he saved you until you fully became the part of this family.
You didn’t realize that both of you saving each other. Kyoujurou really thought you saved this family when he almost couldn’t resolve the situation in his house anymore. He thinks that you brought warmness once again inside his family. You brought love, pierced thorough his self defense smoothly and find his true self, accepted all of him.
Both of you never realize, you bring that fortunate together. You and him shared happiness and sadness, laughed together, cried together, and fought together.
It’s just the beginning of your journey.
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