#my fave lockdown pass time at this point haha
pynkhues · 3 years
Dead Man; Patterson; The Other Side of Hope;
There Will Be Blood
Yesss! Thanks, anon! I still love this meme, haha. I've actually only seen one of these!
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
Mmm, curious to see might be more accurate than want to see, haha. I'm not big on Johnny Depp as an actor, and I haven't seen a ton of Jim Jarmusch's work, but what I have seen – The Dead Don't Die, Only Lovers Left Alive and Broken Flowers – hasn't really resonated with me? Maybe I'm watching the wrong movies though! Do you think this one's better?
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
My answer's basically the same as above, but I do tend to enjoy movies about poetry, so I might check this one out!
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
I'd never even heard of this one! The trailer looks great though! I'm adding it to my list ;-)
never seen | want to see | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite
I know everyone raves about Daniel Day-Lewis' performance in this, but I think Paul Dano was a revelation in it. Incredible work in a really difficult role.
put a film in my ask box
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underaswift-sunrise · 4 years
HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!! 🎉🎉 I am writing this a second time because I accidentally clicked on a link on my phone while swiping between the tumblr app and safari app, almost at the end of the message. 😢 I hope I don’t miss out on anything.
Awww that’s nice!! It shows that you’ve had some physical improvement even while being stuck at home! How?? Please teach me your ways. I used to exercise every other day even while on lockdown, but after my surgery in Oct I took some time to recover, and now it’s hard to find the motivation to get back into exercising again. And I really want to build up my stamina first, before I try to go for dance lessons again in the new year. ☺️ Oh god yes! Secret Love Song II is the ultimate tear jerker! 😢 So the Tamil music industry works slightly differently. There are a few independent artists, but it’s usually music soundtracks that are mainstream and popular. So the music directors get more recognition and fanbase than the singers. Even though there are popular singing artists, it’s not like the English music industry where they have fandoms and stuff. My fave music directors are A R Rahman, Anirudh, G V Prakash and singers are Sid Sriram (he has such a unique tone to his voice 😍), SPB (sadly he passed away this year due to Covid, but he is AMAZING! And he has sung over 40,000 songs in 14 languages), Chitra, Shreya Goshal. Hmm my current song obsessions are Chellama (Doctor), Ellu Vaya Pookalaye (Asuran), Ennadi Mayavi (Vada Chennai) and Kaathodu Kaathanen (Jail). Let me know what you think if you have a listen to it. ☺️ Oohh I just listened to them! Thunder Road seems like such a “feel good” song. Like it’s a good choice if you need a pick me up.
Aww that’s smart!! I hope that you can achieve all your resolutions for next year! The first one will definitely happen!! Wow! You sound like such a linguist. How many languages do you speak/know? Nooo, it doesn’t sound stupid. I can see what you mean. I sincerely hope that you have enough money to not just live comfortably and travel for auditions next year, but also have money to travel for leisure and have a surplus in savings!! All the best!! 👍🏽👍🏽 Okay, I am totally guilty of point 4 as well. I feel you on that. But I can honestly say that I enjoy talking to you and look forward to your responses. I’m pretty sure that the people in your life do not think that of you. I hope that you can work pass this anxious thoughts and appreciate yourself for the beautiful and wonderful person that you are!! And I am so proud of you for coming this far and recognizing that you have made improvement! YOU GO GLORIA! 💪🏽💪🏽 Also the paradox that being under someone’s gaze makes us uncomfortable, but we love to be on stage dancing! Reading is fun! But I have been getting way too much into fanfics, which is not a bad thing, but I want try reading some non-fiction. Which is hard to start when I have a long list of fanfics saved. 🙈 hope you do get to read more in 2021!! Hmm my goals are to exercise more, get back into dancing, and hopefully to start a PhD. And also general stuff like being more present in the moment, and drinking more water. Haha
Thank you for your wishes! I hope you have an amazing week ahead! Merry Christmas!! Wishing you a fabulous day filled with lots of love, joy, gifts and good food! Have fun but also stay safe!! 🎉🥰❤️ -M :)x
M!!! 💕 So sorry for the late reply!! I'm a terrible person when it comes to replying sometimes ahahah xD As usual, all my ramblings under the cut :D
Ohhhh wow so many music recommendations, thank you SO MUCH!!! I'll save everything to my Spotify! :D Oh I knew absolutely nothing about music directors, thank you for explaining that to me! 😱 It really sounds like a very different system!!
Ah I can feel you about the motivation to exercise!! I'm also very lazy when it comes to cross training, which I need to do to prevent injuries: let's say I'm constant but I get bored very quickly and always look for new exercises, new music to use, exercises that look like games, you name it 😂 Like, to train balance, my favorite exercise is balancing on one leg with eyes closed, and doing variations of that, because it's never boring! 😆 Or I have to listen to podcasts/music in the meantime, otherwise I just go crazy! But I think that to get some motivation back it's better to start from something that's kind of fun and doing only 10 minutes the first day and building up from there!! I honestly made some progress only because I had a lot of time and spent hours dissecting ballet steps I'm struggling with ahah! Just, starting from the simplest "part" of that movement and seeing what I was doing wrong, taking videos of myself and then study said videos (horrible thing to do but very useful 😆)...
Ahhh I'm not a linguist, really!! I just went to a linguistic high school and studied English, French and German! But honestly I feel comfortable speaking only English and French, but the second is definitely a bit rusty as for now 😂 I also took Portuguese for one year at uni and I'd like to go back to it someday! :)
Your goals sound amazing, too!!! I really hope you'll go back to dancing and recover completely from the surgery you mentioned earlier! 🙏 And PhD, WOW!! That's awesome!!! I'm sure you'll accomplish a lot in the new year, you sound like a hardworking and passionate person, I'm rooting for you! :D I hope you spent some nice days during these holidays, rested and ate good food! 💕 Hope you're well and staying safe ☺️🙏 Until the next ask!!! 🎄✨🐇
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What's the first thing you thought in your head when you woke up today? I thought about calling Gab, which I did and which made me fall right back asleep. If your best friend confessed that they can see the future, you would...? I’d put likeeeee 15% trust in them because they’re still my best friend lmao, but I’d mostly be challenging them about their ~skill. I’d be curious to know when it started, what exactly is it they see, whether it’s been accurate the whole time they’ve had it, etc. Tl;dr I’d basically apply my journalism lessons irl lol. Write a random quote that comes to your head: “Tried to keep my eyes closed, I want you so bad, then I woke and it was so sad.” Idk if it counts as a quote but I’ve had this lyric by The Japanese House in my head for a few minutes. What's your opinion on milk chocolate? I like it, but it can get a little too sweet for me and I usually don’t like how too sweet feels for my throat. I’d take it over dark chocolate though. What about Dark Chocolate? I like it too, but I can probably only eat a block or two before finding it too bitter. Idk man, I’ve always been a white chocolate girl.
You do know that white chocolate isn't even really chocolate, right? Yeah, but it’s just the right amount of sweet for me so it’s always been my fave. Do you get annoyed when surveys mention a band you've never heard of? I entirely skip those surveys so that I just don’t have to deal with them, because yes I do get annoyed lol. What's your opinion about Katy Perry's song "I kissed a girl"? Ahead of its time. It’s not one of my favorite singles but I wouldn’t change the station if it suddenly played – and I’d certainly make my parents sit through the whole song. What's your least favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni. What would you do if you discovered the US was now drafting for the war? Aren’t they always in war with some other country? As someone from a relatively poor country it’s always been a little laughable, surprising, and even a little appalling seeing how much Americans spend for WAR. We’re here wishing every school had an adequate amount of desks and chairs, and they’re out there buying bombs and tanks. Sad. Are you even living in America, or are you from another country? Last question should answer that for you. What's your favorite social website? I love Twitter. Everyone is a mess in there and it’s where people hang out for the memes. It’s great. Do you believe in heaven? If so, what's it like? If not, why? I don’t really believe in it but a part of me finds comfort in the idea of reuniting with my loved ones after death. Still, I mostly think of death as permanent sleep – it just makes the most sense to me. What's your favorite video game? Not a big video game gal but I always wanna play Grand Theft Auto just to be a law-abiding citizen HAHAHA In your opinion, is Bzoink the best place to find fun surveys? It’s been my go-to for the longest time, so yeah.
What kind of mood are you in right now, and why? I’m a little more content than I’ve been in the last few days. I’ve recently been hanging out at our rooftop until very late at night because we have a pretty view of the city and the stars, and it’s sooooo peaceful up here; I dunno why I never hung out here before. I’m also more than halfway through the 1,500-word essay I need to do for one of my classes, so I’m feeling good and proud of myself. What's your opinion of high school? It’s all honestly so stupid with all the cliques, the proms, and the pressure to have high grades; but it’s also your chance to be dumb, make friends, make mistakes, and have fun. Some of my most precious memories, important lessons, and best relationships came from high school, so as stupid as it got sometimes, I’m always grateful for the four years. Do you prefer the country or city? CITY. I’m already too used to the internet, the nice restaurants, and the hustle and bustle of the city to be separated from it. That’s not to say I don’t like vacationing in provinces – I really do, but it’s only a matter of time before I get homesick for the city. Texting: Is it fun, evil, boring, or none of the above? It’s none of these things for me? It’s just convenient, lmao. What email service do you use for your main (or only) email account? Gmail. What's your favorite dumb pick-up line? Pass on here, I’ve never liked pickup lines. What are your plans for the next 48 hours? Did you ever read "Captain Underpants" when you were little? OMG yes I diiiiiid. My parents didn’t allow to buy me those books cos they were a little immature, but I lived with a cousin who had the complete series. They were SO fun to read and so funny and the doodles were really entertaining. What's better: The old Cartoon Network, or the new one? Or do you not care? THANK you for the third option. I don’t care. Disney Channel shows are all pretty cheesy, aren't they? They definitely are now, but maybe that’s just because I’m older now. Older people in 2006 probably found That’s So Raven and The Suite Life corny too. What's your opinion on the Jonas Brothers? Crazy talented, both in 2009 and their recent comeback. I vibe with Sucker today the same way I vibed with SOS when I was 10 years old. What are some of your favorite singers/bands? I enjoy listening to Paramore, Beyoncé, Hozier, Ariana Grande, Hayley Williams as a solo artist, Coldplay, and Ben&Ben. Why do the lead singers in bands always get the most recognization?! Because they’re typically the most recognizable ones in the group. You have your guitars, basses, keyboards, drums... and I think people often recognize vocalists as the one that sets the band apart from others. Just my two cents though, and this is certainly not meant to undermine the band members who do play instruments. Did you ever believe in the Tooth Fairy? I did at one point, but my parents ruined any fictional character for me when I woke up not finding any money under my pillow. What's your favorite type of weather? Just any kind of weather that blocks the sun out is great with me. What's your opinion on reading books? If you have the time and passion for it then honestly good for you. I stopped being a bookworm a long time ago and I never got back into the groove. You're given a chance to act in a hollywood blockbuster! Would you accept? If I was a paid extra, sure lmao. What it if it was a movie directed by Tim Burton? (He directed Sweeney Todd) I know who Tim Burton is. Again, only if I were an extra lol. How do you feel about Taco Bell? It’s so good. I don’t care how unhealthy it is or what it’s actually made out of; it’s great comfort food for me haha. Are you hungry right now? Now that you mentioned Taco Bell I do want some cheap fast food right now lmao, but I guess I’m not having anything like that until the lockdown is lifted :/ :/ How often do you go on to YouTube? Everyday. I watch at least one video a day. It's possible to be addicted to anything... What are you addicted to? Using my phone, I guess. What's your opinion of Wallgreens? I don’t have any, because I only see hear of it in American vlogs hahahaha. Back when Spongebob Squarepants was famous, were you interested in it? 100%. Favorite cartoon as a kid. It’s still one of my favorites today. What's your dream pet? Any kind of dog except for chihuahua sounds like a dream. You see a mermaid while relaxing on the beach with friends. What now? Take a photo from afar and then share it with close friends. It’s up to them if they want to spread it on social media, but I’ll take a pass on that lol.
Who's been your favorite teacher growing up, and why? I liked Ms. Ettie because she always made sure all of her music lessons came with an important life lesson. She always led the class with a lot of grace and poise and treated all her students with respect no matter how much they were struggling in class, and I admire her tremendously for it. When you were little, did you ever like Pokemon? I did. I had the books, video games, cards, and pogs. How often do you get headaches? Only when I’m really stressed from school and haven’t eaten. Do you have any songs stuck in your head right now? If so, what? Nope.
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sage-nebula · 5 years
For the ask meme, Alan with 1, 7, 11, 15, 18!
Finally, someone asked for one of my faves! Thank you!!
1.) Their physical weak spots:
I don’t know if this necessarily counts, but he gets a chest cold every single winter. Usually it’s not too bad, but there have been times when it escalated to bronchitis or pneumonia (the latter of which he had to be hospitalized for because he let it go too long and passed out and Lizardon had to physically carry him to the ER). His respiratory system is not kind to him in that way.
His left shoulder is also messed up, pretty much permanently, due to the fact that he injured it when protecting Manon from Rayquaza’s Draco Meteor, and then later that same day landed on it after Primal Groudon threw Primal Kyogre at him and knocked him off his feet so hard he tumbled. Even after his shoulder heals, it always aches whenever it’s cold out, and has a tendency to get sore if he does too much with it at a time.
7.) Their tickle spots:
His stomach, but good luck trying to get that laughter out of him, haha. Not only does he layer clothes, which makes it harder to tickle him, but he’s also very good at holding back the laughter and schooling his expression to make it look like it’s not affecting him at all so that people don’t learn that he’s ticklish / give up. But any doctor’s appointments where the doctor has to examine his stomach usually end up with him fighting back against those giggles.
11.) Bad or petty habits:
Alan could have a broken leg, be bleeding out from a wound in his side, have several broken ribs and a concussion, and if you asked him how he was doing, he’d say, “I’m fine.” Alan does not share his problems with anyone outside of Lizardon, and even then, he usually insists even to Lizardon that he’s fine when Lizardon very clearly knows better and calls him on it. Alan feels that he has to be strong enough to do everything by himself, and while there are a lot of reasons for this, it still means that he usually ends up overloading himself, which in turn makes those he cares about worry about him even more than they would otherwise. (It also means that some of his illnesses escalate to bad places they might not have, such as his cold turning to pneumonia that onet ime.) 
As far as petty habits go … I’m not sure that I’d call this petty, per se, but if someone irritates or bothers him, instead of engaging in a discussion or argument about it, Alan tends to just freeze them out and walk off. Like he won’t say anything more to them, he won’t even look at them, he just leaves and flat out ignores them if they try to talk to him. For someone with the soul of a dragon whose partner is a fire-breather, Alan sure knows how to give the iciest of the cold shoulders.
15.) What it takes to make them cry:
A lot. Alan is not really a crier, mostly because crying earned him punishment in his early childhood by the people in Isolé Village. No matter what had upset or hurt Alan back then, it was never enough to warrant crying in the eyes of the Isolé Villagers, and so Alan learned very early on that if he had to cry, he had better do it silently, and that he was honestly better off not doing it at all. Of course, once Sycamore took him in that became less of an issue, because Sycamore would never punish him for crying, but by that point the lessen had been learned and the damage had been done. (Much like with how Alan never told Sycamore when he was sick, despite being told numerous times that he should.)
So to that end, times when Alan has cried have been few and far between. He cried once when he was five when Sycamore grew upset with him for leaving the lab by himself with no warning, and he thought this meant that Sycamore would send him away (either back to the village or somewhere else). He cried a little when he had his breakdown on Prism Tower, though he tried so hard to hold the tears back that barely any escaped. He would definitely cry if anything serious happened to Sycamore, and would absolutely lose it if Lizardon was ever killed.
But he’s really not much of a crier. He tends to keep that sort of thing on lockdown.
18.) Things they’ll never admit:
The fact that he spent most of his life dreaming about Sycamore officially adopting him is definitely #1, haha. He never brought it up with anyone besides Lizardon, and definitely not the good professor himself. He figured that if Sycamore wanted to adopt him, he would, and that if he didn’t then it was because he (Alan) hadn’t earned it yet. Of course, that was so far from the truth it’s laughable, but since neither of them actually talked about it …
There’s also the fact that the majority of the reason why he never wants to go even in the vicinity of Isolé Village again is because he’s scared. He knows it’s stupid to be scared, especially once he’s grown and has Lizardon and all that. The villagers there can’t hurt him anymore. But it’s like a primal, deep seeded fear that twists in his gut every time he thinks of the village. It’s like if he stepped foot there again, suddenly he’d feel like he did when he was five and Maurice could easily lock him in the hall closet for days on end. They can’t hurt him anymore, but on some subconscious level it feels like they can, and the worst part is that he still doesn’t understand why because he knows they’re not evil, they were always good to each other and to their own kids, and even to visitors like Sycamore. It was always just him. And after everything that happened with Lysandre, it really made him wonder if perhaps they saw something in him that no one else did, even Alan himself. But whatever the case, the reality is that the adults in that village abused him, and the kids in that village bullied him because the adults abused him, and even when he’s grown the idea of returning to the village sets off a small panic attack in him. He’ll never admit it to anyone, not even Lizardon, but it does nonetheless. He never wants to have to go back there if it can be avoided.
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m88n · 4 years
no all g! i just have too much time bc i'm working remotely. i am good except for the damned sydney outbreak lol. but i went to the soft opening of a sushi restaurant earlier this week and it was amaze 😍 sushi is my fave food, what's yours? omg i haven't been to a con in years. psycho pass is not my usual genre so i was skeptical but i did enjoy series 1 a lot! garden of words was ok? i didn't love it but it wasn't awful. DSAJDKAS STOP IT WITH THE TWINKIES YOOO
Hahahaha big feels everythings remote rn :”) yeah i heard about the syd breakout please take care & always stay safe steph :(( and im so sorry u cudnt see ur sister for the yr end... things rly are a lil bit chaotic in the world rn😞😞😞Omgggg i love sushi so much😭😭😭😭evr since the lockdown happened ive been eating much less sushi lol cos i havent been seeing people/going to restos HAHA sushi is also my fave food lololol !!!🥺😍💘 to the point whr id be pretty particular w the sushi i consume rip x_x second wud either be pasta, burger, or banh mi (been crazy about this one lately LOL) hb urs steph ?? Yes omg when i get to watch ill report 2 u hw ill find it maam !! Hehe. Are you watching anything at the moment (other than nct stuff??) lately ive been having trouble catching up with nct stuff ripperoni💀💀💀soo much content going on
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA n no nice try but ill nvr stop w the twinkies😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
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