#my favorite restaurant is closed on mondays
greppelheks · 1 year
I think I'm slowly starting to understand that me being constantly exhausted is just because I'm finally safe and my body is no longer running on adrenaline and cortisol all the time. I've been fighting against the exhaustion for over a year but I haven't actually allowed myself to rest without feeling guilty.
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
Hi! Saw that your request is open and jump straight in to request lol.
Can you make a Leon x reader fluff, where Leon is this big tuff government agent (which he is) who is respected and look up to by people around him. But around reader he's just this big puppy who loves to cuddle and be in her arms, and he's so whiny whenever the reader needs to get up to go to the bathroom that he'll just wait for her outside the bathroom, once she gets out, he just scoops her back into his arms and off to cuddling session they go~ Can be any Leon you want!
Pairing: ID!Leon Kennedy x gn!Reader 
Genre: Fluff 
Synopsis: Tough government agent by day, soft puppy boy by night. Leon recounts the highlights of his week spent with you. 
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: None! :)
A/N: i just love a good puppy boy yum. now, obvi RE2 takes the cake for soft boy, but in my head, i dream of old leon being the biggest baby, like he has so much trauma, let me be your therapist – hope you like this anon! <3 
- masterlist - 
Saturday & Sunday  –
Leon adored the weekends. He got to spend all his time with you after all. He loved leaving work as early as possible to pick you up from your work, taking you out for a nice dinner, and maybe watching a movie or TV show afterwards. He loved staying up as late as possible, hoping that the sun never rose so that he could relish being in your comfort under the heaps of blankets because you always complained about being cold. Eventually, the stress of work and lack of sleep would forcibly pull him into slumber as he snuggled closer into your body. When he woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the morning sun rays peeking through the crevices of the curtains, Leon sinked into the mattress, holding you as close as possible. You were a heavy sleeper, so he often took advantage of that to kiss your temple and get up to make you breakfast. 
Leon was such a giver, loving that he could be a caretaker for you. While he was gone at work, you were always the one to take care of things at home and make sure he had a clean space to relax and recharge. So, he’d always repay you for being the one to service you on the weekends. He knew your favorites, likes, and dislikes. And, even if he wasn’t the perfect cook, he still knew how to make up for it with weekly flowers delivered to the house. After breakfast, he’d be with you wherever you stepped. 
You like reading in the den? He’d sit next to you while he answers emails and finishes reports, hating that your eyes were following words and not on him. 
You like gardening outside? He’d start working out outside with his shirt off, definitely making sure to distract you and hating that you smiled more at the flowers than at him. 
You like going out to brunch with your friends? He’d drive you to and from the restaurant, pretending to leave after kissing you goodbye and wishing you to have fun before sneaking back to sit at a reserved table. 
He couldn't spend a second without you. So, that’s why he always hated the work week, because for forty hours, he had to resist quitting his career to be in your arms. And unfortunately, tomorrow was Monday.
Monday – 
Leon already started off the week to a bad start. Somehow, he’d forgotten to take the lunch you always packed him to work and he didn’t have enough time to drive back and grab it. It wasn’t that he minded skipping lunch – he missed many meals from harsh mission conditions already – or was incapable of buying his own lunch from a nearby food chain, it’s just that he was upset that he would be missing out on your little sticky notes you accompanied with each lunch. From when you started dating, you made it a habit to sneak in notes of affection and motivation to cheer him up throughout the day. He even made an effort to save all your sticky notes in the corner of his desk drawer with his favorite ones displayed on the edge of his monitor or overlapping on pictures frames of you propped up on the corner of his desk. 
“Mr. Kennedy?” 
“What do you want?” Leon all but glared at the assistant, standing near the door. She’d been a new addition to the team, meaning she was trying her chance to catch his eye. Arguably, Leon enjoyed the attention during his rookie days, using his looks for his career’s advantage; however, nowadays with you in his life, Leon treated every woman with a cold shoulder and a sneer. Unfortunately, some women were into cold and sneering men. 
The assistant fluttered her eyes, pushing her chest out as if she had a spinal injury, “There’s some here to see you.” 
Thinking that she was talking about herself, Leon grit his teeth in annoyance, “Get the fuck out of my office.”
“Leon!” You unexpectedly appeared through the door of his office with a disappointed frown, “That was so rude, apologize to her now.” 
Leon’s jaw slacked in surprise, not expecting you to show up at his workplace. He stumbled out of his chair, quickly making it over towards you to give you a kiss only to meet the side of your face instead of your lips. Leon pouted from you avoiding his kiss. You gave him a glare, eyes flickering towards the assistant. Internally groaning, Leon knew he didn’t have a choice as you were the most stubborn person he’s met. But he was a pleaser – he was your pleaser – so he’d do anything you ask him to. 
Turning towards the assistant, Leon begrudgingly muttered an apology, “I shouldn’t have sworn at you. That’s my fault.”
Although he didn’t mean it, Leon looked at the assistant with harsh eyes. From his height, you couldn’t see his disingenuous expression and gullibly believed in his fake act of remorse. His glare hardened, a warning for the assistant to leave before he kicked her out physically. Leon would never put his hands on a woman, but if they were threatening his lover, then all those morals went out the window. Getting the hint, the assistant finally made the move to leave, but not fast enough for Leon to grab you in his arms and essentially make out with you in front of her. 
You pulled back from the kiss with a blush, “Leon!”
Leon smirked, loving to see the flush on your face and being the reason for it, “I missed you.”
“You saw me this morning,” You rolled your eyes at Leon’s dramatics. 
“So?” Leon snuggled into you closer, sniffing you as if your scent was home to him, “What are you doing here? Don’t you have work?”
Leon heard some rustling and looked to see his forgotten lunch bag in your hand, “Hungry?”
Leon nodded like a puppy with a wide smile on his face before guiding you to sit on his office chair while he sat on his desk. He happily waited as you unpacked everything on his desk and advised him which foods to start with. And, although he didn’t receive a note that day, your presence made up for it. 
Tuesday – 
“Conference is ready for Eagle, I repeat, Conference is ready for Eagle.”  
Leon raised his cuff towards his mouth, “Copy that.” 
Leon buttoned his suit jacket, securing his pistol, and gestured one arm towards the Oval Office’s door, “Mr. President, we’re ready for you.” 
Leon received a curt nod before leading him out the Oval Office and towards the press room. Like routine clockwork, his eyes were constantly scanning for danger. Even though they were only moving from one end of the White House towards the other, Leon was never too careful. Once at the doors of the press room, Leon held the door with one hand while the other went back up near his mouth, “Eagle’s entering the press room.” 
When he received the green light, Leon pushed open the door and followed the President towards the stage. Again, he scanned the room, looking for any suspicious activity or possible threats. Just as he made his way towards the edge of the stage where he was usually stationed during these boring politically vague press conferences, his eyes happened to catch a familiar figure, causing him to stumble over his feet and loudly crash into the American flag flagpole. The noise caused each reporter to inspect the situation as they watched Leon fumble. With quick reflexes, Leon caught the pole before it fell over and placed it back upright before awkwardly shuffling towards his post. Normally, Leon wouldn’t have made such a mistake, but the sight of you sitting with the audience of reporters caught him off guard. How could he forget that you worked in a very reputable news station? 
Leon avoided everyone’s lingering stares, pretending that what just happened didn’t happen. Well, everyone’s but yours. Once he met your twinkling eyes, your face broke out into the most adorable smile as you tried to hide it behind your notepad and suppress your giggles. Leon let out a barely audible chuckle as his face flushed. You were the only one that could have him feeling embarrassed. But technically, this was your fault, because you looked too good for him not to stare at you the whole time. If any of his colleagues was watching his view, they’d definitely think you were some sort of threat waiting to take their chance. 
Normally, Leon couldn’t wait for these conferences to be over. But now, he found this one particularly excruciating. The whole time he kept wondering how the hell he was supposed to control himself when you were in work mode. Just the way you asked the most intelligent questions, being so focused when writing your notes, and the way you brushed your hair out of your face whenever it fell into your vision sent him into a state of blissful insanity. The things he’d do to just leave his post and jump into your arms was unthinkable. But he had a job to do, and he was the best at it. Plus, he wanted to show off how cool and handsome he was while on the job. 
“Thank you. We’ll be taking no more questions at this moment.”
Leon snapped out of his daze, moving to escort the president off the stage. Turning towards a secret service member, Leon gave the orders to guide the president back to his next destination before breaking away and practically skipping towards you. 
“Nice fall there, Romeo,” You teased, can’t help but giggled as you recanted the fresh memory. 
Leon scratched his head with a crooked smile, “I saw the most beautiful person in my life.”
You shook your head giggling before giving him a quick kiss, not wanting to get him in trouble at work. Leon excitedly accepted your kiss, smile widening even more as his lips tingled. 
“Kennedy! Debrief!” 
Leon looked over to see his colleague waving him down from across the room. Instantaneously, his stoic expression returned as he gave a quick nod of acknowledgement. Once out of sight, his features soften, looking at you apologetically, “Gotta go, I’ll see you later. Love you!” 
It took him almost a minute to actually say goodbye and leave you, but the skip in his step made up for his tardiness. 
Wednesday – 
Leon was starting to get tired of these meetings. His job was to fight bioweapons, did he really need to sit in the geeky science side of things? If there’s a monster, kill it. Easy. 
He sighed, as his eyes bore into the papers, yet not reading any of the content written on them. Every word said by the scientists and researchers went in one ear and right out the other as they continued through the robust slideshow. Didn’t he skip college for this exact reason? 
Just as they were about to continue towards the next slide, Leon’s phone rang, interrupting everyone from their concentration. Usually, Leon would apologize for forgetting to silence his phone, but seeing your caller ID flash on his screen had him running outside the meeting room as the group decided to call for an intermission. 
Picking up, Leon piped up, “Hello?”
“Is it a bad time?” 
Leon looked back to the meeting room without a care, “Nope, wasn’t doing anything important, what’s up?” 
“I was just going to ask what you wanted to eat for dinner for Friday’s movie night. Do you want to order in or make something ourselves?” 
“What’s wrong with both?” Leon chuckled. 
“That’s too much!” You laughed.
Leon smiled, loving the sound of your laughter and being the one that made you laugh, “Okay, okay, let’s get something easy to make. We’ve got some other shopping to do too.” 
“Perfect, we’ll go tomorrow, okay? Come home early.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, “I’ll be there.”
“Okay, I gotta go now. I love you!”
“I love you too,” Leon kissed into the phone before hanging up. 
He was about to turn around and head back to the presentation room before being face to face with the Redfield siblings. Chris raised his brow while Claire did her best to hide her snickering behind her hand. Leon’s stoic persona returned, pushing past them as he muttered, “Shut up.” 
Thursday – 
“Anything else?”
“Sour cream,” Leon read the grocery list, “That should be it.” 
You nodded, heading towards the condiments aisle, “Right, can’t forget the sour cream.”
Finding the location, you were about to ask Leon for help as the bottle you wanted was placed on the top shelf, but Leon was quick to understand and had already reached up and placed the bottle in the cart. You smiled and attempted to pat his head, “Thank you! Ready to go?”
If Leon had a tail, it would be wagging faster than a boat propeller. Leon perked up at the praise, basking in the good words you had for him. He could never get over how well you treated him and he lived to impress you everytime. Just as he went to answer, a certain sibling duo appeared again. Was this his bad luck? 
Once you saw Claire, you immediately rushed over and enveloped her into a hug and gushed about where she’s been and what she’s been up to. Knowing you well, Leon knew it’d a while before you realized you’d been talking for a bit too long. Chris seemed to know this too as he went over to Leon and struck up some small talk. He looked in your cart, analyzing the collected ingredients, “Taco night?”
Leon let out a gruff noise with a scowl on his face to indicate that Chris guessed correctly. Leon crossed his arms, impatiently waiting for you to finish so that you both could go home and cuddle on the couch together. 
Chris scoffed, “You don’t have to hide that you love them, you know? It’s not like everyone doesn’t know you’re head over heels for them already.” 
Leon pressed his lips together, “I’m not hiding anything.” 
“You’re not?” Chris pressed, “So, yesterday, on that phone call, you did send a kiss through the phone, right?” 
Leon met Chris’s eyes with a glare, not willing to admit he’d ever do such a thing. Although it was the truth and it would’ve hurt his pride to admit, Leon hated denying it in case it made you sad, so he chose to use silence as his answer. Chris found this particularly amusing as he laughed, “It’s okay to have feelings, you know? In this field of work, it’s nice to have someone – someone human – to remind us that we have lives outside of the virus.” 
Leon’s tough demeanor slightly cracked as he watched you laugh and joke with Claire. He hated to admit, but Chris was right. You were his everything. You made all the bad memories and nightmares go away. You reminded him that he’s just a guy trying to live a normal life. And, he’d do anything to keep you in his arms forever. 
Without thinking, Leon admitted, “I love them.” 
Chris smiled in triumph, “You look good together.”
Just as the men finished their chat, you looked over at Leon to which Leon softened his expression to meet your gaze, “Hey, you won’t mind if Chris and Claire come over tonight, right? They can even stay over if they want! Come on, let’s go!”
Even if he wanted to, Leon couldn’t bring himself to argue with you. Sure, he wanted you for himself tonight, but he couldn’t ever say no to you. Thus, you collectively left the grocery store with Leon grumbling in tow as Chris snickered at his demise. 
Friday – 
Fridays, oh Fridays. They were Leon’s favorite day of the week. It was the majority of the population's favorite day of the week actually. But, Leon’s reason wasn’t mundane like getting off work early to celebrate the weekend or other adjacent reasons. His reason was because he was to come home to you and destress the woes of the week in your arms. He didn’t care what movie or TV show was playing, he just wanted to bury himself deep into your neck and press loving kisses as if he was thanking you for your existence. Even though your focus was solely on the drama of the cinema, Leon was just happy to be included. That’s all that he needed. You were all that he needed. 
“I gotta use the bathroom,” You started to untangle yourself from Leon’s hold, “You can keep watching though.”
Leon mewled in protest. He didn’t even know what was playing anyways, so it didn’t matter to him. The hold on you shifted, so that Leon was encircling your waist and holding your body flush against his. He buried his face into your chest and his muffled, “Don’t go.”
You patted his head, brushing your fingers through his hair as you cooed at him, “I’ll be back in a bit, okay? Keep the blankets warm for me?”
Leon pouted, squeezing you one more time before reluctantly letting you go – extra emphasis on the reluctant part. Leon was basically an octopus suction cupping you on him as you struggled to get out of his hold. Once you were finally freed, you huffed before sending him off with a quick kiss and running towards the bathroom. Leon laid on the couch, lifeless. He didn’t know what to do without you. He tried to tune into the TV, but his lack of attention to plot confused him on the premise of whatever was playing. He laid back with his hand on his stomach, fiddling his fingers as he stared at the ceiling. He shifted his body left and right, suddenly feeling like the couch was made of concrete and blankets knitted with the itchiest yarn known to man. 
Annoyed, Leon decided to abandon the couch and shuffle his way towards the bathroom and paced outside as he waited for you to finish. Thankfully, you weren’t that long before you unlocked the door and stepped out. You hadn’t gotten far before Leon scooped you up in his arms and swiftly took you back to the couch and buried your bodies in the mountain of pillows and blankets. Only now did he feel comfortable, like sleeping on clouds. 
You giggled, taking his face in your hand and holding him to look at you. Leon’s eyes widened, waiting for you to say what you wanted to. You booped his nose, “Were you waiting outside for me?”
Leon pursed his lips like he was asking for a kiss. You shook your head, not willing to kiss him until he gave you an answer. Once realizing this, Leon’s lips turned into a pout, “I missed you.”
You giggled, pressing a rewarding kiss to which he passionately accepted, “You’re so cute.”
Leon snuggled back into you as your fingers entangled themselves back into his hair, “I love you.”
“I love you more.” 
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havecourage-darling · 2 years
Employee of the Month // Eddie Munson
Prompt: enemies-to-lovers, “the employee of the month gets a free dinner to a fancy restaurant and you both fight to win it until it goes too far and oh shit, I think I love you but everything is falling apart.”
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wc: 24K (don't even ask)
tags: miscommunication, cursing, misunderstandings, idiots in love being idiots in love, female reader
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YOU groaned the second you walked into the store and heard the sounds of Nightmare on Elm Street playing on the television. “Isn’t it my turn to pick the movie?” You asked, walking past the counter and into the back. Precariously balancing your coffee and breakfast sandwich on the ledge of the lockers, you started pulling your jacket off.
“Well, if you arrived on time, your Grace, you’d have been able to,” Eddie’s grating voice filtered in through the swinging door.
Gritting your teeth, you closed your eyes and counted to ten. It’s illegal to murder. You’d go to jail. Your mother would cry if you went to trial. His body would be too heavy to drag into a ditch. The blood would stain your favorite shoes. Dustin would never forgive you. You hadn’t helped stitch his body back together only to turn around and kill him now.
“I am on time, shithead, you’re just always early,” you hissed.
“It’s been literal seconds and you two are already fighting?” Robin groaned from where she had her face buried into her elbow at the counter. You shrugged on your vest, put your backpack into the locker and slammed it shut.
“He started it,” you said defensively.
Eddie turned, hair flipping like he was some goddamn heroine in a movie, and shot you an incredulous look. “Did you not just come in, metaphorical guns blazing?”
“It’s my turn to pick the movie!” You insisted. And it was. You always picked the movie on Mondays. Always.
His brows furrowed, as if confused by your genuine anger. “Then pick the movie! The TV has an eject button or did you need me to help you learn how to use it?”
A small ember lit in your chest like it always did when you were around his infuriating presence. “Need I remind you that I’ve worked here longer than you have, Munson?” You huffed, grabbing an armful of the returns without looking and walking around the store. “Some of us graduated the first time around.”
Eddie snorted, the barb falling short. “You’ll need to find a new insult, Lightning.”
The condescending tone rung throughout the air. “Do not call me that,” you hissed, whipping your head around to glare at him.
He held up his hands and didn’t even try to hide his smirk. “I didn’t give you the nickname Superstar.”
You hated it when he called you that. It always sounded so patronizing. “Have I ever told you how much I hate you?” You grumbled, making sure to clip his shoulder with your own as you passed him.
“On a daily basis,” he retorted, whirling his arms in the air to keep his balance.
Steve sighed as he walked in and saw you both glaring at each other. “It’s been less than an hour, how are you both already arguing?”
“He started it,” you grumbled again, turning around and started to shelve the returns.
“He started it,” Eddie mimicked, yelping when Robin smacked him. You started in the far back left-hand corner and did what you always did when you were on shift with Eddie – you ignored him.
A half hour into shelving, and only midway through your coffee, you heard Steve groan loudly. Robin’s head popped out from the aisle behind you and she sighed. “Keith incoming,” she alerted you all, everyone rolling their eyes. “Oh shit, he’s coming with a suit.”
“What?” You asked, hurrying around the corner to join her. Catching sight of the senior supervisor, one of the execs in suits who show up once a few months – if that – you frowned. “You think we’re being shut down?”
“I hope not, this place is a shithole but it’s a paycheck,” Eddie grumbled, starting up the computer and pretending to look busy.
“Good morning, everyone,” Keith said, uncharacteristically polite as the entrance door swung open.
Hiding a laugh behind a cough, Robin and you nodded. Keith looked like a small child who’d gotten dressed in his parent’s working clothes.
“We’ll be in my office,” Keith said through his teeth, shooting you all a look as the suit disappeared through the door.
Robin turned to you instantly. “Oh shit, do you think we’re actually getting closed down?”
“Honestly, at this point, that job down at the grocery store is looking more appealing,” you sighed.
Steve, on the other hand, sputtered. “I don’t! This might be a shit job but I still need the money,” he huffed. “Driving you people around is expensive.”
Robin rolled her eyes and you shot him a look. “I drive the other half of your kids, so don’t even look at me.”
“They’re not my kids!”
“Well, they became mine through you so, what’s that say?” You asked, joining him behind the counter.
“That you and Robin wouldn’t leave well enough alone at the mall,” Steve huffed.
Robin whipped her head around. “If it wasn’t for us, you and Henderson wouldn’t have cracked the code!”
“I took a punch for you,” you said, elbowing him.
Steve shook his head but you saw the smile building. Much like Robin’s entrance into the party, you’d been hired at Scoops Ahoy when Starcourt opened as a part-time employee. Also, like Robin, you’d been hesitant to trust the self-proclaimed reformed Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington. You’d known Robin, your next-door neighbor, for years. Despite the suspicion, you’d become pretty close friends. There was something about surviving a near apocalypse that bonded you all together. Especially considering his band of kids had welcomed you in with open arms.
“Demobats ate chunks of my skin off, you aren’t special,” said Eddie, tone – once again – grating on your skull.
Grinding your teeth, you ignored Steve’s pointed look and did what you did second best – shot him a withering glare and pretended he didn’t exist.
Unfortunately, your newfound friendships had led you back to Eddie Munson a few months ago. Despite fighting off those demented demobats with him in the Upside Down, and the way your heart had dropped to your feet when you fought to save his life, your distrust for him had only deepened.
“You both have to get over it eventually,” Steve grumbled under his breath. You reached out, quickly, and pinched his bicep. He yelped, brown eyes widening pitifully, and you glared at him.
Eddie and you hadn’t always had this…animosity. Steve had managed to break you down eventually, pulling the reason why from you after a summer party when you’d gotten plastered.
You had never thought of yourself as a spiteful person, but some things weren’t easy to get over. And what Eddie Munson had done to you was one of them. The worst part, was him acting like it had been your fault. That dumb, big-eyed, stupid son of a –
“Nice to see you all,” the suit said, coming out Keith’s office suddenly. You all mumbled incoherently, straightening when Keith glared, and watched as they walked out.
Not five minutes later, Keith sauntered back in with a smug look on his face. “Apparently, we’re the best performing Family Video in all of North Indiana.”
“Cool,” Eddie said, the nerd actually looked interested. You’d already known the store was doing better – considering Family Video was the only video store around for miles after the earthquake. The three of you had struggled enough to warrant bringing Munson into the mix.
“What does that mean?” Robin asked, always voicing the question on everyone’s mind.
Keith snorted. “That means, ducklings, we get to reap some perks.”
“Perks?” Steve asked, eyes brightening. Keith ignored him and turned to the rest of you.
“For starters, the suits are instating a best employee of the month,” he said, “excluding me of course because it wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”
You coughed, putting a hand up to your chest to really sell it, and attempted to hide your laughter within the sound.
“And what do we get if we win?” Eddie asked.
Would Family Video shell anything out? You wondered. They barely managed to replace your vest for free after you’d shredded it to shit from your adventures during spring break.
Keith leaned in, failing spectacularly at building tension, and smiled. You only just barely refrained from flinching back at the sight. “Get this, the first employee of the month gets a free dinner to Osteria da Fortuna. I get a free dinner obviously, because I’m the senior manager…”
His voice trailed off in your mind, your eyes widening and back straightened. Osteria? The fancy ass Italian restaurant downtown? Holy shit, you’d been dying to go there ever since Heather went with her boyfriend and told you about the desserts. She’d said it was the best tiramisu she’d ever tasted in her life.
By the time you’d snapped out of your daydream buffet, Keith had gone into his office again.
“Oh my God, I need that dinner. It’s the only thing that’ll help recover this month – shit, this year,” you said to Robin, her eyes softening. She’d been well aware of how shitty your life had been of late. “I’ve always wanted to go there!”
“Uh, everyone wants to go there, sweetheart,” Eddie said, his voice patronizing, “it’s the best restaurant for miles.”
You glared at him but he did what he did best, continue to annoy you.
“Besides, we’ve all had a shitty year.” He flipped his stupid hair again and you clenched your hands. Why did he always have to twist your words around? You hadn’t meant that yours had been worse than anyone else’s. You were well aware of how shit of a spring break ’86 had been for a lot of you.
“How no one has ever choked you is a mystery to me,” you said, matter of fact. A brief image of your hands around his neck made you smirk.
Eddie turned to glance at you over his shoulder. “I won’t say no if you’re offering Princess,” he winked.
Your heart slammed against your ribcage. Ignoring his jab, and the sudden rage in your chest, you walked into the breakroom to grab your cold breakfast sandwich. Heating it up in the tiny microwave you grabbed your bottle of water before stalking out again.
Keith leaned against the counter, reprimanding Steve about something, and his nose twitched. Eyes drawing towards you, they narrowed and you felt nervous. Shit. Keith had never cared when you ate and worked but you definitely didn’t want to piss him off as you started the race towards that dinner.
“Holy shit I haven’t eaten since last night I’m starving,” Keith said instead of admonishing you.
The idea popped in your head and before you could think twice, you offered Keith the wrapped breakfast sandwich. “Do you want it? I’m not that hungry,” you said, begging your growling stomach to stay quiet for a while.
You saw the appreciative glint in Keith’s eyes when he took his first bite – and by the scowl on Eddie’s face, he had too.
“Thanks Lightning, you’re a lifesaver,” he said, “you always were my favorite. I’ll be back later losers.”
With a flurry, Keith was out the door and the only noise for a few moments was Freddy Kreuger killing Glen. Then, your stomach roared to life.
“Not hungry?” Eddie echoed flatly.
Robin, however, stepped in before you could start another fight. “Well played you, well played,” she said, offering you a high five.
“If I give you my entire paycheck, will you take me with you when you win?” Steve asked, eyes pleading. It didn’t take a genius to know there was no way Keith was choosing Steve.
“As if,” Robin snorted, “she’s taking me.”
You watched them bicker amicably, laughing when Steve gaped at Robin after a low blow and barely registered Eddie next to you.
“I’m gonna win the dinner,” he said, nonchalantly.
Eyes darting up to his, ignoring his cologne wafting over to you, you glared at him. “Whatever, Munson.” Jesus, is that all you could come up with? What the fuck was in that cologne?
Eddie, however, just smiled. “Let the games begin.”
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Where the hell was everyone? You mused, walking into an open, but empty, store. Considering the schedule posted yesterday – Eddie, Robin, and you were set to open today.
Spinning your keys on your finger, you walked back into the locker room and tossed your stuff inside. Pulling your vest out, you shrugged it on and went to fill up your water. Once you were by the cooler you realized the back door was propped open.
What the?
You quietly stepped forward, eyes darting around looking for who was out there when you heard Keith’s voice.
“Dude, are you sure?” Keith asked, voice tinged with excitement.
Eddie’s soft voice filtered in through the crack. “Absolutely. I had extras and you know we’re cool right? I thought – why not ask Keith if he wants to take them off my hands.” Narrowing your eyes, you crossed your arms. You knew that tone – that was Eddie’s ‘I’m a bad liar but no one can tell,’ tone.
Keith stepped into view and you watched him take the Ziploc bag from Eddie’s hand. You bit your cheek to keep from cursing.
Of course Eddie was going to start sucking up too. Because there’s no way he couldn’t let you have this – why would he? He’s been a pain in your ass from the start. What the hell could you give Keith that one upped free weed? Fuck, you needed to get creative.
There was no way in hell you were letting Munson win this fucking dinner. At this point, it was a matter of pride.
Scrambling to the front of the store, you started your morning to-do list with fervor. Robin stumbled in, looking still half asleep, she motioned to the back and you barely nodded in her direction.
A few minutes later, Eddie sauntered out. Grinding your teeth, you shifted your shoulders away from him so you didn’t have to look at him directly.
“It’s rude to eavesdrop you know,” Eddie said eventually, hopping onto the counter to your left.
You felt a flash of embarrassment at being caught but you carefully stomped it down. Without flinching, or hesitation, you lifted your eyes to his and quirked your brow. Leaning in slowly, you watched his eyes widen and his mouth part. You waited a moment to speak, eyes drawn to the way you were sure his brown ones had flashed down to your own mouth. Just a little closer, the tiny – stupidly intrusive - voice in your head echoed.
Blinking away the thought, you smirked. “It’s illegal to sell drugs, you know,” you said. Eddie gaped at you, clearly not expecting that, and huffed a moment too late.
Swiveling in your chair you turned to the computer, indicating that you were done speaking and you’d taken it as a win.
Not one to ever let you have the last word, “It wasn’t a sale, it was a gift,” he said.
You hummed, just as petty. “I’m sure Hopper would love to hear that explanation,” you said agreeably. Everyone knew that after El and Joyce, you were Hopper’s favorite.
Eddie grumbled and slinked off towards the returns. Internally pumping your fist, your win was quickly extinguished when Keith came out. “Alright I’m off until tomorrow. Don’t forget to tell Harrington to make sure the box is shut this time,” Keith said, with a weird grin on his face, and turned to Eddie. “Thanks again man, I really appreciate it.” He winked and you had to practically bite a crater into your bottom lip to keep from gagging.
“No worries,” Eddie said, smug expression radiating from the back. You could hear his stupid unsaid words. Your turn, Lightning.
You scowled. God, even imaginary him was unbearable.
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“What the fuck?” You muttered to yourself as you opened up the store. “Where the hell is everyone?”
This time, the entire store was dark. You went around quickly flipping the lights on and checked the time. I’m on time, you thought, checking the backrooms. Your morning shift was scheduled as it usually was, an hour after opening, but Eddie was nowhere to be found.
Shit – that never happened. Eddie was always on time.
For a brief second, you wondered if something had happened to him. Anxious fingers already reaching for the phone, you realized you didn’t know his number. Keith would have it, right? Were you ever allowed to look at employee records? Where the hell did Keith keep employee information anyway? Spiraling, you glanced around you one more time like you’d accidentally missed him in the store.
Calm down, you told yourself, Eddie was probably just lazing around like he usually did.
He’s never been late to work, your mind reminded you, especially not your Tuesday morning shifts. Tuesdays were Steve’s day off – Robin always joined you after school at 4PM and helped you close. The both of you would bicker the entire morning about his movie pick, argue about who was shelving returns faster, and usually eventually draw a tentative truce with the shitty coffee from the kitchen.
Despite your vow to never say it out loud – you knew Eddie took work seriously. He was a massive asshole but he was weirdly earnest about this stupid video store. Yanking the phone to your ear, you dialed a number you did know quickly.
“Hello?” A groggy voice answered.
Without preamble, and with a pitch high enough to rival Robin’s, your words stumbled out your mouth. “Steve, I need you to call Eddie. It’s ten thirty and I just came in and had to open the store and he’s always here on time Steve. Always. It’s the most annoying fucking thing on the planet how punctual he is. Something had to have happened on the road or like, I don’t know but-”
“-wait, wait, I just woke up, what are you talking about?”
Annoyance surged through you. “Eddie didn’t show up for his shift!” You hissed into the phone.
“Shit, really?” Steve asked a little shocked despite the sleep clinging to his voice.
“Yes, really! I had to open the store when I showed up a few minutes ago.”
Steve suddenly went quiet. “Fuuuuck,” he said, now sounding completely awake, “is today Tuesday?”
“Fuck, I totally forgot,” Steve groaned, “Munson asked me to cover his shift.”
You chose to actively ignore the relief that bloomed in your chest. “Jesus Christ Steve,” you sighed, the worry draining out of you and making you feel lightheaded.
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry! I can be there in like five minutes-” a loud crashing sound made you wince and lean away from the receiver. “Ouch,” Steve groaned pathetically.
Biting back your laughter you shook your head. Steve Harrington was undoubtedly, not a morning person. “Hey, it’s fine. Tuesday mornings aren’t exactly rush hour over here. Take the morning off, I’ll be fine until the afternoon.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, Harrington, I’m sure. I owe you one anyway,” you rubbed a hand down your face, suddenly exhausted.
“Thanks dude, I’ll be down in a few hours, I’ll bring you coffee,” Steve said gratefully.
“From the good place!”
Steve laughed but promised to bring you the largest cup of coffee they had.
The morning, predictably, was slow. You spent the first half of it shelving returns and the second half of it assisting the odd customer that made their way by. Right as the latest man walked out the door, you caught sight of Keith leaning against his car. Groaning, you straightened and tried to look like you weren’t bored out of your mind.
Right as he started towards the store, you watched him chuck the butt of a joint towards the side. Keith had a dumb smile on his face and yesterday’s interaction slammed into you. Scowling, you smacked the enter button on the keyboard a bit too hard.
“Morning,” Keith drawled, the scent of weed wafting over to you. Grinding your molars, you could practically see the dinner slipping from your fingers.
“Hey,” you greeted, trying and failing to sound upbeat.
“Where’s Munson? I need to thank him again for – a favor he did me,” Keith ended lamely.
You opened your mouth to let him know what had happened but you hesitated. Shit. As of last year, the suits had established a new rule about swapping shifts. They all needed the manager’s approval. If Keith was here asking for Eddie, he hadn’t approved the swap. Steve was on thin ice considering the rule was put in place because of him.
An idea sprouted in the back of your mind and you chewed on your bottom lip. Was it too far? Eddie’s smug expression taunted you for a moment before you shook your head.
“I don’t know actually, he hasn’t called and wasn’t here when I came in,” you said, making an exaggerated notion of checking your watch. Gasping a little dramatically, you put a hand up to your chest. “Oh wow, I hadn’t even realized he’s two hours late! I’ve just been so busy here with customers,” you added, smiling dutifully and completely ignoring the empty store.
A small frown formed on Keith’s face but he shot you an appraising look before nodding. “Good job, thanks for keeping us in shipshape. You’ve always been reliable.”
Shipshape? You cringed at his wide, and weirdly sincere looking smile, before offering a weak one yourself. “Yes sir.”
Yes sir? Jesus you were laying it on thick.
Keith preened at the term and sauntered out the store without another word.
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You really should’ve known better than to assume Eddie wasn’t going to try and get back at you.
“Are you fucking kidding me Munson?” You screamed, kicking the front door open so hard that the frame rattled.
Eddie stood behind the counter, eyes glinting, and you could practically feel his skin underneath your hands as you smothered him with a plastic bag. Smug fucker.
“Oh, I’m sorry, did you forget to see the change in schedule?” He asked with his stupid smirk on his face. Seeing red, you had a brief moment where you considered launching forward to actually kill him.
Picking a happy medium, you picked up a nearby box of Twizzlers, you launched it at his head and he ducked, shooting you an incredulous look. “I just got yelled at for thirty minutes by Keith,” you said, launching another box of candy. “I didn’t give you a fake schedule making you miss your shift, Eddie. You’re the one who swapped without telling anyone.”
“I told Steve! Who told you!” Eddie argued, eyes flashing.
Putting your hands on your hips you shot him a glare. “Yeah, which is still not allowed!”
“Oh,” Eddie said, his tone dripping with incredulity. He huffed and stomped over to you. “Get off your pedestal, Lightning, don’t act like you give a shit about store rules.”
Stepping closer, you felt your arms brush as you poked his shoulder. “I’m not saying I do, but what did you want me to do? Get you both in trouble?”
“Not lie would be a good start!” Eddie shouted, poking back at you. God, he was infuriating. And why the hell did he always smell so good? “You saw an opportunity and you went for it! I was just evening out the playing field.”
You laughed incredulously. The audacity of this idiot. “Right, and you giving him your weed was what? You being kind?”
Sputtering for a second, you crossed your arms to avoid the visceral instinct to smack him.
“Whatever, the point is we’re even now!”
Even? How the hell were you even? “Munson if you think we’re even, you’re even more of an idiot than I thought.”
At that, he raised his brow. His eyes darted over your face, a ghost of a smile twitching on his lips. “Yeah? Alright then Superstar, you want a war?”
“Bring it on,” you hissed, stomping off into the backroom.
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Flipping the sign on the door around to closed, you sighed in relief when the last customer drove off.
“I’m going to go change!” Robin called out, disappearing into the backroom. Steve already had his Westley costume on, black mask and all.
With a twirl and outstretched arms, he asked you what you thought. “You look great Steve,” you said with a smile. “Is Robin Buttercup?”
Steve snorted. “No, that really wouldn’t help the dating rumors. She’s wearing something with Vickie I think,” he said. “Nina is going in the red outfit.”
A soft knock to the front door had you both scowling and you walked up to the glass intending to wave away whoever it was. “Oh, it’s Nance!” You called out. She beamed at you as you opened the door and handed you a small bag. “Ugh, thank you. You’re a life saver!”
“Of course!” She grinned, her Grease costume looking great. “Jonathan’s in the car.”
You waved towards his car and smiled when he waved back. “What are you supposed to be?” Eddie’s voice behind you practically echoed. Steve started his explanation and you rolled your eyes when you saw that he was dressed like Tommy Lee. Predictable.
“So, how’s that going?” Nancy whispered, nodding towards Eddie.
“It’s fine,” you said, avoiding her eyes and shifting your weight to your other foot.
Nancy’s eyes narrowed at him, her loyalty coming off her in waves. “It’s okay, really,” you assured her, “we have an unspoken pact not to bring it up. It makes everything easier. Besides, we all basically went to war against Vecna together.”
“Yeah,” she said, hand going up to play with her hair, “have you…told anyone else about what happened?”
Glancing back at Eddie, your eyes darted down to the bag in your hands and you shook your head. “Only Steve.”
“It’s mortifying, Nance. He’s made how he feels about me abundantly clear,” you said, gritting your teeth and trying to ignore the old hurt that bloomed in your chest. “I’m going to go change before we’re late, okay?”
Slipping past everyone, you found Robin messing with her hair.
“Vickie isn’t going to know what hit her,” you said, smiling when her anxious hands stilled.
“Really? I don’t look stupid?”
“Definitely not,” you assured her. “Help me into this?”
Robin grinned as you quickly changed. The one piece was easy enough to slip into. “You’re going to blow Blake’s socks off,” she said, helping you tie the back of your costume as you pulled the wrist pieces into place.
You shivered a little as you pulled the pantyhose up higher, the cool air quickly causing you to break out into goosebumps. “Remind me why we chose this again?” You asked, already shivering a little. You’d all been invited to Halloween Party by a mutual friend of yours – costumes required. It’d been a stroke of good luck that you had all been scheduled for today’s closing shift. You were actually pretty sure that Keith was still locked in his office after his impromptu visit this afternoon.
“Because Jenna’s house is going to be really hot and you said you’d rather be cold than sweating,” she reminded you, “besides, Blake said he was dressing up as Batman, right?”
You nodded, wiggling into your red boots and wincing when the zipper caught your skin.
“Maybe you’ll win the costume contest,” Robin waggled her brows and you knew she was thinking of the bottle of tequila Jenna had promised to the winners.
Blake, one of your neighbors, had asked if you had any plans for Halloween last week. He was quiet, sweet, and had eyes so blue they almost looked violet. So, you’d taken the chance and invited him along to the party. Checking the time, you winced. “Shit, he’s going to be here soon,” you pulled at the bust one more time before turning around to face Robin. “How do I look?”
Robin’s eyes widened. “Whoa, holy boobies,” she said, hand going up to your chest. You swatted her hand away and rolled your eyes.
“I’m going to assume that’s a good thing,” you laughed when she grinned mischievously. “What?”
“Oh, this night will be fun,” she said, adjusting her cape motioning towards the front door. “Please, Princess Diana of Themyscira, you first.”
Grabbing your hoodie and bag, you made sure to double check that the back doors were locked and shut off the lights. You had barely stepped out when you heard a choking sound. Glancing up, you saw everyone’s eyes on you. Feeling a little self-conscious under the attention, you froze.
“I told you,” Robin said quietly and you barely resisted the urge to turn and swat at her. Your eyes, of their own traitorous volition, shifted to Eddie. His eyes were wide, a little awed, and were trailing down your body. You couldn’t help but smirk when you realized he was checking you out.
“Holy shit, you look great,” Steve said, drawing your attention away from Eddie’s expression, his eyes on the rope you’d attached to the belt, “I’m glad the belt worked out!”
“Thanks,” you said, remembering how Steve had helped you spray paint it gold, “I owe you one.”
Everyone talked amongst themselves, double checking that they had everything before leaving. Feeling someone’s eyes on you again, you glanced up to see Eddie standing a few feet from you. “You look good,” Eddie said, his voice soft, “the costume looks just like her.”
Fighting the pleased, slightly giddy, smile that wanted to break out into your face at his compliment, you shot him a small smile instead. “Thanks, Steve and Robin helped me pick it out,” you said, eyes darting down to his chest and only now realizing that he was shirtless underneath his vest. Suddenly, you felt your mouth dry up and you crossed your arms to keep from coughing. “Uh, your costume is pretty good too.”
“Thanks,” he said, hand coming up to scratch at the back of his neck, “Dustin and Steve helped me paint on his tattoos.”
You couldn’t help it, your eyes glanced down at the new tattoo across his stomach. “Did Tommy Lee have a demon tattooed onto his chest?” You asked, leaning forward to get a better look. “It looks really well drawn.”
“That’s uh,” you watched, transfixed, as his Adam’s apple bobbed the closer you got, “my real tattoo actually.” His eyes caught yours and the both of you froze, having gotten much closer than you realized. For a brief, insignificant moment, you couldn’t help but think how much nicer brown was than blue.
“What the hell is going on?” Keith’s voice silenced the rest of your group.
Stepping forward, you automatically went on damage control before Steve or Robin sputtered out something that got you all more in trouble. “We’re just leaving, Keith,” you assured him, “I double checked the back and made sure everything was locked and cleaned.”
You continued to prattle on about your closing checklist, including a few admin tasks that needed his sign off on that you’d left on his desk for next week. Glancing up at him, hoping you’d saved your asses from a reprimand, you realized Keith wasn’t listening. His eyes were south of your face and you barely resisted the urge to gag on sight.
You need this job. You all need this job. Don’t break his nose, don’t do it. If you punch him, you’ll all but hand Eddie that free dinner. You’d probably break your hand. Hopper might be called. Inhale. Exhale.
Fucking pervert, your mind screamed one last time before you buried the thought and your discomfort. Using his distraction to your advantage, you crossed your arms and motioned to the front lights. “Are you okay to close the front on your own?”
At Robin’s cough, he sputtered back to life. A splotchy, disgusting, blush rose on his face and you fought the need to snap. “Of course,” Keith answered eventually, his leering grin making you immediately uncomfortable. “You always think of everything, good job. I’ll take a look at those forms on Tuesday.”
Nodding, you took a few steps back before being stopped by Keith’s voice. “You look good, by the way.”
Spine stiffening, you forced your customer service smile onto your face before nodding. “Thanks, have a good night?” Your voice sounds so fake you knew your friends could feel it radiate off of you.
“Yeah, yeah,” Keith said, gawking at you one last time before disappearing back into his office.
You spun around, ready to smile triumphantly at your friends for avoiding the lecture, when you’re thrown off by Eddie’s sour expression. What the hell crawled up his ass?
“God, I feel like I need a shower,” Nancy said, gagging. Robin and Steve shot you grateful looks, knowing that you’d taken one for the team.
The sound of the front door opening again caught everyone’s attention, your eyes all turning towards a sheepish Jonathan. “Sorry, just wanted to let you know Blake just pulled up.”
You rushed forward, looking out into the parking lot and seeing the familiar red car parked by the front doors. Smiling, you ran a nervous hand down your hair before turning to your friends.
“Meet you guys there? I think Blake wants to stop by for some burgers first,” you said, not able to keep the excitement out of your voice.  
Robin rolled her eyes and pushed you towards the doors. “Yes, we’ll be fine. We’ll see you at the party, go say hi to your date, I’m sure his eyes will fall out his head when he sees you. Just like Keith’s did.” You shot her a glare and she laughed like the bully she was.
“Low blow Buckley, low blow.” You pulled the hoodie on and shot everyone one last wave before pushing the front door open.
Seeing you, Blake stumbled out his car. He was dressed as Batman, with a beaming smile, and you waved excitedly. You ran out to meet him but before you got too far, you heard Eddie grumble: “Who the hell is Blake?”
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“Good morning,” Eddie said as he walked in, the bell above the door slamming against your skull. God, why the hell had you listened to Steve about the tequila last night.
Robin groaned next to you, her body slumped over and her hands on her head. “Please stop screaming.”
You caught a flash of amusement on Eddie’s face before he disappeared through the back. “This is your fault,” you mumbled to Robin, who grunted.
“Keith said that we were scheduled to have a half-day! How was I supposed to know that his idea of opening the store late the day after Halloween was going to be only two hours later?” Robin said, her skin turning green, her eyes closing as she gulped audibly.
Hands coming out to smack against her, you pointed her in the direction of the bathroom. “Don’t, please, if I hear you then I’ll start,” you said. Robin sped off towards the employee bathroom and you dropped your head back into your arms.
“Someone clearly enjoyed the party,” Eddie’s voice echoed in the quiet front room. Wincing, you turned to him and glared. He wasn’t wrong, but he didn’t need to sound so smug about it.
Eddie raised his brows, as if reading your thoughts, and you huffed. “I don’t have the energy to deal with you today,” you informed him, willing the two Tylenol you’d taken earlier to start working.
“That’s a first,” Eddie muttered, puttering around the store. “So, you seemed to have fun with Blake.”
The tone of disdain in his voice made you blink at him. From your, admittedly patchy memory – Blake had managed to get along with everyone. He was like the human version of a puppy; he made friends with everyone wherever he went.
You opened your mouth to defend him when a loud voice greeted you both. Fighting the urge to grab at your head, you pulled energy from deep – deep – within your reserves and smiled up at Keith. He had a scarf wrapped around his neck and two different colored gloves on. “Good morning, Keith,” you greeted warily. He never came in on holidays or the day after, having a Keith sighting twice this week was never good.
“I’m just passing by,” he said, eyes trailing down your body. Confused, you looked down at yourself to make sure you hadn’t accidentally tossed your cookies and hadn’t noticed. Your usual t-shirt and jeans looked in place and you only glanced back up with you heard Eddie scoff. Maybe he was just being normal gross Keith?
Keith reappeared, keys and a folder in his hand, walking back out towards the door. He stopped, eyeing the two of you before his gaze landed on you. Straightening reflexively, your spine cracked as you did. “Your costume yesterday…was really good. It helped – uh, give the store some seasonal cheer.”
Seasonal cheer? You thought, confused. Wasn’t that usually Christmas? Eddie seemed to be thinking the same as you were because his brows dipped.
The poignant silence seemed to echo and Keith cleared his throat. “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you’re doing good work and…keep it up.” With another gross smile, he disappeared. Ugh, ew, you groaned.
“What the fuck?” You muttered, encounter already being pushed away by your pounding headache. Another scoff caught your attention and your eyes drew towards the source.
Eddie’s face was turned towards the horror section, his brows furrowed and expression pinched. “Do you have something you’d like to say out loud?” You snipped, not at all in the mood for his emotional whiplash.
“If I had something to say, sweetheart, I’d say it,” Eddie snapped back.
Surprised, you blinked. What the hell was wrong with him?
“Whatever,” you said, the pounding in your head getting worse.
The entire morning went along the same way, Robin dashing to the bathroom, and you barely holding it together up front with Eddie. While you were used to sparring with him, and would admittedly normally find it comforting, this was more than his usual annoyance. He seemed…genuinely angry at you and you couldn’t understand why. To be perfectly honest, the constant nausea from the moment you’d opened your eyes wasn’t really letting you care much about the why as long as he long as he left you alone for two fucking seconds.
Whatever it was, you were tired of it. “I’m taking my break,” you announced, needing space and maybe a coffee now that your stomach had started to settle.
“Uh, no you’re not,” Eddie said, stopping you from moving to the backroom for your wallet. “My break is scheduled before yours.”
How many times had you all taken a break whenever you wanted? Was he really going to be a stickler for this now? “Dude, are you serious right now?” You asked, about two seconds from whining and stomping your foot like a toddler. Holy shit, all you wanted was peace and quiet and a coffee the size of your head.
“Yeah,” Eddie grumbled, crossing his arms, “remember that time it was my break and I was about to pass out from my hangover but you just left the store-”
This again? You fumed. “I didn’t know you were hungover!” You defended yourself for the millionth time. “If you would’ve asked for help like a normal person instead of sulking, I would’ve gotten you something! Or I would’ve let you go first!”
Robin’s head popped out, eyes squinting, and a frown on her face. “Are you guys serious?”
“Ask him!” You threw your hand out towards him. “He’s the one being an asshole today, I don’t know what the hell I did!”
“Isn’t it obvious? Clearly, you’re taking the cheap shots with your fucking costume with Keith. If his eyes had gone any wider than they would’ve popped out his head,” Eddie fumed.
What? “Are you trying to say that it’s my fault Keith is a pervert?”
“No! I’m saying you’re using it to your advantage!” His words hit like a physical blow.
Robin stepped out, hands out to both of you, eyes sharp in his direction. “Dude, too far.”
Feeling like you’d been punched, and more than mildly wounded at the fact that Eddie clearly thought you were willing to lower yourself so that Keith of all people would notice, you blinked at him. In the silence, and to your utter dismay, Eddie seemed to notice that he’d actually hurt you. The apology in his eyes made you dart yours to the floor.
“I didn’t-”
“Don’t,” you said quickly. The last thing you wanted was an apology, especially from Munson. “I stopped expecting apologies from you a long time ago,” you said, not able to keep the hurt and barb out of your tone.
Eddie cleared his throat. “What the hell does that mean?”
Of course. “Right,” you snorted, hating that you’d peeled at your own scab. What the hell did you need to go through to learn your lesson with him? “I’ll be out back. You’re right, it’s your scheduled break and you can go first.”
You made sure the door slammed as you stepped out and fought the pressure you felt behind your eyes.
Deep breaths, deep breaths, you reminded yourself. After grabbing a few tentative swings of your water, you splashed some onto your face and nodded at your reflection. You weren’t going to let Eddie get one over on you again.
When you came out a few minutes later, he was gone and Robin had an inquisitive stare.
“It’s nothing,” you said, not even believing yourself.
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The next time you were on shift with Eddie left you wondering if an alien had inhabited his body and was parading around as him.
“It’s weird, right? That he’s being this polite?” You asked Steve as you both got ready to leave after the morning shift. After your pseudo-fight with Eddie two days ago, he’d been stiffly polite and you didn’t know what to do with that.
Steve rolled his eyes and shot you a knowing look. “What? Do you miss the sexual tension you had during your fights?”
Sputtering, you reached out to smack him and he dodged your hands. “I’m joking!”
“I’ll choke you,” you told him.
Steve winked at you and you huffed, hurrying out towards the back exit like you did after every Thursday afternoon. Instead of your usual sight, you froze when you saw Eddie standing by the dumpster with a cigarette.
“Uh,” you said, taken aback. You thought he’d left the second it hit three considering how quickly he darted out.
“Hey?” Eddie said, making it sound like a question.
With an awkward wave, you cleared your throat and said, “Hey.”
Checking your watch, you realized you still had a few minutes but now you didn’t know what to do. Eddie, clearly feeling the tension, broke the silence. “I’m just, smoking…as the car heats up,” he motioned to his van that he kept parked out back in the employee lot. He’d gotten special permission because the van didn’t fit in the regular parking lot.
“Right,” you said, rubbing your hands together for warmth. You pulled your beanie tighter against your head and chewed on your bottom lip.
“What, uh, why do you always come out here after your shifts Thursday?”
Not able to help your smile, you saw his eyes light up with interest. Before you could answer, you heard the telltale sign of a gate being opened. With your hand, you motioned for him to follow you as you rounded the corner to the building.
As always, there was a big, furry, dopey, smile waiting for you. From this angle, you could see his golden tail wagging happily at the sight of you.
“Thought he was gonna cry when he didn’t see you,” Maggie, the owner of the bookstore and the adorable golden retriever who was currently jumping in excitement at the sight of you.
Reaching over the fence, you scratched at his ears and chin. “Hey Fitz, who’s a good boy?” Fitz leaned his big head into your palms and you looked over your shoulder at Eddie. The sight of his wide smile smacked into your chest so intensely you felt off balance. Gripping the fence, you waved for him to come over.
Fitz, sensing another potential hand for head scratches, let his tongue loll out and tilted his head in a desperate attempt to look cuter. Your heart melted at the sight and Eddie’s soft murmurs didn’t help. After a few minutes, and a lot of attention, Fitz jumped off the fence and you waved to Maggie before pulling Eddie back towards Family Video.
“The shift change today always coincides with Mags letting Fitz out for a bathroom break. It’s nice, to see them before I leave,” you shrugged, “Fitz is always happy to see me.”
“Yeah, dogs are great,” he said, “especially big ones with dopey smiles.”
You thought of Maggie’s other dog, her shy little elderly chihuahua and you grinned. “The small ones are cute too.”
“It’s definitely a blanket understanding that dogs are all great,” Eddie said, smiling.
Wait a fucking second, were you getting along with Eddie Munson? As if realizing the same thing, Eddie’s hand came up to scratch awkwardly at the back of his neck. “Uh, I’m gonna go-”
“-yeah, me too, uh, bye,” you said, not letting him finish and darting back inside.
Still a little dazed by the weird, almost normal, conversation – you didn’t realize Steve is practically drooling until Robin turned to shoot you a desperate look.
“What now?” You sighed, picking your bag up.
“One of Harrington’s crushes is here,” Robin said, “he flirted, she responded, they’re going out for coffee, and he’s acting like an idiot over, what number is she again?”
“Number three, Robin, three,” he hissed.
Scrunching your nose, you turned to slap Steve in the head. “What the hell is wrong with you, are you rating girls on a scale?”
“Ouch!” Steve hissed, turning to try and discretely check to see if the blonde had noticed. “I am not rating them on a scale, they’re numbered by how often they come in. Three is three times a week!”
Oh. “Woops, thought you were being a weirdo again.”
“I’ve had considerable growth, I’ll have you know,” he said.
Robin snorted and Steve shot her a wounded look. He then turned his big brown eyes to you. “So, remember how you usually catch a ride with me today because your dad uses your car?”
With a big, dramatic, sigh you pretended to think about it. “What you’re saying is, you’d ditch your friend for a girl? Your best friend who fought Russians and Vecna with you?”
Steve’s eyes turned down, a little sheepish, and he shook his head. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t do that to you. Let me go tell her-”
“Oh my God,” you shoved his shoulder, “you really do love me Harrington. I’m messing with you, go have fun. I’ll catch a ride with Robin when her mom comes by. I’m literally her neighbor.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, the light flush returning to his face.
You laughed and pointed to the door. “Go on Romeo, have fun.”
“I owe you one dude, you’re the best!” He said, straightening his jacket before running a nervous hand through his hair. Robin elbowed you and you grinned as he walked out but managed to slip on a pile of wet leaves. He recovered before she noticed but both of you couldn’t help but snort along with Robin.
She turned to you and leaned onto the counter. “You sure you want to wait? I’m on until closing.”
“Yeah,” you glanced at the low sun. While you loved the fall, you definitely weren’t keen on walking home in the dark – not after what you’d seen. Robin knew – shit, you all knew – and usually was your buddy in the system Dustin rigorously implemented. “I’ll grab a late lunch at the coffee shop and be back in an hour? Want anything?”
“Can you grab me a coffee?” She asked, eyes widening as she plead.
You grinned and squeezed her elbow before pushing the door open. “Be back soon!”
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The second cup of hot coffee had quickly gone lukewarm while you walked back towards Family Video two hours later. The sidewalk was littered with fallen leaves and you stepped towards a particularly crunchy pile of leaves when you heard it.
“Lightning?” The voice called out while your foot was mid-air.
“Jesus Christ,” you clutched your chest, pulling your headphones off. Eddie looked mildly amused, head leaning out his van.
“You can call me Eddie, no need to be formal,” he said. You rolled your eyes, resisting the urge to chuck a fistful of leaves at him.
“Do you make it a habit of driving up to girls in the dark?” You asked, gazing at him. Eddie rolled his eyes and you realized. “Also, stop calling me that.”
“I’m not the one that gave you the nickname!” He said, like he always did.
You fought the urge to leave him there, not wanting to be the first to ruin the precarious peace you had. He wasn’t wrong – but it wasn’t about the nickname per say, it was the tone he used to say it. Kicking the leaves by your foot, the memory of your high school coach floated to the surface. He was kind, intense, but a huge believer of everyone on the girls’ soccer team. He’d been offered the chance to coach the boys’ varsity team but had stuck with the girls.
He'd dubbed you Lightning as a freshman, claiming that you’d win a scholarship to college with how fast you could run the field. The moniker stuck.
Eddie shifted, eyes going over your shoulder towards the store. “Why the hell are you still hanging around here? Our shift ended two hours ago. Keith isn’t around to kiss his ass,” he said, fiddling with a cigarette.
“Pot, kettle,” you said with a snort. You motioned to the store. “Robin is on until closing. Harrington had a date and I don’t have a ride. Why the hell are you still hanging around here?”
“Was at the arcade with the kids. What about you? Your legs broken?” He asked, his stupid tone rubbing you the wrong way.
You glared at him. “My house is like an hour walk away and it’s freezing outside. I’d rather not freeze to death walking in the dark by the forest.”
“Scared?” He teased, and you could see a faint smile building.
“Yeah,” you answered honestly, eyes falling to the visible scars on Eddie’s hands. You knew what hid in the shadows in Hawkins. You weren’t risking shit.
Clearly not expecting your honesty, he blinked at you. After an awkward moment, he nodded. “Alright, hop in.”
“With you?” You said eyeing his car.
Eddie rolled his eyes at you and you saw hurt flash across his face. “I know it’s not a sports car like you’re used to but-”
You held up a hand. “I drive my dad’s old car, Munson. Steve is the one with the BMW. I wasn’t doubting your car, I was doubting your driving skills.”
The defensiveness melted off to give way for comical indignation. “How dare you?” He asked.
Weighing your options, you sighed. You were pretty hungry and hadn’t wanted to spend so much money on food in the café when you knew you had perfectly good leftover pizza at home. Besides, you’d woken up early and desperately just wanted to shower and get out of your jeans. “Alright,” you said reluctantly and Eddie snorted.
“Don’t sound too excited there Lightning,” he said.
Ignoring him, you motioned to the store. “Just let me go tell Robin.” Without waiting for a response, you jogged up to the door and empty storefront. “Hey, Munson’s giving me a ride home. See you tomorrow?”
Ignoring her wiggling brows, you waved off her teasing jabs and jogged back to his van. Pulling yourself into the passenger seat, Eddie had closed his window and blasted the heating.
“Heating takes a minute to get going, you want a blanket? I’ve got some in the back,” he asked, cheeks a little flushed.
“I’m okay,” you assured him, tucking your hands under your thighs. “Thanks.”
As he nodded, pulling away from the curb, you were struck by the scent that enveloped you. It was a mix of smoke, laundry detergent, and something woodsy. Inhaling deeply, you hated how much you seemed to chase after it.
 Shit, you thought, the scent was going to sink into your clothes and it’d drive you insane every time you wore this jacket. You vehemently tried to ignore the reasoning behind why it’d drive you up a wall. Nope, not touching that one with a ten-foot pole. You buried that part of you back into the dirt where it belonged.
Clearly uncomfortable with your sudden silence, Eddie hurried to put on music. “Sorry for the mess,” Eddie said, oddly earnest. He tossed a few wrappers into the back and you reached out to stop his fumbling.
“Seriously, it’s fine, my car looks the same. Well, not exactly the same but I’ve been there. I’m not…” you trailed off as Eddie headed towards the direction you’d pointed.
Eddie glanced at you, hands on the wheel. “You’re not?”
“I’m not that type of person,” you muttered, your fingers burning where they’d touched his, and stared at the window, “I wouldn’t make fun of your car.”
The radio station announced a change in song and by the first few chords you’d already started bobbing your head along to the music. Your brother had been playing this non-stop all month and it’d grown on you.
She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything was as fresh as the bright blue sky
You hummed along and watched the trees flash by. Eddie cleared his throat mid-chorus and you startled. “Uh, I just…I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“For what?” You asked, shooting him a suspicious glare. “Is this the part where you murder me and toss my body in the woods? I helped clear your name Munson. I hauled your unconscious ass through a hole in the roof of your trailer.”
Eddie, surprising you both, laughed. You blinked, unaware you were even capable of making Eddie laugh and stared at him a little disbelieving.
“No, I’m not the smartest kid in this town but even I’m not dumb enough to think I can take you on,” he said.
You grinned, feeling a little pleased at the compliment and nodded. “I’m glad you recognize my superiority.”
Snorting, Eddie shook his head and sighed. “No, I meant, about the comment I made about – about the implication that you’d dress a certain way to gain Keith’s favor.”
Completely floored at the fact that Eddie fucking Munson was actually acknowledging that he’d crossed a line and apologizing for it, you nodded dumbly. “It’s okay,” you heard yourself say faintly.
“It’s not,” he insisted, eyes a little too sincere for you as he looked over at you while at the red light. “It was uncalled for and I was annoyed you’d…gotten one over on me. It was immature and shitty and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. Besides, no one wants Keith’s attention that badly. No one.”
It was quiet for a few before you broke it with a small smile. “I didn’t know you were capable of emotional maturity.”
The tension snapped when Eddie registered what you’d said with a scoff. “Ha, ha,” he said dryly.
“Thanks,” you said quietly, looking at the familiar houses as you drove past, “I appreciate it.”
Eddie nodded, his grip on the steering wheel tight. You itched to ask him something, anything, but the awkward silence had descended again.
It became suffocating the longer you sat silently but you didn’t have it in you to say anything. You thought of the tentative truce you had for the past few days, and his apology, and something soft unfurled in your chest.
Whoa, oh, oh
Sweet child o' mine
Whoa, oh, oh, oh
Sweet love of mine
The music curled around you, eyes peeking at him discretely and you couldn’t help but smile at how he mouthed the words to the music. Suddenly, an old memory steamrolled you, bubbling up unbidden.
You were so excited, you couldn’t believe you’d found the dress you wanted at such a discount – and it was the last one – in your size! Anne said it was definitely a sign. You carefully applied your mascara and the last bit of hairspray into your hair.
“Do I look dumb? I don’t want him to think I’m trying too hard,” you said, nervous beyond belief.
Anne beamed at you; eyes soft. “You look beautiful and trust me, he won’t be able to keep his eyes off of you.”
The guitar solo broke you from the memory. Oh, you were here.
“The blue one at the end?” He asked. “Robin’s is the yellow one, right?”
“Yeah,” you said, voice coming out too shaky.
Eddie shot you a confused look but your eyes darted down to your bag at your feet.
While you’d never admit it out loud - your attraction to Eddie had never fully been stomped out but…as you glanced at him from the corner of your eyes, you couldn’t help but remember.
The memory of that night slithered back to the front of your mind and your nails dug into your palms. The feeling of your dress under your fingers, the smell of hairspray, and the memory of the butterflies in your stomach.
Eddie came to a stop and you jumped out like you were a bat out of hell. Inhaling deeply, you felt your clammy hands unclench as clean air filled your lungs.
“Thanks for the ride, I owe you one,” you said, not bothering to look back.
Eddie’s confused voice followed you as you slammed the door behind you. “Oh, uh, sure-”
You jogged towards your front door, quickly shutting it and dropping your bag onto the floor. Eddie Munson was not to be trusted, you reminded yourself, watching through the blinds as he idled in your driveway before pulling out. No matter how nice he smelled or how deceptively beautiful his stupid eyes were. Those had been the same things that had pulled you in before and he – he’d…
Wiping your face with the back of your wrist, you ripped the dress off your body and climbed into your bed. Crying until your chest hurt from heaving, you still couldn’t help but wonder how you’d read him so wrong.
That’s what you’d gotten for trusting Eddie Munson and no matter what truce or bond you had, you weren’t making that mistake twice.
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You had spent the entire night replaying the painful memories in your head like some sick twisted version of your own personal hell. So, when you woke up bleary eyed and cranky for your shift the next morning, you weren’t totally surprised.
“Good morning,” Eddie said, early as always, when you walked in.
Grumpy at having to work the morning shift on little to no sleep – thanks to him no less – you grumbled incoherently. A ghost of a smile flashed across Eddie’s face before he handed you a to-go cup.
Narrowing your eyes at it, you watched as his lips twitched before he wiggled the cup at you again. “It’s not poisoned, I swear. I got it from the coffee shop two streets down.”
“Oh,” you said, realizing you did know the design on the sleeve. You took it from him and sipped it cautiously. “That’s my favorite coffee shop, the baristas are so nice.”
“I know,” he said, ears turning red as he whirled around.
You blinked at him, confused. “Thanks,” you said, not sure if it was a statement or question.
He waved his hand in the air and you tossed your things into your locker. Coming back out, you hopped onto the counter and watched Eddie reshelve as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. Suddenly, you realized he had put on The Breakfast Club – one of your favorites. Hadn’t he given you shit for how many times you liked to watch it?
Your eyes darted towards him to find him already watching you. “What?” He asked, startled at your sudden attention.
“Interesting movie choice,” you said, shrugging.
Eddie’s molten eyes seared you as his mouth curved into something resembling a sheepish smile. “It’s a good movie,” he said, chewing on his bottom lip.
The quiet of the store, the one only a Friday morning could conjure, echoed loudly. You both blinked at each other, unsure. You did know, however, that he was extending a metaphorical olive branch. And you didn’t want to be the asshole that rejected that. No matter how much you didn’t trust him.
“It is a good movie,” you agreed, taking a swig of your coffee and realizing that Eddie had gotten your coffee order correctly. How did he know how you liked your coffee?
Eddie’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. “Let me guess, you’re Molly Ringwald.”
You snorted so hard, you almost felt coffee come out your nose. Thumping your chest, you coughed until it cleared. “Dude, what the hell?”
Eddie looked bewildered.
“I wish I was Molly,” you said, looking up at the television again. “I’m definitely Brian.”
“Oh, don’t look so surprised,” you said, waving him off. “Mr. Bateman’s AP Chem lab is the reason I lost the full ride to Indie State. The only reason I kept some of it was because of the soccer scout. My mom didn’t care, she’s happy I was top of the class but, whatever. Mr. Bateman can fucking suck it.” Alright, maybe you were still a little bitter about it.
Eddie’s contemplative silence only made you more nervous.
“That’s why I’m in this shithole,” you added, picking at the coffee cup cover. “I can’t afford college yet; I’ve got money from the grants I did get – and my soccer scholarship but…I still needed some more. My mom said she’d get it somehow but, I barely see her enough as it is.”
“I didn’t know,” Eddie said quietly.
You looked at him over your shoulder and shrugged. “I know you didn’t. That’s why I like to remind you that your trailer park and my neighborhood are only a few blocks apart. I didn’t grow up like Steve. I don’t know what image you have of me but, just because I hung out with cheerleaders and jocks at the end of high school didn’t mean I had the money they did.”
Before Eddie could say anything else, you switched the subject. No matter how nice he was being, you’d learned the hard way that Eddie Munson had two sides and could flip between them with enough speed to give you whiplash.  
“Let me guess, you’re Bender,” you asked, grabbing the next stack of tapes. You needed to do something or you were going to end up biting off all your nails.
Eddie sighed. “I’d like to prove you wrong and tell you definitely not but, yeah – we’re just a cliché in the end huh?”
There was something about the way he’d said it, numb – like a bunch of people had told him he wouldn’t amount to anything until he’d started to believe it himself. A flash of Bender’s face while Vernon yelled at him crossed your mind. A surprising wave of protectiveness surged in you.
“No, Eddie,” you said, finally meeting his eyes. You let your eyes roam around his wild hair, curls jutting out like they had a mind of their own, his Metallica long sleeve t-shirt was faded and looked incredibly soft underneath his Family Video vest. Why couldn’t you just let the idea of him go? A pang of old hurt shot through you. Your eyes fell back to his and you felt your stomach summersault at the look in them. “You are anything but a cliché.”
The smile that grew on Eddie’s face reminded you of a gar den. It was warm and welcoming as it split his face nearly in two. After a moment, you turned back to the computer, hands clammy, and tried hard not to focus on the new comfortable silence that had settled.
You couldn’t help but feel embarrassed at how much you’d revealed with your answer but also wondered if that had been the metaphorical white flag to finally wave between you two. Either way, later on in the day when Robin skidded into the store, she shrieked.
“Did you finally kill Munson? I knew you’d crack one day.”
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s too quiet in here! Where’d you hide the body? Actually, don’t tell me, I don’t want to accidentally sell you out.”
Eddie walked through the swinging doors and smiled when he saw Robin. “Oh, hey, I didn’t hear the bell. How was your midterm?”
Ignoring his question, Robin looked between you two nervously. “I don’t know what’s worse, the bickering or the truce.”
Eddie leaned onto the counter and you used every ounce of willpower you had not to dart your eyes towards the exposed sliver of skin at his waist. “What’s she talking about?” Eddie asked, eyes sparkling with humor.
You eyed him, the small voice that usually warned you away from him mysteriously quiet. After a beat too long, you offered up your own white flag. “I don’t know,” you said, playing along, “you know how she is.” Surprise and relief flashed across Eddie’s face before melting into a small smirk.
People could change, you’d seen it in Steve. And while it didn’t change your opinion about the past, and what’d he’d done – you didn’t need to fight him for the rest of your lives.
Robin’s eyes almost bugged out her head. “No, no, no you can’t gang up on me! Where’s Harrington when you need him?”
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Wincing as the group on stage screamed their goodbyes, you sipped your beer and wondered if you’d taken the metaphorical flag waving a bit too far.
It was a combination of Eddie’s complete one-eighty change in personality, the hopeful look in his stupid Bambi eyes, and Steve answering for you, that landed you in a crowded bar downtown waiting for Corroded Coffin to take the stage as the final act. According to Dustin, their pseudo-manager, it was a huge night for them. They were the main band, and had managed to get a full house.
“Hey everyone,” a voice echoed and your eyes shot up to the stage.
Dustin shushed everyone, Nancy and Robin sharing an eye roll – and you muffling your laugh – as he stared up at the band.
“We want to thank everyone for coming out,” Eddie said, looking completely at home up on the stage. You couldn’t help but be a little…well, shocked. He’d transformed completely as he strummed his guitar, his head banging as he made the stage his home.
It was clear now, compared to the other bands, why Corroded Coffin was the main attraction. They played well off each other, the other three members balancing out Eddie’s energy and ramping it up when they needed to.
“Now, I know you guys are here for the classics but we did get one request and I promised him I’d play it before the end of the night. So, Harrington, this one’s for you,” Eddie said with a wink.
Your group turned to gaze at Steve who grinned. At the sight of all the stares, Steve grinned sheepishly. “We made a bet last week at the store. If he lost, he had to play a pop cover,” Steve said, grinning victoriously. Despite the shift, the crowd still ate it up.
Steve pulled your hand up to his and twirled you around. Shrieking at the sudden, unexpected, movement, you laughed when Steve herded you onto the dance floor. His head bopped, one arm around yours and you jumped along to the tempo. Nancy and Jonathan joined you both, in their own world, and you opened your arms to beckon Robin over.
Soon, the set came to an end and Steve had led the group back over to the bar. A little out of breath, and sweaty, you ordered another beer and pressed the cool bottle to your cheek. “Damn Harrington, you’ve got moves,” you said, impressed.
Steve winked at you and for a brief moment you could see what girls saw in him. Robin, however, just rolled her eyes and sipped her drink. “Oh, look, it’s Eddie!” She waved, greeting him with a hug. Your little group cheered for them, offering up their congratulations. Feeling a little awkward, the peace between you two still too new, you focused on getting your pulse back to normal.
“So, I saw you dancing,” Eddie said, sliding into the bar stool next to yours.
Biting back a smile, you shrugged. “You weren’t atrocious,” you said nonchalantly.
Eddie, recognizing the compliment hidden underneath, threw his head back and laughed. “High praise from you, Lightning.” The echoes of his laughter flittered around you.
“Don’t say I never said anything nice,” you said, teasing back. The electricity between you both yawned awake and you chewed on your cheek. This new development had you avoiding Eddie recently, unsure on how to handle it. Glancing at him, you saw his stare already on you. Not wanting to flinch away like you normally did, you sipped your drink, eyes still on his. You licked at your bottom lip, catching a stray drop of beer and your stomach summersaulted when you saw his eyes follow the movement.
“I didn’t think you’d come,” he said quietly, almost inaudible under the music blaring from the speakers.
Not knowing what to say, you shrugged. “Technically, you didn’t invite me,” you said, “Steve just pulled me along.”
Eddie’s head reared back, his eyes flying back to yours and he only dropped his shoulders when he realized you were joking. “I’ll invite you personally next time,” he said, knocking his beer bottle with yours.
More than a little surprised, you shot him a look and he just ducked his head to smile. Your heart skipped and you wanted to reach down and beat it back into submission. This wasn’t the time to forget.
“Although, I can do you one better,” he swirled in his stool, his knees bumping into yours and leaving them there. His warmth seeped into your skin, like he was branding you, and you quirked your brow in a last-ditch effort to seem unaffected.
“Do you want to go to an afterparty? Jared, one of the guitarists, lives out by the lake and has a bonfire after. It’s got shitty alcohol but good people,” Eddie added when he saw you scrunch your nose.
Dropping your hand to his, surprising you both, you winced. “Lover’s Lake?” You asked quietly.
Understanding bled into his expression and he shook his head. “Opposite side of town, I promise,” he said, his finger tracing a small circle onto your skin. “I…can’t really go by that lake either now.”
“Are the others going?” You asked, glancing around for a familiar face.
Eddie smiled. “Why? Scared to be alone with the Satan worshippers?”
Not able to help yourself, you snorted. “Eddie, I could sucker punch you into next week without blinking,” you said.
With a dramatic gasp, hands going to his chest, you watched amusedly as Eddie sputtered. “How dare you? I fought demobats for you.”
“I’m still the better fighter,” you said, laughing when he feigned hurt.
“I can’t believe you’d say that completely true fact right to my face,” he said, huffing.
Before you could tease back, a scruffy haired guy popped up by Eddie’s shoulder. “Eddie, Mark wants to talk to you. Said something about payment and next week’s schedule.”
Eddie looked almost remorseful but he tapped your arm. “I’ll be right back and then we can all drive out to Jared’s.”
“You’re coming?” The newcomer asked, surprise tinting his expression.
Feeling a little defensive, you felt your shoulders rise and were suddenly almost thrown from your seat when Eddie stood up. His back was to you but you managed to catch his death glare towards his friend. You placed an stumbling, desperate, hand on his hip for balance and Eddie jumped. His eyes dropped to yours and they softened. “Sorry. Lightning, Gareth - Gareth, Lightning. I’ll be right back.”
You nodded, lifting your bottle in a semi-salute and Eddie smiled before disappearing into the crowd. Nancy, a little disheveled and out of breath, leaned against you and sighed. “It’s so loud!” She said, a little too loudly for how close to your ear she was. She swayed a little and you knew by the flush in her cheeks that she was tipsy.
“Come on Wheeler, park it,” you said, bumping her into your stool. She beamed at you, pushing hair away from her face.
“Hey, Gareth, right? You played really well.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
Completely forgetting Eddie’s bandmate, you glanced at him to find him watching you. Feeling awkward again, you steadied Nancy as she chatted with the bartender. “Um, I know who you are by the way,” you said, shifting your weight. “We were in English and Biology together during junior year.”
Gareth smiled, making him look younger, and you watched him as he became a little flustered. “Yeah, you always helped me out with the pop quizzes.”
Snorting, you glanced at him. “By helping out do you mean letting you and Jeff cheat off me?”
Laughing, he nodded and you grinned. “Not a lot of people would’ve helped,” he said, “but you were always nice to us. You never let Tommy pick on us either.”
“He wasn’t as much of a bully without his leaders,” you said with a scoff, remembering Steve’s old friends. “Besides, he knew from experience not to fuck with me.”
Clearly that had been the only thing Gareth needed to break the ice because conversation flowed easily after. At one-point, mid-sentence, you glanced over at the dance floor and caught sight of Eddie.
Voice drying up, you watched as he wrapped his arms around a girl a good head shorter than him. She leaned back, eyes sparkling in clear adoration, and you felt your stomach drop to your feet. She had long, beautiful, black hair that you knew was something she was born with – hair that nice had to be genetics. Her entire outfit screamed effortless and grunge in a way you’d never in a million years be able to replicate. She looked like the girlfriend of the guitarist of a band, like someone who fit in, you thought, annoyed.
Whoa, where had that come from? You straightened, realizing you’d completely ignored Gareth. His eyes shot you a knowing look. “That’s Mark’s daughter – the owner of the bar. She’s cool-”
“-I’m sure she is. Um, I’ll be right back,” you said, rushing towards the exit. The cold November air stung as you took a shuddering breath. You watched it evaporate into the air and you frowned.
What the fuck was in the air in that place? Had you gotten jealous? Over Eddie? You shook your head, leaning against the brick wall and placing a hand to your forehead. Get it together, you scolded yourself, get it the fuck together.
Nearly jumping out of your skin, you whirled around and came face to face with Eddie. He was rubbing his hands together, clearly cold. “You’re shivering,” he said as your mind whirled with an excuse to just drive home.
Before you could tell him you were fine – you hadn’t worn a thick enough coat since you knew you’d be driving to the bar – Eddie had unzipped his hoodie and wrapped it around your shoulders. Clearly, your body was certifiably insane because your arms tucked themselves into the sleeves and latched onto the warmth. Hello? You mind screamed. This is the opposite of getting it together!
“You’ll start to shiver now,” you said, brows furrowing at the sight of his thin long sleeve. Eddie just waved off your concern and tucked his hands into his jean’s pockets. His eyes were wide as you burrowed into his hoodie, his brown ones stuck on your torso. Did he want it back?
“I’ll be fine, I’ve got my leather jacket inside,” he said, voice sounding a little strangled, and his eyes darted over your head, “I just came out to see what the hell had you thinking you could pull an Irish goodbye.”
You hadn’t been aware he was watching you. Mind coming up blank, you looked down towards your hands and immediately regretted it. The motion brought your nose closer to the collar and a waft of Eddie’s stupid smell just wrapped around you. “Uh, I was just getting a bit too hot,” you lied, poorly.
“Right,” Eddie said, “so this would be the right moment to tell you Jared’s party is mostly outside?”
Well, fuck.
“Hey Munson!” A group of guys from one of the earlier bands waves towards the road. “We’re gonna go help Jared set up. You coming?”
“Yeah!” He called out waving them off and turning back to you. “I let Harrington know he could leave his car behind in the parking lot but he said he’s giving a Robin a ride. I don’t mind giving anyone a ride. Byers said he’d take the kids home with Wheeler. She’s a little-”
“-drunk already?” You finished for him with a smile. “Nancy is a certified badass in every way but her alcohol tolerance.” Wrapping your arms around yourself, you tried your best to ignore the waft of cologne that threatened to pull you under.
Eddie laughed, stupidly pretty eyes trailing down to your torso again. His cheeks flushed and you frowned. “So, you want shotgun?”
And like the complete, and absolute mess that you were, you felt yourself nod. “Sure, can’t let Steve have all the fun.”
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There was absolutely no way in hell you were telling anyone how absolutely fucking freezing you were. How the fuck did everyone look warm enough? On the ride over, Eddie had the heating blasting and it still didn’t feel like enough.
As Eddie pulled the van into a spot by a house in the woods, everyone in the back piled out and you groaned internally at the gust of air that came through the open side doors.
“Here,” Eddie said, rummaging around the back and pulling out a purple blanket. He tucked it under his arm and motioned to the fire that had already been started. “It’s much warmer in front of the fire, I promise.”
Not needing to be told twice, you sped over to the empty logs by the fire and plopped down. Curling your arms around you, you let the warmth of the flames sink into your skin. “Jesus that’s good,” you said, extending a hand out towards the fire.
Something soft dropped into your lap and Eddie took a seat on the wooden log next to you. “Here, I��ve got a few blankets in the van if you want another.”
Your fingers were curled into the soft material and you blinked up at him. Eddie Munson had warm fluffy blankets in his van?
“I remember that blanket,” Gareth said as he passed you both on his way towards the food. He wiggled his brows at Eddie who looked like he was turning purple.
Car blankets…ew! “Oh my God, is this your sex blanket? Eddie, did you just offer me your hook up blanket?” You asked, staring at the purple cloth suspiciously.
Clearly not expecting that answer, he choked, eyes wildly turning to you. “No, Jesus, Lightning – no it’s not my fucking sex blanket,” he hissed, voice lowering towards the end.
You took in his mildly offended expression and snorted. “Oh, stop looking like I pissed in your cheerios, you’re telling me you’ve never hooked up with a girl in your van? With all that space?”
Eddie’s cheeks turned suspiciously pink and you couldn’t help but grin. “I haven’t hooked up with anyone on that blanket!” He insisted.
Giving it a tentative sniff, the same Eddie scent drifted out and you deemed it suitable. Wrapping the fleece around your shoulders, you tucked yourself into it and almost cried at how warm you felt. Beaming up at Eddie, you leaned your shoulder onto his. “Thank you, Munson.” Jesus, clearly the cold was interfering with your common sense.
Despite your mind screaming into the void, your heart skipped when he smiled softly. “Yeah, yeah,” he said, eyes on the fire.
“Someone’s a little cold,” a voice said, an enormous man sitting onto the log next to you. For a moment, you swore the ground shook.
“Jared,” Eddie greeted, fist bumping against his. “This is-”
“-I know who you are,” Jared said with a grin and you raised your brow. He laughed, eyes scrunching when he did. “You went to school with my little sister. She was on the junior varsity team.”
A flash of Mariah’s face came to the forefront of your mind and you grinned. Mariah had been a freshman right as you’d graduated. Her determined expression, box braids tied neatly back, and wide smile came to mind.
“No shit, I didn’t know she had a brother,” you straightened, smiling up at the giant. “She’s like five feet worth of anger and determination on the field. I helped coach the JV team my last year.”
Jared smiled, his teeth incredibly straight and white. “Yeah, she idolizes you man. Said she wanted to be just like Lightning,” he said, “she told me how you worked with her after practice to get her drills better. Thanks.”
You waved away his gratitude. “No thanks needed; she’s got a great career ahead of her. She’d get scouted in a second – last I heard she wanted to go to Brown?”
“Yeah,” Jared said, clearly proud, “she got the brains.”
“I’m assuming that means you got the brawn?” You asked. Eddie sputtered, trying and failing to hide his laugh.
Jared, amused, shook his head. “Everyone’s gotta mention it,” he said, “if you ask me what the weather is like up here, I’ll kick you out.”
“No, you won’t,” you said, burrowing back into your blanket and smirking up at the man who clearly adored his sister, “or I’ll tell Mariah and she’ll never let you live it down.”
Jared’s laughter echoed around the trees and illuminated the forest. It was the kind of laughter that you couldn’t help but join in on. “Munson, I like this one. How’d you manage to bag Lightning of all people?”
You opened your mouth to tease Eddie but instead he turned a bright red and said adamantly: “We’re not dating, we work together.”
It took everything in your soul to not let your face show how stung you were at how quickly and fervently he said that. Jesus. Alright, he didn’t want to date you – that was crystal clear. “So, you’re single?” Jared said, wiggling his brows. Having known him for exactly five minutes, you could already tell he was joking.
“Keep playing your cards right and maybe I won’t be,” you teased back.
Jared laughed, utterly delighted, and Eddie huffed. “You wouldn’t want Batman coming after you,” he said.
Completely confused, you turned to him and lowered the blanket. “What?”
“Blake?” Eddie said, tone equally confused.
“Oh,” you said, shaking your head, “he’s just a friend. He’s one of my neighbors – he just broke up with his girlfriend and didn’t want to go to the party alone. He knew I…well, I needed the night out so we decided to go together. Then we won the contest and the tequila…”
Eddie’s face went blank and Jared chuckled. “Sounded like a hell of a party.”
“It was, so was the hangover the next morning,” you said, shivering when a strong gust of wind hit you.
“Well, the weather down there looks cold if your teeth chattering is anything to go by,” Jared said, eyes mischievous. “Hey Eddie, why don’t you give her some of my special blend? It always warms people right up.”
Eddie snorted and you turned to glance at both of them. “Is that euphemism for something? Because I may not be as tall as you but I’m scrappy and I’ll kick both your asses.”
Jared’s laugh boomed again and a few people turned to glance at your curiously. “You’re funny, I really like her Munson,” he said, tone suggestive.
Not wanting to go down that particular road – something told you that an older brother like Jared would be ruthless in teasing – you hopped to your feet. “Come on Munson, let’s get this infamous drink.”
You followed Eddie’s lead towards the tables set up by the lone house near the lake. Glancing around, you watched as a few people smiled at you and greeted each other warmly. You had no idea there was such a big metalhead scene in Indiana.
“They like you,” he said, handing you a red cup filled with what smelled like paint stripper.
“A lot of people finding my presence to be scintillating, not everyone despises me the way you do,” you said, quirking a brow at him, you took a sip and almost spat it out into the dirt. What the- “Holy shit what the fuck is that?”
Eddie laughed, eyes turning towards Jared. “He makes this gross moonshine concoction that he swears is great.”
Not able to scrub the taste from your mouth, you shouted: “Jared this tastes like acetone! If I die from ingesting this shit, I’m haunting your ass!”
Jared and his bandmates laughed, waving away your grievances and you rolled your eyes. “A beer, please, I’ll even take some shitty vodka.”
Snorting, Eddie snapped the cap off your bottle with his keys and handed it to you. It was cold but you instantly swashed it around your mouth, trying to get your nerve endings to return.
“I don’t despise you,” Eddie said after he’d opened himself a beer.
“What?” You asked, practically drooling at your attempts to wash down the moonshine. God, your mouth was on fire. Eddie smiled but handed you the bag of chips he’d swiped from the table. Digging into them with gusto, you looked up at him curiously.
“I said, I don’t despise you,” he echoed quietly, his eyes darting down to his beer bottle. You froze, mid-chew and followed his eyesight. Eddie’s thumb was picking at the label relentlessly, the sticky paper peeling as his nail grated at it.
Hating the light awkwardness that had settled in, you shrugged, bumping his shoulders with your own. “High praise coming from Eddie Munson.” Your eyes flittered around the woods and you stood, nodding towards Jared. “Come on, I need to go give him more shit for that drink. I don’t know if I’ll ever taste anything normally again.”
You took off, Eddie’s footsteps and laughter following close behind.
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“Did you know that the Harvest Festival opened last week?” You asked Eddie, words slurring.
Eddie nodded, the movement distracting you. “Yeah, Lightning, you’ve told me like six times tonight. I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Have I?” You hiccupped, chest shuddering against your permission. “I really want to go.”
“Oh my god, me too!” Robin said, leaning her entire body weight onto your side. Falling over, you stumbled into someone’s lap.
“Liam!” You said, greeting Eddie’s newest bandmate excitedly. Oh my God, you’d found Liam!
“You did find me, I was sitting right below you though,” Liam said, amused, “you okay?”
Not moving an inch, you stretched towards the fire and nodded. “Yeah, totally!” You realized he’d been mid conversation with a blonde girl and you thrusted your hand out. “Hi!”
Her green eyes crinkled with amusement and she shook your hand. “Nice to meet you again,” she said.
“You’re so pretty,” you told her.
Her cheeks went pink and she ducked her head, her leather jacket rustling with the movement. Robin, who’d ended up sprawled next to you nodded enthusiastically. “So pretty,” she agreed. “I love your fishnet tights.”
“It works really well with the outfit,” you added. “I would date the shit out of you.”
“Me too!” Robin laughed, falling half into you.
The girl, looking pleased and amused, laughed. “Munson, I like your friends. They’re good for my ego,” she said, helping you sit back up onto the log and squeezing your shoulder.
Eddie popped out of nowhere and you squealed. “Eddie!” You wrapped your arms around his and tugged him down towards you. God, he was so warm. “Where’d you come from? Have you met Liam and his pretty girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” he said, laughing lightly, “I have met Liam and Alianna.”
“I missed you,” you said softly, leaning your head onto his shoulder and closing your eyes. The fire had begun to spin and you felt the faintest nausea roll through your belly.
A few soft fingers danced across your cheek and pushed the hair out of your face. Eddie’s big brown eyes swam into your vision, steady and a little amused, and you grinned. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he said, fingers still at your cheek, “I missed you too.”
“That’s an understatement,” Liam laughed, his eyes on the two of you, and you watched Eddie lean down to punch his shoulder.
“Shut the fuck up, she’s drunk,” Eddie hissed.
You weren’t drunk, you thought, you’d barely had a cup of that acetone. “Good,” you said when his eyes were back on yours, “I’m a very miss-able person.”
“You are,” he nodded, eyes darting away from yours and glaring towards the man at your feet. “I was gone for about five minutes and it’s because I needed to grab you two these.” With a flourish, a pair of water bottles appeared from thin air.
Stumbling up to your feet, you felt your eyes widen as you gasped. “Oh my God, you’re magic.”
“Something like that,” Eddie said, helping Robin open hers.
“Where’s Steve?” You gulped down your water and managed to spill a bit onto your chin.
“Right here. Jesus, are you two drunker than when I left fifteen minutes ago? I found a few bags in case they puke on the way home.”
“I drank Liam’s beer,” Robin declared and you cheered, liking the beaming smile she sent your way. “Holy shit. Lightning look!”
Whirling around to follow her finger, Eddie’s hand came up quickly to steady you. Not able to find what Robin was clearing gasping at, you blinked at her. “What?”
“A bunny!”
You clasped your hands in front of your chest and shrieked. “A bunny!?” You loved bunnies! And dogs. And clouds. And snow!
Steve snorted. “I highly doubt-”
“Race you!” You screamed, shaking Eddie’s hand off and darting out into the trees.
Robin’s laughter and heavy footsteps followed you but she’d quickly veered to the left. You hesitated, hearing Eddie and Steve shout out your names.
“Fuck, they’re both fast. I’m closer to Rob – just, go – she can run across the field in a minute, hurry!” Steve’s voice echoed.
You gasped. They wanted to find the bunny first. Grinning, you felt the strength in your legs as you pumped your arms and sped off through the trees. You could see the field in your mind, feel the ball at your feet and the wall of defense you needed to get through before you got the goal.
With a well-practiced kick, a zing of pain shot through your leg when the rock cracked in two against the tree a few feet ahead.
“Holy shit,” Eddie said, hand clamping down painfully tight on your wrist. “You – you run really fast.”
“I’m a center forward,” you said, still jumping up and down a little at your successful goal, “did you see that? I scored!”
Eddie blinked at you. “What the hell are you talking about? Jesus you should’ve stopped after the fourth cup.”
You pouted, crossing your arms. “Eddie, didn’t you see me score?”
“Of course I did, who’d you score against? The bunny?”
Bunny? “What bunny?” You asked, tilting your head and stumbling when the motion made the world spin.
Eddie’s arm pulled you towards him so your back was to his chest and his arms cradled you.
“It’s dizzy in the woods,” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. “You have a bunny?”
At your wide-eyed look, Eddie tossed his head back and laughed. “You’re kind of hilarious, you know that?”
Obviously. “Duh.”
“Maybe we should walk back and tell everyone how you scored,” he said gently, tugging you forward.
That was a great idea! You thought, letting Eddie tug you back towards the flickering warm light. “Can you help me take off this jacket?” You asked him, feeling warm.
“Let’s keep it on,” Eddie said quickly, “it’s cold and you could get sick.”
“But I’m hot,” you whined, stomping your foot.
Eddie groaned. “Please? For me?” Ugh, those stupid eyes.
Conceding, you resumed walking and remembered. “Hey, the quarter is almost over,” you said, “the best employee is going to be picked soon.”
“I promise to bring you back some leftovers,” Eddie teased and you grinned.
Thinking on the cake you’d been dreaming of, you nodded. “If you win, bring me some cake okay? Pinky promise?”
Surrounded by Eddie’s laughter and his fingers hooked in yours, the lights from the party still swam in your vision, the ground felt more solid beneath you.
Suddenly, a memory shoved your smile aside and you frowned.
“It was all a joke.”
Eddie wasn’t to be trusted. He’d left you. He broke promises. He wasn’t going to bring you cake.
Upset, you stopped walking and looked to him. “Why?” Because that’s all you’d ever really wanted to know. Why had he done that to you?
“Why what? Why am I half carrying you back to the clearing? Because knowing you, you’d get lost trying to drunkenly run after a bunny in the woods,” he said with a laugh.
“No,” you grunted, pulling your arm out of his. The bubbly feeling in your chest was replaced with a soft, familiar, hurt. It radiated outwards, your skin crawled with it. “Why’d you do that to me? You really…hurt my feelings.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked, ducking his head to catch your gaze.
The way he softened his tone, his eyes warm and inviting, lured you in like a moth to a flame. “I hate that I still like the sound of your voice,” you said, annoyed at yourself and scrunching your nose. “You’re so pretty and it’s not fair. In math class I’d stare at you the whole period. Did you know that you stick your tongue out when you concentrate really hard?”
“I’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to kiss you.”
Looking stunned, Eddie blinked. “Am I?” He asked, looking confused and pleased. “Do you? Exactly how much have you had to drink?”
Ready to tell him all the ways you thought he was beautiful; you were interrupted by Steve’s voice. “What the hell is wrong with you guys?” He panted, out of breath. “I got Robin shoved back into my car. I think it’s best if we just crash at my place, it’s the closest. A few others need rides though.”
“I can drive her to yours,” Eddie offered quickly, hand coming up to your elbow.
Steve shrugged. “I can take her or you can just stay over too.”
Eddie frowned, looking unhappy. You poked at his cheek and giggled when he smiled down at you. “Are you…sure?”
“Dude, I helped keep your skin together while you bled out in her lap. Crashing on my sofa at almost five? in the morning,” Steve groaned and you giggled, “isn’t crossing any lines.”
Eddie turned back to you. “Come on Superstar, we’re going home,” he urged you forward. “We have a lot to talk about tomorrow morning.”
“Let’s take some more of the m’shine,” you whispered to Eddie, stumbling over roots. “That stuff is good.”
His laughter echoed in your bones and you smiled up at him. “I’ll make sure to tell Jared you said that.”
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Fuck, you groaned, sharp pain digging into your skull and slapping your brain like the little bitch it was. “There go my corneas,” you hissed, clutching at your head.
Where the fuck were you? You glanced around and caught sight of a snoring Robin on the bed next to you. Steve’s house.
Flashes of last night came back to you and you groaned. What in the hell had possessed you to drink a whole ass cup of moonshine? You were going to kill Steve. Just come out with us, what’s the worst that could happen?
It took you about five minutes to talk yourself up to standing. You felt like you had the equilibrium of a baby deer as you darted into the bathroom across the hall. Locking the door and hurrying over to the toilet you realized you’d managed to change into the pajama set you kept in Steve’s guest room. Smiling, a fuzzy memory bubbled up and you remembered laughing so hard you cried when Robin had gotten her head stuck in her sweatpants while trying to change.
A loud whirring sound startled you to attention. As quickly as you could, you splashed your face and brushed your teeth to get the taste of last night’s events out your mouth.
Feeling mildly better, you grimaced when the light from the hallway reawakened your migraine. Squinting your eyes, you tried to stumble towards the noise coming from the kitchen in the hopes that someone was brewing coffee.
You were a few feet away from the swinging door when you heard your name. Freezing in place, you peeked through the circular window and watched Steve hand Eddie a mug.
“I don’t know dude…” Eddie said, “she looked pretty sad but I don’t understand…she said some stuff. I just want to talk to her.”
Steve sighed. “Listen, I promised her I wouldn’t take sides but you have to give her some space. She’s not good at – this wasn’t easy for her. Working with you, you gotta understand that right?”
You winced. What the fuck Steve? What the hell was unclear about ‘don’t speak about this ever?’
“Right…” Eddie said, still sounding unsure.
“I’m not judging you, it was a long time ago now, and people change but, she’s still hurt. She tries to hide it but-”
“She’s hurt?” The indignation in Eddie’s voice confused you. What the hell did he have to be mad about?
You heard Steve’s soft laughter. “Besides, you both looked pretty cozy to me last night. I see the way you look at her. She might be blind to it, but we’re not. Dustin definitely isn’t.”
Eddie sputtered, and you heard the nerves in his tone as he stumbled over his words. The instinct to defend yourself, to deny it, was so strong you had to grab the doorknob to keep you steady. You wanted to hear what Eddie had to say. Blind to what?
“Dingus!” Robin’s voice cried, “Is that coffee I smell? God my head feels like fucking lead!”
She bumped into you, jarring your heads, and you both groaned at the same time.
“Sorry,” she moaned, “I didn’t hear you come out the bathroom. My brain is pounding.”
You did your best to look like you weren’t just eavesdropping on them and waved away her apologies. Robin shoved the doors and you followed suit.
Steve grinned, his eyes teasing over his mug of coffee and you knew you were going to pay for the shit you’d given him the last time you had to pick up him from a bar.
“So, let’s recap the night, shall we?”
Robin groaned and you stood in silence, sipping at your coffee, taking each teasing jab with a smile or scowl. Eddie’s arm brushed against yours as you sat at the kitchen island next to him and you jumped. He smiled, making room for you, and you mumbled your thanks. The memory of his arms wrapping around you in the woods flashed through your mind and you stiffened. Shit. Had you said anything embarrassing? Just be normal, be cool, you snapped at yourself.
Despite everything, you still felt Eddie’s eyes on you the whole morning.
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This was weird. You were being weird.
And yet…you had still shrugged Eddie’s hoodie on over your shoulders this morning. The worn material was soft and warm.
There was absolutely no reason, aside from your clear temporary insanity, for you to be wearing it. In fact, you should’ve returned it to him the next day. But here you were. In your car, panicking about Eddie seeing you in it and scrambling to take it off. You had reached for it that morning without realizing that you had a whole shift with him.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you?” You muttered to yourself, pulling on your outer coat on and checking your hair.
In your defense, everything between you two seemed to have shifted after that night – after the party. Despite the fact that you couldn’t remember half of the night. Eddie had done a one eighty and spent most of his time being…well…nice to you. You were both still trying to win the dinner but, it was about making yourself look good rather than making Eddie seem lacking.
It’d been a whole five days and you hadn’t had a single homicidal thought once. That had to be a record; something of that caliber had to be documented.
So, because of all this – you’d yet to give back the sweater. He hadn’t asked you for it and you’d possibly taken advantage of that. Last night, you’d had a nightmare about Homecoming and it had been enough of a wake-up call that you’d become resolute in returning it to him today.
While you’d laid down the metaphorical pitchfork, your suspicion still lingered. You couldn’t help it at this point, it was in your nature.
“Hey,” you said, walking into the store.
Eddie whipped his head around to you and smiled. “Good morning, Lightning.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled when he shot you one of his stupid soft smiles. You weren’t sure if it was guilt from hoarding his sweater or a genuine effort at peace, but you pulled out the breakfast muffins you’d baked last night. Coming out to the counter, you hopped into the high chair and placed the second muffin onto the far left.
“Would it be presumptuous of me to assume that the second one is for me?” Eddie’s voice drifted over from the sci-fi section.
“It would be actually, that’s my second helping,” you said, hiding your smile as you turned to check the returns bin.
Eddie gripped his chest and pretended like he’d been shot. “You wound me, m’lady.”
With a light laugh, you shook your head and waved to the muffin. “You never eat breakfast and I made too many of them…”
His brown eyes softened, his hand coming out to cradle the baked good in his hands. “I can’t believe I’m finally worthy of a Lightning Special.”
Quirking a brow, you watched him take a big bite. He moaned around the food, your heart tripping over itself, and shook his head. “What the hell is a Lightning Special?”
“It’s what I call whatever you’d cooked. You’d always bring Steve or Robin some extras and I’d never admit it, but they always smelled amazing.”
“I would’ve given you some if you’d asked,” you mumbled, smirking when he shot you a disbelieving look. “I don’t know why you’ve got this idea I’m a gremlin or something. I’d like to think most people think I’m polite.”
Eddie snorted and you crumpled up your napkin to chuck at him. “Eddie! Fine, see if I ever bring you something else.”
“Oh, come on,” he said, rolling his eyes when you crossed your arms. With a dramatic flourish unique to Eddie, he walked over to your chair, bowed, and pressed a hand to his heart. “I’m so sorry your highness, can you ever forgive me?”
“Buy me a coffee on break and I’ll think about it.”
With a wide grin, he snapped his fingers. “Done!”
You hopped off the chair, your stupid vest getting stuck on the arm, and stumbled forward. Eddie’s hands steadied your arms and the both of you froze. Noses a few inches apart, you blinked up at him. “I-I’m stuck,” you stuttered, wincing when you heard your own voice. Mistaking your wince for pain, Eddie’s hand darted to the garment and freed you.
“Thanks,” you said, not able to look at him in the eye. Both of you awkwardly took a few steps back – Eddie’s hand coming up to the back of his neck.
“Right, yeah, no problem,” he stammered, walking back to the discarded muffin.
Not wanting the awkwardness to linger, shit – maybe you had gotten used to the ceasefire, you reached for his forearm and were struck by how warm he was. “I promise to bring you some of the baked stuff when I make them,” you said. Eddie’s eyes softened and you watched as they dipped, for a millisecond, down to your lips. Suddenly, it felt too hard to inhale properly.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he said eventually.
The bell on the door rang and you both jumped apart. “Hi, welcome to Family Video,” you both said, a touch too loud. Amused, you shot him a look that he laughed at.
“Hi! I’m looking for Eddie – oh, hey Eddie,” a soft voice said. You glanced up and realized you faintly recognized the girl standing by the doors.
Eddie’s cheeks flushed and you blinked, surprised. The girl he was dancing with at the Hideout, your mind supplied. You watched her tuck a strand of inky shiny black hair behind her ear and you fought the urge to scowl.
Without any prodding, you pointed to Keith’s office. “Oh, I totally forgot I need something from there, right now,” you said, ushering yourself into his office before anyone could say anything.
Unsure of what to do, and definitely not wanting to touch anything, you sat on the edge of the chairs by his desk. God, Keith really needed to clean this room. Ew, was that a moldy sandwich?
Keeping the door ajar, you tried your best not to listen in but your mind wouldn’t shut off.
“Gareth said you wouldn’t mind, I swear I wouldn’t ask you if I wasn’t desperate,” she said, her voice too soft for you to hear anything after.
Eddie’s mumbled something. “-I owe you one.”
“Thank you so much! Can you pick me up around eight? I’ll wear the blue dress from the bar.”
“It’s a date.”
A date? Your heart stilled. Of course they were dating – she looked like his perfect match. Trying your best to ignore the sudden pressure in your chest, you looked around for something you could use as an excuse.
The bell to the front rang again and you shot up to your feet, anxiety ricocheting. Grabbing the first thing you saw, an empty folder on Keith’s desk, you walked out with your eyes on the ground.
“Oh, you just missed Clara,” Eddie said, “you met her at the bar last week.”
“Yeah?” You said, disinterested.
“She said to tell you that she’ll sell you her kidney if you give her the recipe for the muffins,” he said, smile growing.
Your eyes, however, darted to the muffin wrapper crumpled up on the counter. He’d given it to her? The knot in your throat grew and you nodded. “Yeah, sure, whatever.”
Eddie’s brows furrowed and you just turned to the shelves. “Hot date?” You asked, like the masochist you were.
“You overheard?” Eddie asked with an anxious smile. Jesus, you cringed internally, did he need to be so in your face about it? “I’m a little nervous to go but, you know, at least this time I know I won’t be stood up. It’s all a joke anyway.”
Your blood froze. “What’d you just say?”
The front door rang again, Robin’s face coming into your peripheral as she yawned. “Hey guys,” she said, eyeing your clenched hands. “What’s wrong?”
“Did you really just say that to me?” You asked, a little disbelieving.
“Say what? That I might not be stood up?” He asked, confused.
It was getting hard to breathe, the anxiety bubbling up in your chest. You really couldn’t believe it - Eddie could be mean, rude, loud - but he was never cruel. You both had an unspoken rule never to talk about it, and he broke it.
Not able to keep the words down, they spilled out with vengeance. “Wow, you’re going to throw Homecoming back at my face now? After all this time?”
Eddie’s face morphed into confusion. “Homecoming? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Right,” you snorted, the painful memories floating to the surface. “I can’t believe I thought you’d changed. That you were actually going to be nice to me.”
“I am nice to you! What the fuck is going on?” He hissed.
Robin stepped up between you both, her hand coming up to you. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“He’s what’s wrong!” You blurted out, the tension of the last few weeks spilling out. “You know what you did to me – I thought we agreed never to talk about it. Wasn’t it embarrassing enough?”
“What I did to you?” Eddie half-shouted.
Robin shot him a hard look. “Everyone, let’s calm down for a second-”
“Good morning,” Keith’s voice boomed in the empty store. Steve walked in behind him, brows raised, as he caught onto the tension in the air.
Oblivious, Keith strode towards his office. “I just need to grab something I left. I will let you both know -- I’ve submitted my notes to the senior supervisor and we should have our first employee of the month by tomorrow!”
Feeling like you were underwater, you grounded yourself with Robin’s touch. “Hey, look at me, what happened? What did Eddie do?”
“Nothing! I’m the one who looked like an idiot that day!” Eddie hissed.
You stepped back, as if he’d struck you, and you realized Steve’s expression had turned thunderous.
“Hey, dude, that was uncalled for. I thought we talked about this,” he said, moving to stand by your side.
“Talk about what?” Robin asked again.
“Ask him,” you said, pointing to Eddie. Turning to the back room, you scrambled to get your things, tears making your vision swim.
As you stalked back out, you saw Robin holding Steve back by the arm. Bypassing them both, you turned to Eddie, anger coming off you in waves. “I can’t believe you,” you snapped at him, “you - you can’t just joke about that night. Wasn’t it enough that you just fucking left me there? You knew how much I liked you. I can’t do this anymore. Hey Keith? I don’t want the dinner. Eddie and his date deserve it.”
Without looking back, you slammed the door open and all but peeled out the parking lot. The grip on your steering wheel was so tight you were sure you’d have bruises. As you made you way home, you let your mind wander back to that night.
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“Just go ask him!” Anne urged you, her eyes sparkling. “Look, he’s alone right now!”
Your fingers fluttered nervously around the hem of your shirt. “But what if he laughs at me?”
“He won’t!”
“You don’t know that!”
Anne huffed exaggeratedly. “Oh my God, just go ask him!” She shoved you into the room and darted away like the traitor she was.
Eddie looked up, surprised at the sound of someone else in the room. When he saw it was you, his smile bloomed. Your stomach fluttered, anxiety doubling. You’d only recently started talking to each other, after your biology project together last semester.
“Hey you,” Eddie said, dropping the papers in his hand onto the table. “What are you doing here?”
Sputtering, you stumbled over your words. “Hi. I – uh-”
“Are you joining the dnd club?” Eddie asked incredulously.
“No – hey, wait why’d you say it like that?” You crossed your arms, nervousness forgotten for a moment.
Eddie’s hands shot up, brows smoothing. “I didn’t say it like anything!”
“I could be here for dnd,” you insisted, not sure why you felt so indignant about it.
“Are you?” Eddie asked after a beat.
Clearing your throat, you tried to hide your embarrassment. “Well, no…”
“I knew it!” He said, grinning smugly. “What can I do for you fair maiden?”
You watched Eddie go back to setting up for his campaign. Glancing at the time, you realized if you were going to ask him – you had to ask him now. Before any of his friends showed up. Besides, if he rejected you then you had all weekend to sulk about it.
“Um, are you going to the Homecoming dance?”
Eddie snorted and your heart sunk. “It’s Sadie Hawkins this year. Who’s going to ask me?” He said, completely unselfconsciously.
His eyes turned towards yours and he blinked, surprised by what he found. “Are you...wait, are you asking if I’m going or asking if I’ll go with you?”
“I-I…” You wrung your hands together, anxiety bubbling. Maybe you should just leave…you could lie and tell Anne that he said he wasn’t going. Surely the girls wouldn’t force you to try again.
Something shifted in Eddie’s gaze and you suddenly felt a surge of courage in your chest. Squaring your shoulders, you nodded to yourself.
“Eddie Munson,” you said, “will you go to the Homecoming dance with me?”
After a beat of silence, Eddie’s blank expression morphed into a wide smile. “Really?”
“I…I really like you,” you admitted, mortification softening at the sight of his grin growing even wider. “I’d like to go with you. If you want to go with me.”
Eddie blinked.
“Eddie?” You asked, stepping closer when he didn’t answer.
He jolted, as if he’d been shocked and bobbled his head furiously. “Oh, yeah – definitely, like fucking absolutely.”
You brought your hand up to hide your laughter at his half-screamed reply. “Okay, um, cool,” you said, scuffing your cleats onto the linoleum floor.
“Do you wanna meet in the parking lot?” You asked. “Before the dance?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, still staring at you a little incredulously. You smiled at him and watched as the red flush traveled down his neck.
“Okay, um, so I’ll see you later?” You asked as you heard faint footsteps coming towards the room.
Eddie straightened. “Yeah, I’ll see you Monday.”
With a grin, you waved awkwardly and darted out the room. Before you could fully let the door close, you heard Eddie’s loud ‘yessss!’
Not able to keep in your laugh, you rushed over to the doors and saw Anne leaning against the frame.
“So?” She asked, perking up.
Grinning, you threw an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. “I owe you a milkshake.”
Anne squealed and you laughed, following her towards your bikes.
“I don’t understand, you talked to him two days ago right?” Anne asked, her hands fluttering nervously. Her date, Mark, looked just as anxious. The dance had started an hour ago and upon not seeing you inside, Anne had come looking for you.
“Yeah,” you said, swallowing around the lump in your throat. “He kissed me on the cheek and said he couldn’t wait. I told him what color my dress was going to be – h-he said his uncle told him that was important.”
“Maybe something happened,” Mark added, eyes wide. “Like an emergency?”
Not having thought of that, you straightened. Anne’s hand almost knocked you in the face as she pointed towards a couple walking towards the doors. “That’s his friend, right? The one he plays with? Go ask him! Aw shit, I forgot my bag on the table. I’ll be right back.”
You whirled around to look at where she’d pointed and hurried over to him. His date, a pretty girl in red, tugged on his hand as you made your way over.
“Hi, um, Jeff right?”
“Yeah,” he said gruffly, eyes glaring. “What do you want? He’s not here.”
Confused, you took a few steps back. “I know – I wanted to ask you if you knew where he was? I’ve been waiting-”
“He knows, okay?” Jeff said with a sneer. “He knows what you did.”
“What I did?” You asked, not sure what he was talking about. Jeff’s eyes drifted over your shoulder to where Mark stood at a distance.
Jeff’s eyes hardened. “It was all a joke – a stupid joke. I can’t believe you even showed up.”
Your heart plummeted to your feet. A joke? He’d accepted as a joke? But Eddie…he couldn’t have…
“Go back to your real date and do us a favor and stay away,” Jeff warned, walking past you and heading inside.
Frozen to the spot, you felt the tears spill over as a hand wrapped around your wrist. Anne’s frown swam into your blurry vision and she shook you. “What happened? Mark, what happened? What’d he say?”
“I need to call…I need to call your sister. Would she come pick me up?”
“Jesse? Yeah, she would. But what happened?”
Not able to speak past the lump in your throat, you burst into tears and Anne’s nervous hands fluttered over you. “Okay, okay – Mark, go call my sister. Tell her she needs to come back now.”
It was all a stupid joke. Of course, he didn’t want to come to some stupid dance. Not with you.
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You called out of work for the week. At this point, you didn’t care if Keith fired you.
For the first few days, like clockwork, Steve and Robin took turns calling your house. Your sister had made it her job to speed to the phone before your mom, letting them know that you were sick and couldn’t come to the phone. She’d been too little to remember your middle school Homecoming but, you promised you’d make it up to her.
On the third day of your self-imposed quarantine, your mom brought you up some lunch midday. “You know,” she said quietly, her hand coming out to rub your calf. “The supermarket was looking for someone to work morning shifts. It’d give you enough time until you start your semester next year.”
“Thanks mom,” you said quietly, still wrapped in your comforter. “I’ll check it out.”
With a soft sigh, she pressed a kiss to your forehead and nodded. “I’m here if you want to talk.”
On the fourth day, you finally decide that you’ve moped for long enough. This was something you needed to move on from. How pathetic to still be upset over something that had happened in middle school?
Except it mattered to you, your mind added helpfully, because you really like him.
“Shut up,” you hissed at yourself.
“We didn’t say anything yet,” a voice behind you said.
Squealing in surprise, you instinctively threw the socks you’d been folding at the sound. The cotton bundles bounced off Robin’s chest and you brought your hand up to your face. “Jesus fucking Christ, you scared the shit out of me.”
Robin rolled her eyes and walked into your room like she always did. Steve, a little sheepishly, waved and sat by your desk.
“How did you get inside?” You asked, crossing your arms.
“Your mom when she was leaving for work,” Steve said, shooting Robin a look.
“I live a house down, I can see that you haven’t left yet,” Robin huffed. “Keith has us all on double shifts until you’re back Sunday, the least you could do is look happy to see us.”
“Well,” you grumbled, “I’m busy.”
“Super busy,” she said, motioning to the laundry on your bed.
Her indignant expression softened. “Why didn’t you tell me? I thought you both hated each other over some stupid high school clique stuff.”
“To be fair I didn’t tell anyone.”
Robin’s arm shot out too fast for Steve to avoid it. He grunted as her knuckles hit his sternum. “You told Dingus!”
“To be fair, I was drunk and a little stressed post-Vecna win,” you turned to Steve for corroboration and he nodded.
“She was,” he snorted, “she puked in my mom’s rosebush.”
A flash of that night echoed in your mind. You winced. Jesus, you really needed to stay away from tequila. “I don’t want to talk about it,” you told Robin, “I asked Keith to keep me on closings. Just for a while.”
“You both can’t avoid each other forever. Eddie-”
Not wanting to hear his name, you put up your hand. “I don’t want to talk about it!”
Robin huffed. “But he said-”
“I don’t care what he said! He can date whoever he wants to date! This is such a stupid thing to be upset over anyway. I’m over it. It’s ancient history.”
You could see Robin turn to Steve. Catching his gaze with yours, you watched his eyes soften at whatever he found. God, you must look really pathetic if Steve looked like he wanted to wrap you in a blanket and hide with you. He shook his head. “Leave it alone Rob.”
She sighed, exasperated. “We can’t let this go on like this Harrington. They have to talk it out!”
She sighed and flopped down onto the bed. “Fine. You’re both idiots.”
“Thank you,” you said, reaching out to squeeze her hand. Robin frowned but let you change the subject to Keith’s newest blubber.
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You’d made it an entire week of shifts without running into Eddie. Robin still grumbled when his name was brought up but she kept her word and let it go. Or so you’d thought.
Honestly, you should’ve known better. She was like a dog with a bone.
“Hey,” Robin bounded up to you as you locked the front doors. “Wanna see if we can catch the last of the festival?”
Checking your watch, you frowned. “We’re not going to make it. Doesn’t it close at eleven?”
“Yeah, but some rides stay open a little later. It takes a while for everyone to clear. Besides, it’s only in town for a few more days!”
You turned to Steve, who was swinging his keys around his fingers. He shrugged, his expression a little too casual. “We could pass by on the way home. I don’t mind.” Considering he was your ride, you nodded.
It took you three another thirty minutes before you were all in Steve’s BMW, cruising down towards Waverly.
The entire park was dark, only a few rides lighting up what was clearly a deserted clearing. Robin, not one to ever be deterred, hopped out the car. “I think the Ferris Wheel is still on! Let’s see if we can grab some funnel cake.”
“Go ahead, I’ll follow,” Steve said, motioning towards a quickly disappearing Robin.
Wincing at the dark. “Am I the only one who’s retained a healthy fear of what hides in the dark after all our escapades?”
Steve huffed a laugh. “I don’t think Russians are hiding in there. Go on, you’re gonna lose her,” he nodded towards a bouncing Robin.
Hopping out the car, she beamed and immediately started towards the rides.
“Robin, I think the festival is closed now,” you huffed, trying not to lose her from your sight. She barreled forward, quick, and you were struggling to keep up.
“They said some rides stay open late,” she insisted, turning a corner.
Grunting, you jogged to catch up. “Jesus, what is the hurry-” your voice trailed off as you caught sight of the only illuminated ride. Robin was standing off to the side, her expression apologetic.
Eddie stood by carousel, his hands tucked into his pockets and his shoulders up by his ears.
“No,” you said, already turning around to head back towards Steve’s car. Robin’s hand caught you quickly, her grip surprisingly tight. “Is this a prank? Do you guys think this is a joke?” You asked Robin, feeling beyond hurt this time.
“Hey, no,” she said quickly arms coming to yours. “I wouldn’t do that to you, I swear. You know me.”
You did. Robin didn’t have a mean bone in her body.
“Just, hear him out? You don’t need to forgive him but he’s got an explanation. A stupid one,” she said loudly, and you watched as Eddie winced, “but I think you need to hear it to move on from all of this.”
“Yeah, I’m not buying your whole – it was middle school, I’m over it, bullshit. Please? I’m going to be over there with Steve probably eavesdropping if you need me or want to leave at any moment,” she said, “Steve said he’s open and ready to punch anyone you need him to.”
“I punch harder than Steve,” you said, crossing your arms.
“Dustin punches harder than Steve,” Robin said, “it’s the thought that counts.’
You rolled your eyes, tears building at the corners. Glancing back to Eddie, you nodded. “Okay.”
Catching sight of Gareth, he waved weakly at you. Lifting a hand back, you ignored Eddie’s hand and climb up the steep stairs by yourself. “What’s he doing here?” You asked Eddie, your first words to him since that day in at the store.
“He’s doing me a favor and keeping it open for a little while later. I know you said you had wanted to come here,” Eddie explained, nodding towards Gareth who had moved towards the control station. You climbed into a carriage instead of a horse and sat.
Eddie, for a moment, looked like he was going to sit next to you but the withering glare you sent his way gave him pause. Instead, he made his way towards the horse next to your carriage and awkwardly stood by the pole.
“How long is this ride?” You asked.
“Three minutes.”
You checked your watch. “You’ve got three minutes Munson. What the hell is so important you orchestrated all this to get me here?”
He opened his mouth and you felt your anger flare all over again. “You know you really have some nerve,” you huffed, not letting him speak.
Eddie sighed. “Lightning-”
“-don’t call me that! I can’t believe you’d-”
“-I’ve been in love with you since middle school!” He shouted over you, chest heaving.
Shocked into silence, you felt your eyes widen and watched Eddie as his skin flushed.
“You were the nicest seventh grader I had ever met,” Eddie started, his voice straining to be louder than the music. “You were the star of the soccer team, fast as lighting. Anytime someone was mean to me, or my friends, you were always the first to come to my defense. You never said anything about my nail polish, our club, about the band t-shirts, or the shaved head.”
Eddie took a deep breath. “When we were sophomores and they announced that the Homecoming was going to be a Sadie Hawkins theme, I was crushed. It was the first dance we were allowed to attend and I had spent the entire first semester determined to finally ask you to go,” he said and ran a hand through his hair.
“I thought, there’s no way you’ll ask me. We’d done that project together but after all that time, I didn’t even think you knew my name. Then, that day afterschool, you came up to me and asked me to the dance. I couldn’t believe it. I think I must’ve told Wayne about it like a hundred times that week. He’d worked a few extra shifts to get me my first suit. I wanted everything to be perfect. Then, a week before the dance, Gareth and Jeff had overheard the soccer team talking about you betting over your dates to the Homecoming dance.”
Your brows furrowed and Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’d decided I was going to confront you – because, there was no way you’d made a bet. You were nice – you wouldn’t do that. I had barely gotten to the field when I heard your friends mention how it was all a joke. ‘I can’t believe she took the bet to ask Eddie out to the dance,’ they all laughed and I got pissed. I wanted to find you and call you out on it.”
What? Why the hell would your team say that?
“Eddie, I-” He held up a hand and you frowned.
“Before I could find you, I ran into Brittney. Who, after realizing I was looking for you, told me that you’d never meant it. That it had all been a joke. So, as a completely and utterly heartbroken fifteen-year-old, I avoided you after that. You’d slipped that note into my locker about meeting me in the parking lot before the dance and I couldn’t believe you’d be so…well, cruel. I stayed home the entire night, playing video games with Gareth and Liam. You never said anything the next day after the dance, Jeff didn’t either – he says he’s sorry by the way - then you started dating the men’s soccer captain so I assumed…”
What the fuck?
“Wait Brittney?” You asked, confused, he nodded. You briefly remembered how much she’d hated you. “Brittney Johnson told you I had been joking? That bitch.” Oh my God, you were going to fucking strangle her the next time you saw her. Eddie looked more confused at your outburst but you urged him to continue.
“While I managed to avoid you successfully, you were always in my peripheral and you’re so fucking beautiful it hurt. So, when you popped up in the shack at Rick’s house with everyone else, it was just the safer option with what was going on to fall into the constant arguing. You argued back so I thought, this was safe. We could both let stupid high school shit go?
Then…well…you believed me. When I told you about Chrissy – when we went back down there, you fought next to me. You were there when I woke up,” Eddie cleared his throat, eyes flashing.
“Then the whole best employee thing happened and uh, then it became apparent to me that maybe you had a different recollection of that week.”
Holy shit. You rubbed your temple as a headache bloomed at the base of your skull. You’d realized that the ride had long been over, both of you facing the lit Ferris Wheel.
Rubbing the tension building in your temples, you nodded. “Uh yeah. My friend Molly - the only other freshman on the team, had been bet by the other junior girls on the team that she wouldn’t ask out her crush, Teddy - a junior. She asked and he accepted but everyone was worried he’d find out it was a bet because they actually liked each other. That had nothing to do with me. Brittney was a jealous bitch because I'd managed to get captain over her and she knew how much I liked you,” you thought back to all those times in the locker room you’d spent with Jessica urging you to ask Eddie to the dance. “I'm going to rake her fucking eyes out,” you said to yourself.
Eddie blinked, looking dumbstruck. “So what you’re saying is that I stood you up for no reason. Because I’m an idiot?”
“An eavesdropping idiot,” you said through a disbelieving smile. “Although, to be fair, having Brittney confirm it for you probably didn't help. You should've...come to me. I don't - I didn't think you thought I was capable of something like that.”
“Right,” Eddie said faintly.
A little hurt, you kicked at the edge of the carriage you sat in. “I wouldn’t have done something like that – to anyone. I don’t… know why you thought I would’ve. I always saw how people treated you and hated it. I never let anyone on either soccer team mess with you or your friends. Even after...I was so excited to go with you - I thought you were really cool and sweet.”
The memory of the first time you’d talked to Eddie floated up to the front of your mind. “Yeah. After what you did in seventh grade…”
You sighed. “I tripped in gym class and smacked my head into the goal post. I was mortified but you took me to the nurse’s office and stayed with me the entire period. You told jokes and made me laugh. I don’t know, I always sought you out afterwards. Besides, you know,” you said pointedly. You didn’t want to say it – he had to know.
He took a step forward, as if that would draw it out of you. “I really don’t and even if I did, I’ve had enough assumptions to last a lifetime.”
Not able to keep it to yourself, and tired of the misunderstandings, you shrugged. “You’re beautiful Eddie, how could I not have a crush on you? I thought…you did too until I was standing at the dance, in my new dress, with your friends letting me know you weren’t coming. That you’d never taken my offer seriously. Because who would want to go with some stupid jock?”
Eddie smiled before groaning and clutching at his temple. “Oh my god, I’m a fucking idiot.”
You shrugged, the lump in your throat growing. What a fucking mess. “Listen, its history, at this point. We had a massive misunderstanding, for years, and now we’ve cleared it up. I promise to try and stay out of your way-”
“No,” Eddie said quickly, “I don’t - I like being friends.”
“Is that what we were? Have we ever been?”
Hurt flashed across his face before he ducked his head and scuffed his shoe against the metal. “Do you think we could-”
“No,” you said quickly, your walls coming back up.
You had officially given up on this. This, whatever this was, between you two was too difficult to try and make work.
“Right,” Eddie nodded, eyes on the horse to your left, “that was a stupid question, sorry.”
Feeling the urge to comfort him, you clenched your hands into fists. “I’m not - I’m just, it’s a lot to process. I need to get my head on straight for Spring semester. I’m starting school and it’s been a lot with everything going on. I just…I need time. Maybe we can be friends for once.”
Eddie nodded dumbly, his eyes following you as you stood and made your way towards the steps. You turned to him and ask. “Why the festival?”
A ghost of a smile twitched at his lips. “You said you’ve been dying to go but had closing shifts almost all month. I thought, I might as well.”
“Oh,” you said softly. “I’ll…see you later.”
“Yeah, right,” he ducked his head and waved his hand. You stumbled towards the red BMW waiting for you in the parking lot.
“So…” Steve started. He grunted when Robin smacked him. “What? We're just going to sit in silence and pretend we didn't all hear that?”
Robin turned to look at you. “I'll egg Brittney's house with you if you want.”
Steve perked up. “Holy shit yeah, her brother is a piece of shit.”
You smiled, touched by their offer. “Let's just go to your house Harrington, you promised me a movie night.”
Steve huffed. “Does this mean you two are finally going to stop attacking each other?”
“Or that maybe you'll go on a date with him?” Robin perked up.
“What? Like you weren't wondering the same thing!”
“I always knew he liked you,” Steve said.
“Yeah okay,” you snorted, finally joining in the conversation.
Robin laughed with you. “I did!” He insisted. “You should see the way he looks at you. It’s like he comes alive when you walk into a room.”
Your heart stumbled and you sighed.
“Dingus! You’re not making this any easier!”
“She asked!”
You let their bickering fade into the background, your conversation with Eddie swirling around in your mind.
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“So,” Steve said, dragging out the vowels.
You glanced at him from where you were using his mom’s fancy mixing bowl for the cake you were baking. El had shyly asked you for the chocolate cake you’d made last year for Max’s birthday. Not one to ever say no to El, you’d set up camp at Steve’s.
Watching him struggle to figure out what to say, you sighed.
“Spit it out, Steven.”
“That’s not my name,” he grumbled, running a hand through his hair, “now that we’ve all sort of put this whole Homecoming business behind us – I was thinking-”
Steve’s voice faded out as you thought back to the past week. It’d been incredibly awkward for the first few days, both you and Eddie avoiding each other as much as you could. On the third day, your regular shared morning shift, he’d brought you a coffee from your favorite bakery. The ice hadn’t completely melted, but it was warming up.
“Hey, are you even listening to me?”
Blinking away your busy thoughts, you shot Steve an apologetic look. “Sorry Steve, what’d you say?”
“I was saying,” he huffed, “since we’re all over this now, how’d you feel about going on a date?”
“What?” You said, completely taken aback.
Steve shrugged. “The girl I’m seeing asked me if I was interested in a double date. Her best friend, Sam I think, said he was up to it. I was going to say no but…thought maybe you’d want to?”
“I don’t know Steve,” you started.
“I just wanted to ask, especially considering that it’s been almost two years since you broke up with that meathead,” Steve snorted.
Rolling your eyes, you shot him a look over your shoulder. “You were friends with that meathead. It makes you a meathead adjacent.”
“I- don’t appreciate having my past drudge up that way,” Steve said, crossing his arms. You huffed a laugh.
“Where are you going?”
“Osteria da Fortuna,” Steve said, shrugging. “You and Eddie forfeited the dinner. I’m pretty sure it’s going to Robin who said she’d give it to me if I would go with her to a band party. I think her and Vicki might finally be going somewhere. Did she tell you about-”
You waved your wooden spoon in the air, effectively stopping Steve’s rambling. “What?” You said, some of the batter splattering onto the kitchen counter. “Did you just say Eddie forfeited the dinner?”
Steve frowned. “Yeah, like a week ago.”
Why the hell would he do that? You know why, a tiny voice inside your head said.
With a narrowed glance in your direction, Steve groaned. “Are you really not going to give him a chance?”
Not this again. “Steven.”
“Okay, hear me out,” he put his hand up, “I know. I know you’re hurt that he thought you’d be the type of person to prank him over Homecoming. I know you’re annoyed at this whole mess that could’ve been cleared up if both of you had managed to get your heads out of your asses earlier. But you didn’t.”
Steve waved his hand. “Eddie was…is not everyone’s favorite. You know that. You’ve seen how the people we thought were our friends treated the people they thought weren’t worth it. He was fifteen. Are you that stubborn that you’re going to hold onto this from over five years ago? We’ve been through so much since then.”
“I don’t know,” you said, uncertain.
“Don’t kill me but, I think you’re holding on to this hurt because you’ve realized it’s easier. It’s always been easier to hate him, to do your little bickering thing. It’s easier to keep him at a distance because if you never let him in close again you won’t get hurt. But it’s been this long, you’ve both dated other people, and you both haven’t moved on. What does that say?”
You frowned. “That we’re stubborn immature idiots?”
“Yes and?”
You blinked.
Steve sighed. “You’re both so obviously into each other. Even when you’d fight, it was like foreplay or something. You both believed you had the right reasons to hate the other but you’ve both been hung up on each other. That means something. That’s not nothing.”
Letting Steve’s words sink in, you realized that he was right. Even when Eddie thought you’d pranked him, he’d always stuck by you. In the Upside Down, after every earthquake, he’d reached for you – arms steadying you as you fought your panic attacks.
He’d let you use his leather jacket when you were shivering from the lake water. He made sure you went through the gate first, his steady hands on your hips as you climbed. He’d made you eat a sandwich while you were all waiting for the party to get back from the gun store.
“Coming down from adrenaline is a bitch, trust me,” he said, nudging the milkshake in your direction.
He dove for you when the bats attacked, his body curled around yours as you both tried to buy your friends more time.
You thought of Eddie in the hospital bed, your hands interlocked. The way the dread in your chest wouldn’t lift until you saw his eyes open. Until you knew he’d make it through.
Jesus Christ, you still liked him. And you were doing what you always did. You were pushing him away. Even after he’d apologized and you hadn’t. Even after everything.
“Fuck you Harrington,” you said, standing and grabbing your keys off the table.
Steve’s eyes widened at your sudden departure. “Where are you going?”
“To the store!”
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Barely taking a moment to lock your car, you stomped into Family Video. As usual for Thursday mornings, it was dead. Eddie was draped across the counter as Jeff and Eddie talked to him animatedly.
Slamming the door open, all three of them jumped and turned in your direction. Dustin, seeing your thunderous expression, darted away from the counter as you stormed up to it.
“What the fuck Munson?”
Eddie blinked at you, eyes wary. “Um?”
“Why the fuck would you forfeit the dinner?” You hissed, seeing Robin’s head pop out from behind the Comedy shelves.
“Because it wasn’t right,” Eddie stammered, “I didn’t want you to give it to me.”
“Are you serious?”
Eddie’s nervous expression morphed into indignation. “What did you want me to do? Go and enjoy it when you basically handed it to me?”
Throwing an arm out, you felt a headache starting. “Isn’t that what we’ve been fighting over? For almost two months!?”
“It didn’t feel right!” Eddie insisted.
What the hell did that mean? “Munson.”
Annoyance flashed across his expression. “I’m not – I don’t – I wanted to go with you. Okay?  Every time I picture the stupid fancy Italian restaurant all I do is think of you. Everything all the time always reminds me of you. It reminds me of your stupid smile, the stupid way you give me shit for everything, the way the scent of your stupid shampoo is engraved into my brain,” he shouted, “going alone would be pathetic. At least Steve will get some use out of it.”
Your brain slowed. Your shampoo? Shaking your head, you got back to the point. The idea of that dinner going to anyone but one of you felt wrong. “Go with someone else, the grunge girl.”
Eddie looked like he wanted to throw something at you. Livid, his eyes flashed. “She doesn’t matter. That ‘date’ we were going on was her ex-boyfriend’s wedding. She was invited and didn’t want to go alone.”
Ignoring the way that made your heart flip, you crossed your arms and gave into the petty feeling swelling in your chest. “Well, I saw you two at the bar. Clearly, there’s something there.”
Eddie’s hands shot up into the air, exasperated. “I wanted to make you jealous! She knew, she was in on it. That night at the bar, she was teasing me about how into you I was – because even she could tell. Everyone else besides you is painfully insignificant. Okay? You’re the only one that matters. Since I was twelve. I’m pretty sure the reason me and Amy broke up junior year is because even she could tell I was gone on you. Give me more than a week to try and get over that.”
Taken aback by his sudden confession, and unable to ignore that, your arms dropped to your sides. “Are you…trying to get over me?”
Eddie shot you contemptuous look. “Well, considering that I didn’t realize I was the asshole that stood you up all those years ago and you’ve hated me since then and the likelihood of you ever loving me back is close to nothing, yeah, Lightning, I’m trying to get over you. So, excuse me, if I don’t want to go to a stupid fucking restaurant and think of you the entire time.” His chest heaved like he’d just run a race and all you could think of is how much you wanted to kiss him.
“You love me?” You echoed, like a broken record.
“Oh my god, is that all you heard?” Eddie started a verbal rampage, his arms flinging around for emphasis. As you watched his animated speech, you realize how stupid this whole thing was. Steve was right. You were so used to being guarded, to the traumatic events that seemed to never end after Starcourt, that you were pushing away something important. Something that could good, and you were risking it over your own stupid fear.
This was it, you thought, the second chance you’d always secretly hoped you’d get despite your anger and hurt. You weren’t going to let this one slip away too.
Before Eddie could start on another tirade, you grabbed the edges of his vest, hauled him across the counter, and towards you.
For a beat, you could feel his confusion radiating off of him. You pulled him tighter to you, your tongue tracing the seam of his lips. As if struck, he surged forward to meet you, his own arms coming up to your forearms. He whined as you softly bit into his bottom lip before pulling back.
“Fucking finally!” Dustin cheered. Jeff shushed him.
Eddie, on the other hand, looked dazed as his eyes darted around your face. “Please tell me you aren’t messing with me.”
“I don’t know about love just yet,” you said quietly, “but, take me to dinner and we’ll talk.”
Eddie blinked twice before a slow grin grew on his face. “Italian restaurant? Tonight at eight? I heard some place called Osteria something is meant to be great.”
“I thought you forfeited it to Keith,” you said, laughing when he vaulted over the counter and settled his arms around your waist. He pulled you into another kiss and, this time, snipped at your lip. You couldn’t hold back the shiver it caused. The mischievous glint in his eyes let you know that he’d noticed. “Shut up.”
“I’ll give it back to you two!” Robin said eagerly, her eyes lighting up.
Eddie, without taking his eyes off of you, pointed in Robin’s general direction. “I’m naming my first born after you Buckley.”
Robin snorted. “Hear that, Lightning? Your first kid’s my namesake.”
Eddie flushed, his neck turning a little splotchy. “That’s not what I meant.”
With a swift, quick kiss, you couldn’t help but place a second kiss to his neck. You watched in fascination as his jaw clenched. “I mean, there’s no harm in practicing,” you teased, smiling when Eddie groaned and dropped his forehead to your shoulder.
“You’re killing me Superstar.” Eddie lifted his head after a beat, his eyes catching yours. “So, what do you say?”
You watched his eyes dart around your face, as if committing this moment to memory, and you let your own hand trail a line across his stubble. He leaned into your touch, his lips coming to kiss your palm. Your heart fluttered, threatening to break free from your chest. Steve was never going to let you live this down. But, as Eddie ducked down to catch your gaze, you raised yourself up higher to catch his lips a third time. That was going to get addicting quick.
“It’s a date, Munson.”
AN: I am so sorry the ending is so weak lmao but I had the first 75% of it in my drafts for months. It was starting to haunt me.
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loviingpedri · 1 year
seven days a week
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prompt: jude spoils you during your birthday week
warnings: grammar issues, cursing
credits to owners for all of the images
inspired by jungkook’s seven
“it’s your birthday week!” jude ran into your shared bedroom in excitement as he heard you waking up.
“jude, my birthday isn’t until saturday.” you couldn’t help but smile at him jump. it was your fourth birthday being spent with him. he made you feel like everyday was your birthday, but this week was gonna be even better.
“that doesn’t matter. you’re finally turning 20! i have so much planned for this week,” he hurried into the closet to grab your clothes for today. “first activity is in 2 hours. come on, get ready.”
“i’m sure you have a lot, but you know i can wait until saturday.” you slowly climbed out of your bed to brush your teeth.
“are you always this boring during your birthday?”
finally, you successfully made it into the car. jude refused to tell you where you were going. the secret made you nervous. you wondered if you could stand being this anxious everyday.
“close your eyes. we’re almost there.” you put your hands over your eyes. jude made sure you weren’t peeking. you were bouncing your leg up and down in anticipation. soon, you heard the engine turn off and the driver’s door open. shortly after he closed his door, yours open. he grabbed your arm gently to get you out of the car. you walked for a little bit before coming to a full stop.
“you can open.” opening your eyes and getting your vision fully in tact, your mouth flew in awe. standing in front of you was your favorite breakfast restaurant that costed almost thousands.
“holy shit, there is no way you called 2 months ahead for a reservation here.”
“yes, i did. do you not wanna go?”
“fuck yeah i do, lets go!”
after your food came out, you hurriedly and ate everything. not one penny was wasted during your breakfast.
“thank you for this. i know how hard it is to get in here.” letting out a loud sigh from the amount of food you just consumed.
“i’m not done yet.” he reached in his back pocket. he revealed a small pouch in his hand. you wiggled your eyebrows at him.
“what’s this?” he urged you to grab it. after opening the small pouch, an anklet decorated with diamonds was laying right in front of you. “jude, this is too much.” you carefully picked it up with a bright smile.
“you deserve it. i mean, you literally moved to madrid with me. it’s least i can do.”
“thank you. seriously. i can’t believe i will have 100,000 on my ankle.” you carefully put the anklet back in the pouch before anyone could notice.
“don’t thank me yet, this is just the beginning.”
you woke up to a note on your nightstand
i have to do an interview after practice. love you. special delivery at 2 :)
after doing your normal routine, 2 pm rolled around around quickly. on the dot, there was a knock on the door. hurrying from the couch, you opened the door wide.
"hello, this is for ms. y/n bellingham." ms. y/n bellingham. something you've never thought of.
"thank you so much." you carried the giant bouquet of red roses inside and shut the door. you grabbed your phone for a picture and texted jude.
jude <3
thank you for the roses :)
you're welcome! don't
forget to open the box
before opening the box, you posted it to your story.
y/n.l/n has added to their story
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it took awhile to find the box in the roses. after digging for ages, you finally found it. opening the box, a shiny golden watch was staring at you. you wore it and immediately felt the weight of it. you couldn’t believe the sight.
being woken up with a pair of diamond earrings were the least thing you expected. hell, you loved it. your boyfriend spoiled you rotten. your phone was currently blowing up with notifications about jude’s interview.
the interview
“so jude, i heard that you were planning something special this saturday.”
“yes, i am. this saturday is my girlfriend’s birthday. i wanted this day to be very special.” he smiled while thinking about you.
“special occasion. what’s your gift?”
“well, i can’t exactly say it but i have been giving her gifts everyday.”
you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. jude was everything to you.
“someone is rather smiley today.” jude hugged your waist and kissed your shoulder.
“this is the best week ever.” you flashed your pearly white teeth at him trying to contain the excitement for the next few days.
“be careful with that smile. you’ll wake up with an afterglow.” jude winked at you before lifting you up to the bedroom.
jude drove you to a fine dining restaurant for dinner. you relaxed in the passenger’s seat. he managed to ease your mind even when nothing was happening. it was the way that your relationship could easily glide.
after walking to your table, you never expected to see your parents.
“oh my god, what are you guys doing here?” you hugged them both.
“we decided to surprise you. all jude’s idea, of course. we can’t let you spend your first birthday in madrid without a party.” your mom said before hugging you tighter.
you constantly pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming. this week felt too perfect. during dinner, jude was fidgeting with your hand. soon enough, a bracelet magically appeared on your wrist. the collection of jude’s devotion was coming along perfectly.
you heard jude wake up early. you decided to not think about it. until a thought appeared in your head. it was thursday and practice started late that day. after brushing your teeth and spamming jude’s phone, the front door opened. you bolted downstairs immediately.
“no fucking way,” you screamed in happiness while jumping into your best friend’s arms. “what is going on? why are you here?” your laughter filled the room while jude was having trouble carrying her suitcase inside the house.
“i can’t visit my best friend during her birthday? i missed you so much.” each sentence that spilled out, the hug would get tighter and tighter.
“my god, how much shit did you bring in.” both of you ignored him while you caught up about life.
“i booked us a nail appointment later. then, we can go shopping. i wanna explore this whole city. jude said it was on him. let’s hope that madrid contract can handle all the money.”
after all the spending was done and jude’s wallet was empty, your best friend was sleeping on the couch. you showed jude everything you got.
“look, she picked out this white dress. it’s so pretty.” jude smiled at every item you took out. “i wanted to ask, why are you doing all of this.” you finally sat down after emptying every bag.
“because i love you, duh.”
“no jude, what is the real reason.” you tried laughing silently, but it didn’t work out.
“you do a lot. it’s hard to believe you really moved all the way from germany all the way here. you sacrificed too much this year only for me. i just wanna love you right.” he kissed your forehead before falling asleep.
today was a team party. jude bought you a bracelet to accompany your black dress. you stared at yourself in the mirror. the dress seemed to hug you in the right places. jude kissed your hips and whispered how perfect you are.
fast forwarding to the party, people swarmed around the couple immediately. people came up to you complimenting your necklace. you received some happy birthday’s and then some congratulations, which confused you.
-> saturday, 5 pm
the day was beautiful. jude had decided to walk on the beach to watch the sunset. he seemed a little fidgety.
“are you okay? you seem a little worried.” you tried to comfort him, but he shook his head.
“nope, i just want everything today to be perfect.”
“this whole week was perfect jude. there’s nothing to worry about. i love you.” both of you shared smiles to each other.
jude came to a stop on the sand. he stared at the water while taking a deep breath. you were confused since he was just stopping. both of your hands were connected to his. slowly, he got down on one knee. your heart was pounding so loud that you thought it was gonna run away.
“y/n, please make me the happiest man on the earth. will you marry me?”
“yes, i will marry you.” you screamed so loud then the happy tears came out. your silence of admiring the ring at first made him even more nervous. your whole family came up from behind the trees and bushes congratulating you and him.
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, and 80,602 others
y/n.bellingham happy 20th to me. couldn’t have done it better than yours truly
judebellingham i love you ❤️
↳ y/n.bellingham i love you more
↳ jobebellingham gross get out
jobebellingham btw she said i was the better brother
↳ user 1 LMFAO JOBE
user 3 y/n it was suppose to be me and you together
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liked by y/n.bellingham, realmadrid, and 109,700 others
judebellingham she said yes by the way
y/n.bellingham 🤍🤍
jobebellingham she should’ve said no
↳ y/n.bellingham jobe i still love you
↳ judebellingham you love me more
↳ jobebellingham @judebellingham ehhhh
user 1 i love them sm
user 2 my parentsss
user 3 jude could do better 🤷‍♀️
from then on, he loved you night after night. every second, every minute, and every hour.
seven days a week
author’s note: hi everyone! thank you for all the support once again. some of you may notice that some days are shorter because i would rather get straight to the point then stretching it. i am now taking requests! i will be working on a masterlist and more details on it. thank you!!! <3
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ciaomarie · 5 months
Part 6: What Then?
It's over kids! The longest and final chapter is done. Chris Storer & Co. are probably going to put our beloveds through it in S3, but until then let's enjoy our low-key angst and romance. Post Season 2, Canon-Compliant, swoony, girly, fluffy. A happy-ending obviously.
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After 10 years of grinding himself into dust Carm’s body began to surrender. About a month after The Bear’s opening, he came down with a cold that turned into a low-grade fever, a bitter cough with lime green mucus, night sweats, and mind-numbing exhaustion. After two days Sydney and Fak showed up to his apartment and dragged him to the emergency room. It was pneumonia and dehydration. The young male doctor muttered that his lungs sounded just like his father’s, a 40-year smoker. Yes, pneumonia was the primary reason, but a man Carmy’s age should be in better shape. He was out of commission for a whole week. The regret of letting down The Bear crew so soon after the Friends and Family fiasco motivated him to make a couple changes. First, he allowed himself only one emergency cigarette a day, which he needed less and less. Second, he went outside on Mondays, when the restaurant was closed. If the temperature was over 30℉, he took the train or walked to a park. His favorites were Humboldt and the Garfield Park Conservatory. Today he had come to the latter with his sketchbook and pencils in his backpack. Since the renovation he had continued drawing.
As he went towards to his favorite bench, he noticed a slender woman walking ahead of him. Her height, long swishing braids and jacket were identical to Syd’s. He compulsively began jogging towards her. Before he could call out her name, the woman pounced on a tall lanky man in front of her, wrapping her arms around his waist. Carmen had the sensation of being pushed off a diving board unexpectedly, his stomach pitching forward, unable to breathe much less scream before slamming into the water like a brick. The man turned and picked up Sydney up, planting a kiss on her mouth. He spun her around and…she wasn’t Syd. Thank God.
Carm made his way to the bench and hunched over, his head in his hands. She wasn’t Syd he recanted over and over until the feeling of relief gave way to self-reproach. This time it wasn’t her, but one day it would be. Would he be able to live with that? Uncle Jimmy’s warning not to be an overthinking manichino flashed in his mind. It was time to do something. He took out his sketchpad and began thumbing through it, an idea beginning to take shape. Hopefully, it wouldn’t scare Syd away.
The following Monday Sydney was in her cousin’s salon getting her entire life. Her microbraids were taken out, her hair was washed, deep conditioned, her scalp massaged, and now she was getting box braids put in. They were accented with delicate gold hair cuffs. She drowsed in the chair, with an almost empty to-go container of jollof rice in her lap, as her cousin and another hair stylist quietly discussed the latest season of Love is Blind.
“Sydney babe, would you ever go on Love is Blind?” her cousin, Ashley, asked in a louder tone.
Syd startled and rubbed her eyes.
“Never. That’s insane.”
“I got a message on IG that it’s coming to Chicago. You live and breathe your job so when are you going to meet somebody? Maybe your soulmate is in one of those pods!”
“Why don’t you apply then? You could find “love” and get more exposure for the salon.”
“Same for you and your restaurant ma’am, but I have a man.”
“Since when?”
“Since three months ago. His name is David, he’s a chemical engineer and the son of you know, Ms. Jumoke, she goes to the African church on Mackinaw…St. Paul.”
“Yeah, I remember her. Her sister used to watch me when my dad worked nights.”
“Anyways, back to you. Are you dating anyone, or should I send you the show application?”
“I don’t think love is blind. Have you seen the people they cast? Nobody too unfortunate-looking gets on. It’s so shallow.”
 “Ha! You’re one to talk. You have a very distinct type…white boys with tats and muscles.”
“Ashley, there’s been two of them. Like, that’s not a pattern.”
“No, three! This boss, no “partner”, of yours, had Sydney written over him. The family never sees you anymore.”
“I came to lunch at uncle and auntie’s last month! Besides, opening a new business is like having a kid. You know this.”
“Sure, but when I had dinner at your restaurant and you introduced us, he complimented you for five minutes and then followed you to the kitchen like a whipped puppy.”
Sydney grinned biting her lower lip and covered her eyes. Her cousin stopped braiding and hugged her.
“Aww…my baby cousin is finally going to get some!”
“ASHLEY!” Sydney groaned pushing off her cousin’s arms.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop, but I am happy for you. He is sexy. That neck is thicker than a tree stump.”
Sydney who had just taken a sip of her sweet tea, spat it out all over the mirror.
“That’s on you, Ashley!” she choked out between laughing and coughing.
When she was able to contain herself, she tried to reel her cousin back in. Talking about romantic potential with Carmy gave her too much pleasure. If he was content with the status quo she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
“Nothing really is going on. We’re business partners and we’re pretty good friends and it’s probably best we keep it that way.”
“Yes, and he gave you an equal share in the restaurant out of the friendly kindness of his heart.”
“You know, I think he would do that, because I’ve put in so much work, but it did feel like it was something more, at least his Uncle Cicero or Jimmy seemed to think so.”
“Girl, watch out. His sister and an uncle like you!? Would you take his last name, hyphenate, or keep Adamu?”
“Ugh, I’m not going there with you! Shouldn’t you be done with my hair by now?”
“If you want it done right it’ll be 2 more hours. If you don’t…30 minutes?”
“Fine, take your time but please let me sleep.”
Sydney closed her eyes, admiring her self-control. She hadn’t told Ashley that Carmy asked her to come by The Bear this evening. He was reworking a few old dishes. The invite was made at the end of the night a few days ago while they were turning off the lights. She said yes as they pulled down the last switch and she couldn’t see his expression, but she heard him exhale loudly as if he feared she’d decline. Sometimes they meet up on Mondays to network with vendors or collaborate on menu ideas, so this wasn’t out of the ordinary. However, she intuited he was hiding something again like when he and Nat surprised her with a share in the restaurant. This time she didn’t pester him for details, knowing that it was probably worth waiting for.
When Syd arrived home at 3:00 pm she could’ve folded laundry and watched an episode of Psych, but she decided to pretend this was a date; well, like she was preparing for a date. It was a long time since her last. She had entered the Convent of Failed Dreams after Sheridan. Then The Beef/The Bear became her world. The light blue cuffed jeans and stripped white and mint green button-down shirt she was wearing was more than appropriate for a food brainstorming session. However, Carmy’s mysterious attitude might be concealing more great news. She might as well look good when and if he had some.
She took a luxuriously long shower, shaved, and rubbed in her mandarin-scented body oil. Then she entered slowly sifted through her closet considering a red jumpsuit, or just nicer jeans and a blouse when her eyes fell on her marigold-colored shirt dress. It was knee length, comfortable, but chic and the color made her complexion pop. She paired it with a brown and gold oval buckle belt and brown flats because she might be standing in the kitchen for hours. After a short struggle she decided to keep the top two buttons of her shirt dress open. It was only a collar bone, not cleavage. Then she considered makeup. She hated wearing a lot of it; her skin felt suffocated with foundation. She did her brows, applied mascara, a little mineral powder, a smidge of highlighter on her cheekbones, and finished with the Fenty “Hot Choclit” gloss bomb her cousin had given her as part of a set for Christmas. Her new braids with the gold cuffs made the look even better and Sydney couldn’t help admiring herself more than usual in her floor-length mirror. She felt so delicious that she ordered an Uber rather than sit on the train. She would take it later or maybe Carm would give her a ride home.
Just before she could lock the door Emmanuel came up the stairwell, his face lighting up.
“My baby girl, you are stunning! Where are you headed?”
“Thanks, daddy. I’m just going to the restaurant. Felt like dressing up for once.”
“So, is it a staff meeting?”
“No, just working on some recipes. I gotta go. My Uber’s waiting.”
Emmanuel leaned against the door and nodded with a sly smile.
“Oh okay, I see. Tell Carmen I said hello. Have fun!”
Sydney’s eyes widened and she ran down the stairs waving goodbye. Her voice couldn’t be trusted.
When the car arrived at the restaurant, the sky was overcast, the evening darker than usual for the time of year. She let herself in and observed the layout. The lights were low, and the back center booth was set for dinner, with a single table candlelit. She could see Carmy in the kitchen already sautéing something. She was headed towards him when he looked up, seeing her through the window and rushed to meet her in the front.
“Syd don’t-” he began before he was immobilized by the vision before him.
Sydney was similarly taken with him and marveled at how often they were of the same mind. Carm was wearing a crisp button-down blue shirt, sleeves rolled to his elbows, the shirt tucked into dark navy pants, and he had gotten a haircut. Somehow it made his eyes stand out more. The sides were moderately tapered, his hair on top remained almost as long as before, and one of his rogue curls was damp against his forehead. He was perspiring, apparently having been cooking for a while.
“Nice haircut”, “You look amazing” they began at the same time and laughed nervously.
Carmy started again, beating his trusty spoon against his palm.
“So, the food is almost done. Just have a seat over there and I’ll be right out.”
Sydney nodded, a little confused and excited for this change of plans. She sat in the booth and noticed the speakers were playing The Teskey Brothers’ “Take My Heart.” She leaned back and closed her eyes letting the lyrics wash over her, her emotions stirring with that sweet ache.
“Take the time to notice what you really need, 
You’ll find it’s a little more simple, than what you thought before,
But I can say for certain that I’ve got more than I ever had before,
By remembering the little things that make my heart warm.
So take my heart and cut it into two,
After all the only thing missing from me was you,
You’re all I want, you’re all I need, you’re the air I breathe,
Cause after all the only thing missing from me was you.”
“Hey, are you good?” Carmy asked  approaching the booth with their plates.
Sydney sat up and cleared her throat.
“Yes, I’m good. I really like that song. Reminds me of-“
 “Otis Redding?”
Carm carefully placed the plates on the table.
“Well, speaking of throwbacks, I made-”
“Pork confit with onions and rhubarb!”
 “Yes, and after we’ll have Milk and Honey.
Sydney bit the inside of her mouth trying to absorb what seemed to be happening.  Carm muttered something about getting their drinks and went to the bar for their club sodas. Sydney remained mute, not knowing if she should ask him what this meant now or let it play out. “Don’t get ahead of yourself”, she admonished her heart.
He returned to the booth with their drinks and encouraged her to start, rubbing his chin as she put the first bite in her mouth.
“That’s it Carmy. Maybe even better than the first time,” Syd purred the pork melting on her tongue and some of her anxiety with it.
He blushed and began eating too.
“It is pretty good. Eleven Madison Park taught me a lot.”
The meal was mostly silent except for the occasional ejaculation over some element of the dish. Carmy couldn’t help gazing at Syd, taking in each detail, and rejoicing in the whole. The dip above her collar bone that rose and fell whenever she swallowed, made his head swim. Her lovely face was absolutely regal framed by her new box braids. Syd’s brown skin glowed in the candlelight and a heavenly citrus scent emanated from her. Whenever her eyes caught his obvious staring, he was too filled with gratitude to look away. Sydney’s eyes were soft and filled with kindness for this dear, lovestruck man. He looked helpless. In moments like this she remembered her capacity to build or obliterate him at will.  “Go with the flow” she reminded herself.
After they finished the main, Carmy took their plates and returned, with dessert, Milk and Honey. Syd lit up at the sight and when she tried it a wave of surprise flitted across her face.
"Is that mango? I didn't taste it at first, but then it like...bloomed at the back. Wow!"
"I thought it could use a Sydney twist. You always grab the mango lollipops off Sug's desk."
She resumed eating her dessert. Carm noticed everything about her. She'd played the Teskey Brothers, once or twice while they cleaned after a service, comparing them to Otis.
The Milk and Honey was devoured too soon and just as she wondered what else was on the agenda, Carmy took their bowls and returned with a package tied with twine. He set it in front of her, hands trembling, and sat a little further away than before. Syd perceiving his anxiety didn't raise any questions. She untied the string, removed the wrapping paper, revealing a red leather hand-bound notebook. The cover was engraved with her initials. On the first page was one of Carmy's drawings. It was a curbside view of The Bear. Several lined pages followed, then a drawing of the grapes in bone marrow broth. This alternating of lined pages and his pictures continued throughout the thick notebook. There were more pictures of their recipes, the various designs of her head scarves, and some were of her in different attitudes. In one she was leading expo with the confidence of Napoleon, and another was a portrait, her chin leaning on her hand, with a faraway expression in her large brown eyes. There were several others, so perceptive that Sydney felt naked. Adored. The final picture was surreal. It was a profile of Carmy's head the entirety of which was filled with Sydney wearing a hopeful smile and the scarf and shirt she'd worn her first day at The Beef.
She couldn't stop looking at it, her index finger tracing the lines.
"Sy-d" Carmen croaked his voice thick.
She looked up to find red-brimmed blue eyes searching hers.
"Come here" she breathed and no sooner than she blinked he was at her side.
"Syd" he tried again. Hyperventilating.
"Say more", she gently commanded smoothing his hair back before taking his hand in her lap.
This disarmed him, and he grinned in surprise. That was his line.
"I want you Syd. I want to be with you.”
“I want to do everything with you or not at all."
Then for the first time he wanted to say the words that had been a weapon for most of his life. They either were forced on him or yanked from him. His mother thought those words meant meekly submitting to her abuse. For Mikey it was cutting him off, so he wasn't exposed to his self-destruction. He never got to say it all. Claire believed it was part of a script. If he would only play his role and ignore who they were underneath, those words would become true enough.
Now, he had a new idea about those words, and they were wrapped up in this beautiful, talented, funny, tender, generous, stubborn, loyal, woman. His friend.
Suddenly they didn't hurt. He continued leaning to rest his forehead on hers.
"I love you."
Sydney blinked slowly as if in a trance, tears dropping to their joined hands.
Carm didn't move, but his face was filled with concern.
'Syd, are you-" he started to ask. Then he was spinning.
Sydney kissed him.
His neurons habitually used to process grief, anxiety, and small doses of happiness, trembled with the unusual amount of joy coursing through him.
Sydney was delirious. Her only thought was, he loves me.
Carmy couldn't close his eyes. The curve of her soft cheek so near his made him want to cry.
Then he did, for Sydney said,
"I love you, too."
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Hi Red!(⌒ ▿⌒)  If it’s not too much trouble may I request Hc’s of Alphonse, Auron, Faust ,and Finn celebrating the listeners birthday? (If there’s too many asks or anything of the sort I understand, I just wandet to ask ahead cuz my birthday’s on the second and I know your inbox closes on mondays. No pressure to do it tho!/gen if you can’t do it thank you for at least taking the time to read this!)  Hope you have a good timezone! (ps love your new pfp! :D)
Happy birthday, love!
I hope you have an amazing birthday mootie!! Also thank you! I was wondering if anyone noticed I changed my pfp!! Also I saw the birthday part and was like OOP priority just went up and immediately started working on this-
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Has the day of your birthday marked with lots of pretty colors on his calendar he has. So he doesn't forget bc his schedule sometimes makes time weird for him.
Get you your favorite snacks, treats or anything you really like eating. Yes he ate a few but don't worry he made enough so he can snack while making them!
Since there isn't a lot of shops in town he had to go into the city for a day to get some gifts for you!
If you want to go out and do a few things like do a picnic Alphonse takes the snacks and other things he made with you guys
When you two are alone he tells you how much you matter to him and how glad he was to meet you.
He's making a pretty bouquet of your favorite flowers! Along with making a cute birthday card.
He tries and make you any goods you like eating! (he might have burnt one but ignore it look at this one he perfectly did!!)
Def made a few of your gifts, to show how much he loves you! Finn thinks they give more meaning if it's made by him
Def planned to do a few things you like in the city! Loves listening you talk about them with a wide smile.
When going home Finn tells you that he's so thankful that you choose to be with him.
I feel like he's the type of partner to buy you as many gifts as the same number age your turning.
With every one he's making sure they are something you love or been wanting to get for a while
def taking you to your favorite restaurant or taking you to a fancy one. Or order in to be with you in private!
Planned the whole day for you. If there is a specific thing you want to do he called the place or already had a reservation.
In the back of the limo going back to the pent house, Auron opens again, saying how he's so glad you stayed that night.
Planning for like 2 months bc he's getting merch you wanted that takes forever to ship. Faust is considering asking for a favor from Auron to get them quicker.
Getting clothes he knows you wanted to get, he has the lists on any website you order from. Basically going into your lists and adding them to a cart bc he doesn't wanna seem suspicious
Just like Auron I can see him taking you to a restaurant you love or ordering in if you don't wanna see people.
the plans for today is either play so many video games, watch movies or do any activities you wanna do! Faust lowkey uses Auron's name to get shit done quicker, it's for you so he doesn't care.
After the day is almost about to end Faust tells you how he's so glad you gave him a chance. How you saw the real him from the persona he used so he wouldn't get hurt.
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Cooking Up Love, Chapter 8
Pairing: Chef!Matt Murdock x F!Journalist!Reader
Rating: T
Story Summary: Here 
Warnings/Tags: Hallmark levels of fluffy, cheesy goodness (and speed that their relationship develops, lol), no use of Y/N, Matt is not a vigilante, idiots in love, love confessions (but not to each other 🫠)
Word Count: ~2650
A/N: Short little filler chapter here to move the plot along, but next up is the big "recipe testing" dinner!
Thanks as always to @theradioactivespidergwen for the divider!
Tag List: @yarrystyleeza @hailey-murdock @mattkinsella @bellaxgiornata @danzer8705 @chezagnes @shouldbestudying41 @thepunisherfrankcastle @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment
"So? How was it?" Skyler said as soon as she saw you in the staff break room the next morning.
You laughed and shook your head. "Can I at least make some coffee before you start interrogating me about my brunch?"
"Oh, I already took care of that." Skyler turned and handed you a to-go cup from your favorite coffee shop near the office. "I know how much you hate Monday morning staff meetings and figured I'd get something for you while I was getting my own coffee."
You took a sip and sighed blissfully. "You are an angel, you know that? I owe you one."
Skyler took a sip of her own beverage. "So spill, girl, spill! How was Chef Hottie's cake?"
You shook your head with a grin. "Ok well first off, it's Chef Matt , and secondly, his crepes were excellent once again, as was the omelet I ordered. You really should check the restaurant out for Sunday brunch at the very least, although I'm sure their dinner menu is amazing too."
Skyler took another sip of her coffee as you walked into the conference room together and sat. "How was the rest of your day? Hopefully you did something more exciting than watching a bunch of senior citizens play bingo."
You nodded, smiling to yourself as you thought about your afternoon and evening with Matt. "Actually, yeah. Matt invited me along on his after-work errands yesterday afternoon so I could observe him outside of the kitchen."
"Ooh, so you got to spend the whole afternoon with him? Lucky. So what did you two do together?"
"He volunteers to cook for the soup kitchen at Clinton Church on Sundays after the restaurant closes, so I helped him out with that, then I watched him work out at the gym for a bit, then he asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him."
Skyler's eyes grew wide. "He asked you out on a date ? Way to bury the lede!"
You shook your head. "No, not a date , he just invited me to have dinner with him at his apartment as a thank-you for helping him out at the church, that's all."
"You went to his apartment? " 
You opened your mouth to tell her that it wasn't a big deal but was interrupted by Ellison walking into the conference room. "Okay, let's get this show on the road," he said. "First order of business: Kelsie, welcome back. Glad to see you're feeling better."
You glanced over at Kelsie, who was sulking at the other end of the table.
Ellison looked at his notes. "Okay, so assignment updates! Skyler, how was the fundraiser for the senior center?"
"Great," Skyler replied. "I sent you my article last night."
"Okay, good. Mark, what's going on in sports this week?"
Mark, who wrote the sports column, sat up in his chair. "I've got an interview with Coach Calhoun on Wednesday and Coach Dempsey on Thursday, so the article about the big rivalry between PS 114 and PS 118 will be ready to go for Friday's edition."
"Excellent." Ellison said your name. "How's the Restaurant Week feature coming?"
"It's coming along great," you replied. "Chef Murdock has been really open and cooperative, so it'll be no problem getting that article to you by EoD Wednesday."
Ellison nodded. "Fantastic. Okay, new assignments. Skyler, you're covering the music festival this weekend. They'll have a press pass for you at the gate. Kelsie, since we switched up the Restaurant Week feature you're now going to be handling the daily report on what each participating restaurant is featuring. Everyone else, you know your assignments. Let's get to it."
You stood and picked up your cup of coffee.
"Not enough to steal the Features position out from under me, was it?" you heard Kelsie say from behind you. "Now you're going after the lead story for Restaurant Week too."
You turned and raised an eyebrow. There had been a (one-sided, in your opinion) rivalry between you and Kelsie ever since you and she had both been up for the Features position six months earlier. "Oh damn, you caught me. I made sure that you would get food poisoning just so I could swoop in and steal the Restaurant Week feature when I know nothing about the culinary industry and had never met Chef Murdock until a few days ago after the article was assigned to me. And as for the Features position, I won that promotion fair and square. It's not my fault that my article was better and that you bombed the mock interview, just like you would've tanked this one."
Kelsie scoffed. "Yeah, right. I'm sure he would've been extremely 'cooperative' with anyone interviewing him -- as long as they were female and had a pulse."
You shook your head. "I'll have you know, Chef Murdock has been nothing but professional towards me the entire week."
Kelsie smirked. "Oh didn't you know? Matthew Murdock will do anything -- and any one -- to try to salvage his reputation, so there must be a reason if he's not hitting on you."
Before you could respond she turned and flounced out of the conference room.
"What a bitch," Skyler muttered under her breath.
You shook your head. "I'm not worried about her. Ellison knows what I'm capable of."
Skyler sighed. "Anyway, I want to hear all about your not-date with Chef Hottie. Lunch later?"
You nodded. "Sure."
"Great. I'll swing by your desk around 11:30."
You went back to your desk, dutifully ignoring the daggers Kelsie was continuing to shoot your way, and worked on your other tasks until it was time for lunch.
You looked up as Skyler stopped by, purse in hand. "Ready?"
You nodded. "Yeah, let's go."
The two of you walked down the street to your favorite food truck. 
"Okay, so tell me everything ," Skyler said once the two of you sat down at a nearby table with your food. "Like how you went from going to Daredevil for brunch to a private dinner with the chef."
"There's not much to tell," you replied with a light laugh. "But okay."
You took a breath. "I had told Matt on Saturday that I was planning on coming back to Daredevil for Sunday brunch because the crepes he had made during the cooking demo he did for me were really good, so he told me to get his staff to let him know that I was there and he'd come say hi."
A small smirk graced Skyler's face. "So he was willing to drop everything in order to come talk to you, got it."
You shook your head. "He wound up bringing my order out to me, so while we were talking he asked me if I would be interested in seeing how he develops his recipes so I agreed to stop by Daredevil tonight after work for another cooking demo. Then he asked me if I wouldn't mind accompanying him on his after-work errands since he thought that it would be beneficial to my article for me to spend some time with him outside of the kitchen."
Skyler huffed out a laugh. "Right, beneficial to your article, sure."
You smiled and shook your head. "We went by Clinton Church first to cook for the soup kitchen--"
Skyler held up a finger. "Wait a second. So he asked you to spend the afternoon with him out of the kitchen, then brought you to a different kitchen to watch him cook?"
You shrugged. "I didn't mind. He usually cooks at Daredevil and just brings everything over to the church, but he asked me if I wouldn't mind coming over early and he'd just do his cooking for the church over there instead."
Skyler raised an eyebrow. "Mmhmm, so he could spend even more time with you."
" Anyway, after we finished up at the church we headed to his gym since he frequently goes after service to unwind."
Skyler grinned. "Ooh, so you got to see him all sweaty?"
You nodded. "The arms on that man, let me tell you…"
"And the ass." Skyler did a chef's kiss. "You can't tell me you didn't check out his ass."
Your face heated. "Well… maybe a bit."
Skyler gasped. "You did! I knew you were interested in him!"
You groaned. "He's so handsome and sweet and funny and genuine, not to mention an incredible chef… but I'm writing a story about him for the paper, it's completely unethical for me to be thirsting after him -- even though it's absolutely unfair how good he looks in a tank top and a pair of sweatpants."
Skyler shook her head. "Your story's due, when, Wednesday? After that you won't have to worry about journalistic integrity or whatever's stopping you from jumping his bones. So how'd you wind up going home with him?"
You wrinkled your nose. "Don't say it like that, you make it sound so… clandestine ."
Skyler rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay, fine. Having dinner, happy?"
You chuckled. "Yes. After he was done at the gym I asked him where to next and he said that was all he had left to do so I said okay and that I'd see him later, but then he asked if I'd like to have dinner with him as a thank-you for helping him out at the soup kitchen. I agreed, so we stopped by his plot at the Clinton Community Garden to pick some fresh basil then headed to his apartment."
Skyler waved a hand at you to go on. "Where you…"
You shrugged. "Where I drank some wine and ate some delicious carbonara, then sat and talked with Matt for a bit on his sofa before I went home."
Skyler's eyebrows raised. "Wait, you were serious? Nothing happened between you two?"
You shook your head. "I mean we hugged before I left, but that was it."
Skyler shook her head with a sigh. "Girl, if you can't see what's going on…"
Your brow furrowed. "What are you talking about?"
"He's clearly interested."
"What? No he's not."
"Oh come on. He invited you to his apartment for dinner."
"As a thank-you, I told you that."
Skyler took a sip of her drink. "I'm telling you, girl, the man is into you! He's probably holding back because he thinks you're not interested."
You shook your head and stood. "Come on, we need to get back. I'm sure Kelsie is looking for any excuse to report us to Ellison."
Skyler groaned then stood as well. "Yeah, you're right. But I am too, and you know it!"
You threw your trash away and started back towards the office, your mind racing.
Skyler had to be mistaken. Matt couldn't actually be interested in you… could he?
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Matt grinned to himself as he headed towards Clinton Church. He had spent the morning finalizing his plans for your "recipe tasting" dinner and was eager to get started on prep, but he needed to pick up his supplies from the church's activity center first. 
Father Lantom had left him a voicemail that morning saying how appreciative everyone had been of the hot meal and how nice it had been to meet you. 
Matt's mind drifted back to the previous day. While you obviously wasn't as quick and skilled in the kitchen as he was, Matt had still been touched by your willingness to help out however you could, even if it meant doing menial tasks such as slicing up tomatoes and cucumbers and dividing salad dressing into servings. 
God , he had wanted to kiss you when your fingers had brushed against his while you were handing him his measuring cups, then again when you had hugged him at Fogwell's after he had told you about his dad, then again in his apartment when you two stood listening to the rain by his window, then again when you were getting ready to leave…
He sighed. Hopefully everything went according to plan tonight.
He stepped into the office at Clinton Church. 
"Matthew, hello," Sister Maggie, one of the nuns from the adjoining convent, said.
"Hi," Matt replied. "I'm here to pick up my culinary supplies from the activity center." 
"Oh, yes. Father Lantom did say that you'd be dropping by to pick up your things." Sister Maggie took a set of keys out of a drawer. "He's out on an errand at the moment, but I can let you in."
"Great, thanks."
He followed her out to the activity center.
Sister Maggie unlocked the door. "How is the restaurant doing?"
Matt shrugged. "It's… surviving so far. We're not doing nearly as well as I'd hoped we'd be by now but I'm hoping that the article that's going to be in the Bulletin next week will help drum up some business."
"Oh, the restaurant is being featured in the Bulletin? That's wonderful."
Matt shook his head. "Moreso me than the restaurant, but yeah. We're going to be on the front page of the Restaurant Week kickoff edition."
He paused, smiling softly as he thought about you. "Actually the reporter from the Bulletin who's doing the story on me was here with me yesterday."
Sister Maggie hummed. "Oh, yes, Father Lantom did say a young woman was assisting you, but he was under the impression that you two were seeing each other."
Matt shook his head. "What? No, we've only known each other for a few days, although…"
He sighed. "There's something about her that… I don't know, she makes me feel comfortable around her. She's kind, and gentle, and caring…" And beautiful. I have no idea what she looks like, but I know she's beautiful. 
Sister Maggie hummed. "She sounds lovely."
"She really is."
"What's her name?"
Matt smiled as he said your name.
Sister Maggie gave a hum of recognition. "Oh, yes, she's the one who does all of those lovely human interest stories, right? I do enjoy reading those each week."
Matt nodded. "Right."
He bit his lip. "I wanted her to get to know me outside of the kitchen -- for her story, of course -- so I, uh, I took her to Fogwell's after we left here yesterday and wound up telling her about Dad. She already knew about his murder -- she had done some research before our interview -- but I told her about growing up with him and how he always encouraged me to get an education."
Sister Maggie reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go. "Your father was a good man, you know."
Matt nodded. "I know."
She sighed. "I know I haven't always been there for you in the ways you've needed me, Matthew, but for what it's worth, I'm really proud of you."
Matt nodded. "Thanks… Mom."
"So what are you going to do?"
Matt furrowed his brow. "About?"
Sister Maggie said your name. "She's not seeing anyone, is she?"
Matt shook his head. "I don't think so. At least, she hasn't mentioned anything in that regard."
He gestured towards the kitchen. "She's actually coming by the restaurant tonight to taste-test some new recipes for me, so I better get going so I can get started on everything."
He headed into the kitchen to get his cart.
Sister Maggie gave him a hug as he came back out. "Goodbye, Matthew."
Matt hugged her back. "Bye."
He headed towards Daredevil, his mind swirling. He knew you were attracted to him -- at least physically -- but there had been something holding you back. Could you be seeing someone?
Matt had assumed you were single based on your availability over the weekend, but just because you were available didn't mean you were available. 
He shook his head. He remembered overheating your conversation with that other reporter who had greeted him the day he had brought tiramisu to the Bulletin, during which you had said that you didn't have a boyfriend.
…So then what was it?
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navire190413 · 28 days
haha i got drunk and wrote like 2,000 words about my experience with learning japanese. read it sober and just sat in front of my computer like 😐
you know when old people talk a lot and sometimes its hard to tell if they’re trying to pass on wisdom or are just kind of full of themselves and want to talk about themselves? what i wrote was definitely the latter. i’m just an おじいさん who wants to drink and smoke and talk about myself and my hard work lol
one of my favorite 居酒屋 to visit on my way home from work is closing for good this weekend. its open 24/7 so it was always great for stopping by after drinking at the bar until morning. their squid and shrimp 串カツ are soooo good. i’m actually here now typing this on my phone. this izakaya is in a basement so i don’t have signal. i just end up scrolling through my photos or blogging in my notes while sitting here alone for an hour until my favorite bar opens at 7.
the last time i came here a server ive become acquainted with hit on me, and i didn’t pick up on it at all, so my reaction was kind of dull. i only realized he was hitting on me when he turned around and all the other servers were laughing at him bc they were all eavesdropping. he probably mentioned he was gonna do it beforehand haha. i’m so sorry. i would be totally down to grab drinks if i realized sooner 😂
he always makes me turn around and show him my backpiece when im wearing tanktops and croptops. and hes always basically yelling カッコいい!!its cute how not normal tattoos are here. i would never get these reactions in america but sometimes it can be annoying. yes yes i have a lot of tattoos. yes. expensive. yes painful. and then they find out about my scarification, which honestly most people in the states have also never seen, so then its a weird balance of explaining my love for body modification and not self mutilation.
money has gotten TIGHT lately. im literally courting my ex and bringing him to izakayas and nice restaurants every week and im going broke from it so i gotta stop hahaha. we did have a really good time last night, though. and hes always really grateful and respectful when im paying. he also initiated a lot of kisses and kept kissing my cheeks last night which was weird and not like him at all. im not gonna think about it anymore tho.
i am super excited about where we’re going on saturday. its an 青森�� restaurant and i guess they get fish delivered daily from there, so i hope its super fresh and tasty 😤. i unfortunately booked too late and couldnt get a private room, but i think sitting at the counter will be nice since we’re doing the all-you-can-drink course and itll be faster to get our drinks if we’re not in a secluded room.
my go-to drink for the past 2 years living here has always been highballs, but lately theyre way too strong for me. ive become obsessed with lemon sours, but because its not whiskey in them like highballs i become drunk super super fast. good for cost performance purposes but dangerous since im used to my highball drinking pace. i usually dont black out if i only drink for 2-3 hours on a work night but the other day i drank my usual amount, just this time they were lemon sours and not highballs. i was on the verge of blacking out returning home at only 9pm on a monday 😂
i can’t stop thinking about the guy who asked me to be his girlfriend two weeks ago. he’s american and he’s nice enough, but he’s been living in japan for over a year and cant even say すみません to get a server’s attention. he also doesnt eat meat, so i cant introduce him to yakiniku and yakitori which are my go-to. everytime we hungout i had to translate everything and guide him around tokyo. i brought him to an izakaya for his first time and had to teach him the words for squid and octopus. which he promptly forgot 2 minutes later. its literally taco and ika!!! we got lost in a department store one time and i had to ask for directions while he just stood there. it always felt like i was with a child who knew nothing when we were together. as friends, im more than happy to introduce tokyo and translate. but as someone who was obviously trying to be appealing to me, it was honestly a massive ick. i have no preference when it comes to what ethnicity or cultural background someone is, but i cant date someone who knows less about japan than me. it was a good realization actually! i always say i dont have a type, but i think im slowly starting to realize my type. he doesnt have friends so he would always say “lets go out and explore tokyo together!”dude i have been experiencing tokyo for 2 years. i have my favourite spots and my favourite neighborhoods and i know how to find good restaurants and i regularly go out and just do shit by myself because i can navigate it by myself. he also was expecting me to teach him japanese which was just soooo….
when you get to a level where you’ve lived somewhere long enough and can speak the language a lot of people expect you to be a free tour guide. when it comes to strictly friends with no expectation of me, im more than happy to plan a day of sightseeing and introductions but sometimes when i make friends with foreigners it feels like that’s all they want out of me. i mean it goes both ways. a lot of japanese men just view me as a fetish object. omg a white girl who i can actually speak to!!! maybe she can teach me english!!! ive never fucked a 6 foot tall white girl with tattoos!!!
for my established friends, i happily translate stuff for them and give them english lessons but man it feels like theres a lot of expectations of me meeting people here. from foreigners and native japanese people.
i have a lot of foreign friends who have lived here longer than me and dont speak a lick of japanese and dont have any plans on learning. i dont really feel one way or the other about it. theyve been here long enough and know they can get around and have fun without knowing the language. i cant imagine how tough that is sometimes so more power to them. but its always the people complaining they want to learn and want to understand and communicate but still for some reason just dont sit down and study or make an effort to make japanese friends so they can atleast pick up conversational japanese that i dont understand. why are you not studying???? sure its hard but just do it??? you dont even have to use textbooks. apps kind of suck once you get past the basics but its at least something you can do while riding the train and then atleast i wouldnt have to order for you at the bar after youve been living here for several months!!!
im a princess and a brat and am obsessive so studying is super easy for me. i studying during my lunch breaks and anytime im riding the train. i understand thats not the case for everyone, so i try to take the time to teach my friends who want to learn japanese important phrases for day to day life. maybe textbooks and studying isnt their thing, which is fine. okay i’ll teach you as we go. but even then they dont retain anything 😂 dont complain to me about not being able to speak japanese if you’re not going to put in a little bit of effort to atleast order a beer by yourself!!!! and if youre over thinking the difference between ください and お願いします before you can even say [名前]と申します, youre thinking too much!!!!! japanese is hard. theres a lot of info. if you start getting into super specific japanese before you can do self introductions, its gonna be a long long road. so im super happy i learned japanese in america where i went textbook step by step instead of being surrounded by confusing japanese all day long. when i try to teach my friends japanese they always somehow ask me about n2 grammar. and its just like. stop. ignore that. that does NOT have anything to do with you at this time. i was N2 before N3 grammar even made sense to me (i did get full points on n3 test despite none of it making sense to me though 😂) because i finally had context for it and could make the connections. without those building blocks and going step by step id be lost. and thats why you should study the language before coming to a foreign country.
god im judgmental.
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jjungkookislife · 1 year
Butterfly Tattoo Studio: First Date
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pairing: piercer!hoseok x f. reader, jimin x f. reader
genre: tattoo shop au, fluff, future polyam au, smut [18+]
summary: first dates are always nerve-wracking, more so when your date has six other boyfriends and wants to pursue you.
wc: 7.5k
warnings: overthinking, pet names, first date nerves, food mentions, sexual tension, lots of kissing, making out, marking (scratching, hickeys), hair pulling, fingering (f. receiving), protected sex, spanking, joint shower, oral sex (f. giving and receiving)
date: May 20, 2023
series masterlist
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The weekends are busy for the shop. For the most part, Hobi and his boyfriends alternate who leaves early every week, usually closing up shop a little earlier if the week has been rather busy. 
On Sundays and Mondays, the shop is closed to give them all a break, which is when Hoseok is picking you up at your apartment at 7:30 pm on the dot. 
“Hey!” You greet him with a smile as the warm summer breeze ruffles your summer dress as you step out onto your porch. You hug Hoseok, kissing him hastily before turning to shut and lock your front door. 
“Hey,” Hoseok grins as he takes your hand in his to lead you to his car. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you smile brightly, ignoring the urge to cover your smile like always. 
“Wait just one second,” he says as he comes to a stop, stepping in front of you to do a quick check of your new piercings. “Sorry, habit.”
You giggle. “I don’t mind. I’d be nervous if I didn’t have you to check them. I’ve been cleaning them and touching them as little as possible, but it’s so hard to keep my hands to myself.”
Hoseok smirks. “Is that so?”
“Hobi!” You gasp, laughing as he opens the passenger side door for you. 
Hoseok just grins, waiting for you to settle into your seat before he shuts the door and jogs to the other side. 
Nerves and excitement have been flowing through him all day. He’d had Jimin and Taehyung help him get ready for tonight and although you hadn’t officially met Namjoon, Yoongi, or Seokjin, they were all excited for him. Their relationship had a lot of ins and outs, which he hoped to explain tonight and allow you to make your own decision. By no means did you have to date him or any of his boyfriends, he wanted to make that really clear but he hoped he could at least see you as a friend if nothing else… a friend he’d fooled around with but a friend no less. Besides, how many of his relationships had started as friends? Okay, bad example. 
“There’s this restaurant nearby I want to take you to. There’s a concert in the park nearby and I was hoping we could stop by after dinner and have dessert there. Does that sound okay?” Hobi asks you, his teeth worrying his lip. He wasn’t usually this nervous, but he hadn’t been on a date with someone new in a long, long time. 
“That sounds wonderful,” you answer, placing your hand on his. “I can’t wait.”
You hope your words soothe him a little, and part of you gets it, you were just as nervous as he. You’d been pacing back and forth in your living room just minutes before he even showed up, wondering what would come of tonight. He had assured you it would just be you two, warning his three youngest boyfriends to stay away while he explained the relationship to you. Of course, you had an inkling of what it entailed from your last dinner together, but why was he pursuing you? And why had his boyfriends been so eager to as well? Wouldn’t they prefer to keep to themselves? 
The ride to the restaurant is filled with laughter and music. Hobi hums along to the song you’ve played. You’re going through one of his playlists on his music app, smiling when you see so many of your favorite songs included. You mention so and he smiles brightly as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant and easily (sexily) parks into a spot with ease. 
Before you can even blink, he’s opening the car door for you while you gather your purse and his phone, thanking him. 
“No need,” he smiles, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek as he takes your hand in his, fingers laced, as you walk to the door. 
“Welcome,” the host greets you and leads you to a booth in the quieter part of the restaurant. A few couples are scattered around minutes before the late dinner rush hits. You settle into your seat as your server greets you and takes your drink order before leaving you alone. 
Hoseok isn’t sure if he should breach the subject now or wait until you’ve ordered. Maybe he should wait until your food arrives, or maybe he should let you take the lead? Can you take the lead? You seem shy and you get flustered easily, so maybe you won’t be confident enough to bring it up. But what if you don’t bring it up at all and neither does he and the night ends without you two making any progress? What should he do? He knows if it were Jimin or Yoongi, he’d have had all this cleared up but he’s out of practice and honestly? You make him nervous. You give him butterflies, in a good way. Sure, his boyfriends have his heart and affection, their love a nice simmer on a flame. Comfortable, familiar love that he’s grown accustomed to but you, you’re something else. 
“Wow! These look so good!” You bring him out of his reverie when the waitress places a basket of rolls, butter, and silverware on your table, along with your drinks. 
While Hoseok’s been stewing in his thoughts, gnawing on his bottom lip, you’ve been perusing the menu. Usually, you’d look the menu up beforehand but seeing as Hoseok had planned your evening (props, we love a man who takes action and doesn’t say “wherever you want is fine”) you hadn’t decided on a meal beforehand. 
“I’ll have the spaghetti,” you order with a smile as you close your menu and hand it over to the waitress. Hoseok panics for a second before ordering his favorite dish and handing his menu over as well before you’re left alone once again. 
The chatter in the restaurant falls to the background and Hoseok is suddenly aware of how quiet he’s been. 
“Have you been here before?” You ask as you look around the dining area. The booths align one wall and the round tables cover the area between your side and the opposite. Black and white landscape photos line the walls in simple black frames that don’t draw too much attention away from the photographs.
Small candles sit on a few of the larger tables. You briefly wonder if they’re a fire hazard, should someone accidentally make it topple over in their haste to make room for more food. You turn away, not liking the thought. 
“A few times,” Hoseok answers as he raises his drink to his lips. “With friends. The food is delicious.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” you chuckle. “But if it’s not, you owe me a kiss.”
Hoseok raises a brow, setting his drink down after taking a sip. “And if it is?”
You giggle. “Then I owe you a kiss.”
“So it’s a win-win, huh?” Hoseok licks his lips as he eyes you with a hooded gaze. 
“I’d like to think so.” you bite your lip for a second before you’re holding his gaze with your own. You’d promised to be a little bolder, a little more friendly, and open toward him tonight. Besides, after the last time with Jungkook and Taehyung, could you feel shy?
Conversation flows smoothly after that and when your meals arrive, along with more bread, you’re happy to report that it was amazing! Hoseok chuckles as he settles the bill. He takes your hand in his after he signs the receipt and slides his card back into his wallet. 
As you both make your way to his car, he stops you right before you get inside. His hands cup your face, his eyes locked on yours as he tries to read them before his lips capture yours in a sweet kiss that leaves your face warm when it ends. 
“Wow,” you breathe, feeling electrifying tingles in your veins as you lean in for another kiss that Hobi is eager to return. Your arms wrap around his neck, fingers toying with his hair as your back meets the passenger door. 
You gasp at the sudden coldness that meets your body through the thin material of your dress. Hobi chuckles, pecking your lips one last time before he’s untangling himself from your hold and opening your door. He takes a moment to admire how beautiful you look, eyes sparkling and your smile demure before you bite on your lower lip. 
Hoseok’s knuckles brush against your cheek, the warmth of it, not a surprise to him as he whispers, “Beautiful.” Whether it was supposed to be audible is unsure, but you smile in thanks, anyway. 
When he starts the car a minute later, he hands you his phone and messages spew in asking him about your date. You giggle as you show them to him and he sighs before smiling endearingly. 
“They mean well,” he assures you as you open his music app and play something a little softer.
“They’re your boyfriends,” you say with a grin. “I’m sure they’re just curious.”
Hoseok nods, wishing he had the guts to bring this up in the restaurant instead of the car, but he can’t procrastinate any longer. 
“They are,” he shrugs as he focuses on the road. You’re not too far from the park and he hopes it’s not too packed. 
Hoseok remains silent for a moment as he gathers his thoughts and you make no note of it as you continue to hum along to the song that’s currently playing. It’s an older song, one he hasn’t listened to in years but somehow fits the situation. It’s funny how music can perfectly explain what you’re going through, to be comforted by the fact that you’re not alone. 
Hoseok stops the car to allow another to pull out of their parking spot and he takes a quick glance in your direction. His heart flutters in his chest when he sees you singing without a care, your eyes closed as you hit every note; he wonders if the lyrics are resonating with you as they are with him. And before he can get sucked into the wonderful aura that is you, he parks in the now-empty parking spot. 
You turn to him, smiling widely. “I really love this song.”
Hoseok swallows thickly. “Yeah, I do too.” 
“Are you holding back like I know you do?” You sing effortlessly, reaching out for his hand. That’s all he needs to undo his seatbelt and press his lips against yours, not terrified when sparks fly behind his eyelids. 
Kissing Hobi is butterfly-inducing, a novel experience each time. You’ve had rough kisses, soft kisses, sweet kisses, and now passionate kisses as he nearly pulls you into his lap. There are so many emotions filling him and he tries to push everything away as he holds you to him and continues to kiss you like nothing else in the world matters. He’s always been one to fall fast and hard, to love and love with no regard, no hesitation. Hoseok is the first to put his heart on the line; hand it over to you without a second thought. However, it’s led him to so much pain and heartache in the past, but he’s still willing to offer it up, to get hurt if it means the outcome will be much greater than anything he could have ever hoped for. It’s worked the last six times he’s handed his heart over, trusted it with his six soulmates. Now with you in front of him, sparking all these same feelings that each of them awoke in him, he’s ready to give you the world, his precious heart included. 
Hoseok knows he might be getting ahead of himself. Diving in too fast, too soon. It wouldn’t be the first time, but he sure as hell hopes it’s the last. He’s been called greedy in the past for having so many partners, but love is love and he has plenty to give with an open heart. He doesn’t let others' opinions bother him anymore, not when he’s finally living his truth. 
Slowly, ever so slowly, he ends the kiss. He rests his forehead against yours as you catch your breath, a small smile on your pretty lips. 
Hoseok takes your hands in his, thumbs caressing your skin as he pulls back a bit to look you in the eyes. No matter what the outcome, he’s really enjoyed being around you, and getting to know you, and he hopes you feel the same way about him. 
“My boyfriends,” he starts, licking his lips, only to realize he can taste the sweet fruitiness of your lipstick. It makes him smile. “It’s not just Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook. There are three more. I’m not sure if you’ve met them yet?”
Six boyfriends. 
Hoseok has six boyfriends?
That’s not what you were expecting at all. You assumed it was just Tae, Jungkook, and Jimin, but now you’re wondering what exactly you’ve gotten yourself into. Sure, sex was one thing, but seven relationships were a lot to handle. What if one (or more) of Hoseok’s partners hated you? What if you didn’t like them? What if you clashed? What would that mean for you? For Hoseok?
Hoseok can see the rush of emotions on your face and he hates that he’s the one who’s swiped your smile away. “There’s Namjoon. He owns the shop.”
“I met him briefly,” you say at the memory of Namjoon the first time you ever set foot in Butterfly. 
Hoseok smiles. “He’s a sweetheart. He looks intimidating with all his tattoos, but he’s a real gentle giant.”
You nod. 
“There’s also Seokjin and Yoongi. They’re the oldest. They’re almost as chaotic as Jimin and Taehyung, though, so don’t let their age fool you.” Hoseok chuckles as he thinks of them. 
“Do you think they’d like me?” You ask nervously. 
“Oh, I’m sure they would,” Hoseok nods with no hesitation. It was no secret to any of them that Hoseok found something about you so alluring and after your group dinner date, the youngest weren’t quiet about their crushes on you. Often they’d ask Hoseok how you were doing; if they could text you, or if they could ask you out on solo dates or mini-group dates. But Hoseok had declined the idea of dates until he had this talk with you, which admittedly he was putting off because he was nervous and not in a good way. 
“There’s no pressure to date us. Any of us. I’m not sure how much you know about polyamory or if it’s something you may even consider and you don’t have to consider it at all if you don’t want to,” Hoseok is quick to assure you with earnest eyes. 
You listen. 
“But I do like you and if we were to date, you’d have to know I have six other partners. Whether you and I decide to continue to see each other without them being involved romantically or just as friends. By no means do you have to date them all or they, you. I’m not trying to force anything, I swear. I just want to be honest with you. It’s a lot to take in.” Hoseok sighs. You’d think by now he’s gotten a hang of this conversation, maybe even have a script to memorize, but each relationship was different as was each person. 
“I understand, Hobi. I’ve never been in a relationship with more than one person and I don’t know all the ins and outs of dating multiple people at once, but I do know I like you and I like Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook too. I don’t know how they feel about me, though Jimin is pretty clear; I don’t know if he’s kidding or not when he says he wants to spread me like butter on toast…” you trail off as you think about Jimin’s texts from last night and your face heats. He sure knew how to paint a picture.
“Jimin,” he mumbles, shaking his head. “Okay, yeah. I like you and they like you as well. I won’t ask you out for them, though. They can do that on their own.”
“Won’t you get jealous if I date them too?” You ask hesitantly. 
Hoseok shakes his head. “Their happiness is my happiness. I’ve had a lot of time to work on my jealousy and besides, they’re my partners. I love them. I don’t have to be jealous of them. We’ve come to great lengths in making our dynamic work. We make sure to talk about our emotions a lot and we try not to let anything stew for too long. I’m sure it’s a lot to take in all at once and there’s no rush for you to jump into anything.”
“So we can just see where this goes? And your boyfriends won’t hate me for dating you? Or kissing you?” You ask with eyes full of doubt. 
“Doll, I promise they have no issue with us dating or just figuring us out. Hell, you don’t have to date me either. We can just be friends if that’s what you’d like. I just need you to be open and honest with me about what you want. Does that sound good, princess?” Hoseok’s fingers gently caress your face, slowly pushing a lock of hair behind your ear and you gasp from the heat of his touch. 
You don’t answer him. Instead, you kiss him, taking him off guard, but he easily kisses you back as he cradles your face in his hands. 
“That sounds good,” you say after kissing him again and again, losing yourself to the feel of his soft lips pressed to yours. 
Hoseok can finally relax. He feels at ease now that he’s talked to you and sure there’s still a lot left unsaid and a lot he’ll have to fill you in but he’s in no rush to deep dive into his dynamic more than he has. He’s covered the main points he was hoping to, and that feels like a massive weight off his shoulders. He’d like to enjoy the rest of his night with you at his side. 
“Shall we head to the park?” He asks as he brings your hand to his lips, kissing it. 
“Sure,” you giggle as he kisses his way up your arm until he���s kissing your cheek. He releases you only to get out of the car and open your door. 
When you’re at his side, he pops open the trunk and takes out two blankets and a small picnic basket. 
“Ooh, you came prepared?” You ask as you hook your arm through his after he’s shut the trunk. 
“Of course,” he kisses your cheek before leading you to the entrance of the park. 
Although it’s nighttime, the park is illuminated with plenty of light. Lots of families, couples, and friends gather on their own blankets, spread out and facing the enormous stage at the center of the park. 
Hoseok finds a spot for the both of you, setting the blanket down for you to sit on before he’s joining you. He takes out a few drinks from the basket Jungkook had helped him pack and a small chocolate cake for you two to share. 
“This is so good!” You gush when you take a bite. Hoseok laughs, thanking you. 
“You made this?” 
“I did. I had some help, but I did most of it,” he informs you as he takes a bite, thankful he had gotten it just right. 
“I love it! You’ll have to make me some more next time,” you moan as you take another bite and melt against him. Hoseok blooms with pride, agreeing to make more for you whenever you’d like. You inform him he needs to be careful of that promise because sweets are your kryptonite. 
Hoseok wishes he could say he paid apt attention to the performer on stage, but his focus is on you all night. He notes the way you pull closer to him, your head eventually resting on his shoulder and his hand takes yours to place on his lap. And when you shiver, he’s quick to grab the second blanket to drape around the two of you until you eventually end up sitting between his legs. His broad chest is pressed to your back and you lean back against him as his fingers absentmindedly play with the hem of your dress. 
His touch is subtle. It’s not meant to be sexual at all, but it still sends a spike of arousal through you. Your hands rub his thighs, trying to remain calm, but Hoseok knows better. He knows the effect he has on you despite him not turning on his charm. His hands grip your waist, his lips press gentle kisses to your neck and you melt. 
“You’re a tease,” you whisper when his hand slides under your dress. He grips your thigh and you feel the cool metal of his rings. 
“Am I?” He questions in an indistinct murmur. 
“You are,” you state as he rubs your thigh. 
“Hmm, I suppose I am,” he smirks as his hand leaves your thigh and you’re gripping his wrist before placing it back on you, only a little higher than last time. 
Hoseok gulps. Were you always this bold?
“You know, we still haven’t had dessert,” he reminds you with a smirk. 
“And if I want you instead?”
Hoseok raises a dark brow, licking his lips. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, doll. Just because you can get away with it with Jimin doesn’t mean I’ll give in so easily to you.”
Hoseok laughs softly. “You seem surprised.”
“A little,” you smile. “Wasn’t it your studio where we fooled around?”
Hoseok blushes, face burning red as he gulps. You had him there. 
“Hush,” he whispers with a laugh, planting a kiss on your cheek. “Don’t be a brat.”
You laugh, shaking your head as you lean against him. 
“I’m just saying,” you hum as you relax in his hood. Your fingers lace with his as he rests his chin on your left shoulder. “I bet you taste sweeter.”
Hoseok huffs a laugh, kissing your neck to shut you up and make you melt. 
You were something else.
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Long after the cake is finished and the drinks are gone, Hoseok packs up the blankets into the picnic basket. 
His arm wraps around your waist as he leads you to the car. He opens your door for you, helping you inside before he’s rounding the car to set the picnic basket in the backseat, then he’s climbing into his seat. 
As he starts the car, his phone is in your hand once again, filled with unread texts from his boyfriends. You giggle as you open his music app and play one of your favorite songs, humming along as Hoseok pulls out of the parking spot with ease. 
“I had fun tonight, Hobi,” you say once the song ends. 
“I did too,” he says with a serene smile as he continues to drive. He steals glances at you when possible. Your eyes flutter shut a few times as you lose yourself in the song playing through the speakers. 
When you reach a red light, his hand comes to rest on your knee and you place your hand over his. You steal a kiss before the light turns green and you bite your lip to stifle a giggle. Tonight had been amazing, and you were a little sad it had to end so soon. You felt comfortable with Hobi. You’d love to spend more time with him and his boyfriends, even the ones you haven’t properly met yet. 
Soon, your home comes to view and Hoseok is stopping in front of it. He turns the car off before he’s opening your door to help you out. 
“I’ll walk you to the door,” he grins shyly. 
Quietly, the two of you step onto your front porch. Hobi slides his hands into his pockets as he bites his lower lip, feeling a bit at a loss. 
“Thank you for tonight, Hobi.” You thank him, hugging him as you linger on your front step. Hoseok returns the hug, his hands moving upward to cup your face. He waits a moment, his eyes reading yours in case there’s any sign of hesitance, but there’s none and you close the gap between you. 
Hoseok’s heart flutters a million miles a minute as his lips press to yours. A soft moan escapes him when you take the lead and your tongue pushes past his lips. 
Gently, the two of you kiss on your front step, your hands winding around his neck to pull him closer. Your fingers run through his hair as he moans softly against your lips. 
You don’t want to let him go just yet. You know he should get back to his partners, but having him to yourself for a moment is what you need. You’re entering unfamiliar territory, unsure how to navigate in this situation and you’re sure moments like these are few and far between should you decide to pursue more (or all) of his partners. 
“Doll,” Hoseok is the first to speak after the kiss ends. His cheeks are flushed and his hair is mussed as he meets your gaze. He ignores the fluttering of his heart and the clamminess of his palms as he looks at you. 
“Stay,” you breathe, your fingers gripping the collar of his shirt. 
Hoseok inhales sharply. This was not an outcome he had foreseen. In fact, he had been so sure you’d kick him to the curb and all would be forgotten until you needed a new piercing or tattoo. 
“Doll,” Hoseok wets his lips, his eyes dark as he lets his thoughts run rampant. He knows he should go home before things escalate too far, but the way you’re looking at him makes him stay frozen in place. 
How can he leave when you’re looking at him like he hung the moon and the stars just for you? Simple. He can’t. 
Stepping forward, Hoseok’s large palms cup your face as he draws you in for a kiss. You kiss him back urgently, fumbling with your purse to take your house key out and unlock the forsaken door that lies between you and your bedroom. 
“Easy,” Hobi chuckles as you drop your paw print keychain on the welcome mat. He bends to get it, unlocks your door, and deposits the keys into your hand. 
You lead him inside, giggling as you shut the door, locking it before you’re kissing Hoseok again.  
With a tight grip on your hair, Hoseok is slotting his lips over yours, his tongue pushing past the seam of your lips as he tastes the sweetness of your tongue. Moaning, you grip his shirt tightly in your fists, shaking fingers stumbling over the buttons in your rush to undress him. 
Hoseok’s soft chuckle reaches your ears, an apology slipping past your lips as you tug him by his unbuttoned shirt toward your bedroom. Hoseok can't admire your room as you kiss him, his hands on your hips as you walk backward until you're falling on your bed with him on top of you. 
A laugh escapes you, a soft smile on your lips. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he grins as he takes a moment to admire your beauty under the gentle glow of your table lamp. His hand caresses your cheek, thumb moving to trace your lips as you watch him intently, breath caught in your throat. 
Hoseok says nothing as he kisses you again, his hands gripping the hem of your dress as you beg him to undress you. He does so slowly, fingertips brushing against your heated skin. Soft moans spill from your lips when he squeezes your hips a little harder than necessary. You love it though, love how hard he grips you in his eagerness and how tender he is when he slows to catch his breath. Your greedy hands are on him, tugging his shirt off and working on his pants next. He laughs when you unbutton his pants, nearly breaking the zipper in your haste.  
“Easy, doll,” he smirks. “You’ll leave me without pants in the morning.”
“Oops,” you laugh, apologizing as you slow down. Hoseok places his hands over yours, pulling the zipper down as you look up at him and lick your lips. He smirks, his fingers gently stroking your face before he grips your chin with his forefinger and thumb. You meet his hooded gaze, swallowing thickly as he slots his lips on yours.
Slowly, the two of you kiss. You don’t make a move to undress him and neither does he. He’s focused on the dulcet sounds you make, all going straight to his cock. Ever so gently, he grips your hips, fingers gripping the thin material of your dress. He ends the kiss, chuckling when you lean forward to follow his lips.
“May I?” he asks sweetly, cheeks rosy pink as he awaits your response.
“Yes, please,” you answer, biting your lip at how eager you sound.
Hoseok chuckles, kissing your cheek as you sit up and lean into him. Hoseok pushes your hair off your shoulder as his bare chest presses against you. You gasp and he breathes a laugh as his fingers grip the zipper.
Slowly, so achingly slowly, he pulls the zipper down as your hands grip his thighs. His fingertips brush against your warm skin and your dress falls forward. With lust-filled eyes, you’re looking at Hoseok. His tongue swipes along his bottom lip as he curses. He’s quick to capture your lips with his, a hand cupping your cheek to hold you close. His name escapes you as his kisses trail down to your jaw, nipping here and there until they meet your neck. Your fingers lace in his hair, your head’s thrown back to allow him more room, and soon your dress is bunched at your waist.
Hoseok’s hands are firm as they grip your thighs, spreading them so he can fit perfectly between them as you fall back onto your pillows with a delightful sigh.
Your name leaves his lips in a soft croon, his hands rubbing your sides as he sits back on his heels, removing your dress carefully. You’re both panting as you take each other in for a moment, your fingers tracing the tattoos on his skin. 
They’re beautiful pieces of art, each one so pretty and perfect to suit him. He eyes you curiously, smiling beautifully when your fingers touch the ink on his hip. He brings your hand to his lips, kissing your palm before he’s leaning over you, his lips meeting yours. 
Hoseok moans, his hand laced in yours as he holds it by your head, allowing your other hand to roam free. You grip his hair, tugging just to hear more of those sinful moans that send your body into overdrive. Your hand then makes its way to his neck and shoulders, feeling the taut muscle and moaning when his hips press against yours. 
Hoseok is quick to remove your bra between kisses and promises of what’s to come. Your thighs tighten around his hips as you grind against him, begging him for any sort of relief. He chuckles, his black hair falling over his eyes and his tongue sweeps along his bottom lip before he’s toying with his tongue ring. You clench around nothing at the sight, feeling hot all over your body as he smirks. 
“So, so pretty, just like this,” Hoseok smirks, pressing a kiss to your nose. You giggle, rolling your eyes at him playfully, ignoring the rapid beat of your heart, the thrum of excitement in your veins.��
Slowly, Hoseok is kissing his way down your body. His tongue teases each hard nipple, groaning with each tug of his hair. He takes his time savoring you, his piercing making the experience more thrilling, drawing deep guttural moans from you. 
With each kiss, lick, and suck, your mind spirals until his fingers are toying with the waistband of your panties; a pretty silky pair you picked out specifically for him.
Hoseok bites his bottom lip, his finger running over the light wet patch of your panties. 
“Wore these for me?” He asks with a raised brow and a smirk. 
Heat rises in your cheeks. “Maybe I was a little hopeful.”
Hoseok chuckles, pressing a kiss to your hip. “So was I.”
With ease, Hoseok pulls the waistband off your hip, his fingers cool against your warm skin. The brush of the ring on his left index finger makes you shiver, giggling when he meets your gaze.
“Hurry,” you plead whilst biting your bottom lip. You don’t think you could wait much longer. 
Hoseok smirks, enjoying the way you squirm when his large hand grabs your thigh, squeezing it before he tugs your panties down your legs. 
“So impatient.” he clicks his tongue as he tosses your panties off the bed. 
You scoot closer to him, bunching the comforter under your body as you grab him by the back of the neck to kiss him. Your other hand tugs on his jeans, which he finally kicks off as he tries to keep your lips connected. However, you’re already trailing kisses down his jaw, moaning when he grunts and says your name. 
When your lips meet the column of his throat, he growls. His hands cup your face, lips pressed to your own moments before his tongue twines with yours. 
His skillful fingers tease you, smirking against your neck when you moan softly. Slowly, he slips a finger in, followed by a second when you beg so sweetly. Hoseok groans at how wet you are, cursing when you tug on his hair and kiss him greedily. 
“Please,” you plead, nearly fucking yourself open on his fingers. “I need you now.”
Hoseok chuckles, pressing a kiss to your jaw. “Is that so?”
“Hoseok!” you exclaim, ignoring the sweat that beads on your skin. You need him desperately. Your body burns with desire, biting back a moan when his thumb circles your clit. 
You arch into him, eyes fluttering shut. Hoseok admires your beauty, his soft lips pressing a kiss to your lips as he tugs his boxers down. You open your eyes, licking your lips when his hand wraps around his hard cock, stroking himself with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. His dark hair falls over his eyes and he runs a hand through it, your eyes following the movement until your gaze meets his and you bite your lip.
“Condom?” you ask, and Hobi leans over the bed to grab his pants. He opens his wallet and takes out a square package. It doesn’t take him long to put it on, too eager to get back to you.
“Fuck,” Hoseok groans when you kiss him, gently nipping on his bottom lip as he feels your legs wrap around him.
Hoseok takes one of your hands in his, pushing into you slowly. You gasp, squeezing his hand as he leans down to capture your lips with his.
“So fucking wet,” he grunts as he thrusts slowly, while your free hand grips his hair tightly. You kiss him, moaning against his lips as his pace quickens and his thrusts find a rhythm that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head.
His soft laughter has you flushing, hiding your face in his chest. 
“Don’t hide from me, doll. Lemme see your pretty face while I fuck you.” Hoseok commands in a husky tone, thrusting harder to get you to react. You do, moaning lewdly and raking your nails down his back.
“S-sorry,” you stutter, cursing when he does it again. You’re not sure what the protocol is about marking, but you should try to be mindful of his partners, not wanting to ruffle any feathers.
Hoseok’s kiss distracts you, gripping the headboard as he fucks into your soaking wet cunt. He’s in heaven, moaning your name and cursing when you clench around him. 
In a moment, he grips your hip, rolling you over to be on top. Your hands land on his chest, a surprised noise escaping you. 
You giggle, kissing his cheek as he takes your hand in his and laces your fingers together. “Ride me, doll. Use me for your pleasure.”
You nearly drool at his words, finding your balance as you do as you’re told. Your hips rock against his, feeling him deeper than before. He sits up enough to reach you, his large hand gripping the back of your neck to kiss you deeply.
His hands grip handfuls of your ass, groaning into the kiss as your pace falters. He smacks one cheek, and then the other, until you’re begging for more and nearly falling apart when he rubs your clit. You’ve been looking forward to this since the first time you left his studio and now you were so close to the edge, you weren’t sure if you could handle it.
Tears well up in your eyes, your body burning with lust and the need to orgasm. Hoseok takes your nipple into his mouth, thrusting upward gently as you continue to ride him for all he’s worth. 
“Fuck, doll. This is better than any of my fantasies,” Hoseok admits with a growl, cursing as his head lolls back when you tighten around him.
“Hoseok!” you gasp, speeding up as his hands feel every bit of you. 
“That’s it, baby. Take my cock like a good girl. Come all over me,” Hoseok encourages you. You whine, hands gripping his as you fall apart with a loud moan of his name. Your breathing is ragged, and your eyes squeeze shut as your body trembles above his.
“Fuck, baby,” Hoseok is at a loss for words as he watches you come undone. He grunts, your hips still moving in circles as you cling to him. He curses, cumming before he realizes he is, and holds you close to him, his hips rocking upward to meet yours until you’re whining into his sweaty chest.
Hoseok chuckles, cursing breathlessly as you get off him to lie at his side instead. He wraps an arm around you, kissing your forehead.
“Fuck,” you giggle, your body already feeling sore but so, so satiated. Hoseok kisses your cheek, smiling when you kiss his chest.
“We should do that again,” you smile dreamily. Hoseok agrees with a grin, his hand in yours.
It’s silent for a few moments, both of you basking in your happiness. You sit up on your side to look at Hoseok. He looks as ethereal as ever, which is completely unfair, but also insanely hot.
He catches you staring, smiling softly as he caresses your cheek. 
Swallowing thickly, you contemplate asking if he can stay.
“Can you stay the night?” you bite your lip nervously.
Hoseok is quiet for a moment. He knew this could be an outcome of your date, but he also expected to be kicked to the curb at dinner. This evening has turned out a lot better than he could have ever expected.
“Of course, doll. Anything for you,” He says. Hoseok kisses your lips once again, pausing only to dispose of the condom.
You laugh with him, offering a joint shower before heading back to bed. It’s not long until the two of you are giggling and kissing under the spray of the shower.
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The chirping of birds outside your window is what rouses you the next morning. Sleep heavy on your lids as you feel an arm draped over your waist and a head on your shoulder. Flashes of last night hit you and you’re left with a heated face as you feel the slight soreness between your thighs. Hoseok sure knew what he was doing with his hips. The thought alone has you biting back a moan as you take a moment to catch your breath. 
“Good morning,” his sleep-addled voice startles you as he rubs his eyes carefully. He sits up, stretching his arms over his head as he muffles a yawn with his hand. 
“Good morning,” you respond with a sheepish smile, using your comforter to cover your bare breasts. You realize it’s a moot point when he covered them in love bites last night after your shower. You’d ended up on your back, your legs wrapped around Hoseok’s head with that damn vibrating tongue ring of his on your clit. Needless to say, he had fucked you to sleep, and you slept so well.
Hoseok smirks as you drop the comforter and it falls below your breasts. He leans forward, stealing a kiss from your lips.
“I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’ll make you breakfast. Is that okay, doll?” Hoseok asks as he climbs out of your bed and you stare at the ceiling. He chuckles as he waits for your answer. 
“Yeah, good. I’ll just get dressed,” you rush as you wave him away. Hoseok kisses the top of your head before he’s going to your bathroom. 
Once the shower is on, you get dressed in some sleep shorts and an oversized tee. You make your way to the kitchen and start the coffeepot. 
Before you can do anything else, you hear a phone ringing in your bedroom. You scurry to get it, fishing it out of Hoseok’s pants. 
It’s a video call from Jimin. Should you answer it? Or should you tell Hoseok?
You answer the call as you head toward your bathroom, biting your lip as you prepare yourself for Jimin’s wrath; seeing as his boyfriend didn’t go home to him last night. 
“Hello,” you greet him. 
Jimin’s eyebrows fly into his fringe in surprise. “Good morning, love. Can’t say I was expecting you to answer Hobi’s phone, but aren’t you a glorious sight this fine morning?”
“Jimin,” you giggle as you head to the kitchen and lean his phone against the cookie jar on your counter. 
“Tell me, sweetheart. Can I assume my Hobi is with you since you answered?” Jimin asks with a curious glint in his eyes. “He didn’t come home last night. We got worried.”
“Shit,” you curse. “I’m so sorry, Jimin! We got home late and …” you trail off, smiling sheepishly. 
“And he fucked your brains out?” Jimin smirks, leaning forward as he bites his lip. His eyes darken as he takes in your expression. 
“Hmm? What, baby?” Jimin asks innocently as he leans back, spreading his legs as he eyes you up and down, noting the way you bite your lip and how your breathing has changed. 
“Did he treat you well? Fuck you good? Make you cum? Showed you what those hips of his can do?” Jimin smiles smugly as he watches you crumble, nodding while you fan yourself. 
Fuck Jimin. 
“Hmm, speechless? Tell me, love. Did he eat you out? Licked your pretty pussy and sucked on your clit until you cried? Did he make you shake and scream until your voice went hoarse?” Jimin is shameless, but the way you’re looking at him sends a spark of arousal straight to his cock. It’s unfair, really. He had seen you before Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook and yet he had been one of the few that hadn’t even kissed you yet. He was sure you liked him. You flirted with him more and more every day, and although he often rendered you speechless, you couldn’t help but think about Jimin and what those gorgeous lips of his would feel like on your body. 
“God, Jimin,” Hoseok rolls his eyes as he enters the kitchen with nothing but a towel around his waist. “Do you have to be so crude?”
Jimin’s laughter comes over the speaker as he winks at you, ignoring his boyfriend reprimanding him. 
“Crude? Me? Never.” he licks his lips as he eyes Hoseok and then turns his attention back to you. 
“Well, baby, I’ve got to go. Just checking in to make sure my dear boyfriend was in excellent hands,” Jimin winks, blowing you a kiss before ending the call. 
You take a second to fan yourself, feeling heated from just speaking with him. He sure loved to tease you. 
“I’m sorry about him,” Hoseok apologizes. “He’s not always like this.”
You raise a brow in disbelief, and Hoseok backtracks. “Okay, he’s always like this, but he’s just a flirt.”
“It’s part of his charm,” you smile as you wrap your arm around Hoseok. He grins as he presses his forehead to yours, his wet hair leaving droplets on your skin. 
“I should get dressed so I can make you breakfast,” he murmurs as he looks at your lips and then your eyes. 
You bite your lip, your hands moving down to the towel wrapped around his waist. You let it fall to the floor to pool around his ankles, stroking him languidly as his hooded gaze remains on your face. 
“Is that so?” He asks in a gruff voice. 
“Mhmm,” you hum in response as your mouth wraps around him and he grips the counter to steady himself. You bob up and down his length, your eyes locked on his as you suck him off, and Hoseok can’t help but moan your name. 
So much for breakfast.
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The weekends are busy for the shop. For the most part, Hobi and his boyfriends alternate who leaves early every week, usually closing up shop a little earlier if the week has been rather busy. 
On Sundays and Mondays, the shop is closed to give them all a break, which is when Hoseok is picking you up at your apartment at 7:30 pm on the dot. 
“Hey!” You greet him with a smile as the warm summer breeze ruffles your summer dress as you step out onto your porch. You hug Hoseok, kissing him hastily before turning to shut and lock your front door. 
“Hey,” Hoseok grins as he takes your hand in his to lead you to his car. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you smile brightly, ignoring the urge to cover your smile like always. 
“Wait just one second,” he says as he comes to a stop, stepping in front of you to do a quick check of your new piercings. “Sorry, habit.”
You giggle. “I don’t mind. I’d be nervous if I didn’t have you to check them. I’ve been cleaning them and touching them as little as possible, but it’s so hard to keep my hands to myself.”
Hoseok smirks. “Is that so?”
“Hobi!” You gasp, laughing as he opens the passenger side door for you. 
Hoseok just grins, waiting for you to settle into your seat before he shuts the door and jogs to the other side. 
Nerves and excitement have been flowing through him all day. He’d had Jimin and Taehyung help him get ready for tonight and although you hadn’t officially met Namjoon, Yoongi, or Seokjin, they were all excited for him. Their relationship had a lot of ins and outs, which he hoped to explain tonight and allow you to make your own decision. By no means did you have to date him or any of his boyfriends, he wanted to make that really clear but he hoped he could at least see you as a friend if nothing else… a friend he’d fooled around with but a friend no less. Besides, how many of his relationships had started as friends? Okay, bad example. 
“There’s this restaurant nearby I want to take you to. There’s a concert in the park nearby and I was hoping we could stop by after dinner and have dessert there. Does that sound okay?” Hobi asks you, his teeth worrying his lip. He wasn’t usually this nervous, but he hadn’t been on a date with someone new in a long, long time. 
“That sounds wonderful,” you answer, placing your hand on his. “I can’t wait.”
You hope your words soothe him a little, and part of you gets it, you were just as nervous as he. You’d been pacing back and forth in your living room just minutes before he even showed up, wondering what would come of tonight. He had assured you it would just be you two, warning his three youngest boyfriends to stay away while he explained the relationship to you. Of course, you had an inkling of what it entailed from your last dinner together, but why was he pursuing you? And why had his boyfriends been so eager to as well? Wouldn’t they prefer to keep to themselves? 
The ride to the restaurant is filled with laughter and music. Hobi hums along to the song you’ve played. You’re going through one of his playlists on his music app, smiling when you see so many of your favorite songs included. You mention so and he smiles brightly as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant and easily (sexily) parks into a spot with ease. 
Before you can even blink, he’s opening the car door for you while you gather your purse and his phone, thanking him. 
“No need,” he smiles, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek as he takes your hand in his, fingers laced, as you walk to the door. 
“Welcome,” the host greets you and leads you to a booth in the quieter part of the restaurant. A few couples are scattered around minutes before the late dinner rush hits. You settle into your seat as your server greets you and takes your drink order before leaving you alone. 
Hoseok isn’t sure if he should breach the subject now or wait until you’ve ordered. Maybe he should wait until your food arrives, or maybe he should let you take the lead? Can you take the lead? You seem shy and you get flustered easily, so maybe you won’t be confident enough to bring it up. But what if you don’t bring it up at all and neither does he and the night ends without you two making any progress? What should he do? He knows if it were Jimin or Yoongi, he’d have had all this cleared up but he’s out of practice and honestly? You make him nervous. You give him butterflies, in a good way. Sure, his boyfriends have his heart and affection, their love a nice simmer on a flame. Comfortable, familiar love that he’s grown accustomed to but you, you’re something else. 
“Wow! These look so good!” You bring him out of his reverie when the waitress places a basket of rolls, butter, and silverware on your table, along with your drinks. 
While Hoseok’s been stewing in his thoughts, gnawing on his bottom lip, you’ve been perusing the menu. Usually, you’d look the menu up beforehand but seeing as Hoseok had planned your evening (props, we love a man who takes action and doesn’t say “wherever you want is fine”) you hadn’t decided on a meal beforehand. 
“I’ll have the spaghetti,” you order with a smile as you close your menu and hand it over to the waitress. Hoseok panics for a second before ordering his favorite dish and handing his menu over as well before you’re left alone once again. 
The chatter in the restaurant falls to the background and Hoseok is suddenly aware of how quiet he’s been. 
“Have you been here before?” You ask as you look around the dining area. The booths align one wall and the round tables cover the area between your side and the opposite. Black and white landscape photos line the walls in simple black frames that don’t draw too much attention away from the photographs.
Small candles sit on a few of the larger tables. You briefly wonder if they’re a fire hazard, should someone accidentally make it topple over in their haste to make room for more food. You turn away, not liking the thought. 
“A few times,” Hoseok answers as he raises his drink to his lips. “With friends. The food is delicious.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” you chuckle. “But if it’s not, you owe me a kiss.”
Hoseok raises a brow, setting his drink down after taking a sip. “And if it is?”
You giggle. “Then I owe you a kiss.”
“So it’s a win-win, huh?” Hoseok licks his lips as he eyes you with a hooded gaze. 
“I’d like to think so.” you bite your lip for a second before you’re holding his gaze with your own. You’d promised to be a little bolder, a little more friendly, and open toward him tonight. Besides, after the last time with Jungkook and Taehyung, could you feel shy?
Conversation flows smoothly after that and when your meals arrive, along with more bread, you’re happy to report that it was amazing! Hoseok chuckles as he settles the bill. He takes your hand in his after he signs the receipt and slides his card back into his wallet. 
As you both make your way to his car, he stops you right before you get inside. His hands cup your face, his eyes locked on yours as he tries to read them before his lips capture yours in a sweet kiss that leaves your face warm when it ends. 
“Wow,” you breathe, feeling electrifying tingles in your veins as you lean in for another kiss that Hobi is eager to return. Your arms wrap around his neck, fingers toying with his hair as your back meets the passenger door. 
You gasp at the sudden coldness that meets your body through the thin material of your dress. Hobi chuckles, pecking your lips one last time before he’s untangling himself from your hold and opening your door. He takes a moment to admire how beautiful you look, eyes sparkling and your smile demure before you bite on your lower lip. 
Hoseok’s knuckles brush against your cheek, the warmth of it, not a surprise to him as he whispers, “Beautiful.” Whether it was supposed to be audible is unsure, but you smile in thanks, anyway. 
When he starts the car a minute later, he hands you his phone and messages spew in asking him about your date. You giggle as you show them to him and he sighs before smiling endearingly. 
“They mean well,” he assures you as you open his music app and play something a little softer.
“They’re your boyfriends,” you say with a grin. “I’m sure they’re just curious.”
Hoseok nods, wishing he had the guts to bring this up in the restaurant instead of the car, but he can’t procrastinate any longer. 
“They are,” he shrugs as he focuses on the road. You’re not too far from the park and he hopes it’s not too packed. 
Hoseok remains silent for a moment as he gathers his thoughts and you make no note of it as you continue to hum along to the song that’s currently playing. It’s an older song, one he hasn’t listened to in years but somehow fits the situation. It’s funny how music can perfectly explain what you’re going through, to be comforted by the fact that you’re not alone. 
Hoseok stops the car to allow another to pull out of their parking spot and he takes a quick glance in your direction. His heart flutters in his chest when he sees you singing without a care, your eyes closed as you hit every note; he wonders if the lyrics are resonating with you as they are with him. And before he can get sucked into the wonderful aura that is you, he parks in the now-empty parking spot. 
You turn to him, smiling widely. “I really love this song.”
Hoseok swallows thickly. “Yeah, I do too.” 
“Are you holding back like I know you do?” You sing effortlessly, reaching out for his hand. That’s all he needs to undo his seatbelt and press his lips against yours, not terrified when sparks fly behind his eyelids. 
Kissing Hobi is butterfly-inducing, a novel experience each time. You’ve had rough kisses, soft kisses, sweet kisses, and now passionate kisses as he nearly pulls you into his lap. There are so many emotions filling him and he tries to push everything away as he holds you to him and continues to kiss you like nothing else in the world matters. He’s always been one to fall fast and hard, to love and love with no regard, no hesitation. Hoseok is the first to put his heart on the line; hand it over to you without a second thought. However, it’s led him to so much pain and heartache in the past, but he’s still willing to offer it up, to get hurt if it means the outcome will be much greater than anything he could have ever hoped for. It’s worked the last six times he’s handed his heart over, trusted it with his six soulmates. Now with you in front of him, sparking all these same feelings that each of them awoke in him, he’s ready to give you the world, his precious heart included. 
Hoseok knows he might be getting ahead of himself. Diving in too fast, too soon. It wouldn’t be the first time, but he sure as hell hopes it’s the last. He’s been called greedy in the past for having so many partners, but love is love and he has plenty to give with an open heart. He doesn’t let others' opinions bother him anymore, not when he’s finally living his truth. 
Slowly, ever so slowly, he ends the kiss. He rests his forehead against yours as you catch your breath, a small smile on your pretty lips. 
Hoseok takes your hands in his, thumbs caressing your skin as he pulls back a bit to look you in the eyes. No matter what the outcome, he’s really enjoyed being around you, and getting to know you, and he hopes you feel the same way about him. 
“My boyfriends,” he starts, licking his lips, only to realize he can taste the sweet fruitiness of your lipstick. It makes him smile. “It’s not just Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook. There are three more. I’m not sure if you’ve met them yet?”
Six boyfriends. 
Hoseok has six boyfriends?
That’s not what you were expecting at all. You assumed it was just Tae, Jungkook, and Jimin, but now you’re wondering what exactly you’ve gotten yourself into. Sure, sex was one thing, but seven relationships were a lot to handle. What if one (or more) of Hoseok’s partners hated you? What if you didn’t like them? What if you clashed? What would that mean for you? For Hoseok?
Hoseok can see the rush of emotions on your face and he hates that he’s the one who’s swiped your smile away. “There’s Namjoon. He owns the shop.”
“I met him briefly,” you say at the memory of Namjoon the first time you ever set foot in Butterfly. 
Hoseok smiles. “He’s a sweetheart. He looks intimidating with all his tattoos, but he’s a real gentle giant.”
You nod. 
“There’s also Seokjin and Yoongi. They’re the oldest. They’re almost as chaotic as Jimin and Taehyung, though, so don’t let their age fool you.” Hoseok chuckles as he thinks of them. 
“Do you think they’d like me?” You ask nervously. 
“Oh, I’m sure they would,” Hoseok nods with no hesitation. It was no secret to any of them that Hoseok found something about you so alluring and after your group dinner date, the youngest weren’t quiet about their crushes on you. Often they’d ask Hoseok how you were doing; if they could text you, or if they could ask you out on solo dates or mini-group dates. But Hoseok had declined the idea of dates until he had this talk with you, which admittedly he was putting off because he was nervous and not in a good way. 
“There’s no pressure to date us. Any of us. I’m not sure how much you know about polyamory or if it’s something you may even consider and you don’t have to consider it at all if you don’t want to,” Hoseok is quick to assure you with earnest eyes. 
You listen. 
“But I do like you and if we were to date, you’d have to know I have six other partners. Whether you and I decide to continue to see each other without them being involved romantically or just as friends. By no means do you have to date them all or they, you. I’m not trying to force anything, I swear. I just want to be honest with you. It’s a lot to take in.” Hoseok sighs. You’d think by now he’s gotten a hang of this conversation, maybe even have a script to memorize, but each relationship was different as was each person. 
“I understand, Hobi. I’ve never been in a relationship with more than one person and I don’t know all the ins and outs of dating multiple people at once, but I do know I like you and I like Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook too. I don’t know how they feel about me, though Jimin is pretty clear; I don’t know if he’s kidding or not when he says he wants to spread me like butter on toast…” you trail off as you think about Jimin’s texts from last night and your face heats. He sure knew how to paint a picture.
“Jimin,” he mumbles, shaking his head. “Okay, yeah. I like you and they like you as well. I won’t ask you out for them, though. They can do that on their own.”
“Won’t you get jealous if I date them too?” You ask hesitantly. 
Hoseok shakes his head. “Their happiness is my happiness. I’ve had a lot of time to work on my jealousy and besides, they’re my partners. I love them. I don’t have to be jealous of them. We’ve come to great lengths in making our dynamic work. We make sure to talk about our emotions a lot and we try not to let anything stew for too long. I’m sure it’s a lot to take in all at once and there’s no rush for you to jump into anything.”
“So we can just see where this goes? And your boyfriends won’t hate me for dating you? Or kissing you?” You ask with eyes full of doubt. 
“Doll, I promise they have no issue with us dating or just figuring us out. Hell, you don’t have to date me either. We can just be friends if that’s what you’d like. I just need you to be open and honest with me about what you want. Does that sound good, princess?” Hoseok’s fingers gently caress your face, slowly pushing a lock of hair behind your ear and you gasp from the heat of his touch. 
You don’t answer him. Instead, you kiss him, taking him off guard, but he easily kisses you back as he cradles your face in his hands. 
“That sounds good,” you say after kissing him again and again, losing yourself to the feel of his soft lips pressed to yours. 
Hoseok can finally relax. He feels at ease now that he’s talked to you and sure there’s still a lot left unsaid and a lot he’ll have to fill you in but he’s in no rush to deep dive into his dynamic more than he has. He’s covered the main points he was hoping to, and that feels like a massive weight off his shoulders. He’d like to enjoy the rest of his night with you at his side. 
“Shall we head to the park?” He asks as he brings your hand to his lips, kissing it. 
“Sure,” you giggle as he kisses his way up your arm until he’s kissing your cheek. He releases you only to get out of the car and open your door. 
When you’re at his side, he pops open the trunk and takes out two blankets and a small picnic basket. 
“Ooh, you came prepared?” You ask as you hook your arm through his after he’s shut the trunk. 
“Of course,” he kisses your cheek before leading you to the entrance of the park. 
Although it’s nighttime, the park is illuminated with plenty of light. Lots of families, couples, and friends gather on their own blankets, spread out and facing the enormous stage at the center of the park. 
Hoseok finds a spot for the both of you, setting the blanket down for you to sit on before he’s joining you. He takes out a few drinks from the basket Jungkook had helped him pack and a small chocolate cake for you two to share. 
“This is so good!” You gush when you take a bite. Hoseok laughs, thanking you. 
“You made this?” 
“I did. I had some help, but I did most of it,” he informs you as he takes a bite, thankful he had gotten it just right. 
“I love it! You’ll have to make me some more next time,” you moan as you take another bite and melt against him. Hoseok blooms with pride, agreeing to make more for you whenever you’d like. You inform him he needs to be careful of that promise because sweets are your kryptonite. 
Hoseok wishes he could say he paid apt attention to the performer on stage, but his focus is on you all night. He notes the way you pull closer to him, your head eventually resting on his shoulder and his hand takes yours to place on his lap. And when you shiver, he’s quick to grab the second blanket to drape around the two of you until you eventually end up sitting between his legs. His broad chest is pressed to your back and you lean back against him as his fingers absentmindedly play with the hem of your dress. 
His touch is subtle. It’s not meant to be sexual at all, but it still sends a spike of arousal through you. Your hands rub his thighs, trying to remain calm, but Hoseok knows better. He knows the effect he has on you despite him not turning on his charm. His hands grip your waist, his lips press gentle kisses to your neck and you melt. 
“You’re a tease,” you whisper when his hand slides under your dress. He grips your thigh and you feel the cool metal of his rings. 
“Am I?” He questions in an indistinct murmur. 
“You are,” you state as he rubs your thigh. 
“Hmm, I suppose I am,” he smirks as his hand leaves your thigh and you’re gripping his wrist before placing it back on you, only a little higher than last time. 
Hoseok gulps. Were you always this bold?
“You know, we still haven’t had dessert,” he reminds you with a smirk. 
“And if I want you instead?”
Hoseok raises a dark brow, licking his lips. “You don’t know what you’re asking for, doll. Just because you can get away with it with Jimin doesn’t mean I’ll give in so easily to you.”
Hoseok laughs softly. “You seem surprised.”
“A little,” you smile. “Wasn’t it your studio where we fooled around?”
Hoseok blushes, face burning red as he gulps. You had him there. 
“Hush,” he whispers with a laugh, planting a kiss on your cheek. “Don’t be a brat.”
You laugh, shaking your head as you lean against him. 
“I’m just saying,” you hum as you relax in his hood. Your fingers lace with his as he rests his chin on your left shoulder. “I bet you taste sweeter.”
Hoseok huffs a laugh, kissing your neck to shut you up and make you melt. 
You were something else.
Long after the cake is finished and the drinks are gone, Hoseok packs up the blankets into the picnic basket. 
His arm wraps around your waist as he leads you to the car. He opens your door for you, helping you inside before he’s rounding the car to set the picnic basket in the backseat, then he’s climbing into his seat. 
As he starts the car, his phone is in your hand once again, filled with unread texts from his boyfriends. You giggle as you open his music app and play one of your favorite songs, humming along as Hoseok pulls out of the parking spot with ease. 
“I had fun tonight, Hobi,” you say once the song ends. 
“I did too,” he says with a serene smile as he continues to drive. He steals glances at you when possible. Your eyes flutter shut a few times as you lose yourself in the song playing through the speakers. 
When you reach a red light, his hand comes to rest on your knee and you place your hand over his. You steal a kiss before the light turns green and you bite your lip to stifle a giggle. Tonight had been amazing, and you were a little sad it had to end so soon. You felt comfortable with Hobi. You’d love to spend more time with him and his boyfriends, even the ones you haven’t properly met yet. 
Soon, your home comes to view and Hoseok is stopping in front of it. He turns the car off before he’s opening your door to help you out. 
“I’ll walk you to the door,” he grins shyly. 
Quietly, the two of you step onto your front porch. Hobi slides his hands into his pockets as he bites his lower lip, feeling a bit at a loss. 
“Thank you for tonight, Hobi.” You thank him, hugging him as you linger on your front step. Hoseok returns the hug, his hands moving upward to cup your face. He waits a moment, his eyes reading yours in case there’s any sign of hesitance, but there’s none and you close the gap between you. 
Hoseok’s heart flutters a million miles a minute as his lips press to yours. A soft moan escapes him when you take the lead and your tongue pushes past his lips. 
Gently, the two of you kiss on your front step, your hands winding around his neck to pull him closer. Your fingers run through his hair as he moans softly against your lips. 
You don’t want to let him go just yet. You know he should get back to his partners, but having him to yourself for a moment is what you need. You’re entering unfamiliar territory, unsure how to navigate in this situation and you’re sure moments like these are few and far between should you decide to pursue more (or all) of his partners. 
“Doll,” Hoseok is the first to speak after the kiss ends. His cheeks are flushed and his hair is mussed as he meets your gaze. He ignores the fluttering of his heart and the clamminess of his palms as he looks at you. 
“Stay,” you breathe, your fingers gripping the collar of his shirt. 
Hoseok inhales sharply. This was not an outcome he had foreseen. In fact, he had been so sure you’d kick him to the curb and all would be forgotten until you needed a new piercing or tattoo. 
“Doll,” Hoseok wets his lips, his eyes dark as he lets his thoughts run rampant. He knows he should go home before things escalate too far, but the way you’re looking at him makes him stay frozen in place. 
How can he leave when you’re looking at him like he hung the moon and the stars just for you? Simple. He can’t. 
Stepping forward, Hoseok’s large palms cup your face as he draws you in for a kiss. You kiss him back urgently, fumbling with your purse to take your house key out and unlock the forsaken door that lies between you and your bedroom. 
“Easy,” Hobi chuckles as you drop your paw print keychain on the welcome mat. He bends to get it, unlocks your door, and deposits the keys into your hand. 
You lead him inside, giggling as you shut the door, locking it before you’re kissing Hoseok again.  
With a tight grip on your hair, Hoseok is slotting his lips over yours, his tongue pushing past the seam of your lips as he tastes the sweetness of your tongue. Moaning, you grip his shirt tightly in your fists, shaking fingers stumbling over the buttons in your rush to undress him. 
Hoseok’s soft chuckle reaches your ears, an apology slipping past your lips as you tug him by his unbuttoned shirt toward your bedroom. Hoseok can't admire your room as you kiss him, his hands on your hips as you walk backward until you're falling on your bed with him on top of you. 
A laugh escapes you, a soft smile on your lips. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he grins as he takes a moment to admire your beauty under the gentle glow of your table lamp. His hand caresses your cheek, thumb moving to trace your lips as you watch him intently, breath caught in your throat. 
Hoseok says nothing as he kisses you again, his hands gripping the hem of your dress as you beg him to undress you. He does so slowly, fingertips brushing against your heated skin. Soft moans spill from your lips when he squeezes your hips a little harder than necessary. You love it though, love how hard he grips you in his eagerness and how tender he is when he slows to catch his breath. Your greedy hands are on him, tugging his shirt off and working on his pants next. He laughs when you unbutton his pants, nearly breaking the zipper in your haste.  
“Easy, doll,” he smirks. “You’ll leave me without pants in the morning.”
“Oops,” you laugh, apologizing as you slow down. Hoseok places his hands over yours, pulling the zipper down as you look up at him and lick your lips. He smirks, his fingers gently stroking your face before he grips your chin with his forefinger and thumb. You meet his hooded gaze, swallowing thickly as he slots his lips on yours.
Slowly, the two of you kiss. You don’t make a move to undress him and neither does he. He’s focused on the dulcet sounds you make, all going straight to his cock. Ever so gently, he grips your hips, fingers gripping the thin material of your dress. He ends the kiss, chuckling when you lean forward to follow his lips.
“May I?” he asks sweetly, cheeks rosy pink as he awaits your response.
“Yes, please,” you answer, biting your lip at how eager you sound.
Hoseok chuckles, kissing your cheek as you sit up and lean into him. Hoseok pushes your hair off your shoulder as his bare chest presses against you. You gasp and he breathes a laugh as his fingers grip the zipper.
Slowly, so achingly slowly, he pulls the zipper down as your hands grip his thighs. His fingertips brush against your warm skin and your dress falls forward. With lust-filled eyes, you’re looking at Hoseok. His tongue swipes along his bottom lip as he curses. He’s quick to capture your lips with his, a hand cupping your cheek to hold you close. His name escapes you as his kisses trail down to your jaw, nipping here and there until they meet your neck. Your fingers lace in his hair, your head’s thrown back to allow him more room, and soon your dress is bunched at your waist.
Hoseok’s hands are firm as they grip your thighs, spreading them so he can fit perfectly between them as you fall back onto your pillows with a delightful sigh.
Your name leaves his lips in a soft croon, his hands rubbing your sides as he sits back on his heels, removing your dress carefully. You’re both panting as you take each other in for a moment, your fingers tracing the tattoos on his skin. 
They’re beautiful pieces of art, each one so pretty and perfect to suit him. He eyes you curiously, smiling beautifully when your fingers touch the ink on his hip. He brings your hand to his lips, kissing your palm before he’s leaning over you, his lips meeting yours. 
Hoseok moans, his hand laced in yours as he holds it by your head, allowing your other hand to roam free. You grip his hair, tugging just to hear more of those sinful moans that send your body into overdrive. Your hand then makes its way to his neck and shoulders, feeling the taut muscle and moaning when his hips press against yours. 
Hoseok is quick to remove your bra between kisses and promises of what’s to come. Your thighs tighten around his hips as you grind against him, begging him for any sort of relief. He chuckles, his black hair falling over his eyes and his tongue sweeps along his bottom lip before he’s toying with his tongue ring. You clench around nothing at the sight, feeling hot all over your body as he smirks. 
“So, so pretty, just like this,” Hoseok smirks, pressing a kiss to your nose. You giggle, rolling your eyes at him playfully, ignoring the rapid beat of your heart, the thrum of excitement in your veins. 
Slowly, Hoseok is kissing his way down your body. His tongue teases each hard nipple, groaning with each tug of his hair. He takes his time savoring you, his piercing making the experience more thrilling, drawing deep guttural moans from you. 
With each kiss, lick, and suck, your mind spirals until his fingers are toying with the waistband of your panties; a pretty silky pair you picked out specifically for him.
Hoseok bites his bottom lip, his finger running over the light wet patch of your panties. 
“Wore these for me?” He asks with a raised brow and a smirk. 
Heat rises in your cheeks. “Maybe I was a little hopeful.”
Hoseok chuckles, pressing a kiss to your hip. “So was I.”
With ease, Hoseok pulls the waistband off your hip, his fingers cool against your warm skin. The brush of the ring on his left index finger makes you shiver, giggling when he meets your gaze.
“Hurry,” you plead whilst biting your bottom lip. You don’t think you could wait much longer. 
Hoseok smirks, enjoying the way you squirm when his large hand grabs your thigh, squeezing it before he tugs your panties down your legs. 
“So impatient.” he clicks his tongue as he tosses your panties off the bed. 
You scoot closer to him, bunching the comforter under your body as you grab him by the back of the neck to kiss him. Your other hand tugs on his jeans, which he finally kicks off as he tries to keep your lips connected. However, you’re already trailing kisses down his jaw, moaning when he grunts and says your name. 
When your lips meet the column of his throat, he growls. His hands cup your face, lips pressed to your own moments before his tongue twines with yours. 
His skillful fingers tease you, smirking against your neck when you moan softly. Slowly, he slips a finger in, followed by a second when you beg so sweetly. Hoseok groans at how wet you are, cursing when you tug on his hair and kiss him greedily. 
“Please,” you plead, nearly fucking yourself open on his fingers. “I need you now.”
Hoseok chuckles, pressing a kiss to your jaw. “Is that so?”
“Hoseok!” you exclaim, ignoring the sweat that beads on your skin. You need him desperately. Your body burns with desire, biting back a moan when his thumb circles your clit. 
You arch into him, eyes fluttering shut. Hoseok admires your beauty, his soft lips pressing a kiss to your lips as he tugs his boxers down. You open your eyes, licking your lips when his hand wraps around his hard cock, stroking himself with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. His dark hair falls over his eyes and he runs a hand through it, your eyes following the movement until your gaze meets his and you bite your lip.
“Condom?” you ask, and Hobi leans over the bed to grab his pants. He opens his wallet and takes out a square package. It doesn’t take him long to put it on, too eager to get back to you.
“Fuck,” Hoseok groans when you kiss him, gently nipping on his bottom lip as he feels your legs wrap around him.
Hoseok takes one of your hands in his, pushing into you slowly. You gasp, squeezing his hand as he leans down to capture your lips with his.
“So fucking wet,” he grunts as he thrusts slowly, while your free hand grips his hair tightly. You kiss him, moaning against his lips as his pace quickens and his thrusts find a rhythm that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head.
His soft laughter has you flushing, hiding your face in his chest. 
“Don’t hide from me, doll. Lemme see your pretty face while I fuck you.” Hoseok commands in a husky tone, thrusting harder to get you to react. You do, moaning lewdly and raking your nails down his back.
“S-sorry,” you stutter, cursing when he does it again. You’re not sure what the protocol is about marking, but you should try to be mindful of his partners, not wanting to ruffle any feathers.
Hoseok’s kiss distracts you, gripping the headboard as he fucks into your soaking wet cunt. He’s in heaven, moaning your name and cursing when you clench around him. 
In a moment, he grips your hip, rolling you over to be on top. Your hands land on his chest, a surprised noise escaping you. 
You giggle, kissing his cheek as he takes your hand in his and laces your fingers together. “Ride me, doll. Use me for your pleasure.”
You nearly drool at his words, finding your balance as you do as you’re told. Your hips rock against his, feeling him deeper than before. He sits up enough to reach you, his large hand gripping the back of your neck to kiss you deeply.
His hands grip handfuls of your ass, groaning into the kiss as your pace falters. He smacks one cheek, and then the other, until you’re begging for more and nearly falling apart when he rubs your clit. You’ve been looking forward to this since the first time you left his studio and now you were so close to the edge, you weren’t sure if you could handle it.
Tears well up in your eyes, your body burning with lust and the need to orgasm. Hoseok takes your nipple into his mouth, thrusting upward gently as you continue to ride him for all he’s worth. 
“Fuck, doll. This is better than any of my fantasies,” Hoseok admits with a growl, cursing as his head lolls back when you tighten around him.
“Hoseok!” you gasp, speeding up as his hands feel every bit of you. 
“That’s it, baby. Take my cock like a good girl. Come all over me,” Hoseok encourages you. You whine, hands gripping his as you fall apart with a loud moan of his name. Your breathing is ragged, and your eyes squeeze shut as your body trembles above his.
“Fuck, baby,” Hoseok is at a loss for words as he watches you come undone. He grunts, your hips still moving in circles as you cling to him. He curses, cumming before he realizes he is, and holds you close to him, his hips rocking upward to meet yours until you’re whining into his sweaty chest.
Hoseok chuckles, cursing breathlessly as you get off him to lie at his side instead. He wraps an arm around you, kissing your forehead.
“Fuck,” you giggle, your body already feeling sore but so, so satiated. Hoseok kisses your cheek, smiling when you kiss his chest.
“We should do that again,” you smile dreamily. Hoseok agrees with a grin, his hand in yours.
It’s silent for a few moments, both of you basking in your happiness. You sit up on your side to look at Hoseok. He looks as ethereal as ever, which is completely unfair, but also insanely hot.
He catches you staring, smiling softly as he caresses your cheek. 
Swallowing thickly, you contemplate asking if he can stay.
“Can you stay the night?” you bite your lip nervously.
Hoseok is quiet for a moment. He knew this could be an outcome of your date, but he also expected to be kicked to the curb at dinner. This evening has turned out a lot better than he could have ever expected.
“Of course, doll. Anything for you,” He says. Hoseok kisses your lips once again, pausing only to dispose of the condom.
You laugh with him, offering a joint shower before heading back to bed. It’s not long until the two of you are giggling and kissing under the spray of the shower.
The chirping of birds outside your window is what rouses you the next morning. Sleep heavy on your lids as you feel an arm draped over your waist and a head on your shoulder. Flashes of last night hit you and you’re left with a heated face as you feel the slight soreness between your thighs. Hoseok sure knew what he was doing with his hips. The thought alone has you biting back a moan as you take a moment to catch your breath. 
“Good morning,” his sleep-addled voice startles you as he rubs his eyes carefully. He sits up, stretching his arms over his head as he muffles a yawn with his hand. 
“Good morning,” you respond with a sheepish smile, using your comforter to cover your bare breasts. You realize it’s a moot point when he covered them in love bites last night after your shower. You’d ended up on your back, your legs wrapped around Hoseok’s head with that damn vibrating tongue ring of his on your clit. Needless to say, he had fucked you to sleep, and you slept so well.
Hoseok smirks as you drop the comforter and it falls below your breasts. He leans forward, stealing a kiss from your lips.
“I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’ll make you breakfast. Is that okay, doll?” Hoseok asks as he climbs out of your bed and you stare at the ceiling. He chuckles as he waits for your answer. 
“Yeah, good. I’ll just get dressed,” you rush as you wave him away. Hoseok kisses the top of your head before he’s going to your bathroom. 
Once the shower is on, you get dressed in some sleep shorts and an oversized tee. You make your way to the kitchen and start the coffeepot. 
Before you can do anything else, you hear a phone ringing in your bedroom. You scurry to get it, fishing it out of Hoseok’s pants. 
It’s a video call from Jimin. Should you answer it? Or should you tell Hoseok?
You answer the call as you head toward your bathroom, biting your lip as you prepare yourself for Jimin’s wrath; seeing as his boyfriend didn’t go home to him last night. 
“Hello,” you greet him. 
Jimin’s eyebrows fly into his fringe in surprise. “Good morning, love. Can’t say I was expecting you to answer Hobi’s phone, but aren’t you a glorious sight this fine morning?”
“Jimin,” you giggle as you head to the kitchen and lean his phone against the cookie jar on your counter. 
“Tell me, sweetheart. Can I assume my Hobi is with you since you answered?” Jimin asks with a curious glint in his eyes. “He didn’t come home last night. We got worried.”
“Shit,” you curse. “I’m so sorry, Jimin! We got home late and …” you trail off, smiling sheepishly. 
“And he fucked your brains out?” Jimin smirks, leaning forward as he bites his lip. His eyes darken as he takes in your expression. 
“Hmm? What, baby?” Jimin asks innocently as he leans back, spreading his legs as he eyes you up and down, noting the way you bite your lip and how your breathing has changed. 
“Did he treat you well? Fuck you good? Make you cum? Showed you what those hips of his can do?” Jimin smiles smugly as he watches you crumble, nodding while you fan yourself. 
Fuck Jimin. 
“Hmm, speechless? Tell me, love. Did he eat you out? Licked your pretty pussy and sucked on your clit until you cried? Did he make you shake and scream until your voice went hoarse?” Jimin is shameless, but the way you’re looking at him sends a spark of arousal straight to his cock. It’s unfair, really. He had seen you before Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook and yet he had been one of the few that hadn’t even kissed you yet. He was sure you liked him. You flirted with him more and more every day, and although he often rendered you speechless, you couldn’t help but think about Jimin and what those gorgeous lips of his would feel like on your body. 
“God, Jimin,” Hoseok rolls his eyes as he enters the kitchen with nothing but a towel around his waist. “Do you have to be so crude?”
Jimin’s laughter comes over the speaker as he winks at you, ignoring his boyfriend reprimanding him. 
“Crude? Me? Never.” he licks his lips as he eyes Hoseok and then turns his attention back to you. 
“Well, baby, I’ve got to go. Just checking in to make sure my dear boyfriend was in excellent hands,” Jimin winks, blowing you a kiss before ending the call. 
You take a second to fan yourself, feeling heated from just speaking with him. He sure loved to tease you. 
“I’m sorry about him,” Hoseok apologizes. “He’s not always like this.”
You raise a brow in disbelief, and Hoseok backtracks. “Okay, he’s always like this, but he’s just a flirt.”
“It’s part of his charm,” you smile as you wrap your arm around Hoseok. He grins as he presses his forehead to yours, his wet hair leaving droplets on your skin. 
“I should get dressed so I can make you breakfast,” he murmurs as he looks at your lips and then your eyes. 
You bite your lip, your hands moving down to the towel wrapped around his waist. You let it fall to the floor to pool around his ankles, stroking him languidly as his hooded gaze remains on your face. 
“Is that so?” He asks in a gruff voice. 
“Mhmm,” you hum in response as your mouth wraps around him and he grips the counter to steady himself. You bob up and down his length, your eyes locked on his as you suck him off, and Hoseok can’t help but moan your name. 
So much for breakfast.
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kelyon · 9 months
Courtship 2: First Date--Restaurant
Mr. Gold takes Lacey out to dinner.
Read on AO3
There was no question of what dress Lacey would wear to dinner with Mr. Gold. Most of her clothes were for work--mud-stained jeans and faded tee-shirts. She had a capped-sleeved sundress she’d worn to graduation and a long black skirt she wore to the funerals. Add in two pairs of slacks and a few blouses and sweaters and that was the entirety of Lacey French’s wardrobe. 
Except for one special dress. 
It had been a present when she’d turned nineteen--the last birthday her mother would be alive for.   
“It’s bold,” Mom had said when Lacey picked it up off the clearance rack at Modern Fashions. Her face had been so thin by that point. Her voice was so tired. “Like you, my brave girl.”
Bold was a nice way of putting it. Too slutty to wear in public was more accurate. Purple-blue and shining with sequins, it was a dress that drew attention to itself, even on the hanger. For months, it had hung in Lacey’s closet unworn. Sometimes she regretted even having it. It was too short and too tight to wear anywhere respectable, too fancy and too fragile to wear anywhere fun. This dress was too frivolous, too reckless, too much. Yet it called to her. The sequins glittered like a trove of jewels, a secret treasure hidden away until it was needed. This dress--thinking about wearing it, thinking about where she’d go in it, who she’d be with, who she’d be--always put a fire in her heart. 
Mr. Gold wasn’t the sort of man she’d imagined wearing this dress for, but he was close enough. It wasn’t like anyone else was lining up to take her out to dinner anywhere, let alone to Bella Notte, the most expensive restaurant in town. Whether Lacey had known it or not, this dress had been waiting for him.
Maybe she had been waiting for him too.
On Monday night, Lacey took as long a shower as she could. The plumbing in their building was finicky, but Lacey knew the delicate ritual of turning the water off at regular intervals to make sure the temperature stayed warmish for as long as possible. In intermittent stages, she washed and conditioned her hair, washed her body, and shaved. 
She wasn’t normally one to shave once swimsuit season was over, but a date with Mr. Gold seemed like a special occasion. She slathered conditioner on her legs and in her armpits. Hair conditioner worked just as well as shaving cream, which always seemed like an unnecessary indulgence. 
While she waited for the ancient hot water tank to fill up again, she took a pumice stone to her damp feet. Sitting on the edge of the yellowed bathtub, she rubbed the rough rock over her heels, then across her knees and elbows, anywhere that was dry or scaly. She scraped away dead skin and revealed a new layer, soft and pink. The more she did it the more it hurt, but there was something enjoyable about the prickly pain. It invigorated her, made her feel alive. 
Her friend Mara had given her a sugar scrub for Christmas, homemade with coconut oil and vanilla extract. Rubbing that on was a mixture of pleasure and pain, the oil smoothing the skin that the sugar had irritated. This was Lacey’s favorite way to pamper herself. Other girls might like soaking in bubble baths, but she always wanted to be scraped raw. Torn apart and put back together again. Reborn, and truly cleansed. 
Tuesday night--the night of the date--she only had time to wash her body after work. It was a shower quick enough that the water had only just begun to turn cold by the time she was done. 
Though her dress had long sleeves and a high neckline, it was practically backless--nothing but thin straps crisscrossing until just above her butt. Whatever bra she wore, the band would be on full display every time she turned around. Therefore, a bra was out of the question. Well, that was manageable. Lacey’s boobs were on the smallish side, as her ex-boyfriend had often remarked. She didn’t need to wear a bra, especially if she wasn’t going to be running or anything.
So she didn’t. 
The fabric was scratchy on the inside, not entirely unpleasant. The busy shimmer of sequins concealed the specific shapes of her breasts, so she wouldn’t have to worry about her nipples showing if they poked out in the cold. She could get away with it.
Her black pantyhose had seemed conservative and stodgy when she’d worn them with her long black skirt--first to her mother’s funeral, then to Uncle Peter and Andrew’s. Now, with this dress, the stockings looked risque, somehow scandalous. Probably because the dress was so short that her pantyhose were functioning as skin-tight, see-through pants. That was scandalous. 
And kind of fun. 
All the jewelry she owned was cheap and immature. Charm bracelets and best-friend necklaces and earrings with plastic flowers or hearts. Kids’ stuff. She wasn’t a kid anymore, but she didn’t have anything adult either. Before, any time Lacey had needed to look really nice, she’d supplement her wardrobe by raiding her mom’s closet. Now that seemed tantamount to grave robbing.
More than that, she didn’t want to wear anything of Mom’s on a date with Mr. Gold. This was the first night she’d had in a while where she’d have an opportunity to not think about Mom, to not think about every terrible thing that had happened to her since the day after graduation. For just an evening, she could pretend her life wasn’t her life. She could be someone other than Lacey French, human tragedy and utter waste of potential. 
Miss French, Mr. Gold liked to call her. She’d tried to tell him he could call her by her first name, but now she liked the formality. Was Miss French a different person than Lacey? Was she someone Lacey would rather be? Miss French was going to Bella fucking Notte with the man who owned practically all of Storybrooke. Plain old Lacey wasn’t good enough for that.
In the end, she didn’t wear any jewelry. Probably for the best. Mr. Gold handled a lot of valuables in his pawn shop. He’d know at a glance if she was wearing garbage. Mr. Gold deserved better than that. Miss French was better than that.  
Time was running out. She threw her hair up into a messy bun--the only kind of bun her wild French hair was capable of--and put on makeup as quickly as she could. She slipped her feet into the sensible black pumps she’d gotten for the funeral and made her way out the door. 
Dad was in the kitchen, staring blankly at the microwave while it heated up a frozen dinner. He looked up when he saw her.
“You’re dressed up.”
“Yeah,” Lacey tried to stay cool. “I, uh, I have a date tonight.”
Her father’s face softened. He almost smiled. “Things back on with you and Hunter? That’s good. I always liked that kid.”
Kid was the perfect word to describe the boy Lacey had started hanging out with the summer her mom got sick. Hunter Duke and his friends were the rich kids in town, the kind of people whose parents coddled them long after they turned eighteen. Lacey’s attraction had been less to Hunter himself and more to the lifestyle he represented--being young and carefree, feeling like the world was made for you to take. Feeling like security and opportunities were inalienable rights and not something you had to work yourself to the bone to even be able to dream about. 
They had drifted apart after Mom took a bad turn in her treatment. Lacey had needed to stay closer to home--to be with Mom or at the shop--and Hunter accused her of being ‘too serious.’ They never broke up with a big fight or anything, but they knew being together was a waste of time for both of them. She wanted to be responsible and he wanted a girl who didn’t have responsibilities.
“Well, have fun,” Dad said after a moment of awkward silence. “I can open the shop in the morning, but try to be home before noon.”
Lacey gave him a tight smile. It was very weird to hear a parent acknowledge that she’d want to stay overnight at a boy’s house. When she was in school, this had been a ‘no dating until you’re married’ household. Times changed. Maybe this was her dad trying to give her a break. Maybe he understood how much she needed to feel good about things--even for just one night.
“I won’t be that late. But I am having lunch with Mara and Janine tomorrow. I’ll open, if you don’t mind me taking the afternoon off.”
Grunting, he took his dinner out of the microwave and went into the living room to watch TV.
“Oh hey,” Lacey stopped him. “When we get money again, can we hire Marco from the hardware store to fix the hot water tank?”
Dad’s expression didn’t move. “Manny’s coming by this weekend. We’re going to take a look at it.”
“Yeah well, Uncle Manny has been here to look at it a lot and the tank is still not working. I was thinking maybe if we asked a handyman instead of an auto mechanic--”
“With what money?” He wasn’t mean as he cut her off, just blunt. Just accurate. “That bastard and his late fees are going to kill any profits we might get for Valentine’s Day. Things aren’t going to get better until Easter at least.”
Things are never going to get better. 
The spiteful, bitter thought sat on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t say it. Saying it wouldn’t do any good, wouldn’t tell her dad anything he didn’t know. Instead, all Lacey could do was sigh.
“Okay. Fine. Just thought I’d ask.”
He nodded, and silently plodded over to the couch and the TV. 
The moment she stepped outside into a January night in Maine, Lacey regretted her decision to go without a coat. Usually, she bundled up in a hoodie and a ski jacket that kept off the wind, but that wasn’t the kind of thing Miss French would wear. Why even bother putting on a pretty dress if she was just going to cover it up with a ratty hand-me-down?
The air froze in her lungs, but she pressed on. She walked away from the shop, facing the direction Mr. Gold would be coming from on his way from the good part of Old Town. 
Officially, Storybrooke was only divided into two neighborhoods: Old Town and New Town, with Main Street in the middle. Unofficially, there was a rough dividing line in the middle of both sections that further divided them into the ‘good part’ and ‘bad part’ of each. City Hall--and Mayor Mills’ house--was in the good part of New Town. The bad part of New Town was the docks and the industrial area, where the sight and smell of Fish King Canned Foods ruled over everything. Lacey lived in the bad part of Old Town, historic slums and tradesmen's homes. Technically, she was within walking distance to the good part of Old Town, but those old-money mansions were worlds away.  
Of course that was where Mr. Gold lived. 
Headlights shone through the night as his car turned the corner. Lacey knew it was his car because of how little noise it made. It was a sleek rumble, practically a purr, an engine that was built for power and maintained with wealth. A Cadillac, her Uncle Manny liked to say, was what every other car wanted to be when it grew up. 
She waved him down and the car stopped in the middle of the street. The passenger window rolled down with electric smoothness.
“Miss French?” His voice came from the dark interior. “What are you doing outside? I said I would pick you up.”
“And you are!” Lacey maneuvered around other cars parked in the street to get to the passenger door. She heard a thunk as the door unlocked at the push of a button. Lacey slid onto the leather seat and into a velvety warmth. “God that feels good!”
Reaching over to the controls, Mr. Gold twisted a knob and turned the heat up a notch. Then he put the car in drive. 
“You know, I am a gentleman, Miss French. I fully intended to come to your door.”
Lacey rubbed her hands together in front of the vent blowing out hot air. “That might not have been a good idea,” she told him. “You’re not exactly my dad’s favorite person right now.”
“Ah,” Mr. Gold said. 
They paused at a stop sign, then Mr. Gold turned to her. “Just to be clear, Miss French, my business with your father has nothing to do with anything that happens between us tonight. Your actions and behavior won’t make things better or worse for him.”
She snorted. “I don’t know how things could get worse for him.”
“Oh there’s always a way.”
That was for sure. 
“Well, thanks for clearing the air,” Lacey said. “It’s good to know if I let you bang me it’ll be because I want to and not to save his sorry ass.”    
Mr. Gold made a noise in the back of his throat. In the moving streetlights, Lacey saw his gloved hands squeeze the steering wheel.
“Do you always offer to go to bed with men on the first date, Miss French?”
Her cheeks went hot. It had been a stupid thing to say, but it was the subtext of what he had told her! Going on this date with Mr. Gold wouldn’t help her dad out with the rent. It was just for her. If she did end up sleeping with him, that would be just for her too.    
It was nice to have something in her life that only belonged to her, something that would happen just because she wanted it to.
“Well why not?” Lacey invented a personal philosophy as she spoke it. “We’re not living in some medieval fantasy world where a girl’s virginity is her biggest asset. Consenting adults can do whatever the fuck they want, that’s what I think.”
Mr. Gold pulled into the parking lot for Bella Notte. He turned off the engine and gave Lacey a long look. Maybe the darkness gave her courage, because she just looked right back.
“Whatever the fuck they want,” he repeated softly. “Do you really want that, Miss French?”
She let out a sound even she didn’t understand, some half-laugh, half-scoff, half-sob. “Only because I’ve never had it.”
He didn’t press her on what she meant by that, which was just as well. Lacey couldn’t have put it into words--or she would have put it into too many words. She would have spilled out the entirety of her life, all the pressures and responsibilities and expectations that had once been a structure but now felt like a burden.
“Have you eaten here before?” he asked instead. 
“Just once,” she said. “It’s sort of a shame, I took one look at the menu and was so intimidated I just ordered a hamburger. It was a good burger, but I wanted to be more adventurous.”
“Adventure.” Mr. Gold sounded like he was savoring the taste of the word. “Would you like a culinary adventure, Miss French?”
“I--sure? What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking I would like to order for you. Do you trust me to select what you eat tonight?”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess so. I’m sure you have good taste, and I’m not picky or allergic to anything. Sure, why not?”
He turned in the driver’s seat, so he was looking at her head-on. “Miss French,” he almost whispered. “Would you like to play a game?”
Lacey raised her eyebrows. “Mr. Gold plays games?” 
“Oh, all the time. This one is special because I’m going to tell you the rules before it begins.”
She licked her lips. “What rules?”
“What if you didn’t speak, once we got inside the restaurant? What if you only spoke to me the entire night?”
Her first impulse was to reject the idea, just because it sounded so out-there. But the more she thought about it, the more it began to appeal to her. Not the not-talking thing, that seemed sort of silly and arbitrary. But playing a game with Mr. Gold, that seemed like an offer she’d be nuts to refuse. He was challenging her, and she wanted to rise to his expectations. Hell, she wanted to surpass them. 
“If this is a game,” she said with fake nonchalance, “then I can win or lose, right?”
“Yes,” Mr. Gold rasped. There was something in his voice now, something Lacey didn’t understand, but that she wanted more than she’d ever wanted anything. “If you do as I say the whole evening, you’ll win. If you insist on having your own way, you’ll lose.”
“If I win, does that mean you’ve lost?”
“Oh no, Miss French,” he chuckled. “If you win this game, I will reap the rewards as much as you will.”
She leaned in towards him. “What are the rewards?”
“If you win this game,” he whispered, “then after dinner is over, I’ll take you back to my place, if you like.”
Hopefully the darkness concealed how much she grinned at that prospect. “Okay,” Lacey said. “I think I’d like that very much.”
He opened the car door for her and offered her his arm, like something from a God-damned movie. The restaurant was crowded, but the host--or maybe it was a maitre d’--loudly announced that Mr. Gold got the best seat in the house and there was no waiting. Their table was a quiet corner booth where they could see everyone in the restaurant--and everyone else could see them. 
The other patrons nodded at Mr. Gold, but no one looked twice at Lacey. Not many people in this crowd knew her, of course. Or if they did, it was as the florist’s daughter, that kid who drove the delivery van and smiled like someone who was working for tips. They didn’t know Miss French, who stood tall in high heels and a flashy dress, who looked over their heads haughtily and refused to speak to anyone but Mr. Gold.
The first person who recognized her was their waiter. Boyd Monger was a year younger than Lacey. Storybrooke High was a small enough school that everyone knew each other regardless of what grade they were in. She saw the recognition in his eyes, saw his expression shift into genuine enthusiasm.
“Hey!” He smiled at Lacey. 
Her returning smile was tight and she didn’t say anything. She wasn’t going to lose Mr. Gold’s game so soon.
Mr. Gold cleared his throat and Boyd snapped to attention. 
“I mean, uh, good evening. Would you like to start with something to drink?”
“We’ll have a bottle of the 1983 Chateau de Marais.”
“Absolutely, Mr. Gold.” Boyd wrote the order down on his notepad. 
He turned away from the table, then stopped in his tracks. He paused for a minute, then came back looking like he had a stomach ache. 
“Lacey, you’re not twenty-one yet, are you? Can I see your ID?”
“That won’t be necessary.” Mr. Gold spoke before Lacey could even think about how to answer.
Boyd cringed, but stood his ground. “Well, actually, Mr. Gold, it-it really is necessary. It’s illegal to serve alcohol to someone under twenty-one.”
Mr. Gold made a show of looking around the restaurant. “Is Sheriff Humbert dining here tonight?”
“Uh, no, sir.”
“Or District Attorney Spencer? Judge Herman, perhaps?”
“I--haven’t seen either of them.”
“Then it seems legal trouble isn’t worthy of your concern.”
“I--” There was a faint sheen of sweat on Boyd’s forehead. Lacey pressed her lips together, but didn’t say anything that might help the kid out.
“And even if you reported this infraction to an authority, do you think anyone would listen to you? I recall your credibility being somewhat strained, Mr. Monger.”
Lacey had to stop herself from laughing. Mr. Gold was referring to a bad habit Boyd used to have when he was a freshman. Every time he’d had a test he didn’t think he could pass, he would use a payphone to call the police to the school. False alarms had to be treated as credible threats, so the entire school would get evacuated while Sheriff Graham made sure everything was safe. The incident that had finally gotten Boyd caught was when he’d said Ruby Lucas was being attacked by a wolf. Since he was a kid, the paper didn’t report any names, but everyone in town knew what had happened and who was to blame. 
Boyd gave one last effort.
“Mr. Gold, I could lose my job.”
“Or you could lose your apartment.” Mr. Gold was calm, almost genial. He always seemed to be most affable when he was threatening people. “I believe your parents rent from me as well, don’t they, Mr. Monger?”
Boyd’s mouth opened, but no sound came out. Then he straightened up and snapped his notebook shut. “I’ll be back in just a moment with your wine, Mr. Gold.”
Lacey waited until the waiter was back in the kitchen before she let herself react. 
“Wow.” She cackled, as relieved and breathless as if she’d just come off a roller coaster. “I can’t believe you did that.”
Mr. Gold looked at the menu like nothing had happened. “Shocking, really, that Mr. Monger doesn’t seem to understand how things work in this town.”
She tilted her head at him. “How do you mean?”
He looked up from the menu, straight into her eyes. “I mean that I get what I want, Miss French.”
Lacey ignored the heat that washed over her when he said that. “He is right, though. I am underage. I mean, I’ve had booze before, but it is illegal.”
Mr. Gold shrugged, perusing the menu again. “Drive a few hours north into Canada and the age limit is nineteen instead of twenty-one. In Europe it’s even younger. Or in many countries, the sale of alcohol is prohibited to everyone. Given that context, isn’t the entire question rather arbitrary?”
“Wait a minute, you think laws are arbitrary? You with the hundred-page contracts and the sub-clauses and the penalties for minor infractions and the compounding penalties for not abiding by the first penalties?” 
He made a gesture with his hands, gracefully admitting that she had caught his hypocrisy. “But you see, Miss French, all of that goes back to my first and most important principle.”
“That you get what you want?”
When Boyd came back with their bottle of wine, he was too cowed to look at either of them. He showed Mr. Gold the bottle and Mr. Gold nodded his approval. After Boyd opened the bottle, he placed the cork on the table and poured a small amount into Mr. Gold’s glass. Mr. Gold swirled the wine in the glass and inhaled deeply through his nose. Then he carefully brought it up to his lips for a taste. Apparently it was good enough, because Mr. Gold nodded and Boyd set another glass in front of Lacey. He poured the wine with perfect posture and one arm behind his back.
It was all so formal, so precise, like a dance both men knew the steps to but she had never seen before. For some reason, the ritual of it put her in mind of a powerful wizard casting a spell with the help of his minion. With mundane objects, Mr. Gold ushered Lacey into a new world of enchantment. 
She opened her mouth to thank Boyd, but stopped herself just in time. She had to remember the game and not talk to anybody. Besides, Mr. Gold hadn’t thanked the waiter, so clearly Miss French didn’t need to either. 
“And have you decided on your order for this evening?”
Boyd was looking at Lacey, but she just smiled and looked at Mr. Gold. She had devoured the menu, salivating over words like “aioli” and “white truffle” and “consommé.” But they had agreed that he would order for her, so she let him. 
Mr. Gold’s mouth slid over the Italian words like he was a native speaker. The waiter wrote down everything and left.
Lacey took a piece of bread and dipped it in olive oil. “Am I allowed to know what you’re feeding me?” 
“Don’t you enjoy surprises?”
Most of the surprises Lacey had gotten in her life had been very, very bad, so she just shrugged. “If I don’t like it, I won’t eat it.”
“You’ll like it.” 
There was a warmth around him now, something relaxed and playful. It was subtle--it wasn’t like he was smiling--but Mr. Gold was always so closed off with people that the tiniest shift made a massive difference. A twinge of triumph went through Lacey at merely recognizing his good mood, let alone possibly being the cause of it. 
She picked up her wine glass and took a sip. Lacey knew exactly enough about wine to know that this was a white and that it was probably supposed to taste as terrible as it did.
Mr. Gold saw her expression. “You don’t care for it?”
Lacey swallowed and picked up her glass of water. “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to beverages that taste bitter.”
“Dry is the term in wine. Yes, I suppose a girl like you would be more accustomed to sugary soft drinks.”
A girl like her. He used the phrase as an insult. Or a challenge. Maybe it was a game that Mr. Gold hadn’t told her the rules to. Maybe he wanted her to be a different type of girl. Maybe he wanted her to be a woman. She picked up her glass again.
“I’m sure I’ll get used to it.” She looked him in the eye before she drank. “I don’t mind bitterness.”
Sip by sip, she finished her glass, then Mr. Gold poured her another. The alcohol made her face hot, but she didn’t feel drunk. Just loose, more relaxed. It wasn’t any different from having beers on the beach with Hunter and his friends. Booze made it easier to let go of things that didn’t matter. And--when dinner arrived--the wine paired very nicely with the scallops in pesto sauce that Mr. Gold had ordered for her.
“This is so good!” Lacey desperately tried to keep from talking with her mouth full. 
“Of course it is.” Mr. Gold cut into his blackened sole. “I wouldn’t offer you anything but the best.”
Dabbing the corners of her mouth with a cloth napkin helped to conceal her smile. “What makes me so deserving of that, Mr. Gold? W-why did you ask me out tonight?”
He gave her a long look. Lacey could practically see the wheels turning in his head. He was figuring out what he wanted to tell her. How much he wanted to reveal of the truth.
“Miss French, I believe you have potential.”
Lacey burst out into a scoff. “Yeah. I know I do. Having potential is my curse.”
Potential. Since she’d graduated, she had come to hate that word. All she had was potential. Wasted potential. Unfulfilled potential. Potential meant working so hard and having so much promise, then abruptly finding out every single promise was a lie. 
“Tell me about that,” Mr. Gold said. “Tell me about yourself.”
It was all too terrible to think about. Too terrible and too mundane. Mr. Gold didn’t want to know about all the things her life had been but weren’t now and never would be again. She couldn’t expect him to care about her childhood hobbies, about Student Council and the Literature Club and sleepovers with Mara and Janine. All the little things that had once defined her were all gone and she was left with nothing.
“I’m empty.” Lacey shook her head. She couldn’t look at him when she said it. “All I have is a job I hate and a family that’s hurting as much as I am. Other than that, I’m just an empty vessel.” Now she looked up. He was staring at her. Their eyes locked together. “I’m waiting to be filled.” 
The lines around his mouth deepened. It wouldn’t be a grin on anyone else, but it was for Mr. Gold. It looked like she’d said the right thing.
“Like I said, Miss French, lots of potential.”
When they were done eating, Lacey excused herself to use the restroom. 
“Wait,” Mr. Gold stopped her before she got out of her seat. 
Lacey rolled her eyes. “Is this the part of the evening where you tell me to take off my underwear in the bathroom and hand it to you when I come back?”
He stifled a chuckle, then shook his head. “No, that part will come later. For now, Miss French, I want you to take this--” he reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded fifty dollar bill “--and give it to young Mr. Monger as an apology for coercing him into committing a Class D crime against the people of the great state of Maine. You may tell him this. Make sure you sound appropriately contrite.”
Lacey took the money and scanned the restaurant for Boyd. Part of her wanted to keep it for herself and lie to Mr. Gold about doing as he asked. After all, it was fifty dollars! That was more money than she’d had in her hand since the Christmas rush. It was a week of groceries for her and Dad--two weeks if the sales were right. Marco could probably fix the hot water tank for fifty bucks, if he didn’t need to buy any parts. This was an electric bill, this was a new coat.
This was one day of late fees on the rent to her building.
That thought took the wind out of Lacey’s sails. What was she doing here, with him? Mr. Gold got this money by swindling and exploiting people like her. People like Boyd. She had more in common with that idiot kid than with her actual date. An unexpected fifty could make their month and Mr. Gold tossed it away like parade candy. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t just.
But she wasn’t Robin Hood. The money wasn’t hers to take. The wrongs of this world weren’t hers to right. It might be more satisfying to tell Mr. Gold where he could stick his fifties, but what would that benefit her? How would that help anyone?
Fuck it. Mr. Gold had invited her on this crazy ride, she might as well go along with him. For one night at least, she could follow his rules and obey his commands. Why not? What else did she have going on?
She found Boyd by the door to the kitchen. 
“Lacey!” he said when he saw her. “Hey, what’s going on tonight? You’ve been acting kind of weird. Is everything okay?”
It was a normal question, but Lacey heard the undercurrent, the blink twice if you need help implication. She heard the unspoken question, What are you doing here, with him?
It pissed her off. Who was this kid to offer to rescue her? Who was he to judge that she needed help? How would he know if she was acting weird? What the hell did this waiter know about Miss French and who she chose to spend her time with?
She held up the fifty between two fingers. “Mr. Gold told me to give you this.” Irritation and inner turmoil made her voice higher-pitched than normal. “He said you deserve a tip for helping to get me drunk.”
“Lacey!” Boyd hissed. He looked around to see if anyone heard. 
“Because obviously the only reason I’d be with Mr. Gold is because he forced me to. And the only way I can stand to be around him is if I’m sauced. No, there’s no way I could enjoy his company. In fact, the only reason I’m going to go back to his house and fuck him tonight is because I’m a gold-digging whore. That’s what you were thinking, wasn’t it?”
“No!” Boyd’s face went twelve different colors in thirty seconds. “No, I swear Lace, I wasn’t--”
“Shut up.” Miss French spun around and tossed the fifty over her shoulder. She didn’t care if the waiter picked it up or not. 
She’d just got back from the restroom when that stupid waiter came and dropped off the check. He didn’t speak, or even look at them. He practically ran from the table. 
Mr. Gold regarded the waiter’s retreating form with mild amusement. “What did you do to him?”
“I’m not gonna lie to you, Mr. Gold: I did not make him think I was sorry.”
The lines around his mouth deepened. He pulled out a wad of bills and placed several fifties in the little black check presenter. Then he took his cane and stood up out of the booth. He extended his hand to Lacey.
“Shall we?”
She put her hand in his. It looked so big compared to hers. He helped her out of the booth. Arm in arm, they walked to the lobby.
“Stay inside a moment, I’ll bring the car around.”
“Where are you going to drive me?” she called after him.
Mr. Gold turned around. His dark eyes glinted with something between mischief and pleasure.
“My place.”  
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oldguy56-world · 2 months
The Way We Were
The older I get the more I like when things stay the same. When I was young (oh so long ago) I could roll with the punches and adapt to whatever came my way. Now I have rolls and am very punchy with neither of those being good. Perhaps you can stand the little things I find irksome but really I can't. I tried writing a letter to the 'Why the hell are there so many changes' department of the federal government but it was returned to me with I believe a tracking device embedded somewhere in the envelope. Not to worry. I put it in the trunk of a friend's car and because he never cleans it the envelope will stay there forever (or until he gets a new car) so the government can keep tabs on him instead of me.
I like the way things were, and sometimes are, but it is the constant changes that are hard to deal with.
Here are the things that bug me, really bug me, that cause a change in my daily routine.
The Hydro goes out. No matter what time of day this happens it interrupts my TV time and forces me to do...What? I have nothing else to do except on Mondays when I write. The rest of the week is down time to give my wrists time to heal. I can barely handle the remote but I cope. And don't get me started on having to reset things like my printer that seems to want to reprint old letters for some reason.
Cable out. You might think that this is the same as above but have you noticed that when the power is out and comes back on everything is ready to go except cable. This takes much longer for some reason.
Have you ever tried to go into your email or pay a bill and randomly you are asked to identify yourself? The gods of the internet can see I am using the same laptop as always and I am sure they also can see through my camera and know it is me. I would give them the finger but I suspect I would never be able to access anything ever again.
A few months ago my favorite pen rolled under the bookcase near my desk. It is still there as I am positive I would throw out my back retrieving it. When I was young I would have lifted the bookcase with one hand and picked up the pen with the other.
The first time I visited my hometown I tried to see some friends. It is a simple place to get around or should I say was a simple place to get around. Streets had disappeared, some were now dead ends, favorite restaurants now offered tattooing, and many other magnificent changes. Because of these things I left and went back to where i live now. My friends have no idea how close they came to a visit from me.
Why are there so many phone updates? Every time there is one I lose the ability to access one of the rare apps I have on my Apple 2. I can still phone or text but that is about it. There was nothing wrong with this phone when I got it so please leave it alone.
I hate smart TV's. There I said it. I used to enjoy sitting down and watching something uninterrupted (unless the power or cable went out) but now, in the middle of a show, my 'Smart TV' believes this is the best time to reboot itself. If it was really smart it would recognize it is getting close to being tossed from our balcony.
Finally, stop discontinuing foods I like. At my age putting out things with less sugar, no msg, gluten free, or anything else supposedly healthy is just a shock to my system.
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: All the data shows that the largest growing segment of the population is seniors. Someone in marketing should smarten up and start listening to us.
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natashacoco · 1 year
Sorry to bother you again 😅😅😅
Can you do another headcanon for Lewis Tan x reader where the reader is an assassin or something along those lines and if you want, Lewis trying to protect the reader as a bodyguard???
I am so sorry that this took forever and I hope that you end up seeing this anon, for some reason this got lost in my inbox somehow for who knows how long and ofc tumblr notifications suck and I just saw this due to another notification i got recently. I tweaked it just a little bit to make things flow just a little more but otherwise, here you go bb
The game: cat and mouse.
The players: You and Lewis.
The objective: you were a trained assassin with a target close to somebody Lewis cared about and he could never know that the person he thought he was protecting needed it more than he thought he did when it came to you.
It started out simply enough, you were assigned a target from your underworld shadow organization. You never questioned why you were being sent or the reason why the picture of the person needed to be "dealt with", but that was just the way it went. Unbridled and unquestioning loyalty imbued in you for as long as you could remember
Your assignment was easy, watch and monitor a target for intel
Unless of course they had to be taken care of. If that was the case, make it look like an accident or a mugging gone too far, by any means necessary
Simple enough, right?
You were used to working in the shadows, stalking your targets and learning their habits and routines better than they did it themselves.
You "accidentally" bump into them one day and end up cloning their phone for easy access to their lives
You find that their routine is almost identical every week without fail, never once faltering or changing
Monday: leave the house at 8:20-8:25 to get to work by 9. Maybe a quick stop by their favorite coffee shop with that 10 minute window they allowed themselves.
Tuesday night: hit the gym
Wednesday: Try a new restaurant with friends
Thursday: stay late at the office so they can leave early on Friday
Friday: meetings in the morning followed by a night of takeout and nights spent at home.
You can't believe that you were sent on this mission, it's almost comical at home easy it'll be to take out your target
It's not until a break in their routine when things start to become a little more complicated.
You notice small changes in your targets schedule after a couple of weeks that don't bother or raise suspicions
it isn't until you start combing through their e-mails and notice the late night calls you listen in on.
That's when you realize why they've become your target: they've found some discrepancies within their company and they're planning on becoming a whistle blower
Your target ends up becoming more erratic at work, outbursts to people, constantly looking over his shoulder. You find yourself smiling and wondering if he can somehow feel your ever hovering presence.
His righteous paranoia comes to a head when he decides to hire a personal bodyguard from one of the best independent security companies in the city.
That's when you're introduced to Lewis Tan
Tall, handsome, tattoos littered all over his body and a professional martial artist
Your interests are piqued of course, not that he'd be able to stop you but that this assignment just got a lot more interesting
You decide to test the waters with how adequate Lewis is with protecting his client
You start off small, following them as they set up a new routine that's completely different from the one your target started with
You scope out the new surveillance camera and system that Lewis has installed
It's simple enough to bypass the system with your skill set, even looping the footage for later use
You decide to tease your target a little more and hack into his personal computer, leaving no hints or clues for him to find
Finally after weeks of observing and reporting to your superiors, you're given the go ahead to take out the target before they're moved to a secure safe house set up by Lewis's team
You expertly end up setting up a Trojan Horse malware that ends up destroying the evidence on the targets computers along with any and all copies made on that computer
thanks to your surveillance over the weeks you know that the original piece of evidence is currently sitting in a safety deposit box under a fake name at the city bank.
That'd be your first stop tomorrow morning before the bank opens and notices it missing by the time Lewis and his team arrive to retrieve it
Your chance comes when a storm hits the town and the power goes out (thanks to a little help of course). No lights, no phones, nothing works
you sneak into the house, completely under the cover of darkness and shadows
You know exactly where your target is
it seems like hours rather than minutes before you've sneaked up behind them
like your assignment you take out your target, making sure it looks like an "accident"
just as easily you sneak out of the house, once again returning to the shadows.
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umichenginabroad · 6 months
Stockholm Week 10: Grind Before Barcelona
Hi! I can’t believe that it’s already the end of March. Isn’t that crazy? It still feels like late February to me. 
I’m bringing this up because my trip to Barcelona is coming up real fast. I am leaving on the 27th when the Explorative Travel Week begins! We get a week off as a travel break; certain elective courses travel as a class during that week, but I am not in any of those electives so I get a week off from school. Hurray! 
The number 1 country I wanted to travel to was Spain, and I am finally going there next week. That also means that this week has been rough, catching up with all the homework and finishing up projects before the break. 
3/18 Mon: (the best news) Class Canceled! 
On Monday, the only class I had switched to online at the last minute due to traffic issues. 
I took the opportunity to call my boyfriend and my mom while I worked on my assignments the entire day. I slept earlier than usual, around 11 pm, to treat myself :) 
3/19 Tue: Spicy Uno
We have been watching this Netflix series called The Chestnut Man in the Scandinavian Crime Fiction class, and I have been on my nerves since the start of the show. The plot and the music interact too well to the point that I have to cover my ears and close my eyes every now and then. I hate horror movies but I would say this is an extremely well-played thriller/detective show. I recommend it to anyone who likes mystery/crime genre! 
When I’m at home, I always have to try very hard to refrain from watching the rest of the episodes on my own. It has been a difficult battle but I made it to the 5th episode (out of 7) without binge-watching it alone. 
I didn’t know (and wouldn’t have known) that crime fiction was so popular in the Scandinavian region before I took this class. I can see why it’s so famous; all the books and films are quite good! I always look forward to starting a new book or series in class. This course has been my absolute favorite class in Stockholm :) 
During lunchtime, I surprisingly met a new friend who’s going to Barcelona on the same day!!! She and her friend booked their flight yesterday, so I never heard about them when I was asking everyone if they’d like to join our Barcelona trip. The most surprising part was that her friend turned out to be my friend who always sat next to me in two classes! We exchanged numbers to talk more about the trip. 
Afterward, I went to Arkivet, a second-hand store on the higher end. There are high-quality clothes that are in good condition—all the way from H&M and Zara to COS, BOSS, and Coach. Although it is a bit more expensive than other stores like Myrona or Stockholm Stadsmission, the pool is much better in my opinion. I bought a Tommy Hilfiger trench coat for $70! 
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There are so many buttons on this coat
Happy with my purchase, I came back home and made Alfredo pasta for dinner. I have been CRAVING creamy pasta and it momentarily satisfied my yearning. I need to go to an Italian restaurant and get a good alfredo spaghetti soon. 
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I threw some chicken and sausage in there too :) 
That night, my friends and I all gathered around my room to play Spicy Uno. My friend taught us the extra rules and it was a lot more fun than I expected. Towards the end, we even incorporated Never Have I Ever into the game (ง˙∇˙)ว
After they all left, I couldn’t sleep right away because of the sugar rush from all the goodies we ate (ice cream, jellies, chips, chocolate bars, and wafers). 
I blame this sugar rush for the catastrophe that happened a few minutes later. 
I was peacefully putting on a new set of fake nails until the nail glue fell down on my joggers. I can definitely say that it was an exothermic reaction because where the glue spilled was hot. Thankfully, I was able to separate my pants from my thighs by lifting it up a little bit, but my pants did not survive the accident. 
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Picture that captures the moment of the tragic incident 
If anyone knows how to remove nail glue on clothes please let me know ( •́ ̯•。̀ )
3/20 Wed: Skansen Open-Air Museum! 
Today’s field trip for our Swedish class was Skansen, the world’s first open-air museum! 
The escalator was endless and the area of the museum was unparalleled to any other museums I visited. We had a full experience with the tour guide—we even got to go into houses from the 1700s and see reindeer! 
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Us inside the houses
More cool photos: 
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Some cool facts: 
Going to church was obligatory: people were officially tested on their bible knowledge and the answers were recorded! 
Each house was numbered (well over two thousand pieces for each house), deconstructed, relocated, and reconstructed in the museum! 
After free fika with the entire class, my friend and I hung out around T-Centralen. We went to cafes, second-hand stores (again), and the system. We headed back to the hog together. 
For the rest of the night, I worked on the insurmountable group project for my online ChemE class until 4 am… ;) 
3/21 Thu: Reeeaaaading
I woke up early to do the pre-lecture homework for the classes. Despite dozing off for a few minutes here and there, I finished the assignment! 
For Friday’s class, I started and finished reading half of The Wolf and the Watchman by Niklas Natt och Dag. I’m starting to spot the similarities in the settings of the crime fiction novels! 
3/22-3/23 Fri-Sat: Zoom Meetings
I devoted two whole days to working on the group project. I had a series of Zoom sessions with the Professor and then with teammates. 
Cooking and doing laundry was my time off from work! 
When I was done with the project around 11 pm Saturday, I started scavenging for English-guided tours for Barcelona. The tickets were rapidly selling out! 
I managed to get an English tour of Sagrada Familia and Park Guell. They were expensive, but when would I ever have the chance to visit Spain? With that mindset, I joyfully paid for the events. 
3/24 Sun: Planning Barcelona..
My body weighed 200 tons today and wouldn’t have gotten out of bed until 2 pm if it wasn’t for the Barcelona planning meeting I scheduled with my friends. 
We met at Downtown Camper Cafe in T-Centralen and stayed there for three hours, making reservations and finalizing schedules. We are ready to fly to Barcelona! 
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The bathroom was fancy
Again, when I got home, I cooked and did more homework.
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With the energy I gained from dinner, I was able to work on the group project until I got burnt out at 9 pm. I called my mom for a little (meaning 1.5 hours) and did some more work before going to sleep. 
I am SO excited to share my experience in Barcelona next week! 
Stay tuned for new, rejuvenating adventures coming soon!!! 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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bonyfish · 1 year
Some years ago, my family decided to go out to eat for my birthday. I picked a favorite local place that serves amazing Turkish food and has a section where you can sit around low tables on the floor, but when my sister and I got there we discovered it was closed on Mondays. We called our mother, who was meeting us there with our father and grandmother, intending to regroup and pick someplace else. She didn't answer, so we kept calling periodically in-between trying to give each other piggyback rides and generally goofing off.
Some fifteen minutes later, our mother appears down the block, motions frantically at us, and runs back into a nearby building. My sister and I, confused, follow her into an entirely different restaurant-- this one is a relatively new Mexican place with a name that sounds nothing like the restaurant I'd picked. They've gotten a table and everything, and my grandmother is bemusedly staring at the menu. I laughed and start to explain that this is the wrong restaurant, at which point my father sprints from the building, presumably heading to the correct restaurant. I finish my sentence: "--but it's fine, since the other place is closed." My mother, hearing this, begins yelling and runs out of the restaurant after him. The waitstaff and other patrons are staring at us. My grandmother, who at this point in her life was incredibly hard of hearing, has apparently given up on understanding what's going on and is glumly sipping her water. My sister has her face in her hands.
Eventually my parents came back into the restaurant and we had a very nice dinner. I had molletes for the first time.
Anyway, sometimes I think of this when I eat Mexican food.
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kathxsoupp · 1 year
In Love With a Fever: Chapter 4
William Afton x law enforcement ! reader (fem)
Omfg I'm finally up to date with posting this on tumblr as well as AO3 sorry for the wait HDGFNJJFD and sorry for this chapter it's kinda bad
Summary: Reader is a detective who was put on the missing children incident case, her person of interest is William and is currently investigating him.
WARNINGS: very graphic violence throughout the whole fic, eventual smut, slow burn, age-gap between reader and Will, manipulation, mutilation, broken bones, use of pet names, Will is obsessive, mentions of death, death and murder, there will be smut, a lot probably, I think, dub-con at some point maybe, fluff and angst, idk if I missed something just read with caution
Notes: This fic is also posted on my AO3, linked in my pinned post, I'm updating this fic every Monday and it's the first thing I have ever posted, so I hope you like it!
Chapter 4
He has never truly felt alive. His whole life he was hidden behind a mask. He couldn’t even remember the last time he smiled sincerely. It was all fake. Ironically, the only time he truly felt alive was when taking the lives of others. That’s what made him immortal. He took a few steps back to admire his masterpiece. Created with the hands of a monster, but still ever so majestic in his eyes. With disgusting, evil satisfaction he left the parts and service room and locked it behind him. Only now was his work done and he could sleep peacefully at night.
You stood before the door to your office, keys in hand about to unlock it when you heard someone come up from behind you.
"Morning, y/n." spoke a familiar male voice.
Your co-worker Timothy greeted you with a smile. He was always so kind to you and clearly enjoyed your presence a little too much. He was average height, had short blonde hair and was well built.  He wasn’t one of the people you were dying to talk to today, but you still chatted with him trying to be as nice as possible. You couldn’t say you disliked him… he just had weird vibes.
“Oh, good morning, Tim.” you replied. “Boss wants to see you.”
His information did scare you a little, but you knew you hadn’t done anything wrong lately, so your job wasn’t in danger.
“Did he tell you why?” you asked with raised eyebrows. “Nope. Anyway, I was wondering…You wanna go out with me tomorrow? I can take you to my favorite restaurant, I’m sure you’ll like it there.” he leaned against the wall next to you, smiling.
You were quite taken aback by his blunt answer and sudden change of topic. You weren’t exactly in the mood to spend your free time with your co-worker, but thinking about it, you decided to agree. It wasn’t going to be a date or anything, you just haven’t really gone out in a while so why not. You flashed him a fake smile.
“I mean… yeah, sure. Thanks, Tim.” you said, not wanting to sound too interested. You didn’t want to lead him on after all.
His face lit up with excitement. “Cool! See you tomorrow at 7 pm? I’ll pick you up.” He winked.
“Sounds great, see you!” and with that you were off to your boss’ office, tucking your keys back in your pocket.
You fixed your tight black skirt and white blouse you were wearing before knocking on the office door.
A “Come in!” came from inside the office.
You entered and closed the door behind you.
“Morning, agent. Please sit down.” He motioned over to the chair opposite him with a smile.
You nodded towards him and sat down. ”Tim said you wanted to speak to me?”
“Yes, that’s right. Look, I listened to the interrogation with Afton and I’m afraid it’s not enough.”
Your eyes lit up at that. You found that man and his work incredibly intriguing, and you were hoping you could maybe get an opportunity to ask him about the robots and maybe if you got lucky, he would even let you see them.
“So… you want me to contact him or…?” you asked, hiding your excitement. “Yes, that’s exactly what I was going to ask you to do.” he passed you the exact same card William gave you yesterday. You chuckled at that and took it from him. “Call the number on this card when you can and arrange a meeting with him at a place like a café or something. We want as many answers as we can get from him, and we know that the guy likes you, so he’s most likely to tell you anything. There’s no reason to suspect him really, yet. I just think, as the restaurant owner, he might give us a few more leads.”
You flashed him a grin. “Alright. What do we need from him?”
He opened a drawer below his desk and pulled out another folder. He opened it up and placed it in front of you.
“I wrote everything down for you here. Please get as many answers from him as you can. I’m counting on you, kid.”
You stared at the page in front of you. Your boss requested you to ask William about his family, specifically about his two deceased kids, his mental health history and something about Henry too.
You stood up, folder in hand: “Understood. I won’t disappoint you, boss.” you grinned and walked out of his office back to yours.
When you were finally alone in your office, you giggled to yourself like a little kid and sat at your desk picking up the telephone, his card in hand. You were quite nervous, but you reminded yourself that this is a work matter and not to get too excited. You dialed the number and waited for an answer.
“Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, William Afton speaking. How may I help you?” 
His smooth, deep voice rang through the telephone giving you butterflies. You quickly realized you were zoning out and regained your composure.
“Good morning, mister Afton. This is agent (y/n) (l/n), I was the one interviewing you yesterday.” You heard him smile over the phone. “Ah, hello miss (l/n). I didn’t think you would actually call.” He joked. You rolled your eyes. He was clearly in a good mood today… “Actually, I’m calling because of something work related.” You replied lightheartedly. “Aw, what a pity.” He said with a pout. “What can I help you with, miss (l/n)?” “There are some things I need to speak to you about regarding our investigation. I was wondering if we could do that in person rather than over a call if you are comfortable with that.” You said while nervously bouncing your leg up and down. “Of course, I would be open to that.” “Awesome. Would later today at 3:00 pm at the Hurricane Café be alright for you?” you asked. “Yes, sounds good.” “Alright, thank you for your time, mister Afton. That will be all.” “I’ll be looking forward to it then.” He replied playfully before hanging up.
What the hell is he on about… you thought to yourself. You grinned and shook your head over his remarks and got back to your usual work.
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not100bees · 1 year
Why is everything closed on Mondays? My favorite restaurant, the zoo, the movie theater isn't showing anything interesting either. It's the absolutely rare day off where I want to do something, but there's nothing to do.
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