#my feet are still burning and blistered from walking around downtown with them when they woke me up to tell me the news
carbonateddelusion · 1 year
I feel like a withering plant cutting pieces of myself off for others to propagate
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Climb Chapter Two
Superman catches you again this time he follows through then delivers you to Clark.
Chapter One
Warnings:Adult situations +18, Slight Smut, Spanking ,Slight Daddy kink
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A Climb Chapter Two
was two weeks later and you'd all but forgotten about your little interaction with the man of steel, well forgot repressed one of the two. You found yourself on a job with Clark, a bog standard peice on the the air quality in down town and you decided a birds eye veiw of traffic would suffice for the image maybe if you could get a traffic jam? That would be ideal. You made your way through town with him.
"So I want to do a birds eye view of downtown traffic, I was thinking by the shopping quater, you know where the shitty new intersection is?" He have you a side glance confused
"Yeah we could get a helicopter or somthing?" he said giving you a side glance you shook your head
"Nah no need I can find somewhere" he frowned at you stopping taking hold of your arm making you stop and face him
"Really theres no balconies there tho how would you get it?" You chuckled at him patting his arm always the sweet worry wort.
"Dont you worry Im a good climber Im sure I will find a way" his grip tightedn on your arm and he shook his head
"Absolutly not! no you are not risking your life for a photo we will do something else" you frowned that sounded familiar but you didn't dwell on it to irritated.
"Hey whoa I can do it Ive done it before-"
"I said no! You better not its to dangerous" he sounded stern you'd never seen him like this before, sweet lovable Clark trying to put his foot down? hell you didn't think he had it in him.
"Im serious" you sighed at him knowing you probably wont get any where with him
"Fine I wont god I will do something else" you said still intending to do it just without him knowing going to walk on he tugged you back to him pointing an accusing finger in your face.
"You say that like I dont know your still gonna try... I mean it y/n...You-you do and your ass is mine." You frowned tilting your head to stare at him
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"It means you disobey me on this and I'm gonna toast your ass your not climbing. You could fall and then what? No not going to happen" You took a step back blushing brightly at his words he gave you a look he was serious.
"What the fuck you sound just like the boyscout"
"Boyscout?" You scoffed tugging your arm free and walking around him
"Nevemind doesnt matter" he growled at your dismissal following you into the office. Nothing else was mentioned that day but you was seething for two reasons one how dare he threaten you like that and two how dare your body get aroused over it....So you will admit you have a crush on the big teddy bear, well if you call being hoplessly in love with him a crush. You packed up your things up still in a temper as Clark came up behind you tall and brooding.
"Y/n I meant what I said earlier dont do it I will find out." You sighed then turned to him smileing bright
"Good night Clark see you tomorrow" then slipped away from him and out of the building. Once home you changed and headed out down towards the shopping quarter, it wasn't long befor you found yourself 12 stories up on one of the flat roofs laying on your front head behind the camara hanging over the edge taking photos of the manic traffic so focused on the task you didnt notice a certain hero landing behind you until.
"HOLY SHIT!" you jumped rolling over as someone tapped you with there foot, laying on your side you glared at him
"YOU? Again? Are you fucking mad?! What the hell you sneaking up on me for-Hey wait what are you doing?" The fire was sucked out of your second question as he just sighed hoisting you up one arm around your waist you wiggled and kicked out
"Hey let go! Put me down!" you tried beating on his abdomen but just hurt your own hands.
"What did I warn you last time?" You froze as he sat on a low brick wall taking you across his lap. You screeched finally realizing what he had planned.
"No! nonononono stop its for work! Please it was for work dont Spank me I'm sorry! Dont you dare touch me!!" you tried scrabbling away hissing and screeching like a banshee swaying between sounding scared and small to firey and livid , you was silenced momentarily by a swift slap on the backs of your thighs. You quickly tried to smother your back end with your hands
"Yes Clark told me to watch out for you tonight he also told me that he'd warned you against climbing." You frowned
"CLARK!? As in Kent? How the hell do you know him?!"
"I've been doing interviews for him and Lois for months" he explained casually...you had completely forgot about that
"Wait hold on You spoke to him? When? How the hell did you start talking about me? Did-did you tell him to-IT WAS YOU!! YOU TOLD HIM TO THREATEN TO SPANK ME?!?" He chuckled if only you knew
"Somthing like that yes...They have both told me about you in past interveiws, the photographer who is always jumping in head first I wasn't convinced until I found you on the crane. Clark wasnt happy when I let him know what you've been upto so I may have suggested a solution." You kicked out trying to twist away from him but he took it all in his stride.
"How dare you!? you are not my fucking keeper and neither is he!! I don't have to answer to either of you now let gooo!"
"You are not going anywhere until I have met out your punishment. And you want to hope that Clark doesnt decided to add to it he was very angry... He loves you ,you know" you froze turning to face him blushing your heart fluttering befor shaking your head
"Wh-what? Bullshit" he collected your hands in one holding them behind you
"Yes he does thats why he asked me to look out for you and after this I will be dropping you off to him, I'm sure he will have alot to say knowing just how naughty you have been" you squirmed around trying to break free from him only now realizing that he had captured your hands but to no avail.
"NOO! no please please don't do that"
"Do what? spank you or hand you over?"
"Both!" He sighed and tilted you forward striking your bottom his large hand covering it entirely you yelped loud as another spank was placed then another igniting a quick burn in the seat of your sweats quickly one after another was placed and you cried and yelped each time as the heat built very quickly yet you could feel your panties getting damp as each jolt of his palm forced you to clench making your clit throb below you. He was methodical and patient he took his time rubbing soothingly between spanks as he carefully brought your ass to a stinging throb. You whined low embarrassed as you could felt yourself heating up all over your nipples hard rubbing against your bra as you rocked forward with each well placed open palm on you bottom. It hurt burned even but not as much as it could have.
"I hope you feel ashamed of your self right now, I have never had to resort to this with anyone ever. Your just a naughty little brat!" his scolding made you groan, his words went straight to your clit that was straining against your wet panties you rubbed your thighs together slightly trying to ease your arousal. He paused pulling down your sweats you bucked harshly wriggling trying to throw him off but he just held tight tucking the waist band down your thigh's before peppering stinging hot slaps across your twitching thighs. you cried fat tears falling as it sunk in just how humiliating this was. He paid no mind concentrating on the task at hand trying to hold back his excitement as he glimpsed your damp panties leaving bright red hand prints all across your thighs and bottom painting it red. You withered under his palm kicking out and wailing as he blistered your ass efficiency finally giving in you mewled loud weeping slumped across his lap no longer trying to escape but just taking it crying your heart out.
"Pl-please I'm sorry I wont do it again please!" How could this have been your fantasy? being spanked until you truly cry with no hope of getting away, you covered your face partly in humiliation as even as the thoughts crossed your mind your walls were twitching rippling in on themselves throbbing hot and leaking even with your burning bruised bottom somewhat on display
"There not such a brat now with a hot bottom are you? are you going to behave now?"
"Y-yes pl-please stop it hurts pleeeeaasse!" you felt mortified as you begged feeling another small flood of arousal stick your panties to your puffy lips, wetting your clit making you moan into your hands you were going to cum. You gasped through your tears as the thought struck you. You couldn't, you held back clenching tight trying to stop the warmth coiling in your tummy a punishment in itself trying to hold back not wanting to humiliate your self like that in front of any one least of all him. What if he told Clark? he'd think you was a freak. He left one final heavy spank across the bottom curve of your swollen red cheeks almost catching your pussy making it twitch so close to cumming on him that you began crying almost hysterically. He pulled up your sweats tilting you up right in front of him still sobbing holding your face wiping your face trying to stop the tear gathering your bag he tucked his arm below your sore ass making you hiss."Hold on" was all the warning you got before he took of from the roof heading back to the residential side of town landing on the roof. Placing you on your feet handing you your bag and opened the fire escape that lead into the building.
"Number 14 and I will be out here watching, if I have to come in there then you will get another spanking" you whined looking up at him pathetically.
"P-please take me home- I d-don't want to-"
"Get in there now young lady!" you squeaked running through the door not wanting to argue and risk getting another ass whopping from him. Once inside you crept down the stairs you knew where Clark lived, you'd been here a few times for coffee or going threw photos with him for the articles. You sniffed wiping your nose and eyes trying to pull yourself together you sighed and knocked quietly on his door head down not entirely sure what to expect you didn't have long to dwell on it  as he opened the door standing aside
"In" was all he said you shuffled in past him as he slammed the door shut you jumped whimpering feeling tears well again as you fidgeted in front of him.
"He told me already...Why? why did you disobey me?" you shrugged not looking up feeling ashamed that superman had aready told him what had happened. He lifted your face to look at him the crossed his arms
"Y/n I wont ask again" you avoided his eyes shifting from one foot to the other.
"I just wanted to get a good photo.... wasn't that high." he  locked his jaw tilting his head to the side before snapping at you
"High enough!! and if you fell, you know Im glad I asked him to watch out for you! I was terrified when he told me he found you up a fucking crane. A crane? y/n, but I though that a near death experience and a threat from him would do it but no, you just go running off doing what you want." you looked up at him
"Clark stop I'm hurt and upset and don't need a lecture from you! the only reason I'm here is because he made me. quit yelling at me!!"
"I know that, and Im glad he seems to have left an impression because thats what you need!"
"And how do you know what I need? WHy do you care anyway? no one asked you to!! just butt out!!" you shouted stomping at him throwing your bag to the floor wiping your eyes,upset, frustrated aroused and still confused as fuck. He squared his shoulders
"No I will not but out!!" you gripped your hair just about read to cry again
"Because I love you!" you gasped at him stepping back
"What?" you asked quietly shaking your head trying to back away he followed pulling you to him in a tight hug tucking you below his chin trapping you.
"I love you and I don't want to loose you, thats why I wont butt out, not any more, fuck sake I got superman to keep and eye out, I thought it'd be enough. Knowing that he was watching you, but its not. I want to be there, to look after you, protect you myself" you sniffled then wrapped your arms around him wetting his shirt with your silent tears shaking with your sobs everything was catching up to you, he sighed rubbing your back.
"I didn't mean to, I just wanted it to be good I was careful, I always am I promise"
"You were hanging off the side y/n thats not being careful" he scolded lightly hoisting you up getting you to wrap your legs around him you hissed as his hands settled on your ass he chuckled.
"Wow he did do a number on you huh? I can feel the heat through these bottoms" you flushed tucking your face into his neck.
"Claaarrk stop" you whined he just continued to his bed room taking you with him kissing your head.
"I'll let you off this time as he has done my job for me, but don't expect it again and Ive asked him to keep an eye out for you from now on" you nuzzled him as he laid down with you on his bed before pulling off your trainers and sweats you blushed trying to cover yourself not wanting him to see proof of you punishment he batted your hands away then whistled low
"Wow he really did lay into you..I can see why you came down he like he told you to...remind me to thank him." you pouted at him
"Nooo stooop it" rolling over hiding your face as he poked the underside of your cheeks peeking out from your panties. Before he leaned down placing a quick kiss on each making you jolt up he only pushed you back down trailing kisses up your back then sucked on the back of your neck you whined feeling his weight on top of you tilting your head to the side.
"Cl-clark what?-" he shushed you then started suckling lightly lathering your neck with his tongue and teeth you gasped rubbing your thighs together the feeling of his trousers on your hot skin made it sting in the best way your clit began throbbing you grinded it against the covers below you sighing, your not sure just how this happened but you didn't care in this moment choosing to indulge. He pulled back rocking lightly against you holding your hips still making you moan, spreading your legs trying to make him slip between them he did placing his knees at your thighs spreading them.
"And whats this?" you snapped out of it realizing your mistake trying to close your legs but it was to late as he moved a hand to your soaked panties, you tried dragging yourself from under him but he placed a solid hand to the curve of your back prodding at you, you arched keening as his fingers began to explore rubbing slow circles slowly building you up, you panted unable to stop rocking on him, coating your slit in your own arousal pulling his hand up before your face letting you see your own mess coating his fingers you turned away mortified he rolled beside you with a cheeky grin still waving his coated fingers in front of you.
"I wonder what caused this then? seems someone has a little secret" he wiped it off on the pillow by your face digging his fingers into your sore ass massaging a little making you moan
"Ah, I know maybe my little spitfire has just wanted to be tamed all along? I should have known, all the bratting and false bravado was just to get daddies attention... well now you have it, and you'll have to endure it" you tensed as his voice lowered as he whispered in your ear you shuddered before leaning in kissing him innocently at first but quickly taking your breath away as he cupped the back of your head tasting you it felt like he trying to devour you just as quick as it began he pulled back with a cheeky grin.
"Good night babe" he lied down on his side dragging you close holding you against him.
"Wh-what Clark hey don't- you can't go to sleep now?" he peeked an eye open at you
"Your not getting to cum tonight oh no after the stunt you pulled? or have you forgotten. Maybe tomorrow if you behave" you gaped at him slapping him lightly
"Noo thats not fair Clark you cant just leave me like this!" he gave a quick slap to your ass making you jolt against him
"Carry on you'll get another, now sleep we can talk in the morning" you pouted wriggling deeper into the covers
"Hey Clark... I-I love you to" you placed a quick kiss on his chest he just smiled hugging you closer.
"Good, now sleep"
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justiiceserved · 6 years
« Bury My Love »
This drabble is brought to you by painful headcanons from @warricrscribed & me of Casey’s experience when Alex was first taken into witness protection. Enjoy.
No one told her that her girlfriend was dead. Why would they? No one knew about them. They didn’t know that Casey was starting to lose her mind with worry. For three days, she thought Alex was just too busy for her. No phone calls, no emails, no surprise drop-ins to her office once everyone had gone home. But even when they fought, she didn’t just disappear like this.
No, she found out at an NYPD press conference. She was summonnd to stand among the crowd of D.A.s, lawyers, police officers, and even judges; an uncomfortable amalgamation built from her nightmares, surely. They wore black, their faces stiff, though that was nothing new. Casey stood toward the back of the room, lost in the crowd, and completely unsuspecting, until a police officer took the stage. She couldn’t see his face, just the shine of his bald head from this far back. Eyes narrowed. She looked around to her colleagues, then back to the stage, trying to hear what this was all about. And then he said it: “As most of you know, four days ago, on the night of September 29, 2003 at 10:27 PM, we lost one of our own, A.D.A. Alexandra Cabot.”
Casey blinked. No. Lips pursed. Ears rang. She couldn’t possibly have heard that right. She glanced around at the people around her. Their solemn expressions shifted from severity to grief, and her stomach dropped. Her hands went cold, but her cheeks burned. Her teeth grit so hard that her jaw began to ache. But she didn’t cry. She couldn’t cry. Hands balled into fists at her side, she swallowed the lump in her throat and forced herself to stand perfectly stoic until she was dismissed.
They were never supposed to be together, her and Alex... A couple. It was against all the rules. Alex was her mentor –– her boss, in a sense –– and a woman. But Casey was young, and perhaps a bit over-confident, and Alex was so unbelievably beautiful. Late nights together, staying up to discuss cases, to work on their arguments, researching precedents, began to lead to more. First to friendship, and then to the night when the youngest A.D.A. leaned in to kiss her. Alex had pulled back, afraid of the consequences, but Casey took her hand and she promised they were doing nothing wrong. No one needed to know. And their lips met by the fluorescent light of the old desk lamp.
Months, this had gone on. Stolen smiles across the courtroom. Momentary eye contact and hidden blushes. Private meetings that ran a little too long. Lunches at a little deli across town. Nights in each other’s apartments and beds. Hiding their truth brought on its own challenges and fights –– screaming matches in Alex’s kitchen, and tears on the balcony –– but it was worth every second. They had both loved before, but neither had loved like this.
Casey blew from the building like an ice storm onto the streets of Manhattan. The cold autumn wind bit at her skin and froze the tears stinging red rims beneath her eyes. She didn’t bother to look where she was going or dare to make eye contact with anyone passing by. The heels she wore left bloody blisters on her feet, but she couldn’t feel the pain anymore.
She found herself at Alex’s apartment well after sunset, hands shaking as she pulled out her key. It was messy, like someone had been there to look for something, and it briefly occurred to her that this might itself be a crime scene, but that didn’t matter. Still wearing her lilac wool jacket and heels, she curled up in the center of the older woman’s bed and closed her eyes. A loud, pathetic wail emanated from the back of her throat, her expression contorting as she began to cry. Clutching her own arm to her chest, Casey sobbed into the satin bedspread for what seemed like days, until at last she fell asleep.
The unforgiving sun blazed in, blinding her awake. Her head felt like someone had taken a hammer to it, her stomach churning. She blinked herself grumpily back to reality, looking out over the room. It felt so empty now. Too many memories of them, burned into its walls. A single nail traced over a hem in the blanket beneath her. Her lip still quivered. She needed to get out of here, but she couldn’t bring herself to move. She didn’t know where to go. She didn’t know what to do. There was just...nothing.
Casey sniffed, closing her eyes to steady herself against the overpowering helplessness. If she let it, sorrow would eat her alive. It would wrap its frozen tendrils around her arms and legs and waist and it would pull her down into its vacuum. Right now, that didn’t seem so bad.
Hazel eyes looked back out over the mess. Alex would hate it. And she would probably look at her now with a stiff lip and gentle eyes and tell her to get herself out of bed before she forgets how. She would remind her with a delicate firmness that one of them had to live. But all Casey wanted was just to feel her arms around her, and those lips pressed softly to her hair again.
Like a zombie, she pulled the dead weight of her limbs upright. She fixed her makeup in the bathroom mirror, and pulled her clothes straight. “No more tears, Novak. They won’t do any good now,” she muttered, brushing back her hair.
She strode out, ready to leave, but paused just for a moment. Her gaze landed on an oversized Yale tee at her feet, one she had seen Alex wear a dozen times to sleep. Casey pressed her lips together and snatched it from the floor. Balling it in her hand, she took off, refusing to let herself look back.
Casey skipped the funeral. It made things too real, and too complicated to explain. She couldn’t bear to see her name carved in stone, and it was just as well. She had a case to try that day; her first win, in Alex’s name. She ordered calla lilies to be delivered to the grave without a note, and went home.
Curled up on a leather chair in her own apartment, she pulled the t-shirt she had stolen tighter around herself. It still smelled like Alex; like the strange combination of coconut shampoo and citrus candles that made her so uniquely her. In one hand, she held a pen. In the other, she clutched the only polaroid of the two of them, taken at a conference in Chicago in August. Alex’s hand was around her waist, and the two stood a little too close for colleagues as they smiled for the camera. Hours later, they had gone out on the town together; their only real date. They held hands as they walked through the downtown streets, and kissed beneath a streetlight by their hotel. It was one of the best nights of her life.
She looked down at the paper in her lap and began to scribble:
I keep imagining you here with me; one arm around my waist, your body pressed against me. I think it’s the only way I’ll sleep tonight. I miss the way you felt.
I promise, one day, I’ll nail the bastard who did this to you... To us.
I love you, Cabot. I probably always will.
Carefully, she folded the note in half, and tucked the photograph inside. She shoved them inside a leather-bound book, and lifted a glass of wine to her lips. All she could do now was go on.
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bi-bi-byee · 7 years
SQ Week - AU 1 Celebrity - The Fools Who Dream.
Emma is a struggling actress and she gets the chance to meet her idol, the world renowned jazz singer Regina Mills. May be a tiny bit inspired by La La Land.
“No!” The blonde fell to her knees in a quick, desperate manner as her eyes began to fill with tears. She looked intensely at the three people sitting in front of her, all of whom seemed like they had more important places to be. She tried to ignore their lack of interest though and continued to give her best performance. She swallowed the imaginary lump in her throat and held her arms out in despair about to release a blood curdling scream in a final display of despair until the stout man sitting in the middle of the table raised a hand above his head in a concluding manner.
Emma Swan pulled herself off of the ground and wiped her tear filled eyes with the back of her hand. She waited for the casting directors in front of her to say something but was met with a deafening silence. “Um, thank you for taking the time to see me.” She spoke in a somewhat awkward tone, she had been on many auditions before and this was certainly the least vocal she had ever heard any producers be.
“Thank you, we’ll let you know by the end of the week.” The woman sitting on the end of the table said with a sickeningly false smile. Emma responded with a polite smile before walking out of the room, she was ninety nine percent sure that she would never hear from those people again.
The blistering heat from the LA sun burned down on her as soon as she exited the building, she practically ran towards the shadiest place she could find, unsure that she could ever get used to the weather in California. Just as she was about to brave the heat once again so she could reach her car, her cell phone began to buzz. ‘Hello?’ She answered, not bothering to check the caller I.D in her haste to stop the annoying noise.
‘Emma, please tell me you are still on for tonight?’ Her best friend Ruby chimed excitedly down the phone.
‘Oh my God, I completely forgot that concert was tonight. I’m so there. I still can’t believe you managed to get backstage passes!’ Emma  practically squealed, her not so great day was for sure going to turn around completely now that she had been reminded that she was not only going to a Regina Mills concert but she also had backstage passes to a Regina Mills concert.
‘Perks of working at the best recording studios in Downtown LA. I’ll pick you up at 7 okay?’
‘See you then.” Emma grinned and ended the call, the prospects of the evening ahead of her causing her to almost skip to her car, her disastrous audition just minutes ago being all but a distant memory.
To say that Emma Swan was a fan of Regina Mills would be an understatement, in fact she was borderline obsessed with her; not in a creepy stalker way though, more of a cute fangirly way. She never thought she would be into jazz music but Regina Mills had proven her wrong. There was something about her music which took her breath away, as soon as she heard the gentle chime of piano keys she was able to escape to anywhere in the world. She had previously attended a concert of Regina’s and she still described it as being the best night of her life. She may have been sitting at the back row of a sold out venue but she still found the entire experience to be extremely intimate, the way the brunette sang and the passion she showed when she played made you feel like it was just you and her, it was something that could not be replicated by anybody else and from that moment on Emma had known that Regina Mills was more than just any old singer on the radio.
Emma and Ruby had taken their seats at the very front of the balcony which gave them the perfect view of the stage and the glossy black piano which possessed the center of it. Emma was already mesmerised by the instrument in front of her and she stayed there staring at it for longer than would be considered normal much to the amusement of her friend sitting beside her. “You do know it’s not going to start playing by itself, right?”
The blonde was shaken out of her daydream and looked over at Ruby with a sarcastic smile. “Duh, I’m not an idiot.”
Ruby snorted and held back a laugh before taking in Emma’s appearance. She herself had put some effort into her outfit and hair but Emma had really gone all out. Her usually tied back hair was worn in loose waves with an elegant braid framing the crown of her head which alone would’ve taken Emma hours to perfect. She was also wearing more makeup than usual and a beige gown which she recognised was the same one that she had worn to a movie premiere a couple of months ago. The most shocking thing though was the pair of silver heels on her feet, they were definitely new, and she would have for sure borrowed them if she had seen them before. “You look amazing by the way, Em. I’m sure Ms. Mills will appreciate all the effort.” She winked across at the blonde, knowing how big of a crush she had on the singer despite how many times she had denied it.
Emma rolled her eyes in response and shrugged her shoulders like it wasn’t a big deal. “It’s not every day that you get to meet an icon, Rubes.”
Before Ruby had the chance to respond the lights had gone down and a roar from the crowd had escalated throughout the building. Emma’s full attention was once again drawn to the pristine instrument in front of her; a glaring light began to shine on it as the cheering only got louder. She could feel the hairs on her forearms begin to rise just with the anticipation of what was to come. In a matter of seconds her jaw had dropped slightly and her eyes were glued to the perfect figure only feet away. Regina Mills had entered the crowded room with the grace and elegance of a Queen, without having even said a word she had everybody hypnotized.
The brunette welcomed the crowd and took a seat at the piano, her fingers resting on the keys so naturally it was as if they were a second home to her. The room immediately fell silent as the first note played, a sound so gentle it could barely be heard followed by another and another which together sounded like a melody of pure heaven. Emma’s eyes gradually wandered away from Regina’s magical fingers and focused on that glorious face of hers, she looked exactly the same as she did in the magazines yet better if that was at all possible. She had the stature and power of a Greek Goddess yet the softness in her chocolate eyes made her seem unabashedly human. The blonde continued to gaze longingly into the pair of eyes which now seemed so unfairly far away from her and she noticed that with every key change in the music a different emotion would sweep over the singer be it that of love, anger or hurt, the brunette portrayed it perfectly. Emma had always thought it was cliché when artist said that their songs told a story but in Regina’s case this was nothing but the truth and Regina’s stories were the ones that she wanted to hear over and over again.
Before she knew it Regina was saying her goodbyes and thanking the crowd for coming out, Emma shook herself out of her reverie and found herself beaming down at the brunette. She was on her feet just like everybody else was and was applauding with all her might, the pure adoration she had for this woman being clear for all to see. Once the brunette left the stage she couldn’t help but feel disappointed, her ears were now filled with idle chatter and her eyes were insulted by a roomful of bright lights and a dirty curtain which covered the entire stage. Why was it that moments so perfect always passed by so quickly?
Ruby had noted Emma’s behaviour throughout the concert, to be honest she wasn’t the biggest fan of Regina’s music, she preferred something which you could dance and get blind drunk to but she did find it truly beautiful just how much Emma was in love with it. She had noticed the way that Emma’s lips had been drawn into a permanent smile for the full ninety minute show and she had noticed the way that the blonde’s eyes were moist with emotion; she had even noticed the goosebumps which patterned her arm whenever Regina hit any note higher than a B flat.  Yeah, Emma Swan certainly had it bad for Regina Mills. “You ready to go meet your Queen?” She asked her friend excitedly and nudged her arm playfully before digging through her purse to pull out the backstage passes.
A sudden nervousness struck her as she remembered that she actually got to meet Regina Mills. Her legs followed quickly behind Ruby, her mind seemingly dragged behind as she frantically began to think of what to say to her, I mean, what can you say to the person that you’ve admired for the best part of ten years, the person who helped shape you into who you are today and the person that you hold above almost everybody else on this planet? Emma flopped into the back of Ruby as the other woman halted, completely unaware that she had come to a stop. “Uh, sorry. Are we here already?”
“Yeah, it’s backstage not the other side of town. Jeez Em, pull yourself together.” Ruby chuckled and rested her hands on Emma’s shoulders when she noticed just how panicked and frantic she looked. “Hey, you got this.”
A deep breath passed the blonde’s lips as she looked into her friends eyes. “What if I say something stupid?”
“Then I’m sure that she’ll find it charming.” Ruby smiled earnestly, Emma may be an actor but sometimes she wasn’t the best with words. She did have a great smile though which often made even the most ridiculous, random or bizarre thing that she said instantly amiable.
“Oh God, okay. You go first.” Emma said as confidently as she could and nodded her head to bring herself back in the moment. Ruby grinned and held out her pass to the security guard at the stage door, Emma followed her with the exact same motion and the two of them were led to a small room which was lined with a table full of champagne glasses and a fruit bowl which sat in the middle of them, which was weirdly filled with only the reddest of apples.
Ruby helped herself to a glass of champagne whereas Emma decided against it, not trusting her usually clumsy self to be anywhere near anything glass or wet when in the same proximity as her idol. A few moments passed before the door behind them opened and Regina walked into the room in the exact same graceful manner than she had done when she first entered the stage. Emma felt her heart about stop as the star’s eyes met hers and a hearty smile covered her red lips. Ruby noticed Emma’s state of being completely starstruck and bounded over to the singer with an introduction of herself which provided Emma some valuable time to pull herself together.
“And this is my friend, Emma.” Ruby held out her arm between both Regina and Emma and excused herself almost immediately to get some more champagne which is where she remained for the remainder of the two women’s interaction, not wanting to third wheel, so to speak.
“Hi, Emma.” Regina spoke in a rich tone, her voice just as smooth in speech as it was in song.
“Hi.” Emma managed to muster, a smile as big as the moon sweeping over her features.
“Did you enjoy the show?” The brunette asked, her own smile enhancing just from seeing the delight on the blondes face.
The smile on Regina’s lips was possibly the most beautiful sight that Emma had ever seen and strangely it seemed to soothe her nerves, the warm look in those brown eyes was one that she knew she would remember forever. “It was amazing. You are amazing.”
“Thank you dear that is always nice to hear.” Regina let out a chuckle which was like music to Emma’s ears.
“Your music is just. Wow. It’s helped me so much, whenever I need to project a certain emotion into a character or take on another role I always study your songs, each one is just so magical.” Emma bit down on her bottom lip completely aware that if she didn’t she would continue to ramble for hours on end and that was definitely something she did not want to risk doing.
Regina’s eyebrow quirked at the information she had just received and put two and two together. “Oh, you’re an actor? Would I have seen you in anything?” She asked continuing to be in awe of the younger woman’s smile.
“Not unless you study background characters in The Young and the Restless. I’m still breaking into the industry I guess.” Emma laughed, a little embarrassed at her own lack of success when standing in front of a multiple Grammy award winner.
The brunette paused for a moment and began to contemplate an issue in her head before going with the decision that she knew she would not regret. “You know I might be able to help you with that.”
Emma’s eyebrows shot up at what Regina had just said, the simple art of Regina breathing was enough to help her so whatever the brunette had in mind was sure to be out of this world. “You can? Really? I mean I would hate for you to go out of your way.”
Okay, so maybe it was incredibly stupid to be meeting up with a fan outside of work hours but for some reason she seemed gravitated towards the other woman. Like some sort of magical effect was pulling her towards her. She knew that her agent would likely kill her but whatever; some people were worth that risk. “It’s no hassle dear, how about we discuss it over coffee on Monday? I have a no show day so caffeine is allowed. Can you believe I can only drink water most of the time?”
“I… Yes. Oh my God, that would be so cool.” Emma grinned and was half expecting to wake up from a crazy dream right about now.
“May I have your cell phone number? I’ll get my agent to text you, I would do it myself but my security is rather tight and they don’t ever loosen up until at least the third date.” Regina smirked, finding the other woman’s sheer delight to be absolutely adorable.
Emma’s eyes grew to the size of saucepans at Regina’s ‘joke’ and she fumbled in her purse for a piece of paper and a pen to write down her number. Thankfully she found an old receipt in there and she scribbled down her digits as quickly and as neatly as she could before handing the crumpled piece of paper over to the singer. “Thank you so much, Regina.” She found herself saying without her brain even realising, her mind instead doing somersaults at the sudden turn of events.
“You’re welcome; I shall see you on Monday. It was lovely meeting you, Emma.” Regina pulled the blonde into a warm hug before sauntering off back to her dressing room, her hand wrapped tightly around the cell phone number in her hand.
Emma stood frozen for a good two minutes after Regina had left the room, she could still feel Regina’s warm grasp around her and could still smell the rich cinnamon of her scent. She was only brought out of her trance when Ruby once again awoke her from it, this time with a tap on the shoulder. “Ruby, oh my god. You will never guess what just happened?!”
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