#my first fandom other than rescue bots
eynnwwyjth · 1 year
Did I mention I used to write how to train your dragon fanfics?
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sphnyspinspin · 2 years
Hey guys, I kind of have an idea that’s just been wracking around in my brain.
We are all familiar with these terms in Transformers, correct? (Let me know if I missed any)
Conjux Endura: A transformers significant other, an individual that they deeply love.
Amica Endura: A transformer’s long-term best friend.
Okay. Now imagine there being a third NEW Endura. Like-canonically.That I feel like would be super cool. Especially with the new found-family tropes going on with the more light-hearted transformers shows. *gestures towards Rescue Bots, Rescue Bots Academy, and Earthspark*
Let me gather my thoughts for second. Okay, these terms are most definitely Latin decent(but let’s pretend they are not at all related to earth or something for intriguing purposes), with Endura meaning to last, to carry out, and endure. Conjux referring to a spouse, a mate, a consort, literally just romantic marriage. Amica means a beloved friend, a best friend.
Considering that the transformers species are immortal, these pacts are way more important and special than just regular confessions of love and friendship.
If you’ve been in the transformers fandom for a very long time, well, compared to me, whose been in the fandom for-less than a year, any of you who are reading this post and have part of this fandom for more that five months is way longer than my time spent here. A-Anyways, I’ve seen lots of rants and discussions over how-OMG they are such a good father figure-or mother figure-or parental/mentor figure to this character in transformers. And trust me when I say this, I AM ALL FOR IT.
So hear me out….
Filial Endura
Filial Endura: A transformers adopted offspring.
Filial is of or due to a son or daughter, or any gender in this case.
THINK ABOUT IT. Just imagine there being a NEW form of Endura within the transformers universe. A new way of raising the new generation through teaching them YOUR own experiences. Not to mention you’ll literally be bonded to them so it just ups the amount of care and patience you’ll have to put into them, as a parent figure.
AND THATS NOT EVEN THE BEST PART! Imagine how wholesome the Filial Ritus could be! It would definitely be similar to how a parent tries to connect with their child, and like most parent-offspring relationships, this ritus can’t be complete within a day.
What separates the Filial Endura from the other two, is that it takes time to grow, as the child (in a familial sense) grows up (in a mature and age sense) with their new and old surroundings with the parent. There will absolutely be more ups and downs, they’ll get into arguments, they probably won’t agree on everything that is important to the other, and they will most likely not be the same person that performed the first act long ago. The parent and the child will be different people by the end when the ritus is complete. The whole point of this new endura is that they can love each other unconditionally, to help each other grow into good people, especially help the child grow into a good person, or even the child helping the parent grow into a better person. What matters is that they’ll love each other no matter what.
Each act will be long-term, meaning that it doesn’t just stop after one step at a time, you have to keep on doing it, as long as the other is growing.
Acts of devotion: devoting one’s time to each other, so the other may feel like they’re in a safe space to express themselves freely.
Acts of responsibility: for everything one teaches the child, one must be responsible for how they are taught to perceive the world.
Acts of affection: they show their love through different ways, depending on how different their love language is (ex: gift giving, hugging, playtime, or just talking to each other)
Acts of discipline: no matter how much you love each other, each of them can make mistakes and need to be disciplined as a lesson and a punishment; it also matters how and why they are being disciplined as to build trust in the future.
I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if there is anything I could change to make this make more sense. The four steps were completely made at the top of my head, I hope they can convey they right amount of the complicated aspects of parent within less than five sentences.
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Time for more Earthspark appreciation! This time let's focus on one of my favorite moments with a new character, Nightshade!
Of course, Spoilers if you haven't seen the show!
Nightshade made quite a stir in the fandom and beyond by being the first explicitly nonbinary bot, and everything about their introduction as such is very carefully crafted. I'd like to point out my favorite details while also squeeing about how utterly adorable they and their siblings are.
First, we get three whole new Terrans, and they're all absolutely precious! Not to mention beautifully designed and way taller than their older siblings!
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OP is absolutely delighted to see them, and immediately drops closer to their level so he can introduce himself, expressing sincere welcome and asking them their names. Much like Twitch and Thrash, they're not quite sure at first. That tracks pretty well considering they're about five minutes old!
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Thankfully Robby and Mo know the drill, and through their connection they're able to help two of their new siblings discover their names.
From this we learn two important things about each bot; their names and their pronouns. Robby introduces Hashtag with she/her, and Mo introduces Jawbreaker as he/him. As an important setup for later, Nightshade introduces themselves with only their name and an incredibly sweet greeting indicating their confused delight at having been brought into existence.
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Look at them, precious little bow and everything. I would die for every single Malto but especially them.
Next, it's time for a plan to rescue Dot, and the new additions to the family are eager to help! Optimus takes them all to a rest stop and they begin forming their strategy with what they have on hand. This results in STILL more cuteness.
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Lookit that little face and Mo's adorable expression of concentration I simply can't ahhhhhhh this show is non-stop sweetness!
Now onto the scene in question, which I wish I could GIF in HD because there's SO MUCH but here we go!
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Nightshade asks to be represented by the bobble head, and looks to Optimus for permission to do so.
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Optimus, being a gigantic dad, happily complies - but hesitates when he realizes he doesn't know how to refer to the young bot. He pauses and looks uncertainly to Mo.
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Nightshade goes quiet and their optics begin to glow, a sign that they're emoting strongly enough for it to go through their connection. They appear nervous as they look to Mo, sitting more tensely and setting their lip in a line as an unspoken communication compels their big sister to nod in understanding.
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Mo speaks for them gently, stating their pronouns with a level of firmness that reads as polite but quite protective. She may only be a fraction of their height, but you can tell she'd fight for her little sibling and their identity. I really have to commend her VA for this and so many other scenes! Nightshade adds a small addendum that he or she simply doesn't fit for them, speaking for themself with the help of their sibling's support.
Optimus, whose respect for pronouns is now canonized, apologizes and makes it a point to address them properly. Nightshade relaxes and the nervous glow in their optics fades as they share another little moment with Mo.
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Then my heart simply exploded from the cute.
I know I'm not alone in being incredibly impatient for more Earthspark, but the introduction of Nightshade and the other Terrans has me on the edge of my seat, and moments like this are the reason why! These characters all care so deeply about one another, every moment they're on screen is such a delight. Thank you for geeking out about the little details with me while we wait!
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red-balloon12 · 1 year
A more put together rant/review for Murder Drones EP: 6
(Spoilers Below)
Okay…so now that I’m more calmed down about the recent murder drones episode, I can express my thoughts a bit more….calmly.
So first off: Tessa and J-
I really thought the main group was gonna fight Tessa and J but I was surprised when they didn’t. I don’t have that many thoughts for J but seeing N and V reunite with J was pretty sweet (if only Uzi shut up about killing J for once. That would have been nice) but as for Tessa, Tessa was pretty badass, the whole thing worth the raptors not being able to handle the sight of actual blood was interesting. And that kinda adds to the whole thing about the humans trying to wipe out the drones asap. Despite Tessa helping the group, I don’t fully trust her and I feel like N and Uzi (mostly N) is/are gonna have to fight her at some point.
The “New Bots”, Moose Head and Cowboy Egg Baby-
I mildly enjoyed these too. They kinda remind me of those characters you see in a zombie apocalypse that’s been there for a while and had gotten the hang of how things worked. Moose Head obviously knows Uzi’s mom and it seems like the show is setting up a SU like resolution where Uzi’s mom as actually kinda bad and did some horrible stuff both on her own and under the influence of the Absolute Solver. Moose Head also knew how to deal with the disassembly drones. Putting magnets on their heads. I don’t think anyone said anything about the magnets yet so I’m gonna. I wonder if the magnets are gonna come back. That was a very interesting piece lore that literally no one’s talking about.
As for the egg boi….I don’t have a lot to say about him except….baby. Precious baby.
And now for the part you’re probably waiting for…
Nuzi and V’s death-
I know I’m in the minority when I say this…and I know this isn’t what the NUzi shippers need right now but I need to say it so that I can have clarity.
I can’t or will never be able to ship/support Nuzi as long as V is dead.
I know this is petty of me but please let me explain my reasoning.
The fact that Nuzi’s first sign of mutual attraction came in the SAME episode as V’s death rubs me the wrong way for several reasons. First of all, N’s feelings for Uzi legit came out of no where. Before episode 6 it was clear that Uzi had a thing for N but nothing in the past episodes gave me an indication that N liked Uzi back in that way. We know that N deeply cares for Uzi, yes but his way of caring for her gave me “big bro” vibes rather than “I’m in love with you” vibes.
N’s mutual attraction to Uzi doesn’t feel earned to me. It just feels shoe horned in so we can finally say that N and Uzi do like each other. And I don’t need N to be like “yeah! I love Uzi!” But they could have given us N longingly glancing at Uzi while she’s fighting or when she isn’t looking. SOMETHING to indicate N did like her back. My dude didn’t even blush once at Uzi before episode 6.
And then we have V’s death. V’s death ALSO doesn’t feel earned because like I said in my pre post about this, V’s been sidelined for the majority of this show. I know for a fact that there’s people in the fandom that didn’t give a damn about her death/celebrating her death and as malevolent as that is, I can’t fully blame them because V’s role in the show didn’t have much impact in the grand scheme of things. Her time with N and Uzi consisted of her terrorizing Uzi, keeping things from N and even temporarily killing him and needing to be rescued by the both of them. And through out the episodes, this formula mostly doesn’t change.
Sure there’s the scenes where she’s looking at how N and Uzi interact and she’s probably feeling left out and less sure about her chances with N, but there wasn’t a time where N or Uzi (especially Uzi) had a real heart to heart with V that would warrant the audience feeling bad for V/caring about her death. There’s a reason why the majority of people pissed about her death and also eNVy shippers.
And then when V finally gets that big amount of growth for her character, she dies. It just feels so cheap. Like I’ve been cheated out of what could have been V finally accepting N not liking her back anymore and her supporting N and Uzi while still helping them. Or even that and her staring to be better and that revives N’s love for V as well.
V didn’t have to die for NUzi to happen. She didn’t have to die period. She SHOULDN’T have to die. Her death (as well as the feelings the scene is trying to provoke) feels unearned and unnecessary. Until I get confirmation that this isn’t what the writers were trying to do, I’m blaming V’s death on NUzi and that’s why can’t ship NUzi. If the show just TRIED harder to utilize V more, I’m convinced we could have had both NUzi AND eNVy but instead, NUzi is canon and V’s dead.
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signanothername · 11 months
Bonus for Blades:
Blades and Bumblebee: Ngl, when B made his last appearance I was genuinely so happy to hear him admit that he saw Blades as a true friend. Most star struck relationships tend to be one sided or remark how one member is clearly better than the other. But here’s bumblebee, one of transformers most popular characters, seeing Blades as an equal. My man didn’t even make fun of the name “bumbleblades” Love him. I also love how in Academy Blades has accepted that equality. Still putting B’s name high, but talking to him like an actual friend rather than someone he wants to be friends with/impress. I headcanon that, that transition for Blades happened after he and Dani had to move to China. The two B’s having to deal with being leaders probably gave them a lot to talk about. I also head canon that Blades totally forgot to tell B any of this. One day B shows up at GR or viceversa and gets thrown in the face:
“Oh yeah! I’m in China now! Heh, a lots happened. New location, new team, new mission (bonus if he’s saying this in primal form: new form too, IG… forgot to tell you about that one with the whole energon eater crisis”
Also, I’ll never let go of the fact that the rescue bots are all older than Bumblebee, even if only by a little.
Blades and Blurr: Kinda with like Kade, Blades can only take so much of Blurr, to his credit however, he does try. This is the classic awkward duo where they’ll be together in a room and go like “so… nice weather, huh?” It’s the one relationship where you can tell Blades is older. Not only is he shown in a more experienced light, but he also does that grampa thing of trying to get you exited for something he is only for Blurr to shut it down.
Blades and Salvage: this is completely headcanon, but I figure they get along. Salvage is a creative like Boulder and I can see Blades just enjoy watching him come up with something new. I noticed but didn’t mention that when it comes to Boulder and Blades they sorta take turns being the grounded one. Whenever Boulders exited Blades seems to be more down to earth, even when they’re still doing the crazy thing, and viceversa. Point is, I see Blades taking that more grounded (even if exited) role with Salvage, only with no switching like with Boulder.
Hell yaaaaaaaa!!!!!
Ok sharing more thoughts >:)
And I agree! The thing is, I love how their relationship develops on both sides!
During Bee’s first appearance he seemed a tiny bit uncomfortable with Blade’s excitement and tendency to be physically affectionate
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And that’s completely understandable this is literally their first time meeting and Blades is already very affectionate towards Bee
Their second meeting in “Odd Bot Out” goes a lot better and Bee seems more open towards Blades
They fist bump like two bros hell yaaaaa
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Then their last meeting episode in S4 and you can truly tell Bee is super fond of Blades and truly sees him as a best friend, it’s genuinely so nice and that episode was so heartwarming to watch ugh 😭❤️🌷✨
Look at Bee’s smile when Blades hugs him this time!!!!
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All the team seems to have grown so much including Blades and I’m ngl I’m kinda sad we haven’t seen these developments, like it would’ve been nice to have a show taking part in between Rescue Bots and Academy where it focuses on the Sigma-17 team as they journey through their new mission, or at least a S5 of RB covering that
But you can tell how much Blades has grown not only with his relationships but also as a person, he seems to have a lot better control over his anxiety and generally seems a lot more confident in himself and it’s so nice to see
And omg I approve of that headcanon, I think Blades’ mission could definitely be a great connection point between the two
And hell ya the rescue bots are older!!! I get the idea of the fandom thinking the rescue bots are young and I completely agree, they’re definitely young, however I don’t believe they’re really as young as the fandom thinks
They’re obviously way younger than OP and Hightide, but they’re definitely not way younger than Arcee or Bulkhead, i’d even say they’re around their age just slightly younger
They all know what a Decepticon is, meaning they have to be old enough to witness Megatron’s rising, Heatwave mentions Starscream by name, meaning he knows of the lieutenant, and that could only happen as long as the war happened, hell Heatwave is canonically a lobbing champion (three years running might I add) which can’t happen if the planet is at war can it?
What I’m getting at is that they’re old enough to have lived on Cybertron before the war even began, they assume their HQ is still active cause they woke up from stasis not knowing how much time has passed since their departure
Bee on the other hand, has been one of the last Sparks to be created before the well of Allsparks died, he was created during the war, unlike the rescue bots who were created way before the war even began
And who’s not to say the Rescue Bots HQ never operated during the war? Rescue teams are definitely needed during a war when buildings fall and people die, at least that’s what i love to think, is that the RB HQ definitely operated during the war, before it got wiped outta existence that is
So yep, I’m team “the rescue bots are actually older than Bee and Smokescreen”
Blades and Blurr: wheeze omg I wholeheartedly agree! Blurr is too much of a hothead for Blades to wanna deal with him too much, Blades is probably thankful HW is the one dealing with him and is actually surprised by the amount of patience he shows with Blurr
That being said, I feel like outside training and rescues there definitely would be a bit of dissonance between them, and both are a bit impatient, so neither will want to deal with the awkwardness or having to go through what the other is planning
Blurr either needs another hothead to keep him in check (Heatwave), or someone calm enough to deal with his impulsive behavior (Salvage), Blades definitely wouldn’t know how to deal with him
Blades and Salvage: ooooohhhh I love the way you think!
Salvage is generally really calm, kind and understanding, he and Boulder are similar in that regard, only less chaotic than Boulder, so Blades would definitely get along really well with him
And omg I never really noticed that thank u for pointing out these little details hzhzhzhzj, but it absolutely makes sense as Blades used to have a grounded alt mode so he’s definitely a lot more comfortable with being grounded rather than hanging in the air, and it’s nice to see how he becomes grounded when Boulder isn’t around, shows how he subconsciously does the thing he used to do
And ah it’s honestly nice to think of Blades and Salvage teaming up, I think they’d be great! :D
Honestly thinking about Blades’ relationships with others is so fun hahaha
And the show is genuinely such a masterpiece when it comes to its characters, you can tell how much thought were put into every character and I think that’s amazing <333
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rescue-ram · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
@marley-manson also tagged me!!! Love to ya both 💕
I'm gonna go ahead and shout out my Trapper Epic The Courage to Be. It's in progress but I'm really excited and proud of it. The first chapter I think is some of my best writing, it's coming along well, and I have sooo many ideas for it. I want to write the Trapper fic I've always wanted to read, and I'm trying to get into some deeper themes. It looks at Trapper as a closeted gay man, who's year at the 4077th is both the happiest he's ever been (he's in love, the atmosphere is so weird he can let down his guard and be more "gay" than at home, he learns doesn't have to prove anything) and the worst year of his life (the obvious reasons!!) And then he loses all of that... it's about to get really good y'all and I already think it's pretty damn good :3
Of my other two published MASH fics I'm gonna link The Time Has Come For Us to Say Sayonara. Absolute shout-out to TrapHawk HotFerret for unlocking my Id Vortex (which is funny bc no one has sex in that fic) but it's so weird lol. Sayonara was fun to write because it was a slightly different headcanon of what happened to Trapper than I'll be writing in Courage, and it's always fun to look at the way MASH shifted from S3 to S11. It's got a good mix of feels, from humor to angst to romance. I think a lot of peeps will like it.
I really like a lot of my X-Men fic, it was hard to pick two.
Manifiesta deserves a shout out. It's set in an imaginary peaceful future, and is a mix of "Disaster Summers Family" humor fluff and intergenerational trauma angst. It was my first time writing Alex and I think it's good- Alex's daughter manifests her powers, and everyone gets together to celebrate, and Alex slowly gets pushed to a break down as he tries to deal with all of the extremely mixed emotions the event raises. If you like messy family dynamics, give it a read.
In The Bleak Midwinter is a Christmas fic, weaving three short stories together. It contrasts Logan and Scott's relationships with their brothers with their relationship with each other. There's some strong religious themes that I thought were nuanced and had fun exploring. Again, I'm really proud of the first chapter, and I put some work into making sure there was a continuity of imagery between the chapters to highlight the contrasts. I think there's a lot of feels and angst, as well as familial warmth and "neither platonic nor romantic but a secret third thing" to be felt in this fic.
I'm gonna cheat slightly and half rec two of my Rescue Bots fics.
The Rites series came to me fully formed in a fucking fugue state, and every two years or so I contemplate the orb and write another chapter. It's very canon compliant and a look at a human-nonhuman, mortal-immortal relationship, with a lot of world building fleshing out the source material. I think the second installment is strongest. However I can't go nuts about this fic, because I have to ponder the orb again and finish it...
a child of god, much like yourself is a complete stand alone story. It encapsulates a lot of my headcanons about pre-war Cybertron, in the form of a love story between a man and his deeply profoundly flawed God. It's literally about the implications of a caste based society divided between a purpose built slave caste and nsturally occuring life, and the revelation that there's no difference between the two but nothing the two POV characters can do about that, and more metaphorically about what it means to be human. HOWEVER you probably have to be on 8 layers of Transformers lore to understand it XD I hope that doesn't put anyone curious off from trying it- as someone who's first piece of Transformers media was LITERALLY Eugenesis I know something about jumping into this fandom with both feet... but I also know this is a Lore Dense fic, lol.
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asmoteeth · 2 months
2, 7, & 9 for the fandom ask game
A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
Your favorite tropes to read/write/draw!
Ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Gonna use the RB+RBA fandom since it's what my profile is currently about :3
One of headcanons I wasn't really sure about at first was transfem Blades! I felt like it was meant as a way to avoid adressing his obvious queer-coding writing; however, I have come to like the idea of Blades (and Heatwave too but that's another story) having an identity closer to the femme side, too much mechs in rescue bots anyways if you ask me,,, and you could say he's #mothering too--*gets shot*
Honestly I love a lot of stuff: I like drawing cutesy stuff the most, as you may have noticed, and that's also why most of my art revolves around shipping xP (when I was younger my mother didn't like me drawing or writing anything related to love, so I guess that's why I'm going all in now with the cute shippy art). But I also love super dramatic scenarios! I love drawing or writing characters fighting in fact, it's super fun to describe fight moves or make angry expressions and represent tense moments. If you're refering to internet tropes: friends to lovers/rivals to lovers has to be my fav, I also love found family and that one specific trope of characters confessing secrets in crash outs (you can see why "More than Meets the Eye is my fav ep).
I think it has to be Heatshadow! Normally I prefer the poly-rescue shenanigans because they all have a close tight bond with eachother, and they make a super fun polycule that isn't explored very much -shruggie- but Heatshadow isn't really on my mind all the time to be considered my OTP. Honestly I don't have a lot of OTPs, there has to be a few I am specially attached to and the rest of them are all ships available since I'm a multishipper, not really fan of that whole "I ship that character with another one so your ship makes me uncomfortable!" if there's a ship I can probably say something positive about it. So all in all, Heatshadow isn't my otp but I tots enjoy it as any other ship, plus, it gives Hotshot a cool step-mom ;3
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neonpaperlanterns · 2 years
Da Rules
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Hello all, I’m Neon and here are some things I should probably go over being an ask blog.
So first of all I want to say that I reserve my right to reject any request that either makes me uncomfortable or I do not feel qualified to be writing. Though really I don’t believe anyone needs a reason to not write something. But anyways onto the rest.
What am I okay with?
So I am open to most scenarios, safe for work and not safe for work. I tend to prefer writing named characters but I don’t write for other people’s OC’s so reader-inserts are obviously welcomed. 
Also if you have any questions about my rules by all means ask.
Fandoms I will write for
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Bleach(I haven’t seen past the arrancar arc so be warned)
Cult of the Lamb
Dark Crystal (Movie and series)
Hazbin Hotel
Resident Evil Village
One Piece 
Over the Garden Wall (No smut)
Poppy Playtime (Tentative NSFW)
Red Vs. Blue
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003, 2012,2014-16, and 2018)
That's not my Neighbor
Transformers(Tfp, Tfa, bayverse, rid2015, and rescue bots)
Troll Hunters
I will add more fandoms as time goes on.
What am I not okay with?
Some hard no’s
Vomit, scat, waterspotting
Blood Play
All of these make me incredibly uncomfortable and any requests for the first two especially will be blocked.
Something new I discovered is that um no orgy requests please. I don’t know, I'm just not down for that. You want a NSFW threesome that’s cool but more than three people I’m just gonna have to say no thank you.
Fandoms I don’t write for
Dragon Ball Z
Five Nights at Freddy’s
The Boys
There are more but my mind is utterly blank.
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New pinned post time!! 🏔️🌄🏔️
This is longer than most intros I've done, so I'll leave it under a readmore for all our sakes
You can call me Ann or Bee (although I'm open to other nicknames as well)! I used to be @/chaotic-bumblebee-agenda, but had to switch it up because of a stalker classmate. Funzies :).
My new url is lyrics from the song Sympathy by Declan McKenna, my favourite artist.
I'm a Catholic (@little-lost-daughter is my Chrumblr) high school student who loves all things fantastical and yellow 💛. I like Legos, Webtoons, and fictional firefighters, detectives, and FBI agents.
I'm also a proud member of the Rogue Squadron :)).
@mylovelyrose is where I hoard my aesthetic trinkets and such.
Active fandoms/currently watching:
- Anastasia Broadway
- The Dragon Prince (in progress)
- The X-Files (in progress and liveblogging)
- Lego Ninjago + Dragons Rising (completed + up to date)
- Jupiter-Men (up to date)
- Chicago Fire (up to date)
- Lego Monkie Kid (up to date)
- White Collar (in progress and liveblogging)
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine (in progress)
- Criminal Minds (in progress and liveblogging)
- Percy Jackson and the Olympians (show) (in progress and liveblogging)
- 9-1-1 (up to date)
- Psych (completed)
- Chicago PD (in progress)
- 9-1-1: Lone Star (incomplete, on hold)
- My Adventures With Superman (up to date)
- Generator Rex (in progress and liveblogging)
- Transformers Prime (in progress with occasional liveblogging)
- Transformers: Rescue Bots (rewatch in progress)
- Transformers: Robots in Disguise (in progress)
My liveblogging is all under '[media] commentary' (although the One Chicagos are under 'fire/pd time', respectively).
- Outer Banks (in progress)
- Young Justice (i. progress and liveblogging)
I WILL spam gifsets from my movies and shows at random intervals - most commonly 911, 911: Lone Star, Chicago Fire, Criminal Minds, and White Collar. Be prepared to block tags if they're bothering you.
Characters I am obsessed with an unhealthy amount include: Judd and Grace Ryder, Arrio McKay, Evan "Buck" Buckley, Adam Ruzek, Cole (The Lego Ninjago Movie (but also very much the show)), Blake Gallo, Sam Carver, Commander Gren, Boromir, Bumblebee, Neal Caffrey, and Dean McCoppin. If I get started about any one of them I will Not Shut Up so tread carefully lol.
I write fanfiction and original fiction! My ao3 is sunshineandgoldenbraids, and my writeblr (which I'm still a bit of a lurker on when it comes to original posts) is @all-the-writerly-things. I might be making a new ao3 soon as my stalker knows my first one, and if that happens I will add it here.
I love OC/WIP asks, so never hesitate to send those in (though it might take me a hot couple months minute to get to it)!
My main WIP has the placeholder title The Rising Royals, but I'm really disliking that name, so hopefully I can come up with something better soon.
Ground rules
- No inappropriate/nsfw asks/DMs
- Please don't DM me to be friends unless we're mutuals and have interacted through tags/comments a little bit. I'm sure you have good intentions, but unless you have a specific purpose aside from just chatting, it usually makes me uncomfortable.
That being said,
a) if we're mutuals and are preferably somewhat familiar with each other, feel free to reach out! I love making friends, but I'm too scared to DM people for fear of being annoying lol. So yeah! If that's the case, dw, I will be very happy to hear from you!
b) Asks are fine, whether we're mutuals or not! Questions, ask chains, and kind messages and random comments and such don't bother me in the slightest, no matter how little we know each other :)
Alright, I'll add to this later if I think of anything else to include 👍
*Two-fingered salute* Ann out
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karlyanalora · 2 years
Birth of a Fanfic Writer
When I was seven, my mom bought a giant roll of perforated printer paper. I rolled it out on my cousin’s carpeted living room and got down on my belly, colored pencils in hand, and drew horse after horse. I named them all and as I drew them, I spoke aloud the story of their lives as it burst into existence within my head.
In 2005, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe came out in theatres. I watched it at home with my family. I remember being in Costco with my dad and him picking out the boxset of the books to go with the DVD, promising to read them to me. Such was the start of a tradition, but that’s a tale for another time. The important bit was dancing in the front yard under the aspen tree, imagining myself beside Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter. They were soon joined by Codename: The Kids Next Door, of which Numbah Five and Numbah One were my favorite. There must have been others, but those are the only two I can remember. My first fandoms if you will.
I don’t remember how old I was when I started, but on long car rides I would be arm myself with a pencil and a brand new notebook. I started many stories that way, writing out the first few chapters before I burned out. I only remember the plot of one. I had recently found a single issue of a comic from the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon. A bad guy tried to impersonate Starfire’s long lost brother and her pet pupa didn’t trust the impersonator. That was my first introduction to superheroes and it was love at first sight. So I wrote a self-insert where my family and I were magical shapechangers and Batman wiped out my people and killed my mom because he thought we were bad guys. Robin questioned him, but Batman was sure he was doing the right thing. I was raising my siblings in a tree when I rescued Robin, who I aged down to be my future love interest, and togethe we were going to show Batman he was wrong or something. I don’t remember what I had planned. I couldn’t have been older than nine. The angstiest thing I could have possibly read at that age was Percy Jackson. I have no idea where that dark storyline came from, but it was the furthest I would get in any story until NaNoWriMo 2014.
I was determined to create an entirely original story. But I found myself writing loopholes where I could connect my characters back to the MCU and DCEU. I did finish NaNoWriMo, but I had to make the outlines for books two and three. My family likes to tease me about He-Man appearing in book three.
In 2018, my friend Annie introduced me to Voltron. I can’t remember what season we were waiting on, but in the parking lot of early morning seminary, she introduced me to fanfic. A story about Pidge getting switched with the Green Lion along with other adventures. It was Though She Be Little by TheRedScreech. I read it, enjoyed every bit, and didn’t think about fanfic again.
Some family friends tried to get us into the YouTube channel craze. My sister and I were going to make a goofy cartoon and try to make money off it. I wrote to Star Wars about permission to do so and was politely told no. I was going to do it anyway and researched fair use laws. I wrote a script. I still didn’t think about fanfic.
During 2019, through regular dog sitting during the week and a month-long stint housesitting during the summer, I watched a lot of tv. I’d burned through all the available seasons for Tales of Arcadia, season seven of Voltron had failed me, so I rewatched my beloved Transformers Animated. And then I watched Transformers Prime and even Rescue Bots. But I was still starved for more. As I lay awake in my apartment at college in the early pre-Covid months of 2020, I remembered what Annie had told me about fanfic. How if I wanted to avoid smut, I should stay away from M-rated fics and so on. Armed with that knowledge, I plunged into the world of fanfiction.net and scoured the Transformers section. I stayed up all night reading @megadoomingir ‘s Redeem the Stars. Didn’t sleep much better when I started what was then up of their Stop Me.
And somewhere during those late nights of early adulthood, I realized I could create original work. But that’s never been what I wanted. Ever since I was a little girl, I had wanted to write fanfic. So in an empty classroom on campus, I called up my sister and read her the first drafts of what would become Widow’s Legacy and the stories that would come after.
I’ve grown a lot since then. Decided to let go of my shameless self-insert, The Fossa. Let a lot of other original characters and oc-centric worldbuilding go too. Started to think critically about the canon I was working with. But I think most of that was a product of growing up. Nothing I was doing before was wrong; it was a product of a less mature me who would have been writing for an audience who was in the same mindspace. I grew up, and so did the kind of story I wanted to tell.
Where ever you are on this journey and trust me, it’s a journey, be proud of it. Maybe you still want to write original work or like me, you’re happy to write fanfic forever. Don’t be ashamed of what you wrote, dreamed up, or outlined in the past. It’s great for where you were in life at the time, a reflection of a past you who is still learning, growing, and changing. They are your five-year-old self’s scribbles, loving placed on the fridge and maybe even saved for years. They are only made more precious by the masterpieces you create today because they are testaments to your beginnings. Your old fics and ideas are the birthplaces of that story you wrote that touched that one reader and left them forever changed. Be proud, and keep writing.
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sharkonaut-draws · 4 years
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Switching to my other main fandom for a second because I finally attempted to draw mech which I severely struggle with. Bee came out a little chubbier than planned and Im still not use to scaling them against each other but it was a good first try, just gotta practise more.
Apocolypse AU!
After Cons destroy earth many human and Autobot teams are scattered around searching for each other. Charlie is by herself until she stumbles across a very battered Bee freshly wounded from Blitzwing, so she patches him up and the two decide to stick together in hopes of finding other life. And also fall in love oop
These two being the youngest out of all the teams I have planned, just kind of dick around a bit, lots of shenannigans. Arguing about taste in music, learning sign language and attempting to catch food for Charlie to eat, they’re honestly a disaster. Team Charbee has a lot of fun.
Bumblebee starts off as the VW Beetle but changes later when he sees Charlie cooing over an abandoned Camaro and gets hella jealous.
Team 2 is the Rescue Bots and the Burns family, and I hope to get around to them soon, as this is my fun little side project.
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optimistpax · 3 years
How would you recommend breaching the transformers fandom? I’ve only watched tfp and the two new Netflix series.
Sincerely, a wandering Star Wars fan who’s left their home
Ayy! I hope you’re having fun so far! I’ve only recently gotten into transformers myself ^^
I think it really depends on what you’re interested in! (and how much time you have on your hands) Transformers is big enough and has been going on long enough that there’s a whole lot of different kinds of content that’s interesting to different folks! 
If You Liked Transformers Prime... If you enjoyed Transformers Prime, they have two other TV shows that are set in the same universe as well as 3 novels and a couple comics. The first season of each of the TV shows (robots in disguise and rescue bots/rescue bots academy) can be found on netflix, but a fair warning they’re aimed at a younger audience and so are quite a bit lighter in tone than tfp. So if you go in expecting the same kind of show you will be disappointed. But if you’ve enjoyed lighter episodic cartoons in the past (such as the og teen titans, young justice, or spider-man (I only watched superhero cartoons, avatar, and anime as a kid so that’s all i have for reference lmao sorry)) I’d recommend checking them out! I personally had fun watching RID and I’m working my way through Rescue Bots rn and it’s really cute :) 
I haven’t read the comics, but I have read the first two novels and while they are by no definition good I had an extremely good time reading them and live texting @autothotsrollout. So if you’re looking for a bad book to read and make fun of and want to support your local library, check them out!
Other TV Shows There are a couple other popular TV shows and I have by no means seen all of them but I’ll talk about the ones I have seen! 
Transformers Animated: It’s the same art director as teen titans and hits a lot of the same storytelling beats so imo it’s really similar! (The whole series is available for free on Tubi!) It’s pretty popular in the fandom as far as I can tell because I think a lot of people grew up with it as their first introduction to transformers(?) I think I personally like some of the other shows better, but it’s definitely still worth checking out!
Cyberverse: The other show I’ve watched (am watching?) outside the tfp universe! (The first season is also available on netflix) It starts off kind of rough, but if you’re into worldbuilding, space adventures, and appreciate shows with good art and music I definitely think it’s worth it! It takes some directions the others don’t (as far as I know) in later seasons so that’s been really fun!
2005 IDW Comics As someone who loves comics maybe a little too much, I may be biased when I say the comics are very very good. There are also very very many. I’ve read the first season of more than meets the eye, and the first installments of both the wreckers and autocracy(?) trilogies. I personally would recommend starting with The Death of Optimus Prime (can be found in more than meets the eye volume 1) and then reading More Than Meets the Eye if you’re looking for a place to jump in! Unfortunately my library only has season one and does not have robots in disguise (mtmte’s sister comic series) but I have heard it’s a good idea to read the two series in tandem. You could also probably start with Autocracy if that’s what you can get your hands on first!
anyways the idw comics are great if you’re looking for transformers content that has room to cover heavier topics and more mature storylines. I can’t speak for the series I haven’t read, but mtmte  also has a great sense of timing/humor and includes heists and space adventures, which is all I ever want in a comic tbh
ahaha whoops I didn’t mean to write an entire novel there. I hope this is helpful and that you have fun with whatever transformers media you decide to check out next!
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whisker-biscuit · 3 years
In the Name of Science: Chapter 5
Fandom: Sonic Movie (2020)
Rating: T for unethical experimentation, implied violence and gore, and implied torture
Summary: Tom and Maddie didn’t make it in time to rescue Sonic from Robotnik. Hopefully it’s not too late to save him now. Unfortunately, hope is hard to come by in the labs of the mad doctor himself.
Dr. Ivo Robotnik, M.D. Log 5
Day two since procuring specimen. Subject slept fitfully in periods of roughly two hours at a time throughout the night. It is currently unknown whether this is subject’s regular sleep cycle or manifested due to stress of new environment.
Despite potentially diminished resting period, subject appeared fully recovered from prior injuries at superficial examination this morning. More thorough examination to be completed at this time. If subject is at full physical health, analysis of abilities to be completed afterwards.
Edit #1: Subject has become rebellious with full recovery. Measures have been taken to combat this.
“Your physical state seems to have improved significantly,” is the first thing out of Robotnik’s mouth the next morning. He sounds pleased, and that’s what sets Sonic on edge the most. “Look who was right about you needing sustenance? Not that there was any doubt about me being right.”
The hedgehog wraps his arms around his stomach, glaring at his captor without a word. After yesterday’s humiliating ordeal, the only thing he wants to say to this man starts with an “F” and ends with a “you”, and he’s not keen on the reaction he’d get from that no matter the momentary satisfaction it would bring. But he’s finally feeling one-hundred percent better and it’s given him enough confidence to be mad.
Defiant, even.
“Of course, I’d like to confirm my prediction with more than simple visual observation. So!” The doctor snaps his fingers and down come the bots again. They hover above the cage, as usual, and Sonic flattens himself against the wall, squishing his hands behind his back. Robotnik sighs.
“Are you really going to try and be difficult? After all the progress we made yesterday?”
Sonic doesn’t respond verbally. His face scrunches up and he sticks his tongue out.
“Ah, yes. How could I forget I’m dealing with a child.”
The ceiling hatch opens and the teen lets out a noise in protest as his wrists are yanked up so hard it nearly pulls the muscles in his shoulders. This time, as he’s pulled out of the cage, he throws his legs up to kick at the nearest bot before they can grab his ankles.
It’s a valiant attempt – his flexibility and range of reach is nothing to sneeze at – but he’s unsuccessful in even landing a hit. The bot swerves around the flying feet right as restraints around his ankles lock together, making them easy to grab. Sonic finds himself hanging belly-up like a hog tied to a horizontal pole.
The mad scientist sneers. “Was that supposed to be an escape attempt? Pathetic. I’d be embarrassed if I didn’t find it absolutely hilarious.”
“Still plenty of time for you to be embarrassed,” the hedgehog shoots back, jerking at his caught limbs so much that he starts swinging back and forth. “Soon as I’m free, you’re gonna be embarrassed in record time.”
“Uh huh. And when is this quote-unquote freedom happening?” Robotnik makes a show of looking at the monitor on his wrist. “I don’t see it anywhere in the schedule for today.”
“I’ll make it quick, just for you.”
“Belligerent and mouthy today! You’ve most certainly recovered, how delightful!”
A few finger presses on the palm of a hand, and the robots back away from each other. It stretches Sonic out almost completely flat in the air. He stops struggling, eyes wide, as his captor steps up close. The man has the teen at chest level and there’s an uncomfortably intense look on his face.
“You know,” the doctor begins, pulling out a pen from his coat. “All things considered; I’ve been incredibly patient with you.”
One end of the pen presses under Sonic’s chin, forcing him to tilt his head up just a little bit. He swallows.
“I could have kept you sleeping this entire time, waking you only when it was convenient for me.”
The pen moves upward to tap at the hedgehog’s left temple, where there had once been a bruise from his impact with the Main Street of Green Hills. No discoloration, no pain, no more bruise. Sonic flinches with each tap anyway.
“I could have the muzzle stay on you twenty-four/seven. It’s not like you have anything worthwhile to contribute to a conversation of my level of intellect.”
Down to a tan chest. Tap, tap, tap; no injuries to be found there anymore. The teen doesn’t dare blink as he keeps his gaze locked with the scientist.
“I don’t even have to keep you alive; did you know that? Your quills are so powerful even in a ‘dormant’ state that I could power my machines indefinitely with them. Just pluck them straight from your tiny, wriggling body, one by one, until there’s nothing left to pluck and I’ve got an entire army’s worth of robots to use. Five-thousand, nine-hundred, twenty-four different robots, and a cold alien corpse to dissect.”
Robotnik’s free hand finds a quill near Sonic’s face, and yanks it out with a terrible smile. The hedgehog grits his teeth and can’t quite contain the tremor that runs down his spine.
“Excuse me. Five-thousand, nine-hundred, and twenty-three different robots.”
The pen slides underneath the teen to poke at his back, where he’d received the full brunt of an exploding missile. There’s no burns or bleeding anywhere. Not even a scar to show for the damage the doctor had done.
“But you see,” and oh, how excited he sounds, “it’s for reasons like this that I don’t do any of those things. The astounding healing factor you seem to possess. The exponential, impossible-to-calculate limits of your powers, if there even is a limit to be found. Your behavior, your speech patterns, your reactions –”
Sonic’s upper lip curls in disgust as a gloved hand flicks his ear and makes it twitch.
“– all of it is part of the scientific marvel of evolution that is you. And I couldn’t really call myself a scientist if I let any of it slip past my study of you, could I?”
Robotnik leans in close, drinking in every terrified line of his subject’s face. The little hedgehog is doing his best to bluff bravery, but there’s no hiding the trapped, almost hypnotized look in his eyes.
“So if I were you, Sonic, I’d think long and hard about the kind of behavior I should be taking part in, and what would be most beneficial to both of us. Before that behavior inclines the scientist to induce some very particular experiments to examine some very specific reactions.”
They stare at each other, and not even the hum of the machines around them can break the tension.
Sonic looks away first.
Robotnik smirks.
Edit #2: Measures successful.
End Log
A/N: I’m back.
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
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My unnecessary and irrelevant reviews about the transformers media I have consumed.
Please let me have this. I was doom scrolling and transformers is my comfort fandom.
G1: I have not watched all of it, I do plan on doing so but I did watch it when I was younger and does invoke nostolgia. I watched it on Teletoon Retro (does that even exist anymore?) ((just googled it, rip teletoon retro)). For some reason I really like the episode The Ultimate Weapon. I am a huge fan of First Aid and it was because of this episode and I have no idea why. Rodimus is the main character of that episode with First Aid just having a very prominent role in the side story of that episode. I really liked the Aerialbots and their storyline with the time traveling and the not knowing if they’re on the right side was really cool. Honestly the animation errors and weird inconsistent story are part of the charm I guess.
RID 2001: another show I’ve only seen tidbits of. I watched this one via random episodes illegally uploaded to YouTube in the early to mid 2010s and now all those videos are taken down. As a lover of camp, this is camp. I love it. Transformers as a concept is pretty camp (which is why I adore it) and I definitely will watch all of this one day. Though Sideburn is cool and all, I do wish he didn’t chase a red sports car every episode. Otherwise he’s one of my favourites cause himbo rights I guess.
Transformers IDW 2005: So... I read the entirety of the idw comics purely because I found out Thundercracker was a screenplay writer and I wanted to read the entire story so I got the complete context of his development from scary fighter jet to an Oscar winner. I was not disappointed, I was met with queer and trans representation of all sorts, a diverse storyline with action filled parts, comedy elements, slice of life, political drama, adventure, horror, and the best road trip through space. Honestly I was not expecting transformers of all things to have queerness represented so casually and quite well in my opinion (though technically they are guilty of bury your gays, I don’t count it cause there was a clear reason for that death) Thundercracker was marked as one of my favourites cause of this series. I did experience a wonderful story because I wanted to see how he got his happy ending. My biggest criticism of idw transformers is that I love their interpretations of characters and sadly I know I’ll probably never get to seen them like that again. But if I want to experience those characters like that, I’ll just re read it I guess.
Transformers Animated: I have watched the entirety of this great show twice and it still love it. Funny characters, a human character that has a purpose, and a fun change to the formula, Transformers Animated has one of my favourite Optimus and made a Bumblebee so lovably loud they had to take away his voice so he wouldn’t become too powerful. Loved all of the characters except the human villains, Headmaster did not age well and I wasn’t in love with Ratchet’s design but his personality more than made up for it. If you want more animated, I love Transformers ReAnimated the void is filled by that series and channel. While I wish it got another season, it’s ending was satisfying enough I guess.
Transformers Prime: Smokescreen is great and was underutilizes -100/10. Just kidding, kind of I really enjoyed Prime. I’ve only watched through it completely once cause when I was a child I did not like the designs since apparently as a child I was a G1 loyalist I guess. Though now Prime has one of my favourite styles that still holds up today. Dramatic story with actual character development, I can over look that the plots a tad slow. I wish Breakdown was utilized more and it also could have benefited from an extra season but the movie wrapped it up much better than animated’s ending. Knockout is an amazing character and I was spoiled while I was watching it that he turns Autobot though I didn’t realize that wasn’t until the literal end of the series. Would’ve like a completely fleshed out Breakdown and Knockout or at least Knockout redemption arc but there’s always fanfiction I guess.
Robots in Disguise 2015: I didn’t hate it? It definitely helped that I watched this before Prime for some reason. I liked the designs, Sideswipe... himbo rights. Biggest flaw is the lack of character growth. I just want nice things for Sideswipe, Strongarm and Fixit. Grimlock was fun, I like Bumblebee trying to be a good leader and Optimus should have stayed dead. The crossover and referenced to Rescue Bots was fun and Blurr and Sideswipe was the rivalry I didn’t know I needed. But the one I really needed was Smokescreen in there too. The ending arc was interesting though not executed the best and Steeljaw did a lot of the heavy lifting for the villain side to a point where they over utilized him and his character suffered as a result. Windblade was not as bad as people online said she was, splitting the group up into two was stupid cause I’m bitter and still don’t want Optimus there. Also long list of underutilization: Denny and Russel Clay, Jazz, all the characters from prime except Optimus and Bee, Jetfire and Jetstorm, More Rescue bots, and many more! Like that girl that’s Russel’s friend that I literally don’t remember because I’m pretty sure the writers forgot about her! Anyways, in retrospect the show probably wasn’t great but I liked it I guess.
Rescue Bots: This show is way better than it needed to be. I actually love the no Decelticons and war. I’m a sucker for slice of life and especially slice of life with a twist. Human villains that were actually interesting, actual character development, continuity (somewhat), great human characters all while being target for children. I’m so happy I watched this show while I was kind of the target age and rewatching it for the third time was great cause some of the science jargon actually made sense to me. Satisfying ending too and honestly it can just appeal to everyone. Love all four of the main rescue bots and constantly wish they made evergreen designs and toys for them so they could at least make cameos in other transformers media. Sometimes it’s nice to have transformers being wholesome I guess.
Rescue Bots Academy: ... I was not the age democratic for this show and I somehow still liked it? Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been gravitating to more wholesome content due to current events but it was actually good? Love all the students, I do miss the old crew and characters like Doc Green and Frankie are under utilized and the Burns family is almost nowhere to be found :(. Once again there’s some actual character development and Hot Shot’s mentor relationship with Heatwave is super sweet. Also actually having positive post war Decepticon and Autobot relationships in this children’s show? Woah. Biggest issue is like RID 2015; the lack of continuity and characters completely disappearing. Perceptor was fun and I was not expecting him to appear. And I love me some microscope dude. It was a good send off for the aligned continuity I guess.
Cyberverse: ending too soon. I was about to be upset that bumblebee didn’t have his voice but he had his voice in his head which was great. Episodes like the velocitron one was really good and it definitely got better with each season and peaked in the Quintesson arc and then rolled to the cancellation date. Thundercracker shouldn’t have been killed off but I’m very biased. Seeing the rebuilding of Cybertron was cool. Windblade and Bumblebee had a fun relationship. I really liked this iteration of Grimlock. Perceptor was super interesting but then they did nothing with him after the Quintesson arc which was a shame and I would have liked to see better relationships between the Autobots and Decepticons after the team up. Also wholesome Whirl was fun. Honestly this needed one more season so bad. I just think it could have been great if it got one. But it’s still good I guess.
War for Cybertron: ...let’s see how I feel after Kingdom comes out but right now, meh. For me my favourite transformers characters usually end up being side characters due to me wishing they had more screen time so in this case, Red Alert is great please show me more of Red Alert. I get what all the people are saying about the voice acting and whatever but I can look past it (though please give us Peter Cullen or let the current VC make his own Optimus voice). But one thing is that all the YouTube reviewers be saying that I completely agree with is that it’s dark. Like lighting wise. I occasionally had trouble making out what was happening because it was dark. Honestly my biggest issue isn’t a fault of the show. I like development of multiple characters to be shown so I can fall in love with a multitude of characters but due to short seasons, it makes sense to focus in completely on one character at a time. Siege in my opinion at least let me see more of the background characters rather than Earthrise but I’d probably like Earthwise more if I was a bigger fan of Optimus. I’m going to watch Kingdom but I’m not expecting to be wowed I guess.
In conclusion, I should watch Beast Wars, I’m going to re read the ending of Lost Light again and revel in the melancholic ending I adore and I really like Thundercracker and First Aid. One great thing about transformers and other franchises that have been around for awhile, if you don’t like the current thing, there’s plenty of last media and you probably won’t need to wait too long for the next piece of media you’ll hopefully like.
Please be good idw 2019, I’ve read a bit of you and I have a scrap of hope. Oh please please please be good. Give some characters the Thundercracker treatment.
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hale-13 · 3 years
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 3 - Drowning
Peter never thought he would see the day where he wouldn’t enjoy fighting side by side with Iron Man but here he is.
Words: 1759, Chapters 1/1 (Complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark
TW: Drowning
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
“Duck,” Tony called as he sailed over Peter’s head to knock over bot that was sneaking up behind him. Peter rolled his eyes but dropped anyway to stay clear the the incoming repulsers blast; he had both heard the sound of the heavy metal steps and felt his Spidey sense tingle to warn him of the upcoming threat and was already prepared to web it to the wall to be dealt with later but now he was just lying on the ground like an idiot while Tony took out the drone. His mentor had been super overbearing for the entirety of the past couple hours that they had been dismantling the reinforced bots and it was really starting to grate on Peter’s already thinned out nerves.
“I had that!” He hollered up toward the floating Iron Man armor, paying no heed to the comm in his mask that would perfectly translate his words without the extra effort and strain on his vocal cords. Peter didn’t care though, it felt good to yell and blow off a little steam. He violently punched through the chest plate of the bot he was fending off and then shook out his hand once it was shot off the side of the Brooklyn Bridge – he had definitely busted a knuckle that time.
Tony zipped away to head off a few more of the flying ones above them and said a quick, “You sure did kiddo,” which made Peter bristle up even more. He knew that Tony meant well and was just trying to help but he still over interpreted the words to sound condescending and demeaning – like he was here for no other reason than entertainment. Shaking his head to clear it, Peter hopped back into the fight. Now was not the time to get distracted and over-analyze anything.
“Shit!” He heard Tony shout both over the comms and through the air as he took a hit from the surplus of Hammer Tech as he was knocked to the far end of the bridge.
“Tony!” Peter called, his irritation of before quickly overshadowed by concern. He hastily fired a web to swing towards his mentor but ground to a halt when Tony coughed out an “I’m fine!” as the brilliant red and gold armor crested the edge of the bridge in the distance to smash into the drone above him. “I can’t leave you over there with all of them alone!” Peter protested.
“Just catch the outliers,” Tony said, breathing slightly ragged in exertion. “Some of them are bound to get past me.”
Peter felt his eye twitch in renewed vexation as he relaxed his grip on the webbing enough to let it go. Tony knew that he was the target of this latest attack by Justin Hammer and was, clearly, doing his level best to keep Peter as far away from the action as humanly possible. Twitching from his overload of adrenaline, Peter bounced on his toes and webbed up a partially destroyed drone that landed a few feet away.
“How many we got left K?” Peter asked, eyes following the fight with the assistance of his suits AI.
“I’m unable to tell Peter,” Karen’s bright, chirpy voice replied through his private comm. “They are cloaked from my sensors. I can ping FRIDAY if you’d like?”
“No,” Peter said, petulant, as he replaced his web cartridges. “Don’t bother.”
“Sure thing!”
Peter sighed again and leaned back against the smoking car behind him. He hated being useless and he hated twiddling his thumbs when he could be helpful; and he was pissed because he knew that Tony knew this about him. His Spidey sense tingled up his spine but Peter brushed it off after a quick survey of the area – it still occasionally did that for no reason if he was amped up.
“Finishing up here, kid. You all set?” Mr. Stark asked as he soared overhead with three of the drones following closely on his tail. Peter felt his eye twitch a little but responded in the affirmative, trying to keep the frustration out of his voice – there would be plenty of time to hash things out with Tony after they were back in the Tower. As the flight stabilizers of the Iron Man armor faded off Peter felt his Spidey sense twitch again just a second too late.
Clearly, both of them had missed one of the Hammer drones somewhere as Peter fell to the ground, the metal arms wrapped tight around his waist and arms and locked into place. He struggled as he was dragged back to the edge of the bridge but couldn’t seem to break the grip. His logical brain was working through equations and understood that, with the lack of space to move, he would be unable to escape.
All these thoughts came too slowly, though, because it only took a few seconds before he was pulled over the edge of the bridge and into a free fall, smacking into the cold water of the Hudson moments later. Unprepared, Peter’s lungs let out a burst of the limited amount of oxygen he had been able to take in as water rushed down his throat and his struggles renewed. He opened his eyes and felt them sting from the dirty water, the sunlight barely visible the lower they sank. His HUD was lit red and he could hear Karen’s muffled voice in his ear as his body convulsed and his vision darkened.
His last thoughts as he passed out were of May and Tony and the overbearing pain in his chest.
“Please tell me that was the last one FRI,” Tony begged from high above the smoking Brooklyn Bridge. He was sweating through the three-piece suit he hadn’t managed to completely shed before stepping into the armor and he was dying for a shower and a large mushroom and olive pizza from Mario’s.
“Area secure,” FRIDAY replied. “Karen has sent an SOS from the Spider suit – I’m sending the directions to your HUD.”
“Shit,” Tony cursed as he immediately blasted toward the opposite side of the bridge and the blinking beacon FRI was projecting for him. “Vitals?”
“Unable to read Boss,” the AI said. “The suit GPS is reading one-hundred and twenty-seven feet below the water directly under you.” Blood going cold at the implication, Tony increased his speed and broke the surface at high speed, eyes darting through the water to find the bright red of Peter’s suit.
Peter’s body was completely limp in the grip of one of the larger drones and Tony didn’t bother to unhook the two as he grabbed Peter and swiftly pulled him close before surging out of the water and back to land on the uninhabited bridge above him. FRIDAY helpfully removed his helmet as Tony activated his laser to release Peter from the drones grip, yanking the stretchy mask over the teenagers head. His lips were blue and his face pale under the bright mask and Tony crammed his unloved fingers to Peter’s carotid artery, heart sinking when it was still beneath Peter’s chilled skin.
“Fuck,” Tony cursed, positioning his hands over Peter’s unmoving chest and beginning his first round of compressions. “Fuck fuck fuck,” he continued, counting to thirty in his head before tilting Peter’s head back to clear his airway and administering two rescue breaths. Peter’s chest still didn’t move after and he felt no breathing so Tony took up another round of compressions. “Come on Pete,” he begged, tears beading at the corners of his eyes but he refused to let them fall and cloud his vision. “Not today. Not like this!” He gave two more breaths and had to lean back quickly when water gushed from Peter’s mouth. “There you go buddy,” Tony said, rolling Peter onto his side in the recovery position and patting his back firmly to help release the water from his lungs. “Get it all up now.”
“Tony,” Peter choked out, his voice sounding rough and warbling around his coughs. His lips were still a pale blue but were rapidly pinking as his lungs cleared of water and were able to absorb oxygen.
“Don’t talk,” Tony said, lifting Peter’s trembling body up to rest against his chest. “Just breath for now, ok?” Peter nodded as more water dribbled down his chin and he gagged, vomiting a mixture of bile and vile river sludge. Tony crinkled his nose in disgust but wiped the kid’s chin down anyways with the corner of his suit jacket. They sat for a few more minutes in silence as Peter continued to cough and retch before going silent except for the ragged gasps he was drawing in. “I’m going to take you to see Cho now alright? Just let me do all the work.”
Not waiting for Peter’s permission, Tony fully suited back up and cautiously maneuvered Peter into his arms where he laid limply with his head lolled against Tony’s chest. Tony felt his heart clench before taking off, pointing his thrusters in the direction of the compound.
“If I have to tell you to keep that mask on one more time,” Tony threatened, “I’m going to glue it to your face.”
Peter huffed, but obediently rested the oxygen mask back against the lower part of his face, his steady breaths fogging up the clear plastic and doing nothing to hide the look of exhausted indignation on his protégés face. “I feel fine,” Peter protested but Tony didn’t believe him. The kid’s voice was still raw and hoarse and he looked like he had gone a few rounds with the Hulk. Most telling, though, was the fact that Peter hadn’t yet tried to engage in an elaborate escape attempt from the MedBay.
“I’m sorry, when did you get you medical degree?” Tony retorted with an eye roll. “Dr. Cho is keeping you overnight on oxygen until your saturations are normal and starting you on a heavy duty antibiotic and breathing treatments. Do you want pneumonia?”
“No,” Peter answered, petulant but wiggling around until he was more comfortable in the bed and resting against the pillows propped up behind him.
“Then you’ll do as she says.” Tony said firmly, reaching out to run one hand through Peter’s gritty curls and down to squeeze the back of his neck. “Just give it one night okay? One night before you’re back out there figuring out new and improved ways to make me prematurely grey.”
Peter smiled and let out a chuckle before letting his eyes slip closed. “One night,” he agreed.
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smollestbean-2 · 3 years
Commissions Open
I will only do payments through PayPal, I apologize for any inconvenience. Please keep in mind that I am also a busy person so I kindly ask that you wait to pay me until I have notified you that I’m finished with your commission so that there is no confusion or misunderstandings. If you want to see the progress of the commission message me and I’ll send you a preview of what I have so far.
There will also be only 3 slots available for each commission; Art and writing.
If you want me to post it publicly there will be no cost for it, I would love to show people more works that I’ve created and hopefully, I will be able to do commissions for fun ^^ I am grateful for any commission that comes my way. I appreciate it greatly and I hope you all have a great day/night. Here is my AO3|Wattpad| Quotev
Please, please, please, PLEASE Clarify what you want in your prompt and give specific details on what you want me to write. I love a little backstory on your OC's but I would also like to know what you want me to do in the scene between the OC and canon. Also, GIVE ME INFO ON YOUR OC!! I CAN NOT WRITE THEM THE WAY YOU WANT IF I DON'T HAVE THE INFO! What I will write: NSFW, Fluff, Angst, reader fics, some Kinks (can be discussed in messages), Oc’s, Headcanons, Pairings (as long as I know them well enough) Pairings can also be discussed in messages, I will do Mentions of abuse but I won’t write abuse that will currently be happening (mostly because I’m terrible at it and I don’t feel comfortable with it.) I will write Furry fluff, no NSFW because I never have written it before and I really don’t want to start now.  What I will NOT write: Scat, Watersports (basically anything sexual that has to do with feces or urination), Vore, Pedophilia, somnophilia, Rape. (will be updated as I see fit) Crossovers, Bayverse transformers (I'm not a huge fan of it. seen all the movies but not happy with the results), Sodomy, Facesitting, Farting (dude gross), Anything to do with blood sexually.
PRICES ARE FINAL Prices: 1,000 words $5.00 2,000 words $10.00 3,000 words $15.00 4,000 words or more $20.00 Willing to do Art commissions but only will be accepting 3 requests at a time.  Please have at least a detailed description or a reference photo (like picrew or any dress-up games or your own art) for me to use so that I may accurately draw your character.  Headshots- $5 Headshots with color- $10 3/4 view- $10 3/4 with color- $15 Full Body- $15 Full Body with color-  $20 Fandoms: Transformers (TFA, G1, MTMTE, Prime, RID, Rescue bots) Voltron  (S5) Harry Potter (Caught up movie-wise) BNHA (S2) Marvel (MCU) Yu Yu Hakusho (Caught up on) Rise of the Guardians (watched, on book 2) One Piece (Fisherman arc) Bleach (Caught up, on fullbringer arc manga) Percy Jackson (Read the first series, on book 1 of HOO) Supernatural (S8 E9) 7 Deadly Sins (S4 E17) Inuyasha (Caught up on manga and anime) Undertale DBZ (Anything but GT; fucking hate that one) Anything involving myths just ask Inquire about other Fandoms That should be everything. I ask that you please give me time, I have a life outside of my blogs so it may take a while. Give me about a month and a half to finish the request. I may be overestimating but better safe than sorry.
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