#my folder is over 250 memes now
astarionancuntnin · 4 months
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larian let me hug the damn vampire
astarion + text posts (part 23)
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purlturtle · 3 years
OMG that ask list is so good I want to ask like half a dozen. You know I think I might actually do that haha. Don't feel you have to answer them if you don't want to, just pick one or two. So anything from 1,2,3,7,13 and 15 sound ok?
Are you kidding me? I'd answer every single question if I could (and have absolutely contemplated doing so - like, reblog an ask meme with all questions already answered, kind of thing)!!
So, here we go!
How many fics have you completed?
I've gotta look this one up; over 50, I think.
How many fics are in your WIP folder?
Also not sure off the top of my head - two dozen easily, maybe more.
Tell me about the longest fic you’ve ever written?
That's And Now You, which I never really intended to be that long; it's just what happened. It all started with me watching The Half Of It, and thinking "I want to write a high school romance!" My two largest obstacles were that a) I've never gone to an American high school, and b) The Half Of It is not just a high school romance but also a story about an immigrant's daughter, and rewriting it beat by beat for Bering and Wells would have meant erasing that aspect of it, which I wasn't gonna. So I had to play around with that story for a bit. I don't even remember how the pregnancy came into it (although I did rediscover Utility Room 13 in the course of research, so perhaps it's a holdover idea from that fic?) but one day there it was. So I had a starting point (beginning of the school year) and an ending point (birth of Helena's daughter), and bit by bit the rest started filling up as I researched what goes on in senior year, what I wanted to put in the fic, how the main characters would experience these milestones (for example, Myka not getting into her favorite college), how these characters would be as their teenage selves with the backstories we got from canon and from my ideas, etc etc etc. And hey presto, 250+K words. 😅 Whoops.
And as you can see by this answer, Why Use A Sentence When You Can Use Twenty? is my thing. I don't do short. Which brings us to the next question:
Do you prefer to write short or long stories, and why?
I've actually talked about this with my writing coach a bit; I'm a very self-indulgent writer. I mean from the very beginning and motivation - writing in itself is me indulging myself. And I'm the kind of writer where words just flow out of me. I don't think I've ever stared at a blank page - when I'm not in the mood for writing, I don't open up the doc in the first place, but when I am, 5K words in a day is not a problem.
Tell me about what’s next on your list for being completed?
The second part of Strata, which is called Commutata. It is being worked on between me and my beta reader. And my Gift Exchange fic! That one is probably gonna see the light of day a bit sooner, I think. I'm not putting a timeline out for Commutata, because I don't want my beta (or me!) to feel under pressure.
What are some of your favorite tropes to write? Do they match the ones you read?
Happy endings is a big one for me. And Hurt/Comfort. And asking "what comes next?" after they've gotten together - how do they navigate being together, with all of their ballast and quirks (dunno if that's a trope per se, it's just a throughline through my fics, I'd say). And, in how many ways can I prevent Helena from going to the dark side (aka ending up in Yellowstone) or Christina from dying? Again, not a trope, but definitely a motor of my writing.
As for reading, I enjoy a lot of different kinds of stories, with very few exceptions (I can't do grimdark - I need some hope that Evil Can Be Defeated; and tragedy I can only stomach every now and then. I love MsDaphneFielding's Bering and Wells stories, for example, but oh my god they make me weep and my heart ache, and I don't seek that out often.)
Thank you so much for asking! I loved answering, and if you wanna ask more, absolutely feel free! 😁
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answrs · 5 years
Author meme!
Tagged by: @solitaria-fantasma and @flash-the-geist (within, like, a few minutes of each other. I’m not used to being tagged for things like this and it’s really sweet thank you both ;w;)
Author Name: @answrs (tumblr and Ao3), tu-ut (former smut blog before purge), roadkill on discord
Fandoms You Write For: MSA all the way! though I have a fair bit of unposted older works for HS and a few crossovers with MCU and DP. there’s also a single VLD au bouncing around the draft folder.
Where You Post:  Tumblr and Ao3 for finished/wip, though discord’s been getting most of my snippets lately since I’m only ever on my phone and it’s easier to crosspost there
Most Popular One-Shot: let me just leave you with a short graphic...
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....yeah. so far and away Sleepless, but for sfw fics Chains that Bind is the top. (sorting by kudos the difference is only around 250 to 200 so the difference isn’t as huge)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: the Ghost Vivi AU (it’s posted as three oneshots, but I consider it essentially a multiparter. also the smut collection doesn’t count as chaptered, imo)
Favorite Story You Wrote: asdfkl i get really attached to my aus so it’s hard to say, though Disconnect holds a special place in my heart even when I thought it lost/corrupted for good. really want to go back and write it up to par with the rest of my stuff now, at least to get the author’s notes version of it off of ao3. the Selkie au and Concubus au are near and dear too.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: the smut, especially now that my most recent works on ao3 have literally all been rated E. that feeling everyone’s judging me for looking like i only write various iterations of the ot3 fucking when my drafts folder is full to bursting (badum*tss) with actual regular fics and headcanons...
How Do You Choose Your Titles:  i dunno. they kinda just come to me? be it a vaguely related word, to a song lyric, to Literally Just Another Vague and Barely Descriptive Title if all else fails. been working away from that last one hopefully...
Do You Outline: literally 80% of the stuff i post is in “fleshed out” outline form (i call ‘em plotshells)
Complete: there’s... a few things? honestly it’s hard to say since even one-off au oneshots I have ideas for other things in the verse (like for Broken Mirrors). like i don’t plan to do a follow-up, but maybe if I’m asked for an author’s notes/commentary meme or whatever?
Coming Soon: asdfkl so many things.... i have a mythical au i did on discord i really want to port onto tumblr so i can actually read it myself instead of being a month back in like three channels, so there’s that?
Do You Accept Prompts: technically? though no one in recent memory’s ever sent one in I can remember that was just for my writing. doing collab writing over tumblr is really fun though, going back and forth and bouncing ideas off. discord’s been really nice for that too, fleshing out entire aus based on crack ideas and somehow turning them into angst (as i am wont to do)? *chef’s kiss*
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write:  nnnnn the concubus fic has been staring at me 85% finished for the last year and i really wanna finish it but i just. asdfkl kill me
Tagging: asdfkl who even hasn’t been tagged yet? got tagged myself this morning and since then nearly anyone i can think has been at least tagged, if they haven’t posted/doe one themselves yet. so like. @ANY A YALL THAT WANNA DO THIS
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scenerp · 5 years
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. . . . . P O P U L A T I O N; you.
scene stealers is a relaxed, no word count roleplay. we are a jcink premium community set in the beautiful city of chicago, illinois! our goal is to provide our members with a long lasting community where they can create life-like characters and build a vibrant world for them to live in. we are lgbtq+ and poc friendly, and the foundation our roleplay is built upon is to be a long lasting, comfortable, safe space where everyone feels welcome!! interested? well, you're in luck ... for the scene has just begun .... ready, action!!
hello scene stealers!
welcome to the official start of week two of buzz, pretend like their are air horns and confetti for special effect ... just use your imagination. again, much love and appreciation for everyone who has joined our buzz and has been actively participating in development and filling the tag, we have truly enjoyed reading every single one of your characters. which is why we are so excited to bring you development challenge number two. now the terms for development challenge are simple. all previous development posts that were posted prior to this announcement will not count. everyone is starting off fresh and on a level playing field. previous development trackers have been archived. points balance are all at zero. previous winners are eligible to win this super awesome prize. so, pull up your pants and get ready for a competition. the prize that you're competing for? early . site . access. yeah, this prize is a big one. for that reason we will be selecting two winners by lottery, and one scene stealer winner. lottery winner, of course, is selected completely at random. our scene stealer is based off staff weighing in on the development that you posted and picking someone who really knocked it out of the park. as with the previous scene stealer winners, the winner will receive 250 points deposited to the account of their chosing at open. now, for points structure. we're still going to keep the prompts from dev challenge number one open for posting. for every post tagged scenerp and tagged prompt:prompt name here with one of the following prompts will earn 2 points towards the development challenge.
basics, career, family, relationships, holidays, social, aesthetic, destiny, goals, dreams, drabble, luck, fears, fashion, travel, birthday, friends, enemies, squad, celebration, tradition, growth, rival, gift, thankful
and then we have some new prompts to add as well. every post tagged #scenerp and #prompt:prompt name here with one of the following prompts will earn 4 points towards the development challenge.
timeline, a few of my favorite things, living space, letter to your past self / letter to your future self, a moment when you felt at ease, my person, ideal type, a perfect date, highest point, lowest point
other things you can earn points for: reposting our advertisement is +1, posting a wanted ad/interest check is +1, words of encouragement to our admins is +2 . . . they're working hard. especially kari & kat who have been coding like mad. give them some love. again, because tumblr sometimes removes things from tag, we ask that you visit our lovely development tracker folder, create a document for yourself to track / document all of the development posts that you make so we can find them. previous documents have been archived, but if you want help retrieving the formatting from your previous doc and can no longer access it ... feel free to reach out to the staff via our ask box. changing things up from the previous development challenge to be kind to those of us who have to tally things up, you may only tag one prompt per post. not multiple. it got a little messy last time allowing for multiple tags and we really want to make tallying easy on us so we can announce who won sooner. if you make a post as part of this development challenge, you officially earn yourself another face reserve, so as soon as you do a development post in the tag ... head on over to our ask box and drop us a love note with your face of choice. as always, give us a list of back ups in case we are popular. this development challenge officially ends november 11th at 12am, so you have between now and then to develop as consistently and as thoroughly as possible to try and win yourself early site access. alright you guys, go ahead and start making a scene. we can't wait to read what you come up with.
to those of you just joining us...
don't forget to post up a personal intro and tag it #scenerp, after you've done that you can go ahead and send us a love note to our ask box to claim your first official free face!! then you can get cracking on that development to try and win some really cool prizes. include: alias / age (range?) / pronouns / your favorite kinds of character, faces, tropes, etc / a personal statement about you! / a tribute to the admins (a funny meme?), your favorite meme, a funny cat gif ... something to make us chuckle!! again, we are super happy to see how excited everyone who has joined up so far are for this roleplay! we'd love to hear from you. if you have any suggestions / comments / ideas for the roleplay, or things that you'd like to see prior to us opening .... our ask box is always open. feel free to shoot us a message and we'll be happy to answer you. welcome to chicago. let's create a scene !!
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