#my friend who wiped my tears first time i did a bong told the group we were in
lilgynt · 5 months
i’m sleeping at night i’m eating more regularly im reading again i dont have panic attacks before and during work - after work im usually pretty chill and i dont have a crazy stupid dependency on weed. life got better and it only cost me like. 100 to 300 bucks per paycheck. like 100 base pay but 2 to 3 bc i usually hit bonus bc im amazing and hot. now i’m amazing and hot here without all of that
#personal#nah that weed or alcohol post made me think about how crazy i was using weed#had a 3 month t break due to not getting that job and not wanting that to repeat#and also broke#had some recently and it’s fine!#but i’m not insane thinking i don’t have any for the following days or specific days or my days off#i’m just like cool. grab that again later at some point#or not bc i barely got any work done the weekend i had it#but like i was taking anywhere from 5-20 edibles per day#my record was 40#my nightly routine was opening a bag of incredibles and eating them all and like#i’m still proud of this i don’t care#my friend who wiped my tears first time i did a bong told the group we were in#oh yeah i mean i know pot heads who do insane amounts but ive never seen anyone take so much and just be fine like graham#but insane the amount i was using for the entirety of my old job#like im glad im out of that now#weeds fine and i still enjoy it but im glad its just enjoyment#i remember talking. to my mom and saying how much i hate how often im using it but its the only thing keeping me from hurting myself or my#dad during the whole. thing#and also how for a while sleep gummies were the only thing that kept him calm enough to sleep or just. not be as scared#my boss asked for my birthday today and there is no polite way to be like heyyyyy#is this for a birthday thing bc i’d rather not.#i don’t have a great track record and really all it made think about was bringing my dad home#still thankful that my friends suprised me so throughly and that’s a fond memory but even ballon’s and a note on my desk#makes me feel queasy i’d rather just ignore till im home or actively celebrating it#it hasn’t been so bad in the past couple years but i guess last year made me regress a bit with the bad birthdays
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anerdquemoraaolado · 4 years
Through Chrissie’s eyes
The wedding party
My dad drove the car that took us to the party at Jim's house. The place wasn't a huge and luxurious mansion, but it had a family size and comfort in the right measure. It certainly was bigger than any of the boys' apartments and ours. Brian held my hand until we got out of the car and got to the party.
There were tables scattered around the garden, and a table for the buffet, cake and candies. All that Jim Beach held, I'd never know how to thank the generosity of the lawyer, who kept surprising me. Our friends applauded our arrival, and before Brian and I could sit down to enjoy the party, we received the congratulations from everyone, and I was glad to see that everyone I had invited attended (there weren't many people I had called , so it wasn't so difficult for all of them to go).
"Jo, it's good to see you again!" Brian said when she came to us "it's been so long, I know it was for ... Well, you know ..."
"Don't worry, Brian." My friend shook her head, unconcerned. "I've gotten over everything that happened. By the way, I can't believe you already have three recorded albums! This is very good, you are growing ..."
"That scares a little, but thanks." Bri smiled and squeezed her hand once more.
"I hope you come and see me more, okay, Jo? We're still friends" I asked, since I missed being around her almost every day, just like I used to.
"No, you are the one who disappeared," she laughed. "No, I'm kidding, it's just that our lives have taken different paths, but you've always been a dear friend to me."
"And you for me, Jo, thank you for coming" I thanked her once more.
"Thank you for remembering me." She greeted us once more and returned to her place.
I almost didn't believe in seeing the next guest who came to talk to us.
"Tim!" I let it out, a little louder than I wanted.
"Tim Sttafell? It's really you?" Brian laughed and hugged his old friend "I didn't think you would come ..."
"Did you really think I was going to miss the wedding of the most cute and sensible couple in our group?" Tim laughed "my congratulations, I said that you were equal, perfect for each other."
"Thank you, Tim," I smiled, he was another friend I missed too "and you? How's life going?"
"Well, I ..." he sighed, sounding a bit annoyed "Humpy Bong didn't work, we broke up the band ..."
"Oh sorry ..." Bri whined.
"But I'm working as a producer on television, not bad for a singer and bass player," Tim corrected, "but I'm happy for you, I saw you on TV," Killer Queen "is a masterpiece like I've never seen ..."
"Oh, that's our vocalist's merit," Bri explained. "But don't tell him I complimented him, Freddie is very cocky."
"Freddie Bulsara, right? I know him from college" Tim said but now it's Mercury, isn't it? It matches the band."
"Yes, a lot has changed since Freddie came in" Brian confirmed.
"But I can see that it was for the best, apparently." Tim patted Brian on the shoulder and returned to his seat.
"I think Tim was the last one, right?" I struggled to remember if we'd talked to everyone.
"Yes, yes, we've talked to everyone," he confirmed, "and now?"
"I don't know Bri," I shrugged. "To be honest, I really wanted to sit down ..."
"Oh, me too" he confessed.
We looked at each other agreeing with our plan to sit down, but we were hindered by the rest of the Queen.
"So how are you guys going to enjoy the party without giving a speech before?" Freddie charged us.
"Speech? But I didn't prepare anything" Bri despaired a little "I didn't know I had to make a speech ..."
"You don't need a speech ..." I was terrified at the idea. "You know how much we love everyone, and we're grateful for you, we don't have to talk ..."
"Come on, Chrissie, we want to hear what you have to say to our guitarist" Roger crossed his arms and laughed "your vows were so clichés, we wanted to hear something more original ..."
"You want to expose us like this too, John?" "I appealed to the other shy guy in the group.
"I'm only here because they insisted a lot," said the bassist.
"Speech, speech, speech!" Freddie cut in, and then the chorus of guests followed.
Brian looked at me as saying "There's no way they leave us alone, you want me to talk first?"
"If you don't mind," I returned, wincing.
He smiled at me, took my hand and stood in front of everyone.
"All right, all right, folks" Brian held up a hand to ask for silence. "Hum ... I didn't prepare anything to say, I know, I know, it's not my style, and I'd be more comfortable if you asked me to do a guitar solo, but, you wouldn't fully understand the emotion I'm feeling. I just thank each of you for sharing our joy today, and I thank you Chrissie" he turned to me "you know you're the girl of my dreams, my sweet lady, and today I'm happier to be able to call you, my wife. I love you."
Everyone applauded the speech and before I knew it I was crying again. Oh how silly of me ... But everything my husband (my husband! I was still getting used to it, amazed) told me made me thrilled. And it was for thinking of everything Brian did for me that I found my words for the speech. If there was a moment to tell him how important he was, from the moment we met, it was now. I ignored the shame of public speaking, that was my family after all.
"Well, I guess you're expecting me to speak too" yeah, it wasn't such a good start, I went on "I remember the first time I saw Brian in a show and I was blown away by the way he played guitar, and when we talked, just looking at him I realized how smart and passionate he was about the things he loved, and the way he was always kind and thoughtful to me, and understood me when I wasn't fine, and bit by bit I started to love to talk to him, and to be with him, and it took a while to me to realize I loved him, because for a long time, I thought I would never find someone who would complete me perfectly, but sometimes I had hope, I thought someone was waiting to find someone like me, even though I was like the way I am, and Brian is that person. And I love him so much, for all he is, just as we know him."
I turned to him and the tears fell down his face.
"Oh my God Bri ..." I put both hands in my mouth, "I didn't want to make you cry ..."
I tried to wipe his tears from his face.
"I never thought I'd be able to talk to a girl," he breathed and smiled. "And yet, I married a girl who thinks I'm all that you said, even though I didn't think that about me ..."
"But you are Brian ..." I confirmed and kissed him, which made everyone else clap.
Then I noticed tears of the most emotional guests. So the boys went to play a little, it was impossible to have Queen reunited at a party and they didn't do some music. Then there was a calmer moment, Brian entrusted his beloved Red Special to John and asked him to play Some Day, One Day, one of my favorite songs of him. My husband took me out to dance while the boys played the song. Brian was so much taller than me, so I basically leaned my head against his chest, my right hand held to his left, his right hand propped my back. I closed my eyes, feeling the beating of his heart, keeping in my heart every moment of that beautiful day.
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