#nah that weed or alcohol post made me think about how crazy i was using weed
lilgynt · 4 months
i’m sleeping at night i’m eating more regularly im reading again i dont have panic attacks before and during work - after work im usually pretty chill and i dont have a crazy stupid dependency on weed. life got better and it only cost me like. 100 to 300 bucks per paycheck. like 100 base pay but 2 to 3 bc i usually hit bonus bc im amazing and hot. now i’m amazing and hot here without all of that
#personal#nah that weed or alcohol post made me think about how crazy i was using weed#had a 3 month t break due to not getting that job and not wanting that to repeat#and also broke#had some recently and it’s fine!#but i’m not insane thinking i don’t have any for the following days or specific days or my days off#i’m just like cool. grab that again later at some point#or not bc i barely got any work done the weekend i had it#but like i was taking anywhere from 5-20 edibles per day#my record was 40#my nightly routine was opening a bag of incredibles and eating them all and like#i’m still proud of this i don’t care#my friend who wiped my tears first time i did a bong told the group we were in#oh yeah i mean i know pot heads who do insane amounts but ive never seen anyone take so much and just be fine like graham#but insane the amount i was using for the entirety of my old job#like im glad im out of that now#weeds fine and i still enjoy it but im glad its just enjoyment#i remember talking. to my mom and saying how much i hate how often im using it but its the only thing keeping me from hurting myself or my#dad during the whole. thing#and also how for a while sleep gummies were the only thing that kept him calm enough to sleep or just. not be as scared#my boss asked for my birthday today and there is no polite way to be like heyyyyy#is this for a birthday thing bc i’d rather not.#i don’t have a great track record and really all it made think about was bringing my dad home#still thankful that my friends suprised me so throughly and that’s a fond memory but even ballon’s and a note on my desk#makes me feel queasy i’d rather just ignore till im home or actively celebrating it#it hasn’t been so bad in the past couple years but i guess last year made me regress a bit with the bad birthdays
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pietropatrol · 4 years
Marvel High (Part 4)
Read Part 3
A/N: Happy Fic Fri--Saturday! Had this most of the way written up yesterday, but my daughter has not been going down at her bedtime very well so I didn’t get it done before bed! But here I am now, posting as my husband is now trying to get her to go back to sleep. Babies, I tell yah.
Welcome to Marvel High, where being the new kid wasn’t the worst. Your homeroom couldn’t be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the “Avengers.” Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join.
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, teenage substance abuse Words: 1,300ish
The dynamic of the group was odd to witness. They all had drastically different personalities, something you had already gleaned from the bickering during the school day, but under the influence of alcohol, it became even more obvious. It was as if the group was comprised of smaller groups. 
The Maximoff twins were obvious. Natasha and Clint were a pair, that you were sure of. The way they shadowed each other and communicated in their body language was hard to ignore. Either they had been friends for a long time or something was going on between them. Though you felt it would have been inappropriate to ask. Tony and Bruce seemed close, from what you had overheard from their in-depth science conversation at lunch earlier. You could always find Steve, Bucky, and Sam together, but Bucky seemed annoyed whenever he was left with just Sam.
Thor was an outlier and seemed to bounce around all of them seamlessly. His cockiness rivaled Tony’s. Thor appeared to be about six beers deep and enthusiastically telling a story about how he wrestled some unnamed beast in is home country.
“Where is Thor from again?” You turned to Pietro who was watching the group from a distance with you. Though you had felt him watching you when you weren’t looking.
“Some Scandinavian country… we think.” Pietro shrugged. “You sure you don’t want another drink? Nat makes a mean cocktail.”
“I’m sure she does, but I should probably keep my wits about me and not smell like I’ve been drinking. My dad is like a bloodhound with that stuff. One beer was already a risk.”
“So, what is up with your dad anyway? He seems…” Pietro struggled to find the right word.
“Hella protective?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Yes, hell-ah protective, as you so put it.” Pietro inclined his head in your direction, closing the small gap between your bodies.
“He means well. I haven’t made the best choices in my life. And trouble seems to follow me wherever we go. It’s only a matter of time before it finds me here.” You were being intentionally vague. It was a can of worms that someone you just met shouldn’t have sprung on them.
Pietro furrowed his eyebrows but didn’t push. “So, you set fire to your previous school?” He guided you back to the group and you sat next to Wanda on a loveseat, Pietro perched on the arm.
“Fire? Is Y/N talking about setting her school on fire?” Tony had been making his way to the bar when he heard the word fire. Another lit cigarette dangling from his lips.
“Yes, but don’t even think about sitting next to us with that lit.” Steve waved his hand to the offending object.
“It’s my house,” Tony guffawed.
“Rule eleven, specifically made for you, is not smoking within the group circle, because not all of us are trying to get lung cancer before twenty-five.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“I think it’s unfair that we have rules specifically aimed at me. But fine.” Tony dropped his cigarette into his glass and joined the group.
“Rules?” You echoed.
“Top secret,” Tony winked, “Back to the fire, what did you do?”
“It wasn’t anything crazy. I was in wood shop and got bored, wondered if I could burn in a design on a plank with my lighter, and it was highly flammable, apparently. It didn’t take long for the rest of the shop to start on fire, the air was basically half saw-dust.” You shrugged, honestly, it wasn’t the stupidest thing you’d done. It was also an accident for once.
“It only went as far as the home-ec classroom. No big deal, aside from being expelled." 
"Lame!" Tony yawned. "Let's play truth or dare!" 
Everyone groaned and threw empty solo cups at him. 
"Why do you always insist on playing?" Nat looked to him, incredulous. "We've been friends long enough that it isn't fun anymore. You just want us to do stupid shit." 
"What's wrong with stupid shit?" Tony insisted. "Besides we have a newbie now!"
  You looked at your phone and saw it was almost ten o'clock. Had it really been two hours already? "Sorry, but I have to head out. Curfew." 
"And here I was thinking you were a trouble maker," Tony smirked. 
"Oh, I am. But I don't want to be grounded for eternity. Great party though, Tony. Thanks for the invite." You made to leave with Pietro and Wanda on following behind you when a young boy, probably about 14, came running in, out of breath. 
"Alright, who invited the freshman?" Steve rubbed his temples. "We agreed, no freshman." 
"Parker isn't going to cause any trouble, the kid's a saint," Tony argued. "What's going on?" 
"Some--oh hi," the freshman saw you. "I'm Peter Parker. You must be new."
"I'm Y/N. You okay, Peter?"  
He was still trying to catch his breath. "Oh yeah! There's a bunch of Hydra High douche-bros who snuck in. They're by the pool." 
"Fuuuucccckkkkk." Bucky cursed. "They're definitely here to start some shit." "Alright, is everybody sober enough to deal with them?" Steve looked pointedly to Tony who was rolling up his sleeves, already looking ready for a fight. 
"We should probably go, you don't need me and Wanda, right?" Pietro looked to Steve. 
"Umm... if you're parked in the driveway, you won't be able to get out. They blocked it with their own cars." 
"Looks like you're going to be late. Sorry." Pietro frowned at you. A heavy sigh escaped your lips. 
"Nah, it's not your fault. How quickly do you think we can scare off these guys?" Tony held up his hand, gaining everyone's attention. "I might have a solution. Let me go down to my basement, and I will meet you out there." 
The group made their way down to the pool. Your other classmates had crowded around, keeping a distance from Hydra.
  Hydra was raiding the outdoor bar and the scariest student among them was lounging on a wicker chair, sipping lazily on a bottle of vodka. A small voice in your head said he was the leader. Maybe it was because everyone else was at work nabbing whatever they could and he was already enjoying their spoils. You just knew. 
"Avengers!" he called out, happily. "Great party!" 
"Avengers?" You whispered to Pietro. 
"I'll explain later." 
The leader's eyes narrowed in on you. "New recruit?" 
The hair stood up on the back of your neck as he stood up and stepped closer to you. He looked you up and down, perplexed. "Do I know you?"
"Doubt it." Pietro pulled you behind him, breaking his line of sight. 
"Maximoff onto a new toy already?" 
"What are you doing here, Keller? I thought we told you not to come near this place again?" Steve pulled the attention to him. "The message was pretty clear when Thor cracked open your forehead." 
"We heard about the dope ass party, Rogers. Thought some of your classmates would want to have a little more fun--" 
"We don't want your shitty drugs." Peter piped up. "Like weed is cool and stuff, but--" 
"Your shit is garbage." Tony sauntered through the group, a contraption strapped to his arms. "And calling it 'Candy Andy' is kinda lame." 
A light emitted from Tony's palm and beam jutted out and shatter the bottle of vodka in Keller's hand. Tony hissed from the hot metal burning into his palm but stood his ground. 
Keller remained calm and held up his hands, though you could see a slight look of terror in his eyes. "Alright, we'll see you around another time then. Good to see you again, Y/N." He winked at you and they took off. 
You froze, you didn't know him, how did he know you?
@mcfuccfairy@hannah1234543@fandomstucklover87love@aegonsgarden@superavengerimagines@racheltheclumsy @little-hufflepuff-badger@sherlocklover123@secondxreality@electricstar13@dusknightmare@pastell-niall @lesh-targaryen @erreneous@nerdyfangirl4lyf@pietrosprintesa@geminifangirl3@rageofcaliban@psycopathic-turtle@extremelyintroverted@themightycrybaby@zoziemoore@wincensfw@goldenfairytaleprincess@weehawkendawngunsdrawnyouron@cuteykittens1313 @saysomethingorimdone@hogwarts-mischief@kayzie-chu @barely-emily @vantastic-booty@wonderxluster@itsjusthaawo @mikey-girl12 @are-you-in-the-game@chameerah@wzndamaximoff@linellin@rainbowtheninja@hipsterhipster-wannabe@ofbandsandyoutubers@eternalanxious@soldierstans @geebearway @sokoviantrash@blubberwhalecurdlesnoothings @mermaid-princess-wannabe@everlasting9@random0213@erissapphire@softhor @allyzaq@genjisbuttfriend @mcusebstan @lexiethegiantslayer@pebblesz892@wellfuckbuck@marvelbase001 @reckllesslyareuforreal @mischief-managed1987 @captain-purpledinonatalyimagirl@armyprincess02 @mottergirl99@cupcakelover615@aweways@flirtswithdanger@lanie103@rebbie444@iwanttorunawaytohogwarts@draconicuchiha@callme-crowley@jessicajjones@doctorwho2013@onepiecelover1223@deadpools-wife@shannonxbarnes @justapolinaris@dont-fillintheblank@imaginary-world-of-mine @warriorsofasgardia @mymindplayshopscotch @tachibubu @cringedyIan @theawesomefrenchie@hortonhearsahoeblr@lavelay@nothinghappenswithouthope @potterpineapple1975@infj-universe72@dancingpizzasarelife @galacyan @nuitrhodes@seb-satann@leoniford@ciaramcgeesprat@hiimangelique@bywonater@umwhatandrea@riverpotterimagines@iwanttorunawaytohogwarts@araceli91103@flirtswithdanger@harrisonholland@weirdestmentalityphilosopher @supervalcsi@somethingwitty-somethingsweet @destiel-is-bae-18 @123louis-blog @bloody-doctor @skybaby-potter @galacyan @jollyholymoly@ginger-wayward-assbutt @avatar-moist@brokensurvivor@flubbernuggets @red-writer13 @capsicle-steve-rogers @broken-pieces @punkdoor @hiding-in-the-backgroundx-x@silverwhispersandash@geeksareunique@serenastark@straightasdeanwinchester @nina-winchester4life@bywonater@sh00kbois@tayrae515@xdsockmonkey@kaitmcu@willowruemellark@weirdestmentalityphilosopher@curlycals@justahappylilblog@sameemaximoff @alonna-oxoxoxsavvvcobainnn @rosaquinn @futzingclint @princess-unicorn124 @racheltheclumsy @kenzie-cold-greenkale@mottergirl99 @snailhoard@thisismysecrethappyplace@sweetpeas-serpent-princess@multifandomphenomena @hoeposey@dmv49 @tomhollandhasnolips @waytoobsessedwithmyfandoms@minuteandahalf @igoldieloxi​ @lovelydreamer-2000​ @justahappylilblog​ @ciochesono @the-fandom-ness​ @ithoughtfullyglitterycollection​  @heartbeats-wildly​ @erinsquinns
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maraudererasmut · 4 years
Experiment MJ001
TW: Drug and alcohol use. Mentions of drugs and alcohol use by minors. 
Marjiuana is legal in my country. It has been for a while.
I’ve always been very nervous about things in my life. Not anything in specific, just things in general. I had spend so long being repressed by my parents, I had cotten it in my head that drugs = bad and since marjiuana = drug, QED marjiuana = bad. 
Today, I decided to do something out of the ordinary and purchase a (legal) chocolate bar from the pot store and try it out!
So, I am currently high for the very first time in my life! (I’m in my late 20s)
I had an idea that I thought was brilliant at the time to write Wolfstar fan fiction about Remus getting high for the first time WHILE I was high and see what happened!
I also decided that I’m going to POST IT. Without editing it! (Pure, unadulterated chaos!!!) Now, for your viewing pleasure, the ramblings of a T on Pot. I have no idea if this is good or not. I haven’t read through it yet. I’ll probably wake up tomorrow, read this, regret it and delete it. But until then... enjoy!
((I’m sorry if it’s terrible!!!))
((I am also currently still high while typing this, so I apologize for any errors!!))
Remus had never consumed marjiuana before. Growing up, his parents had been very strict with what kinds of medication he was allowed to consume, particularly in regards to his lycanthropy. “You don’t know how it will affect the wolf, Remus.” “You don’t know what will happen…” “We can’t predict how the wolf will react…” 
Magic had always been the go-to remedies for colds or maladies; Muggle drugs were never to be trusted in the LUpin home.
So when Remus got drunk for the first time, he made sure that his friends were around to help him through the experience. 
Now, in his seventh year of school, Remus finally built up enough courage to ask his friends to, once-again, monitor Remus while he was testing the waters.
Remus sat with the three other Marauders, staring at the brownie in his hand.
“Are you sure this is safe?” he groaned, internally terrified of what may happen. The scent of the brownie wafted through the air, and Remus cursed his wolfish senses as his mind began convincing him that this might be worth it for the chocolate alone.
“”Yeah, I’m sure, Moons…” Sirius teased, licking his lips like a cartoon wolf sizing up a prized pig as he stared at his own brownie.
“Yeah, Pads and I have done this hundreds of times!” James chimed in, already  half way through his. “It’s fine!”
“You’re not werewolves,” Remus grumbled as he turned to Peter. “You’re the sensible one, Wormy. What do you think?”
Peter stared at Remus for a moment before breaking out into a smile. 
“I say fuck it!” he said, taking a bite out of his own brownie. “You only live once, Moons!”
Remus closed his eyes, took a bite from his brownie, chewed and swallowed. 
Nothing happened.
No big bang, no swirling in his brain, no sudden rush of feeling. 
“It’s… not working?” He said, turning to Sirius.
“Give it a bit, Moons! It takes time to work! It’s like alcohol!”
“Okay,” Remus said with a shrug, finishing the rest of his brownie. “So… what do I do until then?”
Sirius shrugged, but his smirk gave him away. He sat back onto the pillows and blankets that they had dragged to the ground, his head resting precariously close to Remus’ lap. He grinned up at Remus before reaching for his wand and giving a lazy flick into the air. 
Sirius’ record player began to spin, and All Along the Watchtower began playing, filling the entire room and seeping into Remus’ bones.
Remus laid back on the pillows, his head next to Sirius’. He closed his eyes and let Hendrix drift through his mind, trying not to let Sirius’ scent drive him crazy. 
Remus didn’t feel anything.
Not for a while.
He didn’t think it was even working.
The boys had spent the next hour talking, chatting, chilling, as they usually do on Saturday evenings. They talked about girls (James complaining about Lily), boys (Sirius’ trists with that Ravenclaw boy), and everything in between (Peter’s insistence that, yes, James, he is still Asexual. And no, James, he doesn’t need to double check.) 
Remus didn’t notice the time passing as he laid on the pillows next to his friends, for the first time in his life actually being able to participate fully. They normally spend evenings hanging out in the middle of the room. James and Sirius always got high. They had since they had discovered Muggle weed last year. Peter had partaken on occasion, but usually insisted that he preferred a couple of beers over weed. Remus, on the other hand, remained sober all night, watching his friends fall into various states of inebriation, testing their limits, seeing new sides of themselves. 
This was his first time.
Remus smiled to himself, thinking about how much fun it is to participate, even if he didn’t know what being high felt like yet. 
“What’re you smiling about?”
Sirius’ voice was practically a purr in Remus’ ear, and he felt his heartbeat quicken. 
“M’not… Not really. Just… happy to be here with you lads....”
“Mmm, same, Moons. Happy to be here… Today’s a good day to be alive…”
“That’s a weird thing to say…” Remus rolled over and looked at Sirius. 
Was Sirius always that handsome? Did his eyes always sparkle silver in their conjured lights? Did his hair always look that soft and touchable? What would happen if Remus touched it? Was his skin always so pale, so milky while, Remus had to resist leaning over and tasting it. Remus edged his arm over slightly, comparing his own freckle-dusted arm to Sirius’. One was slender and perfect and tattooed and lovely. One was broken and scarred and ugly. 
It was no wonder Sirius never noticed Remus.
“Whatya thinkin’ ‘bout?”
Sirius’ voice distracted Remus from his thoughts. 
“Mm? What’d’ya mean?” 
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles…
The Who was playing in the background and Remus watched as Sirius’ head bobbed up and down to the music, a wide grin spread across his perfect cheeks. 
“I mean you’re thinkin’ of stuff. We all are… I am… That’s what makes things so cool when you’re high… You think of stuff…”
Remus blinked. What was Sirius even saying? What had he been doing? Was he thinking? He seemed to be thinking…
His brain felt like the needle was skipping across the record. Or that more than one record was playing at a time. Everything that was said out loud was one record in one player, and a vision of him talking to Sirius from a bird’s eye view was another record. And the way the music blended into his brain was another record. 
Was this what being high was?
“I’m thinking of the music… I guess. And… Mrs. Robinson…”
“Ha ha! That’s that one Hufflepuff chick, ya?”
“What? No… it’s… coo coo ca choo?” Remus closed his eyes. His mind was feeling a bit foggy. 
Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes…
“Oh! Yeah! Jesus holds a place for those who pray…”
“Hey hey hey!” James’ voice came from miles away. Or across the room. To Remus, it felt like both at once.
“Yeah,” Remus said with a grin, rolling over onto his left side to face Sirius. “Coo coo choo, Mrs. Robinson….”
“BOYS!” Peter hollered from the other side of the room. “Hot Blooded! This is my jam!”
Remus grinned, listening as the sound of guitar filled the room. He tapped along to the song, watching Sirius watch the ceiling.
“What are you thinking about, Pads?”
Sirius tilted his head towards Remus and gave a wink. 
“That I’m hot blooded,” he said, his tongue resting on his fang. 
“Pfftt… You’re just a horny mutt…” Remus teased. He felt an immediate pang of regret as Remus realized that Sirius was likely horny for a certain Ravenclaw boy. 
“Mmm, bet you are too. Not that you’d ever date anyone… But I bet you’re real bad, Moons… “
Remus rolled his eyes, trying to keep his heart from exploding from his chest with terror. Why was Sirius talking about how horny Remus was? That wasn’t something Sirius ever talked about. 
“You know how it is… not allowed. The whole… furry little problem…”
Oooh, I’m picking up good vibrations, oooh she’s giving me excitations…
“I’ve told you, just date one of us…”
Remus chuckled, trying not to show how much he wished he could. 
“Oh yeah, James would totally ditch Lily for me,” Remus teased, listening to the Beach Boys suddenly start the quiet part of Good VIbrations. 
“I didn’t say date James…”
“Oh, Sorry… Peter then… Yup. That seems like a great idea…”
Good good good good vibrations!!
“Are those really your only choices?”
Sirius was on his side at this point, facing Remus head-on, giving a sly grin. 
Normally, Remus would laugh this off as a joke and change the subject. Perhaps talk about the fact that Sirius had American Woman on his magical mixed-record. 
Today was different though. Today, Remus was feeling a little bolder. A little dizzier. A little more capable of looking at the situation differently.
Most days, from the very beginning of his life, Remus had been taught to be small, demure, less than other people. He knew not to make waves or say what was on his mind, because he was not to draw attention to himself. Today, for the first time in his entire life, Remus was starting to understand what it felt like to be a normal person. Someone who wasn’t a werewolf. Someone who didn’t grow up being told that they had to hide themselves because of societal pressures. Today, he could suddenly just say whatever he thought and felt and there was absolutely nothing keeping him from saying it. 
“I can’t very well date you, Padfoot. What would that poor Ravenclaw boy do without you in his life?”
“Who, Spencer? Nah, we were never an item. Just fooling around…”
“Fine then,” Remus said with finality, trying to shrug while on his side. Whoooo are you? Who who, who who? “I suppose you’re the only person in all of Hogwarts who I can date.” 
Sirius grinned his wicked grin, inching closer to Remus, his eyes positively smouldering. 
“I suppose so. Guess we’re to call it, then. We’re dating now…”
Whooo are you? Who who? Who who?
Aaaawww, who the fuck are you?
“Hear that Prongs,” Remus said, playing along with the joke. “Sirius and I are dating now.”
“Well it’s about goddamn time,” James yelled back.
Remus chuckled to himself, but when he opened his eyes, Sirius was there. In front of him, their noses almost touching… There was a moment…
Whoooo are you? Who who? Who who?
Remus inched closer, rubbing his nose to Sirius’, just playing along, just being silly, just keeping up with the game.
Sirius closed the gap.
Remus sank into the kiss, feeling Sirius’ lips against his own, Sirius’ tongue tasting like chocolate and pot, Sirius’ hands suddenly around his waist. 
Then Remus pulled away.
Who are you? Who who? Who who?
“Who the fuck are you?”
Sirius laughed, pulling himself slightly away from Remus.
“I just wanted to see how far you’d be willing to play along! I didn’t realize you’d actually let me kiss you!”
“Fuck…” Remus swore, starting to feel angry at Sirius. “Shit... I thought maybe…”
“Maybe what?”
“Maybe what, Remus?”
“Nothing, Sirius.” Sirius’ lips were against Remus’ again, but the werewolf knew better this time. He pulled away, his eyes narrowing. “Stop dicking around.”
“I’m not dicking around…” Sirius whispered, his voice dropping low and rumbly. Remus felt a chill down his spine as House of the Rising Sun played in the background.  
“Don’t kiss me if you don’t mean it,” Remus grumbled, before he had a chance to think about his words and and regret saying him, Sirius was kissing him again. Remus tasted his tongue and lips and the thrill of kissing someone he had wanted to kiss for as long as he could remember. Sirius pulled away, his eyes gleaming and ravenous. 
“I mean it,” he cooed. “I—”
Before he could continue, Remus was pressed into Sirius, taking advantage of his inebriated state and lack of over-thinking. 
“Get a room, you prats!” James called across the room. Remus didn’t care. He didn’t care about anything except the feeling of Sirius’ body against his own, Sirius’ hands around his hips, Sirius’ tongue in his mouth, Sirius’ teeth nipping his lower lip. Everything was Sirius.
Remus closed his eyes and lost himself in his Padfoot. He silently prayed that things could stay this easy forever, but deep inside, he knew that would be a dangerous path to head down...
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twerkhammett · 6 years
Holy fuck, good thing I have a long train ride😂1. Full nameAngelica DeLillo2. Age213. 3 fearsFailure, getting snatched up one of these nights im on the train alone, losing the people i care about4. 3 things I loveNik, food, and our cat5. 4 turn onsBiting, slapping (ass face and tits), being tied up or held down, and when he gets that mean look on his face and i know hes gonna be really rough with me ugh6. 4 turn offsI have had these experiences with almost every person I've been with except Nik..bad hygiene, being rushed (you cum yet?), bad oral and when i tell them what would feel good they dont listen..and worst of all sex that feels half assed. They just want to cum real quick, theres no passion or effort, they don't care if they please you at all. Fucking horrible..7. My best friendIn cali my best friend here besides Nik is Ashley, and I get to live with them both its awesome! In Florida I cant choose one cuz ive known them all forever and love those dudes..Mels, Denzel, Brauston, and Alicia8. Sexual orientationBisexual9. My best first dateWith Nikolas obviously 😉10. How tall i am5'611. What do I missMy friends and family back home12: What time were I born3:55pm13: Favourite colorGreen14: Do I have a crushOn my boyfriend😂15: Favourite quoteIdk man16: Favourite placeHard to choose one, maybe my bed😂17: Favourite foodI hate favorites..pizza and wings18: Do I use sarcasmNever :)19: What am I listening to right nowSlayer 20: First thing I notice in new personIf they're fuckin rude or not21: Shoe size822: Eye colorBrown23: Hair colorLight brownish? Auburn?24: Favourite style of clothingBlack25: Ever done a prank call?Yup27: Meaning behind my URLKirk twerkin28: Favourite movieKung Fury29: Favourite songCant choose30: Favourite bandStill cant choose my dude31: How I feel right nowMeh32: Someone I loveNik33: My current relationship statusIn love af its disgusting34: My relationship with my parentsPretty good these days35: Favourite holidayHalloween36: Tattoos and piercing i haveNips, lips, and ears37: Tattoos and piercing i wantA lot, whenever i get the money..38: The reason I joined TumblrMels made me join lol39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?I don't think he hates me, but i hate his bitch ass..40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?I used to get them from Nik but we live together so now he can just tell me lol41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?This morning42: When did I last hold hands?Yesterday43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?15mins, its caffeinating myself that can take time44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?Noooope45: Where am I right now?On BART46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?Nik, been a while since thats happened tho47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Loud48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Nope49: Am I excited for anything?For class to be over so i can relax lol...haven't even got there yet50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Nik, Denzel, Brauston51: How often do I wear a fake smile?At work lmao52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Does my cat count? An hour ago lol53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?This would never happen, but I would go to jail if it did lol54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Not that i know of?55: What is something I disliked about today?Nik had to work early and I've been sexually frustrated af56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?James57: What do I think about most?Nik and food are tied i think58: What’s my strangest talent?Idk59: Do I have any strange phobias?Eh not really60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Behind61: What was the last lie I told?Not sure, probably at work lol62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?On the phone63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Aliens yeah64: Do I believe in magic?Nah65: Do I believe in luck?Not really66: What’s the weather like right now?64 and clear skys67: What was the last book I’ve read?Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Yesss69: Do I have any nicknames?Besides the ones Nik has for me no70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?Cut my knee open71: Do I spend money or save it?That shits gone pretty fast dont get to spend it on anything fun tho haha72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge?Nah73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?My backpack has some pink on it74: Favourite animal?My cat😂75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Fucking76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Trump77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Nightcrawler78: How can you win my heart?Be Nikolas or James Hetfield79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Nothing80: What is my favorite word?Fuck81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrIdk man i like a lot of yall82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?Someone please assasinate the orange one83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Not that i know of84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Invisibility or time travel85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Not sure86: What is my current desktop picture?Some nature pic bc i havent change it87: Had sex?On a daily basis my dude88: Bought condoms?Yes89: Gotten pregnant?No90: Failed a class?Yup91: Kissed a boy?Yup92: Kissed a girl?Yep93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Yes, Nik94: Had job?Sadly95: Left the house without my wallet?Fucking yes!!!96: Bullied someone on the internet?No lol97: Had sex in public?A few days ago lmao98: Played on a sports team?Yep99: Smoked weed?This is where my extra money goes..sigh100: Did drugs?Nothing crazy but yeah101: Smoked cigarettes?Yes102: Drank alcohol?Yeah103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?Noo104: Been overweight?Nope105: Been underweight?Nope106: Been to a wedding?Yep107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Yes lol108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Yeah109: Been outside my home country?Not yet, but I plan on it110: Gotten my heart broken?Yeah couple years ago111: Been to a professional sports game?Yep112: Broken a bone?My finger lol113: Cut myself?A while ago114: Been to prom?Nope115: Been in airplane?Yes116: Fly by helicopter?No but I want to!!117: What concerts have I been to?Megadeth, Metallica, Exodus, Testament, Carcass, Slayer, Midnight, Kreator, Obituary, Children of Bodom, Rammstein, and a few more but those were the best ones118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Quite a few times119: Learned another language?Some German and some ASL120: Wore make up?I wear mascara121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?Yeah122: Had oral sex?Yupppppp123: Dyed my hair?Yes124: Voted in a presidential election?Yep!125: Rode in an ambulance?Nope126: Had a surgery?No127: Met someone famous?Nope128: Stalked someone on a social network?A while ago hahah129: Peed outside?Yep130: Been fishing?Yes131: Helped with charity?I donate to greenpeace monthly132: Been rejected by a crush?Sorta133: Broken a mirror?Im sure I have, I def had a big ass mirror fall on my fuckin head one time tho!134: What do I want for birthday?Some dick😂135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?2 max, no idea about names, havent thought about it much136: Was I named after anyone?No137: Do I like my handwriting?Its a bit sloppy but yeah138: What was my favourite toy as a child?Barbies lol139: Favourite Tv Show?DBZ😂140: Where do I want to live when older?The forest, somewhere in Colorado maybe141: Play any musical instrument?Not well lol142: One of my scars, how did I get it?Accidentally stabbed myself at work143: Favourite pizza toping?Mushrooms144: Am I afraid of the dark?No, I need it to sleep145: Am I afraid of heights?A bit146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yes lmao, many times by my dad usually147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Did you mean my last relationship😂😂148: What I’m really bad atProcrastination149: What my greatest achievments areGetting the fuck out of fl, some of my artwork, learning to cope with my depression150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meProb something my ex said lol151: What I’d do if I won in a lotteryQuit my job, build a house, and open a cave bar (me and Ashley were just talkin about that)152: What do I like about myselfWell i guess i never stop trying even tho i fuck up a lot hahah153: My closest Tumblr friend@stalkhome-sindrone probably😁154: Something I fantasise aboutA stable income...Thanks for that big ass ask my anonymous dude!!😂To the rest of my followers, sorry for the long post and some of the tmi questions😊
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lillesbianthatcould · 7 years
answers to anon
Is a kiss considered cheating? yes
Have you ever faked orgasm? i don’t think so
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? FLY 100%
Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? haha definitely not
Tell us some funny drunk story. i’ve only been ‘drunk’ once and it wasn’t super exciting or anything. i remember running around in circles in the grass w/ my friends seeing how many i could do before i fell down or threw up lmfao
Why are you no longer together with your ex? well, i’ve had quite a few ex’s and none of them are even SLIGHTLY comparable to my current girlfriend. tbh no one ever could be in any way. she’s my soulmate and i wouldn’t trade her for the world.
If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? in my sleep, in bed with my gf holding my hand.
What are your current goals? to get through the next 6 months or so without too many hurdles, and to do exceedingly well with the certificate i’m planning to get in order to get a full-time job so i can live by my gf (:
Do you like someone? obviously yes ^^
Who was the last person to disappoint you? probably one of my old friends
Do you like your body? i’m beginning to honestly
Can you keep a diet? if i put all my effort into it, i’m sure i could manage. i just don’t want to lmao.
If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? love yourself first
Do you work? yep
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? probably either cheese or potatoes
Would you get a tattoo? already have one, want soooo many more
Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? presents for my girlfriend or my friends
Can you drive? yes, i wouldn’t have a relationship if i couldn’t tbh
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? uhhh idk
What was the last thing you cried for? a stupid reason lol
Do you keep a journal? yeah sorta
Is life fun? sometimes
Is farting in front of people irrelevant? it’s funny ?? lmao
What’s your dream car? definitely a 67′ chevrolet impala
Are grades in school important? yeah i mean, they weren’t my biggest priority when i was in high school, but they are pretty important if you’re wanting to get into a 4 year college and whatnot.
Describe your crush. she’s fucking stunning. so intelligent. extremely sweet and kind. overall the most amazing woman i’ve ever known. (besides my mom ofc)
What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? the glass castle. great movie.
What was your last lie? probably about eating lunch - i always tell my gf or mom that i ate, when sometimes i don’t (not because i’m restricting myself but because i’m either too lazy to make food or because nothing sounds appetizing).
Dumbest lie you ever told? i haven’t told many crazy lies or anything that i can remember..
Is crying in front of people embarrassing? nah, at least not to me. i always try to tell my friends, “crying is good. we all need to do it. don’t worry about looking dumb because you won’t to me.”
Something you did and you are proud of? uhh well it’s not a huge deal but on my last trip up to see my gf, i gave this lady at the grocery store a ride to her house because it was pouring rain and she lost her keys. i felt really bad, i wasn’t gonna make her walk home with a whole cart of groceries (she had a limp and was on the older side) and although it wasn’t my safest idea, it was still nice and she called me her savior like 100 times and said i was an angel from heaven, so that was sweet. (:
What’s your favourite cocktail? i don’t drink lol
Something you are good at? umm idk tbh.. i’m pretty decent at basketball????
Do you like small kids? yes as long as they’re respectful and sweet
How are you feeling right now? pretty good!
What would you name your daughter/son? son: atticus / daughter: mable
What do you need to be happy? music
Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? yes always
What was the last gift you received? i think it was when my friend zoe surprised me with sweet-tarts on my break at work and it was so nice. i love her sm.
What was the last gift you gave? it’s technically not a gift but i just mailed  some random cute stuff to my gf and she opened it on skype like an hour or so ago (:
What was the last concert you went to? green day in st. louis, missouri!!
Favourite place to shop at? either h&m or old navy
Who inspires you? morgan freeman tbh
How old were you when you first got drunk? like 16 i think
How old were you when you first got high? probably early 16 also.
How old were you when you first had sex? 17 i think ?? or i had just turned 18
When was your first kiss? we don’t speak of that
Something you want to do until the end of this year? bANG MY GF
Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? ohhh so many things
Post a selfie. ok i will 
Who are you most comfortable around? honestly cami
Name one thing that terrifies you. the ocean
What kind of books do you read? the typical basic-as-fuck teen novels
What would you tell your 12 year old self? don’t spend so much time on any of those people. you’ll lose them all in like 5 years. it’s so fckn sad but true like… i am not friends with a single person i was friends with back then.
What is your favourite flower? roses bc i’m baSIC-AS-FUCK
Any bad habits you have? uhhhh overthinking, comparing myself, not eating when i’m stressed, talking to people that aren’t worth my time, giving too many damn chances.. the list goes on and on.
What kind of people are you attracted to? idk nice people?? people who have the same sense of humor as me. idk like if you like trump,,,, we probably wouldn’t work out lmao.
What was the last thing you cried for? i think i already answered this but it was over someone i’m no longer friends with. idk it was earlier today & not worth it.
Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? PINEAPPLE 
Are you in love? very
Something you find romantic? i like random notes or texts or cute shit to remind you that the other person is thinking about u
How long was your longest relationship? it is the current one i am in - 1 year and over 8 months so far.
What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? uhhh idk this is a weird question for me
What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? again ?? it’s weird ??
What are you saving money for? i should be saving it for moving away lmao. but i’m using most of my money on christmas presents for my gf, friends & parents.
How would you describe your bad side? HANGRY
Are you actually a good person? Why? idk think so ? maybe ? but sometimes i think i’m the worst person ever so ????
What are you living for? my future plans with my girlfriend honestly & cause i have the sweetest niece now (’:
Have you ever done anything illegal? yeah
Do you like your body? some of these questions are repeating lol ^ it’s also Q #11
Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? yeah but not directly i don’t think :/
Ever sent nudes? all day erryday
Have you ever cheated on someone? nah
Favourite candy? anything sour especially sour jolly ranchers uggfuugfgf
Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! @wulfwire it’s my alpha gay (; she’s da best, go follow her !!!
Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? i don’t really have time to play anymore :// 
Are you religious? Does God exist? i used to be christian and believe in god and whatnot, now i guess you’d call me agnostic?? like i believe in *something* but not in ‘God’ necessarily. 
What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? i haven’t read in so longgggg
What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? i mean, you do you. i know for a fact i couldn’t do it because i’m so picky and depend on dairy products so i know i could never go vegan and idk man it’s just so much work.
How long have you been on Tumblr? since july of 13′ so wow. over 4 years… 0.0
Do you like Chineese food? ehh. i’m trying to like it more!
McDonalds or Subway? mcdonalds probably.
Vodka or whiskey? neither bleh
Alcohol or drugs? drugs ?? i guess - only if weed counts ??
Ever been out of your province/state/country? yes many times
Meaning behind your blog name? don’t wanna talk about it
What are you scared of? lots of things; insects mainly, and open water - like not even just the ocean, but even lakes and ponds too. 
Last time you were insulted? i can’t remember ?? damn, that’s a great feeling
Most traumatic experience? probably the time i was having seizures for 5 years straight. thankfully i’ve been seizure free for about 6 years now.
Perfect date idea? something corny or cheesy idk. i love simple things like going to a park and talking for hours and eating ice cream and laughing about nonsense.
Favourite app on your phone? tumblr for sure, or 8-ball pool *cause i’m such a cool kid* 
What colour are the walls in your room? navy blue
Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? always and forever a fothermucker (; @jackskellin
Share your favourite quote. “i’d rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who i am not.” - miles mckenna 
What is the meaning of life? who knows, man. just enjoy the ride.
Do you like horror movies? eh not really, i’m a total baby. but my new friend is probably gonna end up making me like them cause that’s all she watches.
Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? yeah probably a bunch of times. we used to fight all the time. we both weren’t mentally great a few years ago. mainly due to my dad dealing with being an alcoholic. we’re much better now, thankfully.
Do you feel lucky or special in a way? yeah i definitely feel lucky a lot of the time.
Can you keep a secret? always.
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skiasurveys · 7 years
100 questions about your man
Answer honestly! : )
Does he ever sing in the bath or shower? - yes sometimes i hear him singing in the shower, its so cute
Would he consider you to be a good driver? - He has told me that im great at driving.
Has he ever made love in the open air? - with me yeah.
Has he ever mad a fraudulent insurance claim?- no?
Is he generally a tidy person? - NOOO.
Does he know your mothers maiden name? - i dont think so actually 
Has he ever collected stamps?- no
Does he believe in god?- He does but he doesn’t. hes more so agnostic. he grew up believing in it.
Does he always remember important dates such as anniversaries and birthdays?- kind of.
Does he watch to much TV?- ehh he always watching netfix.
Does he eat to much fast food?- he used too but not overly.
Is he a good lover?- Mm. fuck yeah.
Has he ever been in a sex shop?- Yes and we have gone together too.
Does he like foreighn foods?- Yesss. Our first date he took me to a Thai place actually.
Do you know exactly how much money he earns?- He is currentling looking for a job atm.
Does he try and speak a foreign language on holiday?- no
Does he swear to much?- Just as much as me
Does he waste time and money on computer games?- I wouldnt say waste because i spend the same amount, except hes  alittle more.
Does he find any of his friends sexy?- No i hope not 
Does he regularly suffer from  after a meal?- sometimes hahaha 
Does he pick his nose in public if he thinks nobody is looking?- Nope
Does he ever pee in the shower?- im sure he does.
Does he moan?- yesssssssss, so hotttt.
Does he like women with tattoos?- Not really.
Does he like shopping with you?- for certain stuff, yeah.
Does he help with household chores?- sometimes
Does he control the TV remote?- not really.
Does he have a good singing voice?- Yes.
Does he talk in his sleep?- he has a couple of times
Does he snore?- he used too in the winter.
Does he ever sniff his underwear and socks to see if they are clean?- i dont notice 
Does he ever sniff his armpits to check for body odour?- hh yeah.
Does he ever scratch his nether regions?- yeppp.
Does he ever wear pants with holes in them?- he once wore sweatpants with a hole right where his dick was lol
Has he ever driven whilst over the alcohol limit?- no he doesnt really drink either.
Does he enjoy watching soaps?- no.
Do he continually sniff rather than use a handkercheif?- no
Does he have a high sex drive?- yeah but i think mine might be higher cus im younger than him
Is he argumentative?- sometimes we argue
Does he ever suffer from road rage?- yes..
Does he always wash his hands after using the toilet?- i hope he does lol
Does he always leave the toilet in the condition he expects to find it?-  ugh sometimes he leaves it up and its like fuck off breh
Could he cook a roast dinner on his own?- yeah hes  a great cook actually
Does he ever drink to much alcohol?- no
Is he grumpy in the mornings?- not really
Does he regulary iron his own clothes?- no
Is he good at DIY?- no
Is he afraid of heights?- nah
Is he a hypochondriac?- not at all
Would he or does he play an equal part in the rearing of his family?- yeah
Would he act in a blue movie if the price was right?- i wouldnt let him -___-
Would he preform a base jump for £1 million?- idk
Does he ever worry about his finances?- he doesnt talk about it. he doesnt really stress.
Would he mind if his in-laws moved in with you both?- yes. i would mind too.
Would he mind if his boss was a woman?- im sure he could care less
Would he like to occasionally spend a week without you?- maybe. i dont have to be glued to him, but i dont want to be away from him for tooo long.
Is he compassionate and understanding if you are suffering the ‘time of the month’?- yeah. im not really a moody person on my period, i can cope with my moods so im pretty lucky and so is he
Has he ever farted audibly infront of you?- oh yea
Does he think that he has a resonable body?- yeah
Has he ever used illegal drugs?- weed.
Is he moody?- he can
Does he know how much you weigh?- i dont tell him lol
Has he ever been on a blind date?- i dont know
Does he consider himself generous?- nope
Does he consider himself competitive?- very
Would he consider having the snip? i asked him once and he said he wouldnt
Would he consider doing a free fall parachute jump for charity?- not for charity i dont think so
Would he confront a burglar in his own home?- i feel like he would
Would he agree to be hypnotised infront of an audience?- no 
Has he ever made love in a public place?- we have
If Liz Hurley offered herself to him, do you think he would accept?  no
Have you'r parents ever seen him naked? no omg
Does he consider himself romantic?- yeah sometimes
Does he regulary give you flowers?- no, i hate flowers
Whilst on a bus, plane or train, has he ever stared at a womens chest so much that she’s noticed?- no and jfc if i noticed i would be mad, but he also isnt into tits but he doesnt stare at other women when hes with me.
Has he ever watched exotic dancers?- no
Does he know you'r shoe size?- yeah but im sure he forgot
Does he know you'r bust size?- yeah
Does he have fewer than 5 annoying habits?- yeah.
Does he know the date of you'r fathers birthday?- No
Does he always cast his vote?- sometimes
Does he think he is funny?- yes and he is
Does he like cheese?- too much
Does he have a huge appetite?- Oh yeah.
Has he ever fantasised about one of his work mates?- No
Does he think he is handsom?- he does and he doest. which is dumb. hes hot as hell
Does he regulary speed on the motorway?- no
Has he ever shaved other parts of his body apart from his face?- yeah his ballsack
Does he have a pet name for you?Baby, Babe, babygirl 
Does he ever avoid the question for a quiet life? No
Is he over weight? Not at all. Hes just right.
If he won the lotto jackpot would he give some to charity?- I dont know, actually.
Does he usually leave the loo seat up?- Yes -___-
Does he spend more than 2 hours watching TV each night?- yeah. but usualy at night
Does he spend more than an hour exercising each week?- yeah
Has he had sexual relations with more than 10 different women?- Yes  he said hes had 13 partners which i think isnt that crazy, and im glad hes honest. Ive met dudes who have fucked 100 women. ewww.
Could he be a hangman? idk?
Can he stand the sight of blood?- yeah
Has he ever had an autograph book?- no
Has he ever won a competition? yes.
Now Upload a picture of him and tag him in this note! : ) Lol no im too awkward for that, but ive posted a selfie wth him on my personal. justskia.tumblr.com/tagged/my+face
0 notes
omar-199x-blog · 7 years
first and last time ill post about myself (maybe)
* 1: name omar * 2: Age 19 * 3: Fears oblivion * 4: 3 things I love Food, Art, my girl * 5: turn ons my girl * 6: turn offs everyone else * 7: My best friend savannah then james 2nd just cause he knows me well * 8: Sexual orientation i am a male. penis and all. * 9: My best first date dont remember * 10: How tall am I 5'7 ish lol * 11: What do I miss the way holidays use to feel * 12: What time were I born an inconvenient one * 13: Favourite color lol black, red, grey * 14: Do I have a crush no i have a gf * 15: Favourite quote you get what you give * 16: Favourite place i hate crowds lol but i love the city especially during arts festivals * 17: Favourite food anything home made, steak and seafood are both at the top * 18: Do I use sarcasm when im using english * 19: What am I listening to right now Migos * 20: First thing I notice in new person how much they talk and what about * 21: Shoe size 10.5 US * 22: Eye color brown * 23: Hair color black * 24: Favourite style of clothing ummm... shit if its black, fits loose and is casual enough for hang outs but also stylish for dinner dates, you set * 25: Ever done a prank call? once and the cops came saying it wasnt funny * 27: Meaning behind my URL its my name and i was born in the 90's *shrug* * 28: Favourite movie i love all kinds of movie its hard to pick a favorite * 29: Favourite song gold steps / Neck Deep * 30: Favourite band BMTH/NeckDeep/Deftones * 31: How I feel right now annoyed as always * 32: Someone I love savannah marie * 33: My current relationship status almost a years worth of lovin * 34: My relationship with my parents all up in my life * 35: Favourite holiday christmas/thanksgiving * 36: Tattoos and piercing i have none and none but coming soon * 37: Tattoos and piercing i want a thigh piece that'll be across both a chest piece of the quote i put up there ears and nose but my girl dont like the idea of my nose * 38: The reason I joined Tumblr it was cool in 2013 * 39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? lol kat is a bitch for leading me on into a relationship i thought she was actually gonna dedicate to * 40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? texts and phone calls from my gf * 41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? all the time * 42: When did I last hold hands? last time i saw savannah * 43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? depends on where im headed to * 44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? not in the past 19 years * 45: Where am I right now? on bluemound omw to work * 46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? savannah we usual go out together * 47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? loud unless we chillin and talkin * 48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? about to be neither in like a week but my dad * 49: Am I excited for anything? moving out, tattoos, painting, cooking, working out * 50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? savannah * 51: How often do I wear a fake smile? ehh if im mad u can tell * 52: When was the last time I hugged someone? told my grandparents bye while leaving for work * 53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? id go crazy and probably kill both of them * 54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? lol yeah cause he dont keep secrets well * 55: What is something I disliked about today? i didn't see sav * 56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? André3000, Big Boy, Johnny Depp, Lenny Kravitz, and Post Malone lol ;Posty because he from round my city so we could vibe easily * 57: What do I think about most? life and how im failing or acing it * 58: What’s my strangest talent? it wouldnt be strange to me so idk * 59: Do I have any strange phobias? fuck caterpillars, fuck slugs, and snails whatever phobia that is * 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? haha both but im usually behind it * 61: What was the last lie I told? im not hungry * 62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? otp cause idk what to do with my face on facetime * 63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes and yes theres greater and more advanced beings than us and also souls dude they can choose to stay or go so like duh * 64: Do I believe in magic? yeah * 65: Do I believe in luck? ya * 66: What’s the weather like right now? breezy i work outside so perfect * 67: What was the last book I’ve read? i start books and halfway start another * 68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? FCUJ YES lol idk why its like dude i should be getting high of this smell but its not making me high wtf * 69: Do I have any nicknames? omii (oh-me) , catfish , choncho * 70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? broke my arm, nose, and ankle * 71: Do I spend money or save it? both when needed * 72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? no * 73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? what? no * 74: Favourite animal? red pandas * 75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? at work * 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? sama * 77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? hey ya / outkast * 78: How can you win my heart? being sav * 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? "See ya later losers" * 80: What is my favorite word? trudge * 81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr um idk their specific url's but i follow a graffiti one, a music one, a painting one, and some others similar to these * 82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? stop with all the hate man, if someone isn't harming you or effecting your life specifically let them be. let people do what they want to do and dont harm. thats it. * 83: Do I have any relatives in jail? did, he passed away. * 84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? teleportation * 85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? if im hungry because its a yes 100% of the time * 86: What is my current desktop picture? my uncle who passed away * 87: Had sex? ya * 88: Bought condoms? ya * 89: Gotten pregnant? not possible * 90: Failed a class? ya * 91: Kissed a boy? no * 92: Kissed a girl? ya * 93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? ya * 94: Had job? ya * 95: Left the house without my wallet? yes * 96: Bullied someone on the internet? lol ya * 97: Had sex in public? no * 98: Played on a sports team? ya * 99: Smoked weed? ya * 100: Did drugs? ig * 101: Smoked cigarettes? yea * 102: Drank alcohol? yerp * 103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? nah nah i love steak * 104: Been overweight? still am * 105: Been underweight? yea * 106: Been to a wedding? yes * 107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? i guess maybe * 108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? yea * 109: Been outside my home country? yes * 110: Gotten my heart broken? i suppose * 111: Been to a professional sports game? yes * 112: Broken a bone? a couple * 113: Cut myself? by accident * 114: Been to prom? yea * 115: Been in airplane? yes * 116: Fly by helicopter? nah * 117: What concerts have I been to? Kevin Gates, Big Sean, Jeremih, Carnage, RaeSremmurd, Post Malone, Russ, Future, J Cole * 118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? hella nah * 119: Learned another language? spanish * 120: Wore make up? for theater * 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? yes * 122: Had oral sex? yes * 123: Dyed my hair? no * 124: Voted in a presidential election? no * 125: Rode in an ambulance? recently * 126: Had a surgery? yes * 127: Met someone famous? yes * 128: Stalked someone on a social network? no * 129: Peed outside? yes * 130: Been fishing? many times * 131: Helped with charity? yea * 132: Been rejected by a crush? dont think so * 133: Broken a mirror? no * 134: What do I want for birthday? an apartment * 135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? 4 - 2 boys first 1girl then another boy i only know my first sons name will be Aiden * 136: Was I named after anyone? no * 137: Do I like my handwriting? hell nah * 138: What was my favourite toy as a child? headphones * 139: Favourite Tv Show? shameless, Friends, family guy * 140: Where do I want to live when older? on my own * 141: Play any musical instrument? no * 142: One of my scars, how did I get it? forearm surgery 2 plates 11 screws * 143: Favourite pizza toping? pepperoni * 144: Am I afraid of the dark? sometimes * 145: Am I afraid of heights? no * 146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? yes plenty * 147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? eh life * 148: What I’m really bad at life * 149: What my greatest achievments are finding my gf * 150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: idk * 151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery get tf outta here and go be alone * 152: What do I like about myself theres only one me * 153: My closest Tumblr friend none * 154: Something I fantasise about eat food from around the world * 155: Any question you’d like how was my day? eh i woke up at 2pm and haven't had any food yet so im pretty grumpy
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