#my friends do not want to play vidya
kotoyin · 2 years
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rphunter · 1 month
howdy howdy ! this might be a bit of an odd request but myself (23 + they/he) & my close rp friend (30 + he/him) are searching for a (RP!!) third 💀 we have more chaotic activity + asocial tendencies so while we prefer group settings it's not more realistic than 1x1. but we would adore an additional weirdo (pos) to do more of a mini group vibe! we do occasionally play more than one character between the two of us so another person would likely be perfect!
in terms of who we'd work best with, we'd want someone 21+ likely no older than 33 (although if you are REAL CHILL and fw with this, 20 y/os or under 40 may reach out too) preferably somewhere in the us (i'm est and he's mst) but truthfully we're night owls so not a requirement! as stated, our activity varies but we're usually online daily to chat and post anywhere from 4 hours back and forth one night to a few replies over two weeks -- communication is never an issue with the handy server that we'd invite ya to. your personal activity is your tea but as long as you can vibe with our more hectic ones, we gucci! both my friend and i are queer/lgbt so we'd prefer fellow fruity folks (and aren't JUMPING to include cishet men but as always, exceptions can be made for a gr8 fit) & we're both poc (myself black specifically) so either being of color or having proper nuance/understanding or at minimum the ability to be open minded and listen is required.
when it comes to writing preferences, we're generally pretty flexible and also relatively random. i don't have many fandoms but he does have a fair few (at the moment we mainly align on being potterhead kids that have disowned joke rolling ™️ but do enjoy the universe the fans have created at this point if we're being real). i adore a lot of supernatural or otherwise beyond realistic horror/unknowns and dabble in sci-fi of the blade runner or scanner darkly universe variety. he fucks heavy with cyberpunk (the genre and the 2020 critically acclaimed vidya game) and not as much with supes but sometimes i can convince him. regional gothic, real life with spice like crime or political intrigue, really the only sparse territory is historical fiction (which i am HAPPY to utilize my mostly useless trivia on the 19th & 20th century for, but i don't typically go game of thrones type way back). smut is not an issue and a great source of giggling / entertainment for us but not necessarily REQUIRED since fade to black is cool too. not really pwp writers to be fair, though! we just don't shy from it when the plot allows.
pairings wise i write all and lean to fxf & mxf (incl nb/gq muses) while he writes primarily masc or otherwise nb muses. we gay, our characters usually are in some way, and it's never going to be the heteronormative wattpad good girl x bad boy round here. we also don't shy from most darker/taboo pairings or plots (barring minors or animals) but don't care for trauma porn / excessively awful backstory -- there's just not much that we will outright say NEVER to without context. finally, we are big on headcanons, character development, and really building our darlings to harm beautifully!
we write on forums (jcink to be specific) and i am a creature of habit who is an old man about discord rp aka likely will never get into it. we are both very patient and happy to show any tumblr or discord writer the ropes, especially since it'd just be the three of us writing more than joining a whole group rp. i think this covers the most important bits, but if any of this appeals to you, reader, like the post and we'll reach out as soon as we can (we'd prefer to reach out vs adding direct contact for comfort!)
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kevinthetarotreader · 3 months
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Continuing with my recent rambling about vidya games and magic cardboard, this is the single greatest depiction of the Devil (XV) card I’ve seen so far, and I’m into the esoteric shit, so that’s saying a lot.
It only makes sense if you’ve played or looked up enough about Undertale, but to fully grasp its meaning you’d have to not only play the game, but commit to the Genocide route.
Throughout that route, every character that manages to speak before you turn them into dust calls out the player character and even the player directly. The gameplay structure becomes a slow paced, meticulous slough, forcing the player to wander from room to room hoping to find surviving enemies in the hopes of making a number on a screen go up. Characters who would be your friends in a normal or pacifist play through are reduced to things that can help you get more superficial strength, or as dark reminders that you do not have to do this, you are making yourself do this.
When fighting against the last “enemy” in the game, (Sans) he speaks directly to the player, saying “you can beat me, and because you can, you think you HAVE to”, highlighting that fact that you haven’t lost control, you’re willingly surrendering control to whatever part of your brain wants increase above all else.
Finally, we’re confronted by a ghostly image of “Chara”, referring to himself as a demon before destroying the in-game universe and closing the game itself.
If you try open it again, “Chara” shows up again, asking the player why they’re here, they got what they were after by destroying enemies and becoming strong to its natural conclusion, then offers to bring reset the game and allow you to play again… in exchange for your SOUL.
Spooky, but everything about this route, start to finish, is the essence of the Devil card. Relinquishing your free will in exchange for material gain, giving in to temptations, addictions, and baser tendencies; pacts, contracts, deals, being bound by commitments, staring the darker parts of yourself in the face, etc, etc.
The best part to me is that this specific, twisted myth of a fallen child shutting down every part of themselves except the desire to slay and conquer until the world crumbled, can only be told through the lens of a game, occasionally alluding to the nature of modern games, developers, and gamers. There’s a lot to be said about the glamorized Skinner Boxes being pumped out by “triple A” companies and consumed by an addicted market, but it can all be summed up nicely by Undertale’s genocide route, or by the Devil card.
(Side note: I personally don’t think the Chara we see at the end is actually him. It’s the impulse that leads somebody to pursue the genocide route wearing his avatar. At previous points in the game, certain text implies that the player is Chara completing his plan, but in the story, Chara is absorbed in the same twisted impulse as the genocide route player is, just to a higher degree in a world where their actions have far darker consequences. Ditto for Flowey/Asriel)
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cloud8doesstuff · 8 months
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"Overcome failure at any cost, even if it means betraying others"… That is our family motto! The cold reality of kicking people down is part of business! Virtues and sentiments are for losers.''
📷-cardeas.ph over on insta!
So, this Cosplay was sorta a big part of why art was slow the last year n a bit. after being sorta disrespected to the point of having to quit artschool around lastyear, art left a bad taste in my mouth for a min and i really needed to sorta shift creative hobbies for a while, so SOMEHOW i thought building a fuckin spacesuit in my one bedroom apartment was a good idea :))). I really wanted to take some more silly photos too but this costume was AWFUL to manuver in alone, i already had to take everything on public transport like 4 times to get to the con. for sure one of those cosplays where i prob should have had a handler come with me. Then again if i had friends i wouldn't have spent practically 2 years building a giant fuckin shadow okumura costume lmao.
There's alot AND I MEAN ALOT of parts to this costume i would approach very very differently if i was gonna do over, i didnt get a sewing machine till p much everything was finished so some stuff like the faux leather gloves came out so ugly lookin sadly. But i learnt alot! there was alot of stuff in this costume i was very unsure about approaching, such as the helmet. and i couldnt find anythin similar online so i kinda had to just "fuck around and find out" for lack of better term.
ALSO ALSO! big and i mean BIG fuckin shoutout to the persona 5 the stage project!! i used the Okumura costume they built for that as reference and i probably wouldnt have even attempted it if it wasnt for seeing it in the live action stage play! I sadly have no idea who did the costuming for that set but absolute props to them, they are my god damn hero. Ik the 3rd part featuring the futaba and okumura arc isnt widely avalable online but maybe just maybe i was crazy enough to find it on dvd n rip it n maybe ill be able to send it to peeps if they care enough to reach out :) if you like just weird ass offical persona 5 stuff or vidya stageplay adaptations i highly recomend watching em!
If you've read this far into my mad ramblings, Thank you! this turned out to be a really personal sorta endevor for me, and i hopfully can muster up the guts to post other cosplay stuff in the future!
More digital art to come soon!
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plusvanity · 2 years
sal head cannons? like for a reader who is trying their best but can't deal with the pressure from family?
Anon, I'm genuinely sorry if you have to deal with family dysfunction and pressure. I feel for you and hope that things are gonna be alright.. :3
Alright, so, here is Sal's take on his kind of situation:
- Sal is a very very conflict-avoiding type of person.
In general, he'd walk around trying his best to stay away from disputes, disagreements and such, like if the situation gives him the possibility to simply avoid the conflict/ walk away unharmed, he'd definitely do that.
For example, if it's a simple comment on him (domestic chores, one time bad school performance or the classic 'huff-puff you should've done that better!), he wouldn't let it affect it as it's... more like a general thing?? that a specific accusation. Sal wouldn't let his father ruin his day and mood for such little unrequired comments, he'd simply roll his eyes, ignore it and try to do better next time.
-When his father's making him experience a large amount of stress and pressure over a real deal, he'd like.. listen but ONLY listen to the actual issue rather than the insults and discouraging words. He'd focus on the real matter like 'Alright, I did something bad for real/ neglected something important. What can I really do now to make it better???' again, TRYING not to let his heart get corrupted by foul words of anger.
-when searching for getaway options, he'd definitely try to sooth the anxiety and stress with his most loved hobbies. 
Going out with his friends, playing vidya, listening to music, playing guitar as this is one of the most productive and helpful things to get his mind off daily problems and actually learn songs and lullabies that brings him comfort.
He'd definitely play something for his soul, like his most serene and meaningful jams. He'd play the chords whispering along the lyrics or humming like it's therapy.. It's really therapy though.
-Ultimately, he learned how to choose his battles.
There are times when it's worth putting up with his father and trying to rationalize a conflict and explain his point of view and there are times when his father is very very stressed out and unfortunately takes his anger and 'work issues' home. 
These times Sal tries to remind himself that this is not his fault, it's not him not being 'good enough' it's his father’s nerves talking through his mouth. It's hard, sometimes he fails to see it right away, sometimes he spots it immediately but in the end, Sal always tries to distinguish between real problems and bold anger manifestations.
He ignores the things as long as he considers them insignificant, he addresses them when he knows there's something to be done and he chooses to back off when the situation’s beyond him. 
I genuinely hope this is helpful or at least distracting enough for your real situation. 
If there’s a more specific scenario that you want me to cover or any other questions about this (as my English is a bit rusty in places) I’d gladly try to answer! 
Thank you for the ask and hope you have a lovely day! <3
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joesmemes · 2 years
Assembled by @sheenathehyena.
I gave you a beach house now be normal
It's just so fucking ridiculous it circles back around to being poignant
I'm fine but what an inconsiderate toolbox
the fucking white boi who is trying to "find himself" that you meet all of once at the beginning
Yeah you want me to shoot my baby batter all over you cover you with almost - children
Not sure how to feel about talking to actual fucking yakuza members for entertainment purposes
On a scale of Balan Wonderworld to Silent Hill, how are you dealing with your trauma?
Roses are red, violets are blue, singular they is older than singular you
Concerned Ape noises
You ever think about the fact that [name] really said "the birds work for the bourgeoisie" & they were right
My patience for slipping over improperly spilled blood has run out.
If you can see the bones of your whipped pupil, you failed.
You know the healer's oath: Only do moderate harm to those who cross you.
Man I don't know if lack of shame is a blessing or a curse.
Parsooth m'lady but would you be so kind as to partake of the exquisite past time of role playing?
So they aren't DENYING the piss kink
uhm you need to be more of a doormat…..your boundaries are making me uncomfy 😦
That's HARLEQUIN NOVEL descriptors of sex
where is my mouse arrow? where is it holy fuck
fetishize urself ig
It's always people with feet fetishes or fat fetishes that be so open about it
Look at this unhinged mother fucker
Fuck you I hope your pice of shit family burn in a dumpster fire
Sorry you had to overshare about a tough time with some random chick in school but it's not relavent to my cat at all.
We're at a sword store and it's full of exactly what you'd expect.
Nobody was reading Lemony Snicket going "teehee they made Count Olaf bitch sauce"
Wikipedia I love you but your donation pleas sound like a lying teenager begging for money online
There's no right way to look at the guy that tossed his baby off a cliff and say "I think he needs to look cool for a minute there" is all I'm saying
Okay, wonderful. GREAT, take them all. Please leave immediately
one time I ran a server and I was being weird so I changed literally everyone's nickname to Frank
AKGHDLK I'm gonna SOB they asked if they could share their ticklefics
heavy meals always make me HONK MIMIMIMIMI
I found a fucking book of Mormon lmafo
lemme go take a dump and ill set it up
tell her it was you who farted, establish dominance
I have been hoarding vidya games for the three of us to play like a dragon
Nearly had a heart attack because I was poopin and saw blood but realized it was my period
Ok we need to get a big cardboard box and a vaguely feminine scarecrow dressed as a boyfriendless girl
Puts my head in your lap like a cat
Some Filipinos wanna buy your titty mousepads
the chris chan trials are about to be the depp vs heard trial for people who had unrestricted internet access at a young age
Now u will screenshot us talking shit and put it in the callout 😭
🙂 our fursona is gonna b friends with sonic
I both love and hate [name]’s writing. How they go from ancient purple prose to “oh shit oh fuck”
i guess you could say…. this was a triumph
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 9 months
new autistic guy from my uni apparently is just weeks away from turning30 ???? i know that i'm very bad at guessing ppl's ages but i genuinely thought that he's only 2 3 years older??
from what i gathered he lives in his parents' basement and mostly plays vidya. he frequently goes on long and emotional rants about the mistreatment he received from his phoney friends (i. a. they didn't want to sell him weed) but all those things must have happened at least 10 years ago. also he a few times he started literally screaming at the top of his lungs very mentally ill things, in class. i guess one has to be really suffering to break social norms like that however he only behaves like that with one professor. still it's so weird. i often feel like i'm approaching my breaking point but i can't imagine complaining about my life to a professor, with othet ppl right next to me?? and he talks very (too) openly about loneliness, disappointment in his life, about meds not working. that he hasn't been invited to a new eve's party in years. bro, me too?
anyway. not to be insensitive but i do enjoy meeting other ppl who are struggling. sometimes i compare myself too much to my boybossy and girbossy cousins and forget that not everyone is like them. it's really encouraging to be reminded that there are others who are suffering just like me. there are many paths in life and some of us are on a narrow and steep path so we have to crawl on all fours while crying our eyes out to go forward
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dreamworld180 · 2 months
Is AI Truly Helpful or a Threat to Humanity?
The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked a heated debate - is AI a boon or a bane for humanity? While some herald AI as the solution to our most complex problems, others view it as a looming threat. In this blog section, we'll take an objective look at both sides of the argument and help you decide whether AI is truly helpful or not.
On the positive side, AI has demonstrated its ability to streamline and optimize numerous processes across industries. From personalized healthcare recommendations to autonomous vehicles, AI is revolutionizing the way we live and work. AI-powered writing assistants can help content creators overcome writer's block and boost productivity. AI algorithms can also analyze vast amounts of data to uncover insights that would be impossible for humans to detect alone.
However, the concerns surrounding AI are not unfounded. As AI systems become more sophisticated, there are valid fears about job displacement, algorithmic bias, and the potential for AI to be misused for nefarious purposes. The existential risk of superintelligent AI systems that could potentially surpass human capabilities and act in ways that are detrimental to our well-being is a legitimate concern that deserves careful consideration.
Ultimately, the impact of AI on our lives will depend on how we choose to develop and deploy this technology. By fostering responsible AI practices, prioritizing ethical principles, and ensuring human oversight, we can harness the power of AI to improve our lives while mitigating the risks. The future of AI is in our hands, and it's up to us to ensure that it remains a helpful tool rather than a threat to humanity.
Ah, the age-old question - is AI a friend or foe? From my personal experience, I'd say it's a bit of both. On one hand, AI has been a total game-changer, helping us tackle all sorts of complex problems and automate tedious tasks. I mean, just look at how AI assistants like Siri and Alexa have made our lives so much easier!
But on the other hand, there are legitimate concerns about AI posing a threat to humanity. The fear of AI systems becoming too advanced and potentially turning against us is definitely not unfounded. I've read some pretty chilling sci-fi stories about AI gone rogue, and it's enough to make you wonder if we're playing with fire.
Ultimately, I think it comes down to how we choose to develop and deploy AI technology. If we're responsible and ethical in our approach, AI can be an incredible tool that enhances our lives. But if we're not careful, it could spiral out of control and cause some serious damage. It's a delicate balance, for sure.
My advice would be to stay informed, be critical of the hype, and advocate for AI development that prioritizes safety and human wellbeing. With the right safeguards in place, I believe AI can be a powerful ally in our quest to make the world a better place. But we've got to stay vigilant and make sure it doesn't turn against us. What do you think? I'm curious to hear your take on this!
If you want to know more about AI viste our website
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sapphire-weapon · 4 months
Genuinely since you’re like so cool and I’m pretty sure everyone would want to be friends with you please give me tips on how to talk to boys please I am so serious here, I might talk to a guy I like this weekend and I’m genuinely tweaking because I’ve never done this before how do you do it
You're very sweet anon lmao
I have two different "talk to guys" modes. If it's a guy I just want to fuck, I talk with a lot of subtle hints in body language and make sure that I'm never sarcastic or pissy.
But if it's a guy I genuinely like, my go-to strategy has always been to just talk to him like I've known him my whole life. Presumably the end goal is a date or even a relationship, so like. Just treat him like a person. Because he's a person. And, most importantly: so are you. And you should want him to see you as the person that you are, not as some character you're playing because you think he'll like that character more than you.
Like, if you're here on this blog talking to me, you're probably kind of weird. So am I. You need to see how much of your weird bullshit he can handle LMAO like if you don't feel like you would ever be able to tell him that you're into fandom and shipping, the two of you probably shouldn't be together.
Not that I'm saying come out the gate with that. But if you're talking about vidya in general, and it starts to become VERY clear that you're WAY more interested in and passionate about games than he is, like to the point where you can feel him kind of disconnecting from the conversation, that's a big sign. Don't change yourself for him. Take the L and move on.
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faux-fires · 1 year
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Tagged by @ranilla-bean!!
were you named after anyone? nope! parents straight-up made up a name for their firstborn (moi) and i've spent the whole of my life wearily correcting people's pronunciation.
when was the last time you cried? two days ago i made mySELF cry thinking of a sad story beat for a wip, making me, officially, an even bigger nerd than suspected
do you have kids? nope, and not particularly interested. my brother's of the same mind. i think it's because we grew up so damn poor, i feel like i spent my 20s just getting financially stable and my 30s are for all the things my middle class schoolfriends got to do in their teens.
do you use sarcasm a lot? noooooooooo why would you even ASK me that
what's the first thing you notice about people? if dude, clothes. if women, eyebrows. if i'm not sure, nose.
what's your eye color? grey-blue
scary movies or happy endings? rana's answer is spot on for me too: "happy endings bc i am a wimp"
any special talents? i'm pretty good with people! i can make friends easily it's the keeping them that's hard
where were you born? uk
what are your hobbies? cross-stitch, vidya games
have any pets? yes, three: resentful bag-of-dicks tabby cat merlin, pretty but cheeky westie sybil and adorable but somehow perpetually damp (?) scottie basil
what sports do you play/have you played? swimming, archery. i really really want to get back into horse riding but i don't have the time or the cash to invest in all the safety equipment
how tall are you? taller than my mum HAHAHA
favorite subject in school? classical civilisations - the way my school worked you took latin for two years and then the content was split into two subjects, latin and ClassCiv. i was garbage at latin and the teacher disliked me so the fact that i was good at classciv and picked it meant he had to keep seeing me which i took a certain vindictive glee at. however you picture me picture a spotty teen version of me smirking across a desk as i turn in an essay that is TECHNICALLY an a but you know i cannot pronounce a single latin word in it correctly.
dream job? aging socialite with a purse dog, or anything classed as a 'lazy girl' job
Tagging the last 15 peeps to interact with one of my posts mwahahaha: @hollyand-writes, @mikkeneko, @loudfederationscreeching, @sulkybender @carabas, @hoochieblues, @biioshocker, @elaseolvidah, @wardenkay, @overthinkingfeathers, @bizarreshark, @dorianpink, @flashhwing and i've lost count, so anyone else who wants go.
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photiniainsummer · 11 months
Yo my dude! I noticed you haven’t been writing lately and I’m hoping everything is okay ❤️
hey!!! that is very kind of you to check up on me so i hope you don't mind if i make this a Public Reply tm
i am actually super good but insanely busy!! i graduated and started my big girl job in japan just over a year ago and am still figuring out how to balance work and fun life, and writing requires just. so much brain energy man. most of the time i come home after work and have enough to make dinner and do dishes and play some vidya games before crashing out and doing it all again the next day
i'm also pretty tapped on markiplier fic/lore since space. i haven't really felt inspired or. i guess interested? in a while. feeling a little jerked around with the lore teases and not totally sure what i wanted to do next with my big fic made my interest really fizzle out - and a lot of my writing energy that i can muster up is getting poured into doing a DnD campaign with some friends! which honestly sucks because i really enjoy alapctts and the intrigue for what i built on my own of it, and i hate to let it moulder (which it unfortunately has)
i guess it's the adhd curse, losing the flame for a fandom as much as you love it just through the attrition of time, but that's kinda where i'm at. really into baldur's gate and DnD/fantasy stuff plus also. man, ghost (the band) has had me by the absolute throat. i might actually have some little ficlets or even a long-form idea for that but it almost feels like cheating - i went from one man playing a bunch of characters to another one lmfao do i have a type - and i hate to leave stuff unfinished before moving on
anyway!! sorry for a bit of a dump, but it's been hard to pull the trigger and realize i'm not super into ego stuff like i was and am unsure if i'll be continuing. maybe in the future! or maybe i'll come back and jonah and the reader can have some resolution one day <3
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crashstanding · 7 months
Tagged by KelpieMomma
15 questions 15* mutuals
Are you named after anyone?
Yes and it's so fucking stupid - Ma was really into the movie Rune Stone and so I'm straight up named after Tyr... and the guy who played him! (middle name)
When was the last time I cried
Last night. My friends were being really nice and I flopped over and cried my eyes out
Do you have kids?
I have a fifteen year old son, don't worry about the ages, its a long story. All you need to know is that he's a brat and I love him :)
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not as much as I used to
What sports do you play/have played?
I used to be on a swim team, but I haven't done any swimming for a long time.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their hands!
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Neither really. I think endings are deserved by the path to them typically. So Scary movie would be the closest actually
Any special talents?
Surviving the stuff I've been put through. I've been told several times that I should be dead from several things
Where were you born?
Midwest US
What are your hobbies?
Drawing, Sewing, repairing things, vidya gaems
Do you have any pets?
One dog named Fox :)
How tall are you?
5'6" / 167 cm
Favorite subject in school?
Skipping class to go to the library
Dream job?
Being paid to make one piece of art every three years
Uhhh if anyone else wants to fill it out, consider yourself tagged <3
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projectmayhemgame · 2 years
Welcome to (project) Mayhem!!!
Hi everyone! This is post number one of what hopefully will be an informative development log, of what will hopefully be my first finished vidya game. I'm gonna take this time to introduce the game as it is up to now. I've never really given a proper introduction to this game before, so hopefully this will serve as a solid overview of my game.
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Project Mayhem (name WIP) is an up to four player arena based, MOBA inspired, combat game. The game can be played solo or with up to four players locally, with plans to start testing online capabilities soon! 
Each level of gameplay consists of a set amount of rounds. Each round has a randomized game mode (such as defeating all the enemies in waves, or powering an obelisk with collectable shards) as well a randomized game mode modifier (such as taking constant poison damage, or trying to escape an unkillable orb of death). So long as you either complete the game mode or simply survive, you’ll move on to the next round until the level is eventually complete!
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You’ll accomplish this feat by utilizing MOBA-like characters. Each character comes with:
Two usable spells
One ultimate spell
An always-on passive
A basic ranged attack
A basic melee combo
What’s more, I hope to be able to add the ability to swap what spell the players have before beginning the level, to add a bit of customizability to the game. That said, I am making this game 100% solo, with only advice from other developers from time to time (shout out to @parimak​, he’s an amazing dude all-around!).
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You’ll be opposed by a myriad of enemies, such as small, insignificant, but numerous bug-like enemies, laser-firing bastards that like to keep their distance, and noble monsters handy with a sword. Different levels will have or introduce new enemies for you to challenge, and hopefully survive against~ 
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The game is made in Unity3d, and so far has been made entirely by me, from models, to sound effects, to programming. It’s been a fun journey learning all of this (that said this isn’t my first foray into Unity, just the furthest I’ve gotten along in a video game). 
In the future I want to do maybe one dev post a month with what’s new and changed. I’m currently running the first of many playtests, sending some friends a pre-alpha build of the game. The response has been GREAT so far, but I’ve definitely seen some places where I want to make changes. Overall, everyone has given me nice and useful feedback though, and I’m especially grateful for that. The dev logs might get more technical, and hopefully longer than this one will be. I just wanted a place to really document what I’m doing here, in hopes that it helps both the game as well as other developers. I know a lot of other dev logs have inspired me to continue.
Anyways thanks for reading this far if you have. Hope you enjoyed this quick little dive into the game! Here’s an ominously staring Maru as a thank you!
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domirine · 2 years
👋hewoo i have an unimportant random ass quastion just bc im curious and. Also struggling wit it myself but when im like, writing stories or drawing a particular piece, i try to find music to match the mood/story/whatever and if you have the time/want to answer, i was wondering if you do that too? (or if u have any reccs lol) but dont feel obligated to answer. Lately ive been ruining the song Dear Fellow Traveller by Seawolf for myself bc i keeo playing it over and over and i fear for when its finally dead to me lol
hewwo yourself!
usually the music i listen to while creating does not correspond to my mood 1:1. feel free to share tips in the notes though!
when i write i need instrumental music to focus, and i enjoy vidya game osts, especially ones i'm unfamiliar with (cult of the lamb is the last one i listened to, it's really cool!)
for drawing anything goes, though i prefer something energetic to stay upbeat. when i'm tired of my own spotify playlists i sometimes let the yt algorithm go crazy and hoping it'll recommend me something new, and when it inevitably doesn't, i raid my friends' spotify playlists.
since you shared your song, i plucked one from my playlist so the trade is even - listen to hiérophante!
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weepylucifer · 2 years
Help 😔 a friend has gotten me to start playing Disco Elysium at his place, I only got like halfway into Day 1 yesterday and now I am Obsessed
but I don't own the game for myself nor have I ever bought a vidya game before in my life, so now idk what to do waaahhh I want to hyperfixate on exploring that whole world so badlyyyy
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For the vidya game asks, 8, 11, 20?
[Spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles 1 below]
8. A series you haven't played but are interested in trying: Every new thing I learn about the Metal Gear franchise fascinates and bewilders me plus I really loved David Hayter as Lupin in the Manga dub of Cagliostro and also Solid Snake is kinda hot in Smash Bros for the Wii and the play style is apparently similar to the Barbie Secret Agent game I used to play on PC. Unfortunately zero of them are available on consoles I have access to :(
11. Do you prefer “blank slate” main characters you make yourself or otherwise project onto, or characters with a set personality and backstory?: I think the latter, partly because I'm not sure I've played many games with that much customization and partly because my preferred style of escapism very much does not feature my Self in any form, I guess? I don't really make self-inserts and I don't want to be IN the story; I prefer a more...shall we say, cinematic experience? Which I know is kinda silly given the inherent interactivity of games as a genre, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll take a pre-built character (maybe with different skill levels you can play with) and just hope I like them :P Or in the case of Myst / Riven / Exile, a “player character” who isn't really a character, just you, silent, in the driver's seat poking around with minimal to no dialogue as you uncover more information/plot.
20. A boss you think is really cool: >:3c oh you KNOW I'm gonna take this opportunity to talk about my trash fave, Dickson from Xenoblade Chronicles 1. He's an action hero! He's funny! He looks like the Goblin King by way of a Rural Biker Bar Guy™ by way of a pirate! He's the only character in the entire game who smokes (which raises so many worldbuilding questions)! He knows everyone and everything! He's shady but after hours of gameplay you kind of forget that bc other stuff is going on! He's a semi-absent but seemingly affable reluctant father figure (and then the world's worst dad)! He's secretly a gazillion years old and like 20 feet tall and ripped! He's been a disciple of Evil God this entire time and he raised the protagonist purely so his shitty boss could use the kid's body as a vessel to kill everyone in the world and bring about the Apocalypse! He betrayed my other favorite character after pretending(?) to be friends with him for years, and this is after that guy had already been betrayed by their OTHER bestie earlier in the game! He finally gets permission to no longer hold back or give a shit and he's such a smug bastard about it! He might secretly give one (1) shit after all but he would literally rather die (and does!) than unpack that or process any regrets he might have deep down bc he's held onto his old self for so long that he doesn't want it to have all been for naught! His voice actor is so FUCKING good and I have not been normal about this character for a good two years now. Dark shoutout to my brother for introducing me to this game and my most ridiculous blorbo.
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