#my game struggles just a tad... and takes 500 years to open....
bluupxels · 1 year
mods folder just hit 50gb... i need to clean it out
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lilith-of-rivia · 4 years
The Whisper in the Stars 
Pairing: Geralt Of Rivia x Elf OC
Word Count: 2,251
Warnings: cursing? 
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I woke the next morning to the sun coming threw the curtains, rudely shining directly into my eyes. It was the first time since we left home I had awoken in a bed and warm, and not on the floor of the woods. It was also the first time in many, many years I had woken to a man's arms around me. I didn't know when or how his arms had made their way around my waist. His chest to my back, and his breathing soft and calm on the back of my neck. The warmth of it makes my skin crawl. I wanted nothing more than to ravish in his touch. But I figured the witcher wouldn't be too happy about the sleeping arrangements once he woke.
Softly and carefully, I removed his hands from around me making him stir. His eyebrows furrowed together and I quickly stood up looking at him. His eyes were now open, but barely. His lips twitched into a half-smile.
"I hope I didn't offend you, princess." His voice was even deeper than normal and gruff with sleep.
"You didn't witcher. I just wanted to get a start to the day. Maybe wander around town, look for new clothes for Ciri and Dara." I said with a smile. He sat up placing his feet on the ground, I could hear his body cracking.
"I'm sorry if I overstepped your boundaries last night." I blurted. Knowing how many male elves I had been with in the past, hated when I didn't go their pace, whether it was slower or faster.
"I wouldn't have let you, little elf if I didn't want it. I enjoy your company. We all do. And your heartbeat is a great lullaby." I couldn't help but smile as I walked over to him, his golden, warm eyes looking up at me. I new the witcher never showed this emotional side to others very often, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
"It's a good thing you stumbled upon us then." I bent down a tad and kissed his forehead. His eyes never left my face. I was more drawn to this creature than I had ever been to any man in my life. And after 1,389 years there had been plenty of men.
"Common get dressed and come with me." He nodded standing up, putting his shirt back over his head. I grabbed my dagger, sliding it into its sheath and tying my top.
Once he had his boots on we exited the room, to find Dara and Ciri sitting in a group of kids on the ground below the inn. They were playing some form of game. All laughing and smiling. It warmed my heart to see them being able to be kids. Legolas was sitting on the stairs, willing something onto his new bow. I couldn't tell what type of pattern it was but he was extremely concentrated on it. Jaskier was sitting on a log not far from Ciri writing in his book.
"Would you like to come and get some new clothes with me?" I asked walking up behind the two, kneeling down.
"Oh yes, I'd love to." Ciri cheered and jumped up Dara following.
"Thank you for letting us play!" She said to the group of kids who all smiled and waved at her.
"There was a jeweler merchant set up across the clothing shop. I'm gonna stop in there." I told Geralt who looked at me with a brow cocked.
We walked into the jewelers to see an elderly man talking to the elder that had "greeted" us. Their heads turned as we walked threw the door. The man behind the table stood and smiled brightly at us.
"Good day, Geralt of Rivia and friends. How can I help you today?" He greeted and smiled. Geralt looked down at me as I walked up to the counter, Ciri at my side.
"I have something to possibly trade," I said and pulled out the necklaces I had been wearing. I broke the chain around my neck and let the ring fall into my hand and placed it on the counter.
It was a golden ring with gold leaves that came together around a stone native to my homelands. The man took it, looking at it with eyes wide.
"This stone. Where did you get it? Why are you giving it up?"  The man asked and looked at me. I could now feel Geralt's presents behind me as he examined the ring.
"Its a stone called Adamant, a white jewel. It's one of the most valuable jewels to my people. But it hasn't meant a thing to me in many, many years. It was an engagement to a betrothal about 500 hundred years ago, I only kept it due to the value I know it holds. I'm only willing to give it up for the right price." Ciri was now holding the ring. Looking at it closer.
"I have a queen who would kill for a peace like this." The jeweler said and pulled out a chest, full of coins.
"I'll give you 3,000 Orens for it." He said as he started to weigh the gold coins. I had very little knowledge of the currency of this land so I looked to Geralt.
"Does that seem fair to you?" I asked and he titled his head to the side, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I've killed monster for 3,000 orens. I feel you could do better man. If this queen is willing to kill for a peace like that, I do not believe you will only be selling it for that amount. Do not try and scam the woman." He said, his voice gruff and his eyes set in a glare. He slowly moved closer to me, his chest nearly touching my back.
"Try again." He growled.
"The highest I can go is 5,000." The jeweler said now looking even more intently at the ring. I looked up at Geralt and he nodded.
"Deal." He smiled and started to fill a pack full of coins before handing it to me. With a quick thank you, we exited the store and I tied the sack of coins to my belt.
"So you were betrothed?" Great asked quietly as we sat and watched the woman who gave me my clothes measure and dresses Ciri.
"I was, a long long time ago. Before my father realized I wanted to marry for love. Not for the kingdom. And I was also a fierce warrior even then. My father thought my talent would be wasted on the elven king who just wanted a bride to produce his kin. I kept the ring tho. Thought it'd come in handy one day. And it did." He chuckled softly.
"I never took you for the settle down and marry type anyway." He said glancing at me.
"I'm only open to it, with the right person. Someone willing to treat me as an equal and not just want me for my uterus. Unfortunately, many higher up elven men in my home only care about spreading their seed and continuing their line. My father was the first in many years to not go threw with a betrothal." I now met his eyes.
"I'm not a housewife. I'm not a trophy wife. I want to be a wife who's known for defending herself and her family. And not just a woman pregnant all the time." I said and he smiled a little.
"I believe any man would be lucky to have your hand in marriage little elf." He was so close to my ear as he whispered and it made me shiver.
After Dara and Ciri were equipped with new clothes and shoes, I walked to the woman who was now placing all her tools back. Placing my hand in the bag of coins I pulled out a handful and placed it on her table.
"For everything you've done. We appreciate it so much." She smiled and took the money off the counter and I turned to leave.
"Oh, my dear don't forget your cloak and new knickers." I turned to her again and she handed me a bag full of I'm guessing the new nickers which I was more than happy about. And she wrapped the cloak around my shoulders.
"Its a sheep's wool cloak. It'll keep you plenty warm out on your adventures with the wither. If you're ever around again. Don't hesitate to come to see me. Good luck young one." I smiled and she leaned up and kissed my cheek before pushing me towards Geralt and the kids who were waiting by the door. The cloak was beautiful. It was black all over but the inner fabric was a beautiful blood red.
As we exited the shop Jaskier and Legolas were walking up to us, Legolas had two new horses by his side. He handed me the reins of a beautiful black mare. She was stunning. Her main was thick and her tail was almost to the floor.
"The town elder said these were the ones he was willing to give up." I placed my hand gently on her nose and she leaned into it.
"Hello, lovely," I whispered softly, she huffed in response. I softly pressed my forehead to her snout and closed my eyes. Feeling her bond connect with my own. She had never had a true owner, I could feel her sadness and wanting for a real person to care for her. Not to just be a show pony to the town.
"Vega..." I whispered. She huffed again.
"Such a pretty name," I whispered again and stepped back from her. I slowly walked around her petting her as I went.
"I wish I could do that," Ciri said looking at me as she pets Vega's nose.
"I know you have talents of your own. Embrace those, don't be jealous of someone's abilities when you've been gifted by the gods with your own." I softly kissed her head.
"You will soon come to master those powers and become a very fearsome warrior like Geralt." She smiled wildly at me.
"Or like you." I couldn't help but smile at her words.
"I'm nothing compared to the Witcher of Rivera but I'm more than happy to teach you anything you ask." I heard Geralt hum softly before he turned and walked towards the inn. We all followed behind him, and I tied Vega to the post outside next to Roach.
We all went to our rooms to collect the items we had left in. I grabbed all the new clothes I had acquired and placed them in a bag rolling it with a blanket and, grabbed my swords placing one in my sheath on my belt and the other next to the door. I walked over to the bath and picked up the lemon-scented bar soap and looked at Geralt who was putting his armor on.
"Would it be bad if we took this. I'll leave them a coin." He chuckled softly not looking in my direction focusing on trying to tie his gauntlets that were studded along the outsides of them. I walked over to him and gently took his arm and rested it on my thigh while I tied them for him.
"I didn't need you to do that, princess." He said looking at me as I finished his other arm.
"No, but it was painful watching you struggle, witcher," I said with a smirk and stepped back.
"I'm taking the soap. You can smell pretty bad some days. What does Jaskier say, Onions?" I asked with a laugh and he just grunted, rolling his eyes.
We walked out of the inn and down to the horses. I placed my second sword in the sheath on the saddle and my pack on the end of it, strapping it in. My bow and quiver were also strapped onto the saddle. Not too long after I finished everyone else had their belongings packed to their horses. We all went to the well in the center of town and filled our water packs.
"Where to next?" Jaskier asked as we walked to the horses, Geralt mounting Roach after helping Ciri and Dara onto their own. I followed suit, mounting Vega after untying her lead.
"Where ever the monsters take us. Hoping to find a village willing to house us for when winter hits. I don't want you all out and open to the harshness of the snow this winter." He said as he begins leading Roach to the main road us following.
"Well, I think we should let Apha do all the talking. She's nicer than you Geralt." Jaskier said before he jumped into song as we left the town behind us.
"Toss a coin to your witcher-"
"No Jaskier!" Geralt yelled behind him. But the bard continued, Ciri and Dara joining laughing while they sang. I couldn't help but giggle at the Witcher's stone-cold glare. I gently poked his arm as we rode side by side and he looked at me.
"Where the monsters take us?" I asked, his lips twitched and I could see a shadow of a smile.
"Yes, little elf. Are you with us." He also glanced back at Legolas who was pulling up the rear to make sure no one was falling behind. He heard of course. With his enhanced hearing. He nodded to Garelt wordlessly.
"We're here Garelt. Where ever the monsters take us."
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wildfangz · 6 years
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It’s done baby!!!!! I’ve worked so hard on this, and for so long (mainly because im lazy but i digress) and now here it is & im very happy with it so I hope all of you enjoy it as much as i do
I’ve been wanting to make a neat legacy to spice my gameplay up with for a while and well...I’ve always found the zodiac signs and their stereotypes and such interesting, so it seemed like a good concept to work with! It was a bit hard with the limited traits & such and I’m sure I’ll be updating this as new content comes out but I think its pretty alright for whats currently available
Its super simple. Each generation has certain traits and goals based off its respective sign and well. you try to complete them like any other challenge. There’s no gender rules or anything for your founder and heirs, just base them off their sign!! whatever that looks like to you is fine.
I’d recommend playing on the normal lifespan since this baby is 12 generations and also to hopefully give you enough time to complete goals without making it too easy but also im not going to show up to your house with a gun if you play on short or long so u do u
& If you want to use the #ts4zodiacchallenge tag on ur posts or something I’d love to see them!
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The Passionate Sign  - Romantic/Jealous/Gloomy or Evil traits - Serial Romantic or Soulmate aspiration - Must be a young adult
Rebelling against your parents who had the specific details of your future planned out for you, you moved out west to San Myshuno to live your best life and forge your own path. Being a passionate soul, you pour yourself into your art and beliefs, pursuing your chosen creative career and joining protests on the weekends. & of course, relationships are included in your passionate pursuits.
Life in the city isn’t exactly the fantasy you thought it’d be growing up. You live in a crappy apartment and struggle to get by, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
To start out, move your sim into one of the cheaper apartments. You can use some of your starter money to furnish it with items you’d expect to find in a rented space (Counters, certain appliances, etc) and junk the place up a bit, but after that, use cheats to set your money to 1000.
(For an added challenge, purchase a lot. Doesn’t matter which one as you’ll not be living there. You can purchase three items for your sim to carry around in their inventory, like a journal or guitar, and then set your money to zero. Now travel elsewhere. You’re homeless! You’ll have to save up for that crappy apartment, and careers aren’t allowed.)
Generation Rules & Goals:
Complete aspiration
Attend the romance festival at least twice
Celebrate every love day
Get married at least once
Master a creative skill and make a living off of it 
Join every protest you see
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The Meticulous Sign -Perfectionist, Bookworm, Neat or Squeamish traits -Computer Whiz aspiration
You grew up with loving parent(s), but your home life was a bit too chaotic and cluttered for your tastes. You crave the stability, organization, and financial security your guardian sacrificed for their lifestyle. As such, you’ve worked your hardest in school and have your eyes set on a steady well-paying job and a nicer, cleaner apartment. It’s not too much to want out of life... if you also weren’t expecting perfection as long as you worked hard enough.
Generation Rules & Goals:
Have the Inquisitive trait as a toddler
Earn the Happy Toddler trait
Complete the Whiz Kid aspiration
Earn the Responsible trait
Complete aspiration
Join the Tech Guru or Doctor career
Reach level 6 of the logic skill and master the programming skill
Get rid of anything you make that isn’t excellent quality.
Cannot date or marry anyone with the lazy, slob, erratic, glutton, kleptomaniac, childish, clumsy, mean, or evil traits. If you start dating someone without knowing they have one of these traits, you must break up with them once you find out about it.
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The Reserved Sign -Loves Outdoors, Family-Oriented, Loner traits -Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration
You never quite loved the city like your parents and grandparents did. Too many people, too much noise, not enough nature. Ever since you were a child, you knew you wanted to be somewhere quieter and more secluded, where you could better enjoy the beauty of life. Now that you’ve reached adulthood, you can make that dream a reality and live the most natural, quiet life you can.
Generation Rules & Goals:
Have the Angelic trait as a toddler
Earn the Good Manners and Emotional Control traits
Complete aspiration
Reach level 10 of the gardening, fishing, and handiness skills and 5 of the flower arranging skill
Join the Gardener career and reach lvl 5
Build at least 4 pieces of furniture in your house
Live on a more secluded lot and sleep in a tent until you’ve finished building a house.
Visit Granite Falls at least every other week
Get married and have at least two children with your spouse.
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The Free-spirited Sign -Hot-headed, Ambitious, Active or Bro traits -Jungle Explorer aspiration
You grew up with a love of the earth passed down from your guardian and a thirst for exploration you gained all on your own. Many days in your youth were spent in the outdoors with nothing but your imagination, dreaming of the day you would go on a real adventure. Now that your youth is behind you and you’re out in the world on your own, you’re ready to have that adventure and live your life to the fullest. 
Generation Rules & Goals:
Have the Wild trait as a toddler
Complete the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration
Earn the Bad Manners, Uncontrolled Emotions and Insensitive traits
Complete aspiration
”Live” in Selvadorada by continuously renting a lot until you’ve completed your aspiration.
Eat and learn at least 10 recipes from City Living/Jungle Adventure
You can date, and live with a partner, but marriage for this generation is a no
Visit Sylvan Glades, Deep Woods, & Forgotten Grotto* once. (*Optional as it requires lvl 10 handiness)
Explore space once
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The Sensitive Sign -Gloomy, Family-Oriented, and Vegetarian traits -Big Happy Family aspiration
You’re a tad clingy, you’ll admit that, but you insist that has nothing to do with the feelings of lonesomeness you grew up experiencing. You know you were cared about, but with your parent(s) often out exploring and no one around to give you all the attention you craved, you feel as if you’ve lived a somewhat isolated existence. You’ve always liked bonding with and caring for others, and now it’s particularly important to you to surround yourself with people to love and who will (hopefully) love you in return after all those years of being by yourself.
Generation Rules & Goals:
Be an only child or the youngest of your siblings
Have the Clingy trait as a toddler
Earn the Responsible, Uncontrolled Emotions, and Compassionate traits
Complete aspiration
Have at least 4 Children
Get married to a high school sweetheart and honeymoon in a vacation world
Be a stay-at-home mom/dad. Working from home is fine
Move your parent(s) in with you or move in with your parent(s) as soon as they age up into elders.
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The Versatile Sign -Noncommittal, Outgoing, Childish traits -Renaissance Sim AND Friend of the World aspirations
You’ve always been highly extroverted and eager to please. That’s been obvious since you were fairly young, and lucky enough for you, growing up you were often surrounded by people to talk to. You have high hopes for your life, but no plans. You prefer to take things as they come, really. It’s much more fun and appealing to you that way, and thankfully you’re able to adapt to anything. So where will you end up? Who will you become? You don’t exactly know, but isn’t that exciting?
Generation Rules & Goals:
Be a twin
Have the Charmer trait as a toddler
Complete the Social Butterfly and Whiz Kid aspirations
Earn the Irresponsible trait 
Complete aspirations
Be best friends with your twin and live with them until you age into an adult
Join the Business, Writing, and Politics careers. You should settle on one eventually, which is up to you.
Attend 3 parties
Have a child with a hookup or close friend, but no one you’re actually dating. (You can date them afterwards though, if you want!)
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The Dominant Sign -Self-assured, Snob, Cheerful traits -Leader of the Pack aspiration
Your guardian passed down their charisma to you and you often put it to good use. People want to listen to you, follow you, and you’re more than happy to lead them. You’re not perfect, though. You can sometimes be intolerant of others and your tendency to always speak your mind can often result in problems in your relationships. While you can come across as harsh, you never really mean to hurt anyone. You’re a warm person at heart. But in order to have the life you want, you might have to tap into that warmness more and be real in a less brutally honest way. With your energy and drive, nothing is impossible for you.
Generation Rules & Goals:
Have the Independent trait as a toddler
Earn the Happy Toddler trait
Complete the Social Butterfly aspiration
Earn the Good Manners and Argumentative traits 
Complete aspiration
Be in 3 clubs
Make 2 enemies, then befriend them halfway through the adult life stage.
Get divorced once
Argue with someone at least once a week, then try apologizing.
Join and reach the top of the Social Media career, or own a business. 
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The Optimistic Sign -Cheerful, Clumsy, and Goofball traits -Joke Star or The Curator aspiration
You’ve never been quite as successful as your parent(s), but that’s okay. You’re your own person, and you think its fruitless to compare yourself to others. You just go with the flow, but you have faith you’ll find your place on the earth, even if it takes a while. As long as you follow your own path you know you’ll be fine. Others might see you as careless, but you see yourself as open to the world and all its possibilities.
Generation Rules & Goals
Have the Silly trait as a toddler
Complete the Artistic Prodigy and Social Butterfly aspirations
Earn the Irresponsible, Good Manners, Emotional Control, and Insensitive traits
Move to/build a starter home and then set your money to 500
You can join any career you want to, but you must quit upon reaching lvl 3 of that career. (The entertainment career being the exception, but you can’t join it until your sim ages up into an adult.)
Get at least one point in every skill in the game. 
Marry someone with the Cheerful, Goofball, Outgoing, or Childish trait.
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The Stable Sign -Lazy, Foodie, Materialistic traits -Mansion Baron or Fabulously Wealthy aspiration
While you weren’t necessarily miserable growing up, your parents never had much money. Your wants were often put on the back burner because of this, and you had a lot of them. You were always somewhat jealous of other kids and what they had, and the fact they didn’t have to deal with not being able to replace something broken or having their water and power shut off. The past is in the past, though. You’ve long moved on and let go of any bitterness, because you’re determined to have even more than just financial security in your adulthood. You’re not a fan of hard work, but if that’s what it takes, then so be it. You want to be someone your family can depend on
Generation Rules & Goals:
Earn the Responsible, Good Manners, and Mediator traits
Complete aspiration
Marry a rich sim
After befriending a sim, don’t let the friendship meter ever drop under 40%
Complete all buy whims, not just for yourself, but other sims in the household too.
Master the cooking skill, baking, or mixology skills.
Join the Culinary career or own a bakery.
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The Nurturing Sign -Creative, Unflirty, Good traits -Any of the Creativity aspirations
Coming from a family of means, you were always provided with everything you could ever want or need to express yourself, allowing you to completely sink into your creativity. But you also know that your parent wasn’t as lucky in their youth, and knowing about how they and your grandparents struggled has made you rather empathetic towards others. Though you can be awkward and shy, you want to reach out to the world and help people, and maybe your art is just the perfect way to do that.
Generation Rules & Goals:
Have the Silly or Angelic trait as a toddler
Earn the Top-Notch Toddler trait
Complete the Artistic Prodigy aspiration
Earn the Good Manners and Compassionate traits
Complete aspiration
Reach lvl 5 of all creative skills
Donate to charity and volunteer once a week
Always try to calm other sims down or talk to them about their emotions
Never use a mean or mischievous interaction
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The Diplomatic Sign -Outgoing, Genius, Slob traits -Serial Romantic or Bodybuilder aspiration
You enjoy getting to know new people, and being a rather likable chatty person, connecting with others has never been difficult for you. You’ve always been the one to help settle arguments, bridge gaps, and give good advice, and you like that. You’re not very open yourself, though - you put on a mask with almost everyone, so you have only a couple of real friends. You have a strong sense of morality, and you’re very passionate about defending and fighting for what’s right.
Generation Rules & Goals:
Have the Inquisitive or Charmer trait as a toddler
Earn the Happy Toddler or Top-Notch Toddler trait
Complete the Social Butterfly, Rambunctious Scamp, and Whiz Kid aspirations
Earn the Responsible, Good Manners, Emotional Control, and Mediator traits
Complete aspiration
If you choose to marry, it must be with a best friend
Have at least 10 friends and 2 good friends
Master the Logic and Charisma skills
Use the “Help Fix Bad Relationship” interaction every time its available
Reach lvl 10 in the Detective career
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The Spontaneous Sign -Erratic, Geek, Hates Children traits -Party Animal aspiration
Unpredictable, contradictory, eccentric and eclectic are only four words people would use to describe you. You’ve been this oddball person your whole life, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. You tend to puzzle others, because while you’re a social soul you’re also very detached and can be hard to read. Even your parent, who was always talented when it came to observations, sometimes had trouble understanding you. You wish for life to be exciting and fresh, and with your impulsive and unconstrained nature, you’re likely to get what you want. Unfortunately, this lifestyle isn’t going to be easy to maintain, but if anyone can figure out how to make it work, it’s you.
Generation Rules & Goals:
Have the Fussy trait as a toddler
Earn the Irresponsible, Bad Manners, and Insensitive traits
Complete aspiration
Accept every invite out you receive
Move 3 times throughout your sim’s adult life, to 3 different worlds, to lots with entirely different sets of traits
Choose a career, or multiple careers, you’ve never tried before. If you’ve played them all before, just pick at random and have your sim quit upon reaching lvl 3.
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