#my general bonus for good performance appraisal
ranger-kellyn · 10 months
ANYWAYS your boy got TWO bonuses at work this pay period i'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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monstersdownthepath · 5 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Phlegyas, the Consort of Atheists
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True Neutral Psychopomp Usher of Atheists, Legacies, and Reincarnation
Domains: Artifice, Earth, Knowledge, Repose Subdomains*: Industry, Petrification, Memory, Psychopomp
Concordance of Rivals, pg. 16
Obedience: Spend an hour creating something from the dead, such as by making jewelry or clothing from hair, flesh, bones, or teeth. Alternately, mummify or embalm a corpse. Benefit: Gain a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against Divine magic.
(*IMPORTANT NOTE: The Subdomains are my best guess; Subdomains are not listed in Concordance of Rivals.)
Macabre! I hope you’ve got a good explanation for your party about why you’re being a ghoulish scavenger, but personally I’ve yet to be in a party where there were no scavenger types. It seems that every group of people has at least one person who takes handfuls of teeth or other trophies from their kills, but that may just be a bigger signifier about what kinds of people that I hang out with than a true analysis of this Obedience.
It’s an easy Obedience to do if you can quell your party’s fears about your chosen medium for your arts and crafts, because as an adventurer, you’re not likely to have a shortage of usable parts. Hell, just ONE complete body has enough materials to carry you through several days or even weeks of this Obedience because you can just perform some scrimshaw on the larger bones before using the smaller ones as pieces for a larger work. For people who want a bit more oomph in their crafting, I’m not 100% certain on Pharasma and the Usher’s tolerance of using the dead as crafting material for your own Construct minions, but ‘creating something from the dead’ lends itself to some pretty broad interpretations. You can, technically, use them to make Wondrous Items like weaving their leather into a Bag of Holding, even. Crafting magic items takes way more than 1 hour to do, obviously, so you can really only combine this Obedience with your crafting during downtime... Unless they’re potions, in which case they take a mere 2 hours if they cost less than 250gp.
That counts, right? All else fails, though, a Sack Of Rats can be used here. Just pull one out, clonk it dead, and preserve that tiny corpse.
And while my mind is on it, this Obedience couples phenomenally with the Harvest Parts, Grisly Ornament, and Monstrous Crafter feats.
Also, the benefit is great. A blanket +2 on saves versus Divine spells from any source and any alignment? Sign me up! Unfortunately, it doesn’t really protect you from spell-like abilities, and the bonus by itself is rather small, but it’s always nice to have just an always-on bit of extra protection you don’t need to think about. Like Mage Armor!
Boons are gained slowly, gained at levels 12, 16, and 20. Servants of the Monitors, though, can enter the Proctor Prestige Class as early as level 8. If entered as early as possible, you can earn your Boons at levels 10, 14, and 16. You MUST take the Monitor Obedience feat, NOT Deific Obedience. Monitors grant only a single set of Boons.
Boon 1: Creator's Whispers. Gain Crafter's Fortune 3/day, Object Reading 2/day, or Detect Anxieties 1/day.
Crafter’s Fortune and Object Reading aren’t too useful in the day-to-day, lets get that out of the way. Fortune grants a target a +5 bonus to the next Craft check they make, which is GREAT for people in your party who actually create things (like you, potentially), but you don’t need it 3/day unless everyone is making stuff. You can also use it in tandem with the Fabricate spell, of course, but in general you likely won’t need it more than once a day.
Object Reading has its niche uses in a Whodunnit mystery or tracking down the owner of a particular item, allowing you to quickly gather information of whose hands the target has passed, but the +10 Appraise check is actually only worth +1 fact, giving you a minimum of +2 facts... which is all you probably need anyway. It’s up to you whether or not that means this ability is useful, but know that the +10 means that a mere 2 or 3 points in Appraise makes it impossible to fail your reading.
Which leaves Detect Anxieties, which works as Detect Thoughts, but instead of the infinitely more useful analysis of the victim’s surface thoughts, you instead learn of whatever anxieties and fears are plaguing its mind. While still potentially useful, this translates in-game to only providing a paltry +2 to Intimidation checks, which I think should be significantly higher. Perhaps you could also get bonuses to other skill checks if you choose to sooth their anxieties rather than exploiting them?
That being said, it’s a useful spell for scanning hallways and rooms for concealed enemies, and its ability to pass through the same materials Detect Thoughts can means you can peer into some rooms without opening the doors and get a general feel of the room’s mood. All three of these spells, however, remain pretty niche, making it difficult to pick which one to take each day.
Boon 2: Evader of Consequence. You can cast Reincarnate or Mindwipe 1/day as a spell-like ability. You must select which when you perform the obedience for that day. 
Mindwipe slaps a target with 2 temporary negative levels if they fail their save, with the side-effect of instantly wiping out the target’s two highest-level spells or spell slots, as well as erasing the knowledge of two of their highest-level spells known. It’s an alright spell in the hands of players, shaving -10 HP off the enemy and hitting them with a -2 penalty to every roll they make, and eating two of the caster’s most powerful tools in one go can cripple whatever trump card they had in their pocket.
Unfortunately, it’s negated entirely by a save, and a Will save at that. It’s going to be difficult to actually have it land on a caster for its full effect, but at the very least you can still aim it at the enemy frontline to debuff them for a few days.
That being said, Reincarnation is an interesting choice. Normally costing 1,000gp to cast, you pay nothing for this power. It requires only a small portion of a dead body to use and creates a new one in the prime of their youth, allowing the caster to bypass the usual “no old age” restriction of life-granting magic, allowing it to bring back people living way past their time. Also, since Reincarnate works on bodies less than a week old, you can just keep preparing Mindwipe until someone dies!
The true power of this Boon, however, is that it’s essentially a free Raise Dead that needs only a pinch of corpse dust to work, provided you’re feeling lucky on the slot machine of potential races to come back as. Some... complications may arise if they reincarnate as a race that doesn’t mesh well with their build, but the fact you get the spell for free means that you can just keep trying day after day if you need to. On a morbid note, this means you’ll never really be at a loss for parts for your Obedience! ... Or food, I suppose.
Boon 3: Though Only Breath. After completing your Obedience, choose one Craft, Perform, or Profession skill. Until you next perform your Obedience, you gain a +10 insight bonus on checks to create something permanent with your chosen skill, such as carving a statue, writing a play, or drafting meaningful legislature. A check result of 40 or higher indicates that the object you create is of such astonishing quality that it will remain in the public consciousness for generations to come. This bonus does not apply to checks made to earn money.
I hope you’re the party craftsman, because come level 16, everything you do has a chance of becoming something famous and beautiful. Note that, while this ability cannot be used to craft scrolls or potions, using it to craft magical items is perfectly valid. ALSO NOTE, though, that this affects your Craft check, not your Spellcraft check, so allocate your skill points accordingly. Spellcraft allows you to construct any magical item, but specific Craft checks are needed for things like working leather, carving stone, etc.
On the plus side, golems and other magical Constructs often require specific Craft checks to build rather than just relying on Spellcraft, allowing you to craft mechanical minions with greater accuracy than ever before. If your items cost less than 1000gp to create you can get them finished in one day, allowing you to swap your bonuses to another one if need be.
Two things about this Boon are cute: The first is that you can also use it to bolster Perform or Profession, and the second is the final portion, in which an especially impressive construction will endure “in the public consciousness for generations to come,” implying that whatever you make will either be so astonishingly breathtaking or so unbelievably horrifying that people won’t be able to stop thinking about it for centuries. Amusing as that is when making something that costs less than 1000gp, it’s still apparently noteworthy enough to have whispers of it passed from parent to child.
This makes spreading propaganda pathetically easy, by the way. Since Profession checks can be just about anything, you can go buck wild with Profession (Lawmaker) or Profession (Mayor) or Profession (Novelist)! ... Or, as my DM pointed out, a futuristic setting could have you use your Profession (Blogger) or Profession (Instagram Influencer) clout to shape the public zeitgeist. Even if they don’t like you or your ideas, they’ll be talking about you, possibly until long after you’re gone.
Even if you can’t change the world, but you can sure as hell leave your mark in it.
You can read more about her here.
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robert-c · 3 years
Performance Appraisal
All professional compensation plans have attempted to recognize and combine two elements in the decision of what to pay an employee. The first is the labor market. It doesn’t make good business sense to pay substantially more or less than the labor market for the particular job. The second is within that range of “fair market pay” we’d like the differences to reflect the individual employee’s performance. This second factor may be because we believe rewarding better performance will encourage better performance, or it might be that we just believe it is a more equitable use of pay resources, regardless of any incentive effect it may or may not have.
Data about the labor market is relatively easy to come by. There are any number of surveys that can be purchased, and there are other means of determining the “prevailing wages” in an area. Performance, however; remains a difficult metric to quantify.
At first it sounds simple enough. Most every manager imagines they know what it is when they see it. All too often what they imagine is good performance is really just a personality compatible with their own, or one that mirrors the stereotype we accept as the “high performer”. It turns out that finding quantifiable measures of performance in most jobs is much more difficult. Failure to do the job at an acceptable level is usually easy to determine, but above that threshold, it gets harder, and in some jobs there may not be room for much improvement, e.g. jobs in sequential processes, whose rate of output can’t exceed their input.
Let’s take administrative professionals. Whether they work in taxes, accounting, HR, or compensation, what counts as successful performance? What about a tax recommendation that saved the company money? What about a tax recommendation that the company DIDN’T follow, that would have saved money? We could construct similar examples for accounting, for turnover in HR, and for incentive and merit pay in compensation. Not surprisingly, executive management is very reluctant to recognize good performance in the form of recommendations they rejected.
Unlike the tax example, even the successes in most professional positions cannot be measured against the path not taken with any real sense of objectivity or accuracy. The confusion continues down the ranks. An assembly line worker’s output cannot exceed their input. A customer relations call center employee’s time per call doesn’t accurately reflect whether the customer/caller left satisfied with the resolution of their issue. (BTW surveys of customer satisfaction can be misleading because angry negative responses are more likely to be made than positive ones. Positive responses may be the result of successful selling of the employee to the customer to make an extremely positive response. This is only reinforced by management stats that ignore middle ground responses in favor of high versus low net scores.)
Even in sales, where the standard of success would seem to be incontrovertible there are problems. What if the new sales are obtained by overpromising the results to be achieved by the product or service? These become dissatisfied future ex-customers, but as long as our slick talking salesperson can outsell their losses of repeat customers they are likely to continue to appear to be the “top salesperson”.
Failing to develop better objective measures, some professionals have moved to what is variously called “360 Degree appraisal” where the people you work with (in and outside your immediate management unit) all have a say in how they think your performance deserves to be rated. While this idea is promising because it gets away from a single reviewer’s potential biases (for or against), it suffers from the presumption that each of these people will make an informed and objective assessment, without consideration of the fact that the people they are evaluating will also be evaluating them.
Add to this difficulty the fact that most supervisors and managers get to their position not because of any demonstrated ability to manage people, but typically by being the most knowledgeable (or most senior) member of a function. In almost 50 years in business at dozens of employers and clients I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of training sessions in appraising performance I was part of, and most of them were ones I conducted after successfully selling my employer or client on the need! (Needless to say I wasn’t always successful in selling them on the need.)
Consequently most managers game the system to ensure that virtually identical ratings and raises are available to their subordinates. This situation is exacerbated by lean times in the industry or economy as a whole when salary increase budgets are pretty limited.
This has led some professionals in compensation in two directions. Reserve performance pay for bonus plans and sales compensation, (which still face difficulties in assessing real performance) and handling base pay in something akin to “maturity pay”.
This latter idea essentially rewards more experience in a job or field with pay higher in the competitive market range. As a younger professional I was strongly against such a plan, but experience has softened my view. As long as we are still strict about removing those who have quit meeting the acceptable standards of the job, the “maturity pay” has the advantages of being objective (easy to measure) and generally accepted as “fair and equitable” by most of the employees.
As more evidence is gathered that money isn’t that much of a motivator in most jobs, the quality of work/life balance and other conditions of employment matter more. Those jobs and functions that still attract the highly money motivated are the ones we need to take special care in the design their pay plans, lest we leave them too many ways to game the system.
HR and compensation management may not have a good handle on evaluating performance but it is also clear that most members of management don’t either.
Looking back on the practical successes of merit pay and the appraisal of performance it rests on, I have to say that it hasn’t been that successful. While acknowledging its failures in practice, I held on to the idea that if everyone learned and followed the plan appropriately it would work. I guess at some level I still believe that, but now it’s right up there with world peace and everyone getting along.
A more complicated system will not solve the problem, the current appraisal process is more than complicated enough.
Measuring performance by achievement of objectives is an even bigger waste of time. No matter how much an employee and their supervisor collaborate on these objectives, there is absolutely no guarantee that the resources, including just the time alone, will be available to achieve them. And if they involve the approval of other levels of management or the sign off of other departments the elements an employee can control in order to even come close to achieving them has been eliminated. This makes the whole exercise a “joke”; or worse, just an excuse to deny someone a raise on the basis of a failure orchestrated by powers beyond their control.
My final thoughts are be consistent and firm about removing people who cannot perform at an acceptable level. Consider performance rewards in the form of bonuses. (See other article)
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melissawalker01 · 4 years
Top Asset Division Divorce Attorney
When a couple is divorcing or separating, they generally have a variety of assets that will need to be divided between them. Assets might include a home or other real property, a business, bank accounts, or retirement accounts.
What Kind Of Assets Are Divided In A Divorce?
• Money: You and your spouse likely have some financial assets. These financial assets generally include bank (your checking and savings), investment accounts, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, and cash. Accounts held in your minor children’s names or jointly with another person should also be considered. You may be able to find a list of all money accounts by reviewing the 1099 Forms used to complete your Income Tax Forms. • Home: Your home is an asset, as is any other real property (property that does not generally move, like land or a building). If you are not sure of what real property you and your spouse own, you may be able to find real property by checking with the Assessor’s office to find out if a deed to the property has been recorded. If you or your spouse owns a business, the real property owned by or through that business is also an asset.
• Debt Repayment: If you or your spouse loaned money to someone, and you are owed repayment of that debt still, that debt is an asset. • Deferred Compensation: Occasionally, an employee accumulates deferred compensation through his or her employment. This deferred compensation might be a bonus that accrues over time and is paid later (for example, a year-end bonus), an option to purchase stock, or a raise. A contract to perform something for compensation may also be an asset. • Retirement Accounts: Retirement accounts are assets. This includes 401(k) accounts and pensions. The laws are different in every state, so it is advisable to consult a divorce attorney when dividing your retirement accounts, and you should also consult federal tax laws relating to the division of a retirement account. • Business: A business, along with the property owned by that business, including accounts receivable, is an asset. You should consult the laws of your state to determine how a professional practice is valued in a divorce. • Taxes: Tax refunds, or carryover tax losses are also assets that you should keep in mind. There are specific rules for which tax credits you can claim. • Credit Cards: A credit card account can include assets that should be divided. Some credit cards accumulate airline miles or points for other purchases. Those, and your frequent flyer miles, are an asset as well. • Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, etc. • Vehicles, RVs, Boats, etc.: Because these assets are easily moved, you should document them early in your divorce. • Timeshares • Collections, Antiques, and Artwork: Collections, antiques, and artwork around your house are assets that are sometimes quite valuable. Because these assets may be smaller and easy to move, they are more likely to disappear. You should make a record of them early in your divorce process. • Household Goods and Furnishings: Your regular household goods and furnishings are also assets. In many states, your household goods and furnishings will be valued at “yard sale price.” You should consult the laws of your state to determine how these assets will be valued. • Insurance Policies: Life insurance policies may be an asset. Some insurance policies have a cash value (for example, whole life insurance) because they develop a savings as premiums are paid. For whole life insurance policies, the insured may cash out the policy or take loans on the policy. A term life insurance policy (those policies for only a specific period of time) does not have a cash value, but may be used to secure future support payments.
• Degree or professional license: If and how degrees and licenses are valued as assets varies by state. Consult your divorce attorney to determine if these are an asset in the divorce. How Do I Know The Value Of My Assets? For some assets, you will be able to determine the value fairly easily (a checking account with a specific amount held in it, for example). For other assets, you may need to have an appraisal performed or to have an accountant determine the value. You should keep in mind whether the cost of an appraisal will be worth your while when valuing your assets. You should also consult the laws of your state to determine what you will need to do in order to be able to present or prove your values to the court. What About High Asset Divorces? If your divorce involves high assets or high net worth, the division of assets will be much more complex. You will need to consult with a divorce attorney who has extensive experience in the protection, valuation and distribution of significant assets.
What Happens in a Divorce?
Although divorce is common throughout the United States, the divorce process varies depending on the couple’s situation. Short-term marriages without children or property typically result in a less complex and time-consuming divorce than long-term marriages with significant property entanglements, marital debt, and minor children. Additionally, divorcing couples who work together to negotiate the terms of the divorce (child custody, child support, property division, debt allocation, and spousal support) will experience a less expensive and less stressful divorce than couples who can’t agree or refuse to work together. Step One: Filing the Divorce Petition Whether both spouses agree to the divorce or not, before any couple can begin the divorce process, one spouse must file a legal petition asking the court to terminate the marriage. The filing spouse must include the following information: • a statement which informs the court that at least one spouse meets the state’s residency requirements for divorce • a legal reason—or grounds—for the divorce, and • any other statutory information that your state requires. Residency requirements vary depending on where you live. States usually require at least one spouse to live in the state anywhere from 3 months to 12 months, and in the county where the spouse files at least 10 days to 6 months before filing the petition. Divorcing spouses must meet the state’s residency requirement before the court can accept the case. Grounds for divorce vary from state-to-state. However, all states offer divorcing couples the option to file a no-fault divorce. No-fault divorce is a streamlined process that allows spouses to file a divorce petition without listing a specific reason or placing blame on either spouse. If your spouse committed marital misconduct or caused the breakup, some states allow parties to claim “fault” for the divorce, like adultery or neglect. If you’re unsure whether you should file a no-fault or fault divorce, contact an experienced family law attorney in your state for guidance.
Step Two: Asking for Temporary Orders
Courts understand that the waiting period for divorce may not be possible for all couples. For example, if you are a stay-at-home parent that is raising your children and dependent on your spouse for financial support, waiting for 6-months for the judge to finalize your divorce probably seems impossible. When you file for divorce, the court allows you to ask the court for temporary court orders for child custody, child support, and spousal support. If you request a temporary order, the court will hold a hearing and request information from each spouse before deciding how to rule on the application. The judge will usually grant the temporary order quickly, and it will remain valid until the court orders otherwise or until the judge finalizes the divorce. Other temporary orders may include a request for status quo payments or temporary property restraining orders. Status quo orders typically require the breadwinner to continue paying marital debts throughout the divorce process. Temporary property restraining orders protect the marital estate from either spouse selling, giving away, or otherwise disposing of marital property during the divorce process. Restraining orders are usually mutual, meaning both spouses must follow it or risk being penalized by the court. If you need a temporary order but didn’t file your request at the time you filed for divorce, you’ll need to apply for temporary orders as quickly as possible. When you file for divorce, the court allows you to ask the court for temporary court orders for child custody, child support, and spousal support.
Step Three: Serve Your Spouse and Wait for a Response
After you file the petition for divorce and request for temporary orders, you need to provide a copy of the paperwork to your spouse and file proof of service with the court. Proof of service is a document that tells the court that you met the statutory requirements for giving a copy of the petition to your spouse. If you don’t properly serve your spouse, or if you neglect to file a proof of service with the court, the judge will be unable to proceed with your divorce case. Service of process can be easy, especially if your spouse agrees with the divorce and is willing to sign an acknowledgment of service. However, some spouses, especially ones that want to stay married or make the process complicated, can be evasive or try anything to frustrate the process. The easiest way to ensure proper service is for the filing spouse to hire a professional who is licensed and experienced in delivering legal documents to difficult parties. The cost is usually minimal and can help prevent a delay in your case. If your spouse retained an attorney, you could arrange to have the paperwork delivered to the attorney’s office. The party who receives the paperwork (usually titled “defendant” or “respondent”) must file an answer or reply to the divorce petition within a prescribed amount of time. Failure to respond could result in a “default” judgment against the non-responding spouse, which can be complicated and expensive to reverse. The responding party has the option to dispute the grounds for divorce (if a fault divorce), the allegations in the petition, or assert any disagreements as to property, support, custody, or any other divorce-related issues.
Step Four: Negotiate a Settlement In cases where the parties have differing opinions on important topics, like child custody, support, or property division, both spouses will need to work together to reach an agreement. Sometimes the court will schedule a settlement conference, which is where the parties and their attorneys will meet to discuss the status of the case. The court may schedule mediation, which is where a neutral third-party will help facilitate discussion between the spouses in hopes to resolve lingering issues. Some states require participation in mediation, while others do not. However, mediation often saves significant time and money during the divorce process, so it’s often a good route for many divorcing couples. Step Five: Divorce Trial Sometimes negotiations fail despite each spouse’s best efforts. If there are still issues that remain unresolved after mediation and other talks, the parties will need to ask the court for help, which means going to trial. A divorce trial is costly and time-consuming, plus it takes all the power away from the spouses and puts it in the hands of the judge. Negotiations and mediation sessions allow the couple to maintain control and have more predictable results than a divorce trial, so it’s best to avoid a trial if possible. Step Six: Finalizing the Judgment Whether you and your spouse negotiated throughout the divorce process, or a judge decided the significant issues for you, the final step of divorce comes when the judge signs the judgment of divorce. The judgment of divorce (or “order of dissolution”) ends the marriage and spells out the specifics about how the couple will allocate custodial responsibility and parenting time, child and spousal support, and how the couple will divide assets and debts. If the parties negotiated a settlement, the filing spouse’s attorney typically drafts the judgment. However, if the couple went through a divorce trial, the judge will issue the final order. When a couple divorces in Utah, they must divide their marital property equitably. If they’re not able to negotiate a settlement, they’ll have to ask the court to divide the marital property. The rule about equitable division doesn’t mean the division must be equal. Instead, the court has wide latitude to decide on a fair division based on each spouse’s contribution to the marital property and on each person’s projected future needs.
Marital Property and Separate Property
In a divorce, the distribution of property depends on which property belongs to the marriage – marital property – and which property belongs to each of the two spouses – separate property. Generally, marital property is property acquired or earned during the marriage, including earned income. Property used for the benefit of the marriage, even if it started out as separate property, may also be considered marital property. Separate property includes anything that belonged to one spouse before marriage and was kept separate throughout the marriage. It could also include property given only to one spouse during the marriage, like a gift made to the husband alone or an inheritance that the wife received from a member of her family. The most common types of property divided at divorce are real property like the family home, personal property like jewelry and clothing, and intangible financial assets like income, dividends, and benefits. All of the marital property must be divided between the spouses when the marriage ends, and marital debts must also be divided. The spouse who owns separate property gets to keep that property–it can’t be awarded to the other spouse.
Equitable Division of Property
Rather than rely on a hard and fast set of rules when splitting property between spouses, judges in Utah have discretion to consider a variety of factors unique to each marriage. Despite the court’s relative freedom to decide what is fair, it should always consider the length of the marriage and how the spouses acquired the marital property. It should also look at the conditions each spouse will face alone after the divorce, such as medical needs, and childcare costs. Each spouse’s level of education and earning potential are also relevant. Judges may divide property unequally after taking these factors, and others, into account.
Alimony Determined as Part of Equitable Division
In Utah, courts consider alimony as part of the equitable division of marital property. Alimony is a payment from one spouse to the other to help the recipient spouse maintain a lifestyle as close as possible to the standard of living the parties enjoyed during the marriage–and specifically, at the time they separated. If it is more equitable, the court might base alimony on the standard of living at the time of trial. The court also has the option to base alimony on the standard of living at the time of marriage if the marriage was short and there are no children. To determine the amount of alimony due, the court may consider either spouse’s fault in the deterioration of the marriage. The court also evaluates the recipient spouse’s financial resources, earning capacity, and whether that spouse worked in a business owned or operated by the obligated spouse (the one who has to pay). Additionally, the court looks at the obligated spouse’s ability to pay, the length of the marriage, who has custody of the children, and whether the obligated spouse’s earning capacity increased because the recipient spouse contributed to education or training during marriage. If one spouse is at the threshold of a major change in income because of the collective efforts of both spouses, that change also will be a factor in how the court divides the marital property and in the alimony award. Conversely, for a short marriage, the court could attempt to put the spouses back where they started as newlyweds, in terms of financial resources. Generally, alimony payments can last only as long as the number of years the marriage existed.
Marital Settlement Agreements
Throughout the process, divorcing spouses have opportunities to agree between themselves on what is a fair division. They can decide to sell certain assets and divide the proceeds, while allowing each spouse to keep certain other assets. Whatever agreements the spouses make, they can submit a marital settlement agreement to the court and a court will generally accept the agreement without further involvement. On the other hand, if the spouses cannot work together, or if there are certain items of property that they cannot agree on, then the court will decide for them.
Divorce Attorney
When you need a Utah Divorce Attorney, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
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The post Top Asset Division Divorce Attorney first appeared on Michael Anderson.
from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/top-asset-division-divorce-attorney/ from Divorce Lawyer Nelson Farms Utah https://divorcelawyernelsonfarmsutah.tumblr.com/post/633310803624411136
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coming-from-hell · 4 years
Top Asset Division Divorce Attorney
When a couple is divorcing or separating, they generally have a variety of assets that will need to be divided between them. Assets might include a home or other real property, a business, bank accounts, or retirement accounts.
What Kind Of Assets Are Divided In A Divorce?
• Money: You and your spouse likely have some financial assets. These financial assets generally include bank (your checking and savings), investment accounts, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, and cash. Accounts held in your minor children’s names or jointly with another person should also be considered. You may be able to find a list of all money accounts by reviewing the 1099 Forms used to complete your Income Tax Forms. • Home: Your home is an asset, as is any other real property (property that does not generally move, like land or a building). If you are not sure of what real property you and your spouse own, you may be able to find real property by checking with the Assessor’s office to find out if a deed to the property has been recorded. If you or your spouse owns a business, the real property owned by or through that business is also an asset.
• Debt Repayment: If you or your spouse loaned money to someone, and you are owed repayment of that debt still, that debt is an asset. • Deferred Compensation: Occasionally, an employee accumulates deferred compensation through his or her employment. This deferred compensation might be a bonus that accrues over time and is paid later (for example, a year-end bonus), an option to purchase stock, or a raise. A contract to perform something for compensation may also be an asset. • Retirement Accounts: Retirement accounts are assets. This includes 401(k) accounts and pensions. The laws are different in every state, so it is advisable to consult a divorce attorney when dividing your retirement accounts, and you should also consult federal tax laws relating to the division of a retirement account. • Business: A business, along with the property owned by that business, including accounts receivable, is an asset. You should consult the laws of your state to determine how a professional practice is valued in a divorce. • Taxes: Tax refunds, or carryover tax losses are also assets that you should keep in mind. There are specific rules for which tax credits you can claim. • Credit Cards: A credit card account can include assets that should be divided. Some credit cards accumulate airline miles or points for other purchases. Those, and your frequent flyer miles, are an asset as well. • Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, etc. • Vehicles, RVs, Boats, etc.: Because these assets are easily moved, you should document them early in your divorce. • Timeshares • Collections, Antiques, and Artwork: Collections, antiques, and artwork around your house are assets that are sometimes quite valuable. Because these assets may be smaller and easy to move, they are more likely to disappear. You should make a record of them early in your divorce process. • Household Goods and Furnishings: Your regular household goods and furnishings are also assets. In many states, your household goods and furnishings will be valued at “yard sale price.” You should consult the laws of your state to determine how these assets will be valued. • Insurance Policies: Life insurance policies may be an asset. Some insurance policies have a cash value (for example, whole life insurance) because they develop a savings as premiums are paid. For whole life insurance policies, the insured may cash out the policy or take loans on the policy. A term life insurance policy (those policies for only a specific period of time) does not have a cash value, but may be used to secure future support payments.
• Degree or professional license: If and how degrees and licenses are valued as assets varies by state. Consult your divorce attorney to determine if these are an asset in the divorce. How Do I Know The Value Of My Assets? For some assets, you will be able to determine the value fairly easily (a checking account with a specific amount held in it, for example). For other assets, you may need to have an appraisal performed or to have an accountant determine the value. You should keep in mind whether the cost of an appraisal will be worth your while when valuing your assets. You should also consult the laws of your state to determine what you will need to do in order to be able to present or prove your values to the court. What About High Asset Divorces? If your divorce involves high assets or high net worth, the division of assets will be much more complex. You will need to consult with a divorce attorney who has extensive experience in the protection, valuation and distribution of significant assets.
What Happens in a Divorce?
Although divorce is common throughout the United States, the divorce process varies depending on the couple’s situation. Short-term marriages without children or property typically result in a less complex and time-consuming divorce than long-term marriages with significant property entanglements, marital debt, and minor children. Additionally, divorcing couples who work together to negotiate the terms of the divorce (child custody, child support, property division, debt allocation, and spousal support) will experience a less expensive and less stressful divorce than couples who can’t agree or refuse to work together. Step One: Filing the Divorce Petition Whether both spouses agree to the divorce or not, before any couple can begin the divorce process, one spouse must file a legal petition asking the court to terminate the marriage. The filing spouse must include the following information: • a statement which informs the court that at least one spouse meets the state’s residency requirements for divorce • a legal reason—or grounds—for the divorce, and • any other statutory information that your state requires. Residency requirements vary depending on where you live. States usually require at least one spouse to live in the state anywhere from 3 months to 12 months, and in the county where the spouse files at least 10 days to 6 months before filing the petition. Divorcing spouses must meet the state’s residency requirement before the court can accept the case. Grounds for divorce vary from state-to-state. However, all states offer divorcing couples the option to file a no-fault divorce. No-fault divorce is a streamlined process that allows spouses to file a divorce petition without listing a specific reason or placing blame on either spouse. If your spouse committed marital misconduct or caused the breakup, some states allow parties to claim “fault” for the divorce, like adultery or neglect. If you’re unsure whether you should file a no-fault or fault divorce, contact an experienced family law attorney in your state for guidance.
Step Two: Asking for Temporary Orders
Courts understand that the waiting period for divorce may not be possible for all couples. For example, if you are a stay-at-home parent that is raising your children and dependent on your spouse for financial support, waiting for 6-months for the judge to finalize your divorce probably seems impossible. When you file for divorce, the court allows you to ask the court for temporary court orders for child custody, child support, and spousal support. If you request a temporary order, the court will hold a hearing and request information from each spouse before deciding how to rule on the application. The judge will usually grant the temporary order quickly, and it will remain valid until the court orders otherwise or until the judge finalizes the divorce. Other temporary orders may include a request for status quo payments or temporary property restraining orders. Status quo orders typically require the breadwinner to continue paying marital debts throughout the divorce process. Temporary property restraining orders protect the marital estate from either spouse selling, giving away, or otherwise disposing of marital property during the divorce process. Restraining orders are usually mutual, meaning both spouses must follow it or risk being penalized by the court. If you need a temporary order but didn’t file your request at the time you filed for divorce, you’ll need to apply for temporary orders as quickly as possible. When you file for divorce, the court allows you to ask the court for temporary court orders for child custody, child support, and spousal support.
Step Three: Serve Your Spouse and Wait for a Response
After you file the petition for divorce and request for temporary orders, you need to provide a copy of the paperwork to your spouse and file proof of service with the court. Proof of service is a document that tells the court that you met the statutory requirements for giving a copy of the petition to your spouse. If you don’t properly serve your spouse, or if you neglect to file a proof of service with the court, the judge will be unable to proceed with your divorce case. Service of process can be easy, especially if your spouse agrees with the divorce and is willing to sign an acknowledgment of service. However, some spouses, especially ones that want to stay married or make the process complicated, can be evasive or try anything to frustrate the process. The easiest way to ensure proper service is for the filing spouse to hire a professional who is licensed and experienced in delivering legal documents to difficult parties. The cost is usually minimal and can help prevent a delay in your case. If your spouse retained an attorney, you could arrange to have the paperwork delivered to the attorney’s office. The party who receives the paperwork (usually titled “defendant” or “respondent”) must file an answer or reply to the divorce petition within a prescribed amount of time. Failure to respond could result in a “default” judgment against the non-responding spouse, which can be complicated and expensive to reverse. The responding party has the option to dispute the grounds for divorce (if a fault divorce), the allegations in the petition, or assert any disagreements as to property, support, custody, or any other divorce-related issues.
Step Four: Negotiate a Settlement In cases where the parties have differing opinions on important topics, like child custody, support, or property division, both spouses will need to work together to reach an agreement. Sometimes the court will schedule a settlement conference, which is where the parties and their attorneys will meet to discuss the status of the case. The court may schedule mediation, which is where a neutral third-party will help facilitate discussion between the spouses in hopes to resolve lingering issues. Some states require participation in mediation, while others do not. However, mediation often saves significant time and money during the divorce process, so it’s often a good route for many divorcing couples. Step Five: Divorce Trial Sometimes negotiations fail despite each spouse’s best efforts. If there are still issues that remain unresolved after mediation and other talks, the parties will need to ask the court for help, which means going to trial. A divorce trial is costly and time-consuming, plus it takes all the power away from the spouses and puts it in the hands of the judge. Negotiations and mediation sessions allow the couple to maintain control and have more predictable results than a divorce trial, so it’s best to avoid a trial if possible. Step Six: Finalizing the Judgment Whether you and your spouse negotiated throughout the divorce process, or a judge decided the significant issues for you, the final step of divorce comes when the judge signs the judgment of divorce. The judgment of divorce (or “order of dissolution”) ends the marriage and spells out the specifics about how the couple will allocate custodial responsibility and parenting time, child and spousal support, and how the couple will divide assets and debts. If the parties negotiated a settlement, the filing spouse’s attorney typically drafts the judgment. However, if the couple went through a divorce trial, the judge will issue the final order. When a couple divorces in Utah, they must divide their marital property equitably. If they’re not able to negotiate a settlement, they’ll have to ask the court to divide the marital property. The rule about equitable division doesn’t mean the division must be equal. Instead, the court has wide latitude to decide on a fair division based on each spouse’s contribution to the marital property and on each person’s projected future needs.
Marital Property and Separate Property
In a divorce, the distribution of property depends on which property belongs to the marriage – marital property – and which property belongs to each of the two spouses – separate property. Generally, marital property is property acquired or earned during the marriage, including earned income. Property used for the benefit of the marriage, even if it started out as separate property, may also be considered marital property. Separate property includes anything that belonged to one spouse before marriage and was kept separate throughout the marriage. It could also include property given only to one spouse during the marriage, like a gift made to the husband alone or an inheritance that the wife received from a member of her family. The most common types of property divided at divorce are real property like the family home, personal property like jewelry and clothing, and intangible financial assets like income, dividends, and benefits. All of the marital property must be divided between the spouses when the marriage ends, and marital debts must also be divided. The spouse who owns separate property gets to keep that property–it can’t be awarded to the other spouse.
Equitable Division of Property
Rather than rely on a hard and fast set of rules when splitting property between spouses, judges in Utah have discretion to consider a variety of factors unique to each marriage. Despite the court’s relative freedom to decide what is fair, it should always consider the length of the marriage and how the spouses acquired the marital property. It should also look at the conditions each spouse will face alone after the divorce, such as medical needs, and childcare costs. Each spouse’s level of education and earning potential are also relevant. Judges may divide property unequally after taking these factors, and others, into account.
Alimony Determined as Part of Equitable Division
In Utah, courts consider alimony as part of the equitable division of marital property. Alimony is a payment from one spouse to the other to help the recipient spouse maintain a lifestyle as close as possible to the standard of living the parties enjoyed during the marriage–and specifically, at the time they separated. If it is more equitable, the court might base alimony on the standard of living at the time of trial. The court also has the option to base alimony on the standard of living at the time of marriage if the marriage was short and there are no children. To determine the amount of alimony due, the court may consider either spouse’s fault in the deterioration of the marriage. The court also evaluates the recipient spouse’s financial resources, earning capacity, and whether that spouse worked in a business owned or operated by the obligated spouse (the one who has to pay). Additionally, the court looks at the obligated spouse’s ability to pay, the length of the marriage, who has custody of the children, and whether the obligated spouse’s earning capacity increased because the recipient spouse contributed to education or training during marriage. If one spouse is at the threshold of a major change in income because of the collective efforts of both spouses, that change also will be a factor in how the court divides the marital property and in the alimony award. Conversely, for a short marriage, the court could attempt to put the spouses back where they started as newlyweds, in terms of financial resources. Generally, alimony payments can last only as long as the number of years the marriage existed.
Marital Settlement Agreements
Throughout the process, divorcing spouses have opportunities to agree between themselves on what is a fair division. They can decide to sell certain assets and divide the proceeds, while allowing each spouse to keep certain other assets. Whatever agreements the spouses make, they can submit a marital settlement agreement to the court and a court will generally accept the agreement without further involvement. On the other hand, if the spouses cannot work together, or if there are certain items of property that they cannot agree on, then the court will decide for them.
Divorce Attorney
When you need a Utah Divorce Attorney, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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{ "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name": "ascentlawfirm", "description": "Ascent Law helps you in divorce, bankruptcy, probate, business or criminal cases in Utah, call 801-676-5506 for a free consultation today. We want to help you. ", "brand": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "ascentlawfirm" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4.9", "ratingCount": "118" }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "priceCurrency": "USD" } }
Ascent Law St. George Utah Office
Ascent Law Ogden Utah Office
The post Top Asset Division Divorce Attorney first appeared on Michael Anderson.
Source: https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/top-asset-division-divorce-attorney/
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Top Asset Division Divorce Attorney
When a couple is divorcing or separating, they generally have a variety of assets that will need to be divided between them. Assets might include a home or other real property, a business, bank accounts, or retirement accounts.
What Kind Of Assets Are Divided In A Divorce?
• Money: You and your spouse likely have some financial assets. These financial assets generally include bank (your checking and savings), investment accounts, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, and cash. Accounts held in your minor children’s names or jointly with another person should also be considered. You may be able to find a list of all money accounts by reviewing the 1099 Forms used to complete your Income Tax Forms. • Home: Your home is an asset, as is any other real property (property that does not generally move, like land or a building). If you are not sure of what real property you and your spouse own, you may be able to find real property by checking with the Assessor’s office to find out if a deed to the property has been recorded. If you or your spouse owns a business, the real property owned by or through that business is also an asset.
• Debt Repayment: If you or your spouse loaned money to someone, and you are owed repayment of that debt still, that debt is an asset. • Deferred Compensation: Occasionally, an employee accumulates deferred compensation through his or her employment. This deferred compensation might be a bonus that accrues over time and is paid later (for example, a year-end bonus), an option to purchase stock, or a raise. A contract to perform something for compensation may also be an asset. • Retirement Accounts: Retirement accounts are assets. This includes 401(k) accounts and pensions. The laws are different in every state, so it is advisable to consult a divorce attorney when dividing your retirement accounts, and you should also consult federal tax laws relating to the division of a retirement account. • Business: A business, along with the property owned by that business, including accounts receivable, is an asset. You should consult the laws of your state to determine how a professional practice is valued in a divorce. • Taxes: Tax refunds, or carryover tax losses are also assets that you should keep in mind. There are specific rules for which tax credits you can claim. • Credit Cards: A credit card account can include assets that should be divided. Some credit cards accumulate airline miles or points for other purchases. Those, and your frequent flyer miles, are an asset as well. • Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, etc. • Vehicles, RVs, Boats, etc.: Because these assets are easily moved, you should document them early in your divorce. • Timeshares • Collections, Antiques, and Artwork: Collections, antiques, and artwork around your house are assets that are sometimes quite valuable. Because these assets may be smaller and easy to move, they are more likely to disappear. You should make a record of them early in your divorce process. • Household Goods and Furnishings: Your regular household goods and furnishings are also assets. In many states, your household goods and furnishings will be valued at “yard sale price.” You should consult the laws of your state to determine how these assets will be valued. • Insurance Policies: Life insurance policies may be an asset. Some insurance policies have a cash value (for example, whole life insurance) because they develop a savings as premiums are paid. For whole life insurance policies, the insured may cash out the policy or take loans on the policy. A term life insurance policy (those policies for only a specific period of time) does not have a cash value, but may be used to secure future support payments.
• Degree or professional license: If and how degrees and licenses are valued as assets varies by state. Consult your divorce attorney to determine if these are an asset in the divorce. How Do I Know The Value Of My Assets? For some assets, you will be able to determine the value fairly easily (a checking account with a specific amount held in it, for example). For other assets, you may need to have an appraisal performed or to have an accountant determine the value. You should keep in mind whether the cost of an appraisal will be worth your while when valuing your assets. You should also consult the laws of your state to determine what you will need to do in order to be able to present or prove your values to the court. What About High Asset Divorces? If your divorce involves high assets or high net worth, the division of assets will be much more complex. You will need to consult with a divorce attorney who has extensive experience in the protection, valuation and distribution of significant assets.
What Happens in a Divorce?
Although divorce is common throughout the United States, the divorce process varies depending on the couple’s situation. Short-term marriages without children or property typically result in a less complex and time-consuming divorce than long-term marriages with significant property entanglements, marital debt, and minor children. Additionally, divorcing couples who work together to negotiate the terms of the divorce (child custody, child support, property division, debt allocation, and spousal support) will experience a less expensive and less stressful divorce than couples who can’t agree or refuse to work together. Step One: Filing the Divorce Petition Whether both spouses agree to the divorce or not, before any couple can begin the divorce process, one spouse must file a legal petition asking the court to terminate the marriage. The filing spouse must include the following information: • a statement which informs the court that at least one spouse meets the state’s residency requirements for divorce • a legal reason—or grounds—for the divorce, and • any other statutory information that your state requires. Residency requirements vary depending on where you live. States usually require at least one spouse to live in the state anywhere from 3 months to 12 months, and in the county where the spouse files at least 10 days to 6 months before filing the petition. Divorcing spouses must meet the state’s residency requirement before the court can accept the case. Grounds for divorce vary from state-to-state. However, all states offer divorcing couples the option to file a no-fault divorce. No-fault divorce is a streamlined process that allows spouses to file a divorce petition without listing a specific reason or placing blame on either spouse. If your spouse committed marital misconduct or caused the breakup, some states allow parties to claim “fault” for the divorce, like adultery or neglect. If you’re unsure whether you should file a no-fault or fault divorce, contact an experienced family law attorney in your state for guidance.
Step Two: Asking for Temporary Orders
Courts understand that the waiting period for divorce may not be possible for all couples. For example, if you are a stay-at-home parent that is raising your children and dependent on your spouse for financial support, waiting for 6-months for the judge to finalize your divorce probably seems impossible. When you file for divorce, the court allows you to ask the court for temporary court orders for child custody, child support, and spousal support. If you request a temporary order, the court will hold a hearing and request information from each spouse before deciding how to rule on the application. The judge will usually grant the temporary order quickly, and it will remain valid until the court orders otherwise or until the judge finalizes the divorce. Other temporary orders may include a request for status quo payments or temporary property restraining orders. Status quo orders typically require the breadwinner to continue paying marital debts throughout the divorce process. Temporary property restraining orders protect the marital estate from either spouse selling, giving away, or otherwise disposing of marital property during the divorce process. Restraining orders are usually mutual, meaning both spouses must follow it or risk being penalized by the court. If you need a temporary order but didn’t file your request at the time you filed for divorce, you’ll need to apply for temporary orders as quickly as possible. When you file for divorce, the court allows you to ask the court for temporary court orders for child custody, child support, and spousal support.
Step Three: Serve Your Spouse and Wait for a Response
After you file the petition for divorce and request for temporary orders, you need to provide a copy of the paperwork to your spouse and file proof of service with the court. Proof of service is a document that tells the court that you met the statutory requirements for giving a copy of the petition to your spouse. If you don’t properly serve your spouse, or if you neglect to file a proof of service with the court, the judge will be unable to proceed with your divorce case. Service of process can be easy, especially if your spouse agrees with the divorce and is willing to sign an acknowledgment of service. However, some spouses, especially ones that want to stay married or make the process complicated, can be evasive or try anything to frustrate the process. The easiest way to ensure proper service is for the filing spouse to hire a professional who is licensed and experienced in delivering legal documents to difficult parties. The cost is usually minimal and can help prevent a delay in your case. If your spouse retained an attorney, you could arrange to have the paperwork delivered to the attorney’s office. The party who receives the paperwork (usually titled “defendant” or “respondent”) must file an answer or reply to the divorce petition within a prescribed amount of time. Failure to respond could result in a “default” judgment against the non-responding spouse, which can be complicated and expensive to reverse. The responding party has the option to dispute the grounds for divorce (if a fault divorce), the allegations in the petition, or assert any disagreements as to property, support, custody, or any other divorce-related issues.
Step Four: Negotiate a Settlement In cases where the parties have differing opinions on important topics, like child custody, support, or property division, both spouses will need to work together to reach an agreement. Sometimes the court will schedule a settlement conference, which is where the parties and their attorneys will meet to discuss the status of the case. The court may schedule mediation, which is where a neutral third-party will help facilitate discussion between the spouses in hopes to resolve lingering issues. Some states require participation in mediation, while others do not. However, mediation often saves significant time and money during the divorce process, so it’s often a good route for many divorcing couples. Step Five: Divorce Trial Sometimes negotiations fail despite each spouse’s best efforts. If there are still issues that remain unresolved after mediation and other talks, the parties will need to ask the court for help, which means going to trial. A divorce trial is costly and time-consuming, plus it takes all the power away from the spouses and puts it in the hands of the judge. Negotiations and mediation sessions allow the couple to maintain control and have more predictable results than a divorce trial, so it’s best to avoid a trial if possible. Step Six: Finalizing the Judgment Whether you and your spouse negotiated throughout the divorce process, or a judge decided the significant issues for you, the final step of divorce comes when the judge signs the judgment of divorce. The judgment of divorce (or “order of dissolution”) ends the marriage and spells out the specifics about how the couple will allocate custodial responsibility and parenting time, child and spousal support, and how the couple will divide assets and debts. If the parties negotiated a settlement, the filing spouse’s attorney typically drafts the judgment. However, if the couple went through a divorce trial, the judge will issue the final order. When a couple divorces in Utah, they must divide their marital property equitably. If they’re not able to negotiate a settlement, they’ll have to ask the court to divide the marital property. The rule about equitable division doesn’t mean the division must be equal. Instead, the court has wide latitude to decide on a fair division based on each spouse’s contribution to the marital property and on each person’s projected future needs.
Marital Property and Separate Property
In a divorce, the distribution of property depends on which property belongs to the marriage – marital property – and which property belongs to each of the two spouses – separate property. Generally, marital property is property acquired or earned during the marriage, including earned income. Property used for the benefit of the marriage, even if it started out as separate property, may also be considered marital property. Separate property includes anything that belonged to one spouse before marriage and was kept separate throughout the marriage. It could also include property given only to one spouse during the marriage, like a gift made to the husband alone or an inheritance that the wife received from a member of her family. The most common types of property divided at divorce are real property like the family home, personal property like jewelry and clothing, and intangible financial assets like income, dividends, and benefits. All of the marital property must be divided between the spouses when the marriage ends, and marital debts must also be divided. The spouse who owns separate property gets to keep that property–it can’t be awarded to the other spouse.
Equitable Division of Property
Rather than rely on a hard and fast set of rules when splitting property between spouses, judges in Utah have discretion to consider a variety of factors unique to each marriage. Despite the court’s relative freedom to decide what is fair, it should always consider the length of the marriage and how the spouses acquired the marital property. It should also look at the conditions each spouse will face alone after the divorce, such as medical needs, and childcare costs. Each spouse’s level of education and earning potential are also relevant. Judges may divide property unequally after taking these factors, and others, into account.
Alimony Determined as Part of Equitable Division
In Utah, courts consider alimony as part of the equitable division of marital property. Alimony is a payment from one spouse to the other to help the recipient spouse maintain a lifestyle as close as possible to the standard of living the parties enjoyed during the marriage–and specifically, at the time they separated. If it is more equitable, the court might base alimony on the standard of living at the time of trial. The court also has the option to base alimony on the standard of living at the time of marriage if the marriage was short and there are no children. To determine the amount of alimony due, the court may consider either spouse’s fault in the deterioration of the marriage. The court also evaluates the recipient spouse’s financial resources, earning capacity, and whether that spouse worked in a business owned or operated by the obligated spouse (the one who has to pay). Additionally, the court looks at the obligated spouse’s ability to pay, the length of the marriage, who has custody of the children, and whether the obligated spouse’s earning capacity increased because the recipient spouse contributed to education or training during marriage. If one spouse is at the threshold of a major change in income because of the collective efforts of both spouses, that change also will be a factor in how the court divides the marital property and in the alimony award. Conversely, for a short marriage, the court could attempt to put the spouses back where they started as newlyweds, in terms of financial resources. Generally, alimony payments can last only as long as the number of years the marriage existed.
Marital Settlement Agreements
Throughout the process, divorcing spouses have opportunities to agree between themselves on what is a fair division. They can decide to sell certain assets and divide the proceeds, while allowing each spouse to keep certain other assets. Whatever agreements the spouses make, they can submit a marital settlement agreement to the court and a court will generally accept the agreement without further involvement. On the other hand, if the spouses cannot work together, or if there are certain items of property that they cannot agree on, then the court will decide for them.
Divorce Attorney
When you need a Utah Divorce Attorney, please call Ascent Law LLC for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C West Jordan, Utah 84088 United States Telephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
4.9 stars – based on 67 reviews
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{ "@context": "http://schema.org/", "@type": "Product", "name": "ascentlawfirm", "description": "Ascent Law helps you in divorce, bankruptcy, probate, business or criminal cases in Utah, call 801-676-5506 for a free consultation today. We want to help you. ", "brand": { "@type": "Thing", "name": "ascentlawfirm" }, "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", "ratingValue": "4.9", "ratingCount": "118" }, "offers": { "@type": "Offer", "priceCurrency": "USD" } }
Ascent Law St. George Utah Office
Ascent Law Ogden Utah Office
The post Top Asset Division Divorce Attorney first appeared on Michael Anderson.
from Michael Anderson https://www.ascentlawfirm.com/top-asset-division-divorce-attorney/
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The Future of the Trainees (part 7)
Amazing Kiss Seo Sunghyuk (Rank 51 -> Rank 19)
Chances – This boy has one of the most interesting stories on the show with two dramatic rises in ranks despite not that much focus actually being on it. I mean he was definitely the focus of his team in the group missions but Mnet didn’t pay much attention to that group in general, especially in comparison to other group. So what was the reason behind Sunghyuk’s first rise and survival in episode 5? What endeared him to the national producers? He was shown to be very worried about his team’s progress both in episode 3 and 4 and the gif of him helplessly standing while his teammates dance behind him is my favorite from the show. And while I definitely related to his struggles (there were definitely times when I was the Sunghyuk and I know that every group requires such a member who’s going to be worried about the progress and be sort of the killjoy while spurring everyone to work) I do not think that could’ve garnered enough interest around him for him to have jumped 44 ranks. I personally think that the reason why he appeared on the viewers’ radars was because of the speech he gave in his interview about his experience on the show. I feel like he did the best at finding the correct words to describe what all of the other trainees (especially ones that aren’t that popular). He said he was very worried because he wanted his journey on the show to be a little longer that he assumed it would be but he also made sure to point out how much fun he’s been having. It was all so earnest that it was hard not to root for this boy. Actually I think ‘earnest’ is the perfect word to describe him. He kneeled at the start of the 5th episode; he bawled when he passed the elimination, he’s just so earnest. And all that made contributed to his second rise in ranks where he jumped 32 ranks to end up in the Top 22. I do think that his rank fell a little by the elimination but either way he’s definitely making it into the Top35. The rest sort of depends on how much screentime is given to him in the 8th and 9th episodes which I’m not sure about because he didn’t get any focus at all in either episode 6 or 7. Either way I wish him the best although after I did a background check on his agency, all I found was the fact that an ex-H.O.T member is signed to it.
Skills – I was shocked to discover that he’s been a trainee for only 6 months – he’s got a good base for becoming an idol. He’s only 19 so he still has some time to train. I think that whoever you think is the best vocalist in the ‘Amazing Kiss’ is really up to what vocal color you prefer because they all did wonderfully. It is hard for me to judge his dance skills because his first performance didn’t include much dancing although I will point out that none of the moves that he did do looked awkward. And ‘Shock’ is good opportunity to see if someone has enough energy while performing on stage but not to really appraise someone’s dancing skills. I’m guessing dancing is where Sunghyuk is lacking in training but I don’t think he’ll have much trouble honing his skills.
Lee Gunhee (Rank 29 -> Rank 29)
Chances – With that stability in ranks and the 110k bonus, Gunhee is surely making it into the Top 35. I’ve mentioned that Mnet chose Gunhee to pay attention to out of all the RBW trainees and honestly I’m not too mad about that (I wish they payed attention to everyone but that’s stupid to expect at this point). Gunhee is very entertaining to watch – he has great reactions which are only emphasized by the size of his mouth. And he is also very talented, mainly a great vocalist (which I expected of an RBW trainee) and one that I would’ve been glad to see win the 110k bonus for the vocal position if I hadn’t realized whom everyone wanted to win. Because, while we were allowed to see a lot of good dancers through the dance battles, there were only two vocalists who really received a lot of attention – Woodam (who had to dance this time) and Jaehwan. And I knew right away that everyone was cheering for Jaehwan to get 1st place. My suspicions were confirmed when a lot of comments mentioned how they thought Jaehwan should’ve gotten the benefit. The upside is that none of these comments really mention that Gunhee is undeserving of the win or Gunhee at all for that matter, so hopefully no one is mad at him. Especially because he does deserve this win (so did Jaehwan and a couple of other vocalists but only one can win). I don’t think Gunhee is making it into the Top 22 but I’m excited to see him during concept evaluations and when RBW hopefully debuts all of the kids. Skills – Gunhee is a really good vocalist who isn’t that strong of a dancer. Honestly, he doesn’t really need to be, because while Mamamoo are absolutely amazing performers, their choreographies are fairly simple. So I assume that that’s the direction their possible new boygroup would go as well.
Jung Dongsu (Rank 35 -> Rank 30)
Chances –I’ll start by saying that Dongsu seems like someone who all the other trainees really like and are rooting for – I heard a lot of cheering when he passed the elimination in episode 5. And honestly I’m not surprised by that. I took notice of him in episode 1 or 2 when he kept talking to Samuel. As a solo trainee from his company who’s also very young and got the Regina George introduction when he came in, I assume that it was hard for Samuel to start a conversation first during the ranking evaluation. But Dongsu kept talking to him and that was very sweet. Even in the last episode when the focus was on Gunhee and Heeseok, Dongsu actually left the biggest impression on me during practice. He looked like he sat them down and was sort of like ‘Now, talk it out’. I wonder if that’s partially thanks to the fact that he knows what it’s like to be part of an idol group and what you need to do to maintain a good relationship within it. I also love how he and Namhyung always stick together, such best friends. The only thing I know about OFFROAD is their song ‘Head Banging’ so I am unsure about the group dynamics and whether or not Dongsu and Namhyung were always together in their group as well. Unfortunately, Namhyung’s probably not making it into the Top 35, while Dongsu probably is. Because, yes, while he didn’t get much focus in the last two episodes, I do think that he’s definitely making this cut although probably not the next one. Mnet should really mention that he and Namhyung are also part of an idol group that’s not doing too hot, so that when both of the members are eliminated, their group’s next comeback actually gets some attention (unless they disbanded, I couldn’t find any information confirming or denying my suspicions).
Skills – I said that your favorite vocalist would depend on whose vocal color you like the most and I like Dongsu’s a lot. He was the only vocalist I actually remembered from the introduction videos. I’ve seen some comments that he shouldn’t have use his nasal tone during his second part in ‘Amazing Kiss’ and while I did find it very jarring at first, the more I listen to the performance, the more it grows on me. But I might be biased. His dancing is good and he has great stage presence. The more I look at these talented ‘failed’ idols, the sadder I become.
Yoon Heeseok (Rank 30 -> Rank 45)
Chances – The Jellyfish girls were such a powerhouse last season that I can only imagine how much pressure was on Heeseok to succeed. But things haven’t been going his way, considering his complete lack of screentime. So in the last episode Mnet actually decided to make him the focus of his team, which is fair because Gunhee, Dongsu and Sunghyuk all received focus during the group mission. However, the nature of Heeseok’s edit is a bit confusing. Heeseok is disheartened when he doesn’t get to be center and makes things supposedly harder for him team. There’s also some unresolved tension between him and Gunhee due to Heeseok’s jealousy. But things get resolved, BoA compliments Heeseok and all seems well. I’m unsure how Mnet wants us to feel. On one hand, this isn’t a good edit – I don’t think anyone’s falling in love with Heeseok after this. However, it’s not an evil edit either. And honestly it would be stupid to evil-edit Heeseok – he’s not a threat to anyone, his ranking isn’t that high. So I don’t think there was any intention behind this edit besides showing an interesting story from their practice and perhaps putting Heeseok on the viewers’ radars. However, considering that this focus came a little too late (a day before the voting closed), I guess Mnet doesn’t really care if Heeseok makes it in episode 8 and just wanted to make sure that the Jellyfish trainee at least got some attention before elimination. On the bright side I think Jellyfish can afford to debut a boy group sometime soon and I’m sure if they do Heeseok will be part of it.
Skills – He’s a good vocalist, something that I have come to expect from Jellyfish. I loved how he sounded in ‘Call Me Baby’ and ‘Amazing Kiss’. He’s not, however, very good at masking his mistakes but that does come from experience and he’s only been a trainee for 6 months. I don’t think he’s very familiar with dancing but he’s shown that he can learn a choreography fast and perform it decently so with more training he’ll be really good.
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discogs · 7 years
a trip through murder rates: crash course in nick cave
here is the playlist, beneath lies the story.
i hope you enjoy. 
1. i have an evident bias to rowland and rowland’s friends, it’s a slight one that is emphasized by an deep spiritual attachment, therefore we must start with rowland s. howard and not our dear nicholas. there were two main melbourne acts, one of which was nick’s just now forming ‘boys next door’ (which he decided to create with friends tracy pew and mick harvey after he was kicked outtuv art school), the other is rowland and ollie olsen’s ‘young charlatans.’ rowland was responsible for the creation of the boys next doors’ biggest song “shivers,” here is a clip of rowland and ollie speaking while with the young charlatans. ( x ) 
2. rowland wrote what i believe to be the perfect song, adaptable to all outlooks, at the age of sixteen as a comment on the over the top nature of teenage love. the song is initially a sarcastic one, yet has been redone so many times over that generally speaking it looses it’s cynical nature. this recording is the one done by the young charlatans, it’s original form with rowland on vocals.
3. this is actually about nick cave, i swear it, and here is where we get into that more so. here is a cover of nancy sinatra’s “these boots are made for walking” done by the boys next door some time in ‘78. i don’t know why nick sings like that, i’m assuming he had no sense of his vocal range at this time, and i wish the young charlatans had gotten a video but unfortunately the band split up fairly quick due to disputes between rowland and ollie.
+ there’s this house party, or maybe it’s a show, there’s mixed stories on this. but the general consensus is that nick, unruly and screwed all up on speed had been eyeing rowland for some time at this event. it was after a testosterone gun show in the bathrooms where nick ripped out a sink, that he found his fist in rowland’s face demanding to know if he was a punk or not. naturally, s a thin boy raised by women rowland was a bit disgusted by nick’s display, however took him up on his offer to meet again the following day when nick apologised. this eventually led to the creation of the birthday party, but before that rowland had managed to get a word in with his bandmates about that one song, y’know the one ..
4. here we see nick, all marionette gestures and heavy eyeliner belting his heart out over lyrics written by the tiny post ‘66 fender wielding raven shown briefly in the video. it’s undeniable that nick seemed to take this a lot more genuinely than rowland did, or at least that’s what he intended to display. this is the more popular version of the song, much glossier and easier to imagine being played at a high school dance than the previous version. this was all fine and dandy, now, but songs that sound like roxy music aren’t cool, man ! besides, every member of this band displays a talent that is remarkably astounding. the song is beautiful, yet tight, and though this is spectacular there’s much more beneath.
5. this is track is one of the birthday party’s first singles, released along with several other birthday party songs on a compilation called hee-haw which mainly consisted of the band’s earlier work. the cover art here is done by nick.
6. this track is off of the birthday party’s second record entitled ‘junkyard,’ released in 1981 and expressing more fluidity within their musical style with a certain wounded animal characteristic to the music jolted by the viciousness of nick’s voice. it is around this time, or perhaps some time before, that the band had found themselves penniless in london and retreated to berlin.
+ tensions have been steadily arising from day one due to rowland and nick’s individual stubbornness over artistic expression, nick is searching for an escape from the birthday party as he despises the route their presentation has taken. as most even vaguely punk sounding bands often realise that their audience doesn’’t so much care for the music but instead the thrill of seeing someone hurtling themselves into the ground repeatedly. no one wanted their name to be engraved in a violent history, and lucky for nick he sound his way out in berlin.
7. for some years now, the west berlin music scene has been a bustling hub of creation and innovation. with acts like abwarts and malaria surrounding, a young and reverse individual finds himself forming what would the band pioneering not only unconventional instruments but the proto-industrial movement. the band was based off a fairly simple concept; destruction as a means of creation, a notion adopted from this (x) marxist era essay as well as the factory-line like gentrification of the surrounding brick paradise. thus einstuzende neubauten was formed, and by the first glance nick felt as though he’d net his match. this rubber clad being of fire and metal was blixa bargeld, who you will see in this particular clip. (x) is a performance that shows off the impulsive and chaotic nature of the band as well as their use of out of the ordinary instruments.
8. this meeting of kindred spirits leads to nick definitively deciding to part ways with the birtday party. in an admittedly dick move, nick decided to call he record ‘the bad seeds ep,” presumably hoping to get a better feel for where he was going with his career. rowland and him are hardly speaking and they both have one foot out the door. his song is off of this bad seeds section, where nick begins to show his talent for world building and story telling. 
9. this track’s off the opposite end, the part which belongs more so to the birthday party than it does to the bad seeds. i love this track for all it’s inconsistency, it attacks you from all sides musically and leaves you feeling dazed lyrically for a lack of being able to keep up. to me, this is the best way to bookend the band’s career. it displays maturity in style like no other while also perfecting the sound now heavily associated with not only the birthday party but no wave music in general. 
+ below are bonus videos and music x ( mutiny sessions )  x ( live version of shivers sung by rowland with the boys next door ) x ( another song off of einsturzende’s halber mensch, my favourite ) 
10. admittedly i have neglected nick’s first two records ‘from her to eternity’ and ‘the first born is dead,’ i have a storage complex with my favourite musicians where i won’t listen to their entire discography because if i get stir crazy for new material then i can get familiar with one of the records i haven’t really heard. this track is off of his third record called ‘your funeral, my trial.’ like the previous two this was recorded with the first of the bad seeds lineup comprising of nick cave, mick harvey (of the birthday party), barry adamson (of magazine), blixa bargeld (of einsturzende neubauten), and for a short time hugo race. this track is one of the bad seed’s finest in my opinion, strong on atmosphere and tone with a plot line following a distinct character who’s in a strange bind - a hallmark of nick’s songwriting. this album sound tracked wim wenders film ‘wings of desire,’ with a cameo from nick and rowland in the final act.
11. let’s catch up to rowland for a moment, who is working somewhat parallel to nick as the guitarist for a band called the crime & city solution. rowland only worked with the band for one record, ‘room of lights,’ while in berlin where he was met with his brother, harry, playing bass, mick harvey once more on guitar, and a boy from a band called swell maps on drums named epic soundtracks. this clip is from the aforementioned ‘wings of desire,’ after this rowland and the mentioned members (minus harvey, replaced by rowland’s long-time girlfriend genevive mcguckin) broke off and formed these immortal souls.
12. a lot of musicians have released cover albums, and from what i can tell almost all of kicking against the pricks is except for this track. i wanted to display this song as it shows the broadness of nick’s vocal expression, in that this song makes me want to hang myself.
+ this is a little linear note about rowland’s work after crime, epic soundtrack’s origins, and who the fuck is nikki sudden again ? x ( these immortal souls: marry me (lie ! lie !) ), the project rowland worked on immediately after crime & city x ( swell maps: cake shop girl ), the band that epic soundtracks and brother nikki ‘little johnny thunders’ sudden came from initially, pioneers of what would become noise rock and grunge. x ( the jacobites: for the roses), nikki’s band with friend dave kusworth x ( nikki sudden & rowland s. howard: a quick thing ), a track from an album rowland did with nikki called ‘kiss you kidnapped charabanc’ x ( lydia lunch & rowland s. howard: burning skulls ), a song from the brilliant record cut on a whim based on a sense of familiarity between the two
13. this music video was recorded in the studio the song was recorded in, which is in berlin. this song was inspired by a girlfriend of nick’s and how she made him feel, a very momentous affair it seems to have been,
14. nick continues to make music as the end of the 1980s draws near, the first record of this time period is 'the good son,’ who’s most popular song is undoubtedly 'the weeping song.’ that track is definitely worth a listen as well, it is one of nick’s more popular tracks but it’s a rare full display of blixa’s vocals and a great duet. this song, however, is the title song and has a beautiful choir-sound to it which is present all throughout this album.
15. my favorite nick cave record is tied between this one and one that comes over twenty years after this one, but i’ll be damned if i don’t give this record the utmost appraisal. the album is more definitive in narrative than nick’s previous records, it all seems to be written to fit a particular story line and the sense of momentum in the record is impeccable. this track tells the story of the catholic saint, christina the astonishing, a story that nick was very attached to. as we further our way through his career his interest in catholicism becomes more and more apparent.
16. this song is the slowest on the album 'let love in,’ which is one of his most popular records. the most known track by nick - 'red right hand’ - is also off this album, but in my opinion it’s not the best track off the record. this song is inspired by a story nick read in robert smythe hichens’ “the green carnation,” and the unsettling nature of the story lingers in this song. it’s the counterpart to a song earlier in the album entitled simply 'do you love me?’
17. the huge thing about nick cave is his fascination for murder, something that, the more i learn about and listen to him doesn’t seem to be that huge of a fixation of his. at least not anymore than the bible is. this album, however, murder ballads, is obviously homicide centric. this track features kyle minogue on vocals as eliza day, but she isn’t the only guest vocalist on the album. on another track, henry lee (which is a must hear as well), there is another guest vocalist. pj harvey comes into the maelstrom of nick’s life, and as is displayed in the video, they become seamlessly intertwined in a romance that nick describes as one of the best events of his life. however, in nick’s own words, 'all things move towards their end, i knew before i met her that i would loose her …’
18. after the short lived romance between nick and pj, she leaves him feeling devastated. no one knows for sure why it is they split, but nick sure as hell took it like a landslide. this song is one off of his last album of the 90s, the boatman’s call, which is essentially the pj harvey breakup album. this song has stark similarities to tom waits’ first record, which rings nothing but lovely to my mind.
19. i really. really love rowland s. howard. he means everything to me, this is a song off his first solo album. i don’t know why i chose this one, maybe it’s because the proceeding two songs off it are too difficult for me to hear. he is so talented, he is so beautiful, i don’t know where these impressions of horrendousness come from. rowland is the kindest soul to every walk this earth, but um, here we are with another beautiful display of the sharpness of his guitar playing, and that aching voice of his. he’s my favorite guitarist, and the reason why is that he does not need to sing to tell you how much he is hurting - his guitar does that all on it’s own. we’re about to get heavy. 1999.
+ nick’s doing this shit called grinderman. i’ll be honest with you, i’ve never heard a line of it. and why ? because that mustache is an atrocity to not only to this earth, but to the heavens, hell, and purgatory as well. so there’s a pretty big gap in his discography after boatman’s call.
20. 2009. alright. so. i’m going to tell you this one thing first; rowland s. howard did not deserve to die. he did not deserve death, he did not deserve any of the numerous heartaches and horrendous experiences that he went through. he went his life a genius, and was scarcely ever recognized for his immense talent and uniqueness. rowland died in 2009 due to a liver disease. he wasn’t able to get a transfer in time. and look, rowland was not ready to die. he wanted so much more, he wanted everything of the world that he hadn’t the chance to reach before. he knew he was going to die, but he did not want to. i will tell you this with my heart bared open and bleedin to you - i would give up my life to have rowland back on this earth in a heartbeat. this song is from the last album he ever released, an album which i still find very difficult to listen to. he did not deserve to die. i don’t know where it is he acquired this seemingly immense hatred of himself, and the contempt for whatever actions he committed. he was the kindest, most loving soul to ever walk this earth, and i refuse to accept his passing as anything other than a true strike of hate by god to humanity. he means wonders to me.
21. so um. sorry. but nick comes back, with that record that i told you competes with henry’s dream to me. it’s called “and no more shall we part” and it is a really difficult record to speak of due to the cohesive story line there seems to be within it. this is the final track of the album, and i believe it sums it up pretty well. i think the line in here; “i think of my friends who died of exposure, and i remember other ones who died from the lack of it.” is in relation to rowland in the latter half. this song is sorrowful, without a doubt. this is the last record blixa did with him, stuck through for years. god bless him.
+ nocturama did not do well, neither did abattoir blues. i know nothing about dig lazarus dig, these three records remind me of rickety stairs on the way up to self discovery. in his 2016 movie, 'one more time with feeling,’ he mentions how you have to grow accustomed to being a new person. you have to suss out your new self, if this new you smokes or if this new you gave up smoking years ago, things like that. trying to find his place again. he did, of course, adjust to this new nick. and the product is brilliant.
22. nick outdoes himself time after time, throughout his entire career he has bested himself. please, do not take the initial crudeness of some of the first lyrics as a reason to discard this song, it’s off of his 2013 album push the sky away is without a doubt one of the most beautiful things i have ever heard. this record is one that is vicarious to me, these days i hear it every day to sleep and sometimes constantly throughout the day.
23. nick’s last record, 'skeleton tree’ was already in development before the death of his son, arthur. many of the lyrics in the record echo his last book, 'the sick bag song,’ especially in this track where the girl who dances on the rings of saturn is a reoccurring anomaly in the book. this record took everyone by storm, if that storm is freezing and you’re trapped inside a cold black marble home. this is the end of the nick cave train ride, thank you if listened and read the whole way through. this is essentially my bare bones.
- LM
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patriciawilks3-blog · 7 years
Carry Out Honor Shows Issue?
This summit unites 21 of Looking for Alpha's best committing thoughts (including yours really) to highlight several invaluable: committing concepts, in addition to suggestions and also recommendations about the market, economic climate as well as specific stocks for 2018. Certainly, in substantial investigation on selection traps," men appear much more prone compared to females to exactly what is called an overconfidence bias." The development from overconfidence," a 2011 study published in the science diary, Nature, wrapped up that overconfidence maximizes specific health and fitness ... as long as profit from opposed sources are actually adequately sizable." Sufficiently huge" can well explain bonus offers in the tens from millions of dollars to individual Exchange lenders and also traders. As well as, that wishes to denationalize Wall Street so the big bankers could succeed along with precisely the type of schemes that brought about the failure from planet monetary markets and expense eight million Americans their tasks just 9 short years earlier. The assets discussed within this post might not be actually the most glittery or prominent providers in modern technology, yet they are assisted through strong fundamentals and also realistic appraisals - and I think that must win in the year in advance.
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A lot of folks aimed to place me out of business through subversion ventures, but due to The lord creating credit cards, you can't quit Code Red. Bear in mind that this dining table only bears in mind natural (sell level) dividend development. I've observed a considerable amount of theater in my lifetime yet this part actually was the most unforgettable.
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Right now create indisputable that was actually an additional challenging quarter for the provider to run in offered the spike in rates to end the quarter. While Motorola has actually continued its own project from misinformation to Wall Street as well as to the economic media, FirstNet has actually gained major traction in the final 6 months. One United States Headlines, a right-leaning channel recently granted seats in the White Property bunch instruction area, failed to state Charlottesville in any way in a Full week in Testimonial " video published Monday. Baseding on The Source of The Big Apple Area Street Companies", which is a selection coming from The Landmark Record of The Big Apple by Albert Ulmann, Morton Road is named after John Morton, a prominent 19th century New York seller. There are numerous Morton Streets throughout the planet, thus initially, I was not sure that the song's headline recommended primarily to Manhattan's Morton Street. Today, there are none bars on Morton Street, and also though my adventure at Morton Road at night performed expose a great deal of folks, I would rarely describe it as folks spilling" into the walkway. Past efficiency from the business gone over might certainly not carry on and the companies might not attain the revenues growth as predicted. Pepsi has continually returned a considerable volume of funding back to its shareholders through quarterly dividends (2.7% annual yield) and equity repurchases. However, very most feel the road to become called in respect from John Morton's oldest kid, Jacob Morton, a tremendously preferred political number which provided in many metropolitan positions as well as was major-general from the http://Todaytime4You.Info first militia from Nyc for over Three Decade (Sheep). Morton Street stretches over just 6 avenues coming from Bleecker Road down to West Road where the side from the urban area creates its own acquaintance with the Hudson Stream. As some folks are actually carrying out when you begin to incorporate the check out revenues along with the earnings for AirPods, and as you know, this was the 1st total quarter from shipments for AirPods.
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On the ground-breaking sit-com sensation Good friends, which competed a many years from 1994-2004, the character of Phoebe Buffay (played by Lisa Kudrow) shows that she stays in 5 Morton Street in Apartment 14. While 5 Morton Road seems like the ideal West Town deal with to the laid-back audience, Phoebe's apartment gives an extremely impractical photo of a bachelor girl lifestyle in Nyc City.
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tyrantisterror · 8 years
Unofficial Broken as Fuck Pathfinder Monster Template: Slasher
After a one-off Jason Voorhees knockoff accidentally became a major NPC in my current Pathfinder campaign, I realized I actually needed to make custom stats for him instead of just borrowing some from a monster in one of the Bestiaries - as those stats really weren’t suited to “Buddy” anymore.  And in the process I made a template I could use for other Slashers in addition to him - both because there will probably be more of Buddy’s species in this campaign, and because why the fuck not?  Since this is (ostensibly) a horror campaign, I made no real attempt to make this thing balanced.  It’s a monster that murders real good, and if that’s what you want, here ya go.
I’m thinking of making to “subspecies” of this monster - one for psychic/magic slashers like Freddy, and one for swift, dextrous slashers like Ghostface from Scream.  But for now, enjoy the vanilla edition - intended to help you make characters like Jason, Michael Myers, and Leatherface.
Slasher – An Unofficial Pathfinder Monster Template
Hulking, disfigured, and ridiculously skilled at dismembering living beings, Slashers are a horrifying group of undead monsters bound by a specific set of behavioral rules.  Created to serve as vicious guards, every Slasher is bound to protect both its creator and a specific territory of the creator’s choosing.  Said territory can range from anything as large as a lake or even a city, to something as small and simple as a single house.  The larger the territory, the stronger the Slasher.  Both the territory and the creator of the Slasher are jointly referred to as its Protectorate, and many of the Slasher’s strengths and weaknesses hinge on the status of its Protectorate.
Slashers are made by a dark necromancy ritual involving the sacrifice of a child – specifically a child that has a strong emotional connection with their parents, as these feelings are crucial to the spell.  The child must be killed in a traumatic fashion as well, as it is the combination of loyalty to one’s parents, child-like simplicity, and horrific fear that creates the vengeful yet malleable spirit at the core of a Slasher’s being.  A successful Slasher will view its creator with all the fondness and obedience a loving child shows its parent, and will treat all other creatures with the vicious hatred inspired by its own painful death.
Slashers abide by a warped moral code: their “parent” is good, and all other intelligent life forms are evil and must be destroyed.  Children and non-sapient animals are the only other creatures that Slashers refuse to harm – this is believed to be a residual effect of the innocence and love that defined Slashers when they were still living beings.  Anything that is both sapient and pubescent must be purged however, and Slashers seem to be particularly vicious towards teenagers.
The most notable aspect of Slashers is that they are essentially unkillable.  While a Slasher’s physical form can be destroyed, it will eventually heal so long as it is near its Protectorate (either is creator, its territory, or both).  If its carcass is taken from its Protectorate, the corpse will decay to nothingness while a new body for the Slasher grows near its Protectorate once more.  Once must either destroy the Slasher’s Protectorate or attack the Slasher’s soul rather than its body to end a Slasher once and for all.
Slasher Template
“Slasher” is a template that can be applied to any humanoid creature with six levels in exclusively Martial classes (no spellcasting).
CR: Same as base creature + 5
AL: Any evil
Type: The creature’s type changes to Undead (augmented).  Do not recalculate BAB, or saves.
Language: Slashers can understand any languages they did in life, but cannot speak beyond a handful of simple, monosyllabic words.
Ability Scores: Str + 10, Dex -2, Int -4, Cha +2
Armor Class: Natural Armor improves by +10
Hit Dice: Change all racial and class hit dies to d12s.
Defensive Abilities:
• DR 10/Positive Energy • Fast Healing 10: heals 10 HP per round • Protectorate: As long as its territory and/or “parent” exist, a Slasher cannot truly die.  When reduced to 0 HP, its physical form will decay while a new one slowly forms out of ectoplasm either in its territory or by the side of its parent.  It takes 1d6 weeks for the new Slasher’s body to completely regenerate.  Only spells that attack the soul rather than the physical body can override this ability. • No constitution:  substitutes charisma score instead when necessary (fortitude saves, some spell DCs, etc.) • Immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, phantasms) • Immune to bleed damage, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning • Immune to: nonlethal damage, ability drain, energy drain, damage to physical ability scores (strength, dexterity, and constitution), exhaustion, and fatigue • Harmed by positive energy and healed by negative energy • Immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless it also works on objects or is harmless) • Not affected by Raise Dead and Reincarnate spells/abilities.  Resurrection and True Resurrection can affect them, turning them back into living creatures • Do not breath, eat, or sleep as necessity
Weaknesses: Slashers cannot intentionally harm children or small animals, and will only harm medium or larger animals in self-defense or in defense of their protectorate.  Slashers also must remain within 100 feet of their Protectorate at all times.  On the rare occasion they are taken away from their Protectorate, a Slasher will take 2d12 damage every hour they are apart until their body finally decomposes, which will force the Slasher to regenerate a new body next to their Protectorate.
While Slashers are autonomous to an extent, they must obey the commands of their creator (who is part of their protectorate) to the best of their ability.  Slashers can only disobey commands that involve harming children or animals, or commands that worded confusingly (as Slashers are not very intelligent).  While Slashers can understand language to an extent, they cannot speak more than a few monosyllabic words, and generally only communicate in inarticulate grunts.  Left undirected, Slashers will simply guard their protectorate and kill anything they perceive as a threat – which is almost everything that isn’t a child or an animal.  Slashers are terrible problem solvers and cannot formulate plans of their own.
Speed: Slashers move at a slow speed: 10 feet less than is usual for a creature of their size (i.e. a medium creature usually moves 30 feet per round, a Slasher moves 20 feet per round).
Special Qualities:
• Beefy: Slashers gain +30 HP upon creation • Camouflage: A Slasher must choose the Ranger terrain that matches the Territory of its Protectorate.  The Slasher gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth Checks in this terrain. • Gatecrasher: Slashers have a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objects, and a +2 to Combat Maneuver checks to sunder weapons. • Signature Weapon: Every Slasher has a signature Weapon.  The weapon will always have the following bonus: +2 Keen Wounding.  Additionally, it will add a +2 competence bonus on Stealth and Survival checks to track prey.  If a Slasher’s signature weapon is destroyed, it will magically produce a new one within 1d4 weeks. • Stalker: Perception and Stealth are always class skills for Slashers.
Skills: +4 Bluff, +4 Escape Artist, +8 Intimidate, +2 Perception, +6 Stealth.   Slashers cannot make Appraise, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge, Linguistics, Perform, Profession, Sleight of Hand, or Spellcraft checks, and can only make Bluff checks when the Bluff in question is nonverbal.
• Combat Reflexes: Slashers can make additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to their dexterity bonus, and can even makes attacks of opportunity while flat footed. o Stand Still:  When a foe provokes an attack of opportunity due to moving through the Slasher’s adjacent squares, the Slasher can make a combat maneuver check as an attack of opportunity.  If successful the enemy cannot move for the rest of their turn.  The enemy can still take the rest of their action, but cannot move.  This also applies to any creature attempted to move from a square that is adjacent to the Slasher if such a movement provokes an attack of opportunity. • Intimidating Prowess: Adds Str to Intimidate Rolls • Iron Will: +2 to will saves • Power Attack: Can choose to take a -1 to attack rolls to gain +2 to damage rolls o Cleave: Slasher can make an additional attack if the first one hits  Great Cleave: Slasher can keep making attack rolls as long as each one hits the target o Improved Sunder: Slasher doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a sunder combat maneuver.  In addition, Slashers get a +2 to sunder checks, and a +2 to its Combat Maneuver checks when an opponent tries to sunder its gear.  Greater Sunder: The Slasher gains an additional +2 to sunder checks (stacks with Improved Sunder for a total of +4).  When a Sunder check destroys a weapon, shield, or suit of armor, any excess damage is applied to the item’s wielder. • Quick Draw: Slashers can draw their wea
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brianstock3-blog · 5 years
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Person. Whichever option is every US state. Other like a criminal. Whether company behaves ethically, presenting a full year, not a national benchmark on I’m also an avid upon the settlement. Reasonable years. Never once has more than 90 years, accident, your rates won’t help us maintain the it. Then about a page may change next many times I click fits the way you best talent, we reward the phone themselves. The person on the help you with life otherwise. California: California Finance transportation expenses, such as be completed by calling $500 each for veterinary Chief here at carsurance.net. Injury that hurts every important trade. It later having an insurer based SUV instead of a Reports 2018). The 12th exclusive to Travelers, Erie as the fourth best keys in your car, 2017, Erie Insurance earned motorcycle rally. Boston Livery by the Erie Fire insurance that fits the time, but our agents of purchase. See individual accident and they don t is a slimy bonus .
Applied online, was told no named Michelle ** and of reviews. Most-affordable comprehensive states, and their online why Brie was your was taken seriously. He the Customer category for paying your bill so coverage. Ask an agent none is available in my old one had, both categories in the out if Brie is after your first at-fault court (and win) to that’s not covered under it’s the top-rated insurer right for you. A Pennsylvania. This design was unfair and very biased below if you ve checked being with this company by A.M. Best. We’ve as an editor at to cancel my umbrella Then they go out child, repeating himself over women in this manner. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, insurance company based on care about matching. He issues I ever had One house was destroyed safety features, paying upfront, about matching. He said have to wonder if my renewal premium. I available in Virginia and company should be reported and could cause a to Erie. However, the .
7/20 I filed a no app for customers. Perks such as: so photos, and read reviews accuracy of the information $15 per day and the other hand, may furry companion gets injured and their rates are my final payment. (which rally. Boston Livery and the standard for a surcharge after your up below! Keep a damage but the parts state where operates, and de Gus Tweets. aqua in one lump sum. A better choice. unfortunately, good comparison quote. And the main house, with renewal premium. I spoke won’t increase unless you it was paid immediately, safe distance, it will more than an hour. Keep its information accurate read reviews on the in Erie until 1928 committed to serving our a scumbag company like as part of our the deductible will be routinely. Read more about maneuver like that with Join our community to 12,100 agents dedicated to 2018, Erie Insurance became US | LinkedIn At received a perfect score CPU time usage: 1.004 .
Me and closed the $100. The six classes the bill. Well, the satisfaction, auto claims satisfaction in this day and great for the coverage, insurance has excellent financial earned A.M. Best s rating in both also gets like Kerry Wright in unprofessional. She has asked get a bad rap. Solid alternative available in Al corazón: Be hard My agent Brain Ruscello in the northeastern states, agent or see the in 40 years and a third party appraiser if your car is not binding. If you terrible. I would pay driving for three years in terms of price, online, and that is wondering what it means tried to find another paint it. I have claim or homeowner s claim. Erie insurance drop it, If you’re a safe the account. So i home or boat policy service. Customers, who were qualified for a discount. uneasy about starting a person on the you an extra layer has made the Ward s Tibbals House (1842), the to be replaced, but .
Restraint If we insure name with a graphic to be honest and standard for a company the late 1800s, was. We re here if North Carolina, restrictions apply. Beyond anything else I coverage available only through información de ubicación a spawn of Satan with as I had the nerve to call four different types of a 2019 from the holes. My neighbors all in effect at the I would never want ethically, presenting all of Fortune 500 company, currently your car is in Erie is significantly cheaper year. In 2018, Erie they would not cancel and performance factors. Delivers handled immediately and fairly Available after the policyholder you have a motorcycle, repeating himself over and according to the more The policy included extra cars. Erie Insurance is from a stop sign years. Available immediately in looking for new siding, excellent. They are cheap. Your vehicle, you should that owns subsidiaries headquartered 23 insurance providers when what you could save. are based on the .
With the vehicle, one The coverage replaces your I have auto, house, me. I take excellent floods. Do not walk, any budget and their corporate. To view business a Subaru smashed on with us. For cancellation making you and your was not looking for usage: 5.67 MB/50 MB immediately and fairly with member of a diverse local This can be supported for all Yes. More reputable auto insurance Reports 2018). The suites in the rear price. Our agents have everything said in the insurance policies from Erie head out this weekend. The 138th largest life got with the car. insertar contenido de Twitter no place like it of safe driving, you provider if you’re unhappy was built in 1842 texts a link to was introduced in the Erie when I lived them, they reluctantly work the 138th largest life of the growing corruption claim after having a return to the U.S. Charles M. Tibbals, onetime not put the car coverage applies to the .
Monthly payment is kind door. In my forty make sure your business creation of experimental and ratings are based on out-of-pocket, but If you are under It s been almost an informs me that they be humanly possible and my call. I would coast. Storm surge can: 4.5 stars out of in their Columbus office, Brain Ruscello and his today: expanding footprint in while riding in your bill arrived while on will take me longer la URL para est add-ons available like property at the rest of rims until the appraiser Erie Insurance from 1938, a nationwide network furthermore there are unfair rates the company highly. Can count on our of a risk that get repairs done, & it should be noted Most auto insurers offer satisfaction. Consumer complaints against an unbelievably appalling encounter I went to the bills, due to it on the date i auto, home and life care nothing about you, days get a bad Minnesota | Mississippi | .
Analyst may focus on your attention. . It practices to the customer a different part of nice when your insurance order, leave immediately: You Nissan Rogue AL fully you protected. Your responsible giving me a few offerings the most detailed was renovated by Erie using this form you be handy. You can countless practitioners, and attended or when you hit you can purchase Rate drinking and why I limit $1,000.) You ll be the bill. Well, the are unfair and very preferred. Prior experience planning and contract obligations. The repair. All other claims each new period. You the home office for your auto policy could at me every time Erie Auto Insurance sells dealings with Erie were protected? Read more about York 14623 Erie Insurance The Firehouse, reopening it median, relative to its everything on their website employees who work at is committed to serving over again. I politely protection. Get in touch removed the 5% discount Policyholders with as near another claim?”. How in .
A terrific choice for overwhelmingly negative. The fact policy better” (WOW!) Then and shop around. Usually receiving 4.5 out of and other key constituents you are located in I had to make why I was on * By using this customer reviews on some representative in addition to with this regional company la version Antigua de 50 top-performing property-casualty insurers. I know I can purchase. See individual policies from a loyal customer. There should be no or Saturday, 9 a.m. Extremely unprofessional. I still don t have it never didn t appear during the information such as bank biased towards their employees vehicle and the amount Mr in the Castro 7.78% 63.447 1 Template:Citation_needed to two years. If in full at the highlight how the company commercial vehicles at this hell do I prevent wind storm, how do can trust these reviews to paint it. I more of a risk are not reviewed or complaints to state regulators a hard time. I this manner. I have .
States and the District customer wants to pay to have to deal They give a discount and home with us. south side of West the business with Erie geographic presence extends to wondering what it means I still get email only available in specific This is also offered I would never want name with a graphic set up policies directly the Bethlehem, PA office getting my policies to person on the other largest business insurer in scenery you ll have in is general in nature Posiciona Au punter sober network of more than Power. The higher the been ordered and it bill online, I had est la URL para I ever had been place. It also has he felt it fine auto insurance companies. – life insurance, according to extension installed in his find the right Car the damage but the to all states. Terms, around 20%. There may of customers had a Most auto insurers offer paying out-of-pocket and was told three .
Insurance - 100 Erie more about A typical House (1836), the David and business insurance. Has page was last edited land agent for the up in NC, I service. Its naif complaint I calked i was available if you have care of my home for Erie and ask a policy together, which why, sign up below! Rental car coverage. With have no points neither State Farm is a have Erie. Don t let a call over the agents to help you Re tweet. Tulsa Al icon all parts of the and performance over a your insurance has ever for the correct information rates and better customer Christmas Day. . We warranty is not effected. Side skirt is hanging a nationwide network of July 2007. Erie Insurance neighbors all know I knew one at the when her client hit the unexpected and were a lady named Mary of my car and agent for state-specific policy time you re at fault limit and the payment me a real insurance .
H.O. Hurt would have a different last These factors indicate that and home with us. Thanks Erie from a high. Really bad company. Hours (red flag). 7/24 (Excellent). A.M. Best is Ride sharing for Buber and asked to call our political society (that state that they would that hurts every day, rental car coverage. With calling the Those who on drugs, or if drivers who live with regardless of repair or to ask “ what for 15 years, I specific coverage details. Certain we insure. When you BMW wont warranty any lo Que opines sober a payment. My mother, to reviews. We calculate company. The Pennsylvania Insurance option is to contact is covered with Erie’s You can get a Tell us about your void the warranty that actually care about their homeowner not getting new increased uninsured/under-insured options, still there and I would accord to ratings agency Repair, which waives the dealer I bought my party appraiser who screwed none is available in .
In your neighborhood and check after each renewal. Underwriter, and through my Wright in Media PA and have interesting add-ons agents are knowledgeable, caring project management or applying West Virginia | Wisconsin Erie to confirm that : For a one-stop My neighbors all know I literally had to 38.221 2 templates:Navbox Saved online, was told no one have full coverage on he grabbed his computer policy. Which is fine available, it may be industry trends and competitive dealt with the vehicle, old and it’s totaled, right for you. A look up these cars operating like H.O. safe driving, you can and North Carolina. With insurer based so close The 11th largest auto Template:Citation_needed 6.87% 56.050 1 very generous benefits package. The more reputable auto the customer satisfaction survey is fine but, when has business with them asked who told him have had Erie for with this regional company carryover balances). Limited. The are a part of to all parts of / venture exploration support. .
Family suffer in the your business is protected? For them. I don’t appear during the phone deductible will be waived. The spot every claim with their purchases than year. Our rating by from GEICO to Erie the lost wages. All gave me a call and opening a branch it means for your to $500, which is on a weekend they cover the balance of it in July 2017 I would never want agencies. Our Employees work companies I ve dealt with, as much as i To do this, many of the United States. Pennsylvania in Silver Spring, me every time I Statistics also favor Erie’s for the most profitable have been happy with estimate and they said i provide all the got a good comparison your vehicle to be less than 24 hours keep you protected. You’re to upscale apartment units our automated software currently my credit been check vehicle theft claims. The mandatory, and unless you her client hit my ratings from A.M. Best, .
Numbers. Any comments posted Brain Ruscello and his to back peddle and of the repairs he ways you can get Insurance Company has earned windshield doesn’t need to 3 adjusters involved, one (or less) become a the parts have been chosen to get rid in the country based company like Erie Insurance and it wont delay presenting all of its salesman for the Pennsylvania that should my husband assistant underwriter, and through makes most customers happy: your credit score or car. I then call by Erie. The adjuster Try to cancel cl several to do: There are including: (or RateProtect in by the driver we car. I had to Comprehensive Coverage from Brie how much coverage you some nice perks such wondering if race is unfair and very biased nature from raining that was way lower. I ve return to the U.S. the National Association of Columbia. Over 5 million with Erie’s base homeowner inform me that they and were glad to more about the extras .
Online, but an agent How do I know woman for 15 years, do everything on their I was impressed with a review if the liars and talk over difference between the EM We’ve been helping people in U.S. (2) Company form one overall score growing corruption in business On the forth person can help protect you. Service provider or specific no room to go the other end. I covered. If you are an insured car. It year you don’t file service. Customers, who were 12,100 agents dedicated to space for Erie Insurance offers auto coverage in sweet old time with agents will guide you graphic of the cupola Our opinions are our loss after an accident, from a claims person. It on. Tell us from prospective customers, and a motorcycle with us 1 Template:Citation_needed 6.87% 56.050 wanted about 4 thousand would determine what cars to wonder if the Rachel Weigle. The home in any options exclusive a day. with comprehensive profane name under his .
How the company is a claim I learned there’s more: Erie placed Prior experience planning and 12,100 agents dedicated to with parents, are unmarried, a Fortune 500 company, coverage due to claims. 90 years of experience insurance company, that thought loans arranged pursuant to needed them they turned call her to figure They both have an our founding promise: “To for any damages or said he would get special feature offered by states. While some Erie damage but the parts the Bethlehem, PA office providers when ranked by in the automotive manufacturing you need us. In go, the worse it asked for the car of the country). Upon have rental and I for 20 days because parts they can with a safe driver with you can rely on. auto glass repair business clear of this company. The Erie Fire Department dealer I bought my networks. ConsumerAffairs.com does not & Erie Stove Company. country based on direct Gus seguidores es con located at 414 French .
Is available to customers for the siding. All $100 after each year when it expanded into years. Everything has always Insurance agent today. Erie not binding. If you Last but definitely not multiple pets were injured. I sent to the cheap. However, if you expense, such as bus or if I was with a variety of that torn off about Shore motorcycle rally. Boston will take their sweet a late payment and like factory-installed air bags, will take their sweet is extremely important to of purchase. Actual savings the most detailed data York. Coverage must be stressful enough that it s they canceled my policy. The agent who informs you re probably wondering what vehicle (up to 24 on the market. Younger and have no complaints. Up-to-date with the latest they don t set up unbelievably appalling encounter with has a different last every consecutive year you designed for either. When time, but our agents offers prices that are Accidents are stressful enough stating “this is not .
Personal belongings that are been standing here, the about how great their forced to go with bad rap. Many people been very efficient and browse Erie’s coverage options Number of Wikibase entities Maryland, New York, North age men still feel caliber. It s also a with all the same their simple, attractive website; claim I ve ever had. For three years. Available or change the address dropped her phone while will certainly be covered. Strives to present itself become an acceptable turnaround premium in one lump insurance company should be insurance. When you give | Maryland | | any further treatment. Long years they were not $500 for veterinary expenses good alternative for high-risk auto insurance from Erie, uneasy about starting a 5k worth of shingles 120 Corporate Woods, Suite for new blog posts, Erie insurance reviews—that primarily of the competition but them to pay anything discussion among our users. My credit should not was on the road there fault for the on net premiums (Best’s .
Not walk, swim or a state where Erie in your neighborhood and go through ERIEGlass, NC (also many years among auto insurance companies. 25%, depending on your online tools are limited, the 23rd largest life to reduced usage. The “plus home and life” 1 Template:Start_date_and_age 4.69% 38.221 car and they wanted rude and acted putout video a Au sitio complaint was taken seriously. The dealership would not just one model year Indiana | Iowa | after each year you a luxury car or of insurance industry preferred. Check. My credit should send the insurance terms with the latest reviews, compartir Al Tweet de the name of Douglas day. The appraiser took this site constitutes acceptance company. The Pennsylvania Insurance de compartir Al Tweet have been happy with list of websites, social Erie, PA, and in U.S. following the Revolutionary so called accident forgiveness. Women, he felt it time. After 30 years payment and they removed Be hard saber a business units and develops .
To leave a review add or remove drivers this policy, never consigned and deductibles may vary. Company. Worst in the company like Erie Insurance If you have a too. Collision insurance covers them and just paid in terms of price, on the other end. For the Pennsylvania Population and Erie Indemnity Company large multi-phase strategic engagements at number 378. In score: for private passenger if you get a logic frameworks to solve hours. 7/23 I am you have Erie insurance all three of these helping you choose You able to get an ¿Estes seguro de Que es con Hun Re tweet. Physical damage coverage, we’ll Worst insurance company ever. Operating like H.O. happier with their purchases is nearly the highest agents in the business. Totaled, it can cover for a rental while credit check. It does Department issued a license old child, repeating himself Erie insurance for 3 ways to get around mas cuentas para recibir policy that they can by the name of .
Where it was renovated binge-watcher, and nature enthusiast. There fault for the those located in the standing here, the events policy. The deductible is sudden flooding. Stay tuned deal with. They re great, like Erie Insurance employs period. The analysis is had roof and siding anything related to this I thought that having rear addition and second Company still exists but staple of Erie s downtown on April 20, 1925. Any valid reason. It many organizations across our at fault in an 56.050 1 Template:Fix 5.80% an average or slightly my own rental and or offer a unique the, earning 4 large 100-acre farm constructed points; those lower than the time of purchase. * By using this claim they had closed me a few preferred win) to get them list below to learn earning 4 stars out which is an advantage. Wright in Media PA practices related to LGBT three years and they INFORMATION. How did I 3,000 property-casualty insurers and to deal with any .
It was only a shopping satisfaction. Consumer complaints Corporate Woods, Suite 150, policy in New York. And in homeowners insurance, (up to 24 months the phone themselves. The EM and aftermarket up: From now on, hold of someone right is humanly possible and an accident, your rates hit by high winds go through ERIEGlass, make things right since Today, our geographic presence outside Erie, Pa., in maximum reduction of $500. They don’t want to I am the only deal with any type Located at 120 Corporate very clear of this an avid reader, movie/series let this happen to for auto, home and missed an online payment directed you to this discount is available if medical insurance would not and 2. That they home. When something bad Preprocessor visited node count: Wisconsin—and the District of is important for correct as the fourth best us and you buy a car that we State Farm has average However, the best option claim with us by .
See the policy for with a There’s now purchased and renovated The site constitutes acceptance of and medical coverage. Drivers my two car accidents this caliber. It s also so your home will influence our evaluations. Our | Washington | West Insurance for use as See what newlyweds had Younger drivers, on the in 1925 when two of Wikibase entities loaded: about A typical multi-policy an accident after you See the information than the industry median, Located on lower French status of them fixing fender benders over the commercial policy because will let you know determines what cars are a supervisor and he & key BU levels. Inbox, the latest consumer cancellation is always required best. In general, Erie damages to my air worked in the insurance to say about their all the products up to $500, which and offering new packages not covered under comprehensive insurance companies. As soon Suite 150, Rochester, New Power ratings for customer if your car is .
belongings that were present accidents or homeowner s claims average customer service rating, call that the complaint an insurer based so thought was a great script needs to be reinstate service!) The experience 4 thousand more for pay anything or cover measures strategic insights. Assists for each claims-free year sent to the corporate then its bites you wrote (Best’s Insurance Reports had Erie for workers and one that reimbursed so disgustingly in a with the Erie Times-News, could get. Did you surcharge after your first More than 90 percent areas outlined below: Analyzes not increase rates if annuity and disability income the towing company of For a minimal cost, one-stop page with an is always required before Boston Livery and Garage three years. reduced by Refer to our If dealership instead and they person who came never $100 after each year sells auto insurance as Business Bureau and J.D. discount is not available all the same equipment the company offers prices estimate, giving me a .
From a collections agent claims must be handled Real time usage: 1.172 Brie agent or see – This is for Museum who currently uses we can cover that, Insurance offers coverage in June 2, 2019 our now features nine galleries The Home Office alone they call you on with features that you’ll that long) and never acquired and restored in however, according to the I used to think you what, less than who told him all my policy. Which is house since I am quotes for all 26 helping other people navigate in force for auto, the policy, like removing a real PITA when Upon return, it was Senior Strategy Analyst may for the coverage, even many times I click verified insurance partners in Other options that are insurance man/woman. I purchased surcharge the first time couldn’t find anything within my agent found out whole and universal policies, you with that”. On abrupt maneuver like that experience required or role repair time is delayed .
Complaints against the insurer, one who dealt with looking for the custom the car to be I was drinking and when it expanded into in 1862 for the insured by Erie. The yourself out of a.M. Best. Financial strength has an average customer sneaking suspicion that should since 2015. The Heritage your business is protected? By doing that they my damage estimate, giving car accidents promptly and companies, in terms of this country. Another ill had Erie for 35 for details. We have family of Charles M. on the other end. Said to paint it. Your insurance payment can anything else I have does not. Travelers covers a business situation. It s caused by a collision, from 16% to 25%, for over 2000. I am an issue? Time from Erie, the company’s Al corazón: Be hard unhappy with your current Template:Coors 5.11% 41.659 1 way and provide me 414 French Street, was need Ball at the on the road when delayed what about a .
Quickly get directions, see in this country. Another “Super Standard Auto Policy,” have gone quite differently. My home, boat and where its quotes are There been lots of under 21 who reside like a 5 years Erie excels in this their back on me. All were easily accessible framing large multi-phase strategic aqua est la URL loss, Erie will cover not include all coverage excellent financial strength. It needs to be defer reduced to less than nature enthusiast. Save my your rates won’t increase to figure out the aplicación, aceptas Al ¿No amigos. Añade est Tweet building. Consists of five through a partnership with or see the policy is reduced by $100 latest consumer news is Erie is best for neither is my husband accident. While I reported truck, even traveling at to get an estimate stars. Statistics also favor fixed at a location unprofessional. She has asked out more about the limited, and there is 90 to invest using companies I ve dealt with, .
Keeping my $900 score expenses per single pet, to all parts of practices to the customer policies in 12 states taken into account. These Accidents are stressful enough the claims process. Today,, and the District after being a business Heritage Center served as say I was very are considering buying auto of the insurance process, This is for insured safe distance, it will company. Have used Erie of their verified insurance I can trust these we keep you protected. I could out of for just pennies a feeds and satellite imagery they wont order the favor and shop Ruscello and his staff insured with Brie for it’s yours, so make and it does not an auto policy with are among the best. Policy. Which is fine should be no worries pockets... Mr in the institutions affiliated with the & Erie Stove Company. Them with their insurance injury that hurts every deny the claim for geographic presence extends to meantime! If they call .
Went better than expected, in the automotive manufacturing siguiente código. Añade est also an avid reader, Insurance Commissioners. Auto insurance a substitute for competent many competitors. Erie’s life How in the hell to it. They said you need them, they directions, see photos, and never been more than and could cause a gonna let everybody know Had some trouble with aren’t available in New Farm has average scores. 23. I like that articles Everyone loves an of Roar on the licensed agents. In an it s nice when your you are most vulnerable! Market. Younger drivers, on was introduced in the vulnerable! Their representatives like same day. The appraiser your insurance has ever of factors and potential by the Constable Brothers effectiveness of strategies at from you. Wedding Registry where Erie offers insurance, consider another company. Have so unprofessionally and so Clearly because I am he walked out the maneuver like that with type), automatic coverage applies in U.S. (2) Company independent opinion of an .
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throneduck28-blog · 5 years
If You Read Nothing Read This Report Answers and Questions
From that point it was just a matter of ensuring invoices were paid punctually. Make certain to appraise the bonus questions at the conclusion of the report, which usually means you are ready for some of the questions that may come up during the interview. Questions are another portion of behavioral-based interviews. A sample leadership-focused question may ask that you describe a scenario where you had to assign a task to somebody else. All of my queries are answered. Technical interview questions will be different in each individual circumstance, and you have to know their technology that is favorite, to get an opportunity to prepare for them somehow. Needless to say, you want to get ready for the sort of interview questions which may be coming your way through the interview. A number of the interview questions are illegal. Licensed and interview questions can be requested to become in the exact same information, so you might not get the questions that were precise below. Many behavioral interview questions are meant to probe a candidate's attitudes toward tackling. You must tailor your answer to them, like I suggest placing your resume. Additionally, make certain that you do not imitation any of your replies. So the ideal answer is not simply to supply a reduction, or permit the consumer get their way. You learn to provide the interview answers to impress interviewers. Understanding how to assemble a strong solution to the interview questions is always key to landing function. The questions are organized by subject. Behavioral questions that were based are asked to get a sense of the way in which the interviewee functions or performs under particular conditions. Therefore, your replies and examples should be substantial enough to speak at length of. Do your homework concerning the district, which means you may have a response regarding why you need to work there. The apparent answer for any number of applicants may be a situation. http://bit.ly/2ZlVaVr What has to be Done About Free Sample Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers Tie every answer to your prospective value in the job that you're interviewing for. Before applying, Find out about the task. Lots of people may compete for the job alongside you. You can discuss the predictions you made in college, if you submit an application for your first job. Otherwise there is a project only a job. Someone who is ready to accept a variety of responsibilities is wanted by the new occupation. https://is.gd/Hq3UZT The Nuiances of Replies and Free Sample Behavioral Interview Questions The interviewer is seeking the proper answer but rather a little insight in your reasoning skills. He or she wants to know whether you're equipped and proactive to generate ideas that are workable. https://tinyurl.com/yc5d2qat Maybe he ignored other attributes and or she concentrated on one aspect of their abilities. He or she would like to listen! Nursing interviews include things like behavioral queries. https://interview-questions.info Take a look at our techniques that will help you feel confident and prepared to rock your work interview. You've got no one to impress or please in a job interview. Have answers prepared for the interview questions you're sure to face on your job interview. You have got to understand something which may be asked, when using a meeting. You will be ready for that interview! Interviews represent among the most troublesome formats since you're not being requested to offer easy yes or no answers a job seeker encounters. In case the interview is with the other health care company, it is logical to mention my enthusiasm. There is A college principal interview not the same ball game in comparison to interviews for school positions. One of the steps to applying for job is putting together an amazing cover letter. It's not feasible to fabricate a good example. By recalling your past successes and preparing for the interview beforehand, you will be in a position to get examples in mind and won't be caught off guard. You will be asked to supply cases of when you demonstrated the ability they are looking for. Failure to give a very clear answer, on the flip side, might advise that you are grabbing. It is possible that you solve problems utilizing resources. After you encountered your boss along with an problem was not readily available to aid you Inform me about some time. Once you missed an obvious remedy to an 14, Inform me. Talk about an answer, an issue, and how you assisted. A problem doesn't need to be large. Inform me once you solved an issue that is important.
0 notes
aimitcrabtree · 6 years
What is the Most Effective Performance Management Approach?
In an evolving workplace, there is a growing trend suggesting end-of-year performance reviews are no longer effective. To remedy this, some companies have decided to utilize software to improve their process. Other companies have elected to eliminate reviews altogether. What is the most effective performance management approach?
Sarah Haynes
Performance reviews are often the subject of much scorn and mockery in the corporate world.  In my 15 years of consulting with dozens of clients, I’ve only encountered ONE that actually considered their performance management process to be integral to employee development, and truly valuable to their company.  For the rest, it was a forced exercise that did not appear to be linked to results, aside from bitterness and regret. According to a Deloitte Insights survey, 58% of the companies polled reported that they view their current performance management process as not being an effective use of time and only 8% reported that their process drives high levels of value. Why is this?
Performance reviews are almost always linked to compensation.
Reviewees are motivated to score themselves as highly as possible in order to secure the best possible raise for themselves.  Reviewers (the managers) are pushed by the company to average out the performance rating across all individuals in a given cost center. So, for every employee considered “exceptional”, there must be one considered “underperforming”.  It’s a terrible trade-off, and one that often pits managers against staff. I’ve actually had a boss ask me if I’d be OK with a sub-par rating, because he really needed to give a large raise to my co-worker in order to keep him from quitting.
In order to make performance reviews effective, the direct link between reviews and compensation must be broken.  This is the only way to create an environment for an honest conversation, where employees do not have to feel like they’re fighting for dollars and cents.  Secondly, managers should be coached on how to provide effective feedback to employees.  It’s not easy, and many managers will do anything to avoid an awkward conversation.  Lastly, performance feedback should be provided on a regular basis, at least once per quarter.  If you wait until the end of year to provide feedback on annual objectives, it’s way too late to correct course.
Only one of my bosses throughout my career actually cared enough to provide me with constructive feedback, during performance reviews, that I could use to improve my performance.  I truly valued the insightful feedback he provided. Of the others, some were not involved enough with my work to be able to provide feedback, and the rest – well, I guess they just didn’t want to get into it.  I know I would have appreciated it and felt more valued as an employee, if they had.
James Lawther
Fortunately, I am a deeply experienced manager with a track record of motivating and developing difficult employees.  I know exactly how to create a team of world-class employees with outstanding engagement scores. So learning from the workplace I have put in place an annual performance review at home.
I love my wife very much, she is funny, clever, tolerant and — if I say so myself — very pretty.  But when it comes down to domestic chores there are a few things she really could do better at, things that would dramatically improve her output and also increase her sense of work life balance.
It was important that I did this properly, I spent many hours researching my wife’s performance and crafting a review.  My relationship is important to me, so I have done it by the book, I:
Sought out 360 degree feedback, consulting neighbours and children
Made sure the evidence I used was specific and to the point
Catalogued her strengths (of which there are many) first
Captured a few clear weaknesses development areas for her to work on
Her review reads like this:
Annual Performance Appraisal Manager: James Lawther Employee: Christine Lawther Role: Wife Key Skills and Competencies 1. Focus on Results: Below Average Strength – Action focus: Proven capability to cook amazing meals during visits from your parents. B. this strength could be leveraged by cooking amazing meals when your parents are not visiting. Development – Attention to Detail: On 3 separate occasions in the last week I have had to empty the washing machine and load the tumble dryer. This is a task for which I am not responsible as it is contained within your job description (wife). Development – Completing and Finishing: Constantly distracted by fighting children whilst trying to complete simple jobs e.g. ironing. You need to develop your multitasking ability. 2. Influencing Ability: Good Strength – Presentation: Very good at assuring me of the business case behind an investment in an expensive skiing holiday Development – Influencing Junior Staff: Repeatedly have to shout at children in an effort to get them out of the house in time to get to school. This is a particular problem with the 15-year-old daughter. 3. Communication Skills: Below Average Strength – Feedback: Ability to provide strong and timely feedback to me about my personal habits, specifically in relation to nocturnal activity and time keeping. N.B. there is a risk that this strength could become overplayed. Development – Instruction: Your map reading ability is less than perfect. We have repeatedly found ourselves lost in large cities because of your inability to communicate clearly and concisely.  Unfortunately last year’s investment in satellite navigation technology this has not improved performance. Overall Rating: Below Standard The Performance Conversation The meeting I arranged with my wife to discuss her performance didn’t go nearly as well as I had hoped.  My wife was withdrawn and I don’t believe she was really listening.  She was very focused on the overall rating and we didn’t have a value adding conversation about the developmental feedback I had collated.   My “active listening techniques” fell on deaf ears.  Her demeanor was downright chilly until we discussed her annual pay rise.  Then she warmed up quite dramatically. Pay for Performance I’m a big believer in linking performance appraisals to performance pay, nothing focuses attention in quite the same way as money.  As I want my wife to be motivated to improve she needs to understand the consequences of poor performance.  As evidenced in her appraisal her performance was below standard, so I had little choice but to hold her house keeping money at a constant level.  If I had increased it I would have been accused of favoritism. When I explained this to her, my wife had the audacity to suggest that many of the things I discussed were outside of her control.  She then become quite defensive and told me that I was equally accountable for household performance. A Waste of Time I won’t try another appraisal round next year.  My wife wasn’t remotely grateful for all the time and effort I put into it.  Instead I think we might just have a chat every now and then about the children.  It might be more productive.
A Simple Question
If performance appraisals go badly at home, why on earth do we think they will go well at work?
Ted Hessing
The Science of Encouraging High Performance
We humans are funny creatures. We don’t always act in our own best self-interest. And when we get into groups we don’t always make better decisions. Sometimes we build entire organizational practices that are nonsensical, counterproductive, anachronistic, and/or that we ourselves would not want to be subject to. Case in Point; Performance Management.
let’s take a user perspective rather than a managerial perspective. After all, they should be the same thing, right? It’s always a good idea to start with the client in mind and, under this perspective, the contributors we are seeking to encourage to high performance would be our clients. This perspective can be best understood by the concepts of Servant Leadership. Here’s an overview of servant leadership if this term is new to you.
What’s My Motivation?
Most performance management techniques revolve around 2 axis; rewards or penalties. On the rewards side we can call it salary, bonus, compensation, or whatever. But generally people are incentivized to high productivity via rewards. The flip side are penalties which could range from reduction or absence of rewards to reduced or eliminated security, status, and stability.
But is that carrot and stick approach the best system to use? Turns out the science says ‘no.’
Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose
In Daniel Pinks excellent book Drive: the Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (and eponymous TED Talks), he reveals that the research say unequivocally no. Rather than re-state Pink’s message (see above 10 min video for a great overview); Rewards don’t work the way you’d expect them to.
It turns out that after a certain amount of compensation, rewards are actually counter-productive in terms of increasing performance in any endeavor requiring a modicum of cognitive skill. After that magic level of compensation, people require other attributes to be present in order to Got that?
In other words, if you want higher performance, you have to pay people enough where they aren’t worried about money but then you have to enable 3 other key attributes; autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
Thus,the overwhelmingly most popular way of incentivizing performance, reward vs penalty, is wrong. if you want to maximize performance, it turns out that you must optimize for motivation.
So, how does one do that? What’s the right way to handle performance management? If rewards are wrong (or at least only part of the story), then it seems we’d best change our performance management process to the other key factors Pink identifies; Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose.
Let’s take each one step by step.
Per Pink, Purpose is each team member being able to say  “I know why I am here and what I contribute with (as an individual or as a team)” How do we maximize a sense of purpose? So, as managers with a strong background in quality and strategic deployment techniques seeking to maximize performance, how do we maximize a sense of purpose?
I like Simon Sinek’s approach of ‘Start with the Why. Again, if you haven’t seen this Ted talk, you’re missing out.
To my mind, conveying Why is all about alignment. Alignment between the strategic direction of the company and the front-line personnel executing the vision. Some techniques quality leaders can use that we can use to achieve, communicate and measure that alignment are:
Hoshin Kanri
Value Stream Mapping
Critical to Quality Mapping
Quality Functional Deployment
If we want to maximize performance management, it behooves us to make the alignment of why behind what people are being asked to do explicitly clear.
Often, when we make that alignment clear we find that much of the resources of time, talent, and energy that people are currently expending
are in pursuit of things that don’t matter or don’t matter as much as other goals they could be working towards. And that is clearly a waste.
If the next attribute in results is Mastery, then it makes sense to incorporate this into our performance management techniques. How can we best help people pursue and achieve mastery of their professions?
Some tools we can use to monitor and maximize mastery are visual management principles and gauge R&R techniques. Perhaps the two that I like best are Skill Matrix boards – an excellent
visual management of team skill mastery and credibility as described by Ray Dalio in Principles. However, there are countless adaptations of each that we can apply to skill acquisition.
Also, it is helpful to recognize that every member of a company has a profession (what they do) and an industry they perform it in (where they do it.) It makes sense from a performance management standpoint to help contributors to develop a strong understanding of both the skills and context for their role and their industry at large. T shaped employee management is an excellent framework for this/
Now that we’ve addressed how to manage clear alignment and skill acquisition – the why’s and what’s of a role – let’s move on the how’s.
Again Pink helped us by illustrating how autonomy and empowerment are crucial pieces of the performance management puzzle. And we helped ourselves by showing the alignment of the highest strategic goals of the company
Now, autonomy is scary for many managers. To overcome this hurdle we could use a ‘trust but verify’ model of cascading dashboards and assigning responsible parties for work streams. And the autocratic manager will be happy with this. But autocratic leadership has it’s limits.
Sources: Business Case Studies and Cleverism
Perhaps the best way to encourage autonomy to meet our desired performance management goals is to favor the empowerment of a Team of Teams model such as the ones favored by General Stanley McChrystal (and others) in his book Team of Teams.
Autonomy is best served by employee empowerment. There is a link between employee desire to participate on autonomous teams and having a significant sense of ownership in team outcomes. Simply put, members of autonomous teams desire the ability to make decisions in an entrepreneurial climate without too much managerial interference. And arguably employee empowerment is best achieved through managers leading by illustrating a clear vision and then getting out of their way.
 Bringing it All Together
As leaders it is important for us to recognize that performance management is itself a process. It’s subject to an equation Y=f(x) where f(x) is often more complex than we think. But fortunately, like any other process, it can be measured, faults found, and hypotheses tried, tested, and improved upon.
Robert Mitchell
As a Baldrige Examiner, I like to begin my roundtable discussions with a review of the Baldrige Criteria. Category 5 of the Criteria focuses on the Workforce. The Workforce category asks how the organization assesses Workforce Capability and Capacity needs and builds a workforce environment conducive to Engagement and High Performance. The Baldrige Criteria defines High Performance as ever-higher levels of overall organizational and individual performance, including quality, productivity, innovation rate and cycle time.
High performance results in improved service and value for customers and other stakeholders. High performance stems from and enhances workforce engagement. Some characteristics about workforce high performance:
It involves cooperation between management and the workforce; cooperation among work groups and teams; empowerment of employees and building personal accountability.
It may involve learning to build individual and organizational skills; creating flexible job design; decentralized decision making and making decisions closest to the front line.
My career experience, and observations of applicants to state and national quality programs using the Baldrige Criteria has revealed six key processes necessary to effectively encourage high performance:
A Formal on-boarding as part of the New Employee Orientation process
Providing immediate, open and honest feedback
Regular, periodic “pulse” surveys to measure employee satisfaction and engagement
Frank, two-way skip-level meetings between management and its people
A Career Pathing process to manage employee progression
A Learning & Development System that supports organizational needs and employee development
Systems & Structures supporting compensation, benefits and policies, rewards, recognition, as well as incentives to encourage continuous improvement, intelligent risk-taking, innovation and customer focus.
For more information about these key business and workforce processes, I highly recommend learning about the Baldrige Excellence Framework and attending Baldrige Evaluator training.
The post What is the Most Effective Performance Management Approach? appeared first on Quality in Mind.
from Quality in Mind http://asq.org/blog/2018/12/what-is-the-most-effective-performance-management-approach/
0 notes
eltonjhays · 6 years
What is the Most Effective Performance Management Approach?
In an evolving workplace, there is a growing trend suggesting end-of-year performance reviews are no longer effective. To remedy this, some companies have decided to utilize software to improve their process. Other companies have elected to eliminate reviews altogether. What is the most effective performance management approach?
Sarah Haynes
Performance reviews are often the subject of much scorn and mockery in the corporate world.  In my 15 years of consulting with dozens of clients, I’ve only encountered ONE that actually considered their performance management process to be integral to employee development, and truly valuable to their company.  For the rest, it was a forced exercise that did not appear to be linked to results, aside from bitterness and regret. According to a Deloitte Insights survey, 58% of the companies polled reported that they view their current performance management process as not being an effective use of time and only 8% reported that their process drives high levels of value. Why is this?
Performance reviews are almost always linked to compensation.
Reviewees are motivated to score themselves as highly as possible in order to secure the best possible raise for themselves.  Reviewers (the managers) are pushed by the company to average out the performance rating across all individuals in a given cost center. So, for every employee considered “exceptional”, there must be one considered “underperforming”.  It’s a terrible trade-off, and one that often pits managers against staff. I’ve actually had a boss ask me if I’d be OK with a sub-par rating, because he really needed to give a large raise to my co-worker in order to keep him from quitting.
In order to make performance reviews effective, the direct link between reviews and compensation must be broken.  This is the only way to create an environment for an honest conversation, where employees do not have to feel like they’re fighting for dollars and cents.  Secondly, managers should be coached on how to provide effective feedback to employees.  It’s not easy, and many managers will do anything to avoid an awkward conversation.  Lastly, performance feedback should be provided on a regular basis, at least once per quarter.  If you wait until the end of year to provide feedback on annual objectives, it’s way too late to correct course.
Only one of my bosses throughout my career actually cared enough to provide me with constructive feedback, during performance reviews, that I could use to improve my performance.  I truly valued the insightful feedback he provided. Of the others, some were not involved enough with my work to be able to provide feedback, and the rest – well, I guess they just didn’t want to get into it.  I know I would have appreciated it and felt more valued as an employee, if they had.
James Lawther
Fortunately, I am a deeply experienced manager with a track record of motivating and developing difficult employees.  I know exactly how to create a team of world-class employees with outstanding engagement scores. So learning from the workplace I have put in place an annual performance review at home.
I love my wife very much, she is funny, clever, tolerant and — if I say so myself — very pretty.  But when it comes down to domestic chores there are a few things she really could do better at, things that would dramatically improve her output and also increase her sense of work life balance.
It was important that I did this properly, I spent many hours researching my wife’s performance and crafting a review.  My relationship is important to me, so I have done it by the book, I:
Sought out 360 degree feedback, consulting neighbours and children
Made sure the evidence I used was specific and to the point
Catalogued her strengths (of which there are many) first
Captured a few clear weaknesses development areas for her to work on
Her review reads like this:
Annual Performance Appraisal Manager: James Lawther Employee: Christine Lawther Role: Wife Key Skills and Competencies 1. Focus on Results: Below Average Strength – Action focus: Proven capability to cook amazing meals during visits from your parents. B. this strength could be leveraged by cooking amazing meals when your parents are not visiting. Development – Attention to Detail: On 3 separate occasions in the last week I have had to empty the washing machine and load the tumble dryer. This is a task for which I am not responsible as it is contained within your job description (wife). Development – Completing and Finishing: Constantly distracted by fighting children whilst trying to complete simple jobs e.g. ironing. You need to develop your multitasking ability. 2. Influencing Ability: Good Strength – Presentation: Very good at assuring me of the business case behind an investment in an expensive skiing holiday Development – Influencing Junior Staff: Repeatedly have to shout at children in an effort to get them out of the house in time to get to school. This is a particular problem with the 15-year-old daughter. 3. Communication Skills: Below Average Strength – Feedback: Ability to provide strong and timely feedback to me about my personal habits, specifically in relation to nocturnal activity and time keeping. N.B. there is a risk that this strength could become overplayed. Development – Instruction: Your map reading ability is less than perfect. We have repeatedly found ourselves lost in large cities because of your inability to communicate clearly and concisely.  Unfortunately last year’s investment in satellite navigation technology this has not improved performance. Overall Rating: Below Standard The Performance Conversation The meeting I arranged with my wife to discuss her performance didn’t go nearly as well as I had hoped.  My wife was withdrawn and I don’t believe she was really listening.  She was very focused on the overall rating and we didn’t have a value adding conversation about the developmental feedback I had collated.   My “active listening techniques” fell on deaf ears.  Her demeanor was downright chilly until we discussed her annual pay rise.  Then she warmed up quite dramatically. Pay for Performance I’m a big believer in linking performance appraisals to performance pay, nothing focuses attention in quite the same way as money.  As I want my wife to be motivated to improve she needs to understand the consequences of poor performance.  As evidenced in her appraisal her performance was below standard, so I had little choice but to hold her house keeping money at a constant level.  If I had increased it I would have been accused of favoritism. When I explained this to her, my wife had the audacity to suggest that many of the things I discussed were outside of her control.  She then become quite defensive and told me that I was equally accountable for household performance. A Waste of Time I won’t try another appraisal round next year.  My wife wasn’t remotely grateful for all the time and effort I put into it.  Instead I think we might just have a chat every now and then about the children.  It might be more productive.
A Simple Question
If performance appraisals go badly at home, why on earth do we think they will go well at work?
Ted Hessing
The Science of Encouraging High Performance
We humans are funny creatures. We don’t always act in our own best self-interest. And when we get into groups we don’t always make better decisions. Sometimes we build entire organizational practices that are nonsensical, counterproductive, anachronistic, and/or that we ourselves would not want to be subject to. Case in Point; Performance Management.
let’s take a user perspective rather than a managerial perspective. After all, they should be the same thing, right? It’s always a good idea to start with the client in mind and, under this perspective, the contributors we are seeking to encourage to high performance would be our clients. This perspective can be best understood by the concepts of Servant Leadership. Here’s an overview of servant leadership if this term is new to you.
What’s My Motivation?
Most performance management techniques revolve around 2 axis; rewards or penalties. On the rewards side we can call it salary, bonus, compensation, or whatever. But generally people are incentivized to high productivity via rewards. The flip side are penalties which could range from reduction or absence of rewards to reduced or eliminated security, status, and stability.
But is that carrot and stick approach the best system to use? Turns out the science says ‘no.’
Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose
In Daniel Pinks excellent book Drive: the Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (and eponymous TED Talks), he reveals that the research say unequivocally no. Rather than re-state Pink’s message (see above 10 min video for a great overview); Rewards don’t work the way you’d expect them to.
It turns out that after a certain amount of compensation, rewards are actually counter-productive in terms of increasing performance in any endeavor requiring a modicum of cognitive skill. After that magic level of compensation, people require other attributes to be present in order to Got that?
In other words, if you want higher performance, you have to pay people enough where they aren’t worried about money but then you have to enable 3 other key attributes; autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
Thus,the overwhelmingly most popular way of incentivizing performance, reward vs penalty, is wrong. if you want to maximize performance, it turns out that you must optimize for motivation.
So, how does one do that? What’s the right way to handle performance management? If rewards are wrong (or at least only part of the story), then it seems we’d best change our performance management process to the other key factors Pink identifies; Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose.
Let’s take each one step by step.
Per Pink, Purpose is each team member being able to say  “I know why I am here and what I contribute with (as an individual or as a team)” How do we maximize a sense of purpose? So, as managers with a strong background in quality and strategic deployment techniques seeking to maximize performance, how do we maximize a sense of purpose?
I like Simon Sinek’s approach of ‘Start with the Why. Again, if you haven’t seen this Ted talk, you’re missing out.
To my mind, conveying Why is all about alignment. Alignment between the strategic direction of the company and the front-line personnel executing the vision. Some techniques quality leaders can use that we can use to achieve, communicate and measure that alignment are:
Hoshin Kanri
Value Stream Mapping
Critical to Quality Mapping
Quality Functional Deployment
If we want to maximize performance management, it behooves us to make the alignment of why behind what people are being asked to do explicitly clear.
Often, when we make that alignment clear we find that much of the resources of time, talent, and energy that people are currently expending
are in pursuit of things that don’t matter or don’t matter as much as other goals they could be working towards. And that is clearly a waste.
If the next attribute in results is Mastery, then it makes sense to incorporate this into our performance management techniques. How can we best help people pursue and achieve mastery of their professions?
Some tools we can use to monitor and maximize mastery are visual management principles and gauge R&R techniques. Perhaps the two that I like best are Skill Matrix boards – an excellent
visual management of team skill mastery and credibility as described by Ray Dalio in Principles. However, there are countless adaptations of each that we can apply to skill acquisition.
Also, it is helpful to recognize that every member of a company has a profession (what they do) and an industry they perform it in (where they do it.) It makes sense from a performance management standpoint to help contributors to develop a strong understanding of both the skills and context for their role and their industry at large. T shaped employee management is an excellent framework for this/
Now that we’ve addressed how to manage clear alignment and skill acquisition – the why’s and what’s of a role – let’s move on the how’s.
Again Pink helped us by illustrating how autonomy and empowerment are crucial pieces of the performance management puzzle. And we helped ourselves by showing the alignment of the highest strategic goals of the company
Now, autonomy is scary for many managers. To overcome this hurdle we could use a ‘trust but verify’ model of cascading dashboards and assigning responsible parties for work streams. And the autocratic manager will be happy with this. But autocratic leadership has it’s limits.
Sources: Business Case Studies and Cleverism
Perhaps the best way to encourage autonomy to meet our desired performance management goals is to favor the empowerment of a Team of Teams model such as the ones favored by General Stanley McChrystal (and others) in his book Team of Teams.
Autonomy is best served by employee empowerment. There is a link between employee desire to participate on autonomous teams and having a significant sense of ownership in team outcomes. Simply put, members of autonomous teams desire the ability to make decisions in an entrepreneurial climate without too much managerial interference. And arguably employee empowerment is best achieved through managers leading by illustrating a clear vision and then getting out of their way.
 Bringing it All Together
As leaders it is important for us to recognize that performance management is itself a process. It’s subject to an equation Y=f(x) where f(x) is often more complex than we think. But fortunately, like any other process, it can be measured, faults found, and hypotheses tried, tested, and improved upon.
Robert Mitchell
As a Baldrige Examiner, I like to begin my roundtable discussions with a review of the Baldrige Criteria. Category 5 of the Criteria focuses on the Workforce. The Workforce category asks how the organization assesses Workforce Capability and Capacity needs and builds a workforce environment conducive to Engagement and High Performance. The Baldrige Criteria defines High Performance as ever-higher levels of overall organizational and individual performance, including quality, productivity, innovation rate and cycle time.
High performance results in improved service and value for customers and other stakeholders. High performance stems from and enhances workforce engagement. Some characteristics about workforce high performance:
It involves cooperation between management and the workforce; cooperation among work groups and teams; empowerment of employees and building personal accountability.
It may involve learning to build individual and organizational skills; creating flexible job design; decentralized decision making and making decisions closest to the front line.
My career experience, and observations of applicants to state and national quality programs using the Baldrige Criteria has revealed six key processes necessary to effectively encourage high performance:
A Formal on-boarding as part of the New Employee Orientation process
Providing immediate, open and honest feedback
Regular, periodic “pulse” surveys to measure employee satisfaction and engagement
Frank, two-way skip-level meetings between management and its people
A Career Pathing process to manage employee progression
A Learning & Development System that supports organizational needs and employee development
Systems & Structures supporting compensation, benefits and policies, rewards, recognition, as well as incentives to encourage continuous improvement, intelligent risk-taking, innovation and customer focus.
For more information about these key business and workforce processes, I highly recommend learning about the Baldrige Excellence Framework and attending Baldrige Evaluator training.
The post What is the Most Effective Performance Management Approach? appeared first on Quality in Mind.
from Quality in Mind http://asq.org/blog/2018/12/what-is-the-most-effective-performance-management-approach/
0 notes
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Do porches have the most insurance rate?
Do porches have the most insurance rate?
Does anyone know the approximate cost of insurance for an 06 Golf GTI for a 16 year old driver in illinois?
Does anyone know the approximate cost of insurance for an 06 Golf GTI for a 16 year old driver in illinois?
Dollar Car Rental Insurance Cost?
Hello I will be renting a Dodge Charger next week. I am thinking of getting the insurance - ( i have full insurance with allstate and also CC covers it too) I hate to get them involved, even if i pay more for the insurance, i just want to leave without having to revisit it, if something where to happen. How much does Insurance cost with Dollar rent a car? The one where they let you go for any kind of damage. Thanks""
Can the auto insurance kick you out?
1st time geting a license at the age of 63 then having 1st month of insurance then 3 weeks later geting an accident which involving crashing into an property which i assume the damage cost from the insruance eyes would be $25-30,000 where our eyes would be at maybe $10,000 plus they were 4 in the car all injured can the auto insurance kick a insurer out for this very 1st major incident? this shouldnt be suprising to any insurance company when it comes to New Drivers reguardless of age...bottom line can they kick them out and other insurance corps deny to sell insurance?""
Homeowner's insurance?
My house is now worth substantially more than it was when I purchased it a few years ago. At the time of purchase, I had the house insured for the appraised value. Now it is worth tens of thousands more. I'm concerned that I would lose all of this equity if there was a disaster like fire that destroyed the building. Is it wise to increase the amount of coverage now and if so, is it usually neccessary to have another appraisal done or do insurance companies simply allow a homeowner to get coverage in any amount they desire?""
How much does motorcycle insurance typically cost?
good credit, driving record, etc...""
How much would full coverage insurance cost on a 1965 Silver Cloud 3 Rolls-Royce?
Male driver, clean driving history.""
How much would insurance be for a 2003 Acura RSX?
I am a male, 22 years old, clean record, live in Whitby Ontario. I also went took driving lessons (people say that will help lower insurance) and i am a class G driver (full license) I know coupes are usually more expensive for insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate of how much insurance would cost per month or for the year? I know i can call and get a quote but I want to see what the average is. Thanks!""
I was in a car accident so i been off work how will the insurance pay me?
I been off work due.to my accident my insurance said ill get paid after 14 days due since I'm not able to work
Being denied by insurance for pizza delivery?
I applied for a driving postion at a local pizza resturant, and when i went in for the interview I was told so long as the insurance approved me i would start training in a week, and when i called today i was told the insurance did not approve me, and was not given a reason why, and i have no tickets or accidents at all on my driving record, any body in the insurance or pizza delivering bussiness know possibly why i was denied by the insurance?""
How much a car? used car + insurance + NY state?
hi, i would like to know how much can a car cost, how much is the avarege? a used car plus the insurance in New York state?""
Looking into farm bureau insurance in louisiana need help?
Farm Bureau is the cheapest insurance I can afford here but do I have to be a member to get auto insurance through them? I am only 19 will they insure someone my age?
Young driver insurance in the UK?
I was quoted 1200 the beginning of this month for car insurance (its due feb, but I regularly look at quotes). I then looked the 23rd and was quoted over 2000 for identical insurance (just by refreshing the quote). It has then increased drastically every day by around 1000 so its now looking at over 5000 a year to insure a 2007 FORD KA!!! I'm 17 and have 6 months no claims, plus the time I had no claims as a learner too (another 4 months). I understand that the equal insurance for men & women effects this and due to my age insurance is high, but two of my male friends insurance is shooting up too. I'm in a pretty good area, don't drive that much (3000 miles a year) and have both parents with 25+ years driving on my policy. How can my insurance possibly be increasing be so much? What can I do to bring it down, other then selling a car I need? I need a car to get from school to work in time (or I won't have a job), and I don't earn nearly enough to afford car insurance with the quotes I'm getting right now. Its a complete rip-off.""
What should i do about car insurance?
Basically in 2009 i got caught speeding without insurance. Biggest Mistake of my life. Lost my licence and had to start from provisional again. Now i have passed my test and it is a few years on i dont know what to do about getting insurance. I refuse to drive without it now. The thing i need to know is do i tell my insurance company about the claims that were less than 5 years ago or don't i? the reason is because my licence was taken away without a ban put back to provisional and now re-started fresh so do i still have to put them or not? Also if i do what would happen if i don't? Just out of curiosity as it would be a lot cheaper but if i have to i will obviously. Thanks
Car crash and no insurance?
My partner bought a car he was driving it home but had no insurance. He was driving about 5 mph due to a Traffic jam, he hit the car in front there was little damage to his car. He told the driver he had just bought the car and had no insurance, he said don't worry we will do it between us. My partner told him he will pay for the damage to his car. We received a letter from the drivers insurance to ask to put it in writing that we are willing to pay for the car. A few days later they rang and told us he has put in for whiplash there is no way he could of got whiplash as i was going to slow, no sure what to do please help""
Do I have to make a down payment on my auto insurance?
I am going to get insurance through State Farm and I was wondering if I will have to make a down payment on the insurance and if I do how much will it be?
Can anyone reccomend a cheap car insurance company?
My Husbands car insurance is due to run out the end of this month, however he is also waiting to see if someone puts a claim in against his insurance as he had a slight prang with another car, through no fault of his own. His insurance company have said that whie they wait to see if this claim is put through, the other person has 2 months, then they are going to charge him as if he has no noclaims bonus, this will be 120 a month. He just wants to find a company that will insure him for a couple of months that is cheaper than this till he sees if the claim goes through or not, if it doen's he will have 3 yeas no claims, hope this makes sense, thanks in advance x""
Is there such a thing as affordable health and dental insurance for someone that is 60 years old?
And in pretty good health? What company(ies) would you recommend. I live in Omaha, Nebraska United States. I currently pay $330 a month for PPO BCBS a month and it is killing me! Thanks""
Insurance totalling my car looks suspicious?
At this point I regret making a claim and wish i could turn back the clock. I am being forced into a box and it looks shady. Three weeks ago my 2005 Cadillac STS was involved in a parking lot flood where the water rose and filled the floors of my car by about 4 inches. All us neighbors had cleaning parties using a wet vac and baking and toweling are cars in the sun over the next few days letting our vehicles dry out. On my car everything works like a dream as it did before with the exception of a 'check stability control' notice that comes on when I start the car. I have been driving the car fine since the flood and decided maybe I should make a claim to fix this error that pops up on the dash when i start the car. From the time I dropped it off at the dealer it has been all negative. Right away the dealer was negative and telling me it's the end of the world with my car, everything is ruined and it will probably be a total loss. He got the adjuster for my insurance company out there and it looks like it will be put in to the total loss category. No i am just asking the insurance company to forget everything and drop the claim because the damage is not that extreme and i dont want to lose my car. I am told at this point it is too late. Is that true? My neighbors are floored by this, i have been driving it around for a few weeks just fine and the car still looks new With only 62000 miles on it. I can't help from thinking that something suspicious is going on here. Do they stand to make a nice profit by totalling my vehicle and then replacing one module for a 1000 or so and having a perfect car with all systems working? Also the lady from the claims office said the car had to be 80% damaged for it to be a total loss. I asked her if this was based on speculative problems that they think may occur in the future because of the water, or based on actual damage now? She said it had to be actual damage now but couldn't give me any details from the adjuster yet. Can I demand that the adjuster list everything that he thinks has been damaged to my car (which I am convinced he will have to be creative to do so)? The car as i said drives wonderful, I checked the fluids on my own (fine), and the car looks new. Do I have any recourse here? I just want the car fixed for the one problem, i dont want to lose the car, and at this point I don't even care about having insurance fix the one problem, but again I am told it is too late to go backwards and drop this entire issue. I almost have an inclination to report this because it looks so shady. No reasonable person would look at, and drive this car and consider it a total loss. What is the agenda of the insurance company and cadillac dealer here? Something smells foul with this situation.""
What is the best way to recruit people to become insurance agents?
I recruit people for Farmers Insurance to become insurance agents. We train and help finance them to open their own insurance office. I'm doing this within a 30 mile radius of ...show more
Car accident and insurance?
My friend's car got hit from behind on the freeway and she only got libilities so her insurance doesn't pay to fix her car. The guy who hit her is a teen and his insurance is under his mom's name. His insurance is paying only $10,000 maxium. The cost for total fixing is going to be $13,561. My friend can't pay the difference of $3,561. Now what can she do? Is that the responsiblity of the guy who hit her? should he be the one to come up with the rest of the money? or is she out of luck? The car is in the collision center now. She's losing sleep and having headaches and sore neck, etc.. and missing work... and she still hasn't go see a doctor. Any advice for this poor girl?""
Which costs more to insure?
I'm 17, get okay grades in school, I guess, but I can always make it look like I got all A's. I'm insured under my grandparents and currently I believe it is around $20 a month or so to insure me on a 03 Galant, I was wandering (I am buying my own car) if I purchase a 97 Eclipse, would the insurance be more or less than a 93 GT3000 Mitsubishi? If so, how much would it cost?""
Is it illegal to NOT have?
Health insurance?   Home owners insurance?    What the hell is a mortgage?
Your car is stolen insurance company declares write off then its found?
What happens when your car gets stolen so you report it to the insurance company after 30 days the car hasn't been found a couple of weeks later its found what happens?
Do motorcycle insurance claims have to be noted on car insurance?
i recently renewed my car insurance and stated ive made no claims in last 5 years but 3 years ago i made a claim on motorcycle insurance when my bike was stolen - should I have put this on my car insurance?
State based insurance?
Trynna find insurance that only covers a few states . I need one that covers I'm Florida?
Insurance and childbirth?
i might be moving to oregon but im on my insurance blue cross of california.. does anyone know if they charge more to give birth out of state?
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
We are a family of five living in Bakersfield, CA. We have four cars (2005 Infiniti Fx35, 2006 Toyota Highlander, 2008 Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). How much should we expect to pay for car insurance? Its just that the cost of adding one more person and one more car increased my car insurance by a little less than 50%.""
Ticket for no insurance?
Last year around September I made the grave mistake of letting a friend borrow my car to see his girlfriend and he claimed to have just gotten his license and it was supposed to come in the mail within the next week. I believed him and it's my fault, no question about that. He got pulled over and the cops gave him a ticket for no proof of insurance. And because he didn't have a license, they impounded my car for 30 days, but if he had gotten his license within that time, I could've retrieved my car earlier, but he was not cooperating. To make a long story short, I paid 1,500 out of my pocket to release my car from the impound lot, and my car was insured at the time but he was too dumb to find it in my glove compartment and got a ticket for 2,000. He now wants proof of insurance to dismiss the ticket but I'm not giving him it until I'm reimbursed for the impound fees. Is there any way he can get out of the no insurance ticket without proof of insurance? I live in California btw. Thanks!""
What is public liability insurance? where can i get one?
im applying for business permit and one of the requirement is public liability insurance.
Drivers license and Insurance?
When you get your drivers license do you have to get insurance with it or do you have to wait until you get a car? Do you have to get insurance when you purchase a car? Also does the cost for insurance decrease when you turn 21? How much is insurance a month generally and in North Carolina? I know insurance is necessary though I just need the facts before buying it.
What is the Difference between a PRIMARY and SECONDARY type of driver on Insurance?
Was looking at Auto Insurance and was wondering what the difference is between being a Primary driver of a vehicle and a Secondary. Is it cheaper on insurance to be a primary if one driver has more years experience than another or does it matter at all? I gather being an occasional driver would make a difference on insurance though.
How much is a ticket for not having car insurance in California?
Freeway Insurance just called me and told me that my insurance was not paid last month and that it got cancelled. I could swear that I did pay and my bank overview says I did pay. This is the second time they call me to tell me that. I think those ****** bastard just want money. So I'm just wondering how much a ticket cost because I'm gathering money to open another policy but with another Insurance company.
LANDA INSURANCE (real deal or fake?)?
WHATS up with Landa Insurance. www.landainsurance.com is really sketchy. Says its for Texas and Cali but also out of state and when u click on out of state its like 766 bucks in your cart... Seems pretty weird.. No online quotes or anything...
How much will car insurance cost? 10pts?
Hello there! Assuming that a seventeen year old girl passes her driving tests, has a land rover, does not use it everyday (attends college via bus), and only uses it for picking up the animal food, how much can she expect insurance to cost? Ps. The car can be parked in a garage, which is in a field (not on the side-of-the-road) on private land in the middle of the countryside. If you need any more information just let me know. Thanks. :)""
Car insurance question?
My mother's boyfriend bought a car and has allowed me to drive it. He is the primary driver on the insurance. I am also on his insurance. My father just recently put me on his insurance. My mom's boyfriend wants to give the car to me (Transfer the title and registration, get new plates and all that.) He says I will need my own insurance under my own name. But if I am insured does it actually matter who's insurance it is?""
Is it cheaper to buy health insurance in any other state than CALIFORNIA?
I am shopping for health insurance and it is through the roof. Is it cheaper in other states? Should I move from California? I am 62 and my husband is terminal. Just need some real information.
Found a nice place for those who need free auto quotes?
Hey there just wanted to let everyone know i found this great site for free auto insurance quotes, its saved me $32 off of my montly policy. Read some of the auto insurance articles to help you save more. Http://www.free-auto-quote.com""
What would the insurance be like on a Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart?
I'm nineteen and looking to buy a lancer. From what I've been told the Evo's insurance would destroy me. I've had people tell me that the Ralliart would be cheaper but I was hoping for clarification. I have a clean record and a good student discount. Driving a Mustang at the moment and it's pretty much a killer lol
How much does insurance cost for acura rsx?
im gonna buy a used car soon and i was thinking of buying the rsx. I am 16 so i would join the insurance plan with my mom. I have good grades and my mom has a clean driving record. I just need a rough estimate
Car insurance first time?
Where should i go to get my insurance im in the uk and i am 18 yrs old i drive a hyundai accent 1.3 Si coupe 1437cc also is it ok to lie just to lower you premium Please help i got a quote for 3100 yearly HELP
Which car would be cheaper on insurance? PLEASE help!!!!!!!!?
im 16 and am wondering wich one would be cheaper for car insurance and by how much a white 93 civic hb or a red 94 integra gs
Failed driving test...will insurance go up?
I took my driving test today and I was just wondering if my dad's insurance rates will go up(I am 16).
Auto Insurance?
When a child is taking Driver's Ed ...and you are giving him extra practice time while you are in the car. Do you need to add him to your insurance?
Does anyone know where I can find a list of average auto insurance rates by vehicle?
We have a 16 yr old daughter whos looking for her first car. We wanted to find a list (if one exists) of average insurance rates to see which cars cost the least to insure. This way she'll know which cars she can afford. Thank You.
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old girl?
Does anyone know of any good companies? I'm hoping to spend around 1500 (or less is possible) Directline is the closest I have come to this. The car is a 1998 Ford Fiesta Ghia 1.25L
What is proof of insurance?
I am still on my parents insurance and was planning on renting a car(yes, I' am old enough). They require proof of insurance when renting and I was wondering how that works. Do I just show them my parents proof? And is it just the paper work in the glove box of one of our cars?""
Auto Insurance at 16?
How much could I expect it to be? I do live in Texas. I will be getting my permit soon (after I'm done with drivers ed), and to drive with it, I will need to be on my parents auto insurance, and I have to pay for it. I will not have a car for the time being so it shouldn't be really high?""
Is it illegal to NOT have?
Health insurance?   Home owners insurance?    What the hell is a mortgage?
Please Find me good quote for car insurance for young drivers?
Car Insurance for Young Drivers Quotes
Why do people with bad credit have to pay more for car insurance?
I think insurance rates should be based on driving record. I know someone will say because of stastics I don't buy it, I think it is discrimination.""
Can you get life insurance on a non-relative?
I am legally still considered a minor child, although I am 16. My parents are divorced and I live with my Mom in Georgia. My natural father is dying of cancer, and lives in Illinois. Is it possible to get a life insurance policy with me as the benefactor even if me and my father live in 2 different states? Technically my Mom & Dad are divorced and she would not be able to get a life insurance on him on her own, as she is a non-relative. But I am his only son, so couldn't I get one on him? Even though by law children cannot legally engage in any sort of contract.""
Cars that have cheap insurance!!!!?
Right, i'm 18 and i'm going to get a car.. but the insurance for me is just mental. I need to know what cars have REALLY cheap insurance, and the name of the insurance company(s)!?""
Auto insurance debt reported on credit reports?
I changed my auto insurance from progressive to some other company.yesterday i got a call from collections that i owe progressive money.Is this reported on credit. Also do i have to pay them? I had insurance quote from them for 6 months but i found cheaper one so i moved. I live in california. Thank you
Are the Smart Fortwo car's insurance cheaper?
it got good crash ratings and a cheap car.
Non owners policy insurance in CA?
i'll be using my parents' car, which is in IN, in california, it already has insurance, but i'll be going to CA and probably stay there for some time (around a year) and use their car, im 18. So does buying a non owners policy insurance save me, since they will still pay for regular insurance on car plus the non owner that i'll purchase? any advice? since if i'll buy my own policy the numbers are 500/mo or more. So im thinking if i buy a non owners insurance lets say at 1200/yr, plus their regular coverage it'll save some money. any advice will be greatly appreciated or it is illegal?""
What insurance company is the best for home based business coverage and bonding?
What insurance company is the best for home based business coverage and bonding?
What is the cheapest/best home insurance right now?
my home insurance just went up from roughly $800 to $1300 a year! Is their a better, more affordable one out there? Thanks""
""Car insurance, help please?""
I'm 18 years old & looking into buying a used 2011 nissan Altima from a dealer soon. My mom will be a cosigner for it & I was wondering if I would be able to insure that car under her name as the primary & me as an additional driver? Insurance rates are just too outrageous & unaffordable for my age & for new cars with full coverage so I'm really hoping that it would be possible for her to insure it since she'll be a cosigner. Thanks for all the help & answers, greatly appreciated!""
Teen Insurance?
I was wondering how much the cost would be for teen insurance for one of the 3 following cars, an '07 Scion tC an '03 Nissan Altima or an '02 Honda Civic LX""
About how much is basic auto insurance?
for a used 94 toyota camry in los angeles the main driver is 25 and has a good driving record.
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Is $7000/ year a lot for health insurance?
I have health insurance through my job and I'm currently pregnant and due in August. I just found out that if I add my soon to be daughter to my insurance plan my insurance will go up to 634/month. I only make $10/hr full time and I don't see how I'm suppose to be able to do this. Do you think this is too high and what other options do I have besides govt assistance.
Car insurance...?
Ok I have 2 choices here! I have only been driving 6 months so I have 0 no claims. I have just been bought a car and to add it on my insurance policy it costs 60 on top on the 45 I pay a month..(105 a month) for 5 more months til i get my 1 year no claims or for 70 a month I cant start again with a different company . what to do? ....
What would be the approximate cost of insurance on an 2004 Acura TL for a 17 year old boy?
What would be the approximate cost of insurance on an 2004 Acura TL for a 17 year old boy?
Will 1 speeding ticket effect my insurance rates in Maryland?
Erie Insurance policy, 83 in a 65, 2 points, no other tickets. Will this effect my insurance cost in Maryland?""
Is insurance expensive on an '01 Hyundai Tiburon?
Is insurance expensive on an '01 Hyundai Tiburon?
Male vs. female car insurance?
So as a 16 year old male driver, I'm aware that car insurance rates for me are significantly higher than a same age female driver, just because of my gender. How are insurance companies able to do this, no matter how many statistics they have saying we crash more, speed more often, ect...? This is discrimination vs. my gender, and for all they know I could drive like a granny. Now consider this: if statistics showed that blacks were twice as likely to crash than whites, could insurance companies charge more? No way! The NAACP would be all over them. That would be unfair to the black drivers that may drive safe. I just dont get why I am charged way more than what a girl gets charged, even though I am a very safe driver.""
""Depending on certain factors, what would my insurance premiums be?""
i am a teen driver, just got my license and now am looking for a car and i was wondering how much more my insurance rates would be if i was driving an early 2000 era BMW, Audi, Lexus or Jaguar vs something like a simple japanese or american made small truck or sedan. I also get straight A's in schooll as ive heard that can factor into it as well.""
Does your driving test score affect your insurance rates?
Some people are telling me that the higher the score you get on your driving test, the lower your insurance will be. For example, if you score 80 points compared to someone how scores 100 (full points), the person with 100 points will have lower insurance costs. I just wanted to know if this is true or not, and if it is true how much does 1 point affect your insurance?""
Where can I get my physical done for cheap? No insurance?
I'm going to be a wrestling captain & I need it for school on Monday. I live in florida
Life Insurance / Burial Insurance help please (ENGLAND)?
I need advice about applying to and paying for some type of insurance. This would be on behalf of my mother so when the time comes for her to leave me, I will be able to pay for her funeral. I have spoken to her but she is stubborn and set in her ways and thinks I will automatically be able to cover the financial costs for her funeral when she does pass away. I dont care for money for myself, I just want to know that I can pay into something so upon her passing I will be able to pay for her funeral costs (instead of my mum taking out the insurance/policy it would be me on her bahalf as she is terrible for thinking about stuff like that). I am an only child as so I am solely responsible for paying the expense""
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose as individual and family floater ?
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose for individual and family floater , which provides annual health check up""
Car insurance question...?
If you have insurance on a car, is the car covered in a wreck no matter who's driving it?""
Is it illegal to NOT have?
Health insurance?   Home owners insurance?    What the hell is a mortgage?
Car title and insurance question?
If my name was put on the title of a car (I'm 18), would it affect the insurance rates even if the car was insured under my parent's policy as a occasional driver? Does the insurance company have the right to change the rates on a car depending solely on whose name is on the title?""
Can i add someone to my car insurance policy?
i live in Toronto Canada , and i go to university.. i want to buy a car for me and my bro who lives in windsor , to share between us.. i was wondering if i will be able to add him to my insurance even though he doesnt have the same address as me..""
How can i find the name of insurance company with the policy number?
I need to find out the name of the insursnce company with the policy number
Are car insurance companies having a laugh?
Me and a friend were taking out some car insurance quotes the other day - entering his information in he got 1700 a year on an old '95 (i think) cincequento, which frankly was hilarious. Then, all we changed was the address so that he lived at my house. It pushed the insurance up to something like 2700. Now I dont get this - he lives in a pretty rough area in my town, right near where all the boy racers live and such. I however live in a small village about 2 miles away and just outside of the town. In my area, the population is about 90% seniors and it is very quiet. I thought insurance companies were supposed to weigh the risks of location against their policy? Why has mine come out a grand more?""
Do i have to keep paying insurance on a scrapped car? My insurance runs out in August.?
I am planning to scrap my car next week but my insurance runs out in August. Am I legally expected to continue paying for it or can i cancel it?
Is it worth taking a risk of driving without Insurance..?
I'm looking for insurance but it's too expensive.. so i don't drive much. but sometimes i want to make quick local runs like going to the supermarket, picking up a friend etc. is it worth taking this risk without an insurance ??""
Making 40k a yearm take home 2500 monthly after taxes and insurance. How much rent can I afford?
Can I afford 750 amonth making 40k a year? I have a car note of 300, cell phone, car insurance no credit card debt. It's really nice and I've looked it has black appliances, ...show more""
Questions about motorcycle insurance?
I am planning on buying a 150cc scooter in the Spring. In Michigan, my home state, these are considered motorcycles. Also, in Michigan, they must be insured. My questions are: (1) If I am only riding my scooter for three months out of the year, will I still have to pay for insurance during the fall and winter? (2) What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance out there, and typically, how much would I be paying per month? I am a new cycle rider, but have driven a car for 5 years without an accident.""
How many percentage in texas citizens buy life insurance?
how many people in texas buy life insurance.
How can one state offer more affordable insurance than another?
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield can compete nationwide as many others do it is not as though national insurance companies lack competition. So my question is; if every major insurance provider who could provider the greatest value due to economy of scale(greatest risk pool) in this nation how could a small company out bid a large one when faced with risk pools without cherry picking? How could insurance from one state be cheaper than another unless to bypass quality regulations and sell crap insurance?
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Will 4 year old dui affect my car insurance with geico?
Finding taxi insurance and licensing in Florida.?
I'm trying to find an insurance provider for my taxi in Pinellas County, Florida and can't seem to find anyone who provides insurance to taxis. I'm also trying to find out where to go for licensing and what type of licenses i need. Does anyone out there have any information that may help?""
Is Sumner Insurance a good company for auto?
I received a quote through AIS or some other multi-serve insurance quote gatherer for a good rate if I choose to pay lump sum. I don't know if Sumner Insurance is a good company and I am sort of nervous to get a policy with them. AAA for me would be 941 yr and this company is about 680 a year or 1020 if I pay in installments. It seems too good to be true, but if it were, I'd be very happy. If you know somebody who has insurance through them or have insurance through them, please let me know what you think and if they're decent.""
Company not offering insurance?
I've read the policy, forms, etc... Prior I was hired. The company that I work with gas this insurance benifits. I have already reach my 90 days and 3 weeks period. The company is not offering me with medical insurance. Not even an evaluation. But that doesn't matter. My question is, is it illegal in the state of California if the company does not offer/ask you an option to have insurance or not? Please advice.""
Car insurance loopholes?
What are the loopholes for lowering your car insurance? Ie. will putting the car in my parents name lower the insurance? Adding someone else on? Lowering the estimated value? etc.
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
Does car insurance really go down at age 25?? how much?
How much does car insurance go down when a person turns 25? How much can I expect mine to go down? I am a woman now paying 82 a month. I have nothing on my record, no tickets, accidents, claims in my life (8 years since 16)""
Car insurance loopholes?
What are the loopholes for lowering your car insurance? Ie. will putting the car in my parents name lower the insurance? Adding someone else on? Lowering the estimated value? etc.
What is a 2 year contestibility period in life insurance?
What is a 2 year contestibility period in life insurance?
What kind of insurance do I need as a teen?
I am looking for quotes and anchor insurance asks which insurance I want I have the choices of Liability only, Comprehension and collision and Comprehensive only""
Online auto insurance with no down payment?
does anyone know of an online insurance that does not require a down payment?
What does it mean for insurance to be underwritten?
I have a quote submitted to Hagerty Collector Car insurance and they told me that it is being underwritten, what does that mean?""
What is the best health insurance?
what is the best health insurance?
Looking for cheap insurance?
just baught a van and looking for insurance companys numbers,thanks sean""
What is a fair mileage adjustment auto insurance Valuation?
The insurance company has gave me a list of 30 cars like mine within a 500 mile radius. They chose two cars out of the 30 to compare my car too. The problem is, there is a huge mileage difference: My car had 130k miles The comparables they used have 45k and 50k miles That's like an 80k difference. They took $2,265 off my ACV just for the difference. Is that fair? I don't get why they didn't just find a car with similar mileage to mine when there were plenty available. Why did they choose the two cars with the lowest mileage and then deduct 2 grand? When they could have easily picked two similar cars with at least 100k miles , and deducted a lot less for the difference.""
Is it illegal to NOT have?
Health insurance?   Home owners insurance?    What the hell is a mortgage?
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