#(she was telling me about them yesterday bc they were wondering if i was going to be at the holiday party bc they like me????
ranger-kellyn · 10 months
ANYWAYS your boy got TWO bonuses at work this pay period i'm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Hobie brown with a gf who is always angry and complicated but is completely quiet and calm around him cuz he keeps her under control and puts her in her place? She’ll tell someone to do something and when they doesn’t do it she’ll blow up on them, but if they do, do it she’ll blow up on them if she doesn’t like the way they do it. And her jealousy is sky high, when she first heard about Gwen staying at Hobie’s she wanted to rip her neck off her shoulders? She also has no filter and tells Gwen straight up that she hates her staying around Hobie. (She’s not mean to Miles and Pavitr bc she views them as little brothers, she kinda has a love-hate relationship with Gwen. She’s okay with her, just not when she’s around Hobie). 😭
she’s so me.. I’d love to. The title is after the Lana song yes…
Jealous, jealous, jealous girl
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“Hey, Hobie.” You kissed his cheek when you saw him.
“Hi, love. You good? You seem a lil..”
“I’m fine. Why would I not be fine..?”
“Well, I heard from someone that you cussed them out cause they forgot to do something.”
“Fucking Margo.” You grumbled.
“It’s alright. I get it.” He shrugged
Ever since you heard Gwen say that she stayed with Hobie, you’ve been even more pissed off than usual. You didn’t tell Hobie you knew.
He didn’t even wanna mention how Miguel said “control your girlfriend.” To him. Miguel just told him to bug off.
Miguel loved you, he did, and he wanted to help you control your anger. But you were a lot, and that was fine with him, he liked it as a matter of fact. But everyone else seemed to have a problem with it.
“I gotta go, see ya.” You said.
“Alright, see ya dove.” You both kissed before you walked into the doors.
You worked with spider byte (Margo) as her boss.
“Hey Margo.” You mumbled, you and her worked with the tech and computers.
You went to one of the computers and started to look at them.
“Anything new show up?”
“Uh.. yeah, actually. Miguel recruited a few new people, I searched them all up, and looking for some more possible ones.”
“Alright.. nothing wrong with anything else?”
“Nope. So how are you and hobie?”
“We’re good. I’m sorry about yesterday.. I jus.. Y’Know.”
“It’s whatever.” She said with a shrug.
“Hey, come look at this guy.” You said, looking at her as she came over.
“The spot? That’s a.. dumb name. 1610, isn’t that the same earth that the miles kid is from?”
“Yup. It says that he’s just robbing atms.. that’s dumb. But his powers are what’s interesting.”
“Interdimensional portals on his body..?”
“Yeah. We should let Miguel know.”
“You can.” She laughed “I’m taking a lunch break.”
“Are you serious? It’s fucking… 10 am?!”
“You don’t control my lunch breaks.” She said, and her avatar disappeared along with her clones.
“Son of a bitch..!” You kicked the edge of a table as miguel watched in confusion.
Miguel chuckled and you jumped.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked.
“Get off my ass!”
“No one’s on your ass…”
“Im taking a break.”
After telling him about the spot, he said he’ll look into it. You left after a while, and Gwen was out there talking to Hobie.
“You’re fucking with me..” you groaned to yourself.
“So I was wondering, could I crash at yours tonight? Uh, I’ve been crashing with some other people but they keep kicking me out after a while..”
“Yeah, ‘s alright.”
You rolled your eyes, and came out.
“Hi love!” You said, kissing his cheek. He put an arm around you.
“Gwen..” you said, looking at her.
“Hi y/n..” she said awkwardly.
“Hi. How’ve you been?” You said, bitterly. Hobie looked down at you, giving you a look that said “stop.” His grip around you tightened and you were closer now.
“Good.. good, how about you?”
“Same.” You said, faking a smile.
“Hobie. Miguel needs you.” Someone said, coming up to him.
“All right, see you sweetheart, see you Gwen.” He kissed you and left.
“So, I overheard how you were staying at Hobies tonight.” You said bitterly once he was gone.
“Oh, yeah, but that’s just because I can’t really go anywhere else-“
“I don’t like it when you do that. Actually, I hate it.”
“Excuse me?”
“Look, Gwen, I don’t have a problem with you at all. It’s just… I can’t stand it when you stay at his.”
“I don’t like him-“ she laughed.
“No one said you did.”
She sighed “Okay. I get it. I’ll uh… stay with pavitr or something.”
“Thank you.”
“Mhm..” she said, and walked away.
You smiled to yourself as you walked the other way, and waited for Hobie to come out.
“Hey.” You said to him.
“Hi.. you uh.. seen Gwen? She was supposed to stay with me tonight.”
“She said she changed her mind, she’ll just sleep over at pavitrs.”
“Oh. Alright. You comin’ over then?” He said, he had a good idea of why she changed her mind.
“You know you don’t need to be jealous of Gwen.. right? I love you.”
“I know but…”
He kissed you and shut you up.
“Just… next time she wants to stay over, you can come too.”
You smiled at him and nodded. “Okay.”
He smiled and grabbed your hand as you both went through the portal.
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gorgeouslypink · 10 months
hey pink!
i was hoping you could offer some encouragement and advice to me. basically the entire luckyvoidgirl thing yesterday, i acctually liked her success story, it made sense to me and i even listened to cee's subliminal and my parents ended up saying i don't have to go to this dumb event i was dreading so im even seeing successes with it
the thing was she said something that i can't stop thinking about. she said that a lot of tumblr is just misinformation and that the original blog that brought the void to tumblr was divineangelbee and she was exposed for lying about the void. everyone just copied whatever she said and kept spreading the same stuff she put out but her own experience was all a lie. it really got me thinking about how educated this community is about loa, like the void state and loa is so intertwined. luckyvoidgirl never said she used loa and she did something different but she got so much flack bc the void community on tumblr is so deeprooted in loa, possibly bc of angel. but anyways for a community that is so deeprooted in loa, so many people haven't entered and even worse, so many bloggers have been exposed for lying about their success story. the crazy thing is its so easy to lie on tumblr so the fact that so many have gotten caught makes me wonder how many we haven't even caught and really how does a community that knows loa struggle like this.
idk i just can't stop thinking about this and was hoping for some guidance.
hey love! im technically on break but you're not the only one spiraling so i rlly wanted to answer this.
first of all, i want to say she's just lying and this community is great but i can't. the truth of the matter is she is right. the person who brought the void to tumblr was @divineangelbee and she was the one who went around saying it was super easy and anyone can do it and she was and is still pretty much the blueprint for how a lot of voidstate tumblr thinks, but she was exposed for harassing her friends to enter the void for her. since then, many other bloggers who basically parrot the same thing as her have been exposed as well.
however i want to highlight something here. just because someone preaches something and it doesn't work out for them doesn't mean it's false. this is a super old argument, like back when bloggers like cleo and raven were super popular but people were arguing abt Sammy Ingram. basically she was a big affirm and persist girlie and people were going at her for saying this but never losing any weight (her main goal with manifestation was to lose weight but she never did and just gaslighted anyone who pointed it out, saying they were bodyshaming her). while something was off for sammy (maybe she didn't persist or maybe she just didn't bother doing her method at all), her method worked for so many people. there's boatloads and boatloads of success stories from her videos and methods. so someone can be lying about the void and still be giving legit advice.
however, the void state community on tumblr DOES have a lot of misinformation. ive seen people claim the void state is just SATS, just alpha state, theta state, delta state, it's acc just a placebo for you to guarantee manifestations, and all sorts of nonsense. now there's a new addition, people who tell you to pay money and they'll get you into the void state. it's honestly crazy how hard the community went against the luckyvoidgirl but not some of the other stuff i see here.
but anyways, what do you do?
you need to realize that you entering the void has nothing to do with the state of the void community on tumblr. people lying abt entering the void doesnt make the void a lie, it makes them a liar.
ive been in that position where i hailed bloggers and felt attached to this community so drama here messed with me internally. you shouldn't be doing that. please read my Doubts post where i talk about overcoming this and also provide many sources of proof that the void is real so that you don't need to rely on tumblr to know that:
also it helps to find a few reputable sources. i just wanted to give a shout out to someone rn: @voidprincessblog
her page is the page i would recommend to everyone. you can tell the amount of research and effort she puts into every post and you can trust her to be a reputable source on info.
im going to attach this other post of mine for you as well:
i wish you the best of luck on your void journey and hope this helps! 💟
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
For the requests: traumatized steve & eddie going to a wolf sanctuary and eddie watching steve basically live with the wolves in their area. And the one wolf,the one that hated everyone, the one who meaner and didn't get along with anyone to its cruel abusive situation (perhaps it was raised from puppyhood and onwards by people who used it in dogfighting, before it was rescued, that wolf, goes right up to Steve and sits by him. Giving him comfort. When Steve has bad nightmares he goes to that wolf's pen and they sleep cuddled together bc that wolf also has nightmares. (It can also be a wolfdog)
AS ALWAYS YOU COME THROUGH WITH SOMETHING FUN AND CREATIVE AND AS ALWAYS I MAKE IT EMOTIONAL AS SHIT!!! I was feelin' some type of way yesterday and started on this at peak emotional upheaval, which is really something I don't recommend. As many things tend to do, this got away from me and I think I could've still let it keep going, but I had to cut it off. Hope you love it!!! - Mickala ❤️
It was Robin’s idea.
She knew therapy wasn’t working. She knew firsthand that the nightmares, especially Steve’s, were impossible to handle some nights.
She stayed with him enough after the Russians to know he was averaging four hours of restless sleep on a good night.
And now that he’d seen the horrors of the Upside Down, and Eddie almost dying, and Max almost dying, and the guilt of just existing, they were worse.
Eddie had them, but he was usually able to calm down relatively quickly, usually even fall back into a dreamless sleep after.
His problem was just seeing the bats everywhere, even when he was awake. A large bird would fly by and he was ducking for cover like a bomb would be dropped on him. He’d hear screeching, sometimes even just kids yelling at the park, and he’d have a panic attack.
Drastically different problems, but Robin said this could help with both of them.
So Steve and Eddie stood outside the wolf sanctuary, staring at the front office entrance where they were told to check in.
They glanced at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move.
It’s not that they were scared. They’d been told about the process on the phone in great detail, the sanctuary director answering all of their questions in a friendly tone.
She’d said that the wolf sanctuary had been used as a form of therapy for people for years now, though many psychiatrists didn’t consider it an appropriate treatment.
Considering Steve and Eddie had been seeing a professional psychiatrist for months now with no progress and serious weight loss and migraines from their prescriptions, they were willing to give this a fair shot.
But their fear that it wouldn’t work kept circling through their minds.
If this didn’t work, they weren’t sure what else they could possibly try.
That was terrifying.
They were supposed to stay for a month, with the option of extending the stay if they felt they needed it.
It was expensive.
But this was on the US government, and Eddie was always quick to spend their money for his benefit.
Steve was just along for the ride.
They walked in together, both nervously looking around at the chairs and desks, bookshelves, pictures of wolves and mountains on the walls, and one small, gray-haired woman at the front desk.
“Oh, aren’t you two precious! Which one’s Steve and which one’s Eddie?”
“I’m Steve,” Eddie smirked as he held out his hand.
Steve smacked his arm.
“He’s Eddie, and he’s probably gonna be this way the whole time. Sorry in advance,” Steve told the woman.
“This is wonderful! You’ll be fun to have around. I’m Fran, I run the front office. I spoke to you the other day on the phone a bit about the check in. Are you boys ready?”
They both nodded.
She clapped her hands together in excitement.
Steve could tell Eddie loved her. She was full of theatrics like he was, every word punctuated by an exaggerated movement.
“First, the boring part. We did some of the first part over the phone, but these packets need to be filled out completely and given back to me. You can have a seat anywhere to do those. When that’s done, I’ll show you where to bring your bags so you can unpack and get comfortable. We can do a tour before dinner.”
She placed the packets on the desk in front of her, then took two pens out of a mug and placed them down too.
“If you have any questions, let me know. You two are just the cutest!”
She walked through a small doorway a few feet behind her desk and they grabbed the packets to start filling them out.
The first page was basic personal information, which had been filled out already. The second page was emergency contact information and how they were referred. But the third page is where it got difficult.
It has questions like “What is your worst memory?” and “Who is the person you would most expect to protect you in a life or death situation? Why?”
And while Eddie and Steve could probably answer those easily from terrible experiences, there was a lot they weren’t allowed to say.
So they just stuck with the official government stories for any and all Upside Down related parts, which was most of them.
Fran bustled back in, two steaming mugs in her hands. She set them on her desk carefully and then walked over to where Eddie was sitting.
“How’s it going?”
“Good. Almost done,” he smiled up at her.
“And you, dear?” She asked Steve.
“Good. I’m sorry I write kind of slow.”
Steve’s face was red, like he was embarrassed. Eddie watched as he focused on the paper in front of him, his hand moving slowly across the paper.
Steve’s concussions had a lot of lasting effects; migraines and one ear that was barely working, the occasional speech delay, and an inconvenient struggle with writing, especially if it was answering questions about himself like this.
Eddie distracted Fran as he wrote his last answer, talking to her about her favorite part of the sanctuary and how long she’s been working here.
He handed the packet to her when he was done, glancing over at Steve to see he was just starting on the last page.
“Hey, Fran, would it be okay if you helped me get our bags from the car while Steve finishes up?”
Steve sent him a grateful smile as he continued answering the questions on the paper.
As he walked with Fran to the car, she touched his arm.
“He’s got a lot going on, doesn’t he?”
“Yeah. He’s been dealing with this a lot longer than I have,” Eddie smiled sadly at her, touching her hand to accept the comfort she was giving and give some in return. “I hope this works for both of us, but I’d be happy as long as it works for him.”
“You care a lot about him.”
It wasn’t a question, and her tone wasn’t judging, but Eddie could just tell. He should panic, he should tell her it wasn’t like that. And it wasn’t for Steve.
But he’d been hiding it for so long, and somehow successfully, he couldn’t lie to her.
“I love him. He doesn’t know how much. I did this for him, mostly. I mean I want it to help me too, but I know he wouldn’t have tried this if I didn’t come and he,” Eddie sighed. “He needs this. He can’t keep going like he has been.”
Fran pulled him into a hug and he did all he could not to start crying.
“He’s lucky to have you on his side no matter what, darling. And I’d bet anything he thinks the same of you,” she said softly.
“I don’t think it’s quite the same. He loves me like a friend, but he’s not…not like me.”
Gay. He wasn’t gay. Or even a little into men. Eddie was sure of that.
Fran pulled away and just smiled at him.
“Okay, then. Let’s get these bags inside.”
They managed to bring everything in in one trip, and by the time they made it back inside, Steve was done with his packet.
“Alright!” Fran clapped her hands together in excitement. “To your room!”
Eddie’s eyes widened.
“Room? Like, just one?”
“Yep! The other room we have for long-term residents is already taken for the next few weeks. Will that be okay?”
She was smiling innocently at Eddie, who knew she knew why he was suddenly panicking.
“That’s fine. We end up sharing a room all the time, right, Eds?” Steve asked as he grabbed his own bags from the floor.
“Uh. Yep. Totally fine.”
She led them out the back of the front office, down the sidewalk that led to a row of small buildings.
“This first building is storage. The next one is the short-term stays, usually people who donate frequently to keep us running, staying for a night or two to see where their money goes. This next building is for long-term stays. That’s you two. It’s split into a duplex, so you’ll have basically a studio apartment in there. Kitchen, bathroom, living area with a sectioned off area as the bedroom. You each will have a key, but keep in mind that the director also has a key for emergencies. The janitorial staff only goes if requested, so let me know if you feel it needs a sprucing up or you need new sheets or anything. Fridge is stocked and gets restocked every two weeks.” She paused as they made it to the steps to the building. “Oh! We don’t technically have a curfew for the guests. You’re adults and we trust you on your journey here. But we do ask that you try to be back no later than 11, as we often shut off many of the trail lights by midnight to ensure the animals have the closest replica of the wild as possible.”
Steve and Eddie nodded, eyes wide at all the information being thrown at them so quickly.
“Your room has a phone of course. You’re free to use as often as you’d like. Pressing 1 gets you in touch with the front office, 2 is for security, 3 is for the director’s office. I recommend calling the front office unless it’s an emergency so we can get in touch with the right people for you. After your tour, you’ll have free reign over the entire sanctuary except for anywhere marked employees and volunteers only. That’s for your safety, of course. We encourage you to be a part of some of the educational tours and seminars that we offer to the general public as well as enjoy time on your own with the wolves. Volunteers are here every day from 9 to 5, and the employees who help care for the wolves stay until 11. We have security here 24/7, but the director usually has a couple people on staff remain after regular hours in case of an animal emergency.”
This felt a little overwhelming, but he could already tell Steve was more relaxed here than he’d been anywhere else since he met him.
“I work when they need me, but my home number is by the phone in there for you just in case you need a chat. I retired a couple years ago so I spend a lot of my time at home with my dog. You’re never a bother, okay?”
They both nodded.
She hugged them both, handed them their keys, and started to walk away.
“Your tour will be in about an hour. James is running it today. You’ll love him!”
She was gone before they could even respond, so they looked back to each other and shrugged before heading inside.
The main door was unlocked, but the door inside marked with a “2” was locked. Steve unlocked it and pushed the door open.
The apartment was nice, but small, smaller than either of them had expected.
“Guess we’ll be getting pretty close for the next month, huh?” Steve joked.
Eddie’s heart was in his throat.
He could see the “bedroom” from where he stood. It was one queen sized bed. One.
“Um. Yep. Guess so. I can take the couch,” Eddie rushed out.
Steve clearly hadn’t seen the sleeping arrangement yet or he would have probably offered. He’s a self-sacrificing idiot, so Eddie had to rush to offer before he could.
“What? Why?”
Eddie gestured towards the bed.
“There’s plenty of room for both of us, dude. A month on the couch isn’t exactly gonna help with the nightmares.”
“It looks pretty cozy.”
Steve just stared at him, brows raised like Eddie was an idiot.
He was an idiot, but he didn’t need Steve thinking it.
“Eddie. Seriously. We can share a bed.”
Steve wouldn’t let him win, it’s just not who Steve was.
“Okay, okay! Let’s just unpack so we can go see some wolves or whatever.”
They unpacked in silence, Steve taking the spot closest to the door without Eddie having a choice.
Self-sacrificing idiot.
James knocked on their door at exactly 4:00, like he’d been standing there waiting for the clock to change over from 3:59.
“Hello! I’m James. You’re Steve and Eddie?”
They all shook hands and James started explaining things quickly.
James was only a bit older than them, wearing a volunteer shirt that had seen better days, and had the energy of Dustin.
“So! I’m gonna show you the lay of the land, you can ask me questions, I can try to answer them, and then I can drop you off back here so you can eat. The first night can be a bit of an adjustment, so feel free to give me a call if you have trouble. My number is under Fran’s,” James spoke rapid-fire, but not so fast they couldn’t keep up. They were used to that, anyway.
“So to start, everything you guys really need is along this main trail.” He pointed the way they came earlier and then the other direction. “That way leads to our nutrition area for the wolves, which you are welcome to visit anytime during the day to help or feed some of the rehabilitated wolves in the building nextdoor which is the hospital. The hospital is only open to the guests staying here and employees from 12-5, just because much of the mornings are spent performing surgeries or checkups. You’re encouraged to spend time with any of the wolves there in recovery as it helps their spirits much like a person. But if you take the left at the fork in this trail, you’ll be led to other trails. The first one is the wolf enclosures, which I’m taking you to now.” He kept walking as he spoke, moving his hands constantly, big smile keeping Eddie and Steve enthralled.
“We have one specifically for the ones we’ve rescued who are still healing from injuries, and that one is off limits to everyone between dusk and dawn. Many of these wolves are relearning how to be wild and part of that is using the night to hunt. Being in their cage during those times could be dangerous. They wouldn’t necessarily eat you,” he paused to laugh. “But they may take a bite. Now! The second enclosure is where we keep Herald. You can laugh at his name.” Eddie let out a small laugh.
“Herald had a rough upbringing. He was rescued about six months ago from a traveling circus that had abused him for at least a few years. We think he’s about 5 years old, but can’t be 100% certain. He’s hesitant around all people, even the director. He can be very unpredictable, so only the director, vet, and head nutritionist are allowed in there. You’re welcome to visit from the outside anytime you’d like though! He’s shy, but it can’t hurt having people talk to him.”
James was walking pretty quickly, and if Steve wasn’t so in shape, he’d be struggling. He looked over at Eddie. Eddie was struggling a little, but didn’t want to stop or slow down.
“And the last enclosure is for the rest of the wolves. These are ones that may be reintroduced to the wild soon or who may have been rescued without injuries, but just aren’t ready to go yet. This enclosure has a few areas for public access. The first being the feeding area, the second being the petting area. The petting area is only able to be accessed when employees or volunteers are present. The third area is only for guests staying long term such as yourselves.”
James walked them through a gate off to the side of the enclosure.
“This area is my favorite in the whole sanctuary. It’s their den area. It’s not recommended to come alone, and you should always go to the petting area to meet them first, but this area is nice for anyone who wants to feel like a part of the pack.”
“We can go in there?”
“Again, it’s definitely recommended to meet the wolves in the petting area first, maybe feed them a few times to show them you’re a friend, but yes.”
Eddie watched Steve’s reaction.
This was much more involved than they expected to be.
“So that’s the enclosures! The next part of this trail leads to a walking and biking trail that is a great way to see some nature without having to leave the area. It’s snake season, though, so make sure you know your snake safety beforehand and bring the provided whistle with you in case of an emergency. Volunteers and employees are always within hearing distance during normal hours and can usually respond within 3-4 minutes.”
“Could we go back to Herald?”
Eddie’s head snapped to Steve, who was looking at James with a kind smile.
“Oh. Well, sure. The only other thing I needed to show you was the trail leading to the lake, but we can go back after.”
So James backtracked, Steve and Eddie close on his heels.
They got to the enclosure with Herald, but didn’t see him.
“He likes to hide. Especially if it isn’t close to meal time, he doesn’t usually come close to the fence. His den is hidden away.”
Steve kept walking up to the fence as James spoke, Eddie watching and trying to figure out what was going on.
“Herald? You there?” Steve called gently into the fence. Wolves had excellent hearing, and he’d probably already heard them approach. “You can come say hi if you want to.”
Eddie stood next to Steve, looking out at the area in the enclosure. There was a good mix of forest and empty area, with plenty of things that were probably used as toys scattered around. He watched for any sign of movement, listened for any trotting over.
Steve looked incredibly disappointed, but James walked closer and gave them both a smile.
“Like I said, Herald isn’t very social and it’s nothing personal. He doesn’t even seem to like the director and all the wolves love her.”
But Eddie knew Steve. He knew that he wasn’t gonna let that shit go.
“Alright! Shall we head to the trail by the lake?”
Eddie watched as Steve sighed, but nodded.
Steve cooked them dinner that evening, said it helped him relax and that he would feel more at home if he got into a routine.
Eddie wouldn’t complain; He loved Steve’s cooking.
He made a basic spaghetti dish, even toasted some bread and sprinkled some garlic powder on it to make garlic bread.
They sat at the small table by the front door and ate in silence.
“It’s really quiet here.”
Eddie looked up to see Steve staring down at his plate, biting his lip nervously.
“It’s kind of nice though. Peaceful.”
Eddie knew what he was worried about.
He was worried the silence would make him have more nightmares instead of less, that he’d be left with nothing to help him if this failed.
“Hey,” Eddie reached over and patted Steve’s hand that rested on the table. “I’m here, alright? You won’t be alone.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed, only slightly relaxing back into his seat.
The next day was relaxed.
They walked along the main trail after breakfast, happy to see Fran again and meet some new people.
They stopped at Herald’s enclosure, but still didn’t see or hear him.
Steve was disappointed, but it was hidden away when they were able to feed and pet some of the other wolves before lunch.
The wolves were all beautiful, clearly well taken care of, and even the ones still in recovery were cleaned, well-fed, and cared for by the team.
Eddie quickly had a favorite: Mabel. She was an “old woman” as the employee at the feeding area said. She was 12 years old, had been brought in from the side of the road after being hit. She had had a broken leg and many broken ribs, along with cuts that needed stitches. Not the worst they’d seen, but due to her being nearly 11 at the time, they didn’t expect her to pull through. She did though, and had quickly become known as the leader of the group. All the wolves respected her, it was clear even to Eddie and Steve. She was the first to the feeding area, the first to the petting area, and would often stand guard over the others as they went into the shared spaces.
She was light brown with gray speckled throughout, her scars visible, but mostly covered with hair.
Steve loved Mabel, too, but he still had his heart set on Herald.
Eddie wasn’t stupid. He knew why Steve was so fixated on him.
Someone who was abused and hidden away and expected to perform every day for crowds of people? Yeah, Steve and Herald had quite a bit in common.
He just didn’t want him to get his hopes up for nothing.
After lunch, they decided to walk over to the nutrition center, maybe learn something new.
It was educational, and fun, and Eddie said multiple times how much he wished actual school had been like this.
The nutritionists let them help set up all the wolves’ dinners, showing them portion sizes for each of the wolves, telling them what the wolves’ favorites were. How they celebrated birthdays for them.
It was fun. Steve even cracked some smiles throughout.
That night was rough.
Steve had fallen asleep quickly, much to Eddie’s delight, but it didn’t last long.
Eddie was woken up not long after he fell asleep by whimpering. He glanced at the alarm clock by the bed. 10:38. Barely an hour.
He knew from experience that waking Steve up would just make things worse for him, so he gently set his hand on Steve’s side, the best support he could give right now.
It physically pained Eddie to watch Steve’s face tighten in fear and sadness, whatever his nightmare was this time painting a horrifying picture he couldn’t escape.
Steve had mentioned once that his worst nightmares weren’t even about reliving anything that happened. They weren’t anyone dying, though he had those too. They weren’t even him dying.
They were everyone turning on him, finally seeing he wasn’t worth their time or effort, leaving him alone in that big empty house just like his parents did. He said the worst part was when Robin and Eddie left in the nightmare. When they looked at him with disgust and said he wasn’t good enough for the kids, and he damn sure wasn’t good enough for them.
No matter how many times they told him that would never be true, he still had them.
Ten minutes went by, agonizingly slowly, tears falling down Steve’s face. Eddie was whispering words of comfort, hoping that somehow Steve could hear him, but knowing he probably couldn’t.
But finally, Steve’s eyes opened, the whimpering stopped, and he was no longer hearing and seeing what hurt him the most.
He sat up and wiped his eyes, but the tears kept coming and his breathing was still labored.
Eddie sat up with him, hand on his arm, thumb rubbing back and forth to keep him present.
“I think I need to walk it off,” Steve said, voice wet with tears still to come.
“Okay. Do you want me to come with you?”
Steve shook his head.
“No, go back to sleep. I’ll only be out for a few minutes.”
And as much as Eddie knew that was a lie, and knew he should probably go with Steve, he had to trust him.
He’d be safe. He had to be.
Steve walked aimlessly up and down the main trail for 10 minutes, trying to breathe in the fresh air, focus on his surroundings.
It wasn’t working as well as he’d hoped, but it was better than staying in bed and letting Eddie see him like this.
Eddie was too kind, always. He was bright, like the sun and the stars and the moon on a clear night. He was everything. And if Steve let himself be too vulnerable, too much, Eddie would take that light.
He lost track of where he was going, his breaths coming in sharper pants now as he let more tears fall.
A noise made him freeze.
Leaves rustling.
He looked up to see Herald’s enclosure in front of him. And…
Herald was huge, much bigger than any of the other wolves they’d seen so far. He was beautiful. Scars along his legs showing that he had been abused awfully before coming here, but the rest of him glowed with health. He was standing about eight feet from the fence, trying to hide some of his body still behind the bushes along the forest line.
Steve slowly made his way to the fence, his hands up to show he wasn’t going to cause any harm.
Herald didn’t come closer, but he didn’t back or run away either.
Steve counted that as a win.
He instantly slumped to the ground at the fence, his hands and head resting against the chain links like they were the only thing keeping him upright. Maybe they were.
Steve closed his eyes.
He was so focused on staying calm, he couldn’t hear Herald approach. But he suddenly felt a cold, wet nose against his head.
He didn’t panic, he didn’t want to scare Herald, but he realized suddenly that his fingers were very much easily accessed by sharp teeth.
He let Herald sniff him, then slowly looked up.
Herald was tilting his head at him, almost as if he was asking if he was okay.
That made Steve sob.
Herald jumped slightly, but then moved so he was completely against the fence, laying down so his warm body could be against Steve’s.
Steve slowly let his hands fall, reaching through the fence slowly to let them rest in Herald’s fur.
He felt the wolf sigh, and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yeah, I get it. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone care, huh? You’re so soft,” Steve whispered, knowing Herald was still not completely relaxed around him.
“You tired?”
Steve felt a little silly for asking a wolf a question, but he felt even sillier when he realized Herald had just moved his head up and down. It was probably a coincidence, but the timing was crazy.
“Me too. We should get some sleep.”
Herald huffed and rolled his head back against the fence.
“Want me to stay?”
Herald huffed again.
So Steve stayed.
He sat down on the ground, back against the fence, and listened to the crickets and the steady breaths of Herald.
He was woken up by Eddie shaking him and a growl coming from behind him.
“Steve! Jesus, I thought you’d got lost or died or something.”
“How long have I been out here?”
“It’s nearly two in the morning!”
Herald was growling behind him, protectively pacing behind Steve like he would find a way to get through the fence if Eddie tried to hurt him.
“Hey, Herald, it’s okay. This is Eddie. He’s here with me. He’s my friend,” Steve said calmly, holding his hand through the fence so Herald could sniff him and see he was okay.
“Steve! Get your hand out of there. He isn’t friendly, remember?”
“Oh, please. He just slept by me for hours and let me hold his fur like he was a stuffed animal. He’s plenty friendly.”
Eddie just stared, jaw slack, as he realized Steve was right.
Herald was licking Steve’s hand, leaving his scent on him like he was trying to provide as much protection as possible.
“You made friends with the only wolf here who hates people. Unbelievable.”
“Hey, be nice. He just needs some love is all.”
Eddie nodded. Yeah, him and another person with a name that started with S and rhymed with sleeve.
Eddie’s heart had been racing for the last 15 minutes since he woke up and realized Steve wasn’t in bed next to him or anywhere in the apartment.
He finally took a deep breath, balling his shaking hands into fists and stuffing them into the pocket of his hoodie.
“We should head back inside, Stevie.”
Steve seemed to notice Eddie wasn’t doing so great.
“I’m alright, Eds. Hey, look at me.” Eddie looked at Steve’s face, the way he seemed more relaxed than when he first left after his nightmare. “I’m okay. I must have fallen asleep.”
Eddie took a deep breath, resting his head against Steve’s shoulder as he let it out.
“I thought you were gone.”
“Nah, you can’t get rid of me now.”
“Nope. Herald and I are just good friends, but you’re still-” Steve cut himself off, but Eddie wasn’t going to let that pass.
“Nothing. Not important.”
“Yeah it is. Tell me.”
Steve seemed nervous, and Herald must have sensed it because he let out a low growl.
“It’s just that you mean a lot to me. Kind of everything, actually.”
Eddie couldn’t breathe.
What did that even mean?
Steve’s hand was suddenly in his hair, playing with the ends the way Eddie did when he was nervous.
“You’re just. I mean, how could you not mean the world to me? You dropped everything to come here with me because you knew I wouldn’t do it alone, Eds. You bring me candy at work even though I literally have access to all the candy I want at the counter. You let me find reasons not to watch the scary movies on movie nights when Dustin picks because you know I can’t handle them. You swim in the pool with me alone so no one knows how much I still hate it. I…you’re just…”
Eddie didn’t let him stutter any more, knowing what he was saying without actually saying it.
He knew what Steve was afraid of, and he wasn’t going to let him be scared anymore.
“Steve. I love you. That’s why I do all that. I love you. I’m in love with you. You deserve more than what I can give, but I can keep giving you all of the love I have, and hopefully that will be enough.”
Steve’s lips were on his before he finished speaking, teeth clacking together at the force of it.
Herald huffed, but they didn’t stop. Eddie didn’t know how he was supposed to now that he had Steve’s lips on his.
He never wanted them gone.
His hands reached up to Steve’s neck, cradling his jaw between them as if he was holding something precious. He was.
“I love you so much,” Steve said against his lips, melting against Eddie.
“I love you, Stevie,” Eddie said back. He planted another soft kiss to his lips before resting their foreheads together. “Let’s go back to bed, okay? We can come see Herald after breakfast.”
Steve nodded and turned to Herald.
“I’ll be back. Don’t hide from me, okay?”
He reached in to give Herald’s head a scratch, and Eddie shook his head in disbelief.
It took less than 48 hours for Steve to have the one wolf in this sanctuary who didn’t like people completely wrapped around his finger.
But Eddie could relate.
Steve’s charm was damn near impossible to resist and now he didn’t have to try.
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 month
Actually here's another Billy angst idea just with him being a cyborg/robot, what if he glitches out and is out of commission for days maybe even weeks and then he powers on to see everyone's shocked faces
oml, this has been sitting in my inbox for FAR too long. -> i am so sorry TT^TT
side bar, i was just introduced to the wonderful WiseBilly and BillyBelle agenda, so maybe there will be some of that in the future :D -> not in this fic tho, in case shipping isn't your style
someone legit sent in an ask a few days ago asking me to tag my works with 'fanfiction' so that they could block them all 😀 bc 'they didn't want to block a million different fandom tabs' -> BUT THAT'S LITERALLY WHY I USE A 'KEEP READING' CUT. SO THAT IT'S BITESIZED TO SCROLL PAST 😭 Master List
Something was very
Currently, it was 8:24 in the morning. Nearly an hour past the time Billy normally woke up. And almost excatly the time he knocked on Nicole's door each day to tell her breakfast was ready.
Nothing had crashed yet.
Or shattered. Or banged. Or 'thudded.' Or 'thwacked.'
No one had started yelling.
It was quiet.
Too quiet.
Nicole stared at the ceiling and ignored the growing worry in her gut. It was probably nothing, she conceded. He had used a lot of power yesterday, so... the android was probably just taking an easy morning. God knows he deserved it after everything that had been going on.
Maybe he had found a movie to share with Anby.
...yeah, right. The boss of the Cunning Hares' bursts into quiet giggles thinking about it. Those two couldn't share that old thing to save their lives. It's why the schedule was made.
Her alarm clock buzzes. 8:30.
He'd come knock any second now.
Annny second.
8:31 blips on to the alarm’s face.
Nicole can feel her limbs growing cold- despite the relatively comforting warmth of her bed- and it cements in her stomach like gum.
She was being ridiculous.
Just because the android wasn’t knocking didn’t mean anything was wrong. Billy wasn’t required to do so by any means, it was just a habit he had picked up to make sure they all ate.
…but he did like his routines.
Was he mad at her?
Nicole throws herself out of bed decisively and slams open her door.
“Where’s Billy?”
He's not with Nekomata or Anby, from what the boss can tell from her survey of the room. The two smallest members of the Hares' were cuddled together on the couch. Which was frankly- adorable. In any other situation.
But she had an android to find.
"Billy hasn't come out of his room yet," Nekomata answers, looking somewhat weary of Nicole's warpath. Anby pauses next to her.
"Really? He hasn't?"
The cat thiren suddenly looks very uncomfortable as the Demara's pin her with twin stares.
"There was a rerun of a Starlight Knights special playing this morning, it's why I came to bother you," Anby continues, ignoring her former cuddle buddy's squawk of indignance as she moves to stand up.
"Wh- what? I thought you said you wanted to bond!"
"I can want two things."
Nicole leaves them to their squabbling, striding towards the android's room with deliberate steps. It was far too early for this sort of worry, he better be fine in there-
His door isn't fully closed when she pushes on it. He didn't exactly have a 'room' like the other Hares' did- he didn't exactly need one- but it was sort of mutually agreed that the garage was his domain.
Billy wouldn't leave it open like this if he could help it- not when it could mean unwanted visitors got inside.
Maybe she had a valid reason to be worried...
Or maybe not.
The android is still plugged in and leaning against the wheel of their car, not a scratch on him. His eyes are slanted in as closed as they can get, and his signature red jacket is hung neatly off the ground.
He looked fine.
Why wasn't he awake? Why would he miss an airing of his favorite franchise? Why couldn't the boss hear the familiar whirring and clicking he always gave off?
Something wasn't adding up.
Nicole is pressing her ear to his chest before she can even process she's moved.
The metal is cold as it bites into her cheek, and it's silent.
Anby and Nekomata peek through the doorway, for once taking due care to make their presence loud enough that Nicole can hear them approach. Probably for the best, the boss of the Cunning Hares' felt like a fraying thread about to snap.
There was a burn under her chest, nestled into her ribs like a hot coal she'd been forced into swallowing. Billy didn't move.
Calm down, she scolds herself, There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. He's not dead.
She hoped he wasn't dead.
Wordlessly- because she didn't trust herself to speak yet- Nicole begins checking his dormant form over. The other two join in with a silent nods towards each other.
Anby carefully tilts his head from side to side to examine his neck.
“Wires are fine here.”
There's no damage to his auditory processors either, or his faceplate, or any of the joints visible to them. And they resolutely refused to take his pants off. It didn't matter if he didn't have anything down there- maybe he did, they wouldn't know- that felt... too invasive.
Unless absolutely necessary, that was a bridge that would remain uncrossed.
"Oh-! There! His charging thingamajig!" Nekomata suddenly exclaims, somehow having weaseled her way behind Billy, "It's all burnt around the edges!"
"Burnt!?" Nicole all but flattens the thiren against the wheel as she takes a look for herself.
Sure enough, the silver metal around the cable was a charred black that flaked off onto her fingers. Hm.
The boss of the Cunning Hares finagles the cord out of the port, and yelps when Anby grabs the back of her shirt to fling her away. Nekomata lands next to her.
"Anby! What the hell-" the boss is cut off when she sees the white... powder? Paste? Thing that bubbles up out of the opening. It smells foul, whatever it is, and clings to her tongue in a way that makes her sick.
"That's battery acid," Anby explains, jaw tight in a way that was usually reserved for boss battles, "Given the burn marks, it's likely his battery fried itself and exploded. We shouldn't touch it barehanded."
Billy's battery had what.
Oh, Nicole said that out loud.
"What do you mean exploded," she demands, getting up to her feet.
The smaller Demara throws a pair of latex gloves Nicole's way in lieu of answering. Out of all the Cunning Hares, Anby really was the only one who knew shit about batteries. Well- Billy did too, of course, but..
"It happens when they get too overrun with electricity. Considering that Billy used a lot of power yesterday, only to get accidentally tased by Phaethon right after, there's a 98.96% chance that he overloaded his battery by charging it. If we take care of it before it can corrode any of his wiring, we should be able to minimize the overall damage."
That... sort of made sense. Right. They had an objective now.
Nicole can feel her title as the boss settle over her like a second skin, clarity cutting through the haze of morning and worry like a cut from a blade. She knew what they had to do, now to execute it.
"Ok then," Nicole nods once, overcome with a false sense of confidence, "You're the expert, Anby, what do we need to do?"
For a moment, things don't seem so bleak. Everything was going to be fine, and Billy would be back to his rambunctious big-brother ways in no time.
They end up not having the means to replace the battery- or the skillset to open the android up and remove said battery- so...
"We can't take him to Grace," Nekomata insists, something like a shudder rolling it's way through her spine and tails, "She's so- so weird about him."
"Agreed." Anby nods, crossing her arms sagely, "Grace is out of the question. But we need to get this fixed somehow, and Belobog is the only group close enough that has the skillset we need."
Nicole couldn't help but agree. The last time they had interacted with the eccentric mechanic of Belobog Heavy Industries she had practically glued herself to the android's hip! It didn't matter how many times he had edged away- or downright hid behind one of the girls, she just kept coming on to him!
It didn't help that she also referred to Billy as an it at first; even if she took it in stride when the Hares' had corrected her. Swiftly and firmly corrected her. Anby style.
Billy was not an it.
"What about Phaethon," Nekomata pipes up, her tails moving in swishing waves, "they might know someone!"
"That's right!" Nicole snaps her fingers, and ruffles between the thiren's ears for her good work, "Our dear proxy is sure to have some better information."
In the spirit of fairness, she pats Anby's head too. The smaller Demara had been the one to point out the problem with the android's battery, after all.
Nicole looks to the downed member of their team.
And pats his head.
It felt... wrong, somehow, to leave him out when he was like this.
"Don't worry, Billy," the boss whispers, in some vain hope that it'll reach him, "We'll get you fixed up in no time."
Nicole doesn't realize how badly she'd miss this part of her routine until it was gone.
It'd been three weeks since Billy had gotten repaired.
Three weeks of waiting, three weeks devoid of Starlight Knight references, three weeks of radio silence.
By all accounts, it should be peaceful. But.. in the end, she just missed him. For all her scolding, it had never really been an issue to listen to him ramble. And his optimism always stopped anything from feeling too hopeless on a mission.
Anby had stopped doing the little braid in her hair, the same as she did when that scrapper had taken the android for parts, and even Nicole had stopped putting her own hair in it's little half-up half-down pigtails.
She'd had them even before Billy came barreling into her life, of course, but there had been numerous occasions where she simply felt too tired to want to deal with the hassle of taming her bedhead.
Two black strips of cloth sit innocuously on her nightstand.
"We have to meet up with that contractor today, remember Boss?" Billy had said one morning, as he began to brush through pink frizz- starting at the bottom and slowly worked his way up until it was all neat and shiny.
Nicole hadn't even realized what happened until her hair was already tied up with cute bunny ear bandanas and the android was clipping in her usual barrettes.
That was the moment that had won her over, she thinks privately, as she fiddles with an errant strand.
Her clock buzzes for 8:30.
Time for another quiet day...
knock, knock.
The boss of the Cunning Hares throws herself out of bed, praying to whatever higher power that would listen that this wasn't some sort of cruel joke.
She flings the door open, with maybe too much desperation, but she can't really bring herself to care when-
"Oh- morning, Boss!"
Metal bites into her cheek as Nicole wraps her arms around his lanky build and squeezes until her arms ache. It hurts for a second and it's real, he's real, and he's warm, and he's loud. There's no stench of acid, or charcoal, just the dim whir and click of machinery under his plating.
"Boss-!?" the android startles, hands hovering uselessly around her back before settling gently on her shoulders, "did you.. have a bad dream?"
Something like that, she thinks.
And really, Nicole is more than willing to write it off that way.
bonus: *a few weeks later, after a taxing raid on their resident android* *Billy is sitting in the Remodelling Shop* Enzo, patting Billy's shoulder and wiping his hands clean: Battery's all good. Billy: uh... Boss? Is this really nec- Anby, Nicole, and Nekomata: Yes. Billy: ...okay.
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scekrex · 7 months
Crack fic, I choose you!
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Adam and reader sitting in a park, enjoying the nice day, some other angels on the benches next to them starting up a conversation about kids, not really recognizing Adam without his mask and just some normal clothes instead of his robe, how they adore their kiddos, watching them run around and play and Adma just going "Well, if you're a parent with children, don't leave them around me... PAUSE!! *nervous loud laugh* STOP!! I meant like, I'm going to teach them bad words!". The two angels looking horrified at Adam before chuckling nervously, standing up, getting their kids and flying away, reader absolutely face-palming and wondering why the hell did he marry this dumbass before turning to Adam, smacking the back of his head and going "Absolute idiot. Wait. DID YOU TEACH OUR KID BAD WORDS??? SHE'S FOUR" and Adam just replying with "I DON'T KNOW WHAT, WAS WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH HER???"
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Luv, luv, luv, luv, luv ya 🤌💞
Luv ya even more babes also where did the Adam pics go u used to send w ur asks???? anyway, here ya go, xoxo
Chaotically chaotic
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your little daughter was running around the park, she was a cheerful little girl, full of energy and an extrovert through and through. She made it seem so easy whenever she came up to you with another kid by her side, telling you and Adam about her newest friend.
Adam had decided to leave the house without his mask, a thing he had started doing more often since the two of you had adopted your adorable little daughter. When he had first put it on in front of her, she had started to cry and scream her lungs out and only stopped when Adam took it off again and assured her it was still him. She really didn't like that thing, she'd always trace her hands over Adam's stubbled chin and tell him that he's pretty and he doesn't need to cover his face.
And because that and the fact that the mask scared her, he decided to leave it at home today. That, and because there were other kids around too, other grown ups as well, he just thought it would be a more relaxed environment to let his daughter play in. So he not only ditched the mask but also his robe, instead he was wearing a black T-shirt with an red ‘A’ painted on the front of it, he had done it himself and it certainly did look that way but Adam had simply said it gave the rock vibe he wanted it to have so it didn't really matter.
A couple sat down next to you as they watched their children play with your daughter and had a light hearted conversation. “They grow up so fast, I remember that it was just yesterday when we taught them how to walk properly,” the woman said as she seemed to be reminiscing. “It’s truly amazing how quick they caught onto things,” her husband agreed with a proud nod.
Adam was eager to jump into that conversation, due to the fact that he wasn't dressed like usual and people barely saw him without his mask the couple didn't recognize him. Well, he sure as fuck didn't mind that. “Well, if you're a parent with kids, don't fucking leave them around me,” his words were met with silence and it was just then that he realized what he had said. “Pause, no wait, stop,” he was quick to add, panic was audible in his voice as a nervous laughter escaped him and he avoided looking at the couple, “By that I mean I'm gonna teach ‘em bad words n shit.”
The couple looked at each other, then they looked over to Adam and you, they both seemed absolutely and utterly horrified by what Adam had just said and while the brunette kept assuring them that he had really just been talking about slurs and cuss words, the couple got up with a nervous chuckle and called out for their kids. They were leaving.
You hid your face in your hands in embarrassment and sighed. Once the couple was gone you turned to Adam, “Absolute idiot,” you mumbled as you smacked the back of head lightly, that didn't shake the stupid grin from his lips that had appeared once the angelic couple had left the park. “Remind me why I married your stupid ass again?” you mumbled as you watched your daughter find someone else to play with. “Because my ass is fucking good when it comes to fucking you and,” he gripped your chin and tilted your head his way, “Because I'm irresistible and you love me with every single bit of your shitty little heart.” As if to prove a point he poked your chest playfully.
It was then that realization hit you, “Wait, you taught our daughter bad words?” you asked out of the blue and Adam's confident grin was replaced by a shy smile that gave you enough of an answer. “She’s four!” you exclaimed only to get a “I don't know what I'm supposed to do with her!” back.
You shook your head with a small grin on your lips, typical Adam. “Don’t fucking know, teach her how to play guitar or something.” Adam seemed to actually consider your advice, then gave you a nod in agreement. That wouldn't change anything about how he was going to continue to teach her bad words though, you didn't have to know, at least not now.
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braimrotting · 1 year
im so glad the crows got fed yesterday. i love making my severely paranoid old man even more paranoid and traumatised.
just the little feeling in the back of his mind questioning all his childrens actions - are these my kids? cc!phil is far too sure of himself and his recognition of the eggs for it to impact too much but even little mentions is enough to show that theres more trauma to give!
i just wanna say i knew it was sus that the code only took pictures of phils base and no one elses. they had it planned to mimic chay + lulah for days. im trying so hard to think of why tho. base level, it seems obvious bc maybe they needed 2 codes are these 2 spend all their time together when awake. additionally they were 100% not going to attend the dinner so the codes didnt have to worry about them showing up and ruining the plan.
but they had such barebones knowledge of how the eggs act? surely they mustve known they would be found out quickly (i could maybe get them not expecting phil to figure them out in 1 minute tho) UNLESS they were relying on phil not assuming they were imposters bc this situation had never happened before. that seems like a pretty big risk but the only other thing i can think of is them knowing that phil is somewhat isolated and would not go around telling everyone - which was true bc he only told fit + forever.
the codes were acting so wrong i was genuinely shaking while watching it live. chayanne was taking off his armour + following too close to phil + hitting phil + most importantly not listening to him. tallulah was shaking her maracas constantly + not talking to phil + she also was not listening to him and running away. it was so uncanny and genuinely put me on edge especially when he went back to check their beds and they were still there. they are the most well-behaved eggs and follow phil so diligently, i find it strange the codes didnt look into their personalities at all - i wonder if they got their information from the federation status updates on the eggs and that was it. (this would actually explain why the update came at all actually)
anyways loved the Horrors getting to phil. so unexpected bc everyone was convinced it was going to be a canditates attack - phil was prepping support items. though there was crazy foreshadowing with him walking in and saying it looked like a boss battle. ALSO i saw someone say he may have been targeted for his complete refusal of the federation by not voting at all. extra layer of angst bc he did that to protect the eggs + make sure no one could use them against him.
god i need phil to talk to the order ! he has so much info + theories. whats so wrong w a lil crow wanting the blorbo to be hyper vigilant and a paranoid wreck
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crguang · 13 days
haven’t read kafka’s voice lines in a minute, but I just reread them, and like I need to know more. like her being a devil hunter. why were there devils on her planet in the first place, was it bc of the stellar on or just like smth else. why’d she become one. and it was always interesting to me that it seems like she kind of didn’t like her home planet, obviously she could be lying. ig she wasn’t that close to her family and she probably didn’t have friends bc she’s a loser and isn’t good at connecting w people. And I’m curious abt where and when she started saying "When making friends with someone, keep the right distance, in order to maintain a long-lasting relationship." and firefly thinks she doesn’t believe that? if Kafka didn’t care abt anyone on her home planet ig that would make sense? idk hsjjghsh I’m not coherent enough but I need more Kafka. I do wonder abt how people who can’t feel fear yk survive and all, but idk. Her sea voice like is also interesting like why was that such a personal place?
Also my fighter between the two kafcats os probably the happy one bc she’s just so cute…I want to a symphony a few days ago and I couldn’t stop thinking abt Kafka, like violin=kafka for me. She def would liked it, trust me. On a side note, do u think she’d be concert master? it’s like the best (violin I think) player and everyone tunes to them bc, and they usually get all the violin solos.
and I’m gonna have to clear out some stuff bc I don’t have enough storage for ptn…don’t ask. I know I’ll like it bc women, ugh I should just get more storage.
less than 24 hours til the banners come out im actually terrified, but umm we’ll see. And I have a quiz ig but you def got me covered fr (didn’t know you take comp too)
now that ive read AND listened to her voice lines i find it curious that she seems to have a bit of nostalgia in her tone when talking about the destruction of her planet. like you can tell whenever she has a smile on her face as she says certain lines and she’s always so playful (spent a whole hour just listening to her yesterday im ill) but this line was one of the serious-ish ones. she could be acting all mysterious on purpose but i guess we won’t know until more info comes out…. i really wonder if she had friends or something before because she says she rarely ever saw the same person twice due to her work.
THE SEA VOICE LINE. HELLO. WAS NO ONE GOING TO TELL ME HOW EXCITED SHE GETS?! THE CUTE EMPHASIS ON “fiercest”?!?!?! YOU ALLLLL FAILED ME. she speaks so genuinely as if reminiscing that place then she composes herself after a pause… wow. my baby. she’s so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i also go violin = kafka and omgg going to a symphony sounds so nice i hope u had a great time. straight up unbiased thoughts i think she would get the solos because she seems really rigorous in her practice of the violin despite having a very unstable job. she doesn’t strike me as the type to go for easy to play pieces either, especially when you consider what kind of music she’d like. so she’d work for that solo!!
hope your pulls went well i thought i was gonna be devastated if she came at hard pity but turns out im too happy that shes home at all🥹
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
crimson rivers thoughts (12)
chapter 26
rip james potter’s leg he’s gone full peeta
sirius is visiting reg
reg ☹️
talking about throwing up is arguably the worst part of this fic so far
“It's fine. I didn't even like this shirt. (Sirius really liked this shirt.)”
i am legitimately shaking but i don’t know if this is important so i need to read it
please stop talking about throwing up
poor regulus i feel so bad
and hes throwing up again
i cant even think about this what if i just skim the rest
ok pov switch thank god
oh no i forgot remus has to go back… 
sirius is so considerate
nooo remu
sirius pov again im praying there isn’t any more throwing up
and there it is.
poor regulus ahhhhh i just feel so bad for him like. i want to give him a hug.
why doesn’t regulus want to see james ☹️
sirius is visiting james now
that was sweet. sad, but sweet.
remus pov again
remu ❤️‍🩹
can someone tell me why the rat is my 5th most used emoji
"You're so precious to me, did you know that?"
remus loves sirius (duh)
chapter 27
i’m sad for wolfstar what’s gonna happen
"You can trust that the only person I have an interest in seeing naked is your brother." 😭
this hallow drama is actually hilarious
reggie 💔
i’m scared that pandora is going to die in the future bc we have t seen any of her pov
this is so sad.
no thoughts just sadness.
“i’m collecting them all” i’m glad to see you making jokes reg
"Oh, this is just the bruise finally blooming from where I tripped and fell the moment I saw you,"
this was a lighter chapter but still sad
chapter 28
back to james pov
oh no a nightmare
CRAP I FORGOT ABT MY MATH HOMEWORK it was due yesterday but she hasn’t graded it yet so if i turn it in now she won’t take of points for it being late
math homework is finished! back to reading (suffering)
oh yeah. nightmare. ☹️
"I wasn't supposed to go through this," no james, you were not. i’m sad now (i have been sad)
james leave regulus aloneeee (don’t leave him alone)
shrodinger’s cat mention
i’m actually crying right now.
nooo why are the fighting
james is getting his glasses back soon!!! huzzah
"I don't want to be a great, big tragedy anymore,"
“it’s a parting gift” i’m crying again
regulus and remus friendship <3
“we broke up” “you were together?” 😭
ugh this is so sad. already i’ve cried more times than reading atyd AND choices and ive barely made a dent in cr
oh no interview prep
evan mention 💔
every time i see the word hallow in this fic im like “i need to add this (hallow/hollow) to my list of homophones” and i never do bc im writing all my thoughts in my notes app and my homophones list is in a different folder than my marauders thoughts 
chapter 29
oh me oh my hanky panky happening in this chapter i wonder for who
every time i call sex hanky panky i give myself the ick
"We broke up? This is news to me” james 😭
“No one needs romantic love to be fulfilled as a person. Not everyone wants it, and then there are those who aren't ready, and all of it is okay. That doesn't mean there's an absence of love, or that you're getting it wrong. You're not, Regulus, I promise." 
they’re holding hands (but for sad reasons)
interview time i’m scared
evan ☹️☹️☹️
vanity ☹️☹️☹️
“We love your love, don't we?" 💔
this is so sad omg i genuinely don’t know how im going to survive this
so he’s just been wearing contacts this whole time?
ok i need to go do my duolingo. 
i am back from duolingo.
james telling sirius to go have sex with remus on their last night 😭 i mean fair. they should
"I'm absolutely thinking about your brother right now." oh, james
james telling sirius about him and reg 😭 poor sirius
sirius asking james for tips 💀
“i expect all the details” james fleamont potter 😭
sirius is such a good brother. i love him. 
remus pov !!
“i would not have known joy if i did not have the pleasure of knowing you”
ugh wolfstar. i love you. 
😯 hanky panky
spine has been realigned
ok but any time any of them ever talk about getting off it just makes me think about one time when i was at a district choir concert and when we were practicing one of our songs the director said “there won’t be a dry seat in the audience” (he meant dry eye, bc the song was beautiful, but it just came out like everyone in the audience would dream their pants 😭) but. unnecessary story and it isn’t really that funny unless you were there but. 
chapter 30 (?!)
evan 💔
remus ‘reading’ sirius’ mind 😭
they have to say goodbye ☹️
barty mention!!!!
*singing* i just miss you and i just wish you were a better man
“i love you” eeeeeeeee
omg kissing
and it’s over.
“i don’t want to hurt you anymore” 💔
eeeee they’re kissing again
“it’ll take a while but later—much later—james will look back on this and wonder, sadly, if it was a parting gift, too.” WHAT
sirius kissing the mask so remus will always have a sirius kiss
i love pandora
wolfstar goodbye 💔
the fact that all of this happened in the span of two weeks
effie and monty!!!!!!!!!!
the next chapter is lily… should i read it or go to sleep 
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
(Yes I still got OrangeJuiceVerse Stan on the brain)
It is so important to me that OJV Stan is the most accident prone loser on the PLANET! Like other than Kenny, he’s cooonnnnstantly a disaster magnet also fucking South Park (Patrick Stump Voice: “STOP BY THIS DISASTER TOWN”) this man just forever is a victim of minor injuries. Ojverse Kyle may be the one with chronic pain, but Stan is out here getting hurt in the dumbest ways.
Like he’ll show up to school with one of those cvs finger splints and Kyle will go “dude how’d you break your finger, football?” And Stan is embarrassed as shit like “nah I uhhh opened the door wrong” “how the fuck do you open the door wrong” “idk I just did” smh loser dumbass.
Not to mention that he’s Tall and tall people are very at risk of hitting their heads on shit, he’s definitely *bonked* himself on cabinets and doorframes, also the amount of concussions this man sustained growing up it’s a wonder he has any brain cells left.
Thank GOD the fucker gets sober at 25 because he’s even clumsier when he’s drunk, there was this whole incident in college where he and Kenny, absolutely plastered, wandered over to a nearby park to do drunk parkour while dressed in their Halloween costumes (Kenny was dr frankenfurter and stan was eddie, they did Rocky Horror that year) (also this was referenced here) Kyle was PISSED bc Stan bruised the shit out of his back and yeah he and Ken were in Trouble for like two months.
This guy has totally burnt himself starting fires on camping trips, cut himself washing a knife, got too excited about the sword he bought for his wedding and fully put a hole in the wall slinging it around like stan you loser that thing is SHARP goddamn who let this man get a sword just so he could cut the cake with it (that thing (he definitely named it something stupid) was under Sharon’s protection right up until the ceremony bc my queen knows her fantasy dork son would probably slice his leg open if left unattended lmao)
Literally he’s also such a horrible patient when he gets hurt enough to actually affect his life, like he falls down the Widowmakers in the SP Survivor college house and totally should be wearing a neck brace for a little bit but he WONT bc “marj chill out the dr said it was just encouraged” bruh it literally took Cartman telling him he was a “goddamn hippie-hypocrite” bc everyone knows Stan’s overbearing as hell when anyone else is hurt or sick. When Stan broke his arm in high school he absolutely tried to get kenny to cut the cast off way too early bc it was itchy and stupid lmfao Kyle caught them with a pair of pliers down the plaster and almost lost his shit smh the Disaster Duo is the sole fuel to his high blood pressure hdasfjdhkl.
He really is such a hypocrite too, he’ll be out here running a high ass fever and ignoring it until he stands up and collapses and then he gets mad when someone else does the same shit. On god someone’ll trip and and skin their palms and Stan will be like “dude you gotta be CAREFUL when it’s icy outside” and then they’re just like “Stan I literally watched you eat shit in the parking lot racing Kenny to your truck like, yesterday.” Smh. Also this man does not remember to drink water ever he’s convinced any liquid counts and he SO fainted from dehydration at a student council blood drive in hs (Wendy was working the checkin station and got so mad at him lmfao he was like “wends pls don’t tell Kyle” and she told kyle and then the Red Cross worker is taping his stab hole closed while this boy she didn’t think would be a problem is getting chastised by both of them lmao. But of course he’s on Kenny’s ass to remember to hydrate. And lord during his stint as the school mascot for that one spring semester he’s out here at cheerleading practice reminding all the girlies to drink water and Bebe is like “pack it up Superman” (he totally looks like Superman) “did YOU drink water?” (This dumbass did not)
Anyway OJV Stan my sweet boy he’s well meaning but also accident prone and maybe a little adhd <3
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
Zadie oh my GAWSH!!!
Ok so full disclosure I read this right away but life was like 🤪💥❗️busy for a minute and I wanted to wait till I had the brain power to give this MAGNIFICENT chapter the love it deserved. I’m gonna have to do this in two asks because I have like two different analysis threads in my head and I’m about to talk too much.
First of all. I have said it so many times but you really know HOW to write E2L intimacy. Every aspect of their relationship and encounters (sexual and otherwise) is/are just so perfectly BALANCED between the anger and the desire. It’s beautiful. And it is not easy to do. So many people really try and miss the mark but you NAIL it every time and it’s so incredibly satisfying. (I have read this chapter 3 times.)
I KNEW one of the boys was gonna get drunk and slip up I JUST KNEW IT. And I loved her reaction to finding out. The shock. The gratitude. The curiosity. Just fabulous.
The hints through the chapter that they are less able to fight that pull toward one another… Oh my gosh. I was swooning over the kitten part. AND SHE SMILED CAUSE HE LAUGHED MY HEART JUST BLEW AWAY I WAS HOPING FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS And like… SOMEBODY has to have noticed that they keep STARING at each other so much. Maybe not yet but they are getting really obvious about it. Love that for them.
OK SO NOT THE REVEAL THAT THEY WERE SEXTING AND SENDING NAUGHTY MEDIA. I would be VERY interested to see ANY of that. Bonus chapter someday maybe? That would be WILD.
But ok so this was a monumental encounter for them and it’s almost too much for me to go into. Because there is just a WEALTH of things that are revealed and touched on and it’s absolutely earth shattering. And I’m gonna talk all about it in my other ask 🫣
Also…I have said it so many times. Sunghoon cannot bear to see her in pain and no matter how he justifies it, the urge to help her—to build her up—always comes out. He can’t stop himself. He is fine to hurt her himself (though only really with his words) but he cannot bear when other people do. Like he can’t take it. I think that is the fastest way to get to him—through her. And I wonder if his brother or perhaps his father…did get to him that way. I don’t know why…but I am suspicious…
ANNNYWayS this was incredible! So in awe of your talent and so so so SO insanely grateful that you continue to share with us!
MY SWEETEST LOVE!!!!🥺💗 when i tell you i've literally been rereading this and the following ask so many times bc i just love love LOVE your way with words, i wouldn't even be exaggerating. you sent them yesterday and i just keep going back to them bc it's so mesmerizing to see my characters and storylines from your pov and you always have such an amazing way with words and always know what to say, i will never not giggle and kick my feet bc of your ask. i wish i had the time to actually go into every single one of your paragraphs but unfortunately i cant and yet i hope yoj know what they mean to me. i love and appreciate the time and effort you put into these asks, thank you so, so much 🥺💗🩷🫧
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fangirlstorycreator · 2 years
Hey I have a question 🙏🥺💚what if CK terry fell in love with a student (y/n) but it's a secret and another student finds out And bc of the relationship the students chose Y/n to be the queen kobra but therse another student (the enemy) which tries to sabotage everything but in the end all the cobras stand behind The queen and John and terry see this from somewhere What would be Terry's Reaktion💚🙏sorry it got to long 🥺
Thank you for the ask bibi 😊 I hope you enjoy 💚
Ever since you started training at the cobra kai dojo, everything had improved for you. Not only were you the top student in the class, but you had unexpectedly fallen in love. Your sensei Terry Silver was such a handsome and wonderful man, it didnt matter that he was older than you, you two got on like a house on fire. You both always spent time together outside of the dojo, but neither of you were ready to announce your relationship yet. You wanted to take your time. But that still didnt stop you staying over at his place when you were both in need of a little physical comfort.
Your love life and your karate life was improving, and it was just about to get better. You, out of all the other students had managed to earn your black belt at the highest level in karate, and therefore, John and Terry pulled you aside and had a private conversation with you in the office. "Y/N, we have some good news for you, well more like an offer actualy" John tells you. "Oh really? And what would that be?" He smiles at Terry, and Terry approaches you. "Not only have you earned your black belt, but you have reached the highest level you can on a black belt. And that's what most people need to acquire to become a sensei" Both Terry and John give you a smile and a happy look. "Are you guys asking me if I want to be a sensei?" "What do you say Y/N?" Beeming with happiness, you tell them "Where do I sign?"
A few days later you had just been out for lunch with Terry in the local town, and he was about to meet up with John when you had to see your sister. You both held eachother in a loving embrace before you parted ways. "It was amazing being with you today Y/N, like always" "You too Terry" He smiles warmly at you before leaning down and giving you a slow and passionate kiss. Giving you one last wave, Terry was walking down the street to go and see John, and you made your way into the centre of town. But suddenly, someone jumps out from a corner infront of you. "What the hell! Who are yo- wait a second? Karen? From the dojo?" You recognise her as one of the other students in Terry's class. She was a yellow belt, and to be honest, she wasnt the nicest person there.
"What do you think your doing? Y/N?" "I'm just going about my day Karen, I dont see why I need to explain any of this to you?" "Oh really? Just going about your day huh? And you forgot to mention the fact that you had your tounge down sensei silvers throat!" Was she watching you with Terry? "Excuse me but what the hell has that got to do with you?" "Is this what your doing? Sleeping with the teacher to get a better belt? Why else would you go out with that old b#stard?" Her comments have definitely struck a nerve, you step up on her and give her a hard stare. "You need to be very careful with your words Karen. Firstly, my karate skills got me my belt, not sleeping with a teacher. And secondly, Terry is the kindest and sweetest man I have ever met, and I dont take kindly to people insulting him. So why dont you leave now while you can still use your legs?"
She definitely recognises your threat, and slowly backs up before walking away and leaving you alone. The next day you go to the dojo and see Terry inside the office. "Terry?" "Yes?" "Could I have a word with you? In private?" "Of course sweetheart" He invites you in and closes the door behind you. "Whats wrong sweetheart?" "Its Karen" "Karen? From the lesson?" "Yes, she was spying on us yesterday and confronted me. She thinks I'm sleeping with you just to get a black belt" "Is she serious? What's wrong with her?" "Terry I'm worried that shes going to say, or do something" Terry rests his hand against your cheek. "Dont worry sweetheart, if she tries anything, I will be ready for her" Then he gives you a sweet kiss. "Oh by the way, I hope you dont mind, I told John about us. I felt like it was the right time" "Yeh that's fine Terry, I don't mind. So just out of curiosity.....does this mean we're official now?" "Yes, if you want to be?" "I do Terry" You both share one more kiss before heading outside to talk to the students coming in.
Terry and John stand infront of you and the rest of the students, and John addresses them. "Right class, as you know, one of your fellow students hear today has worked very hard to earn herself a black belt. Well I can also now announce to you, that once we have completed her paperwork, miss Y/N L/N will be joining cobra kai as our newest sensei" All the students clap for you as the announcement is made, all but one. "Oh of course shes going to be a sensei!" Comes a voice from the back. "She gets a black belt, she gets a job, and has anyone wondered why?" Terry takes a step forward to address her. "Karen, Y/N has earned her belt by doing her very best in this lesson. And she has more than earned her new position hear at cobra kai"
"Has she really? Or did she do that by sleeping with you?!" You feel so embarrassed and the students all look confused at Karen. "Yeh you heard right everyone, Y/N has been screwing the teacher! No wonder she is getting all the perks!" "Karen what the hell is wrong with you?!" You shout back to her. "I bet everyone hear sees you as a little whore who gets to the top by getting men on the bottom!" "Now that's enough Karen!" Terry shouts out. "Oh bite me sensei Silver. I know what she is, and now, so does everyone else" She stands at the side of the mat and says "Anyone who agrees with me, can stand over hear, next to me. Anyone who is against Y/N" Your worried about what might happen, but strangely, noone moves. Until all the students form a group, and instead of standing by Karen, they stand by you.
"What's wrong with you guys?! Shes toxic" Then a student addresses her "No Karen, your the one who's toxic" "Yeh!" Shouts another. "Y/N and sensei silvers personal life has nothing to do with any of us, especially you" One more student stands by you and says to Karen "What they want to do it their decisions, their grown adults, which I'm afraid we cant say the same for you" "Excuse me?!" "We know your jealous of Y/N, you always have been. And now that her hard work is has payed off, you just want to destroy that. Well noone hear believes it. Your poisonous words arent working Karen" You cant belive how supportive the other students are of you and Terry. Terry even gives your hand a reassuring squeeze and looks at you in a sweet way, just before talking to Karen.
"Karen, you have come into our dojo and showed everyone what kind of person you are. Your toxic, rude and have no care for anyone but yourself. You have insulted Y/N and tried to systematically alienate her from everyone hear today. I will not tolerate your presence hear. Get out of this dojo and never come back, and if you do, what will we show her class?" Everyone shouts "No mercy!" Karen looks so angry, but there is nothing more she can do or say, like a dog with its tail between its legs, Karen runs out of the dojo. The students all give you a smile and some kind words before heading to get there things to go home, and Terry and John stand beside you. "Well that was eventful" John says, you all look at eachother and begin to chuckle and giggle. "I'm going to lock up the dojo, and I'm guessing you guys are going to go hang out together?" "I think that would be nice" Terry says as he holds your hand. You and Terry say goodbye to John and make your way out to his car. "So where do you fancy going sweetheart?" "I dont mind, anywhere I'm with my handsome boyfriend, I'm happy" "Boyfriend huh? I like the sound of that"
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sqtorux · 4 months
🫁 hello friend <3 i’m so surprised to hear you’re not that good at fluff ?? your fluff works are definitely some of my favs !! i agree that apples are such a luxury … tell me why i rocked up to the supermarket yesterday and they were seven bucks a kilo. why were they seven bucks a kilo. they’re not usually that expensive either so ?? i was genuinely so outraged. also yes i am a cat parent !! i have two lovely cats <3 that love hunting and dragging dead birds in the house for me to toss out <3 
i really enjoyed the premise of the most recent text au <3 i’m generally a huge fan of pre-relationship to newly dating content because it’s such a fun period to read/write about. anyways guess my favourite parts !! it’s going to shock you. suguru (no surprises here) and shouko. 
that’s my girlfriend right there your honour, i’m so happy to see her alive and well in your works. happy to say that every single one of my male favs in jjk might be dead but gege would never kill a woman except for the many, many times he has. utahime you little schemer you. i appreciate the fact every single person is so so blatant here ?? not a drop of subtlety in any of them. shouko’s little “i can drop it if you want me to”? girlkisser girlkisser. in what world is that slick or subtle shouko? in what world is that a casual little thing to say.
are we even surprised i loved every line of suguru’s. he immediately knew what shouko was up to and you know what ?? i respect him so much for jumping on that opportunity. “wonder why you look lonely standing in the corner like that?” just say you want to be by them man LMAO. a normal person would walk up to you and go “hey!” but not this guy. “maybe, but she’s doing a very good job at it.” you little liar you. the only reason that worked is because he was probably already down bad <3 god. him immediately offering to go somewhere more quiet with the reader? i know what you are. full disclosure but every single time someone has done that to me i’ve folded like a wet paper towel. “somewhere quiet would be nice” “very nice indeed. stay there i’m getting you.” and you expect me to just casually live on knowing this man isn’t real.
anyways yes !! loved this post as always. the reason everything is due for me rn is because i am the ceo of procrastinating. i haven’t even been writing so i have no valid excuse for struggling with this workload rn. Embarrassing. hope you’re well friend <3
inflation is not sparing even fruits im crying. two cats!!!!! i love them i love cats they have my heart. ever just look at cats and want to sob hysterically because they're just so... cat like. cat.
noooo bc this time i actually twirled my hair making shoko's i love her sm. also very nice to know suguru has you in his grasp we're so down bad for him understandably so.
dw im a master procrastinator as well there's just something about speed working last minute that hits and it works everytime so why should we change our ways exactly exactly.
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honestmouse20 · 6 months
I am Back from vacation! Thought on new ninjago season under the cut :)
First off, I just wanna say that I watched it at 6am in my hotel room with headphones while my friend slept next to me lol. So I watched it all again yesterday too. Turns out I'd missed a Lot.
I really loved the pacing in this! Each character to me felt like they all had something to do and it all went towards the plot. Wildfyre learned to slow down and let herself heal, Kai and Nya both learned the paitence and tecnique to do Rising Dragon. Lloyd OFC got a Lot to do with his visions and panic attacks! I really liked how they handled his mental health in this one. Cole being back didn't feel forced! he was there bc Bonzal was essential to Ras' plan. Sora got a ton of development and I do wonder if they'll have her learn spinjitzu in part 2. And of course, Arin. Boy is Going Through it. It's a nice parallel to Lloyd also having a rough time. While Lloyd is haunted by possible futures, Arin is terrified of not being Good Enough to contribute to the team Or to make his parents proud.
This post would be hella long if i rambled about everything i loved in this season But I wanna highlight Some of my favs!
Cole and Geo Constantly holding hands and leaning on eachother (and geo's flashback to s1 being changed so they're holidng hands More)
Bonzle's whole arc and how she's a person now! Hella trans implications and also just a really sweet story when they show that she Does have agency and her creator Does recongnize and care for her
Sora and Arin's dymanic continues to be Really Good! I like how the initial excitement for being a ninja has worn off and they're starting to struggle.
Speaking of Arin, I stg that scene of him and Ras fighitng in the last couple episodes makes me think we're gonna get a dark Arin arc. Maybe he won't Stay evil (I don't want him to be a villan but they Could go that way if they want) but seeing Lloyd's reaction to his student turning sides would be very angsty and Very good
Also Lloyd in this was So good! Even tho he's trying very hard to be a Master and the keeper of the monastary, he's struggling and these visions are only making it harder on him. I'm sure we havn't seen the end of these visions and I'm sorta hoping they'll come to some big breaking point for him in part 2. Where he'll have to drag himself back up and Never Quit despite everything falling apart just like the visions said it would
Once again this show made me like kai again lol. HIs relationship with Nya and Wildfyre is So good and you really can see the similarities in how he interacts with them!
lloyd's power confirmed to be life????
why is no one talking abobut that ? did i read it wrong???
Onto some things i didn't Quite like but definatly didn't hate!
Ras' master is like 90 percent gonna be the Overlord. I'm aprehensive on this bc he's not really my favorite villan. Plus like he was Just the villan in crystalized so i feel like it's too soon for him to come back. once again gonna give this show the benefit of the doubt bc they've done a lto of stuff Really Really well. I'm just sorta hoping it's Not the overlord. Plus the powers were golden and that's Not the overlord's colors
what is timeline?????
i thought the shorts were two years after s1 and that s2 was gonna be between the shorts and s1???? but now the shorts are at the Beginning of the season and ryu is a teenage dragon? how long has passed? If it's been a couple years since season 1, it's a little less believable that arin and sora havn't progressed much fruther in their training. also no one Acts like it's been years?? But if it's Not a couple of years and Ryu just Grew up like that it's still a bit iffy. Ik they probably won't tell us exact times but I hope it's implied or Something bc im hella confused
so, tldr: This half of the season was Fantastic! From the animation being Incredible and the relationships between the characters being super interesting and realistic, this season was a ride from start to finish! I'm excited, and a bit scared, to see what part 2 brings!
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liebgotts-lovergirl · 2 years
All For One & One For All
Gallery II Taglist Application II Symbol Guide
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Summary: In trying to tear them apart, Captain Sobel just accidentally brought them closer. A/N: Just a lil friendship flashback blurb thing that came to me while I was working on Chapter 11 & I figured I'd put it out there lol bc platonic friendships are important!! Taglist: @latibvles @softguarnere @brassknucklespeirs @wwhatev3r @mccall-muffin
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6 Months Earlier: March 18th, 1944. Aldbourne, England.
“I’m gonna kill myself,” Don muttered, hauling what felt like the millionth pile of dirt over his shoulder. 
“I’m gonna kill him myself,” Alix replied out of the corner of her mouth, digging her shovel violently into the Earth with renewed vigor, as though spearing Sobel straight through the heart.
“Not if I do it first,” Skip mumbled back to her with a roll of his eyes. “Can you believe this is our fucking Saturday?"
“I don’t remember giving you three permission to speak!” Sobel bellowed from the outside of the ditch, pacing from one end to the other like a caged animal. 
“Sir,” Skip half-panted, in a tone of forced diplomacy. “We’ve been at this since dawn and it’s almost ten now. When can-”
“You will be digging these damn ditches until I tell you to stop, Sergeant Muck!” Sobel interrupted, nostrils flaring.
"Your times from yesterday morning's run were so pathetic that you should be grateful I didn't make you run beforehand!”
Well what did you fucking expect, Alix wanted to retort.
Don was sick as a dog, and both she and Skip were nursing hangovers on zero sleep, having spent most of Thursday night taking care of Malarkey after they returned from the pub.
What the hell did Sobel expect them to be after all that, Olympic fucking medalists?
Digging pointless ditches only to fill them back in was one of Sobel's favorite punishments and the three of them seemed to always be first on his shit-list: Alix for insubordination and her smart mouth, Skip for lateness, and Don seemingly just for existing. 
Don stopped digging to let out another hacking cough into his elbow and Sobel’s nose crinkled disdainfully.
Keeping his head tilted down, Skip still managed to exchange worried glances with Alix. 
Don's flu had only been getting worse under the constant training in the English rain, and his best friends both wondered silently how long Don could remain working before he collapsed.
Finally, the agent resolved to say something.
She couldn't let this asshole Sobel endanger her friend, even if it meant taking on more punishments herself.
“Sir, Mal can barely stand!" Alix protested, pausing from her work momentarily to wipe away the sweat trickling down her forehead.
She was trying her best to remain civil but it was a Herculean effort.
"Punish me and Skip all you'd like but Don is too fucking sick to be here. He needs rest and a doctor before he gets any worse!"
Sobel glared down at her for a moment and Alix could see the cogs turning in his mind before he spoke. 
"It's Martinelli, isn't it?" he asked finally, eyes narrowed as he scrutinized her. "Our Sparrow-in-Training." 
You have my file; you know damn well who I am, Alix wanted to snap, but she managed a "Yes sir" from between gritted teeth.
“Well Martinelli," he spat as though her name was a curse word.
"You don't give the orders around here. I do. And since you three had the worst times yesterday, you will be digging ditches until I tell you otherwise. Is that clear?" 
"Then let me dig Don's section," Alix pushed. "So he doesn't have to." 
"I can help!" Skip volunteered but Sobel ignored them, continuing on his tirade.
"Director Donovan and the OSS might see something special in you, Martinelli, but d’you want to know what I see?” 
Not particularly but I know you're going to tell me, Alix thought dryly but outwardly she held her tongue, glaring down at her shovel as she dug up another round of soil and threw it over her shoulder. 
He was deliberately trying to rankle her by ignoring her concerns about Don's health, framing it as though she were trying to give orders above her station. 
What a piece of shit. 
“I see a spoiled brat who thinks she’s too good to be here because Daddy paid her way into the OSS."
Alix set her jaw but Sobel was just getting started. 
"You may be Donovan's little princess back at HQ," he sneered. "But as long as you are positioned with Easy for your cover, you are under my command and I will not be allowing this type of insubordination to go unpunished. Get out of the ditch." 
Alix's brows knit. 
"Get. Out. Of. The. Ditch." he repeated, overenunciating his words as though she were a child. 
Once she'd climbed out, Sobel, who towered over her at 6 foot 1, regarded her as though she were an ant beneath his boots. 
"Count yourself fortunate that I can't kick you out, Martinelli," he all but snarled at her.
"Because I wouldn't hesitate. You're not cut out for the Airborne." 
"Good thing I didn't sign up for it then, sir." 
Alix's mouth moved faster than her brain sometimes. 
Most times, she thought ruefully. 
A snicker escaped Skip's mouth before he could stop it and Sobel's head whipped around, descending on him like a hawk.
"Do you think insubordination is funny, Sergeant?"
 "N-No sir," Skip choked out, trying to disguise his laughter as coughs. "Not funny at all, sir."  
Sobel was wearing a sanguine smirk, pacing in front of Skip and Alix's section of the ditch as though he were deciding what method of torture would be most appropriate for each of them.
The sadistic bastard was enjoying this. 
"Agent Martinelli," he announced, turning back to lock eyes with Alix. She could see a vein pulsing in his forehead but she kept her eyes focused, squinting in the morning sun. 
She would not be the first to blink.
"Since you seem to enjoy assuming a leadership role when it has not been assigned to you, you will be running the officers' course: 5 miles at full-speed and you will be timed. Your handler ran it in 35 minutes. Since you seem to think you rank even higher, let's see if you can run it in 25." 
Alix drew her bottom lip between her teeth to keep from yelling, biting down so hard that she tasted blood. 
He's insane, she thought to herself. He's officially fucking lost it. 
Another impossible task, and all because she had been a little tired during the morning run.
She could've screamed, especially when she saw the gloating look on Sobel's face.
"I may not be able to kick you out, Martinelli, but by the end of today, you will wish that I had."
"We'll see, sir."
"Muck, Malarkey" Sobel barked, turning his attention to her other friends. "Get out of the ditch." 
Skip exhaled sharply through his nose, as though he was releasing any hope of having a good day, but he too clambered out of the ditch before reaching down to help Don as well.
"Since I would hate to break up the Three fucking Musketeers--"
Sobel's voice was dripping with so much sarcasm that it left Alix seriously considered how much it would cost her to accidentally poison the man's coffee some fine morning.
"You two will be accompanying Agent Martinelli on the Officers' Course. But this is not a playdate, you three. You will be competing. The one with the slowest time will be filling in this unfinished ditch all by themself."
Alix cocked an eyebrow.
She knew the game he was playing. It was the same game that the headmistress played at St. Mary's: trying to pit friends against each other.
Sobel got a real kick out of being divisive and Alix suspected that whatever else was going on in his life, he wanted everyone else to suffer for it too.
Well, tough shit.
She might've actually felt sorry for him if he wasn't such a jackass.
But Sobel was the sort of man who would probably kick puppies for fun.
He was clearly banking on the fact that if they were busy fighting with each other, they'd be less effective against him so he was trying his damnedest to sow some discord between them.
But he didn't know Warren Muck, not like they did.
Skip was the glue that held everything together, the ever-patient mediator.
Don and Alix may have been quick to anger but never him.
Infinitely good-natured, the Skipper wasn't one to hold a grudge and he as well as anyone knew what Sobel's modus operandi was. It would take more than a stupid punishment from Sobel to make him truly angry at either her or Don.
"What are you waiting for?" Sobel shouted, seemingly morbidly overjoyed to watch them struggle through the course. "Get a move on! You're wasting daylight."
"Yes sir," Alix spit with as much venom as she had in her as the three headed off.
"That man is the Devil in jump boots, I swear," Skip remarked from her right side at his usual bounding pace "I'd stake my life on it."
"You're not wrong, Skipper," Don wheezed through another loud cough, his speed starting to lag. "I'm pretty sure he's tryna kill me."
"Sure seems like it," Alix panted in reply, slowing down to match Don's pace. "Sorry I got you guys smoked too though. I would've rather it've just been me."
"No sweat," Skip chirped cheerfully, still practically skipping, true to his name. "Beats digging more stupid ditches!"
Don managed a small grin.
The bounce in Skip's step never seemed to fade, no matter how dark the day.
"And besides," Skip continued. "At least we're all getting smoked together, right? Builds character."
"Well by the time we're done in Aldbourne, we'll probably have the most fucking character of anyone in the damn whole company," Don joked.
"You're welcome," Alix snarked, the heavy footfalls of her boots sending clouds of dirt up like a small stampede.
"Guys, did he really call us the Three fucking Musketeers as an insult," Don laughed, which quickly turned into a sneeze.
"Or was that just a product of my flu-addled imagination?"
"No, it was real," Alix commented with a grin. "Not a bad book either, Les Trois Mousquetaires. I read it at St. Mary's."
"Hey, no kidding!" Skip's face lit up from beside her. "I read it in school too!"
"Weren't they also called--" Don broke off due to another coughing fit and Skip finished for him.
"The Three Inseparables, yep!"
"'We are never seen one without the others...Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, the Three Inseparables.'" Alix recited from memory.
"And D'Artagnan, the extra," Don added. "But he doesn't really count, does he?"
"I know Sobel meant it as an insult but is it terrible that I actually kinda like it?" Skip asked. "'S pretty fitting, I think."
Alix shook her head.
"It's definitely fitting," she piped up in agreement. "Plus, anything that Sobel hates is pretty much automatically my new favorite thing."
"Agreed," Don replied. "But now we need to figure out what're we gonna do about this stupid fucking competition. We'll be at the end soon."
Malarkey was right, Alix mused, trying to ignore the ever-increasing burning of her muscles as they ran.
They were nearing the end of the course and Sobel would soon be expecting two winners and a loser.
Since Malarkey was sick, most likely, Sobel was betting on him finishing last so that he could be forced to fill in the ditch, but neither Skip nor Alix were going to let that happen.
"Well, the answer's right there, isn't it?" Alix commented and both Skip and Don cocked their heads.
"Care to elaborate?" Skip asked at the same time Don managed to choke out "Share" in between a string of thunderous sneezes.
"'Tous pour un, un pour tous!'"
Skip shook his head.
"Sorry, no dice. Translation please?"
"'All for one and one for all,'" Alix answered brightly.
"We finish the race at the same time, together, that way Sobel can't make any one of us fill the ditch in alone. The work'll go much faster between the three of us!"
"'All for one and one for all,'" Skip repeated, a grin spreading across his face. "I love it. You in, Mal?"
"Of course I'm in!" Malarkey piped up. "Man, I can't wait to see the pissed off look on his face when he realizes we won't play his stupid fucking games!"
And Malarkey was right.
The sense of pure triumph and satisfaction that Alix felt watching Sobel's face turn red with fury as the three of them crossed the finish line arm-in-arm was enough to get her sore muscles through even the most strenuous parts of refilling the ditch afterwards.
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thegeminisage · 10 months
rushed tng update bc i am in a HUGE HURRY. monday we watched "q who" and yesterday i caught "samaritan snare" and "up the long ladder."
q who: had been looking forward to this one for WEEKS. and we were SO SO SO CLOSE. i loved every single thing about the borg. i loved their look. i loved the buildup. i loved their creepy little borg babies. i love their creepy cube ship because getting menaced by cubes is the natural state of the enterprise.
they had the perfect opportunity, too...that ensign, gomez? she could have been beamed out of the ship instead of those 18 people dying and they could have seen her when they beamed onto the borg ship. it would have been a wonderful way to impress how different people are once they get borged. that said i did love gomez and i was glad to see her pop back up in another episode. ms motormouth she's so funny she literally just has adhd thank you star trek for the Woman
like, the climax of that was so...anticlimactic. q just warps them back? that's so boring. i was getting ready to give q another chance despite him being SO FUCKING ANNOYING in all his other appearances because he was kind of funny here. like, i see why you guys kept telling me he had something going on with picard. i find it completely horrible just to be clear but i cannot deny that it is going on
AND i loved whatever he had going on with guinan...she was literally ready to get his ass. i loooved her expanded role in this episode and getting to find out more about her
but to have the episode end by q just being like ok i win i;ll take you back now :) come on. we were doing SO well. i was THRILLED. what a case of blueballs. and i checked and apparently only SIX tng episodes deal with the borg? that is so much less than i thought. huge letdown. oh well.
samaritan snare: i really dont understand what they are trying to do with pulaski and picard...is this supposed to be a romantic thing...idgi and i do not like it. like, what's the point of having him almost not survive this operation and then needing HER HELP SPECIFICALLY when he already stated he was uncomfortable with her doing it? the entire thing just rubs me the wrong way.
largely this episode was annoying and i nearly had to stop and close the tab when wesley tried to daddy issues his way into getting picard to parent him
however 2 good things did happen. firstly was the story picard told about getting his ass stabbed when he was an ensign. "a certain giddy warmth actually i laughed out loud" that was something actually.
and the other good thing as when worf was like "you will die without honor. you will never attain the 24th level of awareness" to geordi like i fucking cracked up for real. i wish tng had less unfunny bad humor and more of that because it was hilarious
up the long ladder: this episode was so bad it's UNREAL.
first of all, did worf and pulaski fuck? did that actually happen? they keep trying to make her romantic will picard and then will's dad and now WORF? what is GOING ON on this fucking ship??
i was actually kind of into whatever she and worf had going on when it was just a "let's be reckless idiots and drink the tea" thing because it was just that fucking stupid that it worked its way around to being endearing but every time i make emotional progress with her i am set back. i'm sorry women.
the rest of this episode was also unspeakable bad way to do clones in the most boring way possible and LMAO at them all hating sex or whatever. because it's a way to make them appear more unnatural <3 ok.
even riker slutting it up with that one irish chick couldn't save it because. and i feel insane saying this. every time those guys were onscreen they played like the funny music. you know. when irish characters get the little jig music and it's funny because they're irish? 90s tv did this a lot. shore leave in tos did it too. i'm so exhausted
ALSO LMAOOO TURNING THIS POOR WOMAN INTO BREEDING STOCK...not even asking her...misogyny wins again. i'm sure we can find another woman somewhere dot meme. good fucking god
i don't remember what episodes come next and i don't care because i'm going in release order and guess what was released next. final frontier. spock movie. it's finally time to see him again.....................
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