#my golden retriever prince
filosof-art · 2 months
Edward’s pixel in the opening
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Eddy is so tinny, I’m so happy just to see 2 pixels of him in the opening
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swords-and-starlight · 7 months
i feel the need to remind everyone that Damen’s literally one of the smartest and most well-educated characters in the series. He’s extremely well-read and knowledgeable about military tactics and strategy, which if you didn’t know also includes a huge depth of history knowledge, and his talent comes from both education and years of experience. He’s smart enough to know geography and terrain information of an area he hasn’t needed to have information on in seven years, and even then, the lands they are talking about were in mainland Vere, not Delpha, so his studies were his own initiative. he has favorite poems! HE ENJOYED DEBATING OBSCURE PHILOSOPHY WITH HESTON!!! like y’all Damen is just as intelligent as Laurent, it’s just that Laurent’s intelligence is about manipulation and chess and Damen’s just a nerd.
(also people are gonna be coming for me for this one but i think Damen likes books and libraries a lot more than Laurent ever did)
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lil-darhk · 10 months
I'm gonna jump on another gay show train that I just binge watched
✨Young Royals✨
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hecckyeah · 7 months
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wardenparker · 1 year
Can’t wait for yours & @absurdthirst’s Javi royalty fic 😍
Ohhh, thank you lovely nonny!
Honestly we have so many good projects being worked on right now and I am so excited for all of them -- but Prince Javi is just an absolute dreamboat.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
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Alright, this might take some explaining, but basically this is just like an idea for an au I had based on my friend’s description of the premise of a show she and her mom are watching that I just decided I need to cross over with Cookie Run. Also I liked the premise
I’ll give you the rundown of what she told me right quick. Oh, also disclaimer, I don’t actually know what the show is called, nor do I know the names of any of the characters, since she didn’t tell me, as well as I believe the fact that she didn’t know how to translate the names into English
So basically, our main character is this prince who got exiled from his kingdom for being part of a rebellion. On his way leaving the kingdom, he gets accosted and loses all his magical items (I’m guessing the kingdom was either magic or divine in some way, I don’t remember if she explained), and basically is now stuck at the level of a normal person. So the prince ends up opening an inn in the mountains. Business isn’t the best but he’s getting by. Anyways, one day, a group of thugs comes in and basically demands the prince (he’s hiding his identity so no one knows he’s a prince and think he’s a regular dude, but I don’t know his name, so I’m calling just him that) lets them stay in his rooms, feed them breakfast (and I assume dinner) and basically do their bidding or they take him out. The prince says something along the lines of “you aren’t even worth a single thread on my jacket” and basically refuses. The thugs attack but it just so happens another traveler was at the inn at the time, and they use their martial arts to take out all the thugs, though in the process the inn gets destroyed. The traveler basically says their work here is done, but the prince is like “um no, you destroyed my inn! I can’t pay to have all this repaired, I don’t have that kind of money! You gotta pay for all of this!”. Now see, the traveler is going to this special tower (I think there might have been a tournament there?) which has something at the end of it. We don’t know what the traveler wants from the tower, but they want something. The traveler says to the prince that they’re going to this tower for a tournament and there will be a monetary reward, and once they win they’ll pay the prince back. The prince decides that they’ll go along, saying it’s to make sure they’ll actually keep their word and not run out on their debt (though my friend said that the traveler’s martial art school was known to be reliable and trustworthy, so he could trust them, it was for some other reason that they decided to join that I can’t remember). So yeah, the two set out towards this tower
And so yeah, in my brain as she was explaining this, I was connecting this to Dark Choco, and here we are. So in this au, Dark Choco takes the role of the prince (unsurprisingly), where after his banishment and losing all his stuff (I’m assuming that includes the Strawberry Jam Sword), he sets up an inn somewhere and one day meets a traveler by the name of Peach Cookie, and after an altercation that leaves his inn trashed, Peach promises to pay him back with money from this tournament at a tower (the only tower I know is the Tower of Frozen Waves, so maybe it’s there? But I don’t know much about that tower either), and Dark Choco, a bit suspicious, goes along with her, and they’re off on an adventure together towards this tower
Oh, or maybe this tournament has to do with that competition mentioned in Tiger Lily’s Golden Warrior costume? The one about the Temple in the Sky? Maybe it could be that instead, so it ties in more with actual Cookie Run stuff
Oh and as for the designs, I just wanted them to wear less conspicuous things (also Dark Choco might have lost his armor so he just has regular clothes), since I imagine they’re trying to keep a low profile. But maybe I should have drawn Peach Cookie in her normal outfit, that probably still would have worked. Unless au things change her backstory or something, I haven’t worked it out
I don’t know where this would go, but I thought the premise was neat and wanted to draw it. Also I just kind of want to see these two interact
Anyways yeah, I hope you enjoy the idea at least, even if there’s not much to look at
Edit: The show is called The Blood of Youth
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wednesdays aren't wednesdaying without trystan thorne
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brinnybee · 9 months
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this is my pup Louie and I just want all my mutuals to see him because you're all honorary Cool Dog-Godparents
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poems-of-a-lover · 10 months
ohm y god.....oh my go d.......what if i go insane.
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honeydropletsdoodles · 9 months
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Also I do this for my subscribers on Twitch, I know the sweetest people I swear!
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starsdeath · 10 months
kissing your lover in a moment of sheer joy . (Dimitri and shez. I was checking that ship bias Winkle wonkle~)
Shez knew how to wield a sword, had been practicing with one since before they left their home village (if it could be called practice then, since it was more swinging a stick with the enthusiasm of a child lost in daydreams of adventure), and had made their trade as a merc using one. Using an axe was an entirely different matter, and yet, they decided to pick up the challenge. Fewer ways there were to stay in top form then also expanding your knowledge of other fighting forms, and if they could use a couple axe based tricks with their dual swords, all the better for them in the long run.
Of course, they had to make it even more challenging for themself in asking Dimitri to spar with them while they learned. He always knew how to push them to their limits in a spar, and considering they were in the middle of a war, they figured it would help accelerate their training. It was brutal though, and they hadn't won a single match yet (infuriating, but they were determined to win at least once).
Which is why, when they finally managed to disarm Dimitri and knock him onto his back, they froze is surprise. It took a few seconds before their face split into a bright grin, they slammed their axe point down into the ground, and genuinely jumped in their air with a fist pump for joy. "I did it!" The joy was palpable and rang in the air as they jumped at Dimitri, not really forgetting he was on the ground, but also not truly aware of it, and partially tackling him back down as he was trying to stand. Grabbing his face, they kissed him, their satisfaction in this match practically radiating off of them. "Thank you Dimi, I couldn't have done this without your help." A brief brush of their nose against his, and then they were crawling off to offer him a hand up. "Let's celebrate in the dining hall! Whaddya say?"
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ynsvnte · 1 month
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Lady Love ! — Sim Jaeyun
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Genre: arranged marriage, strangers to lovers, drabble, royal au, fluff?
wc: 985
warnings: petnames (sweetheart), one kiss
pairing: prince!jake x princess!reader
Synopsis: you hated the fact you were being sent off to get married. You don’t even know your future husband. You thought badly of him..only to find out the quite opposite
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You sighed, staring out the window of the carriage.. you didn’t want to meet your so called future husband. It’s stupid on how your parents chose your spouse for you.. and their reasoning being “Oh! We must keep this tradition alive!” Well you don’t like this tradition. Seriously, how does your own mother think that when she got with your father the same way? You look over to see a castle from a distance. The carriage slowly came to a stop. You wanted to just disappear. You don’t know whether you are nervous or annoyed, probably maybe even both. You try to shake off the feeling. You hear the door opening, facing the direction.. your bodyguard comes in sight announcing..
“We have arrived Princess..Yn..” He says moving to the side to let you get through while holding his hand out. You take his hand carefully stepping out of your carriage. You admire the Greek styled castle.. that’s until you hear your mother’s voice.
“Yn! You’ve arrived my sweetheart..I thought you got lost on your way here!” She said with worry.. you shake your head.. slightly embarrassed.
“No..sorry mother for taking a little longer..” you say hoping to ease her a bit. Your mother sighs in relief before your father speaks up.
“Come on now.. we’ve come here for one reason and we don’t want to keep him waiting..” you wanted to roll your eyes. Since when did you agree to this!?! Never. You don’t get why you don’t choose on your own.
“Yes..father..” you say with a polite voice.. oh how you wanted to shout at his face.. you all approach the castle’s door.. slowly opening.. it reveals a long hallway full of butlers and maids ready to take any command. They all stare at you making you a little nervous. Not like you were nervous a whole lot.
“Your highness.. the family is waiting for you in the meeting room..” one maid said bowing. “Follow me..” she added.. you follow her, your nerves going up each second as you get closer. You wonder how he looks, how he acts, what would he think of you? Questions were quickly filling up your mind to the point you didn’t realize you'd arrived at the door..
“Yn.? Yn? Sweetie?” You heard your name ring called. You slightly shake a bit before facing your mother.. “Y-yes..?” You asked..fidgeting with your fingers.. “Are you alright??” she looks at your concern. “Huh..yeah I’m fine..” totally fine.. NO! You were a mess!! Of course you weren’t fine. “Oh alright, are you ready?..” What?!?! No!?! If you could, you'd definitely jump off a bridge. “I guess..” nope.
With that you walk into the room seeing the old couple sitting down discussing something until they notice your presence. Stopping, they smile at you softly. They don’t seem that bad..but that doesn’t mean the same as for their son.
“You must be yn..” the old man asked. You nodded your head.. “Yes, your highness, that would be me.” You said politely, bowing. “No need to be formal..as you’ll be marrying my son..” you put on a fake smile.. hoping it was somewhat believable. You take a seat..somewhat calmer than before. You sit in your seat as your parents talk with his parents. You can’t believe these two will be your in-laws. You sigh with boredom. Your gaze lands in the stained glass window.. the sunlight leaving a beautiful color on the table. That’s when you hear a deep voice.
“Sorry for being late mother and father..” it’s him.. you don’t want to turn around but can’t help it. “Oh my son!” His dad says cheerfully getting up and walking towards him. You slowly turn around and see him. You’re beyond shocked he was..very.. handsome.. very much your type. He looks like a golden retriever of some sort.. his presence felt so..bubbly. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. Air caught in your throat. His black hair is nicely styled, brown eyes with a sparkle, and oh, that sweet smile of his.. but looks can’t say all. The prince.. greets his parents before greeting yours. Your eyes followed his every movement. He eventually turned his direction towards you. You quickly get up too much for your liking, and bow..
“It’s nice to meet you..?” The prince starts off.. “Yn…” you say softly. Your heart skips a beat. “Yn..lovely name..” He takes your hand and kisses it.. “Name’s Jaeyun.. but just call me Jake, sweetheart..” Sweetheart oh you could definitely faint on the spot.
“How about you two get to know a little more about each other..” his mother suggested.. “Of course mother.. here come with me..” he says before taking your wrist in his hand. He takes you over to the backyard revealing a huge field..
“So yn.. I’ll be marrying you..” Right.. “yeah..” you said awkwardly.. “Not bad..I wasn’t expecting someone like you.. more quiet than most..and definitely very very beautiful..” oh gosh he just called you beautiful. You can feel your face getting warm, maybe it’s just the weather. “Thank you..” Jake nodded his head.. “I didn’t agree to this.. parents choice.. but now that I think about it I don’t mind at all now..” Jake adds leaving you stunned so he felt the same way.. “Huh..me too.” You say with wide eyes looking at him.. Jake could just kiss you right now, but he had some self control in him. “Feelings are mutual..so you don’t mind being my wife?” Oh now he was teasing you. “What? I never said anything..”
“I know but the way your body language is speaking right now says the opposite, but don’t worry sweetheart.. I don’t mind you being my wife.” Jake says before kissing you on the lips and walking away leaving you flustered. Oh boy were you so happy.
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Author’s Note: I did it yay! Umm I thought of this out of nowhere and just liked the idea so here it is .. this was what I was straying to finish.
© ynsvnte copyright 2024
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flwrstqr · 4 months
enhypen having a crush on you
pairings: idol!enhypen x fem idol!reader | genre: fluff | wc: 1200+ | prompt: ENHYPEN members when they have a crush on you as an idol | warnings: not proofread | LIBRARY FOR MORE...
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이희승 (lhs)
this man has the fattest crush on you ever. he loves your music, your beauty, your personality, and more (the list can go on). when his manager told him you would be doing a challenge with him for your comeback, he was like 😮. he was so nervous, practicing your challenge 24/7 in the dorms, in the gym, in the car, and at music bank. when you finally meet, he eats up the challenge (as usual). you give him a signed album of yours as a gift, and let me tell you, this man was so excited about it. but as usual, he kept his face with just a smile. other than that, heeseung was astonished by how beautiful and sweet you are both on camera and in real life. when he comes home, of course, he hangs up your signed album on the wall.
박종성 (pjy)
jay fell in love with you mainly for your music and talent but later on, he starts to love your beauty + personality as well. so a long time ago, he watched a video of you doing a cover of a beabadoobee song with a guitar and then thats when hes like 🫢. he was so in love with your voice, like he was hypnotized. and then unexpectedly months later, he gets told he's gonna do a cover with you. like bro is so flabbergasted from that news, he can't think straight. he would just be like 🧍‍♂️for like a couple minutes after his manager told him. then when you guys start recording the live version, he messes up so badly at first take cause he was so nervous to be around you. you tell him that he's doing great which causes him to get butterflies on how sweet you were. then you guys finally get a good take!! after the whole recording, you exchange numbers with him.
심재윤 (sjy)
so first of all, you and jake are called to be like really "similar". both of you guys had a golden retriever type of personality, similar mbtis, and act quite similar. so obviously when you guys were called like twins or similar, thats when jake fell in love with you. when he saw a news article about this, he would like search you up and look more about you. like he would be like "hmm let me see if this girl is worth my personality". then he would fall in love. he loved your personality and your looks and everything about you, right away. as more and more articles rise about you and jake, hybe thought it would be a great idea to use that popularity as an advantage to put those 2 in a music bank interview together. when you guys are in the interview together, before the camera rolled you guys were just awkwardly looking around the room. and then eunchae and chaemin did their little intro and you + other member and jake + other member comes into the scene. after the whole interview, he would like kind of be forced by jungwon to say hi to you (which went a little too awkward). but then you said a sweet hi back which gave him the most biggest butterflies in his stomach. after that, he would be so proud on saying just 1 word to you. like he would have the most biggest smile in the car, replaying the scene.
you were a famous ex-ice skater (like sunghoon). fun fact, sunghoon and you competed when you guys were ice skaters. so many fans shipped you two, calling you guys the ice prince and the ice princess. which like before you were even an idol, sunghoon admired you so much. he would love the way you skated and how pretty you were. he was really whipped for you. but after you two became idols, you guys met at music bank. the conversation would be a bit awkward even though he met you before + you guys were ex skaters together. but as the awkward person sunghoon was, he just was like talking a bit quietly (mainly cause he was nervous). after the small talk, you guys exchanged your numbers and became friends. a couple of weeks later, you guys go on a small cafe hang out. as expected fans caught this on camera and started a rumor that you guys were dating. but inside sunghoon was so happy. he was waiting for this day to happen. hybe didn't deny any rumors cause i mean they were friends technically not dating but hybe was like "im gonna ship them too cus their cute" so they said nothing. which sparked more rumors and now you and sunghoon are #1 trending on twt.
김선우 (ksn)
so his story is kind of different, he was your predebut stan. you came from a survival show too (under HYBE) so he watched your whole survival show cause he was bored. that's when he met you (watched on the show), and he was so impressed by your talent and skill. he would vote you personally on his phone like every single week. finally after you debuted, he was cheering. and let me tell you, this man is like #1 fan of your group. he knows every song + every single choreography + the whole fan chant. and then that's when you invited all HYBE groups to your group's upcoming concert in Seoul. so obviously, sunoo goes. and he has your lightstick already and he is screaming. of course some fans were impressed how well he knew the group and some fans saying he's probably a huge stan (which he is). then he would go permitted to go backstage where he meets you. you greet him and fun fact, your personalities unexpectedly match. you guys take a photo together. and then you post it on your insta, thanking him for coming. after that, you guys were practically best friends.
양정원 (yjw)
you were a MC at a music show, and jungwon had a big crush on you. he would be so nervous around you every time he had an interview at the music show that you were MC of. when you guys did challenges together, he would be even more nervous. not until he was invited to be a substitute MC partner with you at one of the music shows. he would be so honored, like he would not hesitate and say yes. when it's the day, he messes up one of the lines but as a professional, he hides it up. he just felt too tensed and nervous around his lohl. not to mention, your guys' chemistry is insane. a lot of fans after loved this MC and begged HYBE to keep it (which HYBE thought of). after the whole interviews and challenges, you guys exchange numbers and became friends.
西村力 (nsr)
known for your dancing, you were given the title "fourth gen dance queen," and ni-ki, also known for his dancing, was given the title "fourth gen dance prodigy". of course, as expected, the two were put together in a room to do a dance cover together. when you guys first met, you were so awkward. he would be like 😀 this the whole entire practice session. after that, you guys grew less and less awkward. that's when ni-ki starts realizing he likes you. he starts to admire you and when his hyungs are looking, he would watch your videos of dancing, singing, and rapping. he was truly in love with you when you guys recorded the dance cover. the way you guys teased eachother and talked was so cute. at the end, you guys were like best friends in love.
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bunnliix · 9 days
When Eight Becomes Nine - Chapter Four
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I have so much motivation for this series currently, so y'all are getting a bunch of updates for it hehe
Pairing: Ateez x 9th member!reader Summary: Y/n meets Wooyoung, the other omega in Ateez, and Hongjoong gets what is coming to him, via an angry Seonghwa wc: 2k AU: a/b/o Genre: Fluff/Angst Nets: @newworldnet warnings: Yelling, physical violence (slapping), Angry Seonghwa, Angst, Hongjoong is having a time in this chapter, anxiety, lots of playfulness between Wooyoung and other members, mentions of anxiety and being overwhelmed, I think that's it? masterlist
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Y/n couldn’t say anything as Seonghwa pulled her behind him as he took her to wherever Wooyoung was within the building.
“I’m sure you’ll get along well with Wooyoung-ah. He’s so friendly, and he’ll enjoy having another omega to play around with. I can’t believe you’re the only omega that made it to this point. And because of that, I’ll give you my number, so don’t hesitate to call me if you need help, okay? I want to make sure you’re okay, us omegas have to stick together. Plus, between you and I, I want another omega in the group, we’re way outnumbered by the betas and alphas in the group. But don’t tell anyone I said that, they don’t need to know.” Seonghwa kept going on, and she just kept humming and nodding at the appropriate times, as she was a bit overwhelmed, but she kept her scent under control, not wanting to make the older omega aware of how she was feeling.
It seemed to work, as he didn’t seem to notice her nerves. Only moments later, they arrive at a door, the idol opening it and pulling her inside.
“Wooyoung-ah! I brought you a friend!” Seonghwa called out to the younger member, who looked up at him.
“What poor soul did you kidnap this time, hyung?” Wooyoung said, trying to see who was behind Seonghwa.
“She’s not a poor soul! Look, one of the auditionees is an omega! So I brought her here. She’s the only omega in that group, surrounded by a bunch of alphas and betas. I couldn’t leave her alone with them, not when I could bring her here, so she can have some quality time with her own subgender.” Seonghwa told him, his told hinting at the tiniest amount of scolding for the younger omega as well.
“Did you agree, or did hyung drag you here?” Wooyoung asked y/n, directing the attention onto her, as she realized Wooyoung wasn’t the only one in the room. 
“Yah!” Seonghwa interrupted her answer by an offended yell.
“I’ll take that as the latter is the truth. I’m sorry for Seonghwa-hyung’s stupid actions, I swear he usually isn’t this stupid.” Wooyoung apologized, quickly running away with a grin on his face as the elder omega let her hand go in favor of chasing after the younger man.
It was at that point that she realized exactly who else was in the room, as San and Yunho came up to her.
“Y/n, right? How did Seonghwa hyung meet you and bring you here?” Yunho asked her, his head tilted, really making the fan comparison to a golden retriever much more obvious.
“Seonghwa-ssi found the group of us out in the hallway across from the studio, and when he found out I’m an omega, he brought me here to meet Wooyoung-ssi.” She explained, her voice a bit quiet as she felt a bit out of place.
“Ahh, that makes sense. Well, come on and sit down with us, they’ll be occupied for a while.” San interjected, before guiding her over to the area the two had been sat down at, alongside the last two remaining members she had yet to meet.
“Jongho, Yeosang, meet y/n. She’s one of the candidates for our new member, and the only omega candidate as well.” San introduced her.
“Ah, that’s why he brought you here. Seonghwa-hyung always latches on to any omega he finds.” Jongho commented.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Yeosang, though I think you already know that.” Yeosang said, a kind smile on his face that made y/n blush slightly, as she could feel her cheeks heat up.
Yeosang really was a fairy prince, she couldn’t believe how pretty he was, he looked even more ethereal in person.
“Come on, sit down here.” San instructed her, pointing to the empty chair that he had been sitting in prior. The beta had moved onto the couch with Yeosang and Jongho, slightly squishing the two on the couch that was definitely not meant for three people.
She sat down, still nervous at casually sitting around with half of Ateez like it was nothing.
“Don’t be nervous, it’s okay. We’re just normal people.” Yunho told her after noticing her nervousness, a soft smile on his face as he looked over at her.
“Ah, it seems that the others have kidnapped you.” Seonghwa said from just behind her, making her jump in her seat. Wooyoung scoffed at Seonghwa’s actions.
“Give her a little warning, huh? Let’s not scare a prospective member. I’m sorry for Seonghwa’s actions, y/n. That’s your name, right? I’m pronouncing it correctly too?” Wooyoung once again apologized for his hyung’s actions, though this time he was more sincere, not as intent on getting on the elder omega’s nerves.
She confirmed that he had pronounced his name correctly, thanking him for asking. The slightly older omega smiled and waved away her thanks, saying it was the right thing to do, as no one likes their name being mispronounced. He moved to sit on the arm of the chair she was sitting in, looking down at her. “You’re pretty cute, y’know that? I’m sure you look prettier with a blush on your face however.”
His words caught her off guard, and she couldn’t look at him, instead choosing to hide her face in her hands, to the laughter of everyone else. Which only served to make her hide her face even further. Thankfully, Seonghwa was her savior once again.
“Okay, let’s not laugh at her, I think it’s only making her hide more.” The eldest member lightly scolded the others, and y/n felt safe enough to look up once again, only to find Wooyoung had moved to squat right in front of her.
“Let’s go!” He told her, grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the chair, and soon, out of the room. “Seonghwa-hyung is about to go murder Hongjoongie-hyung for his actions, so I’m taking you far away. We’re gonna go visit our dongsaengs!”
Back to the Seonghwa and the others…
The four men watched as Wooyoung dragged the other omega out the door behind him, and they chuckled at his actions, absolutely expecting for that to happen.
“Well, I’m leaving now as well. Someone needs to scold our captain.” Seonghwa informed the other four.
“What did he do now?” Yeosang questioned.
“He was rude to y/n and the other auditionees. He kicked them out of the studio, which is unacceptable.” Seonghwa told them, a frown on his face.
The four men weren’t surprised at their captain’s actions, though they were surprised Mingi didn’t try to stop him.
“Well, I’m off now. I’ll come back later. Keep an eye out for the two omegas, yes?” He said, to which he received nods in return.
Seonghwa set out to scold his pack alpha, disappointed in his actions. He was an omega on a mission, and he wouldn’t be dissuaded from his goal. He quickly reached the studio where the two remaining members of their group had sequestered themselves, and by the time he returned to the area, the auditionees had disappeared, most likely taken to wherever they were staying. He pushed open the door, the force behind it making it almost slam against the wall, which caught the attention of the two men inside.
“Seonghwa, darling! Why are you here? I’m surprised that you came all the way over here. Did we forget something today? I’m sorry if we did, Mingi and I got really invested in this new song we’re preparing for the comeback next year.” Hongjoong rambled, maybe already knowing that he was in trouble.
“Sure. It’s definitely not because you yelled and got upset with the auditionees for something they didn’t know about, and who are innocent bystanders caught between your valid dislike of KQ decisions, and the company’s decision to bring in a new member. No matter how valid your feelings are, Kim Hongjoong, it doesn’t excuse that you got upset at people who have nothing to do with the situation.” Seonghwa told him, moving closer as he did so.
“I don’t want a new member, we’re fine as we are now. They should know that they’re not joining a group that wants them. If they know, then at least they won’t be coming in blind.” Hongjoong tried to defend his actions.
Seonghwa was fed up with his excuses, and slapped his pack alpha. The slap was enough to make Hongjoong’s head turn to the side,and the action shocked both of the alphas in the room. Seonghwa had never done that before, no matter how angry he had gotten at any of them.
“You made them stand out in the hallway, and I know you, you gave them the most difficult songs, just so you could see them not live up to your standards, knowing that none of them have been through idol training. So that you could falsely justify that none of them fit as a part of Ateez. So don’t try and justify your actions. I thought that you could put your frustrations aside, and not take them out on innocents. But I guess I didn’t know you as well as I thought I did. Because this is not the Kim Hongjoong I know, nor the pack alpha I know.” Seonghwa said, as he stared down Ateez’s captain with a look of pure disappointment in his eyes.
“I can’t stand to be here. Apologize to the group of auditionees if you want me to talk to you again.” Seonghwa told him, before turning around and walking out the door, ignoring Hongjoong’s pleas for the pack omega to come back.
“You fucked up, hyung. And now you have to fix it. You were right, none of us are happy to get a new member. But at least the others are hiding their feelings, and at least trying to be welcoming. Instead, you never hid your distaste for this whole situation. Sure, maybe they now know that you, nor the rest of us weren’t informed about until yesterday. But now you’ve gone and basically told them that they’re not wanted, that they’re never going to meet your standards for Ateez. I’d bet a good few of them are Atinys, and you really just went against everything you’ve ever said to Atiny. I wonder how many of them will leave Seoul at the end of this, not trusting a word we say, ever again. How many of them you may have just ruined Ateez for. Good luck fixing this hyung.” Mingi lectured Hongjoong, before getting up and leaving himself.
Hongjoong stared at the door as it closed behind Mingi, leaving the alpha in the room by himself, and suddenly everything felt like too much. He only wanted to protect his members. Ateez was his baby, he’s worked on every song and concept and he resented the company for forcing another member on them. For forcing him to now have to change the lore, the line distribution, to have to change it for every single title track. And they’re so close to their next comeback, how are they supposed to refilm music videos, re-record songs, on such short notice? He leaned over the desk, his head in his hands, and he felt tears fall. He had disappointed Seonghwa, Mingi, and probably the others too. He’d have to figure out a way out of this mess, and fix everything. He realized in that moment, just how much he had fucked up.
Hours later, after never hearing anything from their pack alpha, Seonghwa made the trip back to the same studio. Inside, he found Hongjoong in the same chair he left him in, his head laying on the desk and evidence of dried tear tracks on his cheeks. He sighed, leaving the studio temporarily, coming back with a blanket from Hongjoong’s personal studio and laying it over the alpha’s shoulders. He still didn’t want to talk to the man, but he wouldn’t leave him alone like this.
“Chan-hyung, can I ask you for a favor?”
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f1version · 1 year
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader (she/her)
summary: After a long season, you and Daniel go on a road trip and post some pictures on your .jpg accounts! (let’s pretend they have internet)
note: i love him so much you have no idea
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daniel3.jpg • Montana
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Liked by yn.jpg, maxverstappen1 and 812,124 others
daniel3.jpg I missed her so much this season that we decided to go around montana, this week i’ll be a y/n fanpage
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yourusername YOU STOLE MY IDEA
danielricciardo oops
yourusername guys MY account was going to become a danny ric fanpage. he’s a thief.
danielricciardo was?
yourusername i’m rethinking my life choices
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Liked by daniel3.jpg, landonorris and 425,716 others
yn.jpg i’m a danny ric fanpage now or whatever.
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daniel3.jpg this is so cute babe 🫶🏽🫶🏽
yn.jpg stfu 🙄🙄
lando.jpg he ugly
lando.jpg yes mother 🫡🫡🫡
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Liked by yn.jpg, redbullracing and 516,971 others
daniel3.jpg HER 🌟❤️💞💗❤️✨��‼️
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redbullracing WAG!!!!
yn.jpg ADMIN!!!!
daniel3.jpg admin are u trying to steal my gf?
redbullracing 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
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Liked by daniel3.jpg, lando.jpg and 861,525 others
yn.jpg i present you the most stunning, breathtaking, heartstopping, shockingly beautiful photo of danny i’ve ever taken.
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daniel3.jpg rbr admin could never
redbullracing fight me >:(
maxverstappen1 thank you for your service
lando.jpg a true hero
scottyjames31 irl superman
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Liked by yn.jpg, pierregasly and 981,352 others
daniel3.jpg here are the captions of each slide:
1/6 i ❤️ montana
2/6 my beautiful photographer
3/6 she said she could do it alone (she did, at the end)
4/6 i’ll eat her
5/6 y/n decided to clean the car mid trip
6/6 golden retriever on the lose
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yn.jpg this is adorable but WHY WOULD YOU EXPOSE MY CLIMBING STRUGGLE ?????
yn.jpg I HATE YOU
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Liked by daniel3.jpg and 716,653 others
yn.jpg he’s so love story (taylor’s version)
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lando.jpg that was awfully cute and disgusting
daniel3.jpg LANDO now i’ll never know if she said yes 😭
lando.jpg I THOUGHT YOU WERE DONE ????
“Montana” Instagram Highlights by danielricciardo
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brinnybee · 8 months
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look at my dog (said pleadingly, so filled with wretched wonderful affection for this weird beast that just lives here)
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