#my grandma made baby blankets for all her grandkids for when we have kids of our own
savethepinecones · 1 year
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he loves his quilt
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
Has life been good to you?
A.N.: This is a future!fic, westallen are elderly people in this story. It’s date night for them. If you have any constructive criticism, tell me, but don’t be mean about it, please. I hope you enjoy this fic! (also I don’t own any characters or setting related to the flash tv show or the comics)  
Her joints ache as she puts away a finished book. She slowly walks around the room, searching for her tablet to play a card game. The room is quiet, lit with the glow of the sun. It filtered through the redwoods surrounding their cabin. This cabin used to belong to Barry’s father, but after the kids proved fine on their own and no one needed the Flash, they retired to it. It was quaint and quiet. It was odd at first, but then it became a gift. She felt more relaxed than she has in a while. Life never became lonely either, not with the ability to portal anywhere. 
Iris found her crossword puzzle and settled down in the big red armchair in the living room. Today is date ‘night’. Well more like date afternoon, Iris is almost 75 she’s going to bed earlier and earlier. Barry had gone out to the store to buy some forgotten stuff for dinner. He was still a lot more nimble than Iris in his old age. On good days he could carry her to their bed, but usually he just threaded his arm through hers and walked her to bed. She was grateful for it, Iris underestimated Grandma Esther when she was watching Iris. Doing most things in her old age was a lot harder than it seems. Barry helped her a lot though which she thinks he likes. It makes him feel needed, she figures. 
After about an hour Iris heard the door opening. “Hey honey I’m back.” Barry entered the house carrying two paper bags filled with stuff.
Iris put down her crossword, “Hi baby, do you need any help with the groceries?” 
“No, I just needed these things.” Barry peaked his head over the wall to give her a sheepish smile. Iris arched her eyebrow curiously at her husband. “I may have gotten more than I needed.” 
Iris gave her husband a look but smiled.  “It’s alright, we probably don’t have to go shopping soon then.”
Barry finished putting away all the groceries. He sped over to his wife. “I don’t think so. I bought wine and mint chocolate chip ice cream.”
Iris’s eyes lit up. “You bought wine and mint chocolate chip! Oh, can we have it for dinner?” Iris squeezed her husband’s hand and pouted at him.
Barry looked at Iris fondly. His free hand swept a loose gray curl behind her ear. “Yeah, but for dessert. I’m making lasagna for us.”
“Need any help?”  
“No it’s ok. Lasagna’s easy to make.” Barry also didn’t want Iris in the kitchen since she couldn’t cook that well even after all this time. She glared at him but stayed where she was. Barry leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. 
After turning on the music, Barry bustled around the kitchen preparing the lasagna. Iris hummed softly to the music as she told her husband a bizarre story that apparently happened to their granddaughter. She had dressed up as a chicken in an attempt to vandalize her rival school, but when she heard of a man intent on ill will towards old ladies, she, in a chicken costume, took her friends, also in chicken costumes, took him down. Thankfully they beat him, sustaining only minor injuries. 
Barry’s eyebrows shot up. “Her first time fighting crime was in a chicken suit?” 
Iris laughed out loud. “Mhm. Joey and Melanie were not amused when they found out. Joey called me almost raving about how irresponsible those kids were. It took a lot of effort to not laugh. Once he realized what he was complaining about he apologized, to both of us.” 
Barry chuckled. “Moments like these remind me why Joe said he couldn’t wait for us to have kids. I’m glad they’re ok. You think Cisco’s fuming that his great-niece went out super-heroing and not only did she not ask him for a suit, but the suit she did go out in was a chicken suit?” 
“Oh, I wouldn’t be surprised. It happened last week I think, so we’ll be hearing about this soon.” Iris said.  
Barry's eyes sparkled in mirth as layering the lasagna. Iris shivered and slowly walked around the house closing the windows. “Ok I put it in the oven, in 45 minutes we will be having lasagna.” Barry ambled over to his wife who had just closed the kitchen window. He wrapped his long frame entirely around her. Old age has made them shorter, but he still had a good foot on her. Iris buried her face into his chest and returned the hug.
“Still cold?” Barry whispered.
“Mmm not anymore.”
Iris looked up at him crosseyed and pouting. Barry giggled at his cute wife, it did not help change her facial features. She stuck her tongue out at him then continued cuddling her husband. Barry looked at his wife dreamily and smiled dopily. He looked at her like that so much his friends nicknamed his dopey. (Harry got nicknamed grumpy. He wasn’t amused) Barry didn’t mind the nickname though, it was true. He was in love with her, has been since they were kids and she offered him cookies on the playground. Now 68 years later, they survived every damn thing no one could think of, had kids and grandkids, and got married. The song that came on made Iris’s smile stretched from ear to ear. “Do you remember this?” A thousand years was playing on the tablet. 
“That movie was horrible.” Barry groaned. He remembered that day like it was yesterday even though it had been decades ago. It had been a tiring day fighting crime, so they decided to rewind by watching a movie. Iris got them a ton of snacks then Barry curled up into her side. She mindlessly ran her fingers through her hair while she looked for a rom-com to watch. By accident, they watched the fifth twilight movie. It definitely wasn’t their favorite and Cicso definitely didn’t approve of their choice, but the song, a thousand years, was the one thing they liked from that movie. 
“It wasn’t the best no, but the song, this song, was really beautiful,” Iris remarks. Barry is struck with a good idea. He reluctantly pulls a little away from the hug to put them in a waltz form (even though the song wasn’t a waltz to their knowledge). 
He quietly sings Christina Perry's song to Iris. It’s one of her favourite things about him. They slowly sway side to side as they dance in the kitchen. He spins her around and kisses her temple. When the lyrics, time stand still, come up Barry flashes them into flashtime. He cupped her face and kissed her softly. When they stopped, he rested his forehead against hers. She happily sighed, eyes closed and smiling. She felt lucky that they were able to be together this long. She remembers thinking that he was going to die in the future, when she was going to die, and she counts her blessings that neither of those futures came true. 
“I love you.” He whispers, and he looks at her like she hung the freaking moon. Her hands softly fiddle with his thick red sweater with the gold trim. (It was a gift from Kara)
“I love you.” She adores him, she adores everything he does for her, she wonders if she has repaid the favor. 
“You’re gorgeous. You get more beautiful with every passing day.”
“Every hour every minute?” Iris asks cheekily. He laughs and twirls her. She thinks it’s the loveliest sound in the world. 
“Every hour every minute and then some. You are an angel, Iris West-Allen, and I am lucky to have you.” He’s starting to sweat. Using his powers drains him more quickly than it used to. He doesn’t want her to notice, but she does. 
“I am lucky to have you, Bar.” Her voice is quieter when she says this next part. “It’s ok, baby, take us out of flashtime, you’re tired.”
Even though he knows he should, he still tries to argue with her. “No, I’m ok Iris,” 
She gives him an unimpressed look. Some things never change. Barry yields to her good judgement pretty quickly. Now they can hear the rustle of the trees and music from the tablet. Iris leads Barry to the couch and she goes to get some milk and a power bar.
“The lasagna will be done in 25 minutes.” Iris handed him the powerbar and glass of milk. Barry took the milk from her and put it on the nightstand. He pulled Iris to his side and took a bite out of his bar. She rested her head atop his chest and listened to his heartbeat. It was it’s usual quick pace which she found comforting. Barry ran his finger through her hair methodically. His thumb started to caress an old scar on her hairline. 
“Do you ever miss when we used to be heroes, out on the streets catching criminals, helping people?”
“We still do, help people I mean. Playing card games with Cynthia, baking with Kara, trading books with Diggle, meditating with Wally, it keeps us all sane. As for the first part, it was a thrilling life with a lot of rewards, but it wasn’t the safest life. You know we’re lucky to have lived so long.” The green arrow mask on the mantle and other knick-knacks from other dead heroes was a big reminder of that. 
“Time has been good to us,” Barry remarks. He doesn’t say that not everyone has been so lucky, but she knows. He knows she knows when she curls closer to him.
“Time, the speed force, life’s been good to us all, let’s hope the next generation has the same luck.”
“Let’s hope.” The rest of the night was relatively quiet. The lasagna was delicious and completely gone by the end of the night. The wine and ice cream made them a little more giggly than before. After two glasses each they called it quits and headed to bed. After readying themselves for bed, Barry and Iris curled themselves up in bed. A small part of her head was the only thing peeking out from under the mattress, resting by his chest. Blankets were piled on top of her. Barry squeezed Iris’s hand.
“Goodnight, my love.” As he was about to turn off the light he saw a photo on his nightstand. It was a photo of them, their parents, their kids, their spouses, and their grandkids. The other photos around them were of their friends throughout the years. Time has been good to me, he muses. Turning off the light cocooning himself around his wife, they drift off to sleep, at peace.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Off Day: Seven
Bucky walked into his shop, knocking snow from his boots and shrugging out of his coat, “You’re late, Barnes,” Tony shouts over his welder. 
“I had sidewalks to shovel, Stark, Fuck off.”
“Did you get, Y/N’s?” Nat asked handing him a coffee. He took it with a grateful smile, “Yeah. I wanted to make sure she wasn’t out there doing it. She’s got enough going on with Kaity and the shop.”
Nat nodded, “Yeah. Judy had this up on her facebook this morning.” she said hitting a few buttons on her phone. She shows him a photo of you and Kaity, asleep leaning on each other, cuddled close in the glow of a television. The caption said, “I love my girls. I don’t know how I’d do this without them.”
Bucky smiled a little. You looked comfortable. He was glad at least, that you had time. That you could come to terms with it all. He sighed, “I take it you heard from Kaity?” he asked.
“No,” she said, “But Y/N did say she’s got a pain management appointment today. Judy’s gonna take her, per the message she sent me this morning when I asked if I should punch you in the mouth this morning.”
“I thought you were my friend,” Bucky said feigning hurt. 
“Hey, girls gotta protect each other,” she said tossing hair out of her eyes, “And I thought if I punched you Kaity wouldn’t shoot you.”
“Fair,” he said nodding, “But I was a perfect gentleman. I even apologized for mussing her lipstick.”
“Good,” Nat said, “Now keep up the good work. Maybe you can keep this one.”
“I coulda kept lots of them!”
“Yeah. But you want to keep this one.”
Bucky nodded, “I really do.” He sipped his coffee and let it warm his hands for a moment, settling into his day. 
He wanted to text you and tell you good morning, but he also didn’t want to smother you and leave you feeling like you had no space. 
Eventually, he did text you, pulling his phone back out of his pocket. He couldn’t find a fault in a gentle reminder that he thought you were beautiful.
Good morning, baby girl. How’d you sleep? ❤
He set his phone on top of his toolbox and got to work on his engine build, tinkering with this and that, half-listening for his phone to chime
When it did, he wiped his hands on a shop rag and turned to pick up the device. On his screen, there was a picture of the cleaned off sidewalk taken from your kitchen window.
I slept fine, you? Kaity says thank you for doing the walk. She wasn’t looking forward to dealing with her cane on the snow.
He smiles a little and chuckles. You really don’t have any experience. No flirting, just the morning report. But, that was okay. He’d teach you that too. He had time and you had a full plate. He didn’t expect to be your top priority right now. He’d be disappointed in you if he was honestly.
He didn’t text you back right away, instead, he shot a text to his mom.
ma, can i bring a friend to breakfast sunday?
It’s not that awful creature?
who is it? She’s not on drugs is she?
Not unless you count coffee.
Who is she?
If you don’t bring her I’m gonna disown you.
Bucky smiled to himself. His ma had always had a soft spot for little lost lambs and you definitely fit the bill. She’d been forever asking him about you. It irked her that you’d left town when you’d gone. Bucky was pretty sure if she was gonna get grandkids out of wedlock, you’re the only person she’d tolerate. Not that he wanted that. All he wanted right now was to find a way to make you stay. A way to help you through this mess.  He picked up his phone again and texted you.
Baby girl I need you to do me a favor
I need you to come to breakfast at my ma’s house on sunday or she’s gonna disown me.
I’ll talk to Kaity. And Aunt Judy. I don’t want to leave them in the lurch.
i’ll pick you up?
In a car, right?
for now. it’s cold and I don’t want you getting sick.
“Bucky,” Steve said strolling across the shop floor, “I’m gonna take your phone if you don’t get that fucking engine built.”
“C’mon, Steve,” he protested, “It was important.”
“Y/N having a hangnail is not important.”
Bucky sighed and shoved his phone into the pocket of his flannel, “I was asking her to come to breakfast on Sunday,” he says.
“Well there’s a test of your relationship,” Steve said.
“Shut up, ma will love her,” Bucky said.
“Oh that I don’t doubt,” Steve said chuckling, “Miss Winnie really does like adopting little lost lambs.”
“Then what’s to test?” Bucky drawled, starting to work on his assembly again. 
“That’s a lot of family togetherness at one table Buck,” Steve said, “Y/N isn’t exactly feral but...”
“It’ll be fine. Ma’s excited to have her. Pretty sure she’s been dying to actually talk to her since we were in high school.”
Steve grinned, “Are you kidding. If you woulda actually dated her Minnie would have had the wedding planned and ready to go for the day after graduation.”
Bucky felt his cheeks color and focused on his assembly after that, at least on the outside. In the back of his mind, he’d always wondered what it would be like to wake up with you every morning. He’d loved every minute of getting you down for a nap yesterday, the only thing he’d think about changing is having to run the shop. He’d wanted to lay down with you and let you snuggle on his chest so badly it ached. He’d come back to check on you a few times, adding another blanket to keep you warm and making sure you were still asleep.
“You’ll make cute kids,” Clint said smirking when he noticed Bucky blushing.
“Clint,” Bucky said warningly.
“What?” he answered, “You will. And at least they’ll only be half stupid.”
“That’s also true,” Steve snorted.
“It’s too early for that. She’s never even had sex!” Bucky protested, not realizing exactly what he said.
“With you or ever?” Clint said, blinking in surprise.
Bucky groaned internally, “Ever,” he mumbled.
“How?” Clint said, “Hell I woulda hit it if you hadn’t been in love with her. She’s hot.”
Bucky sighed, “Look. It’s not really anyone’s business. Just. It’s. She’s just not found anyone she wanted to sleep with. That’s all you need to know.”
Clint nodded, “Fair enough,” he said. “She’s a good girl. A little too sweet for you but. It works.”
Sunday morning, Bucky was up earlier than usual, taking time to shave and find a shirt that didn’t have grease stains on it. He had one. One solitary white shirt that had as yet escaped the shop and he pulled it on gratefully. He made a mental note to buy a few new shirts, things to wear when he took you out. You were worth looking decent for. 
He knew you wouldn’t have all day with him. But your Aunt Judy and Kaity both had been more than willing to do without you until evening. Bucky had dropped by the book shop every day, to bring you coffee and steal a kiss. Or two. Or three. It made his lunch breaks a lot more fun. and it gave him a chance to check on you face to face. He needed to see you. He basked in every shy smile and lingering hug. It felt so comfortable. In some ways, your head on his chest felt more intimate than any time he had had sex with a woman. You were giving him more than your body, letting him close. You were carefully handing him your heart and trusting him not to hurt you again. 
That made him feel a lot of things. A sort of pride. And fear. A need to protect you. He just wanted you to be happy. Safe and happy. 
He got out of his car and walked to the door. He remembered this house as your grandma’s house. It looked the same. The family had kept it up really well, he noted. He knocked on the door and waited. Your Uncle Jack opened the door and jerked his head towards the end of the porch, indicating Bucky should follow him there.
Bucky felt his mouth go dry but he nodded and went.
“Before Y/N comes down here,” he said, “I want you to know one thing.”
Bucky cocked his head, “What’s that, Sir?”
“I want to know that you’re going to take care of my girl,” he said, fixing Bucky with a stare that made him feel like he was 13 and taking you on your first date.
“I’m going to try, Sir,” he said, “I- I should have done it years ago.”
Jack took his hand and clapped him on the shoulder walking him back towards the door. “That’s all I needed to know son,” he said kindly, “Just treat her right. You hear?”
“I hear,” he said, letting himself be ushered inside to wait on you. 
You came downstairs a few moments later, shoes in hand. He smiled as he watched you struggle to put shoes on without sitting down before loping of the landing and down the last half a flight.
“Hi,” you murmur, shrugging into your coat, “Sorry. I woke up late.”
“It’s fine, Baby girl,” he said kissing your head.
“I won’t be gone late,” you tell your uncle, standing on your toes to kiss his cheek.
“Darlin’,” he drawled, “Don’t worry about us. It’ll be fine. I’ll look after my other girls, you just enjoy a day off.” He shooed the two of you out the door gently and Bucky put his arm around your shoulder, stealing a soft kiss hello.
“Come on, baby,” he coaxes, “Ma’s excited.”  You smile a little and he kisses your nose. He’s not used to someone being so quiet but then, he supposes that he’s doing okay reading you. You look a little anxious but happy to see him. 
He helps you up into his truck and takes the opportunity to pop you lovingly on the backside. “Bucky!” you squeak.
“Sorry, baby girl. Just appreciating a work of art,” he chuckles.
He steals another kiss before he buckles himself in and grins at you, “You’re always so pretty,” he murmurs, “I promise I’ll get a hair cut... maybe some new clothes.”
“Why?” you ask, brushing hair out of his eyes.
“Can’t have you embarrassed by me,” he said, “Walking around covered in grease and shit.”
You take his hand, kissing the calloused palm tenderly, “Bucky,” you sigh, “Why would I care about that? You work. You pay your bills. I’m not gonna be embarrassed by that.”
Bucky feels his cheeks color and he feels a warmth spread through his chest. “You got a hoodie I can steal?” you ask teasing. 
He laughs, “Yeah,” he said, backing out of the drive, “Do you want me to bring it to you or do you want to just borrow one and not give it back.”
“I’ll get a hold of it the old fashioned way, thank you.” you tell him. 
“Whatever you want, baby,” he said smiling as you laced your fingers through his.
It was a nice ride. Bucky always liked having a pretty girl riding shotgun. He always wanted that pretty girl to be you.
He helped you down after he parked and stole another soft kiss when you fell against his chest, “Easy, baby girl,” he chuckled, setting you gently on your feet. “I really hope you’re hungry,” he said walking you up the porch steps, “Ma only knows how to cook for an army.”
He walked you into the house and helped you out of your coat before taking off his own.
Winnifred was waiting, eager to hug you and make a fuss. Bucky watched as you maintained your composure, friendly and smiling but plainly a little uncomfortable. “You’re here!” she said, “I hoped Bucky wasn’t pulling my chain. I swear darlin’ he’s been in love with you since that first day of Kindergarten. He used to get so worried when you weren’t in school.”
You blush and Bucky puts his arm around you, squeezing gently. “I- I... it’s nice to meet you,” you say smiling, not sure what else to say. “Ma,” Bucky said, “let her catch a breath. Jesus.”
Winnifred tugged him down by his ear and kissed his cheek, “Don’t you sass me, mister. This is the first girl you brought to eat that is wearing actual clothes.”
You smile a little and Bucky blushes, “Ma,” he groaned.
“It’s alright, Bucky,” you murmur, snuggling into his side. In that moment, he didn’t even care. He was just happy. You were there and it just felt right. It felt like home hadn’t felt since he left for the army. 
Tags: @lancsnerd @etherealwaifgoddess @thorfanficwriter @blameitonthecauseway
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hishopeworld-blog · 5 years
Adorn you 
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Genre: romance; slight smut; remembering past au
Parings: Namjoon x reader
Word count: 1.4k
Description: “music can be a time machine. The lyrics, the melody the mood - can take you back to a moment like nothing else can”
July, 23rd 2051,
It’s moving day! In all reality, you should be excited - but knowing that your time is soon coming can ruin a lot of excitement these days. You knew this day will come, the day where living with your daughter will no longer be. It was the invading privacy and taking up space in her house that caused you to make this decision. No matter how much she hates it, she knows it’s the best choice. With her husband and kids of two, having her mom in the house can feel crowded and frustrating. Especially when you’ve been with her for her whole life. Finally giving her the chance to breathe and live on her own has probably been the best choice you’ve made. Deciding to live at a senior home has been the second. Knowing that she doesn’t have to worry about you anymore - well, not as much - has been such a relief for her, and you can tell.
You’re currently sitting on your chair, specifically bought for you. You hear the laughter and heavy feet of your grandchildren running towards you with a big box in their hands. You smile seeing the black printed title, moms old things - remembering the day your daughter talked to you about having so many things in your room, making you look like a hoarder. She packed almost everything you owned. With a few arguments here and there, it was finally complete and your room has never been so clear.
Opening the box once they’ve reached you, you look inside at the almost forgotten items you owned. Taking them out one by one, smiling at the memories - you pause once a familiar song starts playing. The lyrics haven’t been sung yet, but you can recognize the starting of it over anything. You feel blood rush to your cheeks, hands starting to sweat and your heart beats rapidly against your chest. With your eyes going wide, you look over to your grandkids and see them with one of your old phones back when you were in your twenties. Finally hearing the first few lyrics made your heart swell, but remembering the meaning for them snapped you back to reality, flying your hands in their direction, you quickly snatch it out of their hold.
“Now now kids, grandmas stuff is grandmas stuff only” you lightly laugh, turning off the device, still shocked at how it was still on and working. “Go on and finish helping your mom with the rest of the stuff” their smiles turn into a frown and they huff before getting up and finding their mom. You look back down at the squared object, closing your eyes and sighing.
It took almost 6 hours with your moving. From packing it in the truck, driving to your new home, registering you - which took an hour and a half, finally getting your room, unpacking everything and saying their goodbyes. You walk to the entrance/exit, waving at them as they walk back to the truck. You smile at your daughter, finally watching her grow up. With tears in your eyes, you watch them as they drive off until they are out of sight. Sighing and turning back to your room, gently closing the door behind you - you sit on your bed and look around.
Suddenly it all hits you. Your past, present and future. You can vividly see the memories of your young self, smiling, laughing, eating and talking. It’s crazy how much you do in life, the dedication you give, the struggles you go through, the laughs the tears, the fights the make-ups, the friendships and commitments. Most importantly the relationships. It’s crazy how much you go through and you just end up being... here. Doing so much for yourself and other people, having accomplished soo many things, to just have it finish. With no explanation and no pleading. Now depending on others to take care of you until you pass on. Before it was always your parents' job, right? Having them take care of you until you were old enough to finally do things for yourself. It’s crazy because that responsibility will always be in everyone’s life, no matter how much they try to avoid it.
You walk to your shelf, deciding to read something to help you fall asleep faster. Giving a quick glance at a small box in the middle of your books, you slowly reach for it. You close your eyes, taking a second to think to yourself. The should I’s, racing through your brain almost - almost taking control. You sigh, taking your old phone out of the box and walk back to your bed. Making sure you’re comfortable,
You press play,
August 14, 2012,
You’re parked up on the hill, blankets covering as much as they can. Head resting on his shoulder, you sigh giving up and facing him. “Can we please go inside the car? It’s way too cold to be chilling like this” pouting up at him, he stares at you for a moment before sighing and getting up “You know, that was the whole point in this whole thing.” He takes the blankets and walks towards the trunk throwing them in.
“For me to freeze my ass off?” You retort, stopping at the passengers' side door. “That was the whole point of me being there! So I can keep you warm” he rolls his eyes opening the door and hopping in. You follow his actions, hearing the car start up and the blow of hot air hitting your face, making you shiver at the sudden change of temperature. The radio turned on after he had started the engine. You hug yourself thinking about the situation that he had come up with. Smiling to yourself at how cute you thought it was, you turn to him giving him your best smile.
“I really liked it though. It was really cute” he raised his eyebrows, still looking straight ahead “soo no thank you? okay, I take it ba-“
“Thank you, love” he smiled looking at your eyes, giving you intense eye contact. “Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it” He smiles, earning one from you also. His eyes switch from your eyes to your lips, licking his own.
You stare at him. Taking in all his features. The soft outline of his eyelids shielding his precious dark brown eyes. His small button nose, remembering all the times when you had to hold yourself back from booping it. His chubby cheeks that tighten when he smiles creating deep dimples that suit him oh so beautifully. The soft pink colour that covers his plump lips and his perfect set of teeth that are always smiling down at you. He slowly starts to lean in and your heart quickens. Memories start flooding in about the first day you both had met, the first day he had messaged you, the first day he asked you out and the first day you sat beside him in his car which happens to be this exact day and time.
“These lips, can’t wait to taste your skin, baby”.
The small sound of music plays in the back as he gets closer and closer. He stopped right when your lips were about to collide. Your heart is beating so fast, you swear he can hear it. Your palms start to sweat and your cheeks turn a bright red. The feeling of need slowly fills your body and you make the first brave move. Bringing your hand to the back of his neck and pushing forward, finally feeling his lips against yours.
“These eyes, cant wait to see your grin”
You smile once it was over, grazing your thumb over his lips. He lets out a breathy laugh - resting his forehead against yours. Your heart continues to beat uncontrollably, smiling at yourself at how crazy you already are for him. He places another quick kiss to your lips before pulling away. He looks at you and linked hands slowly. You swear this was your last moment alive and you’ll soon die of a heart attack because your heart starts beating faster than ever.
Your eyes slowly open, mind going crazy. You pause the song and slowly bring your fingers to your lips, having almost felt the light pressure of his lips against yours. You sigh closing your eyes, remembering the bright smiles you both had on your faces. Looking at each other with pure adoration.
Your first kiss, you thought, he was your first kiss
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bedbellyandbeyond · 6 years
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(Story Post)
A morning came one day where Nathan just couldn’t get out of bed. He called his doctor hoping he’d come for a house call and thankfully Reid had a little bit of time. When he arrived at Nathan’s home, he let himself in with the key Nathan had told him was under his flower pot. He headed upstairs to find his favourite wolf-man curled up in a cocoon again. “Oh dear, what’s the matter today?” Reid asked. “You can’t get out of bed?” Nathan rolled over to face him and frowned. “They’re moving…”
Reid blinked, his eyes lighting up. “Really? Well, that’s a very good sign, Nathan.” “I hate it… They’re making me nauseous,” Nathan said. “I don’t know what to do… I think I’ll puke if I get up…” Reid sighed sympathetically. “Unfortunately, getting up is the most common cure. When you lie down, babies love to go nuts in there, but when you stand, they typically calm down.” “If I stand, I’ll puke.” “You probably won’t but I can get you a trash can or something,” Reid said. “Is there one in your bathroom?” “Should be…” Reid went and got the bin and brought it back. “Take this and get yourself up. Come on.” Nathan wrapped the blankets around himself and tucked it so it wouldn’t come off then took the trash can in one hand and let Reid pull him up with his other hand. When he was upright, he did still feel queasy, but the twins settled down after a few seconds alongside the nausea. “I’m not gonna puke,” Nathan said. “Aye. So is that all I drove out here for?” Reid asked. “Well… No…” Nathan said, looking down. “There’s something else…” “And what’s that, laddie?” Reid asked, patting Nathan’s arm. “I… Um, it’s really embarrassing…” Nathan said. “I guess, it’s uh… Ah, fuck it…” He undid the blanket, displaying the two big wet marks in his pyjama shirt. Reid put his hands on his hips. “Well, well. Your milks come in.” “But why?” Nathan asked. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re pregnant.” “But I don’t have tits!” Nathan said. “You don’t need prominent breasts to start lactating, just the right plumbing which everyone has—unless removed—and the right hormone cocktail,” Reid explained. “This was to be expected.” “Then why didn’t you tell me this would happen?” “I forgot but also I expected you to consider it before,” Reid said. “But it’s nothing to fret about. Let me take a look.” Nathan sighed and took off his shirt. He looked away as the doctor examined his chest. “They’ve definitely swollen up,” Reid said. “Are they tender?” “Yeah, really sensitive…” Nathan pouted. “Shirts feel uncomfortable rubbing against them. And I don’t know what to do with all the…all the leakage.” “Say no more. You want nursing pads,” Reid said. “There’s different kinds, but overnight ones and braless ones will likely be best.” Nathan rubbed his eye. “I’ve been to baby stores too much now… I really don’t want to go out like this.” “Laddie. Order them online,” Reid said. “It’s early morning. You could potentially have it all delivered by the end of the day. Also, get yourself a big sports bra. That’ll help a lot.” “A bra? I can’t wear a bra!” Nathan complained. “Yes you can. I believe in you. You’re not the only man who’s ever had to wear a bra. I can guarantee that.” “Oh god, how am I supposed to do all this? It’s so embarrassing and I have to do it alone,” Nathan groaned. Reid rubbed his back. “Tell me what’s on your mind. What’s troubling you most about this?” Nathan sighed deeply and sat down. “I just… Everything I expected when it came to me having kids is thrown out the window…” “What were you expecting?” Reid sat down beside him. “Well, first I thought I’d be adopting… And I thought I’d have job security. And I thought I’d be…well, married. At least, I’d have a partner helping me… Signing the papers with me. Decorating the nursery with me. Picking out clothes. But I’ve done everything alone. And I’m pregnant.” Reid rubbed his chin. “Well, have you thought about dating?” Nathan frowned. “Dating? Seriously? Like this?” He motioned to his torso. “You’d be surprised by the people who could be into that,” Reid insisted. Nathan crinkled his nose. “I don’t want to be someone’s fetish. I want someone who wants the normal me. The not fat and leaking me.” He looked down. “God, if I hadn’t…become what I am now… I’d still be with Hugh. I’d still work at my old school. We were even starting to talk about kids… I ruined everything.” “Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve heard your transformation story many times and it has always sounded like it was Hugh’s fault you were bit in the first place,” Reid said. “He took you off the path. He found the wolf cub. He chose to leave you when you needed him most.” “I tore his leg off!” Nathan growled. “I’d leave any man who tore my leg off too!” “He wouldn’t have had his leg torn off if he didn’t get you bit,” Reid stated. “You understand?” Nathan crossed his arms. “Are you pinning this on Hugh to try and make me feel better? Because it’s not working.” He gagged a little as he felt a movement in his stomach again so he stood up. “God, I want this to end…” “It’ll be over soon,” Reid said. “Rest for today.” “I can't…” Nathan rubbed his eyes. “I’ve missed work way too much… The principal acts nice about it, but I can tell she wants to kill me.” “She doesn’t want to kill you. But you need the rest. I might even say we should start you on bed rest but you’re determined to work.” “I don’t know if you noticed, but children are expensive,” Nathan said. “I can barely afford my own living situation right now. I need to work.” Reid sighed. “After the next wolf cycle, I’m putting you on bed rest. You need it and the twins need it. I can tell just by looking at you, you’re beyond exhausted.” “…Fine. That gives me three weeks,” Nathan huffed. “But that’s still so soon…” “Just keep thinking about how you’ll get to meet your little angels.” Reid placed a hand on the side of Nathan’s stomach. “I think you’ll find it’s all worth it.” Nathan exhaled deeply for a couple seconds then placed his hands on his stomach. In this sitting position, the twins had started acting up again and he could feel them moving. His stomach turned as he felt it, but he just thought about how it was his children and that every little move meant they were alive. While he still felt a little sick from the movement, it warmed his heart a little bit knowing they were safe. “…Doc.” Reid perked up. “Aye?” “I should tell my parents, right?” Reid blinked stared at Nathan. “You haven’t told your parents yet that they’re going to be grandparents?” Nathan shook his head. “…I haven’t talked to them since… Well, since my grandma’s funeral.” “Ah. Fuzzy connection?” Nathan nodded. “Very fuzzy… I came out when I was fifteen and they sent me away to live with my grandma. They thought her ‘traditional ways’ would ‘fix’ me. That backfired pretty quick. My nana was nothing but loving.” He rubbed his belly. “I wish she was here to meet her great grandkids… But I guess, that’s not common anyway…” “Mm… Aye, I wish you coulda been so lucky,” Reid sympathised. “And it’s up to you whether you believe your parents should know and be a part of this journey with you. The last thing you need though is more stress.” “Right…” Nathan sighed and stood back up to relieve the movement. “Can you let Principal Liu know I won’t be coming in today?” “I’ll do that.” Reid checked his watch. “I got to go though. I have an appointment with another patient.” “Alright, go ahead… I’m good I guess,” Nathan decided. “Thanks for coming all the way out here, doc. I guess my issue was pretty dumb…” Reid shook his head. “No, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Do you have any friends or family who can come around and check up on you?” “Um… The only person I can think of would maybe be Nari… But he’d be working, so…” “It might be worth talking to him because it’s always better to have people around if not just for emotional support.” “I guess… But Nari's… Nari can be a little…” “Stubborn and abrasive?” Reid asked. “Yeah, he’s like that. But he means well and I’m sure if he’s paid any attention to you, it means he likes you.” “I mean, I guess… He made us official friends the other day when we, uh…” Nathan scratched the back of his head. “Well, he came over to help with my laundry. Started calling me by my first name.” “Well, then you’re best buds it seems,” Reid chuckled. “Good, it’s important he makes friends too… He avoids it. You know you’re true friends when he carries you over.” “Over what?” Nathan asked. “Over lives. You must’ve heard him talk about his lives,” Reid explained. “Nari creates a new persona every couple decades to avoid people catching on to his immortality. Each new persona is usually accompanied with a big move. His first new persona moved to the UK. Then when she was done, Nari was created and he moved to Canada. What I’d like to see is either an extension in one of his personas, or at least the effort to bring over some people in his life and not just cut everyone off.” “Oh. That seems…” Nathan rubbed his chin. “Dramatic maybe?” “Yes, but you can understand. I only hope to be brought over too… I feel like he should at least consider what APID has to offer him or whoever he’ll be in the long term.” Reid checked his watch again and clenched his teeth. “Christ, I really gotta go, Nathan. But I’ll call in the afternoon, make sure you’re well.” Nathan nodded and pulled a robe on. “…Nursing pads, right?” “Aye. I’ll send you a link to some good ones from the web.” Reid went out to the stairs. “Okay… Bye then.” “Eat something. Bye now.”
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 216: The Mysterious Island of Mu
The Jolly Roger lapped through the ocean waters and the occupants were mostly quiet, with some of them below deck and everyone else sleeping on deck where they could. Nora had been the most vocal about refusing to sleep on the hard wood surface of the ship and so they had given her one of the quarters below deck just to stop her complaining. They had given another to their young guest, Zia Ramos and another to the Major since all the sea travel seemed to be getting to her.
Finally, Killian offered the Captain's quarters to Snow and David, but they declined and instead insisted that he and Emma use it to get some sleep. Killian had been at the wheel nearly constantly and insisted that he needed rest. Regina had enchanted the wheel to keep them on course throughout the night, which left the rest of them finding a place on deck to bed down for the night. Regina and Robin stayed near the wheel in case something happened. Rumple and Belle slept near the stern with their son. Natalie slept near the right side of the boat off on her own, while Xander was on the opposite side, unable to sleep. Snow and David slept cuddled together at the bow, enjoying the blanket of stars above them.
Snow gazed fondly toward the twins, Summer, and Bobby, who all slept nearby in close proximity to each other, reminding her of family camping in their backyard on summer nights.
"I love them all so much," Snow said wistfully. David's fingers were entwined with her own and he raised her hand to his lips, kissing the back of her hand.
"Me too…" he replied.
"Our babies…" she gushed.
"Our oldest baby is fourteen," she said, with a touch of sadness in her voice.
"Do you regret not being able to have more kids?" he asked. But she shook her head.
"As much as I love having babies around...no, because we were blessed with five. That's more than many couples could dream of. Plus, I love being a grandma as much as I love being a mom," she confessed. He smiled.
"Yeah...spoiling our grandkids is a lot of fun. And I doubt Hope will be the last," he mentioned and she hummed in agreement. She smiled at him.
"Definitely not the last. Well...maybe the last from Emma, but our other children haven't had their own little ones yet," she said. He chuckled.
"They will...you're just impatient," he teased.
"I know...patience is not my strong suit," she agreed, as he pressed a tender kiss to her lips. She sighed and looked up at the starry sky above them.
"The stars are so beautiful out here," she mentioned.
"Yeah...they're all right," he replied and she gently elbowed him.
"What? The stars are beautiful...but they hardly compare to you. And I know that sounds corny, but it's the truth," he said.
"You never fail to take my breath away and I know you hate the phrase, but you are the fairest of them all," he added.
"I don't hate it when it comes from you," she said, biting her bottom lip.
"You are so beautiful...inside and out," he replied. She blushed.
"It's pretty impressive that you can still make me blush, even after forty two years of marriage," she agreed. He grinned.
"You'd really blush if you knew what I was thinking right now," he said, as he wriggled his eyebrows at her and made her giggle.
"Baby…I can practically read your mind. Trust me...I know you're thinking," she purred, before blowing in his ear. He shivered.
"You can't do that...because we can't do it right now," he whined and she giggled.
"I know, but just think about all that pent up energy we'll have for when we finally do get some time alone," she said, nuzzling her nose against his.
"Yeah, we won't be leaving our bedroom for at least a week after this. Seriously...we need that second honeymoon," he said.
"I agree...but I mean, has the honeymoon ever really ended for us?" she asked. He smiled and chuckled.
"You're right...and it never will," he said, as he caressed her beautiful face. She pulled him closer by his collar and crushed her lips against his. He responded in kind, kissing her passionately and deeply, with barely restrained wanton. The stars twinkled above them in the midnight sky, as they became lost in each other and their love.
Zorro, sans his mask, gently sparred with his preteen daughter in the bullpen at the station. Maleficent had dropped Lily off at the station so he could spend some time with her, while maintaining vigil on Blue's cell. She had little chance of escape and they would soon be moving her to the prison. Tink was getting it ready with magical protections and Fandral would be arriving soon.
"Oh yes...you're going to be a fantastic fencer for sure, young one," he said, as they sparred.
"Thanks papa," Lily said.
"Could you please keep it down with your hybrid brat," Blue complained.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry...are we disturbing your rest?" he asked sarcastically.
"Fairies don't require sleep, but I'd rather not listen to you and your little dragon," she retorted.
"Well, maybe if you didn't want to be in a jail cell, you would have thought twice about cold blooded murder," Zorro countered.
"Like anyone will miss King George," she argued.
"Perhaps not...but the one fairy that hadn't turned her back on you out of loyalty did not deserve her fate. She died to hide your secrets," he said indignantly.
"Quite...and those secrets will soon be completely out in the open," Fandral agreed, as he arrived.
"Rose and I have contacted Snow and David about your grievances and they have ordered you be moved to the prison, revoked any bail, and you will remain behind bars until your trial," he announced.
"You...and they will regret this," she warned.
"I hardly think so," Fandral retorted.
"Oh, but you will. Once you learn of everything I did to my greatest enemy, you'll experience my wrath as well if I have my way," Blue said.
"No...you will pay for all you've done, including everything you have done to Aphrodite and James," Fandral refuted, as he led her out to the prison transport by the arm. He was seeing to her transport personally, for they couldn't be too careful with a scourge like her.
Aphrodite mewled sleepily and slowly opened her eyes. Her head was pounding, but she was resting on a soft surface.
"Easy...you have a very big bump on your head," a male voice said, causing her eyes to fly open. She blinked and saw a very handsome man beside the bed, with a basin of water. He wrung water out of the cloth and gently placed the cloth on her forehead.
"The cool cloth is helping to bring down the swelling a bit," he added.
"How...how did I get here?" she asked.
"You don't remember anything?" he questioned.
"No...the last thing I remember is seeing my father off as he left to visit another realm," she replied.
"Your father...Zeus…" he muttered and she looked at him.
"Then you know who I am?" she asked.
"Everyone knows who you are," he replied.
"I can assure you that you're safe here. That bump on the head suggests that you were running from something or someone," he added.
"I don't want to be an inconvenience," she said, as she started to get up, but faltered. Thankfully, he was there to catch her and their eyes met and they were momentarily captivated by each other.
"Thank you…" she managed to say.
"You must be careful...you're in no condition to move around too much yet," he chided, as he helped her back onto the bed. It was that moment that she noticed a shepherd's crook in the corner of the room.
"You are a shepherd," she mentioned.
"Yes...most of my family lives in Troy, but I prefer the solace of the countryside," he said.
"My name is Anchises," he introduced himself. She smiled.
"It's lovely to meet you, Anchises...thank you for saving me," she replied.
"It was my honor. Now rest...and I'll see what I can rustle up for evening meal," he said, as he left the room and she sighed, looking out the window. It was concerning that she could not remember how she ended up at the bottom of a mountain and quite a distance from Mount Olympus at that. Thankfully, a good samaritan had come to her rescue and perhaps, in time, she would recover those memories. And if not, her father would know what to do when he returned.
"I hope you like soup and bread. It's not much, but it's freshly made," Anchises said, as he returned. She gave him a warm smile.
"It smells delicious...tell me about yourself," she said, as they broke bread together.
"There is not much to tell. My father was fairly well off and intended a different life for me. He arranged a marriage for me with a noble family, but I refused and was disinherited," he explained.
"That's terrible…" she said.
"A bit...but I just refuse to marry for anything other than love," he said, as he looked away shyly.
"I suppose it sounds foolish...many think so," he confessed.
"Not me...I am the Goddess of love, after all. True love is very rare...but it does exist," she replied.
"My mother was a firm believer in true love as well and she told me never to give up on it," she added.
"That is a wonderful sentiment. Perhaps it is possible then," he replied, as they ate together and enjoyed each other's company. Neither of them could know that their commitment to find true love would soon be realized between each other.
Snow found herself back in the meadow where three massive trees now grew. She almost expected to see Queen Serenity there, but when she saw a dark haired woman she did not recognize, she immediately deduced who she was.
"Hello Snow White," the woman said.
"You must be the Dragon Queen," Snow said.
"Yes...and I take it you know that my name is Zia Troyano, rightful Queen of the Inca Empire, though it fell, and Queen of the Dragon Kingdom, which fell also," she said sadly.
"I wondered if I would ever meet you. You've been the most mysterious pair so far," Snow said. She smiled.
"Much of that has to do with Esteban's culture," she revealed.
"Esteban...the Dragon King?" Snow asked. She nodded.
"Yes...we were known as that and also the children of the sun. Chosen Ones, much like you and your husband," she replied.
"Children of the Sun?" Snow asked curiously.
"It was said in my culture that only the children of the sun could open the gates of Cibola," Zia replied.
"Children of the Sun...truest loves. Perhaps they are the same thing?" Snow deduced. Zia smiled.
"Serenity was right...you are very sharp," she complimented.
"So...what happened? I mean, we know the Dragon murdered you both in his quest to claim the chalice, not realizing that killing you made it benign, but she alluded to the fact that there was other turmoil during your reign," Snow mentioned.
"Esteban's father was a proud King who married a Princess from Misthaven. His Kingdom was livid that he married outside the approved bloodline and never approved of his chosen Queen. Esteban was born of their union and there was instant protest to his claim to the Throne, for he was considered a half breed, in their words," she explained.
"It always comes back to royalty and their damn bloodlines," Snow murmured, making Zia smile.
"Yes...you understand perfectly," she said.
"Despite this, Esteban's father was adamant that he was the true heir and he was trained extensively in hand to hand combat, weapons training, and the ways of the Dragon bloodline. But he had a strong opponent," Zia said.
"The King of a competing noble line wanted his son to ascend to the Throne instead, citing the purity of his bloodline. That nobleman was the father of Shan Yu," she revealed.
"The plot thickens," Snow said. Zia nodded.
"Then one day, I came tumbling through a portal and practically fell right on him," she said in amusement.
"Well, I hit Charming with a rock," Snow offered, as she chuckled too.
"It was on an island of the coast of the Dragon Empire. Esteban was there on a solitary training retreat; a month-long retreat. And for the first week, he was very guarded. He was convinced I was some kind of witch," she said. Snow winced.
"I stole from Charming...he thought I was just a petty thief," Snow said.
"I gave him a wide berth and then he injured himself. Despite his leariness, I nursed his wound and took care of him. He didn't have much choice but to rely on me...and slowly he began to talk," she explained.
"And then you fell in love," Snow guessed. She nodded with a smile.
"By the end of the month, we had our spark and Aphrodite appeared to us to present us with the Chalice. But the moment we returned to his Kingdom and he presented me to his court, there was trouble," she said.
"They were against the union I'm guessing," Snow said. She nodded.
"With vehemence. They spent hours trying to convince Esteban that he had to marry for the good of the Empire and this only added fuel to Shan Yu's fire and resistance," she added.
"Esteban refused them though and we married under protest. It was always a battle though. I know he loved me deeply, but he was always too afraid to express any affection toward me openly," she said, a bit sadly.
"I'm so sorry...I can't imagine how hard that must have been," Snow said.
"He made up for it when we were alone, but he was too afraid that they would take any emotion he expressed publicly as weakness...you are very lucky that your love does not have that flaw," Zia replied. Snow smiled humbly. She was very lucky. Charming was never shy about kissing her, touching her, or holding her in public to the point that some would argue that they were almost indecent, not that either of them cared.
"I am," she agreed, feeling her half heart flutter in longing for him.
"We had happy times, despite the fact that our reign was riddled with conflict and constant embattlement. We struggled to conceive and Esteban and his army fought Shan Yu's forces frequently to keep the Huns from invading us and taking over," she said.
"Tigerlily is wonderful...I've met her many times and she saved my daughter when we were in Neverland," Snow offered. Zia smiled.
"She is...we love her so much and we're always watching," Zia said.
"I'm glad to finally know more about your story," Snow replied.
"Yes...it is long past time for us to meet, but that is not the only reason I chose now to come to you," Zia said.
"Is this about Mu and finding Cibola?" Snow asked. The other woman nodded.
"Yes...you see there is a very good reason that no one has ever found Cibola," she said.
"Because they need the chalice to do so," Snow reasoned.
"That is a very big part of it...but it's also because I've moved it several times to protect it from explorers and certain collectors," Zia said.
"Clayton's family," Snow deduced.
"Yes...he had Atlantis and would have loved to find Mu, as well as Cibola," Zia said.
"How did you move it? With a curse?" Snow asked.
"No...I used the chalice to do so and Mu was the last place I relocated it before my death. I entrusted the last of the Mu people to guard it until the time for it to be found again came," she replied.
"And you want me and Charming to find it?" Snow asked.
"That's not all...I am limited to what I can tell you, but there is great turmoil on Mu. Cibola is in great danger...and I need it protected, even if it means moving it once again," Zia said.
"What kind of danger?" Snow asked. Zia winced.
"That's what you can't tell me...but you want us to move it?" Snow asked and then her eyes widened.
"The United Realms...it would be safe there. We could protect it," Snow realized. Zia smiled.
"Aphrodite really chose well in the two of you," she complimented her. Snow took her hand and squeezed it.
"Rest well...we're going to protect your people's legacy," Snow assured. Zia nodded.
"I know you will...take care of your beautiful family," she said.
"I will and I will tell Tigerlily all about you," Snow assured, as things became hazy and she faded away.
Snow awoke with a start and breathed in the fresh sea air. David stirred beside her and opened his eyes.
"Snow...are you okay?" he asked in a sleepy voice.
"I am...Charming, I had a dream or one of those dreams that's actually happening anyway," she explained.
"Serenity again?" he asked.
"No…I met the Dragon Queen this time," she revealed, as he seemed to wake up more at that.
"Really?" he asked. She nodded.
"She couldn't tell me what exactly we're going to find on Mu...only that Cibola needs to be protected," she said.
"She told me that she used to use the Chalice to move it...to keep people from finding it," she added.
"So it's in some kind of danger?" he asked.
"I think so...she couldn't tell me what is endangering it though, but I promised we would relocate it for her," she replied.
"Well...the United Realms has plenty of space," he agreed.
"She told me about her story and it was remarkable. I felt bad for her though. Her husband loved her very much...but he let his pride get in the way. He was never affectionate with her in public," she mentioned, as he pulled her close.
"I know how lucky I am...but hearing things like that from others just drives it home more," she said. He kissed her tenderly.
"Nothing and no one is ever going to stop me from showing you how much I love you, even if we do embarrass our kids to high heaven," he joked, making her giggle.
"We'll make sure we save her legacy," he promised.
"I love you so much," she gushed.
"And I love you, my darling," he replied, as he kissed her again.
The weeks passed quickly and though Aphrodite healed, she had no desire to leave the small farm. She found peace and solace in this simple life and insisted on helping Anchises with the daily chores. They developed a amiable friendship in the process and by the end of the first month, she knew she was in love with this handsome, incredibly kind man. True love was declared between them in that very meadow and they made love for the first time beneath a blanket of stars.
It was the next morning though, as she woke up entangled with her beloved in the bed that was now theirs, that she noticed that the chalice was glowing.
"It's been doing that for a while," Anchises mentioned sleepily beside her.
"It...it means there has been a spark of true love between two mortals," she said in amazement.
"Then it has chosen your champions," he realized.
"Yes…I must meet them. Will you come with me?" she asked. He smiled and kissed her passionately.
"I would follow you to the ends of this realm and any other," he promised, as she kissed him again.
"I guess it is only fitting that I find my champions once I have found my own true love," she gushed.
"I still can't believe you want me...you are Aphrodite. You could have any man you want," he marveled. She kissed him again.
"There is no other man I'll ever want or need," she promised.
"You are Goddess though...there is not much I can give you," he lamented.
"Your love is all I want and need," she insisted.
"You have it...for eternity," he promised, as he kissed her again and their passion consumed them once more.
"And Good Morning Storybrooke...er United Realms! That's still getting me, even after two years," the dopey news anchor said in the background of the tavern, which was sparsely filled still, mostly with those too drunk to leave.
"Welcome to the Daily Griffin, your source for the most important stories and happenings in your world. I'm your host Le Fou and as always, I'm with my co-host, Goldilocks," the silly anchor rattled on.
"Hello United Realmers...we have all your top stories for today," Goldilocks said in what had to be one of the ditziest voices ever.
"And by top stories, she means top gossip," Grimm drawled, as he dried his freshly washed glassware.
"In our top story today...we're still following the hot topic of some of our leaders decision to cooperate with law enforcement in the Land Without Magic," Le Fou said, as the screen cut to footage from just two nights ago and the Charming kids' battle with Mephisto in his new form.
"Guess that was one baddie the Fab Charming Five and their powerful parents failed to defeat and now Mephisto 2.0 terrorizes Boston," Goldilocks said.
"Yeah...many critics say this puts us all at risk and the people's favorite royals made the wrong judgement call on this," Le Fou agreed, as the screen flashed to a stock image of Snow White and Prince Charming.
"Last we checked, the Charmings and company have absconded aboard the Jolly Roger on another mission. Who knows what terror they'll return with this time," Goldilocks continued.
"In a bit of breaking news, we have also just learned that the Blue Fairy has been arrested. Fandral of Andresia and Zorro arrested the Blue Fairy yesterday after an attempted assault on Queen Rose Red. The Blue Fairy is being charged with at least two murders, attempted assault, and possibly treason. On orders of Queen Snow White, she had been directly remanded to prison this morning to await her trial," Le Fou reported.
"Should have left her as a lawn gnome, am I right?" he joked, before they continued on with more news items, as Jekyll walked into the Tavern.
"Good morning doctor...you look like you haven't slept in days," Grimm mentioned.
"I rarely sleep when I am working...and I need a good, stiff drink," he requested. Grimm obliged and poured him a glass of brandy. Jekyll took a drink of the stinging liquid and welcomed the calm it would soon bring his nerves.
"And what exactly are you working on, Dr.?" Grimm asked. Jekyll smirked.
"Hopefully something that will get me everything I want," he replied vaguely, as he drained his glass and motioned for more.
As they neared the coordinates where Mu was said to be located, they gathered together near the bow of the ship.
"So...she wants us to move Cibola to the United Realms?" Regina asked, trying to understand.
"That's what she said. There is some sort of danger to it. She wasn't able to tell me what, other than she left it under the guard of the last of the people of Mu," Snow explained.
"Well naturally...there would be danger. There always is with you two involved," Rumple said.
"I'd like to argue...but when you're right, you're right," David agreed.
"I can't believe you met the Dragon Queen...what was she like Ms. Snow?" Zia asked. Snow smiled.
"She was very kind and beautiful. She wants to ensure that her legacy, which is ultimately yours, is protected. And I promise we're going to do that," Snow assured.
"Mom's right...we'll make sure nothing happens to it," Bobby said.
"Then maybe you can bring your parents to the United Realms. You might not be able to meet the Dragon Queen, but you can meet Tigerlily. She is her daughter and of your bloodline, after all," Summer said.
"That would be wonderful...it's amazing she's still alive. She must be thousands of years old," Zia replied.
"She is, but that's because she grew up in Neverland among the immortal tribes there," Eva explained.
"Wow...Neverland. Is Peter Pan real?" she asked.
"He was, but he was an evil little asshat and he's dead," Leo replied bluntly. Bobby chuckled.
"We have a book and I'll let you read it when we have time. It has all the stories in it," he said.
"I would like that very much," she said, as their eyes locked again.
"Oooh...look at that. Somebody has a crush," Eva whispered to her mother, who was getting very excited too.
"My baby boy's first crush," she said wistfully, as she put a hand to her heart.
"Poor kid…" Emma joked.
"Yeah...he's about to be smothered," Leo agreed.
"You shush…" Snow chided, as Belle sided up to her. She had been doing extensive reading on Mu during the trip.
"Anything of note?" Snow asked.
"There isn't much on it, being that most think it's a myth. But there are stories about it being technologically advanced and there are lots of comparisons to Atlantis. There are even some stories about them being mortal enemies of the native Atlanteans. I called Kida and she confirmed that it was true they were often in competition with the Mu, but peace was declared between them," Belle explained.
"However, she did say that there was a faction of the Mu that didn't agree with the peace treaty and were determined to use their power for domination. But she said then Mu faded from existence and she never heard much more about them. She says that Atlantis' destruction was around the time they faded though so there could be a correlation. She only found this in the ancient texts once Clayton revived Atlantis and took over," Belle continued.
"So we could be walking into a tribe of peaceful people protecting an ancient treasure or a group of power hungry, homicidal maniacs that want nothing more than to get that treasure by any means necessary," Emma deadpanned.
"It's gonna be the homicidal maniacs," Leo quipped.
"Maybe not," Emma reasoned. He scoffed.
"it's gonna be the murder guys...it's us," Leo argued. She conceded with a head tilt.
"Yeah probably," she agreed.
"Ignore them…" Bobby told Zia.
"Aww look...we're embarrassing him," Emma gushed. Leo chuckled.
"And here we thought it would be Mom and Dad to do that first," he joked.
"You two are hilarious," David said sarcastically, as he put his arm around Snow's waist.
"It's true...usually we're embarrassed by you and Mom making out," Emma complained.
"Well, the day is young," David retorted, as he looked at his wife fondly.
"If you two are done making googly eyes...let's get this show on the road already," Regina interjected. They smiled and the chalice materialized between them. It glowed instantly and a transparent barrier appeared before them, revealing the hidden island.
"It's here...the legends are true…" Zia realized.
"Okay...here we go," Killian said, a bit nervously, as he guided the Jolly Roger through the barrier and sailed them onto the coastline of the mysterious island of Mu.
"That was much less awkward than I thought it would be," Aphrodite mentioned, as they walked through the woods, near the outskirts of Thebes. They had met the source of the first spark of true love and met Serenity and Endymion, a young couple that were rising stars in Thebes, as they fought against the injustices of a lawless city. She had discovered that they had quickly gotten in the crosshairs of Sirius Clayton and his consort, Beryl, by spoiling one of their conquests to steal valuable treasures. It was very clear that they were emerging as leaders and she had given them the chalice, declaring them her champions.
"They seem like good people that want to do good. They'll do well," he agreed, as Zeus suddenly appeared before them.
"Daddy...you're back!" she called.
"Blue just told me that you were hurt in an accident! Is this the man that hurt you?" Zeus roared.
"Daddy no! I was hurt...and I don't remember what happened, but Anchises saved me," she insisted, as she took his hand. Zeus deflated a bit.
"And you did not see the accident?" he asked.
"I'm afraid not, my Lord," Blue lied.
"I lost my memory of the event, but I do remember it was after Sirius Clayton and his consort tried to fool me into believing they were deserving of the chalice. But they were only doing so to obtain its power," Aphrodite recalled.
"Then I will interrogate them and find out if they are responsible for hurting my daughter," Zeus said.
"My Lord...if I may, I can gather intel from them," Blue suggested. He nodded.
"Thank you Blue...you do have a softer touch than me, but if they did, they will be visiting my brother Hades," he said, as he turned back to his daughter.
"Now...let's go home," he said. But she shook her head.
"Daddy...my home is with Anchises. We're in love…" she revealed and Blue frowned at that.
"My sweet girl...the mortal world is not safe for you. This accident clearly proves that and Hephaestus has expressed his desire for your hand. He can protect you…" Zeus argued.
"Daddy no…" Aphrodite protested.
"Hephaestus is a wonderful man, but I do not love him. Mother said I would find true love...and I have," she said, as she gazed at Anchises fondly. Zeus sighed.
"Lord Zeus...I love her, more than my own life and I will protect her with every fiber of my being," Anchises promised, as he bowed respectfully to the supreme God.
"You're sweet...but I do not need protecting," she said indignantly.
"Yes, you do," they said simultaneously, further adding to her annoyance.
"With the chalice...it is imperative that you are protected. Too many would only love to possess the Goddess of love and beauty...my precious daughter," he said, but sighed again.
"But your happiness is what means most to me," he relented.
"My Lord...are you sure that is wise? Aphrodite belongs on Olympus," Blue insisted.
"We will not deny her of true love, Blue...my wife will rise from the Underworld and haunt us all if we do," he said wryly.
"What of the Chalice...it must be protected," Blue said.
"Oh...that won't be a problem. There was a spark...just like mama said there would be. I have chosen my champions," Aphrodite announced. Blue's frown deepened.
"You what?" she questioned. She nodded.
"Their names are Serenity and Endymion and they have already proven themselves as leaders and committed to cleaning up all the criminal activity in Thebes," she said proudly.
"Well...they'll have their work cut out for them," Zeus said, as he put his hands on her shoulders.
"I'll miss you...but your happiness is most important to me," he said.
"I will visit you often, Daddy," she promised, as he kissed her forehead. He gave a curt nod to Anchises, before leaving. Blue stayed behind for a moment.
"Aphrodite...are you sure you have wisely chosen your charges? Serenity and Endymion are very young," Blue advised.
"They are, but they had a spark and their sapling is now a beacon of hope in an otherwise lawless city. I saw it for myself and I can rest knowing that the power of my mother's chalice will never fall into the wrong hands," Aphrodite said, as she looked at her love and they joined hands. In a puff of orange smoke, they disappeared, returning to their new home. Blue seethed and felt the rage boiling inside her. To her horror, her magic exploded and she began to convulse violently. To her sheer surprise and horror, she watched her darkness take form outside her body. She had read about this happening in ancient magical texts, but never put any stock in it.
"Oh...that's much better. I've been fighting to get out for years as the darkness inside you grew," the other woman said.
"Who are you?" Blue asked.
"Your darkness, dearie...I am the Black Fairy and the answer to everything you desire," Black replied.
"You...you want to help me?" Blue asked.
"Us dearie...I want to help us make that wretched little bimbo pay for denying us the power of Dione's chalice," Black replied.
"You see...you have to operate carefully so as to not alert Zeus to your real agenda, but I have no such restrictions," she added.
"With my help...we can truly make her pay for her insolence and you will remain in your post as head fairy," Black said.
"And how do you plan to make her pay?" Blue asked with interest.
"Oh...we will break her so thoroughly that Zeus and Athena will have to erase at least part of her memories to even attempt to put her back together when I'm done," Black replied.
"As long as she pays...I will do what is needed," Blue agreed.
The island of Mu was much larger than they imagined, as the Jolly Roger prepared to make port near a small lagoon.
"I can't believe it...no wonder I never found it," Natalie said, as Xander stood next to her.
"Well...now maybe you'll get to finally see it," Xander mentioned, as she looked at him.
"Unless we encounter some unfriendly company," she said.
"We might, but your brother and Snow have a way about them," he assured her, as they disembarked the ship and prepared to set out in exploration.
"It's gorgeous here," Snow mentioned. The sand was pearly white and the waters were crystal blue. In the distance, there was lush greenery covering the island and though uncertainty awaited them, they still had hope that they were doing a good thing by coming here.
"It is…" David agreed, as he slipped his hand in hers and she rested her head against his arm.
"Well...it's a lot of ground to cover, but I don't think splitting up is a good idea on this," Regina said.
"Yes...and someone should stay here and guard the prisoners," Xander mentioned.
"That's why Agent Green and Brooks have come with us. They'll remain behind to make sure they are secure," Patricia said.
"Really? That's crap...we're senior field agents and we get guard duty?" Agent Green argued.
"Don't let these prisoners lull you into a false security. Johnny is as ruthless and Clayton and that doctor? He's a monster walking around in human skin," Xander snapped.
"Yeah...if there is one thing I know about Johnny and my mother, they're already scheming on a way to get free," Natalie agreed. Rumple waved his hand and put a protection shield around the ship.
"If somehow they manage, they'll have to get through that barrier, which cannot be done without magic," he said, as they prepared to set off into the jungle.
"It's reminiscent of Neverland, but not as humid," Leo mentioned. It was hot and they had shed any jackets or sweaters in favor of mostly sleeveless shirts and lightweight pants or jeans. Except Rumple, who refused and chose his Enchanted Forest attire.
"Do you feel any animals around?" Snow asked her son.
"Definitely...there's a ton of wildlife. It would be really loud in my head right now if I didn't have a good handle on my magic," Leo said, as they made their way through the jungle.
"Whoa…" Emma said, as the jungle seemed to open up before them and revealed a city amidst the foliage.
"This...this is incredible!" Natalie said in amazement. The structures of the city were reminiscent of those often found in ancient Mayan and Aztec sites and people milled about, going about their daily lives, but suddenly stopped upon noticing them.
"Uh oh...they don't look happy," Summer said.
"Well, they haven't had visitors in like a thousand years," Eva reminded her. Snow and David stepped forward in front of everyone, materializing the chalice between them for protection. There were gasps of surprise and people scurried back.
"Well, they know what this is," Snow murmured.
A woman, flanked by two more women that looks to be guards of some kind, approached cautiously. The woman wore a long, golden robe and her brunette hair was long and wavy, with a golden headdress on her crown that looked like it resembled the shape and likeness of the sun. She was very beautiful, though she was looking at them like they were some sort of Gods and as usual, it was a bit unnerving.
"The Chalice of Venus...it has returned with Champions," she declared.
"Then you know what this is?" David asked.
"Of course...the Dragon Queen entrusted her legacy to my ancestor and everyone in our village has been raised to know the history. She decreed that the Chalice would one day return to us with a new chosen pair. And today appears to be that day," she decreed.
"I am Queen Nubia...welcome to the Kingdom of Hiva, guardians of Cibola and patrons of the Goddess Venus," she introduced grandly.
"These are my personal guards, Faruka and Hessia," she continued.
"Thank you...we promised to protect the Dragon Queen's legacy and make sure it's safe. This is Zia...she is a direct descendant of the Dragon Queen," Snow said, as the young girl waved shyly.
"Welcome young one...and your timing could not be better. Cibola is in great danger," the Queen said.
"Of course it is," Regina muttered.
"What...what kind of danger?" Snow asked, as they walked with the Queen toward what looked to be the main Temple.
"Centuries ago, a small faction of our people grew restless in waiting for the Dragon Queen's successors to arrive and unlock Cibola for us," she explained.
"Despite Cibola being locked away, this island used to have an extensive supply of gold and precious metals, which we mined to use for energy. Our unique technology requires its operation," she continued.
"But a few, filled with greed, began to experiment in growing our power. They became dissatisfied with being denied the splendor of Cibola," she said.
"So they began to attempt to use technology to find a way through the sacred gates, but nothing worked and they soon depleted our supply of gold. What we have left is strictly reserved to keep powering our society. But we are running low and soon our way of life may become simpler. No more machines to help us farm and grow our food. No more electricity and system to cleanse and desalinate our water. Just normal daily life will get very difficult soon," she explained.
"And where are these people that caused all this?" David asked. She turned and pointed to a cone shaped mountain in the distance. There was a peculiar glow coming from it that was ominous and it seemed to radiate with energy.
"The burning mountain...the most direct and ancient bloodline of the original Mu. That is why we now call ourselves the people of Hiva, Kingdom of the Sun," she replied.
"The Mu have great technology within their mountain and have weaponized our ancestors great energy. When gold ran out, they began experimenting with other substances and one of them proved to be very powerful. But they paid a devastating toll for it," she said.
"And that toll?" Emma asked.
"It has caused everyone within the mountain to suffer great physical and health ailments. They are now rife with physical deformities, including, but not limited to sunken eyes and cheeks, their hair falling out, deformed facial features or ears, and possibly worst of all...complete sterilization of all that remain of them," she explained, as Eva began searching her phone.
"You have something?" Regina asked.
"It's just...that mountain is definitely not a volcano and you said they were all sick and deformed. I think I know what that mountain is," Eva replied.
"Well...don't keep us in suspense, dearie," Rumple said.
"These people sound like they have some sort of radiation poisoning and I bet that mountain is a nuclear reactor. Nothing else could give off power like that and poison people at the same time," Eva deduced.
"Whoa...you're saying that sucker is nuclear?" Leo asked in shock. She nodded.
"I'm not for certain, but it would make sense," Eva replied.
"But don't nuclear reactors exist in power plants all over the world?" David asked.
"They do, but I doubt this one has the necessary protections, proper heating and cooling, and safety measures that the modern world has," Patricia interjected.
"Yes...and all they are missing in perfecting their power is more gold, which they will melt down and use in our ancestor's ancient design. For it to work properly, it requires an endless supply of gold," Queen Nubia said.
"Then...when the Mu realize that we're here and if they've spotted the chalice…" David said, as they noticed rustling in the jungle surrounding the Kingdom of Hiva.
"They'll attack…" Snow realized.
"Do they have magic?" Regina asked the Queen.
"Not conventionally, but their advanced weaponry can nullify it," Nubia informed.
"Great…" Emma complained, as her hands glowed white and Killian pulled his cutlass.
"Use magic if you can, but be prepared to fight the old fashioned way," he warned. Snow and Charming willed the chalice into their individual weapons, while the others readied with magic and their weapons as well. Two young men ran in from the jungle frantically.
"They are coming! The Mu are attacking!" they warned.
"Everyone to their battle posts!" the Queen ordered, as her personal guard readied their weapons to defend their Queen.
"Charming…" Snow whispered.
"We'll defeat whoever is in that jungle," he assured.
"I know...I love you," she said.
"I love you too...that's why we'll win," he promised, as he kissed her quickly, before their enemies made their entrance...
0 notes
"We gotta roll"
Well we finally did it! It was going to be just Audrey on a two - three week vacation but Christain REALLY wanted to go too so off we went. We took off Sat, July 7th, early afternoon. I balked about leaving because Steph and Henry were still there until Wednesday. Keith kept reminding me of just HOW FAR Chicago was and that we HAD to get going!! I knew he was right but hard to pull myself away. 
The kids were beyond excited and ready to get spoiled. The first stop of course was to get our "Eat n drink on". So chips and soda in hand, we were off! 
We drove 438 miles the first day. Audrey challenged me again to a Hubba Hubba bubble blowing contest, so we made sure to get some gum at our first stop. 
Our stop for the night was Lime Oregon, population 5. The man that bought Keiths property a few years ago lets us stay at the house when we come through. He only uses it for an office. He leased some property above and is putting windmills up there. Pretty smart guy selling energy!! 
When we got there, Keith had already told the story of the old school house that's still standing a few hundred feet away. "Years ago this old school house was only open for one year. It's told that the principal went crazy and killed himself and everyone in the school one morning. Nobody ever knew why"!! Of course, I hate scaring kids in any way other than coming around the corner and spooking them but wouldn't ya know pappa Keith thrives on the spooky story stuff!! It might have been fun to go along with but I just couldn't do that to my babies. So before we even entered the house, we had to go in and see the "haunted" school house. Audrey and I kept our safe distance not wanting any of what Christian was SURE to get. They opened doors very slowly, neitherone knowing what to expect. Poor Christain didn't have a chance when pappa Keith shouted "watch out!" in his booming voice. Audrey is so brave, she wanted in on opening the doors to see. I mostly wanted out because of knowing their MUST be snakes!!! It was fun and the kids were laughing until on the way into the house, pappa told them this was where the principal lived! They stayed close to grandma as we looked the house over..;)
I reminded them AGAIN that none of it was true. It was about 9pm, we found some baked beans in the pantry and bread in the freezer and ate like the cowboys did on the cattle drives. We played a game of Trouble. Audrey kicked our butts and was over joyed.We talked of another game but I knew how early "The Driver" would be rounding us up to hit the road, so I sent them off to shower and we bedded down for our first night. 
We left about 6:30am Sunday morning. The kids were awake and happy to be on to the next adventure. When we past Farewell Bend, I googled the history which is something Keith and I do a lot. It's fun to learn what life must have been like people hundreds of years ago... I hoped that on this trip the kids would learn an appreciation for our history and our ancestors who never let fear keep them from experiencing life and going forward to make their dreams come true. We talked a bit about how the pioneers were sad to say goodbye to the Snake River that they had followed for so long, thankful for all it had to offer in keeping them alive. I'm sure they all were fearful of what lay ahead by leaving the security of that river.
We passed the Van Orum historical marker, I Googled it and we learned "The Utter-Van Ornum party left Wisconsin in May 1860, most heading for Oregon’s Willamette Valley. The wagon train—which consisted of eighteen men, five women, twenty-one children, twelve wagons, and one hundred head of livestock—arrived at the abandoned Fort Hall on August 21, 1860, encountering no major difficulties along the way. A company of U.S. Army dragoons had been stationed near the fort earlier that year to escort wagon trains through the Snake River country, but they escorted the Utter-Van Ornum party for only six days, purportedly because the commanding officer was upset with members of the train. About ten days after parting from the dragoon escort, the Utter-Van Ornum train was attacked by approximately one hundred Indians, probably a mixed group of Shoshone and Bannock, perhaps accompanied by several white men." The attack and its aftermath are described in detail in the accompanying newspaper article. Eleven emigrants were killed during the first two days, after which the survivors abandoned their wagons and fled, splitting into several groups. The Van Ornums and three other emigrants were later killed in mid-October near present-day Huntington, (which is only 5 miles from where we stayed our first night) Another group stayed along the Owyhee River. They were finally rescued by the U.S. Army forty-five days after the initial attack. Of the original forty-four members of the Utter-Van Ornum party, only sixteen survived, including one of the Van Ornum children who was rescued from the Shoshone two years later. 
We stopped a few miles down the road to grab Arbyes breakfast. The kids watched Clifford then read a bit. They also spent hours playing with little man too. I'm glad we have such a great dog for my grandkids. 
The time seemed to go fast on our drive through Idaho. When in Utah, we watched maybe a hundred rafters lazily floating down a river. We stopped to take pictures at the Devils Slide, a really unusual rock formation that always amazes me every time we pass it. It consist of two parallel limestone strata that tilt and come hundreds of feet down the Mountain. The rock formation protrudes 40 feet out from the mountain, erosion happened more quickly in the middle so about 25 feet across all the way down, there is hardly any rock. The kids thought that was very cool. Audrey thought it would be fun to slide down. She's definitely the adventurous one!! 
We got down the road and just knew it was ice cream time, so the Flying J was a welcome site for weary travelers....
We hit Wyoming and things started winding down, not much to look at so we put a western on to watch. Well, not really a western, "Centennial" is more about pioneer history. Before the cowboys and civilization in the west when trappers were trading with theIndians. Can't say at first they were thrilled, but you put two kids in a truck, take away the "Game Devices" and they find a whole new appreciation for the simpler things in life. 
We passed historical markers and would talk about some of them. Pappa Keith went off the beaten path so we could see one of the original, "Overland Stations" where people rode a stagecoach for days in unbearable heat, bouncing around on wood seats, covered in dirt by the time they arrived. After a meal and fresh horses, they would get back on the trail for hours, sometimes days, enduring until the next station. 
The kids explored some of the ruins asking questions. We walked around it looking in the windows. Audrey decided it would be more fun to climb in and see how it looked from "the inside out". I wasn't to excited, it looked creepy with the dirt floor and who knows what crawling around!!! But if my girl is brave enough and i don't really see danger, I gotta let her experience life...:) We walked up the hill a ways to where there were the graves of six nameless travelers that were killed by outlaws, One was supposedly the infamous. "Jack Slade"!! Amazing how far we've come, I think it's good to remember those that endured hardships to pave the way. I guess the "knowing" makes us appreciate what we have!
That second day we drove a long one, 778miles. When finally stopped at around 11:30 I knew this night was not really going to be all about sleep, really more about survival. I tried to imagine all day HOW we (dog included) were all going to "sleep" in this truck!! I knew I would have the coveted spot ("The Bed") for the night but knowing how much I toss and turn I just couldn't see a child fitting into the picture. By the time we stopped, I really didn't care I just wanted a bed. Pappa Keith pulled to theback of a Flying J where it seemed perfect. Dark, no trucks (yet) and quiet. Once we pulled in, got the towels over the windows, (don't laugh, you do what you have to do as a trucker) Audrey announced that she had to poo poo! Soooo, we took the towels down and drove over to the station so Audrey could go.  
We settled in for our long night in Laramie, Wy. thankful to have a truck to call "Home". I crawled in the back and we put Little Man outside on the tank (for the first time in his life). I wasn't really sure how that would go!? First we put Audrey with me but that just didn't seem like it would work. We decided that she was just the right size to stretch out across the middle console in between the seats, her pillow on the closed computer. Her feet stretched into the back onto my belly. It all seemedperfect. How this little girl would not wake up in total pain was beyond my imagination. It could only be attributed to her young, healthy body. Although, I think even that would have its limits sleeping on that hard surface. Christian, seemed excited about sleeping in the passenger seat tilted back. He might have had second thoughts when he realized his seat was not going to lean back as far as pappa Keith's! Not only wouldn't, it couldn't because Grandma's head needed some room! I really do "Trucker Up " as much as I can, but with Keith's seat practically laying on my feet, and me mentally having to remind myself "This is not a sardine can", I cringed at the thought of Christian coming back one more inch.
They stretched one sleeping bag over all three of them with no worries, it's Wyoming in the summer. We laughed at how we looked, towels stretched across the windows, dog outside on a blanket, us all sprawled "Every Which Way, But Loose". And the night wasofficially started! I woke up about 10 times. I'm not really sure if any of the four hours counted as "a night's sleep". I wanted to keep checking to make sure the kids were covered up and not to cockeyed so as to have a neck ache in the morning. The first time I looked, Audrey was turned kind of in a backwards "L" shape and was using pappa Keith's belly for a pillow. NICE!! I knew then she was set for the rest of the night with sweet dreams. I found Christian a few times with his head on the middle console where Audrey might have been if she hadn't found a softer landing. In the middle of the night, Little Man decided to come sleep with me. I woke up feeling something tugging on the sheet. His whole bottom half, slid down between the passenger seat and my mattress. I pulled him up and he never even woke up. I think he was extra tired from playing with the kids. We all survived it and chalked it up for "A Memory"! I keep telling the kids, "It's fun to experience new things". 
We woke up the next morning and there were some low lying clouds making everything look spooky. The sun wasn't up yet and it was a little chilly. Christian said, "Grandma LOOK, that motel looks like a ghost house!". It really did too. The fog wrapped itself around the Marriott Motel, coming up half way. It stood there looking like a mystic castle against the empty background of Wyoming. So our day began and we stopped for breakfast. When pappa Keith pulled into Micky Ds, I knew I wouldn't be the ONLY one cringing. Audrey had already explained back in Walla Walla how they "used the whole chicken for the nuggets" not only that "but all the sick ones too"! Needless to say, hunger and pappa Keith at our heels made for a speedy "Pit Stop" without complaining. We did what needed done at the time but I knew when we got to our destination, I WOULD get to a Walmart for some healthier food!! Sorry, Mom and Dad, we gotta "Trucker Up" at times.
We had another "Pit Stop" in Gothenburg, Nebraska. Keith and I stop here all the time. It has a Museum with an old Sod house in the back. It happened to be opened that day which was neat other than we were still in a BIG hurry. I took the kids back to see the inside of the house. They excitedly rushed around saying, "Grandma, look at this!". We read the little sign that told about how the pioners had to build their houses out of whatever was available on the land. For the lack of timber or other building supplies like daddy uses, they used mud and straw, white washing the inside with several layers to keep the insects out. It was all one room with a dirt floor, bed to one side and wood stove and eating table on the other. Very primitive. Life had to have been so hard for them but don't ya just wonder if they may have been happier than a lot of people today? We went into the museum and the lady told us that back in the 1860s the government was giving away 160 acres to whoever got there first. One of the things that had to be done right away was to build a structure of some kind. The government still owned it for five years of "proofing " before they could legally call it their own. Fun stuff we were learning out here!
Our next day was a little shorter. Pappa got us a motel with a pool in Avoca, Iowa. We had so much fun!! First we stopped and got some dinner (Mexican) then headed to the Motel 6. The kids chowed down and we headed to the pool. I didn't have a suit so I watched which totally works for me because I really don't care for swimming. Pappa Keith came in and totally shocked us by jumping in fully dressed! There were five teen age kids down at the other end that were as surprised as we were...haha. We all laughed and squealed with surprise cheering him on! 
I was laughing so hard at them playing, Keith was throwing them high up and then they started pretending to be WWF wrestlers. I was snapping pictures not wanting to miss a great shot. Later I thought, "WOW, he just burned a memory onto this page of their lives!! How awesome is that?!" I definitely wont pass up one of "those" moments again! It really was a great time. 
Back at the room, they showered and we watched some "Redneck" TV. Some reality show where this redneck family in the deep south became rich on making duck caller gadgets. It was pretty funny. The CMA awards were on too so we introduced them to some good ol country music! Hate to tell ya, cause I know some reading this might revolt at the idea but they LIKED it, they REALLY LIKED it! When TV was off, Pappa and Christian proceeded to entertain us again with their nightly WWF wrestling competition. Audrey always ends up getting in on it too, silly girl... I know better after 5 years being "wrestled" with. As for kids, someone always seemed to get hurt in the end...guess who that was??!! I keep my distance now.
We got to sleep after some tossing and squirming, but for some reason it never seems like enough sleep. Funny, but theses kids have even been taking naps which I'm sure they hate to take at home. We'd been rolling pretty hard. But it was all worth it. Our fun stop this day was the biggest truck stop in America in Walcott, Iowa. They were AMAZED walking through this huge building that seemed to go on forever. They were allowed to climb up into the big 18 wheeler show trucks displayed, pretending to be truckers. Our plan was to come back through on Thursday, depending on where our loads might take us. They'd be having their annual Trucker Jambererie! That might be one of those events you just GOTTA see to believe...haha.
We grabbed some ice cream and headed East, getting closer to our destination. We hit Illinois. When we went through Chicago, (well the outskirts, we always try to avoid getting too close as the traffic here is a mess most the time) the kids were playing ontheir games so I made it a point to look at the city out in the distance pointing out the tallest building in the USA, The Sears Tower. 
We got to the Horizon yard early afternoon in Wakarusa, Indiana. Keith had to go into the office to hand in our paper work so we went fishing in the pond way in the back lot. I had bought a good amount of food at Walmart, so we fixed some sandwiches quickly and got to what was important...fishing! Audrey ran to the other side first to feed the geese. Christian and I fished. I knew it was not the right time of day but as a line in this new song by Toby Keith goes, "She thinks we're just fishin". In this case "they" meaning, they just think its fishing, but really what it is, is creating a whole lot of great memories! My heart was exploding with all this love and with the great memories thatI'm hoping my babies can have forever. If i could have a wish, I think it would be to somehow be present in "spirit" when they share the stories with their own kids. "The summer vacation of 2012", traveling from the west coast to east then down south having the time of their lives with Grandma and Pappa Keith, living like gypsies (ok "Truckers"). Gypsy just sounds better for some reason. Having fun, not really planning too far ahead for the next Adventure - just being able to say, "Hey, that would be fun! Yeah let's DO THAT"!! Oh how I wish I could be that "little fly on the wall" when the stories are retold. I can only wish. 
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/10-funny-national-grandparents-day-2018-instagram-captions-that-will-definitely-make-them-laugh/
10 Funny National Grandparents Day 2018 Instagram Captions That Will Definitely Make Them Laugh
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They’re the ones who took care of you without complaint when your parents needed a break. They helped you build blanket forts, showered you with kisses, and always let you eat freshly baked cookies before dinner. They’re your grandparents, and these funny National Grandparents Day 2018 Instagram captions will definitely give them a chuckle. However, if your grammy and gramps aren’t tech savvy, you’ll have to help them scroll through the fun, which you might be more likely to take the time to do if you live in the midwest, the area of the country that takes cake when it comes to doting on their grandparents.
According to an analysis by Provision Living Senior Living Communities, the people who love their grandparents the most live in the middle of the country with Minnesota coming in as the most grandparent-loving state in the U.S. If you live in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Alaska, or Massachusetts, it’s time to call your grandparents ASAP because these states came in last when it comes to spoiling their elders. Don’t take them for granted because grandparents are the only people who can really tell you what it was like to live in old-timey days when television was a luxury, milk was delivered to the front door in glass bottles, and they were forced to walk five miles to and from school. Uphill. Both ways. Help grams and gramps find the funny this National Grandparents Day, Sept. 9, by turning them on to tech with these funny-AF Instagram captions.
1Becoming a grandmother is wonderful. One moment you’re just a mother. The next you are all-wise and prehistoric. — Pam Brown
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Brandi Neal / Bustle
I spent a lot of time traveling with my grandparents as a kid. Mostly to historic places, and I still believe they know everything. If you want to know anything about everything, ask your grandma because she has lived a millions lives.
2Grandchildren: the only people who can get more out of you than the IRS. — Gene Perret
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Brandi Neal / Bustle
Grandparents will take you sledding when it’s zero degrees outside, let you eat McDonald’s for dinner every night, and help you out when times are tough. Once, when I was broke AF, my grandma folded $50 into my hand and said she wanted to help. “You’re the best one,” she whispered. Thinking back, she probably said that to all of her grandkids.
3Doesn’t have Facebook, still remembers your birthday. — Funny Grandma Quotes
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Brandi Neal / Bustle
OK, some grandparents are hip to Facebook. However, if your grandparents are tech free, chances are they remember every single birthday, every phone number they’ve ever had, and they’ll probably still bake you a cake from scratch without needing to look at the recipe. They store all of this info in their heads. We can hardly claim the same.
4Me: All my friends are getting married. Grandma: Yeah? All my friends are dying. — Funny Grandma Quotes
When you’re playing your tiny violin trying to elicit sympathy, your grandma can, and will, always one up you. OK grandma, you win.
5Bigger dummies than you. — Georgia Hardstark
On the true-crime comedy podcast My Favorite Murder, co-host Georgia Hardstark relayed the advice her grandma gave her whenever she got discouraged. Bigger dummies than you [have succeeded]. Tell your grandma thank you for never letting you give up on yourself.
6When grandma gets email: Let me grab my purse and head to the post office. — Grandparents Visitation Blog
It can be difficult to explain to someone who has lived through every advent of mail that you can now get it on a computer. Also, what’s a computer. Stop grandma before she runs to the post office to pick up her email. #NotAllGrandparents
7Grandparents surfing online: I don’t want to open a new window; it’s already cold in here. — Grandparents Visitation Blog
For people who are new to computers, having common sayings like “open a new window” mean something else entirely can be confusing. Give your grandparents a hand before they create their own Facebook wall on the wall of their living room.
8You know you’re a grandparent when you laugh when your grandkids do the same things that made you so angry when your kids did them. — Unknown
“Don’t swing that bat in the house” is probably something your grandparents have told you eleventy-million times. However, when one of your parents destroyed something during in-house batting practice, they likely got grounded. Not you. You got cookies.
9The best babysitters, of course, are the baby’s grandparents. You feel completely comfortable entrusting your baby to them for long periods, which is why most grandparents flee to Florida. — Dave Barry
Hey, your grandparents already raised their kids, and sometimes they peace out because they just can’t even. However, when you come to visit they’re super happy to see you because they know they’ll be sending you back a week later.
10They have to answer questions like “Why isn’t God married?” and “How come dogs chase cats?” — a student of teacher Margaret Mather
Hey, your grandparents likely spent hours patiently explaining the mysteries of the universe to you. This grandparents day, return the favor by explaining a few things to them. It’s a small price to pay for all they’ve done for you. When grandma asks what a BAE is, tell her that today, she is your one and only BAE. Because, National Grandparents Day!
Source: https://www.bustle.com/p/10-funny-national-grandparents-day-2018-instagram-captions-that-will-definitely-make-them-laugh-11850953
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