#my greatest photoshop yet
jtheplante · 1 year
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Femboy Hammy 🔥🔥🔥
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
Yet in reverse you are all my symmetry (my reflection just won't smile back at me)
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So, the lovely @thevenomousseprent has alerted me of the very important fact that Sleep in reverse reads Peels. As the self-appointed Peeled Vessel embassador, I had to bring Banana Boi for this.
Please feast your eyes to the greatest photoshop job ever done. Worship 🍌
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tellusd20 · 2 months
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Dev Journal 2: The world of Tellus
This is the current draft version of the world map for my homebrew campaign setting. It was cobbled together using a mix of Fractal Terrains 3, Photoshop, and Wonderdraft. It's been interesting going through each iteration and trying to land the particular combination of alien and familiar that I want to achieve. If a fantasy world is too Earthlike, it becomes difficult to break away from expectations of what will be found in each area. But if its too alien, the player's expectations of what might be found in a region become harder to visualize. This particular version has not quite accomplished what I'm trying to find yet, future iterations will likely venture more into the alien side of the spectrum. However, this is a good start and while this world is quite familiarly shaped, it'll have some very interesting geopolitics. As a starter, you may notice that there's not much distance between many of the continents. Seagoing exploration by the Tellus equivalent of the Greeks, Phoenicians, and Polynesians would have likely achieved something equivalent to the Colombian Exchange much earlier than our world. Likewise, trade between the Orient and Occident is much easier, which will create some fascinating opportunities for cultural exchanges. Vast quantities of wealth flow through these vital trade arteries, meaning that any nation with ambitions of being a power worth considering will require a substantial fleet to protect their interests. Tellus is still embarrassingly underdeveloped so far, with vast amounts of blank space in my documents, but I'll provide a brief description of each continent and its major powers and provide more details later. Names are all provisional and may be changed in future drafts; I like to use placeholders and end up changing them frequently. In the descriptions below I include equivalents to RL nations, this is meant as a reference to their closest geopolitical analogue, not that they are necessarily clones of that state. Belus: Obviously this world's equivalent to Europe, differentiated largely by the presence of an inland sea. Directly to its north is the Grey Sea, to the south is the Medial Sea. Its greatest power is the Second Empire of Abdera; a sprawling feudal mess equivalent to a super-HRE, stretching from this world's equivalent of Spain to Germany. More often at war with itself than outside powers, the Second Empire's stability and prestige have had an alarming decline due to the emergence of the Republic of Brennos (eqv. Napoleonic France) within its former territories. The Second Empire's neighbors, particularly Dynne (eqv. Great Britain) play a delicate game of exploiting Imperial weakness while trying not to throw the continent into complete chaos. To the east, the Empire of Melate (eqv. Ottomans) are recovering from a century of decline with a reformist empress on the throne. Their strategic position and the exhaustion of their Belusan rivals fuel the ambitions of elven revanchists.
Azbine: Essentially Africa, Azbine is a huge & diverse continent in terms of politics, climate, geography, and population density. Its northwest coast is largely divided up into feudal possessions of the Second Empire, as well as daughter republics of Brennos legitimized by peace treaty. The northeast corner, south of the large peninsula that is Melate's heartland, are the Majeri Republics (eqv. Venice); an oligarchic federation of city-states that are wealthy and loyal protectorates of Melate. Their cities are among the wealthiest on the planet thanks to the trade routes they sit upon. Along the eastern coastline are small kingdoms and city-states that also thrive on (or prey upon) trade between Azbine and Dahae, as well as Alamgiri colonies (see Dahae below).
Nirimzad (eqv. Congo Free State), the vast territory of a clan of green dragons, encompasses the circular sea in central Azbine and its surrounding coastline. The dragons squabble and intrigue against each other, unified only in extracting as much wealth as possible from their hunting ground. Their warlords and slave armies would likely overrun much of the central continent were they not constantly pitted against each other for the entertainment and petty grudges of the dragons. Alwealde: South America, duh. The northeast coast is primarily occupied by the Kingdom of Selvas - a secessionist colony from the Second Empire that's also a feudal mess of direct colonial holdings and integrated native vassals. A federation of city-states styled along the lines of the Delian League control the rest of the eastern coast; they are theocratic governments run by a priestly class with rulers descended from a planetouched bloodline. Hesperus: A handful of Belusan colonies with competing territorial claims squat on the coasts as well as the independent nation of Ladrinne (eqv USA) where the losing Parliamentary faction of the Dynnish civil war fled and established a government in exile. Ladrinne styles itself as the rightful government of the Dynnish islands. The old guard aristocrats are naturally fading away and being replaced by revanchist radicals inspired by the Brenne Revolution. Eastern Hesperus is easily a potential powderkeg for the next war, whether due to colonial competition or Ladrinne's parliament finally deciding to expel the monarchists from 'their' continent. Elsewhere in Hesperus, the natives are doing better than OTL, having never suffered the same population collapse from disease as that which followed contact. Tola: Obviously an Asiatic continent, Tola's central steppes are the domain of orcish tribes and petty kingdoms (eqv Mongols). To the west, Ryaz principalities and successor kingdoms to an old Orc empire crowd against inland seas and compete for coastal access. To the east are the Golden Lands, the richest agriculture lands in the world thanks to a series of great lakes and high mountain glaciers that feed dozens of rivers. The agricultural wealth of the Golden Lands unfortunately also brings much ambition; the region is divided between six states with a variety of ideologies (eqv. Chinese warlord era)
Dahae: The Dahaen subcontinent is home to what's likely the most powerful empire in the world, Alamgir (eqv. Mughals). Alamgir's orcish ruling class possess sprawling lands teeming with millions, a strong export economy, and a large, well-trained military that is regularly tested in border conflicts with its neighbors. Alamgir shares the subcontinent and its archipelago with several other major powers and dozens of minor states.
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mayhem-moth · 11 months
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My inspiration struck when my sibling, who can not read yet, texted me the words "campbell doll". From there a blast of lightning struck me and when i awoke i could not live without creating this masterpiece(poorly photoshopping images i found on google on a drawing app i have on my phone)(does that even count as photoshop???)( eh, whatever).
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yuelun · 1 year
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Interrupting writing (only momentarily) because everyone is doing this thing and after-dinner fatigue is absolutely kicking my ass. And also, let it be known, Min, that I hope you knew exactly what me answering this was gonna look like. /drum rolls (also I need people to know that this has been playing in the background this whole time and I'm jamming out).
What's your phone wallpaper: Zhongli. But I edited the picture way too monumentally much in Photoshop. On my phone, it has a black background., I've dimmed it because I don't like my backgrounds to be overall too bright, I've selectively brightened some of the veins/lines along his arms and legs— he's a beautiful man and he's beautiful on my phone, he's been on there since I first found the picture months ago.
Last song you listened to: 'Saturn' by Sleeping at Last, but specifically the violin version with Tim Fain. Since I called myself out on this yesterday, the following should come as no surprise: it's my ultimate favourite song for Zhongli/Guizhong, specifically from his perspective after her passing. Aside from that however, it's also simply one of my absolute favourite songs that soothes me to the core every time I listen to it. .
Currently reading: It's been paused for a while, but things I've most recently picked up and haven't finished? 'City of Souls' by Cassandra Clare, a franchise I love dearly, even if nothing will measure up to the first three books.
Last movie: Final Fantasy VII: Last Order, I'm a huge Zack Fair fanatic. But also, it's been a while since I've actively engaged in watching a full film because I don't currently have the attention span for it.
What are you wearing: I live in loungewear or a mix/match of lounge/sleepwear and other clothes; I'm just that kind of girl. Granted, with all the moving abroad twice over in the last two years— I no longer have all of my comfy things. I'll restock. But currently my pyjama pants, short sleeved turtleneck, fuzzy sweater and fuzzy socks. If you ever see me inside of my home without fuzzy socks or fuzzy slippers (you know, like those that look like animals? I'll be 65 one day and still wear them), you know I'm not doing well.
Piercings / tattoos: Neither. I don't even have my ears pierced and it's not even for any specific reason, because I'd like to get them pierced. I just never... got... around to getting them pierced? I would like to possibly get a script tattoo under my collarbone, or something on my inner lower arm in white ink (I do have specific ideas as to what, shh).
Glasses / contacts or both? I'm nearsighted, so glasses, technically— but my eyes either got worse or better over time and my old glasses now give me a headache. I haven't gotten new ones yet, but I see well enough to be okay in the meantime. But soon.
Last thing you ate: ... Chocolate. But I heated up my chicken stew. I love, love, love a good stew or roast. And honestly, I'm on a fries and cheesy pasta binge, so I'll likely have one of those later tonight as a snack as I will, very likely, once again stay up until 6am writing and doing my own head in, because I'm right back there.
Favourite colour(s): Depends on whether we're talking clothes or otherwise. Black is a safe answer, but I like a lot of my accessories in white.
Current Obsession: Guizhong, (Kay, don't look) Zhongli, the Guili Assembly, Liyue the greatest nation in any game to have existed ever; yes, in that order. I guess also coffee. And also, none of these are only 'current' obsessions, they're going to be my obsessions well into any kind of perpetuity. No, I don't need help, I'll drown here very happily. :)
Do you have a crush? Are we including video games because of so... absolutely not, obviously. Geez.
Favourite fictional characters? /takes a breath. Guizhong, Guizhong, Guizhong— oh, others? Okay, uh, Zhongli... Madame Ping, Cloud Retainer, Osial, Marchosius/Guoba because I'm absolutely insane, Yaoyao (did you know that Yuegui, her bunny, was made by Cloud Retainer? I still cry over that), Nahida (she's the only non-Liyue character but I'm in total and utter love), Ganyu (I'm so close to adding her as an NPC on this blog, I swear to god), SKY BRACER-- I have a problem, I'm aware. I'm just absolutely feral over Liyue and it's fine. Let's move on before I expose my love for them too much more.
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Tagged by: Literally no one, no one asked for my madness; they knew better Tagging: Be sneaaaaaky. <3
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oxiegoeimi · 7 months
Artist| #thelastwonder31
Anger and bitterness, two foes which I’ve yet to eradicate, have continued to stem from me. The blame game has been my greatest deterrent to maturation and connectivity. Whether I came to the conclusion that messing up is human or that it was God’s plan, I became an expert at avoidance. Letting my fake face shine acceptance and stability, I never approached conflict willingly. Rather let relationships grow cold than fight for honesty, I didn’t care about anyone else enough to speak. So, I lived this life on my own terms. The American Dream right? Grow up, be independent, and look good? I can’t change my facial features without photoshop and filters, but I can play dress up for the public? I can’t fix how it feels to speak fake things, but I can use little lies to protect my equilibrium? Damn. Did I really become the stereotypical pessimistic middle aged male? Did I really expect spirituality to help me avoid reality? Am I really speaking in hindsight as if I crossed some bridge of enlightenment? Am I actually projecting in a manner to sound smart and humble? Ugh . . . I have scars, so I’m like you right? This creates camaraderie and breaks down barriers appearing to be safe person to share secrets with quietly? I can’t tell the difference between the actor, the adult, and the person. Hopefully, none of my subconscious attempts at appearing grown up took over. This is an exercise in venting though writing what I’m unable to verbalize physically. Overthinking and obsessive, I know that everything is amazingly breaking and building simultaneously. The end goal or destination? Self-acceptance, love, healing, perspective, and transparency . . .
- oxiegoeimi
soul 11.1 🦁🏳🔐💙 remember to always #trust #nature 🌲 #Healer 🔥 #Spirit 🕊 #hope ⚜️ #grace ☔️ #love 🌸 #life 🌊 #unity 🌈 #believe 💝 #weareone ✂️🕚🎶 #energy #PinkySwear #prayer #meditation #freelove #hereandhereafter #dream #vision #Eternity #paradise #infinity #light #origin #writing source journey #create #coexist #together 💜🌠🌅🌟
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josephfebin · 11 months
Forefront 3: The Windshield Wiper (2022) - A Visual journey through Complexity of Love
The Windscreen Wiper, a 3D animated short film directed by Alberto Mielgo, explores the complex nature of love in an artistically striking and emotionally moving manner. The movie captivates audiences from the very beginning with its unique beauty and distinctive styles. The protagonist of the tale is a middle-aged man who raises a question, "What is Love?" at a café. This straightforward yet deep question serves as the foundation for a series of short stories that explore various elements of love. The movie exposes a variety of scenarios that keep the idea of love open-ended and thought-provoking, starting from the early blossom of infatuation to the difficulties encountered by elderly spouses separated by death. In order to examine how the concept of love and practise of love has changed through time, Mielgo interweaves a generational criticism throughout the whole movie. Both the director and the audience, who are positioned as observers from the outside, reflect on the constantly changing nature of this complicated feeling. The overall visual execution is unquestionably stunning, even though some moments may resonate more deeply than others. With a contemporary and razor-sharp visual sense, each scene is carefully designed to arouse the greatest amount of emotion possible. The characters and settings are given a recognisable realism by Mielgo's widely renowned graphical style, creating a world that feels similar yet artistically captivating.
In my own practise it helped, the technical aspects of the film. Although not very innovative in terms of the execution, Mielgo's strategy produces a unique fusion of stylization with realism, helped me in developing my ‘pull’. The key frame-animated 3D characters smoothly blend with the detailed backgrounds that were painted in Photoshop, together creating a visually stunning result. The conflict between realism and fantasy adds to the attractiveness of Mielgo's work by striking a balance that is both modern and cool. Moreover, "The Windshield Wiper" is an evidence to Mielgo's creative voice .He fearlessly explores mature themes and delivers them in a visually compelling and impressionistic way by drawing on personal experiences and bringing relatable human emotions to the screen. The end product is a collection of scenes that have a profound emotional impact on viewers and leave a lasting impression. As someone who has closely followed Mielgo's works, I had great hopes for "The Windscreen Wiper," and I'm happy to say that they were exceeded. Its acceptance into esteemed events like the Cannes Director's Fortnight and eligibility for an Oscar nomination reveals its creative excellence. Being a fan of animation, I'm grateful to have the chance to see Alberto Mielgo's passion project since he is an artist with a distinctive and forward-thinking approach.
Gold (2022). Alberto Mielgo (Love, Death + Robots’) on the toxic relationship at the center of ‘Jibaro’. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsH7aIs6ioY [Accessed 4 Aug. 2022].
mielgo, alberto (2021). The Windshield Wiper / TRAILER 2021. [online] Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/568179562.
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). ‘The Windshield Wiper’ Wins Best Animated Short Film | 94th Oscars. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzz0QoplrFA [Accessed 24 Mar. 2023].
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). The Windshield Wiper | Award-Winning Short Animation about Love. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8MQl7vCkMQ.
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). What is love? | Analyzing Alberto Mielgo’s Oscar winning animated short film *THE WINDSHIELD WIPER*. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDNgSPVbDUA [Accessed 25 Aug. 2023].
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ldhphotography · 1 year
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Here is a small plan I came up with for a studio shoot. After watching the short video on making your own plan on photoshop, it inspired me and I decided to make my own. I am still trying to decide on an idea for my second assignment so I'm not sure if this idea will end up relating. Whether it does or not, I still want to improve my understanding of studio photography. Even if I don't end up having any studio shots in my finalised photo-book, I still want to try out this activity and see what I can achieve technically in the lighting studio. I love the work of Steven Meisel, I think it is so fun, glamorous and cool and I want to refer to elements of his photographic practice for this shoot. I think black and white photography is cool and it's something I haven't played around with much yet, especially in terms of fashion photography, but these shots Steven Meisel has taken in black and white have inspired me. When editing in post, I thought it could be fun to bring some colour back into the image later like some of the examples I have provided from looking on Pinterest.
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pretty disappointed to see recently that you coad support toxic players. as toxic and dramatic as PCU I dare say. So basically we have PCU on one hand, and then on the other hand, a forming clique of children. This seloriaz elf and her clique had previously been almost instanced in sw, rudely ignoring ppl for RPing supposedly with pcu people. when I /w them they ignored me again and then one of their alts whispered back at me saying to not bother them again because I was seen RPing with a PCU-affiliate whereas I simply chit-chatted with someone from the dawn that no longer even is in azura dawn. from the other screenshots also with shonn, I respect when he admits that he does 18+ RP and that he is mindful of not doing it public but that goes against the one who whispers, which is seloriaz and had a TRP profile with a not-so-hidden link of their nsfw character artwork. who's the real clown? pls do your research and don't give voice to toxic players that expose everyone to their nsfw artwork and they dont even give you a chance because you "RpEd WiTh ThAt oNe dUdE wHo We ThInK iS pcu sO wE iGnOre yOu!" So glad these people left Argent Dawn and went over to epsilon last I know. Better stay there. And coad, pls post this and if you kindly ask for evidence I have a few screenies though my TRP was wiped so I cant find that NSFW link I wrote above.
Sounds like malding PCU hotheads getting burnt here. You provide no receipts, no evidence of wrong doing from whoever you're trying to throw under the bus and your goons have created no less than seven (7) twitter accounts to harass someone.
People d o n o t want to interact with the PCU and are wholly entitled to curate and moderate their spaces online from those who align themselves with the group. You are a toxic brand who have attracted incels, genuine fascists and sympathetic rightoids who's attitudes towards women, minorities and vulnerable groups have routinely for the last five years and more been on par with the same type of "cleanse the society" rhetoric that neo-nazi extremists have pumped out. Your former Dear Leader often loved to compare himself to great totalitarian personages of the 20th century, and somewhat ironically given the context, to the great Butcherer of Bucha. You are abjectly the greatest hypocrites to ever ingloriously grace Argent Dawn.
We are breaking from our usual operating code as we don't generally reply to angry PCU wiseguys these days. The utter hysteria your ilk fill our inbox up with grants us glee and delight. Every anti-Semitic, racist and xenophobic jibe, every misogynistic and medieval "lol funny deus vult" quip and homophobic, transphobic and fragile cis white male angerbait sent our way? You think it does anything but encourage us further?
The PCU have n e v e r been able to provide genuine evidence of supposed wrong doing that hasn't clearly been through two layers of photoshop and reveals a players actual screen rather than the poorly cropped text box themselves and two buddies did together on Epsilon at three AM posing as other players to dirty, denigrate and slander innocent players. It's always someone posting easily faked TRP profiles, chat boxes that crop out 80% of the screen or suspiciously only use easily modifiable terms such as player names or two players sitting side by side one another (because that apparently is ERP?)
Yet what have we got? A mountain of evidence. A litany of questionable behaviors, off-color remarks and abuse dating over years of which at least half of all of this has been contributed by other players, the decent and normal people of Argent Dawn who read this blog to see just what scummy depths the PCU and all of its adjunct supporters are willing to prop up in the name of "good standards" and "protecting fellow roleplayers"
So to quote Akande Ogundimu, aka Doomfist.
Go and sit down.
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ridebanana · 2 years
Mac sierra update photoshop cs6
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Mac sierra update photoshop cs6 for mac#
Mac sierra update photoshop cs6 update#
Mac sierra update photoshop cs6 software#
Our media consume habits are on the verge of change it is unclear whether Adobe can keep up with the innovation pace in the media creation realm.
Mac sierra update photoshop cs6 software#
Who knows, maybe their software will be the 'gold standard' for creative departments in a near future. Affinity does interesting things nowadays. My personal impression is, that since CS has gone CC subscription-only, Adobe lost track of innovation due to lack of pressure from potentially upgrading customers.Ĭan subscription-based business models slow down innovation progress and new 'killer features'? I believe so. The best drawing tool on an iPad is procreate, and that's not from Adobe (yet?). But Adobe hasn't demonstrated great innovation there yet. The only benefit I see in switching to CC eventually is mobile apps. Like said, the (latest and greatest) tool doesn't make you a great artist automatically. The new 'features' are mostly gimmicks to me. However, I'm not willing to throw extra money for that singular feature on a monthly basis. Well, Photoshop got art boards, maybe that is. For my daily workflow, I haven't heard of any. I don't know which improvements are there in CC you're so excited about. Mercury engine was already available for AE in CS6. But I haven't seen any great value in newer CC versions since the infamous subscription-only switch. Flash is obviously dead, Fireworks was never my favorite, and has been discontinued anyway. I work daily with Illustrator/PS/InD and often use Premiere and AE. Professionals also like to respect their expenses. Labeling most CS6 users as pirates is equally invalid. There are many professional freelancers and creative departments still working with CS6 or older. However, since this is often a recurring debate, I'd like to elaborate: I am pro, and of course I payed for my CS6. Create High Dynamic Range (HDR) photos in Photoshop and Lightroom with acclaimed.Ĭlick to expand. Adobe Dreamweaver CS 6 Web design software provides an intuitive visual interface for making and editing HTML websites and mobile apps. Programs for query ″photoshop cs 6 mac sierra freeload″.
Mac sierra update photoshop cs6 update#
Adobe strongly recommends that customers update to the Photoshop CC 2017 release prior to updating to macOS 10.13 (High Sierra). With shortcuts and ways to easily start new notes and link to others, it's one of the quickest options around, once you learn the shortcuts.Īdobe has discovered the compatibility issue listed below with running Photoshop with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).
Mac sierra update photoshop cs6 for mac#
Notational Velocity is a simple note taking app for Mac that was created around taking super fast notes without ever having to take your hands off the keyboard. Third, the best note taking apps let you snap pictures and save them as notes, upload files, record audio, and clip pages from the web. In a matter of seconds, you can find whatever notes you need, even if they are years old. Second, note taking apps have search functionality. As long as you have the internet, you have your notes. This is a specialty note-taker worth mentioning, because some people just like the feel of a stylus in their hand when taking notes. For taking notes with a stylus, Penultimate is the way to go.
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Monday, 22 August 2022:
I’ve Suffered For My Art...Now It’s Your Turn Marshall Crenshaw (King Biscuit  Flower Hour) (released in 2001)
This is a live album (I think Crenshaw must have more live albums than Widespread Panic) that features an acoustic setting and was recorded at The Stone Pony in Asbury Park, NJ on 16 February 2001.  Above you see the album cover (taken out of the reflective jewel case and laid atop it instead) followed by two consecutive photos of the booklet unfolded revealing both the front and back of that booklet.  Then you have the back of the CD still in shrink wrap.  Then the final photo up top shows off the title strip.  All of the Crenshaw CDs that I have bought thus far have all been sealed. Those that weren’t initially, one was tossed in the trash, #447, and the other was a promo of Miracle of Science that I will keep just because it seems odd.
Before I move to the next photos, look at that album cover.  Granted, the title is corny as hell yet it is funny to see an artist poking fun at himself and his audience.  But check out Crenshaw’s face.  It isn’t in focus.  At first I thought it was because the camera was doing a deep focus on the audience.  But if that were the case then his body would also be out of focus.  Do you think perhaps that isn’t Crenshaw’s body but an actor (this whole cover had to be staged like a Belle and Sebastian album) and that Crenshaw’s face is photoshopped on?  The face almost looks like it was blown up to fit the body of the man posing with the guitar.  It’s a strange cover when the artist’s face is not as sharp in detail as the rest of the photo. 
Below is what is found in the inlay tray.  (I didn’t put a photo of the back of the booklet since I laid the booklet wide open revealing both sides of it.) 
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The next shot is of the CD.  Obviously, that isn’t Bo Donaldson.
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Since this is a King Biscuit Flower Hour release, they generally include a post card asking a variety of questions to get you on a mailing list.  In all my time as a collector I don’t think I ever filled out a single insert included inside a CD.  Below are the front and the back of said postcard.
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In 2002, just one year after this album was released, BMG Special Products released an album titled Greatest Hits Acoustic.  This album is a reissue of I’ve Suffered For My Art... but it omits four tracks (Television Light, Endless Sleep, What Do You Dream Of, and Walk Away Renee; two of those tracks are covers and it would be the first Crenshaw live album not to have any covers, so that decision was made ignorant of Crenshaw’s live performance history) and then it shuffles the track list one supposes to feel or imply it is different from the Stone Pony performance.  Below you will see the cover so you can stay away from purchasing it unless you want to be a completeist.  I’m always fine being a completeist except when it is a complete superfluous release as the album below is.
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sexdollxxx1 · 2 years
The Truth About People Who Buy Sex Dolls
It might stun you, yet people who buy love or sex dolls aren't actually creeps or ruffians. I can perceive you from direct insight because my own sex doll shop is one of just a small bunch of uncommon who presents a suggestion that isn't connected to having sex with a love doll, but about using them to make the most superb, intriguing craftsmanship.
Love dolls can acknowledge numerous positions and it's heaps pleasant to play tidy up with them and see them wearing your favored outfits. A piece of my clients can go through hours taking photographs of their darling dolls simply considering the way that they can acknowledge such countless stances and because you can dress them some way you like.
I believe that the arousing craftsmanship (pictures/accounts) made with the help of these dolls is an honor for the female design. How wonderful is the female design.. It's something uniquely amazing to regard and eternalize.
It's extraordinarily challenging to drop by a stunning female that will make a pass at numerous different outfits.. Who will expect various kinds of positions and who all the while wouldn't worry that you take pictures? Perhaps you even need to change/Photoshop the photographs and add them to your own collection or considerably offer them on the web. Have a go at getting assent from certified women to do stuff like that. It's challenging to get this kind of assent and might harm a woman's standing in the event that you do.
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In this way, these friendship dolls are great for making workmanship that is suggested as an award for female construction. People who buy love dolls from me are by and large mingled, standard people who have energy for intriguing craftsmanship, female design, greatness, and provocative clothing. The dolls I proposition to them license them to accommodatingly participate to their greatest advantage.
This one time a buyer pushed toward me and asked whether I could help him with decorating his new house. He actually surrendered and his soul mate had passed on several years sooner. He purchased a significant house, yet he was going to reside there without assistance from any other person. He felt that some warmth dolls might make him feel less melancholy in his new home and that their greatness would give him joy. It worked. He let me in on that they are more brilliant than he could have any time imagined and that he truly created resources for them.
Since he was surrendered and because he was isolated from every other person, he didn't have that much to do until he took on this new leisure activity. He started making photographs of his dolls and found a web-based neighborhood people retell stories about their dolls and deal pictures. The last time I addressed him he made it clear to me that the dolls have genuinely provided him with a lot of joy and shockingly a few new friends.
For More Info:-
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kiss-this · 2 years
I got to read La Signorina Nessuno by Giorgia Soleri and I want to share my opinion.
Three premises: 
1) I really appreciate Giorgia for her activism and respect her as a person, but I honestly did not like the book so this won't be nice. I’ll  put everything under the cut because I understand that someone may want to stay away from negativity.
 2) As above. I appreciate and respect Giorgia as a person, don’t be a jerk and try to use this post to hate on her.
3) So why am I writing all this? First, because I didn't start this blog to censor myself. Second, because I'm honestly tired of seeing the number of followers mistaken for quality. There are so many things an influencer can do, and do well. This doesn’t mean that just because they are famous they have to do everything. 
OK let's go. 
From what I had the opportunity to read through Giorgia's stories I already noticed the level of her poetry was not very high, yet I still was disappointed. This book is not poetry, I’m sorry but it is cringe from start to finish, with moments that trigger an involuntary hilarity. 
-Let's start from the basics, the lexicon. To say it’s elementary is to be generous. An extremely basic and repetitive language makes me think that the author simply does not read, which is a serious problem for those who want to write.
- The infamous enjeambment. Reading other people’s reviews I saw that we all noticed the same problem. Writing poetry doesn’t mean breaking the verse at random and btw it doesn’t mean use punctuation just as casually as well. 
-Metaphors and mythology. Giorgia said she is ashamed of having left school and I very much respect her feelings and the courage she has to admit it, however, perhaps she would do better to leave the mythology alone since she clearly knows it on a very shallow level. Using it badly does not raise the level of her writing, it dulls it even more. 
-The erotic part. It’s involuntary funny as much as it’s worrying. Why? Because it looks like she depends on Damiano in a way thad doesn't seem very healthy. Once again the metaphors are, well, not the best. There’s something about a "drill" that will stay with me for a long time ^^’ Just as, and I quote, the mucous membranes thick as Christ’s tears. I mean... 
-The themes are supposed to be deep but what comes out of this book is a series of aphorisms drawn from a teenager's diary. Or from Tumblr. Some are also good as captions for overdramatic photoshopped landscapes to post on Instagram. 
-Finally, here is what’s the main problem in my opinion. Publishing house and marketing. A self respecting publishing house a) would’ve given the book a very good editing and b) wouldn’t have advertised this book as it did, passing it off as the new literary miracle of the year. Really, it has created immense expectations for a product that, I’m sorry, is of very low quality. 
Obviously they wanted to take advantage of Giorgia's fame, who, in turn, seems happy to ignore all the negative reviews the book is getting, keeping on sharing the positive ones. I would probably do the same, however once again this creates expectations in the audience, which multiplies the disappointment by 100. 
If this book had been advertised as a product for teens, the reviews would have been far more lenient. But no, they even had to brign up Alda Merini of all people! Well, maybe I wrote all this exactly because this comparison made me lose my temper. 
For those who don’t know, Alda Merini is the greatest Italian poet of the 20th century. Some time ago Giorgia herself said that somebody told her she is the new Alda Merini. Now... If this isn’t the hugest facepalm moment ever. Honestly, I’d have kept this for myself. It tastes of arrogance, but also of total lack of knowledge of Merini's work. 
It’s really a comparison that humiliates the intelligence of the readers. In this, I must say, Giorgia (not her book) disappointed me. However I believe that although poetry is clearly not for her, with prose (and a real editor) she could get much better results. 
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jostystyles · 2 years
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hello and happy new year friends! 2021 was such an insane year that had its up and downs for sure. but the one thing that remained was the friendships i've had with the most beautiful people on here. if there's one thing y'all know about me its that I love to love my friends. thank you for always putting up with me and supporting all my content. i'll forever be grateful to everyone on here for making this place the escape it is most of the time. I hope 2022 is your best year yet, and here's to you. in no particular order, here are my beautiful mutuals I adore:
@w1segirl : mel. my beloved, my wife. I will forever be grateful that we started talking and something possessed you to create the server that is now our clown home. you are my soup loving, diehard habs fan, percabeth loving, beautiful wife. your snapchat vlogs (especially the squirrel updates) are the highlight of my day. I am so lucky you are in my life my clown
@yelenabeluva lanie where do I even start. I have found a variant of myself in you. no one causes chaos quite like us and there are many people who can attest to that. from screaming about fictional men to making typos and hating men, I wouldn't trade you for the world. you are such a wonderful human being and i'm so lucky to call you a friend. my raccoon loving clady.
@rcwena KAI! bestie, beloved. you are one of the greatest people i've had the pleasure of knowing. as andrew garfield once said, "she's like a shot of espresso". from ur wolfstar breakdowns, to shaming me about loving white men, I can always count on you for a laugh. forever will you associate dunkin with me <3 even if you'll always be in a different timezone than us, that will never stop the chaos of the cladies. I am so lucky to have you in my life.
@comphybiscuit my soulmate. my beloved. talking to you has becoming one of the greatest joys of my day. no one will listen to me rant about josty and jt like you do. you always listen to my wildly insane fic ideas and support them to no end. you are such a beautiful soul and I wonder how lucky I have been that we're friends. I just simply adore everything about you and I can't wait until we can wreak havoc at an avs game in person
@fallinallincurls bre my sweet!! what a beautiful human you are. I am so so happy we have met and become friends. you have been there for me in so many different situations and I will always be grateful. your writing is just immaculate and every piece you put out is amazing. I am still in shock that we met at harryween and I can't wait for the day we can hug once again!!
@2manytabsopen kesh my beloved. you are one of the sweetest souls on here. you have such a calming presence on hockeyblr that makes you so inviting and safe. I am so blessed to be your friends and get to talk to you almost every day. I can't wait to see where life takes you dear!!
@bathrobesinparadise mackenzee my darling. your friendship means the world to me. I also would absolutely love to take credit for getting you into the world of hockeyblr and being a hockey fan in general. from always supporting my insane ideas and talking me down from being attracted to certain men, I just adore you.
@barznasty2point0 abbey. my hick wife. my lover. I am so happy we are friends. you bring so much joy into my life and operate on the same horny scale as I do. watching u grow in love and life has made me so happy. I love you my dear.
@joeljuice taylor!! what a sweetheart you are. I feel so safe on your page and you make everyone feel so welcome. I absolutely love talking to you and I cherish all our interactions. I love you to pieces!!
@jackydrury gabs. my love. no one fuels my insane need to photoshop like you do. everything I create is in your honor. our conversations have made me cry laughing sometimes. you are such a strong willed beautiful person and I love everything about you. may bullying quinn always stay a top priority.
@laurenairay lauren!! I just adore you so much. you have always been there for me and you give such great advice. you are one of the most respected people on hockeyblr imo and it's well deserved. you are such a talented and brilliant writer too. I am so happy we are friends!
@tysonjost-taylorsversion claudia!! I love you so much. you are such a sweetheart and you make everyone always feel so welcome. all your writing is so amazing and I have laughed, cried, smiled, all of it. I am so lucky to call you a friend!
@rosesvioletshardy monica!! an angel. I love you so much. your gifs are so amazing, your fics are mindblowing, and you're such a wonderful human being. you've been there for me when I need it most and i'll always be grateful for that.
@europeanpuck my sweet!! I am so lucky to have you. you are one of the strongest, beautiful, kindest people i've ever met. I will always treasure our conversations. you bring a happy welcoming presence to the fandom and that is what truly matters. I love you darling!!
now is the time where I mass tag my beloved mutuals who have contributed to so much of my happiness on here. my inbox and dms are always open if you ever want to chat, rant, be insane, or just say hi. I love ya'll so much and I am so grateful for all of you.
@starshine-hockey-girl @princessphilly @perpetually-anxious @islescanes @hockstuff @pupsandpucks @prettyboyjackhughes @owennpower @joelsfarabees @broadstflyers @hollyjollyjosty @thebookofmags @gryffindors-weasley @lam-ila @sorryjustafangirl @youngbeezer @leafwick @tonyspep @outerbankies @teelagurl558 @anotherdropofnorth @maybankforlife @honeytaylorsversion @extratragic @thetysonjost @jostyriggslover96 @matthewtkachuk @bricksatanakinswindow @matwith1t @jxmieoleksiaks @stardusttkachuk @quinnjackluke @haydsfleury @breadqueen95 @bb-nhlqueen7 @bluesfamily ive hit the tag limit so i'll be adding more!
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jwbjwb · 4 years
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Buff Shera If anyone happens to follow Boku No Hero Academia (if not, this is my recommendation) I’d say that I gave it my plus ultra. Cheers! 
I hope everyone is doing well this COVID!
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Say Cheese
Juice Ortiz x OFC (Chris Teller)
Inspired by Day Five of the July Prompts: camera
Warnings: none, this is just slice of life fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: My brain has been going in a million different directions as far as WIPs go these days but I think about this pairing on a daily basis I love them so much
SOA Taglist: @garbinge​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @masterlistforimagines​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @punkgoddess-98​ @paintballkid711​ @black-repunzel99​ @jitterbugs927​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ (If you want to be added to the taglist just let me know!)
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Chris was throwing sunscreen and her beach towel into her bag when she looked over and saw Juice very carefully packing his camera bag. She smiled, walking over and resting her hands on his shoulders before leaning down and pressing a kiss to his temple. He let out a hum of approval as he zipped up the bag.
“Bringing the camera to the beach?”
He looked up at her and nodded, “Yea, that okay?”
She shrugged, “Yea, of course. I just, you trust it at the ocean with all the guys?”
He laughed, “It’ll be fine.
Chris couldn’t remember the last time that they all went together somewhere and none of the guys took their bikes. Everyone brought cars and coolers and things to hide their alcohol in. Gemma, as per usual, had brought enough food to feed an army. She brought enough sunscreen to bathe each of the guys a few times over, knowing that none of them would think to get any for themselves.
The laughter that was erupting from where the waves met the shore was the greatest sound she’d ever heard—Thomas and Abel getting their first real taste of the beach and the ocean. It was good to see kids just being kids. She looked on with a smile as she laid out on her towel, content to just catch a tan and read her book. A little farther down the stretch of beach, a few of the guys were locked into a very competitive game of volleyball. She could hear the smack-talk over the music from the speakers and the waves.
Juice had been quiet for a while, and she honestly thought that he had passed out on his beach towel. With his sunglasses on it was really anyone’s guess. She looked over to make sure that he wasn’t starting to burn, though, and that’s when she realized that he was awake and digging into his camera bag.
“Gonna get some action shots of Tig diving face-first into the sand over there?” she laughed as she nodded towards the volleyball net.
Juice chuckled, shaking his head as he got his camera set up, “Nah, not yet anyway,” he held the camera up and pointed it in her direction, “Say cheese!”
Chris turned away with a laugh, shaking her head, “No way, Juan.”
He lowered the camera, a pout on his face, “Why not?”
“I’ve seen what you do to the photos you take with that camera. My face and body aren’t going anywhere near your photoshop equipment.”
“C’mon,” he laughed, “I’m not going to photoshop you. I promise.”
She didn’t know how much she actually believed him, but regardless she figured that indulging him just this once wouldn’t really hurt. With a sigh she turned back to him, lowering her sunglasses slightly and flashing him a smile. He was practically vibrating with excitement as he lifted the camera back up and snapped a shot.
Scooting closer, he turned the camera so she could see how it came out, “See? Now I can make posters out of you for my dorm at the clubhouse.”
She laughed, leaning onto his shoulder, “God, I love you.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “I love you too,” he stood up, stretching out for a minute, “Now I’m gonna go get a shot of Tig face-planting.”
“Try to get one of Jax, too!” she called after him with a laugh.
Later on in the afternoon, she tagged in to give Tara some time to just sit, and she took over running around with the toddlers on the shore. She was glad that she brought an extra bag, because every single shell that Abel got his hands on, he wanted to keep. So the three of them were locked in a very intense scavenger hunt when low tide came around, too busy looking for the next great thing to notice that Juice was lurking around to get candid shots of the three of them together.
The only thing that clued her into it at all, was Abel calling out his name as he ran to show him his latest find, “Juice, look!” he held out his tiny hand that held a shell, “It’s a cone!”
He made a big show of inspecting the shell that Abel had just handed to him, “Sure is, buddy. That’s so cool! You gonna keep it?”
“Duh!” Abel turned and ran back towards Chris, who had the bag in one hand and Thomas’s hand in the other.
She spotted the camera and knew exactly what Juice had been doing. She shook your head with a smile, “I’d splash you if that thing wasn’t so expensive,” she walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips, “Better not have any of me making weird faces.”
“Define weird.”
She gave him a playful shove, “Shut up. Here,” she handed the bag of shells over to him, “Your turn to do the heavy lifting.”
He rolled his eyes, thinking that you were exaggerating. But once she draped the bag onto his arm his eyes grew wide, “Holy shit,” he laughed, rebalancing himself, “that’s actually heavy.”
“Yea,” she laughed, scooping Thomas up into her arms, “I know,” she looked over at her nephew, “Let’s go get some fruit and water, lil man.”
Juice and Abel trailed behind the two of them, Chris’s oldest nephew chattering on and on about all the different shells and colors of sea glass that they’d found that day. The four of them made quite the little crew as they made their way back to the towels and coolers.
“You don’t look half bad with a baby on your hip, sweetheart,” Gemma piped up from her chair.
“Look way better with a baby off of it, though,” Chris quipped right back as she handed Thomas to Tara.
Gemma ignored the comment, watching as Juice carefully took the camera and set it on top of its bag before walking over and placing a quick kiss on Chris’s cheek. For all her comments and opinions, she couldn’t deny that Chris had been so much less restless since she started dating Juice. She seemed so much more content.
“Got any pictures of yourself on that thing?” Gemma nodded towards the camera.
Juice laughed, shaking his head, “No, no.”
“Here,” she motioned for him to hand it to her, “Let me get a picture of the happy couple, hm?”
Chris rolled her eyes, “Mom.”
“It’s fine,” Juice cut in before the two of them started going tit for tat over it, “C’mere,” he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close.
She laughed, knowing that she wasn’t going to win this one. She could feel the smug grin of victory on Gemma’s face and chose to ignore it, letting her mom take the win this time around. The heat from Juice’s chest seeped into her back as she leaned into him. Just as Gemma was about to take the picture, he turned and pressed a kiss to the side of her head, causing her to break out in laughter.
The satisfaction on Gemma’s face was genuine as she handed the camera back over to Juice, “Thank you for indulging me.”
He smiled as he took it back and clicked back to find the picture. The grin on his face grew as he showed it to Chris, “Not bad.”
She looked, and couldn’t deny that she was immediately a little obsessed with the photo, “That’s the one that should be a poster in your dorm.”
“I could do both,” he chuckled, leaning in and kissing her on the lips.
“Gotta make two copies of this one,” she lightly tapped the camera screen.
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