#my handw and have them at my sides and just feel sick
senseiwu · 7 months
Between the good doctor memes and the fallout from them that still makes me self concious to this day and people being awful about Lloyd's feelings towards his father and their interactions in crystalised, last year wqs not a good year on twitter for me
#i cannot walk without thinkikg of that post qhere someone was mocking shaun for 'walking like c3-p0'... i feel sick and have to unclasp#my handw and have them at my sides and just feel sick#it sucks when you see so mucu of yourself in a character.when theyre the most relatable one youve EVER seen#you see things you do/have done that youve seen no other character do#....and. people constantly shit on them#idk#but im so freaking glad that meme is over thank GOD#and dont even get me started on people who.are like 'poor garm 🥺🥺' about lloyd being upset with him#god#can a child. hurt by their parent#NOT BE HURT???#im sorry but he doesnt owe that man anything#afyer all hes done??? after all hes put lloyd through????#its so NICE to see a character who.realises they dont habe to forgive a crappy parent#and then to have people be so awful about it....#hot take apparently but lloyd doesnt have to think.about the reasons why he was hurt. hes allowed to just be hurt#like. im sorry but i.dont think hurt or abused kids have to think about the explanations or reasons or whatever. i think.theyre allowed to#be upset. to be mad even.#but maybe im just biased. as a victim of child abuse.#now. before anyone.goes and bes stupid#im not claiming lloyd was abused.#i said hurt OR that. and that was about kids in general not him.#idk how to make thay any clearer#anyway#its so.funny how peoppe will.go ariund and make it seem.like lloyd is.still angry at misako and that they dont have a good relationsjip now#and then. get mad when hes hurt by his father.trying to kill him. trying to kill his friends#not making ANY attempt.to contact him#like#ignore me
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pocket-luv101 · 7 years
(001+ 002) for Kuromahi~ 101 fluff~! Can't wait~ 💙🌹
KuroMahi {1: “You’re really soft” +2: “You smell nice”}
Kuro must’ve rewritten the love note a hundred times but hecouldn’t get the words just right. He felt like a fool writing a love letterlike a love sick teenager but he couldn’t think of any other way to confess hisfeelings to his best friend, Mahiru. He didn’t have the courage to write hisname or Mahiru’s so he just wrote for him to meet a secret admirer in the university’sgazebo.
He planned to slip the letter into Mahiru’s bag while he wasdistracted but Kuro could feel himself becoming doubtful. What if Mahiru didn’tfeel the same way? Groaning, he folded the stationery and glanced at Mahiru diligentlytaking notes next to him. As the lecture was about to end, Kuro placed the letterin his own bag, chickening out at the last moment.
He rested his head against his notebook to steal a few moreminutes of sleep. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Mahiru. He wasconcentrating on the slides and Kuro enjoyed watching his changing hisexpression. Mahiru tapped his pen against his lip and the simple action madeKuro imagine a hundred different kisses. Heat crept up his neck and he pulledhis gaze away from him.
The lecture ended and Mahiru gently shook his shoulder, thinkingthat he was asleep. Kuro stood and stretched, “Most boring lecture ever!”
“Then I must be boring as well because this is my favouriteclass,” Mahiru countered with a light laugh. Kuro merely moaned about the classbeing troublesome as if they were still ten and Mahiru laughed harder. Hedidn’t know how he could make him laugh at the simplest thing. “Why did youeven take philosophy as an elective with me if you don’t like it?”
Kuro answered him with a shrug but Mahiru wasn’t offended byhis lack of answer. They knew each since they were toddlers so he could guessthe reason. He would rather take an elective with a friend than alone. “You’relucky I’m kind enough to review everything you miss while you were asleepduring class. Do you want to grab something quick to eat before we head to myapartment?”
“Ramen.” Mahiru shook his head at his answer and smiledwearily. He took Kuro’s bag for him but paused when a folded piece of paperfell out. Panicking, Kuro tried to take it but Mahiru already picked it up and beganreading it. In his mind, he was screaming but he couldn’t think of a way totake it back without raising suspicion. His brown eyes were a mix of emotionsbefore they returned to their usual laughter.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a secret admirer, Kuro? Yougot a sweet love letter like this and you didn’t tell your best friend!” Mahirusaid.
“Huh?” Kuro gawked at his conclusion. He didn’t know if itwas better to let him believe that or to tell him the truth. Awkwardly, Kurotried to brush off the issue. “I’m sure it’s nothing! I’m not even going to gosince there’s no time written on there, just a location. Too troublesome. Nowgive it back, Mahiru.”
Mahiru stared at the letter for a long time, not knowing thefeeling creeping through him. The penmanship was familiar but he couldn’t quitetell where he saw it before. He saw how nervous Kuro was and wondered what hetruly felt towards the letter. He had known him for a long time but Kuro alwayshad a hard time connecting to people. He should be happy that someone wasinterested in Kuro but…
No,don’t go there! Mahiru thought to himself and tucked the letter into his ownpocket which seemed to make Kuro more distraught. That anxiety turned into afull blown panic when Mahiru declared, “I’m going to find who wrote you thisletter!”
“What?” Kuro screamed. “You really don’t need to do that! I’msure it’s nothing.”
“If this admirer went through all this trouble to write youher feelings, you should give her an answer. Even if you can’t reciprocate herfeelings, you need to tell her so you both know where you stand. There’snothing worst than having feelings for someone and always wondering how theyfeel about you.” Mahiru said. “It should be easy to find who she is from thisletter.”
“Can’t deal.” Kuro groaned and he knew that he couldn’t deterMahiru once he set his mind on something. He just hoped that he would give upon his quest quickly enough. It would be difficult for Mahiru to discover that hewrote the letter for him. Mahiru hooked his arm around his and pulled himforward.
“Let’s go, Kuro! I already have a good idea of how to findyour secret admirer. We need to talk to your sister.” Kuro almost tripped overhis own feet at his words. Quickly, Mahiru tightened his hold around his armand kept him upright. He didn’t know why but Kuro seemed flustered ever sincetheir class ended. He had to wonder about his behaviour as they left theclassroom.
“Why would talking to my sister help? I don’t think any ofher friends would have a crush on me.” Kuro pointed out. His siblings knewabout his feelings for Mahiru and they were more meddlesome than helpful whenit came to his love life.
“I recognize this stationery design. The shop your sisterworks at sells them so there’s a chance your secret admirer brought it there. Ifshe’s working today, we can ask her who brought this stationery recently andsee if you know any of those people.” Mahiru explained and Kuro tried to thinkof an excuse to not go. “Anyways, if we can’t find her name, we can just go tothe gazebo and see if she shows up tomorrow. We don’t have any classes on Friday.”
“We’re going to waste an entire day on this tomorrow? Can’tdeal.”
They made their way down the street to the small shop Wrathworked at. It was raining outside so Kuro held an umbrella over their heads. Theumbrella was large enough for them to share but Kuro leaned it over Mahiru more.He also walked on the right side so he wouldn’t be sprayed by any of thepassing cars. Mahiru’s focus was on the letter in his hands and he let Kuroguide him because he trusted him.
“Why are you so set on finding the person that wrote it? I don’treally want to date anyone.” Kuro lied. The one person he wanted to be with wasright next to him.
“You really don’t want to date anyone?” He bit his lip. All their life, Kuro hadn’t dated anyoneand Mahiru had to wonder what chance he had when he seemed so uninterested inromance. He glanced up from the letter and their eyes met for a moment. “Aren’tyou curious about who wrote this letter? It’s the sweetest thing I’ve everread. You can tell that the person cares about you and is close to you.”
“How can you tell?” Kuro hoped that Mahiru couldn’t puttogether the truth about the letter from what he wrote. He didn’t write theirnames but did include some details about them.
“There is something I’vebeen meaning to tell you for a long time but I’ve been too scared to. Saying thismight ruin everything we have already but I can’t keep this to myself anymore. Ihave feelings for you. You make my life brighter. You’re really soft so you make a good body pillow. You smellnice and it calms me. I want you by my side. Please meet me at the school’sgazebo so I can tell you this in person.”
“That letter is way too corny.” Kuro was blushing furiouslyand Mahiru chuckled next to him.
“But this person isn’t wrong.” Mahiru placed the letter inhis bag. Then he reached up and ruffled his blue hair. “Your hair is soft andyou smell nice. Your admirer must be someone close to you for them to knowthis. That should make it easier for us to find her though.”
“Hey, no messing with other people’s hair.” He pinched Mahiru’snose playfully to stop him. They both laughed and continued to make their way thestore. Mahiru was the one that insisted they find who wrote the letter but hewondered what he should do once they discover who it was. If that person madeKuro happy, he should encourage them to be together.
But every time he imagined Kuro dating someone, it was alwayshimself. Mahiru didn’t have the courage to confess his feelings to him becausehe didn’t want to ruin their friendship by making things awkward. They reachedthe shop and Kuro held the door open for him. It was those small acts ofkindness that made him fall deeper in love with him.
“Hello, Wrath!” Mahiru greeted her as he walked to thecounter. He took out the letter from his bag and held it out to her. “I washoping that you can help us find the person that wrote Kuro this letter. Didsomeone buy this design recently.”
“Isn’t this…” Wrath trailed off when she saw her brothergesturing frantically behind Mahiru. He was silently begging her not to say aword and she raised a brow at him. She was confused by the entire situation butshe could guess what happened. She smiled knowingly and said, “A girl didn’tbuy this recently. I don’t think you should worry about finding the personthough. He’ll come to you when he’s ready.”
“You might be right.” Mahiru sighed, disappointed that theycouldn’t solve the mystery. On the other hand, Kuro looked relieved. “I guesswe should go home before the rain gets any worse. Kuro, your house is closer sohow about we study there?”
Kuro was in the shower so Mahiru occupied his time by reading the letter again.He fell back onto Kuro’s bed and hugged his pillow. They had been together fora long time and the thought of Kuro dating someone never crossed his mind untilnow. He always thought that it would be the two of them. Mahiru sighed at thejealousy he felt. “You should be happy for Kuro. You’re just his friend and hedoesn’t see you that way.”
Even though he tried to remind himself of that fact, Mahirustill found himself wishing that he could tell Kuro how he felt. He slapped hischeeks and forced himself to not dwell on the issue. He noticed the mess on thetable and hoped cleaning it would distract him from his feelings.
“Man, Kuro, can’t you even try to clean after yourself occasionally?”Despite his words, Mahiru found himself smiling. He picked up Kuro’s notebookand something caught his attention. He stared at Kuro’s sloppy handwriting andhis brows drew together as a realization slowly dawned on him. He took out theletter and placed it next to his notes.
The handwritings were the same. But the implication that Kurowas the one that wrote the letter only raised more questions. Why didn’t hetell him that he was the one that wrote it? Who did he write it for? He said thathe didn’t have feelings for anyone but the letter said otherwise.
Mahiru looked up when he heard the door open and saw Kurowalk into the room. He was rubbing his hair dry with a towel so he didn’tnotice Mahiru’s expression. Then, Mahiru spoke in a hesitant voice. “Kuro, youwrote this, didn’t you? This is your handwriting.”
Kuro turned to him sharply and his face was pale. Mahiru heldup the letter and his notebook so he knew he couldn’t deny that it was his writing.His mind was racing as he tried to think of an explanation. He floundered forwords as Mahiru stood and walked to him. “Who were you going to give the letterto? Is it someone we know? Please, tell me, Kuro.”
He hated how he couldn’t deny him anything when he looked upat him such large, open eyes. Kuro could hear his heart beating rapidly and hewondered if Mahiru could hear it as well. His next whisper was almost drownedout by his racing heartbeat. “I… I wrote it… I wrote it fo— I love you, MahiruShirota!”
Mahiru,how could you think that it’s for anyone else :P I had so much fun writing thisone because flustered Kuro is my favourite Kuro.
[101 Fluffy Prompts]
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