#my heart literally sank i need to take a break 😭😭
his-littlefox · 2 months
these infinite threads spoilers
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OH MY GOD CYRUS 😭😭 who’re you doing all this for??
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vampyrgoff · 9 months
Hii I just wanted to see if you do requests? I kind of want to ask a Vince and Bo both dating you. But you kind of have a bad week and don’t talk and act like your normal self and then one day they finally ask you and (you know when someone asks if you are okay and the waterfall comes) and have a lot of comfort🥺
I’m kinda struggling right now and today just is the one over the edge and need some love and comfort from these guys😭😭😭
If not that’s alright! Thank you for reading this one anyways!
Dating Both Vincent and Bo Sinclair: You had a bad week </3 Bo and Vincent comfort <3
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Bo Sinclair x reader, Vincent Sinclair x reader
contains— fluffff, Bo, and Vinnie being cutie patooties, the boys kind of give off caregiver vibes?, agere vibes but like not really specifying or going into too much detail with that, vinnie does speak a VERY little. YALL CANT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME, HE SOMETIMES SPEAKS TO YOU WHEN ALONE IDC I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL, a bit of babying honestly, I feel like it sucks but this is the best my sleepy brain can come up with...
requests— always open! send whateva guys <3
vampyr's note— Thanks for requesting, I hope you're doing okay 🥺 I wanted to get this out as soon as possible just cause I know how it feels when you have those days where you're struggling and nothing goes right. I hope this makes your day a little better and if it does, I'm glad I was able to help! <3 My DMs are ALWAYS open if anyone needs to talk to someone! <3 I want to say that this is my first time having to WRITE a cohesive story instead of small blurbs, so I'm sorry for any bad writing!
word count— 2.0k words, 10.9k characters
as always... gifs aren't mine!
reblogs, comments and feedback are always appreciated <3
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(literal husbands ughh) (Vincent speaks through sign language! its easier on me to write it that way) (NOT PROOFREAD)
It was just a day. It was just a week, even. That's all it was. "All you have to do is get through it" is what you kept telling yourself. As you lay in bed in the workshop, watching Vincent work, your chest felt heavy. As if there was some sort of weight that was pulling you down. Your throat almost felt shut closed, as if you were to speak, nothing would come out. Your eyelids felt heavy and your vision grew hazy. You've been in bed all day. You didn't even know what time it was.
One thing about Vincent: if you don't tell him to stop working, he never will. He gets so lost in sketching and materializing those sketches that he forgets to eat and drink water, sometimes even take bathroom breaks. Bo can be heard upstairs, busy with something or someone. The loud thuds of his boots can be heard from downstairs. You sat up from the bed, your hair a tousled mess. Vincent's head snaps towards you almost instantly and his eyes soften at how beautiful you looked. Your hair was a mess but it looked so good, your skin was flushed a bit from all the crying and rubbing at your face, and you sat there wearing Bo's Nine Inch Nails band tee.
Vincent tilts his head at you, something he does a lot. "How did you sleep, beautiful?" He signs. A faint smile graced your lips.
"It... it was okay." You said a bit flatly. You got up and walked to him. Vincent noticed your thigh-high socks that rested up to about mid-thigh. The warmth of the basement really hitting your skin now. Vincent stood on his stool, waiting for you to really cuddle up in his arms like you normally do. But his heart sank a little when all you did was a small side hug and looked at one of the sketches he was drawing.
You were trying to avoid his gaze. You've been like this, this whole entire week. You lay in bed and shut yourself out from your lovers. It's easy to hide your true discontent feelings from Bo, as he tends to get busy with running everything in Ambrose with Lester. But with Vincent, it's a different story. Vincent knows you like the back of his hand. He observes you like a lost puppy. You're fascinating to him. So when you have these weeks, he tries to give you space and offer comfort but, it's truly hard when all you do is push away from him. Vincent watched you walk up the stairs, listening to the soft pitter patters of your feet. He wasn't gonna follow you yet but he knew Bo was gonna get to the bottom of what has been making you feel so bad.
Vincent had always struggled with confrontation and confronting you. Bo was always upfront with you and sometimes had to air out Vincent's feelings so that Vincent's problems would get solved. You never minded it though. You kind of admired the Yin and Yang in them. You loved the warmth of Vincent and the iciness of Bo.
As you walked out into the kitchen, Bo was already there, looking through the fridge. Bo's phone dinged and he looked at the message, tensing his jaw a bit as he looked at you. The message was from Vincent and it very much was a message about you and your recent behavior. "Doll," he says lowly, dragging out the name itself. You turned your head to him, already preparing yourself to mask your emotions completely. You hummed in response as you looked up at the taller man, he looked at you with expectant eyes. You heard approaching footsteps from behind you, once you heard Vincent walk into the room, you knew the jig was up.
Bo carried you and placed you on the kitchen island's countertop. Bo and Vincent now standing in front of you, Vincent's hand holding your left and Bo's hand holding your right. In serious moments like this, Vincent takes off his mask, and Bo's icy-cold gaze softens, and in this moment, it isn't an exception. You knew where this was going and you knew you needed comfort, it was just hard opening up to them. Not because you didn't want to, and not because they wouldn't listen but because you didn't want to waste energy trying to make them understand. You didn't want advice on how to make it better... you just wanted some extra love. Bo cleared his throat, interrupting you and your thoughts. "Doll, are you okay?" he asked, his voice low but very intimate.
Within seconds, your eyes begin to water and your tears begin to blur your vision. Vincent is quick to react as he pulls your face into his chest, shooting a look at Bo. He smells like wax and lavender-scented candles, a smell that smelt like home to you. Bo's thumb ran over your thumb in a soothing manner. The gesture really makes your heart swell as you turn your head to look at him.
"I-I'm sorry guys," You say, tears falling from your eyes, wetting Vincent's shirt a bit. "I know I've been extremely distant but I-" Bo shushes you immediately, stopping you from explaining. He reaches a hand out to you, the hand cupping your chin, his thumb rubbing at your bottom lip. "Now, you don't have to tell us anything, darling. Open up when you're ready okay?" He asks and you nod your head still sniffling. "Pretty princesses like you shouldn't be crying, okay?" You hug Bo next and he smiles a bit. He can't help but think that in moments like these, you're the cutest, so vulnerable and so small. He loves reveling in the fact that he can provide for you like a true man. It's his biggest ego boost. He loves feeling like he and his brother are the only ones on the planet earth that can make you feel good. Once you pull away, Bo stamps a kiss on your forehead. "What would you like us to do for you?" Vincent signs, his face contorted with worry.
Bo carries you off the counter and you cling onto him, your legs wrapped around his waist. He looks down at you and smiles a bit, he walks you over to the living room, as Vincent goes downstairs, grabbing all of your favorite movies and DVDs and grabbing your weighted blanket along with one of your favorite stuffed animals. Bo sits you on the couch and brings you a glass of water. "Drink up, okay baby. I know you probably haven't had anything to drink in a while," he says softly while rubbing your back. It was a true statement, you hadn't really taken care of yourself this week, it was apparent. Your skin was paler than usual, your cheeks were puffy and your lips plump from constantly chewing at them. It felt so good to be taken care of by Bo and Vincent. They were the best at giving princess treatment.
Vincent finally comes up and brings all the things you need. You feel your heart swell as Vincent sets the DVDs down on the table in front of you. He sits next to you, sprawling out the weighted blanket over the three of you as you reach for your favorite stuffed animals. "Now, which movie would you like to watch, sunshine." Bo drawls as he holds up all the DVDs in hand, sprawled out so that you can pick out of your favorites. Once the movie is picked he gets up and puts the movie in as you lean into Vincent's chest. Vincent's arms come over you and he pulls you onto him so that your back is in contact with his chest as Bo sits back down next to you. Bo lifts your legs up and sets them on his lap, his warm and calloused hands, rubbing at your skin and massaging your legs sensually as the movie starts. Every now and then Bo kisses the skin on your legs, truly making you feel pampered with love.
Once the movie comes to a close, you look to your left and see Bo, sleeping already. Vincent's still up though, his delicate hands playing with your hair and making small two-strand and three-strand braids, something that you taught him how to do in the past. "Vince," you call out to him quietly. He hums softly, not stopping the braiding. "What should we do now? Bo's asleep." You say. Vincent looks to Bo and shakes his head playfully disapproving. You finally turn your body to him and Vincent smiles once he sees your face. He leans in for a small kiss, which you gladly return. He tucks some hair behind your ear and smiles more, beginning to hold your face with his warm and intoxicating touch. "Are you feeling better?" He signs to you. You think for a second and you shrug. "I don't know anymore, Vinnie. I still feel really sad." You explain truthfully. Vincent stands up and grabs your hand. "Where are we going," you ask him as he begins to pull you up the stairs.
Vincent leads you to one of the bedrooms. He sits you on the bed and signals you to wait there. You nod in slight confusion, listening to his request. You watch Vincent walk in and out of the bedroom and in the bathroom. Vincent begins to run a bath for you, adding your favorite scents, and bath bombs to the water that consisted of your favorite colors. He adds rose petals to the water and smiles to himself. Vincent always outdid himself when it came to you and your needs, this being a great example. Vincent walks back to the bedroom and tugs on the oversized band tee you were wearing, his own way of telling you to take it off. Once you do, he turns your body so that your back is facing him and very gently undoes the hooks in your bra, as he does so, his lips trail your neck and back very slowly. Once your bra falls flat to the floor he very slowly takes off your underwear and sits you on the bed.
Vincent's eyes trail over your body a couple times but his eyes don't feel predatory. It feels like he's taking in your beauty in its purest form. You were a muse for him, he's seen your body in many vulnerable poses and such and he feels lucky to even say that. "Pretty..." He whispers to himself. He looks up to you with flushed cheeks, "Pretty princesses shouldn't have to undress themselves either." He kneels down to the floor and begins to pull off your thigh highs. Nice and slow leaving kisses down your thighs and legs and doing the same to the other. You feel your heart race and you begin to cover yourself up with your arms to which he shakes his head disapprovingly as he reaches over and retracts your arms to your side. Vincent stands up, pulls his cardigan off, and begins to undress himself. He picks you up and carries you to the bath setting you in gently as he gets behind you. Your back was on Vincent's chest. Vincent hums a small tune as he undoes all the braids and twists that he did in your hair, wetting the hair in the process, massaging your scalp, and leaving kisses all over your back. "There's my pretty girl." You hear from the doorway. Bo walks in and sits on the edge of the tub. "You know you look so pretty right now, enjoying yourself with Vince, right?" He asks teasingly, and you look away from him, feeling so shy under his keen eye. To distract yourself from his gaze you grab the shampoo, getting ready to lather your hair in it. But Bo takes it away from you. "Let me," He starts, "Our pretty doll is not gonna think for herself today, okay? You just sit there and look pretty... we'll take care of you okay?" He says in a loving yet firm voice.
This night was gonna be all about you.
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makeupinthedrawer · 2 years
Chosen Family
authors note: i’m back😭😭 i’m sorry i hadn’t posted in forever☹️ i hope you enjoy this i really do🥺 i love you all so much!
upcoming content: so. much. fluff. literally just fluff. reader and niall’s daughter is adopted! also niall isn’t supposed to be famous in this one but it’s not so important lol
word count: 1.6k
my masterlist
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the twinkling lights strung across the wall, dimly illuminated the living room, the honeyed glow only contrasting with the street lights from the city below you, shining through the window. you really should get up and close the curtains, but you’d sank into the plush couch and it had yet to release you from its cloud like grip.
or maybe you just wanted to preserve this moment, fearing that even the slightest movement would break the bubble of pure happiness you’ve created. every inch of your and nialls flat had evidence of family on it. the three pairs of shoes at the door, the three dirty plates at the table, once covered in pizza, the boardgame taking up the living room floor, and the niall’s tender voice leaking out the bedroom door and into your heart.
the familiar story of the first harry potter lightly reached your ears, accompanied by a mess of giggles whenever niall changed accents for each of the different characters.
the fairy like laugh could only belong to your daughter.
you and niall had been trying for almost three years to adopt a daughter, having met your sweet lily a hear and a half ago. you two had instantly fallen in love and wanted to make her part of the little family the two of you created over the years.
little lily, nine years old standing at four feet four inches, with long brown hair that curled at the ends, scarily resembling nialls. and big eyes that took up half her face, the same shade as yours.
it was an easy decision to start a family, one of the many topics you and niall would whisper about tucked under his arm beneath the covers. it was also easy to come to the conclusion that you both wanted to adopt, thinking about how many children needed homes and how warm your flat was. yes it was small and the elevator was shotty, but it had a spare room. one with a view of the sea and the stars. and it had you two, who had more than enough love to give. 
“umph!” you groaned at the added weight on your back, yet reveled in the warmth and hardness of his chest. 
“you’re squishing me!” it was a muffled retort, but he heard you and rolled to the side so you were now sandwiched between the back of the couch and his front. shining blue pools immediately met your gaze and the emotion within them overtook you.
his eyes darted from your left eye to your right, then across the width of your nose, then your lips and back to your eyes again. these were the moments you lived for. the moments that were so quiet and so simple as you two just staring at each other, but it was something so uniquely niall. how he would be two inches apart from you yet his gaze held so much longing, and how when he finally did snap out of his trance, his lips would so gently press against your nose. these were the moments you missed from the stress of adoption papers and home checks.
“i can’t believe it.” was all he said.
“i know.” you did.
“i mean, she’s here to stay. like forever!”
kind hearted laughter escaped you at the look of pure disbelief on his face, as if he hadn’t spent the past month putting up shelves, buying dressers, and getting pretty much everything someone could sell him marketed towards a little girl.
“yup, that’s what we signed on for. no going back now, horan.”
he knew you were only kidding, yet even the mention of not having her shot a sense of dreading him “going back? i’d rather die. i don’t remember life without her.”
“same. i would use you as a human shield if it would protect lily.”
niall let out a large laugh at that, large hands grasping your waist, the tips of his fingers almost meeting in the middle.
“i wouldn’t expect anything less, darling.”
“did she go to bed yet?” you asked, aware of the silence coming from down the hall. how you were already so hyperaware of whatever she did shocked you, yet it was so natural. m
“mmm i’m actually supposed to be bringing you to her room.”
“oh?” you raised your brow in question.
“mm-hmm.” niall pressed a kiss to your cheek, leaving his lips to linger there as he whispered, “she reallt wanted her ma.”
with your faces pressed together. you smiles against his lips, eyes watery and niall could only look down at you as if you were an angel dropped from heaven and into his arms, onto his beat up couch.
“i think that’s you, my love.”
“it sure is!” you cried, throwing your legs over him and practically sliding across the hardwood floor in your socks to lily’s room.
you opened the door and was met with a quick yelp, as you saw lily snap the harry potter book closed and tucked it under her covers. 
with a fake gasp you made your wat over to her, “are you reading ahead, baby?”
the rose hue that dusted her cheeks gave her away immediately.
“don’t tell on me!” she pleaded, tiny hands grasping yours.
“don’t worry lil, he never has to know.” you said back, with a wink.
you and niall wanted her to refer to you as mom and dad at her own pace. lily’s young but smart, and when you and niall decided to adopt a nine year old instead of a baby, you knew they’d know you weren’t their real parents.
lily did it sometimes. like when you were able to pick her up from school sometimes before the adoption was official, her teacher told you she had been giddy over her “new mommy and daddy” coming to pick her up. but when it was just the three of you, sometimes it would slip out, but mainly she would call you by your first names or just not at all. it was understandable, but the both of you couldn’t wait until she called you mom and dad with ease.
“who never has to know?” niall’s deep irish voice broke the silence and lily gasped and held her comforter tighter. 
“nothing!” the two of you said in unison.
“what? you’re already keeping secrets from your da?” niall asked in fake surprise as he too squished onto her bed.
“n-no!” lily cried through giggles as niall attacked her with tickles!
“i think you are! i think you’re lying to daddy!” he spoke back, voice heavy with mirth yet so delicate around his precious girl.
“i-i- i’m not! i’m not lying to you, daddy!” lily let out through bursts of laughter. niall quickly relented and tugged her into his chest instead, pressing a long kiss to the top of her head. being a father came so naturally to him, as you knew it would. you noticed how protective he was of you when you two were just dating, so now that he had a wife and child, it was tenfold.
“good, i never want ya to keep things from me. unless you’re telling them to your ma. then that’s okay.” he spoke and lily nodded, resting her head on his chest and reaching her hand out to you, which you enveloped in your own. in this moment your whole family was connected as one, and you don’t think any of the three of you had ever been happier.
“it’s getting late, angel. i think you have to go to bed soon.”
a yawn left her as she rubbed her eye, snd behind her you saw niall’s face crumple in on itself at the cuteness of her tiny yawn.
“get some rest, petal.” niall cooed, kissing her forehead. when niall met lily he immediately started calling her petal, as “she was his flower.” and ever since lily has been totally enamored with the pet name.
niall clicked off the little lamp and the room fell dark, save for the night light. “good night lils, i love you.” you gently spoke, giving her one last kiss before beginning to stand. a tiny hand gripped your thigh that kept you there though.
“you guys should sleep here.” she requested, as if it was nothing but the pleading look in her eyes was enough to melt you both.
“you want us t-“
“okay!” you and niall said at the same time and before you could get your question out he was bent in the twin size bed with lily tugged on his chest, arms open wife for you to join them.
scrunching in with them was uncomfortable as you felt the press of lily’s hidden book against your back.
“oi! what… is… this doing here?” niall asked, reaching down and relieving your back of the sharp edges, but also revealing your secret.
lily gasped as if she had no idea how on earth that could get there! and you broke into laughter.
“well if its already there, can you read another chapter?“ she asked, peering up at your husband.
“i don’t know baby girl, its already reallh late.”
“please, da? so mommy can hear your different voices!” and that was what did it, as he started reading a second later, bicep keeping you pressed against his side.
and to the sound of niall’s different accents that you’ve heard millions of times, the wafting spice and citrus scent of him, and the low gasps and giggles of your daughter, you drifted off the sleep. entangled in your little family in the morning.
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*deep inhale*
I’ll say it. I think this is one of my favorite if not THE favorite sick fic I’ve read thus far, ever…and I read a lot of sickfics lol 😂.
seriously and genuinly, everything about this last chapter was just so ridiculously good. Tighnaris affection, just him..like him *genuinely* not being bothered by Cyno being sick and all gross and icky, the way he just holds him and comforts him…when he was ROCKING HIM??? HELLO???? BABY BOY?????? I can’t. It radiates comfort and safty cuz nari would probably take care of Cyno forever if he needed to, and vice versa and that’s just so- there aren’t words for this!!!!- Also when Cyno began to cry…my heart literally sank. Which is just a testament to your writing for one, but also just, he was finally at his breaking point 🥺 between getting sick and making a mess and hurting Tighnari, plus that wildly high fever…poor poor thing. I love torturing him as much as the next freak but he truly was *going through it* (making me so excited to see more and explore that anxious puker and all the other silly head cannons we’ve made for this boy)
I loooooveee the fic ends too 😭😭😭 Tighnaris birthday, cyno finally *finally* getting some relief. And just the pure coziness of it all. I feel like this whole vacation will be a story that is shared with their friends upon returning and for many years to come and I love that so much 🥺
I believe that nari managed to get by with maybe just a bad cold since he was smart and wore layers, but I also believe Cyno would wait on him hand and foot, doing everything he could to make sure he returned the favor. Although he probably would end up needing to slow down cuz you don’t just casually jump from being that sick to 100% in a day. But like whatever, it’s a happy ending and they are all okay in the end 🥰
I’m continually so happy to have found this blog and the others who follow and enjoy your work. Being able to find solace amongst like minded folk Sharing a niche interest with so much passion is not something I’d think possible not to long ago. Being able to share and freak out and fixate on stuff is one thing but seeing others around you who feel the same- priceless. I am thankful ☺️
100/10 work as always Earthquake, enjoy that break…. Enjoy All the things, you’ve earned it 😭
I can’t wait to see what you do next, and to see Cyno throw up on naris shoes or heizou give him self a concussion or..whatever you write
it’ll be fantastic
I don't have words, this whole comment just absolutely made my day 😭 I am almost emotional reading this, you have no idea how much this means to me
I am so immensely happy you enjoyed the fic as much as you did!! I already had a lot of fun writing it and would never have regretted the time spent on it, but knowing it brought somebody else this much joy just makes it so much more worth it!
I love writing these two boys so, so much, their whole relationship is just so soft and gentle and perfect. I loved writing Tighnari in this fic, pulling out all the stops for his boyfriend. Really showing the through thick and thin part of a relationship 😭 These two will ALWAYS be there for each other, come what may.
When I first started this fic I didn't plan on pushing Cyno this far, but I really ended up completely breaking him here. I am really sorry, my poor baby boy 😭
I am so happy you like how the whole thing wrapped up! I thought about the ending a lot before I got to that point. Cyno really deserves to start feeling better. He's definitely got several days of recovery ahead of him, I doubt he's going to feel a 100% for a while. But the worst is over and he can (hopefully) enjoy what is left of their holiday. I wanted to leave it very open ended, but if I think about what will happen next, I definitely imagine Tighnari won't get nearly as sick as Cyno did; like you said he's been bundling up and looking after himself better than Cyno, but I also imagine he'd treat it differently from the start. If he knew Cyno was going to get as sick as he did, he probably would've handled it differently, so I think he'll treat himself differently from the get go. And yes, still sick, but Cyno would 100% want to do everything for him 😭 Baby don't go overworking yourself too quickly, please.
You have absolutely no idea how much this last segment means to be, I've probably reread it three or four times now and I simply cannot stop smiling. Starting this blog was one of the best decisions I made, even if I was terrified to do it initially. I've had a lot of second thoughts about whether or not it's worth it to put this much time into being a sickfic writer, especially with how niche the topics I enjoy writing are. But trust me when I say every single moment of it has been worth it.
Not only is this the most fun I've had with writing in actual years, but getting to gush about these characters with you guys and being a part of this tiny community, it's immensely special. I want to continue being a part of this for many years to come.
Thank you so, so much again for this lovely message, you absolutely made my day with this. I want to gush more, but I'm also just going to repeat myself, so I will hush now. But seriously, thank you so much.
And thank you to each and every person who read and support my works! You are all awesome!
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sungbeam · 2 months
my meimei, im trying my best to come up with the right words cs im more of a listener than a comforter 🥹 one thing i can tell you is the way my heart immediately sank the other day when you were going through a lot, and you were away for a while. the number of times I've constantly thought of the ways I could comfort you best, and if there's anything I could do to help ease your pain and suffering, be it online or irl. i know being on this platform is hard, and as writers sometimes we can't help but care about the interactions, notes, etc. i get that. but if you ever need to take a step back to let loose for a little, do just that. we all need a little break from here after all.
i'll never stop emphasizing this, but you're one of the reasons i started writing myself. i could never bear the thought of you leaving forever (though i know eventually one day all of us will move on with our lives yes), but def not so soon. i could go on and on all day about how creative you are, how your writings have made so many ppl pick up starting their own writing blog, and the way you're literally the sweetest human being ever. if not, i don't think you would've thought of making deoboyznet.
you helped revived deobiblr beam, and i can never thank you enough for giving me the space and such a comfortable place to meet other writers, make friends, and even improve on my writing. you're just so passionate about what you do, and you're just like a firefly that just guides the community (ok idk why my brain came up with firefly but i thought of it in a cute way 😭)
you mean a lot to me, beam. here's to more adventures and talks, and ofc eventually meeting each other irl someday. i'm always here for you, no matter what.
hi jie hope u don't mind me posting this cuz ik u said u were shy 😭 but it didn't feel right to leave this in my inbox skfndjfn i just wanted to say that im really lucky to have a person in my life like u who's always looking out for me and caring abt how i am 😭 im sorry for all the worrying i put u thru but truly, im so thankful for u 🫂 ik sometimes i go radio silent, more often nowadays, but i hope u never take it personally.
also, thank u for the validation :')))) i feel like it's easy to doubt the impact someone has on other people, but im very happy to hear that my impact has been so positive on u and other people,,, i feel like at certain times it's so easy for me to fill w self doubt and it gets annoying for me and certainly others too 😭
but i hope u know that i appreciate ur kindness and patience w me all the time, and i love u very much jiejie 🫂💖
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
okay, back on my bullshit. You’ve missed my existential crisis for Flux, am I right?🥰🥰
Alright CHAPTER 15: Kwang-su, I don’t like the dude. I don’t like his parties and I don’t like him talking to JK and I don’t like anyone talking to JK honestly lol. You know what I think I don’t like him just because he doesn’t do what I want him to do so don’t really take me into consideration here BUT technically I feel like he was being genuine in helping him out when jk told him everything. But still in my head everyone should root for them to get back together so, for now, Kwang-su is black listed. One thing that I already noticed last chapter was that I felt completely numb while reading about jk having sex with other people but, girl, I got A BAD STOMACHACHE SEEING SASHA DO THE SAME. Am I broken somewhere? Lol, am I jealous of Sasha?👀 for real, I wouldn’t want this to be like a subconscious response and justification for JK because “he has been actively hurt” and now I’m unknowingly mad at Sasha. I DON’T WANT TO BE. BABY NEEDS SOME SERIOUS HELP, and the fight she had with Michele proves it even more. AND SHE DIDN’T EVEN TELL MAXI, YOU KNOW SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN WHEN THAT HAPPENS. She is pushing everything and everyone away as if she is a bomb on the verge of exploding and she wants to limit the casualties. Oh and homeboy needs to be careful with who he fucks. No one needs a scandal and most importantly YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO TO THAT FUCKING PARTY ABORT MISSION FUCK GO BACK.
CHAPTER 16: okay the feeling of numbness about jk having sex with other people? Yeah, forget it🤡 As soon as I saw Hallie my heart sank to my asshole BUT IT WOULD’VE BEEN BETTER THAT WAS HAPPENED NEXT. THE MAKEUP NOONA? REALLY? ON COCAINE?!!? “You’re gone and I gotta stay high to keep you off my mind” but boy you took that literally💀💀
Maxi? Favorite character, hands down. He’s there even when he is not, if you find this kind of person you’ve found gold. I love their dynamics. AND THE INTERACTION BETWEEN SASHA AND JK? I’m honestly a mess. Seriously, that was ducking heartbreaking. Comforting and depressing at the same time? As soon as he arrived I though I was just going to cringe because lord knows I hate confrontation and I honestly could never meet an ex after breaking up, burn my shit but don’t make me look at you ever again✨. BUT NO IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL AND TRAGIC AND REALISTIC AND I WANNA CRY. The way he got her through her panic attack, THE WAY HE WAS SO ACTIVELY HELPFUL TO MAKE SURE SHE WAS IN GOOD HANDS. please, where do I sign up to get a jk, I need him😭
When they talk all their shit out I hope maturity will stand above it all. Like, they made some questionable decisions but, even if and WHEN they get mad about it, they will find a way to settle it in the past. Is this me projecting into a happy future already? Yes, yes it is🤧
Too much? Fuck, I’m so sorry, truly. I wait for a week and this happens. Sorry😢
I feel like I've done my job with readers having such divided feelings about Kwangsu. yesssss.
JK and Sasha seeing each other again is also not something I personally could have managed, lol. I saw several readers previously point out that it just didn't feel right for them to just be GONE. That abrupt loss followed by them both traveling absolutely created this sort of weird limbo space, they both felt it, they both went wild during it, and this crossing paths again was a reality check, and neither of them liked what they saw in themselves or each other. I'd point out too that I suspect they both wanted it to happen. They both expected the other one to be doing better than they were. JK texted sasha, not Michele, about getting his stuff back. Sasha agreed to be the one for the trade off. They could TOTALLY have avoided this. And as another reader pointed out... did JK really want/need his stuff back? This dude who will fucking delete Decalcomania just because*?? He is not nostalgic about things and yet... here we are.
Anyway, definitley not too much, you know I selfishly love hearing from you and I know other readers do too :D
*as someone who is very nostalgic about things and work, no, I will never be over this
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makeupinthedrawer · 2 years
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105 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Chosen Family
authors note: i’m back😭😭 i’m sorry i hadn’t posted in forever☹️ i hope you enjoy this i really do🥺 i love you all so much!
upcoming content: so. much. fluff. literally just fluff. reader and niall’s daughter is adopted! also niall isn’t supposed to be famous in this one but it’s not so important lol
word count: 1.6k
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the twinkling lights strung across the wall, dimly illuminated the living room, the honeyed glow only contrasting with the street lights from the city below you, shining through the window. you really should get up and close the curtains, but you’d sank into the plush couch and it had yet to release you from its cloud like grip.
or maybe you just wanted to preserve this moment, fearing that even the slightest movement would break the bubble of pure happiness you’ve created. every inch of your and nialls flat had evidence of family on it. the three pairs of shoes at the door, the three dirty plates at the table, once covered in pizza, the boardgame taking up the living room floor, and the niall’s tender voice leaking out the bedroom door and into your heart.
the familiar story of the first harry potter lightly reached your ears, accompanied by a mess of giggles whenever niall changed accents for each of the different characters.
the fairy like laugh could only belong to your daughter.
you and niall had been trying for almost three years to adopt a daughter, having met your sweet lily a hear and a half ago. you two had instantly fallen in love and wanted to make her part of the little family the two of you created over the years.
little lily, nine years old standing at four feet four inches, with long brown hair that curled at the ends, scarily resembling nialls. and big eyes that took up half her face, the same shade as yours.
it was an easy decision to start a family, one of the many topics you and niall would whisper about tucked under his arm beneath the covers. it was also easy to come to the conclusion that you both wanted to adopt, thinking about how many children needed homes and how warm your flat was. yes it was small and the elevator was shotty, but it had a spare room. one with a view of the sea and the stars. and it had you two, who had more than enough love to give. 
“umph!” you groaned at the added weight on your back, yet reveled in the warmth and hardness of his chest. 
“you’re squishing me!” it was a muffled retort, but he heard you and rolled to the side so you were now sandwiched between the back of the couch and his front. shining blue pools immediately met your gaze and the emotion within them overtook you.
his eyes darted from your left eye to your right, then across the width of your nose, then your lips and back to your eyes again. these were the moments you lived for. the moments that were so quiet and so simple as you two just staring at each other, but it was something so uniquely niall. how he would be two inches apart from you yet his gaze held so much longing, and how when he finally did snap out of his trance, his lips would so gently press against your nose. these were the moments you missed from the stress of adoption papers and home checks.
“i can’t believe it.” was all he said.
“i know.” you did.
“i mean, she’s here to stay. like forever!”
kind hearted laughter escaped you at the look of pure disbelief on his face, as if he hadn’t spent the past month putting up shelves, buying dressers, and getting pretty much everything someone could sell him marketed towards a little girl.
“yup, that’s what we signed on for. no going back now, horan.”
he knew you were only kidding, yet even the mention of not having her shot a sense of dreading him “going back? i’d rather die. i don’t remember life without her.”
“same. i would use you as a human shield if it would protect lily.”
niall let out a large laugh at that, large hands grasping your waist, the tips of his fingers almost meeting in the middle.
“i wouldn’t expect anything less, darling.”
“did she go to bed yet?” you asked, aware of the silence coming from down the hall. how you were already so hyperaware of whatever she did shocked you, yet it was so natural. m
“mmm i’m actually supposed to be bringing you to her room.”
“oh?” you raised your brow in question.
“mm-hmm.” niall pressed a kiss to your cheek, leaving his lips to linger there as he whispered, “she reallt wanted her ma.”
with your faces pressed together. you smiles against his lips, eyes watery and niall could only look down at you as if you were an angel dropped from heaven and into his arms, onto his beat up couch.
“i think that’s you, my love.”
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124 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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147 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
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niall horan disney prince come to life it’s true
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