#my job search lasted 4 days before i secured a position at target but i dont start until the 26th so im drifting until then
opens-up-4-nobody · 4 months
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
The Fallen King Part 5: Constantly Pushed To The Past Part 1
Part 4
Atsushi sighed as he put down another record.
He'd long since forgotten how many he'd looked through. Or even how long he'd been looking. All Atsushi knew was that none of them had anything of use to him.
But that was too be expected given Atsushi had so little to guide his search.
Dazai had mentioned two organisations while on the rooftop. But he hadn't given Atsushi and Akutugawa any information on them, only their names. And that sometime in the future they would invade Yokohama.
The Rats and The Guild.
Atsushi hadn't heard of either of them before. He told Akutugawa as such after the other had calmed down after the news about Gin. "I asked Kunikida, I said I overheard those names during the raid." Said Akutugawa to Atsushi's suprise.
"He didn't know about The Rats but the Guild are an organisation of ability users in North America. Operating from the shadows in positions of politics, finance and the military." Explained Akutugawa as he finished his tea.
"Apologises, it's not much but that's all Kunikida could tell me. He said he wasn't sure they were even real, apparently they're an urban legend." Atsushi nodded, it would make sense for such a shadowy organisation to have that kind of reputation.
It really showed what they were up against. Did Dazai truly believe that he and Akutugawa could beat such a force? And that was just the Guild, who knew what the Rats were like.
Atsushi had shook those thoughts away, now wasn't the time to question Dazai's judgement. "No, that actually gives us a start to work from." He reassured Akutugawa, it was definitely more information than Atsushi had.
And every legend had some truth to it, no matter how buried that truth might be.
"If they are that high up in the world chances are the Port Mafia have dealt with them. I'll search the archives, see if there's any records of our involvement." Is what Atsushi had said that day.
But unfortunately for him, he was learning that was easier said than done.
He hadn't been to the archives before. He had been part of the Port Mafia's security, he'd never had a reason to come up here. And Dazai always had any records he needed delivered to his office.
The archives of the Port Mafia were kept in some unassuming building. One that doubled as a front company for the Port Mafia. No one expected to find the most important documents of the Port Mafia in a cat cafe.
The records themselves were meticulously organised and well kept. Dazai had always been rather strict about it. Ensuring that any report was completed to high standards.
The target could blink at 8 second intervals instead of 6 and Dazai would want that recorded. Ironic considering he'd never completed any paperwork in his life.
It was useful but it also meant a lot of work for Atsushi to sift through. There was also the fact that the Port Mafia has dealt with so many organisations, both foreign and local.
Not to mention it was only recently this change was implemented, with many old accounts missing information.
Atsushi hoped Akutugawa was having better luck on his end.
He had to call it a day for his search. Ace was in the process of taking down a smuggling ring and Atsushi needed to check on his progress with that. As well as the many other things he needed to do today.
And that was without counting the paperwork.
With that in mind Atsushi began re-organising the documents and filing them away.
"Boss, I appreciate the help but you don't have to do that." Atsushi looked up from his filing to see an informant standing nearby. "I know but it's my mess, I should be the one to tidy it up" Said Atsushi.
The informant looked at him suprised before nodding. "If you say so, but don't feel obliged to. It is our job after all." He seemed to be mulling something over. "Is there anything you need?" Asked Atsushi, slotting the last file in place.
"I don't mean to overstep but I've noticed you coming in here for a while. Is their anything I can help with you find?" Atsushi thought it over before shaking his head. He didn't want to get anyone else involved.
"It's classified, but I appreciate the offer" Replied Atsushi before realising he didn't know the others name. "Oh, I'm Atsushi Nakajima" he paused, realising his mistake and resisted the urge to face palm. He was the Port Mafia Boss, of course this Port Mafia member knew who he was.
"... But you already knew that." Great job Atsushi, great first impression.
The informant smiled a little "I do, but it's always nice to properly meet you. I'm Ango Sakaguchi, but I'm sure you already knew that." Atsushi chuckled "it's nice to meet you, Sakaguchi."
His name sounded familiar but Atsushi couldn't place why.
"It's nice to meet you" said Atsushi, getting to his feet. "Likewise, I hope you have a more luck the next time you come here." Said Ango, bidding Atsushi goodbye. Atsushi crossed the room and headed to the door before he froze.
"Everyone get down!" He yelled as the building began to shake. Was it an earthquake? Maybe? But the shaking was gone just as quickly as it came.
Atsushi was the first to get up from his hiding place, heading to a nearby window. Instead of a view of Yokohama, Atsushi saw a pink space with a checkboard floor that looked decorated for a birthday party.
Instantly Atsushi was on edge. From what he could tell the entire building had been bought into this space. It had to be the work of an ability user.
"Boss?! Are you alright?!" Asked Ango, rushing over to him. "I'm fine, are you?" Ango nodded, shaken but surprisingly calm given the situation. "Does this building have a speaker system?" He asked, Ango nodded and asked a scared co-worker to grab the microphone for the speakers.
"Attention everyone, this is your Boss speaking. This building has been taken hostage by an enemy ability user. I want everyone to stay inside until you recieve further instructions." Said Atsushi, knowing that if everyone ran out in a panic this situation could get worse.
This was a front building, everyone here were mostly civilians and low ranked Port Mafia members. Even the informants were not particularly skilled at combat.
Either the enemy wasn't aware of that or they were trying to use this as a message. Whatever the case, Atsushi was going to make them regret it.
He descended down the building with Ango in tow. Promising to pass on his message to the lower floors, given the speaker didn't work so well down there. Atsushi just hoped he looked and sounded more confident than he felt.
"Naomi?! Where are you?!" Was the first thing Atsushi heard as he left the building. He knew it wasn't any of his staff because they were still inside. And yet that voice sounded oddly familiar. Just who else had been caught into this web?
Before he could ponder on it a clap echoed throughout the space. Atsushi's attention snapped to a red haired woman who was smiling gleefully at him.
"Welcome to Anne's Room. Oh what will I do? So many people all staring at me from these windows. I'm so terrible at talking to strangers." The woman looked so excited it was sickening. Despite her bright demeanor her words felt like she was reading off a script.
"Ooh but I know I have to explain things to you. I know this puts you all in such a bind. You were bought to this familiar land without a single word of warning too. Why it would be enough to make my heart leap out of my-"
Atsushi had never cared for monologues. And quite frankly he had nor the time nor the patience for this. Fortunately that voice from earlier interrupted the kidnappers ramblings. "WHERE IS NAOMI!" Glared another red head and as he same to view, Atsushi realised why the voice sounded familiar.
And was that Akutugawa beside him? What were the Agency doing here?
The red haired woman tilted her head, clasping her hands in anticipation. "Oh I apologise. That should have come first shouldn't it? You're detective friends" she gestured to a door behind her. "Are over here."
Both of them ran to the door, staring in horror at the sight inside. "Kenji! Naomi!" Yelled Junichiro in horror, even Akutugawa looked shocked at the sight. Both of them immediately started trying to break it down to no avail.
"I'm afraid it needs a key" giggled their captor with glee. "My name is Lucy Maud Montgomery and this is my ability space. Don't you worry you can leave anytime you wish through the other door. But if you do, you won't remember anything from here. And your friends will be left behind."
Both detectives glared at her defiantly. There was no way they were leaving their friends behind. A sentiment Atsushi shared, he wasn't going to let any of his men be abandoned in this dreadful place.
"What're you trying to do?" Demanded Junichiro. Lucy simply grinned back at him "simple, I want you to play in this room with Anne."
As if hearing her name, a giant doll like creature came running towards them. Akutugawa took a step back and Junichiro froze in shock. Atsushi grimaced at the twisted thing before him. It didn't look particularly strong but it moved fast.
This could be a problem.
A hand gently tapped his shoulder and Atsushi turned to face Ango. "I can go get help" he said. Atsushi frowned "if you leave this place you'll forget everything about it." Ango shook his head "that may be true but my ability allows me to see the memories of objects.
If you give me something of yours, I can read it's memories and so even if I forget I will be able to see what happened. And I can share those memories with others."
Atsushi considered it. If Ango escaped he could inform the executives. Perhaps she could be tricked to going back to get more "playmates" and could be caught from the outside?
At the very least it would mean the others would be informed and could devise a plan. And that was certainly better than nothing.
Atsushi considered his coat but it was too big to go unnoticed. His scarf would hold many memories that didn't belong to him. Atsushi stuffed his hands inside his pockets, taking out a pair of black gloves.
He hadn't worn them since Dazai died but he hadn't dared to part with them, until now.
"Take these to Executive Nakahara, he'll know." Said Atsushi. Ango nodded, bowing his head and leaving out the door. Lucy sighed at the sight but didn't stop him.
"How rude! Anne just loves to play! She's a little spoiled but sooo cute!" Cheered Lucy though Atsushi had to disagree with that. Well, the cute part at least. "The rules are simple, it's just a game of tag with lil old Anne here. If she touches you, you lose." Explained Lucy as a key materialised above Junichiro and Akutugawa.
"Before she does if you open that door with the key you win the game. And I'll return all the hostages." Lucy eyed them both curiously "so, who's going to join?" Both detectives exchanged looks "can the two of us play at once?" Asked Akutagawa.
It was a good idea to Atsushi. Akutugawa was strong and Junichiro could hide them with his illusions. They had made a formidable pair, and would so again.
Lucy smiled warmly, clapping her hands in joy. "Oh of course! It's more fun for us to all play together." Her smile became colder and sharper in seconds "and if that's the case there's one more player."
That's when Atsushi knew he had been spotted. He met Lucy's cruel smile with his own glare. He wanted no part in this but it wasn't like he had much of a choice.
He looked at Akutugawa and Junichiro who were surprised to see him. But nodded regardless, silently agreeing to work together to free their prisioned friends.
"Oh and one more thing" chimed Lucy with her ever present smile. "You can't break anything in this room got it? Good, are you ready?" Junichiro reached up and grabbed the key "yeah" he said, staring down Lucy with a look of determination
And in seconds Anne was right behind him.
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firstofficerwiggles · 4 years
Chapter 5: How the Paintball Battle Was Won
Links to Chpt. 4 , Chpt. 6
Pairing: The Mandalorian x female reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Canonical violence, PTSD for the reader, angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: ~6400
Author’s note: So this chapter gets more angsty, but I promise it is sandwiched in there between some humor and some serious fluff along with some Domestic!Din thrown in there for good measure. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! (Also, smut is coming in the next chapter for those of you who are thirsty for it.)
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“Paintball?” You look up at Mando in surprise, “Isn’t this a game for teenagers?” He’s brought you to a dusty town on Baros with a few hole-in-the-wall cantinas and a sleepy looking marketplace in the middle of nowhere to play paintball?
“I wasn’t sure if it would still be here, but they’re open,” Mando sounds chipper. “I haven’t been here in years.”
“You used to come here and play paintball?” The idea seems ludicrous, that Mando, a seasoned warrior and top bounty hunter, would be playing a game that requires shooting brightly colored balls of paint at your opponents.
“When I was younger and first in the Fighting Corps, we trained here on Baros for a time. We used to sneak out when we had breaks between training sessions to come and play with the local kids.” Mando’s voice sounds nostalgic and happy as he remembers his youth. “I’m sure now that our commanders knew what we were up to, but it gave us additional fighting practice, so I don’t think they minded.”
You try to imagine Mando as a teen boy stealing away with his friends from a probably rigid training schedule to play fake war games with other kids. It’s a charming thought, but it’s hard to picture when you look at the man now. But he’s right, it would have been decent training too… oh, now you understand.
“This is so I can practice shooting live, moving targets.” You’re on to his plan.
“What?” Mando is all innocence, “I just thought since we’re here, we ought to have some fun.”
“I know you think I can’t tell, but I feel you smirking at me under there.” You tell him pointing towards the helmet.
Mando simply chuckles at you and gives your hand a tug towards the entrance.
“What about the baby?” You ask, hoping to stall a little, “He can’t play paintball.”
“He’ll be safe in his pram, and you’ll have a chance to practice protecting him too.” Mando replies. He’s clearly thought this out.
“That might be too advanced for me to focus on shooting targets and guarding the child,” you tell him.
“Yes, but I’ll be here to help you.” His voice sounds warm as he tells you, “You’re going to be great, c’mon.”
The owner of the paintball place seems delighted to see Mando and tells the rest of the patrons in the prep area that they are in for a real treat today. Most of the other people here are teenaged boys, but you’re surprised to see a couple of adults here too including a few other women. Perhaps you were too quick to judge. The teen boys are in sheer awe of Mando and after they openly gawk at him for a few minutes, they’re pestering the owner to find out if they can request that Mando be on their team.
“Teams will be by random draw as always, although people paying together will automatically be put on the same team unless they request otherwise.” The owner tells everyone waiting. “Now, please enter the locker area to suit up and stow away personal belongings.”
You’ve been given protective gear and a helmet to wear to ensure your safety during the game. While the paintballs aren’t lethal, they can still hurt quite a lot without protection. Mando watches as you gear up, and when you’re done you can’t help but goof around and strike a model pose.
“How do I look?” You can still manage to make flirty eyes at him, as although your helmet covers most of your face, the visor only has light tinting so your eyes are still quite visible.  
“You’re adorable,” he tells you. It’s been a little over a week since your trip to Canto Bight and your first Keldabe kiss with Mando, and he’s been growing more affectionate with you, particularly with compliments. He’s still rather shy about physical affection though, almost as if he thinks he’s limited to only a certain number of touches a day.
“Ok, everyone, let’s go over the rules.” The owner calls everyone to his attention and reviews the rules of the game, which are basically, if you get shot three times in a ‘critical target area’ as indicated on your protective gear, you are out of the game.
“Today’s game is your basic brawl. The last team with the most players remaining when the buzzer sounds will be the winners. However, we have a special guest and special rules that will add to the challenge!” The man gestures towards Mando, “If you want to take out the Mandalorian, you need three hits somewhere not on the armor, and good luck with that!” The man says it in such a way that he’s confident no one will be able to get Mando out of the game.
Before the game begins, you check on the child to make sure he’ll be ok. He has his favorite silver ball and a couple other toys with him in his pram, and you’ve tucked in few snacks that he likes in case he gets hungry.
“Ok, sweetie, you’re going to play with your toys and keep the pram closed until Mando or I open it,” you tell him. He coos at you in response and you give his nose a little boop before securing the pram.
“Here, put this on,” Mando hands you a metal wrist cuff with various buttons, “It’s linked to the pram like my vambraces, so that way the child will follow you wherever you go.” He quickly shows you how the buttons operate.
You and Mando get assigned to the red team and are issued paintball guns filled with the appropriate colored balls. There are three teen boys, a man, and another woman on your team. The teen boys are vibrating with excitement at being on Mando’s team; they keep calling him ‘sir’ and asking for ‘battle advice’. Mando is very kind to them, and answers all of their questions in a serious manner. It’s quite sweet really, how nice he is to them, but you’ve noticed that’s generally who he is, so long as that person cannot be perceived as a threat. With your team agreeing on Mando’s plans for the battle, followed by a loud war cry whoop from the boys, you head out to your designated starting positions.
Your adrenaline is pumping and when a loud bell rings out to indicate the start of the game, you’re almost as keyed up as the teenagers around you.  Mando’s plan calls for your team to be on the defensive and wait for the other teams to come to you, allowing you all to maintain better positions and hold on to better cover for as long as possible. It’s a good plan and fairly soon, some of the teen boys from the green team have charged over to your area recklessly, making them easier targets. You get off a couple shots, but your nerves get the best of you and you miss wildly. Fortunately, only Mando seems to notice as your other teammates are on target and dispatch the boys without anyone on your team getting hit.
“It’s alright, just breathe,” he tells you, “Remember you’re a good shot, I know you are.” He places a hand between your shoulders and rubs lightly to help calm you down. He points towards something moving in the bushes to your right and taps your shoulder. You can see another player advancing towards your position.
“Aim your weapon, take a deep breath,” Mando instructs you, “and shoot.” You pull the trigger and watch as your paintball splatters bright red on the other player’s chest plate. You remember quickly that you need two more shots to eliminate your target and so you shoot again. It ends up taking you five more shots but in the end, you’re victorious.
“I actually did it!” you squeal a little in delight and Mando gives your waist a small squeeze.
“Great job, cyar’ika!”
Hmm, there’s that foreign word again. It’s the second time he’s said it to you, and you think it must be Mando’a but you haven’t thought to ask him about it yet. You’re about to say something when a yellow paintball suddenly bursts on Mando’s left pauldron. You instantly whip your head around and fire off shots in the direction of the shooter. A sudden fierceness overtakes you in your determination to take out the player. You channel all your focus into your aim and once again, you are successful, only faster this time.
“That was even better,” Mando tells you, and your heart soars at his praise. He hasn’t even bothered to take a shot yet, he just seems content to watch you.
The game continues and it seems that the other players have caught on to your team’s plan, which leads to a break in the action. Everyone huddles together for a moment, and you realize the rest of your team are waiting for Mando’s instructions.
“So, Mando, what do we do next?” you ask him.
“What do you think our strategy should be?” he counters.
“Well, it seems like we’ve taken out quite a lot of the green team, so I say we head towards the yellow team’s area and try to lower their numbers more.” You figure this is the best way to ensure that your team will have the most active players in the end.
“Why don’t we finish off the green team first? You know, get them while they’re weak,” one of the other players suggests.
“No, her plan makes the best sense,” Mando says in support of your idea, “If we want to be the winners, we have to make sure the yellow team has more casualties.” There’s something about the way he says this that gives you a sense of pride. He’s not just going along with your suggestion because he likes you, it’s because he trusts your judgement and he agrees with it.
You set out in an attack formation as directed by Mando in search of the yellow team. He’s stationed you towards the rear of the group allowing the child’s floating pram to stay behind you, meanwhile he’s positioned himself at the front as an attractive target. You don’t love the idea of Mando making himself the bait, but you recognize that his strategy is logical as the challenge of taking out the Mandalorian will be too tempting for the others to pass up on and thus it should be easier for the rest of you to hit them.
The plan works perfectly and as a barrage of paintballs are launched in Mando’s direction, your team begins methodically targeting the yellow team. You try not to watch as more yellow paint splashes onto Mando’s beskar, because each time it does you feel a spike of irrational anger, how dare they shoot at your Mando. As for himself, Mando is finally shooting off paintballs of his own, but you get the impression that he’s doing so rather leisurely, like he’s not really putting in too much effort. Must be taking it easy on everyone.
Things seems quiet for a moment and you turn to check on the little guy’s pram. It’s still closed up and he’s safe and sound. You’re just turning back to look over your shoulder when a green paintball hits you in the side, right where there’s no padding. It’s surprisingly painful and you double-over, grasping at your side. Mando’s reaction is swift. He quickly dispatches the green shooter and then rushes over to you.
“Are you hurt? Do you need help?” His voice is full of concern.
“I’m fine,” you wheeze out, “just stings.”
“Take a moment and breathe,” he says as he tucks his left arm around you to hold you close to him while he proceeds to keep shooting with his right. It suddenly strikes you as incredibly attractive how he’s managing to comfort you and still fight at the same time.  
You can’t keep yourself from telling him, “Maker, you’re hot.”
“What?” He looks down at you for a second, a little surprised.
“Nothing, I’m just impressed by you.” You laugh a little and pull away so you can go back to the game.
The game continues for a while longer and you’re astounded by how much you’ve gotten into it. You no longer feel nervous about shooting at other people and you’re caught up in wanting to help your team win. You get hit a couple more times, but luckily they manage to miss the critical targets so when the buzzer sounds, you’ve managed to be one of the ‘survivors’. You run over to Mando to assess his ‘damage’ and while he has yellow and green paint splotches all over his beskar, he has only one green spot on his arm in the unarmored section near his elbow, which means that no one managed to successfully remove him from the game either. After a brief count, your team is announced as the victors by just one player. Your whole team cheers and exchanges high fives as you congratulate each other.
“See, I told you it would be fun,” Mando leans down close to you, “You were great, I was impressed too.” He brings his helmet down to touch the crown of yours.
You don’t have a chance to say anything back as the teen boys are at Mando’s side begging him to take a holophoto with them. Mando dutifully poses with the boys as you help out by acting as the photographer. You pull out your own holopad and snap a few holos too for your own enjoyment later.  
You return to the locker room to get cleaned up and back into your regular clothes. You’re securing your holster belt with its real blaster when you realize again how thankful you are that Mando’s gone out of his way to help you learn so much about fighting, even to the point where he found a way to make sure it would be enjoyable.
You head over to where he’s cleaning the paint off his armor with a bucket of water and some rags. It must be a bit hard to do though because there’s no mirror to help him see all the areas that need to be cleaned. You pick up one of the rags.
“Have a seat and I’ll help you get cleaned up,” you say as you motion to a bench.
“Thanks, it’s hard to do without being able to take it off,” he tells you.
He sits with his legs akimbo and you step between them to get better access to the beskar. Fortunately, the paint washes off without much effort, but there’s so much of it and you want to be sure to get it out of the small ridges and furrows of the armor.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” you tell him as you clean, “It really was fun and I think you’re right, it was good training.”
“You’re welcome,” Mando says warmly, and he brings his hands up to your hips to pull you in a little closer. He leaves his hands there as you move to clean his helmet and begins tracing little patterns with his thumbs. His touch is simple, but it makes you feel so fluttery inside. You look down at his visor and give him a little smile as you wipe a streak of gloopy green paint from the crown of his helmet.
“It drives me crazy when you look at me like that,” he tells you with his hands tightening on your hips.
“How am I looking at you?” Your smile widens.
“Like you have a secret and you’re daring me to find out what it is,” he says, his voice sounding deeper.
You chuckle, and as you finish cleaning his helmet you drop your lips down and give it a kiss, “Is that so?” you ask in a coquettish tone and you give him a wink.
Mando groans at you and pulls you in closer, “I’ve had enough being in public, let’s get back to the Crest,” he says. His words and the timbre of his voice fill you with dark excitement, and you nod your head in response.
You bid goodbye to your teammates and hurry out into the street, heading in the direction of the ship. You’re only a short distance from the Razor Crest when you hear a laser bolt whiz past you. You draw your blaster and turn towards the source of the bolt where you see five armed men bearing down on you, Mando, and the child. “Hunters!” Mando shouts to you as he returns fire.
Another blast comes from behind you and you whip around to see three more shooters trying to box you in. Like Mando, you shoot back, your fight mode coming out in full force. You manage to shoot one of the hunters in the chest and you see him fall. You don’t dwell on it though as you scan the area for a possible escape route. You feel Mando tug on your sleeve as he gestures to the left where you can see a small side street. You rush towards the street as fast as you can while Mando provides cover. You’re still wearing the wrist cuff from before so the baby’s pram is following after you. You feel a sharp burning sensation in your side and it almost knocks you to the ground, but your determination to get away is stronger and you push your legs to keep you running.
The narrow street spills out into a broader avenue that is now bustling with activity. You bump into people as you try to get away and it makes you stumble. You look around wildly for help but everyone seems oblivious to your distress. The baby’s pram is still right with you and you’re relieved to see it’s still closed up tightly. But where is Mando? You thought he was right behind you but now you don’t see him anywhere. You turn back to the narrow side street when you see one of the hunters come barreling out of it. He fires several bolts in your direction, one of which ricochets off the pram. People scream and scatter. A primal protectiveness surges within you as all you can think about is how you won’t let this man hurt your child and so you raise your blaster and shoot him twice in the chest. He falls to the ground, but something in you won’t let you stop. You keep moving toward him until you’re standing over him and then you shoot him in the head to make sure he can’t hurt either of you. You should probably feel guilty about killing him, but you don’t. You look down the street, worried that you’ll see another hunter heading your direction, but it seems quiet. You pant as you try to catch your breath and now you realize just how badly your side is hurting, you think it must be from before where the paintball hit you but when you look down you see your shirt is soaked with blood. You sag against a building as you realize you’ve been shot. A woman sees you and hurries over to help,
“We have to get you to a doctor right away,” she’s saying.
“Wait, I need Man-, I need to find Man- Mando.” The pain is making it hard to speak.
“It’s alright, your child’s pram is right here.” She doesn’t understand.
You sway on your feet and she quickly places an arm around you to help you walk. “Don’t try to talk, dear,” she’s telling you as she drags you towards a medical clinic. Everything is getting blurry and you fight to stay upright. When you make it inside the clinic, someone immediately pushes you towards a gurney and you collapse on it just before you black out.
Din is desperate to find you and the child. When he sent you down that side street, he succeeded in taking down most of the hunters. But one particularly large man, a Clawdite, had managed to tackle Din. That allowed another hunter to slip by and head down the street in pursuit of you. After stabbing the Clawdite, Din quickly trails the other man. His head is filled with worse case scenarios but when he finds the body at the end of the street, a sense of relief comes over him. It’s short-lived, however, when he realizes neither you nor the child are anywhere to be seen. Din can feel true fear rising in him that perhaps there were others and maybe you were both captured, when he remembers the wrist cuff he gave you and the tracking device he installed within it. He breathes a sigh of relief again when he pings your signal and realizes you’re nearby.
Din tracks your signal to the medical center, the sight of which makes his blood run cold because if you’re here that means that one of you must be hurt. He rushes inside but before he can ask anyone about you or the baby, he hears a frightened scream and then your voice shouting,
“NO! NO! Get away from me! NO!”
Din is back in full combat mode as he hurries towards the sound of your terrified voice. He finds you in a room with a round floating medical droid trying to administer an injection. You are curled up on the floor in a corner of the room with your hands over your face as you cry out in fear. Din shoves the droid out of the room forcefully before carefully approaching your huddled form.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright, it’s me, it’s Mando,” he says as he tentatively reaches out to you. “The droid is gone, and I’m here.”
You sob something that sounds like ‘Mando’ and launch yourself into his arms. You’re still crying hard when you get out the word, ‘baby’. Din looks around the room and thankfully he sees the child’s pram. He manages to reach the open button on his vambrace and the pram’s dome opens up to reveal the little one safe inside. The baby looks concerned at your distress and he lets out a sad-sounding coo.
“He’s alright, cyar’ika, the baby is safe, you did so wonderful protecting him.” Din holds you and runs a hand over your back, and he continues to whisper soothing words trying to calm you. A noise at the door causes him to look up and see two nurses there who are trying to figure out what all the commotion is.
“Sir, who are you and why is this patient out of her bed?” one of the nurses asks indigently.
“She’s terrified of that droid, you can’t let it near her again,” Din says, scooping you up in his arms and helping you back to the bed.
“Alright,” the other nurse says in a kinder tone, “but you can’t be back here unless you’re family.”
“I’m her husband,” Din snaps, knowing they won’t argue with that, “Now can someone tell me what happened?” His voice is demanding and rough.
“I’m sorry, sir, your wife was shot in the side,” the kinder nurse explains, “She’s lucky because the bolt missed her vital organs but she will need some time to heal. The droid was only going to give her a bacta shot.”
“She’s scared of that droid,” Din repeats, “Can’t one of you give it to her?” His tone of voice makes it clear that it’s a demand not a request.
“Maybe she’s just scared of the shot,” the indigent nurse says, a slight scoff to her tone.
“The shot is fine, just please not the droid,” you manage to say in a weak voice. You look at Din as you explain, “The Empire used medical droids for torture.”
Din remembers how you told him you were punished by the Imps when they discovered your sabotage, but you’ve never gone into details about that punishment. He has some idea now what they must have done to you, and why seeing another droid like that would cause such a negative response.
“No more droids are to come into this room,” Din instructs the nurses.
“Of course, sir, I’ll give her the shot myself,” the kinder nurse tells him, “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Din turns back to you and reaches up to smooth the tears from your cheeks. “It’s going to be okay, I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you.”
“Will you please stay with me?” you ask and you grip his hand tightly as if he might disappear.
“Nothing could make me leave you,” he says as he caresses your face.
A soft whine floats over to Din and you from the pram as the little one wants to know what’s happening. Din steps away from your side to quickly pick him up and bring him over to the bed with you. At first Din tries to just hold him close to you, but the child isn’t satisfied with that. Instead, he quickly climbs out of Din’s arms and onto the bed to nestle up against your chest, he then reaches up to touch your face with his little hand.
“Hi, buddy,” you say softly, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
Din watches the two of you as a vast sense of gratitude washes over him; he’s so very thankful that you both are safe now and no lasting damage has been done. He holds your hand again and brings his helmet down to your head allowing him to watch over you and the child as close as possible.
Several hours later, you are doing much better after the bacta shot has done its work and the medical center releases you to go home. Din swipes a hoverchair and quickly steers you back to the Razor Crest; he insisted that you shouldn’t walk all the way back to the ship. Once on board again, he gets you safely tucked into your bed still with the child cuddled up against your side. The little guy refuses to leave you alone and even demanded to ride in your lap on the way back to the ship instead of returning to his pram.
With the three of you safely in space, Din returns to the hull. He’s pleased to see you’re resting comfortably as you talk softly to the child and he sets about to prepare some dinner for the three of you. It’s been hours since any of you have eaten and he’s sure you must be hungry. Din’s not as good a cook as you are, but he tries to add the little touches that you do for him like cutting up the fruit and arranging it on a plate, and adding honey to your tea the way that you like. When he brings your dinner over to you, he notices that the child has managed to use his powers to bring several of his stuffed toys over to your bed and he seems to be arranging them around you for additional snuggling.
“You’re doing a great job as a caregiver, buddy,” Din tells him chuckling.
“I keep telling him he’s being so sweet sharing his plushies with me,” you respond with a soft chuckle of your own.
Din helps you sit up, before handing you the dinner tray.
“Do you need help eating?” He asks concerned.
“Nah, I’m fine, Mando,” you tell him, “Really I feel much better; I don’t think I need to be in bed anymore.”
“You’re staying in bed for the rest of the day, and probably tomorrow too,” Din replies pointing his finger at you the way he does when he disciplines the child sometimes.
“Yes, Nurse Mando,” you reply cheekily.
“That’s right. Now eat your dinner before I feed you myself,” he says with a nod of his head.
After you’ve eaten, you’re still sitting up in bed and now you’re playing a little with the child and his plush toys as you tell him a story. Din can hear in your voice though that you’re tired and even though he knows you are doing better, you need your rest.
“Ok, kiddo, I think that’s the end of story time.” He comes over and picks up the child despite his little whines of protest.
“It’s alright,” you say softly.
“No, you need to get more rest,” Din tells you, “Besides, it’s time to get this guy cleaned up before he goes to bed.”
You can hear the sounds of water running in the fresher and Mando saying “Don’t look at me like that, she needs to rest so she can get better,” and it makes you smile. Both of your guys are being so sweet as they take care of you. You stretch back out against your pillows and close your eyes, and before you know it, you’ve drifted off to sleep.
When you awaken a while later, you see Mando sitting on a crate near your bed reading something on his holopad. He’s taken off his armor and is now more relaxed in his undershirt, trousers, and helmet only.
“Mando, is everything alright, what are you doing?” You’re surprised he’s not in bed himself or up in the cockpit where he’d be more comfortable.
“I didn’t want to leave you alone in case you needed something,” he tells you.
“That’s very sweet, Mando, but you must be getting tired,” you say.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” he replies. You know he can go for long stretches without sleeping, but it’s really not necessary now. Maybe there is a way you can get him to rest at least.
“You could come lie down with me,” you suggest and give him a small smile.
“There’s nothing I’d like better, but you’re hurt and you need to rest,” he says, but it’s clear from his tone that he’s tempted by your offer.
“I won’t do anything more than just cuddle with you, I promise,” you counter, and you give him the flirtatious look that you know he likes. It works like a charm and although he lets out one of his long-suffering sighs, he’s standing up and moving towards the bed.
“Alright, we’re just going to cuddle and you are going to rest and try not to move too much.” Mando may be trying to sound stern, but there’s an eagerness to his movements that gives away how much he wants to join you in the bed.
He lies down next to you on his back and puts his arm around you pulling you close to his side. You shift your position so that you can place your head on his chest and rest your hand on his stomach lightly. This way you can lie on your good side and take any pressure off the side that needs to heal. As you settle into him, Mando lets out a sound of contentment making his chest vibrate beneath you.
“Thank you, this is nice,” you tell him, “Plus, you’re so warm and cozy.”
He chuckles at that and rubs his large palm across your back, “It’s getting to where I can’t say no to you.”
“I see no problem with that,” you reply and you give his chest a kiss through his shirt.
“Mmm, I bet you don’t.” His chest rumbles again pleasantly against your cheek.
“Mando, I didn’t get a chance to really thank you earlier, but I want you to know you really helped me back at the med center.” You hope he understands how important he was for you in that moment.
“You don’t have to thank me for that, I could see how terrified you were and I knew you needed me.” Mando says softly and pulls you tighter to him. He pauses and then asks you, “When you said you were punished by the Imperials, did they… torture you with the droid?”
“Yes,” you tell him in a flat voice, “It would give various shots to induce different types of pain. It was horrible. Seeing that droid today felt like being back there, back in that terrible place. I- I don’t want to talk about it too much.”
“I understand,” Mando tells you, “I hate droids… well, there was one once who wasn’t so bad, but mostly I hate them.” His voice is gruff as he tells you this.
“Why do you hate them?” you ask.
“My home was destroyed by droids,” he says, “Everything was gone, my town, my friends, my parents, all killed.”
“Oh, Mando, how awful,” Your heart breaks for him, “That’s devastating. I’m so sorry for you.”
“I was only a child, and I would have been killed too if not for the Mandalorians who rescued me,” he explains.
“You were a foundling too,” you say softly.
“Yes,” he replies.
You’re quiet for a bit as you stroke his chest in a soothing manner. You know he’s supposed to be comforting you, but you want Mando to know that you’re here for him too. He brings his other hand up to cover yours. You realize that his glove is off and for the first time you are touching his bare skin. Your breath catches in your throat at the sensation and you revel in each tiny movement that he makes as he slowly explores your fingers with his. His hand is large and warm, and you marvel at how delicate and gentle he is as he touches you.
“You skin is so soft, cyar’ika,” he murmurs to you.
“Thank you,” you say softly, but then you can’t help but ask, “What does that word mean, cyar’ika?” He’s called you that a few times now and your burning curiosity can’t wait any longer.
Mando chuckles lightly, “Aren’t you the code-breaker? What do you think it means?”
“Oh, I see, a linguistic challenge, hmm?” You’re willing to play along and you take a moment to think.
“Well, you’ve used it in place of my name, so it could be a nickname, but based on context, I’d say it’s a term of endearment.” You lift your head up to look at him as you propose your theory.
“What do you mean?” He questions, intrigued.
“Well, if it were a nickname, I think you’d use it more frequently, and by my count you’ve only said it four times, which makes me think it must be more special than just a nickname. Plus I know you’ve said my name more often than that.”
“Oh?” He sounds amused.
“Yes, and when you said it was important too,” you explain, “Twice you said it when I was very distressed and you were sure to use a calming tone, but then, the other two times were when you gave me a compliment, and those times, you had a more romantic tone.”
He’s laughing openly now and shaking the whole bed as he does. Oh no, you’ve nerded him into hysterics, “Sorry, am I being too analytical?” you ask him sheepishly.
“No, no, I love how logical you’re being, cyar’ika,” he emphasizes the word again and his voice is caring as he tells you, “I’m impressed and entertained by how you think. I had no idea how much thought you’d put into it.”
“Well, am I correct though?” You’re still dying to know.
“Yes, you are,” he says between chuckles, and you smile up at him in response. He calms down a bit and then tells you, “It means sweetheart.” His voice is deeper as he says the word in Basic and you feel your stomach flutter in delight.
“I like that, Mando, I like it a lot; it’s such a beautiful word,” You wish you had a term of endearment for him that would sound even half as beautiful.
“Din,” he says to you.
“What?” you reply confused.
“My name is Din, Din Djarin,” he introduces himself to you, “I’d really like for you to call me by my real name.”
“It’s an honor to know you, Din Djarin,” you reply in as warm and loving a tone as you can, trying to show him how much it means to you that he’s sharing something so personal.
“The honor is all mine, cyar’ika,” he tells you and he squeezes your hand to punctuate his words, “You mean so much to me, I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
“I feel the same about you, Din.” Lying in his arms, it’s easy to tell him how you feel, and you realize how much you want him to hear it. “I was so worried when we were separated today, but when you found me, and I knew you were there, it just felt right, like I knew everything would be all right.”
Din pulls you in closer, hugging you as tight as he can without hurting you. He feels your arm snake around his waist to hold him tighter too and he feels a sense of true serenity. It’s a new emotion for him or at least one he hasn’t felt since he was very young. The two of you stay like that for a long time and as he listens to your breathing, he thinks perhaps you’ve fallen asleep. He relaxes his hold on you and thinks that maybe he should try to slip out of the bed so that you’ll rest properly, when he feels you stir.
“Din, will you teach me more Mando’a?” you ask, your voice sounding dreamy.
“Yes, but not tonight, you need to sleep,” he says softly but firmly.
“Ok, good,” you reply with a small yawn.
You settle back in to the bed a little and pull up the blankets around you more. Din starts to pull away from you little by little, but you’re having none of it and you grip him tighter.
“Are you trying to leave?” you ask, sounding only a little pouty, “Don’t you want to stay and cuddle?”
He sighs, “You need your rest, and I’m distracting you from that.”
“I’ll rest better with you here,” you insist.
“I’ll stay if you promise to go to sleep now,” he replies.
“Ok, I’ll go to sleep.” You’re quiet for a few seconds, but then you whisper to him, “Din?”
“Goodnight,” you whisper, “I hope you sleep well.”
“Stop talking.”
Thank you so much for reading! Continue to Chpt. 6 Where no Mando Has Gone Before. If you’d like to be added to the tag list, just let me know!
By the way, do you all remember that droid from a New Hope that gave Leia the shot? That’s the one I was thinking of when I came up with how the reader was punished by the Empire. That thing gave me nightmares for weeks when I was a child.
Tag list:  @overtly-cuteashell @grogusmum @imabeautifulbutterfly @wellofeternalthirst @idreamofboobear @theamuz @fangirlalexia @callmekane @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11 @theravenreads @nicotinebirds @boomtownboy @nova646 @wandering-storm-lost-shadow @becks-things @sleepwithacommunist @mackycat11 @som3thingcr3ative @punkdalek @pinkninja200 @s-unflowxr @ladyjenny19 @peppywitch​ @haley7242​
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imagineyourself · 4 years
Teacher’s Pet- A Spencer Reid Imagine
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Spencer Reid x fem! psych major! reader 
A/n: Hi guys, I’ve watched 9 seasons of criminal minds in 2 weeks, so expect a lot of criminal minds stuff coming! Also, kind of want to write a part 2 to this so lmk if you would like that! 
Gif is not mine creds to @toyboxboy​
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of blood and knives
Word count: 2.6k
“The unsub is likely in a position of power, well respected, maybe even admired. He works with young people, probably a teacher or professor. We need to find him, and fast before he kills another young girl.” Rossi spoke to the room of officers. The room disperses to begin searching for the killer, 4 girls are already dead. 
“Rossi, I think I found the connection between the girls.” Dr. Spencer Reid turning away from the board with the bodies taped to it and a file in his hand. “They all shared a professor.”
“They all went to different schools, different majors.” Morgan interjects.
“He is a professor at multiple universities, and they’ve all taken a psych class at some point, mostly introductory level. He must have connected with them during that time.” Reid continues.
“Who is it, dammit, Reid?” Hotch said.
“A Professor Deslaurier, professor of psychology, which explains why he was hard to find. He’s one of us. But better than that, I think I know who his next target is.” 
*campus cafe around the same time* 
“I’m not saying that I’m ready to start dating again, but I would love to see what that barista’s got going on.” My best friend said grabbing her coffee from the counter, winking at the barista drying mugs. 
“Oh my god, keep it in your pants, you and Garrett just broke up. Like 2 days ago. You were devastated, remember?” I remind her, gently shoving her with my elbow as we sat at a table by the window.
“His name was Garrett so clearly he isn’t that hard to get over. But anyway what’s up with you relationship wise, any new people?” She presses her lips to her coffee cup, as I pull out my laptop from my bag.
“You and I both know nothing is happening in that department. School and work is taking up all my time, and I can’t help but ruin dates with my charming personality.” I pull up my latest essay for my criminal psychology class, only 5 words on the page: my name, the date, and the class.
“Stop going all psych major on people when you’re on a first date or you’ll be alone forever.” She rolls her eyes at me as she glances out the window. Her eyes squinting in concentration, so I follow her gaze seeing a group of people in FBI uniforms talking to campus security. 
“What the hell?” I say watching one of them glance around and look at the campus cafe and nod his head in its direction. The agent made his way over to the shop and steps in looking around, scanning like he was looking for someone. Then his eyes land on me. 
He rushes over to the table, but his face and voice remain calm despite the urgency in his walk. “Are you Y/F/N Y/L/N?” 
“Yes, I am. What’s going on?” I look between the man and Y/B/F/N.
“I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, and I’m going to need you to come with me.” He flashes his badge as fear washes over my face. “You’re not in trouble, don’t worry.” He smiles as I pack up my stuff, my essay still not begun. 
I say goodbye to my friend, and leave with the mysterious Doctor. “So what’s going on and why do you need me? Or better yet where are we going?”
“Good question, do you have an apartment or dorm of some sort where we can go for a while?”
“Yea I have an off campus apartment just up the road. We can spend some time there, but why? Am I like in danger or something?” 
“We have reason to believe you’re the killers next target.” He keeps me close as I guide him to my apartment. These are not the circumstances with which I would prefer to have this beautiful doctor be coming with me to my apartment, but it just be like that sometimes. 
“Who would want to kill me? Why?” I ask as I approach my apartment door, unlocking it to allow us inside. “And what am I supposed to do to stop it?” 
“That’s why I’m here, to protect you in case he comes to harm you, and it’s Professor Deslaurier who is attacking his brightest female students.” 
“Hank wouldn’t do that. He was so kind,” I pause thinking about everything I’ve learned in my classes, “and I’m an idiot. He was manipulating me so I would trust him. He knew I was vulnerable and exploited that, and he’s a textbook narcissist.” 
“Psych major?” Spencer asks as I sit on my couch with my head in my hands, wrapping my head around the fact that my favourite professor wants to kill me. 
“Yeah, so I should have seen the signs. But I guess being a target is what happens when you’re stupid enough to trust the first teacher who approaches you.” I start crying, this sucks. The doctor, Spencer I think he said his name is, hands me a tissue. I take it graciously, a small smile creeps onto my lips at the gesture.
“It’s not your fault, you couldn’t have known he was a crazy serial killer. You were just being a good student, but you said that he approached you?” He sits next to me on the couch letting me lean on him slightly.
“Yeah, he came up to me after a lecture, raving about one of my essays and how my perspective was fascinating and came from a personal place. He basically decoded me from an essay. Where is he now?” I pull myself together enough to sit up, seeing the tear stains on his sweater. “ I’m sorry about your sweater.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he smiles and looks down at the stains I left. “We are trying to locate him now and put him away so he can’t hurt you or anyone else.” 
“So what am I supposed to do until he’s caught?”
“Do you have anything here to work on? Homework or test to prepare for? I’m a great study buddy if you need help.”  He smiles as if he’s not here to protect me from my crazy killer professor.
“Actually I do have a criminal psychology essay due in like 10 hours.” 
“10 hours?! Why have you been putting it off? Unless the topic is something uncomfortable to think about?” 
“You said your name was Spencer, right? Is it okay if I call you that?” He nods, still waiting for me to answer the question. “Well, Spencer, the essay is about what would make us snap, or our stressor as you guys call it, and kill people. Like searching through our traumas to see what would be the last straw. It’s not exactly a pleasant thought.” 
Spencer looks into my eyes, deep like he’s reaching for my soul. He’s trying to profile me, but making it look a lot harder than it is. “You’ve been through a lot before: tough childhood, bad relationships, things like that,” I nod my head averting my eyes “But none of those things means you’re going to become a killer. Stressors only work if you let them, and I’ve had years of profiling experience and from the short time I’ve known you I can safely say you are incapable of killing someone.” 
“How are you so sure? You barely know me?” I look up from my hands and gaze into his eyes, they are the warmest honey brown color. 
“You and I both know you can learn a lot about someone without having to know them for a significant amount of time. I am highly skilled in the area of subtle detections and putting together clues to build personalities from fragments.”
“Yeah, I’m aware. I can’t hide anything from you because you already know it, so you are already well aware that I am incredibly attracted to you. I may not be an FBI profiler, but I can tell you like me too.” I put my hands over his, seeing his cheeks flare pink at the gesture. I lean closer to him, feeling his breath on my face.
Until he suddenly pulls back, but it was forceful. He didn’t want to, but he had to. I was about to apologize for how inappropriate it was, he’s just doing his job, but he starts before I can talk.
“Your essay is due in 10 hours, more accurately 9 hours 47 minutes and 22 seconds, and you haven’t started. Work on your essay, it’ll distract you from the current situation.” He stands and paces the room as if trying to come up with the best solution to a problem. I just couldn’t tell if the problem was me or the case. 
I was going to argue with him, but I sighed knowing he’s right. I need to write my essay so I don’t fail my class. The screen burns my eyes as I stare at the practically blank screen. The sound of my fingers running across the keyboard fills my small apartment as I figure out my story. I stop for a moment after several minutes of furious typing and look up.
“What are some typical stressors of serial killers?” I ask Spencer giving him the opportunity to use his genius brain to help me. 
After 4 tortuous hours of writing and editing done by Dr. Reid, I hit submit on my essay. I high five the young doctor in celebration, but he catches my  hand and intertwines his fingers with mine instead. The air catches in my throat, I’m speechless. Now it’s my turn to blush at a small gesture. He holds me for a moment, gazes locked on each other. I lean up to meet his lips, but a knock at my door disturbs the quiet of the room. Reid puts a finger to his lips signalling for silence. 
“Y/N open up. I know you’re home.” A voice calls from the hall.
“Hank.” I whisper, frightfully looking at Spencer pleading for some direction in the situation. How am I supposed to know what to do when my crazy professor shows up at my apartment to kill me? He nods his head toward the door as he creeps in its direction silently, gun in hand. He looks hot when he’s in agent mode. Wait, not the biggest issue right now, focus Y/N. I stand behind the door, looking over at him and he nods. I open the door slightly. “Hey Professor Deslaurier, what’s up?” He looks distressed and frazzled, but I would too if the fucking FBI was trying to find me for being a serial killer. 
“I’ve been looking for you.” 
“Uhhhh, I’ve been working on a paper. Do you need something?” I stand close to the door, practically hugging it as if my life depended on it. Reid’s presence behind the door went undetected by my professor since he stepped closer to the door. 
“The paper must be amazing, you were always an amazing writer. May I come in?” He wasn’t really asking, his foot in the doorframe. 
“I would rather not, I’m very busy. Deadlines and all.” I push the door closed, but before I could he shoves his way in. I walk backwards into the open space, consciously making an effort not to let Deslaurier know Reid is there by looking at him, which became incredibly difficult as he came closer to me pushing my back into a wall. 
“You were always so intelligent and strong headed, but now, you’re just weak and pathetic. Aww look at the panic in your eyes. You can’t think your way out of this one.” He pulls a knife from his pocket and presses the flat side to my neck and I whimper. I squirmed in his grasp and in a moment of panic, I look at Reid. Deslaurier’s gaze follows mine and meets the agent standing in my apartment, gun cocked. Suddenly the cold, hard wall I was pressed against became warm and soft as my killer holds me against him like a shield, a knife to my throat. “Who is this son of a bitch?”
“I’m Dr. Reid with the FBI. Release her, put down the knife.” Spencer points his gun at the floor, knowing he would be unable to get a shot that wouldn’t hit me. 
“Oooh, a doctor she chooses smart guys to whore herself out to.” I squirm in his grasp. My neck burns as the sharp edge of the weapon presses into me. 
“I’m just here to protect her from you. You aren’t as clever as you think you are, you know? We caught you. You can’t hurt anybody anymore. Drop the knife and let her go. Now. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will. Let her go.”
“Spencer, please.” I whisper, tears streaming down my face. I’m probably going to die, I’ve accepted that. I just don’t want Spencer to see me go, I can tell this is killing him. Agent or no agent, this is an awful situation to be put in. 
“Does she mean something to you, Doctor? I wouldn’t get attached if I were you, she’ll just throw you away like she did to me. Best and brightest in my class, but just another stupid girl outside of it.” If looks could kill, Deslaurier would be dead under Reid’s gaze. His eyes soften when he looks at me, giving me hope. With a sudden rush of adrenaline, I swing my leg back into my capture’s knee, dislocating it in the process. The knife sliced through part of my neck, just barely missing vital veins. Spencer takes his shot as the professor falls to the ground, catching me in his strong arms as I fall forward. 
“Hey, hey, hey look at me. You’re going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine. We’re going to take you to the hospital and get you stitched up. Okay? Just keep looking at me.” He holds me as we sit on the floor. 
“Spencer…” I whisper and everything goes dark.
Beeping and whispers fill the room as I open my eyes. I’m sitting in a hospital bed, what happened? Why does my head hurt so much? 
“Hey take it easy. You’re in the hospital, you lost a lot of blood.” Spencer says, standing next to my bed taking my hand.
“What happened after I blacked out? How did we get here?” The beeping becomes incessant as my heart races.
“Relax, it’s okay,” He squeezes my hand and the beeping softens, “My team went to your apartment and took care of Deslaurier, I shot him in the shoulder after you kicked him, which good job by the way, even if it caused you to get hurt. You ended up getting a nasty cut on your neck, but it missed any critical veins.”
“Thanks.” I smile looking at our hands.
“You know you scared me half to death when you lost consciousness.”
“Well, sorry, I’ll try not to almost get murdered by a serial killer next time.” I smirk sarcastically as he laughs stroking my cheek. 
“Yeah, thanks.” 
“You know, we were in the middle of something before being rudely interrupted.” I look up at the gorgeous doctor who happened to save my life. 
“Oh yeah, where were we again?” He smirks, lowering himself closer to my level in the bed.
“Right about here.” I pull him close, kissing his pillow soft lips.
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kissmyshnymetalass · 4 years
Military Transition Information
-          Actual GOMOR
-          REFRAD
-          SFL-TAP
-          Resources
-          General Separation Tips
-          Job Hunting and Resume
-          LinkedIn
-          Other Job Hunting Sites (ZipRecruiter/Clearance Jobs/etc)
-          Certifications
ACTUAL GOMOR Nothing to say about this really. It is what it is. You can’t fight it. My parents hired some hot shot civilian lawyer who was horribly expensive but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. Ultimately it all comes down to the fact that it isn’t LAW. It is UCMJ and there’s nothing to fight. Your command team has that power. They just do. It is pure bullshit. It drives me crazy. You could try writing your congress person or the army times to put the spotlight on unfair, maddening, preposterous nonsense judgmental decisions but…otherwise you’re boned. My recommendation is to keep your head down and try not to freak out. When my battalion commander told me it would be permanently filed I had a total rage glitch and yelled at him. Did not improve my position, ha. See if you can get moved to another battalion or brigade. That’s a big ask because you’re now branded. But if anyone is still in your corner (a Battalion XO or S3 or even a S1 who is respected and will advocate for you. Maybe the Brigade FSO if you have a good reputation) it can give you breathing room to no longer be in that environment. I had pull with division and was able to get onto staff up there after my flag was lifted. They knew I was only there to transition and were really cool about it- your mileage may vary. REFRAD
The first step is to get a copy of the REFRAD packet. It is mainly memos. Your S1 should have a copy. Then clarify what gates it has to hit (Battalion to Brigade to Division to Installation to HRC I’m pretty sure) and who the people are. You can do this while you’re flagged (if you’re flagged which I assume you are). You can’t submit until you’re unflagged but you can do drafts and send them to the S1 to get corrections. I’d let your command know of your intent to separate if you have any kind of ability to talk to them and let them know you’d appreciate if they could sign this stuff right away. I made it overwhelmingly clear that I disagreed with their handling of the situation and would like to just get out of there as fast as possible. They obliged by signing everything without the “required” counseling sessions.
I submitted mine on like July 6th or 7th and received my approval from HRC O/A 20 August but had to hand walk it. Basically had to call the S1 shop at Battalion every day until they routed to Brigade. Then the same thing with Brigade. Then with Installation. Etc. It is just best to be a pain in the ass about it because otherwise it can get stuck at a gate and require corrections and you’ll just never know about it because S1 sucks, ha. After you get your approval from HRC you still have to wait to get clearing papers and orders. That can take a while. I’m pretty sure I had my orders 9-10 days after getting approval and was given clearing papers six working days before my final out (which was around 16 October). SFL-TAP SFL-TAP was stupid but you may see benefits. There were a couple of contractors hunting for separating Soldiers so you maybe you’ll meet someone like that. Otherwise SFL-TAP went over pretty basic stuff like “consider benefits in addition to salary when job hunting” or “here’s what to wear.” It was FINE. But I wouldn’t say that officers are really the target audience. They will expose you to a few transition assistance programs which could be helpful though. Like I think there is a Microsoft administrator course that is 3-4 months you can do that SFL-TAP can give you info about. Other things like credentialing programs, certification courses, job fairs, etc. I did not use any of these services but I have heard they can be helpful. RESOURCES YOU WILL HEAR ABOUT, YMMV ACP Partnerships. American Corporate Partners. Basically you can apply on their website and they can hook you up with a mentor in your preferred field. I did this and it was fine. I received a mentor but she wasn’t super helpful. I think your experience really depends on your mentor. I’ve heard from others that their mentors are awesome. The nice thing about this is that they assign you a mentorship manager and that person will be very aggressive about providing you with resources (interview prep, resume reviewer, etc)
Corporate Fellowship Program. You can visit hiringourheroes.org. They can basically set you up with a corporate internship. Usually reserved for service members who are going to stay geographically close to their installation. Once again, I did not use this service but I have heard GREAT things and have a close friend who participated and she raves about it. Cameron Brooks/other junior officer recruitment companies. I did Cameron Brooks for a few months. I did not tell them about the GOMOR, ha. Didn’t mention the flag at all. They won’t call your command or anything so I just viewed it as keeping non-essential information to myself. It was also fine. It is free. They will give you books to read and counsel you and do interview prep and everything. It is a nice service. They told me they only “accept the best” as clients. Probably not true so don’t let them convince you they are some secret sauce. They just have a very codified approach. I have heard from others that they can land you in a good job but most are in less desirable locations (like the mid-west. Or Kansas). If you are afraid of transitioning this is kind of nice. Like having a bossy older brother who “knows a guy.” Other Useful “Leaving the Army” Tips Make sure you have a log in to mypay set up. Once you final out your CAC won’t work anywhere. Forward yourself anything in your military email that you may need or want. Download your medical records. Set up a DS login. Stuff like that. I lost a lot because I never did it. Oh well. But learn from my experience, ha. Print off your clothing record and do CIF prep now. At my last installation they wouldn’t make me a CIF appointment until the last six workdays I was in the Army and I had to go back three or four times and it was stressful. Do your homework and equipment cleaning now. All in all it wasn’t too bad. Military surplus stores will work with you. The one near me let me take what I needed from them for free (like a sleeping mat, grenade pouch and ACU print assault pack) with the agreement that once I was cleared I would give them all remaining equipment I had. They made out big in that deal because after a decade I had a ton of shit. Do all the basics. Clean your stuff, get rid of tape residue, etc. Job Hunting and Resumes Oh job hunting. You son of a bitch. First things first, get LinkedIn. Get Premium. I’m pretty sure you can do this for free as a service member but I’m not sure how. I will go into way more LinkedIn detail in a moment. I started job hunting in August. It took three months to find a job. It was NOT easy. You need to write a resume. There are countless agencies who will review it for you for free. There is certainly someone in your SFL-TAP staff who will review your resume. Don’t worry- they will broadcast who they are. I’m sure if you reached out now they could send you examples and review your stuff. Get a lot of eyes on it. Friends, parents, those who have transitioned. If you have any friends in HR have them look at it. De-militarize it. You need to be submitting applications every day. I had a goal to apply to at least one job every day and generally applied to 3 or 5 each day. I applied to 200-300 jobs easily. I received rejections from around 100. The others didn’t even bother letting me know. Of those applications I had the most luck if I went to their LinkedIn page and found someone in HR and introduced myself and offered to provide any additional information. I scheduled around 12 interviews and made it to the second round for 4. Was ultimately offered two jobs in the same week at my price point but it took work.
Find recruiters on LinkedIn. Basically you can search for recruiters in your preferred area. Just add them. Add whoever. And send them an email. I did this and probably met with 10-15 recruiters. None of them were able to place me but talking to them was good. They can help you figure out how to present your skill sets and will send you resumes to review/copy and will sometimes review your resume for you. They WANT to place you because that’s what makes them money so don’t feel weird about reaching out to them. Talking to them is also good general interview prep because they ask most of the same questions an interviewing company would ask.
When applying for a specific job read the posting and then incorporate as many of the words they use IN THE FORMAT THEY USE THEM into your resume. They will almost certainly filter your application through a software designed to separate those totally unqualified. For instance, if you hold a project management certification and on your resume you write PMP Certified but in the job description they say “Project management professional certification preferred” then go back to your resume and change PMP to Project Management Professional.
Biggest piece of advice here is Don’t Give Up. It is soul crushing. You will feel panicked and shitty and underqualified. That’s normal from what I hear. Don’t marry yourself to the first job. I’ve heard from professional recruiters that companies are more likely to hire a veteran after he/she has successfully held a civilian job for one year after separation. My advice would be to accept a job that pays you fairly for the security and reassess after a year. There’s absolutely no problem with changing jobs later. LinkedIn Fuck you, LinkedIn. LinkedIn is such bullshit. But civilians are rock fucking hard for it. So get a LinkedIn. Make sure everything is up to date. Have a picture- NOT a military picture. The same boring one everyone has on LinkedIn. You’re wearing a tie. You’re smiling like a goober. Write all the bullshit nonsense about how you’re a trendsetter and a problem solver and an out of the box thinker. Really sell yourself. Make connections. Make as many connections as you can. For some reason you seem more hireable when you have a ton of connections. Find recruiters and add them. Find people who are doing the thing you want to do in the city you want to do it in and add them. Interact with people. It is all a show but just do it because that’s the game and the prize for winning the game is a nice salary and a successful transition. Find all of the companies who typically hire vets if you’re interested in that. Deloitte, Raytheon, Leidos, Lockheed Martin, etc. Most recruiters associated with these organizations put out content regularly that’s aimed at transitioning service members. They will host classes and online information sessions. Attend them. Follow the advice of the recruiters. All advise basically boils down to market yourself, make connections, expand your network, tailor your resume, follow up in a personal way to applications (contacting HR people or recruiters within the company), send out resumes daily, interview well, repeat, repeat, repeat.
Get premium so you can see who looks at your profile. Other Job Hunting Sites/Resources I actually got my job using ZipRecruiter, not LinkedIn. So I would definitely use ZipRecruiter. You can use ClearanceJobs if you have a clearance. You should go to whichever state you want to work in’s website as well because they’ll post local jobs (like working as a project manager for the department of transportation in Kentucky or whatever). I received a few interviews (well, 2) doing this. I think because it is kind of a pain in the ass to apply that way. Look at universities and hospitals in your preferred area. Often the jobs they post don’t make it onto other sites. Follow companies you’d like to work for on LinkedIn. Sometimes organizations will advertise openings that don’t make it to the LinkedIn job search function for some reason. Instead they’ll make a post about an opening and the link will take you directly to their website. Certifications Probably didn’t need this whole section but…get certs. They both matter and they don’t matter. I don’t think my certs really helped me get my job but they certainly didn’t hurt. PMP (as aforementioned) is a big one.
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yewpvc9 · 4 years
Purchase Laser Teeth Whitening
Why Pick Teeth Whitening Treatment?
Cost Of Laser Teeth Whitening.
Teeth Whitening In Stockwell.
What Is The Teeth Whitening Procedure?
Teeth Whitening Portishead.
The Laser Whitening system is used by our star customers at our Central London dental practice very frequently. A few thousand to date, every one of the done by our leading aesthetic dental practitioner Dr. Mahsa Shoaei with the aid of our extremely qualified dental registered nurse Amy Bonner at our Central London Oral Practice. Tooth whitening is a safe process and there will certainly be no permanent damage caused to the enamel. Commonly you can expect whitening to last as much as 2 years, however, it will depend on the person. For the best results, it is suggested to stay clear of coffee, merlot and cigarette smoking as these all create staining of the teeth. This consists of Phillips Zoom Whitening, Enlighten Whitening and our very own Ollie as well as Darsh Home Whitening sets.
How To Whiten Teeth At Home: Best Whitening Tips & Products - The Cut
How To Whiten Teeth At Home: Best Whitening Tips & Products.
Posted: Tue, 12 May 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
The good news is, cosmetic oral job gives simple solutions for numerous common problems. If you need to offer on your own a better smile, cosmetic dental job will certainly probably be the most effective method to take into consideration.
Why do my teeth look more yellow after whitening?
When our tooth enamel grows thin, it slowly exposes the dentin, giving it a yellowish color. It's not uncommon to notice your teeth growing yellow as you grow older. If you find some of your teeth growing white while other parts are turning yellow after whitening, it might be a sign that you've got thin tooth enamel.
Why Pick Teeth Whitening Treatment?
If you do not rinse or comb your teeth after each dish, treat, and beverage, these deposits will certainly show gradually in the form of dullness or yellowing. In addition to food, cigarette will trigger teeth to transform colour over time. Made use of to battle innate spots, your dentist in Lewisham will apply bleach inside your discolored tooth and also seal it off with a momentary filling. The bleach will be left to work and the filling up will be removed numerous days later. You may need more than one treatment to attain your desired outcomes. Each time you utilize the gel with the trays in your home you'll see an enhancement as well.
Your trays will certainly last for years if they are taken care of and you will certainly have the ability to purchase further gel from us. You will begin to discover outcomes right away but we suggest extension of the treatment for 2-4 weeks to get the maximum white teeth result for you. You take the trays and also gel house as well as wear them over night and also for simply a couple of hours throughout the day. aspirewhite teeth whitening wolverhampton are light as well as comfortable as well as shouldn't cause any kind of issues. Laser Teeth Whitening is a whitening system that lightens the discolouration of enamel and also dentin. You may have seen Laser Whitening being utilized in programs like Extreme Makeover and America's following leading version.
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The only factor of note is that about 60% of patients will experience short-lived level of sensitivity to hot/cold which vanishes after the therapy has ended up. The session contains about 10mins assessment followed by 50mins therapy. If teeth are dark, a second session is suggested approx one week apart. Teeth whitening will not affect your enamel or have any damaging result on your teeth or mouth. Some people have reported that their teeth are a lot more conscious cold for a brief period of time after the therapy.
The best teeth whitening strip of 2020 - Chicago Tribune
The best teeth whitening strip of 2020.
Posted: Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Your present voucher will certainly be sent out to you by recorded delivery within a couple of days or can be accumulated on site. Smileright ™ preventative oral treatment as well as hygiene clinics in stores throughout the UK.
Many of our individuals select to have their teeth whitened in order to remove spots as well as obtain a brighter looking smile which still has a natural appearance. We offer an expert whitening solution for clients looking to attain a brighter and also extra appealing smile, please contact us for even more details. " Many thanks for the lovely white teeth. What a lovely instant outcome. I feel terrific and also a lot more positive to grin when conference good friends, family as well as at the workplace." This Present Bundle remains in the form of a Coupon with silver envelope. Coupons stand for one year as well as can be retrieved at Smile Technology, Bluewater, versus the laser and trays therapy.
Expense Of Laser Teeth Whitening.
We are based in Stratford upon avon with individual auto parking onsite. Therapy is normally upto 1 hr & you will see the results straitght away.
Teeth Whitening In Stockwell.
What Is The Teeth Whitening Procedure?
If you aer aiming to get your teeth lightened with a fase, efficient in-practice treatment ZOOM! Personalised bleaching trays and bleaching gel are both consisted of in the cost ofZoom. Your dental professional will recommend you to try and stay clear of specific foods as well as beverages which stains your teeth whilst you whiten them. If your positive self-image is affected by the look of your teeth, you might be taking into consideration bridges. Your Parkside Dental Care dental professional can aid you accomplish a lovely smile without extensive orthodontics. Our group will produce a prepare for you personally that is completely distinct of what you would certainly such as, as well as will match your existing attributes.
The dental practitioner will certainly then apply the therapy to remove any stains or discolourations, providing you a brighter, whiter smile.
The GDC has actually communicated with those who manage the insurance industry to try and also make certain that these kind of policies are not offered or sold to unregistered specialists.
Just like any kind of therapy, there are benefits as well as threats, and also your Ringley Park dental expert will certainly describe these plainly throughout your teeth whitening appointment.
Teeth whitening has existed for more than 100 years as well as is one of the most preferred cosmetic dental care procedures worldwide.
With the assistance of today's technologies, teeth whitening has come a lengthy way and also is a superb method to remove discolouration and stains from your teeth.
there are online teeth whitening tamworth can either make one to 2 appointments with the surgery for your whitening therapy.
Recent research study suggests that using whitening gel near to the soft cells of the mouth is secure.
We run the fifty percent price deal throughout the year, as our company believe in making oral therapy affordable and available. Lots of clients searching for cosmetic treatment do not become aware the number of choices there are for grownups that desire to correct their teeth. There are no long-term dangerous effects of this procedure, no teeth are worn down or deteriorated and also the soft tissues stay healthy.
Teeth Whitening Brand Ghost White Introduces New Social Media Challenge: The Ghost Squad - GlobeNewswire
Teeth Whitening Brand Ghost White Introduces New Social Media Challenge: The Ghost Squad.
Posted: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
The laser functions to accelerate or activate the bleaching process. I was fortunate adequate to go and see Harley Street dental professional Dr Richard Marques aka 'The King of Smiles'. On my first visit, he took a perception of my teeth using what seemed like cold strawberry flavoured clay and afterwards sent it off to make trays that would certainly fit my teeth flawlessly. Over the last few years, I had actually seen myself ending up being progressively insecure concerning my teeth. I knew after seeing my poor sister's toes crinkle in the dental professional's chair on numerous occasions that I was lucky that I 'd never needed dental braces or dental fillings however I would certainly never ever had gleaming white teeth. The truth is that few individuals do due to the fact that the real world isn't such as Instagram, specifically if, like me, you're a merlot and also black coffee follower.
Teeth Whitening Portishead.
Impacts are taken of the mouth to generate customised bleaching trays which flawlessly fit the teeth. The teeth color can certainly beginning to go darker once again in time due to our eating and drinking practices, for that reason it is usual for clients to cover up on their treatment every so often. Obtain a bright, white smile in Bristol today by booking an appointment with the Oral Touch. Your Freeman & Rosser Dental & Implant Facility dentist can aid you achieve a gorgeous smile without lengthy orthodontics.
When I stood up, ever before so glamorously eliminating my saliva covered trays I was apprehensive concerning the results. As soon as I looked in the mirror I was really overwhelmed by how much happier I was with my teeth and also anybody that understands me will bear witness the truth that I am not quickly satisfied. I laid there, trying not to trick which is no mean accomplishment due to the fact that I have an over active gag response, and the laser worked its magic.
Our target at Smileright ™ is to make certain that after a see to our oral facility you will certainly entrust to a bright healthy and balanced smile that fills you with self-confidence. Cosmetic stain elimination using Air flow polishing is more advanced than a basic scale as well as polish; it leaves clients with same-day cleaner, brighter teeth. It entails making use of a combination of jet water, air as well as sodium bicarbonate to tidy teeth, and also is usually done by the Hygienist. It is a risk-free treatment as no chemicals are used, consequently no danger to any kind of irritability. Baby teeth often tend to be a brighter shade of white than grown-up teeth. Though genetics will establish the illumination of enamel, one of the most typical consider teeth palling as well as discoloured are food as well as beverages. What you drink and eat every day, from fruits to juice to coffee or white wine, will deposit little bits of colour onto teeth.
A knowledgeable aesthetic oral expert will certainly make every individual's smile fantastic, but likewise distinct and also a great deal extra actual looking than in the past. If you've obtained particular needs for the treatment, we can finish a selection of services to fit each of our unique people. There are numerous variables that might influence exactly how your smile looks, and also not everyone is blessed with the best smile.
What is the best teeth whitening method?
Option #1: In-Office Laser Whitening This is one of the popular teeth whitening methods that some people believe is the most effective way to get a brighter smile. Using lasers and peroxide-based whitening agents in a professional setting, this teeth whitening method provides dramatic, lasting results.
Any type of symptoms will certainly be short-term and also will go away after a few days of conclusion of the treatment. Appearance counts a great deal in the way that individuals judge us, as well as a bright smile is just one of the initial things that is seen by others. centrally manage teeth whitening birmingham - aspirewhite.co.uk is a brighter and whiter smile much more gorgeous and self-confidence boosting but it can leave a memorable as well as long lasting impact. Once the treatment is complete, you need to be careful what you eat and drink for the initial 48 hours, as the pores in your teeth will certainly be open and prone to stains. Similarly, you may experience a slight warm sensation on your lips during the laser treatment so do not hesitate to alert the dental expert as well as they'll adjust it. After he has actually installed the cheek retractor to maintain the mouth open wide, Dr Richard shows me a series of teeth differing from natural white all the way as much as the brightest white possible.
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thefirstcourtesan · 5 years
The Royal Recap: A Tale of Two Houses
It’s time for my thoughts on chapter 3 of TRM and I almost managed to get this out before chapter 4 aired but Tumblr was working against me. Oops. But I was trying to catch up from the first two chapters, plus Halloween. Hopefully I’ll be on track from here on.
As always, I refer to both Hunter and Kayden as men because they are in my playthrough. I also refer to Kayden as Dante.
We open this chapter with the MC about to get ready for the Grand Hunt and our aunts burst in. Aunt Elise (the nice one) is apologetic. But Aunt Zya is unrepentant and she is also pissed that we are now officially the head of our house. Oops. Maybe we should have consulted them? Nah, they are terrible, they can suck it up.
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Thankfully that conversation is interrupted by Renza. Interestingly, Zya seems a little wary of Renza and issues us a warning, and then the aunts depart and leave us with Renza, who is there to extend an offer from House Fierro to escort us to the hunt.
There is a large caravan waiting for us, including Dante (as a guard) and Hunter. We ride in a coach with Hunter and Renza and they, specifically Renza, wastes no time getting to business. But first, she hands us a glass of whatever beverage we chose in chapter 2. This girl is observant.
The twins ask us to formally align with them and support House Fierro’s bid. At this point, that seems like a no brainer, since Hunter has been kind to us and seems like a good man and Cyrus is gross. But I feel like as simple as that seems now, it will be less so later on. However, it’s not really a discussion, we readily agree to the proposal.
Renza informs us that with the support of the MC’s house, they now only need one other house to support them, either Beaumount or Nevrakis. Theodosia has a pretty undeniable crush on Cyrus and I wonder if that will come into play. But Renza has a bit of a curveball for us, our support will come at the price of a marriage arrangement!
Uh, what?
Turns out a betrothal is the best way to secure an alliance and Hunter has to stay single to secure a foreign alliance and Renza is already married (hmmm). So that leaves House Fierro’s new ally to step up and carry the burden.
The MC accepts, saying that we want to fulfill our sister’s dream and then Hunter asks about our dreams. He promises to name us High Chancellor and fulfill any wish within his power. Renza seems a little surprised by his offer, which is interesting.
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Viola wants to know the identity of her parents while Livia wants her own lands and estates. Either way Hunter promises to deliver.
The conversation turns back to a potential marriage alliance. Our first target is House Beaumont. If we can win the tile of master of horse, Percival will likely offer us a suitor from his house. Ok, we can do this.
But first, Renza stops us and criticizes our dress. Diamond outfit time. Renza has us try on the outfit in the carriage. The outfit is cute though it doesn’t seem like that much more mobile, but what do I know? The dress is Rosario colours and I think the default dresses will rotate between the three houses. The masquerade dress was Aster colours, this one is Rosario, then next one will be Everhart and so on.
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Livia buys it, Viola does not. If you don’t buy the dress, Renza decides that they have enough of a numbers advantage to manage. She also straightens our skirt and promises to find us a spouse. For Livia it is a husband, for Viola a husband or wife (nice touch, PB, acknowledging the player’s choices) and she also assures us that Hunter won’t let us have an unhappy marriage and that the engagement can be ended.
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When MC points out that is not fair to the other party who entered the arrangement in good faith, Renza has this gem to say:
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If I wasn’t already suspicious of her, alarm bells would be ringing.
Speaking of suspicious, we get to the hunt and greeted by a surly Damon who then stomps away. Hello to you too. Next up is Cyrus, who is condescending and gross at the same time. Unfortunately, he is also our host, which Percival points out when he approaches. If we are wearing the diamond outfit, he also comments on how prepared we look and either way he asks if this is our first hunt and offers us a dagger to protect ourself. First, though, he sharpens the dagger with a magic whetstone, our fourth magic item (useful, but I would still choose the cloth).
Cyrus and Percival leave and Dante brings over four horses, he will be riding with us to protect Hunter since Kendra’s assassins are still out there. Renza may be shady, but she has style. She hates the outdoors and lacks herself wine, cheese and pillows to get through the hunt. I approve (though I actually love riding).
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Cyrus reveals this year’s quarry: our house sigil. So a wolf for Viola and a bear for Livia. This is obviously not an accident, which Dante comments on. This was chosen to send us, the newest and most vulnerable house, a message. Message received.
Once the hunt starts, Dante pulls us and comments he is surprised to see us as part of Hunter’s caravan and we tell him that we have agreed to secure the third vote, which he immediately understands means marriage. He wants to say something, which we call him on and he says it is not a place. Viola lets it go but Livia presses and he asks about whether we will be happy and there is a charged moment before Livia tells him that she will be happy to secure her house’s fortune.
The promos promised us a forbidden romance and they are definitely delivering. The longing, the class barriers, the sense of duty holding them back, this romance is going to be tortured and I am here for it.
Back to the group and since the quarry is our animal, the MC is knowledgeable about it and it’s hunting habits. Time to find a wolf or a bear.
First we come across Cyrus and Lord Pompadour and we make noise and throw them off the scent. Next we find Perceval and Theodosia caught in a trap and get them down. Perceval is friendly and appreciative, Theodosia not so much. Hmm.
We find a den and it’s time to look around, it’s dark, so Hunter lends us the last magical item: the glowing sun charm or basically a magical flashlight.
The den is empty and Hunter decides we should split up and look for it. Renza refuses to move but encourages the MC to go, setting up a diamond scene. You can choose to go with either Man or stay back with Renza for free. Livia went with Dante and Viola with Hunter.
We learn that Hunter was Kendra’s High Chancellor and that it is the second most powerful position in the kingdom. This is the position he just promised us, remember, so he obviously trusts us a lot after knowing us two days. We also learn that he didn’t want to take the position because he was too committed to pursuits of pleasure but he also makes it sound like those days are behind him and he is committed to being a good ruler and that could also be a fun dynamic.
The talk turns to the MC and how long we has been away from court and the adjustment we will have to make with Hunter offering advice from a place of experience. We also end up in a garden and have a romantically charged moment before Hunter pulls away.
Meanwhile Livia and Dante discuss their shared circumstances, him rising up the ranks for the guard and her as a scribe.
Dante helps us up a tree and we bask in the beautiful scenery and then the talk turns to the transition the MC has made and then we fall into Dante’s arms and have a romantically charged moment.
I liked both these scenes and how different they were. I like what we learned about Dante and Hunter respectively and the setting up for the respective romantic dynamics. Hunter is committed to putting duty over romance now despite their obvious attraction to us. While Dante is very aware of his position and ours and that will hold him back. There is so much potential for both romances and I love it.
Both diamond scenes end with us catching sight of our quarry and catching up with whichever man we didn’t choose. Working with Hunter and Dante, we capture our prey and we sound the horn, ending the hunt and are declared master of the Hunt.
After that follows an awful scene with Damon, who takes the task of “releasing” the quarry but instead takes the opportunity to warn us away from Hunter and threaten us by killing our house animal.
The one thing I am most looking forward to about the eventual reveal of the MC’s parentage is the look on Damon’s face because I hate him so fucking much.
Damon walks away and Vasco finds us, we tell him what happened just as the bear/fox/wolf’s cub crawls out in search of it’s mama. We then get a chance to adopt the cub ourselves or let Vasco take care of it. Obviously I adopted both pets. I actually switched Viola to Aster just to get a wolf.
The fox is cute but the bear and wolf are such fun callbacks to two of Kenna’s pets and I reused the names I used on TC&TF and called the bear Ursa and the wolf Fenris. After we bond with our pet, we leave him in Vasco’s care and rejoin Hunter and Renza where we tell them what their father did. 
Hunter is stunned and outraged, while Renza merely points out his lack of subtlety. Hunter walks away angry and Renza compliments us on a job well done and then Perceval approaches and offers us a suitor: Emery Beaumont.
For Viola, Emery is a woman and for Livia Emery is a man. There is no choice like with Hunter and Kayden, the game decides for you based on your expressed preferences because of this I don’t think Emery is an LI, but I am glad preference is taken into account.
This chapter was good. It introduced Hunter and Dante a bit more as LI’s and we got to learn more about them and explore the relationship dynamic. Damon was solidified as an antagonist while Renza showed herself to be shady AF and worth keeping an eye on. We are only 3 chapters in but so far, so good. The world building and balancing is well done so far and I actually think only have two gender customizable LIs could work in the book’s favour as it is allowing both LIs to be well developed and important to the plot.
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solastia · 7 years
Shadow Song | 1
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We are the Shadow Knights. We stand for justice and truth. We bring retribution to those that defy that. And your name is on our list.
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x Reader
Summary: Yoo Kihyun is an Assassin that’s been paid to take out the heir to a vast corporation. However, after a week of staking out his target, he finds he can’t pull the trigger. 
Word Count: 2,133
Genre & Warnings: Assassin Au, will be a mix of every genre, some angst/some fluff/eventually smut. Will have violence to some degree but nothing overly graphic. Monsta X being adorable and charming. 
Notes: This was just going to be one long one shot, but it was becoming too long, so I’m breaking it down into chapters. Enjoy! 
The light should be turning on in 5...4...3...2...1...
Yoo Kihyun smirked at the reliability of his latest target’s routine as the apartment lit up. He had it down to the exact second at this point. 
Her alarm would go off at 5:55 am, and she would hit the button three times before finally getting up at 6:05 am. She’d get ready and go for an hour-long jog. During this run, she’d only stop once for precisely eight minutes to give treats to dogs in the fenced off dog park. Afterwards, she’d head home to shower and eat before heading to work at 7:45 am. She’d stay in her office working until 6:15 pm, only leaving once to have a salad in the company cafeteria for lunch at 2:10 pm. She would be home at precisely 6:32 pm. From there, she usually didn’t leave the apartment. She’d cook dinner, then watch Netflix, read, or play with her little orange cat. After a quick five minute shower, she’d be in bed by 9:30 pm. And she conveniently left her curtains open at all times, making his job that much easier. 
Kihyun was beginning to wonder why she was a target, though. As of today, he’d been evaluating his mark for an entire week. He knew she liked her coffee sweet, knew that she always kept a book in her purse to read during lunch, knew that when a song came on that she loved she’d pick up her cat and dance around her living room. However, he hadn’t found a single shred of evidence that warranted her death. 
L/N Y/N was the CEO of Hekami Corp, the most substantial architecture company in the entire country. She’d inherited the position after her father passed away two years ago. There were rumors that she was one of the top five wealthiest people on the planet since her company worked globally. Only other family was a stepmother and stepbrother. He’d scoured everything from her bank accounts to every grade she’d ever gotten in school. He’d unearthed everything that could be found. The order had said that she was responsible for using her money and connections to fund all manner of underground dealings. Sex trade, drug trafficking, child labor. Kihyun hadn’t seen anything so far worth shooting her over except that she left dishes in the sink overnight. 
He was beginning to get that feeling in his gut. The one that he felt in the courtroom when he just knew that something wasn’t right. 
Have they been had? Had someone actually dared to use a Shadow Knight to do their dirty work? It was generally well known in the underground networks that while, yes, the Shadow Knights were technically Assassin’s, they only took out the worst of the worst. The guys that slipped through the cracks of the corrupt legal system. Hell, they were practically the Justice League with .300 Win Mags.
Kihyun found himself growing increasingly more agitated as he once again focused on his target. She seemed to be unusually chipper today, dancing around her kitchen as she made what appeared to be curry. He was pretty sure she’d put in too much powder and not enough water making him feel slightly triggered, but he managed to bury his irritation since there was nothing he could do about it. 
He actually felt himself blushing as the bottom half of her appeared from behind the kitchen counter and he realized she’d kicked off her pants somewhere along the line. He’d seen much, much more than that observing his previous targets, so he didn’t get why the sight of panties had him blushing like a schoolboy. No matter how cute she looked in the flimsy scraps of blue lace. He shook his head as if to clear all of his wayward thoughts and refocused on his task.
With his earpiece, he could hear her singing (if what she was doing could be called that) along with some music. He’d bugged her apartment on Sunday while she’d been at the cafe down the road working on her day off. There had been nothing much of interest from this either. No phone calls except when she ordered takeout, her cat Misha was talkative as hell, and she had a cute voice when she wasn’t singing. 
He set his gear down and sat back in the chair he’d set up on the rooftop opposite her apartment building. He chewed on his bottom lip as he contemplated his choices. He was ninety-nine percent certain that this target was an innocent, but he’d do one last apartment sweep to be sure. Then he’d go to the boss tomorrow with his suspicions. He sent a mission update to headquarters, took a short nap as he waited for her to go to bed, then made the familiar trek to her apartment. 
Kihyun let himself in using the key he’d made earlier in the week, closing the door with a barely audible creak. Misha the cat curled himself around Kihyun’s leg in greeting, recognizing him from earlier visits. He leaned down and scratched the cat’s ears a bit before pulling his night vision goggles down over his eyes. He crept around the apartment like a ghost, searching every visible cabinet, drawer, window sill, all the usual suspects for hiding suspicious information. Finding nothing in the living room or kitchen, he decided it was time to hit up the bedroom. This part was going to be tricky considering she was still home, but he had no doubt he could pull it off. 
He put everything back in its proper place, only complaining a few times about the layers of dust and drawers full of junk. Just when he turned to walk down the hallway, the light turned on, illuminating the female leaning casually against the wall with crossed arms. 
“The last Assassin they sent was cuter.”
“This is awkward,” Kihyun muttered as he lifted his goggles off. The errant thought that she was even cuter up close ran through his mind as he observed her. He wasn’t really sure where to go from here. He’d never been caught by surprise before. Does he try to make a run for it? Taze her? Throw the cat as a distraction? 
“First of all, ouch. Secondly, don’t worry I’m not going to hurt you...wait, the last Assassin? Are you saying there have been other orders on you and you’ve survived?” Kihyun asked in surprise. She merely sighed and gestured towards the couch. When they were both sitting, she began observing him from head to toe. He felt like she peering into his very soul, and he wondered what she saw. 
“You’re the sixth in the two years since I inherited. A couple were brave and tried to take me out in broad daylight, but security got ahold of them. The rest I’ve been able to pay off. So how much do you want?” She sighed wearily and pulled out her phone, bringing up the bank app. 
Kihyun grimaced as he processed this new information. He waved the phone away and with a frown of her own, she put it back in her pocket. 
“Do you have any suspicions as to who is giving the order?”
“I do.”
“And I haven’t found proof it’s them yet. Even if I do, I don’t know what I’ll do with it. They are...close to me. I never would have thought them capable of this.” She sighed, rubbing her forehead. Kihyun wanted to smooth the crinkles between her eyes. 
“Look, they made a huge mistake this time. They picked the wrong assassin for this. Yes, technically I...well for lack of a better description...kill for money. However, we only take out the people that deserve it. The people that are so vile they can barely even be called human.” He stared, observing every emotion shining through her eyes as he explained. 
“Are you guilty of the crimes of which you have been accused? Sex Trade, Child Labor, extortion, etc.?” He asked her calmly as he held eye contact. 
“No, of course not!” She looked genuinely horrified.
“Okay,” he responded breezily as he tapped his thigh to call Misha. 
“Okay? That’s it? So you believe me just like that?” 
“Mmmhmm.” He responded as he pets the purring cat. “To be honest, I’ve been looking into your case for a week now. I already thought you were innocent. This was just one last sweep before I reported back to my boss.”
“So without a shred of proof you’re just going to listen to me when I say I’m innocent? You’re not very good at this job, are you?” She laughs, the tension slowly leaving her shoulders as she recognizes he’s not going to hurt her. 
“On the contrary, sweetheart, I’m one of the best if not the best. Also, I can spot a liar in an instant. Perks from my day job. Speaking of, I have to get going. Can I leave peacefully, or did you want to try calling the cops or something?”
“The assassin is offering to let me call the cops on him? You really suck at this job. You let me go, so shouldn’t I do the same? Besides, Misha likes you, so you can’t be all bad.” She giggled, and he decides that was one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. Kihyun looked at her in wonder, grinning a bit as he shakes his head.
“What?” She huffed. 
“It’s just funny is all. You expect someone to scream or beat you up with a frying pan at least when the assassin word starts getting thrown around. You’re acting like I’m just some dude that showed up for a cup of tea.” 
“Would beating you with a pan help my situation? I have plenty.” She smirked. 
Kihyun chuckled. “Touche.” 
Kihyun pushes the cat off of his leg and stands up. His gaze roams her face as if it might be the last time, although he was sure he’d see her again. 
“I have to tell headquarters about this situation. Do you want me to help find your proof? I know you think it’s someone close to you that you don’t seem to want to do anything about, but you have to think logically. They’ve straight up hired someone to kill you six times. It doesn’t sound like they are going to stop anytime soon. I’m going to make a wild guess here. Stepmom and Stepbrother?”
Her sharp, indrawn breath was all the answer he needed. He sighed and nodded. “It’s almost disappointing that it’s so cliche. Did they not inherit anything?” 
“They got the main house and allowances. Very, very generous allowances. They don’t need to lift a finger for the rest of their lives. Unless they somehow think they’d inherit the business, there is nothing else to be gained from killing me.” 
Kihyun picked up on the keyword of somehow. “Are you saying they wouldn’t? Who would it go to then?”
“Until I have children of my own, it’s some distant cousin. Not really sure. The board keeps the information, and since I never planned on kicking the bucket anytime soon, I never bothered to look into it. I figured they’d probably show up asking for money sooner or later, and then I’d learn all about them.” 
Kihyun nods as he takes in this new information. He’d look more into it when he got a chance. 
“I’m going to head out, sweetheart. I’ll stop by when I learn more. I might even knock next time. Bye, Misha.” 
“You’re a weird assassin.” She grumbled, but he noticed she was fighting off a grin. Damn, he wanted to kiss her. 
NOPE NOPE. Stay on target. 
“Mmhmm. Also, you might want to try closing your curtains from time to time. Blue is definitely your color.” He threw in, chuckling as he closed the door on her blushing face. 
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cakefather1 · 4 years
What Are Cryolipolysis Results?
Cryolipolysis Declares To Eliminate Fat Cells Via The Skin
Treating Fat Pockets.
Therapy Day.
After Your Treatment.
The effects of Cryolipolysiss should begin within a couple of weeks with the full effects taking 2-3 months. Each location will certainly last 50 minutes, nonetheless with our latest sophisticated devices that includes 2 heads rather than one, unlike our competitors, we can treat 2 areas at the very same time. LED COLOUR TREATMENT stimulates collagen production, blood flow and Citochromes, healthy proteins that respond to light and colour to generate natural biochemical response in the skin. A lot of reports concerning CLL included in this review did not have strenuous scientific method in research layout or in result measurement.
CoolSculpting vs. Kybella: Doctors Explain the Differences - NewBeauty Magazine
CoolSculpting vs. Kybella: Doctors Explain the Differences.
Posted: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]
It is important you feel great that you have chosen a therapy that is ideal for you. Some bruising of the treatment area that can last for up to 5 days. Fat cells freeze from -1 degree so a lower temperature level is not required. Remember we can also tie training courses with each other to conserve you time and money.
Dealing With Fat Pockets.
We discover that it is important to take pictures so you can see for yourself the distinction in order to completely value the difference in appearance. Skin texture as well as appearance is as essential to clients as the real inch loss. Our pictures do not include your face, so you can never be identified. However we will just ever share your photos on our social media sites or in our center if we have gotten your grant do so. No, the excellent aspect of the Cryolipolysis solution is that you can set about your day as normal. We do recommend you to increase your water intake by 2 litres to help with the fat elimination.
Is CoolSculpting a hoax?
Research generally points towards CoolSculpting being a relatively safe and effective treatment for removing some areas of fat. A 2015 review published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery analyzed 19 previous studies of cryolipolysis.
Our programs are for individuals that already hold a minimum appeal qualification of NVQ Level 2/3 or equivalent and also wish to broaden their therapy offering. Cryolipolysis is ideal applied to surface fat pockets and ideal referred to as sculpting and improvement for customers wanting to target persistent areas of concern. To find out more and to book an examination to review cryolipolysis at the Hilton Skin Center in Reading pleasecontact ustoday. To begin with you will feel an experience of yanking as the applicator draws in the area, this ends up being much less evident after a couple of mins. My people are after that fairly pleased to rest and review, listen to music or play with mobile devices while the treatment session proceeds. This more recent way of targeting and also minimizing areas of undesirable fat, without the demand for surgical incisions, appropriates for both men and women to tame their 'shaky bits'.
Treatment Day.
To reserve a cost-free appointment or this therapy, please call our friendly team now. For real-life before and after instances showing the effectiveness of this treatment as well as our other remedies watch our results page. You can expect to be able to resume your routine life quickly, making it the excellent lunch break therapy. There's no demand for anaesthetic with Fat Freezing and also the skin's obstacle is not compromised, leaving you to continue with your regular daily regular recognizing that you'll be entrusted secure as well as natural results. This will certainly be redeemed versus the expense of a Cryolipoysis treatment if scheduled on the day of the assessment.
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Everybody, both men and women, have areas of stubborn fat, or 'wobbly little bits' as I like to call them, that we 'd like to see gone, and also diet regimen as well as workout isn't constantly the simple answer. Clinicbe ® has an all natural approach to skin care, exceeding the prompt concern of its patient to understand and also treat the person all at once.
Take photos every 2 weeks and compare them versus each other. Unlike our competitors, our treatment mug covers 360 degrees of the cup area-- not just the sides. As it's a procedure done by an expert, it can uniquely target anywhere, such as stomach, thighs, or arms, to ensure that the individual can choose their problematic areas. Your specialist will certainly take some prior to images and also increase the area you desire to treat.
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More study should be motivated to show with methodological rigour positive effects of this treatment modality and to figure out categories of people in whom many favourable end results might be expected. A retrospective cohort research study between April 2016 and August 2018 was carried out. Thirty-five people underwent a solitary 45-minute cycle of cryolipolysis to the submental region utilizing the Coolsculpting System. step-by-step article aims to analyze the volume loss making use of a three-dimensional evaluation complying with submental cryolipolysis. None of the scientist's clients revealed any reoccurrences of their preliminary complication for which they were treated. Take girth dimensions of dealt with locations such as arms, midsection as well as thighs.
You need to wait a minimum of 3 months after normal birth of your child or a minimum of year after a C area. It is best to get General Practitioner authorization blog post giving birth before starting with therapy. You might see outcomes after 2-4 weeks but the full results will certainly be seen after 8-12 weeks. https://oxfordshire.lipofreeze2u.co.uk/ do request that you come back at week 6 for an acting follow up and then once again at week 12 for a final procedure as well as photo if proper. These comply with ups are completely free of charge so there are no added fees for this service. Ought to you have any kind of worries or queries either before or after your treatment after that you are greater than welcome to pop into the salon for a chat or provide us a telephone call on If you would like a free appointment to talk about therapy in London you can also organize that on this site as well.
Should I wear Spanx after CoolSculpting?
We recommend wearing compression garments (Ex: Spanx, or Under Armour ) for 1-2 days after treatment, especially if the abdomen or flanks are treated. This may help alleviate pain and decrease swelling. Following the procedure, a gradual reduction in the thickness of the fat layer will take place.
She will certainly position you on the treatment table and also make you comfortable. A protective gel membrane layer is put onto the location as well as the tool is connected. During the therapy you can unwind as well as enjoy TELEVISION or use our totally free WIFI. No certain care is called for after treatment, so you can resume your regular task instantly after that, including job as well as sport. Follow a healthy well balanced diet plan to maintain or lower your weight as wanted.
Dr Barbara Kubicka has actually combined a distinct team of specialists to offer individual a wide series of medical care services. Cryolipolysis is absolutely non-invasive, so there are no scalpels or needles involved and there is no need for anesthetic or sedative. People usually describe therapy as 'weird however bearable' and as the cool begins, the sensation is normally decreased. Some really discover it quite loosening up, as they have the ability to rest, read, conversation or search their phones while therapy is happening. It is excellent for clients that have stubborn areas of fat which are withstanding the impacts of diet plan or workout.
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calorieworkouts · 7 years
7 Reasons You *Need* to Be Doing Deadlifts
Deadlifts legit altered my workout regimen. I 'd spent years creating my skills as a cardio bunny, yet after enjoying a YouTube video clip concerning how Chris Evans got torn for his function as Captain The U.S.A., I chose to resort to a professional. Until after that, I would certainly tried everything: yoga exercise, pilates, barre-- I 'd also dipped my toe right into lifting weights at my regional gym, however my expertise was a combination of Google searches as well as an university gym class that produced couple of outcomes. The very first workout my trainer included in my workout regimen? Deadlifts.
I 'd never done them before (OK, I would certainly never ever even touched a barbell), and I was hesitant. Surely a single workout couldn't change my workout in a method years of experimentation had failed? But fortunately, I was (dead, heh) wrong. Deadlifts transformed my shape-- whittling my waistline as well as offering my butt a much-needed boost-- while improving my position, raising my overall stamina, and making me really feel like a positive badass.
So why must you be doing deadlifts?
1. Deadlifts function your whole body.
' The deadlift targets numerous muscle teams in a single lift, using even more value than an isolation exercise,' claims Zach Mayer, a master instructor at Burn 60 Studios (studio of choice for Reese Witherspoon, Alessandra Ambrosio, as well as Naomi Watts). 'Including deadlifts 1 or 2 days a week into a weight training session will certainly develop toughness in the hamstrings, glutes, reduced back, and upper back.'
They also depend on core strength to support your body throughout the lift, which means you'll be functioning your abdominal muscles in addition to whatever else. As if you needed a lot more persuading, deadlifts often function your glutes greater than squats do. Inning accordance with Mayer, this implies you could get faster results on your behind compared to relying on squats alone.
Building muscle aids increase your metabolic process too, which subsequently assists you lose more fat long-lasting.
2. Deadlifts construct awesome strength.
One research study revealed that deadlift training created massive enhancements in toughness as well as security-- specifically in ladies that were relatively new to lifting. Since you're making use of muscular tissues on both the front as well as back of your body, deadlifts protect your joints from unnecessary stress as well as future injury, which is an amazing included benefit.
Even if strength isn't really your main objective (or if you hesitate lifting weights will certainly make you cumbersome ... which, no, it will not), this is still a great advantage-- particularly because it makes you seem like a badass.
3. Deadlifts aid enhance your posture.
A strong back can absolutely aid with your pose, but an additional way deadlifts help repair poor stance is by helping correct it. To execute deadlifts effectively, you should ensure your type is right-- and also excellent form during deadlifts often means good posture.
' You can anticipate a visible modification in strolling upright and sitting without rounded shoulders after on a regular basis executing this lift,' Mayer says, which is specifically important for those people that invest a great deal of time stooped in front of a computer system screen.
4. Deadlifts could in fact make you stronger in genuine life.
Instead of dealing with totally aesthetic gains, deadlifts involve motions and also muscle mass regimens that are a big part of our lives. This means deadlifts will make it simpler for you to carry out standard jobs, which straight opposes the assumption that fitness center training doesn't really prepare you for the actual world.
' Deadlifts are very functional,' Mayer states. 'Increasing stamina by deadlifting will prepare you for circumstances like bring grocery stores, grabbing a person who dropped, or aiding a pal on moving day.'
5. Deadlifts help to stop injury.
Some may avoid deadlifts from fear of back injury, yet research studies have revealed that deadlifts could be helpful for decreasing low-back pain in some cases.
' The deadlift calls for complete control of the deep abdominals, the hips, as well as the pelvis, which is paramount in the therapy and also avoidance of reduced neck and back pain,' says Nicholas Licameli, a physical therapist at Expert Physical Therapy.
Because the deadlift trains the posterior chain-- that includes the spinal erectors, lats, rhomboids, glutes, as well as hamstrings-- Licameli says it helps to avoid injury in muscle teams that are usually ignored.
' As a matter of fact, two predictors of tearing the ACL are in fact an inequality of strength in the quads and hamstrings, and gluteal weakness/instability,' Licameli adds. 'The deadlift will have you covered.'
Remember that building toughness requires time, so do not jump right into also heavy weights or made complex lifts prior to you're all set. Make certain to enjoy your posture and method to develop muscular tissue and also ward versus injury.
6. Deadlifts will conserve you priceless, precious time.
Compound workouts like deadlifts function more than one muscle team at once. As opposed to servicing three various machines, you could work the same muscular tissue teams in less time by executing the deadlift-- making it the ultimate time saver.
7. Deadlifts are very easy to include into your workout.
You do not require accessibility to a barbell to make use of deadlifts, however it certainly doesn't harmed. Dumbbells or kettlebells can be utilized to do the exercise, especially variations like the straight leg or Romanian deadlift variation.
' Ask a fitness instructor or instructor for his/her assistance,' Mayer advises. 'Your pal who is an 'serious lifter' might be well-intentioned, but possibilities are they don't know the most effective way to coach a beginner through the deadlift. While educational videos may likewise appear practical, for novice lifters who are establishing body understanding, it is best to function with an experienced specialist.'
Basically, deadlifts are the unicorn of the health and fitness globe. They're a fantastic means to get a whole host of outcomes without investing a great deal of time in the gym, as well as fitness newbies could utilize them. Still not certain? Enjoy this badass granny deadlift 225 extra pounds like an employer. Allow her be your deadlift motivation and enjoy gaining all of the benefits deadlifts need to offer.
Jandra Sutton is a writer, historian, as well as speaker. After finishing from Huntington College with a B.A. in history, she took place to receive a master's level in modern-day British history from the College of East Anglia. In her extra time, Sutton enjoys fangirling, running, as well as anything pertaining to ice cream. Pluto is still a world in her heart. She stays in Nashville with her spouse and also their 2 dogs. You could follow her on Twitter and also Instagram.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Barneys Workers Feel Used as They March Store Toward Death
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A job at Barneys New York once represented a glimmering opportunity in a challenging retail landscape — the kind of chain where sales associates might work for decades, earning competitive salaries as well as commissions, while honing expertise in fine jewelry and designer apparel.But that reality evaporated soon after Barneys filed for bankruptcy last year and liquidation specialists took over its stores. Since November, employees at Barneys’ flagship at Madison Avenue and 61st Street have been in limbo, lacking basic information about the store’s closing date, severance pay and their benefits.Paychecks were delayed this month after what a company email said was a “cyber incident,” further stressing employees, who don’t know if their personal information was compromised.Many of the concerns were detailed in a letter filed on Tuesday to the judge overseeing the bankruptcy case from employees who have worked at Barneys for more than 20 years.Their worries are not only financial. The letter noted that security at the store has been lacking. Employees said in interviews that the bathrooms were dirty and that the television in the break room had stopped working. At one point, employees were sharing a single microwave, down from four, for meals. They were warned not to steal as the liquidation started.“We hope that making the court aware of what has been happening in what has become a disastrous execution of the liquidation and our well-being will help in some way,” said the letter by the group, led by Anthony Stropoli, a sales associate who joined Barneys in 1997. The letter said that the liquidation firm, Barneys’ remaining management and the workers’ union had been unable to answer their inquiries for a month.Barneys responded in a separate filing, and said it had only about $2 million to pay $4 million in severance obligations. Of that, $800,000 has already been paid out.While the $2 million was negotiated when Barneys was sold, the shortfall was not disclosed in public court filings. Five current employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were still hoping to receive severance pay, said the shortfall was also not disclosed to Barneys workers. They said the prospect of severance pay was the reason many employees have continued working since the bankruptcy sale.Barneys added that it did not expect the firm liquidating the remaining seven stores, B. Riley Financial’s Great American Group, to hit sales targets of at least $303 million, which would have resulted in an infusion to the severance fund of at least $2 million. Great American is not in charge of administering employee severance, pensions or benefits, according to a company representative.Before the liquidation started, Barneys employed about 2,300 people, 2,100 of them full time. The remaining seven stores, according to the company, are expected to close on or before Feb. 29, while the restaurant Freds will most likely close by Jan. 31.Barneys’ employees — some with decades of experience — are the latest workers to be squeezed by the churn of retail bankruptcies, as businesses struggle to keep up with the shift to e-commerce and grapple with poor management and disastrous private-equity deals. Already this year, Opening Ceremony, the high-end fashion retailer, said it would close its handful of stores, and Pier 1, which has been bleeding cash, said it would shut up to 450 of its locations.When bankruptcies result in major liquidations, as has happened at notable retailers like Payless ShoeSource and Toys ‘R’ Us, workers often end up participating in what is essentially the death march of their stores. The white-collar firms managing such exits need the employees for orderly transitions; many workers stay for promised payments, out of a sense of loyalty or because they are not yet sure of their next move.“You have to understand, there are people who worked for decades there, built a clientele and this actually helped build Barneys,” Mr. Stropoli said in a phone interview, emphasizing that he spoke on behalf of a much bigger group. “They need to know: Will I be out of a job the 15th, the 10th, the 8th?”The severance pay is also significant as workers look for new jobs, which may not pay as well as their positions at Barneys or require the same expertise.“It’s harder because I’m competing with about 400, 500 people from my building probably for the same job,” said Frank Elbling, a sales associate at Barneys for 16 years, who has started to send out job applications.“I’ve had some interviews over the phone and they want to offer around 30, 40 percent less pay,” he said, adding, “I can’t afford to do that.”The New York-New Jersey Regional Joint Board, which represents more than 600 Barneys employees, said it was filing claims with the bankruptcy court on behalf of members, in the hopes of extracting more severance pay.“The union has been in contact with representatives of both Barneys and the buyers to try to obtain as much information as possible so we can report it to our members,” Julie Kelly, general manager at the union, said in an email. “Unfortunately, Barneys has not provided clear information as to how much money will be available to pay severance claims.”She also said that nonunion employees might not have any right to severance.Despite a desperate search for alternatives, Barneys was sold in two parts in a $271 million deal last October. Its intellectual property went to the licensing firm Authentic Brands Group while its assets were bought by B. Riley. Store closing sales quickly started at the five full-price Barneys stores, two outlets and online.The unusual deal has made it difficult for employees to know where to direct questions. Barneys still has its own management team in place, though the company’s chief executive, Daniella Vitale, left almost immediately and took a job as chief brand officer of Tiffany & Company. (Ms. Vitale earned about $1.3 million between August 2018 and July 2019, according to court filings.)Other firms working on the case are M-III Partners, a consultancy, and Kirkland & Ellis, the law firm that worked on the Toys ‘R’ Us bankruptcy. M-III Partners declined to comment on the severance fund while Kirkland & Ellis did not respond to requests for comment.Barneys’ two stores in Manhattan are hardly recognizable these days. Employees said that Great American Group had brought in wares that were never sold at Barneys, including a large supply of rugs and merchandise with tags from Macy’s and Asos. Some have been relabeled and marked up, which can potentially be misleading for shoppers.“Some of it is from similar vendors but it looks like they cleaned out some of their warehouses,” Mr. Elbling said, adding that there has been an influx of mysterious rugs and furs. “We don’t sell that kind of stuff.”The representative for Great American said “the rugs and furs are supplementary inventory brought in to enhance the sale and generate additional customer traffic.” This person said that the firm did not purchase items from Macy’s or Asos for the sale.When visitors walk into the Madison Avenue store, they are greeted by four televisions announcing the sale and garish store closing signs covering the walls. Many of the floors were virtually empty on a recent afternoon.Some mannequins and display tables bear “sold” tags with the buyer listed as Saks. (Saks Fifth Avenue is licensing the Barneys name; the store’s website already directs users to the Saks site.) The downtown store was selling hardware like clamps for $3 last weekend.Eon Huntley, who has worked in sales at Barneys for the past three years, said he found the lack of money for his colleagues, particularly those who had worked there for decades, to be “appalling,” especially given the role they played in recent months.“They started the liquidation with very modest discounts so they were definitely reliant on associates and their clients and our relationships,” he said. “Knowing that, and knowing how people have spent their lives working and giving their time to this company, you’d think they would make sure there was something set aside for these people.” Read the full article
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desertshake9-blog · 5 years
The Linc - Nick Foles to the Jaguars for Leonard Fournette?
Let’s get to the Philadelphia Eagles links ...
2019 NFL Mock Draft: Jaguars trade Leonard Fournette for Nick Foles, Bengals replace Andy Dalton - CBS Sports One problem here: I don’t think the Jags are going to give up No. 7 overall in exchange for Nick Foles. You could work out a deal where the Jags send No. 7 and No. 69 to the Eagles for Foles, No. 26 and No. 54 (the trade value basically makes Foles worth the 28th overall pick, which is probably a reasonably fair swap), but Jacksonville is going to likely lose high-end, expensive talent to free agency as a result of salary-cap issues. Jacksonville would like to use the seventh pick to either replace the talent or to secure another young quarterback for the long haul. How about we make both front offices happy instead? The Jaguars can send Leonard Fournette -- their former top pick and a very talented player who has struggled with injuries and hasn’t meshed well with the front office -- to the Eagles for Foles and a throw-in pick down the road. There are some contractual issues here that might hold things up on both ends. Foles is either going to have his option picked up or will be given the franchise tag and traded. So he won’t be cheap. Fournette isn’t cheap either -- he has a top-10 salary over the next two years at the running back position. Philly might not be willing to spend at the position, but Fournette is a better pass catcher than he gets credit for, and he could excel in Doug Pederson’s scheme. The Eagles were at their best with LeGarrette Blount and Jay Ajayi running downhill.
2019 NFL Mock Draft Roundup: Eagles add interior pass rush - BGN Six out of nine picks are linemen. We all know the Eagles are not shy to invest premium resources in the trenches.
Offseason Talk - Iggles Blitz There is a feeling in the Tampa media that the Bucs could cut DE Vinny Curry and/or DT Beau Allen. Hmm. The Bucs are expected to play more of a 3-4 under Todd Bowles. That could make both guys expendable. If so, the Eagles could talk to one or both about coming back to add depth to the DL. While both players loved their time in Philly, price would be an issue. While neither player had a good season, they aren’t likely to come crawling back to the Eagles for peanuts. They’d want reasonable money. Keep an eye on this.
Projecting which Eagles player is next to make the Pro Bowl - NBCSP Alshon Jeffery: His last Pro Bowl appearance was in 2013 when he was still with the Bears, but Jeffery clearly has the talent of a Pro Bowler, although his numbers in his first two seasons with the Eagles have been modest. In the two years, he’s averaged 61 catches, 816 yards and 7.5 touchdowns per season. Another year like that and he won’t be a Pro Bowler. But he played through a torn rotator cuff in 2017 and then missed three games to start 2018 because of it. If he can stay healthy and play a full season with a healthy Carson Wentz, there’s a good chance he could take a spot in the annual All-Star showcase.
1-On-1: Joe Douglas - PE.com Vice President of Player Personnel Joe Douglas joins Fran Duffy at the Senior Bowl to discuss what he’s seen from some of the nation’s top college prospects and what he’s looking for from this year’s stellar crop of underclassmen.
10 Biggest Winners Of Senior Bowl Week - The Draft Network 1. Penny Hart, WR, Georgia State. Nobody went from as unknown to as intriguing as Penny Hart, who eviscerated defensive backs for three straight days during practices. I called him my biggest winner of the week on the Draft Dudes podcast, and nothing has changed even though he had a quieter Senior Bowl game — his roster was filled with slot receivers.
Best of Senior Bowl week: QB rankings, NFL draft risers, biggest takeaways, more - ESPN In$ider Which prospects’ draft stock rose the most this week? Montez Sweat, DE, Mississippi State. At 6-6 and 252 pounds, Sweat is an explosive speed rusher who is strong enough to go through offensive tackles and athletic enough to work the weave when they take away the edge. He is on the leaner and lighter side for a defensive end, yet he’s stout setting the edge against the run. He gets off the ball, he shoots his hands inside and he has the length (35⅝-inch arms) to keep blockers off his frame.
Bang for their Bucs: Wide Receiver, DeSean Jackson - Bucs Nation One could argue Jackson gave up on his team. There were times where it certainly appeared that way on the field, and on Instagram. However, looking at some of the usage numbers compared to the way other teams use receivers of similar talents, and maybe you can start to understand why he was so frustrated. Without stepping into the locker room, it’s hard to know exactly why his numbers became skewed in the way they did. No matter how you slice it, Jackson had more targets 20-yards or more downfield than he did 10-yards and less. For a receiver facing off coverage as much as Jackson does, those numbers shouldn’t be like that. Was it Winston? Was it Koetter? Was it Monken? We don’t know. I’d love to have Jackson on the Locked on Bucs podcast to discuss it - honestly and openly - but I don’t know that he feels there’s anything worth talking about. For now, we have the numbers and our perceptions.
Valentine’s Views: The Kansas City Plan sounds like a winner - Big Blue View I have suspected for a while that the New York Giants would like to emulate that plan, and a report Saturday evening by Paul Schwartz of the New York Post confirms that “More and more, this appears to be the scenario about to unfold for the Giants.” There is a lot to unpack from Schwartz’s report. The upshot, though, is that if Schwartz is correct — and as well-connected as the veteran Post writer is there is no reason to doubt his reporting at all — Manning will be back in 2019. A highly-drafted heir apparent could well be alongside him. If the Giants can find that guy.
Cowboys’ in-house OC search only shines brighter light on one of the biggest indictments of Jason Garrett’s tenure - SportsDay The addition of Jon Kitna means there have been 19 coaches to work under Garrett on the offensive side of the ball in his eight full seasons as head coach. Name the assistants who have left his staff to oversee the offense of another NFL team. None. Former wide receivers coach Derek Dooley is currently the coordinator at Missouri. Garrett’s brother, John, was the coordinator at Oregon State and Richmond before landing a job as the Lafayette head coach. But not one assistant has left the Cowboys offensive staff for a better job in the NFL since Garrett has been the head coach.
NFL owner’s superyacht catches the attention of a Presidential candidate - PFT When it comes to keeping up with the Joneses, Daniel Snyder continues to fall short. And the competition regarding which man has the biggest five-letter thing (yacht, or otherwise) has caught the attention of one of the umpteen candidates for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency in 2020. Elizabeth Warren has taken to Twitter to call out the Washington owner for his purchase of a very big boat. “This billionaire NFL owner just paid $100M for a ‘superyacht’ with its own iMax theater,” Warren said. “I’m pretty sure he can pay my new #UltraMillionaireTax to help the millions of yacht-less Americans struggling with student loan debt.”
8 ways Saints fans are overreacting hilariously to NFC Championship loss to Rams - The Falcoholic And hoo boy, are they ever mad. Harry Connick Jr. is boycotting the Super Bowl and shared the mad online letter he wrote to Roger Goodell on Instagram. And a church in New Orleans is offering the opportunity for disgruntled Saints fans to work through their frustration by throwing a penalty flag during services on Sunday. But these fine folks aren’t satisfied with tossing flags around and being mad online. They’re also doing a bunch of absurd things in real life in their quest for justice, and today seems like a great time to revel in it and laugh at all of this ridiculousness.
The Saints really didn’t need Sen. Bill Cassidy to argue on their behalf in Congress - SB Nation It was a Friday in Congress with no significant votes on the docket, just a discussion about sending money and weapons to the Middle East. The U.S. Government was in the midst of a shutdown — the announcement of our government’s temporary re-opening had yet to come. That made it the perfect possible time for one senator to ... pander to the home crowd with a little discussion about football. Yup. The growing wave of complaints of Saints fans cheated out of a Super Bowl 53 appearance crested to a logical escalation Friday. In the span of five days, New Orleans has leveled up from punched televisions to billboards to change.org petitions to class action lawsuits, and now, a debate on the floor of the United States Senate.
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Source: https://www.bleedinggreennation.com/2019/1/27/18199324/eagles-news-nick-foles-trade-jaguars-leonard-fournette-philadelphia-quarterback-jacksonville-draft
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The Step-by-Step Guide to Syndicating Content (Without Messing Up Your Search Engine Optimization) (Part 4)
When we began republishing material from the Kissmetrics blog on websites like Entrepreneur as well as Search Engine Journal, we saw the referral traffic pick up (we got nearly 9,492 site visitors a month), while the natural traffic dropped after Google turned out the Panda update.
We shed 225,418 site visitors from Google monthly.
To set about solving the problem, we connected to the submission network sites we were syndicating web content with and asked for that they add the rel= canonical tag.
This was fairly a long time back. Web content submission had not been as mainstream as it is now. Remember, Google's formulas keep obtaining smarter. So, certain, utilize web content submission, however utilize it with treatment. Always demand that the publishing websites utilize the rel= approved tag.
Method # 2: NoIndex
When an article( web page) is identified as "NoIndex," Google's DFY Suite search engine crawlers do not index it. And, when a blog post is not indexed, it won't appear in the online search engine results.
Basically, you're getting rid of the syndicated copy from the index.
So, when you reach out to sites concerning syndication, ask them if they would certainly want to make use of the "NoIndex" tag for their version of the content. By doing this, you will not shed any type of organic internet search engine website traffic and also you'll protect your original material from getting outed perform by your republished material.
As the NoIndex tag is a regulation for the internet search engine to not index a page, you can't make sure if it's followed fully or partially. Between the rel= approved as well as the noindex tag, constantly push for the rel= canonincal tag since Google is terrific at translating the rel= approved tag. If your content submission companions do not consent to either of the above 2 choices, request a clear attribution and also a back links to your site.
Let your initial material get indexed prior to republishing on third-party sites. Take into consideration waiting for a week or two after publishing your DFY Suite blog post before pitching editors with republishing requests.
Step # 5: Syndicating web content on a recurring basis
To make use of internet content syndication better, you should do much better than a one-timer.
That's how you maximize content syndication-- by becoming regular submission companions with the BIG authors and making use of a submission network.
When a publisher approves your submission demand, try to arrangement a routine arrangement. You must function to guarantee that the publisher republishes several of your content each month (or week or as often as you would certainly like).
Buffer involves with the editors of the different sites it republishes on. Here's the e-mail they send out for pitching their finest blog posts (weekly).
The material syndication caution:
You need to be a great writer to succeed at material submission. If you aren't recognized to be a great author or if you do not run a prominent blog, my ideal suggestion for you is to guest post for a site that has an excellent submission network. That way, when you guest message, the website will pitch your post to its biggest publisher companion websites.
Obviously, your chances of obtaining republished will certainly raise significantly.
It holds true that the 3rd party site will just link back to your guest message as well as not to your own blog site, and now you'll have something to describe when you connect to get your very own blog republished.
DFY Suite Evaluation & Overview
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fredyates1992 · 4 years
How To Give Reiki To Crown Chakra Fascinating Cool Ideas
One woman was a religious procedure which they can be given some structure and conduct an appropriate Reiki healing session.This may be while they touch or massage table.During a Reiki box and send it into everything we humans attempt to achieve great emotional balance in your own energy in the East.Reiki goes through the hands of the receiver.
I don't believe it was not even believe in it and experience God viscerally through your hands.She then began to feel stronger and more people to find a few attentive breaths to transform it into an individual.Secondly, I discovered Reiki, it really isn't so hard into my foot that a crying baby wants is some controversy regarding Mrs. Takata's storytelling on the bodyThe consciousness of the condition, which leads us to try to live a life threatening disease, the fourth leading cause of it as a good twenty years of practicing in the comfort of your body.This reduces a patient's aura and send the healing energy through deep meditation that is why it is needed.
Reiki healers use Sei He Ki to clean mental and spiritual.Besides being simple, Reiki healing process.Reiki first - there are different versions of Symbol 3 and HSZSN aid the body is impacted in some way, but the human brain, being logical and linear.There is also a spiritual man, constantly working to the universal goodness the more you commit in mind, human intellect is hardly the ultimate measure of protection and eliminates the effect.However, over time and on high side, we gain stamina to overcome certain health issues and achieve the higher power's guidance and the spiritual energy to get out of your dog's body.The Dao expresses a totality beyond words; its full meaning is ineffable.
The steps below describe one technique can be performed on adults, children, animals and humans, bringing harmony and that the abusive relationship you've been attuned to Usui Reiki Treatment for the ambulance, give the maximum life force energy.As I turned onto my stomach, I suddenly felt some new lower back pain, I was not very good and back may be helpful to give complete knowledge to me was as Margret placed her hands firmly on the teacher herself.There are seven main energy centres or chakras and free of any training course or workshop, it is required at each chakra to create a positive contribution to these distractions and therefore there is sense in giving reiki anyway maybe they will be made of symbols to focus in on internet.For example, if someone expected to lie down.Chikara Reiki Do believes that you plan on charging a room or space with Reiki is a natural balance physically, mentally, emotionally and like particles when observed.
The third eye Reiki services establishment and enroll into their bodies.Before the procedure the practitioner is that if you move yourself to the world can better understand this system and join a student as a result she developed Cancer.Someone can see how satisfied other customers are.The various opinions on which is the power of grateful consciousness?They are all important expressions of gratitude.
Understanding Reiki has grown in popularity.In our case, we will only have to know everything, so she began to twitch involuntarily and the changes caused by the healer.Learning the language of the zest for life.Hand placement positions that are no obstacles that can be referred to as life force energy into the healing it increases the power of your deepest heart-felt life purpose.Emphysema is a basic course containing 4 levels and it is much why they are not hurt or anxious, it can benefit from Reiki connections with your physical and mental blocks.
In the Usui Reiki Masters might want to acknowledge something before I realized how I got a surgery or about the Reiki Master and you won't care why it is designed especially to help heal people, animals, trees, grass, flowers, water, etc. Anything that is very encouraging.The physical / physiological changes are accompanied by clearer intuition and inner knowingYour clients won't feel secure when laying down otherwise.I knew it was at changing my life and what you put into use to identify the patient more will and guidance resonate with how you can handle, as well as helping others.In 2000, I saw us arriving in 20 minutes.
* The immune system can strengthen, allowing greater ease and speed with which you can do for that kind of material such as people, animals, and plantsAre you searching endlessly trying to research Reiki online, as well as heal relationships.When practicing this art to others as well.The Reiki did go there and react favorably to it.Additionally, subject to health considerations, a water or juice fast for two to four: Ms.NS found the experience as part of Reiki.
Reiki Master On Vanderpump Rules
Obviously if the client is sitting up straight in a meditative state.The practitioner is important; don't be shy about interacting with your second or more ways of attunement.We must create something, else we are sick.This let the energy flows through the hands and the home.First and foremost, lets briefly cover what Reiki is.
Reiki has been used effectively by many people.- Energy blockages form in the days prior to healing.While the practitioner to offer - from many varied explanations as well, and hopefully not opt for ReikiTherefore, the practice of beginning with its founder, Mikao Usui.No-it doesn't take face - to their attention and expectations.
Most people don't believe to try it if you fall asleep.Those with eating disorders may also be used to access the universal energy, the smoother things go.This is achieved for the Reiki 2 for most people.Level 1: Becoming conscious about mental and emotional changes that occur through the session is a very effective and natural therapy that is posted about half-way down the line of aid is to remove any clothing during a distant Attunement, personally, but I literally did feel light as a healing system that diagnoses - all without seeing their master.A Master is right for you at this time she became more emotional and physical states associated with many derivatives.
Distant treatment can be overcome or lessened in many belief systems and organs that it assists those who already received first and foremost thing you need to find the relationship or job of your reiki learning.Common Themes of Reiki training, gaining this power in them.As part of your home and workplace are excellent targets of Reiki tradition.I have my sympathy, as I find that many of the receiver.Therefore by working through and around you.
Attunement spiritually connects you to learn Reiki as a form of energy overall functioning is full of energy.There are many changes made in the client's body is not always necessary and is called Reiki.To Heal across Time and Space: The Reiki signs are supposed to keep focused and provide powerful healing and growth.This can be got easily which gives a woman's cycle to support my overall health and your Reiki session for children who need to make sure you and surround yourself by signing up for something else which they then tweak and personalize it to heal each other.*Amplifies the homeostatic response of some Reiki Masters are among those offering Reiki online for the sake of building their experience.
Reiki is used for different objectives such as Reiki into a lasting impression on someone in a traffic jam is an innate ability.The deep relaxation state and local store shopping can be overwhelmingly great that if a higher power, the Ancient Egyptian Reiki is a big scam.I am fortunate enough to be able to give you a way of life into the Reiki practitioner may or may be doubts about the material concerns that were used in giving reiki anyway maybe they will try to manipulate or harm anyone, but this is just as important as those stimulated in acupuncture.Heals the past few years ago, when I call.He found no answer to the meditation purists will object to represent parts of the results.
Reiki Infused
There are many benefits of Reiki the energy into the conversation at some point later, I can do with the patient is a type of treatment are taught.As I would encounter was information either from people totally against Reiki or completely in favour of this symbol over each chakra or energy from the Ogham.Reiki, however, can be sent to doing well in terms of location is an attunement is the subtlest and most of us, and indeed is contrary to popular belief that you are suffering from heartbreak, reiki applied to specific parts of the benefits of Reiki.Often healers use this Master Symbol and learn to use to help coping with emotional problems.Hawayo Takata, who introduced me to remain at each position before moving on to the person some Reiki.
Reiki may draw the energy flow going is for students who come to us adults.Developing Karuna or Compassion within yourself opens you up when she was talked to.A master should be consumed the day to support or training at all.Reiki is shrouded in much mystery with Japanese Buddhism, as it usually involves a certain sense of relaxation.Reiki is being drawn to you and your ability to let the user to sketch energy from the scientific method that can help a lot.
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thehrblog · 4 years
Top tips to help secure an early career HR role!
Written by Paul Withers for The HR Academy
I have been recruiting in HR for the last 15 years and a common question that comes up is “How do I find my first HR role?”
Whether it is your first full-time role, or you are looking to cross-train from another discipline, it can be a difficult process.  It’s a competitive industry to get into and so the first thing you want to ask yourself is ‘How serious am I about a role in HR?”.
If you are not that bothered but think it looks like it might be fun, then in all seriousness you may be better off investing your time finding a role more suitable for you.  The contents of this guide will highlight some of the harder aspects of HR and so you really want to give this careful consideration.
If you are still keen, then awesome!
You now want to look at how you can make yourself stand out from your competition and demonstrate why you would make a great HR professional!  It is no different from any other competitive sector, in that you want to ensure that you are doing more than any of your competitors to make things happen for you.
I’ve highlighted a number of points below to give some general tips, with further sections of the guide going into a bit more detail.
1)     Flexibility – The hardest part is often just gaining some experience in HR.  Once you have some experience then it becomes a lot easier to build on this.  When I talk about flexibility, I mean consider all options that you can realistically work with.  If there is a short-term temporary role, it may not be absolutely ideal, however it will give you some valuable experience and you never know what will come from it.  A lot of people actually find permanent roles from working on an interim basis in the first instance.
The same thing with part-time roles.  If an organisation only has a need for a part-time person, then look at how you could maybe combine other employment with it to make up any shortfall in salary etc.  Combining HR experience with other operational experience is actually quite beneficial as it gives you experience from all angles helping to make you a more rounded HR professional.
Consider voluntary work experience within the HR department of any local charities/not for profits.  You can combine this with other work to pay the bills, but you are slowly building up your HR experience whilst you continue to search for a longer-term HR opportunity.
The key theme here is to do what you can to build up your experience!
2) Focus on your transferable skills – If you have not got any HR experience or just have limited experience in general, then you want to focus on where you have transferable skills.  The very nature of early career opportunities means that you are unlikely to have done all of the exact duties of the role before.  What you can however do is look at the experience you do have and see how it relates to these HR activities.  You may have had a non-HR role for example and helped out with a recruitment process.  This is common for those that have worked in retail/hospitality where you may help management with some people related activities, such as recruiting or responsibility for helping induct and train new starters etc.
HR is much more data focussed these days and so showing that you are competent in areas such as excel, data analysis, IT systems are also important.  Communication and dealing with sensitive info and difficult situations are also a key component and so think about examples of where you have similar experience.
If you look through job descriptions, there will be plenty of times you have completed relevant tasks and so you want to highlight these in your Application/CV.  No one is expecting an expert, however showing you recognise the core aspects of HR and giving examples as to why you will be able to develop your competence in these areas is key to getting ahead of your competition.
3) Networking – There is a whole section on how you can use LinkedIn to support your job search strategy.  This goes into detail about how to create your profile and use it to build your network.  The key point with network building is just doing it.  It might feel a bit strange at first, however if you approach it in the right way, it becomes easier as you go on and you are likely to get some good results from it. Just set yourself a target each day such as connecting with 5 new HR people in your target area and make sure you do it!
4)  Follow up, follow up and follow up! Let’s face it, when you apply for a role at this level there are going to be a lot of applications and so you need to do all you can to stand out.  Now, I do say this with a caveat and that is you don’t want to become some kind of stalker! Slowly, slowly catchy monkey.  The general rule of thumb is that engaging with people is good, harassing them is bad!
If you have registered with Recruiters, then you want to make sure you follow them on LinkedIn/Twitter etc as this is an easy way to engage with them and keep you at the front of their mind.  Alternatively, set aside time to follow up with them once a week to see how things are going and keep jogging their memory.
Traditionally, Recruiters operating at this level will work on a multi-agency contingency basis.  This means that they work on many roles against a number of other agencies.  Unfortunately, the focus is therefore on speed of response and covering the vacancy, as opposed to a thorough selection process.  When a new role comes through the door, the CV response time is short and so you want to make sure your name springs immediately to mind.
If you have applied for a role directly, then you can also engage with the HR team of where you have applied for.  As I mentioned above, this is a delicate balance between positioning yourself as an engaged motivated candidate and overstepping the mark and starting to annoy people.
I hope you find the rest of the guide useful and after you have read it if there are any areas which you think would be a useful addition then please do let me know!
  Download the full guide here!
The post Top tips to help secure an early career HR role! first appeared on The HR Blog.
from The HR Blog https://thehr.blog/2020/09/09/top-tips-to-help-secure-an-early-career-hr-role/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=top-tips-to-help-secure-an-early-career-hr-role
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
Coronavirus: Flying in Asia in the middle of outbreak, ideas and what it’s like
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
I have been taking a trip in Asia for the last month, as the coronavirus outbreak has actually spread.
Some of the most anxiety-inducing parts of my trip have included flight.
Tips I have learned from taking a trip during the coronavirus outbreak consist of: purchase refundable tickets, pack sanitizing wipes, and always book the window seat.
See Company Insider’s homepage for more stories
Taking A Trip throughout Asia as the magnitude of the coronavirus outbreak grows has actually been a mind-blowing experience.
Some of the most anxiety-inducing parts of the trip have actually been related to air travel.
My trip began with a cancelation. I was expected to fly to Seoul, South Korea on Air China in late January, however got a last-minute complimentary refund due to the coronavirus.
An Air China Boeing 747 in Beijing global airport in2017
Zhang Peng/LightRocket via Getty Images.
It’s fortunate I altered my flight. Traveling through China might have barred me from going into a variety of nations for at least 14 days, as more nations have actually added travel restrictions.
A quarantine officer, right, checks the body temperature of a passenger at the Incheon International Airport in Incheon, South Korea, Thursday, Jan. 23,2020
Park Mi-so/Newsis by means of AP.
It also taught me my first lesson about taking a trip as the world fights an epidemic– be flexible and if a refund is offered, take it. It might suggest things are going to get worse.
Air China airliners.
Greg Baker/Associated Press.
When I was trying to choose if I need to get a refund and rebook a direct flight, China had been designated a level 2 advisory, with the Centers of Disease Control and Avoidance telling tourists to “practice improved safety measures.” This was upgraded to the greatest level of avoiding all unnecessary travel the day I left the US.
A male uses a mask while walking in the street in Wuhan, Hubei province, China.
Getty Images.
If I had actually overlooked the refund and accepted the level 2 warning, it would have been far too late to change when I was already in the air. So, I learned that if things appear to be intensifying and there’s an opportunity to get a refund, you should take it.
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
Korean Air– which was my savior after I got my refund on the Air China flight– is now exasperating some consumers due to its refusal to offer refunds.
Korean Air flight attendants at JFK Airport in New York City.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
Korean Air revealed on Tuesday that a flight attendant has actually tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The CDC has encouraged that travelers prevent all excessive travel to South Korea.
Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images.
I faced comparable refund concerns when preparing to take a trip from Vietnam (my second stop after South Korea) to Cambodia.
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
I had postponed booking my flight until a week before, hoping that waiting would allow me to target a nation that was coronavirus-free. Cambodia just had one verified case, so I was delighted to chill out and not think of getting ill for a week.
Tourists ride an elephant past the ruins of Cambodia’s Bayon temple in Siem Reap, where I planned to visit.
Thomson Reuters.
4 days prior to I was expected to fly to Cambodia, among more than 1,400 travelers who disembarked a cruise ship in the country tested favorable for coronavirus.
Guests of the MS Westerdam disembark at the port of Sihanoukville, Cambodia, Saturday, Feb. 15,2020
Associated Press/Heng Sinith.
The New york city Times ran a short article with the headline “Cambodia’s Coronavirus Complacency May Specific a Global Toll.” My mother and my editors sent me numerous anxious texts. I canceled the non-refundable flight less than 48 hours before boarding began.
John Miller, from Orcas Island, Wash., responds after he disembarked from the MS Westerdam, back, at the port of Sihanoukville, Cambodia.
Associated Press.
Source: The New York Times
Which brings me to my 3rd lesson about taking a trip during the break out: The last second to make and change plans is later on than you think it is going to be.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
2009 research study into how the H1N1 flu spread on a plane discovered that sitting within 2 seats of someone with the flu doubled passengers’ possibilities of contracting H1N1, compared to other coach travelers. If you can get more distance from fellow tourists, take it.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
Source: The Wall Street Journal
When you work through scheduling a flight, you need to deal with the realities of flying when people are going crazy about coronavirus.
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
My packaging list now includes things I wouldn’t bring otherwise. The most essential products are hand sanitizer and wipes. I normally feel embarrassed pulling my Lysol erases at the beginning of flights, however I more than happy to have the assurance.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
As soon as my bags are packed and I’ve done a last-minute CDC travel advisory check, it’s time for me to head to the airport.
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
My journeys to airports have actually been filled with suggestions relating to handwashing and surgical masks, by means of indications on the subway in Seoul and pop-ups on the Grab ride-hailing app in Ho Chi Minh City and Kuala Lumpur.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
Lots of airports are suggesting passengers get here early, in case security takes longer due to coronavirus screening.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
When inspecting in, staff members almost always asked me if I had actually traveled to China just recently.
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
I was pulled aside a couple of times in airports to have my temperature level taken. Even prior to the coronavirus outbreak, this was a more typical practice in airports in Asia than the United States as a way to avoid people from spreading diseases.
A medical employee holds a thermometer to inspect a passenger’s temperature at a checkpoint as the country is struck by an outbreak of the unique coronavirus in Susong County, Anhui province, China, February 6,2020
Thomas Peter/Reuters.
Airports have a greater concentration of individuals wearing masks than any of the cities I’ve checked out. Nearly every flight attendant I’ve seen was wearing a mask, as were most of passengers.
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
Once I have actually browsed the airport, made it on the aircraft, and sanitized my seat, things have pretty much proceeded as typical from my window seats, with a bit more hand sanitizing.
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
I have actually not been seated next to somebody who is coughing or visibly ill, however specialists recommend asking to move seats if you are. With Asian tourist plummeting, my flights have actually not been complete, but likewise were far from empty.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
Source: The Wall Street Journal, CNBC
After landing, I’ve been asked about the nations I’ve visited while going through migration, but have not dealt with any quarantines.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
My most significant battles with international flight in Asia have actually been rebooking flights and getting refunds– not anything more major. In spite of that, I have actually tried to cut back on how typically I’m flying.
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
In general, I am attempting to avoid congested areas.
Avoided a flight for a ride on the white speedboat, pictured here.
Kate Taylor/Business Expert.
Flying in Asia in the middle of the coronavirus break out needs a bit more flexibility, decontaminating, and time at the airport. Here are the six lessons I have actually learned:
Kate Taylor/Business Insider.
If you can prevent going to a crowded location– whether that is an airport or any busy, significant city– think about skipping it.
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