#i dunno why. i could have done so many things but here i am. an ecologist mostly. i dunno. well see what the summer brings
howlingday · 1 day
Dragon GF Super Post
Bully / Dress / Strength / Jaune & Yang /
Because of our parents arrangment, we've always been close. But the truth of the matter is... I've always had feelings for you... As we grew older, there was a sudden height difference. Even though it's rare, I understand that some people start growing gold hair instead of normal blonde. The next thing I know, you and I look so different from what we used to look like.
Yang: Why are you staring at me? It's real creepy.
Jaune: C-Creepy?!
Beacon Academy, one of the few schools in Remnant that let you attend regardless of your family background.
Guy: Oh? Your dad's done how much blackmail? I bet I could take him.
Gal: Oh, your mom burned that many stores down? Well, I'm sure my mom would love to meet yours~.
Dude: And even if she doesn't, who the hell cares? We don't need anyone, baby-girl~.
Everyone seems to be shamelessly flirt about it, too...
Jaune: (Gulps, Thinking) Alright! Time to shoot my shot!.
Jaune: Uh, h-hey, Yang? Do you, I dunno, wanna try holding hands today? Maybe?
Yang: HUH?
Jaune: J-Just for a little while! I mean, we're engaged, and everybody already knows about it, so wouldn't it be weird to be the only couple NOT holding hands?
Yang: Mm... F-Fine... But only only for a little while...
Jaune: Really?! We can hold hands~?!
Yang: J-Just until we get to class! Try anything funny and I'll pound you!
Jaune: That's okay with me. (Holds out hand) Here.
Yang: (Red-faced, Reaches for his hand)
Cardin: There you are, Yang! I've been waiting for you!
Jaune/Yang: !!
Cardin: In case you forgot, I'm Cardin Winchester! They say you're the strongest student at Beacon. Fight me!
Cardin: Huh? Oh, the rumors are true, huh? You're really going out with a string bean like him? HA HA HA! What a joke!
Cardin: After I beat you, why not go out with me instead~?
Yang: ...ruined it...
Cardin: Hm?
Cardin: (Half his face indented) Huh-
Yang: (Launches him skyward)
Jaune: ...
Yang: Jaune, come here...
Jaune: Huh?
Yang: You... You wanted to hold my hand... right?
Jaune/Yang: (Holding hands)
Yang: ...HEY! What the hell are you people staring at?! Buzz off!
Yang: (Kid) Hi, Jaune~!
Jaune: (Kid) Oh, hi, Yang.
Yang: (Flips hair, Giggles)
Jaune: ...What?
Yang: Wha- Don't ya notice anythin' different?
Jaune: Huh? U-Uh... You changed your hair?
Yang: Don't ya know, Jaune? When a girl changes her hair, you have to tell her how cute she looks!
Jaune: O-Oh, really? Well, uh... You... look really cute with a ponytail~.
Yang: (Gushing) Thank you, Jaune~!
10 Years Later...
Jaune: Good morning, Yang!
Yang: Huh? Oh, mornin', Jaune.
Jaune: (Blushing, Awestruck)
Jaune: Huh?! Um... It's just... Your hair.... You look really beautiful with your hair in a ponytail.
Yang: (Blushing) Wha- U-Uh... (Turns away, Stomps off) I-I DIDN'T DO IT FOR YOU! IT'S JUST REALLY HOT RIGHT NOW! TH-THAT'S WHY I PUT IT UP!
Jaune: Huh?! Y-Yang!
Yang: Huh? J-Jaune?! Are you okay?! What-
Kid: Professor! She did it! She's the one who hurt Jaune! I saw her!
Yang: What?! N-No! I-
Student: I saw her, too! She hurt Jaune!
Child: Yeah, yeah! She beat him up! She's a monster!
Yang: N-No! It- It was an accident! I...
Kid: She did it!
Student: Hurt Jaune!
Child: Monster!
Yang: (Sits up in bed) NO! (Panting) Ah... Another nightmare... I... I need to get ready...
Meanwhile, at Jaune's...
Jaune: (Working the punching bag)
Cardin: (Memory) Huh? Oh, the rumors are true, huh? You're really going out with a string bean like him? HA HA HA! What a joke!.
Jaune: (Punching harder)
Yang: (Memory, Steps in front of Jaune)
Jaune: (Grits teeth, Hits hard as he can)
Jaune: (Panting, Thinking) What... What the hell am I doing?
Meanwhile, back at Yang's...
Yang: (Whistles as she cooks breakfast)
Ruby: (Sneaks in) GOT IT-
Yang: (Casually backhands Ruby's face) Nope.
Ruby: (Rubs her nose, Pouts) Owie~! How could you hurt your adorable baby sister like this~?!
Yang: You can have breakfast AFTER I'm done cooking it. Go get ready for school.
Ruby: Oh, fine! (Hugs) Love you, Yang~!
Yang: ...
Ruby: Ooh~! Ponytail again today? Something good happen~?
Yang: (Blushes) I-It's the weather, okay? Putting my hair up like this is less annoyin', y'know?
Ruby: AND I see that you made three lunches for today. One for me, one for you, and one for somebody else. Is that also because of the weather~?
Yang: ACK! I-It's also for me! I'm just feeling extra hungry today! Besides, it's none of your business, Ruby!
Ruby: Hm~? (Snuggles Yang) I'm sure he'll love it, Yang.
Yang: (Smiles)
Meanwhile, elsewhere...
???: Huh... Morning already? Good morning...
Bleiss: (Stares at Jaune picture) My darling~.
Ruby: It's been a while since we walked to school like this~!
Yang: Ruby... Why are you here?
Ruby: What? I can't walk together with my big sister anymore? Don't be mean!
Jaune: Hey, Ruby! It's been a while.
Ruby: Oh, hey, Jaune~! Y'know, I've been thinking about having a cute guy like you in my harem. It's too bad you and Yang are already engaged. Anyways, I've got a question for you!
Jaune: Huh?! What?!
Ruby: You're walking two beautiful girls to class. Doesn't that make your heart race~?
Jaune: U-Um...
Yang: (Danger emanating from her) WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?
Ruby: Y- Yang, it was just a joke... Calm down!
Jaune: Well... To be honest... I don't really care who I'm walking with, so long as I'm walking with Yang, I'm happy.
Ruby: ...
Yang: (Blushing)
Jaune: Huh?!
Ruby: Hm? Some kind of commotion over there?
Yang: More bullshit? Just great...
Cardin: I don't pick on weak girls anymore, but I'll make an exception if you don't get out of my way, you bitch!
Bleiss: Weak? Ohoho... Now you've done it...
Bleiss: I'm going to give you just one warning. Stop causing trouble, or else... You got that... Beringel brain?
Cardin: (Swings) YOU BITCH-
Bleiss: (Flicks her wrist)
Cardin: (Legs start freezing) Wh- WHAT THE-?! H-HEY! WHOA! SLOW DOWN! I WAS JUST KID-
Cardin: (Block of ice)
Student: Whoa~! She took down that guy without taking a single step~!
Teen: What else would you expect from our class rep~?!
Bleiss Gele-Schnee - Daughter of Jacques Schnee and his mistress. Beacon first year class representative.
Bleiss: Stupid, annoying... Pyrrha, let Professor Goodwitch know about Cardin causing trouble again. Everyone else, look around the school for his cronies! Idiots like him never work alone...
Bleiss: Well?! What are you waiting for?! Do it now! Classes are gonna start soon!
Class: Y-Yes, ma'am!
Ruby: Oh, Cardin came back already? Well, I guess it was just a couple lines, huh?
Jaune: Beacon first year class representative, Bleiss. She's the daughter of the CEO of the Schnee Dust Company. Honestly, the only trouble I have with her is...
Bleiss: (Gasps, Hugs Jaune) DARLING~!
Yang: HUH?
10 Years Ago...
Bleiss: (Covering her eyes) 1... 2... 3...
Jaune: Yang, let's split up!
Yang: Okay! I'll find you later~!
Jaune: No way she'll find me here-
Bleiss: Found you~!
Jaune: ACK! H-How did you find me?!
Bleiss: Of course I found you, Jaune~! I'm always looking out for you, you know...
Jaune: Huh...? Always...? What do you mean by that?
Bleiss: It's true. You're the only one I have eyes for~.
Bleiss: ALWAYS~.
10 Years Later...
Bleiss: Darling... You were almost late to class. That's no good~.
Bleiss: Hm? Oh, why, if it isn't the problem child? Who do you think was cleaning up after you mess from the other day, hm~?
Yang: I didn't ask for you to do that. Now get your hands off him.
Bleiss: Darling, I've warned you before, but I'll say it as many times as I have to so you understand. Someone as kind, and sweet, and gentle as you shouldn't have anything to do with bandit trash like her.
Jaune: Bleiss, that's enough.
Bleiss: Why? It's the truth, isn't it?
Yang: (Shaking)
Yang: (Hurries away)
Jaune: Yang! Wait!
Bleiss: J-Jaune! Darling! Wait! I was just... worried...
Pyrrha: Bleiss, we've finished everything you- HUH?!
Bleiss: (Seething, Shaking)
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opens-up-4-nobody · 4 months
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kozachenko · 3 months
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Don't really have much to post again aside from some more sketching that I've done recently, this time of Reimu and Marisa, mainly because I just need a starting point as to how I would go about drawing them in my style (which is why the poses are so boring lol).
Artist's Notes;
So I mentioned in the last post how I've been wanting to experiment with how I wanted to draw Reimu, and I then got an idea for Marisa. So I wanted to try and contrast the two of them with each other via their shape language and body types. For scale I also put some numbers on the side just as a visualizing aid so I can imagine them easier. I wanted to make Reimu very tall and lanky and Marisa to be short and rounder. Also, this provides some interesting contrast in their shape language, and Marisa ends up being more round and Reimu ends up feeling more sharp.
I think what I'm most worried about is mainly that I don't 100% know if these two drawings still...feel like Reimu and Marisa. MMaybe because I made so many changes to both of them, but I feel like it's mostly in their faces. I kept the little personal touches that would add when I would draw them in the past (i.e. Reimu's tiny eyebrows and Marisa's freckles) but I dunno, maybe it's in the eyes? Like, Marisa's bigger eyes and eyebrows are definitley ideas that I want to play with in the future, but Reimu.... I dunno, I like the idea of her face shape in this drawing specifically, and I defnitely feel like I got closer to the monilid eye look I was trying to achieve in my previous attempt at drawing her eyes, but something still feels off with her.
When I drew Marisa, I really wanted to explore some other ideas for her body type, mainly in contrast to Reimu, so I wanted to give her a fuller figure and make her shorter than Reimu. I do feel like her eyes could be a bit sharper as eyes look maybe a little too innocent for Marisa, but I do still want to use these eyes I drew for her as a springboard for later attempts. I made some adjustments to her dress so that they would look good on the body type I gave her. I also need to draw shoes more because those boots....I just, I don't even know, I probably just need to draw that specific body type more wearing those types of boots or find references because I am not happy with how they turned out. Out of the two of them, Marisa was definitely my favourite to draw. I really enjoying drawing different body types when I get the chance to, and I feel like it's important to try your best to expand your variety when it comes to drawing the human body, I'm glad that I'm comfortable with drawing different body types. I do still have a long ways to go with this as I just need to do it more often and still need to do this but with different body shapes and weights and how to combine those two aspects to create unique body types and silhouettes. Also, please feel free to give me any critiques to how these two designs turned out, I remember that I drew Reimu when it was late at night and spent the entire day on Marisa so I defnitely feel like there's some things to critque here.
I'll be honest... I don't really like how Reimu turned out too much. Not to say it's a bad drawing, but I dunno. I think I just need to draw Reimu more, but she's honestly the hardest character to translate into my style. The thing is, I have an idea for her in my head but I just have a hard time putting it to paper. It's not like I've never drawn her before, in fact, aside from the height I really like how she looked in this piece of fanart (why tf did I make her so short in that piece) I did a while back despite the fact that I've imrpoved on my faces a lot since then (again, I do want to try my lineless style again, I just need to find the chance to do so), maybe because that was the drawing that provided me with some of my ideas on how to draw Reimu in my style? I do think I'm definitely in the rut of the "not knowing how to draw a character's face in your style" phase that I'm sure many fan-artists go through, so with enough drawings I'll get through it eventually, just gotta suffer through several more hours of trial and error though so yipeeeeeeee... As for things I do like, Reimu's hair turned out nicely. I did my usual technique for drawing Reimu's hair and then pasted the lineart layer underneath the main lineart layer and changed the colour to give it some extra pizzaz, and I do like how Reimu and Marisa contrast each other a lot. I just need to find a way to make them feel more like themselves while still taking liberties with their designs in my style.
Even if these are just sketches and me laying the groundwork for how I want to draw these two in the future, I still want to improve how I draw them a lot (also I don't like how much these two look like teenagers, I see both of them as being in their late 20s-early 30s and it just doesn't read like that and I definitely need to do more studies in the future to get them right in my style).
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rqbossman · 4 months
Heyo! Folks be sending all sorts of questions so I'll give it a shot. So you're a Star Trek fan right? Have you been watching and/or enjoying the newer series? Or are you partial to the older ones? (I'm the latter, ive preferred TNG, DS9 and Voyager best.) But if you're also enjoying the newer stuff I'd be curious about your thoughts on 'em?
So I admit I have fallen off on Star Trek recently and my opinions on star trek in general are often considered... controversial. TOS: It's fine I guess. Next Gen: Good although a good chunk of season 1 and anything to do with Tasha Yar is less good. (Not because of Tasha's Character or performance just the writing for her feels a bit tone deaf at times to a modern ear.) DS9: I have bounced off this again and again. Never made it past about 10 episodes. I dunno why, I've watched worse without complaint. I wonder if it is to do with the religious portrayals, as these are the things I most struggle with in Sci Fi due to my own bias getting in the way. Voyager: Wonderful once it finds its feet. I married the woman who was the closest to Janeway I could find in the real world. Coffee addiction, war scowl and all. Discovery: Watched season 1 and enjoyed, subsequent seasons nI haver not had chance to view consistently due to UK licensing and not being able to afford every streaming platform. Lower Decks: Frigging brilliant, no notes, but again I am behind as I haven't the budget for additional media purchases right now. Brave New Worlds: I couldn't say. I hear good things but again, fragmented streaming is an expense I can't justify right now. Picard: Mixed. I was okay with the premise and S1 had it's moments although it was harder to get through than I thought which is weird since it had so many components I liked. I dropped off with the introduction of seven of nine as I feel the character was done a bit dirty and with Protocol entering preproduction I had to prioritise my time and Picard didn't spark enough joy to continue. I may return to it. Star Trek films: Far too much to cover here. TLDR much like bond movies it swings between good and bad but I'll always have a soft spot for any iteration of Kahn and I have seen First Contact most. TLDR: Seen a bunch, not all, Voyager is my fave despite the well known flaws.
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footballerimaginess · 9 months
Fluff Alphabet | Christmas
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Merry Christmas everyone! Here is a a fluff alphabet with Joao Felix, hope you enjoy it and let me know what you think of it. Word Count: 1,347 ADVENT CALENDAR - You and Joao were like little children and had to get advent calendar's each year, each year you'd get chocolate but this year Joao made you a book calendar and he wrapped them all up and left them out in the mornings for you to collect. It was the cutest thing anyone had ever done for you.
BAKING - There were so many new recipes that you wanted to try, there were just so many you'd seen on TikTok that you wanted to make and you knew you had so much time and were ready to prepare some sweet treats for Christmas. CHRISTMAS DAY - As this season you were back in Spain, you were so excited to be celebrating in Spain with his family coming over and you were just so excited to be with everyone DECORATIONS - "There are just so many decorations here, why do you need even more?" he asked as you shook your head. "I dunno, I am obsessed with just picking up new decorations. They are cute right?" you showed him as you took the new sparkly lights in the box. "I guess, but we don't need anymore" he moaned again. EMOTIONAL - When Joao handed you your presents, you were feeling extra emotional. "This is for you" he smiled as he sat down beside you as he watched you pulling the ribbon off of the box. "Shit is this what I think it is" you muttered as you opened it up and it was the bag you had dreamed of for years. FOOD - "We just have so much food" you laughed as you plated up. "It all looks so good" you grinned as you watched as everyone played up. Smiling away as you were just so proud of how you had achieved so much in one morning. GENEROUS - You were just so generous at Christmas and had to buy so many gifts and never stuck with the spending limit. Christmas was one time of the year where you had to really treat everyone. HOT CHOCOLATE - You and Joao were snuggled up on the sofa together as you were sipping on your hot chocolates that you had just made. Laying under the blanket as you were watching Christmas films. ICE SKATING - One of your traditions is going ice skating with Joao. Despite the both of you being absolutely shocking, you still loved going yet embarrassing yourself was a talent in itself. JOY - Seeing your family all together at this time of the year was just so joyful and it was always the most amazing get together's. KITCHEN - The kitchen was a complete mess, there was just so much stuff around, where you hadn't cleaned up at all. "How can one person make this much of a mess when you are only cooking for two people?!?" you turned around as you looked at the mess. "I know it is crazy, I just kept picking up dishes and making stuff" you laughed. "I suppose you'll have to be helping me" you smirked. "Hmm, don't think so LOVE - You and Joao were so in love, this year was the first proper year where you had time to relax and just enjoy Christmas whilst you were resting and taking it easy. MARKETS - "Ooh look at those churros, can we get those?" you asked Joao as you pointed to the stand. "yes sure, but what else do you want? because that smells so good" you muttered. "Fine let's go and see what else we can get. Everything looks and smells so nice" he grinned.
NORTH POLE - You and Joao were going to Lapland, you had hinted at wanting to go for ages now. "This is so magical, but my god it is sooo cold" you shivered as you felt like you were just so cold and had no way of warming up as you grabbed his hand as tightly as you possibly could. "I feel like this is what it would be like if we went to the north pole" you let out a laugh and immediately regretted it as it was just so cold you were frozen. OUTFIT - Your Christmas outfit just needs to be comfy, it was all about your comfy clothes at this time especially as you were eating so much yummy food.
PRESENTS - The amount of presents underneath Christmas were crazy considering there were only a handful of you here for Christmas. "This is madness babe, think we went overboard" you smirked. "Nope, never" you giggled. QUEUE - The queues for the shops were just insane, all you wanted was a last few minute Christmas presents and you had been standing here for about 35 minutes now and you couldn't wait any longer. But it was slowly worth it. REINDEER - "What are all the reindeers called?" Joao asked as you were watching it on the tv. "Rudolph, prancer that is all i can remember" you laughed as you grabbed your phone and decided to google the reindeer's names. "I, Vixen and Cupid" you told him. "There are 9 but I could have sworn there was way more than that" you laughed as you showed all of the names. "There was no way I was going to remember all of that" you laughed. SNOW - A white Christmas is all that you wanted, you were just so happy and it was just so incredible. "Wow J, look how beautiful it looks. I have never seen snow at Christmas time, it is just so beautiful" you whispered as you watched the large snowflakes falling down as it hit the window. TINSEL - "What is this?" you turned around and saw Joao holding tinsel in his hand. "Tinsel?" you looked at him confused as you knew he had seen it before. "You know what it is right?" you asked as you turned to face him. "Yes but what is the purpose of it?" you shrugged as you didn't know yourself. "I dunno, just decoration. It always makes me think of my Nan so that is why I have to have some in the house" you smiled as Joao nodded, knowing how much she meant to you. UP (couldn't think of anything lol) - One of your favourite things to do was watch dinsey movies at Christmas. Your choice of film this year was UP, it was one of your absolute favourites and I just couldn't wait to watch it. Joao would moan because you never ever picked his favourite film which annoyed him, but this time it was your choice. VOICE - You hated singing and wasn't going to even attempt to sing, but Joao loved singing even though he always told you that he hated his singing voice. But you'd always catch him singing a Christmas song or two. WINTER WONDERLAND - When you were in London with Joao, you really loved going to winter wonderland. So when Joao had a break for a few days, you headed to London so you could go to winter wonderland. "This is so much fun, I am just glad we could do this again. Feels weird that we were in London for only one season, I miss being here" you replied as you walked around. "Course I miss it too, shame it didn't work out for us" he shrugged. Xxx - Christmas was the best time to be with family and you were so excited to have your own family one day and make Christmas even more special. YOU - You and Joao were so happy this Christmas, it felt different. Last year was completely different from being in England for the first time. You were excited to do something different but this time you felt so content with life and was so excited for the year. Zzz - Christmas was so hectic that all you wanted to do was sleep, you had to have a small little nap on the sofa whilst Joao sorted all his presents out because he had to get rid off all the boxes straight away. You just napped your Christmas away.
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The 118 Sauce Chat
Eddie: I definitely make spaghetti sauce extremely wrong but I’m not going to stop
Chim: please elaborate on the wrong way to make spaghetti sauce; it sounds highly entertaining?
Eddie: 1 chop onion and put in a pot
Eddie: Add 1 or 2 cans of diced tomatoes. Whatever makes the ratio of onion look right.
Eddie: Add a ridiculous amount of frozen peas. Peas should make up a notable portion of this sauce.
Eddie: Add frozen corn also if you wanna be real fancy. If I have bacon I’ll ad that too. But I very rarely have bacon.
Eddie: Cook on HIGH
Eddie: While sauce is cooking, grab the nearest bottle of mixed spices that isn't obviously for desserts. Add some. How much? I dunno, enough that you feel like you've added seasoning so it's technically cooking. (For me this is most often a mix called Moroccan, but it could be anything. Buck reorganised my kitchen recently so tonight it was something called Pizza Topping.)
Eddie: If you happen to have green herbs lying around, add those too. Whatever you have on hand that's green
Eddie: Let the sauce boil on HIGH until all the water is gone. Stir occasionally so the saucepan will be easier to clean later. Serve on cooked spaghetti noodles with no cheese
Eddie: Today I added a new step called "while the sauce is cooking, duck out for 15 seconds to text the group chat about spaghetti sauce, then get distracted and forget you are cooking." This adds a novel Extremely Burnt edge to the flavour profile.
Chim: I am not Italian, or of Italian descent by *any* stretch of the imagination.
I am also not one of those "cooking purists", who believes that everything must be done in a specific/ traditional way (unless you are making a cooking video with the title "how to make x" in which case if you don't specify mid video that your way is not traditional god help you).
I am a firm believer in "If it tastes good, then it is correct for you".
Chim: Except in this case
Bobby: This hurts every cooking bone in my body. The latent ancestors in my soul. The judgmental elf in my brain just bit a cyanide capsule
Hen: Why? The spices.
Using a different spice mix every time, based on what is ready at hand just ... hurts
Eddie: *sends SPICE IS SPICE meme*
Ravi: absolutely deranged, Eddie. Food crimes.
Bobby: Hey Eddie, looks like you forgot to mention the part where you obviously sweated the onions, because nobody would make spaghetti sauce that had straight up raw onions boiled in tomato juices.
Bobby: RIGHT????
Bobby: Please Eddie
Eddie: I don’t know what sweating the onions means
Hen: It means. It means you cook em a little in a pan with a bit of oil first
Eddie: A pan? How many dishes do you want me to have to wash here?
Hen: I mean you can also do it in the same pot you're making the spaghetti sauce in! The important thing is the onions get a little cooked before the wet stuff goes in, so they're not so wet and limp and boiled....
Eddie: Honestly this depends entirely on whether I remember to chop an onion first or I find the can opener for the tomatoes first. The ingredients go in in whatever order they go in.
Ravi: Eddie, who hurt you???
Eddie: A pack of wild chefs herded my mother off a cliff
Chim: Theres probably a hit out on you for this
Eddie: What kind of stupid idiot would waste money assassinating someone who's so clearly going to accidentally poison themself for free at some point
Bobby: hi Eddie, big fan of your firefighting, this is the sauce equivalent of the running up a metal ladder in a lightning storm to try to pull up a 6’0” tall man instead of lowering him to the ground
Eddie: Athena, that is the meanest review my cooking has ever received
Chim: congratulations you found the worst way to do it! this feels like a spaghetti recipe made by AI before it got really sophisticated
Eddie: this group chat’s hate mail game is insane
Ravi: at this point please just eat every ingredient raw… please
Eddie: Do I look like Tony Abbott to you
Buck: As a former Committer of Food Crimes, I have decided to make this sauce this weekend after I have a chance to go to the store. I will report back.
Eddie: Excellent, I look forward to vindication.
Hen: No one's going to vindicate your boiled onion in cinnamonny tomato juice on noodles, Eddie
Eddie: Not cinnamon. Cinnamon is a dessert spice. You use the nearest non-dessert spice.
Ravi: cinnamon is absolutely not a dessert spice
Eddie: Yes it is! It's for muffins and pancakes and fruit pies!
Chim: Cinnamon powder is absolutely a dessert “spice” and Eddie if your cooking is this bad I can’t imagine your baked abominations
Eddie: I put lemon juice in everything I bake that isn't bread
Written for the only two gremlins (endearment) who find this as entertaining as I do @professionalprocrastinator22 and @gravelyhalversobbing
Inspired by:
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polaris-stuff · 4 months
Okay, this is the fourth time of me rewriting this comment.
And i am gonna try and keep it short ( I failed I am so sorry) . As this is about the Heart to Heart with earth.
Feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna talk about it anymore. If you said something about , I've been trying to put my feelings on this out for a while and it's just not working. (it's also now 4 am, )
I came away from the episode feeling like it was a good episode. Where the characters talked about why they were deciding not to help moon for different reasons.
I thought for most of them it was in character, even if I don't fully agree. I could see what the show was trying to do.
And then i see a lot of people agreeing and being really hurt by the episode. Because they feel like everyone is aboning moon. And leaving him in this vulnerable space.
I feel like i missed something. As to me. the celestial family isn't fully aware as to truly how bad Moon's mental state has gotten.
I have a feeling that (Sun and Lunar, more so then earth) Are taking moon's last words as face value ( wanting to bring solar back for ego/selfish reasons, and not because he truly breaking down)
(I also think monty still hasn't fully filled them in either that moon seems to be thinking he isn't real but I could be wrong!)
I think they'd be behaving otherwise if they know the true depts. they wouldn't wich is why this sucks so much. Moon is driving people away, actively sabotaging his own help.
I sit here wishing i would understand that hurt. I honestly truly do. Maybe because i have the feeling that they will help even if they say now they won't
maybe because i really hope sun isn't gonna make the same mistake as moon.
Maybe i am i giving sun, lunar and earth to much credit, and to many excuses.
I think...in the end. I don't think them refusing to help moon. Is them trying to hurt moon (even if that is the outcome) . But is taking care of themselves as they are all also still not in a good place?
And maybe because i genuinely can't see what they can do for moon to help him. As they offered him help but he refused or actively lied on how he was doing. So I don't get what help people want them to provide for moon at this moment. ( besides not leaving, but can you be there for someone that doesn't want you there?)
I dunno if i am making sense. trying to talk my feelings out is always hard. And I think for the first time I am on the other side of most of the people I usually agree with and respect a lot ( you being one of them ) . So I feel a bit lost and weird about it as to why my view is so different.
( I am honestly hoping Sun will see Moon having hallucinations, and at least will set something up so moon is never alone in that cell like he was. I feel like he thinks, he first needs to stop moon. And then when that is done. He can actively think on what to do next cause offering help first ain't gonna do it)
I am sorry for leaving this long ass comment in your inbox. I truly hope It didn't come off as attacking. AS it wasn't meant to be. Just a fellow TSAMS fan. who was in their own way very confused and hurt i guess and feels a bit alone in their reading of the story?
And trying to understand why people see this a an attack from the celestial family on moon. Or a active decision...instead of .. a series of what is gonna be a slew of bad decisions from everyone involved.
Alright, I understand your point of view, don't worry about it, and actually, this is a YT series on VRchat so I shouldn't be so mad about this either yk JAJA
Ok, the thing is, the family doesn't know what's happening to Moon, that's right, they have no way of knowing what's happening to him because Moon pushed them all away and lied to them, now, the thing is that Earth knows. Monty told Earth that Moon had a psychosis episode and found him hitting the ground, that Moon could no longer tell what was real from what wasn't, so Earth knows that Moon is in a HORRIBLE mental state. And idk, but if you know that a person is in a state where they can no longer perceive reality correctly, I don't think the best response is not to help them.
Also, I'll highlight Lunar going from "I really don't care" (although he should care, we're talking about Moon, one of his brothers) to "fuck him" which is just weird?? The whole family was with Lunar and supported him when the thing with Eclipse happened but Lunar just does not care when something happens to another family member ??
I'm 100% sure that Sun will help Moon, it's more than obvious that Moon will get out of this situation, but the way the family is handling it is so strange to me. Lunar, Earth and Sun have every right to not want to continue dealing with problems but this is also partly their fault.
Since Solar died no one was with Moon because "Moon was busy", so Moon was alone in P&S with Ruin whispering in his ear and only Lunar went to see him a couple of times. Sun began to hang out more with Earth and Lunar, and Moon was left completely alone. "Oh, but Moon never said he wanted them to come with him! They can't read minds!" Yes, and that's true, but If everyone was aware that Moon and Solar were basically running around together every day, and everyone was aware that Moon was the one who had the worst reaction to Solar's death, the logical thing to do is to spend at least a couple of hours with him, right?
And yes, Moon lied about how he felt so this is also partly his fault for wanting to hide what was happening to him. But Monty is also to blame because he also hide it.
We are at a point where we have been shown that all the hallucinations that Moon has had are created by her consciousness out of guilt (in the same way as Sun when the BM thing happened), Moon regrets the things he said to Earth, Moon wants to stop, Moon wants to go home and apologize, but he can't. He thinks his whole family hates him, that no one wants him in daycare.
Also, I understand that Earth is hurt but she also isn't trying to understand Moon's feelings now that she knows everything Moon has been going through. Now she knows that Moon is going through the worst time of her life and she just decides not to do anything about it because "Moon said a couple of hurtful things to her." (things Sun warned Moon would say to push her away and things that worked).
I feel like of all the people, the only one who has a little more reason here is Sun, and, interestingly, Jack and the computer, who have done more than Earth and Lunar.
I think that now that he is locked up and unable to teleport it is a good opportunity for everyone to talk to him, a really serious and good intervention.
Sorry for the long text! And thanks for the ask and support! It really helped me let off some steam, hehe
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comicaurora · 10 months
Hiya Red! ♥️
This is in regards to something you mentioned about the OST of Last Unicorn.
I love that film and have watched it many, *many* times! And - like you - I always found the duet distinctly... off. I never could pin down why, I just knew it made me uncomfortable and didn't seem to fit. With the movie or even just the rest of the soundtrack. But when you discribed it as 'out of the singers' range' I had something of an epiphany and I couldn't help but wonder what you'd think of it, so here I am. 😆
What *if* that is actually sneaky characterisation/commentary on the romantic subplot? I mean, this whole soundtrack is so well put together I feel like it has to be intentional, right?
The way I see it both singers are straining just like the characters are, for something that is just out of their reach. And also isn't really right for them. And I feel like on some level they know it. That, I think, is why the climax of the song is particularly discordant. It's to signify that them coming together, as they are doing in the scene, is wrong. For them as people and for the story at large.
Dunno. Just my two cents.
I would love to hear your thoughts on it. IF you have the time and energy to spare! No stress! Most of all I just wanted to let you know about a possible (maybe?) reason for this weird thing, just in case it kept bothering you. (As a fellow ADHD brain I know it be like that sometimes. 😄)
Thank you so much for all your hard work! Love your channel so much! You guys are the best!! And can't wait to see your next stream! (You gotta save my giiiirl!!! 😭🐉)
Tbh I kinda doubt they'd intentionally make music that sounds bad to do that, when there are many musically pleasing ways to signal that a romantic duet is between characters that are actually incompatible - even things like Love is an Open Door, where "we finish each other's-" "sandwiches!" "That's what I was gonna say!" helpfully hints that Hans is fluidly saying whatever he needs to in order to appeal to Anna without making the audience's ears hurt. One of the more impactful bits of the Death Note musical is that Misa keeps trying to have a romantic duet with Light and Light is much too busy having homoerotic duets with L instead, so Misa ends up basically belting a solo over the much more synced-up music of the dynamic duo. It's a musically pleasing way to signal which characters are in sync and which ones aren't. Several songs in Wicked do this too, like in Dancing Through Life where the romantic duo declare that since they're both perfect they must be perfect together, or the song that basically says "I must be happy, because happy is what happens when all your dreams come true."
I think the main thing that makes that duet not work is that it's one of the only parts of the OST that's sung by the main voice cast rather than a professional singer. The composition is solid, but it kinda sounded like it wasn't composed with their personal ranges in mind - possibly composed before they were cast. They could've done what disney was doing - cast a singer for the character songs and a separate voice actor for the dialogue - which they apparently did in the theatrical release, having Kate Irving sing instead of Mia Farrow, but they didn't for the video release, so the voice actors have to just try their best, possibly with only one or two takes to do it in, and the end result is a bit of a mess.
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dualityvn · 1 year
I dunno if anyone asked this, but could you please write a drabble for UT!Tenebris x MC?
A Milkshake and A Night Under The Stars (UT!Tenebris x GN!Reader)
This was slightly inspired by valentinax3's ask about making a deal with Tenebris. Enjoy!
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"What is this one?"
"It's a chocolate milkshake. You drink it through this straw. The little tube poking out at the top," you explain to the creature eyeing the cup in your hand. "Wanna try it?"
As one arm reaches out, it morphs into a human one so it can easily grab the treat you've brought him. He hesitates as he brings it to his face and leans in to sniff it. He must not find anything suspicious because quickly after, he sips from the straw.
"Do you like it?"
The many eyes light up with delight. You've seen them do that every time you presented him with a new type of sweet treat. Each time, you find it very cute. Something so big and scary is obsessed with sweets.
"It's good. Very sweet, just like the rest. But I'm beginning to discern between them... What will we do in exchange for it?"
Some time ago, you'd made a deal with "the monster in the forest." You'd bring him the sweets he'd grown so fond of and in exchange, he'd let you get to know him. It was a deal that had perplexed him at first. He couldn't see why you'd want such a thing. Yet he'd accepted nonetheless.
"Since it's nighttime and the sky is clear, I was thinking we could stargaze."
"Very well. I appreciate that this one does not involve other humans."
He brings the straw back to his mouth. You watch the contents of the cup being drained at an impressive speed. Within mere seconds, it's empty. He hands it back to you and you store it away in your backpack.
"I mean, I was thinking we could do it from the top of one of the buildings in the city. The forest is kinda dense for it," you explain.
Half a dozen eyes narrow at you. "No. There is a large clearing deeper in. We're going there, where it is quiet and dark. Your loud vehicles and blinding lights would no longer bother us."
Under different circumstances, going deep into the forest with a monster would be a terrible idea. But if he wanted to harm you, he would've done it many times by now. So you take the risk.
"Okay, fair enough. How do we get there?"
He turns his back to you, then crouches down. "It will be too slow if I let you walk. Get on my back."
You pause, caught by surprise. He's never allowed you to touch him this much before. When you'd tried, he'd move away or snarl at you. Still, you aren't about to refuse the offer. You climb on and wrap your arms around his neck.
His skin is cold, but his hair feels soft as it brushes against your cheek. He smells like grass and honey. The lizard tail and his hunched position help keep you in place once he takes off.
You now see why he suggested you'd be slow. It wasn't an insult, it was a fact when you compared it to the speed he was running at. He wasn't only fast. He was also agile. You never once got smacked by any branches or bushes.
"Am I heavy?" you ask.
"Heavy? You come nowhere close to it. Not to me, at least."
You're not sure if even ten minutes have passed before he comes to a stop and lowers himself again to put you down.
The clearing he spoke of is indeed big. The stars are much more beautiful here, compared to the city. They look like glitter spread over dark fabric. You can't help but smile looking at it.
"You're right. This is much better."
He huffs as he plops down onto the grass with a loud thud. "Of course I am."
You suppress a chuckle and join him.
You'd noticed earlier, but now you have time to inspect him properly. He's dressed up. An intricate necklace resembling golden branches with precious stones instead of fruits hangs over his chest. A similar golden arm band matches one around his tail. And he's wearing pants. Something he didn't do the first time you'd met him in this form. He'd kept in mind you weren't a fan of complete nudity.
Three eyes shift to look at you questioningly. "I thought we came here to look at stars. Why are you staring at me?"
"Sorry, I was just thinking you look nice."
The eyes widen, then quickly look away. You get the impression he's flustered.
"Shouldn't this form frighten you? Why do you always ask me to stick to it instead of the human ones?"
"I like it. And you said the human form takes effort to maintain. I want you to be comfortable," you respond.
He only lets out a grunt and reverts his attention to the sky. You do the same.
You don't know a lot about stars. He does. So you ask a lot of questions. He answers each one without complaint. And when you both lay on your backs to get a better view and you scooch a little closer until your shoulders touch, he doesn't push you away.
It's pleasant. You feel oddly at peace. His voice is deep but soothing. Accompanied by the sounds of crickets and frogs, it begins to lull you to sleep. Your eyelids become heavy. As they close and you drift off to a land of dreams, you feel something brushing away a few strands of hair from your face.
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riniworld · 2 months
heyy hey !! ✨️-anon here. saw that you wanted requests? and well, I've had have some ideas that's been like... stuff k in my head and I dunno whomst to ask here on tumblr who could wanna write it— anyways
my idea/inspo is actually from Fall Guy. the movie this year and like... yandere!stunt actor × director!reader in which like they had have a few movies made together cause the actor that yan!stunt works for is like super famous and has have been in many movies. and in this current movie they making, yan!stunt has have heard that the actor has have been courting or something with director!reader and well, being yandere that's like... something of a challenge 👁👁
and so... things happened actor mysteriously missing or something but the shooting must go on! and yan!stunt suggested they use the wonders of technology to have actor's face on his so he can just act out all the scenes before actor comes back to do it themselves— and.. yeahhh something like that 😅
(forgive me I just asked this at 5:30 AM without sleep yet 🫠😭 ignore if it doesnt make sense)
incomplete ending
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(that's a title, this is complete)
warnings|| mention of blood,kidnapping, choking(no death), not proof reade.
reference|| you,director
a/n|| i understand you, i too sometimes have alot of questions but i don't know where to ask 😭 +tysm i love that idea to death, hope this is to your liking!
(new aesthetic style!)
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you were an angel from above,or that what he believed.
he has worked with alot of directors in his career, but no one was like you, you actually cared for all the actors,much to his disappointment, the way you come yourself to check on him after his scenes, fawning over him if he got injured, he couldn't help but fall deep for you, and his luck made him work a few works with you, he'll cherish every second.
and he was beyond happy when he got another invitation to work again with you!.
the day so far was boring to him, he has read his script over and over again, where were you? he hadn't seen you all day, it's soffocating.
when his makeup had done he searched for you around the entire set,but you were nowhere to be seen.
he sees two people from the staff chatting so he approach them.
"excuse me, have you seen the director?" he interrupt them.
one of them shake his head and the other thought for a minute before replying "i think the director is with the main actor, they have been hanging out alot recently."
he pause for a minute, his thoughts wonder "with them? why did the director hang out with them?! are they close?! what if...", his thoughts cut off as he comes to his senses, the staff looking at him weird, he clear his throat "oh, thank you two." he says and walks away,clenching his fists hard enough to bleed if he had long nails, why were you with them instead of him! is there something between you two? his heart beat fast at the thought as he began to sweat, he enters the bathroom and lean into the sink, a creepy anxious smile form on his face. impossible, no no I'm overthinking this there's no way the director-ah calm down!.
the next few days, he was poping in front of you out of nowhere.
"director, can we eat lunch together?"
"director, i got you this, hope it's to your taste."
"director, i have a problem with this line can you help me?"
he was keeping himself steady with delusions and believe he, himself, knew it will all crash one day, but what can he do? if he snaps he'll make a mess that's hard to clean...well, that's didn't last long.
"have you heard the rumors?" one of the staff said.
the stunt actor was early in the set, expecting to see you there when he stumble upon the staff whispering between themselves.
"what rumors?" the other says.
"everyone here talking about it! seemingly the main actor has been hitting on the director!"
"plus they have been hanging out together alot these past few days!"
"shhhh!" one of them shush them off as he saw the stunt actor standing there, not like he's paying attention to them anymore. he has stopped thinking the moment he heard them talking about the main actor with you in the same sentence, now he can't think straight, rage and jealousy taking over his mind, as he thought of a million way to get rid of the main actor.
he waited eagerly for the main actor to come, he'll do anything to get anyone out of his way, you were his after all, his angel from the sky, his bless that he deserved.
"come in." the main actor says as he heard a knock at the door.
the stunt actor enters the room and close the door behind him, it was kinda abvious that he was holding something behin his back, if only the main actor was looking at him directly.
"hello" the stunt says as he looks around the room.
"hey..,it's not everyday you visit me, did something happen?" the actor says, looking at the stunt from the mirror as he added some touches to his look.
"no, nothing, figured we could spend sometime together."
"hm, good then, how's your scene going?"
"very good." he says as he starts to walk closer to the actor "but there's something missing.." he stops.
the main actor turn around to face the stunt "and what might that be?" he asks
"you." the stunt says and hit the main actor on his head with a cudgel that knock him off, his blood staining the ground.
the stunt pant, horror and pleasure filled him, he kneel down to make sure that the main actor isn't dead,even though he wish he was. he tied the actor with a rope he brought along and put him in the closet, he lock it and walks out of the room in a hurry.
he sees you from a distance and a slight guilt his him, but it go as fast as it came, he did this for you after all, for you to ne safe, to not have your heart broken.
"here you are!" he snaps out if his thoughts as he heard your voice calling out to him.
"is-is everything okay director?"
"have you seen the main actor he must be here by now"
he shake his head.
you put your hand on your forehead and exhale "god, today's the last day, where did he go? no one saw him"
"let's wait a little for him." he said and you nod in agreement, giving up on searching.
A whole hour passed and the main actor didn't show up, the whole set was on panic while you try to find a solution.
"how about i take his place?" the stunt suggest, making everyone freeze.
"what?" you say.
"i can take his place, with makeup and technology i can look like him until he comes."
you take a little time to think, but with everything happening you have no choice but to accept.
"okay, let's do this."
the filming went okay you think, there was some mistakes here and there but the technology can fix everything, but you're still worried, the main actor has never showed up it's concerning.
"cut! let's take a rest." you yell.
you went to take a coffee as you were feeling dizzy.
you were sitting alone on the roof drinking your coffee in peace as your thoughts wonder here and there, when someone interrupt your peace.
"are you okay director?" the stunt says as he approach you and sits beside you.
you nod with a "mhm".
"you sound stressed." he points out.
you sigh "how couldn't i? we all worked too hard on this and the main actor suddenly disappeared, don't you find it strange?"
the stunt shake his head "i don't, because i guess he's one of this type who don't care about what happens here and takes his comfort above anyone."
"but he hasn't miss one day from the filming, why now? when we're in the end."
the stunt kept silent for a minute before he speak "how about we take a walk? you won't be able to work properly if you kept being stressed like that."
you two walked around, not too far from the set, but enough for you to forget about what happening right now.
"i have a place in mind, it's a bit far but I'm sure you'll like it, how about we go there?" the stunt actor asks.
you hesitate "i don't know....we've been walking long enough.."
"i promise we'll get back in time, come on." he pulls you with him, you didn't have a time to protest so you just accepted.
you two arrived at a small park, it was beautiful, but nearly empty.
"how did you know about this place?" you ask him.
"i like going on a night drive, and i stumbled upon it on one of it."
"oh...it's beautiful."
"i know, right?" he start walking inside and you follow behind him "let's sit here."
you sit besides him looking around in awe.
he clear his throat getting your attention back "i uh, i have something to tell you.."
you look at him in puzzle "sure? what is it?"
"i-..i like you, director..maybe even more" he looks away in embarrassment as he said that.
you pause, looking at him with wide eyes his words ringing in your ears, you look away after a minute thinking of what to say.
"i..um..i don't know what to say...i do..consider you a friend of mine but..i don't think i feel these sort of feelings for you..I'm sorry."
his heart sink at your words and he gets in a state of panic, he hold your hands tightly in his, "why? is it because of him?? do you like him?!" he practically yelling now, his eyes glassy as the tears threaten to fall.
"what? who-"
"what does he have that i don't? why is he better than me?!" he cuts you off
"calm down what's wrong with you!" you stands up and yell.
he fell silent looking at you in a miserable state, in a second his expression change to one if a madness.
"no no no i won't consider losing you as an option! if you won't accept me in kindness then I'll take you in force."
before you can react his hand was on your mouth, it was hard to breath hard to resist him, your vision start to become blurry turning to black by the seconds, you think you're gonna die when your eyes closed fully but your eyes opened in an unfamiliar room, you don't know if you should be relieved that you're alive or scared that you're in an unknown place.
guess the last episode won't be released for sometime.
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have a good day/night♡
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
I love space and how extreme and fucked up it always in when viewed by the human level, and I thought many times about making a story like 938 Seconds Per Second, but I would always stop myself finding holes like "would the transported items even be valuable after so many years?" or "wouldn't the technology become obsolete at the exact moment it worked and years passed?" or "what about the ways language would have changed?" and you didn't allow details such as these to stop you. You didn't even gave them a spot in the story because it thematically ruins it, and now I am thinking "why am I not allowing myself to indulge the whole point of fiction?" and I feel something slowly unloxking within me. Also as a fan of fucked up physics and morals in sci-fi, loved the work!!!!
(938 Seconds Per Second)
See, here's the thing for me! Questions like that DO occur to me. It's part of thinking through the world-building. But for questions like that, unless they have a spot in the story it's MORE important, in my opinion, to instead answer: Does it detract from the story at all if I simply don't explore those? Is there anything about those questions that fundamentally breaks the story? Is it actually impossible for those to have answers?
"Would the items still be valuable?" If you mean in terms of the money amount that trades hands, I figure Entente money is pinned to an inflation-free peg. It can trade into local currency when it exchanges hands, but the Entente value is specifically inflation free, and specifically for workers dealing in time dilation. If you mean will the buyer still WANT the items after being shipped for so many years, sure there's speculation buying something you won't get for 100+ years. But I figure for intergalactic trade that spans light years, all their trade exists on these massive timescales. To have created this trade culture means there are cultures willing to wait out the time. The very foundation of their trade expects this exact thing.
"Wouldn't the technology become obsolete?" Keeping in mind the speed of light is still the fastest anything can move, you would NEED something like the ship to even get technology across the universe. So even if advancement is fast somewhere, spread is slow. These ships are probably couriers OF technology spread. And sure, probably a bunch of independent places independently advance their own technology, but the ship still docks down with some frequency between missions. Maintenance and upgrades can be done during any of those dock-down periods.
"Changing language?" Sure I bet language changes all the time. But for an intergalactic trade relation culture which has built itself upon immense time-gaps, they could easily have standardized to a specific, and non-changing, language standard. All legal documents are written in the common language, and as new items and concepts come into being they're given standard names. And then among regular people--translator masks. I gave the doctor one. The technology for that practically exists already today with google translate and text to speech, so it's very believable technology.
OKAY SO, ...were any of those answers actually super important to 938sps? Was 938sps harmed by not digging in to those...? I don't think so. Because none of this actually mattered to the core of the 938sps story. As long as none of these things presented glaring, unfixable plot-holes to the story, then I'm good. My answers to these questions might still be full of holes and what-ifs. Hell I probably could have answered any of these with "eh I dunno" and that still doesn't impact 938sps.
I think all of that leaves just a lot of runway and play-space to expand on the world presented in 938sps. But having any of those stop me from even putting down the first word? No, they don't matter.
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whoiwanttoday · 5 months
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So not last Friday but two Fridays ago was National Paranormal Day, something I didn't know existed and there is a joke here about it not actually existing no matter how much some people abuse the scientific method to prove it does but I won't go down that rabbit hole. The point is that night I had a friend who made me aware and asked me to watch something Paranormal but I was busy so I didn't. They watched The Amityville Horror, a truly bad movie that was also part of a massive pop culture phenomena. It's a thing I am fascinated by because I am always interested in ideas that infect society and I wish I could have been there to feel it. To see if it felt like everyone believed there was a haunting in Amityville or not. If you don't know the story you can look it up but it's been pretty thoroughly debunked over the years, though of course there are still true believers, but it was a best selling book that lead to a massive hit movie that has lead to an official movie franchise and an unofficial one that has spawned combined hundreds of movies. You think I am exaggerating but I promise you I am not. Since Amityville is a real place as long as you don't call it the Amityville Horror anyone can make a movie and put Amityville in front of it and suddenly you have a movie sure to make money on streaming. It's how you get things ranging from Amityville Island and Amityville Vampire to Amityville Dollhouse and Amityville in Space. Anyway, I didn't come here to talk about Amityville but rather how I didn't watch it Friday night. But it put it in my head so I finally did watch it again, it's a not very good movie but one that has always been part of my life because it was just… always sort of there as a kid. On TV a lot, someone always had a VHS copy recorded off of cable somewhere. So I have seen it many times and the bright spot has always been Margot Kidder because she's the bright spot in a whole lot of movies. She has this moxie and charm about her that comes out in a very specific 70's Liberated Lady way that you don't see anymore. It's so era specific, a backbone and some spunk mixed with a world weariness and the fact that she has seen more than you have. It's why she was a pitch perfect Lois Lane but she is also in a few horror movies and one of them I deeply love she is the best part in, which is high praise cause Black Christmas is awesome. Anyway, I feel like I was intellectually aware she must be an attractive woman cause she's in movies and stuff but she was first and foremost Lois Lane to me as a kid and I couldn't sexualize Lois Lane. Guys, it turns out I can sexualize Kathleen Lutz. I dunno what it is, 4k resolution, getting older, some third thing you can feel free to tell me about in the comments below but man, she is gorgeous. Just so absolutely beautiful and I felt a little dumb that I hadn't fully registered this. Like I knew but I was embarrassed for my loins that they hadn't done their job and made me lust after her previously. They usually don't drop the ball like this. Anyway, in ultra high def I am here to tell you her face is a marvel. And you pair that with the sort of verve Margot Kidder always brings to the screen and I was smitten. To the point I was like, "Did anyone else notice how hot she is in this movie?" Guys, they did. My favorite review I found online was from a woman that said, "You'd think this movie would make me wary of ouija but now we're digging up the board to ask Margot Kidder to be our third". I get it. Today I want to fuck Margot Kidder.
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writing-with-gremworm · 6 months
A Bothersome Herbivore
I'm not sure when it happened, this tiny herbivore started clinging to me. It's hard to get a break since they follow me everywhere. When I nap, they nap beside me. When I eat, they follow along. Though, the latter is better than the time they slept so soundly I was able to leave them for a few days. When I went back to my normal napping spot they were sitting like a dejected mouse. They had teary little eyes, and their complexation was terrible.
I learned later that they slept through lunch, so they ended up just not eating the first day, and they refused to move during the weekend when I hadn't retuned yet. The worst part about it is they were so happy when I came back. They were like a stupid dog, so happy to cling to me again.
I let them be for a while. It wasn't really my problem, and they didn't actually bother me most of the time. They were surprisingly quiet.
"Why exactly do you follow around like a lost dog?"
"I dunno. I just like you. So, I stay with you, because you're safe."
It was weird. I shouldn't be safe for them. I'm just a lousy second prince with nothing in my future but disappointment. I am, and will always be, second best in the eyes of anyone else, so why is it that this creature clings to me? I still don't understand it.
The thing that irks me the most is that I started to worry about them. I woke up from a nap as usual, expecting them to be beside me. They weren't there. The little mouse had scurried off somewhere and that made me uneasy.
"This is bullshit."
I must have done so subconsciously, but I ended up looking around the places I usually went, expecting to find them there. I only found them when I returned to the greenhouse. They were sitting, waiting for me to come back.
"Leona!" They sounded so happy, their eyes lighting up as if the best person in the world was standing right in front of them.
"Ah." I had so many questions, but none of them mattered. 'Why did you wait? Where did you go? Are you okay?' They were here, so why did it matter?
We returned to routine. But one thing did change. I started leaning on them. I don't know if they noticed, they never mentioned it to me. This change ... felt necessary.
In time it felt stranger to be separate from them than to be near them. In a way, I guess I must have found them comforting too. So, it felt strange when one day, they started crying.
"What's with the tears?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.
"I don't know. I just- I." They sobbed quietly, sniffling and rubbing their eyes. They tried so hard to calm down, only to sob more. It hurt, hearing them quiet their sobs. I felt like I saw a bit of myself in them. Maybe that's why I spoke up.
"Don't force it, just sob okay?" It was a useless comment. They would probably cry for a while anyways. They did stop trying to choke back their sobs, though they kept sobbing quietly, as if they forgot how to cry loudly.
"I'm scared. I don't know if I want to go home or stay here. I feel unwanted either way. I don't know if anyone would miss me if I left, of if anyone in my world even realizes I'm gone. I'm terrified because it doesn't matter which world I choose. I'll be alone again in either world."
A beat.
Right, they needed to go home eventually. They weren't from this world. I forgot that somehow. Unlike Yuu, who was social, this one wasn't particularly close to anyone. Except maybe ... me.
"Oh? Aren't I right here? Do you think I'll forget you because you vanish for a little?"
"I-I ... I thought you were annoyed by me."
"Then why would I let you cling to me? I could have actively ignored you."
"But you ... you left me alone and I ..."
"So? People can change their minds. I'm not running from you anymore, so don't go running from me, okay?"
"Heh, hehehehe."
"Why are you laughing?"
"Sorry I just- I didn't expect you to say something like that. It's so sweet."
"Don't get used to it."
"Hehe, I know. I'm just ... Thank you."
"... It's fine."
Things were nice after that. We returned to routine.
Or, as close to routine as possible. I found myself gazing at them for longer than I intended. If they were still asleep when I was up, I would pick them up. If they were hungry, we'd eat early, or I'd get Ruggie to buy us snacks.
'Fuck.' I had fallen for them. It was confusing. They weren't particularly pretty, or smart, or even useful. Even so, I found them undeniably breathtaking. I couldn't look away from them.
It was juvenile, but I couldn't help but touch their hand. Just to feel their skin against mine. I wanted to kiss their forehead, to hold them in my arms, to claim them.
I'm no idiot. I know I'm handsome, I know my position, though lesser than my brother's, is coveted. I understand that being a member of royalty limits my options for love. Despite everything, I wanted them to stay with me. If nothing else, I just wanted to continue our days like this. The litte moments of warmth, their laughter, their joy. I wanted to bask in it.
When did my world stop being gray?
No, not my world. Just them.
It's still hard to justify waking up, to find a reason to move forward every day. But even still, I want to be selfish and be beside them. I wonder if this is what it means to feel safe with someone.
"I'm going to graduate this year. You've still got a few years left."
"... Yeah ..." They smile sadly.
"Come to me. When you finish. Find me, and I'll have a napping spot ready to share." It was a stupid promise. They might be blocked from my side. They might not even be able to understand me outside of school property.
But I think their smile was worth it.
"You've been sulking in that window every day, brother." A grating voice says, a smirk decorating the words.
"So what?" I glare, irritated by the interruption. I come to this window whenever I think about them. It seems like a spot they'd like. Or maybe they just liked me. Maybe after all this time they forgot me. It would be better that way. For them to forget me, they can live a different life, instead of being tied to the second prince.
"I was just worried. How can I not worry a little when you're my brother?"
"Piss off."
"Ah, I see you don't want company. Should I send your visitor away?" My ears twitch. It's rare I receive visitors. It's even rarer my 'perfect' brother bothers to tell me about them.
"A visitor? Haiz. I have enough sense not to turn visitors away." I shift, hopping down from the window ledge.
My heart is beating faster than I would like. It seems like my chest is going to burst at this rate. It will be disappointing if it's not them, so I shouldn't keep my hopes up.
"Leona?" A familiar voice chimes as I enter the room. They smile warmly at me and walk over, looking at me somewhat reluctantly.
"I'm surprised you actually came here." I hold out my hand. They take it carefully and I pull them into a hug, "Welcome home." I add with a whisper.
They tear up, hugging me tightly.
"Yeah, I'm home." They mutter. They feel warm in my arms. They feel like the keystone of an arch, holding me together despite being so small.
'So, I still love you.' I think to myself, closing my eyes and forcing myself not to do too much. I want to give them soft kisses, I want to whisk them to my room and cuddle with them. I want to tell them how much I love them. But the words don't leave my throat. I can't love them, not as a royal.
"Well, isn't this a nice reunion." That ruined it.
"And you're still here because? This is my guest. I thought you'd leave." I hiss, glaring at my brother.
"There's no need to be hostile. I'm just surprised you have someone close to you."
"Oh? Thanks, I didn't realize I needed to tell you these things."
"I'm not chastising you, I'm glad. Really. Ah, I should probably introduce myself to your lover."
"Are you two not? Ah, I'm sorry for misunderstanding." He doesn't sound even slightly apologetic.
"I-It's fine."
"... This is my brother. That's it, don't worry about getting close to him."
"Oh- okay." They smile sadly.
"Well this does complicate things a little. I had just convinced the elders to let you have your lover join you here. But if they're not your lover, then I'll have to clear that up."
"That won't be necessary. It'll be more convenient if everyone assumes we're lovers anyways." 'Though I'm not particularly fond of receiving help from you, I won't turn it away when it benefits me.'
"S-So then- Do I- have to pretend to be your lover?" They seem surprised, their face flushed a bit. It's cute. It makes me want to lick their cheeks and nibble on their ear.
"No, just act like before. Us spending so much time together will get the point across."
"Oh! Okay." They nod, seeming perhaps a little disappointed.
"Last time we spoke, I promised to have a napping spot pick out for us. I think I found one. Though, you'll have to sit on my lap if you want to lean on me." The window ledge wasn't wide enough to sit side by side unless you laid against the window.
'This spot is chosen partially out of my selfishness. If nothing else, then I can hold you tightly. Not that you need to know my reasoning.'
"That's okay. If you're okay with it, I mean. I've always kind of wanted to hug you when napping." They admit wanting to cuddle closer.
'I wonder.'
I pick them up, cupping their rear as they cling to me. They seem a bit surprised.
"W-We could just walk there-"
"We are walking there. What? Did you never wonder how I carried you before?"
"I never thought about it- This is embarrassing. I could just walk with you."
"Hm, no. You clung to me this long, cling to me more, won't you?"
"Leona." They whine.
I can't help but chuckle a little. This was warm. It felt nicer than just remembering them.
"Hey, do you love me?"
"What? I mean- yes. You're the closest person I have."
"I mean, romantically, sexually. How, do you love me?"
"T-This is very sudden- and I don't know how to answer- aah."
"That's fine. We've got plenty of time." I sit down, letting them situate themselves on my lap as we sit by the window. I wrap my arms around their waist, and rest on my chin on their shoulder.
"You're more affectionate than I remember."
"Well, I have to make up for the missed nap time cuddles somehow, right?"
"What? Hah, hahaha. Sure, let's go with that. Leona. I missed you."
"Yeah ... me too."
"I never thought you'd admit it ... so ... the question."
"Do you love me?"
"Yeah, that one ... was it, because you love me?"
"W-wait really? Um! How so?"
"Hm, I'll tell you after you tell me. I did ask first."
"Hahaha, okay, that's fair." They lean into me, resting against my chest, relaxing in my arms. We sit there for a while, just enjoying each other's company. It doesn't really matter how they answer. We'll stay beside each other anyways. I can tell that much. They wouldn't have found me if they didn't intend to stay.
"Hey ... Leona ..."
They turn their head and move so their mouth is close to my ear before whispering their answer. Perhaps embarrassed, or worried that telling me loudly would hurt me. Regardless, the action was cute.
"I'm not sure. I've never felt anything like this before. I've never had the chance. So, I may not get it right the first time. I don't know what type of love this is."
"Okay, then let's figure it out together." I've waited this long, waiting a little longer should be fine. Besides, I'm with them now, so that is enough.
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punsmaster69 · 11 months
at some ungodly hour, i woke up on the couch, papyrus sitting beside me.
i tried to get to the kitchen and snag something from the fridge without waking him, but he hopped up the second i set foot in the kitchen.
"...'sup, paps. sorry to wake you."
"i'm good. pretty hungry, though."
"they're gone?"
closed, open.
open, closed.
"..literally knocked my lights out, huh? weird."
"vision's the same."
in the light of the fridge, i could see him anxiously fidgeting.
"i feel fine, so you should go back to sleep."
"just gonna eat and then.."
"..well. can't say i'm very tired anymore, so i guess i'll just hang out. watch tv or something."
"ok. you want me to grab you anything while i'm here?"
he shook his head.
paps quietly observed me the whole time, but i don't know what for.
kept opening his phone, typing to someone.
"who else is up at this hour to be responding to you?"
"wanna see if she wants to hang out too? that way we can all be nighttime losers together."
"Wh-why are your eyes off?!"
"dunno. woke up with 'em stuck."
"Hi, Papyrus."
they exchanged a series of looks whose meanings were lost on me.
"..so whenever you're done with the staring contest, there's blankets here for you, alphys.
"Oh- um, yeah. S-sorry. Thanks, Sans."
"This is show is (very) fake, Papyrus."
"what, you don't believe in aliens?"
"I do! What I 𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 believe is that they'd visit Earth to draw circles in farmland and steal cows."
"Totally ridiculous."
"maybe they wanna make their own farm."
"But why the crop circles?"
"i'm not one to judge someone's artistic medium."
"What meaning do those hold??"
"that's crazy talk."
"I guess that could be true."
"Still, weird place for it."
"maybe they buried treasure."
"All of this is crazy to begin with."
tori called me, hearing from papyrus that i was awake now.
we got off-topic quickly.
"i think my shirt has a hole in it."
"Would you like for me to lend you another one?"
"...i'll just sew it at some point."
"Hehe, okay. If you say so."
"What a shame, I was looking forward to finding the most embarrassing thing in my closet for you."
"the previous time was intentional?"
"..No! I do not know why you would ever think that."
"i feel less bad about that skeleton-hand shirt, now."
"What a shame it is for you, that I like it so much."
"I have been wearing it to bed as pajamas, since it is not quite appropriate for my little ones to see."
"probably for the best."
if flowey saw it.. my cause of death might suddenly change from 'unknown illness' to 'botany accident'.
"You are sounding a lot less drained today."
"Are you feeling better now?"
"yeah, way better."
"I am glad to hear that."
"Is your eye feeling better, as well?"
"they, uh, don't hurt, anymore...?"
"But, something is different?"
"nah. they're all good."
"If they are 'all good' as you say, you would not mind turning on your camera, would you?"
i stared at the enable camera button on my phone.
it stared back.
"totally bones out-"
"ribs in the open air-"
"You mentioned your shirt a mere moment ago."
"So unless simply talking to me over the phone was enough to make you strip..."
"Please show me your eyes."
damn it.
"...Please, uncover the camera."
"it's not covered. must be broken."
the disappointment was loud. i slid my finger off the camera.
"this doesn't hurt, at all."
"my sight still works, and-"
"Does that not hinder your ability to express emotion?"
"like i did much of that."
"Sans, a monster's ability to express themselves is one of the most important things they could lose."
"they'll come back. i'll survive without 'em for a while."
"Have you tried doing it manually?"
"Can you use magic to return your pupils?"
"Please, just try."
had a slight ache in my skull before, but it felt like it got a little better all of a sudden.
"Without your pupils, you have quite the threatening energy about you."
"oh. ..yeah."
"It is nice to see your expressions again!"
"guess i'll keep doing this, then."
"There is nothing else I should be concerned about, is there?"
"that's it."
"It is easier to tell whether you are being truthful or not!"
"nevermind. i'm turning 'em off."
"Do not!"
"don't need an automatic lie detector on my face."
"It is so nice to see you look my way."
"..if you turned on your camera, i'd have more to look at."
".....Then, give me just a moment."
after about a minute, she returned.
"I apologize. I had to find some pants."
"no worries."
tori turned on her camera.
i waited in anticipation as it loaded.
her fur was slightly ruffled, which she also said sorry for.
"I hope you do not mind too much."
"not- not at all. it's cu-"
"uh, looks. looks good."
"You are also looking good, for a skeleton sitting in bed right now."
"thanks. guess that's why they call it beauty sleep."
"It must be!"
she stared at me intently, as if trying to memorize my features.
"you're not gonna forget me that quickly, right?"
"Forgetting you would not be easy. I simply wish to have your image as fresh as possible in my mind."
"..You cannot stare back!"
"why not?"
"I am appreciating your candid face."
"...it's hard to stay that way when you're looking at me like that."
tori leaned even closer to the phone.
i covered the camera.
"I suppose I should go back to sleep now, anyway."
"Good night, Sans."
"goodnight, tori."
"I care for you very much. Please be safe."
"i ..care for you, too."
i stared at the blank phone screen for a while, replaying the call in my mind.
my soul felt like it was gonna jump out of my chest.
eventually gathering myself, i reentered the living room to join papyrus and alphys.
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"You don't know my name, do you? Will you ever?"
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Summery: beomgyu keeps his promises--he walks you from and sometimes to work, hangs out there with you. its all very comfortable and usual for the both of you. he even orders the same thing every time he comes in: your wonderful hot chocolate you make him. noting is new, its all been done before a thousand times between the two of you. why? you and Beomgyu have been friends for ever. that's great. You and him have also become a sort of... intertwined. more than just being together; youve grown together. also great. but what happens when you do something out of the ordinary? or rather, maybe the two of you stop keeping your promises and let the feelings youve pushed down so hard you feel like youre about to combust bubble up? also great.
a/n: long hair gyuuuuuu based on 'you don’t know my name'!!!!! its one of my favorite (if not my singular favorite) song by her. and besides... come on y'all, its beomgyu so I had to lol. yerin and I talked about this during he 300 subs special (even though SHE doesn't seem to remember it lmao) so here I am holding up my end of the deal and making my fic based on this song. if you liked it please leave some love such as commenting and or reblogging!
warnings/info: slow burn I guess, kissing, reader and Beomgyu go to a party, mentions of people fucking, Beomgyu gets in an extremely heated argument with a complete stranger at said party, I feel like I ranted a bit too much with the fic, a little poem-ish at times I think, reader and gyu are scared to go into uncharted territory with thier friendship, lots and lots and lots of talk of reader and beomgyu needing to control themselves around each other, cursing, beomgyu being sweet and them slow dancing cause that's a warning in itself, one joke about beomgyu and reader fucking? idk its not said explicitly tho this was way too self indulgent I apologize, friends to lovers, reader is gn.
~this is simply a piece of fiction. my imagination onto "paper." this is in now way meant to be taken as an actual or real representation of anyone~
A sharp, wind chime sounding ping makes you spring out of your thoughts to look at the door. Your smile. Huh right on the dot. Your eyes are met with the handsome fetures of your most frequent customer: beomgyu. Hair touching the nape of his neck and eyes bright as ever despite the mugginess outside. though its not all bad-- it makes him remember how one time last winter on your usual walk-from-your-work-with-him, he had stood behind you and wrapped you in his coat, bringing you flush with his clothed chest. it was oversized on him and noting, he thinks, could have prepared him for how you melted into him.
you noticed his wandering eyes and raise you voice to snap him out of it.
“why do you look like that?” you ask. it’s slow at work right now and you say that because you don’t want him to notice your heart pounding. You know if you don’t distract him he’ll do so. He pays enough attention and knows you all too well to hide it. “oh I dunno I just went for a run. No! It’s because it’s raining buckets out there!” “Yeah YOU running? That didn’t sound right” his mouth hangs open a little "um excuse you." he puffs his chest out. "I-I run." the way he's shaking his head while speaking gives him away if you already didn't know him so well. maybe a little too well. but, you tried not to think about that too much. how you
“I’ll have the hot chocolate” he says, although you know what would fall out of his lips just the Same as last time, and the time before that. And many roles before. You know how he likes it (extra sweet. “Just like you” he says. Before you squeeze you nose) but seriously you don’t think you’ve ever known someone who liked such a sugary thing. It nearly tasting like straight candy
“not many people order hot chocolate in the summer. You sure you want that?” “Yeah, it’s a comforting drink ya know.” Something he always used to drink as a kid. Before he met you. Before he didn’t have to watch what he said around someone like you because of half giddy and half eyes to the floor bashfulness he’ll feel if he slips up and gets a little too flirty. Says something a little too strong to you. Not that you’d mind. No, not at all. But he doesn’t need to know you feel that way.
"Yeah but with everything?" you ask, still making it but wondering anyways. He leans further in, putting his hands on the table. "How come you're just asking me this now? we've been doing this for such a long time and now is when it pops into your mind that it's weird to have it with breakfast, lunch, and dinner?" you roll your eyes at him. but really, you weren't annoyed at all. the truth was you awaited the never-the-same times he'd come in and order that same, warm and comforting drink. (it depend on his classes, and or what he had to do inbetween) It had gotten on the point where one of the other workers there would tap your shoulder and let you know that he was there when you didn't notice.
"your guy is here." one of the workers there would tell you. In a moment of weakness, beomgyu would pop into your mind and your eyes would go wide as you looked for him. "he's not my guy." you'd try and cover your tracks but with the knowing smile on your work friends face as they walked away, you knew it wasn't any use.
"we've been doing this forever." his words rung in your ears. he was right. you had been. you'd both been seeing each other so much and resisting the bubbling urge to kiss the shit out of each other. You'd been inching dangerously close to him, but never as close as you really wanted and craved, the warmth of his heart ghosting your skin... forever. he'd been avoiding your gaze-- the one that made him feel like all the four seasons were swirling up inside him and somehow all their wonder landing in you, seeping out in all the little things you did... forever. To be honestly, neither of you knew how long you could keep this up.
but here you are, thinking of and loving noting more than seeing his eyes fill with excitement as you hand him the mug. he cups it with both his hands even though it isn't cold inside so it wasn't like he needed to warm his hands. "You know, you should just keep your own mug here." you comment. he looks up at you, about to take a sip and obviously not very happy you interrupted his almost-bliss. though, in his mind, it wasn't that different-- no, it could not compare to the feeling he got around you. "Or maybe I should just bring one with me." he jokes, lips pursing to blow the steam off the surface of the delicious smelling drink. "Yeah," you nod, "and bring a plate while you're at it-- you know what," you lean on the counter in front of him, knuckles going under your chin and fingertips folded enough to touch the beginning of your palm. And he'd rather not look at you through the fog emanating from the porcelain mug so he puts it down, leaning in for dramatic effect. "Better yet, take it with you when you leave so I don't have to wash it!" you eyes go wide and you throw your hands up like you just had the best idea of the century-- better than sliced bread.
he puts a hand to his chest, leans back with his mouth hung wide open, and then gets up with his hands to his head pulling at his hair like he just had an epiphany. you laugh freely as he walks around in a circle. once he's back at the counter he slams his hands down on the edge of it and looks all serious. "You've got it, y/n! this is gonna make history!" he exclaims. You take a bow just for kicks and when you come back up his expression has suddenly changed. its gone much... softer, a smile is tugging at his lips and he can't help it but to let it free once he sees your smiling face again... smiling because of him, too. because of the joy you two make together. its unmatched, really. His fingertips feel flushed like his face, and aren't holding on so tightly to the cold metal edge of the counter. he's leaning in now, for what reason he doesn't really know. damn, he wants and fucking needs to be closer to you. he feels it in his core.
Then, he makes the mistake of looking into your eyes and in an instant you send him on a whirlwind. usually he distracts himself and looks at something else but he just couldn't bring himself to this time. He wants to set up an easel and capture your entire expression right here but your eyes... your eyes he's sure made his plan he's trying to stick to of not getting caught in your gaze. or, better yet, not getting caught gazing at you. but, for someone he knows so well and for so long, it wasn't easy. because, every time you speak, every time he looks at you, every time he even thinks of you, his mind starts to cloud with all the goodness he sees inside you. every inch of your mind he knows and all the other filled up spaced he wants to adventure into.
How could he stop his mind from getting tied up in the wonder of a human that was you? He sure couldn't, and nobody in their right mind would be able to. He snaps himself out of his thinking before you can think to do it yourself. Lord knows if you caught him spacing out at a time like this you'd give him one of your infamous smacks on the ears and he'd shriek so loud out of surprise people outside would hear him. "You're making me waste valuable time on drinking this." he chuckled, holding a finger up to you to signal: one minute, as he takes a few big gulps. he puts the cup down and leans back.
"one of your best, y/n." he complements.
you raise an eyebrow. "Oh? so there's a hierarchy and competition for best of y/ns hot chocolate now? if I would've known I would've made it look all cute." you said, getting back to work behind the counter. the place was pretty dead at the moment but there was still a few things needing tone done. "Come to think of it, I should deduct points for not putting a cinnamon heart on the surface." he wonders aloud. "Oh so just a heart would suffice? noting else?" you ask him. "well why not?" he nearly giggles, "Thought you loved me." You simply smile and roll your eyes at him, not really having the opurtunity to have any type of conversation like that here. although you wanted to. and it didn't really have to go the way you intended it. but if he-- or the both of you for that matter, were gonna go there, then you might as well and a full on sit down talk about it. again not that you didn't want to at all-- in fact, you'd thought about how it'd go down plenty more times then truly necessary. And what better place to have it in than where you two had met?
maybe it was just you making excuses for yourself; for putting it off just one more day. one more week. one more month. or basically one more eternity of longing stares and cut of sentences where, you wanna say more but ultimately fail to. the conversation now seemingly over, he shrugs and finishes his drink.
He stays and orders another extra extra sweet, practically caffeinated, slap you in the face to jolt you into operating at top speed crack drink that was his or your signature hot chocolate. this is a habit of his-- one he'd likely have to break soon if this floating feeling of his keeps up and un-in check. but a habit the both of you cherish-- where he comes in and stays until you have to leave. most of the time you don't even get to talk much. but the comfort that comes right along with your presence around each other makes up for it. thats another habit with the two of you: just being in the same room and doing different things. it was pure comfort just being around each other. maybe looking over and smiling at the other or striking up a conversation that could last a minute or the rest of time he was there or in other situations, the rest of time you'd were together-- however long you both wanted it, really. and it was never awkward, either. the silence never aching.
that's how it was when you first started walking back to your respective places after your shift. another habit of his, one you hope, along with the others, would never die. him staying for a while, talking a bit... or a lot with you, then walking together. usually it was him walking you home but others it'd just be whatever you two wanted that day. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his acid washed jeans when you look over at him.
"Did you grow or something?" you question.
"maybe you shrunk, hm?" he countered.
you narrowed your eyes at him. he turns to you and does the same. "Very adult of you." You scoff. "You started--" then, realizing that continuing to say was he was going to wasn't going to help his case in the slightest. It barely falls silent for a second before he, in a moment of either weakness or some extreme courage he doesnt know, he slows down a little, gently puts his hands onto your waist, finger finding place scrunched in your shirt, and stills you. though, with the rapid beating of your heart you didn't need any help to do so. He gently moves you to the inside of the sidewalk. he doesn't know why. it's kinda stupid really. he doesn't even have a reason expect that's how you two are usually walking. but it isn't ever really intentional. Usually he just gets out the door of the diner first and you follow soon after. but he liked it that way. it felt warm and comfortable.
he clears his throat. "So, you were saying?" you look back up at him, not too stunned to speak or anything just....thinking. time still in its frozen capsule like it was a moment ago with his hands on your waist. "I feel like you've grown." you say simply, verbally shrugging. he takes a look at his own arms as if that would give him an idea as to what you're talking about. "I know you haven't but," you sigh, unsure of where you're even going with this, "I dunno you seem different." the both of you are still facing forward, not having looked at each other since a minute ago. "Is that a good thing or a bed thing?" You smile. "good. definitely good." "that's good that it's good." he laughs.
"oh piss off!" You chuckle at him, shaking you head. a second later you don't hear his steps anymore and turn around to see him saying "gladly." and start to walk in the other direction. You yell at him to get his ass back here and he turns on his heel, trotting back to you with a smile on his face, eyes hidden by his hair as he looks down. "But yeah," you say once he's back to walking beside you, "You've defiantly grown. not in height, but how you are as a person now." he hums. "I guess I can see that. you have too, you know?" you quirk and eyebrow.
"like--" he takes a breath, "You've grown... not like you act completely different now, but you've just--" you get what he's trying to say. "Blossomed?" He nods, but before he can start talking again you're already opening your mouth. "So have you. Not like you weren't someone I wanted to spend a lot of time with when were first met but you've grown into this person who-who has so much depth to them. like sure, you look a little different and youve changed your hair countless times, but I think you've bloomed in a way. And I love that you have; that you've made yourself out to be who you are right now." he purses his lips together.
"hey, it's not all me, ya know? Ive only been able to grow the way you said I have because I've got you by my side. actually, no, more than that, I've got you coaching me and trying to help. And have you taken a look In the mirror? its not just me that's grown internally since we've both met. I feel like... You're more you know than you were before. or at least not as afraid to show who you are." "that's cause I have you cheering me on, beom." he smiles at the nickname, something you've had for him forever. just like how you've been learning each other inside and out forever. But he also smiles at himself. he was your personal hype man, as you'd say, wasn't he? "And im really proud of you for flourishing like you have." he says. "Im proud of us." you counter, "for both becoming more than we were before."
all that was missing was two glasses to toast. "Yeah, and we're achieving that together, too. we have been forever. and I know that's why its unfolding so beautifully-- it takes the two of us to pull something so great off like that." you try not to get all fluttery inside by the prospect of him thinking that you're "great." cause there isn't much to it, really. plain and simple. he thinks you're great... or the journey youve taken with him so far is great or whatever... it should stop there for you. but that's the thing: with him, it never does.
It kinda hits the both of you right in the face at that moment. and you realize all you need to know about how the other person feels the same way when your caught looking at each other and saying more or less the same thing of: "wow, I think our lives are intwined now and I love that."
as the minutes go on, you both talk about some of the ways youve seen this with each other-- growing internally as youve both said. You bring up something, then him, it goes on like this until you both have a realization. "...But seriously, though." you cause, "Im glad that we're like this." "Im happy we can be like this too. and to be honest, I don't just want to be a better person, I wanna be a better person with you." he quickly cocks his head to the side, almost like he was punctuating his sentence. "I was just about to say that! I like growing with you. it's amazing. and you make me want to be better. not in a competitive way though. I just wanna move along with life with you next to me."
He puts a hand to his chest, hopping it would distract him from how fast his heart was beating. It had the opposite affect, though, drawing his attention to it under his palm. "Im glad youve been in my life for so long." he says, wondering jut how far he was going to take all this confessing how wonderful it was to have you by his side. wouldn't this make more of an impact on he both of you than just making you smile? or was he making it more than it was? he probably was to be honest; friends tell each other how much they value each other all the time. just... probably the ones who's heart feels like its about to lift him up and fly him away to the moon, stay away from it.
"And I am glad we're in each others lives to often that we can brighten each others days whenever the other needs it." he nods in agreement, not trusting himself to talk more because he'll surely say all that he thinks of you... and us. the rest of the walk is spent back in the comfortable, fireplace like silence like the first couple minutes of it. Once you get to your front door and your back is turned, he draws in a breath. "It is wonderful to have you in my life, y/n. I don't think you can understand how great it is and how much I love it." you're about to swing open your door but you turn around to look in the eye. "Me too. I love how it feels to have you by my side." you really wish you had something more to say but it seems like its enough for him. cause a second later and he's nearly skipping away from your door. You shake you head at him and go inside.
He scratches the back of his neck, thinking entirely too much about what you had said to him. There was a thousand ways you could have meant hit but for some reason he only wanted to think of it as one. the one where you actually secretly wanted to kiss him every time you hugged goodbye. One where you'd invite him into your place for hot chocolate and he'd stay, and long, long while; only really going back to his home for clothes cause fuck, if he had you like that he wouldn't dream of letting you go or leaving you for as long as he could.
God, It was almost uncanny how, you knew what to call him, but his name? that was something else entirely it felt like now.HIs own name had come to be you. that was how much you were written on his heart; written like law on stone. so engraved in his mind that he felt like you were with him all his life... except with this it was more like someone who knew him his entire life but suddenly stoped paying attention for a very important mile marker, then suddenly started up paying attention again, completely glossing over something that was so important to him. Like his name: but now youve replaced it with your own an the wasn't mad about it. and you didn't know, did you? would you ever know his name?
and, in the middle of all his swirling like a hurricane that brought peace instead of distruction, he wondered if you were ever feeling the same thing. did you think of him the way he thought of you?
He knew everything about you, as did you, he, you thought as you slipped off your shoes at the door. But you figured that, since friends need to be honest as much as they can, that wasn't entirely true. cute there was this one, not so small thing youve never shared with him. something that was such a big part of you it might as well be your name. The way you felt when he was near, when you thought of him, fuck, even when someone mentioned him. at this point, him-- and feeling this was about him was such a bug thing that it had become a part of you. he had become a part of you. and just like a name it was something you wanted and needed to tell the whole world. including him.
but there was the problem, you couldn't just scream it out for everyone to hear. that's why youve been waiting. Even though it was takin g a long time for him to figure out that big giant part of you that thad become as second nature as a name. Beomgyu was smart, but apparently he was stupid when it came to this. but seriously, with all the slip ups youve been having recently, you're starting to wonder if he's deliberately not understanding you and your feelings. Like is he that dense or does he just not want you?
You shoot him a message none the less; telling him to text when he got home unless you'll start to worry.
The next time you talk was on the phone on your way to work. He likes to walk you there, too. but today just happened to be one of those days where it couldn't happen. But you missed his presence on the street that reminded you of the talk you had yesterday so the next best thing was to call him. "Hey, it's the server from the diner." You say. "yeah, I know." It was a throwback to when he'd given his number to the place so he could get a free delivery. Though he was hoping you'd pick up on it and call him. and you did. you were the one who had to call to let him know his order had arrived and was currently getting cold outside his door. you had ended the call with him apologizing profusely.
One thing lead to another and you made a follow up call on how the food tasted. you heard him smiling from the other end of the phone as he says, "great as always." You barely thought he would even pick up so you didn't know what to say after that. "especially the hot chocolate." he aded then. And now you're the one smiling uncontrollably. After a few minutes on the phone that day your heart is leaping with excitement. so the next time he comes in, you talk with each other more freely. and now you had his number so when he doesn't come in for a few days you remembered mustering up the courage to text him. "I really wanted to come over there. hot chocolate would probably help cure whatever I have." you felt stupid. duh of course he was just sick, why were you so worried?
within the hour, hot chocolate was delivered to his door free of cost.
and that's when the friendship began; with him texting you an entire paragraph just to say thanks for the gesture and you two talking back and forth, heart seemingly on the edge of its seat, about hot chocolate and hot drinks in general.
"You know... our manager is always telling us to use water," you repeat now what you said all that time ago, "But I always use milk and cream for you." He's snapped back to the present, with you on the other end of the phone, wind whipping in the mic. "aww you really do care, don't cha?" he laughs, smug smile gracing his lips.he can practically hear you roll your eyes from the other end of the phone. "your welcome." you drawled. "I sincerely thank you for your sacrifice of cream and milk." he said, and it sounds like a joke, but still he's smiling in gratitude none the less. youre about to joke about how he needs to repay you... somehow. but he beats you to it. though... with the way he starts off, it doesn't sound like fully a joke. but just enough of one where he knows you'll listen.
"And as a formal expression of my forever debt to you, I invite you to attend a party with me." You figured you'd play along, his tone not serious enough for you to spend the brain power to actually think of an answer. "yeah, sure, Beom." It was about as real to you as the both of you staying completely quiet during a movie so you played along. at least, you thought you were playing. beomgyu puts his speaker of his phone up to his mouth, nearly making your ears bleed as he yells into it: "no take backs!" then promptly hangs up.
you roll your eyes at him, a little concerned for future you and him but cracking up none the less. The surprised expression on your face when he comes by later to quote "take the both of you shopping for the party the next day." was so priceless he wished he had whipped out his phone quick enough. "I keep my promises." he reminds you as he sits down at his usual bar stool. And he sure does, like the one he's been keeping, weighing on his heart for so long he feels like its going to crack it n a million pieces impossible to pick up, about just how much he feels for you. he made that promise to you to stick by you as friends for as long as you'd have him there long enough to be forgotten. but now him. he remembers it like it was yesterday and he intends to keep his word, especially to you. who knows which way it would take you if he didn't. and the last thing he needs is for you two to be torn apart.
he slumps on the counter and gives you puppy dog eyes. you sigh "No one told me you were serious. that was coercion; I did not understand the phrasing of the question, therefore--" oh, you wanted court of law? he'd give you court of law. "uh uh" he wriggles his finger in your face. "was this under a false pretense? maybe. but did that initially give you the right to call back and or ask further questions? yes. so for that reason youre guilty!" he slams an imaginary gavel down on the white counter. you turn around to take a breath. he kicks his feat. "come on, y/n! I think it'll be fun. and if not then we'll leave right away and go to my place to watch tv. and we'll get a cute outfit out of it either way!" you think about it for a moment. "I need deodorant anyways!"
well it is important not to have a stench.....
he can tell youre thinking about it and he perks up at the sight of your wheels turning behind your eyes. it was one of this favorite things-- watching you think, weigh your options and all. It wasn't like you completely didn't want to go. there was a part of you, one that was soon going to get bigger youre sure. but a part of you right now none the less. so what was stopping you? you wanted to be close to him. you loved being close to him and that meant doing things together. but in an environment like this.... it might pose a problem to lips kept tightly shut and secrets you held behind your back.
You take one last look at him, and if it's a regular response between friends or in a slip up you don't know, but you agree. he nearly jumps up out of his seat in celebration. Why did he suggest this? who knows. was this a good idea? who. the fuck. knows. maybe because he wanted to do something with you. but it was probably something more than that it the back of his mind that made him call you and ask. but he knows full well what almost happened the last time you two went to a party together. a bunch of "aww youre so cute together!" made it seem all a little too real after a while and as the night went on with him eventually stopping himself from telling the truth to these people and him getting seemingly eaten from the inside when he stopped just reviling in the fantasy and remembered that no, youre not together. The night ended somehow with you two coming dangerously close to kissing.
maybe he really just wanted to spend time with you; a sort of do-over. he could control himself this time. or maybe that's what it was... he wanted to test the waters again-- challenge himself and see if he really could have self control. or maybe, just maybe, in the back of his mind he wanted to test the waters another way. maybe he wanted to know if it'd happen again. of course he wouldn't do anything about it; he wanted to keep his promise to you but something felt like it was knocking at the back of his mind.
once your shift is done, he's got a spring in his step as he opens the door for the both of you and bouncing on his heels with a smile on his face telling you to hurry up. and no, you don't just go shopping for deodorant... but instead spend two full hours shopping around. two full hours that consisted of trying on clothes and the both of you having to bite your tongues. because fucking hell, why'd he have to have such a good style? you perk up as he steps out the dressing room for the third time, already preparing yourself for you heart seemingly about to beat out of your chest. "what do you think?" "I think..." his face sinks.... "oh--" he pouts, "no no! it looks great! its just, its white."
he quirks and eyebrow at you. "I have eyes, ya know? I did pick it out." he reminds you, nose and mouth scrunching up in that classic Beomgyu disgusted face. "spillage." you simply say. his eyebrows got up into his hairline. "youre right." the next out fit he comes out with, a little more spillage proof, is what he decides on. he takes another look in the mirror, sighing. "you really think it looks good?" he questions. "I have eyes, ya know?" you echo him. he spins around into the dressing room, away from you as quickly as possible so you didn't have to see the smile on his face and the rosy tint to his cheeks.
When it comes to you and picking out your outfits, while youre walking ahead of him to the dressing rooms, he closes his eyes, leaning his head against the wall so he can think for a moment. or... more stop himself form thinking so much than anything. he knows what he's getting himself into. but How you reacted each time he'd first appear out the dressing rooms door with that wistful glassy look in your eyes, almost like you yourself were trying to stop your gears turning.... Times like that gave him hope that maybe yeah, you felt the same way about him as he did you. because just for a short moment he saw the same look in his eyes that they had on him now; trying so hard to stop thinking about you. you, you, you, you.
"I think a round of applause is in order!" you say.-- twenty minutes in. twenty minutes of him bouncing his leg. twenty minutes of you hiding the way his complements make you feel. twenty minutes of the second you shut the door behind you him screaming internally into his palms and twenty minutes of you doing the same. he smiles at you when you come out. "I know. we have good taste." his cheeks seem to be nearly kissing at his lashes as he smiles and he's driving you crazy. "We do, don't we?" you take another look in the mirror.
"You really think it's--" Youre starting to stress over if the outfit really is worth the buy. you like it a lot. but now youre starting to wonder if its a little too little here or too much there and-- "I have eyes, don't I?" he repeats, you turn around and lock eyes with him for just a second too long not to do anything to the both of your heart rates.
fast forward to the next night and youre swinging your door open to see him turned the other way. he spins around as soon as he hears the door. You press your lips together and he unconsciously mimics you. "you look really beautiful!" he beams. he's just being your personal hype man as always, and youre not afraid to say that you love it. "Aw you look really beautiful too."
the words slipped past both of your lips like water through fingers. though, unlike water, the words were thick, with feelings long left in the dark hiding behind them. "Oh? so just beautiful? not really--" You step out toward him, closing the door behind you, making you step just a little bit too close to him than usual. "really really beautiful." you clarified. and this time, he doesn't move his head. "thank you." he whispers, voice softer than his hair. and the both of you are unable to move from your doorstep-- frozen in time and space, with the only thing moving being your rapid heart beats and rising chests.
he looks at you beside him and can feel your gears turning inside your head, a sight he so badly wants to get lost in but knows he can't. realizing it'd be bad enough with the gorgeous outfit you were wearing and how he was sure at least someone was going to try and hit on you... he'd rather not start getting himself tangled with you now. but he can't seem to move his neck any other way than craned to his left to look at you.
its was just.... as much as he wants an needs to kiss you so badly.... your so Important to him, he thinks as he lags behind a bit, watching you walk ahead. and your friendship is so important to him that they never want to break it, even if that meant shutting his mouth and staying further away, cause in the end that's really what he wanted: to be and stay friends with you. the reason he stayed never has been and never will be just about what he felt for you. your friendship will always be the most important thing to him and heeds never want to jeopardize that and loose you. he'd rather your friendship stay strong than anything.
Your turn around, beckoning him to come closer. he skips to you, so happy you don't know what to do with yourself. "You know--" "no, I don't. I was hoping you'd tell me." you scoff. "I was going to say that im glad you invited me. Im ready to go be extroverts together now and experience all the bad smells and all the loud noises a party has to offer." he laughs, but he knows youre half serious. and he's fully serious when he says he's happy you came.
the noise thumps in your ears, nearing making them ring. the lights are dimmer than you thought needed but it-- along with noise and people constantly bumping into each other, sufficed in making the atmosphere very party-like. cause well, it was a party after all. He follows you, both trying to scout out where the kitchen was. you'd planned to stick together, tighter than you did last time, tighter than when the both of you were bombarded with people asking you about each other, and stick together you did.
even when you two went upstairs, trying to find the bathroom, and stumbled upon a couple people fucking and practically biting each others faces off in the room you thought was the bathroom. Beomgyu shuts the door immediately, any longer and you'd both be traumatized. "get your own room!" you hear from behind the heavy door." He looks at you and you back at him before bursting into laughter. "I mean, did you want to orrrr?" you phrase it as a joke, and though he thinks he hears something in the back of your tone, he only rolls his eyes at you. though his brows go up higher than youve ever seen.
The second he's done in the bathroom you lead in downstairs to where the music was the loudest. "I heard it too." he pants, "I was trying to hurry up." you really couldn't believe they were playing this here. it was almost too perfect, you thought. with his body so close to yours, dancing and enjoying the song you both liked. And suddenly, it didn't feel like you were in a crowded room. and for a moment all you could see, and feel, and smell, was him. him and his fingers now reaching for yours, spinning you around, laughing without a care in the world. like it didnt matter that your heart was about to beat out of your chest, making you float on the floor you were dancing on.
Everyone else-- the entire room was blurred. It was just you, and him. him, and you. just as it should be. this didn't happen all the time-- rather, you didn't let it happen all the time. but when it did... you swore youve never felt anything so natural. so--so right and beautiful. You smile and ease him into a dip, now youre both laughing. when he comes up, somehow both his hands ended up in yours and now he's pulled flush against your body. he feels like you both are taking up so much and too little space at the same time--like the whole floor is yours and yours only. he swallows thickly, neither of you making a move to step away. you know it sounds stupid but for a second you can feel as life your hearts are beating as one. and for a seance he feels like maybe this is really real. that it won't end any second and that he isn't having another day dream about slow dancing with you in one of your living rooms; all comfy and--
"I have to go get some water." you say so low that only he hears over the music. you really shouldnt let it goony further than this. at least not here. and as much as you wanted to keep ignoring everyone around you cause with him, were they even there in the first place? you knew you shouldn't, couldn't keep it up for much longer cause being this close to him only made you wanna kiss the shit out of him. "y-youre not--" you look at the next to no gap between you still, hands still closes around each others tightly. you blink to free yourself from the perfect daze youre caught in. the song was barely even slow enough to slow dance to. what you you doing? "moving? I know." and before he could even ask if you to stay longer, youre already pushing yourself off his chest and out of his grasp.
"You sure you don't want me to just go with you?" he nearly stumbles after you. "beom, its just for a second." You whip around to face him, arms crossed defensibly. "but a lot can happen in a second." yeah, I can see that, you say to yourself, thinking about just a moment before where dancing to a song you both liked turned quickly into something that was going to make you stumble. beom, the name echoed in his mind over and over until it flowed into his heart where all the other times youve laughed or called him by that nickname laid. "listen I know youre just trying to uphold our agreement, but seriously, im fine."
he knows he's probably being too worried for you, but he just can't. epically after you'd done that. with your hands clasping his against his chest. god, he never wanted it to end. little did he know neither did you. you did actually need water, being so close to him like that had a track record of making your throat go dry and fingers go numb. it also had a track record of making you get lost in his glazed over eyes. you find a cup and rinse in out before anything cause who knew where its been. a moment later youre about to refill your cup when you hear the unmistakable sound of Beomgyus shriek. followed by someone yelling at him.
oh god what did he get himself into now?
You run to where you last saw him and, finding him not there you rush to where you saw a few people gathered by the stairs. those people who were now making way for beomgyu flying down them. someone hot with anger and hot on his tale. Your brows furrowed as he zooms past you. "im sorry!" you hear him say, "I probably shouldn't have gotten involved but it looked like a pretty heated argument!" oh god? that was what this was about? "Yah!" the person yells behind him. "that's why you shouldve stayed out of it!" then and Beomgyu are both on opposite ends of the sofa, both waiting for the other to make a move. when the person inches right, beomgyu tips to the left. when beomgyu goes the other way, the person follows his movements.
two of the three people move off the sofa to get out the way. god, he really was fucked, wasn't he? you didn't know what to do, really. you left for five minutes and here he was getting screamed profanities at by some random person. You wanted to help, but as beomgyu brings up to the person how the person they were talking with looked hurt, and how they themself looked hurt as well, you leaned against the door frame and just watched.
it was another one of these situations, huh? they didn't look mad enough to really do much of a number on him anyways, and youd step in to stop them any minute now if beomgyu doesn't leave the argument first. And step in a minute later after beomgyu and the person going back and forth tore you apart from the inside out to one, see him so worried like this, and two, hearing them yell next to you with the loud ass music was starting to make your ears bleed you didn't need to do after all. Beomgyu was backing up with his hands in front of him defensively. it didn't feel like you needed to collect him or keep him out of trouble or anything cause he was intentionally trying to start a fight, but you could tell no one was going to get anywhere with this. or at least beomgyu wasn't going to get what he was looking for from the person. So you figured it best to tell it that you two should leave. you grab him by the shoulders and lead him out the door. you were kinda done with the party anyways, having been there quite enough time already.
"im sorry! I ruined our night, didn't I?" he begs. "but they were saying some pretty shitty things about someone and it looked like it was about to turn physical." he practically pleads with you as the night air nips at whatever wasn't covered on you. you stay silent the whole way back to you place. "What have I told you?" you tell more than ask sternly once he's plopped down on his sofa. he hands his head low. "Not to get in the middle of other peoples problems..." he echoes what you say every time something like this happens-- he thinks he can be be everyones knight In shinning armor, protecter and helper to all by getting himself involved. it usually doesn't have such... strong repercussions. most of the time its when he hers whispers of someone talking about their troubles with someone else and he tries to console them. which is fine on its own, but then comes the part where he's getting all caught up in it and he's getting hurt along with them.
and as much as you are shaking your head and rolling your eyes at the situation he got himself into... you purse your lips and try not to catch his eyes from across the sofa. you lean back. "But im not surprised. And it's not because you never learn or that youre stupid or anything, ok? so don't even go there. but that's just who you are, how youve always been since I met you-- caring so much for people, even people you don't know that you'll end up like this trying to help them sometimes. that's one of the things about you that haven't changed one bit since I've met you." he inches closer as if you hear you better, legs folded criss cross on the cushions and hands on his knees.
"don't make me out to be such a hero." he shakes his head. and this time you move a little closer. "Not saying you are just," you pause, knowing what you want to say but wondering if this really was the right time for it. It felt right in your bones and besides when were you going to get another chance like this one? when just a bit ago his hands fit perfectly in yours and you could feel his raging heartbeat under your palms? It was now or never, right? but really, you werent too sure you'd be able to stop yourself now. you might've been in too deep, but with him, never over your head. "just, youre the kindest person ive ever met. n' I just worry you'll get hurt more than youve already gotten in the past-- like youve gotten in the past when you get invested like this."
youre breathing all heavy for some reason, and he's getting that same glassy look in his eyes as earlier in the night. it reminds you of a sugar honey glaze on sweet fruit or a dessert and you can't help but stare int them. "glad to see you care." he shrugs. only his lips move thankfully just in your field of vision, eyes staying locked on yours. "I thought you knew I did. he's unconsciously leaning forward to you, his body following the magnetic pull that was you. though he's only following what seemed natural. "Thought you knew that I did?" you put your face in your palm, elbow balanced on your knee. "Yeah, but..." he trails off, the both of you now impossibly close.
and closer, and closer, and closer until your lips join in a searing kiss. you both sigh in relief into it, having waited so, so long. now your heart was really beating out of your chest, your fingertips no longer numb but boiling with feeling. his hands go from his knees to your hands, grasping them firmly, but gently just like you did to him at the party. he felt like he was floating, like he was suddenly sitting on a cloud and wasn't afraid of falling. god, he's wanted this for so long; for fucking ever. how could he stop now? you pull apart, and now youre thinking how in the world you felt out this long. ".... now the way I want you to." he continues, "not the way I do." you smile, leaning in again to kiss him. it was meant to be a quick peck, but instead it turned into you leaning your body into his and his hands on your arms, running up and down them, making you sink further into him and the seat in warmth.
Now, for a second time, you pull away. "Does that help answering how much I care?" he's smiling like a mad man at your words. "so I guess I didn't ruin our night?" he says, more to get his Brian working properly more than anything. "The opposite. I wanted to leave with you anyways." and now he's nearly jumping out of his seat to to do a little happy dance. he couldnt help it, though. especially when you were pulling him back in by his shirt balls dup in your fist and smashing your lips together.
when you pull apart though, instead of smiling in each others faces, the both of you shoot up. oh god... oh god! what did you just do? it wasn't suppose to go like this, he thinks as you rush to put your shoes on at the door. No words were exchanged between the two of you, though. except: "Hey... I--" "no no!" you say a little too loudly, "no, its fine. we don't ever need to speak of this again, sound good?" his lips form a line at your words. he shoots you a thumbs up. "...yeah." it wasn't what he wanted, that's of for user. but what other choice did he have? didn't look like you were ready for it to happen, so my default, now he wasn't either.
it wasn't like you two avoided each other at all costs in the week after the incident. no, not at all. you were friends above anything and everything, and such close friends that being like that to each other would've killed the both of you. and it wasnt like you were mad at each other... but now the silence on your walks together felt.... uncomfortable; unnatural and weird. like you needed to fill it with pointless talking to distract you from how there was this... air in the midst of you two-- like you knew what the other wanted, craved and needed but were too scared to do something about it.
that's why he knew he had to do something about it. so here he was, barging into the diner you worked past closing time. You quickly run to the door to unlock it for him. not like you were doing anything better anyways, watching the raindrops slide down one of the many windows as you wiped down each table. he was later than he usually was, but it looked like he was here for more than just to pick you up. the look in his eyes said it all. You turn around as soon as you pull the door open for him. "we're closed, Beom." the nickname slipped off your tongue so easily it was like you had forgotten the incident the week before, and how you promised yourself you'd back away even more than you had to keep it from happening again.
it wasn't like you didnt want it to. god was it the opposite. it was just... new, and scary. you knew that wasn't the best excuse but it was all you had. he was, in a way all you had. You didn't really know what moving along that road would mean. you knew it'd be good. but again, it was new and scary.
"I can't loose you." he pants behind you. for once he it was raining and for once he did run here. he spreads his arms wide, his long hair dripping on his shoulders. "And I can't-- I can't believe we let this come between us. and I don't want to let the wedge be driven any further." when you still don't respond, back still turned he gets more desperate, running a worried hand through his hair. "Come on, y/n! we're best friends!" you slam your towel down on the counter. "yeah, well maybe that's why this should've never fuckin happened." your words make the room go silent. you didn't yell it, you didnt exclaim it, you basically whispered it, but it boomed like a bomb going off none the less.
he was too important-- your relationship, whatever it may be, was too important to let go; you knew that. he knew that. he didnt say a word, realizing that he might say something to make the situation worse. he knew he was staying after hours, then again, it reminded him of how it would be between the two of you a week ago when you'd still talk the same. he'd come in, you'd make him the best hot chocolate he'd ever tasted next to his moms, and then he'd sit at the same bar stool and you'd talk for hours, barely making a move to actually go home. but eventually, after helping you with cleaning, he'd walk you home.
but for watts its worth, neither of you wanted to go back to those times, even after everything quite liking how the experience of the incident felt. You invite him to go to your place to talk it out some more. having the same idea, he agrees readily.
"I haven't been completely honest with you." you say, youve been talking for a little over a hour now, somehow slipping into how it was about a week ago along the way back to your place, and you don't think youve felt something so good-- so reliving, in a very long time. "I haven't been telling the whole truth either." no other words are uttered between the two of you, opting to lean ever so frustratingly and tantalizingly slow into each other,. his hand coming to rest on your thigh, folded underneath you at the knee on his sofa. you place your hand on top of his has your lips connect, a long awaited satisfied sigh is breathed into each others face, the air tickling you. youre rubbing circles on the back of his hand as his mind races. it was a kiss you poured all your feelings into. one where you spilled into it how you needed him with you so so so bad. how you wanted him beside you even more than he already was. how you were sorry it took you so long, and how you couldn't wait to keep being beside each other. you could feel him pour all that and more into his side of it and you reviled in the feeling, settling into it like it was second nature.
you blink a couple times when you pull apart, glad that you took your talk someplace else now. and well, I guess the both of you know now. youve now pulled out of the dark that beautiful little thing you two were hiding.
Now you both know just that one more, not so little thing you needed-- what was on each of your hearts the most.
Can’t believe never written a solely beomgyu fic before anyways as I’ve said if you liked it please comment and or reblog since tumble works on that system and liking it only bookmarks it for you :) I hope you enjoyed!!!
©️2023copyrightofshutupheathersorryheatherr do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works even if you give me credit
taglist: @itz-yerin
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wispstalk · 6 months
20 questions for writers
under the cut. Thanks to @everybodyknows-everybodydies for tagging🖤
Tagging back: @nuwanders @jiubilant @ervona @ehlnofay @druidx @blossom-adventures @sylvienerevarine @throughtrialbyfire @da3drat no pressure
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just elder scrolls. I have a feeling that's gonna be it for me. I've been tempted to write stardew valley fic lately which would perhaps be classed as "crack" (I know what that is in theory but the way people use it makes no sense to me) but I took a cursory look at the tag and I don't think the stardew valley fandom is ready for a ray fic lmao
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Well. I have five.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try 🫠 it haunts me how often I've left my beloved mutuals on read..... but if that's u and I did, I am telepathically beaming this: !!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Making out sloppy style etc etc
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
lol. lmao even
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
.....within AO3 I guess it's "Morning" but also that's set at a refugee camp? I will say the skyrim story will have a more peaceful ending but up until now fic writing has been an outlet for my thwarted rage and covid brain damage soooo
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I mean this is generally a culture of positive feedback. Someone did yell at me once for hitting martin septim with the transgender beam which is a level of no-life-havin loserdom which could be classed as "hate" but came off as pure cope and seethe
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I really bristle at the word smut sorry its too cutesy. I was a prodomme for seven years I don't do euphemisms lol. I wrote a sex scene into IITT to see how I felt about writing sex scenes. I learned that I am only interested in writing them if they serve specific functions. I have absolutely zero judgment toward anyone who wants to write about fuckin and suckin, that's just not why I'm here
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No but recently my household watched game of thrones together and my bf and his brother were cracking jokes like what if one of these medieval characters had a gundam. Neither of them read fic so I was like don't be too entertained by yourselves. I bet that has been written. looked it up on ao3 and sure as shit
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I'm not gonna lie I did find a fic where someone very obviously ripped me off but I don't wanna call them out. One specific instance where they bit my style was so clumsily applied as to be obvious, but their prose in general was fantastic so like. who care.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not as far as I know but that would make me holler
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Nope. I'm not opposed to the idea but it's hard to imagine how I'd do this given my process. I think I'd be pretty difficult to work with
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
?!? I dunno I don't have one. I put a lot of effort into writing martinhok but I could not say that one, due to how overwhelmingly heterosexual the tag is. I'm sorry but can everyone who's not a faggot please pipe down
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have my moments with the skyrim wip. I've signed myself up for something pretty complicated and challenging but I also learned that I can finish things so I'm not really worried about it. The fact of the matter is: I do not care if this is good. It matters that it is done so I can move on with my life. If parts of it are boring and overlong that's yalls problem
16. What are your writing strengths?
I get a lot of compliments on my worldbuilding. I do think a lot about the minutiae of material culture and think I have a talent for incorporating detail in engaging ways
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm a cornball. This is a corny activity. I don't really care because I'm doing it for free. Enjoy the unsolicited view into an internet stranger's terrible psyche
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I try to apply with a light hand. I'm a dumbass sheltered American and I can mostly make myself understood in a Spanish-speaking country but that's about it. I like playing around with language and the idea of multilingual societies matters to me so I include it, but I'm not a linguist so I try to work within my limits. Whether I am successful at this is up to others.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Elder scrolls. Never felt compelled until i spent a winter playing oblivion and went wow this game has an incredibly bleak narrative behind a silly aesthetic. Oops now I'm in a lore pit
20. Favorite fic you've written?
The Nature of Fire is my best prose hands down. I'm gonna be real with y'all I am desperate for people to read it. It is genuinely the best I can do at this point and if you like what I've done so far, well, whatever u read sucks compared to this fic.
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