#my natural hair colour is dark blonde / light brown btw
lvstharmony · 9 months
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bloededhoine · 4 years
world building cause twn doesn't part 4: elves!
everyone loves elves! they're a fantasy genre mainstay, archery is so sexy, and they have those E A R S. plus, they play a pretty important part in the witcher universe!
series masterpost
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
i'd recommend going through the last parts, or at least the tl;dr's first
elves arrived on the continent about 2000 years before humans, and are divided into 5 distinct cultures of varying importance: aen undod, aen elle, aen seidhe, black seidhe, and aen woedde
elves only came to the continent in one group, but not all of that group stayed. the different branches based on where they settled make up the different cultures
the main two languages in the witcher are common speech and elder speech (aka hen llinge), the former used by most humans and the latter used by the elder races
aen undod
the aen undod are the oldest elven culture, having existed years before the conjunction of spheres
their home world faced some huge catastrophe, so the aen undod left in search of new worlds, leaving their descendants to become all the future elven cultures.
the aen undod spoke the oldest dialect of elder speech, laith aen undod, or one speech
aen elle
the aen elle use a language derived from hen llinge called ellylon, in which their name means "of the alders"
they don't actually live on the continent, having abandoned it years ago for their own world.
however, when the aen elle arrived in this new world, it was already populated by humans and unicorns. unfortunately, these elves are notoriously ruthless and both the native species were eradicated.
the capital of the aen elle world is tir ná lia, and is described as stunningly beautiful, featuring open air buildings made of marble, alabaster, and malachite. here it is in the third witcher video game, by djkovrik on nexus. their screenshots are amazing btw.
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[ID: screenshot from wild hunt showing tir ná lia. the city is built on cliffs above a sea, there are waterfalls falling from the cliffs and bridges connecting them. there are mountains in the background and the buildings are fairly small and out of focus, they seem to be in the gothic revival style with ornate windows and steeped roofs. end ID]
the ruler of the aen elle was auberon muircetach, king of the alders and aen saevherne (aen saevherne is the honorary title of an elven mage who has extensive knowledge of magic, geneology, history, and many other subjects). auberon was also ciri's 5 times great grandfather. this gwent card pretty much sums up his vibe: scary yet sexy.
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[ID: illustration of elven man with long white hair on a brown horse. he has defined cheekbones and facial features and is wearing a gold crown and blue robes with a red sash, gold belt, and leather boots. he is holding a white unicorn head in one hand. the unicorn's horn is cut off, and is bloody around its neck and where its horn was. end ID]
auberon's consort was another aen elle named shiadhal, with whom he had one daughter, lara dorren. lara is so so so important for the witcher, as she is the beginning of the elder blood, or hen ichaer.
hen ichaer is a gene that carries incredibly powerful magic, and those who have it are usually sources. i talk more abt this in part 3.
for better or for worse, lara dorren fell in love with a human sorcerer, cregennan of lod, and left tir ná lia for him. auberon took this as cregennan "stealing" his daughter and therefore the hen ichaer, and developed a pretty hefty vengeance and dedication to "take back" what was his (yikes).
this also set a precedent of people "claiming" the lives of carriers of the hen ichaer
auberon also formed an elven cavalry known as the red riders or wild hunt (dearg ruadhri in ellylon) and he appointed eredin bréacc glas as their commander. the initial purpose of the wild hunt was to travel to different worlds and capture slaves for tir ná lia, although they later became auberon's tool to find and exploit carriers of hen ichaer.
the wild hunt also uses specially trained mages known as navigators to open portals to other worlds, the most notable of these navigators is caranthir ar-feiniel, who doubled as one of eredin's most trusted men.
the aen elle also live a pretty long time, average is around 650 years, so the timelines are kinda hard to keep track of.
notable aen elle include: auberon muircetach, shiadhal, lara dorren, eredin breácc glas, crevan espane aep caomhan macha (aka avallac'h, also an aen saevherne and lara dorren's ex), caranthir ar-feiniel (also avallac'h's foster son), ge'els (the viceroy of tir ná lia), and imlerith (general of the wild hunt)
aen seidhe
put simply, the aen seidhe are the elves that did not leave when the aen elle did
the aen seidhe don't really have a society like the aen elle, they're pretty dispersed across the world. but, there are certain areas the aen seidhe have claimed as their own.
one of these little civilizations is dol blathanna, also known as the valley of flowers. unfortunately, it's not an independent state, as it was conquered by aedirn in the 1150s. however, then-king baldwin thyssen did allow the elves to retain a lot of their cultural identity and live in peace.
dol blathanna includes the village posada and the capital silver towers, which is where filavandrel aén findháil is from. he's that sexy man right there
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[ID: photo of white elf man with blonde hair going to his shoulders. he is wearing tattered green robes and is looking slightly to the side with his lips pursed. end ID]
not that anyone cares, but here's him in the hexer. it's not important to the lore or twn it's just fuckin funny
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[ID: old man with white frizzy wig. he is wearing a headband that appears to be rocks on a string. he has what looks like a potato sack tied around his shoulders over a green tunic. he is scowling. end ID]
outside of dol blathanna, there aren't really any places where elves can live with minimal human interaction, although the blue mountains are home to a few incredibly powerful elves
side note: dol blathanna is technically part of the blue mountains, but is in the far southern foothills so they're usually treated as separate entities.
the blue mountains are also a natural border dividing the northern kingdoms from the far east, and where filavandrel went to live after he got fed up with dol blathanna.
they're also the home of ida emean aep sivney, who's also an aen saevherne and future member of the lodge of sorceresses.
next season, we're going to meet the beautiful elven sorceress francesca findabair, also known as enid an gleanna (hen llinge for daisy of the valley)
here she is with fringilla vigo (nilfgaardian sorceress) in twn season 2. note that enid is preggers! that's very odd and i will go into detail on it later
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[ID: photo of two women walking side by side. the one on the left is black and has black hair in braids going over one shoulder. she is wearing a silver dress with a similarly coloured floor length coat. the one on the right is biracial and has strawberry blonde hair in a braided updo. she is wearing a floor length blue gown with gold embroidery and a metallic brown cloak. she is pregnant. end ID]
enid is crazy interesting and important for the story of the witcher (and confirmed for season two!), so i won't go too in depth about her now
as i mentioned in part 2, nilfgaard tends to favour elves, leading to a lot of militaristic forces allied with nilfgaard. most notably, the scoia'tael, or squirrels. the scoia'tael are an incredibly ruthless and effective nonhuman guerilla force, generally divided into commandos, units that patrol a given area and eliminate the northern (or simply human) threat.
there are a lot of scoia'tael, so i'll just give you the commanders for now: angus bri cri, coinneach dá reo, iorveth, isengrim faoiltiarna, riordain, and toruviel.
you might remember toruviel as this sexy angry lady from twn, and she is possibly going to get a much bigger role later... pay attention to toruviel.
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[ID: young elf woman with white skin and red hair tied over her shoulder. she has a bloody nose and is wearing a light green top with a dark brown leather studded belt. her belt is also around an olive green coat. she looks quite angry. end ID]
the scoia'tael were very well organized, but also quite dispersed, so when nilfgaard needed more specific tasks done, they would assemble specific military units (usually led by some of our favourite squirrels)
the vrihedd brigade was the most important of these units. they were especially notorious for their cruelty in the second northern war, so i'm sure we'll meet at least a few members next season.
their leader was colonel isengrim faoiltiarna (aka the iron wolf), and his officers coinneach, iorveth, riordain, and angus.
francesca findabair is not directly involved with either the scoia'tael or the vrihedd brigade, but she does work quite closely with them very often.
also important to note that not all scoia'tael are aen seidhe elves, most (including all higher ranking commanders and officers) are, but there are a number of nonhumans including dwarves and halflings.
unfortunately, the aen seidhe are slowly going extinct, both from years of genocide from humans and their slow reproductive cycles (elves live a Long time, but can only have children towards the beginning of their lives)
that's why it's so surprising to me that enid is preggers! we don't exactly know her age, but by my calculations she was over 150 in twn (pretty far past the age elves can have children).
because of this, elves are pretty divided between fighting against human rule and seeking coexistence. there are arguments for both camps, mainly that humans are colonizers and should not be trusted for the former, and that elves are dying out already and need to live with humans to survive for the latter.
the most prominent stand for the fight was in the 1060s when an aen seidhe named aelireen led an uprising against humans. most of the elders told her that it wouldn't end well, but she didn't listen and led hundreds of young elves into battle. it was an utter massacre, and basically all elves who could have children died.
unfortunately, the movement for coexistence was just as unsuccessful. it was led by our man cregennan of lod, lara dorren's husband. the poor simp just wanted to live in peace with his wife, but a lot of humans thought he was a traitor because he married an elf, and he and lara were murdered in 1137 in redania.
the last real push for independence was with the formation of the scoia'tael in the 1260s. I say 1260s because the very beginnings of the scoia'tael were right around 1262-1236 (the start of ciri's timeline) but they became majorly important around 1267. although, even the scoia'tael realized they needed humans to survive and began working with nilfgaard.
however, some scoia'tael are less keen on being nilfgaard's attack dogs, leading to further division amongst the aen seidhe.
black seidhe
remember the elves i talked about in part 2 as being the ancestors of the albans? this is them!
the black seidhe are native to the south, more particularly the valley around the alba river. they are practically extinct, but the nilfgaardians carry a lot of their cultural identity in the nilfgaardian language, a variation of hen llinge.
aen woedde
the wood elves, or aen woedde, is the elven culture we know the least about, they primarily live in the areas around nilfgaardian forests and speak hen llinge.
the only notable wood elf is aenyeweddien, or iskra, a member of the rats, a gang of semi violent youths in the northern realms. we'll learn more about the rats in future seasons.
tl;dr: elves, especially the aen seidhe and aen elle cultures, make up a large part of witcher lore. they are most notable for their long lifespans, magical and historical knowledge, and militaristic alliances with nilfgaard.
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villa-kulla · 5 years
two current internal conflicts:
1. so I’ve identified as bisexual for a longass time, before I even had the word for it, and there was never any doubt in my mind that I was attracted to both men and women, even as a kid who didn’t even know about different sexualities, or was let alone experimenting with it. But as an #adult who’s been sexually active (<-- dumb term btw) for roughly 10 years and has had more opportunities/experiences with people of both genders (and who’s also spent the last couple years #unpacking various sexual issues), I’ve sort of been comparing my experiences with both lately and like....I like sex with women SO much more. and yet I feel I can’t call myself a lesbian because I don’t feel it accurately reflects my experiences with/reactions to certain men over the years. And I definitely get along very well with men and find them attractive, but even if I’m attracted to a man, I never find sex with men as satisfying as with women, like they’re completely different experiences. And this could also definitely be a comfort issue or related to not-so-positive sexual encounters with men but still, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve genuinely sexually enjoyed sex with a man, and even those times aren’t even remotely comparable to any time I’ve slept with a woman and how I experience it physically. And while you’d think ‘prefers sex with women’ would be enough to label myself as a lesbian, I find it hard to imagine a future in which I’m not into both women and men? And anyways 'Bisexual’ still feels the most accurate for me, but lately I’m sort of in a period where I just don’t want any man to touch me ever again lol so YEAH idk, I guess I’ve just felt conflicted about that, ‘cause lesbian feels functionally appropriate, and I sort of want to ID as that but it doesn’t feel 100% true to myself so idk. Speaking of percentages it IS true someone who’s 99% into women and 1% into men OR VICE VERSA can still be bisexual, and that’s good to remember but I’ve never been good at math so idek. but yeah ultimately this is all irrelevant ‘cause  at the end of the day I like who I like and that could be anyone but still. I still ID as bisexual, it just feels more right at the end of the day, but being older and 1% wiser I defs grew up gayer than previously anticipated 
2. yeah so it took like 2 years to grow my hair out to its natural dark blonde/borderline light brown and I do like the colour a lot but I’d feel foxier if I dyed it light blonde, but then I have to go through the ordeal of either a) upkeep or b) growing it out again and is it worth the fleeting satisfaction of having upped my glam levels???
I feel like I’ve spent more time on the blonde struggle lol but yeah have some completely incoherent ramblings because these are LARGE TOPICS and I can barely sift through them even when I have slept well lol
(p.s. do I sound angsty? I’m actually feeling very content atm, I had triple sessions with my two favourite students all day and they did spectacularly aaah they’ve come so far, i’m home my cat is on my lap, I’m gonna go lesson plan soon, and I’m now the proud owner of not just a little black dress but the little black dress. today was a good dayyy)
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deltastorm101 · 7 years
Meet the JSE community
I’m FINALLY joining this event @no-strings-puppet created a prompt list for! Wanted to do it for ages but completely forgot, oops… Here we goooo!
1. Name, age, country:   Stef, 16 (edit: now 17 haha), Germany.
2. Appearance: I don't want to post a picture of me yet. I could draw me, but I’m not that motivated at the moment. I can describe myself. Well… I look older than I actually am, at least everyone says that and I don't get asked for my ID when I buy beer so, heh. I'm 1.70m/5'7 tall, so average I guess. I'm not the skinniest person but not overweight either. I have short hair - the best way to describe it: I have Jack’s haircut :D My natural hair colour is dark brown, almost black, but I like to try shit out: It was blue, turquoise, green, yellow, blonde and red before. Right now, the red faded to a light orange. Which I'm fine with, the crazier the better xD The next thing I'll try is purple! I usually dress black or dark in general, maybe slightly punk/goth at times... I do NOT use make-up though. Hate it. Always hated it. Will forever hate it. (Maybe one day I’ll be confident enough to post a picture…)
3. Hobbies: Games, write fics, draw (traditional), read books, scuba diving, listen to music (electro or metal), think (yes, that's a hobby for me), sleep and dream, watch movies (horror), watch youtube (Jack)
4. What’s your dream job? I'd love to be a psychologist one day, hence the 'hobby' thinking. Or a graphic designer. Or a dentist. Or a teacher. But anything psychology related would be really super cool. Make it happen, universe.
5. What kind of shit would we find in your bag? Phone, rubik’s cube, usb stick, wallet, headphones, keys. I hate bags though. Backpacks are much nicer.
6. How would you describe your personality? Hm… Calm and quiet, pretty shy and introverted at times but I can talk a lot if required. So – ambivert I guess? Will need to recharge after being around people. Bad at making the first step. Night worker. Dirty jokes - all the dirty jokes. Wants to do so much shit but ends up doing nothing. Trying to think positive, smiles and laughs a lot but once I cry I can’t ever stop again. Can get lost in dark thoughts very easily. Will scream at you in case I didn’t down enough coffee. INFJ.
7. When did you find Jack's channel? Around March/April 2017. Generation yellow floof. I’m so sad I didn’t discover him earlier! (Finding out and researching everything about Anti… it took me some months.)
8. Put in order your top 3 favourite Egos! ANTI (of course), Chase (mah duuuude), Schneep (he’s alive btw) and Marvin (yes, I know that’s 4, but Marvin is a sweetheart)
9. Favourite/ most nostalgic video/series of Jack’s to watch? Undertale (oh man, just a good time), Outlast 2 (not ‘nostalgic’ but one of my favourite series), RYC in general (we get to know Jack so much better), ANTI (not a series but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)
10. Would you describe yourself as an active or quiet member of the community?  Pretty active. Writing theories and observations during a storm and reblogging a lot during peaceful times. And of course, the fics. Ohoo THE FICS. Writing is life. But pain. I love it. And even when I’m not posting... I’m constantly watching everything. Not an hour without tumblr goes by :D
BONUS: 11. Favourite Anti moment(s):
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I am IN LOVE with this moment. This expression of pure rage and fury, lashing out at the audience and screaming with anger. Gives me chills every time.
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“Laughter is the best medicine… for death!”
Simply because that was the beginning of something... great. He showed himself again after a long, long time... Oh, the nostalgia! (I was still new to the community at that time. I was still doing my research about Anti to properly know what I’m talking about when I’d finally start being active here... Let’s just say I was exuberant that day.)
So yeah... Hello! It’s me!
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coloursofaparadox · 7 years
btw i know probably a grand total of no one is looking this hard but my hair has been very slowly and gradually undergoing a series of stages since I first dyed it dark red brown to get it back to something more natural lmao
like. dark red brown -> bleach cap #1 (bleach mixed w shampoo left on for onlt 10ish min) = medium dark brown ginger -> bleach cap #2 = dark ginger -> bleach cap #3 = light ginger! -> demi-permanent ash dark blonde used as a toner = light still quite warm brown -> second application of demi ash toner today = a normal natural looking (if lighter than my natural) warm brown. there was also a stage somewhere in there where I cut my own hair to get off all the gross ends that were kinda fried and a different colour than the rest. and was not. easily fixable. all of this spaced out over the course of the past like. 3 weeks. :D
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kitty-does-stuff · 7 years
danganronpa cosplay wig masterlist
yo guess what? i’ve made a list with danganronpa (game) character and i wig i found that i think works for them
the list starts with all the mascots of the games and the ngoes on to every game and it’s characters 
(a few notes before the list
1. i’m new to cosplaying so these may not be the best wigs out there for the characters 
2.for the most part all of these are wigs from epiccosplay
3. when it comes to the mascots the wigs i chose are my own headcanons on what their hair looks like
4.if you want you can think of list as a starting point )
also @danganronpacosplayhelp hope you guys don’t mind me tagging you
mascots: Monokuma: http://www.thefivewitswigs.com/shop/wigs/loli-split-bovine-elegance/
Usami/Monomi: Monomi http://www.thefivewitswigs.com/shop/wigs/loli-split-mad-love/ Usami https://www.epiccosplay.com/maia-classic-white.html
Shirokuma: https://www.epiccosplay.com/12-classic-white-layered-short-cosplay-wig.html
Kurokuma: https://www.epiccosplay.com/aphrodite-15-black-layered-short-cosplay-wig.html
Monodam: https://www.epiccosplay.com/hermes-12-boycut-mens-classic-white-short-cosplay-wig.html (dye helf of it green)
Monophanie: https://www.epiccosplay.com/selene-13-classic-white-a-line-bob-short-cosplay-wig.html (dye helf of it pink)
Monokid: https://www.epiccosplay.com/helen-15-white-multi-part-skin-top-cosplay-wig.html (dye helf of it blue)
Monosuke: https://www.epiccosplay.com/neat-trimmed-white-cosplay-wig.html (dye helf of it  a yellowish brown)
Monotaro: https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-13-spiky-layered-white-short-cosplay-wig.html (dye helf of it red) (also if you don't want to doing any dyeing then any Shoto Todoroki wig will work as long as you style it)
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc: Makoto Naegi: https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-13-layered-light-brown-short-cosplay-wig.html
Aoi Asahina: https://www.epiccosplay.com/phoebe-medium-brown.html (with a bit of styling)
Byakuya Togami: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-ash-blonde-short-cosplay-wig.html
Celestia Ludenberg: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-black-short-cosplay-wig.html (you'll have to make the twin-drill pigtails) or if you don't care about looking the most canon https://www.gothiclolitawigs.com/collections/baby-dollight/products/baby-dollight-black?variant=1859109635
Chihiro Fujisaki: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-caramel-brown-short-cosplay-wig.html
Hifumi Yamada: https://www.epiccosplay.com/atlas-14-dark-brown-lace-front-alternative-cosplay-wig.html
Junko Enoshima/Disguised Mukuro: https://www.epiccosplay.com/artemis-peach-blonde.html or https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-peach-blonde-short-cosplay-wig.html + 4ish https://www.epiccosplay.com/30-peach-blonde-wavy-curly-ponytail-clipon.html
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: https://www.epiccosplay.com/hermes-12-boycut-mens-black-short-cosplay-wig.html
Kyoko Kirigiri: https://www.epiccosplay.com/persephone-40-ice-purple-straight-long-cosplay-wig.html
Leon Kuwata: https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-spiky-layered-apple-red-short-cosplay-wig.html
Mondo Owada: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dangan-Ronpa-DanganRonpa-Mondo-Owada-Anime-Costume-Cosplay-Wig-Free-CAP-/151310368824 (tbh googleing "mondo owada wig" may be a good idea that way you can find what works for you)
Mukuro Ikusaba: https://www.epiccosplay.com/selene-13-black-a-line-bob-short-cosplay-wig.html (a bit of cuting and work great)
Sakura Ogami: https://www.epiccosplay.com/iris-30-classic-white-wavy-long-cosplay-wig.html
Sayaka Maizono: https://www.epiccosplay.com/iris-30-classic-white-wavy-long-cosplay-wig.html
Toko Fukawa/jack: https://www.epiccosplay.com/nyx-28-dark-plum-purple-straight-long-cosplay-wig.html + maybe https://www.epiccosplay.com/35-weft-extension-dark-plum-purple.html
Yasuhiro Hagakure: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-Design-High-Quality-Yasuhiro-Hagakure-Cosplay-Wig-Braid-Hair-Danganronpa-Dangan-Ronpa-Heat-Resistance-Synthetic/32365185221.html (also try making your own useing a bown wig and some extensions)
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Hajime Hinata: https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-sage-green.html or if you want less green https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-matcha-brown.html
Izuru Kamukura: https://www.epiccosplay.com/asteria-50-black-straight-extra-long-cosplay-wig.html or https://www.epiccosplay.com/asteria-50-black-straight-extra-long-cosplay-wig.html
Akane Owari: https://www.epiccosplay.com/hestia-medium-brown.html (with a bit cuting)
Byakuya Twogami/Ultimate Imposter: Byakuya Twogami https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-ash-blonde-short-cosplay-wig.html (lol it's the same wig as the real togami) real face https://www.epiccosplay.com/helen-15-black-multi-part-skin-top-cosplay-wig.html
Chiaki Nanami: https://www.epiccosplay.com/theia-20-fusion-vallina-pink-long-straight-cosplay-wig.html (just a bit cuting needed)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: https://www.epiccosplay.com/hermes-12-boycut-mens-natural-blonde-short-cosplay-wig.html
Gundham Tanaka: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Mix-Silver-white-Black-dangan-ronpa-gundam-tanaka-Cosplay-party-hair-Wig-/151432449101 (tbh he's kinda like Owada where just googleing  his name + the wig is probs a good idea that way you can find what works for you)
Hiyoko Saionji: https://www.epiccosplay.com/eos-35-butterscotch-blonde.html
Ibuki Mioda: https://www.epiccosplay.com/eos-35-butterscotch-blonde.html + for the colours https://www.epiccosplay.com/clip-in-extensions-cobalt-blue.html, https://www.epiccosplay.com/white-clip-on-extensions.html, https://www.epiccosplay.com/hot-pink-clip-on-extensions.html
Kazuichi Soda: https://www.epiccosplay.com/17-spikable-raspberry-pink-layered-cosplay-wig.html
Mahiru Koizumi: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-apple-red-short-cosplay-wig.html
Mikan Tsumiki: https://www.epiccosplay.com/athena-40-purple-black-fusion-straight-long-cosplay-wig.html
Nagito Komaeda/The Servant: https://www.epiccosplay.com/helios-20-spikable-white-layered-cosplay-wig.html (if you use one you'll need a shit ton of hair glue) or https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-13-spiky-layered-white-short-cosplay-wig.html (btw i'm not sure if there is enough hair to style the wig right)
Nekomaru Nidai: https://www.epiccosplay.com/atlas-14-black-lace-front-alternative-cosplay-wig.html
Peko Pekoyama: https://www.epiccosplay.com/theia-20-silvery-grey-long-straight-cosplay-wig.html
Sonia Nevermind: https://www.epiccosplay.com/nyx-platinum-blonde.html + https://www.epiccosplay.com/35-weft-extension-platinum-blonde.html
Teruteru Hanamura: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-medium-brown.html + https://www.epiccosplay.com/35-weft-extension-medium-brown.html (a lot of cuting and styleing needed)
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls Komaru Naegi: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-forest-green-short-cosplay-wig.html or one that isn't green https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-dark-brown-short-cosplay-wig.html
Toko Fukawa/jack: : https://www.epiccosplay.com/nyx-28-dark-plum-purple-straight-long-cosplay-wig.html +  https://www.epiccosplay.com/35-weft-extension-dark-plum-purple.html
Jataro Kemuri: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-blonde-mix-short-cosplay-wig.html
Kotoko Utsugi: https://www.epiccosplay.com/35-princess-pink-straight-ponytail-and-wig-set.html
Masaru Daimon: https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-spiky-layered-apple-red-short-cosplay-wig.html
Monaca Towa: https://www.epiccosplay.com/selene-13-emerald-green-a-line-bob-short-cosplay-wig.html and then for when she is dressed like junko https://www.epiccosplay.com/20-forest-green-wavy-curly-ponytail-and-wig-set.html
Nagisa Shingetsu: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-light-blue.html
Haiji Towa: https://www.epiccosplay.com/athena-40-black-straight-long-cosplay-wig.html
Hiroko Hagakure: https://www.epiccosplay.com/nyx-28-fusion-vanilla-pink-long-cosplay-wig.html
Taichi Fujisaki: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-caramel-brown-short-cosplay-wig.html
Yuta Asahina: https://www.epiccosplay.com/aura-light-brown.html
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Kaede Akamatsu: https://www.epiccosplay.com/helios-20-spikable-natural-blonde-layered-cosplay-wig-clone.html
Shuichi Saihara: https://www.epiccosplay.com/aether-12-midnight-blue-short-cosplay-wig.html
Angie Yonaga: https://www.epiccosplay.com/nyx-28-classic-white-long-cosplay-wig.html
Gonta Gokuhara: https://www.epiccosplay.com/asteria-50-forest-green-straight-extra-long-cosplay-wig.html
Himiko Yumeno: https://www.epiccosplay.com/burgendy-red-lelouch-style-short-cosplay-wig.html
ki-bo: https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-13-spiky-layered-white-short-cosplay-wig.html
Kaito Momota: https://www.epiccosplay.com/aphrodite-15-dark-plum-layered-short-cosplay-wig.html (a lot of styling needed)
Kirumi Tojo: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-mint-green-mix.html or https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-14-silver-grey-short-cosplay-wig.html
Kokichi Oma: https://www.epiccosplay.com/chronos-fusion-purple-black.html
Korekiyo Shinguji: https://www.epiccosplay.com/persephone-40-black-long-bang-straight-long-cosplay-wig.html
Maki Harukawa: https://www.epiccosplay.com/neat-trimmed-black-cosplay-wig.html + https://www.epiccosplay.com/40-black-straight-ponytail-clipon.html
Miu Iruma: https://www.epiccosplay.com/hera-peach-blonde.html
Rantaro Amami: https://www.epiccosplay.com/apollo-13-mint-green-short-cosplay-wig.html or
Ryoma Hoshi: https://www.epiccosplay.com/hermes-12-boycut-mens-cocoa-brown-short-cosplay-wig.html
Tenko Chabashira: https://www.epiccosplay.com/persephone-40-black-long-bang-straight-long-cosplay-wig.html
Tsumugi Shirogane: https://www.epiccosplay.com/asteria-50-cobalt-blue-straight-extra-long-cosplay-wig.html
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avaalone · 7 years
More tags because i’m an unproductive mess
rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag as many people as you like! 
tagged by: @nappingsuga​ thanks to you I get to post stuff on my blog even though it’s not art lmao
tagging: @namjobava​, @charmed​ @datchu​ @iamtheshadowskeeper​ you know the story, you’re not obligated to actually do the thing blablabla
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my dad 3. text message: a close friend of mine  4. song you listened to: ANTI - Zico 5. time you cried: can’t remember lmao 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: oooh yeah 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: probably 10. been depressed: always baby 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i get drunk but i don’t throw up?? i know my limits my dude
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 12-14. baby pink // baby blue // peach (since black and white are “not colours”)
15. made new friends: yesss and i’m thankful 16. fallen out of love: fallen out of what 17. laughed until you cried: thank god yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: snakes everywhere 19. met someone who changed you: kind of 20. found out who your friends are: yes and i’m scared of loosing them 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes :|
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: probably 95% 23. do you have any pets: a cat and i kind of own a horse  24. do you want to change your name: YES but i don’t think i’ll ever actually do it 25. what did you do for your last birthday: threw a party and it was greaat 26. what time did you wake up: 6:35 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: getting ready to go to bed 28. name something you can’t wait for: the sweet embrace of death my new clothes to arrive 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: uuuh at dinner?
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i’d stop to be that insecure about everything 31. what are you listening to right now: I wait - DAY6 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I guess? i was a kid though 33. something that is getting on your nerves: people that make noise when they eat  34. most visited website: tumblr and twitter  - questions 35 to 37 were lost but i saw some people replacing them with these so here’s more unnecessary info about me- 35. moles: i only have beauty marks but i have a lot of those 
36. marks: lots of scars here and there
37. childhood dream: i don’t really remember i just know reality crushed them all lmao
38. hair colour: dark brown atm, but my natural one is dark blonde/light brown 39. long or short hair: my hair is shoulder length but i’d like the cut them shorter 40. do you have a crush on someone: not atm 41. what do you like about yourself: on good days i like my eyes  42. piercings: ears 43. blood type: A- 44. nickname: ava ?? 45. relationship status: single 46. zodiac: gemini  47. pronouns: she/her 48. favourite tv show: oooh boi - Is it Doctor Who? is it Sense8? is it something else i don’t think of right now? who knows 49. tattoos: no actual proper tattoo 50. right or left handed: right 51. surgery: wisdom teeth 52. hair dyed in a different colour : i used to have bright red hair, and it’s now dark brown (becoming lighter as time passes/ now that the sun is out) 53. sport: i like watching soccer and volleyball and i love horse riding, both watching and actually riding 55. vacation: a busy city please, Tokyo/ Seoul/London are my top 3, no particular order 56. pair of trainers: nike air force 1 ftw
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: i have a pack of Celebrations open right next to me 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: go to bed because i have to work tomorrow, sad life  61. waiting for: death/ mutual love/ Min Yoongi asking me to marry him  62. want: 1 billion dollars and a cure for insomnia 63. get married: well except if 61. actually comes true, lol nah 64. career: lol i can’t picture myself settling into adulthood and have an acutal job, how sad 65. hugs or kisses: uh 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: i prefer taller but i’m a fucking giant so that’s hard 68. older or younger: older, but i don’t really care  70. nice arms or nice stomach: arMS 71. sensitive or loud: that’s,,, not opposites? but sensitive 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: healthy mix of both
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nope 75. drank hard liquor: yea 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: i don’t wear any 77. turned someone down: yup, sorry btw 78. sex on the first date: nah 79. broken someone’s heart: i hope not??? 80. had your heart broken: do i have a heart in the first place 81. been arrested: nope 82. cried when someone died: nope 83. fallen for a friend: nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: lol nah 85. miracles: nope 86. love at first sight: nu 87. santa claus: nope 88. kiss on the first date:  is it something to believe in?? but yeah sure  89. angels: nope
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: Alanis  91. eye colour: blue 92. favourite movie: ehhh idk? i watched Nerve recently and it was good
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simgerale · 7 years
feel free to not read this but i was tagged by @keeksim and @vividlore !!!! thank you lovelies
1st rule: tag 9 people who you would like to know better
no one has to do this (and i’m sincerely sorry if you’ve already done this) but i’m gonna taaaag... @granitesfall, @literallywhothe, @peonypyxels, @bratsims, @cyrensims, and WHOEVER ELSE WANTS TO DO IT (~:
relationship status: single as a pringle....except pringles are never single, they’re always in a can with other pringles?? why do we say that????
last song i listened to: uh...i don’t remember but i have living on a prayer by bon jovi in my head
last book read/listened to: the crucible by arthur miller! had to read it for class and wow those STUPID men who listened to those STUPID girls like ?? get smarter 17th century adults
favourite colour: honestly idk but i’m really liking light colors recently like light pink, yellow, blue, purple, orange etc. oh and i’m into those dark reds that are almost burnt orange yknow?
top three shows: ugh. okay in no particular order: friends, fixer upper...i guess (lol i’m a sucker for hgtv)...and parks and rec (it’s over now but still)
top three characters: let me think........eric from the little mermaid (HE WAS MY FIRST CARTOON CRUSH AS A CHILD he’s forever in my heart), chandler from friends (.....do i need to explain myself), and ron from parks and rec (i love them all but he never ceases to make me smile)
top three ships: hm i’m gonna say juno&yumi from @granitesfall‘s winter’s legacy, athena&cole from @peonypyxels‘s legacy, and cece&talon from @bratsims‘s legacy :~D i tagged you all twice you better check this ouT IM JUST KIDDING sheesh
2nd Rule: BOLD the statements that are true for you!
i am 5'7" or taller
i wear glasses (occasionally......when i can’t see the board..and driving...)
i have at least one tattoo
i have at least one piercing
i have blonde hair (naturally)
i have brown eyes
i have short hair
my abs are at least somewhat defined
i have or have had braces
i love meeting new people
people tell me that I’m funny
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
i enjoy physical challenges
i enjoy mental challenges (those “spot the difference” games..wow.)
i’m playfully rude with people I know well
i started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
there is something I would change about my personality
i can sing well
i can play an instrument
i can do over 30 pushups without stopping
i’m a fast runner
i can draw well
i have a good memory
i’m good at doing math in my head
i can hold my breath underwater for under a minute
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
i know how to throw a proper punch
i enjoy playing sports
i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing
fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts
i have had my first kiss
i have had alcohol (and btw i cant stand the taste of it)
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game
i have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event
i have been in a taxi
i have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
i have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
i’m in a relationship
i have a crush on a celebrity
i have a crush on someone I know
i have been in at least 3 relationships
i have never been in a relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
i get crushes easily
i have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year
i have had feelings for a friend
i have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
i live close to my school
my parents are still together
i have at least one sibling
i live in the united states
there is snow right now where I live
i have hung out with a friend in the past month
i have a smartphone
i have at least 15 CD’s
i share my room with someone
i have breakdanced
i know a person named Jamie
i have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
i have dyed my hair
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail
i have broken a bone
i have eaten a waffle today
i know what I want to do with my life
i speak at least 2 languages
i have made a new friend in the past year
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