#my new baby Sam is so smart outsmarting the empty
my-proof-is-you · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You - Ch. 19
Summary:  It had been over a year since you had hunted with the Winchester brothers. You had felt you couldn’t hide your feelings anymore, so you left. While you were gone, life had been anything but good. When you meet up with the brothers again, you can’t resist staying with them. But your feelings for Dean are far from gone, and you’re afraid the pattern will remain the same. Can you hide what happened to you last year from the boys, or will the past come back to haunt you?
WARNINGS: Rape/Non-Con, mentions of graphic violence, torture
**I do not own the gifs or pics
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Thank God Cas had answered his phone. It was rare when he did, that was for sure. When Dean had explained what happened, Cas had popped over to the motel and destroyed the handcuffs with a flick of his wrist.
“Thanks, Cas,” Sam said, rubbing his wrist.
“It’s no problem. Now, where is Y/N?” Cas asked, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“She went back to Brad’s house without us,” Sam explained.
“Why would she leave you here?” Cas asked.
“We don’t know, Cas. All I know is that we need to get there. Now.” Dean was not in the mood for chit chat. Dean knew that you were a capable hunter, and that Brad shouldn’t be much of a problem for you. However, he had a bad feeling he couldn’t shake. Something about all this wasn’t right.
Castiel reached out and grasped the brothers’ shoulders. “Let’s go.”
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When they arrived, Charlie was sitting on the front porch alone, whining at the door. When they went in, he sniffed around frantically looking for you.
Empty. The entire house was empty. There was no way Brad had been living there.
“Dean!” Sam called from one of the bedrooms.
Dean ran into the room, gun at the ready. He stopped when he saw Sam standing in the middle of the vacant room, next to the backpack you had taken from the motel.
“Shit, her stuff is here. Where is she?” Dean asked, kneeling down to look at it.
“I found this behind the backpack,” Sam said. Dean swiveled to look up at him. He was holding a crystal glass, a small amount of what looked to be whiskey still in it.
“Crowley,” Cas said, entering the room.
“Exactly,” Sam agreed. “It was almost hidden behind the backpack.”
“Our girl left us a clue,” Dean said. 
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Though he was still worried about you, he almost wanted to smile. You were smart. Crowley may think he has you under his control, but Dean knew you would put up a hell of a fight.
“How are we going to find her?” Sam asked.
“Crowley will surely have warded against me and most avenues we could use to find her. We’re going to have to try to outsmart him,” Cas replied.
Dean’s hatred for the King of Hell only grew with each passing second. He would find you, and he would tear that demon piece of shit a new one. He turned to the other men, his face grave.
“Let’s get to work.”
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Everything in Crowley’s space was layered in extravagance. As far as being kidnapped went, this was definitely the better of your two experiences.
No matter how extravagant it was, though, it couldn’t overshadow the fact that you were trapped by a vile demon with a God-complex.
You had done your best not to panic. You knew the boys would find a way to get to you. You also knew, though, that it might take some time. Crowley was awful, but he wasn’t stupid. He had warded the place with anything and everything he could, including some sigils you had never seen before.
Until the boys could get you, you decided to treat Crowley as if he wasn’t ruining your life. So far he hadn’t done anything to harm you, so there was no reason to provoke him.
“You’re sure there isn’t anything you want in exchange for me? I’m sure the boys would be more than willing to oblige,” you said. You were sitting on the velvet chaise that had been placed on one side of the room. When you had arrived, Crowley had made you change out of your hunting clothes into something he considered more “fitting.” This turned out to be a dress that was in the style of a Greek goddess. It was long and flowing, the white material cascading down to your toes. The front was low-cut, with gold, intricate beading under your breasts. The same beading formed the straps that went up on your shoulders with more draping over your shoulders.
“No, my pet. When I saw you with those hunting buffoons for the first time, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. Granted, I saw you through the eyes of one of my demons, but I was correct in my assumption that you would be even better in person.” Crowley walked toward you, two glasses of wine in his hands. He handed you one before sitting next to you and placing his hand on your knee. You had to actively try to not roll your eyes.
“You see, when I see things of great beauty, I have to have them.” His hand slid up your leg a bit. “Those two wouldn’t know what to do with someone like you anyway.”
You wanted to argue with him, to tell him that Dean was the best thing to ever happen to you—but you knew it wouldn’t help anything.
You were starting to get a little nervous. “Well...w-what do you want from me?”
“Don’t you worry about that, little bird. We have all the time in the world. Although, I’m sure those monkeys will be trying to get you back. We’ll just have to deal with that as it comes.” Crowley took a sip of his wine.
You looked down at yours, contemplating if you wanted to drink it. It was unlikely he did anything to it, as he was treating you so well. You’d been burned in the past, though.
“There isn’t anything wrong with it. I may be a demon, but I wouldn’t make you relive that part of your life,” Crowley said. You looked up at him, and he looked sincere. You wondered why the King of Hell was being so nice to you. Then, you saw his eyes scan up and down your body.
That’s why.
“You’re taking all this very well. I hope you do realize, pet, that I’m not an idiot.”
“Wh-what do you mean?” You asked.
“I mean I know you’re either planning to escape, or hoping the flannel twins will get you out of here. It’s not going to happen, so you may as well let go of that now,” Crowley said, getting up to refill his wine. No matter what he said, you weren’t going to let Crowley crush your hope. You’d been there before, and living without hope was much worse than the alternative.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” You asked. You were wary of Crowley. This was not how he usually acted.
He sat down next to you again, placing his wine glass on the ground and taking yours as well. He placed his hands on your cheeks, one hand tucking your hair behind your ear. “I’m being so nice because I take care of the things I care about.” His thumb stroked your cheek gently. “And I will treat you like this until you give me a reason not to—until you break my trust.”
His words had a definite edge to them, and there was an unspoken threat that came with them. You felt your eyes well up, frustrated at the situation you were in. Crowley looked into your eyes, waiting for a response.
You slowly nodded your head, reminding yourself again that Dean wouldn’t let you stay there forever.
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