#my new washer
hellodragonkit · 1 year
My New Washer
Welp i got a new washer lol well kinda. By this weekend i should have a wringer to help prep the laundry for on the cloths line.... With the apartment complex having raised the price on the washer and dryer, and not being able to find a washer for in my apt, this..... this is the last resort. I can feel myself slowly turning into the crazy lady of the complex who looks like she is from a third world country.
And yes that is a boat oar, it was cheaper then the laundry paddles to help stir the hot water and cloths.
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sergle · 7 months
Rapidfire Commissions have been secured!! the post is deleted now, thank you everyone!
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micamicster · 11 days
Just had such an intensely annoying experience i instantly lost all further motivation to do shit today
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me: oh man, so pumped to go to church after missing it last week
GI tract:
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Listen I know I have to write a polite, only slightly passive aggressive email to the apartment company to complain about how I STILL don’t have a washer and dryer, two days after they said they’d deliver one.
But I REALLY REALLY want to write a very passive aggressive email to them.
Unfortunately I know that if I do that it will not help my chances of getting a washer sooner rather than later.
So I have to at least be mostly neutral.
I will be copying someone from the co-op team on the email so they can see the whole chain of issues I reported
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shostakobitchh · 4 months
hey y’all
just wanted to give a little update: my husband and I are in the process of moving. this kind of all happened yesterday: we toured a building and fell in love with it and basically signed all the paperwork. we move out next week.
the house we’re currently in (it’s a 2 family, we live on the second floor) has had its - well - VERY large share of issues. it’s ancient, it’s in disrepair, there’s structural issues, and the guy who was living below us was a nightmare. we stayed because rent was cheap and a 5 minute commute for both of us.
the latest issue that has been causing me a fuckton of stress is that there’s some animal in the walls. our landlord, as you can imagine, could give less of a fuck. he’s like 92 and lives in Boca Raton. we’ve been here 3 years and have met him once. he told us last may he’s been planning on selling once we leave but basically gave us until whenever to do so. we tried to stick it out until summer since I’ll be off but yeah, we needed to get the fuck out of here.
i am off this week for winter break but I am now in full blown panic mode. I need to pack; i need to throw out a ton of stuff; i need to order new furniture. i am basically a vibrating ball of nerves.
my plan was to write this week and I’ll see if I can calm down enough to make that happen but I genuinely don’t know LOL - we’ve entered a new headspace until we move in so we might be looking at a march update. ever since our critter friend decided to join us I haven’t been able to write because he makes noise and is SUPER distracting.
i will try and post a little sneak peek later; i have about 1k of chapter 57 done but that’s it.
anyway, fuck landlords, fuck renting the housing market, but not my beautiful new apartment!!!!!!
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bokatan · 4 months
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pouting because she got her gross muddy feet washed off and nobody believes her when she says that i actually used hot lava instead of water
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opportunity-strikes · 2 years
A buddy of mine asked me to make him a pair of sheaths for some knives he got at faire this year, and this is the first one! It turned out nice I think, and I matched the style to his leather tunic that's accented with white dragon scales.
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uuuvas · 5 days
I really wish my apartment wasn't as depressing as it is
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mayor-of-dreamland · 1 year
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Katt’s laundromat!! 🍂
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imwritesometimes · 5 months
new washer supposed to be delivered wednesday but there's a huge fuck storm rolling into my area like that day pls I need all the good vibes/energy/whatever anyone can spare that I actually have a working washer on wednesday....
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tcustodisart · 1 year
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I need to draw her more often...
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brb-on-a-quest · 26 days
Literally do not know what I expected but laundromats are really boring.
There are washers and dryers and that’s literally about it.
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rubythecrimsonwriter · 5 months
Me: *walks into my bathroom to see yet another thing broken in the middle of a winter storm*
Me: i do not have the mental fortitude for this rn
Me: *walks out again*
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fereldanwench · 1 year
im getting a new washer and dryer today IM SO FKING EXCITED
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llycaons · 2 months
I'm looking forward to packing up to move so much!! and then opening it all again there where I end up and setting up my home 😊 I'm not someone who likes unpacking after a trip, but when it's your whole home going somewhere new and exciting, I feel like it's different. I'm saying goodbye to so many things I don't need anymore, or never needed, and for the first time in my life getting to choose exactly what's going to be in my space, with an actual budget for things I need or even just want, and nobody else to impede me bring in their own stuff. ahhh it took so many years to get to this point but I can't wait!!!
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