#my o2 is fine and it didn’t fuck w my heart
Also y’all I got fucking covid can u BELIEVE
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noel-byers · 5 years
What monsters do you fight? || chapter O3
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Chapter O1 • Chapter O2 • Chapter O3
Words: 1570
After almost throwing Will's bicycle in the back of the playroom, I walked in with a few strides and found myself standing in front of Kit, intent on munching a packet of chips like usual.
"Taste bbq?" I asked with a small smile.
"Don't try Byers. It is onion taste your most hated taste” Kit answered with his usual rabbit smile. I raised both eyebrows and put both hands on my hips.
"You really are ungrateful, if it weren't for me, you'd have twice your pounds, you need a poor wretch to help you finish the fries” I commented, rather disappointed, but keeping a slight smile of defiance.
"However you are late I will have to take ten dollars off your pay" my friend said at one point, continuing to crunch noisily.
"What?! And I, who had also taken care to bring you my acne cream, but since all of a sudden you became all asshole, then keep your onion breath and your volcanoes on the epidermis" I replied with theatrical making leaving myself behind a Kit that now implored my forgiveness and the divine ointment.
I started doing my reconnaissance lap inside the club, being careful that no one broke some machinery or just having fun seeing the children rosicare when they were game over. But my gaze stopped on a little girl who was playing Dig-Dug and immediately it occurred to me how much Dustin boasted about his "unbeatable score".
So as soon as I saw the girl cursing for yet another game over, I approached her.
"Twice on, one on the right, four on the left, two on the bottom and a counterclockwise turn with the keys" I said, laying a hand on the Dig-Dug machine, the red-haired girl looked up and her pale eyes met the my.
"What?" He asked with a questioning grimace.
"I'm revealing a trick to boost your character and upset the record list" I replied vaguely, shrugging my shoulders.
"And why are you telling me?" The redhead asked at this point, crossing her arms over her chest with a small interested smile. At his request I looked up at the ceiling for a few moments, pressing the index finger several times on my chin.
"I have a weakness for red hair" I replied in an amused tone.
"And how should I take this answer, like an advance?" The girl asked ironically.
"Nah just like a desperate request for friendship, a teenager who gets bored in the arcade" I replied with a small laugh, which she reciprocated.
"Do you agree, bored girl, and how do I know you're not fooling me for fun?" She asked at this point, raising an eyebrow.
"You are a very suspicious girl. We make a bet, if you are right, I offer you a hot dog, otherwise you will have to offer it to me if you are wrong” I proposed with a tone of challenge and she accepted the bet turning immediately to the Dig-Dug screen and pressing the proper buttons as I had told her.
At the end of the game The red-haired girl remained with her mouth wide open and turning to me trying to contain all her euphoria.
"Ok redhead fetishist, you won, I'll offer you this goddamn Hot-dog" he nodded with a broad smile.
"I very gladly accept, dear!" After taking a hot dog for both of them, the girl proposed to sit on the stairs outside the room, just ahead of the entrance. We sat down and as we ate another conversation started.
"Anyway, I'm Max" he said as he chewed.
"And I'm Noel, nice to meet you" when Max heard my name raised an eyebrow but said nothing about it "I've never seen you in these parts, you're new here in Hawkins?"I asked, taking a bite of the hot dog..
The girl at that point nodded but didn't seem to be of many words about it. I decided not to feel something unpleasant, also because I didn't have all this confidence yet.
"You'll be fine here, Hawkins may seem like a city too monotonous and quiet, but if you look hard you will find many unusual and interesting things" I commented gently.
"I hope so in the end...this place doesn't look so bad, it's great for skateboarding" replied Max nodding several times.
"Now I'm really curious to see you at work" I said putting both hands under my face and then looking at her with an amused air.
"Next time I could take him to the arcade" the redhead suggested.
"I find it an excellent idea" I concluded with a nod, only to be interrupted by a deafening roar of cars, which approached a few meters from us.
My throat knotted dangerously when I saw Billy Hargrove get out of that car, what the fuck was he doing here? Don't tell me he had a secret passion, hidden under that sawdust brain?
He leaned close to the hood of the car, lighting a cigarette, and looked with unfriendly eyes at Max, who looked down nervously, but Hargrove's eyes bulged when he recognized my figure.
Probably if he could have punched me he would have done it in that instant but probably being around a public place prevented him from putting his bestial desire into action.
"What the fuck are you doing here with her?" Billy asked frowning, earning a puzzled look from Max.
"I work here, asshole. And the girl is able to understand and decide what to do on her own" I replied without fear, but the blond's gaze was causing me a slight sense of anxiety.
"She's my half sister, bitch. And she does what I say, when I want and how I want to” Billy replied, then looked at Max, who looked at me almost sorry.
"You can't always behave like that with the Hargrove people as if they were all under your iron fist, you will realize that all this security is all in your imagination" I said to Billy as he entered his car and lowering the window he said to me:
"Take it in the ass, Byers"
"Well you do as a target first, Hargrove" I yelled back, while Max inside his car bit his tongue to keep from laughing, while Billy with a disgusting bitter in his mouth darted home.
I made my way back home at midnight, my eyes had grown heavy and all I wanted was to throw myself into my bed and not think about anything but sleep.
I started towards our small kitchen, uncertain of a little water to drink and as soon as I found the bottle I poured a small amount into the glass. In the air reigned a heavy silence, almost unusual for our apartment, maybe Will would have slept quiet dreams that night. I was hoping for it with all my heart. My thoughts stopped abruptly when I heard a creak at the front door, as if someone had opened it ... was he a thief? He carefully opened the cutlery drawer and picked up a knife with the tip not out of tune, hoping it could be useful and turning around I saw only the figure of my younger brother who was going out of the house with an empty expression. "W-Will?" I whispered, frightened but at the same time perplexed, but he didn't seem to hear me. So after putting down the knife, with a small step he followed his path, until I saw him stop a few centimeters from the entrance door. He looked at the sky in a terrified way but there was nothing, I didn't see anything! His small hands trembled like dry leaves, while his eyes were wide with terror.
I knelt in front of him and with both hands grabbed his slender shoulders trying to shake a little. "Will what's up? what's scaring you?” no answer “Will please, can you hear me?” it looked like an ice statue “Will, please answer me!” I begged with eyes that started to contain more tears. His gaze dropped to me in a lost way.
"Noel...?" As soon as he heard those words, I looked into his shocked eyes and without thinking twice I greeted him in my arms.
"Will...holy god, what happened to you?" The child seemed to think about it a little before answering.
"I think suffering from somnambulism is one of the symptoms...of the trauma, the doctor told me" and yet there was something that did not come back to me.
"Are you really telling me the truth?" I asked frightened, he nodded "Swear me"
"I swear" he replied without hesitation as if he wanted to avoid the subject. I looked at him again for a few moments, stroking his face with one hand, then getting up and leading him back into the house.
"Do you want me to keep you company, little brother?" I asked in front of his bedroom door, he shook his head.
"No son’t worry, you know, I'm not a child anymore" he replied, raising his eyes to the sky and I nodded defeated, moving away to the bathroom to put on my pajamas and give me a fix. A few moments after putting on my pajamas I approached Will's room again, who seemed to have taken sleep immediately, I let a sigh escape from my dry lips and as far as I knew I was going against my brother's will, I approached his sleeping figure and taking a pillow I lay down beside his bed, on the floor and watching him like a sentinel, I let my heavy eyelids and defeated fatigue slowly take possession of my body, catapulting me into a deep sleep.
T O   B E   C O N T I N U E D …
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neomysterio · 5 years
May. Could. All nice words to hide the truth. Who wanted powers in the hands of a teenager any way?
Francis would’ve snapped at Reed, but she saw her father take off his O2 mask. She listened patiently as he whispered as much as he could before his coughing returned.
“Daddy, breathe.” She told him tenderly as she helped his oxygen mask back on. Francis never called him ‘Daddy’ unless the shit had hit the fan.
“All my life, I’ve wanted to be you.” She started once he had caught his breath again, “But I couldn’t. I didn’t have powers or skills or a genius level intellect. Then when you were distant these last couple of months, I felt like a failure. Frank and Val are like their folks and Allison is like Uncle Max, but me? I feel like your failed science experiment.
And then I got my test results back. They told me that the operation was a success and that you were going to wake up in 18 hours. I thought you were going to be fine. I thought you would be okay, and I’d be like you one day! Sure you’d be mad I ran off, but I never imagined you lying like this.”
She sighed and continued, “I just wanted to not be stuck between worlds for a little while. To not be too normal, to be part of your world, but too weird to be part of my biological dad’s world…whoever he is. Maybe I’ll track him down one day. I’d like to know him.”
Stay on track girl, you’re rambling.
“You know what I saw when I was in that AIM dream?” She asked him, “It was you and me in this cute farm around Christmastime. We had both used our powers to take down the demon Dormammu. You were so proud of me. I could’ve stayed there forever.”
Francis sighed and let go of his hand to look at the vial.
“But I guess we all have to wake up sometime.” She uncorked the vial that Otto had given her and drank it.
She would feel no different. It tasted like nothing, it did nothing. A whole big nothing. Like water.
His expression had softened when she mentioned feeling like a failure. Oh, he knew that feeling all to well. Experiment? Experiment? What was that supposed to mean? Beck supposed he could table that and the other father conversation for later. When he could actually speak correctly.
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He reluctantly pulled down the mask again.
“Y-you were never... a failure... You’ve a-always been my pride.... and joy. I only... ever wanted you... powers or not. Being a g-genius or not... just you... whoever you... turned out to be... I wanted... I do love you... w-with all of my... h-heart... 
We.. c-can talk about.... y-your other f-father later, But... but...”
He paused to catch his breath.
“You’re f-fucking grounded...”
Reed tried not to smile, but he failed, and so did Quentin. 
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