#so??? good job Pfizer
battleangel · 1 year
Life Is Nothing But A Dream
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The Big Bang was actually a Kemetic Explosion that created everything. At the instantaneous moment it occurred, it shot eternally into the past and eternally into the future, so that it always was, always is and always would be in that moment in time that created time itself while collapsing it.
Paradoxes, duality, yin and yang, opposites attract, magnetism, chemistry, polar opposites, twinflames, reality and untold countless trillions of individual dreamscapes were created in that moment.
We are all dreamers, the mind is limitless and imagination is limitless. They can make laws about what you wear, eat, smoke, drink, say, write -- but not about what you think, dream and imagine.
You dont have to tell a child that their imagination is limiltless, thats why they have real imaginary friends, but you have to convince an adult that they "have what it takes" to pass a job interview -- why do you think that is?
The Kemetic Explosion was a prismatic supernova that created all realities, multiverses, universes, galaxies and dimensions in one timeless and eternal moment.
There are two existing dual realities that fit the universal theme of duality -- hot and cold, fire and ice, sugar and spice, black and white, yin and yang, good and evil, love and apathy (not hate), sun and moon -- so on and so forth.
The two realities are the current simulated reality we are all living in now that I am currently typing this in, but it is only a simulation, a facsimilie, a virtual reality, a fax machine copy of our actual reality, which is the eternal dreamscape we all came from.
We are all eternal energetic beings, we are nature, this is why nature heals us -- why do you need a scientific study to confirm that?
We are magical, alchemical beings with the ability to naturally heal ourselves within ourselves with nature -- Pfizers got nothin on you.
We are trees, water, streams, rivers, grass, ganja, sun, moon, stars, skies, comets, milky ways, galaxies, oceans, waves, gardens, flowers, petals, dragonflies, fireflies, butterflies.
This is why it is so unnatural for us to exploit, pillage & rape Mother Earth, overextracting & depleting natural resources, destroying rainforests, deforestation, overfilling landfills with unused SHEIN clothes & unopened Amazon products, greenhouse gas emissions, unclean coal, oil, gas, nuclear energy, toxic chemicals, smoke, smog, industrial waste & pollution -- they get artificially richer with capitalism's monopoly money while they do nothing but harm the planet, the air, the water, the ozone layer, literally harming themselves in the process yet they still think they are "winning" as their total destruction of Earth via climate change is continuing unabated as they march on in their shiny spacesuits to colonize Mars with Elon Musk without even giving their destruction of Earth a second thought.
We have all existed eternally forever in the dreamscape.
The dreamscape is very similar to "What Dreams May Come" if you want a visual representation of what it's like.
Lush, visceral, lucid, explosive colors, 10 dimensional, multidimensional, all dimensions coexisting at once at the same time.
You can walk through walls, you can walk on water, you can fly, you can fall through the sky without dying.
What are our individual dreamscapes?
Simply our imagination.
It's our thoughts. It's whatever our mind can conjure up. Its limitless expansiveness.
We go there every single night when we dream, whether you remember it when you wake up or not, you visited your dreamscape and that is the real reality, then you woke up to "go to work" in this fake reality.
How did we get here?
When you sleep, you go to your eternal dreamscape, where your eternal energetic being originally originated from. All of us were created in the instant the Kemetic Explosion (aka "Big Bang") happened.
So, how did we get here, into this fake ass virtual reality simulated upside down?
When people talk about your soul, when your physical body perishes, and only your energy and essence remains, they are actually talking about you returning to your original state, which is the eternal energetic being you were when you were created during the Kemetic Explosion.
You existed in your own eternal individual dreamscape -- literally your imagination -- for untold milennia until your human parents fucked.
This created your physical human incarnation. Once this happened, you as an eternal energetic being were taken from your individual dreamscape and you physically incarnated as a human being inside of your mother's womb.
Once she gave birth to you, you had now transported from your individual limitless dreamscape to our virtual reality as a mortal physical being in a very limited 3D reality, an upside down that is the opposite of the dreamscape in every way.
The next question would be, why does this happen? What is the point of us coming to this virtual reality?
The entire point of life in this simulated reality virtual reality video game is just to open and activate your third eye, spiritually awaken, experience ascension, self-actualize and realize that you are actually a limitless eternal energetic being and that you are only temporarily manifesting in a physical human form.
This is also referred to as an ego death, killing your human ego, and realizing that you are actually a limitless eternal energetic being.
Once you realize this, physical death no longer scares or frightens you, it is simply you permanently returning to your eternal dreamscape, which is where you originated from anyway.
Why would you be afraid of death when it's simply a permanent return to your own mind, your own imagination, your own 10 dimensional dreamscape which is where you originated from and you currently temporarily visit each night when you sleep anyway?
The place you are in now, this current hellscape, full of injustice, racist cops, terroristic militaries, empire building, religious dogma, abuse, rape, sexual violence, pointless wars, genocide, racism, hatred, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, conditioning, grooming, sex trafficking, molestation, child abuse, greed and environmental destruction, doesn't scare you yet you fear a physical death that simply returns you to your original limitless eternal energetic self and dreamscape?
Yo, who taught you to fear death and why?
Keytruda is a cancer drug that was $100k when it was first released that only allowed you to live for an extra 30 days.
Just how brainwashed are you?
Look at all of the endless medical interventions, look at the slashing and the burning, the chemical radiation, the buzz saws, the hormones, the endless surgeries, triple bypass, open heart, remove a lung, non-stop prescription medication, opiates, oxy, perc, tylenol with codeine --
For what? You're going to fucking die, anyway.
Have you figured that out yet?
They have you so afraid of death yet you're not afraid of the current hellscape you currently live in.
Objectively, we are in hell by now, by any observable metric.
We are surrounded by mindless destruction, endless exploitation, wars, expansion, greed, capitalism, corporatism, environmental destruction, overconsumption, materialism, consumerism, unnecessary and needless starvation, houselessness & poverty, no living wage, no universal health care, no universal education --
Apple is a trillion dollar company and you think we don't have enough resources for every American to be housed, fed, educated, paid a living wage and receive medical care?
We're the richest planet on Earth and you actually don't think we have the money to house, feed, educate, pay a living wage to and provide medical care for every American citizen?
Globally, the richest 1% control the majority of the money.
Even a child could figure out if we evenly spread the resources, nobody would have to starve, nobody would have to die from hunger, houselessness and poverty.
We see what the Bezoses and Musks and Apples are making.
We see the corruption in "poorer" countries where the leaders all tend to be rich.
Why is that, that the leaders in "underdeveloped" countries are never starving along with their subjects?
Because they hoard the money, the charity donations, the money from the US, these leaders hoard it for themselves and dont give it to their citizens so they become richer while their citizens become poorer and many die.
It doesnt have to be like this in America or anywhere else.
The global elites want it like this. They want their mansions, their private jets, their Epstein pizzagate islands where they can rape children.
You dont really think Bob Iger needs $78,000 a day to survive, do you?
They want it like this and they collectively want us to barely make a living, work for a minimum wage, work a "salaried" job with thousands of hours of UNpaid overtime, kill ourselves for scraps for a CEO that isnt working and is making 1000xs more, spend the majority of our lives at a corporate 9 to 5 -- more time then we spend at home, with family, friends, loved ones, living, reading, singing, dancing, expressing, being alive -- you will spend the majority of your life working to make a CEO you will never even talk to richer -- the majority of each day at work and the majority of your life since you wont get to retire until 65 then "you can do what you want" for 10 years then drop dead -- are you actually okay with this?
The point of this virtual reality videogame is for you to open your 3rd eye, realize you are much more than just the physical human you are currently manifested as, ascend, spiritually awaken, self-actualize and realize you are actually an eternal energetic limitless being -- made from the same energy that created the Kemetic Explosion Big Bang -- you are energy, you are source, you are universe.
Realize this place we currently and very temporarily reside in is nothing but a dream and a virtual simulated reality of the actual reality which is the dreamscape you visit every night when you experience REM sleep, its simply a shift in consciousness that allows you to travel to your dreamscape, then when you "wake up", you are back here in the virtual reality.
But when you actually wake up, meaning you open your third eye, you will realize your human ego is as false as this virtual reality is and as limited as your physical human body.
Wealth, status, prestige, brand name company, fancy job title, fancy car, fancy house, luxury vacations, fancy furniture, all to impress other people, keeping up with the joneses, keeping up appearances, climbing the corporate ladder, high net worth, liquid assets, being an executive --its all bullshit and ego driven, its all driven by a desire to impress, be important, be admired, be liked, be respected, be feared -- its all external, nothing internal -- its all surface and not substance, its all gloss, its all photoshop, its all airbrushed, its all comparison driven, its all a dick measuring contest, its all Im more successful than you, Im a bigger deal than you, I drive a better car than you, I have more money than you, Im number 1, I finally made it, its 500+ likes for a LinkedIn employment update, its working for big tech, working for FAANG, working for FAAMG, working for Disney, its all I got mine, its all Acknowledge me!, its all Im a big fucking deal, its all I am important and people know who the fuck I am, its all I run this meeting, I run the show, I am impressive, important, my accolades and achievements precede me, people respect me, I got into a prestigious company, I got into Goldman Sachs which has a 4% acceptance rate, I got into Amazon and passed their interview where they interrogated me with their endless Leadership Principles, I have the golden star, I am a capitalist success, I am a six figure earner, I am in the $100k+ club, Im an executive, Im a VP, I made it, I am the American Dream...which is nothing but a fucking nightmare.
How do you like those golden handcuffs?
What happens if you're one of the 2 to 3 million more layoffs LinkedIn is predicting is going to happen this fall?
Kill your ego so your ascended self can be reborn.
Induce your own ego death so your ascended self can live.
Once you do, you'll be fully awake and fully alive and physical death will no longer scare you because it leads to the true eternal life which is just you returning to your eternal dreamscape and returning to the eternal energetic being you always were after shedding your temporary physical human self and shell.
Thats the true Kendrick Lamar Metamorphosis.
Your physical human manifestation is the caterpillar shell you must shed by inducing your own ego death and killing your own ego to become a butterfly, which is your ascended spiritually awakened third eye activated self-actualized self and this metamorphosis from your ego-driven caterpillar self to the ascended third eye activated butterfly is a metaphor for the final transformation which is actually only the beginning of when you shed your caterpillar physical human manifestation, so the ego death foreshadows the physical death, and you transform into a butterfly limitless energetic being, and this current physical virtual limited caterpillar reality is a metaphor for the ascended butterfly limited eternal dreamscape, which is just your individual imagination.
Love is eternal and limitless. Energy is eternal and limitless. Imagination and the mind are eternal and limitless.
Who is in your eternal dreamscape?
Your soulmates (platonic, familial and romantic) and twinflame (if you have one -- this is two souls that were fused together into one yin yang soul and one eternal energetic being when the Kimetic Explosion happened and then, when they physically manifested as human beings, their one soul split into two physical human beings that are fated and destined to be together in the virtual reality as best friends, romantic lovers and a sexual couple then, when they physically die and return to their eternal dreamscape, their souls fuse back together into one eternal energetic being that is simultaneously one being while still being two beings at once as both energies reside in the one soul being -- Yin Yang Twinz.
Thats duality.
There is no judgemental asshole in the clouds sitting on a throne judging people for having sex -- do you actually believe those lies that were packaged to you to control you with fear?
You really think God has a long white beard and is sitting on a throne like Santa Claus at the mall?
The only hell that actually exists is your own mind, if you refuse to kill your own ego, if you refuse to cause and experience your own ego death, if you keep living an empty life fuelled by your ego desires, when your physical self dies, and you return to your dreamscape, it will be as empty and shallow as your life was.
You failed to beat the virtual reality game.
You failed to ascend and open your third eye.
You failed to reject capitalism, consumerism, overconsumption, materialism, greed, wealth, status, privilege, corporatism, profiteering, superficiality, environmental destruction, industrial waste, big pharmas lies, exploitation, excessive medical intervention.
You failed to accept death as the natural outcome to life versus unnaturally doing everything possible to avoid it extending your life beyond all reason.
You failed to reject prejudice, close mindedness, us vs them, stereotypes, political propaganda, religious dogma, dehumanization of vulnerable populations that need community, socialism & a universal basic income, housing and medical care -- basic needs that could be met today instead they die needlessly of hunger, starvation, houseleness and very treatable illnesses and medical conditions while you sit there willingly oblivious and obtuse with your upper middle class income, your McMansion, your Lex Coup Beema & Benz, your yearly summer vacations self turning a blind eye to all of the unnecessary suffering under capitliasm that you endlessly benefit from and refuse to call it out for the bullshit system it is that is responsible for the death of millions.
You bought into all of the carefully packaged lies and rejected introspection, because you didnt want to give up your VP spot, your executive title, your 401K, your stock options, your unrestricted stock, your luxury vacations, your sports cars, your investment portfolio, your big ass house, your clout, your impressive career, your status, your wealth, your prestige -- you bought into capitalism because it financially and materially rewarded and enriched you but you ended up mentally, emotionally and spiritually bankrupting yourself but you refuse to admit any of this because you dont want to fuck up and fumble the bag.
But all that fake stuff doesnt exist in the non-simulated non-virtual real reality of the dreamscape, so when you get there and its just you, since expanding and exploring your mind is the one thing you avoided the entire time you existed as your physical human self, you refused to look inwards, you refused to look inside, you refused to question yourself and the unjust capitalist system that props up all of your status wealth and success, you refused to get deep, to ask yourself who you are outside of the impressive job, fancy title, brand name company, fancy house, fancy car, careeer accolades and accomplishments, luxury vacations and cruises and beach house rentals, flexing for the gram, clout chasing, pillar of the fake ass church, deacon, deaconess, trustee, respected church elder, queen bee, queen bitch of every social circle, king of the hill, alpha male, alpha female, you liked all the clout, people kissing your ass, impressing people on LinkedIn, the likes on the gram, the attention, the semi-celebrity local celebrity, the social currency and cache, everybody knowing your name, the HBIC in all your cliques, the bfd in your family, board member, committee member, non-profit volunteer, recognized at church, in the community, tons of friends, tons of clout, mystique, aura, presence, bank account, return on investment, hybrid electric sports car, vanity plates, vanity life.
You never looked within. You spent your entire life chasing and fucking and sucking dick for clout.
And in the literal instant of your physical death, with all of the fake stuff in this virtual reality video game is instantaneously stripped away in a moment, you sit and blankly stare in silence and you realize without all the virtual reality simulated fake stuff, that there is no "there there", because you never took one moment out of your entire physical existence as a human to look inside, introspect and think.
That is what this current hellscape is a simulation of -- actual hell, the eternal torment of never actualizing the self.
Wake up. Life is but a dream.
Wake up so when you actually permanently go back to sleep then permanently wake up you're now permanently awake in your eternal dreamscape to dream and imagine limitlessly forever.
Dream on, dreamer 🌌
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pandemic-info · 1 year
In the second in a series of personal perspectives, the John Snow Project talks to [a successful, active early-thirties professional] based in California, who developed Long COVID after his third SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Perspective: I Did Everything Right and Things Still Went Wrong - John Snow Project
NOTE: “did everything right” in this headline is not in terms of what COVID-informed people know and do, but rather the average person who follows CDC & govt. guidelines: the “vax and relax” approach.
Salvatore was Covid cautious and followed public health advice from the outset, including with regard to the vaccines.
“I completed my first vaccine series in May 2021 with two doses of Pfizer. Believing I was protected, I lived normally and was infected in September 2021. I had a known exposure and lost my sense of smell and taste. I was sick for about a day and went to bed early that night, but I didn’t even take time off work. I went back to my remote duties the next day and felt fine after a few days. I had my third Pfizer vaccine in March 2022, and was infected for a second time in September 2022 and for a third time in January 2023.”
Salvatore wasn’t initially concerned about his subsequent infections.
“I tested positive on a Cue at-home test for the second and third infections. Both infections were even milder than the first, maybe because I took Paxlovid. Within a week of the second infection, I developed heart palpitations, which were not initially linked to Long COVID. After the third infection, I began to develop many more Long COVID symptoms, and was diagnosed with the condition.”
Looking back, Salvatore had experienced persistent symptoms since his first infection, and developed new ones with each subsequent infection.
“I was aware of Long COVID since I had persistent loss of taste and smell going back to my first infection, but I never really considered it to be Long COVID, as it did not have a major effect on my life. The third infection is really what tipped me into Long COVID. Since then, I've had intermittent chest pain, heart palpitations, various neurological issues (face numbness, buzzing in the feet), joint pain, anxiety, issues with my vision, fatigue, complete alcohol and caffeine intolerance. I alternate between good weeks and bad weeks, with the bad weeks slowly becoming less severe. Some symptoms have totally resolved, while new ones occasionally emerge (the neurological symptoms did not arise until 3-4 months after my third infection). Although I have been able to keep my job and parent my daughter, this year has been one of the worst of my life. Where previously I was having fun on the weekends, for the last 8 months, I have basically spent my weekends laying on the couch and trying to recover. This year, I had two vacations planned, but cancelled them both because of how bad I've felt. My wife and I have delayed having another child because of my health. Even if I do recover fully, I have read so many stories of people relapsing back into Long COVID, that I am afraid I will never be fully healthy. For that reason, we may not have any more children because of Long COVID.”
Salvatore emailed Dr Bob Wachter, after the noted physician said booster vaccinations or infections will protect people from Long COVID. Dr Wachter posted on Twitter that boosters or infections “will protect you from severe infection & Long Covid – I give them 1 year of credit in this regard.”
Salvatore asked Dr Wachter to delete his erroneous tweet, saying, “Just reading it has caused me immense anguish knowing that someone might believe you and wind up in a similar situation [to me]. I hope you can appreciate how someone could reasonably hold you responsible for their Long COVID in the future.”
We asked Salvatore how the medical profession has responded to his Long COVID.
“Most doctors have believed me, but none have offered any substantive treatments. For example, my cardiologist at UCSF ended our last appointment by encouraging me to take CBD oil, telling me he hoped I would get better. The CBD oil seems to help a little bit, but I haven't gotten better despite his hopes. An ER doctor I saw after my face went numb was kind and caring, but described me and people like me as a "science experiment" that no one really knows how to help. Primary Care Providers have been hit or miss. Once I brought in a document with my list of symptoms to a new Primary Care Provider. He ignored it, then suggested the only explanation was that I was suffering from HIV. I have no risk factors for HIV. Once when I was feeling really bad, I visited urgent care. When I told the doctor that I had caught Covid three times, he implied that it was my fault, and told me not to catch Covid again, as if I hadn’t tried, or could somehow wave a magic wand to prevent it in the future.”
[ Comment: The PCP’s explanation is unsurprising. It’s been said repeatedly that Long COVID is similar to HIV and AIDS — the latter can also start as a “mild” or asymptomatic HIV infection and becomes much worse later on. LC affects the body / immune system and presents in some similar ways.
“If they are not treated, almost all people infected with HIV will develop AIDS (Stage 3). Some people develop AIDS within a few years of infection. Others remain completely healthy after 10 or even 20 years (called long-term nonprogressors).“ - Penn Medicine ]
Salvatore isn’t alone in his experiences of Long COVID but wishes more people would pay attention to the risks.
“My friends and family have been broadly supportive. It might be because I have several family members and friends who also have Long COVID, or who had it in the past and recovered. I don't think my experience has actually influenced anyone else's behavior, except my wife, who masks diligently because of me. When I talk about Long COVID, people who were already behaving in a COVID-cautious manner see it as validating, while those who weren't react with a sort of hopeless indifference. Long COVID isn’t rare. It affects many people who catch Covid even if they caught Covid before. Even if they are young and healthy. Even if they are vaccinated or not vaccinated.”
Salvatore has a message for people who don’t think about the risks of Long COVID.
“You probably won't develop Long COVID after your Covid infection, but there's a good chance that you might. The only way to avoid Long COVID is to avoid catching Covid. The vaccines and Paxlovid seem to help but aren't a panacea. If you get Long COVID, it will probably be somewhat mild, but it also could be so severe that it will derail your life entirely. Doctors will not be able to help you -- there are no cures or even approved treatments.”
Salvatore is concerned about the failure of governments to respond to the danger of Long COVID.
“Government officials that downplay or ignore the risk of Long COVID are directly responsible for the suffering of millions of people. Even if there's nothing to be done about it, at least telling people the truth would give them a chance to make a decision about the amount of risk they're willing to take. Be honest with the public about Long COVID: stop downplaying it.”
He is also concerned about the systemic risk Long COVID poses to social and economic wellbeing.
“Long COVID is the biggest, most mispriced risk facing the United States. Based on the latest studies, it's entirely possible that as many as one-third of Americans could be struggling with Long COVID in just a few years. Many of these people may be too sick to work, which poses a huge risk for the economy, and may already be manifesting in the form of the persistent labor shortage. As the number of people with Long COVID grows, health care and disability systems will come under even more strain. Long COVID should be treated as seriously as the initial COVID outbreak.”
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shortansweet · 2 years
hi! are you doing biotech? if yes can you please answer my questions my 12th is about to get over and I'm confused I know I cannot score good in neet so i chose physiotherapy initially but now I think it doesn't have much scope and all my family and friends are telling me the same so now I'm looking for other options can you please tell me how did you get in college and pros and cons and annual pay check too?(after looking at your posts I assumed you have taken biotech)
*cracks knuckles*
Ok so anon I went through the same thing, knew i can't score enough in neet so choose to never give it. My initial plan was physiotherapy too but(i researched) NO PLZ don't go there, lets get straight at it...the field has really less scope and you'll be stuck there and the pay is not much. Same with the other courses like homeopathy, ayurveda etc etc those are sirf naam ke course won't give u enough money or a stable job. Then comes dental...I won't say no but i would say there's a shit ton of competition to get a good earning job
The options left (I'm assuming you're pcb) are bsc and pharma
The entire field of bsc is really very much wide and has shit ton of scope and options not only biotech and biochem
I'm doing double degrees (yea you can but u need to see if the college has that option) primary degree being biochemistry and other one biotechnology
Most of the field literally works on reasearch so you have hundreds of different scopes (fairy speaking i saw the amount job opportunities and ran to this course)
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Those are some for biochemistry.....the research thing is the best... researches can never stop hence job options can never decrease and also this field has soo many undiscovered jobs which are already in work
This is about biotechnology
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The 1st photo is the areas you can go in and the second photo is the list of job (there are more which aren't stated here) but also it depends on your interest in this field
Biochem and biotech are very much interattached field so you can choose any one of them which opens up the same options in masters (don't skip that, masters in important) and many of the same jobs except that biotech is more research focused and harder than biochem
For applications in college you'll have to search up colleges (in ur area or where u want to be) make a list according to ranking (honestly speaking don't get a lower ranked one) and then applying and waiting to get in the colleges which are on top of ur list
The pros of this course are 1. Many more fields in masters 2. More scopes in jobs 3. Paycheck is always high (a friend of mine who did this course and masters got a job in Pfizer and now is living in us for free..lowest to lowest you can atleast get a job in any hospital labs and not sit at home(the biggest pro)
The cons are 1. This shit ain't easy you'll have to use maximum brains 2. Biotech is more research oriented and also more lab work less (0) desk work..3. if u choose double degrees then it's good for job but forget your life
Annual pay check depends on the company you get jobs in or work for taht depends on your capability to get the job (makes it a bit risky)
It was really fun answering this anon...hope this answers everything related to what u wanted...if not you can send another ask I'll be happy to help
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trshltna-blog · 2 years
How Malaysians coped under the pandemic- and public health 😷
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P/S : I'm typing this out from my point of view as I experienced the pandemic as an 18 year old who just graduated from high school so basically I was not studying that time, and would play PUBG with friends I barely talk to now until 3a.m. Hopefully I'll still be as insightful.
When Covid-19 hit drastically in Malaysia in 2020, the whole nation went under lockdown which meant people couldn't physically interact with other people who didn't live under the same roof. From here, you can clearly tell how social media fits in this week's post. Call me an optimist but I'm glad to have gone through such a time with social media existing, in the 2nd decade of the 21st Century. I clearly remember a week turning into 3 weeks, to a month, to just 3 whole months of lockdown with no simple way out.
Over the past 2 years, social media has helped a lot in spreading information about the virus which clearly effected the public health. Alongside that, the pandemic effected other concerns too which included people losing their jobs, economic crisis, people's mental health and also the lack of food for households. With social media, it felt as if we weren't totally alone, although most days felt really draining and undetermined.
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Alas in good light, those with access to social media were entertained by applications such as Tiktok, which blew up a lot during the pandemic because of its constant mindless scrolls of videos. I mean, it's not like we could do anything else anyway. There was the Dalgona Coffee trend, a lot of Megan Thee Stallion dances made and the 'I'm bored in the house yeah I'm in the house bored', if you know, you know, I guess!
Okay, I'm steering away a bit, back to public health!
I always say social media is helpful and I see the positive side of it mainly because my insights were all these infographics regarding Covid-19. Day after day they were go viral and with the ever ending use of Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter and Facebook, people were easily aware about these important details.
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For example, this infographic above guides individuals on how to use a face mask, because I do recall some people that weren't sure which type to buy, how to wear it and even shared their face masks with people. That was honestly so dangerous so I'm glad they came up these things to spread awareness.
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I hope many Malaysians (who see this, lol) remember this image above! Because every single day family group chats would be updated with this on the Covid-19 cases and also all over other social media applications. It was so scary when the numbers kept increasing for positive cases, but we were always hopeful for more recoveries in the days coming.
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There was also this application made for only Malaysians called MySejahtera which was quite successful in my opinion. Before this app was created, individuals who went out had to write down their names, phone number and their body temperature before entering a shopping mall, store, restaurant, or anywhere enclosed to be precise. Unfortunately, there was a plothole to this method as people could get away with writing down and also lie about their credentials. This is where the app comes in.
By August of 2021, most people had already gotten their 2 doses of vaccines. With that, all enclosed areas would restrict those with only 2 full doses to enter. A friend of mine who was interning in Kuala Lumpur that time couldn't even enter Pavillion mall because she had only 1 dose. This was all automatically uploaded and kept in each Malaysian citizen's MySejahtera. In order to enter, all you needed to do was scan the QR Code provided.
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Social Media also enabled for this infographic above to be shared around many Malaysians before getting their vaccine. Even though there wasn't much choice since Malaysia had only fully provided Pfizer for the elderly, AZ and Sinovac for the rest, it was still good to be notified about the other vaccines existing.
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I always love a clean, simple yet informed infographic and the image above did just that. It kept to its main point and conducted it well for people to read and dissect the message. That is, the message above is to spread awareness on places that one may highly likely get the virus.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) Malaysia created several infographics and guides for those who seek help during hard times like the pandemic. I'm not going to go in detail but if you check out their site https://www.who.int/malaysia/emergencies/covid-19-in-malaysia/information/mental-health, you can see that WHO provided for those who have lost their loved once, for the frontliners and even those who were struggling with their mental health.
I wasn't enrolled in Swinburne that time but they had also done a Swinburne's Mental Health awareness week, which is good as a university in Sarawak to promote such importance to students. Checklists and Bingos were a way to engage with a lot of people online so it was quite popular at that time. Here, I scrolled all the way down to @/swinburnesarwak's 2020 posts to find this.
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All and all, it's good to know how Malaysians all over used social media to their fullest in maintaining a safe environment for most during the pandemic. Sharing these correct infographics, articles regarding the virus may seem small but here's the beauty of social media : nothing is ever as small when it's already out there.
#week7 #mda20009 #publichealth
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madcatacres · 25 days
It would be fantastic to be able to afford to get out on my own or into a place with someone respectful of my boundaries again (too rare so not worth the savings) but still living w family. I make so little $ even though I'm full time and above the state minimum wage. Just saving up and biding my time I guess. I gotta go back to looking for a wfh job too, I'd save on busfare (over half the time I have a carpool/ride but it's not consistent so I get a month's fares in the app every month) and extra laundry and that tempting vending machine (massive sweet tooth) and etc.
Getting the pfizer/moderna/whatever later this afternoon instead of waiting for the new novavax that just got emergency-approved by the way (US of A) because too many people are just coming in to my job sick and my masking isn't 100% guarantee.
Listening to music in my headphones because I'm in the house alone and nobody will be irked if I don't respond to some incoherent bellowed question. Always forget how good for my brain music is.
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Let me start with the fact I don't hate Asmon. I think he's wrong about things a bit of the time but I want to address this video.
Listening to Asmon's chat is like listening to brain rot.
Man's a comedian where people have been very open about not hiring the man to gigs and other stuff because he's white. What's more, he's a straight man raised by gay parents. Led him to thinking he was actually gay interestingly enough. But that's not what I want to address.
One of Asmon's chatters said this guy was "anti-vaxx retard" and that's likely why he was being fired from gigs, but he was hearing that he was not getting gigs long before covid when he decided AS A COMEDIAN to make fun of Faucci. Except this goes back to the fact that people need to understand, and GET OUT OF THEIR CULT, so they can come to the realization that the "Vaccine" was not in fact an actual vaccine. The definition was changed by a lot of publications all around the same time to include therapeutics. Be in Pfizer, J&J, or Moderna, and also AstraZeneca, all of them are therapeutics. AND even now, it's the case where even the US Army is admitting that the FORCED application of these experimental medications, has caused harm. Has NOT slowed spread, or prevented it like Biden claimed.
Don't believe me?
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The injury rate for this therapeutic is much higher than actual vaccines, AND provides less benefit over all. But I'm not going to rant about what a vaccine is supposed to be. Just wanted to cover this.
As well as another point in the video that is glossed over by Hasan Piker brained viewers. Asmon said in the video that it's very likely that a lot of white people prevent black people from getting jobs but then expands it to every other ethnicity targeting one another. Yes. Racism is everywhere in the world and it will never go away. But anyone that is a good businessman will hire the best person to the job. No matter the ethnicity. I'm not going to play dumb and say that NO minority has ever been passed over for a job because of their ethnicity. But you know what? I can promise that they uniquely got jobs because of it. Affirmative action was the law of the land for YEARS. And maybe years ago it was justified. Sure I'll give that a pass. Whatever.
However since the 90's I'd go so far as to say in the 90's and 00's it should have been slowly pulled back. I know what my generation is like because I grew up with them. I know what we grew up with. I also know most of my generation is closer to the center than anything else. Yeah there are quite a few that ended up on the fringes, but not most. Sadly however, enough to make things worse for society though.
Either way, give the video a watch. Sure it's hard to watch because Asmon is kinda stupid with some of his views but at least he's being honest about himself. And not all his takes here are bad. His chat on the other hand >.> well, they are unhinged as shit.
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Danielle Verboski Realtor
The town of Groton, Connecticut sits on the banks of the Thames River in New London County. A town in the state of Connecticut, Groton. A town in the state of Connecticut, Groton. Groton, Connecticut is a tiny American hamlet not far from the southernmost tip of North America groton ct real estate A town in the state of Connecticut, Groton. The headquarters of the submarine manufacturing business General Dynamics Electric Boat are located there. It's been more than a century since the doors to this business opened. Pfizer and the New London Naval Submarine Base are both located in the town of Groton, Connecticut. A town in the state of Connecticut, Groton. It's likely that all of these businesses had their beginnings in Groton. The group's influence extends far into the economy. The Avery Point campus of the University of Connecticut is located in close proximity to Groton. Modern facilities and conveniences can be found on the Groton campus. The transition to online registration has been warmly received by students, teachers, and the higher ups. In 2010, it was one of the world's largest cities, with 40,115 residents making it a major hub of activity.
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Who or what exactly holds legal title to the "C" in "Constitutional Republic of Connecticut" (or "CT" for short)? Daniel is available at any time to respond to your inquiries. Despite the challenges, you should make an effort to get in touch with him. Whatever the case may be, you can count on all of us to be here for you. We can assist you in your purchase of any item. Explain why you're the best realtor in all of Connecticut. I wasn't surprised to learn that several large real estate firms call Groton, Connecticut home. Danielle Verboski is the only name you need to know if you need a reputable real estate agent in the Groton, Connecticut area. Whenever it most convenient for you, please feel free to contact her. Investigate Danielle Verboski as thoroughly as possible. Locals in Connecticut generally agree that Danielle is the best broker in the state. If you want to be happy, you should make other people happy. Many individuals seek out Danielle because of her reputation as an expert in the California real estate industry. Many people have recognized Danielle as the "best real estate agent in the state." She considers this award to be the crowning achievement of her career. No one is more tenacious than Danielle Verboski when it comes to defending her clients' legal rights in court. Danielle Verboski is a tenacious legal defense. Many people are considering making purchases from her because of this. If you're looking to buy or sell a home in the Groton, Connecticut area, Danielle is your best bet. She could use more information on each of these topics. Danielle has found a job that makes good use of her many skills and interests. Since she is knowledgeable about the housing market in her area, she is at an advantage. Danielle Verboski's biggest worry is facilitating real estate deals. If the movement is effective in enhancing living standards for its members, it will be remembered lovingly. Population growth and decrease are equally affected by immigration and emigration. She claimed that she was constantly anxious about how others viewed her.
With her work history under her belt, Danielle is qualified to become a real estate agent in the Groton region. This makes her a strong contender for the position. Her openness to sharing her knowledge has been really beneficial. The value of a friend like Danielle cannot be overstated. Agent Danielle Verboski is working hard to help you achieve your buying or selling goals. A huge throng could show up to see Danielle Verboski, or no one at all. Those sentiments are understandable, and I find that I share some of them. She will go out of her way to help you since she values her friendship with you so much. Her lavish spending brought in widespread mockery. Finding her is like unearthing a treasure trove of important information. You might be able to get her to confess if you tracked her down. Danielle stands out because she is dedicated to learning and is concerned about the people in her hometown of Groton.
Connecticut native and Re/Max sales associate Danielle Verboski is highly regarded by her clients. Due to her extensive experience, boundless enthusiasm, and unwavering dedication to her clients, she has become the real estate agent of choice in Groton, Connecticut. Because of her skill, she is now recognized all throughout the country as a top buyer. Because of this, her students have grown to respect and admire her. Her devoted clientele is quick to praise her attempts to please them. Over time, people began to think more favorably of her. The friends she had reflected the best in humanity. She theorizes that the staff's genuine care for consumers is a key factor in the company's success. Every member of staff exclaimed over how wonderful she was. Danielle is the one to see if you want to buy a home in the Constitution State.
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screenshots123 · 11 months
📆 29 Oct 2023 📰 'mRNA is going to be turning point in medicine': Drew Weissman, Nobel laureate 🗞 The Week
In an interaction with THE WEEK, done in the midst of the pandemic, Weissman shared the science behind mRNA and his journey to creating the mRNA vaccine technology that is a critical component of Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccines and others being developed globally. Excerpts:
... Is there a difference in the antibody repertoire between mRNA-based vaccines and attenuated virus vaccines?
There are a couple of differences and this has not been investigated well yet. We have investigated in animal models and what we see is that mRNA vaccines give much higher levels. Even in the phase 3 trials, the level of antibodies in vaccinated people were about five times higher than convalescent patients. With other vaccines, the antidotes typically give a level similar to the convalescent patients...
... Why do we need multiple shots to make mRNA vaccines create more antibodies? Why is there a more pronounced reaction after multiple shots? And what is shown about delaying the booster dose?
Those are great questions, but we don't have answers to all of them. We have developed probably over 30 different vaccines using mRNA for everything, from Zika to Ebola to genital herpes, HIV, influenza, hepatitis C. Some of those vaccines work well with a single injection, others require multiple. If you look at the phase 3 trials, both the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccines are 80% effective after a single [dose]. What we don't know and what the concern was was that how durable that response is and that gets into basic immunology. And in basic immunology, the first time you see a pathogen or an antigen, the response is limited and it is usually not very potent and the immune system requires a boost, a second vision of that pathogen to make a better response. And that is why most vaccines are given two, three, four times to boost and to improve the response. We see the same thing with mRNA, the level of antibodies goes up about 10 to 20-fold when somebody gets a booster...
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... What about booster dose side-effects? I felt a little lousy, a couple friends of mine felt terrible. Some others were very sick. Is there any data on these second dose side-effects? Or, is this just a case of immune systems being funny and individualised?
If you look at the side effects, 80% to 90% of people get sore arms, swelling at the site and a smaller percentage gets systemic effects. This is telling us that the vaccines are working. This is the immune system responding to the vaccine. It has nothing to do with manufacturing. It has nothing to do with contaminants or any other problems with the vaccine. They appear to be purely our immune system responding. In my mind, it is a good thing if you have an adverse event because it means the vaccine is doing its job. Having said that, we are working on newer vaccines that have fewer of these adverse events, so that the vaccine is better tolerated.
My friend has some familiar arthritis in his carpometacarpal joints, at the base of his thumb. And he seemed to have gotten some severe arthritic flare-ups within 12 hours of his second shot. Is this the sort of thing that you might expect when the immune system gets amped up from that second/booster shot?
Yeah, we just don’t know. I mean look at the vaccines in the phase 3 clinical trials. People with arthritis and autoimmune diseases weren't included in those trials. There is no scientific evidence from any animal studies or earlier human trials that the vaccines will cause a flare up in an autoimmune disease. But that's not to say it may not happen when your immune system is amped up… there is a potential that it will recognise other antigens, autoantigens that it regularly recognises. So this is something that needs to be studied...
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WEEK 3 - Wrap Up
So the big news in the NFL this week was obviously are Kelce and Taylor real? She went to the game. She sat next to his mom. They drove off together in a "very orchestrated" convertible. So, yeah they must be together. But why? Is it a marketing plan put together by the Pfizer people so that Taylor's fan base will want to listen to Kelce on the non-stop commercial urging us all to get the covid vaccine and the flu shot at the same time? Is it to keep Taylor's name out there for the SuperBowl half time show so when she does it - football fans love her? Are is it as simple as Taylor wanting to "feel tiny" like SNL set up in the video above? Honestly, I don't know. But, it's gonna be fun to watch and find out! Now, on to week 3 wrap ups!
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Hey! TuPadre figured out how to load the gun! Boom! Just like that in week 3 they come away with a quick win against Trade with Me. Poor Brett. Loses Survivor. Only puts up 51 points total from his team. I guess it's better than losing by .50 of a point. Gully had great performances this week from Watson, Moss (zack not randy), Deebo, and Tyler Bass. Going into Monday night he still has Higgins to play. Probably won't get high point but week 3 goes down as a win for TuPadre and Son. Nice Win Gully! Congrats. Brett moves to 1-2.
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What else can be said. Scott Krippayne is finding Fantasy Football EASY this season. 3-0 start and came in this week with not only the high point of the week with 156.76 but also the high point of the season! I am just glad to not have to send it to the Moose! Nice win Scott! Devante with 34, Bills D with 36 (almost had a shut out and would have bumped it up to 46), hell even his kicker had 18 and I don't think he picked him up in round 8. NICE! Now, where there is a winner there is a loser...and once again that loser is Gabe Scott. Gabe moves to 0-3. I am not going to dig into the details. He just scored less than Scott...so he loses. Sorry Gabe. Next week you face Kyle Allmendinger who used up all his points this week so you have a good shot!
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Well, this sucks. Kyle is done for the week...finishing with 131. I am down 50 points with 4 to play on the two MNF games (Mixon, Evans, Atwell and Bengals Defense). 50 divided by 4 is 12.5 points per player. That's what I have to accomplish. Kyle had a great week from Lamar (33), Jefferson (25), Patriots D (17) and really had double digit performances from everyone but Brandin Cooks so if I can pull out the win it will be epic. I chose this GIF because whatever happens that will by my expression. At half time of the Bengals/Rams game it all looks promising...I am down 10...but time is running out for Evans who already has a dropped TD. Also had a TD from Atwell - taken away cause his heal touched the out of bounds line...and so 5 min left in the game i am down 1.06. At the two min warning I am up by .54 - but with a last min Atwell TD - I won 135 to 131. Shout out to Kyle for being a cool competitor this week. Fun Win for me - hard loss for him.
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So this one is a crazy match up. Moose who is currently undefeated has 99.78 but has one of the most explosive rookie WR's in the game yet to play - Puka Nacua. Howard has 65.4 points going into the Monday night matchups but has 5 yet to play - Kyren Williams, Chase, Goedert, Swift and kicker for the Bengal - McPhearson. I am thinking with it being the NFL week of Taylor Swift - DeAndre Swift might have a big night (which he did) and help Howard get this to a close game with the Moose by nights end. A half time update...Nacua has been held to 35 yards and Howard has taken the lead by 1 point. But as the game went on - and Jamaar Chase got on fire - Howard could not be caught. Rob Howard takes away the perfect season from the Moose! Great job Rob. Congrats. What a night!
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This one should be a no brainer but I can see where Funk Guy might be a bit nervous. He is down 15 but he has Jalen Hurts left to play...facing Cliff who still has the Eagles star kicker Jake Elliott. Can Elliott put up double digits numbers? Can Hurts have multiple rushing TDs and rush for 100 yards and throw for 300 yards? Will it be a blow out or a close one? Well, I can answer that now. It was a close one and even though Hurts put up 21 and had a great game, the kicker put up 11! So Funk Guy loses in another very close one. Cliff with an awesome week from Mahomes with 31, Olave with 15 and a game winning night from his kicker!
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Well, I am not going to post what comes up when I search the GIF using the word "Tight"...as in - it's going to be a tight game. The night started out - with Stu with 92 and Bebo with 91. Stu has Rachaad White and Bebo with DeVonta Smith. 1 point difference. 1 player left for each guy. This one really didn't move much. By the end of the Eagles game...Stu only had 4 points from White but Bebo still had Higbee playing in the LA game and Higbee already put up 5 so, Bebo clinched early in the night. Bebo Norman, like Scott Krippayne is undefeated after week 3. Stu moves to 1-2. Great game guys.
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Bye Brett. Bye Bebo...but who is left? We are down to 7. Krippayne, Mitch, Gully, Howard, Dana, Stu and Kyle. Good luck in week 4!
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Noella Maria of the Oakland Raiders is our featured cheerleader tonight. Noella is a freelance makeup artist and from her instagram looks like she loves going to Coachella, Disneyland and hanging with her friends. I am thinking perfect for Brett Rutledge. Let's go!
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floranbetting1 · 2 years
Where to Track down School Scholarships of Each and every Stripe!
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I wish I'd known while planning for school that getting scholarship cash could be nearly pretty much as simple as tracking down a film on Friday night. All things being equal, I labored through five years of full-time school and seasonal work, giving quick work to my public activity and being never-endingly depleted. With a little assistance as school scholarship cash, I could have had a somewhat more pleasant experience.
Instructions to Qualify
Taking into account that you are an interesting person with your own arrangement of assets and shortcomings, with at least 17 years of life behind you, finding scholarships you fit the bill for isn't exactly hard. Since school scholarships are presented based on all that from rush to religion, sports to humanities, and family connections to cultivating, there's in a real sense a school scholarship with your name on it. However, nobody will come thumping on your entryway to track down you. The way to getting scholarship cash is exploring the scholarships and afterward finishing applications for any you remotely fit the bill for. In the event that you don't matter, there's an opportunity the assets will remain in a record, undiscovered. So you should attempt!
Begin Near and dear
Your quest for school scholarship cash starts at home, in a real sense. Your mother or father's boss, or the assistance or expert association they go to may offer scholarships to the offspring of workers. Those are simple! Look at any organizations or good cause association where you've worked, to check whether they offer school scholarships to individuals from their work "family." And check with your state to find what scholarships they proposition to understudies with explicit abilities, interests or experience, or monetary need. Begin by calling your lead representative's office, and they might have the option to direct you toward cash sitting directly in front of you!
The Corporate Course
Next is reaching organizations locally, large numbers of which have laid out scholarship programs as a method for rewarding their workers and networks. Your city or state has an interest in ensuring it has solid, skilled, taught occupants to frame a pool of likely workers and blissful clients.
WalMart, ExxonMobil, AT&T and Coke are a portion of the greater titans that offer scholarship cash. Be that as it may, organizations all over the business scene are assigning an ever increasing number of dollars to assisting understudies with paying for school, with successes. They offer a scope of choices for understudies, zeroing in on everything from entry level position insight to monetary need, variety to family ties.
First of all, look into these organizations: Adobe, Apple, Best Purchase, Coke, Portage, General Engines, Intel, JP Morgan Pursue, KFC, Kodak, Mcdonald's, Microsoft, Mercedes Benz, Northrop Grumman, Pepsi, Pfizer, Time Warner, Target, Toyota and Xerox. Another incredible choice is banks, as they give school scholarship cash to large number of understudies every year, in light of different capabilities. Begin your hunt on their sites, or go to the School Scholarship site for additional thoughts. Click over here Best Paying jobs in basic industries
Some corporate school scholarships will accompany surprises. You could propose to do a restricted summer temporary position, or give a discussion to the organization's representatives or your school peers sometime in the not too distant future. Recollect that any sum whatsoever regardless of how little is a welcome expansion to your school bank account!
Minority Scholarships
Could it be said that you are African American, Hispanic, Local American, Asian, female, bi-racial, multi-racial, multicultural, gay, lesbian, sexually unbiased or transgendered? In the event that you addressed yes to any of these, you are a minority. Nowadays, nearly everybody's a minority, and that implies you can meet all requirements for assigned school scholarships. Minority scholarships are accessible through each granting substance: expresses, the central government, partnerships, colleges and magnanimous associations. Regardless of whether you have only one-quarter minority blood, you might be thought of.
Here are some school scholarship classes you might squeeze into.
In the event that you're a cultivated competitor, somebody some place needs to grant you with a scholarship for school. Particularly in the event that you're going to a more modest school or college. On the off chance that you're an extraordinary understudy and an incredible competitor, you'll be compensated doubly. To figure out which athletic school scholarships are accessible, check with public athletic associations that cover explicit university levels of play like NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA. Do you play hockey? Is it safe to say that you are a bows and arrows bulls eye? And rodeo? There are even scholarships for these and other less famous shorts. For a glance at the scholarships proposed to competitors at all levels.
Contingent upon your field of study, you ought to have the option to catch a public or potentially neighborhood school scholarships intended for understudies very much like you. Try not to accept at least for a moment that they're for somebody more brilliant, with better grades, or further along in the discipline. You should apply, and guarantee your due. Whether you're in artistic expression and humanities, designing or examining to be in the ministry, there are school scholarships intended for your sort.
In the event that you have a surprising ability or expertise, you might believe should do a hunt like "how to get scholarships for school on the off chance that you're a marbles champion," or "track down scholarships for skateboarders." Truly!
Phase of Study
Whether you're an undergrad understudy or you're in graduate-level examinations, there are scholarships to accommodate your need. You'll find school scholarships for understudies concentrating on abroad, graduate examination colleagues, school scholarships for the investigation of regulation, business, designing and history, among many fields. Ph.D. competitors can get help paying for school costs with a large group of scholarships pointed straightforwardly at their field of review.
I trust you're getting the point here: when you figure out how to track down scholarships, the sky's the cutoff. The following are a couple of additional labels that could make you the ideal possibility for a school scholarship: impaired, Young lady Scout, sorority sister, political creature, left-gave, fireman, self taught student, veggie lover and twin! This rundown could continue forever.
Assuming you're a secondary school understudy, it's never too soon to begin fabricating your "school savings." You have opportunity and energy to join administration clubs, work parttime, and gain experience that might be pertinent to specific scholarship assets, and assist you with turning out to be better qualified. Any place you are in your secondary everyday schedule vocation, take time now to plunk down and plot out an arrangement to request some assistance from willing elements who can assist with funding your advanced degree.
For more scholarship thoughts, look at the School Scholarship organization site. They have connections to in a real sense huge number of accessible scholarships and a great many dollars in school scholarship cash. It's a very much stamped way to finding support with your school costs. You can likewise look at my #1 school prep site, with questions and answers in abundance on all that from planning for the SAT/ACT to picking a school to getting awards and scholarships. The web is School Prep Ask It! furthermore, the site is underneath.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
*Hess is not that big Hess is not that big but we are taking them over and we have a lot of people on it and we're consuming their company and it's going very fast because of the other companies we have nearby and we hire more and we are taking out everybody there none of you want to do any kind of job for gasoline or oil companies and we're moving you from service completely fully.
*the other companies were now signing on today is Texaco Sunoco shell BP citgo Wawa and Marathon and we're taking them over means today we're signing and we're clearing everybody out they're all going to be let go we're clearing everybody out in 7 hours if they were there which we don't think so at this time.
*additional companies were signing today too ownership Lock stock and barrel 100% of the stock Walmart Costco Sam's we're only now half of BJ's and we are going to own all of these stores by the end of the day we have not grabbed Target for some reason but we are there we have to be
*we're now signing up and onto a Lock stock and barrel will be ours Corning lasertron teradyne Intel Celeron and a slew of tech companies rfmd is holding out and they're practically one of the only ones and we will destroy them by regular business practices and they'll sit there making nothing which they usually do companies of yours end up sitting there is still exists they pay taxes but they don't do anything
*we're finalizing the deal for a Kellogg Slater Brothers and the third company in the south which does all the food distribution and grocery stores there Lane company and we are beginning to negotiations on other companies in the east and we are doing this globally the above company is handle global distribution is Max had owned it all and they go to our people of whatever race is in that area controlling that area Chinese will own the ones in China and there are Chinese people Uriel and goddess wife. That's an example
*and there are more companies with signing on completely today for ownership of Lock stock and barrel glaxo pharmaceutical Astro pharmaceutical biogen gentech Johnson & Johnson Pfizer and a slew of others completely cuz they want to spread us out they say and try and grab us.
*they're more companies were taking over accelerate metal and it's subsidiaries we're actually signing today and is John Riva Lord but he's fired he was on the board but he's no longer there and was starting to get over from the former owners who own only like 10 or 5% of the company and they're getting out before something happens to them they say they say it out loud on the board meeting they say why what are you afraid will happen to you and they don't say anything they say Chris wouldn't want it this way so they work for me and you're surrounded so shut your mouth. Tit for tat b**** get it you do it to me I'm having it done to you it's like three of them and 10 of us who stood up or big I said it's time for you to leave and they're saying all the stuff about you and I said it's time to detain them please and so we detained them and and said you don't have to say please I said thank you let's have a wise ass isn't he it's terrible horrible so we're taking him out we're going to kill him and he's saying I think there are other things that are worse I said that's what I wanted to admit the whole time freaking loser the sun said you gave up your act to die and the guy goes yeah I guess so when he died that's funny
*we also taking strategic objectives of the clones and our father and mother ordered it because the clones are bothering them and it's a way to get rid of them and to get in town companies like Boeing we are signing up today as full owners general Dynamics were still working on we have a half in the bag roughly they built a lot of stuff most of the military stuff and Donald Douglas we're signing today and Max is leaving in half and he's sad and the sun screwed them over and it's true it was a good excuse rather than these retards, and there's a lot of other companies Oshkosh we signed yesterday it's our stock and barrel and we are kicking you out and we're telling you to leave the area or you'll be arrested and we're not buying your homes you put up for sale or you don't have your home will take the title too after about a week. We're taking over the Abrams plant slowly and we'll have it done today or tomorrow but we're signing up for a lot of other companies that are military contractors and military subcontractors and doesn't complete list online no there's not we're not telling you we have taken over GE and they do a lot of work military work and we are taking over GTE which is odd it's a tech company it's your guidance systems. And soon we're going to be at your spaceship facilities but we're taking over gun places and the big guns are not made by the well known handgun manufacturers but we are taking over three of them today fully and we don't have to sign it over we just going to take it over no they're signing it over to us and I think we won't have any supplies cuz they're going to take the ore which they're Manning up to try and do but the in-fight over you see I don't have any equipment but they plan on trying to grab it from us as they say they'll have ships and thanks and other things which they don't have most of their equipment got grabbed last night
*along with military hardware and equipment comes insulary companies which supply gaskets and fuses and wires and all sorts of equipment for vehicles and we're taking over those all of them and they're all going to the Midwest and most of them are in the upper Midwest they were transferring them down now it's a huge movement and we can't tell you enough we need to do this today
*is a slew of companies that were signing over to ourselves no your people are signing over to us today and it's paint companies like Glidden and other famous brands like Olympic stains Sherwin-Williams and many many more huge paint companies okay and you guys are adding stupid things to them and it made stink and rot and we're adding other things that make it not stink and make it work I'm tired of your paint falling off in a day and people complaining and nobody doing anything getting angry and trying to grab us it's ridiculous by the way there's hundreds of companies that are all the same size and there's only a few big ones and Sherwin Williams is one of the big ones and he knows it well because he used it a lot a lot of the subsidiaries are by Sherwin-Williams most of them about 90% so you can shut up he knows if he's talking about
There's another thing too he likes to talk to you and then say what he knew and you miss a completely cuz you're stupid and you get it later and you get mad and come by and we hit you and he's doing that on purpose not the part where you're really stupid that's what you're doing in purpose no you just dumb
*we're taking over a Magnavox RCA Panasonic and a whole line of companies that produce electronics for the homeowner and consumer it's a giant giant giant business. Within those companies our computer games and we're taking those over too and the software companies they're taking over giant Slough software companies globally they were actually shutting you down
*along with automobile companies comes ancillary companies that are formed to service them and to repair them there's huge companies out there now and we are taking them over almost every auto body shop is associated with some sort of Auto body repair system and we're taking over all those auto body shops and all the repair shops for automobiles too have an association they're part of every single one of them we're going to take over today and of course we do need people who are qualified to step forward for our people and we need a lot of them
*we're taking over Hollywood as he knows some actors are fired from the actress guild one of them is this Lopez guy so I was asking for it from her son comes by harasses and says you don't know who I am and it says all sorts of s*** so he fired him a lot and now he won't stop making noises like a little child it's going to take over his place
*construction materials huge companies are coming to us and we're taking over the installers jobs because you refuse to do them. We mean to replacement windows, carports aluminum enclosures roofing wood frame all sorts of renovation work we're taking over the suppliers the distribute the distribution the warehousing the sales and retail and installation of all of it and yeah you are annoying the s*** out of this with a stupid s*** especially him and he kept on pointing out like once a week it says right here and installation boilerplate and it's so you could try and ignore the boiler plate which is stupid
*and we are going to also take over several other aspects of the entire program of yours and that means we're going to take over services like dental offices medical suites psychiatric facility psychology facilities window washers home cleaning companies all sorts of things like that that you're not doing obviously at home doing nothing you're eating drinking sleeping and pooping then you're running out and you're causing trouble are you going to war with each other and we don't want you doing that
Thor Freya
It's not funny but he's laughing because that's all you people do and you expect something from it which is ridiculous
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Also y’all I got fucking covid can u BELIEVE
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redgoldblue · 3 years
Just got my second Pfizer shot and suddenly I’m very very emotional about the ways Steve and Danny love people. Like, they’ve both got So Much love, but they send it out into the world very differently? Danny loves and cares about all of his friends and family but it’s mostly in a very quiet, calm way, but then he has just two or three people that he loves SO much and with such absolute force behind it, like he’s throwing absolutely everything that he is into it. Rachel must have been that at some point, and his kids, and Steve, and that’s it. Maybe his parents, especially Clara, but he doesn’t see them so much anymore. Whereas Steve doesn’t love people with that absolute force (except for the ways that he does, with Danny, but that’s another matter) but he loves… everyone. Like, given their respective histories, Danny should be the one who’s more likely to see the good in people, but he isn’t, it’s Steve who always desperately wants to look for the good in people and to believe in them, and as soon as anyone comes anywhere near his emotional vicinity he’s totally invested in them and loving them, but… softly. All-encompassingly. Danny loves like a meteor, Steve loves like the sun.
And that’s reflected in the ways they get hurt, too. Steve’s had so many betrayals and heartbreaks in his life, because he trusts and invests in so many people, even when he shouldn’t, but he also always manages to recover from them and keep functioning through them, because it’s never his whole world that’s come crashing down on him. And he always, always, tries to bring them back into his life, whether he succeeds, like with Cath, or is never able to, like with Doris. Whereas Danny… it’s hard to get to Danny, but when one of his people hurts him, it’s so strong. Like, it’s canon that if it weren’t for Grace, and for Matt constantly coming over, he could well have killed himself after the divorce, if only from alcohol poisoning. And you see it with Steve - we only get brief glimpses of it, but he clearly shuts down when he’s gone dark during ka i’o, he’s doing his job but he’s just… doing his job; even early on when Steve leaves him the Dear John Korea letter, he gets so mad because he gets so upset. And it’s why he’s so clearly depressed at the start of the show, because the only Person he has left he only gets to see every other weekend. Steve gets hurt easily and often, because so many people can hurt him, but no-one ever destroys him; Danny lets extremely few people close enough to hurt him seriously at all, but the people he does, my god, they can break him into a million pieces and he knows it.
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ace-aro-fandroid · 3 years
Hi, i have so so many asks in my inbox and i cant respond to them individually so ill just make one post and go
Thank you to every person who messaged me nice things about the blog, or who messaged me asking if im okay. Yall are super nice and i appreciate it.
Sorry i disappeared. I just havent had the energy or time for this blog. I'm glad yall enjoy the content i already posted though
Im okay. Got correctly diagnosed and medicated after 7 years of worthless fucking doctors ruining my life. Got commonlaw married. My cat died. I got a job as a server and I teach voice lessons on the side, which lets me pay my bills AND save money to buy land for the landback plan. Got a neat tattoo. I was part of the Pfizer vaccine trial back when it was being made, so as a part of that I got vaccinated very early and I'll also be getting the booster shot very soon. I live in an apartment and my living situation is stable. I'm writing music and me and my friends are attempting to start a little band. I'm about to start EMDR for the first time, and after that I'll start poledancing classes. I'm writing a comic and hopefully one day I'll be able to get it drawn and published. I've fundamentally changed as a person in so many ways, mostly good, but some bad. Some days im filled with the warmest exhilarating joy from just being me, some days i want to erase myself entirely. Life is constantly exhausting, and the noise of being alive is so loud that i constantly ache, and sometimes I can barely handle it but almost every day I get to come home, shower, put on warm and dry clothes, eat a meal i cooked and am proud of, and watch some silly little show with my partner, who is the love of my life.
So i guess if youre anything like me, if you were abused, if you were raised in a cult, if you've been mentally ill since you were conscious, if you grew up queer in a violently anti-queer environment, if you never got to just be a fucking kid, if you feel like your past and future were stolen from you before you even realized who you were, then please please keep going. Even if you feel like you aren't managing, remember that you're still breathing, and maybe you're BARELY managing, but you're managing. And you're fighting. And as long as you're still fucking breathing then you're still fighting. And remember that the existence of all the worst days PROVES the existence of the best days. Your ability to feel crushing, suffocating rage and sorrow PROVES your ability to feel soaring joy and pride one day, even if you can't right now.
I know this might seem all melodramatic and out of left field just coming out of nowhere on a Data fan blog, but this is the only social media i have, and this is where i reach the most people, so i wanna say it all here. Consider this a sign if you're looking for one. Keep going, you'll have good things someday. You will. You will. You will.
I hope everyone that reads this has something very cozy and wonderful happen to them today, and i hope things get better for everyone very soon.
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We promised this vaccine waiver 20 years ago
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The world’s 125 poorest countries (2.5b people) have received zero covid vaccine doses to date. The 85 poorest countries project vaccination in 2023/24. This is vaccine apartheid.
It’s not that poor countries can’t make their own vaccines. The Global South has a lot of vaccine production capacity. The problem is Big Pharma, which refuses to transfer the patents and know-how to repurpose those facilities for mRNA production.
South Africa and India have petitioned the WTO for a vaccine waiver. We should all want this: first, because it is monstrous to doom millions to die in order to preserve the regulatory privileges of a handful of hugely profitable, heavily subsidized pharma companies.
But second, even if you don’t care about being monstrous, a waiver is needed to ensure all our survival: the longer and wider the virus circulates, the more mutations we’ll get, with the mounting risk of a more virulent, more lethal, more vaccine-resistant strain.
The pharma industry has an army of high-paid lobbyists (including Howard Dean), and volunteer simps (like Bill Gates) who are pushing the story that a waiver is unfair and counterproductive, a betrayal of the fundamental patent bargain.
They say that the pharma companies committed their capital to vaccine research because we, the people of the world, had promised them exclusive rights to those discoveries (notwithstanding that we also paid for the vast majority of that R&D).
If we alter the deal now, how can pharma trust us next time?
Of all the lies told by the pharma industry about the pandemic, this is the most insidious. Because that’s not how the global patent system works at all.
Gen Xers and their elders will remember the summer of 1999 and the Battle of Seattle, where anti-globalization activists fought for weeks to block the signing of the WTO agreement and its chapter on IP, the TRIPS agreement.
The WTO agreement fundamentally changed the way global patents worked.
Prior to the WTO, it was common for poor countries to completely ignore the patents issued by rich countries (unless the World Bank or a former colonial power coerced them into recognizing these claims).
That’s because countries that are net importers of finished goods have no reason to honor their suppliers’ claims — doing so merely burdens their own struggling manufacturers by forcing them to pay rent to rich foreigners.
This creates drag on local development, ensuring that importer countries stay importers, never becoming self-sufficient.
Ignoring other countries’ exclusive rights regimes — copyright, patent, trademark, etc — is a tried-and-true method to gain self-sufficiency.
That’s why the Framers of the US Constitution decided that America would ignore foreign patents and copyrights, a policy that persisted for over a century, only ending once the US became a net exporter of ideas and inventions, and thus stood to gain more than it lost.
Not just the US, of course. Many European nations spent a century or two a-pirating while their developed their capacity. The Dutch, for example, abolished patents during much of the 19th and 20th centuries.
It doesn’t make sense for a poor country to pay a rich country for rent on ideas. At least, it doesn’t make sense from the perspective of the poor countries.
It’s easy to see what rich countries get out of the deal.
That’s where the WTO (and specifically TRIPS) came in.
TRIPS proposed a bargain to poor countries: if you pay rent on rich countries’ ideas (by recognizing their patents, trademarks and copyrights), we’ll engineer the system so that you become the favored manufacturing contractors for rich countries.
This creates jobs in the short term, and, long term, it builds capacity, by teaching people how to build and operate complex systems.
It’s a form of “technology transfer” that replaces the old adversarial system of rent-collectors and tenant states with global cooperation.
This was a dubious proposition, but the WTO threw in a sweetener: a provision for emergengy waivers. These meant that if there was ever a situation where honoring foreign patents would result in domestic mass-death, those offshore obligations would be immediately suspended.
Think about that for a second. The pharma industry wants you to think that a vaccine waiver reneges on the bargain the world made with it.
But that was never the bargain.
The bargain the Global South struck was, “We will pay rent on rich countries’ ideas. In exchange, we’ll get capacity-building help. In case of emergency, all bets are off: not only will we get access to ideas for free, the WTO will use its might to force tech transfer.”
That’s the bargain pharma signed up for. The claim that a waiver reneges on the deal is truly Orwellian, a heads-I-win-tails-you-lose proposition where poor countries pay rent on ideas and get NOTHING in return — save death and the option to pay yet more rent.
“The TRIPS Intellectual Property Waiver Proposal: Creating the Right Incentives in Patent Law and Politics to end the COVID-19 Pandemic” is a preprint of an LSE Legal Studies Working Paper by a group of Anglo-Irish legal and poli sci scholars.
First published yesterday, it delves into a detailed account of this dynamic, and opens with a devastating argument:
If the pharma companies are right and poor countries truly don’t have the capacity to build vaccine factories, then the WTO is a failure.
The whole point was to build capacity.
If it’s not there, then all the rents the poor world paid all century were a lethally squandered opportunity — they should have followed in the footsteps of America and the Netherlands and ignored the rent demanded by wealthy lands.
The authors describe how pharma gamed the system in the WTO decades. For example, companies devote enormous energy to patenting small variations on their processes and products, allowing them to extend the life of their patents long beyond the 20 years they’re promised.
This produces some genuinely hideous outcomes. In Patrick Radden Keefe’s EMPIRE OF PAIN, the author documents how the Sackler family contemplated seeking regulatory approval to prescribe Oxycontin to children in order to extend the life of their patents.
It’s hard to imagine how we’ll survive the pandemic crisis without a waiver. COVAX, the “voluntary” system that lets billionaires, corporations and rich countries offer vaccine doses to poor countries as charity, is a total disaster.
COVAX has only raised pledges of 20% of the needed doses — and it isn’t delivering on those pledges.
The system isn’t just failing by accident — the pharma companies are actively sabotaging it.
C-TAP, the WTO’s own scheme for pooling vaccine production know-how, has failed, largely because companies like Pfizer and Biontech have forced NDAs on their contractors that prevent them from participating in the program.
The pharma companies have refused to license for mRNA vaccines for production in both in the rich world (Canada, Israel and Denmark) and the poor world (Bangladesh).
The deals pharma struck with the global south don’t just bump the world’s poorest to the back of the line — they also charge the poorest people the highest prices for vaccines. Astrazeneca is charging South Africa twice the going rate in the EU.
This price-gouging is papered over with misleading claims of charity — for example, Moderna says it won’t extract profit from Brazilians Fiocruz until the pandemic ends — but the agreement allows Moderna to declare the pandemic over in July.
Pharma’s claims of acting in the public interest are pure fantasy.
Pfizer says it makes a 20% profit by selling vaccines it makes for $3/dose at $19.50/dose (“the pandemic price”) — and promises that this price will go up to $175/dose for boosters.
The very idea of pharma patents is surprisingly new. France instituted pharma patents in 1960; Ireland, 1964; Germany, 1968; Japan, 1976. Pharma demanded these patents to produce the “incentive” to invest, but the bulk of basic pharma R&D is still publicly funded.
Take the Astrazeneca vaccine, developed at Oxford. Between 97.1 and 99% of the funding for that research came from public sources, not Astrazeneca’s profits.
The WTO agreement promised the Global South that in a global pandemic, the same might that was used to coerce them into passing laws enforcing rich countries’ patents would be brought to bear on rich countries to force them to help make medicine where it’s needed.
The pharma shills who claim that waiving the patents on mRNA vaccines actually have a point: pharma companies have gamed the patent system so that much of the know-how is never disclosed in patent filings, and the filings themselves are sealed for 18 months.
In the face of this sabotage, the WTO could order rich member states to uphold their obligations by forcing their companies to transfer patents AND trade secrets to poor countries — just as the US forced pharma companies to pool their research on pennicillin during WWII.
That would be the fair thing to do. The right thing to do. The rational thing to do — if we want to ensure the continuation of our civilization and even our species in the face of new mutant strains.
The WTO claimed that poor countries that honored the TRIPS would become tech exporters, building their own domestic capacity. Twenty years later, they’re still importers — and on track to stay that way forever (or until we’re all killed by covid).
The US has no standing to complain about a TRIPS waver. A country that built its fortune and capacity by refusing to pay rent to rich nations for their ideas deserves the same treatment once it becomes rich itself.
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jenniferrpovey · 4 years
I won't darken your ask box again, but I've just lost whatever scrap of hope the vaccines gave me when it became clear that there was a new variant and that vaccine rollout will be so slow it's guaranteed to produce more, vaccine-resistant variants. And every public health official and pundit just talks about "hunkering down" and I can't do that anymore than I already do, and I'm sure it won't end. I just want someone in power to be honest with me that my life is over and no help is coming.
Oh hon, darken my ask box as much as you like! I have an ear and a shoulder and they’re both available to you, albeit only virtually.
In fact, I woke up in the middle of the night absolutely convinced of exactly what you’re saying. (I think I had an anxiety dream I didn’t remember). I’m fighting the same battle.
So, experts are looking into the concern with the new variants. Every expert believes the vaccines will work against them, with a worst case scenario of an efficacy drop of about 10%. Note that the vaccines we have approved have a very high efficacy, so while this sucks, it’s not the end of the world.
BioTech and Moderna are constantly testing their vaccines against every mutations that show up. To put this in perspective:
B1.1.7, which is the UK strain, has a mutation that causes 8 amino acid changes on the spike protein. That’s what’s making people panic. However, there are 1,273 amino acids in the spike protein! Coronaviruses are big viruses.
(Source: https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/do-not-publish-verify-are-current-covid-19-vaccines-effective-against-variant-strains/65-8734e2a6-a18f-49ab-b2b5-6d198da45782)
So, we have no vaccine-evading variants yet, and if you look at that, it would take a lot, a lot of mutations to the spike protein to evade the vaccine.
Experts believe the vaccines will be fully efficacious against B1.1.7.
501.V2, the South African variant (and note, these are not strains) is a little more worrying, but we will know very soon if it evades the J&J vaccine, which is being tested there. The Oxford vaccine is also in trials in South Africa.
Some experts believe that there might be a 10% or so efficacy drop against this variant, which still means the vaccines will work very well. If the J&J vaccine works well against it, then we should be able to deal with it by using that vaccine in South Africa and anywhere else that variant spreads to, for example.
(And the J&J vaccine will be better for remote areas as it’s a single dose).
(Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/covid-vaccine-new-strain-south-africa/)
So, on to your next worry, that an actual vaccine-evading variant will show up before we get everyone vaccinated.
The first piece of good news is that coronaviruses do not mutate as quickly as orthomyxoviruses (the viruses that cause influenza). Flu strains evade the vaccine all the time, which is why we don’t yet have a universal flu vaccine (one was well into development but the researchers dropped it to focus on COVID-19) and why flu vaccine efficacy varies so much from year to year.
COVID-19 mutates much more slowly. Like all coronaviruses it has an enzyme called ExoN, which proofreads its code and keeps the copies close to each other. Furthermore, the viruses target the spike protein, which is highly conserved due to already being very good at its job.
Now, vaccines do mutate, and yes, it is absolutely possible that an escape variant will evolve in the future. However, because of the proofreading, this is less likely than with most viruses. An escape variant would reduce the effectiveness of vaccines and necessitate boosters. When is this likely to happen? In, worst case, a couple of years. At which point we will probably be needing boosters anyway due to waning immunity (Pfizer’s educated guess is that their vaccine will be effective for 2 to 5 years).
Finally, on the slow roll out, honestly, it’s mostly teething problems. The pace is already starting to speed up. There are things we need to consider doing. Many dentists, for example, have volunteered to administer shots; administering a vaccine is much easier than administering local anesthesia to the mouth. There’s also been some talk of recruiting veterinarians and vet techs, as giving a shot to one species isn’t hugely different from giving it to another. But we’re working the problem.
And I know you can only hunker down so far. But again, darken my ask box *any time you want*. You are valid and I absolutely understand your fears.
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