#my only experience is with freshwater fishies
robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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hfw: burning shores | aloy 30/?
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her0brine · 4 years
What do you think the potions taste like? (You can do a handful you don't gotta do all of them)
I was honestly going to write something about this!!! This is the perfect excuse for me to finally finish the list that I had in my drafts 🤣 I also added what happens to a user if they drink any of these potions, and their physical sensations!
Awkward/Mundane/Thick: Depending on what main starting ingredient used (Nether wart, sugar, etc), it usually ends up just tasting like tainted water. It usually isn’t really appetizing, but it at least has no negative effects on the user who drank it.
Healing: Upon drinking it, the user will notice that it tastes like VERY rich watermelon, with very little notes of water in it. Soon, a warm sensation takes over their entire body, along with any wounds on them now immediately healing themselves by quickly growing new flesh or fixing broken blood vessels. The sensation is best compared to the feeling of being smothered by a recently heated up blanket, except it’s felt in your insides, not on your skin.
Fire Resistance: The flavor is best said to be quite citrusy, and the consistency of the liquid is more akin to a smoothie due to the creamy texture of using magma creme. After consuming it, the user will suddenly feel extreme heat in their body, easily exceeding 98°F. Ironically, the negative effects of exceeding that body temperature will not appear, and not even sweating will occur. It is still quite uncomfortable to be physically so hot, but if you’re using this potion in the first place, it’s safe to say you’re directly exposing yourself to even more intense temperatures, so the fever-like heat pales in comparison.
Regeneration: Basically the same to the physical sensation and effects of the Potion of Healing, but it tastes more like lukewarm salt water instead of the pure and strong tasting watermelon flavor. The healing factor is lightly longer as well, along with the user feeling more energized and upbeat.
Strength: As blaze powder is the main ingredient in this potion, it tastes like metal flakes mixed with hot water. It is not very tasty at all, and it even tastes like old copper, depending on who’s opinion you get. After drinking it, it is common to see a user suddenly tremble as more defined muscle mass develops across their entire body. This is more of a cosmetic effect, as the potion’s effect seems to focus more on arm strength than leg or core body strength, even though muscle mass still grows in those areas. When the potion wears off, the user will essentially deflate back to normal, implying that the suddenly gained muscle mass is akin to water weight.
Swiftness: Sugar water. It’s literally just sugar water. It literally makes it’s user run faster by making them develop a unnaturally high sugar rush, but there is no negative effect such as crashing when it wears off thankfully.
Night Vision: A very ‘filling’ potion, as it tends to make the user feel physically full after drinking it, due to how rich the flavor of carrot it is in it. It too is also quite thick, but more similar to jam than a smoothie. After drinking it, the user’s eyes will severely dilate, along with being incredibly reflective, even in lowlight situations. It is slightly disorienting when it wears off, as their vision will revert back to the way it should be.
Invisibility: Probably one of the more ‘acquired taste’ potions, due to fermented spider eyes being it’s main ingredient. It’s physically quite chunky, and just straight up tastes like rotten blood mixed with yeasty wine. Not only the flavor is intensely vile, but the effect inflicted on it’s user can actually cause some to pass out from the overwhelming sensation. A sharp cold chill will fully envelop it’s user, as it basically mutates their entire body to come off as invisible to any living being. Sometimes the frostbite-like sensation is so severe, some users have suffered heart attacks, panic attacks, or any other sort of medical emergency as the transformation takes place. Then again, this is a potion who’s effect is so potent that it ‘jumps’ across the user’s body to also transform their clothes into being invisible. Only users who have endured turning invisible by other methods (being shot by a arrow of invisibility or being cursed by a Illusioner for example) can mentally and physically handle drinking such a dreadful potion.
Water Breathing: One of the most popular potions out there, due to it’s extreme viability in water biomes, it of course uses a oceanic fish for it’s main ingredient. However since it uses pufferfish instead of cod or tropical fish, the flavor tastes like stripped clean pufferfish meat that was dunked in a bucket of warm saltwater. At least the water-heavy nature of this potion means it goes down quickly, and after numerous uses, a user can get used to the weird ‘fishy’ taste. It too temporarily mutates the user’s body by modifying their lungs to be able to process water, along with making small gills form on the sides of their neck. The pain is minor when this occurs, and isn’t as extremely overbearing when compared to the Potion of Invisibility. The augmented lungs and gills fade away after the potion wears off.
Leaping: Similar to the ‘meat being dunked in water’ taste the Potion of Water Breathing has, this potion instead tastes like rabbit meat that marinated in chilled freshwater. Similar to how the Potion of Strength can physically mutate the user’s muscle mass, this one makes the user’s legs more slender but still muscular, allowing them to have a increased jump height. Trembling is more minimal, as it does not effect the user’s entire body.
Slow falling: Certainty one of the more odder potions, due to both it’s main ingredient and it’s effect. The phantom membrane used in it is quite leathery, but also equally quite powdery when it’s processed. The flavor is hard to pin down, but it’s generally agreed upon it’s users to taste along the lines of chalk mixed with slightly salty water. It seems like no physical transformation occurs to the user’s body, and instead they’re ‘enveloped’ by a aura that allows them to gracefully fall to the ground if they fell from a tall height. The slightly visible aura fades away when the potion wears off.
Poison: Nobody in their right mind would willingly consume this potion, but if one were forced to drink it, it just tastes like blood and bile. Almost immediately after drinking it, it will immediately poison it’s user and make them suffer intense sharp pain in their insides, and even some nausea.
Weakness: Having nearly the same disgusting taste as the Potion of Invisibility, except it of course doesn’t turn it’s user invisible. It instead makes them feel fatigued, as they quickly become physically gaunt and tired. Any body mass that got effected by this potion is partially wasted away by sudden muscle atrophy and is permanently lost, even after the potion wears off. Because of this, it’s quite dangerous to be afflicted by it, especially after multiple uses in a row.
Harming: It too has the exact same taste of the Potion of Weakness, except it’s effect is ABSOLUTELY GUT WRENCHING. Upon drinking it, it’s user will instantly double over in complete agony, as their guts are literally ravaged from the inside. Drinking this is akin to drinking pure acid, especially as it’s main side effect is making it’s user vomit blood profusely, along with internal bleeding. It is a highly fatal potion, and should NOT be drunk at all costs.
Slowness: At this point, you should already know that any potion that uses a spider eye as it’s base ingredient will probably taste disgusting. This potion is thankfully one of the ‘less’ painful ones in the whole series that uses spider eyes, as it doesn’t cause extreme internal pain or damage to it’s user. It instead makes them physically bloated and fatigued, which in turn makes it uncomfortable to them to walk around. The bloating passes away when it wears off, but can leave it’s user still feel quite queasy and even sleepy.
Turtle Master: One of the ‘newer’ potions to be made, it features a very unorthodox base ingredient, a turtle shell. It tastes like a mixture of turtle meat and keratin, which makes it feel starchy and salty. It’s kinda..... chicken flavored but not in a good way, but at least in terms of texture, it goes down easy as it’s very watery. As one of the primary effects is slowness, the user will experience bloating, but the additional effect of resistance will cause the user’s skin to thicken up and become quite leathery, in order to become more protected. The change to the user’s skin will fade away, but it’s recommended to slather some lotion on, to potentially avoid having some of the affected skin still partially retaining it’s leatheriness.
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ireviewuread · 5 years
Solve your sushi cravings with Sushi Delivery Singapore
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Get Sushi delivered to your doorstep 
Ever since my friend pulled me to a Japanese restaurant 10 years ago, I have been obsessed with sushi. From salmon to unagi, my favourite has got to be Hana Maki. The popping of the shrimp roes in between your teeth as you feel the soft and creamy texture grazed against your tongue. That thought alone got me salivating. However, with the recent pandemic happening, going out for sushi is not the brightest idea. Thus, we get them delivered.
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Sushi Delivery Singapore
Sushi Delivery Singapore is the first restaurant-grade sushi and sashimi delivery service in Singapore. They offer a wide variety of Japanese dishes with over 10 different types of maki, donburi, appetisers and more. They also offer various party sets and sushi for large gatherings. Their most popular dishes include Salmon Aburi Maki, Avocado maki and Unagi Don – all of which would be included in this review.
The ingredients for their dishes are freshly sourced from Osaka and Hokkaido. They are the most popular regions of Japan that provide the finest sashimi. These sashimis were then air-flown to Singapore using the latest freezing technology within 18 hours to ensure maximum freshness. Aside from that, the chefs will only prepare your food upon receiving your order. Cooked food is sent within the hour to ensure you get fresh and hot food.
All orders will be delivered within 45 minutes of your order at a flat rate of $5.90.
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Hana Maki 
Sushi Delivery Singapore has their fishes specially air-flown from Japan daily.  Using the latest freezing technology, the fishes are kept fresh during the transportation and storage process. One way of determining the freshness of the fish is to order sashimi. However, I always find sashimi to be too little for my big belly. Thus, I order the next best thing, a set of Hana Maki.
The Hana Maki are sold in a set of five. Each piece contains a thick chunk of sashimi and an abundance of mayonnaise and shrimp roe on top of velvety sushi rice. This is a definite must-have for salmon lover. The salmon sashimi is immensely thick and fresh. The moment I sank my teeth into the sushi roll, I was able to enjoy the rich and smooth meaty texture melting in my mouth. The sweetness of the salmon fills my taste buds. I had a wonderful time savouring the dish. Everything was perfect but I did find that there was too much mayonnaise on the rolls. However do take note that, I am not a fan of mayonnaise in general.
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Salmon Aburi Maki
Blow-torched to perfection, the Salmon Aburi Maki is the perfect choice for salmon fans. Sweet tamago chunks, wrapped in thick slices of sashimi, the salmon aburi had a smoky and creamy taste to it. The sauce has a smooth and rich texture to it while the filling has a hearty texture. 
I enjoyed the sensation of the fish roes bursting in my mouth as the mentai sauce fills my tastebuds. The top of the salmon was torched to perfection while you are still able to taste the fresh sashimi at the bottom. I like how I could taste all the savoury flavours from the different ingredients complimented each other in a single bite. This is by far my favourite sushi from Sushi Delivery SG. The Salmon Aburi Maki comes in a set of 8 pieces.
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Avocado Maki 
To balance out the savoury palette, I threw in the Avocado Maki in the mix. Wrapped in a layer of creamy avocado, the rice cradles the sweet tamago, kani and crunchy cucumber strips within. The maki was then completed with a dollop of mayonnaise and fish roe.  
The avocado was perfectly ripe and it did not disintegrate when I bite into it. It tasted buttery and creamy, alongside the sweet tamago. Consuming the avocado maki felt more like a sensory adventure. The dense avocado at the top alongside the soft kani and tamago in the middle allow the crunchy cucumber to stand out and shout its name. The best part was when the shrimp roes at the top popped like tiny firecrackers. The moment I hear the crunch was the moment I felt all sensations heighten. It felt like a party in my mouth. The Avocado Maki was a great sensory experience. All makis come in pieces of eight.
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Samurai Unagi Aburi Maki 
Glazed in a layer of mentai sauce, the Samurai Unagi Aburi Maki is the inquisitive dish in the mix. With a piece of cream cheese on top of the tenderly grilled unagi, the Japanese rice and seaweed hugged the Tamago and Kani in its embrace. The high-quality freshwater eel was lightly grilled and blow-torched to give the maki a smoky flavour. Accompanied with the cheese and mentai sauce, the rich and creamy texture foes well with the tender tamago and crabstick in the middle.
The freshwater eel was air-flown from the Mikawa Isshiki region, a region that is famous for the high-quality freshwater eel. I like how there’s no fishy smell when I bite into the maki. I was surprised by how well the creamy cheese compliments the maki perfectly. The saltiness from the cream cheese combined with the umami flavour from the eel allows the subtle sweetness from the Tamago and Kani to shine and tickles one’s tastebuds. It was a hidden gem. Like the previous maki, the Samurai Unagi Aburi maki comes in 8 pieces.
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Tamago Maki
If you prefer simple bite-size sushi as a palette cleanser or appetizer, maki rolls are the way to go. With selections from Kani, Kanpyo, Kappa, Maguro, Oshinko, Salmon and Tamago Maki rolls, there’s no monotony when it comes to maki rolls.
I chose the Tamago Maki rolls for Tamagoyaki is a special kind of egg that I simply can’t replicate. This Japanese rolled omelette is a thick grilled egg made with dashi in a rectangular tamagoyaki pan. Some recipes involved soy sauce and mirin but everyone has their tamagoyaki recipe which makes trying out Tamagoyaki Maki rolls a new experience every time. Although the Tamago maki only consisted of 3 ingredients, the recipe of the Tamagoyaki can make or break the sushi. 
Sushi Delivery Singapore has created a scrumptious rolled omelette. Densely packed, the tamagoyaki brings a sweet aroma to your mouth as you bite into the bite-size maki roll. To consume this in between the flavourful salmon and unagi maki makes this a great palette cleanser as I swap from one sushi to the other.
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Unagi Don 
If makis aren’t enough to fill you up, go for donburi. Sushi Delivery Singapore offers premium donburi at affordable prices. From Salmon Aburi, Bara Chirashi to Beef Yakiniku Don, there’s a wide variety of quality donburi for everyone to choose. Since Unagi donburi is my father’s favourite, I’ve chosen that bowl to brighten up his hectic day.
Imported from Japan, the fresh unagi supply comes from the Mikawa Isshiki region. A region that is famous for its distinctive freshwater eel. The eel was then tenderly grilled and glazed with a special caramelised unagi sauce that is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face upon the first bite.  Finally the delectable unagi was placed over a bed of warm and fluffy Japanese rice, transforming into the luxury Unagi Don that you see.
Sushi Delivery Singapore review
All in all, the delivery timing was impeccable. The Unagi Don came piping hot and the makis came cold and fresh. They were the perfect temperature for consumption upon receipt. I love the unique flavours that each maki have. Additionally, they were very generous with the ingredients and sauce on the makis. It is wonderful to have big mouthfuls of sashimis instead of an overwhelming amount of rice. On top of that, plenty of utensils, soy sauce and wasabi were given in the delivery package as well. 
Sushi Delivery Singapore 
Order Sushi Here | Facebook | Instagram 
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linddzz · 7 years
Rays are my favorite animal ever. Do you have any fun facts about them/stories of working with them?
I don’t have TOO much on cool facts regarding keeping them. The only elasmobranchs I have experience with are my fat lazy adorable little coldwater sharks. I’ve helped out with feedings for freshwater and marine rays though and theyre just the most precious flaps.When feeding, stingrays are very easily trained to come to a target, and ho shit do they get EXCITED. Excited and RUDE. They come right up and just start flapping around near-violently and sometimes accidentally sucking down air in weird gurgling noises then spraying water enthusiastically over the keeper feeding them. If there are other rays, the big ones will straight up just sit on the smaller ones and visa-versa. I fed one old as fuck amazon ray when I was a wee volunteer in Baltimore (old as in she was a few good years past the official lifespan for her species) who was very good at spraying water at you if you did not feed her fast enough.Petting them is great and they seem interested in touch. I don’t know enough about them to know if there’s any research on if they enjoy touch or not, but sometimes they do seem to come up under hands for rubs. I know fish who did similar things and theorized that it feels similar to the nice feeling of going to a fishy cleaning station.
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dekitateyo · 8 years
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Unagi (freshwater eel) donburi at Yamabuki Ikebukuro. One of the few unagi restaurants around Ikebukuro, that meal for me was seasoned with a large dose of nostalgia: that place was one of the first restaurants I’ve eaten in Japan, on my first trip back in 2009. Nothing has actually changed there since last time...
About the food, this place knows how to handle unagi. The bones were properly treated so you don’t have to worry about them. The meat was very fresh without any overly “fishy” tones and grilled to perfection.  Finally, the sauce was mellow and savory.
The only “downside” of it (which is another thing that hasn’t changed too) is the price at 1500 yen for a lunch meal, which is a bit expensive compared to other places nearby. Either way, I really recommend this place if you want to have a good experience eating unagi!
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dreddymd · 7 years
4 Health Benefits of Dokudami
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Dokudami is a perennial herb native to Japan, China, and Korea. It has a long-standing culinary use in Asian cooking and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic traditional medicine. It’s believed to offer positive benefits to the immune system and respiratory tract. However, its ability to support detoxification makes it a perfect ingredient my detox foot pads.
What Is Organic Dokudami?
Known by its scientific name, Houttuynia cordata, dokudami is a flowering plant native to Asia. Dokudami grows mostly in dark, moist areas, sometimes submerged deep in freshwater areas. An invasive plant, dokudami can be found growing on hills, fields, and even between cracks in asphalt. It’s known as “fishy-smell herb” in Asia because when you press its leaves it produces an odor similar to that of fish. Dokudami also means “poison-blocking plant” in some cultures, and was often used for the exact same purpose. The leaves are heart shaped in appearance and used as a garnish for soups, meats, and cooked vegetables.
4 Health Benefits of Organic Dokudami
Researchers have examined the biological behavior of dokudami and extensive research has uncovered surprising revelations about its relation to human health.
1. Remedy for Environmental Sensitivities
When you’re allergic to a substance, your body produces histamine, a compound that initiates an immune response. Studies demonstrate that dokudami has inhibitory effects on histamine release, possibly blocking it and reducing its effects. Researchers have even evaluated dokudami’s effects against allergies and asthma, issues partially characterized by excessive release of histamine. [1]
2. Potent Antioxidant
Dokudami contains polyphenols, potent compounds high in antioxidant activity that battle free radicals. Free radicals have a free, unpaired electron and are often unstable. They damage other compounds, cells, and DNA and research has linked free radicals to aging, cancer, and many other ills. Dokudami has been billed as an excellent free radical scavenger and helps neutralize circulating free radicals. [2]
3. Protection Against Harmful Organisms
Antibacterial is a buzzword that sounds good, right? Well, not so fast; not all bacteria is bad. In fact you need a balance of bacteria in your digestive system as good bacteria supports digestion, and that’s only one application. A recent article has shown that dokudami promotes intestinal balance by discouraging harmful bacteria from thriving in the digestive system. [3]
4. Immune System Support
Research has shown that dokudami may help support the immune system by stimulating the production of lymphocytes, white blood cells that are crucial for the body’s natural defense system. [4] These white blood cells are sometimes referred to as natural killer cells, and a plethora of research has found that these cells are important for promoting good health. Dokudami, in this case, should be seen as merely a natural component in an overall healthy lifestyle. Exercise, a vegetarian diet, and plenty of sunshine and sleep are also instrumental for supporting immune system function.
Why Do My Detox Foot Pads Contain Organic Dokudami?
My Detox Foot Pads
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 contain many valuable ingredients that support the body’s natural detoxification process, and dokudami is one of the best. We’ve selected only high-quality ingredients and the importance of such standards cannot be understated. The natural components they contain are essential for effective cleansing and detoxing results. Dokudami offers potential benefits to the immune system, aging process, digestive system, and even skin health. What’s your experience with dokudami? Please leave a comment below and share with us!
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
Source: 4 Health Benefits of Dokudami
References (4)
Li, Guang Z., Ok H. Chai, Moo S. Lee, Eui-Hyeog Han, Hyoung T. Kim, and Chang H. Song. Inhibitory Effects of Houttuynia cordata Water Extracts on Anaphylactic Reaction and Mast Cell Activation. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin 28 (2005): 1864-868.
Cho, E. J., T. Yokozawa, D. Y. Rhyu, S. C. Kim, N. Shibahara, and J. C. Park. Study on the inhibitory effects of Korean medicinal plants and their main compounds on the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical.Phytomedicine 10 (2003): 544-51.
Chomnawang, M. T., S. Surassmo, V. S. Nukoolkarn, and W. Gritsanapan. Antimicrobial effects of Thai medicinal plants against acne-induicing bacteria. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 101 (2005): 330-33.
Sriwanthana, Busarawan, Weena Treesangsri, Bongkod Boriboontrakul, Somchit Niumsakul, and Pranee Chavalittumrong. In vitro effects of Thai medicinal plants on human lymphocyte activity. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 29 (2007): 17-28.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2n8f94R via IFTTT
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topfygad · 5 years
Piranha (Pirana) Fishing in the Rainforest Rivers of Guyana
If you hear the phrase piranha, what involves thoughts? For me it’s a bit fish with ginormous tooth that may eat an individual alive. So evidently, when fishing for piranhas was on the Guyana issues to do itinerary there was a wee bit or nerves that set in. I wasn’t even positive that I needed to be floating in a ship in a murky river on prime of the scary fish, a lot much less catching one and willingly inviting them contained in the vessel.
However, it seems that this bucket record expertise was certainly one of my favourite issues I did on this South American nation, and probably the world.
What’s a Piranha (Pirana)
Piranhas (also referred to as piranas) are freshwater fish notorious for his or her very sharp triangle-shaped tooth and powerful jaws that produce a forceful chew (have you ever ever seen the scary film of the identical identify?). They’re a freshwater fish that may be discovered all through South American rivers and lakes, with a number of the largest recognized being noticed in Guyana’s Amazon Basin (I can attest to that!).
Although in comparison with Guyana’s widespread Arapaima fish they’re comparatively small in dimension, ranging on common from 5-14 inches, their fame as a predator makes them probably the most feared fishes on the planet. However, the excellent news is that they sometimes don’t assault people, except they’re in a anxious surroundings. Nonetheless, I wasn’t about to take any possibilities by dipping my toes within the water!
The place in Guyana are you able to go Piranha Fishing?
About 90% of the rivers and lakes in Guyana have piranha, so that they gained’t be onerous to search out. There are a lot of tour operators across the nation that may take you on an adventurous fishing tour. As a result of I used to be staying at Rewa Eco Lodge in North Rupununi, we went proper on the Rewa River with workers of the lodge and wildlife specialist/tour operator Leon of Leon Moore Nature Experiences.
The way to Fish for Pirana in Guayna
Making a Fishing Rod
From Rewa Lodge we took a motorized dingy upstream to a touchdown spot on the Rewa River.  That is the place we’d make our fishing poles and catch the piranha bait. For the rod chances are you’ll have to go deep within the rainforest to search out the yari-yari tree—the sort of wooden makes one of the best rod due to its small diameter, power and adaptability. Not solely did they need to be constituted of a selected sort of wooden, but in addition needed to be simply the precise size of branches, an 8-foot one makes for the proper fishing pole.
After the poles had been discovered, the guides confirmed me the right way to connect fishing line and a big hook. That’s it—simplicity’s at it most interesting.
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Amassing Piranha Bait
Pirana largely feed off of fish, so we would have liked to catch some small ones. With the intention to do that we used reside grub (a bit beetle) that was discovered within a kokerit seed. When a kokerit nut will get buried within the floor for round a month, a tiny beetle goes inside to name it residence. You’ll be able to eat these beetles reside for protein (our information did!) or use them for bait to catch small fish.
As soon as our grub was baited and within the water, it took about three minutes to catch the primary fish. That was nice, however we’d want at the least a dozen extra earlier than heading out to the river for piranha fishing. As I used to be fishing for small bait off the shoreline, I really caught a small piranha (my first one!) and we had been capable of reduce that one up into a number of smaller items to make use of as bait too.
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It took a couple of half an hour to catch the entire bait wanted after which we headed out to the Rewa River to catch the fish that most individuals feared.
There was a particular approach the locals used to catch the piranha that was so simple as the stick rod. You bait the hook, drop the road within the water and splash vigorously along with your stick for about ten seconds. That is speculated to make them suppose there’s one thing shifting within the water, coming to examine and hopefully smelling your bait on the similar time.
Nibble, Nibble.
You’ll really feel plenty of little nibbles, however the trick is to tug your wood rod straight up whenever you get an enormous nibble, it will trigger them to get hooked. I undoubtedly misplaced fairly a number of to start with, however received higher at it because the day went on. In only a couple hours, I caught 10 piranhas and one vampire (payara) fish!
It’s important to be actually cautious to not swing your hook round and hit somebody on the boat or your self, like I did!
Put on sun shades, in case of flying hooks.
If you catch a fish, be additional cautious when bringing it within the boat in case the piranha unattaches itself from the hook. It’s greatest to let your information deal with it as soon as it’s in your line.
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Cooking & Consuming
After a profitable day fishing, it was time to be rewarded for the onerous work. We discovered a transparent spot alongside the river financial institution and the guides created a scrumptious lunch with our catch. They expertly cleaned the fish and made a fireplace by piling sticks right into a pyramid. The grill prime was created utilizing random tree branches.
The piranha (and a catfish that another person had caught) was then coated with Chief’s All-Function Seasoning earlier than being positioned on the makeshift barbecue. They had been grilled to perfection and served with a facet of farine (as every little thing at all times was), a dish just like couscous that’s constituted of the foundation of the native cassava plant, and a thermos filled with lime juice.
I do know your subsequent query—what does piranha style like? It tastes like a light, very dry white fish. Although some declare it to be actually fishy, I didn’t discover that to be true. However, it does have plenty of tiny little bones to be careful for!
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The way to E book this Expertise
This expertise may be booked by way of virtually any tour operator in Guyana. It may also be booked by way of the lodge we stayed at, Rewa Eco Lodge in North Rupununi, and wildlife specialist/tour operator who was with me my complete time in Guyana, Leon of Leon Moore Nature Experiences.
Need extra concepts of issues to do in Guyana? Try these Guyana excursions.
What to Deliver
Sun shades: sun shades is not going to solely shield you from the bugs moving into your eyes when the boat is shifting at excessive speeds, but in addition for flying fishing hooks.
Solar Hat: there’s not a lot shade on the river so you’ll want to shield your face from the new solar. I introduced the Bodvera Out of doors Vast Brim Hat and it labored like a appeal.
Sunscreen: it will likely be an extended day within the solar, so be sure to are protected.
Bug Repellent: the bugs in Guyana may be fierce, so you’ll want to have all of your bases lined. I used a wholesome spray of Off! Deep Woods, plus these Mosquito Repellent Patches.
I’ve been lucky sufficient to have had many distinctive experiences around the globe, like kayaking with beluga whales and swimming with pigs on Exuma Island, and now I can add fishing for (and consuming!) piranhas to that record.
This expertise was courtesy of Uncover Guyana. All opinions my very own. Submit might embody affiliate hyperlinks.
source http://cheaprtravels.com/piranha-pirana-fishing-in-the-rainforest-rivers-of-guyana/
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Cleaning Seafood Smells Out Of A Fridge
Whether you're in your kitchen or from the boat, working with fish makes your hands smell funky. We had stinky fridge and likewise to cleaning the drip tray (which wasn't it, we vacuumed the coils and supporter (that was the problem) and provided how to get fish smell out of refrigerator them a bleach spritz. Baking soda will absorb the bad smells and leave your fridge smelling clean after around three days. However, at times many women observe that their vagina smells diversely. Once you clean your refrigerator with vanilla substance, the old musty odors shall be vanished as well as your refrigerator will smell fresh and inviting. Here are the top 10 ways to eliminate how to get fish smell out of fridge vaginal odor. Lemons are an apparent choice for ridding your fridge of nasty smells. Often times, you'll be able to experience a smelly fridge despite how faithful we are at preserving its cleanliness. A straightforward solution of just one 1 part normal water to 1 part vinegar is exactly what I use to completely clean my fridge when it's needs to smell. Refrigerator smells have you afraid to open up the hinged door? To eliminate the smell of seafood from a refrigerator fridge smells bad even after cleaning, completely empty the freezer or refrigerator and place the foods in another cool place. The use of coffee grounds work in a similar function to baking soda and can be extremely successful in absorbing freezer smells. Once the smell is gone, it can be replaced by you with a smaller subject to contain the cooking soda pop. If it's not apparent by right now, the weirdest way to completely clean your fridge is usually to pre-clean it, or at least obtain it primed for biggest washing methods. Don't bother offering fridge smells bad even after cleaning your fridge a good cleaning until you find and get rid of the smelly source. Hang on 20-30 minutes to provide the vinegar time and energy to dissolve and remove the odor-causing haze then scrub, clean, and dried up them well. In fact, that disgusting smell of seafood is a real turn off, whether it is in the kitchen or kitchen room. Hydrogen Peroxide - Use hydrogen peroxide to destroy mildew and form, and make use of alongside cooking soda how to get fish smell out of refrigerator pop when coming up with grout cleaning pastes. It will leave your refrigerator with a relaxing scent and help to neutralize any mildew that could be creeping into your fridge. To eliminate the smell of fish from bowls, containers or pans lower a couple of potatoes in two and sprinkle them with table salt and devote the pot for 2 hours (preferably with lid on). Is the time to get a new how to clean a fridge that has been unplugged refrigerator now. To prevent bad odors, you will keep an uncovered plate of cooking soda in your fridge at fine times. If you've ever been to a high-end seafood market before, you may have observed that the area smells clean absolutely. You could as well use a stainless steel bar soap to eliminate the fishy smell from your hands. An open container of baking soda pop on a bottom shelf or inside the entranceway can also help your refrigerator stay odour-free. To avoid bad odor, try to check your refrigerator once in weekly how to get fish smell out of refrigerator and remove all the expired food items then. According to a intensive research 3 , the citric acid within lemon juice works to neutralize odors and leaves a enjoyable smell on food smells. While it only works if you want the odor of java, unbrewed floor coffee may be used to eliminate smells, especially in things that used to belong to smokers, like cars or furniture. Three of several brand names are: "Odor-Away" by Wrap-on Co., offered how to get fish smell out of refrigerator by hardware and hospital resource stores, "Super CD" IBL Home Products by Crackerbarrel Sales, Avenal, New Jersey, available in pet resource section or special products in grocery, or "Clean-Air" at some appliance repair shops. This method requires that you store your food elsewhere, since you must leave the charcoal in pans in an unplugged refrigerator for many times. To test the baking soda theory, I minced up some garlic and remaining how to get fish smell out of fridge it in just a little open bowl in the fridge. Place find more info of used tea carriers or some tea leaves in an open container in your refrigerator and the scent existing in your refrigerator will be eliminated a lot. Relating to a report 1 , milk can help you absorb the fishiness from the freshwater seafood and seafoods and then make it become milder. After intercourse it smells awful and ecen sometimes alone. Though there are many other smell neutralizing how to get fish smell out of refrigerator and eliminating agents that can be useful, these natural and inexpensive solutions have great electric power and will eliminate even the most pungent of smells.
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topfygad · 5 years
Piranha (Pirana) Fishing in the Rainforest Rivers of Guyana
If you hear the phrase piranha, what involves thoughts? For me it’s a bit fish with ginormous tooth that may eat an individual alive. So evidently, when fishing for piranhas was on the Guyana issues to do itinerary there was a wee bit or nerves that set in. I wasn’t even positive that I needed to be floating in a ship in a murky river on prime of the scary fish, a lot much less catching one and willingly inviting them contained in the vessel.
However, it seems that this bucket record expertise was certainly one of my favourite issues I did on this South American nation, and probably the world.
What’s a Piranha (Pirana)
Piranhas (also referred to as piranas) are freshwater fish notorious for his or her very sharp triangle-shaped tooth and powerful jaws that produce a forceful chew (have you ever ever seen the scary film of the identical identify?). They’re a freshwater fish that may be discovered all through South American rivers and lakes, with a number of the largest recognized being noticed in Guyana’s Amazon Basin (I can attest to that!).
Although in comparison with Guyana’s widespread Arapaima fish they’re comparatively small in dimension, ranging on common from 5-14 inches, their fame as a predator makes them probably the most feared fishes on the planet. However, the excellent news is that they sometimes don’t assault people, except they’re in a anxious surroundings. Nonetheless, I wasn’t about to take any possibilities by dipping my toes within the water!
The place in Guyana are you able to go Piranha Fishing?
About 90% of the rivers and lakes in Guyana have piranha, so that they gained’t be onerous to search out. There are a lot of tour operators across the nation that may take you on an adventurous fishing tour. As a result of I used to be staying at Rewa Eco Lodge in North Rupununi, we went proper on the Rewa River with workers of the lodge and wildlife specialist/tour operator Leon of Leon Moore Nature Experiences.
The way to Fish for Pirana in Guayna
Making a Fishing Rod
From Rewa Lodge we took a motorized dingy upstream to a touchdown spot on the Rewa River.  That is the place we’d make our fishing poles and catch the piranha bait. For the rod chances are you’ll have to go deep within the rainforest to search out the yari-yari tree—the sort of wooden makes one of the best rod due to its small diameter, power and adaptability. Not solely did they need to be constituted of a selected sort of wooden, but in addition needed to be simply the precise size of branches, an 8-foot one makes for the proper fishing pole.
After the poles had been discovered, the guides confirmed me the right way to connect fishing line and a big hook. That’s it—simplicity’s at it most interesting.
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Amassing Piranha Bait
Pirana largely feed off of fish, so we would have liked to catch some small ones. With the intention to do that we used reside grub (a bit beetle) that was discovered within a kokerit seed. When a kokerit nut will get buried within the floor for round a month, a tiny beetle goes inside to name it residence. You’ll be able to eat these beetles reside for protein (our information did!) or use them for bait to catch small fish.
As soon as our grub was baited and within the water, it took about three minutes to catch the primary fish. That was nice, however we’d want at the least a dozen extra earlier than heading out to the river for piranha fishing. As I used to be fishing for small bait off the shoreline, I really caught a small piranha (my first one!) and we had been capable of reduce that one up into a number of smaller items to make use of as bait too.
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It took a couple of half an hour to catch the entire bait wanted after which we headed out to the Rewa River to catch the fish that most individuals feared.
There was a particular approach the locals used to catch the piranha that was so simple as the stick rod. You bait the hook, drop the road within the water and splash vigorously along with your stick for about ten seconds. That is speculated to make them suppose there’s one thing shifting within the water, coming to examine and hopefully smelling your bait on the similar time.
Nibble, Nibble.
You’ll really feel plenty of little nibbles, however the trick is to tug your wood rod straight up whenever you get an enormous nibble, it will trigger them to get hooked. I undoubtedly misplaced fairly a number of to start with, however received higher at it because the day went on. In only a couple hours, I caught 10 piranhas and one vampire (payara) fish!
It’s important to be actually cautious to not swing your hook round and hit somebody on the boat or your self, like I did!
Put on sun shades, in case of flying hooks.
If you catch a fish, be additional cautious when bringing it within the boat in case the piranha unattaches itself from the hook. It’s greatest to let your information deal with it as soon as it’s in your line.
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Cooking & Consuming
After a profitable day fishing, it was time to be rewarded for the onerous work. We discovered a transparent spot alongside the river financial institution and the guides created a scrumptious lunch with our catch. They expertly cleaned the fish and made a fireplace by piling sticks right into a pyramid. The grill prime was created utilizing random tree branches.
The piranha (and a catfish that another person had caught) was then coated with Chief’s All-Function Seasoning earlier than being positioned on the makeshift barbecue. They had been grilled to perfection and served with a facet of farine (as every little thing at all times was), a dish just like couscous that’s constituted of the foundation of the native cassava plant, and a thermos filled with lime juice.
I do know your subsequent query—what does piranha style like? It tastes like a light, very dry white fish. Although some declare it to be actually fishy, I didn’t discover that to be true. However, it does have plenty of tiny little bones to be careful for!
<![CDATA[ #gallery-4 margin: auto; #gallery-4 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; #gallery-4 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-4 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ ]]>
The way to E book this Expertise
This expertise may be booked by way of virtually any tour operator in Guyana. It may also be booked by way of the lodge we stayed at, Rewa Eco Lodge in North Rupununi, and wildlife specialist/tour operator who was with me my complete time in Guyana, Leon of Leon Moore Nature Experiences.
Need extra concepts of issues to do in Guyana? Try these Guyana excursions.
What to Deliver
Sun shades: sun shades is not going to solely shield you from the bugs moving into your eyes when the boat is shifting at excessive speeds, but in addition for flying fishing hooks.
Solar Hat: there’s not a lot shade on the river so you’ll want to shield your face from the new solar. I introduced the Bodvera Out of doors Vast Brim Hat and it labored like a appeal.
Sunscreen: it will likely be an extended day within the solar, so be sure to are protected.
Bug Repellent: the bugs in Guyana may be fierce, so you’ll want to have all of your bases lined. I used a wholesome spray of Off! Deep Woods, plus these Mosquito Repellent Patches.
I’ve been lucky sufficient to have had many distinctive experiences around the globe, like kayaking with beluga whales and swimming with pigs on Exuma Island, and now I can add fishing for (and consuming!) piranhas to that record.
This expertise was courtesy of Uncover Guyana. All opinions my very own. Submit might embody affiliate hyperlinks.
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2MWk31Q via IFTTT
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Piranha (Pirana) Fishing in the Rainforest Rivers of Guyana
If you hear the phrase piranha, what involves thoughts? For me it’s a bit fish with ginormous tooth that may eat an individual alive. So evidently, when fishing for piranhas was on the Guyana issues to do itinerary there was a wee bit or nerves that set in. I wasn’t even positive that I needed to be floating in a ship in a murky river on prime of the scary fish, a lot much less catching one and willingly inviting them contained in the vessel.
However, it seems that this bucket record expertise was certainly one of my favourite issues I did on this South American nation, and probably the world.
What’s a Piranha (Pirana)
Piranhas (also referred to as piranas) are freshwater fish notorious for his or her very sharp triangle-shaped tooth and powerful jaws that produce a forceful chew (have you ever ever seen the scary film of the identical identify?). They’re a freshwater fish that may be discovered all through South American rivers and lakes, with a number of the largest recognized being noticed in Guyana’s Amazon Basin (I can attest to that!).
Although in comparison with Guyana’s widespread Arapaima fish they’re comparatively small in dimension, ranging on common from 5-14 inches, their fame as a predator makes them probably the most feared fishes on the planet. However, the excellent news is that they sometimes don’t assault people, except they’re in a anxious surroundings. Nonetheless, I wasn’t about to take any possibilities by dipping my toes within the water!
The place in Guyana are you able to go Piranha Fishing?
About 90% of the rivers and lakes in Guyana have piranha, so that they gained’t be onerous to search out. There are a lot of tour operators across the nation that may take you on an adventurous fishing tour. As a result of I used to be staying at Rewa Eco Lodge in North Rupununi, we went proper on the Rewa River with workers of the lodge and wildlife specialist/tour operator Leon of Leon Moore Nature Experiences.
The way to Fish for Pirana in Guayna
Making a Fishing Rod
From Rewa Lodge we took a motorized dingy upstream to a touchdown spot on the Rewa River.  That is the place we’d make our fishing poles and catch the piranha bait. For the rod chances are you’ll have to go deep within the rainforest to search out the yari-yari tree—the sort of wooden makes one of the best rod due to its small diameter, power and adaptability. Not solely did they need to be constituted of a selected sort of wooden, but in addition needed to be simply the precise size of branches, an 8-foot one makes for the proper fishing pole.
After the poles had been discovered, the guides confirmed me the right way to connect fishing line and a big hook. That’s it—simplicity’s at it most interesting.
<![CDATA[ #gallery-1 margin: auto; #gallery-1 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; #gallery-1 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-1 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ ]]>
Amassing Piranha Bait
Pirana largely feed off of fish, so we would have liked to catch some small ones. With the intention to do that we used reside grub (a bit beetle) that was discovered within a kokerit seed. When a kokerit nut will get buried within the floor for round a month, a tiny beetle goes inside to name it residence. You’ll be able to eat these beetles reside for protein (our information did!) or use them for bait to catch small fish.
As soon as our grub was baited and within the water, it took about three minutes to catch the primary fish. That was nice, however we’d want at the least a dozen extra earlier than heading out to the river for piranha fishing. As I used to be fishing for small bait off the shoreline, I really caught a small piranha (my first one!) and we had been capable of reduce that one up into a number of smaller items to make use of as bait too.
<![CDATA[ #gallery-2 margin: auto; #gallery-2 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; #gallery-2 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-2 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ ]]>
It took a couple of half an hour to catch the entire bait wanted after which we headed out to the Rewa River to catch the fish that most individuals feared.
There was a particular approach the locals used to catch the piranha that was so simple as the stick rod. You bait the hook, drop the road within the water and splash vigorously along with your stick for about ten seconds. That is speculated to make them suppose there’s one thing shifting within the water, coming to examine and hopefully smelling your bait on the similar time.
Nibble, Nibble.
You’ll really feel plenty of little nibbles, however the trick is to tug your wood rod straight up whenever you get an enormous nibble, it will trigger them to get hooked. I undoubtedly misplaced fairly a number of to start with, however received higher at it because the day went on. In only a couple hours, I caught 10 piranhas and one vampire (payara) fish!
It’s important to be actually cautious to not swing your hook round and hit somebody on the boat or your self, like I did!
Put on sun shades, in case of flying hooks.
If you catch a fish, be additional cautious when bringing it within the boat in case the piranha unattaches itself from the hook. It’s greatest to let your information deal with it as soon as it’s in your line.
<![CDATA[ #gallery-3 margin: auto; #gallery-3 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; #gallery-3 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-3 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ ]]>
Cooking & Consuming
After a profitable day fishing, it was time to be rewarded for the onerous work. We discovered a transparent spot alongside the river financial institution and the guides created a scrumptious lunch with our catch. They expertly cleaned the fish and made a fireplace by piling sticks right into a pyramid. The grill prime was created utilizing random tree branches.
The piranha (and a catfish that another person had caught) was then coated with Chief’s All-Function Seasoning earlier than being positioned on the makeshift barbecue. They had been grilled to perfection and served with a facet of farine (as every little thing at all times was), a dish just like couscous that’s constituted of the foundation of the native cassava plant, and a thermos filled with lime juice.
I do know your subsequent query—what does piranha style like? It tastes like a light, very dry white fish. Although some declare it to be actually fishy, I didn’t discover that to be true. However, it does have plenty of tiny little bones to be careful for!
<![CDATA[ #gallery-4 margin: auto; #gallery-4 .gallery-item float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; #gallery-4 img border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; #gallery-4 .gallery-caption margin-left: 0; /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ ]]>
The way to E book this Expertise
This expertise may be booked by way of virtually any tour operator in Guyana. It may also be booked by way of the lodge we stayed at, Rewa Eco Lodge in North Rupununi, and wildlife specialist/tour operator who was with me my complete time in Guyana, Leon of Leon Moore Nature Experiences.
Need extra concepts of issues to do in Guyana? Try these Guyana excursions.
What to Deliver
Sun shades: sun shades is not going to solely shield you from the bugs moving into your eyes when the boat is shifting at excessive speeds, but in addition for flying fishing hooks.
Solar Hat: there’s not a lot shade on the river so you’ll want to shield your face from the new solar. I introduced the Bodvera Out of doors Vast Brim Hat and it labored like a appeal.
Sunscreen: it will likely be an extended day within the solar, so be sure to are protected.
Bug Repellent: the bugs in Guyana may be fierce, so you’ll want to have all of your bases lined. I used a wholesome spray of Off! Deep Woods, plus these Mosquito Repellent Patches.
I’ve been lucky sufficient to have had many distinctive experiences around the globe, like kayaking with beluga whales and swimming with pigs on Exuma Island, and now I can add fishing for (and consuming!) piranhas to that record.
This expertise was courtesy of Uncover Guyana. All opinions my very own. Submit might embody affiliate hyperlinks.
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2MWk31Q via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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