#my other main character type is guy with dark hair and thick or otherwise so shaped nose and eyebrows
meoproject · 27 days
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Did a mini ref for one of my characters because. i wanted to post him on artfight and i dont have enough refs more my characters.
making this gave me the horrifying realization that i have so many characters who are prissy blondes with beauty marks or freckles 🙄 im so fucking predictable
i also like blondes with dark(er) eyebrows, fight me (i once got hatemail for having blond characters with dark eyebrows)
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dib-thing-wannabe · 6 months
Thoughts on every JT character + personal headcanon for each of them?
Oooooh dear, there's quiet a few characters, so sorry if I miss any-
Johnny Test: 8/10 Overall, a pretty good depiction of a 11 year old boy! I would be lying if I said that I didn't think of him as one of the best character's in the show. Headcanon: He does have a pretty big soft spot for babies/toddlers, as long as they aren't evil, of course.
Mary Test: 6/10 She's good, but doesn't have much of her own personality apart from Susan. I also dislike that she legit uses Johnny as a test subject. Y'all are gonna kill the boy if this continues! Headcanon: She actually doesn't find Gil that attractive, it's just that every other guy at her school is mid, so he's her best option.
Susan Test: 6/10 Same thoughts as Mary. Headcanon: Her favorite type of scientific experiments are with machinery, especially when building, cleaning, or taking them apart.
Hugh Test: 7/10 He's so malewife it's unbelievable. Now call me spoiled or too sympathetic, but I definitely feel like he should spoil his kids just a little more. Not with toys or something like that, but with attention. Susan and Mary are probably fine with the attention that he's currently giving them, but Johnny might just want some positive attention towards him. Headcanon: Despite making meatloaf 24/7, his favorite food is actually jack fruit. He just can't have it nearly as often because of how expensive it is.
Lila Test: 8/10 The girlboss ever. I just wish she would be able to spend more time with her family, but that's all that I think of her negatively. Headcanon: She actually dyes her hair brown, and her actual hair color is the bright red that Susan and Mary have, and also the color of Johnny's tips. At first it was because her job didn't believe that her hair color was natural so she was forced to dye it, but then she just kept it since she really liked the way it looked on her better than her red hair.
Dukey: 9/10 I am a sucker for smart yet silly characters, what can I say? He's probably the most well written character in the show, but that's not saying much tbh. Headcanon: He did ended up having a litter of puppies before he went in the pound that Johnny rescued him from, and he does try to visit them as often as he can.
Bling-Bling Boy / Eugene: 7/10 He's an interesting character, and I find him funny! I just wish that he wasn't such a creep with Susan- Headcanon: His main type is actually southern women from America with thick accents. Susan is just an outlier when it comes to his attraction.
Mr. Mittens and his butler, Albert: 5/10 Fun villains, but I don't think of them as anything more than that. Headcanon: That cat definitely will sit on Albert's paperwork and things like that while he's doing it to be a pain.
Mr Black and Mr White: 6/10 Similar to Susan's and Mary's dynamic when it comes to writing, but still good and funny characters in my eyes! Headcanon: They are in fact married to each other. You cannot convince me otherwise.
Brain Freezer: 10/10 Silly villain go brrrrrr!! So silly and such a good character to me, I love him sm. Headcanon: Despite being a cold and ice-based villain, he cannot stand on ice without special attachments to his footwear.
Gil Nexdor: 4/10 Average boring white boy, but he's a sweetheart despite that, so he's not the worse. Headcanon: He's aroace, so he truly does think that Susan and Mary don't want to be anything more than friends.
Dark Vegan: 5/10 He's a tab bit boring for my taste, being the trope of a scary villain but when he's in his civilian/normal attire he's just a wimpy guy. Headcanon: His favorite animal is actually snakes!
The Beekeeper: 5/10 Not very memorable or too interesting to me. Headcanon: Despite being a beekeeper, his favorite insect/bug is actually a stick bug!
Zizrar: 6/10 I love this silly mole king, but he's a bit too silly to be fighting with an 11 year old boy. Headcanon: He definitely just makes a hole that's barely big enough to fit him in it and just sits in it for a while. Maybe even sleep in it sometimes.
Sissy Blakely: 7/10 She's a good character! But she's also just a gender bend of Johnny tbh. Headcanon: She's bi with a preference towards men.
The General: 2/10 I hate how he's actually a good depiction of people in the military- Also, why are you placing most of your problems at your job on an 11 year old and his teenage sisters?! Headcanon: He's dead, actually. He's not canon, he isn't real, this was the Mandela Effect.
Johnny's teacher: 1/10 Biggest bitch in the show, and he's technically not even that big of an antagonist. Headcanon: He treats Johnny the way he does because he's actually close to losing his job and he thinks that Johnny's bad grades are the reason he's about to be fired, when it's simply because he's a bad teacher, and treating Johnny the way he doesn't certainly isn't helping him.
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emsartwork · 4 years
i forgot to add: how do design ????!?!??????
So I’m not expert but this is how I think of character design! (also sry if you were asking about clothing/outfit design thats a little different)
under the cut because this is long im so sorry
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So in my opinion there are three really important aspects for character design!
AESTHETIC: obviously everybody’s aesthetic is different, but this is more about what vibe the character has, what makes them THEM design wise. 
INTENTION: who is the character supposed to be? this can range from their personality, their back story, their occupation, or their role in the story, but the design need to fit that intention.
COHESION: does the design go well together? or do certain aspects clash too much? obviously you can have disjointed parts of a character design, and if those serve a purpose then thats fine, but if its so disjointed its distracting from the character as a whole you might need to tweak things. 
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AESTHETIC: the contrasting part of the design (white flowers in dark hair, dark trim on dress, and dark shoes) provide interest to the eye. The mixing of round and sharp shapes also keeps the design from feeling “boring” even though its relatively simple. 
INTENTION: so what role would this little doodle character have? according to her design elements, shes cute and friendly with her round shapes (bouncy balls, babies, etc), but could have a sharp/fast/active or even dangerous edge to her with the triangles (arrows, knives etc). of course the design doesn’t limit her possible roles. She could be a bubbly younger sister who teases the older protagonist, or maybe she’s the villain hiding in plain sight. the shape this character design doesn’t really have is squares(think bricks and rocks), which communicates that she might not be really strong, steady, or reliable. 
COHESION: repeating the curves across her whole design builds cohesion, it communicates that “yes, these are all part of the same character”, it also allows the eye to “rest” on a familiar shape or line. 
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(Boku no Hero Academia) so both of these characters are super heroes, but have vastly different design elements. so lets analyze them.
OCHAKO(the pink one) is all rounds, with a few pointed shapes in hair mostly, but a little on her costume as well. Her personality is cute, bubbly, and friendly which perfectly suits her soft and bouncy design. Howevre she also has a very slight edge to her, which is seen her determination and drive to improve herself over the course of the anime. 
KIRISHIMA(the red one) at first glance, seems to be super pointy!! shapes that are usually seen on villains or really dangerous characters, but while he IS sharp(literally sometimes) and sometimes aggressive, he is also made of squares, which perfectly suits his loyal “i gotchu bro” attitude towards most of the other characters in the anime.  
ISSUE AREAS: so the only problems i have with Ochako and Kirishima’s designs is that their costumes each have one area that clashes a little too much for my taste. With Ochako, the belt over the color blocking stripes down her crotch are......questionable taste wise. I think the design would be better if the pink chest ended above the belt in a shallow v. not only would this mirror the triangle aspects of her hair, it would fit the belt outline, and continue the trend her costume has of being “grounded” or “heavy”. Kirishima has those.... gears??? around his shoulders??? and while the gear teeth are technically squares, the gear shape itself is a circle, which is a shape that isn’t present anywhere else in his design. I think changing the gears to something similar to his boots or his mask/headgear would create a more cohesive design(also the gears just look hard to move in)
These two characters are presented as individuals so their costumes don’t have to match at all even though they are still seen as “connected” because of the art style for the face, hair, and body. 
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In a group giving the outfits cohesive motifs is an easy way to present a strong team image! In Yuki Yuna is a Hero, the girls all have colored lines(usually princess seam placement), armor or fabric hip accents, covered arms, and similar flower shapes in their hair. The Aesthetic of each girl is strong in a monochrome signature color, but not over whelming as the black+white connects them even in color so they aren’t out of place. 
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Speaking of color! if your characters are all similar looking (like same body for all of them) you can communicate their personality and aesthetic just with color! (only gonna talk about a few of the ponies) Pinkie Pie (the really pink one) is energetic and playful, so her color scheme is a variation of the primary colors(happy, child like), and have one of the more saturated colors(high energy, intense) of these characters in a large quantity. Apple Jack (the orange one) is a down to earth farm girl, and her color palette is accordingly, mostly earth tones, its also warm analogous colors, which makes her appear un-complicated and warm personality wise. the pop of red is a nice touch to add interest, but notice that its uses sparingly in her cutie mark and tail accessory. Rarity on the other hand is elegant and fussy, her high contrast scheme of white and dark blue/purples gives her more visual interest and is something that makes her appear more “complex” in addition to the gradient thats included in her hair. the colors are also all cool colors, bringing to mind cool glass or water which both have connotations of grace and beauty.
however all the characters here are unified by their colors being on the pastel side, which is also important for a cohesive cast.
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another, short, note on color; making the color/line/shading of your figure different from the background can help them stand out, this is used ESPECIALLY in children’s media, but can be applied to any illustration or animation as needed.
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Color can also help your characters “read” quickly on screen, the powerpuff girls are a prime example, of having a distinct color blocking and silhouette. even the color blobs at the top and my crappy hand silhouettes STILL read as the characters despite being broken down into abstract elements. I also really enjoy the thick outline in the powerpuff girls, it really makes the characters pop to the foreground even though they have pretty simple designs and are often in a colorful setting.
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Also, for a lot of animation, silhouette is INCREDIBLY important for your characters, some designers sketch silhouettes and then design the particulars its so important to nail the shape. These examples from Coraline are some of my favorites (though Laika wins in my heart every time no matter what lmao) because the simple shapes are SO CLEAR and indicative of the character, you literally don’t need to have watched the movie to know these are each different characters with different personalities and roles. 
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silhouette can also help tell the story. In Kubo and the two strings (another Laika film) the above three characters are sisters. One has chosen to leave her home in the heavens to live on earth, and the other two stay in their roles as “heavenly” warriors. This is even shown through their designs, the two sisters are weighted on top and their cloaks don’t even touch the ground, while the first woman has trailing, heavy sleeves, hair, and robes all grounding her and emphasizing her connection with the earth.
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another example of shape/silhouette reflecting the story, In The Croods, the family of cavemen are for the most part very top heavy, with large torsos and arms, usually in a more hunched over position, while the newcomer, Guy, is bottom heavy with thin arms and stands more upright. In the plot, the family represents the old ways, the strength and rules that have helped them survive, they look like very stereotypical “cavemen”, while Guy resembles the modern man, and appropriately is associated with new ideas and forward thinking.
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MORE SHAPES, in DC super hero girls each girl has a distinct personality emulated by her shape language. Zatana is dramatic curves and edges, Super girl is hard, straight edges against curves, giving her a solid muscular shape. Wonder Woman, though also strong, is taller and leaner, lending to a confident leader type. Green Lantern is slim, her lines all flow into each other giving her a go with the flow look. Bumble Bee is, of course, tiny, but her boots and gauntlets add weight and strength to her otherwise small frame. Batgirl is lanky and has a lot of pointed style lines, reminding the viewer of a skinny cat (ironic what with cat woman i know) or weasel which mirrors her preferred “sneaky” crime fighting style.  (also yes this was just an excuse for me to gush abt how much i love the dcshg designs shut up)
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so in my opinion, Cartoon Saloon’s The Secret of Kells is PERFECT in aesthetic, intention, and cohesion. Kells focuses very strongly on creating silhouette WITHIN the larger figure shape via color and line, most of the characters pictured here have no neck, the one who does, Brendan, is the main character and the use of negative space that cuts into his shape is used to draw attention to him. Kells is also very strongly inspired by Medieval Illuminated manuscripts (namely, the book of kells lmao). The characters still manage to stand out against outrageously detailed backgrounds via their simple shapes and strong color blocking. 
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Aisling, a secondary but very important character, is not human, and has a totally different shape language from the rest of the characters. She is thin and pointy, while most of the others are round or square. Aisling also has the most negative space making up her silhouette, compare the triangles made by her arms and legs in the above picture to the figures in the first image where everybody’s body is self contained with no negative space. She is also very different color wise, very pale and cool colored, as opposed to the warm saturated colors of the human characters. (yes this was another excuse to gush abt one of my fave pieces of media deal with it)
hopefully that wasn’t too rambley and actually helps? if yall have more specific design questions lemma know lol
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A very long description of my OCs and their universe.
I have made the decision to start writing oneshots and short stories as well as prompts now, so woo! And that means…*drumroll* I’m going to be explaining in great detail my OCs and the universe I’ve built around them! Also, I am aware that 90% of OC posts are art, but I cannot draw anything and I don’t have any digital art pad type stuff to do it on anyway so no Imma just write one loooooooooong block of words. I regret nothing, btw. (Rosa and Robin’s descriptions will be the longest, so just try not to fall asleep until you’ve finished reading them?)
Okay, so, my OCs all live in this village out in the English countryside called Thistledoor. It’s like a whole old-timey, chocolate-box-village type deal, minus the school (which is joint secondary and primary) of course. (Americans might want to look up when British kids start school if you guys don’t already know, just to understand Noah’s predicament.)
The whole thing is a sort of monster AU, kinda a Gravity Falls type deal where they’re just things like gnomes and goblins and the occasional horde of brainthristy zombies to deal with.
The Maddoxes live in the middle of the village, while the Lupins’ house is a bit further away along the edge of the woods. Robin and Rosa are my main characters, Rosa lives with her parents, twin brother Gabo, and younger brother Noah, and Robin lives with his mum, his two older siblings Molly and Jack, and younger siblings, the triplets Ethan, Ben and Sirsha (It’s actually spelt Saoirse but Robin’s mum spelt it wrong on the birth certificate), and Starling. Robin’s entire family have faint Irish accents (idk and idc why). Maeve is one of their friends and Gabo’s crush, and Marcus is the school jerk who likes to flirt with Rosa. Now, what the characters are actually like:
 Rosa Lupin (15):
Medium-reddish-brown hair that’s so thick and silky but not that shiny and reaches the middle of her back. It’s always wavy even when she brushes it.
Her skin is quite light, and she cannot tan, she just burns. She has freckles on her nose and her cheeks, but you can’t see them as much in winter. When she smiles… Oh. My. Goodness. Her smile is so beautiful, and her nose scrunches up and it’s just ADORABLE! Her eyes are wide and dark brown, but they get a tiny bit lighter towards her pupils. She also has a little crescent-moon-shaped birth mark just above her collarbone. Gabo has one too. She’s quite tall and kind of slim, but still a bit curvy at the same time.
She always wears oversized jumpers and jeans when it’s cold or t-shirts and shorts in the summer, or occasionally she steals Robin’s jumpers when it gets cold because for some reason his are mostly warmer than hers.
She’s about 5’6.
Her favourite colour is purple, she loves ballet, singing, reading, chemistry, and making up conspiracy theories with Gabo, and she’s quite quiet around most people but a force to be reckoned with when someone makes her mad, mainly by insulting Noah. She and Gabo also get killer migraines and insomnia when they’re stressed. Rosa is also the mum friend of my group of chaotic 15-year-olds and has a thing about loud noise and crowded areas (as in if she stays around them for too long she’ll either freak out or get a migraine or both). Gabo’s similar, but he can just about manage.
Robin is her best friend in the whole world, and they’ve known each other since they were 5. Secretly, they both like each other more than that, but they’re much too shy to tell each other, which obviously leads to their siblings making devious matchmaking plots to get them together. Rosa and Robin then get back at them with their own schemes, mainly with Gabo and Maeve.
 Robin Maddox (15):
His hair is dark brown and so messy it’s unbelievable, and literally impossible to imagine him with tidy hair. Somehow it never gets knotty. Ever.
His eyes are really dark brown and sparkly, kind of like an actual robin’s. He’s a bit tanned and he’s not really muscly but still quite strong. Like seriously, he can carry Rosa when she falls asleep in the middle of doing something or if she gets a migraine.
Lives in red t-shirts and brown jeans rolled up a bit so they don’t get dirty, and literally never wears shoes except at school because Thistledoor is the best village in the area for not littering so there’s nothing to cut his feet on. Some people tease him for it but he just ignores them (or splashes in a big muddy puddle to get water all over them) He does actually own a few jumpers that aren’t red or brown, but they are mostly stolen by Rosa. That’s actually why he has them but shh, no-one needs to know that.
He’s about 5’7, or maybe a bit taller.
Robin’s favourite colour is red, he likes inventing, playing music (he can play about a gazillion instruments) and pretty much just tagging along with whatever mystery hunt Rosa and Gabo have gotten themselves into. He’s very bold, brash and silly, occasionally getting into fights with Marcus before Rosa drags him back to her house by the ear, but he does have a very sensitive, protective side, particularly over Starling, which you will learn why when I get to their mum’s description.
 Gabo Lupin (15):
He’s Rosa’s twin brother, so he basically looks like the boy version of her. His hair is pretty short and neat, and he has a fringe pushed over to the left side of his forehead. He is incredibly short sighted and can see literally nothing without his glasses.
His favourite colour is yellow, he likes reading, poetry/songwriting creating conspiracy theories, and dragging his sister on mystery hunts with him, on most she and Robin end up saving his life when he reads out the words from a cave-wall-painting-crypt-thing to summon the dead. He’s very quiet and intellectual and gets scared easily unless he’s too busy finding stuff out.
 Noah Lupin (4 or 5 depending on when the story takes place):
Noah looks a bit like Gabo, except his hair is much lighter and he doesn’t need glasses. Noah is a rather unusual four year old in the way of his intelligence – he’s got the same IQ as his father, who is a scientist. He didn’t start talking at all until he was about three, but when he did it was in full sentences with none of the normal baby talk, but he doesn’t like to talk around people so most people think he’s just dumb.
 Mrs Maddox (Robin’s mother):
Mrs Maddox is possibly the worst mother in the history of the whole multiverse ever. She’s drunken, angry, neglectful, and doesn’t have a job, leaving supporting the family to the government funding and Molly, who’s 19 and has two part time jobs at the weekends and after school. Mrs Maddox leaves most of her children alone in the physical sense, except Robin and Starling. She hits both of them, usually just a slap across the face or something, always small enough for everyone to just assume that Robin had gotten into a fight or Star had fallen down the stairs, clumsy as she was. Neither of them wanted to correct them otherwise. Rosa, Maeve and Gabo figured it out fairly quickly, though.
 Molly (19), Jack (17), Starling (11) and the triplets (6):
The rest of Robin’s siblings don’t make an enormous appearance in my stories, them being mainly centred around Robin and the Lupins, but I’m going to describe them anyway. Molly’s the oldest, and generally the one taking care of all her siblings. Jack is basically a father figure to his younger siblings, as their dad died when Mrs Maddox was pregnant with Ethan, Ben and Sirsha. Sirsha never learnt to talk. Starling is very clumsy, but other than that she’s just like Robin. They all hate wearing shoes.
 Okay, I think that’s it!
P.S. I’m going to use a tag with my username as a way to get all my stories together, so if you’re reading this in the future and want to read my stories, that’s a quick way to do it without being swamped by reblogs and whump prompts!
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pintofteaforthesoul · 5 years
Elorcan One-shot
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So this took so much longer than I’d intended but it's PERFECT so I hope you enjoy it. Tagging everyone who liked the original prompt: @skeletons-and-flowers, @badwolf084, @athletic-book-nerd, @nalgenewhore, @mis-lil-red, @lazyperfectionistteen
Elide laid on her stomach, sprawled on her bed with her ankles crossed in the air. It was a regular Friday night, music blaring from the small speaker on her desk. She was scrolling through Instagram as per usual when she had nothing better to do. It was the week before finals so any party going on was subdued. That’s what she should have been doing tonight- studying. Her books and notebook for Organic Chemistry were open before her, but she couldn’t concentrate.
Elide scrolled past a picture of her ex and scowled. How could she have forgotten to unfollow that scumbag? But she frowned when taking a closer look. She had unfollowed him, but who would be posting a picture of him? She clicked on the tag name, following so many people and unable to immediately recognize it.
The page opened to a friend of a friend’s page- Lysandra. One of her sorority sister’s best friends. Elide blinked in surprise. Clicking again on the picture of Aedion, with his long blond hair flowing over his shoulders while he grinned at the camera. It was a grin he’d often given her over the two years they were together.
Tears wanted to well in her eyes but Elide shoved them down. Aedion was the reason she now attended Terrasen University, they’d been high school sweethearts and won Prom King and Queen just last May.
Elide saw there were more pictures and swiped, biting down on her tongue when she saw they were indeed together in the next photo- Lysandra and Aedion. They’ve barely been broken up for a month and Aedion had already found another girlfriend.
A piece of Elide’s heart shattered. What did that say about her? What was wrong with her if he’d so easily been able to get over her? Elide hopped off the bed and left the room, weaving through the halls of the Gamma Phi Epsilon sorority house until she’d found the right door. She’d only moved into the house at the beginning of January after initiation and was still figuring out her way around. She’d been one of the lucky girls to get her own room and not have to share, perks of being a legacy Elide assumed.
Aelin answered after a moment, cute glasses perched on the edge of her nose. She looked surprised. “Elide! What’s up?” Elide had known Aelin in high school but hadn’t been super close until they’d joined the same sorority- not because Elide didn’t like her but they’d never been in the same friend groups. It had been a raving recommendation coupled with Elide being a legacy that had made her an obvious choice for ΓΦE. She was also Aedion’s cousin and looked exactly like him.
Elide shifted from foot to foot. “Hey, sorry to interrupt your studying but I had a question…. About Aedion…”
Aelin’s face shifted, her eyebrows knitted and her mouth thinning. Elide could tell the emotion wasn’t directed at her when the other girl said, “Lysandra posted something didn’t she?” Elide gave a small nod. Aelin cursed under her breath. “I told her to wait. I’m sorry, Elide. They’re not actually serious, Lysandra gets in over her head when she starts a new relationship.”
When Elide’s crestfallen expression doesn’t change, Aelin puts her hand on the shorter girl’s shoulder. Elide looks up through the thick curtain of her dark hair.
“Aedion is an asshole. Look, I’ll make Lys take it down.”
Elide gave the barest shake of her head. “No… I’m glad he’s,” she struggled to get the word out. “happy.”
Aelin sighed, drawing Elide in for a bone-crushing hug. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to let me know.” Elide returned the hug, grateful for the human contact. Aelin pulled back, her turquoise eyes fiery. “He may be my cousin, but you’re by sister now. Sisters stay together.”
Elide wiped away a tear that had fallen and gave Aelin a small smile before tracking down to the kitchen for a snack. As a sorority house filled with seventy girls, the freezer was constantly stocked with post-break-up ice cream. Elide grabbed the pint of rocky road and made her way back up to her room.
Giving up on studying, Elide piled up her pillows at the headboard and rested her back against them. Laptop balanced on a knee, she opened Netflix and clicked on something to watch that would distract her from the turmoil in her gut. Multitasking was usually the best distraction, and unable to resist herself, Elide opened Instagram once again.
The first picture on her feed left her mouth hanging open, spoon dangling from her lips. Elide practically swooned, beholding the massive golden form flexing muscles that had no right being that large. Lorcan Salvaterre was the epitome of hunk, having gained popularity and fame because of his portrayal in a popular werewolf show- not as the main love interest but the bad boy older brother.
Elide watched the show almost religiously just to see Lorcan, and the plot was decently good for a fantasy show based around romance.
The picture was actually one from the show, with Lorcan’s character, Damian, and some of the other members of the cast. Underneath was the caption, ‘You mess with my pack, you deal with me’.
Elide snorted at the cheesy line, but couldn’t resist going into the comments. She’d never left something before, but something was making her brave. There were the usual comments about how hot he was and who was looking forward to the next episode.
Before she could convince herself otherwise, Elide typed out, ‘I wish I was a part of your pack so you could help me egg my asshole ex’s house’. It was so ridiculous it made her laugh, such an impossible thing that she knew it could never happen.
Lorcan Salvaterre hated social media- it was so tedious and exhausting. He usually let his manager handle posting on it, not really caring what photos were on it. He did enjoy scrolling through the comments though, boosting his ego in ways nothing else could.
It was one comment that grabbed his attention though, something so out of left field. Lorcan clicked on her tag name – ladylochanx- and let out a breath of air. Elide Lochan. She was stunning was Lorcan’s first thought. He scrolled through her page, noticing at the top that she was a member of Gamma Phi Epsilon at TU- the campus only thirty minutes away from his apartment.
Elide was shy, that much he could tell by the few photos of herself alone. Lorcan clicked on the most recent one- showing Elide with her dark hair covering half her face. She looked solemn, dark eyes dancing at the camera as the barest of smiles hinted at her lips. Her caption was simple ‘Everything happens for a reason’. Lorcan clicked out to try to find a picture with the ex she’d mentioned in her comment, but found nothing obvious.
No, wait. A post from last May displayed Elide in a graduation gown, grinning at the camera with her arms around two blonde figures who looked like twins- a boy and a girl. The first boy Lorcan had seen on Elide’s dash. He clicked to see if the two were tagged, and indeed the girl was but the boy was not. Lorcan read the caption and found the name- Aedion. That was the guys name. The tag would’ve disappeared when Elide blocked him, but she hadn’t bothered to edit the caption.
Lorcan was out of his seat before he really knew what he was doing. Rowan Whitethorn, an old friend he’d met on set years prior, glanced up from the TV where he was playing a first-person shooter. “Where are you going?”
Lorcan didn’t glance back. “I have a request to fulfill.” Rowan merely rolled his eyes as Lorcan went to change. Elide would indeed get her wish.
It was nearly midnight when Manon appeared at Elide’s open door, lounging against the frame as if she owned it as per usual. Elide glanced up from where she was halfway through her pint, mouth full. “Can I help you?” She mumbled out, quickly pressing pause on her show.
“I see studying is going well.” Manon remarked drily, her eyebrow quirked as regarded the forgotten books at the foot of Elide’s bed.
Elide shrugged, pulling the spoon from her mouth. “I got distracted.”
Manon snorted. “Uhuh. Well, you have a visitor at the door.”
Elide’s heart jumped into her mouth. “A… a visitor?”
Manon’s arms were crossed. “Yeah and you’re lucky I was downstairs or your bootycall would’ve had to climb to your window. He’s still at the door, I told him to wait. He’s pretty hot though.”
Before Elide could say anything, Manon turned on her heel and walked out. Elide could barely process what was happening. Who could possibly have showed up at her sorority house at midnight? Aedion? The thought came and she dismissed it, not wanting to hope that her high school love had crawled back to her.
She quickly cleaned her room, shoving the books that had fallen off under her bed, snapping her laptop closed and placing it on her desk. Elide was decently cleanly, so that was the only thing out of place. She swooped up the pint of ice cream and rushed back downstairs. After depositing it back in the freezer, Elide padded to the door.
Her heart was racing in her chest as she fussed over her messy hair- pulling it down from the pony tail so it could sweep down her back. Elide was grateful she’d just done laundry and could answer the door in her favorite Gamma Phi Epsilon tank top and short pajama shorts.
Before she died of a heart attack, Elide swung open the door- and froze. She let out a small strangled gasp, eyes raking over the towering figure standing on the porch of the sorority house. Lorcan Salvaterre looked down-right rugged in black jeans and a fitted long-sleeve shirt that showed off every delightful curve of muscle on his body.
He gave her an almost nervous grin. “Elide Lochan?”
“Yes?” Elide squeaked, gripping the door out of fear her knees would give out.
Shocking her, Lorcan swept into a bow. “I’m here to make your wish come true.” Elide’s breath slipped out between her lips and she noticed that cartons tucked under Lorcan’s arm. Egg cartons. When he straightened, Lorcan looked her over with almost hungry eyes. “If we’re going to go out, you should probably put on something warmer. Here,” He pulled a dark form that had been hanging from his arm too and tossed it at her.
Elide caught it mostly out of reflex, smelling firewood and merlot. She almost dropped when she realized what it was- Lorcan’s hoodie. The smell was from him.  She was gaping at it, disbelieving eyes switching from the hoodie in her hands to gorgeous man standing before her.
Lorcan’s eyebrow lifted. “Well? Are we going to do this or what?”
Elide caught her bottom lip between her teeth before she could say ‘You can do me, that’s for sure’. “Um… you’re serious?” She found herself saying instead.
Lorcan’s thick eyebrows furrowed, a cute v appearing in his forehead. “Of course, I’m making you a member of my pack.”
Elide sputtered, heat curling in her body at the words and the rough voice he used to say them. “Why?” She was breathless and utterly confused.
Lorcan’s large shoulders shrugged, but his eyes were clear. “Because you’re beautiful and I don’t understand why your ex would break up with you.”
A blush creeped over Elide’s cheeks. She suddenly couldn’t meet his eyes. “I’ll um… I’ll go put on some pants and be right down.” Lorcan nodded, but Elide stepped aside. “You’re welcome to wait in the living room.” She peeked a glance up at him to find Lorcan’s keen gaze still on her. He followed her inside, taking in the large space.
Although there were nearly 200 girls in the sorority, only a select few were given the opportunity to live in the house. Well that and it took every bill Elide had just to afford it. Even though it would be cheaper to find roommates and live off-campus, Elide preferred the convenience.
Elide raced up the stairs to change, pressing her back into her door as she puzzled over the situation she’s found herself in. Lorcan Salvaterre was here. He was waiting downstairs. He came to help her egg Aedion’s house. Elide’s thoughts whirled. Could she actually go through with it? Well damn it to hell, she wasn’t about to let this golden opportunity to pass her by.
Elide dragged on a pair of black sweatpants over her shorts and after thoroughly smelling the hoodie pulled it over her head. Then she checked her pace going down the stairs, not content with savoring every moment of this fantasy right out of her dreams.
Lorcan was right where she’d left him and smiled up at Elide when she descended the stairs. As they left the sorority house, Lorcan pulled her arm through his so she was tight against his side. “So,” he murmured down to her. “where does this idiot ex live?”
Elide pulled him in the right direction. “Aedion is a member of the Kappa Xi’s, so he lives in their frat house. It’s a short walk down Greek Row.”
But Lorcan was smiling. “Figures. All Kappa Xi’s are assholes.”
Elide blinked up at him. “How do you know?”
He grins down at her, bright teeth flashing in the darkness. “I attended school here.”
Elide gaped. She hadn’t known this. “You went to TU?” She breathed as they walked arm in arm down the sidewalk. Lorcan guided her over the cracks and holes like a pro, truly revealing that he had indeed spent time on Greek Row.
“I graduated two years ago.”
Elide gave a small frown. “But that would’ve meant you were in college while shooting the show.”
Lorcan whistled low. “Yeah, it wasn’t easy. Had to take mostly online classes because we were traveling so much. I almost didn’t graduate on time.” His dark eyes met hers, face mostly shadowed and hard to read. “And you’re a freshman now?”
Elide shrugged. “It’s my first year at TU, but I’m technically a sophomore now because I had dual-enrollment credits coming in.”
Lorcan’s eyes widened as if he were impressed. Elide fought the urge to blush again when he said, “You must be incredibly smart.” She gave a noncommittal shrug and they lapsed into silence. Eventually, Lorcan asked, “So what happened between you and this Aedion? If you don’t mind my asking?”
Elide’s mouth pursed, but the familiar ache in her chest didn’t bloom at the sound of his name. “We’d been dating for two years when he texted me out of the blue saying he wanted to break up. Never really gave me a reason why, but early tonight a friend I follow on Instagram posted a photo of the two of them.”
Lorcan’s scowl was illuminated as they passed under a streetlamp. “What an asshole.” Elide murmured her agreement. “What made you ask me for help?”
Elide snorted. “I didn’t really ask for help. It was more of a joke. I hadn’t expected that you would… you know… actually show up.” She fiddled with her hands in front of her- a nervous habit.
Lorcan stopped, taking Elide’s hands in his and turning her to face him. She trailed her eyes up his broad chest until they met his serious eyes. Elide’s heart thrummed low in her chest, a piece of her wanting to trail her fingers over the stubble on his chin. “Are you unhappy that I came?”
Elide’s head shook side to side of its own accord. “No! I’m actually thrilled. I’ve…” she was embarrassed to admit it, staring at her feet as she continued, “been a fan of yours for a while.”
One of Lorcan’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
Elide’s face warmed considerably despite the chilly air. “Well, yeah.” She couldn’t meet his eyes.
After a beat that Elide wished for nothing more than to sink into the floor, Lorcan said, “I think I’m a fan of yours as well, Elide.” His voice was quiet but earnest.
Elide’s eyes whipped up to his, shock making her dumb. “What? But I’m not… I’m not famous. You don’t know anything about me…”
Lorcan merely shrugs. “I’d like to.” Elide was at a loss of words. Lorcan fumbled on. “But first… let’s egg Aedion’s car. It’ll make you feel better.” His grin was wicked and Elide could only follow after him.
The Kappa Xi’s frat house was the last on the lane, Aedion’s bright yellow Camaro stark out front. Elide pointed it out to Lorcan, who merely grinned in response. “Time to get to work.” He said with a killer expression.
By the time they were done, Aedion’s car was gracefully covered in almost invisible egg whites and egg yolks. Lorcan surveyed his handiwork, standing next to Elide, but Elide only had eyes for him. When he glanced over and noticed her stare, Lorcan cocked his head to the side. “Feeling better about it all?”
“Yeah.” Elide breathed. “But not because of the car.”
Lorcan opened his mouth to ask something, but a light flicked on in the house’s living room. “Quick!” Lorcan hissed, pulling Elide aside to hide behind a gaggle of bushes.
Footsteps sounded on the Kappa Xi porch then a voice calling out, “Hello?” It was a male voice Elide didn’t recognize. Lorcan’s finger pressed against her mouth, the warmth making her lips tingle. After a second, the footsteps sounded again and the front door closed.
Lorcan grinned at Elide and she was struck again by just how beautiful he was. Lorcan’s features could’ve been carved from marble, the cut of his jaw capable of slicing diamonds. They paused, staring at one another. Elide breathed shallowly as Lorcan’s thumb moved from her mouth to her cheek and swept her hair behind her ear.
Feeling too warm and awkward, she started, “I should-” Elide went to stand, but her foot got caught in the long pantleg. She bit back her yelp, grappling onto Lorcan’s arm to try to keep her balance. But Elide went back, taking Lorcan with her.
When Elide opened her eyes again, Lorcan’s weight was pressing into her, face hovering inches above her own. “Lorcan.” She breathed, eyes wide.
Lorcan gazed down at her, untold emotions in his eyes. Without wasting a beat, he swooped down and captured Elide’s lips with his own.
Elide’s hand squeezed his arm as the heated kiss rocked her senses. One of Lorcan’s hands got lost in her hair while the other tilted her chin to give him better access. When his tongue grazed her bottom lip, Elide gasped- giving him entrance. Their tongues danced and Elide’s body burned. Lorcan’s hand on her chin fell to along her shoulder then down her side until it landed on her hip.
Then he pulled back, panting. “Tell me to stop. Tell you don’t want it and I’ll stop.”
Elide was panting too, unfamiliar with the heat that curled in her core. “I want you. I want you more the air I breathe.” She reached her hands up to caress his cheeks, the stubble tickling her skin.
Lorcan’s eyes widened at that but he shook his head. “Not here, not in the grass.”
“My room, at the house.” It was all the encouragement he needed, using his grace and bulk to lift them both on their feet. Then they practically sprinted back to the sorority house.
Finally alone in Elide’s room, Lorcan pressed Elide into the door. With barely a jerk of his arms, Lorcan’s hoodie was up and over her head- discarded somewhere across the room. He resumed their kiss and Elide moaned into his mouth as his hands trailed down her body. His large hands cupped her breasts and Elide arched into him.
Lorcan kneaded them for only a moment before continuing on, finding the waistband of Elide’s sweatpants. On his knees before her, Lorcan gazed up at her with obvious lust in his eyes. Elide only nodded, letting Lorcan peel the pants off her- taking the shorts with it.
Left in only her panties, Elide felt self-conscious. Her hands came up to cover her crotch and Lorcan looked confused. He stood slowly, regarding her. “Have you been with a man before?” He asked.
Elide bit the inside of her cheek. “Yes, but not… you. You’re…” She couldn’t think of a word that accurately described him, so she settled on, “an Adonis.”
“Elide.” Lorcan’s head tilted to the side, her name on his lips sending chills over her skin. He pressed his mouth into the crook of her neck. “You. Are. Ravishing.” He said each word with a kiss for emphasis. Elide shook her head no to which Lorcan viciously pressed his lips to hers- devouring her. “Let me prove it to you. Let me make love to you.” His voice was scarce over a whisper as he obviously battled for control.
Elide placed her hands on his covered chest and Lorcan got rid of the garment. Her eyes were wide as he beheld his toned skin and deep grooves of muscle. A Greek hunk indeed. Ever so slowly, Elide leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Lorcan’s sternum. A whistle of breath between his teeth was Elide’s only sign to continue.
She roamed her hands over his heated skin, loving the feel of him and barely believing it was actually him. Keeping her eyes on his, she planted kisses over his chest then a little lower to his abdomen. His skin tasted divine and Elide began to crave more.
She sunk lower, letting her tongue loll into Lorcan’s belly button and swirl. Lorcan cursed, hands coming up to grip her hair but made no other movement. Elide continued her tongue and kiss assault to the wide expanse of his hips, leaving little bites on the tan skin just above his waistline.
With fumbling fingers, Elide reached up to stabilize herself on Lorcan’s thighs, digging her fingers into the dark denim. She was now on her knees before him, staring up at his gaze that read very clearly what Lorcan wanted to do to her.
Before she lost her courage, Elide ran her tongue over the obvious bulge in Lorcan’s jeans- eliciting a tight curse and groan. “Fuck, Elide.” Lorcan’s hands twirled in her long hair, but didn’t guide her.
Elide reached up and undid his belt, feeling her heart in her throat. She could tell Lorcan wasn’t breathing. Gingerly, she loosened the button and slid the zipper down. Lorcan didn’t rush her as she hooked her fingers in his waistband and began to slide the jeans down.
When he sprang free, Elide nearly choked- her eyes whipping up to catch Lorcan’s satisfied expression. Aedion had been average, she thought… but Lorcan… Elide didn’t know whether he would fit inside her- mouth or otherwise.
She wrapped her hand around the hardened length and Lorcan exhaled, watching her every movement.  “Are you alright?” He asked after her clear hesitation.
Elide pursed her lips, embarrassment coloring her cheeks. “I’ve um… never been particularly good at this… sort of thing. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Lorcan’s eyes flashed. “As long as my cock is in your mouth, Elide, I can die a happy man.”
Elide giggled and steeled her nerves, flicking her wrist the way Manon said men liked. Lorcan cursed, so Elide did it again, running tongue along the tip- already slick with his arousal. Lorcan’s hands tightened in her hair, but didn’t force her to go deeper. Elide quickened the motion with her hand, taking more of him into her mouth at the same time. She sucked softly, careful to keep her teeth sheathed behind her lips.
In a moment of bravery, Elide pulled back to draw her tongue along the entire underside of him- balls to tip. Lorcan groaned loudly and his eyes flared. “If you do that again, I might come.”
Elide hid her grin and took him back into her mouth, placing both hands on either side of his crotch. Lorcan’s cock hit the back of her throat and she gagged but didn’t release, sucking harder. Instead, she bobbed her head up and down, humming lightly. With a glance up, she could see Lorcan’s head tilted back in ecstasy.
Elide dragged her nails down Lorcan’s thighs and the man moaned. “Elide, if you don’t stop…” She didn’t, drawing back enough to wrap one hand around him to squeeze. Both of Lorcan’s hands were in her hair now. Elide sucked, running her tongue over and along him until finally Lorcan gasped- shooting his release down her throat.
Elide pulled back, licking the tip clean, before glancing up at him. Lorcan was staring down at her. Nervous energy thrummed through and she started, “I’m sorry if I-” Lorcan didn’t let her finish the statement before he dragged her up by her arms and molded his mouth on hers. His hands latched him to her, flowing down her body until they found her ass. Lorcan kneaded and squeezed before lifting Elide up as if she weighed nothing and taking her to the bed.
Without breaking their kiss, Lorcan laid her down- radiating heat over her body as his weight pressed her into the mattress. His hands found the hem of her tank top and began to push it up and they were forced to part. Elide was gasping, but Lorcan pulled back. “Can I bind your hands with this?” He was needy and breathless and Elide only nodded, practically vibrating with heat.
Lorcan looped the top around one of Elide’s wrist, twisting the fabric before slinging it around one of the wide slats in Elide’s headboard. He secured her wrist in the other side. It was by no means tight, but it gave Elide something to grab and kept her hands over her head.
Now naked in just her panties before him, Lorcan stared down at her. With a wicked gleam in his eyes, he said, “I plan to worship you, Elide.” Elide practically convulsed at the words- nowhere near anything Aedion had ever said to her. Lorcan pressed a quick kiss to her lips before starting down her body. One of his hands trailed over her hip where Elide’s thighs were pressed tightly together and the other was at her breast. His thumb flicked over her pert nipple and Elide almost screamed. Lorcan delighted in her reaction, his mouth trailing over her collarbones before finding its place at her other breast.
Elide writhed beneath his ministrations, fists clutching the fabric of the top that held her. Lorcan tongue swirled one nipple while his thumb and forefinger rolled the other. It was almost too much, the molten lava threatening to rip through Elide’s insides.
Lorcan’s teeth clamped onto her nipple and Elide had to bite her lip on the moan that would’ve woken the entire household. Thankfully, Lorcan continued on, planting kisses down her tensed stomach. He shot her a grin before swirling his tongue around her belly button. “Lorcan!” Elide gasped out, practically shaking with need.
Lorcan tsked at her, following the same path she’d made on his skin, but unlike hers, his kisses and nips left small marks on her skin. “You’re so pale.” Lorcan murmured, tongue rolling over his lips. “I love making your skin flush.”
Elide pulled at her restraints, hips nearly bucking off the bed. Lorcan crawled lower, hands running over her thighs. Elide’s skin turned numb at his touch, her muscles relaxing as he coaxed her legs apart. Lorcan hooked his fingers in her panties and began to slowly draw them down her legs.
When they were fully off and Elide’s legs spread for him, Lorcan’s eyes burnished. “Oh, Elide, you’re so wet for me.” He used a finger to caress her entrance, but didn’t push into her. Elide whined as Lorcan brought the finger back up to his mouth and sucked on it. “Divine.” Lorcan breathed and nestled himself between her thighs.
“Please, Lorcan.” Elide’s eyes scrunched shut as he softly blew on her sensitive clit and slipped a single finger inside her.
“What do you want, baby?” His words were rough, demanding, as he pumped one finger in and out in a torturous pace.
“You, please, now.” She could barely get the words out.
“As you wish.” Lorcan added a second finger and Elide mewled, the fingers curved to hit that special place inside her.
Her breath coming in pants, she said again, “Lorc-AH!” She moaned out the last syllable as Lorcan’s wicked tongue lapped at her clit and he pushed a third finger into her, picking up the pace. Elide’s back was arched off the bed, hips gyrating against his mouth. It took barely three swirls of his tongue before Elide was convulsing around him, moaning out her release.
Lorcan’s fingers pulled out and Elide whined but found his weight back over her and his fingers now at her lips. “Suck.” He commanded, dark eyes hooded, and Elide took his fingers into her mouth and tasted her own arousal coating them. Lorcan purred at the sight, pulling Elide’s hands free from their fabric prison. She immediately brought them into his hair and pulled his mouth down to hers. Elide’s kiss was demanding and intense, Lorcan answering in kind.
At the same time, he spread her legs wider and ran his cock over her folds. Elide bit down on Lorcan’s lip and he entered her in a quick thrust. “Fuck!” Lorcan growled, hips molded to Elide’s, but he didn’t move again. Elide’s fingernails dug into the skin of Lorcan’s shoulders, but she tipped her head back to revel in the fullness. No, Lorcan was nothing like Aedion, she decided. Lorcan’s lips trailed over her jaw, breath tickling her skin. “You okay? Can I move?” Elide nodded because her voice wasn’t working.
When Lorcan began to move, Elide lost all common sense. He rocked his hips into her, setting up an even rhythm that left her gasping.
Lorcan’s fingers dug into her hips as he hissed. “Fuck, you’re so tight.” He plunged into her, over and over again until Elide could barely remember her own name. Lorcan pushed one of her thighs up to her chest so that her ankle met his shoulder, the other hand finding its way to her clit. Elide gasped out his name, not sure if she could take much more. She was climbing again, legs tensing as Lorcan didn’t tire.
Then all at once he stopped and, in a smooth motion, flipped Elide onto her stomach. Lorcan drew her knees up so her ass was in the air and before another heartbeat could pass, he was buried in her again. Elide’s hands flew to brace herself on the headboard so she didn’t fly into it. Lorcan’s speed picked up now and Elide was shaking. “Please.” She bit out between pants of much needed air. “Don’t stop.”
Lorcan growled, hand coming up to grip her hair and pull her head back. “Are you on birth control?”
Elide couldn’t nod, so she gasped out, “Yes.”
“Good.” Lorcan thrust in particularly deeply and Elide had to fight to remain on her knees. “Because I’m about to come inside you.”
Elide couldn’t reply, words failing her as Lorcan pulled her back tighter against him. One hand still in her hair, the other found Elide’s bundle of nerves again. Elide wrapped her arms back around his neck to grip his hair, feeling herself near the top of her climax. “Lorcan… please… I’m so close.”
Lorcan’s breath was hot in her ear as he growled. “Come for me, baby.” Just the demand alone sent Elide over the edge, and as she tightened around him, Lorcan fell with her.
They collapsed to the bed and Elide thought she was spent, but Lorcan pulled out of her and flipped her back over. “Lorcan.” She murmured, exhausted, as his intentions became clear. “I don’t think I can-” She never finished the sentence.
Lorcan tongue was at her folds, tasting their combined juices, as his fingers pinched her clit. That wicked tongue pushing into her, Elide latched onto his hair and pushed his head closer. Still so sensitive from her last orgasm, Elide didn’t think it possible but her legs were again tensing. Lorcan’s tongue was relentless, fingers downright punishing. And then she was falling again, down and down into that endless pool of pleasure Lorcan had given her. Elide would’ve screamed if her voice hadn’t been hoarse.
After drawing out the orgasm for her as much as he could, Lorcan pulled back- his chin and mouth dripping. Elide’s chest heaved and she grasped her hands together over her stomach.  She eyed him. “Satisfied?”
Lorcan’s answering grin was mischievous and Elide pulled her legs closed, but he said, “Yes, quite,” He flopped down on his side and drew her up against his hulking form. In her ear, he continued, “and you?”
Elide nodded, but suddenly shivered. As if able to read her, Lorcan lifted them up and threw the covers aside before laying back down. Elide snuggled into the hungrily, before gazing over at Lorcan who looked unsure. She placed a hand on his cheek, the question in her eyes.
Instead, he asked a question of his own, in a nervous tone Elide had yet to hear from him, “Is it alright if I stay?”
Elide let out a breath of relief, leaning closer until her mouth was at his ear. “If you stay, we can do that again in the morning.” Elide plopped back onto her pillows with a grin, pulling the covers up to her chin.
Lorcan’s head tilted to the side, but he got under the covers.  It wasn’t until he’d flicked off her nightstand lamp and drawn her against his body in the darkness that he replied, “I think I’d enjoy that, Elide Lochan.” Elide’s toes curled at the promise and she turned into his body to press a kiss to his lips. In a sultry whisper, Lorcan purred, “Maybe we won’t have to wait that long.” And met her kiss with his own.
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So, I was inspired to do a character descriptions post by a couple of posts from @celiawhatsherlastname and @mageofsoul So let’s dooo iiitt!
I’m gonna separate them by story, otherwise this will get too long...
I’ll start with my sci-fi one entitled after it’s main character, Elliot.
(I can’t actually use real ethnic/ racial groups with this one as the concept of race doesn’t exist anymore in the time period this takes place (it’s set in the far future) and Earth ethnic groups don’t really apply to space, and this story is set on other planets... so those ethnic groups aren’t really relevant... at least I don’t think they’d be... and I mean the names aren’t relevant, you can still see earthly ethnicities, but the names of these groups are not used as the communities don’t exist off Earth and the Moon)
I will still use their ages on Earth tho as I’m still figuring out the time thing for them...
Elliot, 20: Long, straight, golden blond hair hanging down to his hips, with purple bangs that are usually parted on the left side (relative to his POV) and one part sweeping over his right eye. Usually the rest is worn in a ponytail. His eyes are large, but often serious looking. His left eye is a bright, deep green, the other is a white cybernetic, with a black ring creating a pseudo-iris, this surrounds a pinpoint like black “pupil”.  His skin is smooth and fair with pinkish accents. He’s short and lean. Often wearing a tank top, baggy blackish gray overalls, tall black combat boot, and a thin black jacket with a single tail hanging down to the back of his knees. Also wears crop tops and loose fitted pants when relaxing
Mingqin, 25: Thick, wavy black hair that falls to her upper back. Usually parted on the right side and swept over her left eye. Her eyes are narrow, often accented with thick eyeliner and light blue eye shadow, especially when performing, and her irises are dyed hot pink. Her skin is soft and pale, and her body is tall, and fat, with generous curves. She has a black, blue, and pink “dancing tattoo” on her back and right arm, a tattoo that changes appearance depending on the angle it’s view from. On the back, it depicts a “Chinese” style dragon in various poses. Her arm shows a dagger, or a rose. Her typical attire is white and red clothing of various types  that is usually hugging her body, and also usually displaying her tattoos. She also often wears wedge heels. When performing, she wears a black gown with a sheer back, and slit up her left leg. 
Maxwell, 22: Short mop of light brown curls sitting on top of his head like a pom-pom. His eyes are round, and his irises are dyed neon blue. His skin is medium brown and slightly blemished with acne. His nose is hooked, and long. He’s quite tall. Slightly pudgy with wide (for a guy) hips. Usually wears dark colors, and loose soft clothing and slippers. Fond of wearing “bike shorts”. 
Catelyn, 41: Light red (orange) hair, falling to her mid back, tho usually worn in a loose bun. Brown, stern, tired looking eyes. Her skin is pale, and she has a beak-like nose that dominates her face. Some wrinkles, prominent laugh lines and crow’s feet, as well as freckles are present on her face. She’s of average height, and muscular, and lacking any curves. She is often seen wearing her uniform, a dark, military green, formal uniform with red accents and black leather boots. A medal depicting the seal of 19582003 is pinned over her left breast. She wears black denim and gray, modest shirts in her off time.
Xiv, 34: Black hair, buzzes on his head. A long, scruffy goatee on his chin. Dark brown eyes, inquisitive looking. Dark skinned, though featureless. Often wears tank tops and shorts. Missing his legs, he usually just rolls around his office and home in a rolling chair. His cybernetic legs are old, but reliable gray ones constructed of metal and lacking any fake skin like more modern models. 
Lidsibith: Bluish-purple fur. Golden eyes with slit pupils. Exposed brain that is integrated into a small computer that allows him to communicate verbally with humans, and other vocal species. Body similar to a mountain lion or Jaguar. Has markings dyed into his fur that denote the rank of a Hunter within his society. This symbol looks like a cat skull baring its fangs, and features a ring of thorns around the top. Colored black.
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banded-warrior · 7 years
V had split us up into two groups, Group A, set to be a distraction for the Group B. Group A was going to be in the thick of the fight, raising the fucking roof off the place, so that Group B could rush in and do the rescuing. Where do you think V put me? If you’re thinking Group A, think again. The cocksucker stuck me in Group B! One might think being the hero would be the appealing part of the job but, not for me. I was far from the hero type. I was the guy you called in and asked to do the things no one else wanted to do. I was the one that went into the battle with one objective, take out as many motherfuckers as I could, with no regard for my own personal safety. If I came out of it, bonus, but not my main goal. But no, I get tossed in with the babysitting squad. Who am I to be the one to coddle the victim of this whole mess? And what’s worse, he put John Matthew in charge! By all fucking rights, I had seniority, and was much better suited for the job! Shit! I had trained every single one of them! But, this was my station in life at this point. All the more proof that not one of my fucking Brothers trusted me with shit.
Blay, Parry, and I sat back and waited for John Matthew’s signal. Group A was going in ahead of us. We were to sneak in the side of the building, once we knew they were engaged.
To say I was surprised, was an understatement. Our orders had been delivered clear and to the fact. Group A, the distraction of our mission would be the lucky fuckers to be in the thick of the fight. While Group B. Us. Had to stand back, twiddle our thumbs and wait for John Matthew’s single. Now, don’t get me wrong. I was livid, antsy as hell  as Blay, Zsadist and I  sat back waiting covered deep with in the shadows. Who am I to question who’s been put in charge but the moment John Matthew was put in charge, it became a game changer of testosterone..dominance, even experience. But, you learnt quick fast in this war to shelve any amount of little feeling you have left within your soul to bank it in the ‘Get shit done and lick your wounds later…’ I looked up at the stern male warning, I advance toward him slowly and was pretty sure I saw fire shooting from his eyes as he clenched his jaw.
“Are we good?” I asked Z then turned back Blay. “We need to put down those fuckers and get our girl back..Get  Lyric home. Safe.” I nodded and looked into Zsadist’s pools of evil black as night eyes, I held my mentor, my brother at arms gaze when an dreaded unease shiver made the hair on the back of my neck stand when I head John Mathews single in my ear through the earpiece.  The first option was obviously the sanest, but a niggle deep inside suggested that at this moment, shit was about to get real as I followed Zsadist at his six giving him cover as Blay had my back.
John Matthew gave the signal and I was half-way across the field before his low whistle stopped. If I was gonna have to be on the babysitting crew, I was at least taking as many of those cocksuckers with me as I could, that meant I needed to get there first. I quietly snuck in the side door, leaving it open for the others behind me. The long hallway was pitch black. This was not totally unexpected, though. It had been part of Group A’s job to cut the power, giving us some cover. However, in a building like this, I expected some kind of backup generator to kick in, along with some emergency lighting. Nope. That would make things a little more difficult. Sure, we could see way better than a human in the dark, it was in our nature but, no lights, in a building with no windows, we aren’t bats for fuck’s sake! I heard Parry, Blay and John Matthew come in behind me and we started down the hallway. If our intel was right, we needed to go down the hall, turn left, and Lyric would be in the second-to-last door on the right. As we made it to the end of the hall and began to move around the corner, instantly, I knew we were fucked. There was a dim light at the end of the hall and shadows of five of The Omega’s new race standing in front of it. One of the shitty parts of this new race was seeing as they were part Chosen, they no longer emitted that powdery stank that warned us of their presence. They smelled just like any other civilian would. It was one of the ways that fucker got so close to the Queen and I that day long ago. My brain snapped back to the present. This whole thing was a trap! We would be lucky if Lyric was even here. That’s when I heard a shuffle behind me, a gurgle, a slump, and Parry’s war cry. I don’t know if it had been John Matthew or Blay but, I knew we lost one of them in that moment. I let out an enormous growl, and blades at the ready, leaped forward at all five.
With a quick slide of hand ripping a piece of duct-tape off my leathers and placing over the lock. Another reason not to get trapped in this hell hole of building as we slipped in quickly allowing my eyes to adjust within the darkness and honed with my senses. I heard Blay and John Matthew close by, as we made started down the hall, turned left and hoping Lynic would be where our intel said.  I stopped and heard something cut through the dark just ahead of us,
a scream of air, as if something fast and deadly was tearing through the dark shadow towards us.
I threw myself sideways and knocked Blay out of the way. He cursed, his arms going around me, I broke from Blay’s embrace, as he fell to the ground He grunted with widened eyes, air hissed, a gurgle and a slump; twisting around to look through the dim light down the hall.
I slanted Z a slideways glance "What's our strategy?"   "Our what?" a voice said through my earpiece Oh my god, we're all going to die.
I watched him for a moment, then my gaze met John Matthew’s dark gaze mirrored my own and I felt a sudden chill, there coldness chilled me. “He’s dead, I’m sorry John”  I placed a hand on his shoulder with sorrow in my eyes.
We were fucked! My worst fear had reared it’s ugly presence, our enemy was standing in front of us enforcing the belief those fears are currently happening. Shitty part of about our enemy, them not emitting that powdery stank of warning. Normal. They smelled just like any other civilian, but psychotic fucked up. I let out a war cry, and white-knuckles gripped my blades ready, and hoped to Scribe or whoever, that we get get out of this cluster-fuck as I leaped toward all five figures within the dim of light.
Things got particularly hairy from there. Between the three of us, we had the five handled. But, as we started in with them, more poured in from behind us, blocking us in the hallway that seemed smaller and smaller by the second. I stabbed my blade forward into the lesser in front of me before turning around and tossing back a warning to John Matthew. Unfortunately, I was a split-second too late and John Matthew went down. MOTHER! FUCKER! Another loud growl erupted from my lips as the adrenaline pulsed through my veins like a jackhammer. Between Parry and I, we became unstoppable, brightening up the corridor with blasts of light every time we stabbed one of those shitheads back to The Omega. At least they still did that. Some sort of normalcy left to our lives.
We were beginning to get really fucked in numbers again when Peyton and Payne came in behind them. I could see the look in Payne’s eyes as she spotted Blay and John Matthew on the floor but, true to her warrior character, there was only a split-second of surprise, and she was right in the thick of things.
Quickly, we had cleared the hallway of lesssers and were ready to move on to the room. I told Peyton to move Blay and John Matthew out of the hall. Lyric didn’t need to see that, and we would have someone come back for them, after we got Lyric to safety. I called Parry and Payne to the door. It was for this reason, and this reason only that Parry had been put in the group with me. She was a female that Lyric knew, and we weren’t sure what Lyric had been through over the years but,  having a female that she was somewhat close to was only going to be of help. Otherwise, Parry was way too exceptional as a warrior to have her in this group. Having Payne there for this as well, was an added bonus.
I nodded to Parry and Payne to open the door. It was now the moment of truth as to whether or not our intel was solid.
#AttemptedRescuePtI #ISBDB
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ruthless-king · 7 years
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As a way of introducing my new Freedom Wars oc, Devlin. Here is information about him: Devlin “the devil”
height: 6" 1' age: 27 gender: male personality traits: cold clear-headed thick-skinned cynical wise
Likes: the sound of silence, listening to others talk, and slaughtering his enemies Dislikes: idiots, wanna-be leaders, people getting in his way, and being reminded of the past Main weapon: hyuga mk3 Gun: SR-42/Custom Thorn type: Shielding Thorn Description: He is well known for being a trustworthy ally, but only shows his trust to others that he knows he can rely on to have his back. Otherwise, he considers useless people to just be in the way. His choice with spear allows him to switch from close range to long range. If possible, depending on how crazy the battlefield can be, he can switch to his sniper rifle where he aims for the more critical points on abductors and deadly accurate head shots to get rid of human enemies faster. Only on the battlefield does he shows his true nature. Most people call him the devil instead of his actual name. His behavior on the battle field can be best described as subtle madness. Always a blank expression on his face when he slaughters his victims. Sometimes he will show an arrogant smile every now and then. Only if he is really in a good mood. After killing for so long he gets bored of the same routine, everyday feels like the same thing. He rarely talks about his past. More like he wants to forget it. He kills so much he loses track of time and what time of the year it is. His whereabouts of his sister is unknown. He has tried over the years looking for, but can only go based on rumors. He isn't even sure if she still uses the same name anymore. 
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[ it’s sad I have to mirror his screenshot in order to get his hair to look like how I drew him. Shame it’s not Toukiden character customization when it comes to hairstyles. ] Notes: ------- The name Devlin is a Gaelic baby name. In Gaelic the meaning of the name Devlin is: Fierce. Song of choice: Empty me - Dark Tranquillity Also a short story with him and Rey. ----------------------
"...been a while. Ruthless one... Heh." A slight grin was shown on his face, dead eyes of charocal grey glanced in the direction that Rey was coming from. Devlin and Rey had talked to each other earlier to meet up before heading out to do a mission. It's only them in this quiet wide open area, others can be seen walking on the other side. Both of them ignore the rest of the world around them, not like they care at the moment. "Still alive and kicking I see..." Rey sat down on the very edge of the bench made of concrete. There was distance between them, not even a greeting was necessary with these two. Facing away from each other, Devlin speaks up as to break the silence. "It's been a while since we've done Ops. together....it's been a year or so? I can never keep track of time anymore. Every day looks the same. Wake up, kill. Go to sleep. Kill some more the next day...y'know how it goes... heh." He chuckled to himself a little bit about what he just said. Devlin has no problem speaking his mind. People who are unfamiliar with him might consider him crazy or insane with how he talks about killing people so casually. Truth is, Rey can understand where he is coming from. That's how cruel this world is, it's the only way to survive and get by. "The thrill to kill never goes away..." Rey responds as he closes his eyes, letting a slight smile appear on his face. Devlin turns his head to look at Rey. He is silent for a moment as he stares at him with a blank expression, "...so I've heard you have a girlfriend now..." Rey's eyes widen the moment he brought that up, he didn't even bother to turn his head to face him. "Um... ...." Devlin threw his head backwards as he couldn't help bursting out in laughter from the look on Rey's face and how he had nothing to say after wards. "Hahahaha! Oh man, I rarely see that kind of reaction out of you. Hahaha.... Woo. She must be something else if she makes you react that way." Devlin has a wide grin while he rubs away the tears with his finger tips that were coming out of his eyes. Rey is not amused by Devlin's laughing. Glancing off to the side he grinds his teeth together while letting out a small growl. "......." He didn't know what to say to him, he was always bad with words, let alone not being good at conversations. Rey did notice that this is possibly the first time that he can remember, where Devlin has actually laughed out like that. He is usually seen with a bored look on his face, and that dead look in his eyes. Heartless? Some would say he is, only on the battlefield and against enemy sinners. But not entirely cruel, he is also a reliable leader. Devlin gets along with others quite well, and doesn't have a problem with helping out others if it's possible for him. That's pretty much all that Rey knows about him. Actually seeing Devlin lively is rare to Rey. Not really sure if that's a good or bad thing that he actually made this guy laugh. Devlin settles down from the laughing as he continues to glance at Rey, "Ahahaha. Oh, man. This is too funny for me. I'll be honest with yah..." He paused for a moment as his expression changed to a serious look, " Didn't expect you to land a girlfriend..." "......." Rey returns his gaze back to him. Golden yellow eyes stare back at him with a serious look on his face and assumes that Devlin is mocking him for having a girlfriend. Before Rey could respond Devlin speaks up, "....it's a good reason to keep living...especially in this world..." Rey's eyes widen a little bit and then glances off to the side. That was unexpected, kind of. Full of surprises this guy is. Rey is familiar with how Devlin is by now and how blunt he can be. He always has a reason to what he says or how he handles a situation. Closing his eyes for a bit, Rey shakes his head a little bit. Reopening his eyes, he returns his gaze back to Devlin. "...make it sound like you know from experience. You make a point..." Devlin nods to him while a serious expression remains on his face. "Heh, but I do. And my advice to you is, hold onto her as much as you can. With how cruel this world is, you never know..." "....I'm....aware." Gritting his teeth together, Rey responds to him in a serious tone of voice as he continues to stare back at Devlin. Noticing that serious expression on his face, Devlin nods to him. "Good to know. Never took you for an idiot, just so y'know.. but something to remember by." Both of them shift their bodies away from each other, as they go back to sitting relaxed in their seats. Rey realizes that Devlin is being straightforward about this topic. Based on the fact that Devlin even bothered to ask Rey about his relationship at all. Maybe he really has some kind of past experience with someone else. That's what Rey can put together just by the advice he has given him. Rey has never been the type to flat out ask somebody about their history or what is considered personal to them. This is a rare side that he ever sees of Devlin, maybe he hides it for a good reason. A few minutes pass and Devlin breaks the silence by speaking up, "...I guess it's about that time to get ready." Devlin can already see the others getting ready in the distance to his right. "Time for fun." Rey stands up from his seat and walks in the direction where they are getting ready to load up with the other members of the group. Devlin watches Rey walk past him and slowly stands up after wards. Pulling his head back, he looks up at the late afternoon sky. Thinking to himself about the past, "When was the last time I had a good laugh or a good time... seems like forever... decades..." Staring at the sky with a blank face he cracks a slight smile. "Heh..if you saw me now, you would be afraid of what your big brother has become..." His head returns to facing forward, his feet move in the direction where Rey and the others are at. Those dark gray eyes of his returned to cold eyes. "....who knows. Maybe I can learn to change, just like Rey. Only time will tell...."
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hurlinhunk-blog · 7 years
REALLY  LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED. Idk like everyone in a round-about way TAGGING.  Everyones already been tagged </3
FULL  NAME :  Tsuyoshi Akamu Garrett NICKNAME :  Hunk AGE :  20 BIRTHDAY :   January 13th ETHNIC  GROUP :  Samoan NATIONALITY :   Samoan-American LANGUAGE / S : Samoan, English as a second language, survival Japanese. SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  Pansexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Demiromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   Single HOME  TOWN / AREA :   Tuamasaga, Samoa.  CURRENT  HOME :   Castle of Lions PROFESSION :  Yellow Paladin, Mechanic
HAIR: Deep brown that can be mistaken for black, reaches his mid-neck.  EYES :  Brown FACE :  Square jawed with a large button nose and thick eyebrows.  LIPS :   Usually dry and chapped from worrying between his teeth when nervous, or just a lack of general mindfulness when he’s focusing on fixing something up in the castle.  COMPLEXION :  Dark skin dusted with freckles that are too hard to notice unless you know they’re there, or you’re paying very close attention to his skin.  BLEMISHES :   SCARS : Lots of small nicks on his fingers where his hand has slipped, or he’s put too much strength behind pushing something that won’t budge in machinery so his hand has jolted forward and scrapped against something sharp. A few burn blotchy burn scars from trial and error cooking when he was younger.  TATTOOS :  N/A ... yet HEIGHT :   6′1″ WEIGHT :   305 lbs (listen I know nothing about pounds man if this is too low like hmu??) BUILD :  Large, Hunk both has a large frame and is made up of a lot of muscle. He has a thick layer of fat on his stomach that hides any mention of abs.  FEATURES :  ... The ability to bench press the entire team?? ALLERGIES :  bullshit USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : Parted down the middle with an orange fabric strip tied around his head to keep the hair out of his eyes. Hair generally finger combed when wet and left to dry. USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Quietly quizzical, is really listening attentively and filing things away. USUAL  CLOTHING :  Yellow long sleeve shirt, khaki puffer vest that’s too small to do up, fingerless gloves, beige pants with double fanny packs, tall white boots with a black stripe up the front, orange straps over the top of the shoe part, orange fabric strip.
FEAR / S :   Flying. Not being able to save everyone, dying before the galaxy is free from (evil) Galra control/Earth falling under their control. Any thought of anyone close to him losing their lives, hypmotism, being manipulated, hurting his friends. ASPIRATION / S :   To learn as much as he can about other cultures (their mannerisms, customs, food - can he incoporate anything?), to become the best mechanic he possibly can, free planets living in fear/spread peace throughout the galaxy.  POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Honest | Reliable | Loyal NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Skittish | Bitter | Childish |  MBTI :   The Entertainer (ESFP, -t) ZODIAC :   Capricorn  TEMPEREMENT :   Sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S :   Thinker ANIMALS :   Elephant VICE  HABIT / S :  Absentmindedly chewing lips, usually when concentrating on something else.  FAITH : None GHOSTS ? :  Nope, nada, uh-uh, not even thinking about that, do you want him to sleep AFTERLIFE ? :  Unsure, if there was does that mean all races would be there? REINCARNATION ? :   Unsure, same as above. If reincarnation was real, would that mean he could reincarnate into an alien? ALIENS ? :   He has alien friends, he definitely believes. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  Pro Defenders of the Universe EDUCATION  LEVEL :    Close to graduating from Galaxy Garrison.
FATHER :    Unknown. MOTHER :  Both his mothers are the world to him. His birth mother has a job in business and was constantly flying from Samoa to America to complete business transactions. That’s where she met Hunk’s other mother, a Japanese-American personal trainer. She moved to Samoa because his birth mother had a more stable career, and his birth mother agreed to carry when they decided on having a child. They’re both outgoing and assertive, encouraging their kids to follow their aspirations.  SIBLINGS :  Hunk and his sister look nothing alike, and that’s because their birth mothers were different. They may not be related by blood, but they were a family. Hunk would often do her hair for her before school and make her lunch as their mothers would have to leave home early to go to work. Hunk learned how to drive as soon as he was able so he could drive her to school without worrying about her on the bus. She’s smart and plays rugby, will turn Hunk into their moms if he’s sneaking out unless he bribes her, and she knows it.  EXTENDED  FAMILY :  He doesn’t know much about his extended family.  NAME  MEANING / S :   Tsuyoshi; ‘strong’, Akamu; ‘red earth’, Garrett; ‘brave’ ‘strong’ ‘hardy’ ‘spear’ HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   n/a.
BOOK :  Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro MOVIE :   The Breakfast Club, Star Trek (any-- except we don’t talk about the first two reboot movies. Ever.) 5  SONGS : Divine Intervention by Divine Styler & DJ Shadow, Brass Monkey by Beastie Boys, Vitamin C by CAN, Mama Said Knock You Out by LL Cool J, Shoop by Salt-N-Pepa DEITY :   None HOLIDAY :   New Years MONTH :   January SEASON :   Summer PLACE : Anywhere he can work/has those he cares for. For example, they’re all narrowed to; Earth, the castle, a certain Balmera.  WEATHER :  Humid SOUND :  Rain pounding against the roof. SCENT / S :   Freshly baked goods, metal, rain when it hits the pavement, old books TASTE / S :  Anything that has flavor, especially strong ones, like wasabi. FEEL / S :  Warmth, body heat from hugs, muscle burn during work outs, soft skin, textures like sandpaper ANIMAL / S :  Dogs NUMBER :  4, has no particular reason COLORS :   Bright warm colours. Sunset colours - sunburnt orange, warm yellows. 
TALENTS : Anything involving strength, cooking, understanding alien technology, has an eidetic memory, diplomatic, has an ability to intuitively sense motives.  BAD  AT : Telling jokes at inappropriate times, controlling anxiety, bad at expressing things that annoy him unless it contiously happens to the point of activating passive-aggressive Hunk, in which there is no reasoning with him until the situation is resolved. Registering personal space boundaries.  TURN  ONS :   Marking (hickeys, scratches), light caresses, massages, slow burn, rough treatment/restrained movement, talking (e.g. dirty talk, sweet nothings) TURN  OFFS :   Humiliation HOBBIES : Cooking, tinkering, socialising, planning projects, cleaning (upkeep cleaning, if something... has happened to make it go out of control he’s the first to nope out). QUOTES :   “Galra Keith is much funnier than human Keith.” “OoOoh Lance, my hearts a twitter~!” “I’m on reserve power, my lions pretty much dead in the water.” [self satisfied smirk]
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :  It’d probably just be called Hunk. Because it’s his nickname and it’d be about him. Possibly like a slice of life, following this little Samoan boy through his life journey to get where he is, in which he would be the main character to maximise emotions and the treatment he deserves side eyes Voltron writers. Could potentially be non-sci-fi and follow him through college in his goal to become an engineer for NASA? Either way, give me a lead that isn’t a straight white middle aged guy. Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :  Instrumental indie that can lead up to instrumental upbeat, chuck some piano in one song, then throw in some hearty drums and bass.  Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :  I generally like playing sweet characters with sarcasm that might otherwise be seen as a background character. That, or the most annoying little shits that everybody loves to hate and kept around for the drama. Honestly, I don’t minorly like something, I generally fall hard and fast, which is what happened with Voltron. I didn’t know who I wanted to write - it was a toss up between Lance, Pidge, Hunk and I even considered Shay (because I love and cherish her). So when Hunk was open here?? Basically made up my mind for me and I’m so glad I went with him because I adore him. Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   His deadpan snark/using humour as a coping mechanism.  Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   how the writers treat him as a fat joke half the time :’) Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   Puns. Deadpan snark. Loves good food. Anxious, gives good hugs. That’s about it, he’s too smart for me. Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :  Probably uncomfortable ? like I don’t think our personalities would mix lmao Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :  *shows the cast of Voltron* these ones. Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :  Reading hcs, listening to upbeat shit mixes or chill classic rock, rewatching episodes he’s a bigger part of, shit talking about muses, coming up with hcs, reading through other Hunk blogs (not to write like them, everyone writes him differently and still gives off the Hunk vibe its so good) looking at fanart. Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :  sobs is it over it’s been seventy years
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