#my personal favorites are ones of Devon Aoki
camiefromstatefarm · 1 month
We're back with some more 'Upper Moon Demons' headcanons!!! Today, we're focusing on my personal favorite. Slight NSFW warning.
Upper Moon 4
Hantengu/Hanito Jigoku (Part 1)
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- Born in 1611, in a less populated town near Kyōto City.
Koki Jigoku, his father, was an extremely handsome and charismatic ladies' man. Parenthood was unexpected, but his heart melted when he saw his newborn son, who bore a striking resemblance to him. Despite his love for his wife, Koki struggled to abandon his womanizing ways..
Otsuru Jigoku (née Aisaki), his mother, was a strikingly attractive young woman with a caring personality. She had sun-kissed skin, a slender yet dramatic lean body, reminiscent of Devon Aoki, a heart-shaped face, warm brown hair, and silver to orchid eyes always filled with energy. Otsuru loved her husband intensely, but her love often turned deranged, driving her to murderous jealousy towards his frequent infidelities. She came from a wealthy family.
- Even as a young boy, Hanito was a stunningly handsome child with a sturdy athletic build and tanned skin. His spiky black hair messy and full, framing his brooding heart-shaped face and accentuating his piercing onyx eyes. His eyebrows were thick and expressive, often laced with a dramatic display of emotions. His features were sharp and chiseled, with high cheekbones and a straight high-bridged nose. He also bore a mischievous devilish grin.
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- Hanito's life of crime began at just seven years old, not out of necessity, but sheer desire and bad influences. He ran with a trio of urchin boys, forming a band of young thieves who stole whatever they could to fill their pockets. Surprisingly, his parents, Koki and Otsuru, didn't reprimand him for his delinquent behavior. Instead, they adopted a lenient approach, telling him that as long as he avoided getting caught, he wouldn't face trouble at home. This unconventional parenting allowed Hanito to hone his thieving skills, shaping him into a skilled young thief.
- Stealing meant buying whatever they wanted, but for free. Hanito-kun rarely strayed from his tight-knit group, seeking the safety net of their protection. Hanito had a knack for evading capture, thanks to three key factors: his incredible speed, his skillful lying and manipulation, which convinced people he was just an innocent child, and his loyal clique of local fangirls who often helped him out of sticky situations.
Emiko-chan, gasps: Girls! Here comes Hanito-kun, act natural!
(Hanito passes by and smiles slightly before leaving)
Sakura-chan, giggles: You see that? He smiled at me!
Yumi-chan, cooing: No, I'm pretty sure he had his eyes on me!
Emiko-chan, huffing: Nuh uh! He was definitely checking out my hair!
(None of them realizing their missing hairpins)
Hanito, gripping all 3 hair pins: Too easy.
- The manifestations of Hantengu's emotions take on physical forms that reflect the age where he experienced those emotions most intensely.
Zohakuten 👹
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Year 1623; a store clerk by the name of Mr. Yamada was fed up with the troublesome child's lies.
Hanito, defiantly: Let me go you big bully! There really was a wolf!
(He struggles trying to free his ear from the store clerk's harsh grip)
Mr. Yamada, angrily opens the door: Otsuru, your brat is at it againー
Horrifying. There knelt Otsuru ominously, in a tattered old kimono ー stained with blood spatter, one she kept specifically for these occasions ー with an ecstatic expression. Before her lay the lifeless body of a curvaceous young woman, a ravishing beauty with a face like a porcelain doll and dark sea-green hair. Her thighs impaled by two knives and her pale mint eyes froze in perpetual horror, surrounded by beads of sweat.
Otsuru, glances behind her: Ah, welcome Yamada-sama! Do come in, we're having a family reunion of sorts...
Hanito swiftly averted his gaze, closing his eyes to shield himself from the uncomfortable graphics. His reaction betrayed a familiarity with his mother's brutal outbursts, a hint that he had witnessed her madness before. In contrast, Mr. Yamada stood frozen, his voice caught in his throat as shock and terror rendered him speechless.
(Otsuru rose, her movements graceful like a cat)
Otsuru, curls her lips: And you, dear friend, are just in time for dinner. I do hope you have an... appetite for the macabre.
(She walks closer making Mr. Yamada free his grasp on Hanito's ear, slowly retreating)
Mr. Yamada, sweating: No... no! What have you done to that poor woman!
Otsuru, pats her son's head: Hush now, everything is fine... I'm bound to tidy the house after this.
Hanito, crying: How much more that nasty stuff is going to happen here?
Otsuru, gently and soothing: Darling, you know I don't have other options...
Mr. Yamada, pointing: You... what are you teaching that poor child, youー you crazy bitch!
Otsuru's eyes blazed with a dark intensity, her gaze flashing like a stormy sky. The air seemed to thicken, heavy with malevolence, as the unhinged madness gave way to a sinister wrath. Her long hair whipped around her face like a flail, as if the wind itself was fueling her fury. Her stained kimono fluttering behind her like a dark cloud.
Otsuru, in an ominous voice: Forgive me, good sir... but I'm afraid you've dug your own grave!
(A knife slid out of her sleeve and she launched at him. However, Mr. Yamada was quicker and dodged her attack)
Mr. Yamada, cornering her from behind: So reckless...
Hanito, yelling: Momma!
(Basically what happened was Mr. Yamada managed to grab Otsuru's wrist, twisting it, forcing her to drop the knife, and knocked the woman out.)
Mr. Yamada, grumbles: I'd be damned if I wasn't a former martial artist. I'm sorry to say it, kid, but your mother's actions have earned her a reckoning. She'll face trial and judgment for her wrongdoings.
Hanito's tear-stained face twisted into a furious scowl, his large bushy eyebrows furrowing in anger. His piercing eyes narrowed, flashing with intense animosity, his glare so heavy that it almost crushed the store clerk. It was unnerving to see how this boy could be both seriously handsome and intimidatingly fierce at the same time.
Hanito, darkly: You evil son of prick! Leave my momma alone or... or I'll kill you!
(He charges at Mr. Yamada attempting to punch the latter, but was triped over by Yamada's sliding kick)
Mr. Yamada, lifts Otsuru up: Don't try to fight me, Hanito, I'm three times your size.
Hanito, grabbing onto Yamada's ankle: No!!! I won't let a scumbag like you give me orders!!!
(Hanito twists Yamada's ankle causing the latter to wince and kick him back)
Mr. Yamada, scoffs: Blasted child. You're lucky I respect your father enough to let you off the hook.
The 12-year-old's rage thickened, his glare twice as spiteful as he rose from his position, gracefully like the fall was nothing. He balled both hands fist, ready to spring into action when two people showed up. A samurai and a middle-aged woman with the same green hair as the victim.
Samurai, analyzing the situation: So if I'm correct, this was the lady who your daughter was last seen with.
(The middle-aged woman just nodded)
Mr. Yamada: I fear to inform you... that your daughter is dead...
(The middle-aged woman weaped)
Mr. Yamada, frowning: I was just taking her son, Hanito, back home. That kid has been in a lot of hot water lately, I wanted to have a word with Otsuru about this...
Hanito, looks down bitterly: I was telling the truth...
Mr. Yamada, shouts: There was no wolf and never one to begin with!
Samurai, tapping chin: Note the freshness of the blood suggests the incident occurred within the past 30 minutes.
Mr. Yamada, still disturbed: The girl is inside. Poor thing was bleeding head to toe.
This was a night no one forgotten, especially Zohakuten who held onto that memory like an ideology.
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Basically after that fiasco, Otsuru was convinced of 13 accounts of homicide and sentenced to death by hanging. Nobody wanted to inform Hanito what happened to his mother, believing it'd be too hard on him.
- To cope with the void left by his mother's absence, Hanito's fragile mind conjured a distorted narrative, convincing himself that she was a monster who had abandoned him, rather than confront the painful truth of her fate.
- After his mother's departure, Hanito spent his remaining teenage years by his father's side. Seeking a new beginning, they relocated to Gion, a prestigious district in Kyōto renowned for its vibrant entertainment and traditional geisha culture.
- Hanito only grew more handsome by the day. His voice deepened, and he became taller & stronger. His spiky hair had grown longer, reaching his shoulders. His heart-shaped face still brooded with intensity, but his features had matured, sharpening his cheekbones and nose. His piercing onyx eyes smoldering and framed by thick eyebrows that gave him a debonair look. At thirteen, he was already the most attractive guy in Gion.
- He idolized his womanizer father, emulating his ways but with a more sinister edge.
Hanito, exclaiming: Father, teach me how to charm the ladies!
Koki, smiling: Ah, my son, it's all about confidence and charm. Watch and learn!
- As young Hanito honed his skills, his reputation grew, and so did his ego. He began to see himself as a legend, a master of charm and deception. And his father, well, he was the one who had taught him everything he knew.
- He employed his charms to lure unsuspecting girls into his trap, only to rob them blind. Unlike his father, Koki, who had treated his mistresses with kindness and sincerity, Hanito's intentions were far more dark. He delighted in leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake, his beauty and charisma mere tools for exploitation. With each conquest, Hanito's confidence grew, as did his reputation as a heartless Casanova.
His father, Koki, looked on with a mix of pride and concern, aware of the darkness brewing within his son. Yet, he remained silent, allowing Hanito's destructive path to continue unchecked.
- At 14, Hanito experienced his first kiss under the soft glow of a lantern on a bench, in a secluded area of the Gion District. Maiya, his girlfriend, rested her head on his shoulder, her gentle eyes sparkling in the dim light. With his arm wrapped around her, Hanito felt a sense of vulnerability he'd never known before. As their lips touched, he tasted the sweetness of innocence, leaving him breathless. Maiya may not have been as pretty as the ryotei girls who often fawned over him, but to Hanito, she was cute in her own right. Her gentle soul and kind eyes captivated him. In that moment, Hanito felt like a different kind of man.
- Unfortunately, their relationship wouldn't last very long. Hanito's temper and insensitivity brought Maiya distress. Because of that, their relationship ended on bad terms that would leave the spiky-haired boy with his guard up.
- On his 16th birthday, Hanito's life took a reckless turn. He lost his virginity in a wild encounter with three bad bitches in one room, quite tumultuous but worth it.
Rorerei: a former geisha that kind of resembles a young Meisa Kuroki.
Kyoka: the daughter of the second wealthiest man in town & somewhat resembles young Fukada Kyoko.
Nozomi: a waitress who looked a bit like a young Nozomi Sasaki.
- They'd do it again the next night in the same Ryokan. Hanito enjoyed every minute of it. A cute girl named Mika ー cousin of Maiya ー would walk in on them while trying to find her room. This would fluster the young man greatly. However, Mika was... chilled with it and even joined in the fun.
When Maiya found out about what happened, she gave her cousin a 48 hour long lecture.
Aizetsu 😿
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- At 18, Hanito's world was shattered when his father, Koki, died under mysterious circumstances. The discovery of Koki's lifeless body at dawn, drained of blood and beyond salvation, left Hanito reeling. Consumed by grief and abandonment, he plummeted into a dark depression, desperately seeking solace from the anguish. In his darkest moments, Hanito attempted to escape the pain through self-destructive means, but the void left by his father's absence only seemed to grow.
Aizetsu is the second physically youngest of Hantengu's clones. Since Hanito would no longer wore his hair spiky after turning 19.
- This led him craving solitude in the most somber area of Nishijin, where he could escape the world for a while. His only companion was a Japanese Bobtail cat he found injured by the roadside. He took her in, nursing her back to health by bandaging her paw and feeding her. He named her Usui, inspired by the rain that fell on the day they met.
- This was the second time Hanito displayed compassion towards another being. Together, he and Usui weathered the rainy days, a somber but comforting duo in the midst of Kyoto's bustling streets.
- In moments of introspection, Hanito would often hear his father's gentle voice whispering in his mind, urging him to stay strong and press on. The memory of Koki's words, though faint, remained a comforting presence, echoing through Hanito's thoughts like a soft breeze on a summer night.
- Eleven months later, Usui would find her siblings again. Although Hanito didn't want her to go, he did as he knew what it was like to be separated from family. But not before Usui rubbed against her close companion's leg and purred contentedly.
This version of Hanito became the base/blueprint for Aizetsu's creation. Each clone gain power using a series of events in Hanito's 87 years everytime he'd experience that emotion.
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Karaku 💚
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Year 1630; was when Hanito finally decided to move again and start over.
- Having grown into a stunningly gorgeous young man, his hair grew moderately past shoulder-length and wavy in a very sexy, satisfying, and stylish sense. His charm and good looks intensified, making him a magnet and true Casanova Killer. With his narrow piercing gaze, captivating smile, thick eyebrows, lean muscular build, nimble fingers, and glowing tawny skin, he was extremely irresistible to many. His voice fully deepened, and he grew taller, exuding confidence and allure.
- New year, new him. Hanito moved to Shimabara, a fascinating red-light district in Kyōto where life was an endless party.
- Hanito got to try liquor for the first time. A quarter cup of shochu mixed with ¾ cup of yuzu was enough to satisfy his taste buds. By the way, when he says the ladies at Shimabara were fine, he means it. During his time in Shimabara, he found himself hooking up with every woman who flirted with him. And that's saying a lot because Hanito was the talk of all town, a head-turner. Husbands would told onto their wives more closely at the charmer's presence, bachelors envied Hanito and wanted to be him and some were even mesmerized, many maidens found themselves falling for his charms and brooding persona, and the top most gorgeous women would even spend the night with him. As a result, Hanito acted overly cocky and prideful in many situations.
Let's just say, the ladies at Shimabara were like Makio/Mitsuri/Daki-level badness. Effortlessly pretty faces, voluptuous figures, stylish sense of fashion, sexy, and hot personalities.
- Let's just say, Hanito almost encountered the dreaded Kukushisen (Syphilis) this one fateful night. Nana, the chick he was with was really hot and was very experienced, luckily she brought mika (paper condoms) with her and they had a blast.
- Hanito actually first met Muzan at a party....
Hantengu's name holds a dual meaning, translating to both "Braggart" and "Half Tengu". The former suggests that The Demon King encountered him in a state of boastful pride, while the latter reveals a connection to the mythical Tengu creatures from Japanese folklore. Tengu are known for their striking appearance, featuring wings, beaks, and formidable magical abilities, as well as their mischievous and powerful nature. This namesake is fitting, as Hantengu's Blood Demon Art allows him to split his body in half, unleashing Tengu-like clones that embody the same quick and cunning spirit as their mythical counterparts.
- Unfortunately, they never got the chance to interact as the party got raided by a bunch of drunken thugs. However, despite being initially annoyed by Hanito's ego and two-faced nature, Muzan was intrigued by his soon-to-be-UM4's ability to charm and pickpocket people.
- Hanito's journey would take an interesting turn as he developed sadomasochistic tendencies. This transformation began with a chance encounter, where he found himself engaged in a captivating conversation with an alluring older woman... whose name remains a mystery. Deciding to step outside for some alone time, she pretty much... just dined in, left an indelible mark on his sensitive place. The sensation made him wince, but somehow he was enjoying it.
- Giving and receiving pain was more than just a fetish. He found himself really enjoying the suffering of people who wronged him. Heartbreak no longer hurt anymore, he was addicted to agony it brought him. Pain was pleasure.
- At 21, Hanito visited his boyhood town, only to discover his old home gone. In its place stood an Inari Shrine, alongside a garden where 13 graves lay next to cherry blossom trees in silent remembrance. He thought this view was rather satisfying and pleasing.
After Otsuru's heinous crimes came to light, the authorities embarked on a meticulous investigation, meticulously dismantling the house piece by piece to uncover the gruesome secrets within. Their grim task was to retrieve the remains of the 13 unfortunate women who had fallen victim to her brutality, whose bodies had been hidden or buried in various clandestine locations throughout the dwelling.
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Urogi 🕊
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Years 1623-1632, the town's population and commercial activities would slowly increase throughout the years.
The trio of urchins Hanito used to hang out with years ago were now successful yashi/yamichi (peddlers) ー by the way; their names were Bakuto, Omaru, and Kaito respectively: smooth-talking salesmen who may not be the honest people when it came selling things (Scam Artist Douma-san from the Academy AU should really hire these guys)
You may or may not have remembered the three girls who were obsessed with Hanito from the beginning. Emiko embraced her distinctive hair color - a pale silver with a soft baby blue undertone - rejecting the pressure to conform by dyeing it black. Meanwhile, Sakura harbored subtle affections for Yumi, but ultimately chose duty over desire and married a lord. In contrast, Yumi found true happiness with Omaru, her heart full of joy in their union.
Sakura, curiously: Who is that tall, dark, strong, and handsome brute over there?
Yumi, blushing: You're telling me. He's a snack.
Sakura, in a teasing voice: But, Yumi-chan. What about Omaru?
Yumi, nervous giggles: Oh, yeah... I forgot.
Emiko, looks up from sweeping: Girls? The porch isn't gunna clean itself.
Sakura, without looking away: Just a minute Emiko. We're too busy swooning over this hot new boy.
Emiko, raises a brow: Who?
(She walks over, trying to get a peak)
Emiko, surprised: H-Hanito-sama?
Well, they were both surprised to see each other. Emiko has now grown into the most beautiful woman Hanito has ever see. With her fierce meadow green eyes, flowy white hair, adorable smile, delicate frame, femininity, and great personality; she became the first woman he ever truly loved.
And Emiko; she always had a thing for that boy. Even after realizing he swiftly swiped her hair pin when they were little. She was absolutely smitten upon seeing this man again. He made her heart sing like no other person has.
- The time Hanito spent with Emiko were the best 2 months of his life. They shared an instant connection, discovering a deep affinity for each other's interests and values. Hanito, attuned to the subtleties of human emotions, realized his feelings for Emiko went beyond friendship after just three weeks of togetherness - he had fallen deeply in love.
- They got married on the first day of July, in the same Inari Shrine built where Hanito's childhood home used to be. He was overjoyed by this event, believing he might have a chance to a normal life.
- After bidding farewell to the town, they escaped to a serene foothill of Mt. Hiei, where they built a secluded haven near the charming town of Sakamoto.
"We are in love in love, haven't you heard. How we rock each other's world!"
(- Avril Lavigne)
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Well that was fun to write! Considering Hantengu's backstory wasn't as detailed or shown like some of the other characters, and due the fact that he lived a relatively long human life... It made room for plenty of creativity.
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missbaphomet · 1 year
ur the only source of information about the met gala. can you do a tier list or rate their looks? i refuse to look anything up i want it filtered through you
I can do that! Just as a heads up I don't really follow celebrities so idk who most of these people are. I just like fashion.
So the Met Gala 2023 theme was "Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty". Personally I hate themes like this. This theme is for the creative director from like 1983-2019 for Chanel. I believe he died in 2020 so uh. Real timely on that theme there.
I had to look into Karl to understand the theme and I found he's German and known for baroque and European influences in his work. As someone who really likes old European fashions like victorian and baroque and such I was hype. Oh how disappointed I was.
I'll start with looks I liked because there aren't many
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Jenna Ortega: I feel like the fatal flaw of Chanel always comes down to boring black and white formalwear. This piece does a good job of mixing the classic and the modern. I would kill for the platform Oxfords. This piece isn't quite a lolita silhouette but you can definitely read the influence in the bowknot, the sleeves, the bodice, and the waistline.
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Kendall Jenner: I have no love for the Kardashian/Jenners but I do love this.
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Anne Hathaway: it's a pretty look but the texture doesn't look good in photos.
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Conan Grey: at least it's not just a suit
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Bella Ramsey: I like the callback to the original Chanel LBD but the suit jacket does nothing for her
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Devon Aoki and Jeremy Scott: I'm a sucker for wing details
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Ashley Park: I don't think she understood the theme but this kicks ass
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Camila Morrone: Somehow the most on-theme, still looks boring
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Kristen Stewart: Same.
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Jennie Kim: it's a pretty look but it looks like exactly everything else on the runway
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Yara Shahidi: corsets my beloved, actually pretty on theme.
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Suki Waterhouse: at least its not black and white
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Brian Tyree: Man must have fist fought gay count Dracula for this look and I love it
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Penelope Cruz: Definitely not on theme but it's pretty
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Rami Malek: favorite category: celebs that look like they forgot what the met gala is
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Vanessa Kirby: art deco my beloved *still not on theme tho*
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Taika Watiti: sir shouldn't you be on some kind of spiritual retreat in the Bahamas or something
These are just ones I like to get started. I haven't even gotten to Jared Leto's fursuit yet
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luckless-bitch · 2 years
mmm... Perhaps I judged Pinterest too harshly in the past. It's pretty good for thinspo
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bxbyphat · 4 years
* ♡   C H A R A C T E R  I N T R O D U C T I O N  ♡  * 
* DEVON AOKI, cis female + she/her | you know BRUNA DELACRUZ, right? they’re TWENTY-NINE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, ALL THEIR LIFE? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to HIT THE FREEWAY by TONI BRAXTON like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole THE SMELL OF GASOLINE, THIGH HIGH BOOTS ON A MOTORCYCLE, and PINK NAILS AND RED SMUDGED LIPSTICK thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is APRIL 12, so they’re an ARIES, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( layla, 25, est, she/her )
-> pinterest 
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hello hello !! my name is layla and i am beyond excited to introduce you to one of my favorite muses of all time. it’s been such a long time since i’ve been able to dive into bruna’s character and i’m so happy to bring her back to life. this is just a short introductory post but i will add more as time goes on. 
full name: bruna seiko (yes, as in the watch brand) delacruz
gender: cis female
sexuality: pansexual
pronouns: she/her
occupation: mechanic
residence: port apartments
height: 5′3  (a small gyal with a babyface ok)
piercings & tattoos: she has a dragon tattoo on her left foot and has her ex-boyfriend’s initials tattooed on the inside of her bottom lip (don’t ask)
aesthetics: bruna is the tomboy motorcycle chick, but make it glitter. wearing thigh high boots on a motorcycle? heck yes. a motorcycle helmet covered in pink rhinestones? she’s got it. a mechanic wearing cute shorts and a crop top to work? that’s her. she loves to wear pink blush and lipgloss. half of her closet consists of leather leggings and jackets, the other half are skirts and boots. always chewing on strawberry bubblegum. 
personality: bruna is pretty fun to hang out with (if i do say so myself). she’s been a rebellious wild child ever since she was younger. she spent pretty much all of her teenage years partying it up at the orwell homes. she loves to go down to scuba or fannie’s for a drink on a friday night and is overall just a down ass chick. this girl has a resting bitch face but i promise you she’s very approachable! do not piss her off though because this feisty lil’ mama will not let you mess with her (or her cars). when it comes to relationships, bruna is one of those people that loves toxicity. yes, i hate her for it. she loved the fights, the drama, the adventures, the makeup sex. i am still figuring out the details of her personality so we’ll get to know her a little better as we go along!
bruna learned how to fix cars from her father, who is a single dad and a long-time car thief who owns a shady car dealership in town. she’s worked at her father’s shop as a mechanic/car-fixer-upper ever since she graduated high school. she owns a dope ass motorcycle that she drives everywhere around town and YES, she will take your muse for a ride on their first date. she’s lived in irving all of her life and is pretty content staying there. she has her own appartment in the port apartments area and owns a siberian husky named dom (not as intimidating as it sounds).  (MORE COMING SOON)
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olympiansrpg1-blog · 7 years
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Name: Sebastien Park Age: 28 Affiliation: Titans Occupation: Hitman Faceclaim: Steven Yeun Status: TAKEN by Josie
They call you Leto. You’ve never not known the smell of cigarettes, watching cartoons every morning with ten other kids and waiting for your turn to use the shower. On nights you couldn’t fall asleep, you’d catch fireflies and keep them in jars underneath your blankets, your own little paradise. You’ve always been a bright child, but it didn’t matter if you tried hard at school or if your painting was your teacher’s favorite. That’s how life unraveled before you - leaving your foster home when you turned eighteen, floating around, getting involved with the types of people those television commercials used to warn you about. But you were a quick learner, moving from place to place and steadily moving up the ladder, ultimately learning how to make people disappear. Atlas didn’t come to you - you found them, and they instantly knew they’d be missing out if they let you go. So here you are, Leto. Another home - though you secretly hope it’ll be the last stop you make.
ORPHEUS - Falling into bed with Orpheus was never a big deal, one of the many ways to blow off steam after a particularly heated job. The problem is that you’ve gotten to know them better and you do see the good in them - what Eurydice saw in them. You never knew Eurydice so there’s really no guilt there; just bitterness that comes from knowing that Orpheus will never look at you the way they did their lost love.
ICARUS - You’d caught Icarus trying to steal your wallet when you were briefly distracted and you’d taken them to an alley and left Icarus with a nasty concussion and a bloody nose. You hadn’t quite realized then that the little street thief was involved with the Olympians, but it doesn’t really matter anyhow. They should be thankful that you left them alive, really. 
CHIMERA - When Chimera first became one of the Titans, they barely knew how to fight. Iapetus may have taught Chimera everything they knew, but Iapetus was never a fighter. Lucky for them, you were one of their best, and you trained Chimera, generously teaching them everything you knew. It makes you feel a bit proud, watching them grow, knowing that you helped them get there. 
Devon Aoki, Julia Jones, Hannah Simone, Michael Ealy, Steven Yeun, Chris Pine
(setting: NYC, approximately two months ago. trigger warning: death, guns, smoking)
The music that played over his headphones had a surprisingly happy feeling to it, considering the gun in the back of his pants, tucked away under a plain t-shirt. His hands were buried deep in his pockets, a hum vibrating in his throat. His face seemed impassive enough, just another person in the crowd, but his eyes continually drifted over a man several feet ahead of him. The man alternated between phone calls, texting, shouting at the people around him when he bumped into them while he wasn’t paying attention, and generally making a nuisance of himself. Sebastien wrinkled his nose a little, but to anyone else who might’ve noticed him they’d chalk it up to the hot dog cart he passed (a rather nasty one, if the flies buzzing around had anything to say about it).
The man had made the mistake of creeping into Tartarus a few nights ago, seeking information for Old Olympus. He wasn’t one of their usuals; and none of his people had recognized him. Good informants lasted, but that meant that regular ones continued to drop like flies. Sebastien had followed him over the course of the past few days, learning his routines, taking pictures of him and anyone he interacted with. He’d even followed him to Club Nyra last night, and Bastien had to laugh at the balls on this man. He was either stupid, or brave. Of course, the two words could easily be exchanged.
Sebastien pulled his phone out, casually scrolling through his music as he stepped into a bodega. The man had stopped here a few days ago, left with a pack of cigarettes and three packs of gum, but Bastien had noticed more cigarettes being smoked than gum being chewed in the past few days, and it was obviously a habit he was failing at kicking.
Shane Smith was such a dumb name that it had to be real, Bastien mused to himself as he threw up two bags of sour skittles onto the counter, and pointed out his own pack of cigarettes. It was easy to melt back into the crowd, this time with a sugar rush and the scent of smoke swirling in his nose. He hated the taste, but the scent was as comforting as the callouses on his fingers (gun or guitar?), as comforting as the purr of a cat. It reminded him of where he’d come from (practically nothing), mornings spent with JaimeandJames, Mikey, all the other siblings that had come through his life at different times.
Though when he’d exited, Shane Smith was nowhere in sight, it was easy to retrace steps the man had made before to find him again. And Shane Smith was definitely stupidly brave, Bastien thought, later, when he trailed the man back to Club Nyra. He wouldn’t go closer than five blocks off, but it was easy to see him walking back inside. Bastien shook his head, finishing off his second bag of skittles and tucking the trash into his pocket. He’d hate himself for it later when there was sour salt all in his jeans, but he needed to get out of sight because New Olympus would have lookouts, and while they weren’t the Titans, they seemed smarter than the old farts for sure. Bastien backtracked, blending in with people exiting a nearby bar until he spotted Shane again.
He hummed, quietly, and placed his earbuds back in.
This isn’t violence, this is just a war in my head / I give it time but it never seems to end
Bastien’s every step fell in beat with the song playing, his eyes tracking through alleys as he followed a path parallel to Shane’s. The man didn’t even think to zig zag, and that was a shame. He could’ve gotten away. And honestly, Bastien could’ve just let him go, with the line he was walking. Shane Smith would be dead in a few days if he wasn’t careful, double-crossing both Old and New Olympus and trying to dig into the Titans as well. Sebastien clicked his tongue, and a grin curled across his lips as he finally drifted behind Shane after following him for about thirty minutes, closer than he had been the entire past three days.
Shane’s body language shifted from the relaxed stance of a white man at night to that of someone who at least had a small care for their existence. Smarter than he looks, then. Bastien popped one earbud out, and whistled the beat of the song that had been playing from Club Nyra’s doors when Shane had walked in. His shoulders were lifting up around his ears, and he looked ready to bolt. Bastien chuckled a little, eyes casual as he scanned the streets around him. Shane was crossing into Titan territory without even thinking about it, as they walked further and further.
Sebastien’s legs stretched further, carrying him closer to Shane. He grinned a little wider when he caught Shane trying to casually glance over his shoulder, but the streetlights only just caught Sebastien here and there as he ducked around them. With no one else on their particular stretch of road, it was easy to herd Shane into a familiar dead end alley, and Bastien’s hands slid comfortably into his own back pockets. His stance was casual where he stood at the front of the alley, watching as Shane realized he had nowhere else to go. The streetlight behind him illuminated black hair but cast a glare over Sebastien’s face, and he grinned as Shane squinted a little.
“You’ve been fucking around lately, haven’t you Shane? Trying to be a rat in Titan territory when you can’t even decide where your loyalties actually lie? Money won’t save you when the people you’ve been double crossing find out. And they will. I imagine they’ve had their own eyes on you recently.” Sebastien grinned a little wider, stepping in closer and ducking his head. His face looked so incredibly friendly in that moment that he saw the indecision on Shane’s face, the moment where this man had to decide if he was a friend or a foe.
“Your only option is running, isn’t it?” Sebastien hummed, tucking his earbuds away in his pocket at last, head cocking to the side. “Oh, but they’d know. They’d know and they’d find you before you could get a hundred miles from here."
"W-Who are you?"
The first words out of Shane’s mouth, and that was what he thought to ask? Stupid. So fucking stupid.
"I’m here to give you some advice.” Bastien rocked back on his heels, his hands returning to his back pockets, thumb tracing along the gun at his back. “Running really is your only option, unless you wanna die.” Bastien clicked his tongue. “You’ll probably die regardless. Your own fault, really. You’re an idiot for thinking you could pull this off. Fingers in pies that are far too hot, y'know?” Bastien shrugged, eyes falling back to Shane’s face. “You need to disappear. Whether you die or not is up to you, I guess. How far you can go, how well you can hide, how fucking smart you are. I guess you can choose how you die too.” Bastien eased the gun out of his waistband, weighing it easily and holding it with the casual grace of someone who had killed numerous times before and accepted it.
“I can kill you here in this alleyway, Shane Smith, with your expensive watch and nice clothes, and everyone will just think it was a mugging gone sideways. You can go home, Shane Smith, and kill yourself, save everyone else the trouble. You can run, Shane Smith, and one of them can kill you if you aren’t careful enough.” His lips curled again, his smile just as friendly as before. Every time he said the man’s name, he could see him flinch, eyes growing more and more wild as his fear response kicked in.
Bastien clicked his tongue, lowering the gun and rolling his shoulders in a shrug. “I’m here to make you disappear. Been following you the past few days. They’ve undoubtedly seen me once or twice if they’ve got their own tails on you, so you’ll be in pretty hot water soon. But I’m the kind of guy that likes to give people a choice with these things, especially when it seems like they don’t have much of a choice at all. People always surprise you when they’re at their most afraid.” Bastien tilted his head, blinking slowly. “So what’s it gonna be?”
Shane Smith blathered on for exactly six minutes and fourteen seconds before he just broken down in tears. Sebastien cocked his head to the side and listened to him as he cried and then Shane begged him to just end it for him, to save everyone else the trouble. “I couldn’t get any info on your people anyway, it’s fine- Just kill me, no one could tie it back to you- They’ll torture me-” Bastien wrinkled his nose at that, blinked and shook his head and sighed.
“Disappointing, really.” He shrugged his shoulders, rocked on his heels again. “Was kind of hoping you’d come up with something better.” And then he grinned. “When you head home tonight, one of them will be waiting for you. Probably one of the old farts; Zeus is territorial after all, and an impatient fuck. They won’t make it pretty. It will hurt. Guess you’d better find a way out of town without going back there.”
Bastien put the gun away in his pants and turned away when he heard Shane’s scrambling steps, and it was back out in within a second, pressed to Shane’s chest as Bastien turned, brows furrowed a little. Shane’s eyes went wide all over again. Bastien wrinkled his nose, shaking his head.
Two shots, a quick gloved sweep of the man’s body to steal his wallet, his watch, and his cufflinks, and a few heavy sighs later, Bastien had ducked into the shadows and vanished as people came pouring out to try and find the source of the noise. He dropped the stuff in a sewer, and exactly twenty-four minutes after he’d given Shane Smith the choice of his life, Bastien was heading back to his apartment where it was settled directly in Titan territory.
His phone was eased out of his pocket, and he groaned in disgust at the sour salt all over the screen. “Do this every fucking time I buy these,” he muttered, typing in his password before dialing a number he had memorized. He could’ve called the number with his hands tied behind his back, half-drugged, beaten nearly to death (and had, once before). There was a genuine smile on his face as a familiar voice came on, and it transformed him into something remnant to the friendly man who had greeted a stranger in an alley, except this was genuine. “Hey, Rich. Well, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news and as always the good news is fake because I didn’t actually save you any sour skittles this time but I did finally snatch up that rat that was crawling around my apartment, you know the one. Yeah, he’s not gonna be chewing up anymore important files, I promise. Nasty little thing though."
Bastien paused for a moment, listening, and hummed softly under his breath. "Yeah, I’m sure there’s a corner store I can find you some more skittles at, and I promise I won’t eat them before I see you again. And I will also pass your love on to my cats because as much as you complain about their fur I know you love them. Ah, gotta go, bye!” He ended the call quickly with a warm laugh, as bright as the sun. It was dark out, and the city was alive around him like it hadn’t been miles back. Bastien placed his headphones back in, smiling to himself, and he started to hum again.
We’ve waited so damn long, we’re sick and tired / I won’t leave any doubt or stone unturned / I’ve got a collar full of chemistry from your company / so maybe tonight I’ll be the libertine.
(A letter to Richard Johnson, found tucked away in a small box of Sebastien Park’s most treasured belongings. A few pieces of paper, well-creased, obviously read many times. There are scribbles on them, a few tear marks, even signs that they’ve been crumpled up before)
I watched this show once, where this lady’s therapist suggested she write letters to people and only send them if she felt comfortable with it, but she was supposed to be completely and brutally honest with them about how she was feeling. Expressing her emotions and all that jazz. You know I’m not one to hold shit back; it doesn’t do anything for anybody if I do. I’ve never lied to you, Rich, but there are some things I’ve kind of held back.
Germany was amazing. I never thought I’d get to travel like that; kids like me don’t end up jet setters after all, unless we marry rich or sell drugs which I guess I’ve kind of done for myself.
The day I approached you in New York, I’d been hearing whispers. Harvey Johnson’s son. Cronus’ son, back on American soil. You make an impression (there are a few words just barely discernible as 'for fucking sure’ here, but they’ve been scribbled out). You were mostly incognito, but I knew the right people and maybe I was feeling particularly stupid that day, particularly suicidal. So I found you and I sold myself like a piece of meat on the market because I wanted to make something of myself and the others (this word is underlined twice) always left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I was already doing illegal things; why not join a mobster and his would-be mob, yeah?
I’m sorry things turned out the way they did. I’m sorry we came back as an advancing war force instead of some sort of heroes. That’s one of the things I’ve always held back; I never knew my parents but I know some part of you loved your father. I’m sorry you lost him.
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it to you, but my mom left me in Central Park a day after I was born. People slapped the last name ‘Park’ on me and that was that, y’know? I was a baby no one wanted and when they did want me, they didn’t want to keep me. I got passed to foster homes and my siblings got adopted and I kept getting left behind. You… You never left me behind, Rich. You looked at me and you saw that I was worth something more. You made me believe it, after all the times I’d tried to tell it to myself.
You gave me Germany. You gave me a family, people I’d die for and people that would die for me. Hades, Zeus, neither of those fucks care for their people the way you do, or even at all.
(The next three lines are crossed out so viciously that the pen stabbed through the page. Sebastien knows exactly what he wrote down that day, and he hates himself for putting the words to paper and releasing them into the world.)
So yeah. I guess I’ve said my piece. Don’t know if I’ll ever give you this letter, and honestly I’m considering tearing it into a million pieces now. Better to never let it see the light of day. I just have a few questions, and maybe I’ll ask you them myself someday. Maybe they, like this letter, will stay buried.
Why me? Why Leto?
Signed, Bastien
(setting: Sebastien’s apartment, late night, likely within the last few months)
Sebastien startled awake at the sensation of weight in his bed, blinking down at the bare shoulder next to him. A small smile curled at the corners of his lips, there and gone again as he looked down at Orpheus. He drew in a quick breath, shaking his head before throwing the blankets away from his legs. Orpheus didn’t stir as he slipped from his bedroom, and Bastien sat down on his couch while his hands dragged through his hair. He’d left his glasses here the night before, when he and Orpheus had stumbled in. Bastien left them sitting on the table, hands rubbing across his face.
He didn’t know what he was doing.
Bastien was an idiot, that was well known, at least when it came to things of an emotional nature. His time with Denise and Mikey seemed so far away now, the sensation of being loved almost foreign. But that wasn’t what this was. This was sex, plain and simple. There was nothing wrong with blowing off a little steam. It was like some sort of completely fucked team bonding.
The hitman groaned, sprawling out on his couch. It was getting harder, every time, to want to leave his bed when Orpheus was in it. He didn’t wake up as often anymore, at the sensation of someone else beside him. Orpheus was safe, their scent familiar. They didn’t always leave at first light now; sometimes they stayed and laughed with him in the kitchen as he made breakfast for them both.
A cat landed on his bare chest, and Sebastien hurriedly drew a blanket across his lap; he’d learned that the hard way. Nemo blinked mismatched eyes down at him slowly, and he returned the gesture before he rubbed behind her ears. “What am I doing, huh?” He asked her quietly, startling all over again when an actual voice answered.
“Talking to your cat when you could be in bed, from what I can tell.”
Sebastien sat up quickly, eyes sliding over to where Orpheus stood in the doorway to his bedroom. He hadn’t even heard the door opening, and that was /dangerous/. This was dangerous. They’d slid their pants from the night before back on, and their lips (lips he’d spent the night before kissing until they were swollen, the after effects still showing in the light of the streetlights from outside) sliding up into a smile.
“Should I go? Bad night?”
His first instinct was to say yes. Yes, get out of my house, get out of my life, stop creeping into my head. Then he thought no. No, this is nothing, it’s just sex and they don’t affect me like that.
Bastien smiled, nudging Nemo off of his chest so he could stand and make his way to where they stood. He leaned up, pressing a kiss to their still swollen lips.
“Why don’t you come back in there with me and help me get back to sleep, huh?” His smile widened into a grin, and Orpheus laughed, tugging him towards the bed.
There was no Eurydice here. For a little while, Sebastien could pretend.
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